dinSex 43 KB

  1. # dinSex
  2. $universalklient = {
  3. if klient_needs = 0:$klientwanttext = 'blow job'
  4. if klient_needs = 1 or klient_needs = 3 or klient_needs = 4:$klientwanttext = 'sex'
  5. if klient_needs = 2:$klientwanttext = 'anal'
  6. if klient_needs = 5:$klientwanttext = 'Cooney'
  7. '<center><img src="images/etogame/park2.jpg"></center>'
  8. 'You said client, that <<$klientwanttext>> It will cost <<ProsMoney*100>> <b>₽</b>.'
  9. dynamic $dinprostable
  10. if vnpr >= 0:
  11. if ProsMoney = 1:
  12. clientPRyes = 1
  13. end
  14. if ProsMoney > 1:
  15. if KlientMON >= ProsMoney:
  16. if vnpr >= klienVNPR:
  17. clientPRyes = 1
  18. else
  19. clientPRyes = 0
  20. end
  21. elseif KlientMON < ProsMoney:
  22. if vnpr >= klienVNPR:
  23. torgklirand = RAND(0,1)
  24. if torgklirand = 0:
  25. clientPRyes = 0
  26. elseif torgklirand = 1:
  27. 'Customer grins and offers <<KlientMON*100>> <b>₽</b> for the job.'
  28. act 'Agree':
  29. cla
  30. clientPRyes = 1
  31. ProsMoney = KlientMON
  32. dynamic $dinklient
  33. end
  34. act 'Takeout':gt'prostitute','start'
  35. exit
  36. end
  37. else
  38. clientPRyes = 0
  39. end
  40. end
  41. end
  42. end
  43. if vnpr < 0:clientPRyes = 0
  44. dynamic $dinklient
  45. }
  46. $dinprostable = {
  47. vnpr = 0
  48. if vidage >= 40:vnpr -= 20
  49. if vidage >= 35 and vidage < 40:vnpr -= 10
  50. if vidage >= 30 and vidage < 35:vnpr -= 5
  51. if vidage >= 25 and vidage < 30:vnpr += 1
  52. if vidage >= 20 and vidage < 25:vnpr += 5
  53. if vidage >= 18 and vidage < 20:vnpr += 10
  54. if vidage < 18:vnpr += 15
  55. if vnesh = -10:
  56. vnpr -= 100
  57. elseif vnesh < 20:
  58. vnpr -= 10
  59. elseif vnesh < 60:
  60. vnpr -= 5
  61. elseif vnesh < 120:
  62. vnpr += 1
  63. elseif vnesh < 200:
  64. vnpr += 5
  65. else
  66. vnpr += 10
  67. end
  68. if cumSUM > 0:vnpr -= 10
  69. if mop = 0:vnpr -= 10
  70. if mop = 1:vnpr -= 1
  71. if mop = 2:vnpr += 1
  72. if mop = 3:vnpr += 5
  73. if mop = 4:vnpr += 10
  74. if leghair <= 0:vnpr += 1
  75. if leghair > 0:vnpr -= 5
  76. if lobok > 0:vnpr -= 5
  77. if lobok <= 0:vnpr += 1
  78. if tan > 0:vnpr += 1
  79. if curly > 0:vnpr += 1
  80. if sweat > 0:vnpr -= 10
  81. if hapri = 0:vnpr -= 1
  82. if lip = 4:vnpr += 1
  83. !max. 40
  84. !minimum -161
  85. }
  86. $dinklient = {
  87. if clientPRyes = 1:
  88. 'The client nods his head and you open the door of his car.'
  89. if klient_needs = 0:dynamic $din_prost_bj
  90. if klient_needs = 1:dynamic $din_prost_sex
  91. if klient_needs = 2:dynamic $din_prost_anal
  92. if klient_needs = 3:dynamic $whore_event_1
  93. if klient_needs = 4:dynamic $whore_event_2
  94. if klient_needs = 5:dynamic $whore_event_3
  95. elseif clientPRyes = 0:
  96. 'Customer meticulously examined you and said, "No fucking way." Then he started the car and drove away.'
  97. act 'Escape':gt'prostitute','start'
  98. end
  99. }
  100. $din_prost_bj = {
  101. act 'Going to the client machine':
  102. vidageday -= 5
  103. $boy = 'stranger'
  104. slutty += 1
  105. dick = RAND(12,21)
  106. money += ProsMoney*100
  107. gt'blowPR','start'
  108. end
  109. }
  110. $din_prost_sex = {
  111. act 'Going to the client machine':
  112. vidageday -= 10
  113. $boy = 'stranger'
  114. dick = RAND(12,21)
  115. money += ProsMoney*100
  116. prosti = 1
  117. slutty += 1
  118. gt'blowPR','start'
  119. end
  120. }
  121. $din_prost_anal = {
  122. act 'Going to the client machine':
  123. vidageday -= 20
  124. gs'boy'
  125. prosti = 2
  126. analprotect = 0
  127. slutty += 1
  128. gt'blowPR','start'
  129. end
  130. }
  131. $whore_event_1={
  132. act'Work':
  133. cla
  134. *clr
  135. $boy = 'Fat Prostitution Client'
  136. cumprecheck = 1
  137. gs 'Cum_Manage'
  138. spafinloc = 14
  139. gs 'Cum_Manage'
  140. slutty+=1
  141. money += ProsMoney*100
  142. gs'stat'
  143. '<center><img src="images/nigma/city/whore/whore.event0.jpg"></center>'
  144. 'Out of the car climbed a group of men. One of them, fatso, toward you.'
  145. '"Greasy, go, fuck, fuck you asked to stop?" - one of them shouted to a peasant, Right for you.'
  146. 'The fat man stopped, and turned back to the car: - "SchA, men. I want to fuck - I can not. SchA slut fuck on-quickly and correctly.'
  147. 'He came to you, He took her hand and led her to the car. There he laid you on the hood and fucked. He did not hold out for long time. Poelozit few minutes of your pussy, He pulled out a member and finished on your stomach.'
  148. act'Escape':gt'prostitute','start'
  149. end
  150. }
  151. $whore_event_2={
  152. act'Work':
  153. cla
  154. *clr
  155. slutty+=1
  156. $boy = 'Prostitution Client 1'
  157. cumprecheck = 1
  158. gs 'Cum_Manage'
  159. spafinloc = 4
  160. gs 'Cum_Manage'
  161. $boy = 'Prostitution Client 2'
  162. spafinloc = 12
  163. gs 'Cum_Manage'
  164. money += ProsMoney*100
  165. gs'stat'
  166. '<center><img src="images/nigma/city/whore/whore.event1.jpg"></center>'
  167. '"Shit, Th these bitches think of themselves. And stupidly took prodinamili" - You have heard of the stopped car'
  168. '"Yes fucked, you might think - beauty queen found. Okay, Goh, go though slut fuck. And eggs have stone." - There was a second voice.'
