hantersex.qsrc 135 KB

  1. # hantersex
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'sexafterstrip1':
  3. !$textsexhanter = 'From a member of the unpleasant smells and remains in the mouth tastes foul feces. " - Damn, I had to do an enema." - belatedly dumaeete you.'
  4. !sex after of Striptease if she`s not a whore
  5. gs 'boyStat', 'A172','1' &! Andrei
  6. gs 'boyStat', 'A173','2' &! Igor
  7. gs 'boyStat', 'A174','3' &! Sergei
  8. gang +=1
  9. npc_sex[$boy[1]] += 1
  10. npc_sex[$boy[2]] += 1
  11. npc_sex[$boy[3]] += 1
  12. minut += 5
  13. gs 'shortgs','smoker'
  14. pcs_mood = 100
  15. pcs_willpwr += 100
  16. pcs_dom -= 1
  17. dirty_dickA = 0
  18. dirty_dickB = 0
  19. dirty_dickC = 0
  20. boyAsex = 0
  21. boyBsex = 0
  22. boyCsex = 0
  23. boyAsexa = 0
  24. boyBsexa = 0
  25. boyCsexa = 0
  26. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/dance5.jpg"></center>'
  27. 'You tiredly sit down on the edge of the table to rest and have a smoke. During the dance you captivated the guys attention, but when you are approached by Igor, you notice that they are now completely naked.'
  28. '-<<$pcs_nickname>>, we demand to continue the activities, " he said, smiling and pointing to his dick.'
  29. gs 'stat'
  30. act 'Stroke him':
  31. *clr & cla
  32. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/dancesexoi.jpg"></center>'
  33. 'The alcohol had dulled your sense of shame and you quickly took his cock your in hand and began to stroke it...'
  34. act 'Put his cock in your mouth':
  35. *clr & cla
  36. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/dancesexoi1.jpg"></center>'
  37. 'You slowly wrap your mouth around his member...'
  38. 'Sensing his chance, Igor suddenly shoves his entire dick down your throat before you can protest. Tears begin to well up in your eyes...'
  39. gs 'arousal', 'bj',5, 'dick[2]', 'sub', 'deepthroat'
  40. gs 'stat'
  41. act 'Suck on':
  42. *clr & cla
  43. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/dancesexoi2.jpg"></center>'
  44. 'Igor continues to batter your mouth, while Andrei and Sergei watch and even help him, pushing your head deeper on his cock...'
  45. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dick[2]', 'sub', 'deepthroat'
  46. gs 'stat'
  47. act 'Suck them all':
  48. *clr & cla
  49. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/dancesexoasi1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  50. 'Andrei and Sergei aren''t content to just watch you all night and put hands on their dicks as well. You began to suck and stroke the circle of guys around you, alternating attention to each member.'
  51. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5,'dick[1]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  52. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5,'dick[3]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  53. gs 'stat'
  54. act 'Lie down on your back':
  55. *clr & cla
  56. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvaosi1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  57. 'The guys put you on the bed and Andrei settles down between your legs, while Igor and Sergei hover over you and put their members in front of your face...'
  58. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dick[2]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  59. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dick[3]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  60. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'dick[1]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  61. minut -= 10
  62. gs 'stat'
  63. act 'Lie on your side':
  64. *clr & cla
  65. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrv2aosi1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  66. 'Andrei rolls you to the side and without even moving from between your legs, and Igor and Sergei reposition to put their dicks in the face again...'
  67. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dick[3]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  68. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dick[2]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  69. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'dick[1]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  70. minut -= 10
  71. gs 'stat'
  72. act 'Get on all fours':
  73. *clr & cla
  74. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvioas1.'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
  75. 'Igor pushes you down on all fours and then moves behind you. He begins to pound you from behind with increasing frequency. Sergei and Andrei refuse to give you a rest and shove their dicks in your mouth...'
  76. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dick[3]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  77. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dick[1]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  78. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'dick[2]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  79. minut -= 10
  80. gs 'stat'
  81. act 'Sit down':
  82. *clr & cla
  83. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvsoia1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  84. 'Sergei sits on the bed, and pulls you on top of him. Igor and Andrei adjust to this new position accordingly...'
  85. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dick[2]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  86. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dick[1]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  87. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'dick[3]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  88. minut -= 10
  89. gs 'stat'
  90. act 'Further':
  91. *clr & cla
  92. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/dancesexoi3.jpg"></center>'
  93. 'You continue to suck Igor, but then you feel someone''s finger begins to penetrate your ass...'
  94. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dick[2]','sub', 'gangbang'
  95. gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 2, 'sub', 'gangbang'
  96. minut -= 2
  97. gs 'stat'
  98. act 'Further':
  99. *clr & cla
  100. pcs_mood += 25
  101. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/dancesexoi4.jpg"></center>'
  102. 'Andrei greased your ass with vaseline...'
  103. '- Well, even so, not dry, " you thought with relief.'
  104. lubri +=1
  105. gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 5,'lube', 'gangbang'
  106. gs 'stat'
  107. act 'Lie down on the ground':
  108. *clr & cla
  109. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrdpvaaios1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  110. 'Andrei gets on the ground and pulls you down with him. You feel his dick pop into your ass.'
  111. 'Igor moves in front of you and lines up on your second exposed hole.'
  112. 'You think, "At least I only have to suck one dick at a time now..."'
  113. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dick[3]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  114. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'dick[2]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  115. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'dick[1]', 'sub', 'gangbang'
  116. minut -= 10
  117. gs 'stat'
  118. act 'Kneel in front of the guys':
  119. *clr & cla
  120. minut += 1
  121. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/dancesexoi5.jpg"></center>'
  122. 'Without a word all three guys pull out of you and drag you to your knees.'
  123. 'They all begin to masturbate in front of your face, and you prepare yourself for the amount of cum that is about to cover you...'
  124. act 'Wait patiently':
  125. *clr & cla
  126. minut += 1
  127. gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy[1],1,'','',20
  128. gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy[2],1,'','',20
  129. gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy[3],1,'','',20
  130. gs 'cum_call', 'stomach', $boy[2],1,'','',20
  131. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy[1],1,'','',20
  132. gs 'cum_call','breasts',$boy[3],1,'','',20
  133. swallow += 1
  134. gs 'stat'
  135. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/dancesexoi6.jpg"></center>'
  136. 'Finally, the guys started to cum. Jets of sperm struck your face, some got in your mouth and dripped onto your breast and stomach as well...'
  137. act 'Pass out':
  138. *clr & cla
  139. minut += 1
  140. gs 'stat'
  141. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/dancesexson.jpg"></center>'
  142. 'As soon as the guys moved away from you, you passed out on the floor from exhaustion...'
  143. 'Before you totally lost consciousness you hear the guys talking about you...'
  144. if hantersIgorLove > 0:'" - I told you Igor, that she was a whore, and you didn`t believe me. Well, now you know..." says Andrei.'
  145. if hantersIgorLove = 1 or hantersIgorLove = 2:'" - and I thought she really was the one." replies Igor. You realize that your relationship with him is now over.'
  146. if hantersIgorLove = 3:'" - and I thought she really was the one." replies Igor. You realize that your marriage with him is now over.'
  147. if hantersSergeiLove > 0:'" - I told you Sergei, that she was a whore, and you didn`t believe me," says Andrei.'
  148. if hantersSergeiLove > 0:'" - Yeah, you were right all along." relies Sergei. You realize that your relationship with him is now over.'
  149. if hantersAndreiLove > 0:'" - Yeah, I thought you were different, but in the end you were just a slut like all the other girls" says Andrei. He spits on you before walking away. You realize that your relationship with him is now over.'
  150. act 'Wake up':
  151. *clr & cla
  152. minut += 600
  153. pcs_sleep += 60
  154. pcs_health += 50
  155. pcs_mood += 50
  156. pcs_willpwr +=50
  157. hantdanceslut = 1
  158. if hantersIgorLove = 3:hantersIgorLove = 0 & hantersIgorQw -= 100 & husband = 0 & divorced += 1 & husbandMark = 0 & husbharmin = 0 & husbizvradd = 0
  159. if hantersIgorLove = 2:hantersIgorLove = 0 & hantersIgorQw -= 100 & bfa += 0
  160. if hantersIgorLove = 1:hantersIgorLove = 0 & hantersIgorQw -= 100
  161. if hantersSergeiLove = 1:hantersSergeiLove = 0 & hantersSergeiQw -= 100
  162. if hantersAndreiLove = 1:hantersAndreiLove = 0 & hantersAndreiQw -= 100
  163. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/bigroom/drunk_ev/pohmel1.jpg"></center>'
  164. 'You don''t know how long you were asleep for, but your head is pounding when you wake up and your whole body hurts.'
  165. 'You vaguely remember dancing for the guys yesterday but the rest is still blurry.'
  166. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  167. gs 'stat'
  168. act 'Further': gt'swamphouse'
  169. end
  170. end
  171. end
  172. end
  173. end
  174. end
  175. end
  176. end
  177. end
  178. end
  179. end
  180. end
  181. end
  182. end
  183. end
  184. end
  185. !sex after of Striptease if GG whore
  186. if $ARGS[0] = 'sexafterstrip3':
  187. gs 'boyStat', 'A172','1' &! Andrei
  188. gs 'boyStat', 'A173','2' &! Igor
  189. gs 'boyStat', 'A174','3' &! Sergei
  190. gang +=1
  191. npc_sex[$boy[1]] += 1
  192. npc_sex[$boy[2]] += 1
  193. npc_sex[$boy[3]] += 1
  194. minut += 5
  195. gs 'shortgs','smoker'
  196. pcs_mood = 100
  197. pcs_willpwr += 100
  198. pcs_dom -= 1
  199. dirty_dickA = 0
  200. dirty_dickB = 0
  201. dirty_dickC = 0
  202. boyAsex = 0
  203. boyBsex = 0
  204. boyCsex = 0
  205. boyAsexa = 0
  206. boyBsexa = 0
  207. boyCsexa = 0
  208. hantslutsex += rand(9,12)
  209. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/dance6.jpg"></center>'
  210. 'You tiredly sit down on the edge of the table to rest and have a smoke. Igor comes over to you naked.'
  211. '-<<$pcs_nickname>>, that was really cool, " he said, smiling . - Want to continue?'
  212. '- Of course you reply, smiling right back.'
  213. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
  214. gs 'stat'
  215. act 'Suck':
  216. *clr & cla
  217. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/dancesexoi2.'+rand(0,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
  218. 'You wrap your lips around Igor''s member..'
  219. gs 'boyStat', 'A173' &! Igor ... need data for oral procedure
  220. gs 'oral','start'
  221. 'You try to swallow as Igor''s dick as deeply as possible and he seems to like it...'
