korr2x.qsrc 14 KB

  1. # korr2x
  3. if sound = 0:PLAY 'sound/korr.mp3',30
  4. $metka = ''
  5. $loc = 'korr2x'
  6. $location_type = 'private'
  7. killvar '$locclass'
  8. clr
  9. popolaini = 0
  10. saunaYouRoom = 0
  11. boycherdaksex = 0
  12. bonusZ = 0
  13. music_on = 0
  14. minut = minut + 1
  15. housrA = 1
  16. housrMir = 0
  17. elektro = elektro + 1
  18. gs'stat'
  19. if night_mode = 1:
  20. fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  21. bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
  22. lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
  23. else
  24. fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
  25. bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  26. lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
  27. end
  28. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Corridor</font></b></center>'
  29. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/apartment/korr2x.jpg"></center>'
  30. if umbrella > 0:'On a hook hangs a umbrella'
  31. if sobaka = 1:'Near the entrance to the bedroom is your <a href="exec:GT ''soba'',''start''"><<$namesob>></a>'
  32. if krolik = 1:'On the floor, resting is <a href="exec:GT ''krol'',''start''"><<$namekrol>></a>'
  33. if popugai = 1:'In the cell, sitting is <a href="exec:GT ''popu'',''start''"><<$namepopu>></a>'
  34. if parkday ! daystart and parkblackmail = 1:
  35. parkblackmail = 2
  36. parkday = daystart
  37. 'You got a manila envelope in the mail, opening it you see the photos inside. Hell, the pictures are of you giving a blowjob to two guys in a park.'
  38. 'A small note states: If you don''t want to have these pictures all over the stairwell and sent to your work place, come to (The address contains the Photo Studio).'
  39. 'PS, if you don''t come in today, tomorrow the pictures will be hanging all over the stairwell.'
  40. elseif parkday ! daystart and parkblackmail = 2:
  41. parkblackmail = 0
  42. fotoyousuck = 1
  43. 'Hell, there is even pictures of you, with your face covered in sperm.'
  44. end
  45. act 'Go to the bedroom':
  46. gt'bedr2x'
  47. end
  48. act 'Go to the bathroom':
  49. gt'vanr2x'
  50. end
  51. act 'Go to the kitchen':
  52. gt'kuhr2x'
  53. end
  54. act 'Go to the Hall':
  55. gt'sitr2x'
  56. end
  57. act '<b><font color="maroon">Go outside</font></b>':
  58. cls
  59. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  60. '<b><font color="red">You need to get dressed before going out.</font></b>'
  61. xgt $curloc
  62. elseif sick > 72:
  63. '<b><font color="red">You''re too sick to walk around in the streets.</font></b>'
  64. xgt $curloc
  65. else
  66. xgt'liames'
  67. end
  68. end
  69. if rand (0,2) ! 0:gs 'din_bad' & dynamic $mobile_check
  70. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 20 and santehnikDolg > 0 and money >= santehnikDolg:
  71. '<b><font color = red>The doorbell rings</font></b>'
  72. act 'Answer the door':
  73. cls
  74. gs'stat'
  75. 'You went to the door and looked through the peephole, you see a dark figure of a man. Apparently the man heard you and says. "It''s me. Plumber Grisha. Do you have my money?"'
  76. act 'Open the door':
  77. cls
  78. money -= santehnikDolg
  79. santehnikDolg = 0
  80. gs'stat'
  81. 'You opened the door and plumber Grisha smiled at you. "I thought you were hiding from me. Well? Do you have the money to pay me?" You nodded and got your purse. Counting out fifteen hundred you gave him the money. He put it in his pocket, said goodbye and left.'
  82. act 'Close the door':gt $curloc
  83. end
  84. end
  85. end
  86. if IvanPodstavaQW = 3 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 20:
  87. cls
  88. IvanPodstavaQW = 4
  89. if DolgRS <= moneySUM:
  90. money = moneySUM-650000
  91. karta = 0
  92. stolmoney = 0
  93. minut += 120
  94. 'The police came and took you to the courthouse. Luckily you are able to pay your debt and are released.'