  169. 'To you approached two men. We quickly agreed on a price, you stood beside the car with cancer. One of the guys came right back and put your cock in pussy. Second went to your face and gave his cock you for Servicing.'
  170. 'After ten minutes the boys had finished: I finished first in your mouth, and the other on the ass.'
  171. act'Escape':gt'prostitute','start'
  172. end
  173. }
  174. $whore_event_3={
  175. act'Work':
  176. cla
  177. *clr
  178. slutty+=1
  179. money += ProsMoney*100
  180. gs'stat'
  181. '<center><img src="images/nigma/city/whore/whore.event2.jpg"></center>'
  182. 'From stop the car came a woman`s hand, kotoryya beckoned you closer.'
  183. 'When you come, A woman came out of the car.'
  184. '"Chet, I am tired of the day. Take me stress" - she said, and lifted her skirt.'
  185. 'You began to lick her crotch, alternately inserting fingers in her pussy, in poku. Lastly, woman broke down and finished, showering you with their juices.'
  186. act'Escape':gt'prostitute','start'
  187. end
  188. }
  189. $dinrandbj = {
  190. tperbjran = rand(0, 3)
  191. if tperbjran = 0:$tperbj = 'Your <<$liptalk>> wraps around his <<dick>> centimeter member'
  192. if tperbjran = 1:$tperbj = 'Your <<$liptalk>> clasps his purple head <<dick>> centimeter member'
  193. if tperbjran = 2:$tperbj = 'You held your <<$liptalk>> on the head of his <<dick>> centimeter member and pulled into your mouth'
  194. if tperbjran = 3:$tperbj = 'The <<dick>> centimeter dick rested in your <<$liptalk>>, you have slightly opened them and let the dick in your mouth.'
  195. if tperbjran = 4:$tperbj = ''
  196. if tperbjran = 5:$tperbj = ''
  197. tperbjran2 = rand(0, 2)
  198. if tperbjran2 = 0:$tperbj2 = 'Your mouth quickly turned and was filled by a slightly salty and hard cock, which you started to suck.'
  199. if tperbjran2 = 1:$tperbj2 = 'The <<dick>> cock inside your mouth went hard and hot, and you started sucking'
  200. if tperbjran2 = 2:$tperbj2 = 'The hard cock around your <<$liptalk>> is filling your whole mouth and with every move it"s going down your throat.'
  201. if tperbjran2 = 3:$tperbj2 = ''
  202. if tperbjran2 = 4:$tperbj2 = ''
  203. if tperbjran2 = 5:$tperbj2 = ''
  204. '<<$tperbj>>. <<$tperbj2>>'
  205. }
  206. $dinrandswallow = {
  207. tperswalrand = rand(0, 2)
  208. if tperswalrand = 0:$tperswal = 'Suddenly your mouth is shot with a jet of viscous semen.'
  209. if tperswalrand = 1:$tperswal = 'The cock twitched and jets of sperm flew between your lips into your mouth.'
  210. if tperswalrand = 2:$tperswal = 'Your mouth has been filled with sperm when your lips began to close between the dick.'
  211. tperswalrand2 = rand(0, 2)
  212. if tperswalrand2 = 0:$tperswal2 = 'Your mouth is quickly filled with warm sperm and you feel it"s sharp taste.'
  213. if tperswalrand2 = 1:$tperswal2 = 'Your mouth is filled with cum and began to run down your <<$liptalk2>>'
  214. if tperswalrand2 = 2:$tperswal2 = 'Hot seed quickly filled your mouth making you experience the whole scale and sharp tart taste of sperm.'
  215. tperswalrand3 = rand(0, 2)
  216. if tperswalrand3 = 0:$tperswal3 = 'You gulped and swallowed the sperm located in your mouth. In the mouth, the taste of semen stayed and felt his scent.'
  217. if tperswalrand3 = 1:$tperswal3 = 'You swallow the warm cum that fills your mouth and licks the remnants of the seed with your <<$liptalk3>>.'
  218. if tperswalrand3 = 2:$tperswal3 = 'You swallow the viscous semen that is filling your mouth, and then licks.'
  219. '<<$tperswal>> <<$tperswal2>> <<$tperswal3>>'
  220. }
  221. $dinrandfacial = {
  222. }
  223. $venerasiak = {
  224. tipvenerarand = rand(0, 10)
  225. if protect = 1:venrand = rand(0, 1000)
  226. if venrand = 1000:
  227. dynamic $veneradinitog
  228. else
  229. venrand = rand(0, 100)
  230. if venrand >= 80:dynamic $veneradinitog
  231. end
  232. }
  233. $veneradinitog = {
  234. if cheatHealth = 0:
  235. if tipvenerarand = 8:
  236. !!herpes
  237. if rand(1, 100) > 90:
  238. if GerpesOnce = 0:
  239. GerpesOnce = 1
  240. Venera += 1
  241. Gerpes += 1
  242. end
  243. end
  244. elseif tipvenerarand = 7:
  245. !!syphilis
  246. if rand(1, 100) > 95: Venera += 1
  247. if SifacOnce = 0:
  248. SifacOnce = 1
  249. Sifilis += 1
  250. end
  251. elseif tipvenerarand >= 5 and tipvenerarand < 7:
  252. !!gonorrhea/triper
  253. if rand(1, 100) > 95: Venera += 1
  254. if TriperOnce = 0:
  255. TriperOnce = 1
  256. Triper += 1
  257. end
  258. elseif tipvenerarand < 5:
  259. !!candidiasis/thrush
  260. if rand(1, 100) > 85:
  261. if KandidozOnce = 0:
  262. KandidozOnce = 1
  263. Kandidoz += 1
  264. end
  265. end
  266. end
  267. end
  268. }
  269. $sexstart = {
  270. protect = 0
  271. vidageday -= 1
  272. if prezik > 0:
  273. prezik -= 1
  274. protect = 1
  275. if preziktype = 2:
  276. sexcontra = 7
  277. '<<$boy>> took your sabotaged condom and put it on his <<dick>> centimeter member.'
  278. else
  279. sexcontra = 3
  280. '<<$boy>> took your condom and put it on his <<dick>> centimeter member.'