  222. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat'
  223. gs 'stat'
  224. if pcs_sleep < 10:
  225. act 'Pass out': gs 'huntersex','hantersgroupfaint'
  226. else
  227. act 'Suck all the guys':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrOasi'
  228. end
  229. end
  230. end
  231. ! sex if naked in front of GG hunters
  232. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersexnude':
  233. gs 'boyStat', 'A172','1' &! Andrei
  234. gs 'boyStat', 'A173','2' &! Igor
  235. gs 'boyStat', 'A174','3' &! Sergei
  236. gang +=1
  237. npc_sex[$boy[1]] += 1
  238. npc_sex[$boy[2]] += 1
  239. npc_sex[$boy[3]] += 1
  240. gang += 1
  241. pcs_dom -= 1
  242. dirty_dickA = 0
  243. dirty_dickB = 0
  244. dirty_dickC = 0
  245. boyAsex = 0
  246. boyBsex = 0
  247. boyCsex = 0
  248. boyAsexa = 0
  249. boyBsexa = 0
  250. boyCsexa = 0
  251. hantslutsex += rand(9,12)
  252. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hantersrelax1.4.jpg"></center>'
  253. 'You approached the guys with a playful smile...'
  254. '- You know what to do <<$pcs_nickname>>, - said Andrei smiling.'
  255. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
  256. gs 'stat'
  257. act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrOasi'
  258. end
  259. ! if GG whore
  260. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomesex':
  261. hantslutsex += rand(3,6)
  262. ! for a break between the sex, is taken away -1 every hour
  263. pcs_dom -= 1
  264. dirty_dickA = 0
  265. dirty_dickB = 0
  266. dirty_dickC = 0
  267. boyAsex = 0
  268. boyBsex = 0
  269. boyCsex = 0
  270. boyAsexa = 0
  271. boyBsexa = 0
  272. boyCsexa = 0
  273. gs 'clothing', 'strip', 'swamphouse'
  274. if hanterandreisex = 0 and temphant = 1:hanterandreisex = 1 & guy += 1
  275. if hantersergeisex = 0 and temphant = 2:hantersergeisex = 1 & guy += 1
  276. if hanterigorsex = 0 and temphant = 3:hanterigorsex = 1 & guy += 1
  277. if temphant = 1:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  278. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  279. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  280. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomesex1.jpg"></center>'
  281. 'When you reached the couch, he immediately began to undress you.'
  282. '- You know what to do <<$pcs_nickname>>, - said <<$boydesc>> smiling.'
  283. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
  284. gs 'stat'
  285. act 'Squat':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeSTART'
  286. end
  287. if $ARGS[0] = 'doublelovesex':
  288. !trio
  289. !! if doublelovesex = 1 or slutgosex = 2 or forest_hantersex = 2 or forest_gopsex = 2:
  290. *clr & cla
  291. slutgosex = 0
  292. doublelovesex = 0
  293. pcs_dom -= 1
  294. dirty_dickA = 0
  295. dirty_dickB = 0
  296. dirty_dickC = 0
  297. boyAsex = 0
  298. boyBsex = 0
  299. boyCsex = 0
  300. boyAsexa = 0
  301. boyBsexa = 0
  302. boyCsexa = 0
  303. ! for a break between the sex, is taken away -1 every hour
  304. if slutgosex = 2:hantslutsex += rand(6,9)
  305. if doublelovesex = 1:hantersAndreisex += rand(6,24)
  306. if doublelovesex = 1:hantersSergeisex += rand(9,30)
  307. hantsexa = rand(1,5)
  308. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doublelovesex.jpg"></center>'
  309. if doublelovesex = 1:
  310. 'The guys surround you and begin to grab at and kiss your body. You feel pressure on your shoulders so you kneel down before them...'
  311. else
  312. 'The guys surround you and begin to undress you. You feel pressure on your shoulders so you kneel down before them...'
  313. end
  314. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  315. gs 'stat'
  316. if hantsexa < 4:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral12'
  317. if hantsexa = 4:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOralCum12_1'
  318. if hantsexa = 5:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOralCum12_2'
  319. end
  320. ! Two vs GG
  321. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveOral12':
  322. *clr & cla
  323. lubonus += 1
  324. hantsexa = rand(1,6)
  325. gs 'stat'
  326. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveOral12.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  327. 'You kneel in front of guys and begin sucking their dicks, taking turns and paying attention to each one...'
  328. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  329. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  330. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63'
  331. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  332. gs 'oral','start'
  333. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  334. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  335. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  336. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  337. gs 'oral','start'
  338. '<<$textsexhanter5>>'
  339. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  340. gs 'stat'
  341. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Kneel':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOralCum12'
  342. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDog112'
  343. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDog212'
  344. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSide12'
  345. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow112'
  346. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow212'
  347. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  348. end
  349. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveOralCum12_1':
  350. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  351. swallow += 1
  352. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  353. gs 'stat'
  354. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveOralCum12_1.jpg"></center>'
  355. 'You kneel in front of guys and begin sucking their dicks, taking turns and paying attention to each one...'
  356. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  357. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  358. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  359. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  360. gs 'oral','start'
  361. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  362. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  363. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63'
  364. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  365. gs 'oral','start'
  366. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  367. '<<$textsexhanter6>>'
  368. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  369. gs 'stat'
  370. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSide2'
  371. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral2'
  372. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  373. end
  374. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveOralCum12_2':
  375. *clr & cla
  376. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  377. swallow += 1
  378. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveOralCum12_2.jpg"></center>'
  379. 'You kneel in front of guys and begin sucking their dicks, taking turns and paying attention to each one...'
  380. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  381. gs 'stat'
  382. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  383. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  384. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63'
  385. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  386. gs 'oral','start'
  387. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  388. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  389. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  390. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  391. gs 'oral','start'
  392. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  393. '<<$textsexhanter6>>'
  394. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  395. gs 'stat'
  396. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow1'
  397. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral1'
  398. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  399. end &! --- doubleloveOralCum12_2 ---
  400. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveDog112':
  401. *clr & cla
  402. minut += 5
  403. lubonus += 1
  404. hantsexa = rand(1,7)
  405. gs 'stat'
  406. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveDog112.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  407. 'You bend over in between the boys and suck one cock, while the second penetrates you from behind...'
  408. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  409. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  410. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  411. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  412. gs 'oral','start'
  413. if klismaday ! daystart and boyBsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  414. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172' & boyAsexa += 1
  415. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173' & boyAsexa += 1
  416. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63' & boyAsexa += 1
  417. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyAsexa += 1
  418. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  419. '<<$textsexhanter7>>'
  420. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  421. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  422. minut -= 5
  423. gs 'stat'
  424. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Kneel':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOralCum12'
  425. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDogCum112_1'
  426. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDogCum112_2'
  427. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDog212'
  428. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSide12'
  429. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow112'
  430. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow212'
  431. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  432. end &! --- doubleloveDog112 ---
  433. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveDogCum112_1':
  434. *clr & cla
  435. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  436. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  437. gs 'stat'
  438. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveDogCum112_1.jpg"></center>'
  439. 'You bend over in between the boys and suck one cock, while the second penetrates you from behind...'
  440. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  441. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  442. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  443. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  444. gs 'oral','start'
  445. if klismaday ! daystart and boyBsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  446. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172' & boyAsexa += 1
  447. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173' & boyAsexa += 1
  448. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63' & boyAsexa += 1
  449. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyAsexa += 1
  450. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  451. '<<$textsexhanter6>>'
  452. lubonus += 1
  453. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  454. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  455. minut -= 5
  456. gs 'stat'
  457. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSide2'
  458. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral2'
  459. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  460. end &! --- doubleloveDogCum112_1 ---
  461. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveDogCum112_2':
  462. *clr & cla
  463. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  464. swallow += 1
  465. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  466. gs 'stat'
  467. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveDogCum112_2.jpg"></center>'
  468. 'You bend over in between the boys and suck one cock, while the second penetrates you from behind...'
  469. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172' & boyAsexa += 1
  470. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173' & boyAsexa += 1
  471. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63' & boyAsexa += 1
  472. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyAsexa += 1
  473. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  474. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  475. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  476. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  477. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  478. gs 'oral','start'
  479. if klismaday ! daystart and boyBsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  480. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  481. '<<$textsexhanter6>>'
  482. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  483. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  484. minut -= 5
  485. gs 'stat'
  486. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow1'
  487. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral1'
  488. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  489. end &! --- doubleloveDogCum112_2 ---
  490. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveDog212':
  491. *clr & cla
  492. lubonus += 1
  493. hantsexa = rand(1,7)
  494. gs 'stat'
  495. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveDog212.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  496. 'You bend over in between the boys and suck one cock, while the second penetrates you from behind...'
  497. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  498. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  499. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63'
  500. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  501. gs 'oral','start'
  502. if klismaday ! daystart and boyAsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  503. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174' & boyBsexa += 1
  504. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173' & boyBsexa += 1
  505. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61' & boyBsexa += 1
  506. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyBsexa += 1
  507. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  508. '<<$textsexhanter7>>'
  509. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  510. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  511. minut -= 5
  512. gs 'stat'
  513. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Kneel':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOralCum12'
  514. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDogCum212_1'
  515. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDogCum212_2'
  516. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDog112'
  517. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSide12'
  518. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow112'
  519. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow212'
  520. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  521. end &! --- doubleloveDog212 ---
  522. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveDogCum212_1':
  523. *clr & cla
  524. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  525. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  526. gs 'stat'
  527. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveDogCum212_1.jpg"></center>'
  528. 'You bend over in between the boys and suck one cock, while the second penetrates you from behind...'
  529. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  530. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  531. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63'
  532. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  533. gs 'oral','start'
  534. if klismaday ! daystart and boyAsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  535. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  536. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  537. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  538. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  539. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  540. '<<$textsexhanter6>>'
  541. lubonus += 1
  542. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  543. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  544. minut -= 5
  545. gs 'stat'
  546. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow1'
  547. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral1'
  548. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  549. end &! --- doubleloveDogCum212_1 ---
  550. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveDogCum212_2':
  551. *clr & cla
  552. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  553. swallow += 1
  554. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  555. gs 'stat'
  556. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveDogCum212_2.jpg"></center>'
  557. 'You bend over in between the boys and suck one cock, while the second penetrates you from behind...'
  558. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174' & boyBsexa += 1
  559. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173' & boyBsexa += 1
  560. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61' & boyBsexa += 1
  561. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyBsexa += 1
  562. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  563. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  564. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  565. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63'
  566. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  567. gs 'oral','start'
  568. if klismaday ! daystart and boyAsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  569. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  570. '<<$textsexhanter6>>'
  571. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  572. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  573. minut -= 5
  574. gs 'stat'
  575. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSide2'
  576. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral2'
  577. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  578. end &! --- doubleloveDogCum212_2 ---
  579. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveSide12':
  580. *clr & cla
  581. lubonus += 1
  582. hantsexa = rand(1,7)
  583. gs 'stat'
  584. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveSide12.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  585. 'You lie on your side with a member in front of your face, and the other one penetrating you from behind...'
