dimaHome 25 KB

  1. # dimaHome
  3. if DimaBeHomeOnce = 0:DimaBeHomeOnce = 1
  4. nodimkaK = 0
  5. gs 'stat'
  6. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$npcName[1]>> <<$npcSurName[1]>></font></b></center>'
  7. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/npc/1.jpg"></center>'
  8. if $ARGS[0] = '':
  9. if dimaFilm = 0:
  10. 'Dimka took some white powder from his desk and a small straw. "Here, sniff this," he offered with a cocky smile, "It''s really cool! Excellent for relaxing!"'
  11. act 'Snort':
  12. cls
  13. minut += 15
  14. narkday = daystart
  15. health = vital * 10 + stren * 5
  16. willpower = intel * 5 + will * 5
  17. manna = (intel * magik) + magik * 100 + vital * 10 + rikudo
  18. horny = 100
  19. nark += 10
  20. Mud = totminut + 120
  21. gs 'stat'
  22. '<center><img src="images/etogame/dur.jpg"></center>'
  23. 'You sniff up the dose of powder. For a moment, you just feel numb, then you feel just fine.'
  24. act 'further':
  25. cls
  26. bj += 1
  27. bja += 1
  28. spafinloc = 12
  29. gs 'cum_manage'
  30. swallow += 1
  31. dimaFilm = 1
  32. nodimka = 1
  33. sub += 1
  34. minut += 15
  35. dimasexday = daystart
  36. gs 'stat'
  37. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/filming.jpg"></center>'
  38. 'Your head is swimming at first then you seem to be flying above the floor. Dimka smiles at you and unbuttons his pants, taking out his flaccid penis. "Crawl here!" he commands. You don''t know why but this seems very funny. You sit in front of Dimka and kiss his dick, then you start to lick it carefully with your tongue as it thickens. Finally, Dimka''s member is completely erect and glistens with your saliva. You take the head of Dimka''s cock between your lips and slowly let it slide into your mouth. When you look up, you see that Dimka is recording you with his camera. You giggle and make a silly face with his cock in your mouth. You begin to eroticly lick his cock and began to suck it in front of the camera, trying to act as sexily as you can, pretending to be a porn star. Dimka soon groans slightly and your mouth fills with spurting jets of sperm. You immediately start to swallow the hot thick liquid. Dimka turns off the camera and puts it aside. "That was awesome. You''re a great cocksucker."'
  39. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  40. end
  41. end
  42. act 'Refuse':
  43. cls
  44. dom += 1
  45. minut += 5
  46. gs 'stat'
  47. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/pre.jpg"></center>'
  48. 'You refuse to use the powder. Dimka chuckles and puts it away. "Well okay, but you''re missing something really cool." He unbuttons his pants and pulls out his member. "Come here, baby."'
  49. act 'Approach Dimka':
  50. cls
  51. bj += 1
  52. bja += 1
  53. minut += 5
  54. gs 'stat'
  55. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/cock.jpg"></center>'
  56. 'You go to Dimka and he takes you by the hand, his grip strong but gentle as you gaze with fascination at his dick. His dick gets steadily closer to your face until you feel the hot head touch your lips.'
  57. act 'suck':
  58. cls
  59. minut += 5
  60. gs 'stat'
  61. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/cock2.jpg"></center>'
  62. 'You take the head of Dimka''s cock between your lips and slowly let it slide into your mouth. Your hot, wet slaiva coats his cock as it penetrates deeper into your mouth until it reaches the entrance to your throat. Dimka whispers, "Undress."'
  63. act 'Undress':
  64. cls
  65. minut += 5
  66. gs 'stat'
  67. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/cock3.jpg"></center>'
  68. 'Trying not to let his penis escape from your mouth, you undress, shrugging out of your top and bra to expose your breasts. Continuing to suck and slurp on Dimka''s hard cock, you unfasten your skirt and push it along with your paties to your knees. By shifting your weight from one side to the other you manage to get the now annoying clothing to your ankles where you impatiently kick them off. Once you are naked you return your full attention to the hard pulsating cock in your mouth. Without warning, Dimka moves, stretching to one side, and you are barely able to keep his dick in your mouth. You look up and see that he picked up a camera.'
