فهرست منبع

Merge remote-tracking branch 'master/master'

anjuna krokus 1 ماه پیش

+ 1 - 1

@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ goto menu
 set start=%time%
-echo validating...
+echo Validating ...
 python tools\txtmerge.py locations glife.txt

+ 9 - 0

@@ -1425,7 +1425,16 @@
 		<Location name="quest_data_a274"/>
 	<Folder name="beta_code">
+		<Location name="beta_journal"/>
+		<Location name="beta_journal_education"/>
+		<Location name="beta_journal_geography"/>
+		<Location name="beta_journal_glossary"/>
+		<Location name="beta_journal_home"/>
+		<Location name="beta_journal_magic"/>
+		<Location name="beta_journal_notifications"/>
 		<Location name="beta_journal_quests"/>
+		<Location name="beta_journal_relationships"/>
+		<Location name="beta_journal_work"/>
 	<Location name="cleanHTML"/>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1939,7 +1939,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'alb_bedroom_shower':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/caught_dressing.jpg"></center>'
 		'You open the door and find yourself immediately greeted with the sight of Albina''s wet naked pussy and asshole as she bends over a dresser. She looks over her shoulder, mouth open in initial surprise before it quickly transforms into a smile.'
-		'"Sveta!" she beams. "You caught me getting dressed. Give me a minute."'
+		'"<<$pcs_nickname>>!" she beams. "You caught me getting dressed. Give me a minute."'
 		'Albina snaps on a thong and some shorts over them before throwing on a tank top without a bran and flops down on the bed beside you.'
 		'"So what''s up?" she smiles.'

+ 218 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# beta_journal
+!! Date Created: October, 2024
+!! Version: .01 - initial release
+!! Author: Hooded Silence
+!! Purpose: Game Journal interface - contains the modules and libraries required.
+!! Quest progress icons:
+!! <font color = "green">✓</font> - green tick
+!! <font color = "red">🗴</font> Red cross
+!! Initialise arrays and functions:
+if $ARGS[0] = 'init':
+    $loc_id = 'beta_journal'
+    *clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	*nl
+    gs $loc_id, 'init_array'
+	$hot_link = 'default'
+	gs $loc_id, 'nav_construct'
+	if $hot_link = '':
+		gs $loc_id, 'default'
+	else
+		gs $loc_id, $hot_link
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'init_array':
+    !! Create an array to allow expansion in future
+    $array_tab[1] = 'Home'
+    $array_link[1] = 'beta_journal'
+    $array_tab[2] = 'Housing'
+    $array_link[2] = 'beta_journal_home'
+    $array_tab[3] = 'Work'
+    $array_link[3] = 'beta_journal_work'
+    $array_tab[4] = 'Relations'
+    $array_link[4] = 'journal_relationships'
+    $array_tab[5] = 'Quests'
+    $array_link[5] = 'beta_journal_quests'
+    $array_tab[6] = 'Magic'
+    $array_link[6] = 'beta_journal_magic'
+    $array_tab[7] = 'Notifications'
+    $array_link[7] = 'beta_journal_notifications'
+    $array_tab[8] = 'Glossary'
+    $array_link[8] = 'beta_journal_glossary'
+    $nav_banner = '<<$pcs_nickname>>''s Quests and Relationships'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'default':
+	*clr & cla
+	$hot_link = $ARGS[0]
+    !! Initial menu page containing alerts and tips
+	gs $loc_id, 'nav_construct'
+    gs $loc_id, 'game_events'
+    gs $loc_id, 'gametips'
+!! Core functions for tabs and menu creation
+!! Navigation bar constructor:
+if $ARGS[0] = 'nav_construct':
+	'<center><h1><<$nav_banner>></h1></center>'
+	!! Set up the navigation body
+	$tablebody = '<tr>'
+	!! Create the navigation - remember to deduct -1 as magic option is removed
+	i = 0
+	killvar '$tablebody'
+	killvar 'i'
+	killvar 'nav_i'
+	if $start_type[1] ! 'nomagic':
+		nav_i = arrsize('$array_tab')
+	else
+		nav_i = arrsize('$array_tab') - 1
+	end
+	:jmp_navigation_gen
+	if $start_type[1] ! 'nomagic' and $array_tab[i] = 'Magic':
+		!! null magic menu
+		i += 1
+	elseif $hot_link ! $array_link[i]:
+		$tablebody += '<th><a href="exec:gs ''<<$array_link[i]>>'', ''init''"><<$array_tab[i]>></a></th>'
+		i += 1
+	else
+		$tablebody += '<th><<$array_tab[i]>></th>'
+		i += 1
+	end
+	if i < nav_i: jump 'jmp_navigation_gen'
+	$tablebody += '</tr>'
+	!display the table here.
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><table width="90%" align="center" width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top"><tr><<$tablebody>></tr></table></center>'
+	gs 'journal', 'leaveactions'
+!! Events that are happening in the near future that require the player to be aware of, to compliment sidebar.
+if $ARGS[0] = 'game_events':
+    !! TODO: Work in progress, will require several dev cycles to port all events across and provide the necessary additional information.
+    '<center><h3>Upcoming Events</h3></center>'
+    'WIP - No events configured or happening'
+!! Random game tips to help new players find their way
+if $ARGS[0] = 'gametips':
+    gs $loc_id, 'tips_init'
+    rnd_tip = rand(0, arrsize('$tip_body')-1)
+    '<center><h3>Girl Life Random Tips</h3></center>'
+    $tip_body[rnd_tip]
+    killvar 'rnd_tip'
+    killvar '$tip_body'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'tips_init':
+    $tip_body[0] = 'Be careful when drunk.'
+	$tip_body[1] = 'If you have a modern dance skill of  50 or higher, and Albina likes you may get a chance to join Starlets.'
+	$tip_body[2] = 'Mon Cheri is the most prestigious clothing store in St. Petersburg. With a price tag to match.'
+	$tip_body[3] = 'There is some parts of the game restricted to over-18s such as doing driving lessons, gambling at the casino and other areas. There is rumours that there is studios who are less fussy about sticking to the law.'
+    $tip_body[4] = 'The city park is a dangerous place at night. Be prepared to defend yourself.'
+    $tip_body[5] = 'Finding well paid jobs for pocket money is tough for a teenager unless you get creative.'
+    $tip_body[6] = 'The Pavlovsk community centre is not the only place you can learn dance or sports skills.'
+    $tip_body[7] = "Be wary of Fae gifts."
+    $tip_body[8] = 'Exploration can lead to interesting events or surprises.'
+	$tip_body[9] = 'Look after ourself as your admirers guage your beauty is based social interests, your looks, how well you take care of yourself and what you wear.'
+!! Table Generator for npcs and locations
+if $ARGS[0] = 'table_gen':
+	! Original code by Anjuna
+	entry_counter_i = 1
+	entry_counter_j = 1
+	table_counter = 0
+	if ARGS[1] = 0:
+		table_columns = 3
+	else
+		table_columns = ARGS[1]
+	end
+	$bjq_temp_table = '<center><table cellspacing="3" bgcolor="<<$theme[''table_bg_alt'']>>" width="80%" align="center">'
+	:jmp_table_gen
+						!! CREATE ROW
+		$bjq_temp_table +=	'<tr width="100px">'
+		:jmp_table_gen2
+							!! CREATE CELL
+			$bjq_temp_table +=		'<td align="left">'
+			$bjq_temp_table +=			'<a href="exec: gt ''<<$loc_id>>'' ,''<<$loc_shortname[entry_counter_i]>>''">'
+			$bjq_temp_table +=				'<img height="100" src="<<$loc_path[entry_counter_i]>>">'
+			$bjq_temp_table +=			'</a>'
+			$bjq_temp_table += 		'</td>'
+							!! END CELL
+			entry_counter_i += 1
+		if entry_counter_i <= table_gen_max and (entry_counter_i mod table_columns) ! 0: jump 'jmp_table_gen2'
+		$bjq_temp_table +=	'</tr>'
+						!! END ROW
+						!! CREATE ROW
+		$bjq_temp_table +=	'<tr width="100px">'
+		:jmp_table_gen3
+								!! CREATE CELL
+			$bjq_temp_table += 		'<td align="left">'
+			$bjq_temp_table +=			$loc_name[entry_counter_j]
+			$bjq_temp_table +=		'</td>'
+								!! END CELL
+			entry_counter_j += 1
+		if entry_counter_j <= table_gen_max and (entry_counter_j mod table_columns) ! 0: jump 'jmp_table_gen3'
+		$bjq_temp_table +=	'</tr>'
+						!! END ROW
+		table_counter += 1
+		if table_counter = 5:
+						!! ADD BLANK ROW
+			$bjq_temp_table += '<tr></tr>'
+			table_counter = 0
+		end
+	if entry_counter_i < table_gen_max: jump 'jmp_table_gen'
+	$bjq_temp_table += '</table></center>'
+	'<<$bjq_temp_table>>'
+	killvar '$bjq_temp_table'
+	killvar 'entry_counter_i'
+	killvar 'entry_counter_j'
+	killvar 'table_columns'
+	killvar 'table_counter'
+	killvar 'table_gen_max'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'leaveactions':
+	act 'Put your notebook down':
+		killvar 'jumploc'
+		jclose = 1
+		gt $loc, $loc_arg
+	end
+!! Error Functions:
+if $ARGS[0] = 'failure':
+	!! Debug sections
+	if $ARGS[1] = 'id':
+		$debug['journal'] = 'NPC ID not set, vcard not generated.'
+	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'quest_body':
+		$debug['journal'] = 'Quest body not set, quests details was not set.'
+	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'nav_forward':
+		$debug['journal'] = 'No forward navigation set - please ensure you have set the var in quest_data'
+	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'nav_back':
+		$debug['journal'] = 'No back navigation set - please ensure you have set the var in quest_data'
+	end
+	'vcard failed to initialise: ' + $debug['journal']
+--- beta_journal ---------------------------------