  586. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  587. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  588. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63'
  589. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  590. gs 'oral','start'
  591. if klismaday ! daystart and boyAsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  592. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174' & boyBsexa += 1
  593. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173' & boyBsexa += 1
  594. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61' & boyBsexa += 1
  595. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyBsexa += 1
  596. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  597. '<<$textsexhanter7>>'
  598. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  599. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  600. minut -= 5
  601. gs 'stat'
  602. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Kneel':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOralCum12'
  603. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDog212'
  604. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDog112'
  605. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSideCum12_1'
  606. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSideCum12_2'
  607. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow112'
  608. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow212'
  609. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  610. end &! --- doubleloveSide12 ---
  611. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveSideCum12_1':
  612. *clr & cla
  613. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  614. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  615. gs 'stat'
  616. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveSideCum12_1.jpg"></center>'
  617. 'You lie on your side with a member in front of your face, and the other one penetrating you from behind...'
  618. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  619. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  620. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63'
  621. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  622. gs 'oral','start'
  623. if klismaday ! daystart and boyAsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  624. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  625. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  626. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  627. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  628. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  629. '<<$textsexhanter6>>'
  630. lubonus += 1
  631. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  632. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  633. minut -= 5
  634. gs 'stat'
  635. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow1'
  636. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral1'
  637. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  638. end &! --- doubleloveSideCum12_1 ---
  639. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveSideCum12_2':
  640. *clr & cla
  641. lubonus += 1
  642. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  643. swallow += 1
  644. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  645. gs 'stat'
  646. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveSideCum12_2.jpg"></center>'
  647. 'You lie on your side with a member in front of your face, and the other one penetrating you from behind...'
  648. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174' & boyBsexa += 1
  649. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173' & boyBsexa += 1
  650. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61' & boyBsexa += 1
  651. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyBsexa += 1
  652. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  653. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  654. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  655. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63'
  656. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  657. gs 'oral','start'
  658. if klismaday ! daystart and boyAsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  659. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  660. '<<$textsexhanter6>>'
  661. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  662. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  663. minut -= 5
  664. gs 'stat'
  665. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSide2'
  666. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral2'
  667. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  668. end &! --- doubleloveSideCum12_2 ---
  669. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveCow112':
  670. *clr & cla
  671. lubonus += 1
  672. hantsexa = rand(1,8)
  673. gs 'stat'
  674. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveCow112.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  675. 'One of the guys lays on the ground and you mount him. The second puts his cock in your mouth...'
  676. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  677. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  678. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  679. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  680. gs 'oral','start'
  681. if klismaday ! daystart and boyBsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  682. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172' & boyAsexa += 1
  683. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173' & boyAsexa += 1
  684. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63' & boyAsexa += 1
  685. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyAsexa += 1
  686. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  687. '<<$textsexhanter7>>'
  688. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  689. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  690. minut -= 5
  691. gs 'stat'
  692. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Kneel':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOralCum12'
  693. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDog112'
  694. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDog212'
  695. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSide12'
  696. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCowCum112_1'
  697. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCowCum112_2'
  698. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow212'
  699. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCowCum1'
  700. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  701. end &! --- doubleloveCow112 ---
  702. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveCowCum112_1':
  703. *clr & cla
  704. lubonus += 1
  705. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  706. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  707. gs 'stat'
  708. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveCowCum112_1.jpg"></center>'
  709. 'One of the guys lays on the ground and you mount him. The second puts his cock in your mouth...'
  710. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  711. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  712. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  713. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  714. gs 'oral','start'
  715. if klismaday ! daystart and boyBsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  716. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  717. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  718. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63'
  719. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  720. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  721. '<<$textsexhanter6>>'
  722. lubonus += 1
  723. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  724. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  725. minut -= 5
  726. gs 'stat'
  727. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSide2'
  728. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral2'
  729. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  730. end &! --- doubleloveCowCum112_1 ---
  731. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveCowCum112_2':
  732. *clr & cla
  733. lubonus += 1
  734. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  735. swallow += 1
  736. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  737. gs 'stat'
  738. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveCowCum112_2.jpg"></center>'
  739. 'One of the guys lays on the ground and you mount him. The second puts his cock in your mouth...'
  740. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172' & boyAsexa += 1
  741. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173' & boyAsexa += 1
  742. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63' & boyAsexa += 1
  743. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyAsexa += 1
  744. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  745. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  746. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  747. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  748. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  749. gs 'oral','start'
  750. if klismaday ! daystart and boyBsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  751. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  752. '<<$textsexhanter6>>'
  753. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  754. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  755. minut -= 5
  756. gs 'stat'
  757. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow1'
  758. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral1'
  759. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  760. end &! --- doubleloveCowCum112_2 ---
  761. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveCow212':
  762. hantsexa = rand(1,7)
  763. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveCow212.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  764. 'One of the guys lays on the ground and you mount him. The second puts his cock in your mouth...'
  765. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  766. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  767. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  768. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  769. gs 'oral','start'
  770. if klismaday ! daystart and boyBsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  771. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172' & boyAsexa += 1
  772. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173' & boyAsexa += 1
  773. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63' & boyAsexa += 1
  774. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyAsexa += 1
  775. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  776. '<<$textsexhanter7>>'
  777. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  778. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  779. minut -= 5
  780. gs 'stat'
  781. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Kneel':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOralCum12'
  782. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDog112'
  783. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveDog212'
  784. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSide12'
  785. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCowCum212_1'
  786. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCowCum212_2'
  787. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow112'
  788. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  789. end &! --- doubleloveCow212 ---
  790. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveCowCum212_1':
  791. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  792. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  793. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveCowCum212_1.jpg"></center>'
  794. 'One of the guys lays on the ground and you mount him. The second puts his cock in your mouth...'
  795. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  796. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  797. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  798. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  799. gs 'oral','start'
  800. if klismaday ! daystart and boyBsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  801. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  802. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  803. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63' & boyAsexa += 1
  804. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyAsexa += 1
  805. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  806. '<<$textsexhanter6>>'
  807. lubonus += 1
  808. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  809. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  810. minut -= 5
  811. gs 'stat'
  812. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSide2'
  813. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral2'
  814. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  815. end &! --- doubleloveCowCum212_1 ---
  816. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveCowCum212_2':
  817. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  818. swallow += 1
  819. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  820. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveCowCum212_2.jpg"></center>'
  821. 'One of the guys lays on the ground and you mount him. The second puts his cock in your mouth...'
  822. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172' & boyAsexa += 1
  823. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173' & boyAsexa += 1
  824. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63' & boyAsexa += 1
  825. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyAsexa += 1
  826. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  827. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  828. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  829. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  830. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  831. gs 'oral','start'
  832. if klismaday ! daystart and boyBsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20 & boyBsexa -= 1
  833. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  834. '<<$textsexhanter6>>'
  835. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  836. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  837. minut -= 5
  838. gs 'stat'
  839. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow1'
  840. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral1'
  841. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  842. end &! --- doubleloveCowCum212_2 ---
  843. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveSide2':
  844. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  845. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174' & boyBsexa += 1
  846. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173' & boyBsexa += 1
  847. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61' & boyBsexa += 1
  848. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyBsexa += 1
  849. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveSide2.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  850. 'You lie on your side with a member in front of your face, and the other one penetrating you from behind...'
  851. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  852. '<<$textsexhanter4>>'
  853. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  854. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  855. minut -= 5
  856. gs 'stat'
  857. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveSideCum2'
  858. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral2'
  859. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  860. end &! --- doubleloveSide2 ---
  861. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveSideCum2':
  862. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  863. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  864. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  865. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  866. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  867. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveSideCum2.jpg"></center>'
  868. 'You lie on your side with a member in front of your face, and the other one penetrating you from behind...'
  869. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  870. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  871. lubonus = 0
  872. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  873. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  874. minut -= 5
  875. gs 'stat'
  876. if forest_hantersex = 0:act 'Further':gt $loc, $metka
  877. if forest_hantersex > 0:act 'Further':forest_hantersex = 0 & minut += 60 & gt 'swamp_yard'
  878. end &! --- doubleloveSideCum2 ---
  879. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveCow1':
  880. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  881. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172' & boyAsexa += 1
  882. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173' & boyAsexa += 1
  883. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63' & boyAsexa += 1
  884. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyAsexa += 1
  885. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveCow1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  886. 'One of the guys lays on the ground and you mount him. The second puts his cock in your mouth...'
  887. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  888. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  889. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  890. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  891. minut -= 5
  892. gs 'stat'
  893. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Kneel':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveCow1'
  894. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOral1'
  895. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  896. end &! --- doubleloveCow1 ---
  897. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveCowCum1':
  898. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  899. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  900. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  901. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63' & boyAsexa += 1
  902. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyAsexa += 1
  903. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveCowCum1.jpg"></center>'
  904. 'One of the guys lays on the ground and you mount him. The second puts his cock in your mouth...'
  905. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  906. '<<$textsexhanter4>>'
  907. lubonus = 0
  908. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  909. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  910. minut -= 5
  911. gs 'stat'
  912. if forest_hantersex = 0:act 'Further':gt $loc, $metka
  913. if forest_hantersex > 0:act 'Further':forest_hantersex = 0 & minut += 60 & gt 'swamp_yard'
  914. end &! --- doubleloveCowCum1 ---
  915. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveOral1':
  916. hantsexa = rand(1,5)
  917. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  918. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  919. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63' & boyAsexa += 1
  920. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62' & boyAsexa += 1
  921. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveOral1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  922. 'You kneel in front of the boys, their cocks pointed right at your face...'
  923. gs 'oral','start'
  924. if klismaday ! daystart and boyAsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  925. '<<$textsexhanter2>>'
  926. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  927. gs 'stat'
  928. if pcs_sleep >= 10:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOralCum1'
  929. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  930. end &! --- doubleloveOral1 ---
  931. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveOralCum1':
  932. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  933. swallow += 1
  934. hantsexa = rand(1,5)
  935. if temphant <= 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  936. if temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  937. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A63'
  938. if temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  939. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveOralCum1.jpg"></center>'
  940. 'You kneel in front of the boys, their cocks pointed right at your face...'
  941. gs 'oral','start'
  942. if klismaday ! daystart and boyAsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  943. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  944. lubonus = 0
  945. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  946. gs 'stat'
  947. if forest_hantersex = 0:act 'Further':gt $loc, $metka
  948. if forest_hantersex > 0:act 'Further':forest_hantersex = 0 & minut += 60 & gt 'swamp_yard'
  949. end &! --- doubleloveOralCum1 ---
  950. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveOral2':
  951. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  952. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  953. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  954. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  955. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveOral2.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  956. 'You kneel in front of the boys, their cocks pointed right at your face...'