  281. end
  282. else
  283. sexcontra = 0
  284. end
  285. }
  286. $sexstart2 = {
  287. frost = 0
  288. if cycle <= 0:
  289. !!Menstruation makes orgasm impossible
  290. horny = 0
  291. manna -= 10
  292. willpower -= 10
  293. 'Menstruation blood slowly flows from your vagina while he fucks you. I´t feels painful and also pleasant. You moan while his <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  294. elseif cycle > 0 and vagina > 0:
  295. !!No Menstruatsion
  296. !!horny - excitement
  297. !!vagina - vagina elasticity
  298. !!silavag - male skill:0-clumsy, 1-middle, 2-stud
  299. !!dick - his penis size
  300. !!orgazm - what kind of orgasm
  301. !!0 - very painful, 1 - hurts, 2 - unpleasant, 3 - so-so, 4 - little orgasm, 5 - orgasm, 6- little orgasm
  302. smazka = horny / 10
  303. prinat = smazka + vagina
  304. if dick >= prinat * 2:
  305. !!member of the critical features more years
  306. if silavag = 0: orgazm = 0
  307. if silavag = 1: orgazm = 1
  308. if silavag = 2: orgazm = 2
  309. elseif dick < prinat * 2 and dick > prinat:
  310. !!member more options gg
  311. if silavag = 0:
  312. if horny >= 100: orgazm = 5
  313. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100: orgazm = 4
  314. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90: orgazm = 3
  315. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80: orgazm = 2
  316. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70: orgazm = 1
  317. if horny < 60: orgazm = 0
  318. elseif silavag = 1:
  319. if horny >= 90: orgazm = 5
  320. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90: orgazm = 4
  321. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80: orgazm = 3
  322. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70: orgazm = 2
  323. if horny >= 50 and horny < 60: orgazm = 1
  324. if horny < 50: orgazm = 0
  325. elseif silavag = 2:
  326. if horny >= 80: orgazm = 5
  327. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80: orgazm = 4
  328. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70: orgazm = 3
  329. if horny >= 50 and horny < 60: orgazm = 2
  330. if horny >= 40 and horny < 50: orgazm = 1
  331. if horny < 40: orgazm = 0
  332. end
  333. elseif dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
  334. !!Member fewer opportunities gg
  335. if silavag = 0:
  336. if horny >= 80: orgazm = 5
  337. if horny >= 60 and horny < 80: orgazm = 4
  338. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60: orgazm = 3
  339. if horny < 40: orgazm = 2
  340. elseif silavag = 1:
  341. if horny >= 70: orgazm = 5
  342. if horny >= 50 and horny < 70: orgazm = 4
  343. if horny >= 30 and horny < 50: orgazm = 3
  344. if horny < 30: orgazm = 2
  345. elseif silavag = 2:
  346. if horny >= 60: orgazm = 5
  347. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60: orgazm = 4
  348. if horny >= 20 and horny < 40: orgazm = 3
  349. if horny < 20: orgazm = 2
  350. end
  351. elseif dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
  352. if silavag = 0:
  353. if horny >= 100: orgazm = 5
  354. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100: orgazm = 4
  355. if horny < 90: orgazm = 6
  356. elseif silavag = 1:
  357. if horny >= 90: orgazm = 5
  358. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90: orgazm = 4
  359. if horny < 80: orgazm = 6
  360. elseif silavag = 2:
  361. if horny >= 80: orgazm = 5
  362. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80: orgazm = 4
  363. if horny < 70: orgazm = 6
  364. end
  365. end
  366. if oragazm = 5:
  367. preOrg += 1
  368. if razeba < 4:
  369. if silavag = 2:
  370. orgrand = rand(50, 300)
  371. if orgrand > preOrg: oragazm = 4
  372. elseif silavag < 2:
  373. oragazm = 4
  374. end
  375. elseif razeba = 4:
  376. if silavag = 2:
  377. orgrand = rand(0, 100)
  378. if orgrand > preOrg: oragazm = 4
  379. elseif silavag < 2:
  380. orgrand = rand(50, 300)
  381. if orgrand > preOrg: oragazm = 4
  382. end
  383. elseif razeba >= 5:
  384. if silavag = 2:
  385. orgrand = rand(0, 50)
  386. if orgrand > preOrg: oragazm = 4
  387. elseif silavag < 2:
  388. orgrand = rand(0, 100)
  389. if orgrand > preOrg: oragazm = 4
  390. end
  391. end
  392. end
  393. if orgazm = 0:
  394. vgape = 3
  395. vgapetime = totminut
  396. horny = 0
  397. manna -= 15
  398. willpower -= 15
  399. 'You groaned in pain when <<$boy>> penetrated, tears flowed from your eyes and it feels like someone drove a red-hot rod in your vagina. You cry and moan while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  400. elseif orgazm = 1:
  401. if vgape < 2:vgape = 2
  402. vgapetime = totminut
  403. horny -= 10
  404. manna -= 10
  405. willpower -= 10
  406. 'You bite your lip in pain when <<$boy>> entered, it is very painful. You are frowning and moaning in pain while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  407. elseif orgazm = 2:
  408. if vgape < 1:vgape = 1
  409. vgapetime = totminut
  410. horny -= 5
  411. manna -= 5
  412. willpower -= 5
  413. 'You winced at the sudden pain when <<$boy>> entered, it hurted but it gradually become quite tolerable. You are trying to get aroused while his <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy, but you did not succeed.'
  414. elseif orgazm = 3:
  415. manna += 5
  416. willpower += 5
  417. 'You are startled by feeling that your pussy is stretching when <<$boy>> entered you. It feels good when his <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  418. elseif orgazm = 4:
  419. horny += 10
  420. manna += 10
  421. willpower += 10
  422. 'You are startled by feeling that your pussy is stretching as <<$boy>> entered you. It feels good when his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the abdomen, then the feeling decreases a little and remained until the end.'
  423. elseif orgazm = 5:
  424. horny = 0
  425. manna += 15
  426. willpower += 15
  427. orgasm += 1
  428. vaginalOrgasm += 1
  429. 'You flinched from a pleasant feeling when your pussy is stretched by his dick. It feels good when his <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the lower abdomen,the feeling then descend and your entire body covered with hot waves of orgasm, you scream with pleasure.'
  430. elseif orgazm = 6:
  431. horny += 5
  432. manna += 5
  433. willpower += 5
  434. 'You feel as his penis enters your pussy.You feel nice between your legs , but his <<dick>> inches dick is significantly less than your pussy and not enough for you. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the abdomen, then the feeling a decreases a little and remained until the end.'
  435. end
  436. if vagina = 0:
  437. horny = 0
  438. manna -= 15
  439. willpower -= 15
  440. vagina += 1
  441. 'You have bitten your <<$liptalk>> in pain and tears started to flow from your eyes when <<$boy>> entered, breaking your hymen. You moan while crying and his <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your bloody pussy.'
