Ver código fonte

Last update from Kevin's master

Ikaruga 6 anos atrás
100 arquivos alterados com 5817 adições e 4968 exclusões
  1. 14 5
  2. BIN
  3. 1116 1115
  4. BIN
  5. 14 10
  6. 2 0
  7. 14 8
  8. 51 46
  9. 3 0
  10. 2 3
  11. 76 58
  12. 44 39
  13. 8 6
  14. 8 6
  15. 9 3
  16. 80 64
  17. 868 623
  18. 12 19
  19. 3 2
  20. 1 0
  21. 3 2
  22. 1 0
  23. 2 0
  24. 3 2
  25. 1 0
  26. 1 1
  27. 123 102
  28. 114 92
  29. 163 121
  30. 137 113
  31. 151 126
  32. 141 134
  33. 30 15
  34. 26 9
  35. 166 58
  36. 70 64
  37. 4 2
  38. 18 17
  39. 1 0
  40. 87 70
  41. 115 115
  42. 4 3
  43. 216 226
  44. 13 36
  45. 130 131
  46. 9 11
  47. 37 23
  48. 9 11
  49. 2 0
  50. 2 0
  51. 7 0
  52. 2 1
  53. 1 1
  54. 3 3
  55. 1 0
  56. 1 1
  57. 1 0
  58. 37 30
  59. 1 0
  60. 1 0
  61. 1 1
  62. 1 1
  63. 1 0
  64. 4 2
  65. 32 28
  66. 10 0
  67. 56 105
  68. 15 0
  69. 5 0
  70. 15 0
  71. 5 0
  72. 43 15
  73. 7 1
  74. 30 9
  75. 19 0
  76. 16 3
  77. 8 2
  78. 8 0
  79. 36 9
  80. 28 8
  81. 10 9
  82. 2 1
  83. 372 366
  84. 23 30
  85. 17 24
  86. 36 43
  87. 236 188
  88. 10 0
  89. 12 9
  90. 430 438
  91. 63 52
  92. 6 4
  93. 3 0
  94. 45 44
  95. 1 3
  96. 20 21
  97. 18 16
  98. 5 3
  99. 5 4
  100. 4 2

+ 14 - 5

@@ -2,14 +2,16 @@
 :: Set those lines to fit your setup. 
 :: This is where glife.qsp will be copied. If you don't want to move it just comment (::) the line below.
-set CP_TO=..\Game
+:: set CP_TO=..\GL_ECV
 :: This is the program used to open the QSPFILE. If you comment this line windows will launch the default app for the ".qsp" extension.
 set QSPGUI=QSP\Player-video\qspgui.exe
 set QGEN=QSP\QGen5\QGen.exe
 :: The file that will be generated or open
-set QSPFILE=glife.qsp
+set QSPFILE=..\Game\glife.qsp
+set PYTHONBIN=..\..\python\App\python.exe
@@ -26,6 +28,13 @@ if defined QGEN (
 	) else ( echo QGEN     : [OK] - "%QGEN%")
 ) else echo QGEN     : [NOT DEFINED] - Using DEFAULT application.
+if defined PYTHONBIN (
+	if not exist "%PYTHONBIN%" ( 
+		echo PYTHONBIN     : [ERROR] - %PYTHONBIN%  not found. Using DEFAULT application.
+	) else ( echo PYTHONBIN     : [OK] - "%PYTHONBIN%")
+) else echo PYTHONBIN     : [NOT DEFINED] - Using DEFAULT application.
 if defined QSPGUI (
 	if not exist "%QSPGUI%" ( 
 		echo QSP EXEC : [ERROR] - %QSPGUI% not found.
@@ -75,7 +84,7 @@ echo.
 echo Building ...
-python locations glife.txt
+%PYTHONBIN% -3 locations glife.txt
 txt2gam.exe glife.txt %QSPFILE% > nul
@@ -91,12 +100,12 @@ if %action% == f ( goto run ) else ( goto menu )
 echo Running ...
 if defined CP_TO ( start %QGEN% %CP_TO%\%QSPFILE% ) else ( start %QGEN% %QSPFILE% )
-goto exit
+goto menu
 echo Running ...
 if defined CP_TO ( start %QSPGUI% %CP_TO%\%QSPFILE% ) else ( start %QSPGUI% %QSPFILE% )
+goto menu


+ 1116 - 1115

@@ -1,1118 +1,1119 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <QGen-project version="4.0.0 beta 1">
-  <Structure>
-    <Location name="start"/>
-    <Location name="version"/>
-    <Location name="history"/>
-    <Location name="gameover"/>
-    <Location name="begin"/>
-    <Location name="onobjsel"/>
-    <Location name="obj_din"/>
-    <Location name="Cheatmenu_din"/>
-    <Folder name="System">
-      <Location name="counter"/>
-      <Location name="loadg"/>
-      <Location name="LOCA"/>
-      <Location name="saveg"/>
-      <Location name="inputProcessing"/>
-      <Location name="restoreposition"/>
-      <Location name="saveposition"/>
-      <Location name="mod_setting"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="clothing">
-      <Location name="wardrobe"/>
-      <Location name="clothing"/>
-      <Location name="clothing_QV"/>
-      <Location name="changingroom"/>
-      <Location name="cloakroom"/>
-      <Location name="$clothing_name"/>
-      <Location name="$clothing_image"/>
-      <Location name="clothing_attributes"/>
-      <Location name="clothing_descriptions"/>
-      <Location name="$short_description"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_cheap"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_average"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_expensive"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_formal"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_office"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_school"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_exercise"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_fetish"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_exhibit"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_uniform"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_coat"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_swimwear"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_burlesque"/>
-      <Location name="$attributes_alternative"/>
-      <Location name="lost_clothes_here"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="shoes">
-      <Location name="shoes"/>
-      <Location name="$shoe_image"/>
-      <Location name="$shoe_description"/>
-      <Location name="shoe_attributes"/>
-      <Location name="shoe_description2"/>
-      <Location name="$attrib_shoe_boutique"/>
-      <Location name="$attrib_shoe_pussy"/>
-      <Location name="$attrib_shoe_dolls"/>
-      <Location name="$attrib_shoe_fetish"/>
-      <Location name="$attrib_shoe_gandm"/>
-      <Location name="$attrib_shoe_trainers"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="underwear">
-      <Location name="underwear"/>
-      <Location name="bras"/>
-      <Location name="$bra_image"/>
-      <Location name="panties"/>
-      <Location name="$panty_image"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Accessories">
-      <Location name="purses"/>
-      <Location name="$purse_image"/>
-	  <Location name="sewing"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Stats">
-      <Location name="DNA"/>
-      <Location name="body"/>
-      <Location name="body_shape"/>
-      <Location name="cikl"/>
-      <Location name="daystart"/>
-      <Location name="dina"/>
-      <Location name="dinBoroda"/>
-      <Location name="MenuLoc"/>
-      <Location name="MenuMainLoc"/>
-      <Location name="starenie"/>
-      <Location name="stat"/>
-      <Location name="stat_display"/>
-      <Location name="stat_sklattrib"/>
-      <Location name="stat_sklattrib_lvlset"/>
-      <Location name="fame"/>
-      <Location name="traits"/>
-      <Location name="din_bad"/>
-      <Location name="din_van"/>
-      <Location name="statBat"/>
-      <Location name="kid"/>
-      <Location name="pattest"/>
-      <Location name="subkid"/>
-      <Location name="_statcheck"/>
-      <Location name="set_home"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Stimulus">
-      <Location name="boyStat"/>
-      <Location name="pain"/>
-      <Location name="arousal"/>
-      <Location name="orgasm"/>
-      <Location name="dinSex"/>
-      <Location name="dinSex2"/>
-      <Location name="dinsexFX"/>
-      <Location name="oral"/>
-      <Location name="orgazm"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Prostitution">
-      <Location name="Prostitute"/>
-      <Location name="NormPR"/>
-      <Location name="blowPR"/>
-      <Location name="AnalPR"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Quests">
-      <Location name="event"/>
-      <Location name="frot"/>
-      <Location name="kisameQW"/>
-      <Location name="lesbidomhouse"/>
-      <Location name="lesbimistress"/>
-      <Location name="lesbisubhouse"/>
-      <Location name="mainQW"/>
-      <Location name="tobiQW"/>
-      <Location name="cafe2"/>
-      <Location name="cafe3"/>
-      <Location name="ParkKafe"/>
-      <Location name="succubus"/>
-      <Location name="serpent"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Prehistory">
-      <Location name="preSYS"/>
-      <Location name="preSYS2"/>
-      <Location name="preTG"/>
-      <Location name="preNT"/>
-      <Location name="preCUST"/>
-      <Location name="preALT"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="NPCManage">
-      <Location name="npccleanc"/>
-      <Location name="npcgeneratec"/>
-      <Location name="npcgenext"/>
-      <Location name="npcpreservec"/>
-      <Location name="npcrnamefile"/>
-      <Location name="npcbreeder"/>
-      <Location name="npcstatic1"/>
-      <Location name="npcstatic2"/>
-      <Location name="npcstatic3"/>
-      <Location name="npcstatic4"/>
-      <Location name="npcstatic5"/>
-      <Location name="npc_intro"/>
-      <Location name="npc_age"/>
-      <Location name="saveupdater"/>
-	  <Location name="NPCChanger"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Combat">
-      <Location name="fight"/>
-      <Location name="strelba"/>
-      <Location name="before"/>
-      <Location name="init"/>
-      <Location name="boxing"/>
-      <Location name="magik"/>
-      <Location name="enemy"/>
-      <Location name="atak"/>
-      <Location name="atakA"/>
-      <Location name="atakA1"/>
-      <Location name="atakB"/>
-      <Location name="atakB1"/>
-      <Location name="atakM"/>
-      <Location name="spell"/>
-      <Location name="ender"/>
-      <Location name="nill"/>
-      <Location name="test"/>
-      <Location name="priziv"/>
-      <Location name="defence"/>
-      <Location name="kikbox"/>
-      <Location name="initKik"/>
-      <Location name="Kikatak"/>
-      <Location name="enderKik"/>
-      <Location name="razrKik"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Shared locations">
-      <Location name="outdoors"/>
-      <Location name="indoors"/>
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-      <Location name="bank"/>
-      <Location name="kiosk"/>
-      <Location name="taxi"/>
-      <Location name="train"/>
-      <Location name="train_incidental"/>
-      <Location name="metro"/>
-      <Location name="metro_events"/>
-      <Location name="events"/>
-      <Location name="street_event"/>
-      <Location name="noticeboard"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Post office">
-      <Location name="postoffice"/>
-      <Location name="postmaster"/>
-      <Location name="postdeliveries"/>
-      <Location name="postevents"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Home Street - Locations">
-      <Location name="street"/>
-      <Location name="pharmacy"/>
-      <Location name="clener"/>
-      <Location name="dima"/>
-      <Location name="dinsexgivi"/>
-      <Location name="IrinaRoom"/>
-      <Location name="kafe"/>
-      <Location name="kafe2"/>
-      <Location name="kafeend"/>
-      <Location name="kavkazkafe"/>
-      <Location name="klofdomhouse"/>
-      <Location name="lake"/>
-      <Location name="dort"/>
-      <Location name="narkopriton"/>
-      <Location name="bobka"/>
-      <Location name="park"/>
-      <Location name="parkdin"/>
-      <Location name="parkivent"/>
-      <Location name="poli"/>
-      <Location name="rinok"/>
-      <Location name="rinwork"/>
-      <Location name="sauna"/>
-      <Location name="saunawhore"/>
-      <Location name="trashplace"/>
-      <Location name="musorkaexh"/>
-      <Location name="RynokHoz"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="BDSM_Club">
-      <Location name="BDSM_Club"/>
-      <Location name="BDSM_training"/>
-      <Location name="MHall"/>
-      <Location name="MDressing"/>
-      <Location name="MLanding"/>
-      <Location name="MDining"/>
-      <Location name="MLibrary"/>
-      <Location name="MBallroom"/>
-      <Location name="MRear"/>
-      <Location name="MConservatory"/>
-      <Location name="MKitchen"/>
-      <Location name="MBasement"/>
-      <Location name="MWestbed"/>
-      <Location name="MEastbed"/>
-      <Location name="MGames"/>
-      <Location name="MLiving"/>
-      <Location name="MBathrooms"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Trade Representative">
-      <Location name="torgpred"/>
-      <Location name="StasQW"/>
-      <Location name="StasSex"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="EfimovRA">
-      <Location name="billiard"/>
-      <Location name="billsvid"/>
-      <Location name="bordel"/>
-      <Location name="bordelv"/>
-      <Location name="bouling"/>
-      <Location name="kafesvid"/>
-      <Location name="kamera"/>
-      <Location name="kathouse0"/>
-      <Location name="Katlake"/>
-      <Location name="katspalnya"/>
-      <Location name="kazinosvid"/>
-      <Location name="kino"/>
-      <Location name="kinosvid"/>
-      <Location name="Kwlake1"/>
-      <Location name="Kwlake2"/>
-      <Location name="lezbsex"/>
-      <Location name="masharoom"/>
-      <Location name="Military"/>
-      <Location name="Nudelake"/>
-      <Location name="Palatka"/>
-      <Location name="parksvid"/>
-      <Location name="paysex"/>
-      <Location name="podrsex"/>
-      <Location name="police"/>
-      <Location name="qjob"/>
-      <Location name="sex"/>
-      <Location name="sexprefrand"/>
-      <Location name="sexdvanadva"/>
-      <Location name="sexdvoe"/>
-      <Location name="svidboy"/>
-      <Location name="Vnlake1"/>
-      <Location name="Vnlake2"/>
-      <Location name="WorkHosp"/>
-      <Location name="worksalon"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Tanya">
-      <Location name="tanapartment"/>
-      <Location name="tanroom"/>
-      <Location name="tanhozspal"/>
-      <Location name="tanhousezal"/>
-      <Location name="tanhouse"/>
-      <Location name="tankitchen"/>
-      <Location name="tanspalnya"/>
-      <Location name="tanvanr"/>
-      <Location name="tanNicholas"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Apartment">
-      <Location name="bedr"/>
-      <Location name="sitr"/>
-      <Location name="vanr"/>
-      <Location name="kuhr"/>
-      <Location name="korr"/>
-      <Location name="housecall"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Block">
-      <Location name="pavComplex"/>
-      <Location name="pavComplexb2"/>
-      <Location name="pavComplexb3"/>
-      <Location name="pavComplexOld"/>
-      <Location name="pod_ezd"/>
-      <Location name="pod_whore"/>
-      <Location name="gopsex"/>
-      <Location name="misha"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Parent's Apartment">
-      <Location name="bedrPar"/>
-      <Location name="bedrPar2"/>
-      <Location name="sitrPar"/>
-      <Location name="vanrPar"/>
-      <Location name="kuhrPar"/>
-      <Location name="korrPar"/>
-      <Location name="selfplay"/>
-      <Location name="gtelefon"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Family">
-      <Location name="seeparentsex"/>
-      <Location name="father"/>
-      <Location name="fathersex"/>
-      <Location name="dinfather"/>
-      <Location name="mother"/>
-      <Location name="motherQW"/>
-      <Location name="dinmother"/>
-      <Location name="sister"/>
-      <Location name="sistersleep"/>
-      <Location name="sisterQW"/>
-      <Location name="dinsister"/>
-      <Location name="family"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Rolan">
-      <Location name="pavcomplexrolan"/>
-      <Location name="rolanapt"/>
-      <Location name="rolanbath"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Generic boyfriend">
-      <Location name="Gnpc"/>
-      <Location name="Gnpc_cinema"/>
-      <Location name="Gnpc2"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Brother porn">
-      <Location name="brother"/>
-	  <Location name="brother_voyeur"/>
-	  <Location name="brother_lessons"/>
-      <Location name="seeporn"/>
-      <Location name="brosh"/>
-      <Location name="porn_view"/>
-      <Location name="porn_view_strings"/>
-      <Location name="porn_view_construct"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Reks">
-      <Location name="reks"/>
-      <Location name="sbReksHome"/>
-      <Location name="dinParty"/>
-      <Location name="party_boy"/>
-      <Location name="party_boys"/>
-      <Location name="party_girls"/>
-      <Location name="sister_party"/>
-      <Location name="roma"/>
-      <Location name="ira"/>
-      <Location name="lena"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Dima Nosov">
-      <Location name="dimaEv"/>
-      <Location name="dimaHome"/>
-      <Location name="dimaRevenge"/>
-      <Location name="dinnpc"/>
-      <Location name="krutishi"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Artem Chebotarev">
-      <Location name="artemEv"/>
-      <Location name="artemEv3"/>
-      <Location name="artemhome"/>
-      <Location name="artemev2"/>
-      <Location name="artgar"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Igor Kruglov">
-      <Location name="IgorEv"/>
-      <Location name="igorhome"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Katja Meynold">
-      <Location name="katjaEv"/>
-      <Location name="katjaEvDin"/>
-      <Location name="KatjaHome"/>
-      <Location name="KatjaHomeTalk"/>
-      <Location name="katja_sex"/>
-      <Location name="Katja_Tanga"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Vika Meynold">
-      <Location name="mey_home"/>
-      <Location name="mey_vika_events"/>
-      <Location name="mey_tamara_events"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Niko Volkov">
-      <Location name="VolkovHome"/>
-      <Location name="NikoEv"/>
-      <Location name="NikoEv2"/>
-      <Location name="NikoDates"/>
-      <Location name="NikoDreams"/>
-      <Location name="NikoPayback"/>
-      <Location name="NikoSlut"/>
-      <Location name="SoniaHome"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Anushka">
-      <Location name="anushka"/>
-      <Location name="anushkaev1"/>
-      <Location name="anushapt"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Village">
-      <Location name="famdorfride"/>
-      <Location name="farmhomeride"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Gadyukino">
-      <Location name="Gadhouse"/>
-      <Location name="grandmahelp"/>
-      <Location name="grandpahelp"/>
-      <Location name="Gaddvor"/>
-      <Location name="Gadsarai"/>
-      <Location name="Gadbana"/>
-      <Location name="gadukino"/>
-      <Location name="gadukino_event"/>
-      <Location name="gadriver"/>
-      <Location name="Meadow"/>
-      <Location name="mitka"/>
-      <Location name="mitkabuh"/>
-      <Location name="mitkabuh_group"/>
-      <Location name="mitkasex"/>
-      <Location name="bandit"/>
-      <Location name="banditbreak"/>
-      <Location name="gadprostitutes"/>
-      <Location name="bicycle"/>
-      <Location name="gadfield"/>
-      <Location name="Gadgarden"/>
-      <Location name="gadmarket"/>
-      <Location name="gadroad"/>
-      <Location name="grigory"/>
-      <Location name="MiroslavaHome"/>
-      <Location name="Miroslava"/>
-      <Location name="mirasex"/>
-      <Location name="Mirafather"/>
-      <Location name="gadforest"/>
-      <Location name="gadforest_event"/>
-      <Location name="gadforestlost"/>
-      <Location name="gadforestrelax"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Swamp">
-      <Location name="gadforestswamp"/>
-      <Location name="swamp"/>
-      <Location name="swamp_yard"/>
-      <Location name="swamphouse"/>
-      <Location name="swampspring"/>
-      <Location name="backwater"/>
-      <Location name="hanters"/>
-      <Location name="hantersex"/>
-      <Location name="HanterLoveSex"/>
-      <Location name="AndreiHanter"/>
-      <Location name="IgorHanter"/>
-      <Location name="SergeiHanter"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Generator">
-      <Location name="placer"/>
-      <Location name="placer_gskver"/>
-      <Location name="placer_man"/>
-      <Location name="placer_act"/>
-      <Location name="skverdin"/>
-      <Location name="placer_end"/>
-      <Location name="placer_sex"/>
-      <Location name="podval_rape"/>
-      <Location name="gopnik_house"/>
-      <Location name="placer_house"/>
-      <Location name="placer_house_one"/>
-      <Location name="placer_gop_orgy"/>
-      <Location name="fbHouse"/>
-      <Location name="fbDorm"/>
-      <Location name="fbDormD"/>
-      <Location name="fbGar"/>
-      <Location name="zsoft_gopskverGorSlut"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Town">
-      <Location name="pavResidential"/>
-      <Location name="pavCommercial"/>
-      <Location name="pavCommercialOffices"/>
-      <Location name="leonid"/>
-      <Location name="gargazel"/>
-      <Location name="garfather"/>
-      <Location name="Gshveyfab"/>
-      <Location name="gaptek"/>
-      <Location name="DanceWhore1"/>
-      <Location name="DanceWhore2"/>
-      <Location name="DanceWhore3"/>
-      <Location name="DanceWhore4"/>
-      <Location name="DanceWhore5"/>
-      <Location name="DanceWhore6"/>
-      <Location name="DanceWhore7"/>
-      <Location name="DanceWhore8"/>
-      <Location name="soniaDisco"/>
-      <Location name="gkafe"/>
-      <Location name="motherkafeboss"/>
-      <Location name="glake"/>
-      <Location name="gLakeNude"/>
-      <Location name="gLakeNudeEvent"/>
-      <Location name="gLakeNudeForest"/>
-      <Location name="LakeBoyZ"/>
-      <Location name="gpoli"/>
-      <Location name="therapist"/>
-      <Location name="gevent"/>
-      <Location name="gskver"/>
-      <Location name="gopskver"/>
-      <Location name="gskino"/>
-      <Location name="cafe_parco"/>
-      <Location name="EvOtelMan"/>
-      <Location name="EvgopBuh"/>
-      <Location name="EvBoyBuh"/>
-      <Location name="kotovEv"/>
-      <Location name="IvanEv"/>
-      <Location name="FedorEv"/>
-      <Location name="FedorEv2"/>
-      <Location name="FedorEv3"/>
-      <Location name="FedorEv4"/>
-      <Location name="FedorMisc"/>
-      <Location name="strela"/>
-      <Location name="kotovSex"/>
-      <Location name="kotovdom"/>
-      <Location name="boymass"/>
-      <Location name="barbershop"/>
-      <Location name="annafrends"/>
-      <Location name="MagEncounterFairy"/>
-      <Location name="ParChurch"/>
-      <Location name="ParChurch2"/>
-      <Location name="brothel"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="School">
-      <Location name="gschool_grounds"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_lessons"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_lessonsev1"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_lessonsev2"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_lessonsev3"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_lunch"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_office"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_events"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_gossip"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_boys_bathroom"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_girls_bathroom"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_sex"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_detention"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_randperson"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_socialchg"/>
-      <Location name="gschool_schedule"/>
-      <Location name="Sgrup1"/>
-      <Location name="Sgrup2"/>
-      <Location name="Sgrup3"/>
-      <Location name="Sgrup4"/>
-      <Location name="Sgrup5"/>
-      <Location name="Sgrup"/>
-      <Location name="nogorslut"/>
-      <Location name="yesgorslut"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="pavShared_nd"/>
-      <Location name="pavShared_sp"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="gdkbibl"/>
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-      <Location name="gdktoilet"/>
-      <Location name="BMloc"/>
-      <Location name="ugel"/>
-      <Location name="Voltrener"/>
-      <Location name="VolleyTrenCentr"/>
-      <Location name="VolleyTrenerSpeak"/>
-      <Location name="Voltrenersex"/>
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-      <Location name="boilerroom"/>
-      <Location name="krupo"/>
-      <Location name="kruchess"/>
-      <Location name="VoltrenerSexShower"/>
-      <Location name="Snpc"/>
-      <Location name="cumreaction"/>
-      <Location name="izdevat"/>
-      <Location name="kotovtalker"/>
-      <Location name="SgrupDisco"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Event gym town">
-      <Location name="danceGev"/>
-      <Location name="volAndGev"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Station Campus">
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-      <Location name="Grinok"/>
-      <Location name="vokzalGin"/>
-      <Location name="vokdin"/>
-      <Location name="vokdinvera"/>
-      <Location name="vokmantoiev"/>
-      <Location name="vokzaltorg"/>
-      <Location name="vokzalper"/>
-      <Location name="vokzalperG"/>
-      <Location name="vokzaltoilet"/>
-      <Location name="vokzalholle"/>
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-      <Location name="katalkinSex"/>
-      <Location name="katalkinAlko"/>
-      <Location name="kutuzka"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="gKristinaZv"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="JuliaMilGo"/>
-      <Location name="JuliaMilHome"/>
-      <Location name="JuliaMilVhod"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="arturHome"/>
-      <Location name="arturSex"/>
-      <Location name="arturkiosk"/>
-      <Location name="arturend"/>
-      <Location name="arturdin"/>
-      <Location name="arturQW"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Natasha Belova 16">
-      <Location name="NatBelGo"/>
-      <Location name="NatBelHome"/>
-      <Location name="NatBelVhod"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="albinaRide"/>
-      <Location name="albinahome"/>
-      <Location name="albinaporog"/>
-      <Location name="AlbFatherQW"/>
-      <Location name="AlbStarsEnd"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="LariskaStart"/>
-      <Location name="LariskaGo"/>
-      <Location name="LariskaHome"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="krol"/>
-      <Location name="popu"/>
-      <Location name="qwlocdog"/>
-      <Location name="RimmaSexQW"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="bed1"/>
-      <Location name="bed2"/>
-      <Location name="beverage"/>
-      <Location name="beverage_menu"/>
-      <Location name="dreams"/>
-      <Location name="budilnik"/>
-      <Location name="divan"/>
-      <Location name="Komp"/>
-      <Location name="kompMFC"/>
-      <Location name="kompMFCtwo"/>
-      <Location name="webcam_site"/>
-      <Location name="mirror"/>
-      <Location name="stol"/>
-      <Location name="telefon"/>
-      <Location name="$phone_theme"/>
-      <Location name="kit_din"/>
-      <Location name="food"/>
-      <Location name="food_menu"/>
-      <Location name="TV"/>
-      <Location name="vann"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Encounter Generator">
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-      <Location name="podezdM"/>
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-      <Location name="kafeM"/>
-      <Location name="restoranM"/>
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-      <Location name="stihi"/>
-      <Location name="love"/>
-      <Location name="brosok"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="cityTrain"/>
-      <Location name="agentned"/>
-      <Location name="kameraKPZ"/>
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-      <Location name="burger"/>
-      <Location name="burgerWork"/>
-      <Location name="BurgerTip"/>
-      <Location name="butik"/>
-      <Location name="butoilet"/>
-      <Location name="cfnm"/>
-      <Location name="club"/>
-      <Location name="Club2"/>
-      <Location name="vipclub"/>
-      <Location name="danceclass"/>
-      <Location name="dorm"/>
-      <Location name="downlibrary"/>
-      <Location name="fit"/>
-      <Location name="talent_agency"/>
-      <Location name="lab"/>
-      <Location name="tatiana_missions"/>
-      <Location name="NewCloShop"/>
-      <Location name="office"/>
-      <Location name="restoran"/>
-      <Location name="salon"/>
-      <Location name="hairsalon"/>
-      <Location name="sexshop"/>
-      <Location name="shopdacha"/>
-      <Location name="sportShop"/>
-      <Location name="stripclub"/>
-      <Location name="stwork"/>
-      <Location name="stwork2"/>
-      <Location name="torgcentr"/>
-      <Location name="univer"/>
-      <Location name="yarik"/>
-      <Location name="zoomagazine"/>
-      <Location name="budgetclothes"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="foto"/>
-      <Location name="foto_events"/>
-      <Location name="foto_albums"/>
-      <Location name="foto_models"/>
-      <Location name="anastasia_escort"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="North Side">
-      <Location name="Nord"/>
-      <Location name="Terminal"/>
-      <Location name="TerminalOffice"/>
-      <Location name="ivanRoom"/>
-      <Location name="trFatherMisha"/>
-      <Location name="dk"/>
-      <Location name="kakuzu"/>
-      <Location name="youry"/>
-      <Location name="alex"/>
-      <Location name="alexgang"/>
-      <Location name="lakecafe"/>
-      <Location name="laketoilet"/>
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-      <Location name="LCwork"/>
-      <Location name="pirsingsalon"/>
-      <Location name="vokzal"/>
-      <Location name="obekt"/>
-      <Location name="obekt2"/>
-      <Location name="dangeon"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Bar Rabotnik">
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-      <Location name="qwBarPoletToilet"/>
-      <Location name="qwBarBilliard"/>
-      <Location name="qwBarBilliard2"/>
-      <Location name="qwBarEncounters"/>
-      <Location name="MartinTalk"/>
-      <Location name="MartinSex"/>
-      <Location name="MartinSex2"/>
-      <Location name="MartinSex3"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="North Road">
-      <Location name="dachain"/>
-      <Location name="dachamy"/>
-      <Location name="dachaogr"/>
-      <Location name="dachaogr0"/>
-      <Location name="dachi"/>
-      <Location name="graveyard"/>
-      <Location name="motel"/>
-      <Location name="road"/>
-      <Location name="youplace"/>
-      <Location name="furi"/>
-      <Location name="furisex"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="yban"/>
-      <Location name="ymans"/>
-      <Location name="ybedr"/>
-      <Location name="yvan"/>
-      <Location name="ykuh"/>
-      <Location name="yzal"/>
-      <Location name="ykamin"/>
-      <Location name="ydet"/>
-      <Location name="ybib"/>
-      <Location name="ysport"/>
-      <Location name="ykabinet"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="pornstudio"/>
-      <Location name="pornfilm"/>
-      <Location name="pornhist"/>
-	  <Location name="pornschedule"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="boylove"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="lover"/>
-      <Location name="lover_change"/>
-      <Location name="lover_likes"/>
-      <Location name="lover_love"/>
-      <Location name="lover_meet"/>
-      <Location name="lover_pref"/>
-      <Location name="lover_pronouns"/>
-      <Location name="pronouns"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="dolls"/>
-      <Location name="vecher"/>
-      <Location name="obkitchen"/>
-      <Location name="obroom"/>
-      <Location name="Vika"/>
-      <Location name="univer_din"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Game 1">
-      <Location name="KGstart"/>
-      <Location name="KGOLgame"/>
-      <Location name="KGOLenemy"/>
-      <Location name="KGOLboss"/>
-      <Location name="KGOLfight"/>
-      <Location name="KGOLexpa"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Game 2">
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-      <Location name="KGDgame"/>
-      <Location name="KGDexp"/>
-      <Location name="KGDbefore"/>
-      <Location name="KGDfight"/>
-      <Location name="KGDparty"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Game 3">
-      <Location name="KGZstart"/>
-      <Location name="KGZgame"/>
-      <Location name="KGZdyn"/>
-      <Location name="KGZfight"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Game 4">
-      <Location name="FSstart"/>
-      <Location name="FSgame"/>
-      <Location name="FSstat"/>
-      <Location name="FSfight"/>
-      <Location name="FSroom"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="young_shop"/>
-      <Location name="sell_young_clothes"/>
-      <Location name="andrey"/>
-      <Location name="gopnew"/>
-      <Location name="goplust"/>
-      <Location name="gopwho"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="avt"/>
-      <Location name="avb"/>
-      <Location name="zaprF"/>
-      <Location name="zaprFWash"/>
-      <Location name="abduction"/>
-      <Location name="abductionCustomer"/>
-      <Location name="autosalonF"/>
-      <Location name="autoservisF"/>
-      <Location name="autotraidF"/>
-      <Location name="carF"/>
-      <Location name="carF1"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Quest">
-      <Location name="qwIzoldaApp"/>
-      <Location name="qwloc"/>
-      <Location name="qwmeet"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="mqroom"/>
-      <Location name="authors3"/>
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-      <Location name="hotel"/>
-      <Location name="igravt"/>
-      <Location name="igrkart2"/>
-      <Location name="kazvar"/>
-      <Location name="cards"/>
-      <Location name="croupier"/>
-      <Location name="croupier2"/>
-      <Location name="elevator"/>
-      <Location name="Maria1"/>
-      <Location name="number1"/>
-      <Location name="number2"/>
-      <Location name="number3"/>
-      <Location name="number4"/>
-      <Location name="result"/>
-      <Location name="roulette"/>
-      <Location name="rate"/>
-      <Location name="hall"/>
-	  <Location name="blackjackPlay"/>
-	  <Location name="blackjackView"/>
-	  <Location name="deckShuffle"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="Menu.Info"/>
-      <Location name="Menu.Create"/>
-      <Location name="Menu.Add"/>
-      <Location name="Menu.AddCondition"/>
-      <Location name="Menu.AddModule"/>
-      <Location name="Menu.AddEvent"/>
-      <Location name="Menu.Call"/>
-      <Location name="Menu.Chosen"/>
-      <Location name="Menu.Time"/>
-      <Location name="Menu.Destroy"/>
-      <Location name="Menu.Treatment"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Game Menu">
-      <Location name="$menu_setting"/>
-      <Location name="$menu_skills"/>
-      <Location name="$menu_descrip"/>
-      <Location name="$menu_statistika"/>
-      <Location name="$menu_calendar"/>
-      <Location name="$menu_reputation"/>
-      <Location name="$menu_traits"/>
-      <Location name="$menu_mobila"/>
-      <Location name="$menu_magic"/>
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-      <Location name="$menu_face"/>
-      <Location name="$menu_body"/>
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-      <Location name="$menu_bra"/>
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-      <Location name="$menu_shoes"/>
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-      <Location name="$menu_pirs"/>
-      <Location name="$menu_obnovit"/>
-      <Location name="$menu_bloknot"/>
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-      <Location name="$menu_addoldmenu"/>
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-      <Location name="$menu_cheat"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="parkBimbo"/>
-      <Location name="ptu_dush"/>
-      <Location name="nastja"/>
-      <Location name="Timofei"/>
-      <Location name="TimofeiMetro"/>
-      <Location name="balkon"/>
-      <Location name="balkon2"/>
-      <Location name="dom_gor"/>
-      <Location name="comendant"/>
-      <Location name="buklinik"/>
-      <Location name="buklinik_event"/>
-    </Folder>
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-      <Location name="beg1"/>
-      <Location name="housing"/>
-      <Location name="husb"/>
-      <Location name="husbSex"/>
-      <Location name="indik"/>
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-      <Location name="portnoi"/>
-      <Location name="portnoi2"/>
-      <Location name="sexorg"/>
-      <Location name="shortgs"/>
-	  <Location name="$stock_item_info"/>
-      <Location name="$stock_item"/>
-      <Location name="$single_stock_item"/>
-      <Location name="$buy_item"/>
-      <Location name="$buy_single_item"/>
-      <Location name="$face_image"/>
-      <Location name="$body_image"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Female wrestling">
-      <Location name="generation"/>
-      <Location name="Autofight"/>
-      <Location name="beforeFW"/>
-      <Location name="FightStat"/>
-      <Location name="FightCrouch"/>
-      <Location name="fightFW"/>
-      <Location name="fight1"/>
-      <Location name="fight2"/>
-      <Location name="fight3"/>
-      <Location name="FightE"/>
-      <Location name="FightE1"/>
-      <Location name="FightE2"/>
-      <Location name="FightE3"/>
-      <Location name="RoundEnd"/>
-      <Location name="RoundStop"/>
-      <Location name="SubWin"/>
-      <Location name="SubLoss"/>
-      <Location name="EndFight"/>
-      <Location name="ratinglist"/>
-      <Location name="npc"/>
-      <Location name="namer"/>
-      <Location name="npcview"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="New Year 2010">
-      <Location name="nyp_school"/>
-      <Location name="sny"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Deck of cards">
-      <Location name="card"/>
-      <Location name="blackjack"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Hotel">
-      <Location name="HotelHole"/>
-      <Location name="hotel_resep"/>
-      <Location name="HotelAdmin"/>
-      <Location name="HotelWork"/>
-      <Location name="HotelRoom"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Shulga">
-      <Location name="shulgahome"/>
-      <Location name="shulgahall"/>
-      <Location name="shulgabed"/>
-      <Location name="shulgakuh"/>
-      <Location name="shulgabath"/>
-      <Location name="shulga_room"/>
-      <Location name="cardgame_durak"/>
-      <Location name="Serge_kuh"/>
-      <Location name="Serge_Shulgin"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Bel gang">
-      <Location name="LakeBoyDy"/>
-      <Location name="belgang"/>
-      <Location name="BelSex"/>
-      <Location name="belpicknick"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="Old Town">
-      <Location name="liam"/>
-      <Location name="liamelkafe"/>
-      <Location name="stallion"/>
-      <Location name="larek"/>
-      <Location name="dvor"/>
-      <Location name="ugol"/>
-      <Location name="ugol1"/>
-      <Location name="artstudia"/>
-      <Location name="liames"/>
-      <Location name="exhibitionistshop"/>
-      <Location name="kseniyaQW"/>
-      <Location name="parks"/>
-      <Location name="lug"/>
-      <Location name="dibodi"/>
-      <Location name="psiklin"/>
-      <Location name="din_pav"/>
-    </Folder>
-    <Folder name="OldTownHome">
-      <Location name="vanr2x"/>
-      <Location name="korr2x"/>
-      <Location name="bedr2x"/>
-      <Location name="sitr2x"/>
-      <Location name="kuhr2x"/>
-      <Location name="koncepod"/>
-      <Location name="koncepod1"/>
-    </Folder>
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-  		<Location name="Cum_Manage"/>
-  		<Location name="cum_arrcheat"/>
-  		<Location name="cum_cleanup"/>
-  		<Location name="cum_call"/>
-  		<Location name="pregriskeval"/>
-  		<Location name="cuminsidereact"/>
-    </Folder>
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-  		<Location name="IbizaStart"/>
-  		<Location name="IbizaDay2"/>
-  		<Location name="IbizaDay3"/>
-  		<Location name="IbizaDay4"/>
-  		<Location name="IbizaDay5"/>
-  		<Location name="IbizaDay6"/>
-  		<Location name="IbizaDay7"/>
-  		<Location name="IbizaToilet"/>
-  		<Location name="IbizaDance"/>
-  		<Location name="IbizaBar"/>
-  		<Location name="IbizaGuard"/>
-    </Folder>
-	  <Location name="LBZhouse"/>
-    <Location name="femcyc"/>
-  	<Location name="show_table"/>
-  	<Location name="exercise"/>
-    <Location name="BanSexType"/>
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-      <Location name="crossfit_north_box"/>
-      <Location name="crossfit_north_wod"/>
-      <Location name="crossfit_north_record"/>
-      <Location name="crossfit_north_girlmeet"/>
-    </Folder>
-  </Structure>
+	<Structure>
+	<Location name="start"/>
+	<Location name="version"/>
+	<Location name="history"/>
+	<Location name="gameover"/>
+	<Location name="begin"/>
+	<Location name="onobjsel"/>
+	<Location name="obj_din"/>
+	<Location name="Cheatmenu_din"/>
+	<Location name="themes"/>
+	<Folder name="System">
+		<Location name="counter"/>
+		<Location name="loadg"/>
+		<Location name="LOCA"/>
+		<Location name="saveg"/>
+		<Location name="inputProcessing"/>
+		<Location name="restoreposition"/>
+		<Location name="saveposition"/>
+		<Location name="mod_setting"/>
+		<Location name="$difficulty"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Stats">
+		<Location name="DNA"/>
+		<Location name="cikl"/>
+		<Location name="daystart"/>
+		<Location name="dina"/>
+		<Location name="dinBoroda"/>
+		<Location name="MenuLoc"/>
+		<Location name="MenuMainLoc"/>
+		<Location name="starenie"/>
+		<Location name="stat"/>
+		<Location name="stat_display"/>
+		<Location name="stat_sklattrib"/>
+		<Location name="stat_sklattrib_lvlset"/>
+		<Location name="fame"/>
+		<Location name="traits"/>
+		<Location name="din_bad"/>
+		<Location name="din_van"/>
+		<Location name="statBat"/>
+		<Location name="kid"/>
+		<Location name="pattest"/>
+		<Location name="subkid"/>
+		<Location name="$statcheck"/>
+		<Location name="set_home"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Functions">
+		<Location name="indik"/>
+		<Location name="indiktab"/>
+		<Location name="location_settings"/>
+		<Location name="shortgs"/>
+		<Location name="show_table"/>
+		<Location name="femcyc"/>
+		<Location name="exercise"/>
+		<Location name="food"/>
+		<Location name="food_menu"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Body">
+		<Location name="body"/>
+		<Location name="body_shape"/>
+		<Location name="lact_lib"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Stimulus">
+		<Location name="boyStat"/>
+		<Location name="pain"/>
+		<Location name="arousal"/>
+		<Location name="orgasm"/>
+		<Location name="exhibitionism"/>
+		<Location name="dinSex"/>
+		<Location name="dinSex2"/>
+		<Location name="dinsexFX"/>
+		<Location name="oral"/>
+		<Location name="orgazm"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="CumManage">
+		<Location name="Cum_Manage"/>
+		<Location name="cum_arrcheat"/>
+		<Location name="cum_cleanup"/>
+		<Location name="cum_call"/>
+		<Location name="pregriskeval"/>
+		<Location name="cuminsidereact"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="clothing">
+		<Location name="wardrobe"/>
+		<Location name="clothing"/>
+		<Location name="clothing_QV"/>
+		<Location name="changingroom"/>
+		<Location name="cloakroom"/>
+		<Location name="$clothing_name"/>
+		<Location name="$clothing_image"/>
+		<Location name="clothing_attributes"/>
+		<Location name="clothing_descriptions"/>
+		<Location name="$short_description"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_cheap"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_average"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_expensive"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_formal"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_office"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_school"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_exercise"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_fetish"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_exhibit"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_uniform"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_coat"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_swimwear"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_burlesque"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_alternative"/>
+		<Location name="lost_clothes_here"/>
+		<Location name="portnoi"/>
+		<Location name="portnoi2"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="shoes">
+		<Location name="shoes"/>
+		<Location name="$shoe_image"/>
+		<Location name="$shoe_description"/>
+		<Location name="shoe_attributes"/>
+		<Location name="shoe_description2"/>
+		<Location name="$attrib_shoe_boutique"/>
+		<Location name="$attrib_shoe_pussy"/>
+		<Location name="$attrib_shoe_dolls"/>
+		<Location name="$attrib_shoe_fetish"/>
+		<Location name="$attrib_shoe_gandm"/>
+		<Location name="$attrib_shoe_trainers"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="underwear">
+		<Location name="underwear"/>
+		<Location name="bras"/>
+		<Location name="$bra_image"/>
+		<Location name="panties"/>
+		<Location name="$panty_image"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Accessories">
+		<Location name="purses"/>
+		<Location name="$purse_image"/>
+		<Location name="sewing"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Prostitution">
+		<Location name="street_walker"/>
+		<Location name="Prostitute"/>
+		<Location name="NormPR"/>
+		<Location name="blowPR"/>
+		<Location name="AnalPR"/>
+	</Folder>
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+		<Location name="lesbimistress"/>
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+		<Location name="cafe3"/>
+		<Location name="ParkKafe"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Magic Quests">
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+		<Location name="tobiQW"/>
+		<Location name="kisameQW"/>
+		<Location name="succubus"/>
+		<Location name="serpent"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Prehistory">
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+		<Location name="preSYS2"/>
+		<Location name="preTG"/>
+		<Location name="preNT"/>
+		<Location name="preCUST"/>
+		<Location name="preALT"/>
+		<Location name="preCSB"/>
+	</Folder>
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+		<Location name="npcgeneratec"/>
+		<Location name="npcgenext"/>
+		<Location name="npcpreservec"/>
+		<Location name="npcrnamefile"/>
+		<Location name="npcbreeder"/>
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+		<Location name="npcstatic2"/>
+		<Location name="npcstatic3"/>
+		<Location name="npcstatic4"/>
+		<Location name="npcstatic5"/>
+		<Location name="npc_intro"/>
+		<Location name="npc_age"/>
+		<Location name="saveupdater"/>
+		<Location name="NPCChanger"/>
+	</Folder>
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+		<Location name="strelba"/>
+		<Location name="before"/>
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+		<Location name="atakA"/>
+		<Location name="atakA1"/>
+		<Location name="atakB"/>
+		<Location name="atakB1"/>
+		<Location name="atakM"/>
+		<Location name="spell"/>
+		<Location name="ender"/>
+		<Location name="nill"/>
+		<Location name="test"/>
+		<Location name="priziv"/>
+		<Location name="defence"/>
+		<Location name="kikbox"/>
+		<Location name="initKik"/>
+		<Location name="Kikatak"/>
+		<Location name="enderKik"/>
+		<Location name="razrKik"/>
+	</Folder>
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+		<Location name="bed1"/>
+		<Location name="bed2"/>
+		<Location name="beverage"/>
+		<Location name="dreams"/>
+		<Location name="budilnik"/>
+		<Location name="divan"/>
+		<Location name="Komp"/>
+		<Location name="kompMFC"/>
+		<Location name="kompMFCtwo"/>
+		<Location name="webcam_site"/>
+		<Location name="mirror"/>
+		<Location name="stol"/>
+		<Location name="telefon"/>
+		<Location name="$phone_theme"/>
+		<Location name="kit_din"/>
+		<Location name="TV"/>
+		<Location name="vann"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Shared locations">
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+		<Location name="indoors"/>
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+		<Location name="bank"/>
+		<Location name="kiosk"/>
+		<Location name="taxi"/>
+		<Location name="train"/>
+		<Location name="train_incidental"/>
+		<Location name="metro"/>
+		<Location name="metro_events"/>
+		<Location name="events"/>
+		<Location name="flash"/>
+		<Location name="street_event"/>
+		<Location name="noticeboard"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Post office">
+		<Location name="postoffice"/>
+		<Location name="postmaster"/>
+		<Location name="postdeliveries"/>
+		<Location name="postevents"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Home Street - Locations">
+		<Location name="street"/>
+		<Location name="pharmacy"/>
+		<Location name="clener"/>
+		<Location name="dima"/>
+		<Location name="dinsexgivi"/>
+		<Location name="IrinaRoom"/>
+		<Location name="kafe"/>
+		<Location name="kafe2"/>
+		<Location name="kafeend"/>
+		<Location name="kavkazkafe"/>
+		<Location name="klofdomhouse"/>
+		<Location name="lake"/>
+		<Location name="dort"/>
+		<Location name="narkopriton"/>
+		<Location name="bobka"/>
+		<Location name="park"/>
+		<Location name="parkdin"/>
+		<Location name="parkivent"/>
+		<Location name="poli"/>
+		<Location name="experiment"/>
+		<Location name="rinok"/>
+		<Location name="rinwork"/>
+		<Location name="sauna"/>
+		<Location name="saunawhore"/>
+		<Location name="trashplace"/>
+		<Location name="musorkaexh"/>
+		<Location name="RynokHoz"/>
+	</Folder>
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+		<Location name="BDSM_training"/>
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+		<Location name="MDressing"/>
+		<Location name="MLanding"/>
+		<Location name="MDining"/>
+		<Location name="MLibrary"/>
+		<Location name="MBallroom"/>
+		<Location name="MRear"/>
+		<Location name="MConservatory"/>
+		<Location name="MKitchen"/>
+		<Location name="MBasement"/>
+		<Location name="MWestbed"/>
+		<Location name="MEastbed"/>
+		<Location name="MGames"/>
+		<Location name="MLiving"/>
+		<Location name="MBathrooms"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Trade Representative">
+		<Location name="torgpred"/>
+		<Location name="StasQW"/>
+		<Location name="StasSex"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="EfimovRA">
+		<Location name="billiard"/>
+		<Location name="billsvid"/>
+		<Location name="bordel"/>
+		<Location name="bordelv"/>
+		<Location name="bouling"/>
+		<Location name="kafesvid"/>
+		<Location name="kamera"/>
+		<Location name="kathouse0"/>
+		<Location name="Katlake"/>
+		<Location name="katspalnya"/>
+		<Location name="kazinosvid"/>
+		<Location name="kino"/>
+		<Location name="kinosvid"/>
+		<Location name="Kwlake1"/>
+		<Location name="Kwlake2"/>
+		<Location name="lezbsex"/>
+		<Location name="masharoom"/>
+		<Location name="Military"/>
+		<Location name="Nudelake"/>
+		<Location name="Palatka"/>
+		<Location name="parksvid"/>
+		<Location name="paysex"/>
+		<Location name="podrsex"/>
+		<Location name="police"/>
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+		<Location name="sex"/>
+		<Location name="sexprefrand"/>
+		<Location name="sexdvanadva"/>
+		<Location name="sexdvoe"/>
+		<Location name="svidboy"/>
+		<Location name="Vnlake1"/>
+		<Location name="Vnlake2"/>
+		<Location name="WorkHosp"/>
+		<Location name="worksalon"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Tanya">
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+		<Location name="tanroom"/>
+		<Location name="tanhozspal"/>
+		<Location name="tanhousezal"/>
+		<Location name="tanhouse"/>
+		<Location name="tankitchen"/>
+		<Location name="tanspalnya"/>
+		<Location name="tanvanr"/>
+		<Location name="tanNicholas"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Apartment">
+		<Location name="bedr"/>
+		<Location name="sitr"/>
+		<Location name="vanr"/>
+		<Location name="kuhr"/>
+		<Location name="korr"/>
+		<Location name="housecall"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Block">
+		<Location name="pavComplex"/>
+		<Location name="pavComplexb2"/>
+		<Location name="pavComplexb3"/>
+		<Location name="pavComplexOld"/>
+		<Location name="pavaptcourtev"/>
+		<Location name="pod_ezd"/>
+		<Location name="pod_whore"/>
+		<Location name="gopsex"/>
+		<Location name="misha"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Parent's Apartment">
+		<Location name="bedrPar"/>
+		<Location name="bedrPar2"/>
+		<Location name="sitrPar"/>
+		<Location name="vanrPar"/>
+		<Location name="kuhrPar"/>
+		<Location name="korrPar"/>
+		<Location name="selfplay"/>
+		<Location name="gtelefon"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Family">
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+		<Location name="fathersex"/>
+		<Location name="dinfather"/>
+		<Location name="mother"/>
+		<Location name="motherQW"/>
+		<Location name="dinmother"/>
+		<Location name="sister"/>
+		<Location name="sistersleep"/>
+		<Location name="sisterQW"/>
+		<Location name="dinsister"/>
+		<Location name="family"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Rolan">
+		<Location name="pavcomplexrolan"/>
+		<Location name="rolanapt"/>
+		<Location name="rolanbath"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Generic boyfriend">
+		<Location name="Gnpc"/>
+		<Location name="Gnpc_cinema"/>
+		<Location name="Gnpc2"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Brother porn">
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+		<Location name="brother2"/>
+		<Location name="brother_voyeur"/>
+		<Location name="brother_lessons"/>
+		<Location name="seeporn"/>
+		<Location name="brosh"/>
+		<Location name="porn_view"/>
+		<Location name="porn_view_strings"/>
+		<Location name="porn_view_construct"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Reks">
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+		<Location name="sbReksHome"/>
+		<Location name="dinParty"/>
+		<Location name="party_boy"/>
+		<Location name="party_boys"/>
+		<Location name="party_girls"/>
+		<Location name="sister_party"/>
+		<Location name="roma"/>
+		<Location name="ira"/>
+		<Location name="lena"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Dima Nosov">
+		<Location name="dimaEv"/>
+		<Location name="dimaHome"/>
+		<Location name="dimaRevenge"/>
+		<Location name="dinnpc"/>
+		<Location name="krutishi"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Artem Chebotarev">
+		<Location name="artemEv"/>
+		<Location name="artemEv3"/>
+		<Location name="artemhome"/>
+		<Location name="artemev2"/>
+		<Location name="artgar"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Igor Kruglov">
+		<Location name="IgorEv"/>
+		<Location name="igorhome"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Katja Meynold">
+		<Location name="katjaEv"/>
+		<Location name="katjaEvDin"/>
+		<Location name="KatjaHome"/>
+		<Location name="KatjaHomeTalk"/>
+		<Location name="katja_sex"/>
+		<Location name="Katja_Tanga"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Vika Meynold">
+		<Location name="mey_home"/>
+		<Location name="mey_vika_events"/>
+		<Location name="mey_tamara_events"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Niko Volkov">
+		<Location name="VolkovHome"/>
+		<Location name="NikoEv"/>
+		<Location name="NikoEv2"/>
+		<Location name="NikoDates"/>
+		<Location name="NikoDreams"/>
+		<Location name="NikoPayback"/>
+		<Location name="NikoSlut"/>
+		<Location name="SoniaHome"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Anushka">
+		<Location name="anushka"/>
+		<Location name="anushkaev1"/>
+		<Location name="anushapt"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Village">
+		<Location name="famdorfride"/>
+		<Location name="farmhomeride"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Gadyukino">
+		<Location name="Gadhouse"/>
+		<Location name="grandmahelp"/>
+		<Location name="grandpahelp"/>
+		<Location name="Gaddvor"/>
+		<Location name="Gadsarai"/>
+		<Location name="Gadbana"/>
+		<Location name="gadukino"/>
+		<Location name="gadukino_event"/>
+		<Location name="gadriver"/>
+		<Location name="Meadow"/>
+		<Location name="mitka"/>
+		<Location name="mitkabuh"/>
+		<Location name="mitkabuh_group"/>
+		<Location name="mitkasex"/>
+		<Location name="bandit"/>
+		<Location name="banditbreak"/>
+		<Location name="gadprostitutes"/>
+		<Location name="bicycle"/>
+		<Location name="gadfield"/>
+		<Location name="Gadgarden"/>
+		<Location name="gadmarket"/>
+		<Location name="gadroad"/>
+		<Location name="grigory"/>
+		<Location name="MiroslavaHome"/>
+		<Location name="Miroslava"/>
+		<Location name="mirasex"/>
+		<Location name="Mirafather"/>
+		<Location name="gadforest"/>
+		<Location name="gadforest_event"/>
+		<Location name="gadforestlost"/>
+		<Location name="gadforestrelax"/>
+	</Folder>
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+		<Location name="swamp"/>
+		<Location name="swamp_yard"/>
+		<Location name="swamphouse"/>
+		<Location name="swampspring"/>
+		<Location name="backwater"/>
+		<Location name="hanters"/>
+		<Location name="hantersex"/>
+		<Location name="HanterLoveSex"/>
+		<Location name="AndreiHanter"/>
+		<Location name="IgorHanter"/>
+		<Location name="SergeiHanter"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Generator">
+		<Location name="placer"/>
+		<Location name="placer_gskver"/>
+		<Location name="placer_man"/>
+		<Location name="placer_act"/>
+		<Location name="skverdin"/>
+		<Location name="placer_end"/>
+		<Location name="placer_sex"/>
+		<Location name="podval_rape"/>
+		<Location name="gopnik_house"/>
+		<Location name="placer_house"/>
+		<Location name="placer_house_one"/>
+		<Location name="placer_gop_orgy"/>
+		<Location name="fbHouse"/>
+		<Location name="fbDorm"/>
+		<Location name="fbDormD"/>
+		<Location name="fbGar"/>
+		<Location name="zsoft_gopskverGorSlut"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Town">
+		<Location name="pavResidential"/>
+		<Location name="pavCommercial"/>
+		<Location name="pavCommercialOffices"/>
+		<Location name="leonid"/>
+		<Location name="gargazel"/>
+		<Location name="garfather"/>
+		<Location name="Gshveyfab"/>
+		<Location name="gaptek"/>
+		<Location name="soniaDisco"/>
+		<Location name="gkafe"/>
+		<Location name="motherkafeboss"/>
+		<Location name="glake"/>
+		<Location name="gLakeNude"/>
+		<Location name="gLakeNudeEvent"/>
+		<Location name="gLakeNudeForest"/>
+		<Location name="LakeBoyZ"/>
+		<Location name="gpoli"/>
+		<Location name="therapist"/>
+		<Location name="gevent"/>
+		<Location name="gskver"/>
+		<Location name="gopskver"/>
+		<Location name="gskino"/>
+		<Location name="cafe_parco"/>
+		<Location name="kotovEv"/>
+		<Location name="IvanEv"/>
+		<Location name="FedorEv"/>
+		<Location name="FedorEv2"/>
+		<Location name="FedorEv3"/>
+		<Location name="FedorEv4"/>
+		<Location name="FedorMisc"/>
+		<Location name="strela"/>
+		<Location name="kotovSex"/>
+		<Location name="kotovdom"/>
+		<Location name="boymass"/>
+		<Location name="barbershop"/>
+		<Location name="annafrends"/>
+		<Location name="MagEncounterFairy"/>
+		<Location name="ParChurch"/>
+		<Location name="ParChurch2"/>
+		<Location name="brothel"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Starlets">
+		<Location name="DanceWhore1"/>
+		<Location name="DanceWhore2"/>
+		<Location name="DanceWhore3"/>
+		<Location name="DanceWhore4"/>
+		<Location name="DanceWhore5"/>
+		<Location name="DanceWhore6"/>
+		<Location name="DanceWhore7"/>
+		<Location name="DanceWhore8"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="School">
+		<Location name="gschool_grounds"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_lessons"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_lessonsev1"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_lessonsev2"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_lessonsev3"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_lunch"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_office"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_events"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_gossip"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_boys_bathroom"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_girls_bathroom"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_sex"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_detention"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_randperson"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_socialchg"/>
+		<Location name="gschool_schedule"/>
+		<Location name="Sgrup1"/>
+		<Location name="Sgrup2"/>
+		<Location name="Sgrup3"/>
+		<Location name="Sgrup4"/>
+		<Location name="Sgrup5"/>
+		<Location name="Sgrup"/>
+		<Location name="nogorslut"/>
+		<Location name="yesgorslut"/>
+	</Folder>
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+		<Location name="pavShared_gp"/>
+		<Location name="pavShared_nd"/>
+		<Location name="pavShared_sp"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="House of Culture">
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+		<Location name="gdkkru"/>
+		<Location name="gdkbibl"/>
+		<Location name="gdkin"/>
+		<Location name="gdksport"/>
+		<Location name="gdktoilet"/>
+		<Location name="gdksex"/>
+		<Location name="BMloc"/>
+		<Location name="ugel"/>
+		<Location name="Voltrener"/>
+		<Location name="VolleyTrenCentr"/>
+		<Location name="VolleyTrenerSpeak"/>
+		<Location name="Voltrenersex"/>
+		<Location name="chessplay"/>
+		<Location name="boilerroom"/>
+		<Location name="krupo"/>
+		<Location name="kruchess"/>
+		<Location name="VoltrenerSexShower"/>
+		<Location name="Snpc"/>
+		<Location name="cumreaction"/>
+		<Location name="izdevat"/>
+		<Location name="kotovtalker"/>
+		<Location name="SgrupDisco"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Event gym town">
+		<Location name="danceGev"/>
+		<Location name="volAndGev"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Station Campus">
+		<Location name="pavtrain"/>
+		<Location name="pavtrainhall"/>
+		<Location name="pavtrainhall_events"/>
+		<Location name="pavtrain_market"/>
+		<Location name="katalkin"/>
+		<Location name="katalkinSex"/>
+		<Location name="katalkinAlko"/>
+		<Location name="kutuzka"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Christina Zvereva">
+		<Location name="gKristinaZv"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Julia Milov 12">
+		<Location name="JuliaMilGo"/>
+		<Location name="JuliaMilHome"/>
+		<Location name="JuliaMilVhod"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Arthur">
+		<Location name="arturRinok"/>
+		<Location name="arturHome"/>
+		<Location name="arturSex"/>
+		<Location name="arturkiosk"/>
+		<Location name="arturend"/>
+		<Location name="arturdin"/>
+		<Location name="arturQW"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Natasha Belova 16">
+		<Location name="NatBelGo"/>
+		<Location name="NatBelHome"/>
+		<Location name="NatBelVhod"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Albina">
+		<Location name="albinaEv"/>
+		<Location name="albinaRide"/>
+		<Location name="albinahome"/>
+		<Location name="albinaporog"/>
+		<Location name="AlbFatherQW"/>
+		<Location name="AlbStarsEnd"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Lariska">
+		<Location name="LariskaStart"/>
+		<Location name="LariskaGo"/>
+		<Location name="LariskaHome"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Pets">
+		<Location name="soba"/>
+		<Location name="krol"/>
+		<Location name="popu"/>
+		<Location name="qwlocdog"/>
+		<Location name="RimmaSexQW"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Encounter Generator">
+		<Location name="din_npc"/>
+		<Location name="podezdM"/>
+		<Location name="sexm"/>
+		<Location name="dateM"/>
+		<Location name="kinoM"/>
+		<Location name="parkM"/>
+		<Location name="kafeM"/>
+		<Location name="restoranM"/>
+		<Location name="anekdot"/>
+		<Location name="stihi"/>
+		<Location name="love"/>
+		<Location name="brosok"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="City Center">
+		<Location name="down"/>
+		<Location name="cityTrain"/>
+		<Location name="agentned"/>
+		<Location name="kameraKPZ"/>
+		<Location name="bass"/>
+		<Location name="burger"/>
+		<Location name="burgerWork"/>
+		<Location name="BurgerTip"/>
+		<Location name="butik"/>
+		<Location name="butoilet"/>
+		<Location name="cfnm"/>
+		<Location name="club"/>
+		<Location name="Club2"/>
+		<Location name="vipclub"/>
+		<Location name="danceclass"/>
+		<Location name="dorm"/>
+		<Location name="downlibrary"/>
+		<Location name="fit"/>
+		<Location name="talent_agency"/>
+		<Location name="lab"/>
+		<Location name="tatiana_missions"/>
+		<Location name="NewCloShop"/>
+		<Location name="office"/>
+		<Location name="restoran"/>
+		<Location name="salon"/>
+		<Location name="hairsalon"/>
+		<Location name="shopdacha"/>
+		<Location name="sportShop"/>
+		<Location name="torgcentr"/>
+		<Location name="univer"/>
+		<Location name="yarik"/>
+		<Location name="zoomagazine"/>
+		<Location name="budgetclothes"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Photo studio">
+		<Location name="foto"/>
+		<Location name="foto_events"/>
+		<Location name="foto_albums"/>
+		<Location name="foto_models"/>
+		<Location name="anastasia_escort"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Crime and Punishment">
+		<Location name="police_station"/>
+		<Location name="sentence"/>
+		<Location name="shoplifting"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="North Side">
+		<Location name="Nord"/>
+		<Location name="nordtrain"/>
+		<Location name="Terminal"/>
+		<Location name="TerminalOffice"/>
+		<Location name="ivanRoom"/>
+		<Location name="trFatherMisha"/>
+		<Location name="dk"/>
+		<Location name="kakuzu"/>
+		<Location name="youry"/>
+		<Location name="alex"/>
+		<Location name="alexgang"/>
+		<Location name="lakecafe"/>
+		<Location name="laketoilet"/>
+		<Location name="LCporn"/>
+		<Location name="LCwork"/>
+		<Location name="pirsingsalon"/>
+		<Location name="obekt"/>
+		<Location name="obekt2"/>
+		<Location name="dangeon"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Red Light">
+		<Location name="sexshop"/>
+		<Location name="stripclub"/>
+		<Location name="stwork"/>
+		<Location name="stwork2"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Bar Rabotnik">
+		<Location name="qwBarPolet"/>
+		<Location name="qwBarPoletToilet"/>
+		<Location name="qwBarBilliard"/>
+		<Location name="qwBarBilliard2"/>
+		<Location name="qwBarEncounters"/>
+		<Location name="MartinTalk"/>
+		<Location name="MartinSex"/>
+		<Location name="MartinSex2"/>
+		<Location name="MartinSex3"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="North Road">
+		<Location name="dachain"/>
+		<Location name="dachamy"/>
+		<Location name="dachaogr"/>
+		<Location name="dachaogr0"/>
+		<Location name="dachi"/>
+		<Location name="graveyard"/>
+		<Location name="motel"/>
+		<Location name="road"/>
+		<Location name="youplace"/>
+		<Location name="furi"/>
+		<Location name="furisex"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Mansion">
+		<Location name="ybass"/>
+		<Location name="yban"/>
+		<Location name="ymans"/>
+		<Location name="ybedr"/>
+		<Location name="yvan"/>
+		<Location name="ykuh"/>
+		<Location name="yzal"/>
+		<Location name="ykamin"/>
+		<Location name="ydet"/>
+		<Location name="ybib"/>
+		<Location name="ysport"/>
+		<Location name="ykabinet"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Porn">
+		<Location name="BDSM"/>
+		<Location name="pornstudio"/>
+		<Location name="pornfilm"/>
+		<Location name="pornhist"/>
+		<Location name="pornschedule"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Boys">
+		<Location name="BDman"/>
+		<Location name="BDsex"/>
+		<Location name="boy"/>
+		<Location name="boyfrend"/>
+		<Location name="boylove"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Lover">
+		<Location name="girl"/>
+		<Location name="girlfriend"/>
+		<Location name="dateF"/>
+		<Location name="lover"/>
+		<Location name="lover_change"/>
+		<Location name="lover_likes"/>
+		<Location name="lover_love"/>
+		<Location name="lover_meet"/>
+		<Location name="lover_pref"/>
+		<Location name="lover_pronouns"/>
+		<Location name="pronouns"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="University">
+		<Location name="island"/>
+		<Location name="dolls"/>
+		<Location name="vecher"/>
+		<Location name="obkitchen"/>
+		<Location name="obroom"/>
+		<Location name="Vika"/>
+		<Location name="univer_din"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Game 1">
+		<Location name="KGstart"/>
+		<Location name="KGOLgame"/>
+		<Location name="KGOLenemy"/>
+		<Location name="KGOLboss"/>
+		<Location name="KGOLfight"/>
+		<Location name="KGOLexpa"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Game 2">
+		<Location name="KGDstart"/>
+		<Location name="KGDgame"/>
+		<Location name="KGDexp"/>
+		<Location name="KGDbefore"/>
+		<Location name="KGDfight"/>
+		<Location name="KGDparty"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Game 3">
+		<Location name="KGZstart"/>
+		<Location name="KGZgame"/>
+		<Location name="KGZdyn"/>
+		<Location name="KGZfight"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Game 4">
+		<Location name="FSstart"/>
+		<Location name="FSgame"/>
+		<Location name="FSstat"/>
+		<Location name="FSfight"/>
+		<Location name="FSroom"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Youth Shop">
+		<Location name="young_shop"/>
+		<Location name="sell_young_clothes"/>
+		<Location name="andrey"/>
+		<Location name="gopnew"/>
+		<Location name="goplust"/>
+		<Location name="gopwho"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Cars">
+		<Location name="avtonorm"/>
+		<Location name="avt"/>
+		<Location name="avb"/>
+		<Location name="zaprF"/>
+		<Location name="zaprFWash"/>
+		<Location name="abduction"/>
+		<Location name="abductionCustomer"/>
+		<Location name="autosalonF"/>
+		<Location name="autoservisF"/>
+		<Location name="autotraidF"/>
+		<Location name="carF"/>
+		<Location name="carF1"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Quest">
+		<Location name="qwIzoldaApp"/>
+		<Location name="qwloc"/>
+		<Location name="qwmeet"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Casino">
+		<Location name="casino"/>
+		<Location name="mqroom"/>
+		<Location name="authors3"/>
+		<Location name="amrul"/>
+		<Location name="saloon"/>
+		<Location name="hotel"/>
+		<Location name="igravt"/>
+		<Location name="igrkart2"/>
+		<Location name="kazvar"/>
+		<Location name="cards"/>
+		<Location name="croupier"/>
+		<Location name="croupier2"/>
+		<Location name="elevator"/>
+		<Location name="Maria1"/>
+		<Location name="number1"/>
+		<Location name="number2"/>
+		<Location name="number3"/>
+		<Location name="number4"/>
+		<Location name="result"/>
+		<Location name="roulette"/>
+		<Location name="rate"/>
+		<Location name="hall"/>
+		<Location name="blackjackPlay"/>
+		<Location name="blackjackView"/>
+		<Location name="deckShuffle"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Menu">
+		<Location name="Menu.Info"/>
+		<Location name="Menu.Create"/>
+		<Location name="Menu.Add"/>
+		<Location name="Menu.AddCondition"/>
+		<Location name="Menu.AddModule"/>
+		<Location name="Menu.AddEvent"/>
+		<Location name="Menu.Call"/>
+		<Location name="Menu.Chosen"/>
+		<Location name="Menu.Time"/>
+		<Location name="Menu.Destroy"/>
+		<Location name="Menu.Treatment"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Game Menu">
+		<Location name="$menu_setting"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_skills"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_descrip"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_statistika"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_calendar"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_reputation"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_traits"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_mobila"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_magic"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_pain"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_face"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_body"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_clothes"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_bra"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_panties"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_shoes"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_tattoos"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_pirs"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_obnovit"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_bloknot"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_avariya"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_autosave"/>
+		<Location name="$menu_cheat"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Etogame">
+		<Location name="etoexhib"/>
+		<Location name="trainBimbo"/>
+		<Location name="parkBimbo"/>
+		<Location name="ptu_dush"/>
+		<Location name="nastja"/>
+		<Location name="Timofei"/>
+		<Location name="TimofeiMetro"/>
+		<Location name="balkon"/>
+		<Location name="balkon2"/>
+		<Location name="dom_gor"/>
+		<Location name="comendant"/>
+		<Location name="buklinik"/>
+		<Location name="buklinik_event"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Misc">
+		<Location name="beg"/>
+		<Location name="beg1"/>
+		<Location name="housing"/>
+		<Location name="husb"/>
+		<Location name="husbSex"/>
+		<Location name="Peterroom"/>
+		<Location name="sexorg"/>
+		<Location name="$stock_item_info"/>
+		<Location name="$stock_item"/>
+		<Location name="$single_stock_item"/>
+		<Location name="$buy_item"/>
+		<Location name="$buy_single_item"/>
+		<Location name="$face_image"/>
+		<Location name="$body_image"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Female wrestling">
+		<Location name="generation"/>
+		<Location name="Autofight"/>
+		<Location name="beforeFW"/>
+		<Location name="FightStat"/>
+		<Location name="FightCrouch"/>
+		<Location name="fightFW"/>
+		<Location name="fight1"/>
+		<Location name="fight2"/>
+		<Location name="fight3"/>
+		<Location name="FightE"/>
+		<Location name="FightE1"/>
+		<Location name="FightE2"/>
+		<Location name="FightE3"/>
+		<Location name="RoundEnd"/>
+		<Location name="RoundStop"/>
+		<Location name="SubWin"/>
+		<Location name="SubLoss"/>
+		<Location name="EndFight"/>
+		<Location name="ratinglist"/>
+		<Location name="npc"/>
+		<Location name="namer"/>
+		<Location name="npcview"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="New Year 2010">
+		<Location name="nyp_school"/>
+		<Location name="sny"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Deck of cards">
+		<Location name="card"/>
+		<Location name="blackjack"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Hotel">
+		<Location name="HotelHole"/>
+		<Location name="hotel_resep"/>
+		<Location name="HotelAdmin"/>
+		<Location name="HotelWork"/>
+		<Location name="HotelRoom"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Shulga">
+		<Location name="shulgahome"/>
+		<Location name="shulgahall"/>
+		<Location name="shulgabed"/>
+		<Location name="shulgakuh"/>
+		<Location name="shulgabath"/>
+		<Location name="shulga_room"/>
+		<Location name="cardgame_durak"/>
+		<Location name="Serge_kuh"/>
+		<Location name="Serge_Shulgin"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Bel gang">
+		<Location name="LakeBoyDy"/>
+		<Location name="belgang"/>
+		<Location name="BelSex"/>
+		<Location name="belpicknick"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Old Town">
+		<Location name="liam"/>
+		<Location name="liamelkafe"/>
+		<Location name="stallion"/>
+		<Location name="larek"/>
+		<Location name="dvor"/>
+		<Location name="ugol"/>
+		<Location name="ugol1"/>
+		<Location name="artstudia"/>
+		<Location name="liames"/>
+		<Location name="exhibitionistshop"/>
+		<Location name="kseniyaQW"/>
+		<Location name="parks"/>
+		<Location name="lug"/>
+		<Location name="dibodi"/>
+		<Location name="psiklin"/>
+		<Location name="din_pav"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="OldTownHome">
+		<Location name="vanr2x"/>
+		<Location name="korr2x"/>
+		<Location name="bedr2x"/>
+		<Location name="sitr2x"/>
+		<Location name="kuhr2x"/>
+		<Location name="koncepod"/>
+		<Location name="koncepod1"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="crossfit_north">
+		<Location name="crossfit_north_box"/>
+		<Location name="crossfit_north_wod"/>
+		<Location name="crossfit_north_record"/>
+		<Location name="crossfit_north_girlmeet"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Location name="LBZhouse"/>
+	<Location name="BanSexType"/>
+	</Structure>


