# shoes !!This is the main file for shoes, like clothes but for your feet. $shoe_list_line = { !! a single line in a shoe list (shoe rack, etc) !! ARGS 0 - action type (shoe rack, sell, resize, store, forsale) !! ARGS 1 - shoe type !! ARGS 2 - shoe index $bgcolor = iif($bgcolor='#f3f4ee','#ffffff','#f3f4ee') $RESULT = '' if Enable_clothwidth > 0: shoe_temp = Enable_clothwidth - 1 else shoe_temp = 75 & !shoe widdefault to 75 end $RESULT +='' killvar 'shoe_temp' gs 'shoe_attributes', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2] gs 'shoe_description2', $ARGS[2] $RESULT += '<> <><<$description>>' if ShoStyle = 2: $RESULT += 'Yes' else $RESULT += 'No' end if ShoStyle = 1: $RESULT += 'Yes' else $RESULT += 'No' end $RESULT += 'View' } !!cloc, 0 = wardrobe, 1 = storage, 2 = unwanted if $ARGS[0] = 'dest0': *clr dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>S[<>] = 0' gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] end if $ARGS[0] = 'dest1': *clr dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>S[<>] = 1' gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] end if $ARGS[0] = 'dest2': *clr dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>S[<>] = 2' gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] end if $ARGS[0] = 'select': cla *clr *nl *nl 'Click the link for the clothing type of which you would like to change the accompanying shoes.' *nl *nl *nl '
' *P '' *P '' *P '' *P '' *P '' *P '' *P '' *P '' *P '' *P '' *P '' *P '' '
Clothing typeShoes worn
Cheap' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $cheapshoetype) + ' <>
Average' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $averageshoetype) + ' <>
Expensive' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $expensiveshoetype) + ' <>
Formal' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $formalshoetype) + ' <>
Office' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $officeshoetype) + ' <>
School' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $schoolshoetype) + ' <>
Exercise' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $exerciseshoetype) + ' <>
Fetish' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $fetishshoetype) + ' <>
Exhibitionist' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $exhibitshoetype) + ' <>
Uniform' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $uniformshoetype) + ' <>
Burlesque' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $burlesqueshoetype) + ' <>
Alternative' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $alternativeshoetype) + ' <>
' act 'Leave': if $clothingworntype = $cloType: gs 'shoes', 'setup' gs 'shoes', 'wear', $shoeworntype, shoewornnumber end gt $loc, $metka end end if $ARGS[0] = 'view_shoe_list': !! ARGS 0 - view_shoe_list !! ARGS 1 - action type (wardrobe, sell, resize, store, unwanted) !! ARGS 2 - brothel flag (brothel) act 'Leave':gt 'shoes', 'select' if $ARGS[1] ! 'sell' : '
Selecting shoes to wear with <<$cloType>> outfit
' end $bgcolor='#f3f4ee' if $ARGS[1] = 'sell': '' else '
' end if $cloType ! 'exercise': i = 1 :loopsboutique if sboutique[i] = 1 and sboutiqueS[i] = cloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'boutique', i) i += 1 if i <= 37:jump 'loopsboutique' i = 1 :loopspussy if spussy[i] = 1 and spussyS[i] = cloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'pussy', i) i += 1 if i <= 38:jump 'loopspussy' i = 1 :loopsdolls if sdolls[i] = 1 and sdollsS[i] = cloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'dolls', i) i += 1 if i <= 27:jump 'loopsdolls' i = 1 :loopsfetish if sfetish[i] = 1 and sfetishS[i] = cloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'fetish', i) i += 1 if i <= 27:jump 'loopsfetish' i = 1 :loopsgandm if sgandm[i] = 1 and sgandmS[i] = cloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'gandm', i) i += 1 if i <= 51:jump 'loopsgandm' end i = 1 :loopstrainers if strainers[i] = 1 and strainersS[i] = cloc:*P dyneval($shoe_list_line, $ARGS[1], 'trainers', i) i += 1 if i <= 29:jump 'loopstrainers' '
' end if $ARGS[0] = 'view_shoe_item': !! ARGS 0 - view_shoe_item !! ARGS 1 = action type (wardrobe, shop, sell) !! ARGS 2 - shoes type !! ARGS 3 - shoes index !! ARGS 4 - price for shop cla '