  957. gs 'oral','start'
  958. if klismaday ! daystart and boyBsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  959. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  960. '<<$textsexhanter2>>'
  961. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  962. gs 'stat'
  963. if pcs_sleep >= 10:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'doubleloveOralCum2'
  964. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  965. end &! --- doubleloveOral2 ---
  966. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveOralCum2':
  967. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  968. swallow += 1
  969. hantsexa = rand(1,5)
  970. if temphant = 1 or temphant = 3:gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  971. if temphant = 2:gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  972. if temphant = 4 or temphant = 6:gs 'boyStat', 'A61'
  973. if temphant = 5:gs 'boyStat', 'A62'
  974. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveOralCum2.jpg"></center>'
  975. 'You kneel in front of the boys, their cocks pointed right at your face...'
  976. gs 'oral','start'
  977. if klismaday ! daystart and boyBsexa > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  978. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  979. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  980. lubonus = 0
  981. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  982. gs 'stat'
  983. if forest_hantersex = 0:act 'Further':gt $loc, $metka
  984. if forest_hantersex > 0:act 'Further':forest_hantersex = 0 & minut += 60 & gt 'swamp_yard'
  985. end &! --- doubleloveOralCum2 ---
  986. if $ARGS[0] = 'doubleloveOralCum12':
  987. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  988. swallow += 1
  989. gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy, 1
  990. hantsexa = rand(1,5)
  991. lubonus = 0
  992. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':gs 'cum_call', 'stomach', $boy, 1
  993. if ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $clothingworntype ! 'swimwear'):gs 'cum_call', 'clothesgroin', $boy, 1
  994. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/doubleloveOralCum12.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  995. 'You are on your knees in front of the boys with an open mouth.'
  996. 'Soon, a jet of sperm hits you in the mouth, then another, and another. The sperm fills your mouth and runs down your chin and onto your breasts.'
  997. 'The guys put their dicks back in their pants and go about their business, leaving you alone to freshen up.'
  998. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  999. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1000. gs 'stat'
  1001. if forest_hantersex = 0:act 'Further':gt $loc, $metka
  1002. if forest_hantersex > 0:act 'Further':forest_hantersex = 0 & minut += 60 & gt 'swamp_yard'
  1003. end &! --- doubleloveOralCum12 ---
  1004. ! Sex GG vs the guy in the hut
  1005. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeSTART':
  1006. hantsexa = rand(1,3)
  1007. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomestart.jpg"></center>'
  1008. 'You crouched down and began to pull down the guy''s pants. When it was done, the he looks at you and says...'
  1009. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
  1010. gs 'stat'
  1011. if hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeORAL1'
  1012. if hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeOralCum1'
  1013. if hantsexa = 3:act 'Panties':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeTanga'
  1014. end &! --- sluthomeSTART ---
  1015. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeORAL1':
  1016. *clr & cla
  1017. lubonus += 1
  1018. hantsexa = rand(1,5)
  1019. gs 'stat'
  1020. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeoral1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1021. 'You slowly put his dick in your mouth and begin to suck on it...'
  1022. gs 'oral','start'
  1023. '<<$textsexhanter2>>'
  1024. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
  1025. gs 'stat'
  1026. if hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeORAL2'
  1027. if hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeOralCum2'
  1028. if hantsexa = 3:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeORAL3'
  1029. if hantsexa = 4:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeOralCum3'
  1030. if hantsexa = 5:act 'Panties':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeTanga'
  1031. end &! --- sluthomeORAL1 ---
  1032. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeOralCum1':
  1033. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1034. swallow += 1
  1035. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeoralcum1.jpg"></center>'
  1036. 'Without warning, the guy begins to cum.'
  1037. gs 'oral','start'
  1038. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1039. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  1040. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1041. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1042. gs 'stat'
  1043. act 'Further':gt'swamphouse'
  1044. end &! --- sluthomeOralCum1 ---
  1045. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeORAL2':
  1046. hantsexa = rand(1,4)
  1047. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeoral2.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1048. 'You continue sucking on his dick...'
  1049. gs 'oral','start'
  1050. '<<$textsexhanter2>>'
  1051. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1052. gs 'stat'
  1053. if hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeOralCum2'
  1054. if hantsexa = 2:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeORAL3'
  1055. if hantsexa = 3:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeOralCum3'
  1056. if hantsexa = 4:act 'Panties':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeTanga'
  1057. end &! --- sluthomeORAL2 ---
  1058. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeOralCum2':
  1059. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1060. swallow += 1
  1061. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeoralcum2.jpg"></center>'
  1062. 'Without warning, the guy begins to cum.'
  1063. gs 'oral','start'
  1064. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1065. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  1066. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
  1067. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1068. gs 'stat'
  1069. act 'Further':gt'swamphouse'
  1070. end &! --- sluthomeOralCum2 ---
  1071. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeORAL3':
  1072. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  1073. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeoral3.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1074. '<<$boydesc>> pushes his whole weight against your head, forcing you to swallow more of his <<dick>> cm dick.'
  1075. if dick > pcs_throat:'Immediately your gag reflex kicks in you feel tears forming in your eyes.'
  1076. if dick < pcs_throat:'Fortunately your throat is well trained and you swallow the guy''s whole dick without any difficulties.'
  1077. *pl
  1078. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat'
  1079. gs 'stat'
  1080. if hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeOralCum3'
  1081. if hantsexa = 2:act 'Panties':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeTanga'
  1082. end &! --- sluthomeORAL3 ---
  1083. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeOralCum3':
  1084. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1085. swallow += 1
  1086. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeoralcum3.jpg"></center>'
  1087. '<<$boydesc>> pushes his whole weight against your head, forcing you to swallow more of his <<dick>> cm dick.'
  1088. if dick > pcs_throat:'Immediately your gag reflex kicks in you feel tears forming in your eyes.'
  1089. if dick < pcs_throat:'Fortunately your throat is well trained and you swallow the guy''s whole dick without any difficulties.'
  1090. '<<$boydesc>> he began to move faster and you realized that he was already ready to cum...'
  1091. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1092. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  1093. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'rough', 'deepthroat'
  1094. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1095. gs 'stat'
  1096. act 'Further':gt'swamphouse'
  1097. end &! --- sluthomeOralCum3 ---
  1098. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeORAL4':
  1099. hantsexa = rand(1,7)
  1100. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeoral4.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1101. 'You continue sucking on his dick...'
  1102. gs 'oral','start'
  1103. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20 & pcs_mood -= 5
  1104. '<<$textsexhanter2>>'
  1105. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
  1106. gs 'stat'
  1107. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeOralCum4'
  1108. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDog1'
  1109. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDogCum1'
  1110. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCow1'
  1111. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCowCum1'
  1112. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSide1'
  1113. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSideCum1'
  1114. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  1115. end &! --- sluthomeORAL4 ---
  1116. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeOralCum4':
  1117. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1118. gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy, 1
  1119. swallow += 1
  1120. gs 'cum_call', 'stomach', $boy, 1
  1121. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeoralcum4.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1122. 'You are on your knees in front of the guy with your mouth open. <<$boydesc>> fiercely rubs his <<dick>> member in front of your face...'
  1123. 'Soon a jet of sperm hits you in the mouth, then a second and a third. The sperm fills your mouth and runs down your chin, dripping down onto your breasts and stomach. <<$boydesc>> has you clean his dick before putting it back in his pants and going about their business, leaving you alone to freshen up.'
  1124. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  1125. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
  1126. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1127. gs 'stat'
  1128. act 'Further':gt'swamphouse'
  1129. end &! --- sluthomeOralCum4 ---
  1130. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeTanga':
  1131. gs 'underwear', 'remove'
  1132. hantsexa = rand(1,6)
  1133. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthometanga.jpg"></center>'
  1134. '- <<$pcs_nickname>>, let''s take off your panties - said <<$boydesc>>. - Then the real fun can begin.'
  1135. 'You quickly sat down on the bed and pulled off your last piece of clothing. He did promise you some fun..'
  1136. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
  1137. gs 'stat'
  1138. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDog1'
  1139. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDogCum1'
  1140. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCow1'
  1141. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCowCum1'
  1142. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSide1'
  1143. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSideCum1'
  1144. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  1145. end &! --- sluthomeTanga ---
  1146. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeAnalDog1':
  1147. if boyAsexa = 0: boyAsexa = 1
  1148. hantsexa = rand(1,10)
  1149. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeanaldog1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1150. '<<$boydesc>> bends you over the couch and begins pound your ass...'
  1151. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  1152. '<<$textsexhanter4>>'
  1153. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
  1154. gs 'stat'
  1155. dirty_dickA += 1
  1156. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDog2'
  1157. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDogCum2'
  1158. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCow1'
  1159. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCowCum1'
  1160. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCow2'
  1161. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCowCum2'
  1162. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSide1'
  1163. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSideCum1'
  1164. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSide2'
  1165. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 10:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSideCum2'
  1166. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  1167. end &! --- sluthomeAnalDog1 ---
  1168. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeAnalDogCum1':
  1169. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  1170. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeanaldogcum1.jpg"></center>'
  1171. 'You feel his pace quicken and your are sure he is about to cum.'
  1172. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  1173. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  1174. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
  1175. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1176. gs 'stat'
  1177. act 'Further':gt'swamphouse'
  1178. end &! --- sluthomeAnalDogCum1 ---
  1179. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeAnalDog2':
  1180. if boyAsexa = 0: boyAsexa = 1
  1181. hantsexa = rand(1,5)
  1182. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeanaldog2.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1183. 'You bend over the couch as position yourself so <<$boydesc>> could go into your ass deeper...'
  1184. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  1185. '<<$textsexhanter4>>'
  1186. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
  1187. gs 'stat'
  1188. dirty_dickA += 1
  1189. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeORAL4'
  1190. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCow1'
  1191. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCowCum1'
  1192. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSide1'
  1193. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSideCum1'
  1194. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  1195. end &! --- sluthomeAnalDog2 ---
  1196. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeAnalDogCum2':
  1197. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  1198. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeanaldogcum2.jpg"></center>'
  1199. 'You feel his pace quicken and your are sure he is about to cum.'
  1200. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  1201. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  1202. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  1203. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1204. gs 'stat'
  1205. act 'Further': gt'swamphouse'
  1206. end &! --- sluthomeAnalDogCum2 ---
  1207. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeAnalCow1':
  1208. if boyAsexa = 0: boyAsexa = 1
  1209. hantsexa = rand(1,10)
  1210. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeanalcow1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1211. '<<$boydesc>> he lies on his back, you climb on top of him...'