+ 14 - 10

@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
 # AlbFatherQW
 $din_zajava_albfather = {
 	act 'Write a statement':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
+		menu_off = 1
 		minut += 1
 		AlbFather = 2
 		gs 'stat'
 		'You''ve agreed to write a statement. The Captain nodded, "You''re a smart girl, you chose the right side of the law. Come to the car, I have everything there to take down your statement."'
 		act 'Go with Chernov':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 1
 			AlbZaDay = daystart
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -21,14 +22,15 @@ $din_zajava_albfather = {
 $din_zajava_albfather_no2 = {
 	act 'Refuse':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
+		menu_off = 1
 		minut += 1
 		AlbFather = -1
 		gs 'stat'
 		'You stubbornly refused to give any information to the officer. The Captain sighed in resignation , "If that''s the way you wanna play it, but just remember you just made yourself a bunch of enemies!"'
 		act 'Warn Albina':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 1
 			AlbFrend = 1
 			ZvezdEnd = 1
@@ -42,14 +44,15 @@ $din_zajava_albfather_no2 = {
 $din_zajava_albfather_no = {
 	act 'Refuse to write a statement':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
+		menu_off = 1
 		minut += 1
 		gs 'stat'
 		'You refused to write a statement, yet the captain still tried to persuade you. "Think of the consequences. If we don''t catch Albina, then it will be someone else. After all I don''t really mind as long as find a culprit, she''ll get nothing due to a lack of evidence..."'
 		if pcs_intel >= 80:
 			act 'Ask him why you should give him information':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut += 1
 				gs 'stat'
 				'You asked the captain," If you already all I know then why do you need my testimony?" The captain replied, "To be honest, it''s not our jurisdiction, and to take direct action against a notorious Barlovskogo without hard evidence could lead to unpleasant consequences. A written deposition from you would be a guarantee of success for our operation."'
@@ -67,13 +70,14 @@ gs 'stat'
 'A car suddenly stops next to you. A man wearing a nice suit emerges from the vehicle. He introduces himself, "Captain Chernov. State Security Service," as he pulls out his liscence and badge. In surprise you blurt out, "Why are you here, what did I do, am I under arrest?" Captain Chernov asks you in a rhetorical manner, "You are <<$pcs_nickname>> <<$pcs_lastname>>? Let''s step aside and have a friendly chitchat."'
 act 'Move with Chernov':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'You start walking with Captain Chernov. Upon closer examination you notice he is holstering a gun under his left armpit. Looking around Chernov begins, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I know that you are new to Zvezdushki''s entourage. We know that this is just a front. Zvezdushkam''s criminal activities are about to be put on hold, with or without your collaboration. Our little talk is not so important, what is though, is that when this case starts getting coverage, the whole town will know; what you did will be on everyone''s lips. But you did nothing you say. It doesn''t matter your name will be the talk of the town! You won''t go to jail; we''ll give you a big fine, inform your parents and your school, and you''ll have a permanent record with the police. Of course, there is a way we could avoid all this... "'
 	act 'Ask him how to avoid it':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 1
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -84,14 +88,14 @@ act 'Move with Chernov':
 		if pcs_intel >= 70:
 			act 'You ask him why the security service is in charge of this affair instead of the police':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut += 1
 				gs 'stat'
 				'You ask him what is so important with Albina, that they need security service and not the police. A frown forms on Captain Chernov''s brow, "I underestimated you; you''re a smart girl. Okay, I''ll show you my cards. You know who Albina''s father is? Barlovsky Boris, a retired police colonel. He served as chief of police in this town. He is retired now, but he still communicates with the police. "'
 				if pcs_intel >= 75:
 					act 'Tell him that he hasn''t answered your question':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						minut += 1
 						gs 'stat'
 						'You tell the captain that he has not answered your question, why are the secret service now interested in the affairs of Albina. The captain nodded, "It''s very simple. Albina''s father decided to go into politics and become the mayor of the town. Some people would like to see him fail. What could be better than his daughter, leader of a sexcrime syndicate."'

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 # AlbStarsEnd
+menu_off = 1
 ZvezdEnd = 1
 AlbFather = 10
 AlbinaInPrison = 1

+ 14 - 8

@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 	$metka = $ARGS[0]
 	$loc = $CURLOC
     $location_type = 'event'
+	menu_off = 1
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	prosti = 0
 	money += ProsMoney*100
 	analprotect = 1
@@ -47,8 +48,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 	$metka = $ARGS[0]
 	$loc = $CURLOC
     $location_type = 'event'
-	cls
+	menu_off = 1
+	*clr & cla
 	prosti = 0
@@ -119,7 +121,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 if $ARGS[0] = '3':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	'When the man stops, you think it''s because he came. Instead, you hear swearing.'
@@ -133,9 +136,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 if $ARGS[0] = '4':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	money += ProsMoney * 100
-	pcs_mood += 30
+	pcs_mood -= 30
 	pcs_health -= 30
 	pcs_willpwr -= 30
 	pcs_throat += 1
@@ -159,7 +163,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '4':
 if $ARGS[0] = '5':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_throat += 1
@@ -174,7 +179,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '5':
 if $ARGS[0] = '6':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_vag = pcs_vag + 1
 	money += ProsMoney*110

+ 51 - 46

@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
 # AndreiHanter
+menu_off = 1
 gs 'boystat', 'A172'
 harakBoy = 2
 boyage = npc_dob[$boy]
 boyage = (boyage - boyage mod 10000) / 10000
+boyage = year - boyage
-'<center><b><font color = maroon>Andrew</font></b></center>'
+'<center><b><font color = maroon>Andrei</font></b></center>'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/andreihanter.jpg"></center>'
-'Andrew is the leader of a group of hunters. He''s <<boyage>> years old. He is divorced and lives near Gadyukino.'
+'Andrei is the leader of the group of hunters that frequent the woods and swamp by Gadukino. He''s <<boyage>> years old. He is divorced and lives near Gadukino.'
 if hantersAndreiQw < 0:'You and him have a bad relationship, because you offended him in the past.'
 if hantersAndreiQw >= 0 and hantersAndreiQw < 10:'You have a normal relationship with him.'
 if hantersAndreiQw >= 10 and hantersAndreiQw < 15:'You have friendly relations with him.'
@@ -24,8 +25,8 @@ act 'Chat':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/talk1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
-	if hantersAndreiQw >= 0:'You chatted with Andrew, learning interesting tidbits about hunting.'
-	if hantersAndreiQw < 0:'You talk to Andrew. He makes it clear he''d rather not talk to you, but takes part in the conversation.'
+	if hantersAndreiQw >= 0:'You chatted with Andrei, learning interesting tidbits about hunting.'
+	if hantersAndreiQw < 0:'You talk to Andrei. He makes it clear he''d rather not talk to you, but takes part in the conversation anyway.'
 	act'Continue':gt $loc, $metka
@@ -33,6 +34,9 @@ end
 if hantersAndreiQw >= 10:
 	if hantersAndreiLove = 0:
 		act 'Flirt':
+			minut += 120
+			!!not using arousal as no orgasm chance
+			pcs_horny += 10
 			*clr & cla
 			if hantersAndreiQw <= 35 and hantersKnowSlut = 0:hantersAndreiQw += 1
 			if hantersIgorQw >= 10 and hantersKnowSlut = 0:hantersIgorQw -= 1
@@ -40,9 +44,8 @@ if hantersAndreiQw >= 10:
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterflirt1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
-			'You flirt with Andrew. He doesn''t say so aloud but he likes the attention. You notice him checking you out unconciously.'
+			'You flirt with Andrei. He doesn''t say so aloud but he likes the attention. You notice him checking you out when he thinks you aren''t looking.'
-			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 120
 			gs 'stat'
 			if hantersAndreiLove = 0 and hantersAndreiQw >= 25 and hantersKnowSlut = 0 and pcs_apprnc >= 60:
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ if hantersAndreiQw >= 10:
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss1.jpg"></center>'
-				'You smile sweetly at Andrew while you flirt and are caught off guard when he suddenly goes in for a kiss.'
+				'You smile sweetly at Andrei while you flirt and are caught off guard when he suddenly goes in for a kiss.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -63,34 +66,34 @@ if hantersAndreiQw >= 10:
 					gs 'stat'
                     '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss2.jpg"></center>'
-                    'Your lips touch and your heart skips a beat. Andrew takes control and continues agressively, you find yourself responding to his whims.'
+                    'Your lips touch and your heart skips a beat. Andrei takes control and continues agressively, you find yourself responding to his whims.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5
 					gs 'stat'
-                    act'Continue':
-                        *clr & cla
-                        minut += 5
-                        gs 'stat'
+                    if pcs_horny >= 40:
+                        act'Continue':
+                            *clr & cla
+                            minut += 5
+                            gs 'stat'
-                        '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss3.jpg"></center>'
-                        '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, I want you", Andrew whispered, when your lips finally parted. You nod eagerly and Andrew gently took you by the hand and led you to his bed.'
-                        act 'Go':gt 'HanterLoveSex','Andrei'
-                    end
-                    act'Further':
-                        *clr & cla
-                        minut += 5
-                        gs 'stat'
+                            '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss3.jpg"></center>'
+                            '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, I want you", Andrei whispered, when your lips finally parted. You nod eagerly and Andrei gently took you by the hand and led you to his bed.'
+							act 'Go':gt 'HanterLoveSex','Andrei'
+						end
+					else
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
-                        '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss3.jpg"></center>'
-                        '"Maybe next time we won''t stop there, <<$pcs_nickname>>", Andrew says when your lips finally parted. "For now though, let''s get back."'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss3.jpg"></center>'
+							'"Maybe next time we won''t stop there, <<$pcs_nickname>>", Andrei says when your lips finally parted. "For now though, let''s get back."'
-                        act'Continue':gt $loc, $metka
+                            act'Continue':gt $loc, $metka
+                        end
                 act 'Push away':
                     *clr & cla
@@ -100,16 +103,19 @@ if hantersAndreiQw >= 10:
                     gs 'stat'
                     '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg"></center>'
-                    '"Sorry, Andrew, I can''t right now", you say. He leaves with an angry look on his face.'
+                    '"Sorry, Andrei, I can''t right now", you say. He leaves with an angry look on his face.'
-                    act'Go':gt $loc, $metka
+                    act'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
-                act'Depart':gt $loc, $metka
+                act'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
         act 'Spend time together':
+			minut += 120
+			!!not using arousal as no orgasm chance
+			pcs_horny += 10
             *clr & cla
             hantersAndreiQw += 1
             if hantersIgorLove > 0 or hantersSergeiLove > 0:hanterslut += 1
@@ -118,12 +124,11 @@ if hantersAndreiQw >= 10:
             gs 'stat'
             '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterlove1.'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
-            'You spend with Andrew time together. He can''t keep his hands and lips off of you as you lie there together. He is glad of your company, you see a look of satisfaction on his face and feel wonderful knowing you''re the one who put it there'
+            'You spend time together with Andrei. He can''t keep his hands and lips off of you as you lie there together. He is happy with your company, you see a look of satisfaction on his face and feel wonderful knowing you''re the one who put it there'
-			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 120
 			gs 'stat'
-            act'Depart':gt $loc, $metka
+            act'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
@@ -136,7 +141,7 @@ if hantersAndreiLove > 0 and pcs_horny >= 60:
 	    gs 'stat'
 	    '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterflirt2.'+rand(1,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
-	    'You catch Andrew''s eyes with yours and give him a look that leave no doubt what you want. He nods, places an arm around your shoulders, and leads you inside.'
+	    'You catch Andrei''s eyes with yours and give him a look that leaves no doubt what you want. He nods, places an arm around your shoulders, and leads you inside.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -151,18 +156,18 @@ if hantersAndreiLove > 0 and pcs_horny <= 60 and hantersAndreiQw >= 10 and temp
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterlove1.4.jpg"></center>'
-	'As soon as you walked up to Andrew he pulled you in for a kiss without saying a word. You have no time to get a word in as he pulls you along.'
+	'As soon as you walked up to Andrei he pulled you in for a kiss without saying a word. You have no time to get a word in as he pulls you along.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5
 	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Go with Andrew':
+	act 'Go with Andrei':
 	    *clr & cla
 	    hantersAndreiQw += 1
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterhands.jpg"></center>'
-		'You go with Andrew, his hands on your hips. You know how this ends and you really don`t mind.'
+		'You go with Andrei, his hands on your hips. You know how this ends and you really don`t mind.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -176,13 +181,13 @@ if hantersAndreiLove > 0 and pcs_horny <= 60 and hantersAndreiQw >= 10 and temp
 		gs 'stat'
         '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg"></center>'
-        '"No, Andrew, not now." You quickly leave back the way you came.'
-	    act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka
+        '"No, Andrei, not now." You quickly leave back the way you came.'
+	    act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
 if hantersAndreiLove > 0:
-    act 'Break up':
+    act 'Break up with Andrei':
 	    *clr & cla
         minut += 5
         hantersAndreiLove = 0
@@ -190,13 +195,13 @@ if hantersAndreiLove > 0:
 	    gs 'stat'
 	    '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/brosila.jpg"></center>'
-	    '"Andrew, I feel that our relationship has no future. I''m breaking up with you", you said. You leave while trying not to look at him.'
+	    '"Andrei, I feel that our relationship has no future. I''m breaking up with you", you said. You leave while trying not to look at him.'
-	    act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka
+	    act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
-act'Depart':gt $loc, $metka
+act'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
 if hantersAndreiQw < 10 and hantersAndreiLove > 0:
 	*clr & cla
@@ -205,11 +210,11 @@ if hantersAndreiQw < 10 and hantersAndreiLove > 0:
     hantersAndreiQw -= 10
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/brosil.jpg"></center>'
-	'You wanted to talk to Andrew, but he cuts in before you can say anything.'
+	'You wanted to talk to Andrei, but he cuts in before you can say anything.'
 	'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, It''s over between us," he said firmly and walked away.'
-	'"Well , maybe it`s for the best," you thought, going in the other direction.'
+	'"Well , maybe it`s for the best," you think, as you leave in the other direction.'
-	act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka
+	act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
 --- AndreiHanter ---------------------------------

+ 3 - 0

@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 # Autofight
+menu_off = 1
 if Formula = 0:Formula = 3
 $endurdin = {

+ 2 - 3

@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
 $metka = $ARGS[0]
 $loc = $CURLOC
 $location_type = 'event'
+menu_off = 1
+*clr & cla
 gs 'stat'
 'You make your way to a room where a makeshift decor has been setup to shoot a porn movie.'

