sportShop.qsrc 7.4 KB

  1. # sportShop
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. $location_type = 'public_indoors'
  4. cls
  5. menu_off = 1
  6. gs 'stat'
  7. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  8. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Danilovich sporting goods</font></b></center>'
  9. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/sportshop/sportshop.jpg"></center>'
  10. *nl
  11. 'As soon as you enter, a high energy song with a thumping baseline fills your eardrums, making you feel pumped and awake. The store is sleek and professional, the walls and floors advertising all different kinds of sporting equipment and attire. The room is filled with beautifully fit people shopping, their bodies varying from big and muscular to lean and trim. If they don''t inspire you to want to work out, the posters advertising past and present famous athletes are motivating as hell.'
  12. *nl
  13. if refillable_bottle = 0 and money >= 1000 and bag > 0:
  14. 'You could buy a high-quality <a href="exec:minut += 5 & money -= 1000 & refillable_bottle = 1 & gt ''sportShop'', ''start''">water bottle (1000 <b>₽</b>)</a> that you can carry around in your purse.'
  15. elseif refillable_bottle = 0 and (money < 1000 or bag = 0):
  16. 'The shop sells high-quality water bottles for 1,000 <b>₽</b>. You could carry one around in '+iif(bag > 0, 'your', 'a')+' purse.'
  17. end
  18. act 'Leave':minut += 3 & gt 'torgcentr'
  19. act 'View sports clothing':minut += 5 & gt 'sportshop', 'clo'
  20. act 'View sports bras':minut += 5 & gt 'sportshop', 'bras'
  21. act 'View sports panties':minut += 5 & gt 'sportshop', 'panties'
  22. act 'View exercise shoes':minut += 5 & gt 'sportshop', 'trainers'
  23. act 'View swimwear':minut += 5 & gt 'sportshop', 'swim'
  24. act 'View purses': minut += 5 & gt 'sportshop', 'purses'
  25. if skak = 0 and money >= 500:
  26. act 'Buy a skipping rope (500 <b>₽</b>)':
  27. cla
  28. minut += 5
  29. money -= 500
  30. skak = 1
  31. act 'Pick up a package':gt 'sportshop', 'start'
  32. end
  33. elseif skak = 0:
  34. act 'Buy a skipping rope (<font color="red">500 <b>₽</b></font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough money to buy that.</font>'
  35. end
  36. if obruch = 0 and money >= 1500:
  37. act 'Buy a hula hoop (1,500 <b>₽</b>)':
  38. cla
  39. minut += 5
  40. money -= 1500
  41. obruch = 1
  42. act 'Pick up a package':gt 'sportshop', 'start'
  43. end
  44. elseif obruch = 0:
  45. act 'Buy a hula hoop (<font color="red">1500 <b>₽</b></font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough money to buy that.</font>'
  46. end
  47. if bookYog = 0 and money >= 1500:
  48. act 'Buy "Benefits of yoga" (1,500 <b>₽</b>)':
  49. cla
  50. minut += 5
  51. money -= 1500
  52. bookYog = 1
  53. act 'Pick up a package':gt 'sportshop', 'start'
  54. end
  55. elseif bookYog = 0:
  56. act 'Buy "Benefits of yoga" (<font color="red">1500 <b>₽</b></font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough money to buy that.</font>'
  57. end
  58. if konki = 0 and money >= 3000:
  59. act 'Buy some ice skates (3000 <b>₽</b>)':
  60. cla
  61. minut += 5
  62. money -= 3000
  63. konki = 1
  64. act 'Pick up a package':gt 'sportshop', 'start'
  65. end
  66. elseif konki = 0:
  67. act 'Buy some ice skates (<font color="red">3000 <b>₽</b></font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough money to buy that.</font>'
  68. end
  69. end
  70. if $ARGS[0] = 'clo':
  71. $loc_arg = 'clo'
  72. $loc = 'sportShop'
  73. cls
  74. gs'stat'
  75. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Sportswear - one size fits all</font></b></center>'
  76. *nl
  77. gs 'clothing_QV', 'shop_header'
  78. act 'Return':
  79. cla
  80. minut += 1
  81. gt 'sportshop', 'start'
  82. end
  83. clothingfilter['qualitycheck'] = 7
  84. :loopquality2
  85. if Clothingstock > 16:
  86. i = 1
  87. elseif Clothingstock > 8:
  88. i = 2
  89. else
  90. i = 3
  91. end
  92. :loopexercise
  93. if exercise[i] = 0:
  94. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'exercise', i
  95. gs 'clothing_QV', 'shop_filter'
  96. if clothingfilter['quality'] = 0 or clothingfilter['qualitycheck'] = CloQuality:
  97. if clothingfilter_risk = 1 and clothingfilter_pandb = 1 and clothingfilter_norm2 = 1: *p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''sportshop'', ''exercise''"><img src="images/pc/clothing/7exercise/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  98. end
  99. end
