karinPRE 7.9 KB

  1. # karinPRE
  2. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/karinPRE.jpg"></center>'
  3. set minut += 120
  4. clr
  5. gs 'statPRE'
  6. fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
  7. bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  8. lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
  9. 'You woke up in what is not a familiar place, standing near you is the same red-haired girl. "And woke up. I told this jerk Juugo that he would have treated you more careful. But does he listen to you. As a result, I had you pull from the world, he almost did not kill you."'
  10. '"But there are pros, while you lay unconscious, I researched a little you. Amulet of Power passed to you. As you pull it out have no idea. This way bad news for you. Toby, well, that guy in the mask. He ''ve probably realized that the amulet worked and gave his power and now he´s looking for you. "'
  11. set nudity = 0
  12. act 'What´s going on?':
  13. cla
  14. *clr
  15. set minut += 5
  16. clr
  17. gs 'statPRE'
  18. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/karinPRE.jpg"></center>'
  19. '"What´s all the hell´s going on?" you interrupted the girl and tried to move his hand, but you were tied to the bed.'
  20. '"Um, okay, I´ll start from the beginning." said the girl. "Magic exists and is real. Earlier the world was not the same range were magicians and this can not be a surprise to anyone. Day when everything changed. Order of Dawn, whose head came to see you in person. That masked man named Toby. So this award captured several demons and use their power zakolodoval moon. Now the whole world lives in illusions moon and sends Toby directly. Someone may rebel by illusion, but it is powerful mages, but most of the world has simply forgotten about magic and went to live in an illusory world, which they believe only a reality. "'
  21. '"Recently there was a powerful burst of magical energy, which even caused a malfunction Tsukuemi. Tsukuemi so called spell of illusion imposed on the moon. How can you guess magicians felt this surge. He walked out of that cave you found. Apparently surge occurred in the time of activation amulet. Who is this amulet hunting began. Mages of all stripes are looking for such a thing mad force capable disrupt Tsukuemi.'
  22. 'As you know, Toby wants to protect your order from destruction Tsukuemi. And perhaps due to the force of the amulet to strengthen it. Tsukuemi weakens over time. "'
  23. act 'The whole world is an illusion Corrupts this Toby?':
  24. cla
  25. *clr
  26. set minut += 5
  27. clr
  28. gs 'statPRE'
  29. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/karinPRE.jpg"></center>'
  30. '"The whole world is an illusion that Toby sent down?" you asked. The girl nodded. "Yes. But only an illusion specific. Around all quite material. Magical nature only has escaped the attention of the person. Machines, apartments, television and the Internet, all this really does exist and is in the form in which people see it. But if I say, hurl a fireball, then people will see how I threw a grenade or shot from a flamethrower. Once the human mind meets miracle triggered Tsukuemi and begins to affect the mind, forbidding him to perceive how the miracle miracle, hence any little green men, UFOs, poltergeists, samovozgaraniya, mind on the impact Tsukuemi forced to look for exits in the form of all rave at the sight of a miracle, if the mind can not cope with the influence Tsukuemi, then the person can go crazy and then no one would believe him. "'
  31. act 'And who are you?':
  32. cla
  33. *clr
  34. set minut += 5
  35. clr
  36. gs 'statPRE'
  37. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/karinPRE.jpg"></center>'
  38. '"And who are you?" you asked. The girl smiled. "I? I Karin. Mag, but certainly not a magician Toby. More I specialize in the treatment of, for mutations, changes in the body. I have little combat techniques, so that would certainly grab you, I used the services of Juugo. Mutant He, his mutation caused by the magical nature. His terrible physical strength which is very hard to resist. It can bear fists goal. But this power, combined with the effects Tsukuemi driving him crazy. We cooperate with it, I keep it in a state of sanity, and it performs my orders. "'
  39. act 'Why do you need?':
  40. cla
  41. *clr
  42. set minut += 5
  43. clr
  44. gs 'statPRE'
  45. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/karinPRE.jpg"></center>'
  46. '"Why do you need me?" you asked. The girl replied. "Hmm, obviously mine. When I lock you, I was hoping to get this effect. But now the situation has changed. Amulet vobschem became useless. Power passed to you. But it´s bad news for you. If you think that once you force amulet, so you can do anything. Figa with two. Naked without the ability to force anything. Toby and easily beat your will and forced to obey, and Juugo beat you like a puppy. Not so simple with this force. You yourself become amulet in force contained but you use it you can not do. "'
  47. act 'What is this amulet? Where did he come from?':
  48. cla
  49. *clr
  50. set minut += 5
  51. clr
  52. gs 'statPRE'
  53. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/karinPRE.jpg"></center>'
  54. '"And what is this amulet? Where did he come from?" you asked. Karin thought. "Most likely this is what is the trick Rikudo, the ancient magician stunning force. I do not know precisely. Similarly only know that the amulet was created in a special way, he could give his force only one in whom there is no magic. And he could give effect only man. Rather it was what that amulet Rikudo for emergency restoration force at the time when she had finished.'
  55. 'You know, you´re already dead. In your footsteps is Toby and his gang of thugs and bastards. When he finds you, he will turn you inside out, but you would get out of force. Apply your strength in the form in which it exists is the same as a call Toby and tell you where nahodishsya. Tsukuemi on you can no longer act, so you probably saw Toby moves. Times, and he was there where he wanted, convenient and fast. "'
  56. 'Karin thought. "You know. I do not want to give you Toby. And I think I know how to bring down the trail this bloodhound. Rikudo Power only works if it is in a man´s body. You´re a man and she works there, regardless of your will. Enormous effort I should destroy and dispel traces of this force that would hide our place position. "'
  57. act 'Uh, I do not understand, what do you suggest?':
  58. cla
  59. *clr
  60. set minut += 5
  61. clr
  62. gs 'statPRE'
  63. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/karinPRE.jpg"></center>'
  64. '"Uh, I do not understand, what do you suggest?" you asked. Karin giggled. "I´ll make you a pretty, young girl and Toby never find you. Well, no, there is another way, I´m just going to stop your heart and your strength will dissolve in nature, and you will die. Toby Giving you I´m not going. And admit killing you do not want. Maybe with time udastsja something sensible to do with your strength. "'
  65. act 'Hey, I do not want to be a woman, then I have a family, wife, daughter.':
  66. cla
  67. *clr
  68. set minut += 5
  69. clr
  70. gs 'statPRE'
  71. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/karinPRE.jpg"></center>'
  72. '"Hey, I do not want to be a woman, then I have a family, wife, daughter, " you are afraid. Karin smiled sadly. "Here the choice is simple, either you die or you live without a penis. Never understood men, so that they are shaking their rattles around. During his family not to worry. I´ll arrange everything. You will be dead for all the tragedy, but what to do, but Toby unhooked. I´ll erase your memory of the family, will be only the ghostly memories, you can not even remember where you zhil.Tselikom erase the memory I will not leave you in prevratishsya useless vegetable. "'
  73. act 'There must be another way!':
  74. cla
  75. *clr
  76. set minut += 5
  77. clr
  78. gs 'statPRE'
  79. '<center><img src="images/picPRE/karinPRE.jpg"></center>'
  80. '"There must be another way!" you panicked. Karin became serious. "Do not argue. But is the only way available to me. Now go to sleep." said Karin putting your hand on his chest.'
  81. act 'Sleep':gt 'sleepPRE'
  82. end
  83. end
  84. end
  85. end
  86. end
  87. end
  88. end
  89. end
  90. --- karinPRE ---------------------------------