kid.qsrc 8.6 KB

  1. # kid
  2. $breastfeed = {
  3. cla
  4. *clr
  5. gs 'stat'
  6. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$kidname[ks]>> <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  7. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/tits/breast_feed.jpg"></center>'
  8. 'You pick up <<$kidname[ks]>> from <<$kidPosPro[ks]>> crib and cuddle for a moment before exposing your breast.'
  9. if rand(1,10) = 10:
  10. 'You lift <<$kidname[ks]>> to your breast but your <<$sdtext[ks]>> doesn''t latch on.'
  11. mood -= 5
  12. minut += 5
  13. else
  14. minut += 15
  15. breastcounter += 1
  16. milkedvolume = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 2, 15)
  17. if milkedvolume < 800:
  18. 'You lift <<$kidname[ks]>> to your breast and feed your baby <<$polreb[ks]>>. Your baby doesn''t seem to be satisfied with the amount of milk.'
  19. else
  20. 'You lift <<$kidname[ks]>> to your breast and feed your baby <<$polreb[ks]>>. Your baby seems satisfied with the amount of your milk.'
  21. end
  22. end
  23. 'You gently lay <<$kidname[ks]>> back <<$babyloc>>.'
  24. act 'Done':
  25. if pcs_mothername = '':
  26. $pcs_mothername = input("What name do you wish your children to call you by?")
  27. end
  28. gt 'kid', 'start'
  29. end
  30. }
  31. $play = {
  32. cla
  33. *clr
  34. gs 'stat'
  35. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$kidname[ks]>> <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  36. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/baby_play.jpg"></center>'
  37. 'You get down on the floor with your <<$sdtext[ks]>> and begin to make face and noises to your little <<$polreb[ks]>>.'
  38. '<<$kidname[ks]>> giggles in delight and squirms on the floor in response to you.'
  39. 'After a while you get up and straighten your clothes before going on with your day.'
  40. pcs_mood += 20
  41. minut += 20
  42. act 'Done':
  43. gt 'kid', 'start'
  44. end
  45. }
  46. $totplay = {
  47. cla
  48. *clr
  49. gs 'stat'
  50. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$kidname[ks]>> <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  51. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/tot_play.jpg"></center>'
  52. '"<<$pcs_mothername>>! <<$pcs_mothername>>! <<$pcs_mothername>>! <<$pcs_mothername>>!" Yells <<$kidname[ks]>>, "Come play with me!"'
  53. '"Ok <<$kidname[ks]>>!" You reply.'
  54. 'You pull out a bin of blocks and spend a period of time playing and building with your child.'
  55. 'After a short time, <<$kidname[ks]>> pushes over the small tower you have built, snickers and runs off'
  56. 'You get up, straighten up your clothes, laugh, and move on with your day'
  57. pcs_mood += 20
  58. minut += 20
  59. act 'Done':
  60. gt 'kid', 'start'
  61. end
  62. }
  63. $tottv = {
  64. cla
  65. *clr
  66. gs 'stat'
  67. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$kidname[ks]>> <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  68. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/tv/kid_tv.jpg"></center>'
  69. 'You pull <<$kidname[ks]>> up onto the couch with you and cuddle up to watch TV'
  70. 'You watch a cartoon featuring a Rabbit, a Duck, and a Pig that is quite silly'
  71. mood += 10
  72. minut += 60
  73. act 'Done':
  74. gt 'kid', 'start'
  75. end
  76. }
  77. $kidtv = {
  78. cla
  79. *clr
  80. gs 'stat'
  81. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$kidname[ks]>> <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  82. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/tv/kid_tv2.jpg"></center>'
  83. 'You attempt to curl up on the couch with <<$kidname[ks]>>'
  84. '"<<$pcs_mothername>>! I''m trying to watch TV!" <<$kidname[ks]>> says.'
  85. '"Well I am gonna watch with you." You reply, followed by tickling <<$kidname[ks]>> to open up a spot on the couch for you to sit.'
  86. 'You watch a kids TV show about two American teenagers that barely catches your interest.'