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# beta_journal_education
+!! Date Created: October, 2024
+!! Version: .01 - initial release
+!! Author: Hooded Silence
+!! Purpose: Displays all education content (school, uni, community, etc) information
+if $ARGS[0] = 'init':
+	$loc_id = 'beta_journal_education'
+	$hot_link = $loc_id
+	gs 'beta_journal', 'nav_construct'
+--- beta_journal_education ---------------------------------

+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# beta_journal_geography
+!! Game area metadata and information.
+if $ARGS[0] = 'init':
+	$loc_id = 'beta_journal_geography'
+	$hot_link = $loc_id
+!! Game locations - quests
+if $ARGS[0] = 'geo_pavlovsk':
+	!!5/8 Estate
+	!!Commercial
+	!!Industrial
+	!!Market
+	!!Park
+	!!Train Station
+	if $ARGS[1] = '58_estate':
+		!!Parents apartment
+		!!Garages
+		!1Luda''s apartment
+		!!Shulgin''s Apartment
+	elseif $ARGS[1]= 'commercial':
+	elseif $ARGS[1]= 'industrial':
+	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'market':
+	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'park':
+	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'train_station':
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'geo_city':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'geo_pushkin':
+	!! Ballet school content
+	!! Ballet Secrets content
+if $ARGS[0] = 'geo_gad':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'geo_village':
+--- beta_journal_geography ---------------------------------

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# beta_journal_glossary
+!! Game area metadata and information.
+if $ARGS[0] = 'init':
+	$loc_id = 'beta_journal_glossary'
+	$hot_link = $loc_id
+--- beta_journal_glossary ---------------------------------

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# beta_journal_home
+!! Game area metadata and information.
+if $ARGS[0] = 'init':
+	$loc_id = 'beta_journal_home'
+	$hot_link = $loc_id
+	gs 'beta_journal', 'nav_construct'
+	gs $loc_id, 'nav_construct'
+	if accessible_property['shared_apartment'] = 4:
+		'You share an apartment with three others in Pavlovsk. Your bills are paid by the other tenants in exchange for your house services.'
+	end
+	if accessible_property['city_apartment'] = 1:
+		'You rent a two bedroom apartment in the city residential area. Your rent for the apartment is subtracted automatically in sum of <<func(''homes_properties'', ''get_rent_amount'', ''city_apartment'')>> <b>₽</b> us electric bill on 25th of each month. You are currently paid up for <b><<func(''homes_properties'', ''get_rent_days'', ''city_apartment'')>></b> days.'
+	end
+	if accessible_property['city_apartment'] = 2:
+		'You own a two bedroom apartment in the city residential area. Your utility bills are due on the 25th of each month.'
+	end
+	if accessible_property['city_apartment'] = 3: 'You own a two bedroom apartment in the city residential area. It''s currently occupied by your tenants.'
+	if accessible_property['parents_home'] = 4:
+		'<center><table width="90%" align="center" width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top"><tr>'
+		'<th width=''100''><img height=''100'' src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/home/sitrpar.jpg"></th>'
+		'<th>You currently live with your parents Natasha and Vladomir and your siblings Anya and Kolka in a two bedroom apartment as part of the 58 Estate in Pavlovsk.</th>'
+		'</tr></table></center>'
+	end
+	if accessible_property['village_cottage']= 2 : 'You own a small holiday cottage with an adjacent allotment in the communal village.'
+	if accessible_property['old_town_apartment'] = 1: 'You rent a two bedroom apartment in Pushkin. Your rent for the apartment is subtracted automatically in the sum of <<func(''homes_properties'', ''get_rent_amount'', ''old_town_apartment'')>> <b>₽</b> us electric bill on the 25th of each month. You are currently paid up for <b><<func(''homes_properties'', ''get_rent_days'', ''old_town_apartment'')>></b> days.'
+	if accessible_property['matryona_mansion'] = 2 and constructionstatus = 0: 'You own a vacant block in the city suburbs.'
+	if accessible_property['matryona_mansion'] = 2 and constructionstatus = 1: 'You own a plot of land in the city suburbs upon which you are building a house.' + iif(banaMansion = 1, 'Your utility bills are due on the 25th of each month.', '')
+	if accessible_property['matryona_mansion'] = 2 and constructionstatus = 2: 'You own an impressive mansion in the city suburbs. ' + iif(banaMansion = 1, 'Your utility bills are due on the 25th of each month.', '')
+	if accessible_property['city_house'] = 2: 'You own a nice house on the edge of the city residential district. Your utility bills are due on the 25th of each month.'
+	if accessible_property['meynold_household'] = 4: 'You live with Vicky, Katja and Tamara Meynold. You have your own room and get an allowance based on helping out around the house and/or studying with Tamara.'
+	*nl
+	if car > 0:
+		'<center><h2>Car</h2></center>'
+		*nl
+		gs 'carF', 'car_condition'
+		if cardrive = 1: 'Your car is parked in St. Petersburg''s residential area.'
+		if cardrive = 2: 'Your car is parked in St. Petersburg''s city center.'
+		if cardrive = 3: 'Your car is parked in St. Petersburg''s industrial region.'
+		if cardrive = 4: 'Your car is parked at St. Petersburg''s Lake.'
+		if cardrive = 5: 'Your car is parked at St. Petersburg''s Park.'
+		if cardrive = 6: 'Your car is parked at the gas station in St. Petersburg''s industrial region.'
+		if cardrive = 7: 'Your car is parked at the Car Repair Shop in St. Petersburg.'
+		if cardrive = 8: 'Your car is parked at your house in St. Petersburg''s residential area.'
+		if cardrive = 9: 'Your car is parked at the Car Dealership in St. Petersburg.'
+		if cardrive = 10: 'Your car is parked at St. Petersburg''s Park.'
+		if cardrive = 11: 'Your car is parked at St. Petersburg''s Sauna.'
+		if cardrive = 12: 'Your car is parked at the construction site.'
+		if cardrive = 13: 'Your car is parked in the Suburban Cooperative.'
+		if cardrive = 14: 'Your car is parked in Old Town district of Pavlovsk.'
+		if cardrive = 18: 'Your car is parked at Matryona Mansion.'
+		if cardrive = 19: 'Your car is parked at St. Petersburg''s industrial train station.'
+		if cardrive = 20: 'Your car is parked in Pavlovsk''s residential area.'
+		if cardrive = 21: 'Your car is parked at the gas station near Pavlovsk.'
+		if cardrive = 22: 'Your car is parked on the highway.'
+		if cardrive = 23: 'Your car is parked in Gadukino.'
+		if cardrive = 24: 'Your car is parked in Pavlovsk''s commercial region.'
+		if cardrive = 25: 'Your car is parked in Vasilyevsky Island'
+		if cardrive = 26: 'Your car is parked in Pavlovsk''s industrial region.'
+		if cardrive = 27: 'Your car is parked in St. Petersburg''s red light district.'
+		if cardrive = 28: 'Your car is parked in St. Petersburg''s suburbs.'
+	end
+--- beta_journal_home ---------------------------------

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# beta_journal_magic
+!! Date Created: October, 2024
+!! Version: .01 - initial release
+!! Author: Hooded Silence
+!! Purpose: Book of Shadows and Book of Mirrors for the character development
+if $ARGS[0] = 'init':
+    $loc_id = 'beta_journal_magic'
+    $hot_link = $loc_id
+    if $array_tab[1] = '': gs 'beta_journal', 'init_array'
+    gs 'beta_journal', 'nav_construct'
+    'magic content'
+--- beta_journal_magic ---------------------------------

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# beta_journal_notifications
+!! Game area metadata and information.
+if $ARGS[0] = 'init':
+	$loc_id = 'beta_journal_notifications'
+	$hot_link = $loc_id
+--- beta_journal_notifications ---------------------------------

