purses.qsrc 5.1 KB

  1. # purses
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'view_purse_list':
  3. !! ARGS 0 - view_purse_list
  4. if $ARGS[1] = 'wardrobe':
  5. ploc = 0
  6. end
  7. if $ARGS[1] = 'store':
  8. ploc = 1
  9. end
  10. if $ARGS[1] = 'unwanted':
  11. ploc = 2
  12. end
  13. act 'Return' :gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  14. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/island/dolls.png"></center>'
  15. i = 1
  16. :loopdollspurses
  17. if dolls_purses[i] = 1 and dolls_pursesS[i] = ploc:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''purses'', ''view_purse_item'', ''home'', ''dolls'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/purses/dolls/<<i>>.jpg" height="300" /></a>'
  18. i += 1
  19. if i <= ARRSIZE('dolls_purses'):jump 'loopdollspurses'
  20. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/fashionistat.png"></center>'
  21. i = 1
  22. :loopfashionistapurses
  23. if fashionista_purses[i] = 1 and fashionista_pursesS[i] = ploc:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''purses'', ''view_purse_item'', ''home'', ''fashionista'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/purses/fashionista/<<i>>.jpg" height="300" /></a>'
  24. i += 1
  25. if i <= ARRSIZE('fashionista_purses'):jump 'loopfashionistapurses'
  26. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/GM.png"></center>'
  27. i = 1
  28. :loopcheappurses
  29. if cheap_purses[i] = 1 and cheap_pursesS[i] = ploc:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''purses'', ''view_purse_item'', ''home'', ''cheap'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/purses/cheap/<<i>>.jpg" height="300" /></a>'
  30. i += 1
  31. if i <= ARRSIZE('cheap_purses'):jump 'loopcheappurses'
  32. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/pussycat.png"></center>'
  33. i = 1
  34. :loopkatspurses
  35. if kats_purses[i] = 1 and kats_pursesS[i] = ploc:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''purses'', ''view_purse_item'', ''home'', ''kats'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/purses/kats/<<i>>.jpg" height="300" /></a>'
  36. i += 1
  37. if i <= ARRSIZE('kats_purses'):jump 'loopkatspurses'
  38. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/moncheri.png"></center>'
  39. i = 1
  40. :loopboutiquepurses
  41. if boutique_purses[i] = 1 and boutique_pursesS[i] = ploc:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''purses'', ''view_purse_item'', ''home'', ''boutique'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/purses/moncheri/<<i>>.jpg" height="300" /></a>'
  42. i += 1
  43. if i <= ARRSIZE('boutique_purses'):jump 'loopboutiquepurses'
  44. end
  45. if $ARGS[0] = 'view_purse_item':
  46. !! ARGS 0 - view_purse_item
  47. !! ARGS 1 = action type (home, shop)
  48. !! ARGS 2 - purse type
  49. !! ARGS 3 - purse index
  50. !! ARGS 4 - price for shop
  51. cla
  52. '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$purse_image'', $ARGS[2], ARGS[3])>>"></center>'
  53. gs 'purses', 'descriptions', $ARGS[2]
  54. if $ARGS[1] = 'shop':
  55. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$ARGS[2]>>_purses[<<ARGS[3]>>]') = 1:
  56. 'You already own this purse.'
  57. act 'Leave': gt $loc, $metka
  58. else
  59. price = ARGS[4]
  60. 'Price: <<ARGS[4]>> <b>₽</b>'
  61. act 'Leave': gt $loc, $metka
  62. if money >= price:
  63. act 'Buy':
  64. money -= price
  65. dynamic $ARGS[2] + '_purses[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 1'
  66. if bag = 0:
  67. bag = 1
  68. $currentpursetype = $ARGS[2]
  69. currentpursenumber = ARGS[3]
  70. end
  71. gt $loc, $metka
  72. end
  73. else
  74. 'You cannot afford this purse.'
  75. end
  76. end
  77. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'home':
  78. act 'Return':gt 'purses', 'view_purse_list', $ARGS[1]
  79. if $currentpursetype = $ARGS[2] and currentpursenumber = ARGS[3]:
  80. 'You are using this purse.'
  81. else
  82. if sloc = 0:
  83. 'This purse is in your wardrobe.'
  84. act 'Use this purse':
  85. $currentpursetype = $ARGS[2]
  86. currentpursenumber = ARGS[3]
  87. bag = 1
  88. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  89. end
  90. elseif sloc = 1:
  91. 'This purse is in storage.'
  92. elseif sloc = 2:
  93. 'This purse is unwanted.'
  94. end
  95. if sloc ! 1:$RESULT += 'Move this purse to <a href="exec:gt ''purses'', ''dest1'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[2]>>'', <<ARGS[3]>>">Storage</a><BR>'
  96. if sloc ! 0:$RESULT += 'Move this purse to <a href="exec:gt ''purses'', ''dest0'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[2]>>'', <<ARGS[3]>>">Wardrobe</a><BR>'
  97. if sloc ! 2:$RESULT += 'Move this purse to <a href="exec:gt ''purses'', ''dest2'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[2]>>'', <<ARGS[3]>>">Unwanted</a>'
  98. end
  99. end
  100. end
  101. if $ARGS[0] = 'dest0':
  102. *clr
  103. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>_pursesS[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 0'
  104. gt 'purses', 'view_purse_item', $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], ARGS[3]
  105. end
  106. if $ARGS[0] = 'dest1':
  107. *clr
  108. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>_pursesS[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 1'
  109. gt 'purses', 'view_purse_item', $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], ARGS[3]
  110. end
  111. if $ARGS[0] = 'dest2':
  112. *clr
  113. dynamic '<<$ARGS[2]>>_pursesS[<<ARGS[3]>>] = 2'
  114. gt 'purses', 'view_purse_item', $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], ARGS[3]
  115. end
  116. if $ARGS[0] = 'descriptions':
  117. if $ARGS[1] = 'dolls':
  118. 'Let your freak flag fly with this perfect purse for the hot, independent girl that lives the alt lifestyle.'
  119. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'fashionista':
  120. 'A stylish handbag for any fashion-forward female!'
  121. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'cheap':
  122. 'A functional, if not too fashionable, handbag for carrying all of the essentials.'
  123. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'kats':
  124. 'A fun and flirty purse for any young lady looking for fun on a night out.'
  125. elseif $ARGS[1] = 'boutique':
  126. 'A high-fashion handbag for ladies with discerning tastes. Show how classy you are with this expensive accessory.'
  127. end
  128. end
  129. if $ARGS[0] = 'remove':
  130. killvar '$currentpursetype'
  131. killvar 'currentpursenumber'
  132. bag = 0
  133. end
  134. --- purses ---------------------------------