  95. act 'Leave the courthouse':gt'down'
  96. elseif DolgRS > moneySUM:
  97. DolgRS = 650000-moneySUM-60000
  98. money = 0
  99. karta = 0
  100. stolmoney = 0
  101. vidage += 7
  102. year += 5
  103. age = year - ((pcs_dob - (pcs_dob mod 10000)) / 10000)
  104. money = 2000
  105. 'The police came and took you to the courthouse. After you stand trial, you are given five years of general regime, it is obliged to pay the debt <<DolgRS>><b>₽</b>.'
  106. act 'Sitting in jail':
  107. cls
  108. srok_kolvo = 1
  109. srok_otsidki += 5
  110. salo = 10
  111. fat = 10
  112. if defcurly = 0:
  113. curly = 0
  114. else
  115. curly = 2147483647
  116. end
  117. straight = 0
  118. pcs_makeup = 1
  119. pcs_skin = 0
  120. pcs_tan = 0
  121. pcs_leghair = 12
  122. pcs_pubes = 30
  123. bfa = 0
  124. narkoman = 0
  125. nark = 0
  126. SLomka = 0
  127. work = 0
  128. workKafe = 0
  129. workhosp = 0
  130. worksalon = 0
  131. tanwork = 0
  132. workSec = 0
  133. stipuha = 0
  134. preg = 0
  135. young_shop_work = 0
  136. student = 0
  137. kurs = 0
  138. semestr = 0
  139. abiturient = 0
  140. stipuha = 0
  141. lektor = 0
  142. gs'stat'
  143. 'Time dragged on for a long time. Your life and work in prison was tedious and monotonous. You sewed quilted jackets, had dinner in the cafeteria and went to sleep in the barracks surrounded by other women inmates. With your salary 2000 <b>₽</b> a month listed 1000 debt repayment. Eventually you payed off your debt and your torment came to an end. With your time served you were released with 2000 <b>₽</b>. You were taken to the train station and given a ticket back to the city.'
  144. act 'Exit the train':gt'vokzal'
  145. end
  146. end
  147. exit
  148. end
  149. if IvanPodstavaDay ! daystart and IvanPodstavaQW = 1 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20:
  150. '<b><font color = red>The doorbell rings</font></b>'
  151. act 'Answer the door':
  152. cls
  153. gs'stat'
  154. 'You went to the door and looked through the peephole, you see several men. One of the men said to you through the door. "<<$pcs_nickname>> <<$pcs_lastname>> open up, police."'
  155. act 'Open the door':
  156. cls
  157. minut += 60
  158. IvanPodstavaQW = 2
  159. gs'stat'
  160. 'You opened the door for the police, puzzled about what they''d want from you. A thin and skinny guy with a weeks worth of stubble and a gun in a holster said. "Witness please take a seat, while we search the apartment." The investigator turned to you. "This is a court order, for your arrest and this is a search warrant for your apartment." The police searched your apartment. Soon, one of them came out and said. "I found the keys." It looked like it was the keys to the office and the safe, where the money was stolen from. Witnesses signed the protocol the investigator gave them. The police put your hands behind your back and cuffed you.'
  161. act 'Arrested':
  162. cls
  163. minut += 60
  164. gs'stat'
  165. 'You were brought out of your place in handcuffs and put into a police UAZ, where they drive you to the station. Once at the station you are taken to a room, inside it waits the already familiar to you investigator. He takes the cuffs off you and asks you to sit down. You sit on the hard uncomfortable chair, meanwhile the investigator turned on a TV and set up a video. On the screen there was a picture of a surveillance camera in Bystroeshke. It showed the corridor, soon you appeared in the hallway, went to the office door and opened it. You went inside for a bit and then came out of the office with a thick envelope in your hands. The investigator turned off the video and started another one. It shows Chubais office. The door opens and you walk in holding some keys. You go to the safe, open it with one of the keys and remove an envelope with <<$burgerIvanText>> written on it.'