+ 16 - 296

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 !! All quest information should be in a guidance or hint style fashion to encourage exploration.
 !! Beta 1 - New module design template for integration
+!! Beta 2 - New Navigation bar template
 !! Section icons
 !! 🧭 Quest
@@ -12,6 +13,11 @@
 !! 📌 Location
 !! ✨ Magic
 !! 🔎 Hints
+!! ℹ Information
+!! 👩‍🏭 work
+!! 🏠 home
+!! 📓 notes
 !! Quest progress icons:
 !! <font color = "green">✓</font> - green tick
 !! <font color = "red">🗴</font> Red cross
@@ -19,18 +25,15 @@
 if $ARGS[0] = 'init':
 	*clr & cla
 	$loc_id = 'beta_journal_quests'
-	act 'Put your journal down': gt $menu_loc, $menu_arg
-	act 'Return to top journal page': gt 'journal', 'records'
-	$jumploc = 'questtab'
-	!! gs 'journal', 'journalmenu'
-	'<center><h2>Quests and Relationships</h2></center>'
+	$hot_link = $loc_id
+	gs 'beta_journal', 'nav_construct'
 	if $debug['journal'] ! '':
 		'<h2><font color = "red">Error with:</font> <<$debug[''journal'']>></h2>'
 		$debug['journal'] = ''
-		!! TEST
-		act 'Test vcard': gs $loc_id, 'vcard', 274
-		act 'Test Glossary': gs $loc_id, 'rel_pavlovsk'
+	!! TEST
+		act 'Test vcard': gs 'beta_journal_relationships', 'vcard', 274
+		act 'Test Glossary': gs 'beta_journal_geography', 'geo_pavlovsk'
 	if journal['alert'] = 1:
@@ -48,296 +51,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'init':
-!! Friends and Relations
-if $ARGS[0] = 'rel_pavlovsk':
-	gs $loc_id, 'pavlovsk_array'
-	$table_gen_max = loc_gen
-	gs $loc_id, 'table_gen'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'rel_city':
-if $ARGS[0] = 'rel_gad':
-if $ARGS[0] = 'rel_pushkin':
-	!! Ballet Maya
-!! Game locations - quests
-if $ARGS[0] = 'geo_pavlovsk':
-	!!5/8 Estate
-	!!Commercial
-	!!Industrial
-	!!Market
-	!!Park
-	!!Train Station
-	if $ARGS[1] = '58_estate':
-		!!Parents apartment
-		!!Garages
-		!1Luda''s apartment
-		!!Shulgin''s Apartment
-	elseif $ARGS[1]= 'commercial':
-	elseif $ARGS[1]= 'industrial':
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'market':
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'park':
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'train_station':
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'geo_city':
-if $ARGS[0] = 'geo_pushkin':
-	!! Ballet school content
-	!! Ballet Secrets content
-if $ARGS[0] = 'geo_gad':
-if $ARGS[0] = 'geo_village':
-if $ARGS[0] = 'vcard':
-	*clr & cla
-	$quest_id = 'A' + ARGS[1]
-	$loc_id = 'beta_journal_quests'
-	!! Debug Section
-	if ARGS[1] = 0:
-		gt $loc_id, 'failure',  'id'
-	end
-		!! Initiate NPC data.
-	if $npc_quest['q_next'] = '':
-		!! qstage = current stage index
-		qstage = 1
-	end
-	gs 'quest_data_<<$quest_id>>', 'init'
-	!! Reset to correct location
-	$loc_id = 'beta_journal_quests'
-	!! Ensure quest data fields are populated
-	if $npc_quest['body'] ='':
-		gt $loc_id, 'failure', 'quest_body'
-	end
-	if $npc_quest['q_next'] = '':
-		gt $loc_id, 'failure', 'nav_forward'
-	end
-	if $npc_quest['q_back'] = '':
-		gt $loc_id, 'failure', 'nav_back'
-	end
-	!! Section used to generate the user quests and other pertinent information
-	!! Start vcard construction
-	$vcard += '<center><h3>Ballet Quests - Characters</h3></center>'
-	$vcard += '<br>'
-	$vcard += '<div width="80%">'
-	$vcard += '<div style="width: 120px; padding: 0; float:left"><img style="height:100px;"  src="<<$npc_img_path[''<<$quest_id>>'']>>/<<ARGS[1]>>_profile.jpg"></div>'
-	$vcard += '<div style="padding: 0;">'
-	$vcard += '<p><ul style="margin:0; padding:0;">Name: <<$npc_firstname[''<<quest_id>>'']>> "<<$npc_nickname[''<<$quest_id>>'']>>" <<$npc_lastname[''<<$quest_id>>'']>></ul>'
-	$vcard += '<ul style="margin:0; padding:0;">Date of Birth: ' + func('shortgs', 'convert_dob', ARGS[1])  +  ' </ul>'
-	$vcard += '<ul style="margin:0; padding:0;">Home: <<$npc_home[''<<$quest_id>>'']>></ul>'
-	$vcard += '<ul style="margin:0; padding:0;">Location: Unknown</ul>'
-	!! if debug is enabled show pop up msg:
-	if debug['code']  = 1:
-		gs 'quest_data_a<<ARGS[1]>>', 'debug'
-		$vcard += '<ul style="margin:0; padding:0;">Debug Vars:<a href="exec:msg <<$npc_quest[''debug_data'']>>">Quest Vars (pop up)</a></ul>'
-	end
-	$vcard += '</p></div>'
-	$vcard += '</div>'
-	$vcard += '<br>'
-	!! Output
-	$vcard
-	!! Start quest body construction
-	$qsteps +=	'<div width = "80%">'
-	$qsteps +=	'<div style="padding: 10px;">'
-	$qsteps +=	'<h4>🔎 Quest hints:</h4>'
-	if journal_hints = 0:
-		$qsteps +=	'<a href="exec: journal_hints = 1 & gt ''<<$loc_id>>'', ''vcard'', <<ARGS[1]>>" >Enable hints</a><font color = "red"><b> Spoilers!</b></font> '
+if $ARGS[0] = 'game_flags':
+	if $start_type['cat'] ! 'dancer':
-		$qsteps +=	$npc_quest['hints']
-		$qsteps += '<br> <br>'
-		$qsteps +=	'<a href="exec: journal_hints = 0 & gt ''<<$loc_id>>'', ''vcard'', <<ARGS[1]>>">Disable hints</a> '
+		'Non-dancer start - ballet content disabled. Please choose Avid Dancer in June school year to enable.'
-	$qsteps +=	'<br>'
-	$qsteps +=	'<h4>🧭 Quest requisites:</h4>'
-	$qsteps +=	'<p><<$npc_quest[''body'']>></p>'
-	$qsteps +=	'<br>'
-	$qsteps +=	'</div>'
-	$qsteps +=	'<div style="padding:5px; align: center;">'
-	$qsteps += 	'<center><h5>Quest History</h5></center>'
-	if $npc_quest['q_next'] = 'null':
-		$next_nav = 'Current Stage'
-	else
-		$next_nav = '<a href="gs ''<<$loc_id>>'', ''navigation'', ''next'' "" >Next Stage</a> <b>→</b>'
+	if $start_type[1] = 'nomagic':
+		'Non-magic start - all magic quests is disabled. Please restart game to play the magical questlines.'
-	if $npc_quest['q_back'] = 'null':
-		$back_nav = 'Quest Start'
-	else
-		$back_nav = '<b>←</b> <a href="gs ''<<$loc_id>>'', ''navigation'', ''back'' " >Previous Stage</a> '
-	end