  69. act 'Dress':
  70. cls
  71. minut += 5
  72. if GorSlut < 2:GorSlut = 2
  73. gs 'stat'
  74. 'Feeling shocked and betrayed, you grab your clothes while trying to hide your face from the camera and start to dress as fast as possible. Dimka continues to shoot it all on camera while making lewd remarks.'
  75. act 'Escape':
  76. cls
  77. minut += 15
  78. DimaRudeBlock = 1
  79. gs 'stat'
  80. 'You open the door and run out of the bedroom, still frantically struggling into your clothes and head to the door of the house. Following you like a malevolent spirit you hear Dimka''s voice "Go ahead, run like a squeeling little pig. Tomorrow everyone will know, you cocksucking bitch!."'
  81. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  82. end
  83. end
  84. act 'Suck on camera':
  85. cls
  86. minut += 15
  87. spafinloc = 12
  88. gs 'cum_manage'
  89. swallow += 1
  90. dimaFilm = 1
  91. nodimka = 1
  92. sub += 5
  93. dimasexday = daystart
  94. gs 'stat'
  95. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/filming.jpg"></center>'
  96. 'You continue to suck Dimka''s dick as he records you with his camera. His cock quickly grows larger and soon cum spurts into your mouth. You diligently swallow all the hoy slimy seed in front of the camera. Dimka turns off the camera and puts it aside. "That was awesome. You''re a great cocksucker."'
  97. act 'Get dressed':
  98. cls
  99. minut += 5
  100. '<center><img src="images/etogame/club8.jpg"></center>'
  101. 'As you get dressed, Dimka attaches the camera to his computer. He saunters over to you the bends to whisper into your ear, "You belong to me now. If I think you are avoiding me, I''ll make sure everone in town gets a copy of your acting debute."'
  102. 'He licks his lips hungrily then grabs your panty clad as hard enough to leave bruises. "Yes, this ass belongs to me now."'
  103. end
  104. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  105. end
  106. end
  107. end
  108. end
  109. end
  110. elseif dimaFilm > 0 and dimkawarn = 0:
  111. gt 'dimaHome', 'dimkaplays'
  112. elseif dimaFilm > 0 and dimkawarn = 1:
  113. cls
  114. minut += 5
  115. sub += 10
  116. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/choke.jpg"></center>'
  117. 'After avoiding Dimka for more than a week, you finally show up at his home. You enter his room nervously, but he actually seems happy and relaxed.'
  118. '"<<$nickname>>, it is so good to see you. How have you been?" Dimka says jovially as he ushers you into his room and closes the door behind you. You start to relax thinking that everything will be fine when he suddenly grabs you throat from behind.'
  119. '"I told you that you belong to me and you fucking decide to avoid me, you bitch!" he snarls as he grabs your hair with his free hand and bends your neck painfully sideways, "You piece of trash. I should snap your neck right now."'
  120. 'His voice changes, suddenly becoming pensive and quiet, "I could, you know, just a little more pressure and, Snap! No more little <<$name>>."'
  121. 'His hand on your throat tightens and you see spots in front of your eyes. Without warning he lets go and throws you to the floor. As you lie there gasping for breath, he comes to stand over you.'
  122. '"I missed you, <<$nickname>>, you need to come see me more often." Dimka says gently as he helps you to your feet, "Now let''s forget all this unpleasantness, shall we?"'
  123. 'You nod your agreement and Dimka is all smiles again.'
