# dateF !!boy walks up to Sveta and talks to her. !!1) Sveta in a school uniform !!2) Gopnik Sveta !!3) unattractive or average Sveta !!4) Attractive Sveta !!After that have her ask her out, this should depend on the weather, location and time. !!Date locations !!1) Park, can end up in having sex in a secluded spot !!2) Movie theater, sex acts in the theater !!3) Café, just a regular date, no sex actions !!4) Bar, sex act in the toilet if $ARGS[0] = 'start': !! generate a girlfriend gs 'girl' *clr cla !!1) Sveta in a school uniform if clothingworntype = 'school': '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' 'You notice a girl of <<$boybody>> height with a <<$boybod>> body and <<$boyface>> hair approaching you. She is wearing <<$boyClo>>' 'As she nears you, she presents herself; "Hi. My name is <<$boydesc>>. What are you doing here all by yourself?"' act 'Greet her': *clr cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"Hi! My name is <<$pcs_nickname>>." you answer. "School just ended so I was trying to figure out what to do for the rest of the day."' '"Oh really." After a moment of silence <<$boydesc>> finally speaks up; "Don''t take this the wrong way but what school do you attend?" she asks.' act 'Tell her': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"I don''t really know if I should tell you that. For all I know you might be a creepy woman that wants to kidnap me."' '"I''m sorry I knew I would come off as creepy, but I got a bit thrown off by your school outfit. I didn''t mean anything by it."' if $loc = 'pavResidential' or $loc = 'pavCommercial': '"Thanks, I think..." you answer thinking she''s pretty cute while squirming.' '"Okay, I''ll tell you but you must promise me one thing." you tease her.' 'Staying quiet for a moment, <<$boydesc>> is contemplating what she should answer, finally deciding, "Sure, whatever you want, I can''t say no to a girl in a hot school outfit..."' 'You tell <<$boydesc>> what school you attend. "I know of that school, it''s known for its beautiful girls." You blush a little as she''s definitely flirting with you. "May I entertain you for the rest of the day?" she asks.' else 'You think to yourself there shouldn''t be any problems since you''re in another place. You tell her the name of the school as she looks at you confused, "I''ve never heard of that school."' '"It''s the school in Pavlovsk." you tell her.' '"Oh, that''s great..." she stops herself. She smiles as she tells you, "Good thing I stopped myself I almost went all creepy once again."' 'You smile back as she gathers courage to ask you, "Since you''re not from here, what would you say to letting me show you around the town?"' end act 'I would love to': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"Sure, that sounds fun and I just so happen to have some time to kill." You say with a wink.' '"Great!" answers <<$boydesc>> "So, what do you want to do?".' gs 'dateF', 'date_choice' end act 'I would love to but can''t right now': *clr cla gs 'girlfriend', 'start' '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"I''m sorry, I would love to go on a date with you but I''m busy right. What if I give you my number so you can call me?"' '"I say that''s a great idea. I''ll be in touch." <<$boydesc>> adds your number to her contact list.' '"You better be." you say teasingly.' act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka end act 'Decline': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' 'As you''re talking you get a creepy feeling about this girl, "I''m sorry but I just remembered I was supposed to meet a friend."' '<<$boydesc>> looks at you disappointed. "Oh, that''s a shame. Could I get-..."' 'You''re already moving away from her before she even finished her sentence not hearing what she wanted.' act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka end act 'Decline politely': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"I''m sorry but I''m not interested. I sort of have a boyfriend..." you answer wanting to reject the girl as easy as possible.' '"That''s too bad... I should have guessed a girl in that hot outfit would be taken."' 'As you move away from her, you''re glad you declined, especially after the last comment.' act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka end end act 'Don''t tell her which school': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' 'You break out into laughter, "Why would I tell you that, for all I know you could be a weird stalker."' '"Did you just accuse me for being a stalker?" she asks as her voice changes to a more serious tone.' '"I didn''t mean to make you upset, but don''t you thinks it''s a bit creepy for someone unknown to walk up a schoolgirl and ask what school they go to?" you answer.' '<<$boydesc>> clearly upset by your question just turns around and walks away without saying another word.' '"What a strange girl." you think to yourself as you watch her going away muttering something to herself.' act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka end end !!2) Gopnik Sveta elseif gruptipe = 4: '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' 'You notice a girl of <<$boybody>> height with a <<$boybod>> body and <<$boyface>> hair approaching you. She is wearing <<$boyClo>>' 'As she nears you, you hear her say, "Hey baby, you seem like a girl that likes to have fun. What do you say, wanna hang out?"' act 'Look at her': *clr cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' 'You give her a once over and then give her a amused look, "What did you say? I hope you know what you''re getting yourself into."' 