-	$qsteps +=	'<center><<$back_nav>> | <<$next_nav>></center>'
-	$qsteps +=	'</div>'
-	$qsteps +=	'</div>'
-	$qsteps +=	'<br>'
-	$qsteps +=	'<br>'
-	!! Output
-	$qsteps
-	!! Clean up
-	killvar '$vcard'
-	killvar '$qsteps'
-	killvar 'quest_id'
-	killvar '$evt_suffix'
-!! Navigation
-if $ARGS[0] = 'navigation':
-	$nav_click = $ARGS[1]
-	if $ARGS[1] ! '' and qstage = 1:
-		$npc_quest['q_back'] = 'null'
-	elseif qstage > 1 and $nav_click = 'next':
-		qstage += 1
-	elseif qstage >= 2 and $nav_click ='back':
-		qstage -= 1
-	else
-		$debug['journal'] = 'Navigation failed to be set.'
-	end
-	killvar '$nav_click'
-	gs 'quest_data_<<$quest_id>>', 'init'
-	gs 'beta_journal_quests', 'init'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'failure':
-	!! Debug sections
-	if $ARGS[1] = 'id':
-		$debug['journal'] = 'NPC ID not set, vcard not generated.'
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'quest_body':
-		$debug['journal'] = 'Quest body not set, quests details was not set.'
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'nav_forward':
-		$debug['journal'] = 'No forward navigation set - please ensure you have set the var in quest_data'
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'nav_back':
-		$debug['journal'] = 'No back navigation set - please ensure you have set the var in quest_data'
-	end
-	'vcard failed to initialise: ' + $debug['journal']
-if $ARGS[0] = 'gametips':
-	if $ARGS[1] = '1':
-		'If you have 50 skill in modern dance and Albina likes you might get a chance to join Starlets.'
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = '2':
-		'Mon Cheri is the most prestigious clothing store in St. Petersburg, with a price tag to match.'
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = '3':
-		'There is some parts of the game restricted to over-18s such as doing driving lessons, gambling at the casino and other areas. There is rumours that there is studios who are less fussy about sticking to the law.'
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = '4':
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = '5':
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = '6':
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = '7':
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = '8':
-	elseif $ARGS[1] = '9':
-	end
-!! Table Generator for npcs and locations
-if $ARGS[0] = 'table_gen':
-	!! Original code by Anjuna
-	entry_counter_i = 1
-	entry_counter_j = 1
-	table_counter = 0
-	if ARGS[1] = 0:
-		table_columns = 3
-	else
-		table_columns = ARGS[1]
-	end
-	$bjq_temp_table = '<center><table cellspacing="3" bgcolor="<<$theme[''table_bg_alt'']>>" width="80%" align="center">'
-	:jmp_table_gen
-						!! CREATE ROW
-		$bjq_temp_table +=	'<tr width="100px">'
-		:jmp_table_gen2
-							!! CREATE CELL
-			$bjq_temp_table +=		'<td align="left">'
-			$bjq_temp_table +=			'<a href="exec: gt ''<<$loc_id>>'' ,''<<$loc_shortname[entry_counter_i]>>''">'
-			$bjq_temp_table +=				'<img height="100" src="<<$loc_path[entry_counter_i]>>">'
-			$bjq_temp_table +=			'</a>'
-			$bjq_temp_table += 		'</td>'
-							!! END CELL
-			entry_counter_i += 1
-		if entry_counter_i <= table_gen_max and (entry_counter_i mod table_columns) ! 0: jump 'jmp_table_gen2'
-		$bjq_temp_table +=	'</tr>'
-						!! END ROW
-						!! CREATE ROW
-		$bjq_temp_table +=	'<tr width="100px">'
-		:jmp_table_gen3
-								!! CREATE CELL
-			$bjq_temp_table += 		'<td align="left">'
-			$bjq_temp_table +=			$loc_name[entry_counter_j]
-			$bjq_temp_table +=		'</td>'
-								!! END CELL
-			entry_counter_j += 1
-		if entry_counter_j <= table_gen_max and (entry_counter_j mod table_columns) ! 0: jump 'jmp_table_gen3'
-		$bjq_temp_table +=	'</tr>'
-						!! END ROW
-		table_counter += 1
-		if table_counter = 5:
-						!! ADD BLANK ROW
-			$bjq_temp_table += '<tr></tr>'
-			table_counter = 0
-		end
-	if entry_counter_i < table_gen_max: jump 'jmp_table_gen'
-	$bjq_temp_table += '</table></center>'
-	'<<$bjq_temp_table>>'
-	killvar '$bjq_temp_table'
-	killvar 'entry_counter_i'
-	killvar 'entry_counter_j'
-	killvar 'table_columns'
-	killvar 'table_counter'
-	killvar 'table_gen_max'
-!! Set up locations for image paths for the loop
-if $ARGS[0] = 'pavlovsk_array':
-	!! Set up locations for image paths for the loop
-	loc_gen = 1
-	!! Display Name
-	$loc_name[loc_gen] = 'Five Eight Estate'
-	!! $args[1] function name to show data
-	$loc_shortname[loc_gen] = '58_estate'
-	!! default game image file path
-	$loc_path[loc_gen] = 'images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/complex.jpg'
-	!! Area description to indicate what is in this area.
-	$loc_description[loc_gen] = 'Five Eight Estate where your parents and aunt Luda live. There is also the garage that your father hires to fix his car.'
-	!$loc_path[loc_gen] =
-	loc_gen += 1
-	$loc_name[loc_gen] = 'Commercial Area'
-	$loc_shortname[loc_gen] = 'commercial'
-	$loc_path[loc_gen] = 'images/locations/pavlovsk/gorodok.jpg'
-	$loc_description[loc_gen] = ''
-	loc_gen += 1
-	$loc_name[loc_gen] = 'Industrial Area'
-	$loc_shortname[loc_gen] = 'industrial'
-	$loc_path[loc_gen] = 'images/locations/pavlovsk/factory/pav_factory.jpg'
-	loc_gen += 1
-	$loc_name[loc_gen] = 'Pavlovsk Market'
-	$loc_shortname[loc_gen] = 'market'
-	$loc_path[loc_gen] = 'images/locations/pavlovsk/pav_market_day.jpg'
-	loc_gen += 1
-	$loc_name[loc_gen] = 'Pavlovsk Park'
-	$loc_shortname[loc_gen] = 'park'
-	$loc_path[loc_gen] = 'images/locations/pavlovsk/park/skver.jpg'
-	loc_gen += 1
-	$loc_name[loc_gen] = 'Train Station'
-	$loc_shortname[loc_gen] = 'train_station'
-	$loc_path[loc_gen] = 'images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/vokzal.jpg'
 --- beta_journal_quests ---------------------------------

