# telefon $telotkaz = { cla minut += 10 '<<$telsob>>, "Sorry I''m busy, maybe next time."' act 'Hangup':gt 'telefon', 'fin' } $telotkazboy = { cla minut += 10 '<<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>, "Sorry, I''m busy right now, maybe next time."' act 'Hangup':gt 'telefon', 'fin' } if $ARGS[0] = 'start': gs 'stat' dynamic $phone_call_receive if npc_QW['A192'] = 1 and week = 6 and pcs_apprnc > 80: gt 'nastja', 'pos4' elseif npc_QW['A192'] = 2 and week ! 6 and zenit ! 0 and nastjaday ! daystart: gt 'nastja', 'pos13' elseif hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and npc_QW['A192'] = 2 and week = 6 and pcs_apprnc > 80 and nastjaday ! daystart: gt 'nastja', 'pos12' elseif npc_QW['A192'] = 5 and week = 6 and nastjaday ! daystart: gt 'nastja', 'pos22' elseif npc_QW['A192'] = 6 and nastjaday ! daystart: gt 'nastja', 'pos31' else $callerid = 'icon_nastja' dynamic $phone_call_reject end end if $ARGS[0] = 'mobilaraz': cls cla gs'din_bad' $caller = '<<$telsob>>' dynamic $phone_balance dynamic $phone_call_receive telotvet = rand(0, 10) '"Yes, I''m listening," says a voice from the speaker.' if month > 5 and temper > 20 and sunWeather = 1: act 'Invite to the park': cla '"Let''s go for a walk in the park."' if telotvet > 3: '<<$telsob>>, "See you in the park in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'parksvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz end end end act 'Invite to a movie': cla '"Want to go see a movie?"' if telotvet > 3: '<<$telsob>>, "See you at the movie theater in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'kinosvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz end end act 'Invite to the pool hall': cla '"Let''s play pool."' if telotvet > 3: '<<$telsob>>, "See you at the pool hall in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'billsvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz end end act 'Invite to the cafe': cla '"Let''s go to the cafe."' if telotvet > 3: '<<$telsob>>, "See you at the cafe in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'kafesvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz end end act 'Invite to the casino': cla '"Let''s go to the casino."' if telotvet > 3: '<<$telsob>>, "See you in the casino in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'kazinosvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz end end act 'Hangup':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end if $ARGS[0] = 'mobilarazboyA': cls cla gs'din_bad' $caller = '<<$loverdesc[1]>>' $callerid = 'images/characters/shared/'+boypicA+'.jpg' dynamic $phone_balance dynamic $phone_call_receive telotvet = rand(0, 10) '"Yes, I''m listening," says a voice from the speaker.' if month > 5 and temper > 20 and sunWeather = 1: act 'Invite to the park': cla '"Let''s go for a walk in the park."' if telotvet > 3: '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, "See you in the park in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'svidboy', 'parksvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkazboy end end end act 'Invite to a movie': cla '"Want to go see a movie?"' if telotvet > 3: '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, "See you at the movie theater in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'svidboy', 'kinosvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz end end act 'Invite to the pool hall': cla '"Let''s play pool."' if telotvet > 3: '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, "See you at the pool hall in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'svidboy', 'billsvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkazboy end end act 'Invite to the cafe': cla '"Let''s go to the cafe."' if telotvet > 3: '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, "See you at the cafe in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'svidboy', 'kafesvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkazboy end end act 'Hangup':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end if $ARGS[0] = 'mobilarazboyB': cls cla gs'din_bad' $caller = '<<$loverdesc[2]>>' $callerid = 'images/characters/shared/'+boypicB+'.jpg' dynamic $phone_balance dynamic $phone_call_receive telotvet = rand(0, 10) '"Yes, I''m listening," says a voice from the speaker.' if month > 5 and temper > 20 and sunWeather = 1: act 'Invite to the park': cla '"Let''s go for a walk in the park."' if telotvet > 3: '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, "See you in the park in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'svidboy', 'parksvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkazboy end end end act 'Invite to a movie': cla '"Want to go see a movie?"' if telotvet > 3: '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, "See you at the movie theater in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'svidboy', 'kinosvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz end end act 'Invite to the pool hall': cla '"Let''s play pool."' if telotvet > 3: '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, "See you at the pool hall in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'svidboy', 'billsvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkazboy end end act 'Invite to the cafe': cla '"Let''s go to the cafe."' if telotvet > 3: '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, "See you at the cafe in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'svidboy', 'kafesvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkazboy end end act 'Hangup':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end if $ARGS[0] = 'mobilarazboyC': cls cla gs'din_bad' $caller = '<<$loverdesc[3]>>' $callerid = 'images/characters/shared/'+boypicC+'.jpg' dynamic $phone_balance dynamic $phone_call_receive telotvet = rand(0, 10) '"Yes, I''m listening," says a voice from the speaker.' if month > 5 and temper > 20 and sunWeather = 1: act 'Invite to the park': cla '"Let''s go for a walk in the park."' if telotvet > 3: '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, "See you in the park in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'svidboy', 'parksvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkazboy end end end act 'Invite to a movie': cla '"Want to go see a movie?"' if telotvet > 3: '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, "See you at the movie theater in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'svidboy', 'kinosvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkaz end end act 'Invite to the pool hall': cla '"Let''s play pool."' if telotvet > 3: '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, "See you at the pool hall in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'svidboy', 'billsvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkazboy end end act 'Invite to the cafe': cla '"Let''s go to the cafe."' if telotvet > 3: '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, "See you at the cafe in an hour."' act 'Go':gt 'svidboy', 'kafesvid' elseif telotvet <= 3: dynamic $telotkazboy end end act 'Hangup':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end if $ARGS[0] = 'boyA': cla clr ring = 0 ringA = 0 loverday[1] = daystart gs 'stat' dynamic $phone_call_receive svetrand = rand(0, 5) if svetrand = 0:$sveta = 'cutie' if svetrand = 1:$sveta = 'honey' if svetrand = 2:$sveta = 'sweetie' if svetrand = 3:$sveta = 'baby' if svetrand = 4:$sveta = 'hot stuff' if svetrand = 5:$sveta = '<<$pcs_nickname>>' 'Hey <<$sveta>>, it''s me, <<$loverdesc[1]>>. How''s it going?' act 'Normally': cla '"Pretty good, you?"' '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, "Great, but I kind of miss you, can we meet today?"' if pregtime <= loversday[1] and knowpreg = 1 and pregtalk = 0: act 'Tell him he''s going to be a dad': cla pregtalk = 1 '"Honey, I''m pregnant with your child."' if haraklover[1] = 0: if loverrelation[1] >= 90: loverlove[1] = 1 '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, "This is wonderful! We have to celebrate!"' 'You start talking about living together. <<$loverdesc[1]>> tells you that he is not against it in principle, but first he wants you to meet his parents.' 'He warns you that his mother is very demanding and rigorous. <<$loverdesc[1]>> says that he loves his mother and does not want to upset her. Therefore, you must look gorgeous, wear a dress from a boutique, have well-groomed and curled hair and makeup in moderation.' 'When you are totally ready <<$loverdesc[1]>> will take you to their parents.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' act 'Meet tonight': cla svidanieA = 1 '"How about this evening?"' '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, "Sounds great! When can I come to pick you up?"' act 'Pick a time': cla meetdayA = daystart meethourA = input ("When do you want to be picked up? It is now <>:<>.") if meethourA <= hour or meethourA > 23:meethourA = 20 '"How about <>:00?"' '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, "Okay <<$sveta>>, see you at <>:00."' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end elseif loverrelation[1] < 90: money += 20000 '<<$loverdesc[1]>> "I''m not yet ready to become a dad. I''ll give you the money for an abortion. Get rid of the child.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end elseif haraklover[1] = 1: money += 20000 '<<$loverdesc[1]>> "I''m not yet ready to become a dad. I''ll give you the money get an abortion.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' elseif haraklover[1] = 2: loverrelation[1] = 0 pcs_lover -= 1 pregtalk = 0 '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, "What? You whore! Someone fucked your pussy and now you drop it on me. You''re dumped.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end elseif pregtime > loversday[1] and knowpreg = 1 and pregtalk = 0: act 'Honey, you will soon become a dad': cla loverrelation[1] = 0 '"Honey, I''m pregnant with your child."' '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, "How the fuck did I manage that? Unless I own a time-machine and went back to before we met and fucked you, it''s someone elses, go and tell him. I don''t want to see you again, goodbye."' act 'Hang up.':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end elseif week > 1 and week < 5 and workKafe = 1: act 'Sorry, I''m working today': cla '"Sorry, I''m working today."' '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, "Okay, I''ll call tomorrow."' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end act 'Tonight': cla loverrelation[1] += 1 svidanieA = 1 meetdayA = daystart '"How about this evening?"' '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, "Sounds great! When can I come to pick you up?"' act 'Pick a time': cla meethourA = input ("When do you want to be picked up. It is now <>:<>.") if meethourA <= hour or meethourA > 23:meethourA = 20 '"How about <>:00?."' '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, "Okay <<$sveta>>, see you at <>:00."' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end act 'Maybe tomorrow': cla loverrelation[1] -= 1 '"I''m busy today. Call tomorrow."' if loverrelation[1] <= 0:pcs_lover -= 1 & '<<$loverdesc[1]>>, Are you fucking me, you know what. Suck my dick.' if loverrelation[1] > 0:'(<<$loverdesc[1]>>) - Okay, I''ll call tomorrow.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end act 'I think we should break up...': cla 'He sounds hurt, but you insist it is for the best. You both say goodbye and part ways.' pcs_lovers[1] = 0 pcs_lover -= 1 act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end act 'Leave': cla loverrelation[1] = 0 pcs_lover -= 1 gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'boyB': cla clr ring = 0 ringB = 0 loverday[2] = daystart gs 'stat' dynamic $phone_call_receive svetrand = rand(0, 5) if svetrand = 0:$sveta = 'cutie' if svetrand = 1:$sveta = 'honey' if svetrand = 2:$sveta = 'sweetie' if svetrand = 3:$sveta = 'baby' if svetrand = 4:$sveta = 'hot stuff' if svetrand = 5:$sveta = '<<$pcs_nickname>>' 'Hey <<$sveta>>, it''s me, <<$loverdesc[2]>>. How''s it going?' act 'Normally': cla '"Pretty good, you?"' '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, "Great, but I kind of miss you, can we meet today?"' if pregtime <= loversday[2] and knowpreg = 1 and pregtalk = 0: act 'Tell him he''s going to be a dad': cla pregtalk = 1 '"Honey, I''m pregnant with your child."' if haraklover[2] = 0: if loverrelation[2] >= 90: loverlove[2] = 1 '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, "This is wonderful! We have to celebrate!"' 'You start talking about living together. <<$loverdesc[2]>> tells you that he is not against it in principle, but first he wants you to meet his parents.' 'He warns you that his mother is very demanding and rigorous. <<$loverdesc[2]>> says that he loves his mother and does not want to upset her. Therefore, you must look gorgeous, wear a dress from a boutique, have well-groomed and curled hair and makeup in moderation.' 'When you are totally ready <<$loverdesc[2]>> will take you to their parents.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' act 'Meet tonight': cla svidanieB = 1 '"How about this evening?"' '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, "Sounds great! When can I come to pick you up?"' act 'Pick a time': cla meetdayB = daystart meethourB = input ("When do you want to be picked up? It is now <>:<>.") if meethourB <= hour or meethourB > 23:meethourB = 20 '"How about <>:00?"' '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, "Okay <<$sveta>>, see you at <>:00."' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end elseif loverrelation[2] < 90: money += 20000 '<<$loverdesc[2]>> "I''m not yet ready to become a dad. I''ll give you the money for an abortion. Get rid of the child.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end elseif haraklover[2] = 1: money += 20000 '<<$loverdesc[2]>> "I''m not yet ready to become a dad. I''ll give you the money get an abortion.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' elseif haraklover[2] = 2: loverrelation[2] = 0 pcs_lover -= 1 pregtalk = 0 '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, "What? You whore! Someone fucked your pussy and now you drop it on me. You''re dumped.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end elseif pregtime > loversday[2] and knowpreg = 1 and pregtalk = 0: act 'Honey, you will soon become a dad': cla loverrelation[2] = 0 '"Honey, I''m pregnant with your child."' '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, "How the fuck did I manage that? Unless I own a time-machine and went back to before we met and fucked you, it''s someone elses, go and tell him. I don''t want to see you again, goodbye."' act 'Hang up.':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end elseif week > 1 and week < 5 and workKafe = 1: act 'Sorry, I''m working today': cla '"Sorry, I''m working today."' '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, "Okay, I''ll call tomorrow."' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end act 'Tonight': cla loverrelation[2] += 1 svidanieB = 1 meetdayB = daystart '"How about this evening?"' '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, "Sounds great! When can I come to pick you up?"' act 'Pick a time': cla meethourB = input ("When do you want to be picked up. It is now <>:<>.") if meethourB <= hour or meethourB > 23:meethourB = 20 '"How about <>:00?."' '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, "Okay <<$sveta>>, see you at <>:00."' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end act 'Maybe tomorrow': cla loverrelation[2] -= 1 '"I''m busy today. Call tomorrow."' if loverrelation[2] <= 0:pcs_lover -= 1 & '<<$loverdesc[2]>>, Are you fucking me, you know what. Suck my dick.' if loverrelation[2] > 0:'(<<$loverdesc[2]>>) - Okay, I''ll call tomorrow.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end act 'I think we should break up...': cla 'He sounds hurt, but you insist it is for the best. You both say goodbye and part ways.' pcs_lovers[2] = 0 pcs_lover -= 1 act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end act 'Leave': cla loverrelation[2] = 0 gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'boyC': cla clr ring = 0 ringC = 0 loverday[3] = daystart gs 'stat' dynamic $phone_call_receive svetrand = rand(0, 5) if svetrand = 0:$sveta = 'cutie' if svetrand = 1:$sveta = 'honey' if svetrand = 2:$sveta = 'sweetie' if svetrand = 3:$sveta = 'baby' if svetrand = 4:$sveta = 'hot stuff' if svetrand = 5:$sveta = '<<$pcs_nickname>>' 'Hey <<$sveta>>, it''s me, <<$loverdesc[3]>>. How''s it going?' act 'Normally': cla '"Pretty good, you?"' '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, "Great, but I kind of miss you, can we meet today?"' if pregtime <= loversday[3] and knowpreg = 1 and pregtalk = 0: act 'Tell him he''s going to be a dad': cla pregtalk = 1 '"Honey, I''m pregnant with your child."' if haraklover[3] = 0: if loverrelation[3] >= 90: loverlove[3] = 1 '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, "This is wonderful! We have to celebrate!"' 'You start talking about living together. <<$loverdesc[3]>> tells you that he is not against it in principle, but first he wants you to meet his parents.' 'He warns you that his mother is very demanding and rigorous. <<$loverdesc[3]>> says that he loves his mother and does not want to upset her. Therefore, you must look gorgeous, wear a dress from a boutique, have well-groomed and curled hair and makeup in moderation.' 'When you are totally ready <<$loverdesc[3]>> will take you to their parents.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' act 'Meet tonight': cla svidanieC = 1 '"How about this evening?"' '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, "Sounds great! When can I come to pick you up?"' act 'Pick a time': cla meetdayC = daystart meethourC = input ("When do you want to be picked up? It is now <>:<>.") if meethourC <= hour or meethourC > 23:meethourC = 20 '"How about <>:00?"' '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, "Okay <<$sveta>>, see you at <>:00."' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end elseif loverrelation[3] < 90: money += 20000 '<<$loverdesc[3]>> "I''m not yet ready to become a dad. I''ll give you the money for an abortion. Get rid of the child.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end elseif haraklover[3] = 1: money += 20000 '<<$loverdesc[3]>> "I''m not yet ready to become a dad. I''ll give you the money get an abortion.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' elseif haraklover[3] = 2: loverrelation[3] = 0 pcs_lover -= 1 pregtalk = 0 '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, "What? You whore! Someone fucked your pussy and now you drop it on me. You''re dumped.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end elseif pregtime > loversday[3] and knowpreg = 1 and pregtalk = 0: act 'Honey, you will soon become a dad': cla loverrelation[3] = 0 pcs_lover -= 1 '"Honey, I''m pregnant with your child."' '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, "How the fuck did I manage that? Unless I own a time-machine and went back to before we met and fucked you, it''s someone elses, go and tell him. I don''t want to see you again, goodbye."' act 'Hang up.':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end elseif week > 1 and week < 5 and workKafe = 1: act 'Sorry, I''m working today': cla '"Sorry, I''m working today."' '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, "Okay, I''ll call tomorrow."' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end act 'Tonight': cla loverrelation[3] += 1 svidanieC = 1 meetdayC = daystart '"How about this evening?"' '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, "Sounds great! When can I come to pick you up?"' act 'Pick a time': cla meethourC = input ("When do you want to be picked up. It is now <>:<>.") if meethourC <= hour or meethourC > 23:meethourC = 20 '"How about <>:00."' '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, "Okay <<$sveta>>, see you at <>:00."' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end act 'Maybe tomorrow': cla loverrelation[3] -= 1 '"I''m busy today. Call tomorrow."' if loverrelation[3] <= 0:pcs_lover -= 1 & '<<$loverdesc[3]>>, Are you fucking me, you know what. Suck my dick.' if loverrelation[3] > 0:'(<<$loverdesc[3]>>) - Okay, I''ll call tomorrow.' act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end act 'I think we should break up...': cla 'He sounds hurt, but you insist it is for the best. You both say goodbye and part ways.' pcs_lovers[3] = 0 pcs_lover -= 1 act 'Hang up':gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end act 'Leave': cla loverrelation[3] = 0 pcs_lover -= 1 gt 'telefon', 'fin' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'fin': cla gt $locM, $metkaM end --- telefon ---------------------------------