  166. 'The inspector turned off the TV and took a plastic bag from the table with the keys. He threw them on the table and finally spoke. "The examination determined that these are the keys to the room and the safe. They were found during a search of your apartment. On the surveillance cameras we can clearly see how you got into the office and stole 650,000." He took out a pen and paper and began writing. As he wrote he looked up to you with gloomy eyes and said. "A confession will help you in court, since this is a first time offence and provided you return the money, you may be given a conditional sentence, if you admit your guilt."'
  167. act 'Sign the confession':
  168. cls
  169. minut += 60
  170. gs'stat'
  171. 'You signed the confession and the investigator shouted "Duty officer!" A police officer entered the room. The investigator nodded at you, "Take her."'
  172. act 'Go':gt'kameraKPZ'
  173. end
  174. act 'Tell how it was':
  175. cls
  176. minut += 60
  177. gs'stat'
  178. 'You tell the investigator how it happened. How Ivan framed you. The investigator listened to you for a bit but then he slammed his fist on the table and yelled at you "I was not born yesterday, none of that nonsense makes any sense! If you do not cooperate, you''ll rot in prison!" A police officer entered the room. The investigator nodded at you. "Take her."'
  179. act 'Go':gt'kameraKPZ'
  180. end
  181. end
  182. end
  183. end
  184. exit
  185. end
  186. if gopstop > 30:gt'police','1'
  187. if sick > 0 and doktorday ! daystart:
  188. act 'Call a doctor':doktorday = daystart & dynamic $polidin
  189. end
  190. !!Ninel doctor stuff started here.
  191. !!Ninel doctor stuff ended here. I deleted everything in between. Below is the other doctor if it is not Ninel. At the bottom is the call to the clinic to ask for a doctor and request Ninel as well. So not all sure what code has to be replaced.
  192. $drPP = {
  193. cla
  194. *clr
  195. 'You answer the door. On the threshold there is an older balding man with a medical bag in his hand.'
  196. '"Hello, doctor."'
  197. '"Hello, dear. I am Peter, the local doctor. Now please go back to bed and don''t stand in this draft.'
  198. act 'Carry a doctor in the bedroom':
  199. cla
  200. *clr
  201. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/drpp1.jpg"></center>'
  202. 'You return to the bedroom, along with the doctor. He sat on the edge of the bed and felt your forehead.'
  203. '"So <<$pcs_nickname>>. What are your symptoms?'
  204. 'You start to answer but end up coughing. "Sorry, I have a fever, sore throat, a cough and a runny nose."'
  205. '"Well lets get you undressed so I can examine you."'
  206. act 'Undress':
  207. cla
  208. *clr
  209. minut = minut + 5
  210. clr
  211. gs'stat'
  212. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/drpp2.jpg"></center>'
  213. 'You undressed and the doctor listens to your lungs.'
  214. '"Now lets take a look at your mouth, open wide and say Ah."'
  215. act 'A-a-a':
  216. cla
  217. *clr
  218. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/drpp3.jpg"></center>'
  219. 'You open your mouth and the doctor looks in.'
  220. '"Hmm, we need to take take your temperature."'
  221. act 'Put the thermometer under your armpit':
  222. cla
  223. *clr
  224. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/drpp4.jpg"></center>'
  225. 'The doctor looked at the thermometer and shook his head'
  226. act 'Doctor, whats wrong with me?':
  227. cla
  228. '"You have the flu. Nothing wrong, I''ll give you an injection and you''ll feel better soon. Stay in bed, drink lots of fluids and try to rest as much as possible. When you feel better come to the clinic. Now roll over so I can give you the injection."'
  229. act 'Roll over':
  230. cla
  231. *clr
  232. minut = minut + 10
  233. sick = sick - 2
  234. lekarstvo += 3
  235. gs'stat'
  236. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/drpp5.jpg"></center>'
  237. 'The doctor gave you a shot in the ass.'