+ 407 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+# beta_journal_relationships
+!! Date Created: October, 2024
+!! Version: .01 - initial release
+!! Author: Hooded Silence
+!! Purpose: Contains the navigation elements for all Pertinent data for NPC relations in game
+if $ARGS[0] = 'init':
+    !! Do we need to load a vcard or just index the NPCs?
+	$loc_id = 'beta_journal_relationships'
+	$hot_link = $loc_id
+	gs 'beta_journal', 'nav_construct'
+!! Friends and Relations
+if $ARGS[0] = 'rel_pavlovsk':
+	gs $loc_id, 'pavlovsk_array'
+	table_gen_max = loc_gen
+	gs $loc_id, 'table_gen'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'rel_city':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'rel_gad':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'rel_pushkin':
+	!! Ballet Maya
+!! This function creates a interface to access NPC data and quest history in a legible way, modify the layout at your own peril!
+if $ARGS[0] = 'vcard':
+	!!NOTE: all data is pulled from a data file called quest_data_a<npc_id> for each npc quest - use quest_data_274 as an example!
+	*clr & cla
+	$quest_id = 'A' + ARGS[1]
+	$loc_id = 'beta_journal_quests'
+	!! Debug Section
+	if ARGS[1] = 0:
+		gt $loc_id, 'failure',  'id'
+	end
+		!! Initiate NPC data.
+	if $npc_quest['q_next'] = '':
+		!! qstage = current stage index
+		qstage = 1
+	end
+	gs 'quest_data_<<$quest_id>>', 'init'
+	!! Reset to correct location
+	$loc_id = 'beta_journal_quests'
+	!! Ensure quest data fields are populated
+	if $npc_quest['body'] ='':
+		gt $loc_id, 'failure', 'quest_body'
+	end
+	if $npc_quest['q_next'] = '':
+		gt $loc_id, 'failure', 'nav_forward'
+	end
+	if $npc_quest['q_back'] = '':
+		gt $loc_id, 'failure', 'nav_back'
+	end
+	!! Section used to generate the user quests and other pertinent information
+	!! Start vcard construction
+	$vcard += '<center><h3>Ballet Quests - Characters</h3></center>'
+	$vcard += '<br>'
+	$vcard += '<div width="80%">'
+	$vcard += '<div style="width: 120px; padding: 0; float:left"><img style="height:100px;"  src="<<$npc_img_path[''<<$quest_id>>'']>>/<<ARGS[1]>>_profile.jpg"></div>'
+	$vcard += '<div style="padding: 0;">'
+	$vcard += '<p><ul style="margin:0; padding:0;">Name: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$quest_id>>'']>> "<<$npc_nickname[''<<$quest_id>>'']>>" <<$npc_lastname[''<<$quest_id>>'']>></ul>'
+	$vcard += '<ul style="margin:0; padding:0;">Date of Birth: ' + func('shortgs', 'convert_dob', ARGS[1])  +  ' </ul>'
+	$vcard += '<ul style="margin:0; padding:0;">Home: ' + iif($npc_home['$quest_id'] = '', 'Not known', $npc_home['$quest_id'] ) + '</ul>'
+	$vcard += '<ul style="margin:0; padding:0;">Location: Unknown</ul>'
+	!! if debug is enabled show pop up msg:
+	if debug['code']  = 1:
+		gs 'quest_data_a<<ARGS[1]>>', 'debug'
+		$vcard += '<ul style="margin:0; padding:0;">Debug Vars:<a href="exec:msg <<$npc_quest[''debug_data'']>>">Quest Vars (pop up)</a></ul>'
+	end
+	$vcard += '</p></div>'
+	$vcard += '</div>'
+	$vcard += '<br>'
+	!! Output
+	$vcard
+	!! Start quest body construction
+	$qsteps +=	'<div width = "80%">'
+	$qsteps +=	'<div style="padding: 10px;">'
+	$qsteps +=	'<h4>🔎 Quest hints:</h4>'
+	if journal_hints = 0:
+		$qsteps +=	'<a href="exec: journal_hints = 1 & gt ''<<$loc_id>>'', ''vcard'', <<ARGS[1]>>" >Enable hints</a><font color = "red"><b> Spoilers!</b></font> '
+	else
+		$qsteps +=	$npc_quest['hints']
+		$qsteps += '<br> <br>'
+		$qsteps +=	'<a href="exec: journal_hints = 0 & gt ''<<$loc_id>>'', ''vcard'', <<ARGS[1]>>">Disable hints</a> '
+	end
+	$qsteps +=	'<br>'
+	$qsteps +=	'<h4>🧭 Quest requisites:</h4>'
+	$qsteps +=	'<p><<$npc_quest[''body'']>></p>'
+	$qsteps +=	'<br>'
+	$qsteps +=	'</div>'
+	$qsteps +=	'<div style="padding:5px; align: center;">'
+	$qsteps += 	'<center><h5>Quest History</h5></center>'
+	if $npc_quest['q_next'] = 'null':
+		$next_nav = 'Current Stage'
+	else
+		$next_nav = '<a href="gs ''<<$loc_id>>'', ''navigation'', ''next'' "" >Next Stage</a> <b>→</b>'
+	end
+	if $npc_quest['q_back'] = 'null':
+		$back_nav = 'Quest Start'
+	else
+		$back_nav = '<b>←</b> <a href="gs ''<<$loc_id>>'', ''navigation'', ''back'' " >Previous Stage</a> '
+	end
+	$qsteps +=	'<center><<$back_nav>> | <<$next_nav>></center>'
+	$qsteps +=	'</div>'
+	$qsteps +=	'</div>'
+	$qsteps +=	'<br>'
+	$qsteps +=	'<br>'
+	!! Output
+	$qsteps
+	!! Clean up
+	killvar '$vcard'
+	killvar '$qsteps'
+	killvar 'quest_id'
+	killvar '$evt_suffix'
+!! Vcard Navigation bar
+if $ARGS[0] = 'navigation':
+	$nav_click = $ARGS[1]
+	if $ARGS[1] ! '' and qstage = 1:
+		$npc_quest['q_back'] = 'null'
+	elseif qstage > 1 and $nav_click = 'next':
+		qstage += 1
+	elseif qstage >= 2 and $nav_click ='back':
+		qstage -= 1
+	else
+		$debug['journal'] = 'Navigation failed to be set.'
+	end
+	killvar '$nav_click'
+	gs 'quest_data_<<$quest_id>>', 'init'
+	gs 'beta_journal_quests', 'init'
+!!      Relationships      !!
+if $ARGS[0] = 'relationstab':
+	$jumploc = 'relationstab'
+	gs 'journal', 'journalmenu'
+	'<center><h2>Relationships</h2></center>'
+	'<h2>Family</h2>'
+	'Mother:'
+	gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A29'
+	'Stepfather:'
+	gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A28'
+	'Sister:'
+	gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A33'
+	'Brother:'
+	gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A34'
+	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg' and SchoolAtestat = 0 and SchoolBlock = 0:
+		'<center><h2>Standings by Social Group</h2></center>'
+		if grupTipe < 5 and grupvalue[grupTipe] > 700:
+			$journal_school_standing = ' You are well respected and liked within your clique.'
+		elseif grupTipe < 5 and grupvalue[grupTipe] > 300:
+			$journal_school_standing = ' You are in good standing with your clique.'
+		elseif grupTipe < 5:
+			$journal_school_standing = '<font color="red"> You have to work on your clique standing. You''re in danger of being cast out.</font>'
+		end
+		if grupTipe = 0:
+			'You are not a member of any particular school social group.' + $journal_school_standing
+		elseif grupTipe = 1:
+			'Your school social group consists of the popular, cool and beautiful.' + $journal_school_standing
+		elseif grupTipe = 2:
+			'Your school social group consists of jocks and natural athletes.' + $journal_school_standing
+		elseif grupTipe = 3:
+			'Your school social group consists of nerds, geeks and good students.' + $journal_school_standing
+			if nerd_game['game_day'] > daystart: 'You have been invited to a games night on <<$week[(week + (nerd_game[''game_day'']  - daystart))]>> at '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 20, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' in the community center library.'
+			if nerd_game['game_day'] = daystart: 'You have been invited to a games night tonight at '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 20, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' in the community center library.'
+		elseif grupTipe = 4:
+			'Your school social group consists of gopniks, rebels, punks or troublemakers.' + $journal_school_standing
+		elseif grupTipe = 5:
+			'Your school social group consists of losers, teacher''s pets, sluts and the ugly.'
+		end
+		*nl
+		'Cool Kids'
+		gs 'indik', '4', grupvalue[1]/10, grupvalue[1], 1 & '<<$ind>>'
+		'Jocks'
+		gs 'indik', '4', grupvalue[2]/10, grupvalue[2], 2 & '<<$ind>>'
+		'Nerds'
+		gs 'indik', '4', grupvalue[3]/10, grupvalue[3], 3 & '<<$ind>>'
+		'Gopnik'
+		gs 'indik', '4', grupvalue[4]/10, grupvalue[4], 4 & '<<$ind>>'
+		'<center><h2>Popular Kids Relations</h2></center>'
+		if npc_rel['A1']   > 0: 'Friendship with Dimka:'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A1'
+		if npc_rel['A4']   > 0: 'Friendship with Igor:'     & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A4'
+		if npc_rel['A14']  > 0: 'Friendship with Katja:'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A14'
+		if npc_rel['A15']  > 0: 'Friendship with Vicky:'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A15'
+		if npc_rel['A17']  > 0: 'Friendship with Irina:'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A17'
+		if npc_rel['A22']  > 0: 'Friendship with Bella:'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A22'
+		if npc_rel['A146'] > 0: 'Friendship with Marcus:'   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A146'
+		if npc_rel['A147'] > 0: 'Friendship with Andrey:'   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A147'
+		if npc_rel['A148'] > 0: 'Friendship with Mefodiy:'  & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A148'
+		if soniaQW['slut'] = 0 and npc_rel['A25'] > 0: 'Friendship with Sonia:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A25'
+		if npc_rel['A139'] > 0: 'Friendship with Stasya:'   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A139'
+		if npc_rel['A140'] > 0: 'Friendship with Lizaveta:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A140'
+		'<center><h2>Jocks Relations</h2></center>'
+		if npc_rel['A3']   > 0: 'Friendship with Ivan:'       & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A3'
+		if fedormasha = 0 and npc_rel['A5'] > 0: 'Friendship with Fedor:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A5'
+		if npc_rel['A8']   > 0: 'Friendship with Svyatoslav:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A8'
+		if npc_rel['A13']  > 0: 'Friendship with Lariska:'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A13'
+		if npc_rel['A18']  > 0: 'Friendship with Christina:'  & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A18'
+		if npc_rel['A19']  > 0: 'Friendship with Lina:'       & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A19'
+		if npc_rel['A23']  > 0: 'Friendship with Albina:'     & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A23'
+		if npc_rel['A149'] > 0: 'Friendship with Lazar:'      & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A149'
+		if npc_rel['A150'] > 0: 'Friendship with Erast:'      & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A150'
+		if npc_rel['A141'] > 0: 'Friendship with Veronika:'   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A141'
+		if npc_rel['A165'] > 0: 'Friendship with Vanya:'      & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A165'
+		'<center><h2>Nerds Relations</h2></center>'
+		if npc_rel['A2']   > 0: 'Friendship with Artem:'   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A2'
+		if npc_rel['A6']   > 0: 'Friendship with Petka:'   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A6'
+		if npc_rel['A12']  > 0: 'Friendship with Julia:'   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A12'
