BDSM_Club.qsrc 9.8 KB

  1. # BDSM_Club
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'Hos':
  3. *clr & cla
  4. menu_off = 1
  5. minut += 10
  6. lesbiday = daystart
  7. BDSMClub = 1
  8. alko += 2
  9. cumspclnt = 2
  10. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  11. pcs_breath = 0
  12. if pcs_hydra >= 100:
  13. pcs_hydra -= 5
  14. else
  15. pcs_hydra -= 10
  16. end
  17. gs 'stat'
  18. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/hosjaika.jpg"></center>'
  19. 'After a few visits to your Mistress you are getting a little closer. Seeing her this evening, you catch her a little tipsy. Instead of already familiar perversions, you just sit in the kitchen and drink wine, talking about life. In conversation, the Mistress mentions a BDSM club. Sounds interesting, you and the Mistress pour glass after glass and slowly you gather details from her. Turns out, the city has an elite BDSM-club, and the missus is in it. After much persuasion, she gives you a business card – a piece of cardboard with three-dimensional logo without inscriptions, and explains how to get to the Club.'
  20. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  21. end
  22. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  23. $metka = 'start'
  24. $loc = 'BDSM_Club'
  25. $location_type = 'public_outdoors'
  26. $menu_loc = 'BDSM_Club'
  27. $menu_arg = 'start'
  28. menu_off = 0
  29. *clr & cla
  30. minut += 10
  31. gs 'stat'
  32. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/club.jpg"></center>'
  33. if BDSMtaxi = 1 and BDSMmeet = 0:
  34. 'The taxi brings you in a gated community outside of town and drops you off at the closed wrought iron gate. From the booth comes a guard, you show him the business card. Without saying anything, he opens the gate and points you in the direction. You walk to a marble tiled walkway past the neatly clipped shrubs and flower beds. An other guard meets you, and leads you into the mansion through an inconspicuous side door.'
  35. act 'Enter club':gt 'BDSM_Club', 'in'
  36. elseif BDSMClubIn = 1 and BDSMday ! daystart:
  37. if BDSMpayDay < daystart - 30 and $BDSMrole = 's':
  38. act 'Enter the club':gt 'BDSM_Club', 's_start'
  39. elseif BDSMpayDay < daystart - 30 and $BDSMrole = 'd':
  40. act 'Enter the club':gt 'BDSM_Club', 'd_start'
  41. else
  42. act 'Enter the club':BDSMday = daystart & gt 'MHall', 'foyer'
  43. end
  44. elseif BDSMmeet = 1 and BDSMday ! daystart:
  45. if money < 10000:
  46. 'You go to the Club entrance but don''t have enough money, you try to negotiate a deal to pay later, but the staff, realising you are not going to pay, call security. You are walked back to the gate.'
  47. elseif $clothingworntype ! 'uniform' or PCloStyle2 ! 1:
  48. 'You are not wearing a maid uniform and security refuse you entry.'
  49. else
  50. if $BDSMrole = 's':
  51. gt 'BDSM_training', 'start'
  52. else
  53. gt 'BDSM_training', 'd_start'
  54. end
  55. end
  56. elseif BDSMmeet > 1 and BDSMmeet < 4 and BDSMday ! daystart:
  57. if BDSMpayDay >= daystart - 30 or money >= 10000:
  58. gt 'BDSM_training', 'start'
  59. else
  60. 'You are in a Club but don''t have enough money, you try to negotiate a deal to pay later, but the staff, realising you are not going to pay, call security. You are walked back to the gate.'
  61. end
  62. end
  63. gs 'taxi'
  64. act 'Elite settlement':gt 'psiklin', 'start'
  65. end
  66. if $ARGS[0] = 'in':
  67. *clr & cla
  68. menu_off = 1
  69. BDSMmeet += 1
  70. BDSMday = daystart
  71. gs 'stat'
  72. if BDSMmeet = 1:
  73. *clr & cla
  74. minut += 10
  75. $BDSMrole = ''
  76. gs 'stat'
  77. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/1_1.jpg"></center>'
  78. 'You''re standing in an office, at a table in front of you sits a woman in a strict business suit. Her strict gaze as looks right through you. You show her the card, she briefly says.'
  79. '"Candidate? Passport."'
  80. 'Your hand trembles as you reach out your passport.'
  81. 'The woman points you to a chair, turns to the computer and starts clicking on the keys. She nods a few times, but says nothing. Then takes the phone and speaks to someone called Vladimir Viktorovich, discussing you. "There''s candidacy, but a bit young, can you check and sort the paperwork? She hangs up, after a few minutes from the office comes a strapping man in a perfectly fitting suit and glasses with gold rim. He says, "Hello." And sits down next to you.'
  82. '"What''s your name? <<$pcs_nickname>>? Fine. How old are you?"'
  83. 'You answer the questions.'
  84. '"Tell me, are you sure you want this?"'
  85. 'You understand, all of the questions he is asking and why.'
  86. '"Sure!" You tell him firmly.'
  87. '"Well... everything here seems to be in order, there are no issues. Let''s sign some papers. A mere formality, to formally record, that you have grasped everything.'
  88. 'The man puts a sheet of paper on the table, take a videocamera from the draw and points it at you and clicks the button.'
  89. '"Read aloud and sign."'
  90. 'You take the sheet and read "The application for voluntary informed consent" a long, binding document filled with legal terms, confirming your consent to voluntarily participate in actions of a sexual nature, which may be humiliating or degrading in nature and be accompanied by mild corporal punishment. You are not a lawyer, but you understand, this covers them if somthing goes wrong and takes every step to prevent that.'
