# clothing_QV if $ARGS[0] = 'list': '
' if $clothingworntype ! 'nude': act 'Strip':gt 'clothing_QV', 'strip' end dynamic $wearpan dynamic $removepan act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka if StoryLine = 1 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and SchoolBlock = 0 and schoolS[6] = 0:*p '' i = 1 :loopcheap if cheap[i] = 1: gs 'clothing_attributes', 'cheap', i if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition: if CloStyle ! 5: if cheapS[i] = 0 and cheapH[i] > 0 and cheapB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and cheapB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '' else if cheapS[i] = 0 and cheapH[i] > 0:*p '' end end end i += 1 if i <= 413:jump 'loopcheap' i = 1 :loopaverage if average[i] = 1: gs 'clothing_attributes', 'average', i if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition: if CloStyle ! 5: if averageS[i] = 0 and averageH[i] > 0 and averageB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and averageB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '' else if averageS[i] = 0 and averageH[i] > 0:*p '' end end end i += 1 if i <= 522:jump 'loopaverage' i = 1 :loopexpensive if expensive[i] = 1: gs 'clothing_attributes', 'expensive', i if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition: if CloStyle ! 5: if expensiveS[i] = 0 and expensiveH[i] > 0 and expensiveB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and expensiveB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '' else if expensiveS[i] = 0 and expensiveH[i] > 0:*p '' end end end i += 1 if i <= 425:jump 'loopexpensive' i = 1 :loopformal if formal[i] = 1: gs 'clothing_attributes', 'formal', i if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition: if formalS[i] = 0 and formalH[i] > 0 and formalB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and formalB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '' end end i += 1 if i <= 168:jump 'loopformal' i = 1 :loopoffice if office[i] = 1: gs 'clothing_attributes', 'office', i if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition: if officeS[i] = 0 and officeH[i] > 0 and officeB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and officeB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '' end end i += 1 if i <= 101:jump 'loopoffice' i = 1 :loopschool if school[i] = 1: gs 'clothing_attributes', 'school', i if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition: if schoolS[i] = 0 and schoolH[i] > 0 and schoolB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and schoolB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '' end end i += 1 if i = 6: i = 7 if i <= 62:jump 'loopschool' i = 1 :loopexercise if exercise[i] = 1: gs 'clothing_attributes', 'exercise', i if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition: if exerciseS[i] = 0 and exerciseH[i] > 0:*p '' end end i += 1 if i <= 113:jump 'loopexercise' i = 1 :loopfetish if fetish[i] = 1: gs 'clothing_attributes', 'fetish', i if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition: if fetishS[i] = 0 and fetishH[i] > 0 and fetishB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and fetishB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '' end end i += 1 if i <= 94:jump 'loopfetish' i = 1 :loopexhibit if exhibit[i] = 1: gs 'clothing_attributes', 'exhibit', i if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition: if exhibitS[i] = 0 and exhibitH[i] > 0 and exhibitB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and exhibitB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '' end end i += 1 if i <= 57:jump 'loopexhibit' i = 1 :loopuniform if uniform[i] = 1: gs 'clothing_attributes', 'uniform', i if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition: if uniformS[i] = 0 and uniformH[i] > 0 and uniformB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and uniformB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '' end end i += 1 if i <= 49:jump 'loopuniform' i = 1 :loopburlesque if burlesque[i] = 1: gs 'clothing_attributes', 'burlesque', i if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition: if burlesqueS[i] = 0 and burlesqueH[i] > 0 and burlesqueB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and burlesqueB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '' end end i += 1 if i <= 22:jump 'loopburlesque' i = 1 :loopalternative if alternative[i] = 1: gs 'clothing_attributes', 'alternative', i if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition: if alternativeS[i] = 0 and alternativeH[i] > 0 and alternativeB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and alternativeB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '' end end i += 1 if i <= 129:jump 'loopalternative' end if $ARGS[0] = 'cloak': i = 1 :loopcoat if coat[i] = 1: if coatH[i] > 0:*p '' end i += 1 if i <= 12:jump 'loopcoat' end if $ARGS[0] = 'strip': if tanga = 1: '
' '
You strip down to your panties.
' else '
' '
You strip completely naked.
' end gs 'clothing', 'strip' act 'Choose something to wear':gt 'clothing_QV', 'list' act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka end if $ARGS[0] = 'change': *clr cla gs 'clothing_attributes', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2] '
' $RESULT = FUNC('$short_description', $ARGS[1], CloStyle2) $RESULT += '<>' '<<$RESULT>>' if $ARGS[1] ! 'coat' and $ARGS[1] ! 'swimwear': gs 'clothing_descriptions' '<<$description>>' else FUNC('$clothing_name', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2]) end if CloBimbo = 1:'This item is considered bimbo clothing.' if CloStyle = 4:'This outfit can be used for prostitution.' if $ARGS[2] = 'uniform': if CloStyle2 = 1: 'This outfit is considered to be a maid uniform.' elseif CloStyle2 = 3: 'This is a stripper outfit.' else 'This outfit is a server uniform, suitable for jobs that require one.' end end if $ARGS[2] = 'school': if CloSkirtShortness < 5 and CloThinness < 5 and CloBra = 0: 'This uniform complies with the school regulations on skirt length.' elseif CloSkirtShortness = 5 and CloThinness < 5 and CloBra = 0: 'This uniform slightly breaches the school regulations on skirt length.' else 'This uniform makes a mockery of the school uniform regulations.' end end if $clothingworntype = $ARGS[1] and clothingwornnumber = ARGS[2]: 'You are wearing this outfit.' elseif CloExhibit > pcs_exhibition: 'You don''t feel confident enough to wear an outfit this revealing.' elseif ARRPOS('$CloLosTyp', $ARGS[1]) ! -1 and ARRPOS('CloLosNum',ARGS[2]) ! -1 : 'You lost these clothes somewhere, maybe you can find them again?.' else if CloExhibit + 10 > pcs_exhibition: 'You find this outfit more revealing than you are completely comfortable with but that makes it quite exciting too.' act 'Wear this outfit': gs 'clothing', 'wear', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2] dynamic $ARGS[1] + 'W[<>] = 1' $clotype = $ARGS[1] gs 'shoes', 'setup' gs 'shoes', 'wear', $shoeworntype, shoewornnumber gt $loc, $metka end end act 'Choose another outfit': gt 'clothing_QV', 'list' act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka end --- clothing_QV ---------------------------------
Wardrobe StorageUnwantedPick something to wear