  100. i += 3
  101. if i <= 260:jump 'loopexercise'
  102. if clothingfilter['quality'] = 1 and clothingfilter['qualitycheck'] > 0: clothingfilter['qualitycheck'] -=1 & jump 'loopquality2'
  103. end
  104. if $ARGS[0] = 'exercise': gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_item', 'shop', 'exercise',i, 2000
  105. if $ARGS[0] = 'trainers':
  106. $loc_arg = 'trainers'
  107. $loc = 'sportShop'
  108. cls
  109. gs'stat'
  110. act 'Return':
  111. cla
  112. minut += 1
  113. gt 'sportShop', 'start'
  114. end
  115. i = 1
  116. :looptrainers_shoes
  117. if strainers[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''sportShop'', ''training_shoes''"><img src="images/pc/shoes/trainers/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  118. i += 1
  119. if i <= 30:jump 'looptrainers_shoes'
  120. end
  121. if $ARGS[0] = 'training_shoes': gt 'shoes', 'view_shoe_item', 'shop', 'trainers',i, 1500
  122. if $ARGS[0] = 'swim':
  123. $loc_arg = 'swim'
  124. $loc = 'sportShop'
  125. cls
  126. gs'stat'
  127. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Swimwear - one size fits all</font></b></center>'
  128. *nl
  129. gs 'clothing_QV', 'shop_header'
  130. act 'Return':
  131. cla
  132. minut += 1
  133. gt 'sportshop', 'start'
  134. end
  135. clothingfilter['qualitycheck'] = 7
  136. :loopquality
  137. !!4 is in he supermarket, so skipped
  138. if Clothingstock > 18:
  139. i = 1
  140. elseif Clothingstock > 12:
  141. i = 2
  142. elseif Clothingstock > 6:
  143. i = 3
  144. else
  145. i = 8
  146. end
  147. :loopswim
  148. if swimwear[i] = 0:
  149. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'swimwear', i
  150. gs 'clothing_QV', 'shop_filter'
  151. if clothingfilter['quality'] = 0 or clothingfilter['qualitycheck'] = CloQuality:
  152. if clothingfilter_risk = 1 and clothingfilter_pandb = 1 and clothingfilter_norm2 = 1: *p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''sportshop'', ''swim1''"><img src="images/pc/clothing/12swimwear/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  153. end
  154. end
  155. i += 4
  156. if i <= 213:jump 'loopswim'
  157. if clothingfilter['quality'] = 1 and clothingfilter['qualitycheck'] > 0: clothingfilter['qualitycheck'] -=1 & jump 'loopquality'
  158. end
  159. if $ARGS[0] = 'swim1': gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_item', 'shop', 'swimwear',i, 1750
  160. if $ARGS[0] = 'panties':
  161. $loc_arg = 'panties'
  162. $loc = 'sportShop'
  163. cls
  164. gs'stat'
  165. act 'Return':
  166. cla
  167. minut += 1
  168. gt 'sportShop', 'start'
  169. end
  170. i = 1
  171. :loopsport_panties
  172. if sport_panties[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''sportShop'', ''panties2''"><img src="images/pc/panties/sport/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a> '
  173. i += 1
  174. if i <= 8:jump 'loopsport_panties'
  175. end
  176. if $ARGS[0] = 'panties2':
  177. cla
  178. if sport_panties[i] ! 0:
  179. msg 'You already own these panties.'
  180. gt 'sportShop', 'panties'
  181. end
  182. gt 'panties', 'view_panty_item', 'shop', 'sport',i, 1000
  183. end
  184. if $ARGS[0] = 'bras':
  185. $loc_arg = 'bras'
  186. $loc = 'sportShop'
  187. cls
  188. gs'stat'
  189. act 'Return':
  190. cla
  191. minut += 1
  192. gt 'sportShop', 'start'
  193. end
  194. i = 1
  195. :loopsport_bras
  196. if sport_bras[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''sportShop'', ''bras2''"><img src="images/pc/bras/sport/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a> '
  197. i += 1
  198. if i <= 8:jump 'loopsport_bras'
  199. end
  200. if $ARGS[0] = 'bras2':
  201. cla
  202. if sport_bras[i] ! 0:
  203. msg 'You already own this bra.'
  204. gt 'sportShop', 'bras'
  205. end
  206. gt 'bras', 'view_bra_item', 'shop', 'sport',i, 1000
  207. end
  208. if $ARGS[0] = 'purses':
  209. $loc_arg = 'purses'
  210. $loc = 'sportShop'
  211. menu_off = 1
  212. *clr & cla
  213. gs'stat'
  214. act 'Return':
  215. cla
  216. minut += 1
  217. gt 'sportShop', 'start'
  218. end
  219. i = 1
  220. :loopdanilovich_purses
  221. if danilovich_purses[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''sportShop'', ''purses2''"><img src="images/pc/items/danilovich/purses/<<i>>.jpg" height="150" /></a> '
  222. i += 1
  223. if i <= 20:jump 'loopdanilovich_purses'
  224. end
  225. if $ARGS[0] = 'purses2': gt 'purses', 'view_purse_item', 'shop', 'danilovich',i, 1500
  226. --- sportShop ---------------------------------