  442. elseif vagina <= dick:
  443. vagina += 1
  444. end
  445. end
  446. if vagina < dick: vagina += 1
  447. cumprecheck = 1
  448. gs 'cum_manage'
  449. sex += 1
  450. }
  451. $sexstart3 = {
  452. frost = 0
  453. if cycle <= 0:
  454. !!periods, orgasm is not possible
  455. horny = 0
  456. manna -= 10
  457. willpower -= 10
  458. 'You have your period and blood slowly follows from the vagina while you jump on his dick.Having painful and pleasants sensations . You moan while his strong <<dick>> centimeter penis fucks you.'
  459. elseif cycle > 0 and vagina > 0:
  460. !!no monthly
  461. !!horny - excitement
  462. !!vagina - the elasticity of the vagina
  463. !!silavag - skill Man 0-sad_sack, 1-middle_peasant 2-stud
  464. !!dick - penis Man
  465. !!orgazm - Total coefficient of pleasure
  466. !!0 - very painful, 1 - it_hurts, 2 - not nice, 3 - so-so, 4 - nedoorgazm 5 - orgasm
  467. smazka = horny / 10
  468. prinat = smazka + vagina
  469. if dick >= prinat * 2:
  470. !!member of the critical features more years
  471. if silavag = 0:orgazm = 0
  472. if silavag = 1:orgazm = 1
  473. if silavag = 2:orgazm = 2
  474. elseif dick < prinat * 2 and dick > prinat:
  475. !!member more options gg
  476. if silavag = 0:
  477. if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
  478. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
  479. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 3
  480. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 2
  481. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 1
  482. if horny < 60:orgazm = 0
  483. elseif silavag = 1:
  484. if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
  485. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
  486. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 3
  487. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 2
  488. if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 1
  489. if horny < 50:orgazm = 0
  490. elseif silavag = 2:
  491. if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
  492. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
  493. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 3
  494. if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 2
  495. if horny >= 40 and horny < 50:orgazm = 1
  496. if horny < 40:orgazm = 0
  497. end
  498. elseif dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
  499. !!Member fewer opportunities gg
  500. if silavag = 0:
  501. if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
  502. if horny >= 60 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
  503. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 3
  504. if horny < 40:orgazm = 2
  505. elseif silavag = 1:
  506. if horny >= 70:orgazm = 5
  507. if horny >= 50 and horny < 70:orgazm = 4
  508. if horny >= 30 and horny < 50:orgazm = 3
  509. if horny < 30:orgazm = 2
  510. elseif silavag = 2:
  511. if horny >= 60:orgazm = 5
  512. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 4
  513. if horny >= 20 and horny < 40:orgazm = 3
  514. if horny < 20:orgazm = 2
  515. end
  516. elseif dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
  517. if silavag = 0:
  518. if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
  519. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
  520. if horny < 90:orgazm = 6
  521. elseif silavag = 1:
  522. if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
  523. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
  524. if horny < 80:orgazm = 6
  525. elseif silavag = 2:
  526. if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
  527. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
  528. if horny < 70:orgazm = 6
  529. end
  530. end
  531. if oragazm = 5:
  532. preOrg += 1
  533. if razeba < 4:
  534. if silavag = 2:
  535. orgrand = rand(50, 300)
  536. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  537. elseif silavag < 2:
  538. oragazm = 4
  539. end
  540. elseif razeba = 4:
  541. if silavag = 2:
  542. orgrand = rand(0, 100)
  543. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  544. elseif silavag < 2:
  545. orgrand = rand(50, 300)
  546. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  547. end
  548. elseif razeba >= 5:
  549. if silavag = 2:
  550. orgrand = rand(0, 50)
  551. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  552. elseif silavag < 2:
  553. orgrand = rand(0, 100)
  554. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  555. end
  556. end
  557. end
  558. if orgazm = 0:
  559. if vgape < 3:vgape = 3
  560. vgapetime = totminut
  561. horny = 0
  562. manna -= 15
  563. willpower -= 15
  564. 'You groaned in pain when <<$boy>> penetrated, tears flowed from your eyes and it feels like someone drove a red-hot rod in your vagina. You cry and moan while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  565. elseif orgazm = 1:
  566. if vgape < 2:vgape = 2
  567. vgapetime = totminut
  568. horny -= 10
  569. manna -= 10
  570. willpower -= 10
  571. 'You bite your lip in pain when you got on the penis and felt like a dick of <<$boy>> entered into you, feeling pain between your legs. You are frowning and moaning in pain while jumping on strong <<dick>> centimeter penis.'
  572. elseif orgazm = 2:
  573. if vgape < 1:vgape = 1
  574. vgapetime = totminut
  575. horny -= 5
  576. manna -= 5
  577. willpower -= 5
  578. 'You winced at the sudden pain when sat on and felt like a member of <<$boy>> has entered into you, between your legs the pain gradually become calm and quite tolerable.You are trying to get aroused and still jumping on his sturdy and strong <<dick>> centimeter to fuck your pussy, but you do not succeed.'
  579. elseif orgazm = 3:
  580. horny += 5
  581. manna += 5
  582. willpower += 5
  583. 'You are startled by the feeling that your pussy is stretched when sat on and felt like a cock of <<$boy>> has entered into you. Between the legs you get a little nice feeling when you jump on a strong <<dick>> centimeter penis.'
  584. elseif orgazm = 4:
  585. horny += 10
  586. manna += 10
  587. willpower += 10
  588. 'You are startled by the feeling that your pussy is stretched when you sat on and felt like a member of <<$boy>> has entered into you. Between the legs gets a little nice feeling when you jump on strong <<dick>> centimeter penis.Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the abdomen, then the feeling a decreases a little and remained until the end.'
  589. elseif orgazm = 5:
  590. horny = 0
  591. manna += 15
  592. willpower += 15
  593. orgasm += 1
  594. vaginalOrgasm += 1
  595. 'You flinched from a pleasant feeling when your pussy stretched starting on taking a dick. Between the legs becomes very warm and pleasant when you jump on the strong <<dick>> centimeter penis. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the abdomen, the feelingthen descend to you and your entire body covered hot waves of orgasm, you involuntarily scream with pleasure writhing on edge.'
  596. elseif orgazm = 6:
  597. horny += 5
  598. manna += 5
  599. willpower += 5
  600. 'You feel as his penis enters your pussy.You feel nice between your legs , but his <<dick>> inches dick is significantly less than your pussy and not enough for you. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the abdomen, then the feeling a decreases a little and remained until the end.'