  124. act 'Continue': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimkaplays'
  125. elseif dimaFilm > 0 and dimkawarn = 2:
  126. cls
  127. minut += 5
  128. gs 'stat'
  129. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/dimadrinks.jpg"></center>'
  130. 'You enter Dimka''s room hesitantly, unsure how he will react to your avoidance. Dimka is sitting at his desk with his back to you as you close the door behind you. You can see a half bottle of vodka on the desk along with a nearly empty glass.'
  131. '"Hello, Dimka." you say softly then stand waiting.'
  132. '"Hello, Dimka? That is what you say?" Dimka says in a low menacing tone, "After all I''ve done for you? Let you into my world? Hello, Dimka?"'
  133. '"You fucking whore!" he roars, standing quickly and flinging his chair halfway across the room, "You useless fucking whore. You think you can come prancing in here just like that and all is forgiven?"'
  134. 'You barely have time to register that he is moving before he grabs your lower jaw with bruising force. He spits in your face violently. "You.. you.. Fucking whore." he screams in your face.'
  135. 'You never felt the blow but he must have hit you as you are now on the floor curled into a ball. He grabs you by the hair and forces you into a chair.'
  136. act 'Continue':
  137. cls
  138. minut += 30
  139. manna = 0
  140. horny = 0
  141. vagina += 1
  142. willpower = willpower/2
  143. rape += 1
  144. face_write = 1
  145. gs'stat'
  146. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/tiedinchair.jpg"></center>'
  147. 'Dimka strips you of all your clothes except for your skirt and ties you securely to the chair and forces a ball gag into your mouth. He pours himself another glass of vodka and drinks it as he stares at you. You want to beg him for forgiveness but you can only moan fearfully through the gag. Finishing his drink, he unfastens his trousers and allows them to fall to the floor. He is not wearing underwear and his dick is already hard and leaking precum as he approaches you. "I loved you, you know, but you had to ruin it." He rubs the slippery head of his cock against your vagina until he finds your entrance. "You are still mine!" he hisses as he forces his dick into your dry vagina.'
  148. dynamic sexstart2
  149. dynamic sexcum
  150. act 'Go home':
  151. cls
  152. minut +=15
  153. pee +=1
  154. gs 'stat'
  155. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/placer/blowbang4.jpg"></center>'
  156. 'The brutal rape seems to go on forever before Dimka finally achieves release. He stands panting over you then grabs hold of his mostly limp cock. He points it at you then, with a grunt, begins to empty his bladder. He directs the stream of hot piss all over your body, soaking your face and fair. You close your eyes, but the stinging liquid seeps in. Eventually, he runs out of piss and staggers away from you. Opening your eyes, you can see him rummaging through your purse. He comes back with your eyeliner pencil and uses it to write something on your forehead.'
  157. '"There. He says in satisfaction. All is forgiven. I will see you soon, dearest." Dimka unties you and leaves the room to take a shower. You waste no time gathering you clothes and escaping wrom him. You manage to make your way home and into your bathroom unseen.'
  158. act 'Leave':gt 'vanrPar'
  159. end
  160. end
  161. end
  162. end
  163. if $ARGS[0] = 'dimkaplays':
  164. cls
  165. gs 'stat'
  166. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$npcName[1]>> <<$npcSurName[1]>></font></b></center>'
  167. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/npc/1.jpg"></center>'
  168. if narkday ! daystart:
  169. 'Dimka takes some white powder from his desk and a small straw. "Here, sniff this," he offers with a cocky smile, "It''s really cool! Excellent for relaxing!"'
  170. act 'Snort':
  171. cls
  172. minut += 15
  173. narkday = daystart
  174. health = vital * 10 + stren * 5
  175. willpower = intel * 5 + will * 5
  176. manna = (intel * magik) + magik * 100 + vital * 10 + rikudo
  177. horny = 100
  178. nark += 10
  179. gs 'stat'
  180. '<center><img src="images/etogame/dur.jpg"></center>'
  181. 'You sniff up the dose of powder. For a moment, you just feel numb, then you feel just fine.'