+ 76 - 58

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # BDSM_Club
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Hos':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 10
 	lesbiday = daystart
 	BDSMClub = 1
@@ -22,8 +23,11 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	$metka = 'start'
 	$loc = 'BDSM_Club'
-    $location_type = 'public_outdoors'
-	cls
+	$location_type = 'public_outdoors'
+	$menu_loc = 'BDSM_Club'
+	$menu_arg = 'start'
+	menu_off = 0
+	*clr & cla
 	minut += 10
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/club.jpg"></center>'
@@ -63,12 +67,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'in':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	BDSMmeet += 1
 	BDSMday = daystart
 	gs 'stat'
 	if BDSMmeet = 1:
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 10
 		$BDSMrole = ''
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -81,66 +86,73 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'in':
 		'You answer the questions.'
 		'"Tell me, are you sure you want this?"'
 		'You understand, all of the questions he is asking and why.'
-		'"Sure!"  You tell him firmly.'
+		'"Sure!" You tell him firmly.'
 		'"Well... everything here seems to be in order, there are no issues. Let''s sign some papers. A mere formality, to formally record, that you have grasped everything.'
 		'The man puts a sheet of paper on the table, take a videocamera from the draw and points it at you and clicks the button.'
 		'"Read aloud and sign."'
 		'You take the sheet and read "The application for voluntary informed consent" a long, binding document filled with legal terms, confirming your consent to voluntarily participate in actions of a sexual nature, which may be humiliating or degrading in nature and be accompanied by mild corporal punishment. You are not a lawyer, but you understand, this covers them if somthing goes wrong and takes every step to prevent that.'
 		'"I agree."'
-		'"Well," the woman puts her hands together and looks at you.  Who do you want to be? Top or bottom?'
-		'"I do not know,"  you shrug. "What does that mean?"'
+		'"Well," the woman puts her hands together and looks at you. Who do you want to be? Top or bottom?'
+		'"I do not know," you shrug. "What does that mean?"'
 		'"Dominant or submissive?"'
-        act 'submissive':
-            cls
-            minut += 10
-            sub += 1
-            $BDSMrole = 's'
-            gs 'stat'
-            '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
-            'The woman''s eyes light up. She stands up behind the desk and orders you.'
-            '"Stand up!"'
-            'You jump, than understand, why you did. The imperious voice of this Lady holds you in awe.'
-            '"No sitting lower in the presence of top. Understood?"'
-            '"Yes."'
-            '"Wrong! Try again!"'
-            '"Yes, Mistress."'
-            'The woman nods. "Undress!"'
-            '"But..."'
-            '"Undress, now! Or I''ll knock you out!" Mistress has her hand on the table.'
-            'You look to the man you were just talking to, but he just stands there, expressionless. You undress.'
-            '"Sign!"'
-            'You sign the document. The man places the paper in a folder.'
-            '"Listen carefully..."'
-            'She explains to you, that the club costs 20,000 <b>₽</b> per 30 days access, with a 10,000 ruble registration fee. For slaves there is a means for discount, if the slave is well behaved and earns enough merits, the membership will be automatically extended.'
-            'Untrained slaves are not allowed in the Mansion, you will require training. You''ll have to report to me for that, I''m going to enjoy it.'
-            '"Come back when you are ready for training. Be clean, have an enema. You must own a maid outfit, so you will be wearing it. Everything clear?'
-            '"But...  what if I don''t have a maid outfit?..." You whisper.'
-            '"Find a branch of G & M and buy one, and don''t forget to bring the first instalment of 10 thousand <b>₽</b>. We are not a charitable organization, nothing is free. However, if you prove yourself as a sub, you will be able to earn some tips in private sessions. But the main thing – do not talk. We have important clients, and don''t need advertising. Everything clear?"'
-            '"Clear... Mistress..."'
-            'As you are leaving, you think, where will you get the money for the down payment.'
-            act 'Logout':gt 'BDSM_Club', 'start'
-        end
-        act 'Dominant':
-            cls
-            minut += 10
-            $BDSMrole = 'd'
-            gs 'stat'
-            !'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/bdsm_club/<<$BDSMrole>><<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
-            'The woman sighs disappointedly.'
-            '"Pity, we are short on subs."'
-            '"There is a registration fee of 10,000 <b>₽</b>. You should wear a expensive or formal clothing."'
-            '"That seems reasonable" You reply.'
-            '"If you find a submissive and come together, then they can earn you tips."'
-            '"Before you can get started, you will have some orientation under the guidance of an experienced mistress." She points at herself, "The cost of this is covered by your registation fee. If you are satisfied, sign this document."'
-            'You sign the document. The man places the paper in a folder.'
-            'As you are leaving, you think, where will you get the money for the registration fee and if you can persuade someone to come here as a sub.'
-            act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_Club', 'start'
-        end
+		if pcs_dom < 50:
+			act 'submissive':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 10
+				sub += 1
+				$BDSMrole = 's'
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
+				'The woman''s eyes light up. She stands up behind the desk and orders you.'
+				'"Stand up!"'
+				'You jump, than understand, why you did. The imperious voice of this Lady holds you in awe.'
+				'"No sitting lower in the presence of top. Understood?"'
+				'"Yes."'
+				'"Wrong! Try again!"'
+				'"Yes, Mistress."'
+				'The woman nods. "Undress!"'
+				'"But..."'
+				'"Undress, now! Or I''ll knock you out!" Mistress has her hand on the table.'
+				'You look to the man you were just talking to, but he just stands there, expressionless. You undress.'
+				'"Sign!"'
+				'You sign the document. The man places the paper in a folder.'
+				'"Listen carefully..."'
+				'She explains to you, that the club costs 20,000 <b>₽</b> per 30 days access, with a 10,000 ruble registration fee. For slaves there is a means for discount, if the slave is well behaved and earns enough merits, the membership will be automatically extended.'
+				'Untrained slaves are not allowed in the Mansion, you will require training. You''ll have to report to me for that, I''m going to enjoy it.'
+				'"Come back when you are ready for training. Be clean, have an enema. You must own a maid outfit, so you will be wearing it. Everything clear?'
+				'"But... what if I don''t have a maid outfit?..." You whisper.'
+				'"Find a branch of G & M and buy one, and don''t forget to bring the first instalment of 10 thousand <b>₽</b>. We are not a charitable organization, nothing is free. However, if you prove yourself as a sub, you will be able to earn some tips in private sessions. But the main thing – do not talk. We have important clients, and don''t need advertising. Everything clear?"'
+				'"Clear... Mistress..."'
+				'As you are leaving, you think, where will you get the money for the down payment.'
+				act 'Logout':gt 'BDSM_Club', 'start'
+			end
+		end
+		if sub < 50:
+			act 'Dominant':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 10
+				$BDSMrole = 'd'
+				gs 'stat'
+				!'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/bdsm_club/<<$BDSMrole>><<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
+				'The woman sighs disappointedly.'
+				'"Pity, we are short on subs."'
+				'"There is a registration fee of 10,000 <b>₽</b>. You should wear a expensive or formal clothing."'
+				'"That seems reasonable" You reply.'
+				'"If you find a submissive and come together, then they can earn you tips."'
+				'"Before you can get started, you will have some orientation under the guidance of an experienced mistress." She points at herself, "The cost of this is covered by your registation fee. If you are satisfied, sign this document."'
+				'You sign the document. The man places the paper in a folder.'
+				'As you are leaving, you think, where will you get the money for the registration fee and if you can persuade someone to come here as a sub.'
+				act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_Club', 'start'
+			end
+		end
 if $ARGS[0] = 's_start':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	$menu_loc = 'BDSM_Club'
+	$menu_arg = 's_start'
+	menu_off = 0
 	sub += 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/1_1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -158,7 +170,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 's_start':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'd_start':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	$menu_loc = 'BDSM_Club'
+	$menu_arg = 'd_start'
+	menu_off = 0
 	pcs_dom += 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/1_1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -176,8 +191,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'd_start':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'reception':
-    $location_type = 'event'
-	cls
+	$location_type = 'event'
+	$menu_loc = 'BDSM_Club'
+	$menu_arg = 'reception'
+	menu_off = 0
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/1_1.jpg"></center>'
 	'You go to the reception, Mistress Elektra is sitting at her desk looking a little bored.'

+ 44 - 39

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # BDSM_training
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
+	menu_off = 1
 	if BDSMpayDay < daystart - 30:
 		BDSMpayDay = daystart
 		money -= 10000
@@ -21,9 +22,10 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = '1':
+	menu_off = 1
 	BDSMday = daystart
 	money -= 10000
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	minut += 10
 	sub += 5
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
  	'"Get undressed." Orders Mistress. "Now!"'
 	'She brings the stick to your nose, and cracks it across your cheek.'
 	act 'Further':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
 		'"This is for electrical shocks." Explains Mistress. "You will meet him later."'
@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Obey':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_3.jpg"></center>'
 			'The Mistress removes from the wall and you puts on you, a leather collar, then wrist cuffs and ankle bracelets with hooks. The collar presses. You reach up to loosen it, but that earns you a slap. The Mistress walks around, the toe of her boot pushes your feet.'
@@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Listen':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_4.jpg"></center>'
 				'Mistress hits you a few times on your inner thighs.'
@@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Remember':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_5.jpg"></center>'
 					'You feel covered in arousal. The Mistress sees your condition and puts her hand between your legs.'
@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Breathe':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						minut += 10
 						pcs_horny += 15
 						gs 'stat'
@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 						'"Cum only with permission, bitch! Clear?"'
 						'"Yes, Mistress! Yes!'
 						act 'Follow':
-							cls
+							*clr & cla
 							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_7.jpg"></center>'
 							'Mistress leads you to the diagonal cross and latches the bracelets to you. You can not move.'
@@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 							minut -= 10
 							gs 'stat'
 							act 'Endure':
-								cls
+								*clr & cla
 								minut += 10
 								if pcs_horny < 100:pcs_horny = 100
 								gs 'stat'
@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 								$orgasm_or = 'no'
 								gs 'stat'
 								act 'Cheat and cum':
-									cls
+									*clr & cla
 									minut += 10
 									pcs_horny = 10
 									pcs_mood += 25
@@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 									act 'Further':gt 'BDSM_training', 'BDSMend'
 								act 'Hold back':
-									cls
+									*clr & cla
 									minut += 10
 									if pcs_horny < 100:pcs_horny = 100
 									gs 'stat'
@@ -175,7 +177,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'BDSMend':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_10.jpg"></center>'
 	'"Well, enough for today." You do not immediately understand, when Mistress announces the completion of the session. "A good start, but there is still work to do."'
@@ -190,8 +193,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'BDSMend':
 	act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_Club','start'
 if $ARGS[0] = '2':
+	menu_off = 1
 	BDSMday = daystart
 	minut += 10
 	pcs_horny += 5
@@ -205,7 +208,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 	'"Yes, Mistress!"'
 	'You hurriedly undress.'
 	act 'Further':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 10
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
@@ -213,14 +216,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
  		'"A good spanking will teach you not to be late!"'
 		'Mistress ties you onto the platform face down and picks up the whip.'
 		act 'Wait':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_3.jpg"></center>'
 			'You are lying on the platform, Mistress, slowly and methodically, punishes you, using various whips, lashes and paddles.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Endure':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_4.jpg"></center>'
 				'It is becoming unbearable, and Mistress says.'
@@ -229,7 +232,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 				gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Further':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					if pcs_horny < 90: pcs_horny = 90
 					pcs_vag += 1
 					gs 'stat'
@@ -243,14 +246,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_vibe', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Further':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_6.jpg"></center>'
 						'Flogging resumes. The whole time you are kept on the brink of pain and pleasure.'
 						gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 						gs 'stat'
 						act 'Further':
-							cls
+							*clr & cla
 							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_7.jpg"></center>'
 							'"Let''s get weaving..."'
@@ -260,7 +263,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 							gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 							gs 'stat'
 							act 'Further':
-								cls
+								*clr & cla
 								pcs_vag += 1
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_8.jpg"></center>'
@@ -268,7 +271,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 								gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_strap', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 								gs 'stat'
 								act 'Further':
-									cls
+									*clr & cla
 									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_9.jpg"></center>'
 									'Mistress Fucks you with a strapon and again brings to your peak, but does not give you the finish the desire.'
@@ -280,7 +283,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 									minut -= 10
 									gs 'stat'
 									act 'Further':
-										cls
+										*clr & cla
 										minut += 10
 										pcs_horny += 5
 										gs 'stat'
@@ -289,7 +292,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 										gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 										gs 'stat'
 										act 'Further':
-											cls
+											*clr & cla
 											pcs_vag += 1
 											vgape = 2
 											gs 'stat'
@@ -299,7 +302,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 											gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_dildo', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound', 'rough'
 											gs 'stat'
 											act 'Stop it':
-												cls
+												*clr & cla
 												gs 'stat'
 												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_12.jpg"></center>'
 												'Just as you are ready to scream "Red!", mistress takes the dildo out of you. Again the motor buzzes, you kneel on the floor. Madam binds your hands behind your back and puts you on the knees.'
@@ -308,7 +311,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 												gs 'arousal', 'kiss_give', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound', 'feet'
 												gs 'stat'
 												act 'Adore':
-													cls
+													*clr & cla
 													pcs_mood += 50
 													pcs_ass += 1
 													agape = 2
@@ -323,7 +326,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 													gs 'arousal', 'anal_strap', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 													gs 'stat'
 													act 'Recover':
-														cls
+														*clr & cla
 														gs 'stat'
 														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_14.jpg"></center>'
 														'"Finished?"  Mistress leans over to you.'
@@ -335,7 +338,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 														gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 														gs 'stat'
 														act 'Further':
-															cls
+															*clr & cla
 															pcs_vag += 1
 															gs 'stat'
 															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_15.jpg"></center>'
@@ -362,6 +365,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 if $ARGS[0] = '3':
+	menu_off = 1
 	BDSMday = daystart
 	minut += 10
 	pcs_horny += 10
@@ -370,7 +374,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 	'You enter the training hall for your next training session. Mistress said you, this session is the last one before you will be admitted to the mansion. If you manage to fulfill all her instructions.'
 	'"Did you dress up pretty for me?" Says Mistress as she checks you out in a predatory manner, "Well, ready then? Get undressed and get over here!'
 	act 'Obey':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
 		'Mistress orders you to get into the cage, you are reminded of a parrot cage. Your body does not fit entirely, and your legs hang out. Your neck is held by a heavy iron collar, attached by chains to the bars of the cage. Mistress pushes a button and the cage rises.'
@@ -378,7 +382,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian','bound', 'feet'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Further':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_3.jpg"></center>'
 			'Mistress tickles your heels and growls at you everytime you try to move your legs.'
@@ -387,7 +391,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_vibe', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'bound'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Further':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_4.jpg"></center>'
@@ -397,7 +401,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 				gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound', 'feet'
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Further':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_5.jpg"></center>'
 					'You are responding, feeling waves of pleasure spread through your body. The vibrator buzzing and twitching, driving you crazy. Unable to restrain himself, you shout.'
@@ -406,7 +410,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_vibe', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Restrain':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_6.jpg"></center>'
 						'Mistress monitors your condition, and the moment before you orgasm, she turns off the vibrator.'
@@ -417,7 +421,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 						gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 						gs 'stat'
 						act 'Await orders':
-							cls
+							*clr & cla
 							guy += 1
 							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_7.jpg"></center>'
@@ -427,7 +431,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 							gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub'
 							gs 'stat'
 							act 'Next':
-								cls
+								*clr & cla
 								pcs_vag += 1
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_8.jpg"></center>'
@@ -435,7 +439,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 								gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub'
 								gs 'stat'
 								act 'Further':
-									cls
+									*clr & cla
 									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_9.jpg"></center>'
 									'"Stop!" Orders Mistress.'
@@ -443,7 +447,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 									gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub', 'maso'
 									gs 'stat'
 									act 'Grind':
-										cls
+										*clr & cla
 										pcs_mood += 25
 										gs 'stat'
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_10.jpg"></center>'
@@ -457,7 +461,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 										minut -= 10
 										gs 'stat'
 										act 'Breathe':
-											cls
+											*clr & cla
 											minut += 10
 											BDSMClubIn = 1
 											gs 'stat'
@@ -481,9 +485,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'd_start':
+	menu_off = 1
 	BDSMday = daystart
 	money -= 10000
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	minut += 10
 	sub += 5
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -507,7 +512,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'd_start':
 			'Mistress Elektra walks over to a women, naked except for collar and cuffs and attaches a leash to her collar.'
 			'"A sub should be obedient and not speak unless spoken to, unless naked or wearing bondage gear, sub women should dress as maids and men as butlers."'
 			act 'Continue':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/r2_6.jpg"></center>'
 				'Elektra helps the sub into a harness and boots then points to the floor. The submissive women kneels down, being careful to position her legs and arms very precisely.'
@@ -516,7 +521,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'd_start':
 				gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Carry on':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					BDSMClubIn = 1
 					minut += 10
 					pcs_horny += 30

+ 8 - 6

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # BDsex
+menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	!!range of interactions
 	!!gs 'BDsex', 'start'
@@ -557,7 +559,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'org':
 	if mesec > 0:
 		!!periods, orgasm is not possible
-		pcs_mood += 10
+		pcs_mood -= 10
 		pcs_willpwr -= 10
 		'It is your time of the month and, as his member rams into you, vaginal blood flows slowly around his girth. Painful sensations and pleasure mix. You moan while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'no'
@@ -637,19 +639,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'org':
 		if orgazm = 0:
-			pcs_mood += 15
+			pcs_mood -= 15
 			pcs_willpwr -= 15
 			'You groan in pain when <<$boydesc>> enters you, tears flowing from your eyes as you endure the feeling of having a red-hot rod between your legs. You cry and moan while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
 		elseif orgazm = 1:
-			pcs_mood += 10
+			pcs_mood -= 10
 			pcs_willpwr -= 10
 			'You bite your lip in pain when <<$boydesc>> enters you, a twinge of pain between your legs. Frowning, you moan in pain while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
 		elseif orgazm = 2:
-			pcs_mood += 5
+			pcs_mood -= 5
 			pcs_willpwr -= 5
 			'You wince at the sudden pain when <<$boydesc>> enters you, the pain between your legs gradually calms and becomes quite tolerable. You try to get aroused while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy, but it is not enough.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15, 'sub'
@@ -683,7 +685,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'org':
 		if pcs_vag <= dick:pcs_vag += 1
 	elseif pcs_vag = 0 and mesec <= 0:
-		pcs_mood += 15
+		pcs_mood -= 15
 		pcs_willpwr -= 15
 		'You bite your lip in pain and tears gush from your eyes when <<$boydesc>> enters you, breaking your hymen. You moan while weeping as his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your bloody pussy.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15, 'sub', 'rough'
@@ -707,7 +709,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum':
 			'<<$boydesc>> groans and you feel each jet of sperm paint the walls of your womb with seed.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
-			pcs_mood += 15
+			pcs_mood -= 15
 			pcs_willpwr -= 15
 			gs 'cuminsidereact'
 		elseif finrand = 1:

+ 8 - 6

@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 # BMloc
+menu_off = 1
 gs 'stat'
 act 'Dance':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'boystat', $bmNane[Tboynum]
 	$npc_usedname[$npclastcalled] = $npc_nickname[$npclastcalled]
@@ -34,16 +36,16 @@ act 'Dance':
 	if bmTip[Tboynum] = 2:'After the Dance <<$boydesc>> offers to go to his hotel.'
 	act 'Agree':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		boynumBlock = 1
-		if bmTip[Tboynum] = 0:gt 'EvBoyBuh'
-		if bmTip[Tboynum] = 1:gt 'EvgopBuh'
-		if bmTip[Tboynum] = 2:DPtipe = 2 & gt 'EvOtelMan'
+		if bmTip[Tboynum] = 0:gt 'gdksex', 'outside', 'nice'
+		if bmTip[Tboynum] = 1:gt 'gdksex', 'outside', 'aggressiv'
+		if bmTip[Tboynum] = 2:DPtipe = 2 & gt 'gdksex', 'hotel'
 	act 'Refuse':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		! WD: Should be pcs_sprt not willpower
 		sprt_exp += rand(0, 1)
 		gt 'gdkin'

+ 9 - 3

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # BelSex
+menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
@@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
 	gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub', 'prostitution'
-	minut =- 5
+	minut -= 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	belybj = rand(0,2)
@@ -360,7 +362,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'analdoggy':
 	belact -= 1
 	anal_temp += 1
 	picrand = rand(0,12)
-	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/anal/doggy<<picrand>>.mp4"></video></center>'
+	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/anal/doggy/anal<<picrand>>.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'<<$boydesc>> pulls his cock out of your pussy and begins to slowly rub against your asshole. "Don''t worry, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''ll be gentle," he says grinning as he has you on all fours, wide spread.'
 	'"Enough foreplay. Your ass is ready me!" he shouts as <<$boydesc>> starts pounding himself balls deep into you immediately. You bury your face into a pillow as he pounds your asshole roughly. The pain is unbearable and you flop with your legs trying to get away, but it only encourages <<$boydesc>> on as he keep pummeling your anus.'
@@ -421,7 +423,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shower':
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
-			act 'Leave': gt 'pavResidential'
+			if return_residential = 0: 
+				act 'Leave': gt 'pavCommercial'
+			else
+				act 'Leave': gt 'pavResidential'
+			end	

+ 80 - 64

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # BurgerTip
+menu_off = 1
 $kompromatFoto = ''
 if film > 0:
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					if PSBBtimes = 1:
 						act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 					elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-						act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+						act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 			elseif bossrand = 1:
@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 						if PSBBtimes = 1:
 							act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 						elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-							act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+							act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 						if PSBBtimes = 1:
 							act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 						elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-							act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+							act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -126,27 +128,29 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Suck his dick': gt 'BurgerTip', 'bj'
+					if pcs_vag > 0 or pcs_ass > 0:
+						act 'Have sex':
+							*clr&cla
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/anatoly/sex/bossex2.jpg"></center>'
+							'Anatoly puts you on your back, and begins to undress you. His kisses and his hands run all over your body, soon his hand finds it''s way between your legs.'
-					act 'Have sex':
-						*clr&cla
-						gs 'stat'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/anatoly/sex/bossex2.jpg"></center>'
-						'Anatoly puts you on your back, and begins to undress you. His kisses and his hands run all over your body, soon his hand finds it''s way between your legs.'
-						bosstipsexrand = rand(1, 10)
+							bosstipsexrand = rand(1, 10)
-						gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 5, 'sub'
-						gs 'stat'
-						if bosstipsexrand >= 3:
-							act 'Moan': gt 'BurgerTip', 'sex2'
-						elseif bosstipsexrand < 3:
-							'His hand goes further finding your sphincter with one of his fingers. The probing of his finger leaves no doubt about what he wants.'
-							gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 5, 'sub'
+							gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 5, 'sub'
 							gs 'stat'
-							act 'Take it in the ass':gt 'BurgerTip', 'anal2'
+							if bosstipsexrand >= 3:
+								act 'Moan': gt 'BurgerTip', 'sex2'
+							elseif bosstipsexrand < 3:
+								'His hand goes further finding your sphincter with one of his fingers. The probing of his finger leaves no doubt about what he wants.'
+								gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 5, 'sub'
+								gs 'stat'
+								act 'Take it in the ass':gt 'BurgerTip', 'anal2'
+							end
@@ -186,7 +190,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 			if bosstiprand = 0:
 				TerminalPapper = 1
 				DayTerminalPapper = daystart
-				'Anatoly comes out of the office, and asks, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I know it''s lunch time, but I really need these documents taken to the storage terminal in the city industrial area to be signed." I''ll give you the rest of the day off if you take care of it for me," he finishes, with a smile.'
+				'Anatoly comes out of the office, and asks, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I know it''s lunch time, but I really need these documents taken to the storage terminal in the city industrial area to be signed. I''ll give you the rest of the day off if you take care of it for me," he finishes, with a smile.'
 				act 'Deliver the papers':gt 'down'
 			elseif bosstiprand = 1:
@@ -200,14 +204,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					if PSBBtimes = 1:
 						act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 					elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-						act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+						act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 			elseif bosstiprand = 2:
 				BankPapper = 1
 				dayBankPapper = daystart
-				'Anatoly comes out of the office, and says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, please run these documents to the bank for me. There''s a cookie it for you if you do," he finishes.'
+				'Anatoly comes out of the office, and says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, please run these documents to the bank for me. I''ll give you the rest of the day off if you take care of it for me," he finishes, with a smile.'
 				act 'Go to the bank':gt 'down'
 			elseif bosstiprand = 3:
@@ -230,7 +234,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					if PSBBtimes = 1:
 						act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 					elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-						act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+						act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -251,7 +255,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 						if PSBBtimes = 1:
 							act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 						elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-							act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+							act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -273,7 +277,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 							if PSBBtimes = 1:
 								act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 							elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-								act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+								act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -286,7 +290,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 							act 'Follow him':
+								minut += 60
 								pcs_horny += 15
 								pcs_hydra = 100
 								pcs_energy = 100
@@ -314,7 +318,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					if PSBBtimes = 1:
 						act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 					elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-						act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+						act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 				elseif bburand = 2:
@@ -325,7 +329,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					if PSBBtimes = 1:
 						act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 					elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-						act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+						act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 				elseif bburand = 3:
 					'The the personnel manager Vick comes into the office looking for the boss. When you tell her he is gone, she mutters something about personnel, and walks out'
@@ -333,7 +337,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					if PSBBtimes = 1:
 						act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 					elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-						act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+						act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 				elseif bburand > 3:
 					'With some free time at in the office alone, you screw around on the computer. The first thing you do is check for any updates on TFgamessite, disappointed you play solitaire instead.'
@@ -341,7 +345,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					if PSBBtimes = 1:
 						act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 					elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-						act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+						act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 			elseif bosstiprand = 1:
@@ -372,7 +376,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 							elseif SaunaWhore = 0:
 								'You head into the sauna, and up to your luxury room. Anatoly doesn''t waste anytime undressing, and motions for you to do the same. When you are both naked, he motions for you to come to him. You know just what to do.'
-								act 'Drop to you knees':
+								act 'Drop to your knees':
 									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/anatoly/sex/bossbjs.jpg"></center>'
@@ -380,7 +384,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 									gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 									gs 'stat'
+									if pcs_vag = 0:
+										'Wait! You''ve never had sex before!'
+										'Anatoly grins and says, "It''s not that big of a deal just lay down on this bench and relax. All secretaries do it for their bosses from time to time."'
+										'He continues, "Now just spread your legs a little. I promise you''ll enjoy this, just maybe not as much as me."'
+									end
 									act 'Further':
 										minut += 5
@@ -414,7 +424,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 										protect = 0
 										sexcontra = 0
 										dynamic 'showerdin'
-										'You head to the shower to wash up. When you return, you see that he is already dressed. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I''ve got to run, but you were great baby," he says, giving you a kiss before he leaves.'
+										'You head to the shower to wash up. When you return, you see that he is already dressed."<<$pcs_nickname>>, I''ve got to run, but you were great baby," he says, giving you a kiss before he leaves.'
 										gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15, 'sub'
 										gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -468,7 +478,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					if PSBBtimes = 1:
 						act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 					elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-						act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+						act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 			elseif bosstiprand = 3:
@@ -496,7 +506,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 			if PSBBtimes = 1:
 				act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 			elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-				act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+				act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -509,7 +519,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 		if PSBBtimes = 1:
 			act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 		elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-			act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+			act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -521,7 +531,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 		if PSBBtimes = 1:
 			act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 		elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-			act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+			act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -531,7 +541,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 		if PSBBtimes = 1:
 			act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 		elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-			act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+			act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -544,7 +554,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 			if PSBBtimes = 1:
 				act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 			elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-				act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+				act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -587,14 +597,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj':
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 	gs 'stat'
 	if wantrand = 3:
 		'After a short time, Anatoly takes his cock from your mouth and says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I want all of you."'
-		act 'Bend over the desk': gt 'BurgerTip', 'bend'
+		if pcs_vag > 0 or pcs_ass > 0:
+			act 'Bend over the desk': gt 'BurgerTip', 'bend'
+		else
+			'Wait! You''ve never had sex before!'
+			'Anatoly grins and says, "It''s not that big of a deal just turn around for me. All secretaries do it for their bosses from time to time."'
+			'He continues, "Now just spread your legs a little. I promise you''ll enjoy this, just maybe not as much as me."'
+			act 'Bend over the desk': gt 'BurgerTip', 'bend'
+		end
 	elseif wantrand = 2:
-		'After a short time, Anatoly groans, "<<$pcs_nickname>> if keep sucking, I''m going to finish"'
-		act 'Bend over the desk': gt 'BurgerTip', 'bend'
-		dynamic $boss_din_bj2
+		'After a short time, Anatoly groans, "<<$pcs_nickname>> if you keep sucking, I''m going to finish"'
+		if pcs_vag > 0 or pcs_ass > 0: act 'Bend over the desk': gt 'BurgerTip', 'bend'
+		act 'Finish him by hand': gt 'BurgerTip', 'bj_cum'
+		act 'Continue to suck': gt 'BurgerTip', 'bj2'
 	elseif wantrand < 2:
 		'After a short time, Anatoly groans loudly. He is obviously about to finish.'
 		act 'Finish him by hand': gt 'BurgerTip', 'bj_cum'
@@ -649,7 +667,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet':
 			if PSBBtimes = 1:
 				act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 			elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-				act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+				act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -670,7 +688,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet_wash':
 	if PSBBtimes = 1:
 		act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 	elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-		act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+		act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -689,7 +707,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet_wash2':
 	if PSBBtimes = 1:
 		act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 	elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-		act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+		act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -701,19 +719,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj_cum':
 	if reaktrand <= 5:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/handjob/bossbjcum.jpg"></center>'
-		'Not wanting a mouth full of cum, you decide to jerk Anatoly to completion. His semen pours out all over your hand. Exhausted, Anatoly lies back breathing heavily.'
+		'Not wanting a mouth full of cum, you decide to jerk Anatoly to completion. His semen pours out all over your hand. Exhausted, Anatoly lies back breathing heavily. You better head to the bathroom to wash your hands off.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'hj', 5, 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
-		if PSBBtimes = 1:
-			act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
-		elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-			act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
-		end
+		act 'Go to the toilet': gt 'BurgerTip', 'toilet'
 	elseif reaktrand > 5 and reaktrand < 9:
 		spafinloc = 7
 		gs 'cum_manage'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/anatoly/sex/bossbjcum2.jpg"></center>'
 		'Not wanting a mouth full of cum, you decide to jerk Anatoly to completion. Oh dear, it looks like your clever plan backfired. Anatoly managed to shoot his load all over your pretty outfit. It looks sexy, but you better head to the bathroom before it stains.'
@@ -726,6 +741,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj_cum':
 		gs 'cum_manage'
 		spafinloc = 7
 		gs 'cum_manage'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/anatoly/sex/bossbjcum3.jpg"></center>'
 		'Not wanting a mouth full of cum, you decide to jerk Anatoly to completion. You realize your error when jets of semen splatter against your face and clothes. You manage to get most of it off your face with a tissue, but you better get to the little girls room before it stains your top.'
@@ -760,7 +776,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj2':
 			if PSBBtimes = 1:
 				act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 			elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-				act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+				act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 		elseif boburand <= 2:
 			spafinloc = 7
@@ -787,7 +803,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj2':
 			if PSBBtimes = 1:
 				act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 			elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-				act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+				act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 		elseif boburand <= 2:
 			spafinloc = 7
@@ -842,7 +858,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
 		if PSBBtimes = 1:
 			act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 		elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-			act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+			act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 	elseif bosswantrand < 3:
 		'Without warning, Anatoly takes his cock from pussy, and pushes it against your sphincter.'
@@ -871,7 +887,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'anal':
 	if PSBBtimes = 1:
 		act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 	elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-		act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+		act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -902,7 +918,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex2':
 		if PSBBtimes = 1:
 			act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 		elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-			act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+			act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 	elseif bosswantrand < 3:
 		'Without warning, Anatoly takes his cock from pussy, and pushes it against your tight little ass.'
@@ -931,7 +947,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'anal2':
 	if PSBBtimes = 1:
 		act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 	elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-		act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+		act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -952,7 +968,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Ivan_work':
 			if PSBBtimes = 1:
 				act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 			elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-				act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+				act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 			act 'Plead with him not to show the pictures':gs 'BurgerTip', 'ivan_work2'
@@ -997,7 +1013,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Ivan_work2':
 				if PSBBtimes = 1:
 					act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 				elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-					act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+					act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
@@ -1018,7 +1034,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Ivan_work3':
 	if PSBBtimes = 1:
 		act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 	elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
-		act 'Have your lunch': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
+		act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'

Diferenças do arquivo suprimidas por serem muito extensas
+ 868 - 623

+ 12 - 19

@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 # Club2
+menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet1':
-	cla
-	*clr
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Gloryhole Client', rand(18,60)
 	gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
@@ -13,8 +15,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet1':
 	act 'Leave':gt 'club', 'inside'
 	act 'Take a closer look':
-		cla
-		*clr
+		*clr & cla
 		if TQuest = 1:TQuest = 2
@@ -27,8 +28,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet1':
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Cover lips':
-			cla
-			*clr
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nightclub/sex/glory2.jpg"></center>'
 			'You bows member lips and start sucking it, trying to take it as deep as possible.'
 			'Suddenly, in your mouth and poured hot tart liquid.'
@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet1':
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Swallow':
-				cla
-				*clr
+				*clr & cla
 				swallow += 1
 				spafinloc = 12
 				gs 'cum_manage'
@@ -72,9 +71,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet1':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet':
-	cla
-	clr
-	*clr
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'You pee sitting on the toilet and began to wipe your vagina with toilet paper. Apparently you pressed too hard because you embraced the thrill of touching between the legs.'
@@ -104,8 +101,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet2':
-	cla
-	*clr
+	*clr & cla
 	'You sit in a booth and hear someone come into the toilet after you and doors of adjacent booths closing. You realize there is two of them.'
 	'Voice from the next stall tells you - do not be afraid baby, we will not hurt you, on the contrary, we will give you some delicious candy with cream filling.'
@@ -124,8 +120,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet2':
 		gs 'stat'
 		wait 3000
-		cla
-		*clr
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nightclub/sex/glory5.jpg"></center>'
 		'You are enthusiastically fucked by both members in turn.'
@@ -133,8 +128,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet2':
 		gs 'stat'
 		wait 3000
-		cla
-		*clr
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nightclub/sex/glory6.jpg"></center>'
 		'Finally one of the men ends up in your mouth.'
 		'You lick and start to finish processing the second term.'
@@ -143,8 +137,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet2':
 		gs 'stat'
 		wait 3000
-		cla
-		*clr
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nightclub/sex/glory7.jpg"></center>'
 		'The second man also comes in your mouth.'
 		'You swallow a mouthful and wipe your face, but semen is smeared all over it.'

+ 3 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # DanceWhore1
+menu_off = 1
 minut += 5
 gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Albina''s "friend"', rand(24,40)
 gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
@@ -30,14 +31,14 @@ act 'Kneel':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/albina/sex/prostitute/throat.jpg"></center>'
 			if pcs_throat < dick / 2:
-				pcs_mood += 5
+				pcs_mood = 5
 				pcs_horny = 0
 				'The man begins to frantically fuck your mouth.'
 				'You do you best to take it, while drool drips from your mouth, snot runs from your nose, and tears well up in your eyes.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'rough'
 				gs 'stat'
 			elseif pcs_throat >= dick / 2 and pcs_throat < dick:
-				pcs_mood += 20
+				pcs_mood -= 20
 				pcs_horny = pcs_horny/2
 				'He begins roughly using your mouth.'
 				'You take his cock down your throat as best you, but still gag a little when he goes deep.'

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # DanceWhore2
+menu_off = 1
 minut += 5
 gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Albina''s "friend"', rand(18,23)
 gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated

+ 3 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # DanceWhore3
+menu_off = 1
 minut += 5
 gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Albina''s "friend"', rand(18,32)
 gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
@@ -28,13 +29,13 @@ act 'Get on your knees':
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/smroom/event/rought/oral4.mp4"></video></center>'
 			if pcs_throat < dick / 2:
-				pcs_mood += 5
+				pcs_mood = 5
 				'He begins roughly using your mouth.'
 				'You do you best, but soon drool is running from your mouth, and snot is dripping from your nose. Eventually your eyes fill with tears, as you continue to gasp and gag on his cock.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'deepthroat', 'rough'
 				gs 'stat'
 			elseif pcs_throat >= dick / 2 and pcs_throat < dick:
-				pcs_mood += 20
+				pcs_mood -= 20
 				'He begins roughly using your mouth.'
 				'You take his cock down your throat as best you, but still gag a little when he goes deep.'
 				'You never would have thought gagging on a stranger''s dick could be such a turn-on.'