  601. end
  602. if vagina = 0:
  603. horny = 0
  604. manna -= 15
  605. willpower -= 15
  606. vagina += 1
  607. 'You have bitten your <<$liptalk>> in pain and tears started to flow from your eyes when <<$boy>> entered, breaking your hymen. You moan while crying and his <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your bloody pussy.'
  608. elseif vagina <= dick:
  609. vagina += 1
  610. end
  611. end
  612. cumprecheck = 1
  613. gs 'cum_manage'
  614. sex += 1
  615. }
  616. $sexstart4 = {
  617. frost = 0
  618. if cycle <= 0:
  619. !!periods, orgasm is not possible
  620. horny = 0
  621. manna = manna - 10
  622. willpower = willpower - 10
  623. 'You are menstruated and yet he rams his dick into you, vaginal blood flows slowly. You have both painfull and pleasant sensations. You moan while a strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  624. elseif cycle > 0 and vagina > 0:
  625. !!no monthly
  626. !!horny - excitement
  627. !!vagina - the elasticity of the vagina
  628. !!silavag - skill Man 0-sad_sack, 1-middle_peasant 2-stud
  629. !!dick - penis Man
  630. !!orgazm - Total coefficient of pleasure
  631. !!0 - very painful, 1 - it_hurts, 2 - not nice, 3 - so-so, 4 - nedoorgazm 5 - orgasm
  632. smazka = horny / 10
  633. prinat = smazka + vagina
  634. if dick >= prinat * 2:
  635. !!member of the critical features more years
  636. if silavag = 0:orgazm = 0
  637. if silavag = 1:orgazm = 1
  638. if silavag = 2:orgazm = 2
  639. elseif dick < prinat * 2 and dick > prinat:
  640. !!member more options gg
  641. if silavag = 0:
  642. if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
  643. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
  644. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 3
  645. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 2
  646. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 1
  647. if horny < 60:orgazm = 0
  648. elseif silavag = 1:
  649. if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
  650. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
  651. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 3
  652. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 2
  653. if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 1
  654. if horny < 50:orgazm = 0
  655. elseif silavag = 2:
  656. if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
  657. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
  658. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 3
  659. if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 2
  660. if horny >= 40 and horny < 50:orgazm = 1
  661. if horny < 40:orgazm = 0
  662. end
  663. elseif dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
  664. !!Member fewer opportunities gg
  665. if silavag = 0:
  666. if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
  667. if horny >= 60 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
  668. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 3
  669. if horny < 40:orgazm = 2
  670. elseif silavag = 1:
  671. if horny >= 70:orgazm = 5
  672. if horny >= 50 and horny < 70:orgazm = 4
  673. if horny >= 30 and horny < 50:orgazm = 3
  674. if horny < 30:orgazm = 2
  675. elseif silavag = 2:
  676. if horny >= 60:orgazm = 5
  677. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 4
  678. if horny >= 20 and horny < 40:orgazm = 3
  679. if horny < 20:orgazm = 2
  680. end
  681. elseif dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
  682. if silavag = 0:
  683. if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
  684. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
  685. if horny < 90:orgazm = 6
  686. elseif silavag = 1:
  687. if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
  688. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
  689. if horny < 80:orgazm = 6
  690. elseif silavag = 2:
  691. if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
  692. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
  693. if horny < 70:orgazm = 6
  694. end
  695. end
  696. if oragazm = 5:
  697. preOrg += 1
  698. if razeba < 4:
  699. if silavag = 2:
  700. orgrand = rand(50, 300)
  701. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  702. elseif silavag < 2:
  703. oragazm = 4
  704. end
  705. elseif razeba = 4:
  706. if silavag = 2:
  707. orgrand = rand(0, 100)
  708. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  709. elseif silavag < 2:
  710. orgrand = rand(50, 300)
  711. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  712. end
  713. elseif razeba >= 5:
  714. if silavag = 2:
  715. orgrand = rand(0, 50)
  716. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  717. elseif silavag < 2:
  718. orgrand = rand(0, 100)
  719. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  720. end
  721. end
  722. end
  723. if orgazm = 0:
  724. vgape = 3
  725. vgapetime = totminut
  726. horny = 0
  727. manna -= 15
  728. willpower -= 15
  729. 'You groaned in pain when <<$boy>> penetrated, tears flowed from your eyes, and between the legs you had a feeling as if you drove a red-hot rod into your pussy. You cry and moan while a strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  730. elseif orgazm = 1:
  731. if vgape < 2:vgape = 2
  732. vgapetime = totminut
  733. horny -= 10
  734. manna -= 10
  735. willpower -= 10
  736. 'You bit your lip in pain when <<$boy>> penetrated, you feel pain between the legs. You are frowning and moaning in pain while a strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  737. elseif orgazm = 2:
  738. if vgape < 1:vgape = 1
  739. vgapetime = totminut
  740. horny -= 5
  741. manna -= 5
  742. willpower -= 5
  743. 'You flinched at the sudden pain when <<$boy>> penetrated, feeling pain between the legs, which gradually settle down and become quite tolerable. You are trying to be excited while a strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy, but you could not succeed.'
  744. elseif orgazm = 3:
  745. horny = horny + 5
  746. manna += 5
  747. willpower += 5
  748. 'You flinched from the feeling that your pussy is being stretched, when <<$boy>> penetrated. You have a little nice sensation between the legs while a strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  749. elseif orgazm = 4:
  750. horny = horny + 10
  751. manna += 10
  752. willpower += 10
  753. 'You flinched from the feeling that your pussy is beign stretched when <<$boy>> penetrated. You have a little nice sensation between the legs while a strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the abdomen, then the feeling a decreases a little and remained until the end. '
  754. elseif orgazm = 5:
  755. horny = 0
  756. manna += 15
  757. willpower += 15
  758. orgasm += 1
  759. vaginalOrgasm += 1
  760. 'You are startled by a pleasant sensation when your pussy is stretched and start taking a dick. You have a very warm and pleasant feeling between the legs when a strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy. Gradually a very warm and throbbing feeling grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling descend into you and your entire body was covered into hot waves of orgasm, you involuntarily shout of pleasure writhing on edge. '
  761. elseif orgazm = 6:
  762. horny += 5
  763. manna += 5
  764. willpower += 5
  765. 'You feel as a dick gets into your pussy, when <<$boy>> penetrated. You have a nice feeling between your legs, but a <<dick>> centimeters dick is too small for your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and throbbing feeling grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling slightly reduced and remain until the end. '
  766. end
  767. if vagina = 0:
  768. horny = 0
  769. manna -= 15
  770. willpower -= 15
  771. vagina += 1
  772. 'You have bitten your <<$liptalk>> in pain and tears started to flow from your eyes when <<$boy>> entered, breaking your hymen. You moan while crying and his <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your bloody pussy.'
