FedorEv 24 KB

  1. # FedorEv
  2. !!Fedor Kotov - npcstatic id = A5
  3. if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'Start':
  4. numnpc = 5
  5. $static_num = 'A5'
  6. cls
  7. gs 'stat'
  8. '<center><b><font color="blue"><<$npcName[numnpc]>> <<$npcSurName[numnpc]>></font></b></center>'
  9. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/<<numnpc>>.jpg"></center>'
  10. if kotovLoveQW > 0 and week < 5 and kotovVSkozlov = 0 and fedorKozlovQW >= 10:
  11. gt 'FedorEv', 'Vitek Vs Fedor'
  12. elseif kotovVSkozlov = 1:
  13. gt 'FedorEv', 'Strela Chat'
  14. elseif FedorvsDimka = 2:
  15. gt 'FedorEv4', 'Dimka Aftermath'
  16. elseif GorSlut = 1 and fedorkoztalk = 0 and FedorLove = 0:
  17. gt 'FedorEv', 'Gorslut'
  18. elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 10 and GorSlut > 1 and FedorLove = 0:
  19. gt 'FedorEv', 'Gorslut 2'
  20. elseif fedorKozlovQW = 10 and FedorLuv < -5:
  21. gt 'FedorEv2', 'Fedor Breakup'
  22. elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 10 and dimaFilm = 1 and FedorvsDimka = 1:
  23. gt 'FedorMisc', 'Fedor Vs Dimka'
  24. elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 20 and GorSlut < 2 and sub > 0:
  25. gt 'FedorEv', 'Fedor Date 2'
  26. elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 20 and GorSlut < 2 and pcs_dom >= 0:
  27. gt 'FedorEv', 'Fedor Date 3'
  28. else
  29. gt 'FedorEv', 'Fedor Date'
  30. end
  31. end
  32. if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
  33. cls
  34. kotovVSkozlov = 1
  35. gs 'stat'
  36. '<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Viktor [Vitek] Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  37. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/9.jpg"></center>'
  38. 'When you approach Fedor, Vitek sees you walking Fedor''s way and follows you right away. He shoves Fedor roughly: "What do you think you''re doing, punk?'
  39. '<<$pcs_firstname>> is <b>mine!</b>" Fedor turns his face to Vitek and calmly says, "I''m not doing anything. <<$pcs_firstname>> is with me now,'
  40. 'so you should just leave us alone." Vitek theatrically moves his hand to his ear, and says, in a threatening voice: "What did you just say!?" to which Fedor'
  41. 'calmly replies: "You heard me." You can tell that Vitek is seething with rage now, the knuckles on his clenched fists turning white. Fedor moves his face'
  42. 'even closer to Vitek''s and repeats, also clenching his fists: "You heard me. Get away from <<$pcs_firstname>>, Vitek."'
  43. act 'Tell Vitek you want to be with Fedor':
  44. cls
  45. minut += 5
  46. kotovLoveQW = -1
  47. gs 'stat'
  48. '<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Viktor [Vitek] Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  49. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/9.jpg"></center>'
  50. 'You tell Vitek that you don''t want to be with him any more. You can tell he''s very angry, and has to restrain himself from hitting you in the face. Ultimately he exclaims'
  51. '"Fuck you, bitch!" and leaves, kicking over several garbage cans on the way. You fear that this might not be the last thing you''ve heard of him.'