  182. act 'catch a buzz':gt 'dimahome'
  183. end
  184. act 'Refuse':
  185. cls
  186. dom += 1
  187. minut += 5
  188. gs 'stat'
  189. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/pre.jpg"></center>'
  190. 'You refuse to use the powder. Dimka chuckles and puts it away. "Well okay, but you''re missing something really cool." He unbuttons his pants and pulls out his member. "Come here, baby."'
  191. act 'Take by mouth':
  192. cls
  193. bj += 1
  194. bja += 1
  195. if maxdra = 0:maxdra = 1
  196. if maxdra = 6:maxdra = 5
  197. minut += 15
  198. gs 'stat'
  199. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/minet.jpg"></center>'
  200. 'You go to Dimka and settle comfortably in front of him and take his hard, hot cock into your mouth. Your lips slide down the shaft of his cock and you take it in to your throat.'
  201. dimadalrand = rand(0, maxdra)
  202. if dimadalrand = 0:
  203. act 'further':
  204. cls
  205. spafinloc = 12
  206. gs 'cum_manage'
  207. swallow += 1
  208. dimasexday = daystart
  209. gs 'stat'
  210. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/cum.jpg"></center>'
  211. 'Suddenly, Dimka''s cock spurts cum in your mouth and you continue sucking with your mouth full of sperm. Finally, Dimka ceases to ejaculate and you swallow his cum.'
  212. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  213. end
  214. elseif dimadalrand = 1:
  215. act 'further':
  216. cls
  217. spafinloc = 11
  218. gs 'cum_manage'
  219. facial += 1
  220. if maxdra = 1:maxdra = 2
  221. dimasexday = daystart
  222. gs 'stat'
  223. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/face.jpg"></center>'
  224. 'Dimka suddenly pulls his dick out of your mouth and starts cumming on your face. Hot ropes of sperm land you on the cheek, nose and lips. Soon almost your entire face is covered with warm and sticky cumshot.'
  225. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  226. end
  227. elseif dimadalrand = 2:
  228. act 'further':
  229. cls
  230. spafinloc = 12
  231. gs 'cum_manage'
  232. swallow += 1
  233. if throat < 16:throat += 1
  234. if mop ! 1:mop = 0
  235. if maxdra = 2:maxdra = 3
  236. dimasexday = daystart
  237. gs 'stat'
  238. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/artur/facefuck0.jpg"></center>'
  239. if throat < 16:
  240. 'Dimka grabs you by the hair and pulls you onto his member. Hard cock enters your throat, you choke and tears flow from your eyes. Dimka doesn''t pay any attention to your distress, he just fucks your mouth with his hard cock. Finally the torture ends and he fills your mouth with his hot slimy sperm that you immediately swallow.'
  241. else
  242. 'Dimka grabs you by the hair and pulls you onto his member. Hard cock enters your throat, you resist gagging but your eyes still start to water. Dimka pays no attention to you, he just fucks your mouth with his hard cock. Finally the torture ends and he fills your mouth with his hot slimy sperm that you immediately swallow.'
  243. end
  244. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  245. end
  246. elseif dimadalrand = 3:
  247. act 'further':
  248. cls
  249. if maxdra = 3:maxdra = 4
  250. gs 'stat'
  251. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/sit.jpg"></center>'
  252. 'Dimka takes his dick out of your mouth and makes you get on the bed. He straddles your chest with his cock in your face. You start to lick his balls while Dimka masturbates in your face.'
  253. act 'further':
  254. cls
  255. spafinloc = 11
  256. gs 'cum_manage'
  257. facial += 1
  258. dimasexday = daystart
  259. gs 'stat'
  260. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/sitcum.jpg"></center>'
  261. 'Suddenly, Dimka''s cock begins to let fly jets of hot cum that splatter on your face, covering it in thick, viscous slime.'