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # DanceWhore4
+menu_off = 1
 minut += 5
 gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Albina''s "friend"', rand(18,32)
 gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 # DanceWhore5
+menu_off = 1
 minut += 5
 gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Albina''s "friend"', rand(18,32)
 gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated

+ 3 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # DanceWhore6
+menu_off = 1
 minut += 5
 gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Albina''s "friend"', rand(18,32)
 gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
@@ -37,14 +38,14 @@ act 'Find out':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/albina/sex/prostitute/throatn.jpg"></center>'
 			if pcs_throat < dick / 2:
-				pcs_mood += 5
+				pcs_mood = 5
 				pcs_horny = 0
 				'Oh god, he''s way too big for you. The pressure on you head isn''t letting up though.'
 				'Holding your head, he settles into a slow rut. After a few minutes of gaging on him, your face is covered in drool, snot, and tears. It feels good to let him take his pleasure like this, but you worry that your face must be a total mess.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'rough'
 				gs 'stat'
 			elseif pcs_throat >= dick / 2 and pcs_throat < dick:
-				pcs_mood += 20
+				pcs_mood -= 20
 				pcs_horny = pcs_horny/2
 				'Oh god, he''s almost too much for you. He is forcing your head down, so it looks like you only have one option'
 				'You do your best to handle his rough thrusts to your face, but before too long your eyes are watering and snot is dripping from your nose. It''s all very exhilarating, you just wish your make-up wasn''t getting smeared'

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # DanceWhore7
+menu_off = 1
 minut += 5
 gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Albina''s "friend"', rand(18,32)
 $npc_thdick[$npclastgenerated] = 'massive'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # DanceWhore8
+menu_off = 1
 minut += 5
 gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Albina''s "friend"', rand(18,32)
 $npc_thdick[$npclastgenerated] = 'massive'
 npc_dick[$npclastgenerated] = 24

+ 123 - 102

@@ -5,36 +5,38 @@
 if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'Start':
 	numnpc = 5
 	$static_num = 'A5'
-	cls	
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><font color="blue"><<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> <<$npc_lastname[$static_num]>></font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/<<numnpc>>.jpg"></center>'
 	if kotovLoveQW > 0 and week < 5 and kotovVSkozlov = 0 and fedorKozlovQW >= 10:
-	   gt 'FedorEv', 'Vitek Vs Fedor'
+		gt 'FedorEv', 'Vitek Vs Fedor'
 	elseif kotovVSkozlov = 1:
-	   gt 'FedorEv', 'Strela Chat'
+		gt 'FedorEv', 'Strela Chat'
 	elseif FedorvsDimka = 2:
 		gt 'FedorEv4', 'Dimka Aftermath'
 	elseif GorSlut = 1 and fedorkoztalk = 0 and FedorLove = 0:
-	   gt 'FedorEv', 'Gorslut'
+		gt 'FedorEv', 'Gorslut'
 	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 10 and GorSlut > 1 and FedorLove = 0:
-	   gt 'FedorEv', 'Gorslut 2'
-	 elseif fedorKozlovQW = 10 and FedorLuv < -5:
+		gt 'FedorEv', 'Gorslut 2'
+	elseif fedorKozlovQW = 10 and FedorLuv < -5:
 		gt 'FedorEv2', 'Fedor Breakup'
 	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 10 and dimaFilm = 1 and FedorvsDimka = 1:
-		gt 'FedorMisc', 'Fedor Vs Dimka'	   
+		gt 'FedorMisc', 'Fedor Vs Dimka'
 	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 20 and GorSlut < 2 and sub > 0:
-	   gt 'FedorEv', 'Fedor Date 2'
+		gt 'FedorEv', 'Fedor Date 2'
 	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 20 and GorSlut < 2 and pcs_dom >= 0:
-	   gt 'FedorEv', 'Fedor Date 3'
+		gt 'FedorEv', 'Fedor Date 3'
-	   gt 'FedorEv', 'Fedor Date'
+		gt 'FedorEv', 'Fedor Date'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	kotovVSkozlov = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Viktor [Vitek] Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 	'even closer to Vitek''s and repeats, also clenching his fists: "You heard me. Get away from <<$pcs_firstname>>, Vitek."'
 	act 'Tell Vitek you want to be with Fedor':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		kotovLoveQW = -1
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 	act 'Don''t interrupt and see what happens':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/strela/fvsv.jpg"></center>'
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/11.jpg"></center>'
 		act 'Remain silent':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			strelaDay = daystart
 			strelaQW = 1
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -102,7 +104,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Strela Chat':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/strela/fedorupset.jpg"></center>'
@@ -112,21 +115,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Strela Chat':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Gorslut':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/fedorsad.jpg"></center>'
 	'Fedor looks clearly troubled "<<$pcs_firstname>> I''ve been hearing rumors about you being a <<$gnikname>>, Please tell me that they are not true."'
 	act 'Tell Fedor the truth':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/fedorsad.jpg"></center>'
 		'You lower your head in shame and tell Fedor the truth. Fedor slowly nods and after a few moments asks "Was this only a one time slip up or do you plan to keep flirting with other guys? Because I need to know right now."'
 		act 'Convince Fedor that he can trust you':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			fedorkoztalk = 1
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -142,7 +146,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Gorslut':
 		act 'Break up with Fedor':
-			cls		
+			*clr & cla		
 			fedorkoztalk = 1
 			fedorKozlovQW = -1
 			gs 'stat'	
@@ -160,7 +164,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Gorslut':
 	act 'Lie to Fedor':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		fedorkoztalk = 1
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -178,7 +182,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Gorslut':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Gorslut 2':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	fedorKozlovQW = -1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -195,7 +200,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Gorslut 2':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Date':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/fedor.jpg"></center>'
@@ -212,17 +218,28 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Date':
 		act 'Return the hug':gt 'FedorEv', 'Park 3'
 	elseif fedorkozqw = 5:
 		act 'Return the hug':gt 'FedorEv', 'Cinema'
-	end   
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Park':
-   cls
-   gs 'stat'
-   '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
 	'You wrap your arm around Fedor''s neck while enjoying his embrace and after a few moments he asks you "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, would you like to go for a walk in the park?"'
+	act 'Not now':
+		*clr & cla
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
+		'You slowly pull back and say to Fedor "I can''t go right now, I have something I need to do" he then nods with a forced smile and responds, "I guess I''ll catch you next time" But as you leave you look back and notice that Fedor lowers his head trying to hide a light frown on his face as he watches you walk away.'
+		act 'Move away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
+	end
 	act 'Sure':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		fedorkozqw = 1
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
@@ -230,26 +247,28 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park':
 		act 'Go to the park with Fedor':gt 'FedorEv2'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Cinema':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
+	'You place your arm around Fedor''s neck while enjoying his embrace and after a few moments he says, to you "There is a movie playing in a bit that I''m sure you will love, Would you be up for a good horror?" He then shrugs and sarcastically says, "Buuut if your too scared then we could always pick flowers or something."'
 	act 'Not now':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
-		'You slowly pull back and say to Fedor "I can''t go right now, I have something I need to do" he then nods with a forced smile and responds, "I guess I''ll catch you next time" But as you leave you look back and notice that Fedor lowers his head trying to hide a light frown on his face as he watches you walk away.'
+		'You slowly pull back and say to Fedor "I can''t go right now, I have something I need to do" he then nods with a smirk and responds, "Too scared huh... well I guess I''ll catch you next time" You give him a light punch in the arm with a smirk on your face and walk away.'
 		act 'Move away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'Cinema':
-   cls
-   gs 'stat'
-   '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
-   'You place your arm around Fedor''s neck while enjoying his embrace and after a few moments he says, to you "There is a movie playing in a bit that I''m sure you will love, Would you be up for a good horror?" He then shrugs and sarcastically says, "Buuut if your too scared then we could always pick flowers or something."'
-   if fedorkozqw = 5:
+	if fedorkozqw = 5:
 		act 'Sure, that sounds fun':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			fedorkozqw = 2
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
@@ -259,7 +278,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Cinema':
 		act 'Sure, that sounds fun':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			fedorkozqw = 2
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
@@ -267,36 +286,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Cinema':
 			act 'Go to the movies with Fedor':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Movies'
-	end	
-	act 'Not now':
-		cls
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
-		'You slowly pull back and say to Fedor "I can''t go right now, I have something I need to do" he then nods with a smirk and responds, "Too scared huh... well I guess I''ll catch you next time" You give him a light punch in the arm with a smirk on your face and walk away.'
-		act 'Move away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Home':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
 	'You place your arm around Fedor''s neck while enjoying his embrace and after a few moments he says, to you "I always enjoy spending time with you and I wanted to know if you would like to come over to my place to hang out and watch some movies I downloaded? I have some really good import movies from America and some Japanese horrors."'
-	act 'I would love too':
-		cls
-		fedorkozqw = 3
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
-		'You giggle lightly then tell Fedor "I would love to go with you and watch some movies that I''m sure you downloaded...legally" as you grin at him he says, "Yeah..about that..." which causes both of you to laugh similtaniously. Fedor then wraps his arm gently around your neck and leads you to his house.'	
-		act 'Go with Fedor to his home':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Home'
-	end
 	act 'I can''t right now':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
@@ -304,9 +305,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Home':
 		act 'Move away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
+	act 'I would love too':
+		*clr & cla
+		fedorkozqw = 3
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
+		'You giggle lightly then tell Fedor "I would love to go with you and watch some movies that I''m sure you downloaded...legally" as you grin at him he says, "Yeah..about that..." which causes both of you to laugh similtaniously. Fedor then wraps his arm gently around your neck and leads you to his house.'	
+		act 'Go with Fedor to his home':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Home'
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Skate':
+	menu_off = 1
 	if month = 12 or month < 3:
 		gt 'FedorEv', 'Skate Date'
@@ -315,23 +327,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Skate':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Skate Date':
-   cls
-   gs 'stat'
-   '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
-   'You place your arm around Fedor''s neck while enjoying his embrace and after a few moments he says, to you "It''s a bit chilly today. Would you like to go ice skating?"'
-	act 'I would love too':
-		cls		
-		fedorkozqw = 4
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
-		'You give Fedor a sweet smile as you reply, "Sure, that sounds like fun" Fedor returns your smile "Alright let''s go have some fun." Fedor then leads you to the Skating ring.'	
-		act 'Go skating with Fedor':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Skate'
-	end
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
+	'You place your arm around Fedor''s neck while enjoying his embrace and after a few moments he says, to you "It''s a bit chilly today. Would you like to go ice skating?"'
 	act 'I can''t right now':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
@@ -339,25 +342,27 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Skate Date':
 		act 'Move away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
+	act 'I would love too':
+		*clr & cla		
+		fedorkozqw = 4
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
+		'You give Fedor a sweet smile as you reply, "Sure, that sounds like fun" Fedor returns your smile "Alright let''s go have some fun." Fedor then leads you to the Skating ring.'	
+		act 'Go skating with Fedor':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Skate'
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Park 3':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
 	'You wrap your arm around Fedor''s neck while enjoying his embrace and after a few moments he asks you "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, would you like to go for another walk in the park?"'
-	act 'Sure':
-		cls
-		fedorkozqw = 5
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
-		'"Sure. Let''s have some fun." you tell Fedor and he gives you a pleased smile and places his arm gently on your back as he leads you toward the park.'	
-		act 'Go to the park with Fedor':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Park 2'
-	end
 	act 'Not now':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
@@ -365,10 +370,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park 3':
 		act 'Move away':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
+	act 'Sure':
+		*clr & cla
+		fedorkozqw = 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
+		'"Sure. Let''s have some fun." you tell Fedor and he gives you a pleased smile and places his arm gently on your back as he leads you toward the park.'	
+		act 'Go to the park with Fedor':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Park 2'
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Date 2':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/fedor.jpg"></center>'
@@ -384,20 +400,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Date 2':
 	placerand = rand(1, 2)
-	if placerand = 0:$place = 'Park 2' & $textEvent = ' "Wanna go for a walk in the park and see what kind of trouble we can get into?"'
-	if placerand = 1:$place = 'Cinema 2' & $textEvent = ' "<<$pcs_nickname>> are you up for another movie?"'
-	if placerand = 2:$place = 'Home 2' & $textEvent = ' "Would you like some "Alone time" at my place?."'
+	if placerand = 0:$place = 'Park 2' & $textEvent = '"Wanna go for a walk in the park and see what kind of trouble we can get into?"'
+	if placerand = 1:$place = 'Cinema 2' & $textEvent = '"<<$pcs_nickname>> are you up for another movie?"'
+	if placerand = 2:$place = 'Home 2' & $textEvent = '"Would you like some "Alone time" at my place?"'
 	'You continue to kiss Fedor passionately, neither of you willing to break it off. After what felt like an hour <<$ev_name>> finishes kissing you and suggests: <<$textEvent>>'
-	act 'I would love too': gt 'FedorEv', $place
 	act 'I can''t right now':gt 'FedorEv', 'No Date'
+	act 'I would love too': gt 'FedorEv', $place
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Date 3':
-	cls
-	horny += 5
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
+	pcs_horny += 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/fedor.jpg"></center>'
@@ -409,15 +426,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Date 3':
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/kiss2.mp4"></video></center>'
+	act 'I can''t right now':gt 'FedorEv', 'No Date'
 	act 'Let''s go to the movies': gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies'
-	act 'I''d like to spend alone time at your place':gt 'FedorEv4', 'Home'
-	act 'I can''t right now':gt 'FedorEv', 'No Date'
+	act 'I''d like to spend alone time at your place':gt 'FedorEv4', 'Home'	
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Park 2':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/walk1.jpg"></center>'
 	'Fedor smiles as he said "Great, lets get going" he then takes your hand and walks you to the park'
@@ -426,7 +444,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park 2':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Cinema 2':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	if fedorKozlovQW = -15:
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -441,7 +460,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Cinema 2':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Home 2':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	if fedorKozlovQW = -15:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/outcast/hold.jpg"></center>'
@@ -455,7 +475,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Home 2':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'No Date':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'

+ 114 - 92

@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 # FedorEv2
 if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'Start':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 10				
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/park/walk.jpg"></center>'
 	'As you arrive at the park Fedor reaches out for your hand and leads you down the main path. You turn to him to see a gentle smile on his face which you are quite surprised to see. Usually Fedor is pretty crude when he is hanging out with the other jocks but there may be a softer side to him you think to yourself as Fedor leads you through the park. During your walk you both hear some people loudly laughing nearby, Fedor turns to you "Sounds like someone is having fun, wanna check it out?"'
 	act 'Check it out':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="maroon"><<"Vasily [Shulga] Shulgin">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -20,14 +21,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'Start':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Park Walk':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 10
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/park/swingset.jpg"></center>'
 	'While walking along the path you and Fedor Start getting to know each other until you come across an unused swing set. Fedor smiles as he asks "<<$pcs_firstname>> would you like a push on the swing?"'
 	act 'I would love too.':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		pcs_mood += 5
 		pcs_willpwr += 5
 		minut += 5
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park Walk':
 		if $pantyworntype = 'none':
 			act 'Flash Fedor':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				pcs_mood += 5
 				pcs_willpwr += 5
 				FedorLuv += 2
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park Walk':
 		act 'Ask Fedor to swing with you':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			pcs_mood += 5
 			pcs_willpwr += 5
 			FedorLuv += 1
@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park Walk':
 	act 'I''m too old for that':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		FedorLuv -= 2						
@@ -78,7 +80,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park Walk':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Train Tracks':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_mood += 5
 	pcs_willpwr += 5
 	minut += 20
@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Train Tracks':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/park/tracks2.jpg"></center>'
 	act 'Kiss Fedor':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		pcs_mood += 20
 		pcs_willpwr += 20
 		FedorLuv += 2			
@@ -103,7 +106,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Train Tracks':
 		act 'Walk home with Fedor': gt 'pavResidential'	
 	act 'Offer him your hand':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		pcs_mood += 10
 		pcs_willpwr += 10
 		minut += 10
@@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Train Tracks':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 10
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Ivan Prokhorov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -125,7 +129,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies':
 	'As you are walking to the cinema you glance around to see Ivan jogging through the park, he stops in front of Fedor. "Hey Fedor, Did you check out those vids I sent you?" he then notices you. "Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, it''s good to see you, What are you two up to?" Fedor tells him that you are going to the cinema together and Ivan looks you up and down then nods to Fedor approvingly "Don''t let me keep you." as he steps aside. You and Fedor walk past Ivan then Fedor smiles as he says, "Sorry about that <<$pcs_firstname>>, let''s keep moving before all the good seats are taken" he then reaches out for your hand...'
 	act 'Hold hands':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		pcs_mood += 5
 		pcs_willpwr += 5
 		FedorLuv += 1				
@@ -136,7 +140,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies':
 		act 'Enter the cinema':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Cinema'
 	act 'Put your hands in your pockets':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		FedorLuv -= 2				
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/fedorsad.jpg"></center>'
@@ -147,7 +151,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Cinema':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	$location_type = 'public_indoors'
@@ -155,19 +160,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Cinema':
 	'As you enter the cinema Fedor takes the lead and shows the tickets to a man at the ticket check. You look around you see a young couple at the concession stand buying snacks causing you think about what snacks you might want, Until you feel Fedor''s hand on your back. Fedor then leads you to the concession stand and asks you what you would like.'
 	act 'Small Popcorn and medium drink':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/movies/couple.jpg"></center>'
 		'Fedor walks up to the counter and buys 2 popcorn bags and 2 medium drinks then hands you one. As you both start walking toward the theater you hear loud shouting. You turn to see a gopnik getting carried out of the theater by security after what appears to be a fight that broke out. Fedor smirks then shrugs. "Fucking gopniks... Always making asses of themselves." after which he holds the door open for you.'
 		act 'Find a seat':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			pcs_health += 10
 			pcs_mood += 20
 			pcs_willpwr += 20
 			pcs_energy += 20
-			pcs_hydra += 5
+			pcs_hydra += 50
 			cumspclnt = 2
 			gs 'cum_cleanup'
 			pcs_breath = 0				
@@ -179,20 +184,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Cinema':
 	act 'Large Popcorn, snacks and a large drink':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/movies/couple.jpg"></center>'
 		'Fedor walks up to the counter and buys 2 Popcorn bags some snacks and 2 large drinks, he hands you a drink and gummy bears and holds the rest for when you get inside the theater. You and Fedor start walking toward the theater and hear loud shouting then turn to see a gopnik getting carried out of the theater by security after what appears to be a fight that broke out. Fedor smirks then shrugs. "Fucking gopniks... Always making asses of themselves." after which he holds the door open for you.'
 		act 'Find a seat':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			pcs_health += 10
 			pcs_mood += 20
 			pcs_willpwr += 20
 			fat += 1
 			pcs_energy += 30
-			pcs_hydra += 5
+			pcs_hydra += 80
 			cumspclnt = 2	
 			gs 'cum_cleanup'
 			pcs_breath = 0				
@@ -206,7 +211,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Cinema':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies 2':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_mood += 20
 	pcs_willpwr += 20
 	minut += 60
@@ -216,7 +222,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies 2':
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/movies/scare.mp4"></video></center>'
 	act 'Kiss him':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		pcs_mood += 20
 		pcs_willpwr += 20
 		FedorLuv += 2				
@@ -227,13 +233,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies 2':
 		act 'Unzip his pants':
-			cls				
+			*clr & cla				
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/cinema/sex/kinosex3.jpg"></center>'
 			'You slowly turn back to Fedor and notice that he forgot to zip his pants and you can see his underwear poking out, so you slowly reach out to zip it for him when you feel sudden excitement as your hand is over his crootch and with out thinking you reach into his pants and start rubbing on his penis. You can feel how rock hard his cock is and unable to stop yourself you start jerking him off hearing him softly moan. You then look up to him to see him biting his lip trying not to make to much noise.'
 			act 'Continue jerking him':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				pcs_mood += 20
 				pcs_willpwr += 20
 				FedorLuv += 3
@@ -253,7 +259,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies 2':
 		act 'Finish watching movie':gt 'FedorEv2', 'Movie 3'
 	act 'Turn away':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		FedorLuv -= 1				
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/movies/turnaway.jpg"></center>'
@@ -264,7 +270,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies 2':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Movie 3':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_mood += 20
 	pcs_willpwr += 20
 	minut += 30
@@ -276,7 +283,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movie 3':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Movie 4':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 10
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -284,7 +292,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movie 4':
 	'Fedor quietly walks up to you and takes you by the hand then you both walk out of the cinema and as Fedor walks you home you both discuss what you liked best about the movie. When you both get to your door, Fedor smiles "<<$pcs_firstname>> I hope you had as much fun as I have." as he stares into your <<$pcs_eyecol>> eyes for a few seconds, then slowly moves his face closer to yours inching closer to your lips...'
 	act 'Kiss Fedor':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		pcs_mood += 20
 		pcs_willpwr += 20
 		FedorLuv += 3				
@@ -298,7 +306,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movie 4':
 		act 'Go Home':gt 'korrPar'
 	act 'Say goodbye and leave':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		FedorLuv -= 4				
@@ -310,7 +318,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movie 4':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Home':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	$location_type = 'private'
@@ -319,13 +328,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Home':
 	'You and Fedor both walk to his house and he unlocks the door then holds it open for you and as you enter, Fedor gives you a firm hug from bedind and kisses your cheek. You feel the warmth of both his embrace and his heater which is obviously of high quality. Fedor asks "Are you up for some movies or what?" he smiles as he removes your coat and hangs it on the rack as you take off you shoes.'
 	act 'Sure thing':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/sitting.jpg"></center>'
 		'"Have a seat" Fedor guides you to the couch and then walks to the TV and sets up the movie and after a few moments he walks to the kitchen and comes back with some popcorn and snacks then sits down next to you with a remote. The movie starts and it appears to be a sci-fi action film.'
 		act 'Watch Movie':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 90
 			pcs_health += 15	
 			pcs_mood += 40
@@ -341,7 +350,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Home':
 			'You and Fedor watch the movie and eating snacks while occasional discussing events in the movie. The movie ends and Fedor wraps his arm around your waist, he then gazes into your <<$pcs_eyecol>> eyes and asks you "<<$pcs_firstname>> would you like to go to my bedroom?"'
 			act 'How can I say no to that? <b><h4><font color=#ff00cc>[Go steady]</font></h4></b>':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut += 5
 				gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
@@ -351,7 +360,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Home':
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/bedroomkiss2.mp4"></video></center>'
 				act 'Push him onto the bed':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					'You gently push Fedor onto the bed and he lays back anxiously waiting to see what you do next and you climb on the bed and start licking his dick and then begin sucking his hard cock causing him to moan softly. you occasionally pull it out and lick the length of his penis to keep him from cumming too quickly. After a few moments he sits up and lifts you up by you shoulders and drops you onto the bed on your back.'			
@@ -366,7 +375,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Home':
 				act 'Lean back on the bed':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/cuni.mp4"></video></center>'
 					'You break off the kiss and climb onto the bed and lean back giving Fedor a seductive wink while rubbing your clitoris. Fedor knew exacty what you wanted and burried his face between your legs gently licking your clitoris and after a few minutes, you feel your entire body begin to spasm in a really powerful orgasm. Fedor then licks up your juices and climbs up to kiss you and you feel his penis rubbing against your vaginal lips.'
@@ -383,12 +392,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Home':
 			act 'Sorry Fedor, but I''m not ready':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut += 5
-				'You tell Fedor that you need to go and he wraps his arms around you, giving you a warm hug as he replies, "I understand, maybe next time." and he walks you home. Fedor fetches your coat and walks you out the door. When you arrive at your apartment, You give Fedor a soft kiss on the cheek. "Until next time." as you give him a wink and close the door.'
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/movies/endbye.mp4"></video></center>'
+				'You tell Fedor that you need to go and he wraps his arms around you, giving you a warm hug as he replies, "I understand, maybe next time." and he walks you home. Fedor fetches your coat and walks you out the door. When you arrive at your apartment, You give Fedor a soft kiss on the cheek. "Until next time." as you give him a wink and close the door.'
 				act 'Go home':gt 'korrPar'
@@ -396,7 +405,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Home':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Vaginal Sex':
-	cls	
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1	
 	fedorKozlovQW = 20
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
 	precumcheck = 1
@@ -408,7 +418,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vaginal Sex':
 	act 'Finish':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/vag2.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'Fedor starts pumping you harder and you can feel the pleasrure buiding inside you as you lay back and enjoy Fedor hard cock rubbing inside your wet pussy, Enjoying every second and every thrust while feeling his sweat dripping down your chest, his breath on your neck. Your muscles start to tense and you feel a warm heat in your groin, then your breath stops and you suddenly feel a burst of pleasure erupt inside you causing you to moan loudly as your body spasms out of your control.'
@@ -420,7 +430,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vaginal Sex':
 		act 'Orgasm':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/vagcum.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'After a few minutes you feel Fedor start breathing rapidly and then his breath stops, he then quickly pulls out of you and groans as he cums all over your stomach. Squirt after squirt, Fedor drains his penis over your stomach, he takes a second to catch his breath, then tells you "You were amazing <<$pcs_firstname>>" as he wipes the sweat off his forehead. You take a few seconds to catch your breath then respond, "You were great as well...Thank you."'
@@ -434,13 +444,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vaginal Sex':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Virgin Sex':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/virgintalk.jpg"></center>'
 	'"Fedor...This is my first time" you tell Fedor and he responds with a puzzled look "First time?...ohh you mean ...I see..." Fedor lightly bites his lip and asks "<<$pcs_firstname>>, Will you let me be your first?...I promise I will take it slow and be as gentle as possible but if you aren''t ready we could try another position" he asks while gently rubbing your legs.'
 	act 'Lose Virginity <b><h4><font color=#ff00cc>[Go steady]</font></h4></b>':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
 		precumcheck = 1
 		gs 'cum_manage'
@@ -453,7 +464,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Virgin Sex':
 		act 'Continue':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/virginvag2.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'Fedor stops for a moment to make sure that you are alright. Fedor rubs your cheek with his hand and then starts to thrust. You feel you vagina stretching for his <<dick>> centimeter penis and as he continues to thrust you feel the pain fade and pleasure take its place as you lay back and enjoy the pleasure building up.'
@@ -461,7 +472,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Virgin Sex':
 			act 'Cowgirl':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/virgincg.mp4"></video></center>'
 				'After a few seconds, Fedor grabs you by your shoulders and lifts you on top of him as he leans back, so that you are now on top of him and you realize that he wants you to ride him, so you do your best to please him by puching his penis deeper inside you. Feeling your lack of experience you begin to feel a little worried about your performance but after studying Fedor''s reactions to your thrusting, you start to feel more confident as you continue riding Fedor''s cock. Fedor suddenly sits up and kisses you passionately.'
@@ -471,7 +482,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Virgin Sex':
 				act 'Passionate kiss':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/cowgirlkiss2.mp4"></video></center>'
 					'You return his kiss as you continue to thrust yourself up and down and soon you feel the pleasure that was building erupt and suddenly all your muscles tenses up, and you feel a warm heat in your groin and your breath stops then suddenly you feel a burst of pleasure erupt inside you. Unable to think of anything but the pleasure you moan so loudly you are almost screaming and you ride out this intense feeling. when it is over you realize that you have just had your first vaginal orgasm then suddenly Fedor pushes you on your back.'
@@ -482,7 +493,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Virgin Sex':
 					act 'Let him come':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/vagcum.mp4"></video></center>'
 						'Fedor groans while jerking his cock over your stomach as you lay back enjoying the warmth of his seed washing over you. You can''t help but feel great joy seeing Fedor so blissful. After Fedor''s finishes, he looks down at you with an adoring gaze as he tells you. "<<$pcs_firstname>>, You are the sexiest girl I''ve ever met...Thank you for letting me be your first, you was amazing." and you respond. "You were incredible Fyodor, I will never forget this day." and he leans forward and gives you a gentle kiss.'
@@ -504,13 +515,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Virgin Sex':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Anal Sex':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/virginanal.jpg"></center>'
 	'"If I lose my virginity now then my mother will kill me but I guess you my ass if you like." Fedor gives you a warm smile. "It''s ok I know how tough parents can be." he kisses you then flips you on your stomach as he licks his fingers and lubricates your asshole. After a few seconds you can feel Fedor''s penis pressing against your anus.'
 	act 'Anal':
-		cls			
+		*clr & cla			
 		gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/virginanal2.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'Fedor slowly enters your asshole, as you feel your anus tighten up aound his penis, you clutch the pillow with both hands as you feel the rest of your body tensing up. Fedor gives your ass a chance to adjust to his dick for a few seconds then whispers in your ear "<<$pcs_nickname>>, are you ready?" you nod and he begins thrusting and lets out a soft moan. You moan loudly, focusing on his warm penis inside you and enjoying every thrust, bitting your lip as you surrender yourself to the pain and pleasure.'
@@ -521,7 +533,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Anal Sex':
 		act 'Continue':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/virginanal4.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'Fedor wraps his arms around your shoulders and starts to fuck you faster and faster and you can''t help but let out high pitched moans as he rapidly fucks your ass.'
@@ -530,7 +542,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Anal Sex':
 			act 'Finish':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/home/analcum.mp4"></video></center>'
 				'After a few seconds you feel Fedor''s entire body tense as his breathing stops. Fedor then lets out a loud groan and you feel a warmth growing in your ass as he fills your ass with his seed. After a few seconds, Fedor''s body relaxes and you can feel his heart beating as he lies on top of you. He then pulls out and you feel his sperm leaking out of your ass. You take some time to catch your breath as Fedor tells you. "You were amazing <<$pcs_firstname>>." and you respond, "You were incredible yourself." as you give him a blissful smile.'
@@ -547,7 +559,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Anal Sex':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Wash Up':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_mood += 25
 	pcs_willpwr += 25
 	if pcs_health < 100:pcs_health = 100
@@ -568,7 +581,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Wash Up':
 	act 'Get ready to leave':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
@@ -577,7 +590,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Wash Up':
 		*pl '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'		
 		act 'Walk Home':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			fedorkozqw = 5
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/movies/endkiss.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -591,8 +604,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Wash Up':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Skate':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Skate':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -600,7 +614,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Skate':
 	'When you and Fedor enter the skating ring, Fedor approaches the counter and pays for the skates then hands you a pair then puts a pair on himself. When both of you have your skates on, Fedor reaches out for your hand.'
 	act 'Take his hand':	
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/skate/ring1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -616,7 +630,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Skate':
 	act 'Skate past him':	
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/skate/ring2.jpg"></center>'
@@ -634,7 +648,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Skate':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Trip':	
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_mood += 10
 	pcs_willpwr += 10
 	minut += 50
@@ -650,7 +665,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Trip':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'No Trip':	
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_mood += 15
 	pcs_willpwr += 15
 	minut += 50
@@ -666,7 +682,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'No Trip':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Skate Kiss':	
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_mood += 20
 	pcs_willpwr += 20
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
@@ -682,7 +699,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Skate Kiss':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Skate End':	
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_mood += 10
 	pcs_willpwr += 10
 	minut += 5
@@ -696,7 +714,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Skate End':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Cafe':	
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	$location_type = 'public_indoors'
@@ -706,29 +725,30 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Cafe':
 	act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Park 2':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 15
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/walk1.jpg"></center>'
 	'As you and Fedor reach the park, he turns to you with a pleasant smile on his face. "It is such a beautiful day, What would you like to do today?"'
 	act 'Head to the swing set':	
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/swing.jpg"></center>'
 		'You turn to Fedor and say, "How about we enjoy a relaxing ride on the swing?" Fedor grabs your hand and leads you to the swing set.'		
 		act 'Sit on the swing':	
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 15
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/swing1.jpg"></center>'
 			'Fedor guides you onto the swing then places his hands gently on your waist and begins pushing you on th swing. You can feel the presure of your own weight as you are swinging and the breeze hit your face which causes you to feel more at ease with each swing. After a few minutes of swinging Fedor slows his pace until you stop completely then offers you his hand.'
 			act 'Kiss Fedor':	
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				pcs_mood += 20
 				pcs_willpwr += 20
 				FedorLuv += 2
@@ -744,7 +764,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 				act 'I''ll be fine here':minut += 15 & gt 'pavResidential'
 			act 'Take his hand':	
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				pcs_mood += 15
 				pcs_willpwr += 15
 				minut += 10
@@ -763,14 +783,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 		act 'Get on the swing with Fedor':	
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 10
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/swing3.jpg"></center>'
 			'You guide Fedor onto the swing as he sits on the swing you climb on top of him which surprises him at first but he then places his hands around you waist as he begins rocking back and forth on the swing, increasing the pace with each swing. You stare into his eyes as you both swing in a very comfortable silence for a few minutes.'
 			act 'Kiss Fedor':	
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				pcs_mood += 20
 				pcs_willpwr += 20
 				FedorLuv += 2
@@ -786,7 +806,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 				act 'I''ll be fine here':minut += 15 & gt 'pavResidential'
 			act 'Hug Fedor':	
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				pcs_mood += 15
 				pcs_willpwr += 15
 				FedorLuv += 1
@@ -803,10 +823,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 	if VKwip = 100:
 		act 'Go jogging':	
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			react_exp += rand(1, 2)	
 			fat -= 1
-			pcs_mood += 5
+			pcs_mood -= 5
 			pcs_sweat += 30			
 			minut += 30
@@ -814,10 +834,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 			act 'VKwip':	
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				agil_exp += rand(1, 2)
 				fat -= 1
-				pcs_mood += 5
+				pcs_mood -= 5
 				pcs_sweat += 30			
 				minut += 30
@@ -831,14 +851,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 	act 'Relax under a tree':	
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 15
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/tree.jpg"></center>'
 		'You turn to Fedor and say, "It''s really hot today. Let''s get some shade." Fedor nods then grabs your hand and leads you to a nearby tree which you both get comfortable under.'
 		act 'Kiss Fedor':	
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			pcs_mood += 20
 			pcs_willpwr += 20
 			gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
@@ -853,7 +873,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 			act 'I''ll be fine here':minut += 15 & gt 'pavResidential'
 		act 'Relax':	
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 15
 			pcs_mood += 15
 			pcs_willpwr += 15
@@ -866,7 +886,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 			act 'I''ll be fine here':minut += 15 & gt 'pavResidential'
 		act 'Unzip his pants':	
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/tree2.jpg"></center>'
 			'Fedor lays back against a tree as you sit next to him. You reach down and begin rubbing on his crotch and Fedor immediately looks up at you with a mischievous smile on his face. "In a public park? What a naughty girl you are." he then leans his head forward kissing your lips as you begin unbuttoning his pants.'
@@ -875,7 +895,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 			act 'Continue':	
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/sex/bj2.mp4"></video></center>'
 				'You give Fedor a seductive wink as you unbutton his pants then begin jerking his penis while staring him in the eyes before leaning forward and taking his dick into your mouth, caressing it with your tongue, trying your very best to bring him as much pleasure as you can while enjoying the warmth of his penis in your mouth. Fedor tries to stifle his moans as he occasionally looks around to see if anyone has noticed you. After a few more seconds Fedor whispers to you "I can''t last much longer. I''m gonna cum."'
@@ -884,7 +904,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 				act 'Make him cum':	
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					pcs_mood += 20
 					pcs_willpwr += 20
 					FedorLuv += 4
@@ -902,7 +922,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 					act 'I''ll be fine here':minut += 15 & gt 'pavResidential'
 				act 'Stop before he cums':	
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					minut += 5
 					FedorLuv -= 5
@@ -918,21 +938,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 	act 'Train Tracks':	
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 10
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/park/tracks.jpg"></center>'
 		'You take Fedor by the hand and say, "Let''s hang out at the tracks again." Fedor gives you a warm smile as he leads you to the old tracks. You both approach one of the pair of train tracks that are no longer used.'
 		act 'Sit on the tracks':	
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 15
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/tracks1.jpg"></center>'
 			'You and Fedor sit on the train tracks and discuss various topics while enjoying each others company, when you both hear a train approaching a nearby track. As the train speeds by Fedor wraps his arms around you, pressing your head against his chest, trying to keep the gust of wind following the train to get dirt in your eyes. You spend a few seconds both listening to the train speed by with one ear and Fedor''s calm beating heart with the other.'
 			act 'Kiss Fedor':	
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut += 5
 				FedorLuv += 2
 				gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
@@ -947,7 +967,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 				act 'I''ll be fine here':minut += 15 & gt 'pavResidential'
 			act 'Continue chatting':	
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut += 10
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/tracks3.jpg"></center>'
@@ -959,7 +979,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 		act 'Lay down between the tracks':	
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 20
 			'You approach the train tracks then sit down between them as Fedor sits next to you and both of you begin chatting about various topics for what feels like an hour and after a while Fedor begins laying down as you wrap your arms around his head lightly pulling him onto your lap, where you begin gently stroking his hair while enjoying his beautiful blue eyes and his warm smile.'
@@ -967,7 +987,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/tracks4.jpg"></center>'
 			act 'Kiss Fedor':	
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut += 5
 				FedorLuv += 2
 				gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
@@ -984,7 +1004,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 				act 'I''ll be fine here':minut += 15 & gt 'pavResidential'
 			act 'Continue chatting':	
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut += 10
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/tracks6.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -999,7 +1019,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Park 2':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Park End':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/walk2.jpg"></center>'
 	'Fedor takes you by the hand then leads you to your apartment while you both chat about various things. When you arrive at your apartment, Fedor spins you around then gives you a passionate kiss as he pushes you against the wall for a more passionate kiss, before pulling off you and giving you a wink as he turns away and walks off.'
@@ -1014,7 +1035,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park End':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Breakup':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	fedorkozqw = 0
 	fedorKozlovQW = 0
 	FedorLuv = 0