+		if npc_rel['A16']  > 0: 'Friendship with Natasha:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A16'
+		if npc_rel['A151'] > 0: 'Friendship with Evgeny:'  & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A151'
+		if npc_rel['A152'] > 0: 'Friendship with Feofan:'  & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A152'
+		if npc_rel['A153'] > 0: 'Friendship with Gerasim:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A153'
+		if npc_rel['A142'] > 0: 'Friendship with Zinaida:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A142'
+		if npc_rel['A240'] > 0: 'Friendship with Natalia:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A240'
+		'<center><h2>Gopnik Relations</h2></center>'
+		if npc_rel['A9']   > 0: 'Friendship with Vitek:'     & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A9'
+		if npc_rel['A10']  > 0: 'Friendship with Dan:'       & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A10'
+		if npc_rel['A11']  > 0: 'Friendship with Vasily:'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A11'
+		if npc_rel['A20']  > 0: 'Friendship with Lena:'      & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A20'
+		if npc_rel['A21']  > 0: 'Friendship with Lera:'      & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A21'
+		if npc_rel['A24']  > 0: 'Friendship with Pauline:'   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A24'
+		if npc_rel['A154'] > 0: 'Friendship with Radomir:'   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A154'
+		if npc_rel['A155'] > 0: 'Friendship with Lavrenti:'  & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A155'
+		if npc_rel['A156'] > 0: 'Friendship with Arkadi:'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A156'
+		if npc_rel['A157'] > 0: 'Friendship with Roman:'     & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A157'
+		if npc_rel['A158'] > 0: 'Friendship with Valentin:'  & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A158'
+		if npc_rel['A143'] > 0: 'Friendship with Alyona:'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A143'
+		if npc_rel['A144'] > 0: 'Friendship with Anushka:'   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A144'
+		if npc_rel['A145'] > 0: 'Friendship with Ekaterina:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A145'
+		if npc_rel['A189'] > 0: 'Friendship with Niko:'      & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A189'
+		'<center><h2>Outcast/Loner Relations</h2></center>'
+		if npc_rel['A7']   > 0: 'Friendship with Lesco:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A7'
+		if npc_rel['A159'] > 0: 'Friendship with Petia:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A159'
+		if soniaQW['slut']    > 0 and npc_rel['A25'] > 0: 'Friendship with Sonia:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A25'
+		if fedormasha = 1 and npc_rel['A5']  > 0: 'Friendship with Fedor:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A5'
+		'<center><h2>Teachers/Coaches/School Staff Relations</h2></center>'
+		if npc_rel['A26']  > 0: 'Friendship with Anatoly Tsarev (Math Teacher):'             & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A26'
+		if npc_rel['A69']  > 0: 'Friendship with Mikhail Nikolaevich (Volleyball Coach):'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A69'
+		if npc_rel['A128'] > 0: 'Friendship with Makar Vasilyev (Art Teacher):'              & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A128'
+		if npc_rel['A129'] > 0: 'Friendship with Serafim Ivanov (Computer Science Teacher):' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A129'
+		if npc_rel['A130'] > 0: 'Friendship with Ilya Yenotin (Literature Teacher):'         & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A130'
+		if npc_rel['A131'] > 0: 'Friendship with Viktor Pavlovich (P.E. Teacher):'           & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A131'
+		if npc_rel['A132'] > 0: 'Friendship with Ruslan Kuznetsov (Shop Teacher):'           & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A132'
+		if npc_rel['A133'] > 0: 'Friendship with Rolan Metveev (Janitor):'                   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A133'
+		if npc_rel['A134'] > 0: 'Friendship with Aleksandrina Volkov (Headmistress):'        & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A134'
+		if npc_rel['A135'] > 0: 'Friendship with Yeva Sokoloff (Geography Teacher):'         & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A135'
+		if npc_rel['A136'] > 0: 'Friendship with Olga Aleksandrov (School Nurse):'           & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A136'
+		if npc_rel['A137'] > 0: 'Friendship with Raven Braakman (English Teacher):'          & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A137'
+		if npc_rel['A138'] > 0: 'Friendship with Arina Orlov (Biology Teacher):'             & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A138'
+		!!!WD: Formatting
+		if (npc_rel['A93'] + npc_rel['A41'] + npc_rel['A42'] + npc_rel['A43'] + gosh + npc_rel['A220'] + npc_rel['A219'] + npc_QW['A192'] + npc_rel['A218']) > 0:*nl
+		*nl
+	end
+	'<center><h2>Pavlovsk Relations</h2></center>'
+	if npc_rel['A54']  > 0: 'Friendship with Uncle Misha:'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A54'
+	if npc_rel['A57']  > 0: 'Friendship with Rex:'            & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A57'
+	if npc_rel['A217'] > 0: 'Friendship with Pavlin:'         & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A217'
+	if npc_rel['A112'] > 0: 'Friendship with Sergey Shulgin:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A112'
+	if npc_rel['A119'] > 0: 'Friendship with Borislav:'       & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A119'
+	'<center><h2>Gadukino Relations</h2></center>'
+	if npc_rel['A31']  > 0: 'Friendship with Elena (your great-grandmother):'  & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A31'
+	if npc_rel['A32']  > 0: 'Friendship with Zlatek (your great-grandfather):' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A32'
+	if npc_rel['A60']  > 0: 'Friendship with Mira:'     & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A60'
+	if npc_rel['A61']  > 0: 'Friendship with Kolyamba:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A61'
+	if npc_rel['A62']  > 0: 'Friendship with Vasyan:'   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A62'
+	if npc_rel['A63']  > 0: 'Friendship with Mitka:'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A63'
+	if npc_rel['A64']  > 0: 'Friendship with Afanasiy:' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A64'
+	if npc_rel['A65']  > 0: 'Friendship with Vtialiy:'  & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A65'
+	if npc_rel['A221'] > 0: 'Friendship with Grigory:'  & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A221'
+	if npc_rel['A172'] > 0: 'Friendship with Andrei (hunter):' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A172'
+	if npc_rel['A173'] > 0: 'Friendship with Igor (hunter):'   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A173'
+	if npc_rel['A174'] > 0: 'Friendship with Sergei (hunter):' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A174'
+	'<center><h2>Saint Petersburg Relations</h2></center>'
+	if npc_QW['A192']  > 0: 'Friendship with Nastya:'  & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A192'
+	if npc_rel['A218'] > 0: 'Friendship with Tanya:'   & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A218'
+	if npc_rel['A219'] > 0: 'Friendship with Kat:'     & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A219'
+	if npc_rel['A220'] > 0: 'Friendship with Vika:'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A220'
+	if npc_rel['A93']  > 0: 'Friendship with Ira:'     & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A93'
+	if npc_rel['A43']  > 0: 'Friendship with Tamara:'  & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A43'
+	if npc_rel['A35']  > 0: 'Friendship with Mikhail Kuznetsov (your biological father):' & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A35'
+	if npc_rel['A169'] > 0: 'Friendship with Dima:'    & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A169'
+	if npc_rel['A89']  > 0: 'Friendship with Eugene:'  & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A89'
+	if npc_rel['A216'] > 0: 'Friendship with Martin:'  & gs 'journal', 'relindex', 'A216'
+	! '<center><h2>Other Relations</h2></center>'
+	! Uncomment if re-introduced into the game ensure you use NPC ID to update them
+	! if alla > 0: 'Friendship with Alla <<alla>>'
+	! if masha > 0: 'Friendship with Masha <<masha>>'
+	! if npc_rel['A41'] > 0: 'Friendship with Givi K. <<npc_rel[''A41'']>>'
+	! if npc_rel['A42'] > 0: 'Friendship with Ashot <<npc_rel[''A42'']>>'
+	if kid > 0 or arrsize('$lover') > 0:
+		'<center><h2>Lovers & Children</h2></center>'
+		if kid > 0:
+			i = 0
+			if kid = 1:
+				'You have a child, a <<$polreb[0]>> named <<$kidname[0]>>. Born <<daykid[0]>>-<<monthkid[0]>>-<<yearkid[0]>>. Aged <<kidage[0]>>.'
+			else
+				'You have children:'
+				:LoopKidCounter
+				if i < kid:
+					'<br> a <<$polreb[i]>> named <<$kidname[i]>>. Born <<daykid[i]>>-<<monthkid[i]>>-<<yearkid[i]>>. Aged <<kidage[i]>>.'
+					i += 1
+					jump 'LoopKidCounter'
+				end
+			end
+			*nl
+			*nl
+		end
+		jnl_i = 0
+		jnl_max_i = arrsize('$lover')
+		:loverjournalloop
+		if jnl_i < jnl_max_i:
+			gs 'npcStat', $lover[jnl_i], 'i'
+			if mid($npc_rel_type[$npcID9], 1, 2) = 'ex':
+				jnl_i += 1
+				jump 'loverjournalloop'
+			end
+			if $npc_rel_type[$npcID9] = 'husband':
+				'You have been married for <<daystart - spouseVars[''marry_day'']>> days. Your husband <<$npcdesc9>> is <<$npcheight9>> and <<$npcbuild9>> with <<$npchair9>> hair. <<$npcdesc9>> is usually wearing <<$npcClo9>>. Member <<$dick_desc9>> cock and <<$dick_girth9>>. Relationship <<npc_rel[$npcID9]>>.'
+			else
+				'Your <<$npcrelat9>> <<$npcdesc9>> is <<$npcheight9>> and <<$npcbuild9>> with <<$npchair9>> hair. <<$npcdesc9>> is usually wearing <<$npcClo9>>. Your relationship is <<npc_rel[$npcID9]>> after <<npc_dates[$npcID9]>> dates and <<daystart - npc_daygenerated[$npcID9]>> days dating.'
+			end
+			gs 'indik', '1', npc_rel[$npcID9], npc_rel[$npcID9], 100
+			'<<$ind>>'
+			if npc_rel[$npcID9] > 1:
+				if npc_gentle[$npcID9] = 1:
+					'<<$Xec9>> is timid and lacks confidence.'
+				elseif npc_rough[$npcID9] = 0:
+					'<<$Xec9>> has a cheerful and sociable personality.'
+				else
+					'<<$Xec9>> is short-tempered and strict.'
+				end
+			end
+			*nl
+			jnl_i += 1
+			jump 'loverjournalloop'
+		end
+		killvar 'jnl_i'
+		killvar 'jnl_max_i'
+	end
+--- beta_journal_relationships ---------------------------------