  238. '"Remember stay in bed, drink lots of fluids and try to rest. When you feel better come by the clinic."'
  239. '"Thanks you, doctor."'
  240. 'You escort the doctor out, he says goodbye as he leaves. After shutting the door you head back to bed.'
  241. act 'Back to bed':gt'bedr2x'
  242. end
  243. end
  244. end
  245. end
  246. end
  247. end
  248. }
  249. $polidin = {
  250. cla
  251. *clr
  252. minut = minut + 15
  253. callrand = RAND(0,2)
  254. if callrand = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/housecall.jpg"></center>'
  255. if callrand = 1:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/housecall1.jpg"></center>'
  256. if callrand = 2:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/housecall2.jpg"></center>'
  257. 'You dial the number of the clinic several times it''s always busy.'
  258. act 'Call again and again':
  259. cla
  260. 'Finally, a tired nurse''s voice answers. "Hello clinic."'
  261. act 'Hello.':
  262. cla
  263. '"Hello. Can I get a house call?" You manage to say between coughing fits.'
  264. 'The nurse asks. "Your name and address?"'
  265. act 'Give address':
  266. cla
  267. 'After coughing "Sorry, <<$pcs_nickname>> <<$pcs_lastname>>. Street Park House 4 apartment 69." you manage before sneezing again.'
  268. 'The nurse responds. "One moment please." Then she puts you on hold.'
  269. act 'Wait':
  270. cla
  271. minut = minut + 5
  272. clr
  273. gs'stat'
  274. 'You wait for five minutes, occasionally coughing and sneezing, until she finally returns. "So <<$pcs_lastname>> <<$pcs_nickname>>. What are your symptoms?'
  275. 'You start to answer but end up coughing. "Sorry, I have a fever, sore throat, a cough and a runny nose."'
  276. '"Is your temperature high?"'
  277. '"Yes, very 39.2C" You tell her followed by a sneeze.'
  278. '"Very well a doctor will come see you at home."'
  279. '"How soon?"'
  280. '"As soon as one is free."'
  281. '"Thank you."'
  282. if ninelsex = 1:
  283. act 'Is Ninel Pavlovna available?':
  284. cla
  285. '"Is Doctor Ninel Pavlovna available? She is my regular doctor."'
  286. '"Let me check" The nurse puts you on hold for a couple of minutes and then comes back on. "Yes she is free and will make the house call."'
  287. '"Once again, thank you very much."'
  288. act '...':gt'housecall','ninel3'
  289. end
  290. end
  291. act 'Back to bed':
  292. cla
  293. *clr
  294. picrand = RAND(0,6)
  295. if picrand = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/sick27.jpg"></center>'
  296. if picrand = 1:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/sick21.jpg"></center>'
  297. if picrand = 2:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/sick22.jpg"></center>'
  298. if picrand = 3:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/sick23.jpg"></center>'
  299. if picrand = 4:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/sick24.jpg"></center>'
  300. if picrand = 5:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/sick25.jpg"></center>'
  301. if picrand = 6:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/sick26.jpg"></center>'
  302. timerand = RAND(0,5)
  303. if timerand = 0:minut = minut + 30
  304. if timerand = 1:minut = minut + 60
  305. if timerand = 2:minut = minut + 90
  306. if timerand = 3:minut = minut + 120
  307. if timerand = 4:minut = minut + 150
  308. if timerand = 5:minut = minut + 180
  309. 'You lie in bed, shivering wrapped in a blanket. Time drags by painfully slow, you can''t say, how much time passed, before the doorbell rings.'
  310. act 'Open the door':
  311. if ninel > 0 and sick <= 50:
  312. gt'housecall','ninel1'
  313. elseif ninel = 0 or sick > 50:
  314. doctrnd = RAND(0,1)
  315. if doctrnd = 0:dynamic $drPP
  316. if doctrnd = 1:gt'housecall','ninel0'
  317. end
  318. end
  319. end
  320. end
  321. end
  322. end
  323. end
  324. }
  325. --- korr2x ---------------------------------