  91. '"I agree."'
  92. '"Well," the woman puts her hands together and looks at you. Who do you want to be? Top or bottom?'
  93. '"I do not know," you shrug. "What does that mean?"'
  94. '"Dominant or submissive?"'
  95. if pcs_dom < 50:
  96. act 'submissive':
  97. *clr & cla
  98. minut += 10
  99. sub += 1
  100. $BDSMrole = 's'
  101. gs 'stat'
  102. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
  103. 'The woman''s eyes light up. She stands up behind the desk and orders you.'
  104. '"Stand up!"'
  105. 'You jump, than understand, why you did. The imperious voice of this Lady holds you in awe.'
  106. '"No sitting lower in the presence of top. Understood?"'
  107. '"Yes."'
  108. '"Wrong! Try again!"'
  109. '"Yes, Mistress."'
  110. 'The woman nods. "Undress!"'
  111. '"But..."'
  112. '"Undress, now! Or I''ll knock you out!" Mistress has her hand on the table.'
  113. 'You look to the man you were just talking to, but he just stands there, expressionless. You undress.'
  114. '"Sign!"'
  115. 'You sign the document. The man places the paper in a folder.'
  116. '"Listen carefully..."'
  117. 'She explains to you, that the club costs 20,000 <b>₽</b> per 30 days access, with a 10,000 ruble registration fee. For slaves there is a means for discount, if the slave is well behaved and earns enough merits, the membership will be automatically extended.'
  118. 'Untrained slaves are not allowed in the Mansion, you will require training. You''ll have to report to me for that, I''m going to enjoy it.'
  119. '"Come back when you are ready for training. Be clean, have an enema. You must own a maid outfit, so you will be wearing it. Everything clear?'
  120. '"But... what if I don''t have a maid outfit?..." You whisper.'
  121. '"Find a branch of G & M and buy one, and don''t forget to bring the first instalment of 10 thousand <b>₽</b>. We are not a charitable organization, nothing is free. However, if you prove yourself as a sub, you will be able to earn some tips in private sessions. But the main thing – do not talk. We have important clients, and don''t need advertising. Everything clear?"'
  122. '"Clear... Mistress..."'
  123. 'As you are leaving, you think, where will you get the money for the down payment.'
  124. act 'Logout':gt 'BDSM_Club', 'start'
  125. end
  126. end
  127. if sub < 50:
  128. act 'Dominant':
  129. *clr & cla
  130. minut += 10
  131. $BDSMrole = 'd'
  132. gs 'stat'
  133. !'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/bdsm_club/<<$BDSMrole>><<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
  134. 'The woman sighs disappointedly.'
  135. '"Pity, we are short on subs."'
  136. '"There is a registration fee of 10,000 <b>₽</b>. You should wear a expensive or formal clothing."'
  137. '"That seems reasonable" You reply.'
  138. '"If you find a submissive and come together, then they can earn you tips."'
  139. '"Before you can get started, you will have some orientation under the guidance of an experienced mistress." She points at herself, "The cost of this is covered by your registation fee. If you are satisfied, sign this document."'
  140. 'You sign the document. The man places the paper in a folder.'
  141. 'As you are leaving, you think, where will you get the money for the registration fee and if you can persuade someone to come here as a sub.'
  142. act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_Club', 'start'
  143. end
  144. end
  145. end
  146. end
  147. if $ARGS[0] = 's_start':
  148. *clr & cla
  149. $menu_loc = 'BDSM_Club'
  150. $menu_arg = 's_start'
  151. menu_off = 0
  152. sub += 5
  153. gs 'stat'
  154. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/1_1.jpg"></center>'
  155. 'You enter the club and Mistress Elektra is sitting at her desk overseeing admissions.'
  156. if money > 10000:
  157. BDSMpayDay = daystart
  158. BDSMday = daystart
  159. money -= 10000
  160. 'You pay for another 30 days access to the club.'
  161. act 'Enter the club':gt 'MHall', 'foyer'
  162. else
  163. 'You cannot afford the 10,000 rubes required to extend your club membership.'
  164. act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_club', 'start'
  165. end
  166. end
  167. if $ARGS[0] = 'd_start':
  168. *clr & cla
  169. $menu_loc = 'BDSM_Club'
  170. $menu_arg = 'd_start'
  171. menu_off = 0
  172. pcs_dom += 5
  173. gs 'stat'
  174. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/1_1.jpg"></center>'
  175. 'Elektra is sitting at the admissions desk and greets you informally.'
  176. if money > 10000:
  177. BDSMpayDay = daystart
  178. BDSMday = daystart
  179. money -= 10000
  180. 'You pay for another 30 days access to the club'
  181. act 'Enter the club':gt 'MHall', 'foyer'
  182. else
  183. 'You cannot afford the 10,000 rubes required to extend your club membership.'
  184. act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_club', 'start'
  185. end
  186. end
  187. if $ARGS[0] = 'reception':
  188. $location_type = 'event'
  189. $menu_loc = 'BDSM_Club'
  190. $menu_arg = 'reception'
  191. menu_off = 0
  192. *clr & cla
  193. gs 'stat'
  194. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/1_1.jpg"></center>'
  195. 'You go to the reception, Mistress Elektra is sitting at her desk looking a little bored.'
  196. act 'Go to west wing hall': gt 'MHall', 'west'
  197. act 'Go to the garage': gt 'MRear', 'garage'
  198. end
  199. if $ARGS[0] = 'office':
  200. end
  201. --- BDSM_Club ---------------------------------