  52. act 'Continue':gt $curloc
  53. end
  54. act 'Don''t interrupt and see what happens':
  55. cls
  56. minut += 5
  57. gs 'stat'
  58. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/strela/fvsv.jpg"></center>'
  59. 'Vitek suddenly hits Fedor on the chin with a quick jab, which sends Fedor flying backwards landing on his back on the pavement. Vitek immediately gets on top of him,'
  60. 'grabbing him by the collar with his left hand while he keeps punching Fedor in the face with his right hand. Fedor tries to ball up and kick Vitek, but doesn''t manage'
  61. 'and Vitek gives him a hard kick in the ribs when he gets back up, which makes Fedor double over grasping his stomach. When Fedor tries to get up, Vitek kicks him against'
  62. 'the head which makes Fedor fall over again. Then you see Vasily and Dan coming around the corner, they run towards Vitek when they notice he''s fighting. "Vitek, what''s'
  63. 'going on?" Vasily asks. Vitek kicks the now prone Fedor once more in his sides. "This fucker is trying to steal my girl!" he exclaims, pointing at Fedor. For a moment'
  64. *nl
  65. 'you''re scared he''s going to beat you up too, but he doesn''t. Dan moves over to Fedor''s barely conscious body and asks: "Hasn''t anyone told you that it''s rude to steal'
  66. 'someone''s girl, Fedor? What do you have to say for yourself?" Fedor looks up, barely realizing what''s going on any more. His face is all busted up, but he''s not willing'
  67. 'to let it go: "<<$pcs_firstname>> is my girl..." he moans. Vasily laughs like a jackal, while Vitek is furious once more: "You little shit! I''m going to..." Dan interrupts'
  68. 'him: "Relax, Vitek. Look at his face. I think he realizes his mistake. Or do you want to make things even worse for yourself?" That last question was directed at Fedor.'
  69. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<"Vasily [Shulga] Shulgin">></font></b></center>'
  70. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/11.jpg"></center>'
  71. act 'Remain silent':
  72. cls
  73. strelaDay = daystart
  74. strelaQW = 1
  75. gs 'stat'
  76. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  77. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/fedorangry.jpg"></center>'
  78. 'Fedor slowly rises to his feet, and softly mutters: "Fucking Gopniks..."'
  79. 'Vasily hears him though, and immediately slams his fist into Fedor''s face. Fedor tries to keep standing, but immediately gets hit by Dan as well. No longer able to'
  80. 'support his weight, he falls to his hands and knees. Vasily jokes: "Look at him... already assuming the position!" making the other Gopniks laugh. Vitek kicks him in'
  81. 'the stomach again, and Fedor lies flat on the ground. Vitek looks at Dan and asks: "Can you believe I have to put up with this shit?" Dan replies: "We could ask'
  82. *nl
  83. 'Vadim Bely to take care of him. He''ll know how to punish Fedor in a way that he''ll never forget." Vitek nods: "Good plan. Set it up, will you?" He then turns to Fedor'
  84. '"We''re settling this tomorrow, kid. You better be here after school, it''ll be ten times worse for you if you don''t." He then waves for his friends to follow him'
  85. '"Come on guys. Let''s go have some beers in the park, I need to relax. <<$pcs_nickname>>, if you want to join us, you know where we''ll be." Vitek and Dan leave Fedor'
  86. 'on the ground and head for the schoolyard exit, but Vasily walks over to Fedor and kicks him in the ribs one more time, still laughing that signature jackal laugh of his.'
  87. 'He then joins his friends, and moments later they''re gone.'
  88. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  89. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/strela/fedor.jpg"></center>'
  90. act 'Leave the school courtyard':gt 'pavResidential'
  91. end
  92. end
  93. end
  94. if $ARGS[0] = 'Strela Chat':
  95. cls
  96. gs 'stat'
  97. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  98. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/strela/FedorUpset.jpg"></center>'
  99. 'You see Fedor sitting in a corner by himself, as you approach him Fedor turns to you and says, "I''m sorry <<$pcs_firstname>> but I... I can''t talk right now"'
  100. act 'Walk away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  101. end
  102. if $ARGS[0] = 'Gorslut':
  103. cls
  104. gs 'stat'
  105. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  106. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/FedorSad.jpg"></center>'
  107. 'Fedor looks clearly troubled "<<$pcs_firstname>> I''ve been hearing rumors about you being a <<$gnikname>>, Please tell me that they are not true."'