'Not fazed by your brashness she continues on, "I know it''s just a front with girls like you. All of you just act hard but I''ve got you all figured out. Tell me this instead, what is your name?"' act 'Answer her': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' 'You give her a contemptuous look. "Oh, you have me all figured out do you? My name is <<$pcs_nickname>>, not that it is any of your business."' if $loc = 'pavResidential' or $loc = 'pavCommercial': '"Well, I spotted you while I was on my way to a friend''s place and your looks caught my attention. Simply said, I want to add another trophy to my trophy wall." she impudently answers.' 'You snap and get up in her face, "How about I cut off your tits and add them to my collection."' 'She starts laughing clearly not feeling threatened by you, "Relax, I''m only kidding. I like my tits just where they are, but if you wanted to fondle them..." She says with a grin. "But seriously, I just wanted to ask you out, so how about it?' else '"Well, I spotted you while I was walking around town and your looks caught my attention. Simply said, I want to add another trophy to my trophy wall." she impudently answers.' 'You snap and get up in her face, "How about I cut off your tits and add them to my collection."' 'She starts laughing clearly not feeling threatened by you, "Relax, I''m only kidding. I like my tits just where they are, but if you wanted to fondle them..." She says with a grin. "But seriously, I just wanted to ask you out, so how about it?' end act 'Fine': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' 'You give her a hard look and eye her up and down. "Fine I''m fucking bored anyways, but you''re paying."' '"Good, I expected no other outcome." she says. "I''ll give it to you to decide what we should do?".' gs 'dateF', 'date_choice' end act 'Not now': *clr cla gs 'girlfriend', 'start' '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"I''m busy right now." You tell her and watch her become disappointed. "But maybe I will get bored out of my skull and you will seem like a better open, so take my number and maybe I will answer if you call."' 'She laughs at your response. "Thanks. I''ll try to make sure to call you when you''re really bored." <<$boydesc>> adds your number to her contact list.' '"Don''t count on it loser." you answer.' act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka end act 'Fuck off!': *clr cla '
' '"Fuck off loser, I only date real men, the kinda that would kick your ass just for laughs!" you answer.' '<<$boydesc>> looks at you in shock as she was not ready for you to react that way. "Well, I thought we could just have a little fun together..."' 'As you''re getting more annoyed you give her a shove making her back up a couple of steps. "Get the fuck out of here before I kick your ass!" <<$boydesc>> seeing she''s getting nowhere moves away quickly.' act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka end end act 'No': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"How about I kick your ass instead? Now get out of here before you know what my boot feels like shoved up your ass." you reply angrily.' '"Okay, okay, sheesh... take it easy." she says loudly as she''s moving away from you.' act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka end end !!3 - unattractive or average Sveta elseif hotcat < 6: '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' 'You notice a girl of <<$boybody>> height with a <<$boybod>> body and <<$boyface>> hair aproaching you. She is wearing <<$boyClo>>' 'As she nears you, she reaches out her hand for a handshake. "Hi. My name is <<$boydesc>>."' act 'Grasp hand': *clr cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' 'You think <<$boydesc>> is cute-looking and even though you''re not sure about this you decide grasping her hand.' '"Aren''t you going to tell me your name?" she asks.' !!I would suggest a option for Sveta to be happy about it. act 'Decline':gt 'dateF', 'decline' act 'Happily tell her your name': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' 'All of a sudden you get a bubbly feeling in your stomach thinking if she''s really asking your name?' 'You break out in a smile telling her, "My name is <<$pcs_nickname>>."' '"What a beautiful name and a loving smile." <<$boydesc>> tells you.' 