+ 146 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# beta_journal_work
+!! Date Created: October, 2024
+!! Version: .01 - initial release
+!! Author: Hooded Silence
+!! Purpose: Displays all employment information
+if $ARGS[0] = 'init':
+    $loc_id = 'beta_journal_work'
+    $hot_link = $loc_id
+    gs 'beta_journal', 'nav_construct'
+	if emp_job[active] < 1:
+		'You need to find a job or get training to develop your career. Check the Quests or Information section.'
+	else
+		function_sw = 2
+		gs 'emp_functions', 'job_alert'
+		gs 'emp_functions', 'gen_schedule', job_start * 2
+	end
+	!! Show any ad hoc events or contracts
+	if arrsize('evt_event') ! 0: gs 'emp_functions', 'disp_evt', 2
+	if workPTU > 2: 'You work as a teacher at the Lycée and your schedule is Monday to Saturday, teaching between '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 14, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' and '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 16, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'. Your salary is 300 <b>₽</b> per day.'
+	if work = 1 or cheatVars['work'] = 1:
+		if workKafe['job'] > 0: 'You are working as a waitress at The Roadhouse cafe. Your working days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and you should come to work between '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 11, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' and '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 12, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'. Your wages are received on the 25th of each month, but you can earn tips from customers.'
+		if workhosp > 0: 'You work as a nurse in the city residential area clinic. You need to come to work between '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 8, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'-'+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' during the week. Salary is automatically transferred on the 25th of each month.'
+		if worksalon > 0: 'You work as a masseuse at the Beauty Bar in the city. Your working days are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and you should come to work between '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' and '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 10, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'. Salary is automatically transferred on the 25th of each month.'
+		if workSec > 0: 'You work as a secretary at Titran Express, Monday to Friday. You need to come to work by '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'. Salary is automatically transferred on the 25th of each month.'
+		if tanwork > 0: 'You work as a governess for Tanya at Nicholas'' luxury city apartment. Salary is automatically transferred on the 25th of each month.'
+		if young_shop_work = 1: 'You work in the city as a store clerk at the Pussy Cats clothing store. Work starts at '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 16, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' Monday to Friday. Your salary is paid once a week on Fridays.'
+		if young_shop_work1 = 1: 'You work in the city as a store clerk at the Pussy Cats clothing store. Work starts at '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' Saturday and Sunday. Your salary is paid once a week on Fridays.'
+		if young_shop_work2 = 1: 'You work in the city as a store clerk at the Pussy Cats clothing store. Work starts at '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' Monday through Friday. Your salary is paid once a week on Fridays.'
+		if workFabrika = 1: 'You work as a seamstress in the factory in Pavlovsk. You work every week day and your salary is automatically transferred on the 25th of each month.'
+		if gpoliuborka > 1: 'You work part-time as a cleaner in the Pavlovsk clinic. Your schedule is from '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 14, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' to '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 21, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'.'
+	if workrin = 1: 'You work as a clothing saleswoman in Arthur''s tent at the market each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday with a start time of '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 8, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'. Salary depends on sales.'
+	if maidqw = 1:
+		'You work in the Pavlovsk hotel as a maid. Your work schedule is every day from '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 16, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' to '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 19, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' and your salary is 250 <b>₽</b> plus tips.'
+	elseif GermanQW = 1:
+		'You can find out more about becoming a maid at the Pavlovsk hotel if you visit the manager between '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 12, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' and '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 14, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'.'
+	end
+	if postjobQW = 2 or postjobQW = 4: 'You deliver mail for the postmaster. The work day starts each Saturday between '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 11, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' and '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 12, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'. Salary is 450 <b>₽</b>.'
+	if strip_club['stripwork'] = 1: 'You work as a stripper at the Golden Girls strip club. No salary as you earn tips.'
+	if strip_club['stripbarwork'] = 1: 'You work as a bargirl at the Golden Girls strip club every Wednesday and Thursday from '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 18, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' to '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 3, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'. Salary is automatically transferred on the 25th of each month. but you can earn tips from customers.'
+	if strip_club['stripbarwork1'] = 1: 'You work as a bargirl at the Golden Girls strip club every Friday and Saturday from '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 18, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' to '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 3, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'. Salary is automatically transferred on the 25th of each month, but you can earn tips from customers.'
+	if film > 0: 'You work as a pornographic actress under the name <<$pfname>>.'
+	if bumtolik = 4: 'You have been asked to help the homeless at the Mercy Clinic in the city industrial region.'
+	if bumtolik >= 5: 'You volunteer at the Mercy Clinic in the city industrial region and work with the homeless. Working hours are from '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' to '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 17, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' on Saturday and Sunday.'
+	*nl
+	if audition['day'] = daystart:
+		'Your audition for the role of <<$role>> is today!'
+	elseif audition['day'] - daystart = 1:
+		'You are auditioning for the role of <<$role>> tomorrow.'
+	elseif audition['day'] - daystart > 1:
+		'You are auditioning for the role of <<$role>> in <<audition[''day''] - daystart>> days.'
+	end
+	if actress_cast = 1:
+		if acting['shoot_day'] = daystart:
+			'You are '
+		elseif acting['shoot_day'] - daystart = 1:
+			'You are scheduled to play the part of <<$role>> <<acting[''shoot_day''] - daystart>> days from now.'
+		elseif acting['shoot_day'] - daystart > 1:
+			'You are scheduled to play the part of <<$role>> <<acting[''shoot_day''] - daystart>> days from now.'
+		end
+	end
+	if modelfoto['shoots'] > 0:
+		*nl
+		if modelfoto['erotic'] > modelfoto['nude'] and modelfoto['erotic'] > modelfoto['fashion'] and modelfoto['erotic'] > modelfoto['fitness'] and modelfoto['erotic'] > modelfoto['glamour'] and modelfoto['erotic'] > modelfoto['lingerie'] and modelfoto['erotic'] > modelfoto['catalog']:
+			'You are working as an erotic model at Aphrodite Photography.'
+		elseif modelfoto['nude'] > modelfoto['fashion'] and modelfoto['nude'] > modelfoto['fitness'] and modelfoto['nude'] > modelfoto['glamour'] and modelfoto['nude'] > modelfoto['lingerie'] and modelfoto['nude'] > modelfoto['catalog'] and modelfoto['nude'] > modelfoto['erotic']:
+			'You are working as an artistic nude model at Aphrodite Photography.'
+		elseif modelfoto['fitness'] > modelfoto['fashion'] and modelfoto['fitness'] > modelfoto['nude'] and modelfoto['fitness'] > modelfoto['glamour'] and modelfoto['fitness'] > modelfoto['lingerie'] and modelfoto['fitness'] > modelfoto['catalog'] and modelfoto['fitness'] > modelfoto['erotic']:
+			'You are working as a fitness model at Aphrodite Photography.'
+		elseif modelfoto['glamour'] > modelfoto['fashion'] and modelfoto['glamour'] > modelfoto['nude'] and modelfoto['glamour'] > modelfoto['fitness'] and modelfoto['glamour'] > modelfoto['lingerie'] and modelfoto['glamour'] > modelfoto['catalog'] and modelfoto['glamour'] > modelfoto['erotic']:
+			'You are working as a glamour model at Aphrodite Photography.'
+		elseif modelfoto['lingerie'] > modelfoto['fashion'] and modelfoto['lingerie'] > modelfoto['nude'] and modelfoto['lingerie'] > modelfoto['fitness'] and modelfoto['lingerie'] > modelfoto['glamour'] and modelfoto['lingerie'] > modelfoto['catalog'] and modelfoto['lingerie'] > modelfoto['erotic']:
+			'You are working as a lingerie model at Aphrodite Photography.'
+		elseif modelfoto['fashion'] > modelfoto['lingerie'] and modelfoto['fashion'] > modelfoto['nude'] and modelfoto['fashion'] > modelfoto['fitness'] and modelfoto['fashion'] > modelfoto['glamour'] and modelfoto['fashion'] > modelfoto['catalog'] and modelfoto['fashion'] > modelfoto['erotic']:
+			'You are working as a fashion model at Aphrodite Photography.'
+		elseif modelfoto['catalog'] > 0:
+			'You are working as a catalog model at Aphrodite Photography.'
+		end
+		*nl
+		if model_week = (daystart - week) / 7 and model_job_week >= 2:
+			'You have no more modeling jobs available this week.'
+		elseif model_week < (daystart - week) / 7 and model_job_week = 1:
+			'You can get paid for 1 more modeling job this week.'
+		elseif model_week < (daystart - week) / 7 and model_job_week < 1:
+			'You can get paid for 2 modeling jobs this week.'
+		end
+	end
+	if masseuse['jobtype'] > 0:
+		*nl
+		'You have worked <<masseuse[''shifts_worked'']>> shifts at the salon this week.'
+		if masseuse['<<week>>_shift_1'] = 1 and hour < 9:
+			'<BR><b><font color="blue">You have a shift at the salon today at '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'.</font></b>'
+		elseif masseuse['<<week>>_shift_1'] = 1 and hour <= 9:
+			'<BR><b><font color="red">You''re late for your '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' shift at the salon!</font></b>'
+		elseif masseuse['<<week>>_shift_2'] = 1 and hour < 13:
+			'<BR><b><font color="blue">You have a shift at the salon today at '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 13, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'.</font></b>'
+		elseif masseuse['<<week>>_shift_2'] = 1 and hour <= 13:
+			'<BR><b><font color="red">You''re late for your '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 13, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' shift at the salon!</font></b>'
+		elseif masseuse['<<week>>_shift_3'] = 1 and hour < 17:
+			'<BR><b><font color="blue">You have a shift at the salon today at '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 17, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'.</font></b>'
+		elseif masseuse['<<week>>_shift_3'] = 1 and hour <= 17:
+			'<BR><b><font color="red">You''re late for your '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 17, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' shift at the salon!</font></b>'
+		end
+	end
+	if pornstack > 0:
+		if pfilmday[0] = 0:
+			if pfilmday[1] = 0:
+				'<br><b>You are scheduled for a porn shoot in <<porndays>> days.</b>'
+			else
+				'<br><b>You have a porn shoot scheduled tomorrow.</b>'
+			end
+		else
+			if hour < 11:
+				'<br>You are expected to be in the porn studio at '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 10, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'.'
+			elseif hour >= 11 and hour < 13:
+				'<br>You should be at the porn studio!'
+			elseif hour >= 13:
+				'<br>You missed a scheduled porn shoot!'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if pornmiss = 1: '<br><b>You missed a scheduled porn shoot!</b>'
+	if prodcosttrue > 0: '<br><b>You owe money to the porn studio <<prodcost>>?</b>'
+	if firstkasting > 0 and pfilmNO < 1:
+		if pornstack >= 10:
+			'<br>You are currently unable to book any more porn shoots at the porn studio.'
+		elseif pornstack = 11:
+			'<br>You can contract <<10-pornstack>> porn shoot(s) at the porn studio.'
+		else
+			'<br>You can contract up to <<10-pornstack>> porn shoot(s) at the porn studio.'
+		end
+	end
+--- beta_journal_work ---------------------------------