  773. elseif vagina <= dick:
  774. vagina += 1
  775. end
  776. end
  777. cumprecheck = 1
  778. gs 'cum_manage'
  779. sex += 1
  780. }
  781. $sexudo = {
  782. protect = 0
  783. vidageday -= 1
  784. frost = 0
  785. if tabletki <= 0 and prezik > 0:
  786. prezik -= 1
  787. protect = 1
  788. if preziktype = 2:
  789. sexcontra = 7
  790. '<<$boy>> took a sabotaged condom and put it on his <<dick>> centimeter cock.'
  791. else
  792. sexcontra = 3
  793. '<<$boy>> took a condom and put it on his <<dick>> centimeter cock.'
  794. end
  795. else
  796. sexcontra = 0
  797. end
  798. if cycle <= 0:
  799. !!periods, orgasm is not possible
  800. horny = 0
  801. manna -= 10
  802. willpower -= 10
  803. 'You are menstruated and yet he rams his dick inside you, menstruation blood flows slowly. You have both painful and pleasant sensations. You moan while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  804. elseif cycle > 0 and vagina > 0:
  805. !!no monthly
  806. !!horny - arousal
  807. !!vagina - elasticy of the vagina
  808. !!silavag - skill man 0-sad sack, 1-middle pleasant 2-stud
  809. !!dick - рenis man
  810. !!orgazm - Total coefficient of pleasure
  811. !!0 - very painful, 1 - it hurts, 2 - not nice, 3 - so-so, 4 - needoorgazm 5 - orgasm
  812. smazka = horny / 10
  813. prinat = smazka + vagina
  814. if dick >= prinat * 2:
  815. !!member of the critical features more years
  816. if silavag = 0:orgazm = 0
  817. if silavag = 1:orgazm = 1
  818. if silavag = 2:orgazm = 2
  819. elseif dick < prinat * 2 and dick > prinat:
  820. !!member more options gg
  821. if silavag = 0:
  822. if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
  823. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
  824. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 3
  825. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 2
  826. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 1
  827. if horny < 60:orgazm = 0
  828. elseif silavag = 1:
  829. if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
  830. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
  831. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 3
  832. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 2
  833. if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 1
  834. if horny < 50:orgazm = 0
  835. elseif silavag = 2:
  836. if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
  837. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
  838. if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 3
  839. if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 2
  840. if horny >= 40 and horny < 50:orgazm = 1
  841. if horny < 40:orgazm = 0
  842. end
  843. elseif dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
  844. !!Member fewer opportunities gg
  845. if silavag = 0:
  846. if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
  847. if horny >= 60 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
  848. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 3
  849. if horny < 40:orgazm = 2
  850. elseif silavag = 1:
  851. if horny >= 70:orgazm = 5
  852. if horny >= 50 and horny < 70:orgazm = 4
  853. if horny >= 30 and horny < 50:orgazm = 3
  854. if horny < 30:orgazm = 2
  855. elseif silavag = 2:
  856. if horny >= 60:orgazm = 5
  857. if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 4
  858. if horny >= 20 and horny < 40:orgazm = 3
  859. if horny < 20:orgazm = 2
  860. end
  861. elseif dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
  862. if silavag = 0:
  863. if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
  864. if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
  865. if horny < 90:orgazm = 6
  866. elseif silavag = 1:
  867. if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
  868. if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
  869. if horny < 80:orgazm = 6
  870. elseif silavag = 2:
  871. if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
  872. if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
  873. if horny < 70:orgazm = 6
  874. end
  875. end
  876. if oragazm = 5:
  877. preOrg += 1
  878. if razeba < 4:
  879. if silavag = 2:
  880. orgrand = rand(50, 300)
  881. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  882. elseif silavag < 2:
  883. oragazm = 4
  884. end
  885. elseif razeba = 4:
  886. if silavag = 2:
  887. orgrand = rand(0, 100)
  888. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  889. elseif silavag < 2:
  890. orgrand = rand(50, 300)
  891. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  892. end
  893. elseif razeba >= 5:
  894. if silavag = 2:
  895. orgrand = rand(0, 50)
  896. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  897. elseif silavag < 2:
  898. orgrand = rand(0, 100)
  899. if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
  900. end
  901. end
  902. end
  903. if orgazm = 0:
  904. horny = 0
  905. manna -= 15
  906. willpower -= 15
  907. if vgape < 3:vgape = 3
  908. vgapetime = totminut
  909. 'You groaned in pain when <<$boy>> entered inside you, tears flowed from your eyes, and you have a feeling between your legs as if you drove a red-hot rod inside your pussy. You cry and moan while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  910. elseif orgazm = 1:
  911. horny -= 10
  912. manna -= 10
  913. willpower -= 10
  914. if vgape < 2:vgape = 2
  915. vgapetime = totminut
  916. 'You bite your lip in pain when <<$boy>> put his dick inside you, having a painful feeling between your legs. You are frowning and moaning in pain while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  917. elseif orgazm = 2:
  918. horny -= 5
  919. manna -= 5
  920. willpower -= 5
  921. if vgape < 1:vgape = 1
  922. vgapetime = totminut
  923. 'You winced at the sudden pain when <<$boy>> entered your pussy, feeling pain between your legs, that gradually become calm and quite tolerable. You were trying to get aroused while strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy, but you could not succeed.'
  924. elseif orgazm = 3:
  925. horny += 5
  926. manna += 5
  927. willpower += 5
  928. 'You are startled by the feeling that your pussy is being stretched when <<$boy>> penetrated. Having a little pleasant feeling between the legs when his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
  929. elseif orgazm = 4:
  930. horny += 10
  931. manna += 10
  932. willpower += 10
  933. 'You startled by the feeling that your pussy is stretched when <<$boy>> you entered. Between the legs becomes a little pleased when strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the lower abdomen, then the feeling decreases a little and remained until the end.'
  934. elseif orgazm = 5:
  935. horny = 0
  936. manna += 15
  937. willpower += 15
  938. orgasm += 1
  939. vaginalOrgasm += 1
  940. 'You flinched from a pleasant feeling when your pussy stretched and start taking a dick. Your pussy becomes very warm and pleasant when his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the lower abdomen, the feeling then descend and your entire body covered with hot waves of orgasm, you scream with pleasure writhing on edge.'