'You start blushing as <<$boydesc>> compliments you... "So what do you say <<$pcs_nickname>> would you like to go on a date with me?"' !!Go on date, same answer no matter what time of day or weather act 'I would love to': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' 'You think about it a moment and figure why not "Sure I would love to out with you."' '"Great!" answers <<$boydesc>> "So, what do you want to do?".' gs 'dateF', 'date_choice' end act 'I would love to but can''t right now': *clr cla gs 'girlfriend', 'start' '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"I''m sorry, I would love to go on a date with you but I''m busy right. What if I give you my number so you can call me?"' '"I say that''s a great idea. I''ll be in touch." <<$boydesc>> adds your number to her contact list.' '"You better be." you say teasingly.' act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka end act 'Decline':gt 'dateF', 'decline' end end act 'Refuse and walk away': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' 'Not really impressed, you decide to teach her a lesson, "Sure thing, here''s my number."' '<<$boydesc>> quickly scribbles it down not knowing you''ve just given her a totally unknown number.' act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka end !!4) Attractive Sveta else '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' 'You notice a girl of <<$boybody>> height with a <<$boybod>> body and <<$boyface>> hair approaching you. She is wearing <<$boyClo>>' 'She walks up to full of confidence, "Damn, baby, on a scale from 1 to 10, you''re an 11. How about a date?"' act 'Excuse me?': *clr cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"Yeah, you heard me." said <<$boydesc>>. "Don''t act all that surprised, you''re good-looking, I''m good-looking we would be the perfect couple, so what do you say?"' '"Isn''t someone full of confidence." you comment, seizing control of the conversation, as you contemplate your next move...' act 'Remain silent': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"Come on, gorgeous, don''t give me the silent treatment."' 'As you hear the word gorgeous you melt straight away. You blush and mumble thanks, stammering like a buffoon.' '<<$boydesc>> noticing that you''re having some trouble, smiles and tells you, "I''ll ask you one more time, I don''t want to come off as desperate." she says laughing.' '"Someone not desperate would have introduced themselves first and told me their name first. I don''t want to talk to a complete stranger."' '"<<$boydesc>>! And yours?" she asks you confidently, seeing a glimmer of hope.' '"<<$pcs_nickname>>." you answer.' '"Just as I expected a beautiful name for a beautiful girl..." <<$boydesc>> quickly replies.' !!Go on date, same answer no matter what time of day or weather act 'Agree to a date': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"Stop, you''re making me blush again. Sure, sounds like fun, I would love to."' '"Great!" answers <<$boydesc>> "So, what do you want to do gorgeous?".' gs 'dateF', 'date_choice' end !!Wanting to go on date but not right now, offer phone number act 'I would love to but can''t right now': *clr cla gs 'girlfriend', 'start' '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"I''m sorry, I would love to go on a date with you but I''m busy right. What if I give you my number so you can call me?"' '"I say that''s a great idea. I''ll be in touch." <<$boydesc>> adds your number to her contact list.' '"You better be." you say teasingly.' act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka end act 'Decline': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"I''m sorry but I don''t feel myself attracted to you enough and I don''t want to lead you on."' '<<$boydesc>> looks at you disappointed. "Oh well, I didn''t think I had a chance but you can''t blame me for trying."' 'The two of you say goodbye to each other.' act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka end act 'Look at her in disgust': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"I''m sorry, it''s good that you have all this confidence, but I''m way out of your league. There''s no way I would be caught seen out with you."' '"What did you say, you little..." you''re not able to hear the rest as you walk away...' act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka end end end end end if $args[0] = 'decline': *clr cla '
> src="images/characters/shared/'+lover_picrand+'.jpg">
' '"I''m sorry but I don''t feel us clicking so I''ll have to decline."' '<<$boydesc>> looks at you disappointed and then shrugs. "Well can''t blame a girl for trying, right?"' 'The two of you say goodbye to each other.' act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka !!this goes back to what ever street it started on end if $args[0] = 'date_choice': if sunWeather = 1: !!if good weather, day/night, go to park is a option act '"Let''s go to the park."':gt 'dateF', 'datepark' end !!not implemented yet !!act '"Let''s go to a cafe"':gt 'dateF', 'datecafe' !!once we add a bar to every town/city location this will always be a option. act '"Let''s go to a bar."':gt 'dateF', 'datebar' end !park date !Time 2-4 hours depending on the path the player chooses. Nothing special, there is a sex act but the player has the option to stop before it gets way out of control. if $ARGS[0] = 'datepark': *clr cla minut += 30 gs 'stat' '