+ 163 - 121

@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 # FedorEv3
 if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'Movies':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 15
 	$location_type = 'public_indoors'
@@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'Movies':
 	'Fedor then aaks "What can I treat my beautiful girlfirend to today?"'
 	act 'Small Popcorn and medium drink':
-		cls			
+		*clr & cla			
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/caress.mp4"></video></center>'	
 		'As you both wait for the food to arrive, you feel Fedor''s hand on your ass and you turn to Fedor, immedietly grabbing the back of his head and giving him a passionate kiss.' 
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'Movies':
 		act 'Follow Fedor''s lead':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Food'		
 	act 'Large Popcorn, snacks and a large drink':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/caress.mp4"></video></center>'			
 		'As you both wait for the food to arrive, you feel Fedor''s hand on your ass and you turn to Fedor, immedietly grabbing the back of his head and giving him a passionate kiss.' 
@@ -32,13 +33,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'Movies':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Food':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5		
 	pcs_health += 5	
 	pcs_mood += 15
 	pcs_willpwr += 15
 	pcs_energy += 30
-	pcs_hydra += 10
+	pcs_hydra += 50
 	cumspclnt = 2
 	gs 'cum_cleanup'
 	pcs_breath = 0				
@@ -49,20 +51,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Food':
 	act 'At the front':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Front'
-	act 'in the middle':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Middle'
+	act 'In the middle':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Middle'
 	act 'In the back':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Back'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Food 2':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	pcs_health += 10	
 	pcs_mood += 20
 	pcs_willpwr += 20
 	fat += 2
 	pcs_energy += 60
-	pcs_hydra += 20
+	pcs_hydra += 80
 	cumspclnt = 2
 	gs 'cum_cleanup'
 	pcs_breath = 0				
@@ -79,7 +82,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Food 2':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Front':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -89,10 +93,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Front':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
 	'You point to the front seats. "Let''s sit up front, so that we can get the best view in the theater." And Fedor responds, "Just seeing you is the best view I could ask for"' 
-	'You lightly flick his nose with your finger as you reply. "Oh stop, your''re going to make me blush"'
+	'You lightly flick his nose with your finger as you reply. "Oh stop, you''re going to make me blush"'
 	act 'Take a seat':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		pcs_mood += 20
 		pcs_willpwr += 20
 		minut += 70
@@ -106,12 +110,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Front':
 		act 'Unzip his pants':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/cinema/sex/kinosex2.jpg"></center>'	
 			'While kissing Fedor, you reach down and with one hand unzip his pants and start to jerk him off.'
-			'He then starts carefully looking around to see if anyone is watching, obviously worried about getting caught'
-			'but the idea only excites you knowing that someone can look your way at any time.'
+			'He then starts carefully looking around to see if anyone is watching, obviously worried about getting caught, but the idea only excites you knowing that someone can look your way at any time.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'hj', 5, 'dom'
@@ -123,16 +126,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Front':
 						gt 'FedorEv3', 'Front Caught'
-			act 'Finish and continue watching movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
+			act 'Finish and continue watching the movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
-		act 'Finish and continue watching movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'	
+		act 'Finish and continue watching the movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'	
 		act 'Go to the restroom':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Restroom Break'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Front HJ':						
-	cls			
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/hj.jpg"></center>'
 	'You continue jerking Fedor off, feeling his warm cock in your hand start to lightly throb with pre cum, hearing his faint moans.'
@@ -148,11 +152,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Front HJ':
 	gs 'arousal', 'end'				
 	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Finish and continue watching movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
+	act 'Finish and continue watching the movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Front Caught':
-	cls 
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/cinema/sex/kinosex4.jpg"></center>'
 	'You continue jerking Fedor off, feeling his warm cock in your hand start to lightly throb with pre cum, hearing his faint moans'
@@ -163,11 +168,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Front Caught':
 	'as he watches you and Fedor. You to pull your hand back as you bite your lip with embarrassment while trying to watch the movie, hoping that they will forget what they saw.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	act 'Continue watching movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
+	act 'Continue watching the movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Middle':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -177,10 +183,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Middle':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
 	'You point to the middle seats. "I hear the middle is the warmest." and Fedor responds, "It may be warm but you''re the only hot one here."' 
-	'You lightly flick his nose with your finger as you reply, "Oh stop, your''re going to make me blush '
+	'You lightly flick his nose with your finger as you reply, "Oh stop, you''re going to make me blush '
 	act 'Take a seat':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		pcs_mood += 20
 		pcs_willpwr += 20
 		minut += 70
@@ -190,7 +196,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Middle':
 		'You enjoy your snacks and popcorn as you watch the movie. You continue watching the movie until you hear Fedor whisper in your ear "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>> show me your tits."'
 		act 'Pull down your shirt':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/top1.jpg"></center>'	
 			'You pull down your shirt and Fedor begins pawing at your breast giving you an exciting thrill, feeling his strong hands caressing your breasts.' 
@@ -199,7 +205,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Middle':
 			act 'Suck his dick':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				swallow += 1
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/bj.jpg"></center>'	
 				'You lean over and take Fedor''s dick into your mouth and do your best to suck and massage his dick with your tongue.' 
@@ -211,19 +217,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Middle':
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'				
 				gs 'stat'
-				act 'Finish and continue watching movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
+				act 'Finish and continue watching the movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
 			act 'Well you need to wait until we are alone':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
-		act 'Continue watching movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
+		act 'Continue watching the movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
 		act 'Go to the restroom':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Restroom Break'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Back':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -233,10 +240,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Back':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
 	'You point to the back seats. "Let''s sit in the back where we can get some privacy." and Fedor responds, "Like it in the back huh?"' 
-	'You lightly flick his nose with your finger as you reply, "Oh stop, your''re going to make me blush'
+	'You lightly flick his nose with your finger as you reply, "Oh stop, you''re going to make me blush'
 	act 'Take a seat':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		pcs_mood += 20
 		pcs_willpwr += 20
 		minut += 60
@@ -247,7 +254,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Back':
 		'"We''re all alone back here <<$pcs_firstname>>, wanna have some fun?"'
 		act 'I''m always up for some fun':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/cinema/sex/kinosex3.jpg"></center>'
 			'Fedor gives you a lustful smirk as he lean forwad and gives you a passionate kiss. You soon feel Fedor pulling your top down, exposing your breasts which fills you with excitement. You reach out for Fedor groin as he kisses you slowly unzipping his pants and then gently stroking his cock after a minute Fedor whispers in your ear. "<<$pcs_nickname>> I dare you to get down on your knees and suck me off right here in the theater."'
@@ -255,22 +262,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Back':
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Challenge accepted':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut += 5
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/cinema/sex/kinosex5.jpg"></center>'
 				'You slide down to your knees as Fedor quietly pulls down his pants and leans back. You start leaning forward to suck his dick when you hear the guy sitting in the seat in front of you cough which starles you for a second causing you to start second guess what you are doing until you turn to Fedor and see the blissful smile on his face almost begging you to continue.'	
 				act 'Suck his dick':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/cinema/sex/kinosex6.jpg"></center>'
 					'Not wanting to disappoint him, you start sucking Fedor''s dick enjoying both the wamth of his penis and the excitement of giving a blowjob in a public theater. Fedor starts petting your head as you continue to suck him and after 2 minutes he suggests. "Pull down your pants and ride me." with a confident smile on his face.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5							
 					gs 'stat'
-					act 'As you wish':
-						cls
+					act 'Ride him':
+						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/cinema/sex/kinosex7.jpg"></center>'
 						'You nerviously pull down your pants and slowly rise up, very worried that someone might turn around and see you but you gather your courage and slide Fedor''s dick into your pussy and start riding him while your heart pounds with both fear and excitement. A few minutes pass then Fedor grabs you by your hips and pushes you onto the nearby seat.'
@@ -299,7 +306,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Back':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Back Sex':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/cinema/sex/kinosex8.jpg"></center>'
 	'You spread your legs and feel Fedor enter you, causing you to moan lightly and Fedor start to thrust faster. You completely forget where you are as you enjoy Fedor roughly fucking your pussy until he lets out a muffled groan as he pulls out of you and paints your stomach with his seed. After a few seconds he pulls up his pants as you put on yours. "You are a great fuck <<$pcs_firstname>>. I knew I picked the right girl when I chose you." he then kisses your lips.'
@@ -310,11 +318,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Back Sex':
 	gs 'arousal', 'end'				
 	gs 'stat'			
-	act 'Finish watching movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
+	act 'Finish watching the movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Back Caught':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/cinema/sex/kinosex9.jpg"></center>'	
 	'You spread your legs and feel Fedor enter you, causing you to moan lightly and Fedor start to thrust faster. You completely forget where you are as you enjoy Fedor roughly fucking your pussy until he lets out a muffled groan as he pulls out of you and paints your stomach with his seed. You open your eyes to see a flashlight shined on you, then Fedor exclaims. "Oh shit!" as many people in the theater are staring at both of you. You quickly put on you pants while trying to cover yourself as much as possible then you and Fedor quickly walk out of the theater.'
@@ -328,7 +337,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Back Caught':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Back Preg':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	if fedorKozlovQW = -15:
@@ -339,7 +349,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Back Preg':
 	'Fedor leans forward and whispers in your ear. "Would you like to try for a baby here or would you like me to pull out?"'		
 	act 'Cum inside me':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/cinema/sex/kinosex8.jpg"></center>'
 		'You spread your legs and feel Fedor enter you, causing you to moan lightly and Fedor start to thrust faster. You completely forget where you are as you enjoy Fedor roughly fucking your pussy until he lets out a muffled groan,' 
@@ -353,7 +363,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Back Preg':
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'				
 		gs 'stat'			
-		act 'Finish watching movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
+		act 'Finish watching the movie':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
 	act 'Pull out please':
 		VK = rand(1,10)
@@ -366,7 +376,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Back Preg':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies 2':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_mood += 20
 	pcs_willpwr += 20
 	EndMovie = 1
@@ -389,7 +400,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies 2':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Break':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	if fedorKozlovQW = -15:
@@ -405,7 +417,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Break':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	$menu_loc = 'FedorEv3'
+	$menu_arg = 'Restroom'
+	menu_off = 0
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/restrooms.jpg"></center>'
 	'You give Fedor a kiss on the cheek then head to the restroom, once you get there you see the men''s restroom and the ladies restrooom.'
@@ -416,12 +431,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Ladies Room':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	$metka = 'Ladies Room'
 	$loc = 'FedorEv3'
 	$metkaM = 'Ladies Room'
 	$locM = 'FedorEv3'
-	$location_type = 'bathroom'		
+	$location_type = 'bathroom'	
+	$menu_loc = 'FedorEv3'
+	$menu_arg = 'Ladies Room'
+	menu_off = 0
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff00cc>Restroom</font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/ladies/ladiesrestroom.jpg"></center>'
@@ -437,19 +455,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Ladies Room':
 	if EndMovie = 1:
-		act 'Leave restroom':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 3'
+		act 'Leave the restroom':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 3'
-		act 'Go back to theater':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
+		act 'Go back to the theater':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Mens Room':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	$metka = 'Mens Room'
 	$loc = 'FedorEv3'
 	$metkaM = 'Mens Room'
 	$locM = 'FedorEv3'	
-	$location_type = 'bathroom'		
+	$location_type = 'bathroom'
+	$menu_loc = 'FedorEv3'
+	$menu_arg = 'Mens Room'
+	menu_off = 0	
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue">Restroom</font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/ladies/ladiesrestroom.jpg"></center>'
@@ -471,14 +492,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Mens Room':
 	if EndMovie = 1:
-		act 'Leave restroom':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 3'
+		act 'Leave the restroom':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 3'
-		act 'Return to theater':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
+		act 'Go back to the theater':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Fedor':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	$menu_loc = 'FedorEv3'
+	$menu_arg = 'Restroom Fedor'
+	menu_off = 0
 	FedorRest = 1
 	WithFedor = 1
@@ -497,7 +521,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Fedor':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Restroom':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	FedorRestTimes += 1
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
@@ -511,21 +536,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Restroom':
 	'You grab Fedor by the hand and pull him into the restroom with you. Fedor is surprised at first then starts to fondle your breasts as you pull down his pants then kneel in front of him.'
 	act 'Blowjob':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/fedor/fedrest1.jpg"></center>'	
 		'You wrap your lips around Fedor''s cock and begin sucking and massaging his dick. Fedor rubs your head as he remarks "That''s my girl, Keep sucking just like that." so you continue at the same pace until Fedor then lifts you up by the shoulders and asks you "Which do you prefer? front or back?"'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'	
 		act 'Front':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/fedor/fedrestf1.jpg"></center>'	
 			'Fedor lifts you up to your feet with almost no effort then pulls down you shirt exposing your breasts, he then lifts you up by your waist and places you on the sink where he inserts his <<dick>> centimeter penis into you pussy. Fedor starts slow then begins to pick up the pace.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			act 'Continue':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/fedor/fedrestf2.jpg"></center>'	
 				'Fedor continues pounding your pussy harder and harder causing you to moan uncontrollably, feeling the growing pleasure building up and watching Fedor''s eyes hungrily craving you. After a few seconds Fedor tells you that he is ready to cum.'
@@ -533,7 +558,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Restroom':
 				act 'Get on your knees':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/facial/cumface1.mp4"></video></center>'	
 					'You pull Fedor''s cock out of you then get down on your knees just as Fedor groans and paints your face with his seed. You sit for a few seconds feeling his warm cum slowly' 
 					'leaking down your face as Fedor puts his pants back on then says, "Your pussy is so tight <<$pcs_firstname>>, I feel like I could fuck you for days but I should get you back' 
@@ -549,7 +574,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Restroom':
 					act 'Wash up':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Restroom Wash 3'
 				act 'Tell him to pull out':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/fedor/fedrestf2.jpg"></center>'	
 					'You say to Fedor. "Pull out please, I can''t afford to get pregnant" he then pulls out and groans as he sprays his warm semen all over your stomach. You then grab him by' 
@@ -567,7 +592,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Restroom':
 				if FedorLoveTalk = 1:
 					act 'Tell him to cum inside':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/fedor/fedrestf2.jpg"></center>'
 						'You tell Fedor "Please cum inside me!" he nods, then you feel a warmth filling your womb, his penis throbing inside you filling you up more and more with each pump.' 
@@ -587,7 +612,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Restroom':
 		act 'Back':					
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/fedor/fedrestb.jpg"></center>'		
@@ -595,7 +620,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Restroom':
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			act 'lean against the sink':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut -= 5
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/fedor/fedrestb2.jpg"></center>'	
@@ -603,7 +628,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Restroom':
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'								
 				act 'Rest leg on the sink':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/fedor/fedrestb3.jpg"></center>'	
 					'As you feel Fedor pounding your pussy you turn to the mirror over the sink to watch yourself getting fucked. At that time the reality of the situation sinks in and you think' 
@@ -612,7 +637,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Restroom':
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'									
 					act 'Get on your knees':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/facial/cumface1.mp4"></video></center>'	
 						'You pull Fedor''s cock out of you then get down on your knees just as Fedor groans and paints your face with his seed. You sit for a few seconds feeling his warm semen' 
@@ -629,7 +654,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Restroom':
 						act 'Wash up':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Restroom Wash 3'	
 					act 'Tell him to pull out':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/fedor/fedrestb3.jpg"></center>'	
 						'You tell Fedor "Pull out please, I can''t afford to get pregnant" he then pulls out and groans as he sprays his warm semen all over your ass.' 
@@ -647,7 +672,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Restroom':
 					if FedorLoveTalk = 1:
 						act 'Tell him to cum inside':
-							cls
+							*clr & cla
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/fedor/fedrestb3.jpg"></center>'	
 							'You tell Fedor "Please cum inside me!" he then nods and then you feel a warmth filling your womb, his penis throbing inside you filling you up' 
@@ -672,7 +697,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Restroom':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Lady':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	FedorRestTimes += 3
@@ -680,7 +706,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Lady':
 	'As you approach the sink you see a woman. She appears to be applying her mascara. You stand next to her and she gives you a friendly smile as she continues brushing her eyelashes. You turn on the water and prepare to wash up when you notice that the girl is checking you out while biting her lip clearly aroused.'
 	act 'Seduce her':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/ladies/lady2.jpg"></center>'
 		'You ask "See anything you like?" she shyly turns away clearly embarassed that you caught her checking you out, so you decide to turn things up. You approach her from' 
@@ -689,7 +715,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Lady':
 		gs 'stat'				
 		act 'Undress her':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut -= 5
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/ladies/lady3.jpg"></center>'
@@ -702,7 +728,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Lady':
 			gs 'stat'					
 			act 'Give her cuni':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut -= 5
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/ladies/lady4.jpg"></center>'
@@ -712,7 +738,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Lady':
 				gs 'stat'							
 				act 'Continue':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/ladies/lady5.jpg"></center>'
 					'You continue licking her as she leans further back trying to push her pussy further in your face but then slips off the chair, you do your best to catch her and then you both laugh as you help her back up.' 
@@ -722,7 +748,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Lady':
 					gs 'stat'	
 					act 'Make her cum':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/ladies/lady5.jpg"></center>'
 						'You start to pick up the pace and she begins moaning louder as you get her closer to her orgasm. You alternate between your tongue and finger to keep your tongue from getting tired and after a few minutes you can feel her body start to spasm and her legs begin to give out. You do your best to support her weight as you finish her off.' 
@@ -738,7 +764,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Lady':
 			act 'Pull her head to your crotch':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/ladies/lady6.jpg"></center>'
 				'You both continue kissing as your hands wander down her body, caressing her curves until you grab her by her hair then pull away from her as you begin laying backward on a nearby wall,' 
@@ -746,8 +772,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Lady':
 				gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 5, 'lesbian', 'dom'
 				gs 'stat'	
-				act 'Rest leg on counter':
-					cls
+				act 'Rest your leg on the counter':
+					*clr & cla
 					minut -= 5
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/ladies/lady7.jpg"></center>'
@@ -757,7 +783,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Lady':
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Cum':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/ladies/lady7.jpg"></center>'
 						'The pleasure begins building quickly as you close your eyes, surrendering yourself to the pleasure and soon you feel your entire body begin to heat up as you reach your breaking point. You suddenly feel your muscles stiffen as you hit an explosive' 
@@ -780,7 +806,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Lady':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Man':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	FedorRestTimes += 1
@@ -788,7 +815,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Man':
 	'You approach the sink and turn on the water as a man enters the restroom and starts to use the urinal. The man clearly doesn''t notice you.'
 	act 'Walk up behind him and grab his penis':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut -= 5
 		gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Guy in restroom', rand(19,45)
 		gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
@@ -798,7 +825,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Man':
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Anal':
-			cls 				
+			*clr & cla 				
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/scenea1.jpg"></center>'
 			'The man grabs your shoulders and spins you around then begins undressing you as he kisses your ass and legs, he then turns on the tap and wets his fingers then uses them to lube up your anus. The man rubs his dick against your anus and then thrusts his dick in your ass causing you to moan loudly.' 
@@ -807,7 +834,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Man':
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Continue':
-				cls	
+				*clr & cla	
 				minut -= 5
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/scenea2.jpg"></center>'
@@ -817,7 +844,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Man':
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Get down on you knees':
-					cls				
+					*clr & cla				
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/facial/cumface1.mp4"></video></center>'
 					'You quickly pull off him and get on your knees in front of him as he qroans then paints your face with his seed. He continues to spray his load in your face until he has nothing left, he then takes a few seconds to catch his breath while admiring the view. You begin wiping the cum off of your eyelids as the man says,' 
@@ -830,7 +857,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Man':
 					act 'Wash up':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Restroom Wash 2'
 				act 'Let him cum inside':
-					cls				
+					*clr & cla				
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/analcreampie/cumanal1.mp4"></video></center>'
 					'Instead of pulling off him you start pushing against his crotch and he grabs your hips firmly as he groans and fills your ass with his seed. you can feel him pumping his seed into your ass almost filling you up completely, he then suddenly pulls out of you' 
@@ -849,7 +876,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Man':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Man 2':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	FedorRestTimes += 1
 	gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Pyotr', rand(19,45)
 	gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
@@ -859,13 +887,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Man 2':
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Submit':
-		cls				
+		*clr & cla				
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/scene1.jpg"></center>'
 		'Not wanting to risk angering him you remain silent and the guy pulls you to the ground where he removes your clothes while he whispers in your ear "You know your place, Good girl." as he pats your head. After he removes your pants he stands up and points to the sink. "Now get over there and spread you legs!"'
 		act 'Do as he says,':
-			cls	
+			*clr & cla	
 			minut -= 5			
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/scene2.jpg"></center>'
@@ -875,7 +903,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Man 2':
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Continue':
-				cls 				
+				*clr & cla 				
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/scene3.jpg"></center>'
 				'after a few minutes the guy pulls away from you and start masturbating as he tells you "Get down on your knees and finish me off" You obediently do as he asks. Crawling to him then looking up at him as you wrap your lips around his dick, doing your best to make him cum as quickly as possible. After a few seconds the guy says, "I''m cumming."'
@@ -883,7 +911,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Man 2':
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Nod':
-					cls	
+					*clr & cla	
 					PyotrPhoto = 1					
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/facial/cumface1.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -913,7 +941,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Man 2':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Escape':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/mensrestroom.jpg"></center>'
@@ -927,9 +956,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Escape':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Rape':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_health -= 10				
-	pcs_mood += 20
+	pcs_mood -= 20
 	pcs_willpwr -= 5	
 	pain['tummy'] += 15
@@ -939,7 +969,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Rape':
 	'little bitch! now I''m going to take my time with you!"'
 	act 'Plead':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut -= 5
 		sub += 3
@@ -950,7 +980,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Rape':
 		act 'Wait and see what he does next':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut -= 5
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/bathroom/mens/sex/mensrape3.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -960,7 +990,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Rape':
 			act 'Do as he says':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				pain['asshole'] += 5
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/bathroom/mens/sex/mensrape1.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -971,7 +1001,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Rape':
 				act 'Let him fuck you':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					pain['asshole'] += 5
 					minut -= 5
@@ -981,7 +1011,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Rape':
 					act 'Continue':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						pain['asshole'] += 5
 						PyotrPhoto = 1
@@ -1003,7 +1033,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Rape':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Gang':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	FedorRestTimes += 1
 	minut += 5
@@ -1011,27 +1042,27 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Gang':
 	'You approach the sink then turn on the water, when you hear some rowdy guys outside, you quickly run into one of the stalls then hear the door slam open and the guys start hollering as they share stories that you can''t quite hear.'
 	act 'Eavesdrop':
-		cls 
+		*clr & cla 
 		'You approach the door to listen to what they are talking about. One guy says, "You had to see the tits on that girl. She was basically flying out of her top." and the other guy said "That''s nothing. I had this one girl with tits so big you could fuck them for days." another guy replies, "This one bitch I saw claimed that she was..." One of the guys yells out "Hold on guys! We got a girl is in here." You look up to see a man peeking over the stall and your heart stops as someone starts pushing the stall door open.'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/gang/gang.jpg"></center>'
 		act 'Hold the door closed':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/gang/gang1.jpg"></center>'
 			'You quickly push the door closed and hold it then the guys start slaming the door while the guy peeping yells to the others "Check this out guys. This girl is hot! I bet she came in here looking for a good fucking." the guys start hollering even louder as the guy continues to make vulgar comments about you. After a few seconds you feel them slaming even harder on the door when it finally gives in, swinging open. You see the men all staring into the stall with lustful looks on their faces.'
 			act 'Plead with them':
-				cls 
+				*clr & cla 
 				sub += 3
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/gang/gang2.jpg"></center>'
 				'"I didn''t mean to interrupt. Can I please go." One of the guys grins. "You can go...After we''re done with you." He then lunges into the stall and grabs you by the throat and whispers in your ear "I bet you came in here hoping to get caught, so that you can get a good fucking. Well we''ll give you a fucking you''ll never forget." he then pulls you out of the stall where the other guys are waiting with their cocks in their hand.'
 				act 'Submit':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					minut -= 5
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/gang/gang3.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1043,7 +1074,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Gang':
 					act 'Continue sucking':
-						cls 
+						*clr & cla 
 						minut -= 5
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/gang/gang4.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1053,7 +1084,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Gang':
 						act 'Enjoy':
-							cls
+							*clr & cla
 							minut -= 10
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/gang/gang5.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1064,7 +1095,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Gang':
 							act 'Continue':
-								cls 
+								*clr & cla 
 								minut -= 10
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/gang/gang6.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1075,7 +1106,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Gang':
 								act 'Beg them to pull out':
-									cls
+									*clr & cla
 									minut -= 15
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/gang/cum/cum1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1104,7 +1135,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Gang':
 									gs 'stat'											
 									act 'See what they do':
-										cls
+										*clr & cla
 										minut += 5
 										'Without even realizing it you are rubbing their cum all over your body as you stare at them gazing in adoration at you. "Whoa this whore is a real gem. I''ll be having dreams of this one." and another responds, "If you love her so much why don''t you marry her and have fun explaining it to that loud mouth bitch you call a mother!" Causing the first guy to tackle the other and the 2 guys begin fighting as the rest of them start cheering them on. You use this time to quickly grab your clothes then run out of the men''s room and into the ladies room.'
@@ -1114,8 +1145,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Gang':
 										act 'Wash up':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Restroom Wash'
-								act 'Nod yes':
-									cls
+								act 'Nod':
+									*clr & cla
 									minut -= 15
 									sub += 5
@@ -1166,7 +1197,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Gang':
 	act	'Hide':	
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 10
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/gang/hide2.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1177,7 +1208,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Gang':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Rescue':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	FedorRestTimes += 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/scene.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1187,7 +1219,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Rescue':
 	act 'Cry for help':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		if fedorKozlovQW = -15:
@@ -1198,7 +1230,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Rescue':
 		'You cry for help then suddenly, the door bursts open and Fedor storms into the room and punches the guy in the face knocking him into the wall. The guy grabed his face in pain as Fedor approached him then drove his knee into the guy''s face, breaking his nose. Fedor grabed the guy then dragged him into one of the stalls where he dipped the guy''s head into the toilet and began drowning him while shouting "How dare you touch my girl! <b>I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!</b>"'
 		act 'Calm Fedor':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			cumspclnt = 1
 			gs 'cum_cleanup'
 			if pcs_sweat < 30:
@@ -1226,7 +1258,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Rescue':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Wash':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	$menu_loc = 'FedorEv3'
+	$menu_arg = 'Restroom Wash'
+	menu_off = 0
 	minut += 10
 	FedorRestTimes += 1
 	cumspclnt = 1
@@ -1243,16 +1278,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Wash':
 	'You grab a few paper towels then approach the sink to clean yourself as thoughly as posible while taking a few seconds to enjoy a splash of warm water on your face, leaving you feeling refreshed as you finish up and walk away from the sink.'
 	if FedorRestTimes > 2 and EndMovie = 1:
-		act 'Leave restroom':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 3'
+		act 'Leave the restroom':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 3'
 	elseif FedorRestTimes > 2 and EndMovie = 0:
-		act 'Go back to theater':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
+		act 'Go back to the theater':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
 		act 'Dry off':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Ladies Room'		
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Wash 2':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	$menu_loc = 'FedorEv3'
+	$menu_arg = 'Restroom Wash 2'
+	menu_off = 0
 	minut += 10
 	FedorRestTimes += 1
 	cumspclnt = 1
@@ -1269,16 +1307,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Wash 2':
 	'You grab a few paper towels then approach the sink to clean yourself as thoughly as posible while taking a few seconds to enjoy a splash of warm water on your face, leaving you feeling refreshed as you finish up and walk away from the sink.'
 	if FedorRestTimes > 2 and EndMovie = 1:
-		act 'Leave restroom':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 3'
+		act 'Leave the restroom':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 3'
 	elseif FedorRestTimes > 2 and EndMovie = 0:
-		act 'Go back to theater':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
+		act 'Go back to the theater':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
 		act 'Dry off':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Mens Room'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Wash 3':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	$menu_loc = 'FedorEv3'
+	$menu_arg = 'Restroom Wash 3'
+	menu_off = 0
 	minut += 10
 	cumspclnt = 1
 	gs 'cum_cleanup'
@@ -1294,14 +1335,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom Wash 3':
 	'You grab a few paper towels then aproach the sink to clean yourself as thoughly as posible while taking a few seconds to enjoy a splash of warm water on your face, leaving you feeling refreshed as you finish up and walk away from the sink.'
 	if EndMovie = 1:
-		act 'Leave restroom':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 3'
+		act 'Leave the restroom':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 3'
-		act 'Go back to theater':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
+		act 'Go back to the theater':gt 'FedorEv3', 'Movies 2'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies 3':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_mood += 10
 	pcs_willpwr += 10
 	minut += 5			

Diferenças do arquivo suprimidas por serem muito extensas
+ 137 - 113

+ 151 - 126

@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
 # FedorMisc
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Intro':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Intro':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	FedorIntro = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/restroom/men/gang/fight.jpg"></center>'
 	'As you walk out of the cafeteria, you see a crowd of students gathered around; what appears to be a fight. You move closer to get a better look when one of the boys in the fight gets knocked back into you. You recoil as one of the boys throws a punch that misses the other, but is rushing toward your face. Suddenly you feel someones arm press against your chest, pushing you away from the fight, and saving you from getting hit. The one who saved you says, "That was a close one. Are you alright?'
 	act 'Turn around':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		npc_rel['A5'] += 5
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -19,8 +20,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Intro':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Chat':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Chat':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	$metka = 'Fedor Chat'
 	$loc = 'FedorMisc'
 	numnpc = 5
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Chat':
 	if npc_rel['A5'] >= 80:'You and Fedor have a great relationship.'
 	act 'Chat':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		npc_rel['A5'] += rand(5,10)
 		numnpc = 5
 		if $loc = 'gdkin':minut += 5
@@ -85,9 +87,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Chat':
 		if npc_rel['A5'] < 20:
 			'You speak to Fedor about a number of random experiences you had. Fedor listens to you with a moderate amount of interest.'
 		elseif npc_rel['A5'] < 80 and npc_rel['A5'] >= 20:
-			'You chat with Fedor, sharing mulitple stories as Fedor happily listens and shares some thoughts on a number of them.'
+			'You chat with Fedor, sharing multiple stories as Fedor happily listens and shares some thoughts on a number of them.'
 		elseif npc_rel['A5'] >= 80:
-			'You chat with Fedor, sharing mulitple stories as Fedor happily listens while sharing several new stories of his own.'
+			'You chat with Fedor, sharing multiple stories as Fedor happily listens while sharing several new stories of his own.'
 		if $loc ! 'gdkin':
@@ -110,8 +112,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Chat':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Chat 2':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Chat 2':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/hall/fedor.jpg"></center>'
@@ -133,8 +136,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Chat 2':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Hate':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Hate':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Fyodor [Masha] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></left>'
@@ -148,8 +152,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Hate':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Comb':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Comb':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_hairbsh = 1
 	minut += 5
@@ -167,8 +172,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Comb':
 	act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	npc_rel['A5'] += 10
 	minut += 5
@@ -188,8 +194,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 1':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 1':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut -= 5
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
@@ -200,7 +207,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 1':
 	act 'On your knees':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr2.jpg"></center>'
 		'Fedor places his hands on your shoulders then begins lightly pushing you down to your knees which you submit to eagerly. When you get down on your knees, Fedor presses his dick against your lips but doesn''t force it in, he instead looks down at you with a pleased smile on his face which notifies you that he want you to do it. You eagerly wrap your lips around his dick and begins sucking on his cock while stroking it with your tongue, doing your best to please him while staring into his eyes as he looks down at you in adoration of what you are doing for him.'
@@ -208,7 +215,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 1':
 		act 'Vaginal':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut -= -5
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr3.jpg"></center>'
@@ -217,7 +224,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 1':
 			act 'Pull out':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr4.jpg"></center>'
 				'Fedor nods as he greatly increases the pace of his thrusts and then pulls out of you and begins covering both your chest and stomach with his seed. The warmth of his cum covers your body, making you feel both sexy and dirty.'
@@ -236,7 +243,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 1':
 			if FedorLoveTalk = 1:
 				act 'Inside me':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr4.jpg"></center>'
 					'You reply, "Please cum inside me." Fedor flashes you a sweet smile then increases his pace. After a few seconds, Fedor groans and you feel his penis throbbing as he begins filling your womb with his warm seed. You let out a soft moan as the warmth of his cum fills you.'
@@ -258,9 +265,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 1':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 2':
-	cls
-	minut -= 5
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 2':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
+	minut += 5
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr5.jpg"></center>'
@@ -269,8 +277,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 2':
 	act 'Unbutton his pants':
-		cls
-		minut -= 5
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr6.jpg"></center>'
 		'You reach down to Fedor''s waist then unbutton his pants then slide them down revealing his hard cock which you take into your hand and begin gently stroking. After a few seconds, Fedor grabs you by your shoulders then lightly pushes you down to your knees. You tilt your head forward and gently lick Fedor''s penis which evokes a low moan from Fedor. After giving Fedor''s dick a few licks you decide to stop teasing him and take his hard cock into your mouth and begins sucking. Feeling his warm dick in your mouth gives you a feeling of excitement as you look up to see Fedor with a loving look on his face, obviously happy seeing what you are doing for him. '
@@ -278,7 +285,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 2':
 		act 'Continue':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr7.jpg"></center>'
 			'You continue sucking Fedor''s dick for a few more seconds before he lifts you onto your feet then quickly undresses you. Fedor walks around behind you then grabs onto your waist then bends you over. You wait for a second in anticipation for what he will do next when you feel his penis enter your vagina, giving you a jolt of pleasure. Fedor begins fucking you slowly but firmly, pushing deep inside you while gradually picking up the pace. You grab onto the bench with both hands and close your eyes focusing on nothing but Fedor''s hard cock in your pussy and the gradual pleasure building up inside you. After a few minutes, Fedor tells you "I''m about ready to cum. How does my girl want it?"'
@@ -286,7 +293,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 2':
 			act 'Pull out':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr8.jpg"></center>'
 				'Fedor gives your ass a quick smack before pulling out of you then rubbing his penis in between your ass cheeks until he groans and begins spraying his load on your lower back. You move your hips up and down, trying to milk Fedor with your ass cheeks while enjoying the warmth of his cum covering your back. After Fedor finishes, he looks down at you and says, "You have an great ass <<$pcs_firstname>>. so soft and plump."'
@@ -305,14 +312,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 2':
 			if FedorLoveTalk = 1:
 				act 'Inside me':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr8.jpg"></center>'
 					'You turn to Fedor and say, "Fill me with your seed, my love."'
 					'Fedor gives you a pleased smile as he increases the pace of his thrusts. You can feel his penis pushing deeper inside you then it begins throbbing and you feel a warmth growing inside you. You let out a moan as Fedor drains his cock inside your vagina and you do your best to milk his penis. Fedor gives your ass a firm smack as he says, "You are so beautiful <<$pcs_firstname>> and so damn sexy too."'
 					'You turn to Fedor and reply, "Well I''m al yours, my love and I always will be." Fedor leans forward and gives you a soft kiss before getting dressed then leaving the locker room.'
-					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/vagcreampie/Creampie2.mp4"></video></center>'
+					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/vagcreampie/creampie2.mp4"></video></center>'
 					gs 'cum_call', '', 'A5'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'dom'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -327,8 +334,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 2':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 3':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 3':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
@@ -338,7 +346,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 3':
 	act 'Continue':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr10.jpg"></center>'
@@ -347,7 +355,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 3':
 		act 'Ride Fedor':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr11.jpg"></center>'
@@ -356,7 +364,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 3':
 			act 'Pull out':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut += 5
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr12.jpg"></center>'
@@ -377,7 +385,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 3':
 			if FedorLoveTalk = 1:
 				act 'Inside me':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					minut += 5
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr12.jpg"></center>'
@@ -400,8 +408,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Locker Room 3':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Hall':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Hall':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	npc_rel['A5'] += 10
 	minut -= 5
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
@@ -412,7 +421,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Hall':
 	act 'Pull down his pants':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/hall/sex/hall1.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'You pull down Fedor''s pants, revealing his rock hard penis which you wrap your fingers around and begin stroking as he caresses your cheek, admiring your beauty. You continue stroking his penis as you look into his eyes to see a very lustful look in them, turning you on, knowing how badly he wants you.'
@@ -420,7 +429,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Hall':
 		act 'Get down on your knees':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/blowjob/blowjob1.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'Wanting to please Fedor you drop to your knees in front of him then begin licking his hard cock, Licking from the shaft to the tip. After licking him for a few seconds you wrap your lips around his shaft, taking it into your mouth before licking and sucking it vigorously, wanting to please Fedor as best you could.'
@@ -428,7 +437,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Hall':
 			act 'Continue':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/hall/sex/hall2.mp4"></video></center>'
 				'As you are sucking him off, Fedor grabs you by your shoulders then lifts you to your feet as he begins undressing you before lifting you off the ground and onto his penis which slides smoothly into your vagina, giving you a jolt of pleasure. You wrap your arms around Fedor''s neck to give yourself leverage to assist Fedor by thrusting your own body onto his hard cock. After a few minutes, Fedor whispers in your ear "I''m gonna cum real soon."'
@@ -436,7 +445,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Hall':
 				act 'On my face':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					minut += 5
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/hall/sex/hall2.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -455,7 +464,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Hall':
 				if FedorLoveTalk = 1:
 					act 'Inside me':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						minut += 5
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/hall/sex/hall2.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -479,13 +488,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Hall':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Restroom':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Restroom':
+	*clr & cla
 	$metka = 'Restroom'
 	$loc = 'FedorMisc'
 	$metkaM = 'Restroom'
 	$locM = 'FedorMisc'
 	$location_type = 'bathroom'
+	$menu_loc = 'FedorMisc'
+	$menu_arg = 'Restroom'
+	menu_off = 0
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><h4><font color=#00ffe4>Girl''s Restroom</font></h4></center>'
@@ -495,8 +507,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Restroom':
 	act 'Leave restroom':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Quick Wash':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Quick Wash':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	EndMovie = 0
 	WithFedor = 0
 	minut += 10
@@ -515,8 +528,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Quick Wash':
 	act 'Dry off':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Smoke':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Smoke':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	npc_rel['A5'] += 5
 	siga += 1
 	gs 'shortgs','smoker'
@@ -533,8 +547,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Smoke':
 	act 'Finish smoking':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Smoke 2':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Smoke 2':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	npc_rel['A5'] += 5
 	siga += 1
 	gs 'shortgs','smoker'
@@ -551,19 +566,25 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Smoke 2':
 	act 'Finish smoking':gt 'FedorMisc', 'Outcast'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Workout':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Workout':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/gym/fedor.jpg"></center>'
-	'You can see Fedor on his phone by some of the punching bags and as you approach, he lowers his phone then he flashes you a warm smile. "<<$pcs_firstname>> It''s always good to see you. Are you here to workout? or are you waiting for someone?"'
-	'You reply, "I''m just keeping fit. I wanna look good for my handsome boyfriend."'
-	'Fedor gives you a warm smile as he responds, "I''ve just been doing some warm ups. You can join me for some workouts, if you like."'
+	if $ARGS[1] = 'workout_date': 
+		'Fedor gives you a warm smile after he has finished his warm up. "What do you want to do?."'
+	else
+		'You can see Fedor on his phone by some of the punching bags and as you approach, he lowers his phone then he flashes you a warm smile. "<<$pcs_firstname>> It''s always good to see you. Are you here to workout? or are you waiting for someone?"'
+		'You reply, "I''m just keeping fit. I wanna look good for my handsome boyfriend."'
+		'Fedor gives you a warm smile as he responds, "I''ve just been doing some warm ups. You can join me for some workouts, if you like."'
+		act 'I can''t right now but maybe later':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+	end
 	act 'Build strength':
-		cla
-		*clr
+		*clr & cla
 		FedorWorkout = 1
 		minut += 30
@@ -585,8 +606,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Workout':
 	if VKwip = 100:
 		act 'Work on agility':
-			cla
-			*clr
+			*clr & cla
 			FedorWorkout = 2
 			minut += 30
@@ -604,8 +624,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Workout':
 	act 'Increase endurance':
-		cla
-		*clr
+		*clr & cla
 		FedorWorkout = 3
 		minut += 30
@@ -621,11 +640,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Workout':
-	act 'I can''t right now but maybe later':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Workout 2':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Workout 2':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	VK = rand(1,2)
@@ -646,9 +665,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Workout 2':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Strength':
-	cla
-	*clr
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Strength':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 30
 	stren_exp += rand(1, 4) + (steroid_dose - rand(0,steroid_dose)) & gs 'obj_din', 'steroids'
 	fat -= 1
@@ -662,7 +681,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Strength':
 	if FedorDW = 1:
 		act 'Finish workout':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			FedorDW = 0
 			minut += 2
@@ -671,7 +690,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Strength':
 			'You take a well needed stretch before turning back to see Fedor collecting his things, and placing them in his gym bag before he looks to you and says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>> would you like to come back to my place to hang out, maybe watch some tv?"'
 			act 'Sure i would love too':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				pcs_mood += rand(5, 10)
 				minut += 30
 				pcs_mood += rand(15, 25)
@@ -689,9 +708,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Strength':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Agility':
-	cla
-	*clr
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Agility':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 30
 	react_exp += rand(1, 3)
 	agil_exp += rand(1, 3)
@@ -706,7 +725,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Agility':
 	if FedorDW = 1:
 		act 'Finish workout':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			FedorDW = 0
 			minut += 2
@@ -715,7 +734,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Agility':
 			'You take a well needed stretch before turning back to see Fedor collecting his things, and placing them in his gym bag before he looks to you and says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>> would you like to come back to my place to hang out, maybe watch some tv?"'
 			act 'Sure i would love too':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				pcs_mood += rand(5, 10)
 				minut += 30
 				pcs_mood += rand(15, 25)
@@ -733,9 +752,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Agility':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Endurance':
-	cla
-	*clr
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Endurance':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 30
 	vital_exp += rand(1, 4)
 	fat -= 1
@@ -750,7 +769,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Endurance':
 	if FedorDW = 1:
 		act 'Finish workout':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			FedorDW = 0
 			minut += 2
@@ -759,7 +778,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Endurance':
 			'You take a well needed stretch before turning back to see Fedor collecting his things, and placing them in his gym bag before he looks to you and says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>> would you like to come back to my place to hang out, maybe watch some tv?"'
 			act 'Sure i would love too':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				pcs_mood += rand(5, 10)
 				minut += 30
 				pcs_mood += rand(15, 25)
@@ -777,8 +796,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Endurance':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Vitek Event':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Event':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Viktor [Vitek] Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -791,8 +811,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Vitek Event':
 	act 'Walk away':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Outcast Intro':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Outcast Intro':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Fyodor [Masha] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -801,7 +822,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Outcast Intro':
 	if FedorLove = 0:
 		act 'Approach Fedor':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Fyodor [Masha] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -809,17 +830,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Outcast Intro':
 			'As you approach Fedor he looks at you with an angry stare as he asks "What are you doing here? Are you here to mock me or gloat on how Viktor is stronger than me?"'
 			act 'Apologize':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				FedorOutcast = -1
 				'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Fyodor [Masha] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/fedorangry.jpg"></center>'
 				'You slowly step toward Fedor and say, "Look Fedor...I never meant for any of this to happen." Fedor shouts "YOU AGREED TO GO OUT WITH VIKTOR WHILE DATING ME! How can you expect me to believe that you cared for me at all... Just go away <<$pcs_firstname>>. I have nothing for you." you step away from Fedor knowing that nothing you say will console him while thinking to yourself "If only he trusted me more, then maybe he would believe that my apology is sincere."'
-				act 'Walk away':gt 'gskver'
+				act 'Walk away':gt 'gskver', 'start'
 			act 'Mock':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				FedorOutcast = -2
 				npc_rel['A5'] = 0
 				FedorLove = -1
@@ -828,12 +849,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Outcast Intro':
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/fedorangry.jpg"></center>'
 				'You grin as you reply, "Well yes. I do so love having a real man as my boyfriend and not a little cocksucker like you." Fedor immediately charges at you and pushes you on the ground. "The only thing Viktor sees in you is right between your legs." You are too shaken to speak as Fedor takes a few seconds to calm himself then walks away from you while saying "Just go <<$pcs_firstname>>. You''ve already taken everything from me. There is nothing left for you here."'
-				act 'Walk away':gt 'gskver'
+				act 'Walk away':gt 'gskver', 'start'
 	elseif FedorLove = 1:
 		act 'Approach Fedor':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			npc_rel['A5'] += 10
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Fyodor [Masha] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -845,7 +866,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Outcast Intro':
 			'Fedor returns the smile. "You remembered? I always knew you were one of the good ones."'
 			act 'Cheer him up':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				fedorKozlovQW = -12
 				npc_rel['A5'] += 10
 				minut += 5
@@ -867,11 +888,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Outcast Intro':
-	act 'Walk away':gt 'gskver'
+	act 'Walk away':gt 'gskver', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Outcast':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Outcast':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	VK = rand(1,2)
@@ -887,7 +909,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Outcast':
 	if fedorKozlovQW = -12:
 		act 'Let''s talk about us':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -903,7 +925,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Outcast':
 			'Fedor tilts his head then asks "Are you sure you want to do this. I can''t lose you for a second time. I won''t be able to handle it, so make sure you are truly ready to commit."'
 			act 'I''m sure':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				npc_rel['A5'] += 20
 				FedorKozHome = 1
 				fedorKozlovQW = -15
@@ -919,13 +941,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Outcast':
 				act 'Remain here':gt 'FedorMisc', 'Outcast'
-				act 'Return to park':gt 'gskver'
+				act 'Return to park':gt 'gskver', 'start'
-			act 'I need some time to think about it':gt 'gskver'
+			act 'I need some time to think about it':gt 'gskver', 'start'
 	elseif fedorKozlovQW = -15:
 		act 'Ask out on a date':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			npc_rel['A5'] += 10
 			minut += 5
@@ -939,17 +961,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Outcast':
 			act 'Ask for a smoke':gt 'FedorMisc', 'Smoke 2'
-			act 'Just wanted to say hi':gt 'gskver'
+			act 'Just wanted to say hi':gt 'gskver', 'start'
 	act 'Ask for a smoke':gt 'FedorMisc', 'Smoke 2'
-	act 'Walk away':gt 'gskver'
+	act 'Walk away':gt 'gskver', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Vs Dimka':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Vs Dimka':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -961,7 +984,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Vs Dimka':
 	'Fedor walks up to you then gives you a kiss on your cheek then whispers in your ear. "Are you ready to deal with that punk Dimka?"'
 	act 'Yes I am':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -973,7 +996,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Vs Dimka':
 		'Fedor nods then tells you "You lure him to the other side of school and I will wait for you there." you give Fedor a kiss before responding "I will..and thank you again Fedor. This means a great deal to me." Fedor gives you a wink as he walks off.'
 		act 'Lure Dimka':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><b><h4><font color="maroon"><<"Dmitriy [Dimka] Nosov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -986,7 +1009,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Vs Dimka':
 			'You give him a nod with a seductive grin on your face. Dimka responds, "What are we waiting for? Let''s get moving." He then grabs your wrist roughly as he leads you behind the school.'
 			act 'Follow his lead':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut += 5
 				gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
 				'<center><b><h4><font color="maroon"><<"Dmitriy [Dimka] Nosov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -999,7 +1022,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Vs Dimka':
 				act 'Continue':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					minut += 10
 					pain['asshole'] += 10
 					pcs_health -= 10
@@ -1019,7 +1042,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Vs Dimka':
 					act 'Break it up':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						minut += 5
 						'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -1033,7 +1056,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Vs Dimka':
 						'Dimka still squirming in pain looks toward Fedor then says, "I didn''t know <<$pcs_firstname>> was yours but there is something you should know about her." He then pulls his phone out of his pocket.'
 						act 'Snatch the phone':
-							cls
+							*clr & cla
 							dimaFilm = 0
 							DimaRudeBlock = 1
 							FedorvsDimka = 2
@@ -1060,8 +1083,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Fedor Vs Dimka':
 	act 'I''m not ready yet':gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Dimka Party':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Dimka Party':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="maroon"><<"Dimka Nosov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -1075,8 +1099,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Dimka Party':
 	act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Dimka Party 2':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Dimka Party 2':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="maroon"><<"Dimka Nosov">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -1092,29 +1117,28 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Dimka Party 2':
 	act 'Leave':gt 'pavResidential'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'VKwip':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'VKwip':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr.jpg"></center>'
 	act '':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr.jpg"></center>'
 		act '':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr.jpg"></center>'
 			act '':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				minut += 5
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1124,7 +1148,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'VKwip':
 			if FedorLoveTalk = 1:
 				act 'Inside me':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					minut += 5
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/school/lockerroom/lr.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1137,22 +1161,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'VKwip':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Workout Time':
-	cls
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Workout Time':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
 	'As you are walking around, Fedor approaches you then says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, I''m heading to the sports center to do some workouts. Would you like to join me, or would you prefer that I take you home?"'
 	act 'I could use a good workout':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		FedorDW = 1
 		minut += 10
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/hold.jpg"></center>'
 		'Fedor gives you a warm smile as he responds, "Great, I love a girl that keeps herself in shape." you give him a grin as you respond, "Well I already know that, duhh." Fedor chuckles as he fetches your coat then walks you out of the house, toward the sports center then says, "Let me just warm up a sec." Fedor then begins punching a punching bag.'
-		act 'Approach Fedor':gt 'FedorMisc', 'Fedor Workout'
+		act 'Work out with him':gt 'FedorMisc', 'Fedor Workout', 'workout_date'
 	act 'I need to head home':gt 'FedorEv4', 'End Date 2'

