# wardrobe if $ARGS[0] = 'start': $wloc = 'wardrobe' if ward_img_hgt = 0:ward_img_hgt = 250 '

Wardrobe overview

These are the clothes you are currently wearing - Click on an item to change it
' '
> cellpadding=5>' *p '' *P '' '' *p '' *P '' '' '' '
Bra wornOutfit wornCoat (only worn outside when cold)
> src="<>">
> src="<>">
' if defaultcoat = 0: '> src="images/pc/noitemdh.png">' else '> src="<>">' end '
' if $braworntype ! 'none': 'Remove' else 'Remove' end '
' if $clothingworntype ! 'nude': 'Remove' else 'Remove' end '
' if defaultcoat ! 0: 'Remove' else 'Remove' end '
Panties wornShoes (Only worn outside)Purse worn
> src="<>">
> src="<>">
' if bag = 1: '> src="<>">' else '> src="images/pc/noitem.png">' end '
' if $pantyworntype ! 'none': 'Remove' else 'Remove' end '
' if $shoeworntype ! 'none': 'Remove' else 'Remove' end '
' if bag = 1: 'Remove' else 'Remove' end '
' if ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and (defaultcoat > 0 or bag > 0)) or (defaultcoat > 0 and bag > 0): 'Remove all items' else 'Remove all items' end '
' act 'Return': killvar '$wloc' & gt $loc, $metka act 'Strip all clothing': gs 'bras', 'remove' gs 'clothing', 'strip' gs 'panties', 'remove' gs 'shoes', 'strip' gt 'wardrobe', 'start' end act 'Set a default outfit': gt 'wardrobe', 'default_set' act 'Choose a default outfit': gt 'wardrobe', 'default' act 'Organise stored clothing': gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', 'store' act 'Set image height for this view': cla *clr 'The default is 250px' ward_img_hgt = input("Enter height in pixels you want for images on this page (min 100, max 500)") if ward_img_hgt < 100: ward_img_hgt = 100 elseif ward_img_hgt > 500: ward_img_hgt = 500 end act 'Return': gt 'wardrobe', 'start' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'removeall': gs 'bras', 'remove' gs 'clothing', 'strip' gs 'panties', 'remove' gs 'shoes', 'strip' gs 'purses', 'remove' defaultcoat = 0 end !!---------------------------Oufit stuff---------------------------------- if $ARGS[0] = 'default': gs 'stat' if ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber') = 0: 'You have no default outfits set.' else i = 0 :loopdefclothing '<<$def_clothing_name[i]>> Wear this default outfit Delete this default outfit' i += 1 if i < ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber'):jump 'loopdefclothing' end act 'Return': gt 'wardrobe', 'start' end if $ARGS[0] = 'default_entry_wear': default_entry = ARGS[1] gs 'clothing_attributes', $defclothingtype[default_entry], defclothingnumber[default_entry] gs 'clothing', 'wear', $defclothingtype[default_entry], defclothingnumber[default_entry] if dyneval('RESULT = <<$defbratype[default_entry]>>_bras[<>]') = 0: $defbratype[default_entry] = 'none' & defbranumber[default_entry] = 0 gs 'bras', 'wear', $defbratype[default_entry], defbranumber[default_entry] if dyneval('RESULT = <<$defpantytype[default_entry]>>_panties[<>]') = 0: $defpantytype[default_entry] = 'none' & defpantynumber[default_entry] = 0 gs 'panties', 'wear', $defpantytype[default_entry], defpantynumber[default_entry] if dyneval('RESULT = s<<$defshoetype[default_entry]>>[<>]') = 0: $defshoetype[default_entry] = 'none' & defshoenumber[default_entry] = 0 gs 'shoes', 'wear', $defshoetype[default_entry], defshoenumber[default_entry] if dyneval('RESULT = <<$defpursetype[default_entry]>>_purses[<>]') = 0: $defpursetype[default_entry] = 'none' & defpursenumber[default_entry] end $currentpursetype = $defpursetype[default_entry] currentpursenumber = defpursenumber[default_entry] if $currentpursetype = 'none': bag = 0 else bag = 1 end if menu_option = 1:dynamic $menu_addoldmenu if menu_option = 0:gs 'obj_din', 'new' if dyneval('RESULT = coat[<>]') = 0: defcoat[default_entry] = 0 defaultcoat = defcoat[default_entry] !! default school girl uniform is always allowed to be worn if still in school if StoryLine = 1 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and SchoolBlock = 0 and $defclothingtype[default_entry] = 'school' and defclothingnumber[default_entry] = 6: cls '
' 'Your put on your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit without any problems.' act 'Return to wardrobe': killvar 'default_entry' gs 'stat' gt 'wardrobe', 'start' end !! do not own this clothing anymore elseif dyneval('RESULT = <<$defclothingtype[default_entry]>>[<>]') = 0: cls '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/strip/strip2.jpg">