' '"Since it''s such a beautiful day today, let''s go for a walk in the park." you suggest.' '"Sounds great. Lets go." <<$boydesc>> walks with you towards the park.' 'The two of you walk in the park for a while causally talking, getting knowing each other. After a while she suggests sitting down.' !!Jump to park act 'Watch people': *clr cla minut += 45 gs 'stat' '
' 'The two of you sit down and begin commenting on the people walking by. You laugh while <<$boydesc>> makes up stories about their backgrounds and quirks.' 'There are a few times you almost get caught as you point and laugh. As you''re sitting down an ice cream pushcart appears, generating quite a buzz around it. <<$boydesc>> asks you, "I sure could go for some ice cream. Would you also like some ice cream?"' act 'Yeah': *clr cla minut += 15 gs 'stat' '
' '<<$boydesc>> runs away to the pushcart and comes back with two ice creams. "Here you go, <<$pcs_nickname>> I hope you''ll enjoy it."' 'You nod and thank her. The two of you continue talking while eating the ice cream. As you finish <<$boydesc>> asks, "Shall we move on?"' act 'Nod': *clr cla minut += 15 gs 'stat' '
' 'As you continue walking the two of you begin holding hands. You''re really enjoying yourself by now everything is going really well.' 'You don''t even notice that the two of you strayed off the beaten path, all of a sudden <<$boydesc>> stops and whispers in your ear, "Now that we''re at a secluded spot, you know what would make this date even better?"' act 'What?': *clr cla '
' 'Before you''re even able to respond <<$boydesc>> leans in and kisses you on the lips.' act 'Make out': *clr cla '
' 'Feeling frisky you kiss <<$boydesc>> back. Not before long the two of you are having a make out session, french kissing each other.' 'You feel yourself getting more and more aroused, maybe you should stop before the situation escalates too much...' gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 3, 'exhibitionism' gs 'stat' act 'Go along with her': gfsex = 1 $dateFType = 'walk_back' gt 'lezbsex','start' end act 'Stop her': *clr cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
' 'You put your hand on her chest and push her away from you. "No, we need to stop." At first she keeps trying to kiss you but you push on her a bit harder and pull back as you do. "I said no!"' 'She stops at once. "Sorry, got a little carried away."' act 'Walk back':gt 'dateF', 'walk_back' end end act 'Back up': *clr cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
' 'At first you are surprised by the kiss and return it but quickly you pull back as you push her away. "Stop, I''m enjoying the date but I''m not that kind of girl if you thought otherwise."' 'She shakes her head. "No, not at all. I''m not going to make you do something you don''t want." <<$boydesc>> answers.' act 'Walk back':gt 'dateF', 'walk_back' end end end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'walk_back': *clr cla minut += 10 gs 'stat' '
' 'As you finish up the two still holding hands walk all the way back to the park entrance. You stand there for a while feeling that awkward silence creeping up as neither of you know how to end the date.' '"I''ve had a great time." you say smiling. "Yeah, me too..." <<$boydesc>> says quietly. "Could I get your number so I can call you?"' act 'Sure': *clr cla gs 'girlfriend', 'start' '
' 'You give <<$boydesc>> your number. "Now I really hope you don''t forget to call me." you tell her. "Oh, don''t worry about that I''ll be in touch." she says.' 'You end the date by her giving you a kiss on the cheek.' act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka end act 'Sorry': *clr cla '
' '"I''ve really enjoyed the date but I''m sorry I can''t give you my number..."' '"But why, I thought..." Before she continues you stop her telling her that you''re sorry once again but that it won''t work out between the two of you.' '<<$boydesc>> disappointingly looks at you, "Well at least I gave it my best shot who knows maybe I''ll meet you once again."' act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka end end !movie date !Go to movie theater pav/city, time 3-4 hours !Nothing special, there is a sex act but the player has the option to stop before it gets way out of control. if $ARGS[0] = 'datebar': *clr cla minut += 20 gs 'stat' '
' '"How about going to a bar?" you ask <<$boydesc>>.' '"Great idea, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I know a great bar with great drinks and lightning."' 'The two of you enter this buzzing hip bar and find a spot where you have a great overview over the place.' act 'Order': *clr cla '
' 'As you sit down <<$boydesc>> asks you, "Would you like to drink something?"' !!if beer, add buzz act 'I''ll have a beer, thanks': *clr cla alko += 1 '
' '"My kind of girl." <<$boydesc>> tells you.' act 'Talk':gt 'dateF', 'bartalk' end !!elseif, add buzz act 'I''ll have some hard liquor, thanks': *clr cla alko += 2 '
