postmaster.qsrc 20 KB

  1. # postmaster
  2. !!variables used:
  3. !!postjobQW (1 = trial offered but declined, 2 = trial accepted, 3 = job offered, 4 = job accepted, 5 = not working until accepted again, 999 = no longer available)
  4. !!postamountrand = (0-2, whether there is a little, medium or lots of mail to deliver. Affects how much time you have to do other things)
  5. !!postlate = (0-15), how often you come back to the post office after 15:15. You get fired if this counter hits 15)
  6. !!postburn = (0-1, whether hoodlums tampered with your mail. Gets you fired if yes)
  7. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  8. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  9. 'The manager of the post office, also known as the postmaster, just finished helping a customer and is about to walk back to his office when he spots you.'
  10. '"You look like you want to ask something... if it''s about our regular services, you should get in line. I don''t have time to help more customers," he says.'
  11. act 'Leave': gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  12. if postjobQW = 0:
  13. act 'Ask for work':
  14. cls
  15. minut += 2
  16. gs 'stat'
  17. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  18. '"A job? Haven''t got any jobs," the postmaster shrugs.'
  19. 'Just when you were about to turn around to leave, he ponders: "Actually, Aleksiy has been mentioning he wants to spend more time with his sick daughter on weekends. Maybe... come back here, girl."'
  20. 'He takes another good look at you and seems to be in deep thought for a moment, before humming contently.'
  21. '"Alright, I''ll give you a chance to prove yourself. You can deliver some urgent letters and packages on Saturday afternoon. You''ll get the same pay Aleksiy gets, assuming you do a good job. 450 rubles total, for about three hours of work - from 12:00 to roughly 15:00. If you do well, you can do it every week," he offers.'
  22. ''
  23. act 'Accept the job':
  24. cla
  25. postjobQW = 2
  26. '"That sounds great, thank you!" you smile at him. That''s good money!'
  27. '"<b>Meet me here on Saturday, between 11:00 and 12:00.</b> I''ll talk you through the details then," he grunts. "By the way: any complaints from people not receiving their mail in good shape and you''re out. Our post office has a damn near perfect record for deliveries, and I intend to keep it that way."'
  28. 'He quickly records your personal information and then nods you off, before returning to his work.'
  29. act 'Leave him alone': gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  30. end
  31. act 'Decline':
  32. cla
  33. postjobQW = 1
  34. '"Sorry... but I don''t know. That''s not what I''m looking for," you tell him.'
  35. 'The postmaster looks at you a bit confused, wondering what other job you expected to get here. Nevertheless, he sighs: "Suit yourself. Tough luck for Aleksiy, then. Well, let me know if you change your mind."'
  36. 'He then nods you off, before returning to his work.'
  37. act 'Leave him alone':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  38. end
  39. end
  40. elseif postjobQW = 1:
  41. !!intermediate if you refused the job initially
  42. cla
  43. *clr
  44. minut += 2
  45. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  46. '"Wait... weren''t you here before?" the postmaster asks when he sees your face. "Right, you were here about that Saturday job! It''s still available if you want it?"'
  47. 'When you ask him about the details, he reminds you: "You can deliver some urgent letters and packages on Saturday afternoon. You''ll get the same pay Aleksiy gets, assuming you do a good job. 450 rubles total, for about three hours of work - from 12:00 to roughly 15:00. If you do well, you can do it every week."'
  48. ''
  49. act 'Accept the job':
  50. cla
  51. postjobQW = 2
  52. '"That sounds great, thank you!" you smile at him. That''s good money!'
  53. '"<b>Meet me here on Saturday, between 11:00 and 12:00.</b> I''ll talk you through the details then," he grunts. "By the way: any complaints from people not receiving their mail in good shape and you''re out! Our post office has a damn near perfect record for deliveries, and I intend to keep it that way."'
  54. 'He then nods you off, before returning to his work.'
  55. act 'Leave him alone':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  56. end
  57. act 'Decline':
  58. cla
  59. '"Sorry... but I don''t know..." you tell him.'
  60. 'The postmaster looks at you a bit confused, wondering what other job you expected to get. He shrugs: "Still? Well, okay. If you''re not interested in this job, there''s no point in visiting me again... I won''t have anything else. Let me know if you change your mind. Until then, stop wasting my time."'
  61. 'He then nods you off, before returning to his work.'
  62. act 'Leave him alone':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  63. end
  64. elseif postjobQW = 2 and postworkday ! daystart:
  65. !!when you go to work on Saturday, first time
  66. if week = 6 and hour = 11:
  67. cla
  68. *clr
  69. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  70. '"Ah good, you''re here!" the postmaster smiles when you enter the post office. "And right on time, too. Please, follow me."'