  87. minut += 60
  88. act 'Done':
  89. gt 'kid', 'start'
  90. end
  91. }
  92. $homework = {
  93. cla
  94. *clr
  95. if polkid[k] = 0:
  96. $kidPosPronn[ks] = 'her'
  97. else
  98. $kidPosPronn[ks] = 'him'
  99. end
  100. gs 'stat'
  101. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$kidname[ks]>> <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  102. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/kolka/event/homework/homework1.jpg"></center>'
  103. 'You see that <<$kidname[ks]>> is working on a pile of homework. They give kids so much homework now days.'
  104. '"Does my little darling want <<$pcs_mothername>> to help you with some of that?" you ask'
  105. '<<$kidname[ks]>> replies, "<<$pcs_mothername>>?!... <<$pcs_mothername>> stop treating me like a baby... but yes, I would like some help."'
  106. '<br>'
  107. 'You sit down at the table next to <<$kidname[ks]>> and begin to help <<$kidPosPronn[ks]>> with the homework'
  108. if pcs_grades > 50:
  109. 'The homework is completed quickly thanks to the attention you payed in school. An A should be an easy achievement.'
  110. else
  111. 'You really wish you had payed more attention in school. The homework is not overly complex but is still not the easiest thing for you.'
  112. end
  113. homework[ks] = daystart
  114. minut += rand(30,80)
  115. act 'Done':
  116. gt 'kid', 'start'
  117. end
  118. }
  119. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  120. gs 'stat'
  121. if pcs_mothername = '':
  122. $pcs_mothername = input("What name do you wish your children to call you by?")
  123. end
  124. if kid > 0:
  125. k = 0
  126. end
  127. if lactate > 0 and pain['nipples'] > 60:
  128. 'You cannot breast feed right now. Your nipples are too sore.'
  129. end
  130. :loop
  131. if k < kid:
  132. gs 'kid','kidlist'
  133. k += 1
  134. jump 'loop'
  135. end
  136. 'Child Selected: <<$kidname[ks]>>'
  137. if ks > 0:'<a href="exec:ks -= 1& gt ''kid'', ''start'' ">Select Previous Child</a>'
  138. if ks < (kid - 1):'<a href="exec:ks += 1& gt ''kid'', ''start'' ">Select Next Child</a>'
  139. act 'Leave':
  140. cla
  141. killvar 'ks'
  142. gt $loc, $metka
  143. end
  144. end
  145. if $ARGS[0] = 'kidlist':
  146. if kidage[k] < 1:
  147. if (month - monthkid[k]) < 1 and (day-daykid[k]) < 7:
  148. kiddaycalc[k] = day - daykid[k]
  149. if kiddaycalc[k] = 1:
  150. $kidagetext[k] = '<<kiddaycalc[k]>> day old'
  151. else
  152. $kidagetext[k] = '<<kiddaycalc[k]>> days old'
  153. end
  154. elseif (month - monthkid[k]) < 1 :
  155. kiddaycalc[k] = (day - daykid[k]) / 7
  156. if kiddaycalc[k] = 1:
  157. $kidagetext[k] = '<<kiddaycalc[k]>> week old'
  158. else
  159. $kidagetext[k] = '<<kiddaycalc[k]>> weeks old'
  160. end
  161. else
  162. kidmonthcalc[k] = (month - monthkid[k])
  163. if kidmonthcalc[k] = 1:
  164. $kidagetext[k] = '<<kidmonthcalc[k]>> month old'
  165. else
  166. $kidagetext[k] = '<<kidmonthcalc[k]>> months old'
  167. end
  168. end
  169. else
  170. if kidage[k] = 1:
  171. $kidagetext[k] = '<<kidage[k]>> year old'
  172. else
  173. $kidagetext[k] = '<<kidage[k]>> years old'
  174. end
  175. end
  176. if $polreb[k] = 'girl':
  177. $sdtext[k] = 'daughter'
  178. elseif $polreb[k] = 'boy':
  179. $sdtext[k] = 'son'
  180. end
  181. if polkid[k] = 0:
  182. $kidPosPro[k] = 'her'
  183. else
  184. $kidPosPro[k] = 'his'
  185. end
  186. if polkid[k] = 0:
  187. $kidPosProC[k] = 'Her'
  188. else
  189. $kidPosProC[k] = 'His'
  190. end
  191. if polkid[k] = 0:
  192. $kidPosProPN[k] = 'She'
  193. else
  194. $kidPosProPN[k] = 'He'
  195. end
  196. if ks = k:
  197. '<font color= #06992D>Your <<$sdtext[k]>> <<$kidname[k]>> is <<$kidagetext[k]>>. <<$kidposproC[k]>> date of birth is <<monthkid[k]>>/<<daykid[k]>>/<<yearkid[k]>>.</font>'
  198. else:
  199. 'Your <<$sdtext[k]>> <<$kidname[k]>> is <<$kidagetext[k]>>. <<$kidposproC[k]>> date of birth is <<monthkid[k]>>/<<daykid[k]>>/<<yearkid[k]>>.'