+ 141 - 134

@@ -3,8 +3,14 @@
 $metka = ''
 $loc = 'Gadbana'
+$metkaM = ''
+$locM = 'Gadbana'
 $location_type = 'bathroom'
+$menu_loc = 'Gadbana'
+$menu_arg = ''
+menu_off = 0
 frost = 0
+clothesAtLocation = FUNC('lost_clothes_here','Gadbana')
@@ -13,24 +19,44 @@ frost = 0
 'Grandma''s enema bulb is hidden behind some stuff on the shelf.'
 gs 'stat'
 if mira = 0:
-	if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
-		act 'Get dressed':
-			gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
+	if clothesAtLocation = 1 and $clothingworntype = 'nude':
+		act 'Get dressed and leave':
+			minut += 1
+			menu_off = 1
+			gs 'clothing', 'recover_lost_clothes', 'Gadbana', 1
 			gs 'underwear', 'wear'
-			gt 'Gadbana'
+			gs 'stat'
+			gt 'Gaddvor'
-	act 'Go outside':
-		if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
-			minut += 1 & gt'Gaddvor'
-		else
-			cls
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/noundress.jpg"></center>'
-			'You can''t go out without any clothes on.'
-			act 'Back':gt'Gadbana'
+	if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
+		act 'Go outside':minut += 1 & gt'Gaddvor'
+	elseif $clothingworntype = 'nude':
+		act 'Go outside naked':
+			*clr & cla
+			menu_off = 1
+			minut += 1
+			inhib_exp += rand(0,2)
+			grandma_trouble += rand(0,1)
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/gaddvor_nude.jpg"></center>''It''s certainly risky leaving the hosue like this, and while it''s unlikely anyone saw you go outside naked, there''s a thrill in almost getting caught'
+			gs 'clothing', 'recover_lost_clothes', 'Gadbana'
+			gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10, 'exhibitionism'
+			gs 'stat'
+			act 'Continue': gt 'Gaddvor'
+		end
+	elseif $clothingworntype = 'nude' and ($pantyworntype ! 'none' or $braworntype ! 'none'):
+		act 'Go outside in your underwear':
+			*clr & cla
+			menu_off = 1
+			minut += 1
+			inhib_exp += rand(0,2)
+			grandma_trouble += rand(0,1)
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/gaddvor_nude.jpg"></center>''It''s certainly risky leaving the hosue like this, and while it''s unlikely anyone saw you go outside in your underwear, there''s a thrill in almost getting caught'
+			gs 'clothing', 'recover_lost_clothes', 'Gadbana'
+			gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10, 'exhibitionism'
+			gs 'stat'
+			act 'Continue': gt 'Gaddvor'
@@ -43,6 +69,7 @@ if mira = 0:
 			if banaday ! daystart:
 				act 'Relax in the banya (2:00)':
+					menu_off = 1
 					minut += 120
 					pcs_sweat = rand(0,5)
 					dynamic $showerdin
@@ -61,45 +88,98 @@ if mira = 0:
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/par.jpg"></center>'
 					'You strip, sit down and relax. After a proper banya session, you pick up a bucket filled with cold water and pour it over yourself and head over to the shower. You feel like a completely new person.'
-					act 'Get dressed':
-						gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
-						gs 'underwear', 'wear'
-						gt 'Gadbana'
-					end
-					act 'Go outside': minut += 1 & gt 'Gaddvor'
+					act 'Finish': gt $loc, $metka
-			'The banya is not in use at this time, it is available between 19:00 and 22:00 during the week.'
+			'The banya is not in use at this time, it is available between 19:00 and 22:00 during the weekend.'
-	elseif week ! 6:
-		'The banya is not used at the weekend, it is usually ready to use from 19:00 during the week.'
+	elseif week < 6:
+		'The banya is not used during the week, it is usually ready to use from 19:00 during the weekend.'
+	*nl
 	act 'Wash your body (0:25)':
+		menu_off = 1
 		minut += 25
 		dynamic $showerdin
 		if frost > 0:frost = 0
+		gs 'clothing', 'strip', 'Gadbana'
+		gs 'underwear', 'remove'
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/mit.jpg"></center>'
 		'You lather your body washcloth and start scrubbing your body. You rinse off the soap and start to lather the hair with the shampoo. After rising off the shampoo you are completely clean.'
-		act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
+		act 'Finish':gt $loc, $metka
 	dynamic $bteeth
 	gs 'din_van', 'prvt_pee'
 	dynamic $tampon
+	if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
+		act 'Remove clothes':
+			minut += 1
+			gs 'clothing', 'strip', 'Gadbana'
+			gs 'stat'
+			gt 'Gadbana'
+		end
+	end
 	dynamic $wearpan
+	dynamic $removepan
 	dynamic $basin
+	if painkiller > 0:
+		$pluralS = 's'
+		if painkiller = 1:$pluralS = ''
+		'You have <b><<painkiller>></b> painkiller<<$pluralS>>.'
+		if pain['total'] > 0 and pain['killer'] = 0:
+			act 'Take a painkiller':
+				cla
+				menu_off = 1
+				pain['killer'] += 1
+				painkiller -= 1
+				pcs_hydra += 20
+				gs 'stat'
+				*nl
+				'You take a painkiller and gulp it down with a glass of water.'
+				act 'Finish':gt $loc, $metka
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if stanok > 0:'Your razor will last for <b><<stanok>></b> more shavings. <a href="exec:gs ''din_van'', ''shave_options''">Shave Options</a>.'
+	'There''s a small shaving <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirror</a> resting on the window sill, which you can use to ' + iif(pcs_hairbsh = 0,'<a href="exec:GT ''mirror'',''brush''">brush</a>','brush') + ' your hair.'
+	!WD: heal chafe
+	if mosolmaz>0:'On a shelf is a tube of ointment for chafing, which will be enough for <b><<mosolmaz>></b> applications.'
+	if tampon = 0 and sanpad = 0:
+		'<b><font color="red">You have no tampons left.</font></b>'
+	elseif tampon = 1:
+		'<font color="red">You have only <b><<tampon>></b> tampon left.</font>'
+	else
+		'You have <b><<tampon>></b> tampons.'
+	end
+	if sanpad = 0 and tampon = 0:
+		'<b><font color="red">You have no pads left.</font></b>'
+	elseif sanpad = 1:
+		'<font color="red">You have only <b><<sanpad>></b> pads left.</font>'
+	else
+		'You have <b><<sanpad>></b> pads.'
+	end
+	if bcream_have > 0:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $use_bcream & gt $loc, $metka">Apply breast cream.</a> Uses left: <<bcream_have>>.'
+	end
 	if (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1):
 		act 'Rinse the cum stains off your clothes in luke warm water(0:10)':
+			menu_off = 1
 			cumspclnt = 6
 			gs 'cum_cleanup'
 			minut += 10
@@ -113,95 +193,19 @@ if mira = 0:
 	dynamic $brit
-	if dirtyclothes = 1 and $loc = 'Gadbana':
-		act 'Wash your clothes (1:00)':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 60
-			dirtyclothes = 0
-			pcs_mood += 10
-			cumspclnt = 6 & gs 'cum_cleanup'
-			gs 'stat'
-			if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/basinwash.jpg"></center>'
-			else
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/washclothes1.jpg"></center>'
-				 'You undress and wash your dirty clothes.'
-			end
-			*nl
-			'You soak your muddy clothes and underwear in the basin and pour in washing powder, then you scrub them until they are finally clean.'
-			act 'Finish':gt $loc, $metka
+	if breastpump > 0 and bp_unbox >= 1:
+		act 'Use breast pump':
+			gt 'lact_lib', 'bp_milking'
-	if analplug = 1 and analplugin = 1:
-		act 'Remove your butt plug (0:05)':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 5
-			analplugIN = 0
-			if pcs_ass < 30:pcs_ass += 1
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/analplug.jpg"></center>'
-			*nl
-			'You squat and tug gently at the butt plug, gasping as you push it out of you. You can''t help but feel a bit empty, now that it''s out.' & !!0.2.6: Removed unneccessary var check
-			act 'Finish':gt $loc, $metka
-		end
-	elseif analplug = 1 and analplugin = 0 and klismaday = daystart:
-		act 'Insert your butt plug (0:05)':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 5
-			analplugIN = 1
-			if pcs_ass < 10:pcs_ass += 5
-			if pcs_ass >= 10 and pcs_ass < 20:pcs_ass += rand(1, 2)
-			if pcs_ass >= 20 and pcs_ass < 30:pcs_ass += rand(0, 1)
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/analplug.jpg"></center>'
-			*nl
-			if butpluguse > 0:'You squat and gently rub the butt plug against your anus, after lubricating it with a bit of saliva. After a short while, you''ve relaxed enough to be able to push it in. Once it''s in you give it a few gentle tugs, wondering if anyone will catch you wearing it today.'
-			if butpluguse = 0:butpluguse = 1 & '"If I''m not going to use it, then why did I buy it?" you ask yourself. You look at the butt plug for a while, thinking "It is necessary to start developing my ass, so I could have great adventures someday... you could even say huge and thick adventures with crimson heads, uh, now I got carried away..." You''re slightly embarrassed at the thought for a second, but are then overcome by your horny fantasies. Determined to get the plug all the way in, you slowly press it against your asshole after lubricating it with a bit of saliva. It hurts a bit at first, but once the thickest part is in the rest follows rather easily. Patting yourself on your ass once it''s in, you wonder if anyone will notice you''re wearing it today and then immediately feel naughty for even having thought that.'
-			act 'Finish':gt $loc, $metka
-		end
-	end
-	if vibrator = 1 and vibratorIN = 1:
-		act 'Remove the vibrator (0:05)':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 5
-			vibratorIN = 0
-			if pcs_vag < 30:pcs_vag += 1
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/accessories/toys/vibrator.jpg"></center>'
-			*nl
-			'You spread your legs and take the vibrator out of your pussy, letting out a slight moan as you do so. You feel somewhat empty now.'
-			act 'Finish':gt $loc, $metka
-		end
-	elseif vibrator = 1 and vibratorIN = 0 and pcs_vag ! 0:
-		act 'Insert the vibrator in your vagina (0:05)':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 5
-			vibratorIN = 1
-			if pcs_vag < 30:pcs_vag += 2
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/accessories/toys/vibrator.jpg"></center>'
-			*nl
-			'You spread your legs and slowly insert the vibrator in your pussy, wondering if anyone will notice you wearing it today.'
-			act 'Finish':gt $loc, $metka
-		end
-	end
+	dynamic $toymanage
+	dynamic $enema
 	if mosolmaz > 0 and mosol > 0 and mosal_time ! (daystart * 100) + hour:
 		act 'Rub ointment onto your pussy (0:05)':
+			menu_off = 1
 			mosal_time = (daystart * 100) + hour
 			minut += 5
 			mosolmaz -= 1
@@ -211,25 +215,12 @@ if mira = 0:
 			act 'Finish':gt $loc, $metka
-	if (klismaday ! daystart or arrpos('sparrloc', 3) ! -1):
-		act 'Give yourself an enema (0:05)':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			cumspclnt = 7
-			gs 'cum_cleanup'
-			minut += 5
-			klismaday = daystart
-			klismaday1= 1
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/bathroom/klisma.jpg"></center>'
-			'You use Baba''s enema to clean yourself out down there. Your ass is now ready for anal sex without any awkward surprises.'
-			act 'Finish':gt 'Gadbana'
-		end
-	end
 	act 'Undress':
-		gs 'clothing', 'strip'
+		menu_off = 1
+		gs 'clothing', 'strip', 'Gadbana'
 		gs 'underwear', 'remove'
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/miraban.jpg"></center>'
@@ -246,15 +237,6 @@ else
 			gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Steam':
-				!{
-				dynamic $showerdin
-				vidageday += 1
-				pcs_mood += 20
-				pcs_health += healthmax/20
-				pcs_skin += 5
-				if pcs_skin >= 20:pcs_skin = 0 & skin += 1
-				}
-				!copy from 40~62, different sauna in Russian.
 				dynamic $showerdin
 				pcs_hairbsh = 0
@@ -271,7 +253,32 @@ else
 				gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 120
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
-				act 'Finish': mira = 0 & gt 'gaddvor'
+				if clothesAtLocation = 1 and $clothingworntype = 'nude':
+					act 'Get dressed and leave':
+						cla
+						mira = 0
+						minut += 1
+						gs 'clothing', 'recover_lost_clothes', 'Gaddvor', 1
+						gs 'underwear', 'wear'
+						gs 'stat'
+						act 'Continue': gt 'Gaddvor'
+					end
+				end
+				act 'Go outside naked':
+					*clr & cla
+					mira = 0
+					minut += 1
+					grandma_trouble += rand(0,1)
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/gaddvor_nude.jpg"></center>'
+					'Luckily no one saw you outside naked, but there''s a thrill in almost getting caught'
+					gs 'clothing', 'recover_lost_clothes', 'Gaddvor'
+					gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10, 'exhibitionism'
+					gs 'arousal', 'end'
+					gs 'stat'
+					act 'Continue': gt 'Gaddvor'
+				end

+ 30 - 15

@@ -1,13 +1,29 @@
 # Gaddvor
 if $ARGS[0]='':
+	music_loop = 0
 	$metka = ''
 	$loc = 'Gaddvor'
 	$location_type = 'public_outdoors'
+	$menu_loc = 'Gaddvor'
+	$menu_arg = ''
+	menu_off = 0
+	killvar '$locclass'
 	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
+	if hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
+		if grandma_trouble = 10:
+			*clr & cla
+			menu_off = 1
+			killvar 'grandma_trouble'
+			'<center><h4>Your grandparents'' yard</h4></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/grandma_trouble.jpg"></center>'
+			'Suddenly your grandmother approaches you with disappointed look on her face. "I had higher expectations of you young lady! You should be ashamed of yourself running around outdoors without clothes. You have embarrassed me AND your grandfather! Unlike you, we have to live in this village, and with the people in it. If you keep this up, I''ll be cutting your time here short and sending you back to your mother, and she can deal with your sinful behaviour. Go and get dressed immediately!" She then walks off. You are too ashamed to say anything.'
+			act 'Continue': gt 'Gaddvor'
+			exit
+		end
+	end
 	clothesAtLocation = FUNC('lost_clothes_here',$CURLOC)
 	if clothesAtLocation = 1:
 		if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
@@ -44,9 +60,9 @@ if $ARGS[0]='':
 	if StoryLine = 1:
-		'A fenced yard behind your grandparents'' house. The yard is surrounded by a small barn packed with junk and a separate building that is used as a banya where you can take a bath. On the back porch there are a few chairs to sit in.'
+		'A fenced yard behind your grandparents'' house. The yard is surrounded by a small barn packed with junk and a separate building that is used as a banya where you can take a bath. On the back porch are a few chairs to sit in.'
-		'A fenced yard behind the house. The yard is surrounded by a small barn packed with junk and a separate building that is used as a banya where people take a bath. On the back porch there are a few chairs to sit in.'
+		'A fenced yard behind the house. The yard is surrounded by a small barn packed with junk and a separate building that is used as a banya where people take a bath. On the back porch are a few chairs to sit in.'
@@ -54,30 +70,30 @@ if $ARGS[0]='':
 		act 'Enter your grandparents'' house':minut += 1 & gt 'Gadhouse'
 		act 'Enter the banya':minut += 1 & gt 'Gadbana'
 	if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
-		'You are naked and can only go to your grandparents to get dressed or go to the banya.'
+		'You are naked and can only go into your grandparent''s house to get dressed or go to the banya.'
-		if hour >= 6 and hour < 20 and month >= 4 and month <= 10:'In the yard there are <a href="exec:gt ''Gaddvor'',''chickens''">chickens</a> running around.'
+		if feed_chickens = 1 or (hour >= 6 and hour < 20 and month >= 4 and month <= 10):'In the yard there are <a href="exec:gt ''Gaddvor'',''chickens''">chickens</a> running around.'
 		if mira_guest = 1: Miraloc = 7 & 'Your friend <a href="exec: gt ''Miroslava'', ''Start''">Mira</a> stands next to you.'
-		act 'Enter the barn':minut += 1 & gt 'Gadsarai'
-		act 'Enter garden':minut += 1 & gt'Gadgarden','garden'
+		act 'Go to the barn':minut += 1 & gt 'Gadsarai'
+		act 'Go to the garden':minut += 1 & gt'Gadgarden','garden'
 		if meadow > 0 and hour >= 6 and hour < 20 and month >= 4 and month <= 10:act 'Go to the meadow':minut += 20 & gt 'Meadow', 'start'
 		act '<b>Go to Gadukino</b>':minut += 5 & gt 'gadukino'
-		!removed from 1.2.5
 		if hour >= 17 and hour < 20:
 			if mitkaday!daystart:'<a href="exec:gt ''mitka''">Mitka</a> is hanging out near the barn in your grandparents'' backyard, he is following you while taking a smoke.'
-		elseif hour >= 20 and mitkadaybuh ! daystart:
+		elseif hour >= 20 and sunWeather = 1:
 			'Several <a href="exec:gt ''mitkabuh''">young men</a> are sitting near your grandparents'' backyard, drinking moonshine and talking loudly.'
-		!125s
 		mira_temp = rand(1,5)
 		if mira_temp = 3 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 19 and npc_rel['A60'] >= 15 and Mira_no = 0 and sunWeather = 1 and mira_guestday ! daystart and (npc_QW['A63'] < 13 or npc_QW['A60'] >= 10 or mirasex > 1):
 			*clr & cla
+			menu_off = 1
 			gs 'Miroslava', 'miraclothes'
 			'You went out into the yard and noticed Mira standing there.'
 			'"Oh, <<$pcs_nickname>> hi, hope you don’’t mind me visiting. I was bored being home alone." she said smiling.'
@@ -91,11 +107,11 @@ if $ARGS[0]='':
-if $ARGS[0]='chickens':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'chickens':
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/chickens1.jpg"></center>'
 	'Ordinary chickens clucking about their pen.'
-	minut += 5
+	minut += 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	!job Granny
@@ -113,9 +129,8 @@ if $ARGS[0]='chickens':
 			act 'Finish':gt'Gaddvor'
-	act 'Go': gt'Gaddvor'
+	act 'Leave': gt'Gaddvor'
 --- Gaddvor ---------------------------------

+ 26 - 9

@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 # Gadgarden
 if $ARGS[0] = 'garden':
 	$location_type = 'secluded'
-    $metka = $ARGS[0]
-    $loc = $CURLOC
+    $metka = 'garden'
+    $loc = 'Gadgarden'
+	$menu_loc = 'Gadgarden'
+	$menu_arg = 'garden'
+	menu_off = 0
     gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
@@ -30,6 +34,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garden':
 	    act 'Work in the garden (3:00)':
+			menu_off = 1
 		    minut += 180
 		    pcs_sweat += 10
             work_garden = 0
@@ -49,6 +54,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garden':
 	    act 'Water the garden (1:00)':
+			menu_off = 1
 		    pcs_sweat += 10
 		    minut += 60
 		    water_garden = 0
@@ -68,6 +74,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garden':
 	    act 'Harvest (3:00)':
+			menu_off = 1
 		    minut += 180
 		    pcs_sweat += 10
 		    harvest_garden = 0
@@ -82,12 +89,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garden':
 			act 'Finish':gt'Gadgarden','garden'
-    act 'Go outside':minut += 1 & gt'Gaddvor'
+    act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt'Gaddvor'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'strawberry':
-    $metka = $ARGS[0]
-    $loc = $CURLOC
+    $metka = 'strawberry'
+    $loc = 'Gadgarden'
+	$menu_loc = 'Gadgarden'
+	$menu_arg = 'strawberry'
+	menu_off = 0
     gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
@@ -113,6 +123,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'strawberry':
 		act 'Eat the strawberries (1:00)':
+			menu_off = 1
 			strawberriesday = daystart
 			minut += 60
 			pcs_mood += 10
@@ -133,6 +144,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'strawberry':
 		act 'Collect strawberries (3:00)':
+			menu_off = 1
 			minut += 180
 			pcs_sweat += 10
 			collect_strawberries = 0
@@ -151,13 +163,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'strawberry':
-	act 'Go':minut += 5 & gt'Gadgarden','garden'
+	act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt'Gadgarden','garden'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'fruit_garden':
-    $metka = $ARGS[0]
-    $loc = $CURLOC
+    $metka = 'fruit_garden'
+    $loc = 'Gadgarden'
+	$menu_loc = 'Gadgarden'
+	$menu_arg = 'fruit_garden'
+	menu_off = 0
     gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
@@ -175,6 +190,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fruit_garden':
 		act 'Eat the fruit (1:00)':
+			menu_off = 1
 			fruitday = daystart
 			minut += 60
 			pcs_mood += 10
@@ -195,6 +211,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fruit_garden':
 		act 'Collect fruit (3:00)':
+			menu_off = 1
 			minut += 180
 			pcs_sweat += 10
 			fruit_collect = 0
@@ -212,7 +229,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fruit_garden':
 			act 'Finish':gt 'Gadgarden','fruit_garden'   
-	act 'Go':minut += 5 & gt'Gadgarden','garden'
+	act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt'Gadgarden','garden'
 --- Gadgarden ---------------------------------

+ 166 - 58

@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ if $ARGS[0]='' or $ARGS[0] = 'Start':
 	$location_type = 'indoors'
 	$metka = ''
 	$loc = 'Gadhouse'
+	$menu_loc = 'Gadhouse'
+	$menu_arg = ''
+	menu_off = 0
 	$locclass = 'singleroom'
 	curr_home = 2
@@ -122,15 +125,18 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Main':
 	$metkaM = 'Main'
 	$locM = 'Gadhouse'
+	$locclass = 'livingr'
+	$menu_loc = 'Gadhouse'
+	$menu_arg = 'livingr'
+	menu_off = 0
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/izba.jpg"></center>'
-	'A fairly simple cottage in the village of Gadyukino which your grandparents call home. In the main room there is a huge <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing), and a <a href="exec:gad = 1 & gt ''bed2''">bed</a> where you can rest. The bed is more comfortable than it looks.'
+	'A fairly simple cottage in the village of Gadukino which your grandparents call home. In the main room there is a huge <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing), and a <a href="exec:gad = 1 & gt ''bed'', ''start''">bed</a> where you can rest. The bed is more comfortable than it looks.'
 	'There is an old <a href="exec:gt ''TV'',''gad''">television</a> in the living room. It''s positioned next to a body length <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirror</a>.'
-	'You can check your weight on your grandma''s old mechanical <a href="exec:msg ''Your body fat is = (<<salo>>)''">scales</a>.'
+	'You can check your weight on your grandma''s old mechanical <a href="exec:msg ''<center>Your weight is <<pcs_weight>> kg<br>Your body mass index (BMI) is <<bmi_calc>>.<br><<$bmi_desc>></center>''">scales</a>.'
 	if hour < 8:
 		temp = RAND(0,9)
@@ -169,15 +175,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Main':
 	gs 'stat'
-	if night_mode = 1:
-		fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	else
-		fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	end
+	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
@@ -196,48 +194,34 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Main':
 		if staygad ! daystart: gs 'gadukino_event', 'go_home'
-	if gobelen>0:'You have <<gobelen>> completed tapestries.'
-	if pcs_sewng >= 40 and tkan > 0:'You have enough fabric for <<tkan>> lessons.'
-	if pcs_sewng >= 40 and tkan <= 0:'You do not have any fabric.'
-	if pcs_sewng >= 80:
-		if newgobelen = 0 and tkan > 0:
-			act'Start a new tapestry':
-				*clr & cla
-				tkan -= 1
-				newgobelen = 1
-				minut += 15
-				gs'stat'
-				'You spend 15 minutes at the embroidery frame, preparing the fabric and outlining the pattern for the tapestry.'
-				act'Set the tapestry aside':gt 'Gadhouse', 'Main'
-			end
-		end
-		if newgobelen >= 1:
-			'Your tapestry is <<newgobelen/10>> percent finished.'
-			act'Work on the tapestry for an hour':
-				*clr & cla
-				minut += 60
-				sewng_exp += rand(pcs_intel/10, pcs_intel/5)
-				gobramax = (pcs_sewng - 70) * 6
-				gobramin = (pcs_sewng - 70) * 2
-				newgobelen += rand(gobramin,gobramax)
-				gs'stat'
-				if newgobelen < 1000:'You spent an hour working on your tapestry, which is now <<newgobelen/10>> percent finished.'
-					if newgobelen >= 1000:
-					newgobelen = 0
-					gobelen+=1
-					'Your work on the tapestry is done.'
-				end
-				act'Set the tapestry aside':gt 'Gadhouse', 'Main'
-			end
+	 if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
+		act 'Go outside':minut += 1 & gt 'Gaddvor'
+	elseif $clothingworntype = 'nude':
+		act 'Go outside naked':
+			*clr & cla
+			menu_off = 1
+			minut += 1
+			inhib_exp += rand(0,2)
+			grandma_trouble += rand(1,3)
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/gaddvor_nude.jpg"></center>'
+			'It''s certainly risky leaving the hosue like this, and while it''s unlikely anyone saw you go outside naked, there''s a thrill in almost getting caught'
+			gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10, 'exhibitionism'
+			gs 'arousal', 'end'
+			gs 'stat'
+			act 'Continue': gt 'Gaddvor'
-	end
-	act 'Go outside':
-		if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
-			minut += 1 & gt 'Gaddvor'
-		else
-			msg'<b><font color = red>You can''t leave the house naked! You need to get dressed first.</font></b>'
-			gt 'Gadhouse', 'Main'
+	elseif $clothingworntype = 'nude' and ($pantyworntype ! 'none' or $braworntype ! 'none'):
+		act 'Go outside in your underwear':
+			*clr & cla
+			menu_off = 1
+			minut += 1
+			inhib_exp += rand(0,2)
+			grandma_trouble += rand(1,3)
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/gaddvor_nude.jpg"></center>''It''s certainly risky leaving the hosue like this, and while it''s unlikely anyone saw you go outside in your underwear, there''s a thrill in almost getting caught'
+			gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10, 'exhibitionism'
+			gs 'arousal', 'end'
+			gs 'stat'
+			act 'Continue': gt 'Gaddvor'
@@ -273,6 +257,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Main':
 		act 'Drink tea with biscuits (0:05)':
+			menu_off = 1
 			minut += 5
 			pranik -= 1
 			pcs_health += 30
@@ -300,6 +285,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Main':
 		act 'Prepare a diet meal (0:30)':
+			menu_off = 1
 			frost = 0
 			minut += 30
 			pcs_health += 10
@@ -339,6 +325,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Main':
 			act 'Take a pill (0:05)':
+				menu_off = 1
 				minut += 5
 				lekarday = daystart
 				lekarstvo -= 1
@@ -363,6 +350,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Main':
 			act 'Take vitamins (0:05)':
+				menu_off = 1
 				minut += 5
 				vitaminday = daystart
@@ -389,11 +377,51 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Main':
 	gs 'events', 'read'
 	gs 'subkid'
+	if gobelen>0:'You have <<gobelen>> completed tapestries.'
+	if pcs_sewng >= 40 and tkan > 0:'You have enough fabric for <<tkan>> lessons.'
+	if pcs_sewng >= 40 and tkan <= 0:'You do not have any fabric.'
+	if pcs_sewng >= 80:
+		if newgobelen = 0 and tkan > 0:
+			act'Start a new tapestry':
+				*clr & cla
+				menu_off = 1
+				tkan -= 1
+				newgobelen = 1
+				minut += 15
+				gs'stat'
+				'You spend 15 minutes at the embroidery frame, preparing the fabric and outlining the pattern for the tapestry.'
+				act'Set the tapestry aside':gt 'Gadhouse', 'Main'
+			end
+		end
+		if newgobelen >= 1:
+			'Your tapestry is <<newgobelen/10>> percent finished.'
+			act'Work on the tapestry for an hour':
+				*clr & cla
+				menu_off = 1
+				minut += 60
+				sewng_exp += rand(pcs_intel/10, pcs_intel/5)
+				gobramax = (pcs_sewng - 70) * 6
+				gobramin = (pcs_sewng - 70) * 2
+				newgobelen += rand(gobramin,gobramax)
+				gs'stat'
+				if newgobelen < 1000:'You spent an hour working on your tapestry, which is now <<newgobelen/10>> percent finished.'
+					if newgobelen >= 1000:
+					newgobelen = 0
+					gobelen+=1
+					'Your work on the tapestry is done.'
+				end
+				act'Set the tapestry aside':gt 'Gadhouse', 'Main'
+			end
+		end
+	end
 	if rand (0,2) ! 0:gs 'din_bad' & dynamic $mobile_check
+	act 'Relax on your bed': gt 'bed', 'start'
 if $ARGS[0]='grandma':
 	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 2
 	if grandmatalkday ! daystart: grandmatalk = 0
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -406,6 +434,9 @@ if $ARGS[0]='grandma':
 		act 'Maybe you should get dressed before talking to her':gt 'Gadhouse', 'Start'
+		if grigory_flower > 0 and grigory_flower < 10:
+			act 'Talk to her about the flowers': gt 'grigory', 'flower4'
+		end
 		if grandmahelpday ! daystart:
 			act 'Offer to help out': grandmahelpday = daystart & gt'grandmahelp'
@@ -477,7 +508,7 @@ if $ARGS[0]='grandma':
 					'"One day she came home from work, and the floor boards all of a sudden started creaking! And through the glass panes in the door in the hallway, she could see the silhouette of a man. It looked remarkably like her late husband!"'
 					'"She was terrified! She quickly left her house, and only went back when I promised to go with her... but of course, we found nothing. Do you believe in ghosts, <<$pcs_nickname>>? Because ever since then, I do..."'
 				elseif temp = 2:
-					'"I wasn''t born in Gadyukino, I grew up in a different village", your grandmother begins. "This is a true story, by the way!"'
+					'"I wasn''t born in Gadukino, I grew up in a different village", your grandmother begins. "This is a true story, by the way!"'
 					'"When I was still a little girl, one of our neighbors died. Then, less than two weeks later, one of his brothers died too! And as the legend goes, death comes in threes..."'
 					'"His one surviving sister was terrified. She was a friend of mine, but her parents wouldn''t let her leave the house."'
 					'"It was well into the winter season then, and people could only go to other towns by sleigh. For forty days, they waited... just when they were about to accept that the legend might not be true, they found one of her relatives. Dead. Muzhik I believe his name was, he was found frozen solid, basically a block of ice! He''d tried to attend his cousin''s funeral, but it cost him his life!"'
@@ -526,6 +557,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0]='grandpa':
 	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 2
 	if grandpatalkday ! daystart:grandpatalk = 0
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -539,6 +571,9 @@ if $ARGS[0]='grandpa':
 		act 'Maybe you should get dressed before talking to him':gt 'Gadhouse', 'Start'
+		if grigory_flower > 0 and grigory_flower < 10:
+			act 'Talk to him about the flowers': gt 'grigory', 'flower3'
+		end
 		if go_in_boletus = 1:'You promise to bring grandpa <<grandpa_boletus>> kg of mushrooms.'
 		if go_in_bilberry = 1:'You promise to bring grandpa <<grandpa_bilberry>> kg of berries.'
 		if go_in_boletus_bilberry = 1:'You promise to bring grandpa <<grandpa_boletus>> kg mushrooms and <<grandpa_bilberry>> kg of berries.'
@@ -555,7 +590,7 @@ if $ARGS[0]='grandpa':
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/grandpa1.jpg"></center>'
-				'"Listen carefully <<$pcs_nickname>>. You want to explore the forest and that''s great. But be sure of your surroundings, without having any knowledge of the forest you may easily get lost. Don''t go exploring too deep in the forest, because the mushrooms and berries can be found at the edge of the forest. If you chose to explore the forrest you''ll find a swamp in the middle of the forrest. You can find mushrooms and berries there too... Going into the forest at night is not recommended, wild boars may attack, and you might end up really hurt."'
+				'"Listen carefully <<$pcs_nickname>>. You want to explore the forest and that''s great. But be sure of your surroundings, without having any knowledge of the forest you may easily get lost. Don''t go exploring too deep in the forest, because the mushrooms and berries can be found at the edge of the forest. If you choose to explore the forest you''ll find a swamp in the middle of the forest. You can find mushrooms and berries there too... Going into the forest at night is not recommended, wild boars may attack, and you might end up really hurt."'
 				'"If you manage to get lost and can''t find your way out of the forest before it gets dark, then light a fire and sit still there until morning. The beasts in the forest are afraid of the fire, so they won''t approach you."'
 				'"There''s one more thing... While you''re in the woods, avoid dressing yourself up in fancy clothes. You might damage them. It''s better to dress in more comfortable clothes instead..."'
 				'"Well, I think that''s everything <<$pcs_nickname>>, run along now, and remember what I''ve told you."'
@@ -587,6 +622,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0]='villagecat':
 	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 2
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -610,7 +646,7 @@ if $ARGS[0]='villagecat':
 		act 'Feed Boniface':
-			minute +=5
+			minut +=5
 			gs 'stat'
 			feedcat = 2
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/feedboniface.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -624,14 +660,14 @@ if $ARGS[0]='villagecat':
 			if sunWeather = 0:
-				minute += 10
+				minut += 10
 				gs 'stat'
 				'You open the door for Boniface who saunters around you only to stop in the doorway as he becomes aware that it is raining out. He glares up at you as if the rain was your fault. He stares out into the wet for another moment then sedately turns around and goes back to his box.'
 				act 'Continue': gt 'Gadhouse', 'Start'
-				minute +=10
+				minut +=10
 				gs 'stat'
 				catout = 2
 				'You open the door for Boniface who saunters around you only to stop in the doorway as he stops to consider if he really wants to go outside. After considering all the pros and cons, he finally decides to go out.'
@@ -642,5 +678,77 @@ if $ARGS[0]='villagecat':
 	act 'Leave Boniface alone':minut += 2 & gt 'Gadhouse', 'Start'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'intro':
+	cla & *clr
+	$metka = ''
+	$loc = 'Gadhouse'
+	$temp_nickname = '<<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>>'
+	monthbabkapay = month
+	menu_off = 1
+	hour = 6
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost4.jpg"></center>'
+	*nl
+	'All of a sudden you hear a familiar voice yell out, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, time to get up. You can''t spend the whole day laying around!"'
+	wait 2000
+	$npc_nickname['A29'] = input('<center>What name do you address your mother by?<br>Mother (default), Mum, Mom, Mama, etc.</center>')
+	if $npc_nickname['A29'] = '':$npc_nickname['A29'] = '<<$temp_nickname>>'
+	killvar '$temp_nickname'
+	act 'Continue':
+		cla & *clr
+		minut += 2
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost5.jpg"></center>'
+		*nl
+		'You tiredly open your eyes seeing your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> standing over you, "Fifteen more minutes..."'
+		'Your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> lets out a loud sigh, "No, up now!" as she yanks the cover off...'
+		'"<<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>>!" you exclaim, as you feel a slight cold breeze hit your body.'
+		'"Listen!, I''m heading back to Pavlovsk this morning, and I don''t want to hear excuses, <<$pcs_nickname>>. The summer holidays will be over soon and you need to get used to waking up early, for when school starts. So, from now on set your alarm, so you can wake up at a reasonable time." <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> says as she stares at you expectantly.'
+		act 'Get up':
+			cla & *clr
+			minut += 2
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost4.jpg"></center>'
+			*nl
+			'As soon as you get off your now coverless bed, your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> is quick to resume her nagging, telling you again what you already heard from her a few moments ago. "Summer is almost over, you can''t sleep in anymore, not even for another fifteen minutes." She''s not even looking at you while she talks, but luckily for you that means she misses you rolling your eyes.'
+			'"What are you going to do when school starts, or when you get a job? You better get into the habit of setting your alarm so you can wake up bright and early."'
+			act 'Continue':
+				cla & *clr
+				minut += 2
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost5.jpg"></center>'
+				*nl
+				'You let out an exasperated sigh, "Yeah, yeah I know, you told me that already. So, how early are we talking?"'
+				'Your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> shoots you a sharp look and you know to fix your attitude or else. "Well, depends on what you plan to do in the morning. There''s showering and brushing your teeth, doing your hair and then makeup and shaving if you really need to. If I remember right...Anya used to wake up at 06:00 for school. Besides, while you are staying at your grandparents house, you should be up extra early helping them tend to the farm, this isn''t a holiday camp!"'
+				act 'Continue':
+					cla & *clr
+					minut += 2
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost4.jpg"></center>'
+					*nl
+					'"You want me to wake up that early?!" You huff. "Can''t I wake up at like... 07:00?"'
+					'Your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> shrugs. "You could, but then you might have to cut corners or even end up running late to school, and I won''t be having any of that. Your teachers won''t either," she warns you before making her way outside. "Oh, don''t forget; when you get back to Pavlovsk, you need to head down to the clinic and see the gynecologist for a check up. Not just once, but every month," she adds quickly.'
+					act 'But why do I--':
+						cla & *clr
+						minut += 2
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><H4>Your Grandparents'' Cottage</H4></center>'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost5.jpg"></center>'
+						*nl
+						'Before you can finish, she cuts you off. "I''m not going to have you running around town like so many of those other girls I see! Opening their legs for any boy that comes around..." She shakes her head in disgust. "I want a referral every month and it better tell me you''re still a virgin or else, understand?" <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> says as she storms off towards your grandparent''s outside door. "Don''t forget to talk to your grandparent''s and ask if they need help!" she says loudly. Without waiting for your response, she closes the door, and with that, she''s gone.'
+						act 'I understand...':gt 'budilnik', 'start'
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
 --- Gadhouse ---------------------------------