  108. act 'Tell Fedor the truth':
  109. cls
  110. gs 'stat'
  111. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  112. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/FedorSad.jpg"></center>'
  113. 'You lower your head in shame and tell Fedor the truth. Fedor slowly nods and after a few moments asks "Was this only a one time slip up or do you plan to keep flirting with other guys? Because I need to know right now."'
  114. act 'Convince Fedor that he can trust you':
  115. cls
  116. fedorkoztalk = 1
  117. gs 'stat'
  118. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  119. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
  120. '"It was a stupid mistake that I wish I could take back, I had too many drinks and..." Fedor raises his hand and says, "You don''t need to tell me more, let''s just put this behind us." You lean forward and greatfully kiss Fedor on the cheek he then hugs you for a few moments and walks away.'
  121. act 'Move away':
  122. if $loc = 'gschool_lunch':
  123. gs 'gschool_lessons', 'afternoon'
  124. else
  125. gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  126. end
  127. end
  128. end
  129. act 'Break up with Fedor':
  130. cls
  131. fedorkoztalk = 1
  132. fedorKozlovQW = -1
  133. gs 'stat'
  134. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  135. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/fedorangry.jpg"></center>'
  136. '"I''m sorry Fedor but I enjoy the attention of men and I''m not really one for commitment. I thought you understood this." Fedor lowers his head clearly upset but after a few seconds he raises his head then looks in your eyes and says, "I guess what we had was a lie then...Go be with as many men as you want, I wont hold you back anymore." he takes a few steps back, never breaking eye contact with you until he suddenly turns away and walks off.'
  137. act 'Move away':
  138. if $loc = 'gschool_lunch':
  139. gs 'gschool_lessons', 'afternoon'
  140. else
  141. gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  142. end
  143. end
  144. end
  145. end
  146. act 'Lie to Fedor':
  147. cls
  148. fedorkoztalk = 1
  149. gs 'stat'
  150. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  151. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
  152. 'You step forward and place your hand on Fedors cheek as you softly tell him "I would never do such a thing! you know how rumors can be, I''m sure it''s just some guy with a hard on for me trying to tear us apart" Fedor lowers his head but after a few moments raises it with a smile on his face and says," I knew it had to be a lie, I know you''re better than that, I''m sorry I jumped the gun on this one but I will find a way to make it up to you" while carressing his cheek with your hand you lean forward and give him a soft kiss on his other cheek and whisper "There is no need."'
  153. act 'Move away':
  154. if $loc = 'gschool_lunch':
  155. gs 'gschool_lessons', 'afternoon'
  156. else
  157. gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  158. end
  159. end
  160. end
  161. end
  162. if $ARGS[0] = 'Gorslut 2':
  163. cls
  164. fedorKozlovQW = -1
  165. gs 'stat'
  166. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  167. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/fedorangry.jpg"></center>'
  168. 'Fedor looks distraught: "<<$pcs_firstname>>, I trusted you with all my heart, and you turn out to be just another <<$gnikname>>. I never should have trusted you... I see now that everything we had was a lie... Just stay away from me!" He turns around and walks away. Looks like he wants nothing more to do with you.'
  169. act 'Move away':
  170. if $loc = 'gschool_lunch':
  171. gs 'gschool_lessons', 'afternoon'
  172. else
  173. gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  174. end
  175. end
  176. end
  177. if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Date':
  178. cls
  179. gs 'stat'
  180. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  181. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/fedor.jpg"></center>'
  182. 'As you walk toward Fedor, he smiles and waves you over and as you approach Fedor he stands up and gently holds you in his arms, which gives you a strange sense of comfort and safety.'