' 'As you go to pull your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit out of your wardrobe you remember you don''t own that piece of clothing anymore. Maybe you should buy it again? Guess you will have to find something else to wear.' act 'Return to wardrobe': gs 'clothing', 'strip' killvar 'default_entry' gs 'stat' gt 'wardrobe', 'start' end !! strength of clothing is less than or equal to 0 elseif dyneval('RESULT = <<$defclothingtype[default_entry]>>H[<>]') <= 0: cls '
' 'Your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit has worn out and can''t be used anymore. Guess you will have to find something else to wear.' act 'Strip out of worn out clothing': gs 'clothing', 'strip' killvar 'default_entry' gs 'stat' gt 'wardrobe', 'start' end !! clothing exhibition is greater than player exhibition elseif CloInhibit > pcs_inhib: cls '
' 'You don''t feel daring enough to wear your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit. Maybe you will be confident enough in the future? Guess you will have to find something else to wear.' act 'Strip out of revealing clothing': gs 'clothing', 'strip' killvar 'default_entry' gs 'stat' gt 'wardrobe', 'start' end !! not exercise clothing, not coat, and not loose fitting elseif $defclothingtype[default_entry] ! 'exercise' and $defclothingtype[default_entry] ! 'coat' and CloStyle ! 5: !! check for if the hipsize is too far from your hipsize dynamic 'RESULT = <<$defclothingtype[default_entry]>>B[<>]' if RESULT < pcs_hips - 8 or RESULT > pcs_hips + 8: cls iif(RESULT < pcs_hips - 8,'
') 'As you put on your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit you notice it doesn''t fit correctly anymore. It''s ' + iif(RESULT < pcs_hips - 8,'unbearably tight and uncomfortable to wear.','extremely loose and won''t stay in place no matter how hard you try.') + ' You must have ' + iif(RESULT < pcs_hips - 8,'gained','lost') + ' some weight since this was purchased or last tailored. You will have to get this clothing resized before you can wear it again.' act 'Strip out of ill-fitting clothing': gs 'clothing', 'strip' killvar 'default_entry' gs 'stat' gt 'wardrobe', 'start' end !! clothing ok to wear after passing hip check else cls '
' 'Your put on your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit without any problems.' act 'Return to wardrobe': killvar 'default_entry' gs 'stat' gt 'wardrobe', 'start' end end !! clothing ok to wear without needing hip check and passing all other checks else cls '
' 'Your put on your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit without any problems.' act 'Return to wardrobe': killvar 'default_entry' gs 'stat' gt 'wardrobe', 'start' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'default_set': gs 'stat' if ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber') ! 0: i = 0 :loopdefclothing_set '<<$def_clothing_name[i]>> Overwrite this' i += 1 if i < ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber'):jump 'loopdefclothing_set' end act 'Add as new default': gt 'wardrobe', 'default_entry_set', ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber') act 'Return': gt 'wardrobe', 'start' end if $ARGS[0] = 'default_entry_set': gs 'stat' i = ARGS[1] $defclothingtype[i] = $clothingworntype defclothingnumber[i] = clothingwornnumber $defbratype[i] = $braworntype defbranumber[i] = brawornnumber $defpantytype[i] = $pantyworntype defpantynumber[i] = pantywornnumber $defshoetype[i] = $shoeworntype defshoenumber[i] = shoewornnumber $defpursetype[i] = $currentpursetype defpursenumber[i] = currentpursenumber defcoat[i] = defaultcoat $def_clothing_name[i] = input ('Enter name for for this outfit (Leave blank for default)') if $def_clothing_name[i] = '': $def_clothing_name[i] = 'default <>' gt 'wardrobe', 'default_set' end if $ARGS[0] = 'default_entry_delete': gs 'stat' i = ARGS[1] killvar 'defclothingtype', i killvar 'defclothingnumber', i killvar 'defbratype', i killvar 'defbranumber', i killvar 'defpantytype', i killvar 'defpantynumber', i killvar 'defshoetype', i killvar 'defshoenumber', i killvar 'defpursetype', i killvar 'defpursenumber', i killvar 'defcoat', i killvar 'def_clothing_name', i gt 'wardrobe', 'default_set' end --- wardrobe ---------------------------------