  262. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  263. end
  264. end
  265. elseif dimadalrand = 4:
  266. act 'further':
  267. cls
  268. $boy = 'Dimka'
  269. silavag = 1
  270. dick = 16
  271. if maxdra = 4:maxdra = 5
  272. sexa += 1
  273. dimasexday = daystart
  274. gs 'stat'
  275. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/sex.jpg"></center>'
  276. 'Dimka puts you on the sofa.'
  277. dynamic $sexstart
  278. dynamic $sexstart2
  279. dynamic $sexcum
  280. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  281. end
  282. elseif dimadalrand = 5:
  283. act 'further':
  284. cls
  285. $boy = 'Dimka'
  286. silavag = 1
  287. dick = 16
  288. anala += 1
  289. dimasexday = daystart
  290. gs 'stat'
  291. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/anal.jpg"></center>'
  292. 'Dimka puts you on the sofa with your ass in the air.'
  293. dynamic $analsexrude
  294. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  295. end
  296. elseif dimadalrand = 6:
  297. act 'further':
  298. cls
  299. gs 'stat'
  300. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/cum.jpg"></center>'
  301. ''
  302. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  303. end
  304. end
  305. end
  306. end
  307. elseif narkday = daystart:
  308. if maxdradrug = 0:maxdradrug = 1
  309. 'Dimka gives you an aloof smile "Shall we have some fun now?"'
  310. dimadalrand = rand(0, maxdradrug)
  311. if dimadalrand = 0:
  312. act 'further':gt 'dimaHome', '0'
  313. elseif dimadalrand = 1:
  314. act 'further':gt 'dimaHome', '1'
  315. elseif dimadalrand = 2:
  316. act 'further':gt 'dimaHome', '2'
  317. elseif dimadalrand = 3:
  318. act 'further':gt 'dimaHome', '3'
  319. elseif dimadalrand = 4:
  320. act 'further':gt 'dimaHome', '4'
  321. elseif dimadalrand = 5:
  322. act 'further':gt 'dimaHome', '5'
  323. elseif dimadalrand = 6:
  324. act 'further':gt 'dimaHome', '6'
  325. elseif dimadalrand = 7:
  326. act 'further':gt 'dimaHome', '7'
  327. elseif dimadalrand = 8:
  328. act 'further':gt 'dimaHome', '8'
  329. elseif dimadalrand = 9:
  330. act 'further':gt 'dimaHome', '9'
  331. elseif dimadalrand = 10:
  332. act 'further':gt 'dimaHome', '10'
  333. end
  334. end
  335. end
  336. if $ARGS[0] = '0':
  337. cls
  338. gs 'stat'
  339. 'Dimka looks at you with an indifferent grin as he examines your body. He walked over to the closer and rummages in it, taking out a few things. He comes up to you and roughly pulls your hands behind your back. You hear the disinctive clicking of handcuffs and you feel the cold steel tighten on your wrists. He comes up to you from behind and shoves a metal ring that has leather staps attached to it into your mouth. He quickly buckles the belt tightly behind your head before you can attempt to spit out the ring.'
  340. act 'further':
  341. cls
  342. minut += 5
  343. gs 'stat'
  344. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/ogag.jpg"></center>'
  345. 'Your mouth is being held widely open by the ring and Dimka seems a little blurry due to your eyes watering. It tastes like the ring in your mouth was dipped in lemon juice and your saliva begins streaming from your mouth. Dimka takes a moment to admire you then he takes out his iron hard cock and shoves it into your mouth.'