  941. elseif orgazm = 6:
  942. horny += 5
  943. manna += 5
  944. willpower += 5
  945. 'You feel when <<$boy>> entered you. You feel nice between your legs , but his <<dick>> inches dick is significantly less than your pussy and not enough for you. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the lower abdomen, then the feeling decreases a little and remained until the end.'
  946. end
  947. if vagina = 0:
  948. horny = 0
  949. manna -= 15
  950. willpower -= 15
  951. vagina += 1
  952. 'You have bitten your <<$liptalk>> in pain and tears started to flow from your eyes when <<$boy>> entered, breaking your hymen. You moan while crying and his <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your bloody pussy.'
  953. elseif vagina <= dick:
  954. vagina += 1
  955. end
  956. cumprecheck = 1
  957. gs 'cum_manage'
  958. sex += 1
  959. end
  960. }
  961. $sexcum = {
  962. frost = 0
  963. sexpartkno = 1
  964. if protect ! 1:
  965. !!Unprotected sex
  966. finrand = rand(0, 1)
  967. if finrand = 0:
  968. !!Inside
  969. '<<$boy>> groaned and you feel a jet of sperm fill your pussy.'
  970. if knowpreg = 0 and thinkpreg = 0:
  971. if tabletkishot ! 0: '"I''m glad I got my birth control shot." you think to yourself.'
  972. if tabletkishot = 0 and pillcon > 2000: '"Good thing I''m on the pill." you think to yourself.'
  973. if tabletkishot = 0 and pillcon <=2000:'"Damn! I could get pregnant!" you think in horror.'
  974. else
  975. 'You chuckle to yourself, "Well at least I cannot get more pregnant."'
  976. end
  977. elseif finrand = 1:
  978. !!Out
  979. if pose = 0:
  980. spafinloc = 14
  981. '<<$boy>> groaned and after pulling out his dick, he came on your stomach.'
  982. elseif pose = 1:
  983. spafinloc = 4
  984. '<<$boy>> groaned and after pulling out his dick, he came on your ass.'
  985. end
  986. end
  987. gs 'Cum_Manage'
  988. elseif protect = 1:
  989. '<<$boy>> groaned and you realized that he had came in the condom.'
  990. gs 'Cum_Manage'
  991. if sexcontra = 4:
  992. 'Pulling out of you and looking at his dick, <<$boy>> said "Hmm, the condom burst."'
  993. elseif sexcontra = 5:
  994. 'Pulling out of you and looking at his dick, <<$boy>> said "Hmm, the condom is missing."'
  995. end
  996. protect = 0
  997. sexcontra = 0
  998. end
  999. pose = 0
  1000. }
  1001. $sexcumsk = {
  1002. frost = 0
  1003. $boy = shultextrand33
  1004. sexpartkno = 1
  1005. if protect ! 1:
  1006. !unprotected sex
  1007. finrand = RAND(0,1)
  1008. if finrand = 0:
  1009. !inside
  1010. cumvag_text = RAND(0,2)
  1011. if cumvag_text = 0: 'His movements speed up and he drives his cock balls deep into you with a beatific smile, he cums deep inside you. You feel a warm jet pour into your womb.'
  1012. if cumvag_text = 1: 'He does not pull out and instead pulls you tightly against him and your pussy is filled with splashes of semen.'
  1013. if cumvag_text = 2: 'He groans, and you feel a jet of sperm hit you inside your body.'
  1014. manna = manna - 15
  1015. willpower = willpower - 15
  1016. if knowpreg = 0 and thinkpreg = 0:
  1017. if tabletkishot ! 0: '"I''m glad I got my birth control shot." you think to yourself.'
  1018. if tabletkishot = 0 and pillcon > 2000: '"Good thing I''m on the pill." you think to yourself.'
  1019. if tabletkishot = 0 and pillcon <=2000:'"Damn! I could get pregnant!" you think in horror.'
  1020. else
  1021. 'You chuckle to yourself, "Well at least I cannot get more pregnant."'
  1022. end
  1023. elseif finrand = 1:
  1024. !out
  1025. if pose = 0:
  1026. spafinloc = 14
  1027. '<<$shultextrand33>> groans and pulls his cock out of you and cums on your stomach.'
  1028. elseif pose = 1:
  1029. spafinloc = 4
  1030. '<<$shultextrand33>> groans and pulls his cock out of you and cums on your ass.'
  1031. end
  1032. end
  1033. gs 'Cum_Manage'
  1034. elseif protect = 1:
  1035. '<<$shultextrand33>> groans and you realize that he came in the condom.'
  1036. gs 'Cum_Manage'
  1037. if sexcontra = 4:
  1038. 'Pulls his cock out of you and, looking at his dick, <<$shultextrand33>> says "Hmm, the condom burst."'
  1039. elseif sexcontra = 5
  1040. 'Pulls his cock out of you and, looking at his dick, <<$shultextrand33>> says "Hmm, the condom is missing."'
  1041. end
  1042. protect = 0
  1043. sexcontra = 0
  1044. end
  1045. pose = 0
  1046. }
  1047. $analsex = {
  1048. frost = 0
  1049. sexpartkno = 1
  1050. if analplugin = 1:
  1051. !!!WD:No Anal Lube if Anal Plug
  1052. !!analpluginbonus = 10
  1053. lubonus = 10
  1054. !!!
  1055. analplugin = 0
  1056. '<<$boy>> has pulled out your ass plug'
  1057. end
  1058. if dick >= anus:anus += 3
  1059. '<<$boy>> began to massage your anus with his fingers.'
  1060. !!!WD: Replaced
  1061. !!if lubri > 0:
  1062. !!!
  1063. if lubonus = 0 and lubri > 0:
  1064. !!!
  1065. lubri -= 1
  1066. lubonus += rand(1, 5)
  1067. 'You squeezed anal lube on your hand and began to smear it in your ass. Then you gave it to him and he smeared it on his dick'
  1068. end
  1069. if anus < 10:'He inserted three fingers into your ass and you groaned in pain.'
  1070. if anus >= 10:'He started to stretch your anus with three fingers.'
  1071. '<<$boy>> pulled his fingers out of your ass and you felt his hard cock near your hole.'
  1072. if anus + lubonus + 10 < dick:'You screamed and bit your lip from a sharp pain when his <<dick>> centimeter dick entered your ass.'
  1073. if anus + lubonus + 10 >= dick:'You moaned when his <<dick>> centimeter dick entered your ass.'
  1074. '<<$boy>> stopped for a moment, giving your ass time to adjust to his cock in it, and then started to slowly move, stretching your anus.'