  1212. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  1213. '<<$textsexhanter4>>'
  1214. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
  1215. gs 'stat'
  1216. dirty_dickA += 1
  1217. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDog1'
  1218. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDogCum1'
  1219. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDog2'
  1220. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDogCum2'
  1221. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCow2'
  1222. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCowCum2'
  1223. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSide1'
  1224. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSideCum1'
  1225. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSide2'
  1226. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 10:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSideCum2'
  1227. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  1228. end &! --- sluthomeAnalCow1 ---
  1229. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeAnalCowCum1':
  1230. minut += 5
  1231. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  1232. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeanalcowcum1.jpg"></center>'
  1233. 'You feel his pace quicken and your are sure he is about to cum.'
  1234. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  1235. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  1236. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  1237. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1238. gs 'stat'
  1239. act 'Further':gt'swamphouse'
  1240. end &! --- sluthomeAnalCowCum1 ---
  1241. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeAnalCow2':
  1242. if boyAsexa = 0: boyAsexa = 1
  1243. hantsexa = rand(1,3)
  1244. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeanalcow2.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1245. '<<$boydesc>> he lies on his back, you climb on top of him...'
  1246. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  1247. '<<$textsexhanter4>>'
  1248. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
  1249. gs 'stat'
  1250. dirty_dickA += 1
  1251. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeORAL4'
  1252. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSide1'
  1253. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSideCum1'
  1254. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  1255. end &! --- sluthomeAnalCow2 ---
  1256. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeAnalCowCum2':
  1257. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  1258. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeanalcowcum2.jpg"></center>'
  1259. 'You feel his pace quicken and your are sure he is about to cum.'
  1260. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  1261. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  1262. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  1263. gs 'stat'
  1264. act 'Further':gt'swamphouse'
  1265. end &! --- sluthomeAnalCowCum2 ---
  1266. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeAnalSide1':
  1267. pose = 0
  1268. if boyAsexa = 0: boyAsexa = 1
  1269. dirty_dickA += 1
  1270. hantsexa = rand(1,10)
  1271. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeanalside1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1272. '<<$boydesc>> puts you on the side, and begins to penetrate your ass.'
  1273. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  1274. '<<$textsexhanter4>>'
  1275. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
  1276. gs 'stat'
  1277. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDog1'
  1278. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDogCum1'
  1279. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDog2'
  1280. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4:act 'Doggy':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalDogCum2'
  1281. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCow1'
  1282. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCowCum1'
  1283. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCow2'
  1284. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalCowCum2'
  1285. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSide2'
  1286. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 10:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeAnalSideCum2'
  1287. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  1288. end &! --- sluthomeAnalSide1 ---
  1289. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeAnalSideCum1':
  1290. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  1291. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeanalsidecum1.jpg"></center>'
  1292. 'You feel his pace quicken and your are sure he is about to cum.'
  1293. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  1294. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  1295. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  1296. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1297. gs 'stat'
  1298. act 'Further':gt'swamphouse'
  1299. end &! --- sluthomeAnalSideCum1 ---
  1300. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeAnalSide2':
  1301. pose = 0
  1302. if boyAsexa = 0:boyAsexa = 1
  1303. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  1304. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeanalside2.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1305. '<<$boydesc>> puts you on the side, and begins to penetrate your ass.'
  1306. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  1307. '<<$textsexhanter4>>'
  1308. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
  1309. gs 'stat'
  1310. dirty_dickA += 1
  1311. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeORAL4'
  1312. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Kneel':gt 'hantersex', 'sluthomeOralCum4'
  1313. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hanters', 'hantersgroupfaint'
  1314. end &! --- sluthomeAnalSide2 ---
  1315. if $ARGS[0] = 'sluthomeAnalSideCum2':
  1316. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  1317. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/hunter/sluthomeanalsidecum2.jpg"></center>'
  1318. 'You feel his pace quicken and your are sure he is about to cum.'
  1319. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  1320. '<<$textsexhanter3>>'
  1321. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  1322. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1323. gs 'stat'
  1324. act 'Further':gt'swamphouse'
  1325. end &! --- sluthomeAnalSideCum2 ---
  1326. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrOasi':
  1327. minut += 5
  1328. pose = 0
  1329. pcs_horny += rand(10,20)
  1330. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/dancesexoasi1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1331. 'You began to suck all the guys around you, alternating between each member.'
  1332. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1333. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat', 'gangbang'
  1334. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1335. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat', 'gangbang'
  1336. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1337. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat', 'gangbang'
  1338. *pl
  1339. gs 'stat'
  1340. hantsexa = rand(1,10)
  1341. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1342. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrOasi'
  1343. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOsi'
  1344. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOsi'
  1345. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaO'
  1346. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOi'
  1347. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOai'
  1348. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsO'
  1349. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOai'
  1350. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi'
  1351. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViOas'
  1352. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViO'
  1353. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOia'
  1354. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi1'
  1355. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOis'
  1356. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVO'
  1357. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOs'
  1358. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOsi'
  1359. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOs'
  1360. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAiOs'
  1361. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAOs'
  1362. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiOsa'
  1363. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiO'
  1364. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAOsa'
  1365. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO3'
  1366. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1367. end &! --- hantersgrOasi ---
  1368. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrVaOsi':
  1369. pose = 0
  1370. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvaosi1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1371. 'The guys put you on the bed, Andrei gets down between your legs, while Igor and Sergei put their members in front of your face...'
  1372. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1373. gs 'oral','start'
  1374. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1375. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1376. gs 'oral','start'
  1377. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1378. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1379. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  1380. *pl
  1381. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1382. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1383. minut -= 5
  1384. gs 'stat'
  1385. hantsexa = rand(2,10)
  1386. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1387. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrOasi'
  1388. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOsi'
  1389. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOsi'
  1390. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaO'
  1391. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOi'
  1392. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOai'
  1393. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsO'
  1394. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOai'
  1395. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi'
  1396. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViOas'
  1397. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViO'
  1398. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOia'
  1399. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi1'
  1400. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOis'
  1401. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVO'
  1402. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOs'
  1403. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOsi'
  1404. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOs'
  1405. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAiOs'
  1406. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAOs'
  1407. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiOsa'
  1408. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiO'
  1409. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAOsa'
  1410. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO3'
  1411. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1412. end &! --- hantersgrVaOsi ---
  1413. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrVOsi':
  1414. pose = 0
  1415. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvosi.jpg"></center>'
  1416. 'Andrei roughly fucks you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming inside you...'
  1417. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1418. gs 'oral','start'
  1419. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1420. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1421. gs 'oral','start'
  1422. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1423. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1424. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  1425. gs 'dinsex', 'boy_puts_condom'
  1426. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1427. gs 'dinsex','sexcum'
  1428. 'Andrei gets up and walks away.'
  1429. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1430. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1431. minut -= 5
  1432. gs 'stat'
  1433. hantsexa = rand(1,3)
  1434. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1435. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VsO'
  1436. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AiOs'
  1437. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AiO'
  1438. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AOs'
  1439. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AOi'
  1440. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AsO'
  1441. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1442. end &! --- hantersgrVOsi ---
  1443. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrVaO':
  1444. pose = 0
  1445. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvao.jpg"></center>'
  1446. 'Sergei and Igor enjoy being sucked by you for a while before deciding they have better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  1447. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1448. gs 'oral','start'
  1449. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1450. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1451. gs 'oral','start'
  1452. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1453. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1454. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  1455. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1456. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1457. swallow += 1
  1458. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1459. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1460. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1461. swallow += 1
  1462. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1463. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1464. 'Sergei and Igor get up and walk away.'
  1465. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1466. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1467. minut -= 5
  1468. gs 'stat'
  1469. hantsexa = rand(1,3)
  1470. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1Va'
  1471. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO1'
  1472. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1Aa'
  1473. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1474. end &! --- hantersgrVaO ---
  1475. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrVaOi':
  1476. pose = 0
  1477. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvaoi.jpg"></center>'
  1478. 'Sergei enjoys being sucked by you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  1479. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1480. gs 'oral','start'
  1481. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1482. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1483. gs 'oral','start'
  1484. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1485. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1486. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  1487. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1488. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1489. swallow += 1
  1490. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1491. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1492. 'Sergei gets up and walks away.'
  1493. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1494. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1495. minut -= 5
  1496. gs 'stat'
  1497. hantsexa = rand(1,3)
  1498. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1499. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaOi'
  1500. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VO'
  1501. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VOi'
  1502. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2ViOa'
  1503. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2ViO'
  1504. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO2'
  1505. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1506. end &! --- hantersgrVaOi ---
  1507. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrVsOai':
  1508. pose = 0
  1509. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvsoai1.'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1510. 'The guys put you on the bed, Sergei gets down between your legs, while Igor and Andrei put their members in front of your face...'
  1511. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1512. gs 'oral','start'
  1513. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1514. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1515. gs 'oral','start'
  1516. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1517. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1518. if boyBsex = 0: boyBsex = 1
  1519. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1520. *pl
  1521. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1522. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1523. minut -= 5
  1524. gs 'stat'
  1525. hantsexa = rand(2,10)
  1526. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1527. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrOasi'
  1528. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOsi'
  1529. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOsi'
  1530. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaO'
  1531. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOi'
  1532. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOai'
  1533. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsO'
  1534. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOai'
  1535. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi'
  1536. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViOas'
  1537. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViO'
  1538. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOia'
  1539. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi1'
  1540. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOis'
  1541. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVO'
  1542. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOs'
  1543. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOsi'
  1544. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOs'
  1545. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAiOs'
  1546. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAOs'
  1547. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiOsa'
  1548. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiO'
  1549. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAOsa'
  1550. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO3'
  1551. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1552. end &! --- hantersgrVsOai ---
  1553. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrVOai':
  1554. pose = 0
  1555. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvoai.jpg"></center>'
  1556. 'Sergei roughly fucks you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming inside you...'
  1557. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1558. gs 'oral','start'
  1559. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1560. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1561. gs 'oral','start'
  1562. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1563. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1564. if boyBsex = 0: boyBsex = 1
  1565. gs 'dinsex', 'boy_puts_condom'
  1566. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1567. gs 'dinsex','sexcum'
  1568. 'Sergei gets up and walks away.'
  1569. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1570. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1571. minut -= 5
  1572. gs 'stat'
  1573. hantsexa = rand(1,3)
  1574. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1575. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaOi'
  1576. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VO'
  1577. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VOi'
  1578. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Be on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2ViOa'
  1579. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Be on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2ViO'
  1580. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO2'
  1581. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'To lose consciousness':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1582. end &! --- hantersgrVOai ---
  1583. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrVsOi':
  1584. pose = 0
  1585. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvsoi.jpg"></center>'
  1586. 'Andrei enjoys being sucked by you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  1587. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1588. gs 'oral','start'
  1589. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1590. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1591. gs 'oral','start'
  1592. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1593. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1594. if boyBsex = 0: boyBsex = 1
  1595. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1596. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1597. swallow += 1
  1598. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1599. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1600. 'Andrei gets up and walks away.'