  200. end
  201. if kidage[k] < 1:
  202. if hour >= 12 and hour < 18:
  203. $babyloc = 'onto the blanket'
  204. '<<$kidname[k]>></a> is laying on a blanket'
  205. else:
  206. $babyloc = 'into the crib'
  207. '<<$kidname[k]>> is asleep, lying in <<$kidPosPro[k]>> crib.'
  208. end
  209. elseif kidage[k] >= 1 and kidage[k] < 7:
  210. if hour >= 9 and hour < 21 and rkidloc < 8:
  211. $totloc = 'playing with toys on the floor'
  212. '<<$kidname[k]>> is playing with toys.'
  213. elseif hour < 9 or hour >= 21:
  214. '<<$kidname[k]>> is asleep in <<$kidPosPro[k]>> bed.'
  215. else
  216. $totloc = 'watching TV'
  217. '<<$kidname[k]>> is watching TV.'
  218. end
  219. elseif kidage[k] >= 7 and kidage[k] < 18:
  220. if hour >= 21 or hour < 8:
  221. '<<$kidname[k]>> is asleep in <<$kidPosPro[k]>> bed.'
  222. elseif hour >= 8 and hour < 9:
  223. '<<$kidname[k]>> is getting ready for school.'
  224. elseif hour >= 9 and hour < 16:
  225. '<<$kidname[k]>> is at school.'
  226. elseif hour >= 16 and hour < 18 and homework[k] < daystart:
  227. $kidloc = 'working on homework'
  228. '<<$kidname[k]>> is working on homework.'
  229. else
  230. $kidloc = 'watching TV'
  231. '<<$kidname[k]>> is watching TV.'
  232. end
  233. end
  234. if kid > 0 and kidage[ks] < 1:
  235. if lactate > 0:
  236. act 'Breast Feed <<$kidname[ks]>>':dyneval($breastfeed)
  237. end
  238. if $babyloc = 'onto the blanket':
  239. act 'Play with <<$kidname[ks]>> (0:20)': dyneval($play)
  240. end
  241. end
  242. if kid > 0 and kidage[ks] >=1 and kidage[ks] <7:
  243. if $totloc = 'playing with toys on the floor':
  244. act 'Play with <<$kidname[ks]>>(0:30)':dyneval($totplay)
  245. elseif $totloc = 'watching tv':
  246. act 'Watch TV with <<$kidname[ks]>>(1:00)':dyneval($tottv)
  247. end
  248. end
  249. if kid > 0 and kidage[ks] >=7 and kidage[ks] < 18:
  250. if $kidloc = 'watching TV':
  251. act 'Watch TV with <<$kidname[ks]>> (1:00)':dyneval($kidtv)
  252. elseif $kidloc = 'working on homework':
  253. act 'Help <<$kidname[ks]>> with homework.':dyneval($homework)
  254. end
  255. end
  256. "<hr>"
  257. end
  258. --- kid ---------------------------------