+ 70 - 64

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # Gadsarai
+menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	$metka = ''
 	$loc = 'Gadsarai'
@@ -7,17 +9,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	temp = RAND(1,20)
-	if npc_QW['A66'] >= 35 and temp <= 3:
+	if npc_QW['A66'] >= 30 and temp <= 3:
 		gs 'boyStat', 'A66'
 		sexpartkno = 1
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/leghump.jpg"></center>'
 		'Bandit pounces on you and pins your thigh between his front legs. He begins to persistently and significantly put pressure on you, growling menacingly...'
-		if pcs_dom > 0:
+		if pcs_dom > 0 and alko < 6:
 			act 'Push off': minut += 1 & gt 'Gaddvor'
 			act 'Submit':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				banditknow = RAND(0,1)
 				npc_horny['A66'] = 0
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/predoggy.jpg"></center>'
@@ -28,11 +30,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 				if banditknow = 1:
 					if pcs_vag = 0:
 						act 'Wait':
-							cls
+							*clr & cla
 							if npc_QW['A66'] < 30:npc_QW['A66'] += 5
 							pcs_vag = 5
 							vgape = 3
-							pcs_mood += 50
+							pcs_mood = 50
 							gs 'boyStat', 'A66'
 							sexvolume = rand(20,590)
 							gs 'cum_manage'
@@ -46,11 +48,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 							act 'So I more or girl':gt 'Gadsarai'
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/beast/bandit/piratvag.jpg"></center>'
 						act 'Wait':
 							if pcs_vag < 10:
-								cls
+								*clr & cla
 								pcs_vag += 5
 								vgape = 3
 								pcs_horny = 0
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 								gs 'stat'
 								act 'Close':gt 'Gadsarai'
 							elseif pcs_vag >= 10 and pcs_vag < 25:
-								cls
+								*clr & cla
 								pcs_vag += 4
 								vgape = 2
 								gs 'boyStat', 'A66'
@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 								gs 'cum_manage'
 								gs 'stat'
 								if pcs_horny >= 100:
-									cls
+									*clr & cla
 									pcs_mood = 100
 									if pirsG = 1:
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/beast/bandit/piratvagcumpirs.jpg"></center>'
@@ -102,14 +104,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 								act 'Close':gt 'Gadsarai'
 							elseif pcs_vag >= 25 and pcs_vag < 35:
-								cls
+								*clr & cla
 								pcs_vag += 3
 								gs 'boyStat', 'A66'
 								sexvolume = rand(20,590)
 								gs 'cum_manage'
 								gs 'stat'
 								if pcs_horny >= 100:
-									cls
+									*clr & cla
 									pcs_mood = 100
 									if pirsG = 1:
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/beast/bandit/piratvagcumpirs.jpg"></center>'
@@ -134,14 +136,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 								act 'Close':gt 'Gadsarai'
 							elseif pcs_vag >= 35:
-								cls
+								*clr & cla
 								pcs_vag += 1
 								gs 'boyStat', 'A66'
 								sexvolume = rand(20,590)
 								gs 'cum_manage'
 								gs 'stat'
 								if pcs_horny >= 100:
-									cls
+									*clr & cla
 									pcs_mood = 100
 									if pirsG = 1:
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/beast/bandit/piratvagcumpirs.jpg"></center>'
@@ -166,9 +168,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 					act 'Wait':
-						cls
+						*clr & cla
 						minut += 2
-						pcs_mood += 50
+						pcs_mood = 50
 						sub += RAND(0,1)
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/beast/bandit/analknot1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -211,7 +213,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 							gs 'cum_manage'
 							gs 'stat'
 							if pcs_horny >= 100:
-								cls
+								*clr & cla
 								pcs_mood = 100
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/beast/bandit/analknotcum.jpg"></center>'
 								'You obediently wait until your dog finds his way to your hole. His tongue is hanging out, panting and snorting loudly over your ear. He begins making fast sharp movements with his hips, and you immediately feel the tip of his cock, with plenty of cock grease, slam through your puckered anus. Each time he thrusts he makes his way deeper and deeper into your ass. There is a little pain, but your starting to moan louder with pleasure as Bandit forces his hard cock into you.'
@@ -239,7 +241,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 							gs 'cum_manage'
 							gs 'stat'
 							if pcs_horny >= 100:
-								cls
+								*clr & cla
 								pcs_mood = 100
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/beast/bandit/analcum.jpg"></center>'
 								'You obediently wait until your dog finds his way to your hole. His tongue is hanging out, panting and snorting loudly over your ear. He begins making fast sharp movements with his hips, and you immediately feel the tip of his cock, with plenty of cock grease, slam through your puckered anus. Each time he thrusts he makes his way deeper and deeper into your ass. There is almost no pain, and your starting to moan louder with animal lust and pleasure as Bandit forces his hard cock into you. You have to stretch both hands on the floor to keep from falling onto the ground, and even begin to grind back against the dog to please him.'
@@ -316,15 +318,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Go outside':minut += 1 & gt 'Gaddvor'
+		act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'Gaddvor'
 		act 'Poke around in the barn':
 			if grigoryEV > 0 and grigory_barn ! daystart and hour > 8 and hour < 12: gt 'grigory', 'barn'
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 15
 			gs 'stat'
-			if vcard = 0:
-				cls
+			if vcard = 0 and vcard_trash = 0:
+				*clr & cla
 				if RAND(0,5) >= 4:
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/vcards.jpg"></center>'
@@ -333,11 +335,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 					observ_exp += 3
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/junk_barn.jpg"></center>'
-					'In the barn you find many muldy magazines and rusty tools and equipment, toys and many dusty yellowed books. The entire barn reeks of mold and decay.'
+					'In the barn you find many mouldy magazines, rusty tools and equipment, toys and many dusty, yellowed books. The entire barn reeks of mould and decay.'
 				act 'Leave and get some fresh air':gt 'Gadsarai'
 			elseif findvel = 0:
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				if RAND(0,8) >= 7:
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/findbike.jpg"></center>'
@@ -346,31 +348,31 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 					observ_exp += 3
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/junk_barn.jpg"></center>'
-					'In the barn you find old many muldy magazines and rusty tools and equipment, toys and many dusty yellowed books. The entire barn reeks of mold and decay.'
+					'In the barn you find many mouldy magazines, rusty tools and equipment, toys and many dusty, yellowed books. The entire barn reeks of mould and decay.'
 				act 'Leave and get some fresh air':gt 'Gadsarai'
 			elseif findbag = 0 and bag = 0:
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				if RAND(0,10) > 9:
 					findbag = 1
 					observ_exp += 3
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/purses/cheap/5.jpg"></center>'
-					'In a far corner of the barn you find a burlap sack filled with mostly junk, but at the bottom you find a good quality messenger bag.'
+					'In a far corner of the barn you find a hessian sack filled with mostly junk, but at the bottom you find a good quality messenger bag.'
 					cheap_purses[5] = 1
 					$currentpursetype = 'cheap'
 					currentpursenumber = 5
-					bag = 1
-					if menu_option = 1:dynamic $menu_addoldmenu
-					if menu_option = 0:gs 'obj_din', 'new'
 					'You can use this cool looking bag as a handbag.'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/junk_barn.jpg"></center>'
-					'In the barn you find old many muldy magazines and rusty tools and equipment, toys and many dusty yellowed books. The entire barn reeks of mold and decay'
+					'In the barn you find many mouldy magazines, rusty tools and equipment, toys and many dusty, yellowed books. The entire barn reeks of mould and decay.'
+				end
+				act 'Leave and get some fresh air':
+					if findbag = 1: bag = 1
+					gt 'Gadsarai'
-				act 'Leave and get some fresh air':gt 'Gadsarai'
 			elseif findbraclet = 0:
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				if RAND(0,15) >= 14:
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/bracelet.jpg"></center>'
@@ -379,36 +381,40 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 					observ_exp += 3
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/junk_barn.jpg"></center>'
-					'In the barn you find old many muldy magazines and rusty tools and equipment, toys and many dusty yellowed books. The entire barn reeks of mold and decay.'
+					'In the barn you find many mouldy magazines, rusty tools and equipment, toys and many dusty, yellowed books. The entire barn reeks of mould and decay.'
 				act 'Leave and get some fresh air':gt 'Gadsarai'
-			elseif findbraclet > 0:
-				if findneck = 0:
-					cls
-					if RAND(0,20) >= 19:
-						gs 'stat'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/necklace.jpg"></center>'
-						if altQS = 1:
-							'While looking through the barn your foot goes through a rotten floorboard. You suddenly feel the presence of something magical under the floor. You get on your belly and look through the hole in the floor. You find a small box made of a black wood. You pick up the box and see the box is covered in a strange writing and glyphs that look like serpents. The feeling of power is coming from within the box. You lift the lid of the box and see a black metal necklace that looks like a coiled snake with ruby eyes. You feel the power coming from the necklace, but it doesn''t feel like any power you have ever felt.'
-						else
-							'While looking through the barn your foot goes through a rotten floorboard and gets stuck. As you work your foot free, you glimpse something underneath the floor - a box or something. You get on your belly and look through the hole in the floor. You find a small box made of a black wood. You pick up the box and see the box is covered in a strange writing and glyphs that look like serpents. The exotic look of the box gives you gooseflesh and you find yourself holding your breath as you prepare to open the box. You lift the lid of the box and see a black metal necklace that looks like a coiled snake with ruby eyes. You let your breath out slowly as you tilt the necklace from side to side, watching the light sparkle as it is reflected by the facets on the deep red rubies. You cannot begin to guess what this necklace must be worth.'
-						end
-						findneck = 1
-						observ_exp += 3
+			elseif findbraclet > 0 and findneck = 0:
+				*clr & cla
+				if RAND(0,20) >= 19:
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/necklace.jpg"></center>'
+					if altQS = 1:
+						'While looking through the barn your foot goes through a rotten floorboard. You suddenly feel the presence of something magical under the floor. You get on your belly and look through the hole in the floor. You find a small box made of a black wood. You pick up the box and see the box is covered in a strange writing and glyphs that look like serpents. The feeling of power is coming from within the box. You lift the lid of the box and see a black metal necklace that looks like a coiled snake with ruby eyes. You feel the power coming from the necklace, but it doesn''t feel like any power you have ever felt.'
-						cls
-						gs 'stat'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/junk_barn.jpg"></center>'
-						'In the barn you find old many muldy magazines and rusty tools and equipment, toys and many dusty yellowed books. The entire barn reeks of mold and decay.'
+						'While looking through the barn your foot goes through a rotten floorboard and gets stuck. As you work your foot free, you glimpse something underneath the floor - a box or something. You get on your belly and look through the hole in the floor. You find a small box made of a black wood. You pick up the box and see the box is covered in a strange writing and glyphs that look like serpents. The exotic look of the box gives you gooseflesh and you find yourself holding your breath as you prepare to open the box. You lift the lid of the box and see a black metal necklace that looks like a coiled snake with ruby eyes. You let your breath out slowly as you tilt the necklace from side to side, watching the light sparkle as it is reflected by the facets on the deep red rubies. You cannot begin to guess what this necklace must be worth.'
-					act 'Leave and get some fresh air':gt 'Gadsarai'
+					findneck = 1
+					observ_exp += 3
+				else
+					*clr & cla
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/junk_barn.jpg"></center>'
+					'In the barn you find many mouldy magazines, rusty tools and equipment, toys and many dusty, yellowed books. The entire barn reeks of mould and decay.'
+				act 'Leave and get some fresh air':gt 'Gadsarai'
+			else
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/junk_barn.jpg"></center>'
+					'In the barn you find many mouldy magazines, rusty tools and equipment, toys and many dusty, yellowed books. The entire barn reeks of mould and decay.'
+				act 'Leave and get some fresh air':gt 'Gadsarai'
-			act 'Leave and get some fresh air':gt 'Gadsarai'
 		if vcard > 0:
-			act 'Take card from the vintage deck of erotic cards':card_deck = 0 & gt 'card'
+			act 'View your vintage porn cards':card_deck = 0 & gt 'card'
+		end
+		if card > 0:
+			act 'View your new porn cards':card_deck = 1 & gt 'card'
 		if pcs_horny >= 50:
@@ -432,7 +438,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'boar':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	minut += 1
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -460,7 +466,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'boar':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'cow':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	minut += 1
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -514,7 +520,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cow':
 			if cow_field = 1:'You lead Dawn to the field, where you let the shepherds take over.'
 			if graze_cow = 1:'You lead Dawn to the field, where you grandfather awaits you. It''s his turn to keep an eye on the cows.'
-			act 'Further':gt'gadfield','cow'
+			act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow'
@@ -522,7 +528,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cow':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'horse':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	minut += 1
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -560,7 +566,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'horse':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/horse_field.jpg"></center>'
 			'You took Desperado by the bridle and led it to the field. There, you let it run free in the paddock area, and went on with your business.'
-			act 'Further':gt'gadfield','field'
+			act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','field'
 	if horse_river = 1 and sunWeather = 1 and temper >= 15:
@@ -575,7 +581,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'horse':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/horse_field.jpg"></center>'
 			'You took Desperado by the bridle and led it to the river.'
-			act 'Further':gt'Gadriver', 'Gadbitch'
+			act 'Continue':gt'gadriver', 'gadbitch'
 	if comb_horse = 1:
@@ -591,7 +597,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'horse':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/comb_horse.jpg"></center>'
 			'You groom Desperado for an hour. When finished, you''re satisfied with the result. Desperado is looking as healthy as ever.'
-			act 'Further':gt 'Gadsarai','horse'
+			act 'Continue':gt 'Gadsarai','horse'
@@ -599,7 +605,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'horse':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'mira_dog':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	minut += 5
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -619,7 +625,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'mira_dog':
 		'"Okay Mira, I''m feeling mercyfull today. You can consider yourself forgiven." you say, removing Mira''s collar.'
 		'The girl looks nervously at you for a few moments, then quickly gets dressed and runs home.'
-		act 'Further':gt'Gadsarai'
+		act 'Continue':gt'Gadsarai'
 	act 'Go':gt'Gadsarai'
@@ -628,13 +634,13 @@ end
 ! this is in memory of the untimely deceased Bandit(((
 if know_no_bandit = 0:
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	minut += 60
 	know_no_bandit = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/know_no_pirat.jpg"></center>'
 	'"Where''s Bandit? The bastard probably ran away, you sadly thought, looking at an empty dog house, remembering the beloved dog fondly.'
-	act 'Further':gt $loc, $metka
+	act 'Continue':gt $loc, $metka

+ 4 - 2

@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 # Gnpc
+menu_off = 1
 GvstreBoyAfter[numnpc] = 0
 GvstreBoy = 0
@@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ act 'Take a walk through the park':
 	if kotovLoveQW > 0:
 		otnBoyFrend[numnpc] = 0
-		pcs_mood += 10
+		pcs_mood -= 10
 		'You hear footsteps behind you and when you turn to look you see Vitek Kotov heading straight your way. <i>"Oh boy, he looks pissed!"</i>, you think to yourself just as he shouts, "Hey, dipshit!"'
 		'When <<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> turns around to look who''s shouting Vitek slaps him so hard across the face that <<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> immediately falls to the ground.'
@@ -220,7 +222,7 @@ if preg = 1 and pregtime <= 80 and pregTalk[numnpc] = 0 and gnpcSex[numnpc] > 0
 	act '<<$pregLie>>Tell him that he knocked you up':
-		pcs_mood += 50
+		pcs_mood -= 50
 		'You tell <<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> that he got you pregnant. His eyes nearly pop out of their sockets.'

+ 18 - 17

@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 								*pl $clubDescription
 								if pcs_stren < 60:
-									pcs_mood += 20
+									pcs_mood -= 20
 									gs 'pain', 6, 'head', 'hit'
 									gs 'stat'
 									'You try to push the Gopnik, but someone pushes you roughly away from the fight.'
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 									'You push back the Gopnik with all your strength and he stumbles backwards, hitting his head on the floor. But the second Gopnik turns to you and swings his fist towards your face.'
 									if pcs_agil < 60:
-										pcs_mood += 30
+										pcs_mood -= 30
 										pcs_teeth += 1
 										gs 'pain', 8, 'mouth', 'hit'
 										gs 'stat'
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 										act 'Punch him in his face':
 											if pcs_agil >= 40:
-												pcs_mood += 30
+												pcs_mood -= 30
 												pcs_teeth += 1
 												gs 'pain', 8, 'mouth', 'hit'
 												gs 'pain', 6, 'face', 'hit'
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 												*pl $bfDiscoBadEnd
 												act 'Go home':gt 'pavResidential'
-												pcs_mood += 20
+												pcs_mood -= 20
 												gs 'pain', 6, 'head', 'hit'
 												gs 'stat'
 												'You try to hit the hooligan with a punch to the face but your blow is too slow. The Gopnik dodges your weak attempt and pushes you roughly away.'
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 												'You try to kick the hooligan in his face but he is faster than you and manages to shove you away before you even got your leg up.'
 												*pl $stumble
 												*pl $bfDiscoBadEnd
-												pcs_mood += 20
+												pcs_mood -= 20
 												gs 'pain', 6, 'head', 'hit'
 												gs 'stat'
 												act 'Go home':gt 'pavResidential'
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 														act 'Go home':gt 'pavResidential'
-													pcs_mood += 20
+													pcs_mood -= 20
 													gs 'pain', 6, 'head', 'hit'
 													gs 'stat'
 													*pl $badKick
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 													act 'Go home':gt 'pavResidential'
-												pcs_mood += 20
+												pcs_mood -= 20
 												gs 'pain', 6, 'head', 'hit'
 												gs 'stat'
 												*pl $badKick
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 					otnBoyFrend[numnpc] = 0
-					pcs_mood += 10
+					pcs_mood -= 10
 					gs 'pain', 4, 'cheeks', 'slap'
 					gs 'stat'
 					'The Gopnik takes one look at you and then starts laughing, "Listen, buddy. Why are you wasting your time dancing with her? <<$pcs_nickname>> is a <<$gnikname>>. Just take her into the bushes out back, but don''t hurt her mouth. That sweet set of lips can really smack when sucking dick." You blush scarlet red from the Gopnik''s words, deeply embarrassed. <<$boydesc>> rushes up to the guy, "What did you say? Come again!" But the hooligan just went back to join his friends. "Listen, boy, no need to argue. Everyone in the neighborhood knows she is a <<$gnikname>>." <<$boydesc>> looks at you in surprise. "Is this true?" The boys laugh "Well, everyone except you." <<$boydesc>> glares angrily at you and then he slaps you hard across the face. "Go fuck yourself, slut!" He abruptly leaves the dance floor.'
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 						act 'Tell him to piss off':
-							pcs_mood += 10
+							pcs_mood -= 10
 							pcs_dom += 1
 							otnBoyFrend[numnpc] = 0
 							gs 'stat'
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 							act 'Tell him to piss off':
-								pcs_mood += 10
+								pcs_mood -= 10
 								pcs_dom += 1
 								otnBoyFrend[numnpc] = 0
 								gs 'stat'
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 								$boy[1] = $boy
 								gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
 								sub += 1
-								pcs_mood += 5
+								pcs_mood -= 5
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<h1><center><b><font color="maroon">Men''s Room</font></b></center></h1>'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/bathroom/bathroom_entrance.jpg"></center>'
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 										act 'Dance':
 											otnBoyFrend[numnpc] = 0
-											pcs_mood += 10
+											pcs_mood -= 10
 											gs 'pain', 3, 'cheeks', 'slap'
 											gs 'stat'
 											'You continue to dance with your <<$bfTitle[numnpc]>>. A few minutes pass and then you see the guys that watched your whole blowjob scene coming out of the toilet. They also see you and guffaw, noisily discussing something. <<$boydesc>> looks at them puzzled, "What''s with them?" The boys shout to him, "While you were wandering around the place, your girlfriend was in the toilet sucking on a dick!" <<$boydesc>> comes up to them, "Are you crazy?"'
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 									gs 'boyStat', $boy[1]
 									gs 'stat'
 									*pl $clubDescription
-									pcs_mood += 10
+									pcs_mood -= 10
 									pcs_dom += 1
 									otnBoyFrend[numnpc] = 0
 									gs 'stat'
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_disco = {
 						act 'Accept':
 							otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 20
-							pcs_mood += 10
+							pcs_mood -= 10
 							gs 'stat'
 							'You start to dance with him. A few minutes later <<$boydesc>> comes up to you and pulls you by the hand, dragging you away from the other guy. "What the fuck is wrong with you? I leave for a minute, and you''re already dancing with someone else!" He angrily leaves the club.'
 							act 'Stand there and watch him leave':gt 'gdkin'
@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ $din_gboy_knee = {
 			minut += 5
 			otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 10
 			if pcs_dom > 0 and pcs_horny >= 75:pcs_dom -= 1
-			if pcs_horny < 101:pcs_dom += 1
+			if pcs_horny < 75:pcs_dom += 1
 			gs 'stat'
 			'You remove his hand from your knee and he shakes his head, puzzled what to do next.'
@@ -1020,7 +1020,7 @@ $din_gboy_knee = {
 				minut += 5
 				otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 10
 				if pcs_dom > 0 and pcs_horny >= 75:pcs_dom -= 5
-				if pcs_horny < 101:pcs_dom += 5
+				if pcs_horny < 75:pcs_dom += 5
 				gs 'stat'
 				'You remove his hand from your knee and he shakes his head, puzzled what to do next.'
@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_boyhome = {
 								minut += 5
 								otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 10
 								if pcs_dom > 0 and pcs_horny >= 75:pcs_dom -= 5
-								if pcs_horny < 101:pcs_dom += 5
+								if pcs_horny < 75:pcs_dom += 5
 								gs 'stat'
 								'You remove his hand from your knee and he shakes his head, puzzled what to do next.'
 								act 'Go home':gt 'pavResidential'
@@ -1136,6 +1136,7 @@ $din_gboy_go_to_boyhome = {
+menu_off = 1
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><h1><font color="maroon"><<$boydesc>></font></h1></center>'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/<<numnpc>>.jpg"></center>'

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # Gnpc_cinema
+menu_off = 1
 minut += 15
 gs 'stat'

+ 87 - 70

@@ -6,90 +6,99 @@ $location_type = 'public_outdoors'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
+	$menu_loc = 'Gshveyfab'
+	$menu_arg = 'start'
+	menu_off = 0
-	'<center><B>TEXTILE FACTORY, "PARIS COMMUNE"</B></center>'
+	'<center><B>TEXTILE FACTORY, PARIS COMMUNE</B></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/factory/gshveyfab.jpg"></center>'
-	'The local textile factory; one of the few corporate enterprises in Pavlovsk. It makes clothing for G&M Store, which has a branch next door. Open from 8:00-20:00 Monday - Friday.'
-	if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and week >= 1 and week <= 5:
-		'The <a href="exec:minut += 5 & GT ''Gshveyfab'', ''enter''">entrance</a> sits behind a security checkpoint.'
+	'You''re standing in front one biggest employers in Pavlovsk, the local textile factory. It''s mostly known for making clothing for the G&M Store, which also opened up a store within the compound.'
+	'Opening hours are Monday to Friday, between 08:00 to 20:00.'
+	if hour >= 8 and hour < 20 and week >= 1 and week <= 5:
+		'Behind the security checkpoint you can see the <a href="exec:minut += 5 & GT ''Gshveyfab'', ''enter''">entrance</a> that every employee passes through.'
 	elseif hour < 8 or hour > 20 or week > 5:
-		'The factory is currently closed.' 
-		'Hours M-F:'
-		'First shift - 8:00 to 16:00.'
-		'Second shift - 16:00 to 20:00.'
+		'The factory is currently closed.'
+		'Opening hours are Monday through Friday:'
+		'First shift - 08:00 to 16:00'
+		'Second shift - 16:00 to 20:00'
-	if week < 6 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20:
-		*pl 'The <a href="exec:torg = 0 & GT ''budgetclothes'',''start''">G&M Store</a> is currently open.'
+	if week < 6 and hour >= 8 and hour < 20:
+		*pl 'The local <a href="exec:torg = 0 & GT ''budgetclothes'',''start''">G&M Store</a> is currently open.'
-		*pl 'The G&M Store is currently closed. Hours are 8:00-20:00 Monday - Friday.'
+		*pl 'The local G&M Store is currently closed. Opening hours are Monday to Friday, between 08:00 to 20:00.'
-	if hour >= 8 and hour <= 15:
-		*p 'A small room near the entrance is being used as a tailor shop.'
-		act 'Go to the tailor':
+	if week < 7 and hour >= 8 and hour < 15:
+		'In a smaller building right next to the factory is the local tailor shop, a service offered by the factory. Opening hours are Monday to Saturday, between 08:00 to 15:00.'
+		act 'Visit the tailor':
+			menu_off = 1
 			minut += 5
-			'An elderly man is inspecting finished garments fresh from the factory floor, he pulls his glasses down a little and looking over the top of them walks up to the desk.'
-			'"Hello there, come to get some clothes adjusted? It''ll cost you 500 <b>₽</b> per item."'
+			'An elderly man is inspecting some repaired clothes, as you walk in, he stops and smiles gently, greeting you.'
+			'"Hello there young lady, do you want to adjust some of your clothing? It''ll cost you 500 <b>₽</b> per item."'
 			if money >= 500:
-				act 'Take in the clothes you are wearing (500 <b>₽</b>)':
+				act 'Resize the clothes you''re wearing (500 <b>₽</b>)':
 					minut += 15
 					if CloStyle = 5 or $clothingworntype = 'exercise':
-						'What are you wasting my time for? This type of clothing does not need to be resized.'
+						'The tailor is looking irritatingly at you, "Why are you wasting my time with exercise clothing? That type of clothing does not need to be resized..."'
 						money -= 500
 						dynamic '<<$clothingworntype>>B[<<clothingwornnumber>>] = pcs_hips'
-						'You undress and give the clothes you need adjusting to the tailor, it is fifteen minutes until your clothes are ready. you redress.'
+						'You are handed a t-shirt and shorts as you undress and give the clothes to the tailor for adjustment. The tailor is fast and only takes fifteen minutes until your clothes are ready.'
+						'You are handed your clothes back and quickly get dressed. You''re pleased with the job that the tailor has done.'
 					act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt 'Gshveyfab', 'start'
-				act 'Take in different clothes':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', 'resize'
-				act 'Take in all the clothes':gt 'portnoi2'
+				act 'Resize your other clothes':gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', 'resize'
+				act 'Resize all your clothes':gt 'portnoi2'
 			act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt 'Gshveyfab', 'start'
-	act 'Go to the residential area': minut += 15 & gt 'pavResidential'  
-	act 'Go to the high street': minut += 15 & gt 'pavCommercial'
+	act 'Head to the residential area': minut += 15 & gt 'pavResidential'
+	act 'Head to the high street': minut += 15 & gt 'pavCommercial'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'enter':
+	$menu_loc = 'Gshveyfab'
+	$menu_arg = 'enter'
+	menu_off = 0
-	'<center><B>TEXTILE FACTORY, "PARIS COMMUNE"</B></center>'
+	'<center><B>TEXTILE FACTORY, PARIS COMMUNE</B></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/factory/gshveyfab.jpg" ></center>'
-	'The local textile factory; one of the few corporate enterprises in Pavlovsk.'
+	'You''re standing inside the building that is accommodating the biggest employer in Pavlovsk, the local textile factory.'
 	'There is a work schedule hanging on the wall:'
-	'First shift - 8:00 to 16:00.'
+	'First shift - 08:00 to 16:00.'
 	'Second shift - 16:00 to 20:00.'
-	''
-	if workFabrika = 0 and age >= 16 and age < 18:'You could apply for a <a href="exec:minut += 15 & GT ''Gshveyfab'', ''job_start''">part-time job</a> here.'
-	if work = 0 and workFabrika = 0 and age >= 18:'You could apply for a <a href="exec:minut += 15 & GT ''Gshveyfab'', ''job_start''">job</a> here.'
+	*nl
+	if workFabrika = 0 and age >= 16 and age < 18:'You can apply for a <a href="exec:minut += 15 & GT ''Gshveyfab'', ''job_start''">part-time job</a> here.'
+	if work = 0 and workFabrika = 0 and age >= 18:'You can apply for a <a href="exec:minut += 15 & GT ''Gshveyfab'', ''job_start''">full-time job</a> here.'
 	if workFabrika = 1 and week >= 1 and week <= 5 and hour >= 8 and hour < 9 and age >= 18:
-		'You can start your shift now.'
+		'Your shift is starting now.'
 		act 'Start shift': gt'Gshveyfab','job'
 	if workFabrika = 1 and week >= 1 and week <= 5 and hour >= 16 and hour < 17 and age >= 16 and age < 18:
-		'You can start your shift now.'
+		'Your shift is starting now.'
 		act 'Start shift': gt'Gshveyfab','job'
 	if workFabrika = 1:
-		'You can quit your job, but early processing of your payment will cost you the wage of one shift.'
-		act 'Quit job': 
+		'You can quit your job, but quitting will lead to a deducted wage.'
+		act 'Quit job':
+			menu_off = 1
 			if age >= 16 and age < 18:
 				smenaFabrika -= 1
 			elseif age >= 18:
@@ -101,7 +110,7 @@ CLOSE ALL
 			pay = smenaFabrika * 420
 			karta += pay
 			smenaFabrika = 0
-			workFabrika = 0 
+			workFabrika = 0
 			work = 0
 			minut += 5
 			gt 'Gshveyfab','enter'
@@ -113,61 +122,69 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'job_start':
+	$menu_loc = 'Gshveyfab'
+	$menu_arg = 'job_start'
+	menu_off = 0
 	'<center><B>FOREMAN''S OFFICE</B></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/stepan/nachalnik.jpg" ></center>'
-	''
-	'You go to the factory foreman, Stepan Sergeyevich, and ask for a job.'
+	'You head into the factory foreman, Stepan Sergeyevich office, and ask him if there''s an available job.'
 	if age >= 16 and age < 18 and workFabrika = 0:
-		'"Sure, have a seat," he says. "Now, the work is difficult and meticulous, but doesn''t require any special knowledge. You should catch on pretty quick. Since you are not an adult yet, you can only work half-time, and the pay is 105 <b>₽</b> per hour. Once you become an adult, we can transfer you to full-time. Naturally, as this is a state-recognized company, we do require all the appropriate documentation. The main shift is on weekdays from 8:00 to 16:00, but you will be working the second shift, from 16:00 to 20:00. And if you miss more than three days of work in a single month, you will be fired. You will be paid at the end of the month and getting fired before then will forfeit any pay not yet received. So, is that okay?"'
-			act 'Take the job':
-				cla
-				minut += 10
-				work = 1
-				workFabrika = 1
-				smenaFabrika = 0
-				FabrikaProgul = 0
+		'"Sure, have a seat," he says. "Now, the work is difficult and meticulous, but doesn''t require any special knowledge. You should catch on pretty quick. Since you are not an adult yet, you can only work half-time, and the pay is 105 <b>₽</b> per hour. Once you become an adult, we can transfer you to full-time. Naturally, as this is a state-recognized company, we do require all the appropriate documentation. The main shift is on weekdays from 08:00 to 16:00, but you will be working the second shift, from 16:00 to 20:00.'
+		'But beware, if you miss more than three days of work in a single month, you will be fired. You will be paid at the end of the month and getting fired before then will forfeit any pay not yet received. So, is that okay?"'
+		act 'Accept the job':
+			cla
+			menu_off = 1
+			minut += 10
+			work = 1
+			workFabrika = 1
+			smenaFabrika = 0
+			FabrikaProgul = 0
+			'You hand him over your documents, which he takes and then reminds you to come in on every weekday, at 16:00.'
-				'You give him your documents, which he takes and then reminds you to come in on every weekday, at 16:00.'
+			act 'Leave':gt'Gshveyfab', 'enter'
+		end
-				act 'Leave':gt'Gshveyfab', 'enter'
-			end	
 	elseif age >= 18 and workFabrika = 0:
-		'"Sure, have a seat," he says. "Now, the work is difficult and meticulous, but doesn''t require any special knowledge. You should catch on pretty quick. Naturally, as this is a state-recognized company, we do require all the appropriate documentation. The main shift is on weekdays from 8:00 to 16:00, and the pay is 105 <b>₽</b> per hour. And if you miss more than three days of work in a single month, you will be fired. You will be paid at the end of the month, and getting fired before then will forfeit any pay not yet received. So, is that okay?"'
-			act 'Take the job':
-				cla
-				minut += 10
-				work = 1
-				workFabrika = 1
-				smenaFabrika = 0
-				FabrikaProgul = 0
+		'"Sure, have a seat," he says. "Now, the work is difficult and meticulous, but doesn''t require any special knowledge. You should catch on pretty quick. Naturally, as this is a state-recognized company, we do require all the appropriate documentation. The main shift is on weekdays from 08:00 to 16:00, and the pay is 105 <b>₽</b> per hour.'
+		'But beware, if you miss more than three days of work in a single month, you will be fired. You will be paid at the end of the month, and getting fired before then will forfeit any pay not yet received. So, is that okay?"'
-				'You give him your documents, which he takes and then reminds you to come in on every weekday, at 8:00.'
+		act 'Accept the job':
+			cla
+			menu_off = 1
+			minut += 10
+			work = 1
+			workFabrika = 1
+			smenaFabrika = 0
+			FabrikaProgul = 0
+			'You hand him your documents, which he takes and then reminds you to come in on every weekday, at 08:00.'
-				act 'Leave':gt'Gshveyfab', 'enter'
-			end  
+			act 'Leave':gt'Gshveyfab', 'enter'
+		end
 	act 'Leave':gt'Gshveyfab', 'enter'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'job':
+	menu_off = 1
 	FabrikaProgul -= 1
 	if FabrikaProgul < 0: FabrikaProgul = 0
 	if age >= 16 and age < 18:
 		minut += 240
-		smenaFabrika += 1		
-	end 
-	if age >= 18: 
+		smenaFabrika += 1
+	end
+	if age >= 18:
 		minut += 480
 		smenaFabrika += 2
-	end 
+	end
-	'<center><B>TEXTILE FACTORY, "PARIS COMMUNE"</B></center>'
+	'<center><B>TEXTILE FACTORY, PARIS COMMUNE</B></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/factory/gshveyfab.jpg" ></center>'
-	''
-	'You work through your shift at the factory.'
+	'You work hard throughout your shift at the factory. The foreman has you running all over the factory performing all type of tasks. You barely even have time to rest during the shift.'
 	act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt 'Gshveyfab', 'start'

Diferenças do arquivo suprimidas por serem muito extensas
+ 115 - 115

+ 4 - 3

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 $metka = $ARGS[0]
 $loc = $CURLOC
 $location_type = 'event'
+menu_off = 1
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ if GotelWork = 0 and germanqw<2:
 		'You approach the man''s desk, but he doesn''t look up from his work. With a soft voice you carefully try to get his attention: "Umm... excuse me?"'
 		'He looks up from his desk: "Oh I''m sorry, I didn''t hear you come in. Hello, I''m Herman Leonidovich, manager of this hotel. Is there a problem?"'
 		'You smile and shake your head: "No, no problem. I am looking for a job, I hear you are often looking for maids?"'
-		'You can feel his eyes exploring your body for a moment before he responds: "Yes, we are! We currently only have a part-time vacancy, for a maid. You would be working between 16:00 and 19:00, give or take. Most of the hotel rooms are empty then, before the new guests come in. You can come work any day you like, no pressure. It would pay 250 <b>₽</b> per shift. After your work, you can immediately go collect your salary at the reception, or you can save it up and collect it all at once later. Does that sound good to you?"'
+		'You can feel his eyes exploring your body for a moment before he responds: "Yes, we are! We currently only have a part-time vacancy, for a maid. You would be working between 16:00 and 19:00, give or take. Most of the hotel rooms are empty then, before the new guests come in. You can work any day you like, no pressure. It would pay 250 <b>₽</b> per shift. After your work, you can immediately go collect your salary at the reception, or you can save it up and collect it all at once later. Does that sound good to you?"'
 		act'"That sounds great!"':
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ if GotelWork = 0 and germanqw<2:
 			'Then he says: "Oh by the way, two more things: you will be required to wear a maid uniform during your working hours. Don''t worry, we have them right here. You can change before you start your shift, and your own stuff will be safe in a locker."'
 			'You nod: "Sounds fair... what''s the other thing?"'
 			'Herman continues: "If you want to work a shift, you need to be here between 16:00 and 17:00. There''s no point in you getting changed for just 20 minutes of work."'
-			'That also sounds fair. You give him a handshake as you get ready to leave: "Okay. Thank you sir!"'
+			'"That also sounds fair." You give him a handshake as you get ready to leave: "Okay. Thank you sir!"'
 			act'Return to the lobby':gt'hotelhole'
 		act'"Sorry, not interested"':
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ if GotelWork = 0 and germanqw<2:
 			'<center><H4>Administration room of the Pavlovsk hotel</H4></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/goteladmin.jpg"></center>'
 			'You frown: "Sorry for wasting your time, but that''s not something for me."'
-			'Herman gives you a friendly nod. "That''s no problem. If you ever change your mind, come see me again."'
+			'Herman gives you a friendly nod. "That''s not a problem. If you ever change your mind, come see me again."'
 			act'Return to the lobby':gt'hotelhole'

Diferenças do arquivo suprimidas por serem muito extensas
+ 216 - 226

+ 13 - 36

@@ -6,19 +6,14 @@ $locM = 'HotelRoom'
 $metka = 'normal'
 $loc = 'HotelRoom'
 $location_type = 'private'
+$menu_loc = 'HotelRoom'
+$menu_arg = 'normal'
+menu_off = 0
 gs 'stat'
-	if night_mode = 1:
-		fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	else
-		fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	end
+	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Your normal hotel room</font></b></center>'
 	'<center>You have paid to stay for <<hotelroom1day - daystart>> more nights in the room.</center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'
@@ -48,20 +43,15 @@ $metkaM = 'better'
 $locM = 'HotelRoom'
 $metka = 'better'
 $loc = 'HotelRoom'
+$menu_loc = 'HotelRoom'
+$menu_arg = 'better'
+menu_off = 0
 $location_type = 'private'
 gs 'stat'
-	if night_mode = 1:
-		fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	else
-		fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	end
+	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Your luxury room</font></b></center>'
 	'<center>You have paid to stay for <<hotelroom1day - daystart>> more nights in the room.</center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'
@@ -90,20 +80,15 @@ $metkaM = 'best'
 $locM = 'HotelRoom'
 $metka = 'best'
 $loc = 'HotelRoom'
+$menu_loc = 'HotelRoom'
+$menu_arg = 'best'
+menu_off = 0
 $location_type = 'private'
 gs 'stat'
-	if night_mode = 1:
-		fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	else
-		fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	end
+	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Your royal suite</font></b></center>'
 	'<center>You have paid to stay for <<hotelroom1day - daystart>> more nights in the room.</center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'
@@ -145,15 +130,7 @@ $location_type = 'bathroom'
 	minut = minut + 1
-	if night_mode = 1:
-		fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	else
-		fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	end
+	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>The bathroom of your hotel room</font></b></center>'
 	if hotelroom = 1:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'&'A small and unpretentious bathroom, that is nevertheless quite stylish and has everything you need.'