  71. 'He guides you to the back room where a number of small packages and letters are packed into a bag.'
  72. '"The addresses are all fairly nearby. It might look like a lot, but you should be done by 15:00," he reassures you. "It''s simple: bring the mail to where it needs to be, have them sign on this sheet, and bring back the mail you couldn''t deliver for whatever reason."'
  73. 'He continues on for a while longer about the rules, but they seem rather self-explanatory and you don''t pay close attention to what he''s saying.'
  74. '"Oh, before I forget: you might want to avoid certain streets," he warns you. "I''ve marked them on this map. You wouldn''t be the first to get robbed by hoodlums hoping to find something valuable in the packages. And you wouldn''t be the first to get a beating, when they get angry there was nothing of value in your bag. Anyway, avoid these areas and you should be fine."'
  75. 'He hands you an area map, with a bunch of streets and plazas marked. He has drawn out the best route to take today, too.'
  76. act 'Begin with the deliveries':
  77. cls
  78. minut += 60
  79. postworkday = daystart
  80. gs'stat'
  81. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postgirl.jpg"></center>'
  82. 'The first hour goes by fairly fast. The postmaster was right, this is fairly easy. You notice you''re losing a lot of time by avoiding the streets he told you to, though. You could easily save half an hour, if not more, by just cutting through them when you need to.'
  83. 'Then again... he wouldn''t warn you and go through the trouble of drawing out a map, if it wasn''t important!'
  84. ''
  85. act 'Stick to the ''safe'' streets':
  86. cls
  87. minut += 115
  88. money += 500
  89. gs'stat'
  90. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  91. 'He probably warned you for a reason, better play it safe! Especially on your first day!'
  92. 'You stick to the route he suggested, and have a fairly uneventful day delivering the rest. You return to the post office a bit before 15:00.'
  93. '"You managed to deliver all of them? That''s great!" the postmaster beams as you put the empty bag back where it belongs. He seems very relieved this experiment worked out well.'
  94. 'He hands you your pay right away, with another 50 rubles extra. "From Aleksiy, he says thanks for his first Saturday off in months! He and his little girl dropped by earlier, he looked so happy!" he explains. "So... as far as I''m concerned, you got the job for every weekend. What do you say, same time next Saturday?"'
  95. 'You can do this work every Saturday from now on, from 12:00 to roughly 15:00.'
  96. act 'Accept the job':
  97. cla
  98. postjobQW = 4
  99. 'You tell him you want to work again next Saturday.'
  100. '"That''s great! I''ll let Aleksiy know he no longer has to come in on weekends, in that case. See you next week!" he says, shaking your hand. "And thank you for a job well done!"'
  101. act 'Leave the postmaster''s office':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  102. end
  103. act 'You''re not sure':
  104. cla
  105. postjobQW = 3
  106. '"I don''t know how next week will look yet, can I think about it?" you ask the postmaster.'
  107. '"I guess, but I''m telling Aleksiy he has to come in next Saturday then. I can''t work with maybes," he shrugs. "If you want the job, let me know before Saturday so I can make the arrangements. If I haven''t heard from you by closing time on Friday, I will assume you''re not coming."'
  108. 'You nod understandingly: "That sounds fair. I will come tell you once I''ve made my decision."'
  109. act 'Leave the postmaster''s office':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  110. end
  111. end
  112. act 'Use the more dangerous shortcuts to be done faster':
  113. cls
  114. minut += 70
  115. gs'stat'
  116. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  117. 'You walk by yet another empty street, looking at your map again. You think to yourself: "This is stupid, these supposedly dangerous streets are empty! What''s the worst that could happen?"'
  118. 'You sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable when small groups of rowdy looking guys are checking you out, but fortunately they leave you alone and your bag is empty in no time at all.'
  119. 'You''re done almost an hour faster than planned, and it''s only 14:10 when you return to the postmaster.'
  120. 'He gives you a suspecting look and shakes his head, saying: "There''s no way you''d be back already if you listened to what I said. You ignored my warning, didn''t you?"'
  121. act 'Be honest and admit that you did':
  122. cls
  123. money += 500
  124. gs'stat'
  125. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  126. '"I looked carefully, those streets seemed mostly deserted... but yes," you admit. You quickly add: "I can take care of myself, though!"'
  127. 'He lets out an exasperated sigh but nods: "I drew out that map for your safety, girl... but fine. As long as you do a good job and everyone gets their mail on time, I won''t ask how you do it. Just be careful, okay?"'