  183. if fedorkozqw = 0:
  184. act 'Return the hug':gt 'FedorEv', 'Park'
  185. elseif fedorkozqw = 1:
  186. act 'Return the hug':gt 'FedorEv', 'Cinema'
  187. elseif fedorkozqw = 2:
  188. act 'Return the hug':gt 'FedorEv', 'Home'
  189. elseif fedorkozqw = 3:
  190. act 'Return the hug':gt 'FedorEv', 'Skate'
  191. elseif fedorkozqw = 4:
  192. act 'Return the hug':gt 'FedorEv', 'Park 3'
  193. elseif fedorkozqw = 5:
  194. act 'Return the hug':gt 'FedorEv', 'Cinema'
  195. end
  196. end
  197. if $ARGS[0] = 'Park':
  198. cls
  199. gs 'stat'
  200. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
  201. 'You wrap your arm around Fedor''s neck while enjoying his embrace and after a few moments he asks you "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, would you like to go for a walk in the park?"'
  202. act 'Sure':
  203. cls
  204. fedorkozqw = 1
  205. gs 'stat'
  206. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
  207. '"I could use a nice walk" you tell Fedor and he gives you a pleased smile and places his arm gently on your back as he leads you toward the park'
  208. act 'Go to the park with Fedor':gt 'FedorEv2'
  209. end
  210. act 'Not now':
  211. cls
  212. gs 'stat'
  213. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  214. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
  215. 'You slowly pull back and say to Fedor "I can''t go right now, I have something I need to do" he then nods with a forced smile and responds, "I guess I''ll catch you next time" But as you leave you look back and notice that Fedor lowers his head trying to hide a light frown on his face as he watches you walk away.'
  216. act 'Move away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  217. end
  218. end
  219. if $ARGS[0] = 'Cinema':
  220. cls
  221. gs 'stat'
  222. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
  223. 'You place your arm around Fedor''s neck while enjoying his embrace and after a few moments he says, to you "There is a movie playing in a bit that I''m sure you will love, Would you be up for a good horror?" He then shrugs and sarcastically says, "Buuut if your too scared then we could always pick flowers or something."'
  224. if fedorkozqw = 5:
  225. act 'Sure, that sounds fun':
  226. cls
  227. fedorkozqw = 2
  228. gs 'stat'
  229. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
  230. 'You grin as you say, "I''m always up for a good horror but I must warn you, I don''t scare easily" Fedor responds, "We''ll see about that" he then leads you to the cinema.'
  231. act 'Go to the movies with Fedor':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Cinema'
  232. end
  233. else
  234. act 'Sure, that sounds fun':
  235. cls
  236. fedorkozqw = 2
  237. gs 'stat'
  238. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
  239. 'You grin as you say, "I''m always up for a good horror but I must warn you, I don''t scare easily" Fedor responds, "We''ll see about that" he then leads you to the cinema.'
  240. act 'Go to the movies with Fedor':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Movies'
  241. end
  242. end
  243. act 'Not now':
  244. cls
  245. gs 'stat'
  246. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  247. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
  248. 'You slowly pull back and say to Fedor "I can''t go right now, I have something I need to do" he then nods with a smirk and responds, "Too scared huh... well I guess I''ll catch you next time" You give him a light punch in the arm with a smirk on your face and walk away.'
  249. act 'Move away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  250. end
  251. end
  252. if $ARGS[0] = 'Home':
  253. cls
  254. gs 'stat'
  255. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
  256. 'You place your arm around Fedor''s neck while enjoying his embrace and after a few moments he says, to you "I always enjoy spending time with you and I wanted to know if you would like to come over to my place to hang out and watch some movies I downloaded? I have some really good import movies from America and some Japanese horrors."'
  257. act 'I would love too':
  258. cls
  259. fedorkozqw = 3
  260. gs 'stat'
  261. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
  262. 'You giggle lightly then tell Fedor "I would love to go with you and watch some movies that I''m sure you downloaded...legally" as you grin at him he says, "Yeah..about that..." which causes both of you to laugh similtaniously. Fedor then wraps his arm gently around your neck and leads you to his house.'
