# shopdacha '
Shop for all homes
' '
' 'In this store you can buy a cottage in a cooperative, land for cottage for 1.5 million and pay for all the buildings.' 'All payment shop produces a bank card. On your map now <> rubles.' clr gs 'stat' fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0) bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255) lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205) act 'Leave':set minut += 5 & gt 'torgcentr' if hour < 8 or hour > 20: 'Shop is closed and you are asked to retire.' else if karta >= 30000 and dachaest = 0: act 'Buy a cottage (30,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 30000 dachaest = 1 minut += 15 etoexhib = 0 gs 'stat' 'You bought a house with a garden in the dacha cooperative at 5 km. along the northern road.' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 1500000 and placeMansion = 0: act 'Buy land for Mansion (1,500,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 1500000 placeMansion = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You have bought land for Mansion' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 500000 and placeMansion = 1: act 'Connect water, electricity (500,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 500000 placeMansion = 2 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for a connection of services to the site' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 1500000 and placeMansion = 2: act 'Build Mansion''s shell for (1,500,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 1500000 placeMansion = 3 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the construction of the Mansion´s shell' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 500000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[3] = 0: act 'Build rooms for (500, 000 rubles)': cls karta -= 500000 ymanrem[3] = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the construction of the Mansion´s rooms' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 800000 and placeMansion >= 2 and banaMansion = 0: act 'Build baths for (800,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 800000 banaMansion = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the construction of the Mansion´s bathrooms' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 500000 and placeMansion >= 2 and bassMansion = 0: act 'Build pool for (500,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 500000 bassMansion = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the construction of the Mansion´s pool' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[3] = 1: act 'Pay for repairs Hall (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[3] = 2 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You pay for repairs' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 150000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[3] = 2: act 'Pay lounge furniture for (150,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 150000 ymanrem[3] = 3 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the purchase of furniture' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[4] = 0: act 'Pay for repairs bedroom (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[4] = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You pay for repairs' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 300000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[4] = 1: act 'Pay bedroom furniture for (300,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 300000 ymanrem[4] = 2 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the purchase of furniture' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[5] = 0: act 'Pay bathroom renovation for (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[5] = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You pay for repairs' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[5] = 1: act 'Pay for bathroom furniture and fixtures for (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[5] = 2 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the purchase of furniture and sanitary ware.' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[6] = 0: act 'Pay renovated kitchen for (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[6] = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You pay for repairs' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 350000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[6] = 1: act 'Pay kitchen furniture for (350,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[6] = 2 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the purchase of furniture for the kitchen.' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[7] = 0: act 'Pay for repairs hall for (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[7] = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You pay for repairs' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[7] = 1: act 'Pay furniture hall for (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[7] = 2 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the purchase of furniture for the hall' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[8] = 0: act 'Pay for repairs fireplace room for (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[8] = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You pay for repairs' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[8] = 1: act 'Pay for the purchase of furniture for the fireplace room for (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[8] = 2 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the purchase of furniture.' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[9] = 0: act 'Children´s room to pay for repairs (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[9] = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You pay for repairs' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[9] = 1: act 'Pay for the purchase of furniture for the nursery (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[9] = 2 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the purchase of furniture' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[10] = 0: act 'Pay for repairs library for (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[10] = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You pay for repairs' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[10] = 1: act 'Pay for the purchase of furniture for libraries for (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[10] = 2 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the purchase of furniture' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[11] = 0: act 'Pay for repairs gym (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[11] = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You pay for repairs' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[11] = 1: act 'Pay furniture gym (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[11] = 2 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the purchase of furniture for the gym' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[12] = 0: act 'Pay for repair of the (250,000 rubles)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[12] = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You pay for repairs' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end if karta >= 250000 and placeMansion = 3 and ymanrem[12] = 1: act 'Pay for the purchase of furniture for the office (250,000)': cls karta -= 250000 ymanrem[12] = 2 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You paid for the purchase of furniture.' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end end --- shopdacha ---------------------------------