  128. 'He hands you the pay for your work, the full amount despite you being done quicker. You even find 50 rubles extra. "From Aleksiy, he says thanks for his first Saturday off in months! He and his little girl dropped by earlier, he looked so happy!" he explains. "Anyway... as far as I''m concerned, you got the job for every weekend. What do you say, same time next Saturday?"'
  129. 'You can do this work every Saturday from now on, from 12:00 to roughly 15:00.'
  130. ''
  131. act 'Accept the job':
  132. cla
  133. postjobQW = 4
  134. minut += 2
  135. gs'stat'
  136. 'You tell him you want to work again next Saturday.'
  137. '"That''s great! I''ll let Aleksiy know he no longer has to come in on weekends, in that case. See you next week!" he says, shaking your hand. "And thank you for a job well done!"'
  138. act 'Leave the postmaster''s office':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  139. end
  140. act 'You''re not sure':
  141. cla
  142. postjobQW = 3
  143. minut += 2
  144. gs'stat'
  145. '"I don''t know how next week will look yet, can I think about it?" you ask the postmaster.'
  146. '"I guess, but I''m telling Aleksiy he has to come in next Saturday then. I can''t work with maybes," he shrugs. "If you want the job, let me know before Saturday so I can make the arrangements. If I haven''t heard from you by Friday 18:00, I will assume you''re not coming."'
  147. 'You nod understandingly: "That sounds fair. I will come tell you once I''ve made my decision."'
  148. act 'Leave the postmaster''s office':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  149. end
  150. end
  151. act 'Lie, saying you''re just a fast worker':
  152. cls
  153. money += 500
  154. gs'stat'
  155. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  156. 'The postmaster sees right through your lie, but can''t help but laugh: "You kids and your youthful hubris! I drew out that map for your safety... but fine. As long as you do a good job and everyone gets their mail on time, I won''t ask how you do it. Just be careful, okay?"'
  157. 'He hands you the pay for your work, the full amount despite you being done quicker. You even find 50 rubles extra. "From Aleksiy, he says thanks for his first Saturday off in months! He and his little girl dropped by earlier, he looked so happy!" he explains. "Anyway... as far as I''m concerned, you got the job for every weekend. What do you say, same time next Saturday?"'
  158. 'You can do this work every Saturday from now on, from 12:00 to roughly 15:00.'
  159. ''
  160. act 'Accept the job':
  161. cla
  162. postjobQW = 4
  163. minut += 2
  164. gs'stat'
  165. 'You tell him you want to work again next Saturday.'
  166. '"That''s great! I''ll let Aleksiy know he no longer has to come in on weekends, in that case. See you next week!" he says, shaking your hand. "And thank you for a job well done!"'
  167. act 'Leave the postmaster''s office':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  168. end
  169. act 'You''re not sure':
  170. cla
  171. postjobQW = 3
  172. minut += 2
  173. gs'stat'
  174. '"I don''t know how next week will look yet, can I think about it?" you ask the postmaster.'
  175. '"I guess, but I''m telling Aleksiy he has to come in next Saturday then. I can''t work with maybes," he shrugs. "If you want the job, let me know before Saturday so I can make the arrangements. If I haven''t heard from you by closing time on Friday, I will assume you''re passing up on the offer."'
  176. 'You nod understandingly: "That sounds fair. I will come tell you once I''ve made my decision."'
  177. act 'Leave the postmaster''s office':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  178. end
  179. end
  180. end
  181. end
  182. !!if you''re at the post office when it''s not working time
  183. else
  184. cls
  185. minut += 2
  186. gs'stat'
  187. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  188. 'The postmaster looks at you a bit confused, wondering why you''re here. "Yes? More questions? You look like you want to ask something..." he suggests.'
  189. '"Uhh... could you tell me about the job again?" you ask him.'
  190. 'He nods and says: "Of course. As you probably know, Russian Post doesn''t deliver regular mail on Saturdays, only priority mail. That''s what you will be delivering. Not a lot of mail, but if people choose to have it delivered on Saturdays, it must be important! It''s a big responsibility, but I trust you to get the job done. It''ll take you roughly three hours, going on past experience. Some days we have more, some days we have less. <b>Make sure you''re here between 11:00 and 12:00 on Saturday, so I can talk you through what exactly it is you have to do.</b>"'
  191. 'He watches you for a second while you try to memorize it all, and says somewhat impatiently: "Was that all? I really need to get back to work..."'
  192. act 'Leave him alone':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  193. end
  194. elseif postjobQW = 3:
  195. !!if you said you''re not sure about taking the regular job and refuse it the first time
  196. cla
  197. *clr
  198. minut += 2
  199. gs'stat'
  200. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  201. 'The postmaster looks at you expectantly when he sees you come back in, and asks: "Hi <<$pcs_firstname>>! We could really use you on Saturdays... I hope you''re here with good news?"'