  263. act 'Go with Fedor to his home':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Home'
  264. end
  265. act 'I can''t right now':
  266. cls
  267. gs 'stat'
  268. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  269. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
  270. 'You slowly pull back and say to Fedor "I can''t go right now, I have something I need to do" he then nods with a forced smile and responds, "I guess I''ll catch you next time" But as you leave you hear him whistper to himself "I guess it was too soon" you then look back to notice that Fedor lowers his head trying to hide a frown on his face as he watches you walk away.'
  271. act 'Move away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  272. end
  273. end
  274. if $ARGS[0] = 'Skate':
  275. if month = 12 or month < 3:
  276. gt 'FedorEv', 'Skate Date'
  277. else
  278. gt 'FedorEv', 'Park 3'
  279. end
  280. end
  281. if $ARGS[0] = 'Skate Date':
  282. cls
  283. gs 'stat'
  284. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
  285. 'You place your arm around Fedor''s neck while enjoying his embrace and after a few moments he says, to you "It''s a bit chilly today. Would you like to go ice skating?"'
  286. act 'I would love too':
  287. cls
  288. fedorkozqw = 4
  289. gs 'stat'
  290. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
  291. 'You give Fedor a sweet smile as you reply, "Sure, that sounds like fun" Fedor returns your smile "Alright let''s go have some fun." Fedor then leads you to the Skating ring.'
  292. act 'Go skating with Fedor':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Skate'
  293. end
  294. act 'I can''t right now':
  295. cls
  296. gs 'stat'
  297. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  298. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
  299. 'You slowly pull back and say to Fedor "I can''t go right now, I have something I need to do" he then nods with a forced smile and responds, "I guess I''ll catch you next time" But as you leave you hear him whistper to himself "I guess it was too soon" you then look back to notice that Fedor lowers his head trying to hide a frown on his face as he watches you walk away.'
  300. act 'Move away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  301. end
  302. end
  303. if $ARGS[0] = 'Park 3':
  304. cls
  305. gs 'stat'
  306. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
  307. 'You wrap your arm around Fedor''s neck while enjoying his embrace and after a few moments he asks you "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, would you like to go for another walk in the park?"'
  308. act 'Sure':
  309. cls
  310. fedorkozqw = 5
  311. gs 'stat'
  312. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
  313. '"Sure. Let''s have some fun." you tell Fedor and he gives you a pleased smile and places his arm gently on your back as he leads you toward the park.'
  314. act 'Go to the park with Fedor':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Park 2'
  315. end
  316. act 'Not now':
  317. cls
  318. gs 'stat'
  319. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  320. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
  321. 'You slowly pull back and say to Fedor "I can''t go right now, I have something I need to do" he then nods with a forced smile and responds, "I guess I''ll catch you next time" But as you leave you look back and notice that Fedor lowers his head trying to hide a light frown on his face as he watches you walk away.'
  322. act 'Move away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  323. end
  324. end
  325. if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Date 2':
  326. cls
  327. horny += 5
  328. gs 'stat'
  329. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  330. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/fedor.jpg"></center>'
  331. 'You look Fedor in the eyes, lean forward and give him a passionate kiss, feeling his warm lips on yours and his tongue enter your mouth and begin to softly massage yours.'
  332. *nl
  333. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/kiss2.gif"></center>'
  334. $ev_name = 'Fedor'
  335. $ev_name_a = 'Fedor'
  336. $ev_name_om = 'Fedor'
  337. gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5
  338. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  339. gs'stat'
  340. placerand = rand(1, 2)
  341. if placerand = 0:$place = 'Park 2' & $textEvent = ' "Wanna go for a walk in the park and see what kind of trouble we can get into?"'
  342. if placerand = 1:$place = 'Cinema 2' & $textEvent = ' "<<$pcs_nickname>> are you up for another movie?"'