+ 15 - 12

@@ -75,18 +75,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'salon':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/car/salon<<car>>.jpg"></center>'
 	'Gasoline - <<benz>> ' + iif(benz = 1, 'liter', 'liters') + ', the fuel tank has a capacity of 40 liters.'
-	if car['current_condition'] <= 0:car['current_condition'] = 0 & wrek = 1
-	if car['current_condition'] <= 0 or wrek = 1:
-		'The car is in need of repairs and won''t start.'
-	elseif car['current_condition'] >= car['new_condition'] * 75 / 100 and wrek = 0:
-		'The car is in excellent condition.'
-	elseif car['current_condition'] >= car['new_condition'] * 50 / 100 and wrek = 0:
-		'While driving, you occasionally hear some troubling noises.'
-	elseif car['current_condition'] >= car['new_condition'] * 25 / 100 and wrek = 0:
-		'The car seems broken and barely drives.'
-	else
-		'How this car still runs is a mystery, even to its designers.'
-	end
+	gs 'carF', 'car_condition'
 	if cardrive = 1:'Through the windshield, you see St. Petersburg''s residential area.'
@@ -383,4 +372,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nearby':
 	dynamic $enddrive
+if $ARGS[0] = 'car_condition':
+	if car['current_condition'] <= 0:car['current_condition'] = 0 & wrek = 1
+	if car['current_condition'] <= 0 or wrek = 1:
+		'The car is in need of repairs and won''t start.'
+	elseif car['current_condition'] >= car['new_condition'] * 75 / 100 and wrek = 0:
+		'The car is in excellent condition.'
+	elseif car['current_condition'] >= car['new_condition'] * 50 / 100 and wrek = 0:
+		'While driving, you occasionally hear some troubling noises.'
+	elseif car['current_condition'] >= car['new_condition'] * 25 / 100 and wrek = 0:
+		'The car seems broken and barely drives.'
+	else
+		'How this car still runs is a mystery, even to its designers.'
+	end
 --- carF ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gen_schedule':
 		set_hour = hour * 2
 		$msg_centre = ' | <a href="exec:gs ''emp_functions'', ''gen_schedule'', <<set_hour>>"><b>Jump to current time</b></a>'
-		msg_centre = ''
+		$msg_centre = ''
 	if (mod_max_hour - 8) > 0:
 		set_hour = ARGS[1] - 8

+ 1 - 1

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'entry' or $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	gs 'gad_gphouse', 'nudity_trouble_limit'
 	gs 'gad_gphouse', 'enter_events'
-	if ARGS[1] ! '':
+	if $ARGS[1] ! '':
 		gt $loc, $ARGS[1]
 		gt $loc, 'main'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'mira_apologise':
 		'Mira immediately ran up to you and started gossiping.'
 		'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, I heard what happened," She gasped for breath. "I overheard Mitka and Kolyamba."'
 		'You stood there in silence, waiting for her to catch her breath and see what she''d say.'
-		'"Sveta, could you ever forgive me for acting like a fool? I treated you like shit," she continued. "I had an epiphany and realized you''re my only true friend here."'
+		'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, could you ever forgive me for acting like a fool? I treated you like shit," she continued. "I had an epiphany and realized you''re my only true friend here."'
 		'"So what now?" you asked, looking at her.'
 		'"Well, if you want, I can make it up to you?" she answered, a bit embarrassed.'
 		'While you ponder what to answer, Mira stares at you, biting her lip impatiently.'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'scheduler':
 		elseif hour= 17 and hour < 18:
 			$locat['maya'] = 'kitchen'
 		elseif hour = 18 and hour < 22:
-			$locat['maya'] = rand(1,2)
+			locat['maya'] = rand(1,2)
 			if $locat['maya'] = '1':
 				maya['home'] = 1
 				$locat['maya'] = 'living_room'

+ 4 - 4

@@ -535,8 +535,8 @@ gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'body', 'model'
 !! mod appearance NPC settings, height in cm, weight in kg
 $npc_haircolour['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Blonde'
 $npc_eyecolour['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'blue'
-$npc_height['A<<npctemp>>'] = 160
-$npc_weight['A<<npctemp>>'] = 50
+npc_height['A<<npctemp>>'] = 160
+npc_weight['A<<npctemp>>'] = 50
 $npc_img_path['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'images/characters/pushkin/maya'
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'skills', 'dance', 'sport'
@@ -610,8 +610,8 @@ npc_hotcat['A<<npctemp>>'] = 6
 !! mod appearance NPC settings, height in cm, weight in kg
 $npc_haircolour['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Brunette'
 $npc_eyecolour['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Blue'
-$npc_height['A<<npctemp>>'] = 145
-$npc_weight['A<<npctemp>>'] = 40
+npc_height['A<<npctemp>>'] = 145
+npc_weight['A<<npctemp>>'] = 40
 $npc_img_path['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'images/characters/pushkin/gasha'
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'skills', 'dance', 'sport'

+ 3 - 3

@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'job_init':
 	!! Set up arrays if not initialised
 	if $evt_job[1] = '' :  gs 'emp_functions', 'job_evt'
     !! ensure it matches total jobs on offer
-	 evt_PhotoID = rand(1, 5)
+	evt_PhotoID = rand(1, 5)
 	gs 'photography_work', 'job_' + evt_PhotoID
-	!! set Day of Week for job to appear on	
+	!! set Day of Week for job to appear on
 	transient_evt_dow = 6
     !! Now set up the event date
     gs 'photography_work' , 'photojob_pay'
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = "evt_stage" or $ARGS[0] = '':
     photography['experience'] += 1
     karta += evt_wages[act_idx]
 	gs 'stat'
-   !! runs all events:
+	!! runs all events:
     gt 'photography_work', 'stage_' + evt_event_sub[act_idx]

+ 1 - 1

@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'res_events':
 			*clr & cla
 			birthday_party['events'] = 1
 			'<center><img height="600" src="<<$npc_img_path[''A279'']>>/279.jpg"></center>'
-			'You enter the halls after classes, and <<$npc_firstname[''A279'']>> sees you, grabbing your arm and looking around. "Sveta, do you have a moment?"'
+			'You enter the halls after classes, and <<$npc_firstname[''A279'']>> sees you, grabbing your arm and looking around. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, do you have a moment?"'
 			'"Sure?" you reply.'
 			'"It''s Gasha''s birthday today, and I''ve got her a card. Can you sign it, please, to cheer her up?"'
 			'"No problem, <<$npc_firstname[''A279'']>>. What''s wrong with her?"'

+ 4 - 4

@@ -792,11 +792,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'clothing_status':
 	if $clothingworntype = 'ballet_secrets' and $shoeworntype = 'ballet_secrets': $apparel['status'] = 'dance'
 	if $clothingworntype = 'moncheri_gown' and $shoeworntype = 'moncheri_shoes': $apparel['status'] = 'ballgown'
 	!! Failsafe
-	if apparel['status'] = '':
-		if apparel['panty'] ! '':
-			apparel['status'] = apparel['panty']
+	if $apparel['status'] = '':
+		if $apparel['panty'] ! '':
+			$apparel['status'] = $apparel['panty']
-			apparel['status'] = apparel['bra']
+			$apparel['status'] = $apparel['bra']

+ 0 - 10522

@@ -1,10522 +0,0 @@