  202. 'You can deliver priority mail and packages every Saturday from now on, from 12:00 to roughly 15:00.'
  203. ''
  204. act 'Accept the job':
  205. cla
  206. postjobQW = 4
  207. 'You tell him you''ll take the job.'
  208. '"That''s great! I''ll let Aleksiy know he no longer has to come in on weekends, in that case. See you on Saturday!" he says, shaking your hand.'
  209. act 'Leave the postmaster''s office':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  210. end
  211. act 'Decline the job':
  212. cla
  213. postjobQW = 5
  214. '"I''ve given it some thought, but no. Sorry, you''ll have to find someone else," you tell the postmaster.'
  215. '"That''s too bad, <<$pcs_firstname>>, you could''ve been a great post girl! Well... thanks for letting me know," he mutters, clearly disappointed. "My door is always open for you, if you change your mind."'
  216. act 'Leave the postmaster''s office':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  217. end
  218. elseif postjobQW = 4:
  219. if week ! 6:
  220. !!if you don''t want to work next Saturday
  221. act 'Tell him you can''t work this coming Saturday':
  222. cls
  223. postjobQW = 5
  224. minut += 2
  225. gs'stat'
  226. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  227. 'The postmaster looks like he''s swamped with work right now, his desk is completely covered with mail.'
  228. '"Excuse me?" you say, trying to get the postmaster''s attention. "I won''t be able to make it next Saturday, after all."'
  229. 'The postmaster looks up at you somewhat disappointedly. Nevertheless, he says: "Oh, okay. No problem. I''ll let Aleksiy know he has to come in on Saturday. Thanks for letting me know, I guess."'
  230. 'He scribbles something down on a piece of paper and focuses on his work again.'
  231. act 'Leave him alone':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  232. end
  233. elseif hour < 11:
  234. !!if it''s Saturday but you''re early
  235. cla
  236. *clr
  237. minut += 2
  238. gs'stat'
  239. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  240. '"You''re a bit early, <<$pcs_firstname>>!" the postmaster says when he sees you enter his office. "I don''t have your mail yet, but I like the enthusiasm. Come see me <b>between 11:00 and 12:00</b>, I should have it ready then."'
  241. act 'Leave him alone':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  242. elseif hour > 11 and postworkday ! daystart:
  243. !!if it''s Saturday but you''re late
  244. cla
  245. *clr
  246. minut += 2
  247. postworkday = daystart
  248. gs'stat'
  249. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  250. '"You''re late, <<$pcs_firstname>>!" the postmaster scoffs when he sees you enter his office. "I already called Aleksiy in to cover your shift. He was not happy, and neither am I. Don''t make this a habit..."'
  251. 'You try to apologize for being late, but the postmaster is not interested and tells you to leave him alone.'
  252. act 'Leave his office':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  253. elseif hour = 11 and postworkday ! daystart:
  254. !!if it''s Saturday and you''re ready to work
  255. cla
  256. *clr
  257. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  258. '"Hi there, <<$pcs_firstname>>!" the postmaster smiles when you enter the post office. "Right on time. Please, follow me."'
  259. act 'Follow him':gt 'postdeliveries', 'start'
  260. end
  261. elseif postjobQW = 5:
  262. !!if you want to work after all next Saturday
  263. act 'Tell him you can work this coming Saturday after all':
  264. cls
  265. postjobQW = 4
  266. minut += 2
  267. gs'stat'
  268. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/postoffice/postmaster.jpg"></center>'
  269. 'You enter the postmaster''s office at an opportune time, he looks like he''s not doing anything right now.'
  270. '"<<$pcs_firstname>>, can I help you?" he asks, as soon as he sees you come in.'
  271. '"Actually, I came to say that I can make it after all this Saturday!" you tell him.'
  272. '"Ah! Excellent news. Thanks, I''ll tell Aleksiy he can stay at home with his daughter," he says, quickly making a note. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"'
  273. '"Nope, that was it!" you tell him. "See you on Saturday!"'
  274. act 'Leave him alone':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  275. end
  276. elseif postjobQW = 999:
  277. !!you were fired, the postmaster won''t see you again
  278. cla
  279. *clr
  280. '"You! Get out of here!" the postmaster shouts angrily when you enter his office. "There''s no job for you! Not now, not ever! That screw-up of yours ruined our perfect record..."'
  281. 'You try to talk to the postmaster and explain what happened, but he''s simply not interested in whatever it is you have to say. It seems very unlikely that he''d consider hiring you again.'
  282. act 'Leave him alone':gt 'postoffice', 'start'
  283. end
  284. end
  285. --- postmaster ---------------------------------