' gs 'shoe_attributes', $ARGS[2], ARGS[3] FUNC('$shoe_description', $ARGS[2]) + '<>' *nl gs 'shoe_description2', $ARGS[2] '<<$description>>' *nl if ShoStyle = 1:'This shoe is considered stripper style and most suitable for stripping or whoring.' if ShoStyle = 2:'This shoe is considered bimbo style and makes your mind drift toward sexual thoughts.' if ShoStyle = 3:'This shoe is considered alternative style and makes you feel more assertive and aggressive.' if $ARGS[1] = 'shop': if dyneval('RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>[<>]') = 1: 'You already own these shoes.' act 'Leave': gt $loc, $metka else price = ('<>' * ((5 * ShoQuality) + 100) / 100) * 1000 / (1250 - Clothingstock[ARGS[3]]) * 3 / 2 price = price / 50 * 50 'Price: <> ' act 'Leave': gt $loc, $metka if money >= Price: act 'Buy': h = 0 if ShoStyle = 2:h = 10 if ShoStyle = 5:h = 20 h += (3 * ShoQuality) money -= price dynamic 's<<$ARGS[2]>>[<>] = 1' dynamic $ARGS[2] + 'S[<>] = 0' gt $loc, $metka end else 'You cannot afford these shoes.' end end elseif $ARGS[1] = 'wardrobe': act 'Leave in closet':gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] act 'Set as default for <<$cloType>> outfit': if $cloType = 'cheap': $cheapshoetype = $ARGS[2] elseif $cloType = 'average': $averageshoetype = $ARGS[2] elseif $cloType = 'expensive': $expensiveshoetype = $ARGS[2] elseif $cloType = 'formal': $formalshoetype = $ARGS[2] elseif $cloType = 'office': $officeshoetype = $ARGS[2] elseif $cloType = 'school': $schoolshoetype = $ARGS[2] elseif $cloType = 'exercise': $exerciseshoetype = $ARGS[2] elseif $cloType = 'fetish': $fetishshoetype = $ARGS[2] elseif $cloType = 'exhibit': $exhibitshoetype = $ARGS[2] elseif $cloType = 'uniform': $uniformshoetype = $ARGS[2] elseif $cloType = 'burlesque': $burlesqueshoetype = $ARGS[2] elseif $cloType = 'alternative': $alternativeshoetype = $ARGS[2] end dynamic '<<$cloType>>shoenumber = <>' gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] end elseif $ARGS[1] = 'store' or $ARGS[1] = 'unwanted': act 'Return':gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] act 'Move back to wardrobe': dynamic $ARGS[2] + 'W[<>] = 1' gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] end elseif $ARGS[1] = 'sell': act 'Keep item':gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] !! value is based on the strength remaining 'You can sell this item for 300 .' act 'Sell': dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>[<>] = 0' money += 300 gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] end if RESULT > 0: 'You can sell this item for 100 .' act 'Sell': dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>[<>] = 0' money += 100 gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_list', $ARGS[1] end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'strip': if $shoesworntype = 'none': exit $shoeworntype = 'none' shoewornnumber = 0 ShoQuality = 0 ShoHeels = 0 ShoCut = 0 ShoStyle = 0 PShoQuality = 0 PShoHeels = 0 PShoCut = 0 PShoStyle = 0 end if $ARGS[0] = 'setup': if $cloType = 'cheap': $shoeworntype = $cheapshoetype elseif $cloType = 'average': $shoeworntype = $averageshoetype elseif $cloType = 'expensive': $shoeworntype = $expensiveshoetype elseif $cloType = 'formal': $shoeworntype = $formalshoetype elseif $cloType = 'office': $shoeworntype = $officeshoetype elseif $cloType = 'school': $shoeworntype = $schoolshoetype elseif $cloType = 'exercise': $shoeworntype = $exerciseshoetype elseif $cloType = 'fetish': $shoeworntype = $fetishshoetype elseif $cloType = 'exhibit': $shoeworntype = $exhibitshoetype elseif $cloType = 'uniform': $shoeworntype = $uniformshoetype elseif $cloType = 'burlesque': $shoeworntype = $burlesqueshoetype elseif $cloType = 'alternative': $shoeworntype = $alternativeshoetype else $shoeworntype = 'none' end dynamic 'shoewornnumber = <<$cloType>>shoenumber' end if $ARGS[0] = 'wear': !! ARGS 0 - action !! ARGS 1 - shoe type name !! ARGS 2 - shoe index $shoeworntype = $ARGS[1] shoewornnumber = ARGS[2] if $shoeworntype = 'none': PShoQuaility = 0 PShoCut = 0 PShoHeels = 0 PShoStyle = 0 exit end gs 'shoe_attributes', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2] dynamic '<<$ARGS[1]>>S[<>] = 0' PShoQuality = ShoQuality PShoHeels = ShoHeels PShoCut = ShoCut PShoStyle = ShoStyle !Calculations for shoes beauty, multiplied by natural beauty if PShoHeels > 0: if PShoHeels = 1: PXShoHeels = 25 elseif PShoHeels = 2: PXShoHeels = 50 elseif PShoHeels = 3: PXShoHeels = 100 elseif PShoHeels = 4: PXShoHeels = 150 elseif PShoHeels = 5: PXShoHeels = 200 elseif PShoHeels = 6: PXShoHeels = 300 elseif PShoHeels >= 7: PXShoHeels = 400 end end end --- shoes ---------------------------------