  343. if placerand = 2:$place = 'Home 2' & $textEvent = ' "Would you like some "Alone time" at my place?."'
  344. 'You continue to kiss Fedor passionately, neither of you willing to break it off. After what felt like an hour <<$ev_name>> finishes kissing you and suggests: <<$textEvent>>'
  345. act 'I would love too': gt 'FedorEv', $place
  346. act 'I can''t right now':gt 'FedorEv', 'No Date'
  347. end
  348. if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Date 3':
  349. cls
  350. horny += 5
  351. gs 'stat'
  352. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  353. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/fedor.jpg"></center>'
  354. if FedorLove = 1:
  355. 'You look Fedor in the eyes, lean forward and give him a passionate kiss, feeling his warm lips on yours and his tongue enter your mouth and begin to softly massage yours. After a few seconds Fedor slowly pulls away and asks "Hello my love, I want to spend some time with you. Is there any place in particular that you would like to go?"'
  356. else
  357. 'You look Fedor in the eyes, lean forward and give him a passionate kiss, feeling his warm lips on yours and his tongue enter your mouth and begin to softly massage yours. After a few seconds Fedor slowly pulls away and asks "Hey <<$pcs_firstname>> I want to spend some time with you. Is there any place in particular that you would like to go?"'
  358. end
  359. *nl
  360. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/kiss2.gif"></center>'
  361. act 'Let''s go to the movies': gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies'
  362. act 'I''d like to spend alone time at your place':gt 'FedorEv4', 'Home'
  363. act 'I can''t right now':gt 'FedorEv', 'No Date'
  364. end
  365. if $ARGS[0] = 'Park 2':
  366. cls
  367. gs 'stat'
  368. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/walk1.jpg"></center>'
  369. 'Fedor smiles as he said "Great, lets get going" he then takes your hand and walks you to the park'
  370. act 'Go to the park': gt 'FedorEv2', 'Park 2'
  371. end
  372. if $ARGS[0] = 'Cinema 2':
  373. cls
  374. gs 'stat'
  375. if fedorKozlovQW = -15:
  376. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  377. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/outcast/Incognito.jpg"></center>'
  378. 'Fedor nods "Sure, that sounds like fun." he then raises his hood to cover his face, obviously not wanting to get spotted by Viktor as he walks with you to the Cinema.'
  379. else
  380. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/movies/walk.jpg"></center>'
  381. '"Excellent, I''ve heard some good things about this movie, let''s go and have some fun" Fedor said as he wraps his arm around your waist and walks you to the cinema'
  382. end
  383. act 'Go to the cinema': gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies'
  384. end
  385. if $ARGS[0] = 'Home 2':
  386. cls
  387. gs 'stat'
  388. if fedorKozlovQW = -15:
  389. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/outcast/hold.jpg"></center>'
  390. '"I would like to spend some alone time with you. How about we head down to your place and watch some moivies?" Fedor smiles as he replies, "Sure thing, I always love spending time with you <<$pcs_firstname>>." you wrap your arms around his neck then walk with Fedor to his house.'
  391. else
  392. '<center><img src="images/characters/city/boyfriend/boygo.jpg"></center>'
  393. '"Fedor leans forward and whispers in your ear "My parents are out for the evening, so we have the whole place to ourselves, Lets go." he then rests his arm on your shoulders as he leads you to his house.'
  394. end
  395. act 'Go with Fedor': gt 'FedorEv4', 'Home'
  396. end
  397. if $ARGS[0] = 'No Date':
  398. cls
  399. gs 'stat'
  400. '<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  401. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
  402. 'You slowly pull back and say to Fedor "I can''t go right now, I have something I need to do." he then nods with a forced smile and responds, "I guess I''ll catch you next time" But as you leave you look back and notice that Fedor lowers his head trying to hide a light frown on his face as he watches you walk away.'
  403. act 'Leave':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  404. end
  405. --- FedorEv ---------------------------------