  1601. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1602. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1603. minut -= 5
  1604. gs 'stat'
  1605. hantsexa = rand(1,3)
  1606. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1607. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VsO'
  1608. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AiOs'
  1609. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AiO'
  1610. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AOs'
  1611. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AOi'
  1612. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AsO'
  1613. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1614. end &! --- hantersgrVsOi ---
  1615. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrVsO':
  1616. pose = 0
  1617. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvso.jpg"></center>'
  1618. 'Sergei and Igor enjoy being sucked by you for a while before deciding they have better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  1619. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1620. gs 'oral','start'
  1621. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1622. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1623. gs 'oral','start'
  1624. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1625. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1626. if boyBsex = 0: boyBsex = 1
  1627. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1628. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1629. swallow += 1
  1630. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1631. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1632. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1633. swallow += 1
  1634. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1635. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1636. 'Sergei and Igor had finished and walked away.'
  1637. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1638. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1639. minut -= 5
  1640. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1641. gs 'stat'
  1642. if pcs_sleep >= 10:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1As'
  1643. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'To lose consciousness':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1644. end &! --- hantersgrVsO ---
  1645. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrViOas':
  1646. pose = 1
  1647. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvioas1.'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1648. 'You get down on all fours. Igor begins to penetrate you from behind, while Sergei and Andrei put their members in front of your face...'
  1649. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1650. gs 'oral','start'
  1651. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1652. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1653. gs 'oral','start'
  1654. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1655. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1656. if boyCsex = 0: boyCsex = 1
  1657. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1658. *pl
  1659. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1660. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1661. minut -= 5
  1662. gs 'stat'
  1663. hantsexa = rand(2,10)
  1664. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1665. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrOasi'
  1666. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOsi'
  1667. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOsi'
  1668. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaO'
  1669. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOi'
  1670. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOai'
  1671. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsO'
  1672. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOai'
  1673. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi'
  1674. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViOas'
  1675. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViO'
  1676. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOia'
  1677. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi1'
  1678. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOis'
  1679. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVO'
  1680. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOs'
  1681. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOsi'
  1682. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOs'
  1683. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAiOs'
  1684. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAOs'
  1685. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiOsa'
  1686. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiO'
  1687. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAOsa'
  1688. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO3'
  1689. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1690. end &! --- hantersgrViOas ---
  1691. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrViO':
  1692. pose = 1
  1693. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvio.jpg"></center>'
  1694. 'Sergei and Andrei enjoy being sucked by you for a while before deciding they have better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  1695. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1696. gs 'oral','start'
  1697. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1698. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1699. gs 'oral','start'
  1700. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1701. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1702. if boyCsex = 0: boyCsex = 1
  1703. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1704. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1705. swallow += 1
  1706. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1707. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1708. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1709. swallow += 1
  1710. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1711. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1712. 'Andrei and Sergei get up and walk away.'
  1713. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1714. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1715. minut -= 5
  1716. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1717. gs 'stat'
  1718. if pcs_sleep >= 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1Ai'
  1719. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1720. end &! --- hantersgrViO ---
  1721. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrVsOia':
  1722. pose = 1
  1723. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvsoia1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1724. 'Sergei sat down on the bed, and pulled you on top of him, while Igor and Andrei put their dicks in front of your face...'
  1725. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1726. gs 'oral','start'
  1727. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1728. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1729. gs 'oral','start'
  1730. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1731. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1732. if boyBsex = 0: boyBsex = 1
  1733. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1734. *pl
  1735. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1736. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1737. minut -= 5
  1738. gs 'stat'
  1739. hantsexa = rand(2,10)
  1740. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1741. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrOasi'
  1742. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOsi'
  1743. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOsi'
  1744. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaO'
  1745. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOi'
  1746. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOai'
  1747. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsO'
  1748. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOai'
  1749. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi'
  1750. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViOas'
  1751. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViO'
  1752. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOia'
  1753. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi1'
  1754. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOis'
  1755. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVO'
  1756. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOs'
  1757. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOsi'
  1758. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOs'
  1759. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAiOs'
  1760. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAOs'
  1761. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiOsa'
  1762. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiO'
  1763. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAOsa'
  1764. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO3'
  1765. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1766. end &! --- hantersgrVsOia ---
  1767. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrVsOi1':
  1768. pose = 1
  1769. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvsoi1.1.jpg"></center>'
  1770. 'Andrei enjoys being sucked by you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  1771. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1772. gs 'oral','start'
  1773. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1774. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1775. gs 'oral','start'
  1776. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1777. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1778. if boyBsex = 0: boyBsex = 1
  1779. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1780. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1781. swallow += 1
  1782. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1783. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1784. 'Andrey gets up and walks away.'
  1785. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1786. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1787. minut -= 5
  1788. gs 'stat'
  1789. hantsexa = rand(1,3)
  1790. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1791. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VsO'
  1792. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AiOs'
  1793. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AiO'
  1794. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AOs'
  1795. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AOi'
  1796. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AsO'
  1797. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1798. end &! --- hantersgrVsOi1 ---
  1799. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrVaOis':
  1800. pose = 1
  1801. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvaois1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1802. 'Andrei sat down on the bed, and pulled you on top of him, while Igor and Sergei put their dicks in front of your face...'
  1803. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1804. gs 'oral','start'
  1805. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1806. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1807. gs 'oral','start'
  1808. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1809. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1810. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  1811. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1812. *pl
  1813. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1814. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1815. minut -= 5
  1816. gs 'stat'
  1817. hantsexa = rand(2,10)
  1818. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1819. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrOasi'
  1820. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOsi'
  1821. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOsi'
  1822. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaO'
  1823. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOi'
  1824. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOai'
  1825. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsO'
  1826. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOai'
  1827. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi'
  1828. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViOas'
  1829. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViO'
  1830. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOia'
  1831. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi1'
  1832. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOis'
  1833. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVO'
  1834. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOs'
  1835. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOsi'
  1836. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOs'
  1837. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAiOs'
  1838. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAOs'
  1839. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiOsa'
  1840. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiO'
  1841. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAOsa'
  1842. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO3'
  1843. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1844. end &! --- hantersgrVaOis ---
  1845. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrVaOs':
  1846. pose = 1
  1847. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvaos.jpg"></center>'
  1848. 'Igor enjoys being sucked by you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  1849. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1850. gs 'oral','start'
  1851. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1852. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1853. gs 'oral','start'
  1854. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1855. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1856. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  1857. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1858. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1859. swallow += 1
  1860. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1861. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1862. 'Igor gets up and walks away.'
  1863. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1864. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1865. minut -= 5
  1866. gs 'stat'
  1867. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  1868. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1869. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaOs'
  1870. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaO'
  1871. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2DPVaAs'
  1872. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2DPVaA'
  1873. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'To lose consciousness':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1874. end &! --- hantersgrVaOs ---
  1875. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrVO':
  1876. pose = 1
  1877. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrvo.jpg"></center>'
  1878. 'You begin to cum after the marathon of sex you have engaged in.'
  1879. 'Seeing you cum the guys around you quickly do as well.'
  1880. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1881. gs 'oral','start'
  1882. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1883. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1884. gs 'oral','start'
  1885. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1886. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1887. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  1888. gs 'dinsex', 'boy_puts_condom'
  1889. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1890. gs 'dinsex','sexcum'
  1891. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1892. swallow += 1
  1893. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1894. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1895. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1896. swallow += 1
  1897. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  1898. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1899. 'Everyone is exhausted and immediately fell asleep.'
  1900. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1901. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1902. minut -= 5
  1903. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1904. gs 'stat'
  1905. act 'Pass out': gt 'hantersex', 'hantersGrEnd'
  1906. end &! --- hantersgrVO ---
  1907. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrV2aOsi':
  1908. pose = 1
  1909. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrv2aosi1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1910. 'Andrei put you on your side and began to get down between your legs, while Igor and Sergei stood in front of your face with their dicks waiting...'
  1911. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1912. gs 'oral','start'
  1913. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1914. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1915. gs 'oral','start'
  1916. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1917. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1918. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  1919. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1920. *pl
  1921. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1922. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1923. minut -= 5
  1924. gs 'stat'
  1925. hantsexa = rand(2,10)
  1926. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1927. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrOasi'
  1928. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOsi'
  1929. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOsi'
  1930. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaO'
  1931. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOi'
  1932. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOai'
  1933. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsO'
  1934. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOai'
  1935. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi'
  1936. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViOas'
  1937. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViO'
  1938. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOia'
  1939. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi1'
  1940. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOis'
  1941. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVO'
  1942. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOs'
  1943. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOsi'
  1944. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOs'
  1945. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAiOs'
  1946. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAOs'
  1947. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiOsa'
  1948. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiO'
  1949. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAOsa'
  1950. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO3'
  1951. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1952. end &! --- hantersgrV2aOsi ---
  1953. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrV2aOs':
  1954. pose = 1
  1955. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrv2aos.jpg"></center>'
  1956. 'Igor enjoys being sucked by you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  1957. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1958. gs 'oral','start'
  1959. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1960. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1961. gs 'oral','start'
  1962. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1963. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  1964. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  1965. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  1966. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  1967. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  1968. 'Igor gets up and walks away.'
  1969. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  1970. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  1971. minut -= 5
  1972. gs 'stat'
  1973. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  1974. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  1975. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaOs'
  1976. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaO'
  1977. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2DPVaAs'
  1978. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2DPVaA'
  1979. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'To lose consciousness':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  1980. end &! --- hantersgrV2aOs ---
  1981. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrDPVaAiOs':
  1982. pose = 1
  1983. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrdpvaaios1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  1984. 'Andrei lays down on the couch and pulls you on top of him, Igor straddles you and lines up to penetrate your second hole, while Sergei expects you to suck his dick too...'
  1985. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  1986. gs 'oral','start'
  1987. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  1988. gs 'boyStat', 'A172','a'
  1989. gs 'boyStat', 'A173','b'
  1990. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  1991. if boyCsexa = 0: boyCsexa = 1
  1992. dirty_dickC += 1
  1993. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal',$boydesc2,'lubri'
  1994. gs 'arousal','bj',10,'gangbang','deepthroat'
  1995. gs 'dinsex2','doublepenetration',10,'sub','gangbang'
  1996. minut -=10
  1997. *pl
  1998. gs 'stat'
  1999. hantsexa = rand(2,10)
  2000. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  2001. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrOasi'
  2002. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOsi'
  2003. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOsi'
  2004. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaO'
  2005. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOi'
  2006. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOai'
  2007. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsO'
  2008. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOai'
  2009. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi'
  2010. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViOas'
  2011. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViO'
  2012. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOia'
  2013. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi1'
  2014. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOis'
  2015. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVO'
  2016. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOs'
  2017. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOsi'
  2018. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOs'
  2019. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAiOs'
  2020. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAOs'
  2021. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiOsa'
  2022. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiO'
  2023. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAOsa'
  2024. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO3'
  2025. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2026. end &! --- hantersgrDPVaAiOs ---
  2027. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrDPVaAOs':
  2028. pose = 1
  2029. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgrdpvaaos.jpg"></center>'
  2030. 'After a while <<$boydesc2>> moaned and you felt like your ass fills with heat. He gets up and walks away.'