  1075. if anus + lubonus + 2 < dick:
  1076. if mop > 1:mop = 0
  1077. horny -= 20
  1078. manna -= 20
  1079. if agape < 3:agape = 3
  1080. agapetime = totminut
  1081. 'You cried and bit your lip when <<dick>> centimeter cock began to fuck your ass on (! full force !). Your ass felt like it was on fire and all you wanted was that this torture was over quickly.'
  1082. elseif anus + lubonus + 2 >= dick:
  1083. horny += 10
  1084. if agape < 2 and lubonus = 0:agape = 2
  1085. agapetime = totminut
  1086. 'You started to moan rhythmically in time with the his cock movements inside you. You feel like your anus is stretched when his penis enters you.'
  1087. if horny >= 100:
  1088. if anal >= 10 and orgasm > 0:
  1089. manna += 20
  1090. if agape < 1 and lubonus = 0:agape = 1 & agapetime = totminut
  1091. 'You moan in pleasure while his dick moves inside your ass.'
  1092. end
  1093. end
  1094. end
  1095. lubonus = 0
  1096. 'Through some time <<$boy>> groaned and you feel like your ass fills a pleasant warmth.'
  1097. spafinloc = 3
  1098. gs 'Cum_Manage'
  1099. anal += 1
  1100. }
  1101. $analsex2 = {
  1102. frost = 0
  1103. sexpartkno = 1
  1104. if analplugin = 1:
  1105. !!!WD:No Anal Lube if Anal Plug
  1106. !!analpluginbonus = 10
  1107. lubonus = 10
  1108. !!!
  1109. analplugin = 0
  1110. '<<$boy>> pulled your butt plug out of your narrow and tight ass.'
  1111. end
  1112. if dick >= anus:anus += 3
  1113. '<<$boy>> began to massage your anus with his fingers.'
  1114. !!!WD: Replaced
  1115. !!if lubri > 0:
  1116. !!!
  1117. if lubonus = 0 and lubri > 0:
  1118. !!!
  1119. lubri -= 1
  1120. lubonus += rand(1, 5)
  1121. 'You squeezed anal lube on your hand and began to smear it in your ass. Then you gave the guy a tube and he smeared his cock lubricated.'
  1122. end
  1123. if anus < 10:'When he entered three fingers in your ass you groaned in pain.'
  1124. if anus >= 10:'He started to stretch your anus with three fingers.'
  1125. '<<$boy>> pulled his fingers out of your ass and you felt his hard cock near your hole.'
  1126. !!!WD: Added lubonus
  1127. if anus + lubonus + 10 < dick:'You screamed and bit your lip from a sharp pain when his <<dick>> centimeter dick entered your ass.'
  1128. if anus + lubonus + 10 >= dick:'You moaned when his <<dick>> centimeter dick entered your ass.'
  1129. !!!
  1130. '<<$boy>> stopped for a moment, giving your ass time to adjust to his cock in it, and then started to slowly move, stretching your anus.'
  1131. if anus + lubonus + 2 < dick:
  1132. if mop > 1:mop = 0
  1133. horny -= 20
  1134. manna -= 20
  1135. if agape < 3:agape = 3
  1136. agapetime = totminut
  1137. 'You cried and bit your lip when <<dick>> centimeter cock began to fuck your ass on (! full force !). Your ass felt like it was on fire and all you wanted was that this torture was over quickly.'
  1138. elseif anus + lubonus + 2 >= dick:
  1139. horny += 10
  1140. if agape < 2 and lubonus = 0:agape = 2
  1141. agapetime = totminut
  1142. 'You started to moan rhythmically in time with the his cock movements inside you. You feel like your anus is stretched when his penis enters you.'
  1143. if horny >= 100:
  1144. if anal >= 10 and orgasm > 0:
  1145. manna += 20
  1146. if agape < 1 and lubonus = 0:agape = 1 & agapetime = totminut
  1147. 'You moan in pleasure while his dick moves inside your ass.'
  1148. end
  1149. end
  1150. end
  1151. lubonus = 0
  1152. 'Through some time <<$boy>> groaned and you feel like your ass fills a pleasant warmth.'
  1153. spafinloc = 3
  1154. gs 'Cum_Manage'
  1155. anal += 1
  1156. }
  1157. $analsexrude = {
  1158. frost = 0
  1159. sexpartkno = 1
  1160. if analplugin = 1:
  1161. !!!WD:No Anal Lube if Anal Plug
  1162. !!analpluginbonus = 10
  1163. lubonus = 10
  1164. !!!
  1165. analplugin = 0
  1166. '<<$boy>> pulled your butt plug out of your narrow and tight ass.'
  1167. end
  1168. if dick >= anus:anus += 3
  1169. '<<$boy>> tucked into your anus finger, then the second .'
  1170. if anus < 10:'When he entered three fingers in your ass you groaned in pain.'
  1171. if anus >= 10:'He started to stretch your anus with three fingers.'
  1172. '<<$boy>> pulled his fingers out of your ass and you feel his hard cock ran into your hole.'
  1173. if anus + lubonus + 10 < dick:'You screamed and bit your lip from a sharp pain when his <<dick>> centimeter dick entered your ass.'
  1174. if anus + lubonus + 10 >= dick:'You moaned when his <<dick>> centimeter dick entered your ass.'
  1175. '<<$boy>> stopped for a moment, giving your ass time to adjust to his cock in it, and then started to slowly move, stretching your anus.'
  1176. if anus + lubonus + 2 < dick:
  1177. if mop > 1:mop = 0
  1178. horny -= 20
  1179. manna -= 20
  1180. if agape < 3:agape = 3
  1181. agapetime = totminut
  1182. 'You cried and bit your lip when <<dick>> centimeter cock began to fuck your ass on (! full force !). Your ass felt like it was on fire and all you wanted was that this torture was over quickly.'
  1183. elseif anus + lubonus + 2 >= dick:
  1184. horny += 10
  1185. if agape < 2 and lubonus = 0:agape = 2
  1186. agapetime = totminut
  1187. 'You started to moan rhythmically in time with the his cock movements inside you. You feel like your anus is stretched when his penis enters you.'
  1188. if horny >= 100:
  1189. if anal >= 10 and orgasm > 0:
  1190. manna += 20
  1191. if agape < 1 and lubonus = 0:agape = 1
  1192. agapetime = totminut
  1193. 'You moan in pleasure while his dick moves inside your ass.'
  1194. end
  1195. end
  1196. end
  1197. lubonus = 0
  1198. spafinloc = 3
  1199. gs 'Cum_Manage'
  1200. 'Through some time <<$boy>> groaned and you feel like your ass fills a pleasant warmth.'
  1201. anal += 1
  1202. }
  1203. --- dinSex ---------------------------------