' '"My kind of girl." <<$boydesc>> tells you.' act 'Talk':gt 'dateF', 'bartalk' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'bartalk': *clr cla minut += 15 gs 'stat' '
' '<<$boydesc>> goes to the bar counter and after a while returns with the drinks.' '"This place is packed." you say to <<$boydesc.>>' '"Yeah, it''s pretty cool, I think it''s the night when there is a band playing live here, so I guess that''s why it''s so packed."' act 'Continue on': *clr cla minut += 10 gs 'stat' '
' 'As you sit there talking to each other, the lights suddenly go dim and you hear a guitar riff playing.' 'The band steps out and starts playing. You''re amazed over how well they play and turn to <<$boydesc>> "They are pretty good don''t you think?"' '<<$boydesc>> nods her head. "Yeah they are, do you want another drink?"' !!add to buzz act 'Sure': *clr cla alko += 2 minut += 20 gs 'stat' '
' '"Are you trying to get me drunk?" you say winking towards her.' '"No comments." she responds smiling.' '"Well, I''m having a great time so why not." <<$boydesc>> goes over to the counter and returns with two new drinks.' if pcs_danc > 30: act 'Dance': *clr cla minut += 10 gs 'stat' '
' 'Some time goes by and you''re not able to contain yourself anymore, you got to dance.' '"Would you like to dance?" you ask <<$boydesc>>.' 'She shakes her head. "I am no dancer, but you should if you want to dance." She says indicating you should get out on the dance floor yourself.' 'You get up from the chair and walk up near the stage and begin moving sensually, teasing <<$boydesc>>.' act 'Return to your date': *clr cla minut += 15 gs 'stat' !!add buzz '
' '"Damn <<$pcs_nickname>> you really know how to move. I bet all that dancing made you even thirstier."' 'You nod and she quickly gets up and gets more drinks.' 'You chug the drink down, quenching some of the thirst. "Look at you go. I love a girl that can keep a drink down."' 'By now you''re feel quite tipsy, feeling your inhibitions fading away. You panic a little at feeling and feel you must get a breather before you lose control.' act 'Excuse yourself': *clr cla minut += 10 gs 'stat' '
' 'You excuse yourself by saying you need to visit the restroom. You walk off and lock the door behind you, looking in the mirror as everything begins to spin.' 'You don''t know how long you''ve been in the restroom but all of a sudden you hear a knock on the door, "Are you alright? You''ve been in there for a while now."' 'Recognizing <<$boydesc>> voice, you come to your senses and open the door, quickly pulling her in.' '"What''s happening?" she asks as you lean into her and begin kissing her.' act 'Make out': *clr cla '
' '<<$boydesc>> doesn''t seem to mind your brashness. She begins grabbing you all over your body, adding even more to your arousal.' 'As you''re kissing you feel her fingers playing with your wet clit through the panties.' '"Get down on your knees <<$pcs_nickname>>."' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2 gs 'stat' act 'Go along with her': gfsex = 1 $dateFType = 'barend' gt 'lezbsex','start' end act 'Decide to stop': *clr cla gs 'arousal', 'end' '
' 'You can''t get yourself to go through this. Excusing yourself you walk back to the table and sit down.' '<<$boydesc>> arrives shortly after you to the table. The whole situation is too awkward now and you begin to blush as you''re really ashamed of your actions. You''re starting to panic a bit...' act 'Finish the date':gt 'dateF', 'barend' end end end end end end act 'Keep talking': *clr cla minut += 20 gs 'stat' '
' 'You and <<$boydesc>> continue talking even if it''s hard to hear what she says at some times because of the loud music.' 'Mostly you talk about yours and her backgrounds and future plans.' 'You''re so into the conversation that you don''t even notice that the band left and that the bar is half empty.' act 'Finish the date':gt 'dateF', 'barend' end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'barend': *clr cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
' 'You tell <<$boydesc>>, "I''ve had a great time but we should be on our way."' '"I had a great time, you''re really fun to hang out with." <<$boydesc>> tells you. "Could I get your number?"' act 'Sure': *clr cla gs 'girlfriend', 'start' '
' 'You give <<$boydesc>> your number. "Now I really hope you don''t forget to call me." you tell her. "Oh, don''t worry about that I''ll be in touch." she says.' 'You end the date by her giving you a kiss on the cheek.' act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka end act 'Sorry': *clr cla '
' '"I''ve really enjoyed the date but I just can''t I''ve made a fool of myself..."' '"No you didn''t, I understand..." Before she continues you stop her telling her that you''re sorry once again but you''re too ashamed to see her again.' '<<$boydesc>> disappointingly looks at you, "Well at least I gave it my best shot who knows maybe I''ll meet you once again."' act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka end end --- dateF ---------------------------------