  2031. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2032. gs 'oral','start'
  2033. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2034. gs 'boyStat', 'A172', 'a'
  2035. gs 'boyStat', 'A173', 'b'
  2036. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  2037. if boyCsexa = 0: boyCsexa = 1
  2038. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal',$boydesc2,'lubri'
  2039. gs 'arousal','bj',10,'gangbang','deepthroat'
  2040. gs 'dinsex2','doublepenetration',10,'sub','gangbang'
  2041. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
  2042. gs 'stat'
  2043. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  2044. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  2045. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaOs'
  2046. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaO'
  2047. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2DPVaAs'
  2048. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2DPVaA'
  2049. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2050. end &! --- hantersgrDPVaAOs ---
  2051. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrAiOsa':
  2052. minut += 5
  2053. pose = 0
  2054. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgraiosa.jpg"></center>'
  2055. 'The guys put you on your back, Igor spreads your legs and puts the tip of his dick against your ass, while Andrei and Sergei over you and put their members in front of your face...'
  2056. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2057. gs 'oral','start'
  2058. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2059. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2060. gs 'oral','start'
  2061. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2062. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2063. if boyCsexa = 0: boyCsexa = 1
  2064. dirty_dickC += 1
  2065. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  2066. *pl
  2067. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2068. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2069. minut -= 5
  2070. gs 'stat'
  2071. hantsexa = rand(2,10)
  2072. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  2073. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Suck on':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrOasi'
  2074. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOsi'
  2075. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOsi'
  2076. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaO'
  2077. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOi'
  2078. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOai'
  2079. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsO'
  2080. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb < 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVOai'
  2081. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb = 4:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi'
  2082. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViOas'
  2083. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 4 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrViO'
  2084. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOia'
  2085. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVsOi1'
  2086. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 5 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOis'
  2087. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVO'
  2088. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 6 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrVaOs'
  2089. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOsi'
  2090. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 7 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrV2aOs'
  2091. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAiOs'
  2092. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 8 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrDPVaAOs'
  2093. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiOsa'
  2094. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAiO'
  2095. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 9 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrAOsa'
  2096. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO3'
  2097. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2098. end &! --- hantersgrAiOsa ---
  2099. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrAiO':
  2100. pose = 0
  2101. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgraio.jpg"></center>'
  2102. 'Andrei and Sergei enjoy being sucked by you for a while before deciding they have better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  2103. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2104. gs 'oral','start'
  2105. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2106. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2107. gs 'oral','start'
  2108. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2109. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2110. if boyCsexa = 0: boyCsexa = 1
  2111. dirty_dickC += 1
  2112. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  2113. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2114. swallow += 1
  2115. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  2116. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  2117. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2118. swallow += 1
  2119. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  2120. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  2121. 'Andrei and Sergei get up and walk away.'
  2122. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2123. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2124. minut -= 5
  2125. gs 'stat'
  2126. if pcs_sleep >= 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1Ai'
  2127. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2128. end &! --- hantersgrAiO ---
  2129. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrO3':
  2130. minut += 1
  2131. pose = 0
  2132. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgro3.'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
  2133. 'The guys drag you to your kness and surround you. They began to masturbate in front of your face, sometimes inserting their member into your mouth, and you get ready for the cum about to cover you...'
  2134. act 'Wait patiently':
  2135. *clr & cla
  2136. minut += 1
  2137. pose = 0
  2138. gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy, 1
  2139. gs 'cum_call', 'stomach', $boy, 1
  2140. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  2141. swallow += 1
  2142. gs 'stat'
  2143. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgro3cum1.'+rand(1,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
  2144. 'Finally all the guys start to cum. Jets of sperm cover your face, hit you in the mouth and drip all over your body too...'
  2145. if hantersexnude = 0:act 'Pass out': gt 'hantersex', 'hantersGrEnd'
  2146. if hantersexnude = 1:act 'Further': hantersexnude = 0 & gt'swamphouse'
  2147. end
  2148. end &! --- hantersgrO3 ---
  2149. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrAOsa':
  2150. pose = 0
  2151. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgraosa.jpg"></center>'
  2152. 'Igor roughly fucks you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming inside you...'
  2153. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2154. gs 'oral','start'
  2155. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2156. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2157. gs 'oral','start'
  2158. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2159. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2160. if boyCsexa = 0: boyCsexa = 1
  2161. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  2162. lubonus += 2
  2163. 'Igor gets up and walks away.'
  2164. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  2165. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2166. minut -= 5
  2167. gs 'stat'
  2168. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  2169. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  2170. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaOs'
  2171. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaO'
  2172. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2DPVaAs'
  2173. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2DPVaA'
  2174. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2175. end &! --- hantersgrAOsa ---
  2176. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2VaOi':
  2177. pose = 0
  2178. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2vaoi.jpg"></center>'
  2179. 'The guys put you on your back, Andrei spreads your legs and puts the tip of his dick against your pussy, while Igor puts his member in front of your face...'
  2180. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2181. gs 'oral','start'
  2182. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2183. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2184. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  2185. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  2186. *pl
  2187. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2188. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2189. minut -= 5
  2190. gs 'stat'
  2191. hantsexa = rand(1,3)
  2192. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  2193. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaOi'
  2194. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VO'
  2195. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VOi'
  2196. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2ViOa'
  2197. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2ViO'
  2198. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO2'
  2199. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2200. end &! --- hantersgr2VaOi ---
  2201. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2VOi':
  2202. pose = 0
  2203. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2voi.jpg"></center>'
  2204. 'Andrei roughly fucks you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming inside you...'
  2205. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2206. gs 'oral','start'
  2207. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2208. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2209. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  2210. gs 'dinsex', 'boy_puts_condom'
  2211. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  2212. gs 'dinsex','sexcum'
  2213. 'Andrei gets up and walks away.'
  2214. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2215. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2216. minut -= 5
  2217. gs 'stat'
  2218. if pcs_sleep >= 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1Ai'
  2219. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2220. end &! --- hantersgr2VOi ---
  2221. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2VO':
  2222. pose = 0
  2223. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2vo.jpg"></center>'
  2224. 'The guys climax at the same time and cover you in their cum.'
  2225. 'They get you to clean their dicks off before walking away and leaving you alone.'
  2226. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2227. gs 'oral','start'
  2228. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2229. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2230. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  2231. gs 'dinsex', 'boy_puts_condom'
  2232. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  2233. gs 'dinsex','sexcum'
  2234. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2235. swallow += 1
  2236. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  2237. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  2238. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2239. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2240. minut -= 5
  2241. gs 'stat'
  2242. act 'Pass out': gt 'hantersex', 'hantersGrEnd'
  2243. end &! --- hantersgr2VO ---
  2244. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2ViOa':
  2245. pose = 1
  2246. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2vioa1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  2247. 'The guys put you all fours, Igor spreads your legs and puts the tip of his dick against your pussy, while Andrei puts his member in front of your face...'
  2248. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2249. gs 'oral','start'
  2250. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2251. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2252. if boyCsex = 0: boyCsex = 1
  2253. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  2254. *pl
  2255. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2256. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2257. minut -= 5
  2258. gs 'stat'
  2259. hantsexa = rand(1,3)
  2260. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  2261. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaOi'
  2262. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VO'
  2263. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VOi'
  2264. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2ViOa'
  2265. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Get on all fours':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2ViO'
  2266. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO2'
  2267. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2268. end &! --- hantersgr2ViOa ---
  2269. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2ViO':
  2270. pose = 1
  2271. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2vio.jpg"></center>'
  2272. 'Andrei enjoys being sucked by you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  2273. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2274. gs 'oral','start'
  2275. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickA > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2276. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2277. if boyCsex = 0: boyCsex = 1
  2278. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  2279. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2280. swallow += 1
  2281. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  2282. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  2283. 'Andrei gets up and walks away.'
  2284. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2285. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2286. minut -= 5
  2287. gs 'stat'
  2288. if pcs_sleep >= 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1Ai'
  2289. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2290. end &! --- hantersgr2ViO ---
  2291. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2VsO':
  2292. pose = 1
  2293. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2vso.jpg"></center>'
  2294. 'Igor enjoys being sucked by you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  2295. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2296. gs 'oral','start'
  2297. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2298. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2299. if boyBsex = 0: boyBsex = 1
  2300. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  2301. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2302. swallow += 1
  2303. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  2304. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  2305. 'Igor gets up and walks away, but you continue with Sergei.'
  2306. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2307. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2308. minut -= 5
  2309. gs 'stat'
  2310. if pcs_sleep >= 10:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1As'
  2311. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2312. end &! --- hantersgr2VsO ---
  2313. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2VaOs':
  2314. pose = 1
  2315. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2vaos.jpg"></center>'
  2316. 'Andrei put you on your side and began penetrate you from behind, while Sergei put his dick in your face...'
  2317. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2318. gs 'oral','start'
  2319. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2320. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2321. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  2322. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  2323. *pl
  2324. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2325. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2326. minut -= 5
  2327. gs 'stat'
  2328. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  2329. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  2330. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaOs'
  2331. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaO'
  2332. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2DPVaAs'
  2333. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2DPVaA'
  2334. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2335. end &! --- hantersgr2VaOs ---
  2336. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2VaO':
  2337. pose = 1
  2338. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2vao.jpg"></center>'
  2339. 'Sergei enjoys being sucked by you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  2340. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2341. gs 'oral','start'
  2342. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2343. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2344. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  2345. gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',10
  2346. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2347. swallow += 1
  2348. gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy, 1
  2349. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  2350. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  2351. 'Sergei gets up and walks away, but you continue with Andrei.'
  2352. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2353. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2354. minut -= 5
  2355. gs 'stat'
  2356. hantsexa = rand(1,3)
  2357. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1Va'
  2358. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO1'
  2359. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1Aa'
  2360. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2361. end &! --- hantersgr2VaO ---
  2362. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2AiOs':
  2363. pose = 0
  2364. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2aios.jpg"></center>'
  2365. 'The guys put you on your back, with Igor in between your legs, and Sergei with his dick in front of your face...'