  346. act 'further':
  347. cls
  348. minut += 15
  349. bj += 1
  350. bja += 1
  351. spafinloc = 12
  352. gs 'cum_manage'
  353. swallow += 1
  354. if throat < 16:throat += 1
  355. sub += 1
  356. if mop ! 1:mop = 0
  357. dimasexday = daystart
  358. gs 'stat'
  359. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/gagbj.jpg"></center>'
  360. 'Dimka''s cock enters your mouth through the ring and drives it to the entrance to your throat. The ring prevents you from doing anything to stop him except to try to use your tongue to force him out. The actions of your tongue on his cock only seem to excite him further. You gag as the head of his dick presses up against the soft palet at the back of your mouth. Dimka his cock back then with all his strength drives it deep into your throat. You choke and gag as drool flows from your mouth, mixing with your tears and snot on your face as you stuggle to breath through your nose. Dimka fiercely drives his penis in your mouth, f***ing your throat until it burns like fire. You almost faint from suffocation as you choke on the cock jammed deeply inside of you as it spews its slimy load down your thoat. To your relief, Dimka''s cock begins to soften and he pulls it out of you. He then takes the gag out of your mouth and your hands are untied.'
  361. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  362. end
  363. end
  364. end
  365. if $ARGS[0] = '1':
  366. cls
  367. if maxdradrug = 1:maxdradrug = 2
  368. minut += 15
  369. bj += 1
  370. bja += 1
  371. spafinloc = 12
  372. gs 'cum_manage'
  373. swallow += 1
  374. if throat < 16:throat += 1
  375. if mop ! 1:mop = 0
  376. sub += 1
  377. dimasexday = daystart
  378. gs 'stat'
  379. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/ab.jpg"></center>'
  380. 'Dimka roughly pulls off your panties and puts them on your head. He inserts his penis into your mouth and begins to f*** you hard in the mouth. Your throat is burning with fire from the fact that his cock penterates you nearly to the balls on every thrust. Dimka growls at you "A cocksucker''s mouth is her second pussy, and what should be done with by a pussy? f*** it hard, right to the uterus!" Dimka slaps you on the cheek with his hand "Take it in your pussy!" The dick in your mouth starts to cum and fills your mouth with sperm, you swallow.'
  381. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  382. end
  383. if $ARGS[0] = '2':
  384. cls
  385. $boy = 'Dimka'
  386. silavag = 1
  387. dick = 16
  388. sexa += 1
  389. sub += 5
  390. if maxdradrug = 2:maxdradrug = 3
  391. dimasexday = daystart
  392. gs 'stat'
  393. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/car.jpg"></center>'
  394. 'Dimka binds and ties you to your knees on a little cart with casters and he puts a clown horn in your mouth and tapes it in place.'
  395. dynamic $sexstart
  396. dynamic $sexstart2
  397. 'Dimka fucks you and, instead of moaning, you make funny clown sounds.'
  398. dynamic $sexcum
  399. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  400. end
  401. if $ARGS[0] = '3':
  402. cls
  403. $boy = 'Dimka'
  404. silavag = 1
  405. dick = 16
  406. anala += 1
  407. sub += 5
  408. if maxdradrug = 3:maxdradrug = 4
  409. dimasexday = daystart
  410. gs 'stat'
  411. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/car.jpg"></center>'
  412. 'Dimka binds and ties you to your knees on a little cart with casters and he puts a clown horn in your mouth and tapes it in place.'
  413. dynamic $analsexrude
  414. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  415. end
  416. if $ARGS[0] = '4':
  417. cls
  418. if mop ! 1:mop = 0
  419. throat += 5
  420. dimasexday = daystart
  421. minut += 15
  422. sub += 5
  423. if maxdradrug = 4:maxdradrug = 5
  424. gs 'stat'
  425. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/nar.jpg"></center>'
  426. 'Dimka ties your hands tightly behind your back, then ties your legs so that they are fully folder under you. He puts a collar on you and drags you to a post to which a dildo has been taped. Dimka makes you take the dildo into your mouth then he ties the collar to the post so that you can not get the dildo out of your mouth. Just when you think Dimka has finished with you, he pulls the rope on your collar forcing the dildo down your throat. Dimka begins to enjoy the sight of your face reddened by suffocation, while streams of snot, saliva and tears run down your face. You choke with dildo in your throat and you can feel your body keep trying to vomit. You start to fear that this is how you will die, choked with a dildo down your throat. As you start to lose consciousness, Dimka finally frees you and you are able to finally breathe freely.'