  2366. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2367. gs 'oral','start'
  2368. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2369. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2370. if boyCsexa = 0: boyCsexa = 1
  2371. dirty_dickC += 1
  2372. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  2373. *pl
  2374. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2375. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2376. minut -= 5
  2377. gs 'stat'
  2378. hantsexa = rand(1,3)
  2379. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  2380. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VsO'
  2381. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AiOs'
  2382. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb = 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AiO'
  2383. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb < 5:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AOs'
  2384. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AOi'
  2385. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2AsO'
  2386. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2387. end &! --- hantersgr2AiOs ---
  2388. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2AOs':
  2389. pose = 0
  2390. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2aos.jpg"></center>'
  2391. 'Igor roughly fucks you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming inside you...'
  2392. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2393. gs 'oral','start'
  2394. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2395. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2396. if boyCsexa = 0: boyCsexa = 1
  2397. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  2398. 'Igor had finished and passed out, you are left with Sergei.'
  2399. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  2400. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2401. minut -= 5
  2402. gs 'stat'
  2403. if pcs_sleep >= 10:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1As'
  2404. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2405. end &! --- hantersgr2AOs ---
  2406. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2AiO':
  2407. pose = 0
  2408. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2aio.jpg"></center>'
  2409. 'Sergei enjoys being sucked by you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  2410. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2411. gs 'oral','start'
  2412. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickB > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2413. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2414. if boyCsexa = 0: boyCsexa = 1
  2415. dirty_dickC += 1
  2416. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  2417. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2418. swallow += 1
  2419. gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy, 1
  2420. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  2421. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  2422. 'Sergei gets up and walks away, but you continue with Igor.'
  2423. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2424. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2425. minut -= 5
  2426. gs 'stat'
  2427. if pcs_sleep >= 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1Ai'
  2428. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2429. end &! --- hantersgr2AiO ---
  2430. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2AOi':
  2431. pose = 1
  2432. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2aoi.jpg"></center>'
  2433. 'Sergei enjoys being sucked by you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  2434. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2435. gs 'oral','start'
  2436. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2437. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2438. if boyBsexa = 0: boyBsexa = 1
  2439. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  2440. 'Sergei gets up and walks away, but you continue with Andrei and Igor.'
  2441. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group', 'rough'
  2442. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2443. minut -= 5
  2444. gs 'stat'
  2445. if pcs_sleep >= 10:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1Ai'
  2446. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2447. end &! --- hantersgr2AOi ---
  2448. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2AsO':
  2449. pose = 1
  2450. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2aso.jpg"></center>'
  2451. 'Igor enjoys being sucked by you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming all over you...'
  2452. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2453. gs 'oral','start'
  2454. if klismaday ! daystart and dirty_dickC > 0:'<<$textsexhanter>>' & pcs_mood -= 5 & pcs_horny -= 20
  2455. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2456. if boyBsexa = 0: boyBsexa = 1
  2457. dirty_dickB += 1
  2458. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal','lubri' & gs 'dinsex','analsex'
  2459. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2460. swallow += 1
  2461. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  2462. gs 'dinsex', 'dinrandswallow'
  2463. 'Igor gets up and walks away, but you continue with Andrei and Sergei.'
  2464. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2465. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'group'
  2466. minut -= 5
  2467. gs 'stat'
  2468. if pcs_sleep >= 10:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1As'
  2469. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2470. end &! --- hantersgr2AsO ---
  2471. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2DPVaAs':
  2472. pose = 1
  2473. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2dpvaas1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
  2474. 'Andrei lay on the couch, and pulled you on top of him, while Sergei immediately began to aim for you second hole...'
  2475. gs 'boyStat', 'A172', 'a'
  2476. gs 'boyStat', 'A174', 'b'
  2477. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  2478. if boyBsexa = 0: boyBsexa = 1
  2479. dirty_dickB += 1
  2480. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal',$boydesc2,'lubri'
  2481. gs 'dinsex2','doublepenetration',10,'sub','gangbang'
  2482. *pl
  2483. gs 'stat'
  2484. hantsexa = rand(1,2)
  2485. hantsexb = rand(1,8)
  2486. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb > 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaOs'
  2487. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1 and hantsexb <= 4:act 'Lie on your side':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2VaO'
  2488. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb > 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2DPVaAs'
  2489. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2 and hantsexb <= 5:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr2DPVaA'
  2490. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2491. end &! --- hantersgr2DPVaAs ---
  2492. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr2DPVaA':
  2493. pose = 1
  2494. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr2dpvaa.jpg"></center>'
  2495. 'Sergei roughly fucks you for a while before deciding he has better things to do and unceremoniously cumming inside you...'
  2496. gs 'boyStat', 'A172','a'
  2497. gs 'boyStat', 'A174','b'
  2498. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  2499. if boyBsexa = 0: boyBsexa = 1
  2500. gs 'dinSex','boy_wants_anal',$boydesc2,'lubri'
  2501. gs 'dinsex2','doublepenetration',10,'sub','gangbang'
  2502. 'After a while <<$boydesc2>> moaned and you felt like your ass fills with heat. He finished and went outside, you stayed with Andrei'
  2503. gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy2, 1
  2504. gs 'stat'
  2505. hantsexa = rand(1,3)
  2506. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 1:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1Va'
  2507. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 2:act 'Lie on your back':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgrO1'
  2508. if pcs_sleep >= 10 and hantsexa = 3:act 'Sit down':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersgr1Aa'
  2509. if pcs_sleep < 10:act 'Pass out':gt 'hantersex', 'hantersexfaint'
  2510. end &! --- hantersgr2DPVaA ---
  2511. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrO2':
  2512. minut += 1
  2513. pose = 0
  2514. gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy, 1
  2515. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
  2516. swallow += 2
  2517. body_write += 1
  2518. gs 'stat'
  2519. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgro2cum1.'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  2520. 'Sergei and Igor put you on your back and begin to cum on you. A jet of sperm hit in your mouth and face and another hit your breasts and stomach. For fun, the guys wrote on your body to commemorate the event...'
  2521. act 'Pass out': gt 'hantersex', 'hantersGrEnd'
  2522. end &! --- hantersgrO2 ---
  2523. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr1Va':
  2524. minut += 5
  2525. pose = 1
  2526. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr1va.jpg"></center>'
  2527. 'Andrei quickened his pace and you feel him cum deep inside of you.'
  2528. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2529. if boyAsex = 0: boyAsex = 1
  2530. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
  2531. gs 'stat'
  2532. 'Andrei gets up and walks away.'
  2533. act 'Pass out': gt 'hantersex', 'hantersGrEnd'
  2534. end &! --- hantersgr1Va ---
  2535. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr1Ai':
  2536. minut += 5
  2537. pose = 0
  2538. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr1ai.jpg"></center>'
  2539. 'Igor quickened his pace and you feel him cum deep inside of you.'
  2540. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  2541. if boyCsexa = 0: boyCsexa = 1
  2542. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  2543. gs 'stat'
  2544. 'Andrei gets up and walks away.'
  2545. act 'Pass out': gt 'hantersex', 'hantersGrEnd'
  2546. end &! --- hantersgr1Ai ---
  2547. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr1Aa':
  2548. minut += 5
  2549. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr1aa.jpg"></center>'
  2550. 'Andrei quickened his pace and you feel him cum deep inside of you.'
  2551. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  2552. if boyAsexa = 0: boyAsexa = 1
  2553. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  2554. gs 'stat'
  2555. 'Andrei gets up and walks away.'
  2556. act 'Pass out': gt 'hantersex', 'hantersGrEnd'
  2557. end &! --- hantersgr1Aa ---
  2558. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgr1As':
  2559. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgr1as.jpg"></center>'
  2560. 'Sergei quickened his pace and you feel him cum deep inside of you.'
  2561. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  2562. npc_sex[$boy] += 1
  2563. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
  2564. gs 'stat'
  2565. 'Sergei gets up and walks away.'
  2566. act 'Pass out': gt 'hantersex', 'hantersGrEnd'
  2567. end &! --- hantersgr1As --
  2568. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersgrO1':
  2569. minut += 1
  2570. gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy, 1,'','',20
  2571. gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1,'','',20
  2572. swallow += 1
  2573. body_write += 1
  2574. gs 'stat'
  2575. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/dance/hantersgro1cum.jpg"></center>'
  2576. 'Andrei put you on your back and then shot his cum all over you. Jets of sperm hit in your mouth, and on your face and hair.'
  2577. act 'Pass out': gt 'hantersex', 'hantersGrEnd'
  2578. end &! --- hantersgrO1 ---
  2579. ! loss of consciousness
  2580. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersexfaint':
  2581. minut += 1
  2582. pcs_horny += rand(5,10)
  2583. gs 'stat'
  2584. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hantersgroupfaint.jpg"></center>'
  2585. 'A sudden unbearable pain blocked your vision, the world spun and you collapsed...'
  2586. if hantersRape = 4 or hantdanceslut = 4:
  2587. act 'Wake up':
  2588. *clr & cla
  2589. minut += 10
  2590. pcs_health += 100
  2591. pcs_mood = 100
  2592. pcs_willpwr +=100
  2593. gs 'stat'
  2594. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hantersgroupfaint1.jpg"></center>'
  2595. 'You woke up to the feeling of water pouring over you...'
  2596. '-Well, <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re still alive, right? - asked Andrei as you came to.'
  2597. 'You weakly shook her head yes.'
  2598. '-Okay. Go to the hut and rest." he said and walked away.'
  2599. act 'Further': gt $loc, $metka
  2600. end
  2601. else
  2602. act 'Wake up':
  2603. *clr & cla
  2604. minut += 10
  2605. pcs_health += 100
  2606. pcs_mood = 100
  2607. pcs_willpwr +=100
  2608. gs 'stat'
  2609. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hantersgroupfaint2.jpg"></center>'
  2610. 'You woke up from a light pat on the cheeks...'
  2611. '-Well, <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re still alive, right? - asked Andrei as you came to.'
  2612. 'You weakly shook her head yes.'
  2613. '-You scared us. You got so fucked up last night. Go to the hut and rest." he said and walked away.'
  2614. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  2615. gs 'stat'
  2616. act 'Further': gt'swamphouse'
  2617. end
  2618. end
  2619. end &! --- hantersexfaint ---
  2620. if $ARGS[0] = 'hantersGrEnd':
  2621. minut += 1
  2622. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/dancesexson.jpg"></center>'
  2623. 'As soon as the guys moved away from you, you instantly passed out from exhaustion...'
  2624. act 'Wake up':
  2625. *clr & cla
  2626. minut += 600
  2627. pcs_sleep += 60
  2628. pcs_health += 50
  2629. pcs_mood += 50
  2630. pcs_willpwr +=50
  2631. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/bigroom/drunk_ev/pohmel1.jpg"></center>'
  2632. 'You don''t know how long you slept for, but you have a terrible headache and you vaguely remembered what happened yesterday.'
  2633. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  2634. gs 'stat'
  2635. act 'Further': gt'SwampHouse'
  2636. end
  2637. end &! --- hantersGrEnd ---
  2638. --- hantersex ---------------------------------