  427. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  428. end
  429. if $ARGS[0] = '5':
  430. cls
  431. spank += 1
  432. dimasexday = daystart
  433. minut += 15
  434. sub += 5
  435. if maxdradrug = 5:maxdradrug = 6
  436. if mop ! 1:mop = 0
  437. gs 'stat'
  438. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/spank.jpg"></center>'
  439. 'Dimka you ties to a pole and begins to whip your ass. Sharp flashes of pain burn through your drug induced euphoria and you begin screaming and moaning, begging Dimka to stop. Finally Dimka is satisfied and he releases you.'
  440. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  441. end
  442. if $ARGS[0] = '6':
  443. cls
  444. gs 'pain', 9, 'pierce', 'nipples'
  445. if maxdradrug = 6:maxdradrug = 7
  446. if mop ! 1:mop = 0
  447. sub += 5
  448. gs 'stat'
  449. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/nip.jpg"></center>'
  450. 'Dimka binds you until you are fully immobilized. Then he clamps your nipples in small vices and tightens the jaws. Suddenly he stabs a needle through your nipple. You howl in pain, but Dimka spits on your cries and sticks in another needle forcing you to howl again. You yell and swear at this f***ing sadist, but Dimka coldly continues to stick needle after needle in you.'
  451. if pirsF > 0:'When he tires Dimka pulls the needles out out of your nipples and sets you free.'
  452. if pirsF = 0:pirsF = 1 & 'When he tires Dimka pierces your nipples with metal bars, then sets you free.'
  453. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  454. end
  455. if $ARGS[0] = '7':
  456. cls
  457. gs 'pain', 9, 'pierce', 'tongue'
  458. if maxdradrug = 7:maxdradrug = 8
  459. if mop ! 1:mop = 0
  460. sub += 5
  461. gs 'stat'
  462. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/ton.jpg"></center>'
  463. 'Dimka binds you until you are fully immobilized. He grabs hold of your tongue and suddenly pushes a needle through it. You squeal and twitch from the sharp pain. Dimka amuses himself by sticking needles through your tongue, lips and cheeks. The more you howl in pain, the more excited he gets.'
  464. if pirsA > 0:'When he tires Dimka pulls the needles out out of your tongue and sets you free.'
  465. if pirsA = 0:pirsA = 1 & 'When he tires Dimka pulls out the needles, pierces your tongue with a metal bar, then sets you free'
  466. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  467. end
  468. if $ARGS[0] = '8':
  469. cls
  470. gs 'pain', 9, 'pierce', 'labia'
  471. if mop ! 1:mop = 0
  472. sub += 5
  473. gs 'stat'
  474. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/vag.jpg"></center>'
  475. 'Dimka binds you until you are fully immobilized. Then he picks up a pin and pricks your labia. You howled at the sharp unbearable pain and stuggle against your bonds, but Dimka does not calm down until he has sealed your entire vagina with safety pins.'
  476. if pirsG > 0:'When he tires Dimka takes the pins out out of your pussy and sets you free.'
  477. if pirsG = 0:pirsG = 1 & 'When he tires Dimka takes the pins out out of your pussy, pierces your clitois, then sets you free'
  478. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  479. end
  480. if $ARGS[0] = '9':
  481. cls
  482. gs 'stat'
  483. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/cum.jpg"></center>'
  484. ''
  485. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  486. end
  487. if $ARGS[0] = '10':
  488. cls
  489. gs 'stat'
  490. '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/evdima/cum.jpg"></center>'
  491. ''
  492. act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
  493. end
  494. --- dimaHome ---------------------------------