+ 130 - 131

@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hotcouple':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/hotcouple1.jpg"></center>'
 	if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
 		'She begins to reach under your skirt and starts removing your underwear'
-		'Once removed she places the panties in your hand. You can feel they are already soaking wet.'
+		'Once removed she places the panties in your hand; you can feel they are already soaking wet.'
-		'She begins to reach under your skirt and notices you are not wearing any underwear. " hmm free access, how kinky ", she says while removing her own panties and placing them in your hand.' 
+		'She begins to reach under your skirt and notices you are not wearing any underwear. hmm free access, how kinky ", she says while removing her own panties and placing them in your hand.'
 		'You can feel the panties are already soaking wet.'
 	'Motya is sitting in a chair next to the bed and is happily watching this scene unfold.'
@@ -26,19 +26,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hotcouple':
 		pcs_mood +=10
 		gs 'arousal', 'massage', 10
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/hotcouple2.jpg"></center>'
-		'" You can just relax. We will take good care of you" he says.'
-		' He pushes you on the bed and Uliana places her head between your legs. She starts licking your clit. '
-		' You can feel this is not her first rodeo so you close your eyes and start enjoying the feeling.'
+		'"You can just relax. We will take good care of you" he says.'
+		'He pushes you on the bed and Uliana places her head between your legs. She starts licking your clit. '
+		'You can feel this is not her first rodeo so you close your eyes and start enjoying the feeling.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 10, 'lesbian'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/hotcouple3.jpg"></center>'
 		'Suddenly the feeling stops. Not even three seconds later it continues but much more forceful this time.'
-		'When you open you eyes you can see Motya eating you out now while Uliana placed herself next to you and has started rubbing her hands all over your body'
+		'When you open your eyes you can see Motya eating you out now while Uliana placed herself next to you and has started rubbing her hands all over your body'
 		gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 10
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/hotcouple4.jpg"></center>'
 		'They were not kidding when they said they would take care of you.'
 		'You were close to the edge. '
 		orgasm += 1
-		'Suddenly you could feel the orgasm tearing through you. You rolled back your eyes and arched your back while Motya continued to enthoustasically lick your slit and your clit.'
+		'Suddenly you could feel the orgasm tearing through you. You rolled back your eyes and arched your back while Motya continued to enthusiastically lick your slit and your clit.'
 		'Then he stopped and moved his head back. You could feel your body convulsing a few more times while your orgasm faded away.'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Continue':
@@ -53,33 +53,33 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hotcouple':
 			gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Motya', rand(30,40)
 			gs 'stat'
 			if pcs_vag = 0:
-				'When she reached your hymen she yelled out : " Oh My God, she is still a virgin!"'
-				'"How about it honey, do you want my husband to be your first ?"'
+				'When she reached your hymen she yelled out: "Oh my god, she is still a virgin!"'
+				'"How about it honey, do you want my husband to be your first?"'
 				act 'No, I want to save myself.':
 					*clr & cla
-					'" no problem honey , this evening is all about what you want." '
-					'"Do you want him to come all over your face ? " '
-					'-"Yeah sure , that is fine"'
-					' You lay down on your back'
-					act 'finish':gt 'HotelWork', 'hotcoupfin'
+					'"No problem honey, this evening is all about what you want."'
+					'"Do you want him to come all over your face?"'
+					'"Yeah sure, that is fine."'
+					'You lay down on your back.'
+					act 'Finish':gt 'HotelWork', 'hotcoupfin'
-				act 'yes' :
+				act 'Yes' :
 					*clr & cla
-					' You lie down on the bed and spread your legs. Uliana takes Motya''s cock in her hand and guides it towards your pussy.'
-					'" Just relax Honey, he will be very gentle." she said while giving you a little smile.'
+					'You lie down on the bed and spread your legs. Uliana takes Motya''s cock in her hand and guides it towards your pussy.'
+					'"Just relax Honey, he will be very gentle." she said while giving you a little smile.'
 					'<left><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/hotcouple6.jpg"></left>'
-					'Motya began pressing his dick into your pussy. he was slow and careful not too push too hard.'
+					'Motya began pressing his dick into your pussy. he was slow and careful not to push too hard.'
 					'You let out a little moan as the dick had slowly but surely invaded your pussy.'
-					'His shaft sank in deeper and suddenly you let out a little grunt and twitch. You looked into Motya''s eyes and you both knew that your virginity was no more. '
+					'His shaft sank in deeper and suddenly you let out a little grunt and twitch. You looked into Motya''s eyes and you both knew that your virginity was no more.'
 					'You could feel every inch of his <<dick>> cm dick inside you now. He gave you a little wink and then started moving again.'
 					'While he was fucking you Uliana gently rubbed against your clit while kissing her husband.'
 					'After a few minutes you all changed positions.'
 					act 'Continue':gt 'HotelWork', 'hotcoupledoggy'
-				'"Well darling I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that you won''t be able to fuck a virgin this time. The good news is that she is definitly ready to accept your beautiful dick" Uliana said while she put her fingers, soaked with your juices, in Motya''s mouth.'
+				'"Well darling I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that you won''t be able to fuck a virgin this time. The good news is that she is definitely ready to accept your beautiful dick" Uliana said while she put her fingers, soaked with your juices, in Motya''s mouth.'
 				act 'Continue':gt 'HotelWork', 'hotcoupledoggy'
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hotcoupledoggy':
 	'Suddenly you could feel Motya'' dick pushing against your pussy. He entered without much problems and started rhytmically pumping against your cute little butt.'
 	'<left><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/hotcouple7.jpg"></left>'
 	'"mmm Uliana, this girl is so tight, I don''t think I can hold out much longer" said Motya'
-	' He pulled out of you and grabbed you by the waist. He swiftly turned you around so you ended up on your back on the bed.'
+	'He pulled out of you and grabbed you by the waist. He swiftly turned you around so you ended up on your back on the bed.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10
 	gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5, 'lesbian'
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hotcoupfin':
 	'You obey and not long after Motya finishes all over your face.'
 	'Uliana licks off most of it.'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/hotcouple9.jpg"></center>'
-	'you decide to end the evening with a three-way french kiss.'
+	'You decide to end the evening with a three-way french kiss.'
 	'Uliana and Motya both wave you goodbye and tell you that you are always welcome to repeat this experience.'
 	guy += 1
 	girl += 1
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'firsthotelprosevent':
 	'"But you can call me Pavlin. And what may I call you?"'
 	'"My name is <<$pcs_firstname>>," you answer.'
 	'"Welcome to my humble abode Miss <<$pcs_firstname>>. Let me introduce you to my good friend, Mr. Black."'
-	'You look in the direction he gestures and see another person. A big black dude sitting on a couch, already stroking his cock through his pants. His thick muscles evident through his fitted clothing.'
+	'You look in the direction he gestures and see another person. A big black dude sitting on a couch, already stroking his cock through his pants; his thick muscles evident through his fitted clothing.'
 	'"Why hello there honey, are you here to entertain us tonight?" The black man asks in a deep, husky voice.'
 	'"She sure is," says Pavlin as he places both hands on your shoulders and forces you down onto your knees.'
 	' '
@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'firsthotelprosevent':
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'prostitution'
 	gs 'arousal', 'end'
 	gs 'stat'
-	act 'On to the main event.':
+	act 'On to the main event':
 		*clr & cla
 		gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Black guy', rand(18,40)
 		gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
 		'As you continue servicing Pavlin''s manhood, the black guy moves behind you. He suddenly grabs you by the hips and yanks you up to a standing position.'
 		if pcs_vag = 0:'As you feel the massive member rub up against your exposed snatch, your heart skips a beat. "Oh god, am I really about to lose my virginity to a black man?!?! What would my family think of me if they knew? And why do I feel so excited about it?" You think, mind racing with emotion. '
-		'He places one calloused hand on you back and starts pushing his big <<dick>> cm schlong inside your dripping pussy. "Oh fuck!" You groan as he buries himself inside you.'	
-		if pcs_vag = 0:'As the thick, dark dick slams into you, you yelp in pain as tears roll down your cheeks. It feels as if your being split in half and you''re sure there''s some blood leaking from your conquered maidenhead. "Too late to turn back now." You think. "My virginity is his. It will always be his. God, how am i going to explain this to my mother?"'
+		'He places one calloused hand on you back and starts pushing his big <<dick>> cm schlong inside your dripping pussy. "Oh fuck!" You groan as he buries himself inside you.'
+		if pcs_vag = 0:'As the thick, dark dick slams into you, you yelp in pain as tears roll down your cheeks. It feels as if your being split in half and you''re sure there''s some blood leaking from your conquered maidenhead. "Too late to turn back now." you think. "My virginity is his. It will always be his. God, how am i going to explain this to my mother?"'
 		' '
 		'Mr. Black gives you little time to adjust to his size before he''s pounding away in force.'
 		'"Don''t get distracted skank, you got plenty of dick right here too." Pavlin says as he forces your mouth back onto his cock.'
@@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'firsthotelprosevent':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/hotel_threesome3.jpg"></center>'
 			'Suddenly you feel the black cock slide out of your pussy, your hole gaping wide and wet. A moment later you feel his thick fingers rubbing lube on and around your anus.'
-			if pcs_vag ! 0 and pcs_ass = 0:'Oh fuck, he''s going to take that virginity too? It''s the only one I have left.'	
+			if pcs_vag ! 0 and pcs_ass = 0:'Oh fuck, he''s going to take that virginity too? It''s the only one I have left.'
 			'The fear wells up inside you once again, but you push it down. "Well, I did agree to do whatever they wanted." You reason, and brace for impact.'
 			' '
 			'You feel the impossibly large, bell-shaped head of his cock push up against your back door.'
-			'Slowly he applies pressure, pushing his <<dick>> cm dick into your ass. Your hole resists, but eventually you feel the head break trough, stretching you sphincter. You let out a pained yelp, tears welling up in your eyes. Showing a bit of chivalry for the first time, Mr. Black waits a moment so you can get used to the feeling. All too soon the mercy disappears as he starts pumping his dick back and forth in your bowels. The intense feeling melds into a mixture of extreme pleasure and extreme pain, and you can''t decide If it''s enjoyable or not.'
+			'Slowly he applies pressure, pushing his <<dick>> cm dick into your ass. Your hole resists, but eventually you feel the head break through, stretching you sphincter. You let out a pained yelp, tears welling up in your eyes. Showing a bit of chivalry for the first time, Mr. Black waits a moment so you can get used to the feeling. All too soon the mercy disappears as he starts pumping his dick back and forth in your bowels. The intense feeling melds into a mixture of extreme pleasure and extreme pain, and you can''t decide If it''s enjoyable or not.'
 			' '
-			'But before your mind can decide, Pavlin once again forces his long dick back into you throat and begins face-fucking you at full force. You gag as strands of spit fly out of your mouth and drip down the huge penis. You''re angry, but a little thankful to have something to distract you from the pain in you asshole as Mr. Black continues to ream your orifice.'
+			'But before your mind can decide, Pavlin once again forces his long dick back into your throat and begins face-fucking you at full force. You gag as strands of spit fly out of your mouth and drip down the huge penis. You''re angry, but a little thankful to have something to distract you from the pain in you asshole as Mr. Black continues to ream your orifice.'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/hotel_threesome4.jpg"></center>'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -191,12 +191,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'firsthotelprosevent':
 					proshotelday = daystart
 					gs 'stat'
 					if prosmoneyhot = 0:
-						'"Ok guys, this was fun, but now I want my money," you say assertively, the smell of sticky jizm filling your nostrils.'
+						'"Ok guys, this was fun, but now I want my money," you say assertively, the smell of sticky jizz filling your nostrils.'
 						' '
-						'"Sure, no problem. You definitely earned it." Pavlin says, chuckling at your slathered face. He takes a wad of cash out of his pocket and gives it to you.'
+						'"Sure, no problem; You definitely earned it." Pavlin says, chuckling at your slathered face. He takes a wad of cash out of his pocket and gives it to you.'
 						'You start counting it and notice it is only 1500 <b>₽</b>.'
 						'"This is not enough! Where is the rest?" You yell at them, your face beet red in anger.'
-						'"Well bitch, that''s all that''s left, I spent the rest on cheap whores like you. If you want to earn more money, you can come back any time. Just go to the receptionist and ask for ''The Peacock''. She will understand."'
+						'"Well bitch, that''s all that''s left; I spent the rest on cheap whores like you. If you want to earn more money, you can come back any time. Just go to the receptionist and ask for ''The Peacock''. She will understand."'
 						'You angrily put the money away, quickly dress yourself, and stomp out of the room in a rage.'
 						money += 1500
 						pavhotprosQW = 4
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'firsthotelprosevent':
 					if prosmoneyhot = 1:
 						'You shyly look at Pavlin and ask, "So can I have my money back now?"'
 						' '
-						'"Sure, no problem. You definitely earned it." He guy takes a wad of cash out of his pocket and gives it to you.'
+						'"Sure, no problem; you definitely earned it." He guy takes a wad of cash out of his pocket and gives it to you.'
 						'Cum drips down your face as you count it and notice it''s only 500 <b>₽</b>. "Where is the rest?" You ask, confused.'
 						'"That''s all there is today, I spent the rest on cheap whores like you. If you want to earn back the rest, you can come by any time. Just go to the receptionist and ask for ''The Peacock''. She will understand."'
 						' '
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'firsthotelprosevent':
 						act'Back to the lobby':gt 'hotelhole'
 					if prosmoneyhot = 2:
-						'You look at Pavlin and ask: "So about my money... ?"'
+						'You look at Pavlin and ask: "So about my money...?"'
 						' '
 						'"Sure, no problem, you definitely earned it." Pavlin takes two 100 <b>₽</b> bills out of his pocket and slaps them onto your forehead, the bills sticking to the spooge still covering your face.'
 						'"If you want to earn back the rest of your money you can come by any day. Just go to the receptionist and ask for ''The Peacock''. She will understand."'
@@ -261,17 +261,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 				act'Knock on the door.':
 					*clr & cla
 					gs 'stat'
-					'You feel very nervous and with a shaking hand you knock on the door. After a few moments your heart skips a beat when you hear the knob turning as someone opens the door. It''s the man that took your money.'
+					'You feel very nervous and with a shaking hand you knock on the door. After a few moments your heart skips a beat when you hear the knob turning as someone opens the door; it''s the man that took your money.'
 					'A little smile creeps across his thin lips as he recognizes you.'
 					' '
 					'"Well, well, well, if it isn''t our favorite little voyeur. Come to earn your money back I assume?" He says arrogantly as his eyes devour you body.'
 					' '
 					if pcs_dom > 75:
-						'"Yes I have." You say, not letting the man''s lecherous gaze intimidate you. "I will play the little bitch for you, but on my terms." You let your assertive words sink in for a moment before continuing.' 
+						'"Yes I have." You say, not letting the man''s lecherous gaze intimidate you. "I will play the little bitch for you, but on my terms." You let your assertive words sink in for a moment before continuing.'
 						' '
 						'"You will pay me DOUBLE what you took and, after we are done, I don''t have to deal with you anymore."'
-						'The man laughs, "Ha ha , take a look at this slut, thinking she can boss me around." The oaf suddenly slaps you across the face without warning, the loud smack echoing in the empty hallway.'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/YurikEv/Avatars/Slap.jpg"></center>'
+						'The man laughs, "Ha ha, take a look at this slut, thinking she can boss me around." The oaf suddenly slaps you across the face without warning, the loud smack echoing in the empty hallway.'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/avatars/slap.jpg"></center>'
 						'Your cheek stings hotly but you don''t flinch. You keep staring him in the eyes with a stern look, refusing to submit.'
 						' '
 						'The man looks shocked, realizing that you are not playing around.'
@@ -285,14 +285,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 						'"Just bring that tight ass in here and have some fun with us. I promise you''ll get what you''re after." The devious look on his face gives you second thoughts, but you enter the room anyways, feeling completely out of options.'
 						prosmoneyhot = 1
-						act 'Enter the room':gt 'HotelWork','firsthotelprosevent'	
+						act 'Enter the room':gt 'HotelWork','firsthotelprosevent'
 						'"Y.. Y.. yes I have." You say with a quivering voice. "I need that money back, please! I''ll do anything you ask!" You beg and drop your eyes to the floor in submission.'
 						'"Just bring that tight ass in here and have some fun with us. I promise you''ll get what you''re after." The devious look on his face gives you second thoughts, but you enter the room anyways, feeling completely out of options.'
 						prosmoneyhot = 2
-						act 'Enter the room':gt 'HotelWork','firsthotelprosevent'	
+						act 'Enter the room':gt 'HotelWork','firsthotelprosevent'
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 			threesomewatched = 0
 			maid_cloth = 0
 			maidtime += 1
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/hotel.corr.jpg"></center>'			
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/hotel.corr.jpg"></center>'
 			'After several hours of hard work, you finish your maid shift. You return to the locker room and take off the skimpy maid uniform, putting your own clothes back on. Leaving the uniform in a neat pile on the table, you grab your things and make your way to the hotel lobby. On you way to the lobby you pass the room where the 2 men were enjoying themselves with a girl. You try to resist the urge to peep again.'
 			act'Walk past the door an go to the lobby':
 				threesomewatched = 0
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 					'"N-Nothing! I was jus.-", before you have the chance to say something he squeezes down on your frail shoulder and pushes you in to the room, quickly shutting the door behind him.'
 					'The other guy looks up while continuing to fuck the girl from behind. "Who is this?" he asks.'
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/sequence/kotovsexbonus21.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'"This little slut was curious to see what goes on in this room." Says the first man as he sets the ice bucket on a counter.'
+					'"This little slut was curious to see what goes on in this room." says the first man as he sets the ice bucket on a counter.'
 					'His friend grins evilly, never slowing his pace as he continues driving his prick into the euphoric woman in bed with him. "Let''s satisfy her curiosity then and give this skank a show."'
 					'"Of course this is not a free show." The first man says as he takes your wallet from you.'
 					'"Hey!" You exclaim, instinctively reaching out to take it back, but the glare he shoots your way freezes you in your tracks. He opens the wallet and removes some of your cash, stuffing it into his pocket before roughly throwing your now emptied accessory back to you.'
@@ -375,11 +375,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 							' '
 							'After several minutes you see the girl beginning to relax and get used to the dick in her ass. She begins moaning in pleasure as the hard member continues pumping away inside her.'
 							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/studio/sex/threea.mp4"></video></center>'
-							'The man with his dick in her mouth moves his hands to the girl''s breasts and start pinching her nipples roughly.' 
-							'The girl obediently continues sucking but looks at the man with pleading eyes, hoping this would convince him to stop. Unfortunately for her the cruel bastard take this as encouragement. '
+							'The man with his dick in her mouth moves his hands to the girl''s breasts and start pinching her nipples roughly.'
+							'The girl obediently continues sucking but looks at the man with pleading eyes, hoping this would convince him to stop. Unfortunately for her the cruel bastard takes this as encouragement. '
 							'Without warning the man grabs one of her nipples and gives it a firm twist. You are sure that if the girl didn''t have a mouth full of dick, her scream would have been loud enough for the entire floor to hear.'
-							'Finally the man relents from his torture and starts focusing on her mouth again. He places both hands on her head and begins face-fucking her, pushing his big cock into her mouth all the way to the base. You reckon that this girl is a deepthroat specialist as she seems unfazed by the rough throat-fucking.'
+							'Finally the man relents from his torture and starts focusing on her mouth again. He places both hands on her head and begins face-fucking her, pushing his big cock into her mouth all the way to the base. You reckon that this girl is a deep throat specialist as she seems unfazed by the rough throat-fucking.'
 							act 'Continue to watch in silence':
 								*clr & cla
 								gs 'stat'
@@ -390,14 +390,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 									'The girl''s cheeks blush bright red. "She must really love being humiliated and fucked for an audience." You think to yourself. You can''t help but wonder why, and if you''d be the same in this situation.'
 									' '
 									'Meanwhile, the guy who was fucking her ass lies down on the bed and she obediently climbs on top of him. The controlling man wastes no time and shoves his cock in her main fuckhole with one powerful thrust. He begins jackhammering his swollen rod in and out of her needy twat. You can see her nails digging into the man''s torso as she happily endures the rough fucking, a blissful smile stretching her lips.'
-									'"I wish all our bitches would be so eager to please." Comments the other man while casually moving behind the girl and his friend.'
+									'"I wish all our bitches would be so eager to please." comments the other man while casually moving behind the girl and his friend.'
 									'He firmly plants one of his hands on her hip and guides his stiff cock to her vulnerable anus with the other. You can see a glimpse of fear on her face the second before the man leans forwards and buries his member balls deep in her ass. You feel bad for the used whore, but can''t help but feel your own juices soaking your thighs as the show continues. Both of the strong, virile men show no mercy as they pound away at her holes, randomly squeezing her tits and spanking her ass between their thrusts.'
 									' '
 									'The men continue relentlessly pounding, their stamina seemingly endless. You notice the young woman''s breath becoming more and more ragged until she suddenly throws her head back and screams in an earth-shattering orgasm. Taking their cue, the men both pick up their pace before groaning in unison as they flood the girls bowels and cunt with their cum. After a moment the two boys shove the girl out from between them carelessly, now finished with their fucktoy. The satisfied slut immediately collapses on the bed, utterly spent, thick globs of seed slowly leaking from her used holes.'
 									' '
-									'One of the men steps off the bed and walks to you. "Ok whore, show''s over." He grips your arm like a vice and pushes you out the door.'
-									'"If you want your money back, maybe next time you''ll think about joining the show instead of just watching." Says the man before closing the door in your face. You think about pounding on the door and demanding you money back from the thief, but decide not to push your luck.'
+									'One of the men steps off the bed and walks to you, "Ok whore, show''s over." He grips your arm like a vice and pushes you out the door.'
+									'"If you want your money back, maybe next time you''ll think about joining the show instead of just watching." says the man before closing the door in your face. You think about pounding on the door and demanding you money back from the thief, but decide not to push your luck.'
 								act 'Go to the lobby':gt 'hotelhole'
 							if pcs_horny > 90:
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 									orgasm += 1
 									pcs_mood += 15
 									pcs_willpwr += 15
-									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/finger.jpg"></center>'								
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/finger.jpg"></center>'
 									'You can''t take it any longer and you start moving your hand towards your pussy. You begin rubbing your swelling womanhood through your clothes.'
 									'"It looks like our audience is really enjoying herself, so let''s give her a proper show." The man says as he slides his slimy dick out of the slut''s abused esophagus.'
 									'The second guy happily agrees and shows his enthusiasm by roughly spanking the girl. "You heard him, bitch, sit on my cock so I can pound that filthy cunt from below." He crudely orders.'
@@ -417,16 +417,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 									' '
 									'Meanwhile, the guy who was fucking her ass lies down on the bed and she obediently climbs on top of him. The controlling man wastes no time and shoves his cock in her main fuckhole with one powerful thrust. He begins jackhammering his swollen rod in and out of her needy twat. You can see her nails digging into the man''s torso as she happily endures the rough fucking, a blissful smile stretching her lips.'
 									'"I wish all our bitches would be so eager to please" comments the other man while casually moving behind the girl and his friend.'
-									'He firmly plants one of his hands on her hip and guides his stiff cock to her vulnerable anus with the other. You can see a glimpse of fear on her face the second before the man leans forwards and buries his member balls deep in her ass. You feel bad for the used whore, but can''t help but feel your own juices soaking your thighs as the show continues. Both of the strong, virile men show no mercy as they pound away at her holes, randomly squeezing her tits and spanking her ass between their thrusts.'
+									'He firmly plants one of his hands on her hip and guides his stiff cock to her vulnerable anus with the other. You can see a glimpse of fear on her face the second before the man leans forwards and buries his member balls deep in her ass. You feel bad for the used whore, but you can''t help but feel your own juices soaking your thighs as the show continues. Both of the strong, virile men show no mercy as they pound away at her holes, randomly squeezing her tits and spanking her ass between their thrusts.'
 									' '
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mmf/fbdrdp.jpg"></center>'
 									'You see the girl turning her head and seductively looking in your direction while biting her lip, the desire burning in her eyes.'
 									'Your heart flutters as you start rubbing your clit vigorously, maintaining eye contact with the other woman.'
 									'Soon you feel a hot wave of bliss spreading over your entire body. You shudder but keep your eyes focused on the threesome in front of you as an orgasm soaks your fingers.'
 									'The men continue relentlessly pounding, their stamina seemingly endless. You notice the young woman''s breath becoming more and more ragged until she suddenly throws her head back and screams in an earth-shattering orgasm. Taking their cue, the men both pick up their pace before groaning in unison as they flood the girls bowels and cunt with their cum. After a moment the two boys shove the girl out from between them carelessly, now finished with their fucktoy. The satisfied slut immediately collapses on the bed, utterly spent, thick globs of seed slowly leaking from her used holes.'
-									'One of the men steps off the bed and walks to you. "Ok whore, show''s over." He grips your arm like a vice and pushes you out the door.'
-									'"If you want your money back, maybe next time you''ll think about joining the show instead of just watching." Says the man before closing the door in your face. You think about pounding on the door and demanding you money back from the thief, but decide not to push your luck.'
+									'One of the men steps off the bed and walks to you, "Ok whore, show''s over." He grips your arm like a vice and pushes you out the door.'
+									'"If you want your money back, maybe next time you''ll think about joining the show instead of just watching." says the man before closing the door in your face. You think about pounding on the door and demanding you money back from the thief, but decide not to push your luck.'
 									act 'Go to the lobby':gt 'hotelhole'
@@ -441,21 +441,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 		act'Enter the room':
-			pcs_mood += 3
+			pcs_mood -= 3
 			if soniaPS ! 5:maidrand = rand(0,100)
 			if soniaPS = 5:maidrand = rand(0,130)
 			if maidstat < 100:maidstat+=rand(0,1)
 			!! MJ: from 0,100 to 0,50 -- roughly the same as before.
 			chai1 = rand(0,100 - (maidstat/2))
+			hotel_rand1 = rand(0,100)
 			!! MJ: from 50,51 to 50,150 -- More often but less.
-			if chai1 < 25:chai = 50 + rand(0, maidstat)
+			if chai1 < 25:chai = rand(20,60) + rand(0, maidstat)
 			if maidrand <= 10:
 				minut += 35
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -465,8 +465,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 				if maidstat >= 20 and maidstat<50:'Your maid skills have improved a fair bit. You clean the room far more effectively now, but the bed sheets still give you trouble. Nevertheless, they look better than when you first started.'
 				if maidstat >= 50 and maidstat<70:'You are pretty good at cleaning rooms, and the room looks quite clean when you''re done with it. There are still some small wrinkles in the bed sheets, but it''s nothing a guest would complain about.'
 				if maidstat >= 70:'You''re a very experienced maid by now. You know how to clean up all sorts of spots and stains with ease, and the bed sheets look perfect when you do them.'
-				if chai > 0:money += chai & 'While you''re cleaning the room, you find some money underneath a pillow. Looks like someone left you a <<chai>> ruble tip!' & chai=0
+				if chai > 0:money += chai & 'While you''re cleaning the room, you find some money underneath a pillow. Looks like someone left you a <<chai>> <b>₽</b> tip!' & chai=0
 				act'Continue':gt 'hotelwork', 'maid'
@@ -477,16 +477,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 				'While you are on your way to your next room you encounter mister Leonidovich, the manager of this hotel. He tells you he spilled a drink in his office and asks you to go clean it up.'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/office.jpg"></center>'
 				'You go to his office and clean up the spilled drink'
-				if maidstat < 20:'You don''t do a very good job. there are still stains of liquor everywhere.'
+				if maidstat < 20:'You don''t do a very good job. There are still stains of liquor everywhere.'
 				if maidstat >= 20 and maidstat<50:'Your maid skills have improved a fair bit. You are able to get most of the stains out of the desk.'
-				if maidstat >= 50 and maidstat<70:'You are pretty good at cleaning rooms, and the room looks quite clean when you''re done with it. there is almost no trace left of the spilled drink'
-				if maidstat >= 70:'You''re a very experienced maid by now. You know how to clean up all sorts of spots and stains with ease, you easily remove all traces of liquor from the desk.'
+				if maidstat >= 50 and maidstat<70:'You are pretty good at cleaning rooms, and the room looks quite clean when you''re done with it. There is almost no trace left of the spilled drink'
+				if maidstat >= 70:'You''re a very experienced maid by now. You know how to clean up all sorts of spots and stains with ease; you easily remove all traces of liquor from the desk.'
 				if resepseen = 0:
 					'Just when you were about to leave the room you notice a folder lying on the ground beneath the desk. '
-					' You go and pick it up but when you place it back with the other folders on the desk you notice there are some pictures sticking out.'
-					' It looks like security footage from the lobby.'
-					'Should you take a look?' 
+					'You go and pick it up but when you place it back with the other folders on the desk you notice there are some pictures sticking out.'
+					'It looks like security footage from the lobby.'
+					'Should you take a look?'
 					act 'No, this is none of my business':
 						if maidstat < 100:maidstat+=1
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 					act'Continue':gt 'hotelwork', 'maid'
 			if maidrand > 15 and maidrand <= 20:
 				hotelcouple = max(1 , hotelcouple)
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 							childrenplayground = rand(0,1)
 							if childrenplayground = 0:
-							mood += 10
+							pcs_mood += 10
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/children.jpg"></center>'
 							'You let the children play around for an hour while you relax on a bench.'
 							'You take the children back to the parent''s room and continue your work.'
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 							money -= 100
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/children.jpg"></center>'
 							'You let the children play around for an hour while you relax on a bench.'
-							'When it is time to leave you call out to the children but they are nowhere to be found. Then you notice them next to an icecream truck happily eating some icecream. You had to use the money you received from their father to pay for it.'
+							'When it is time to leave you call out to the children but they are nowhere to be found. Then you notice them next to an ice cream truck happily eating some ice cream. You had to use the money you received from their father to pay for it.'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/children3.jpg"></center>'
 							'You take the children back to the parent''s room and continue your work'
 							act'Continue':gt 'hotelwork', 'maid'
@@ -541,10 +541,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 					act 'Take the children to the hotel conference room':
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/children2.jpg"></center>'
-						'There is not much to do here to entertain these children so you have to listen to them screaming at eachother for an hour, giving you a terrible headache.'
+						'There is not much to do here to entertain these children so you have to listen to them screaming at each other for an hour, giving you a terrible headache.'
 						'You take the children back to the parent''s room and continue your work'
 						gs 'pain', 2,'head','ache'
-						mood -= 5
+						pcs_mood -= 5
 						act'Continue':gt 'hotelwork', 'maid'
@@ -554,8 +554,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/work/maid.work1,0.jpg"></center>'
 				'You work in the hotel restaurant, moving dirty dishes to the kitchen and preparing tables for the next guests.'
-				if chai > 0:money += chai &'While you move to pick up a tray, you find some money tucked under a plate. Looks like someone left you a <<chai>> ruble tip!'&chai=0
+				if chai > 0:money += chai &'While you move to pick up a tray, you find some money tucked under a plate. Looks like someone left you a <<chai>> <b>₽</b> tip!'&chai=0
 				act'Continue':gt 'hotelwork', 'maid'
@@ -566,54 +566,51 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 				'You enter the room and to your surprise you can see a naked man handcuffed to the bed.'
 				'"Thank god, someone to help me" says the man. " The key is on the table by the window ".'
 				'After you release him he tells you that he came to the room with a woman who promised to rock his world.'
-				'So that did not happen, he just ended up handcuffed to a hotelroom bed while the woman stole all his stuff.'
+				'So that did not happen, he just ended up handcuffed to a hotel room bed while the woman stole all his stuff.'
 				'She even took all his clothes'
 				'You felt sorry for the man but there was not much more you could do for him'
+				'Just when you were about to leave the room you notice that the man is sitting on the edge of the bed and is on the verge of tears. He doesn''t know what to do now.'
-				act'Continue':gt 'hotelwork', 'maid'
+				act'Leave the room':gt 'hotelwork', 'maid'
 				act'Try to cheer up the man with your hand':
 					*clr & cla
 					gs 'stat'
 					gs 'arousal', 'hj', 10
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/maidhj.jpg"></center>'
 					'Just when you were about to leave the room you notice that the man is sitting on the edge of the bed and is on the verge of tears. He doesn''t know what to do now. Then you get an idea how to cheer him up a little bit.'
 					if stat['hj'] < 5:
-						'You move to the bed and gently place your hand on his bare chest. you push him down on the bed. Then you move your hand down to his waist and take his flacid penis in your hand. You slowly start moving your hand up and down. The man groans a little bit and you see he was already semi-erect.'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/maidhj.jpg"></center>'
-						'You kept stroking for a few minutes but your technique was not sufficient enough to make him cum. Maybe if you had some more experience with your hands you could have given him an happy ending.'
+						'You move to the bed and gently place your hand on his bare chest. You push him down on the bed. Then you move your hand down to his waist and take his flaccid penis in your hand. You slowly start moving your hand up and down. The man groans a little bit and you see he was already semi-erect.'
+						'You kept stroking for a few minutes but your technique was not sufficient enough to make him cum. Maybe if you had some more experience with your hands you could have given him a happy ending.'
 						'"Thanks for trying," he says, but I guess I am not really in the mood right now. He holds his head in his hands and shows a defeated look. Leaving the man like this does not make you feel very happy.'
-						pcs_mood +=10
-					end
-					if stat['hj'] >= 5:
-						'You move to the bed and gently place your hand on his bare chest. you push him down on the bed. Then you move your hand down to his waist and take his flacid penis in your hand. You slowly start moving your hand up and down. It only takes a few strokes for the dick to become rock hard.'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/maidhj.jpg"></center>'
+						pcs_mood -= 10
+					elseif stat['hj'] >= 5:
+						'You move to the bed and gently place your hand on his bare chest. You push him down on the bed. Then you move your hand down to his waist and take his flaccid penis in your hand. You slowly start moving your hand up and down. It only takes a few strokes for the dick to become rock hard.'
 						'The man watches you but doesn''t say anything.'
-						'After stroking him for a few minutes he starts moaning loadly and suddenly his cum starts splashing all over your hand.'
-						'You give him a little smile and he smiles back at you. You are happy you were able to cheer him up. Then you stand up , go wash your hands in the bathroom and leave the room to continue your work.'
+						'After stroking him for a few minutes he starts moaning loudly and suddenly his cum starts splashing all over your hand.'
+						'You give him a little smile and he smiles back at you. You are happy you were able to cheer him up. Then you stand up, go wash your hands in the bathroom and leave the room to continue your work.'
 						pcs_mood +=10
 					act'Continue':gt 'hotelwork', 'maid'
 				act'Try to cheer up the man with your mouth':
 					*clr & cla
 					gs 'stat'
 					gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
-					'Just when you were about to leave the room you notice that the man is standing at the edge of the bed and is on the verge of tears. He doesn''t know what to do now. Then you get an idea how to cheer him up a little bit.'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/maid_blow.jpg"></center>'
 					if stat['bj'] < 5:
-						'You move to the bed and crawled on it. You grab the man by the hip and turn him towards you. Then you moved your head down to his crotch and take his flacid penis in your hand. You place your mouth over the man''s penis slowly start sucking on it. The man groans a little bit and you feel his dick becoming harder in your mouth.'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/maid_blow.jpg"></center>'
-						'You kept blowing him for a few minutes but your technique was not sufficient enough to make him cum. Maybe if you had some more experience with your mouth you could have given him an happy ending.'
-						'"thanks for trying" he says, but I guess I am not really in the mood right now. He holds his head in his hands and shows a defeated look. Leaving the man like this does not make you feel very happy.'
-						pcs_mood +=10
+						'You move to the bed and crawled on it. You grab the man by the hip and turn him towards you. Then you moved your head down to his crotch and take his flacid penis in your hand. You place your mouth over the man''s penis and slowly start sucking on it. The man groans a little bit and you feel his dick becoming harder in your mouth.'
+						'You kept blowing him for a few minutes but your technique was not sufficient enough to make him cum. Maybe if you had some more experience with your mouth you could have given him a happy ending.'
+						'"Thanks for trying" he says, but I guess I am not really in the mood right now. He holds his head in his hands and shows a defeated look. Leaving the man like this does not make you feel very happy.'
+						pcs_mood -=10
 						act'Continue':gt 'hotelwork', 'maid'
-					end
-					if stat['bj'] => 5:
-						'You move to the bed and crawled on it. You grab the man by the hip and turn him towards you. Then you moved your head down to his crotch and take his flacid penis in your hand. You place your mouth over the man''s penis slowly start sucking on it. The man groans a little bit and you feel his dick becoming harder in your mouth.'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/maid_blow.jpg"></center>'
+					elseif stat['bj'] => 5:
+						'You move to the bed and crawled on it. You grab the man by the hip and turn him towards you. Then you moved your head down to his crotch and take his flacid penis in your hand. You place your mouth over the man''s penis and slowly start sucking on it. The man groans a little bit and you feel his dick becoming harder in your mouth.'
 						'The man watches you but doesn''t say anything'
 						'After blowing him for a few minutes the man suddenly stands up, takes your head in his hands and starts moving your head up and down his dick. After 1 minute the man moaned loadly and suddenly you could feel he was about to cum.'
 						act 'Let him cum in your mouth':
@@ -641,7 +638,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 						act 'Take his cock out of your mouth':
-							cla 
+							cla
 							spafinloc = 11
 							gs 'cum_manage'
 							'You quickly move your head back and suddenly the cock starts spurting jets of sperm on to your face.'
@@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
-			if maidrand>60 and maidrand<=70:
+			if maidrand > 60 and maidrand <= 70:
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/work/maid.work3,'+rand(0,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
@@ -672,7 +669,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
-			if maidrand>70 and maidrand<=75:
+			if maidrand > 70 and maidrand <= 75:
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/work/maid.event0.jpg"></center>'
@@ -693,16 +690,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 					act'Keep walking':gt'hotelwork','maid'
-			if maidrand>75 and maidrand<=85:
+			if maidrand > 75 and maidrand <= 85:
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/1,'+rand(0,7)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
 				'You open the door to the next room, and immediately freeze in place when you hear a loud moaning coming from inside. Curious as you are, you decide to sneak a peek and see what''s happening in the room. You see a couple fucking enthusiastically on the bed, completely oblivious to your presence.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10
 				gs 'stat'
+				act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
 				act'Watch them for a while':
 					'Making sure you don''t make a sound, you put your things away and watch them for a while, softly fondling yourself through your clothes. It feels great, and the couple on the bed look like they''re having a great time as well. Even though you want to keep watching them, you realize you have to get back to work before you''re missed.'
@@ -712,34 +710,34 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 					gs 'stat'
 					act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
-				act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
-			if maidrand>85 and maidrand<=95:
+			if maidrand > 85 and maidrand <= 95:
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/maid.event3,'+rand(0,7)+'.jpg"></center>'
 				'You open the door to the next room, and immediately freeze in place when you hear a loud moaning coming from inside. Curious as you are, you decide to sneak a peek and see what''s happening in the room. You carefully put your things away and look around the corner, and you see a girl... but she''s not with one man, but two! They''re fucking her quite roughly.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10
 				gs 'stat'
+				act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
 				act'Watch them for a while':
 					'You decide to watch them for a while longer, and idly begin to fondle yourself through your clothes. The men are quite demanding, commanding the girl around like she''s their plaything. They continuously talk her down, using degrading language. She obediently does everything they order her to do, but gets spanked once when she''s not quick enough. In the corner of the room, you see some coils of rope and several cuffs sticking out of an opened bag. It looks like she''s in for a long night...'
 					'You''d love to keep watching and see what else they have in store for her, but you realize you really have to get back to work before you''re missed.'
-					threesomewatched += 1 
+					threesomewatched += 1
 					gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'
 					act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
-				act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
-			if maidrand>95 and maidrand<=100:
+			if maidrand > 95 and maidrand <= 100:
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/sex/maid.event4,'+rand(0,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
 				'You open the door to the next room, and immediately freeze in place when you hear a somewhat desperate moaning coming from inside. Curious as you are, you decide to sneak a peek and see what''s happening in the room. You carefully put your things away and look around the corner, and you see a girl... but she''s not with one man, but with a whole group of men! From what you can see, there are at least five of them, taking turns fucking her however they like.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10
 				gs 'stat'
+				act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
 				act'Watch them for a while':
 					'You decide to watch them for a while longer, and idly begin to fondle yourself through your clothes. You notice they''re quite rough with the girl, and sometimes she''s struggling a bit. Should you say something to the manager? Then again... how would you explain watching them? You decide against it, figuring the girl will probably be okay.'
@@ -749,15 +747,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 					act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
-				act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
-			if maidrand >100 and maidrand<=110:
+			if maidrand >100 and maidrand <= 110:
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/hotel/sonia.hotel.boy0,'+rand(0,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
 				'You open the door to the next room, and immediately freeze in place when you hear gagging sounds coming from inside. Curious as you are, you decide to sneak a peek and see what''s happening in the room. When you look around the corner, you see a girl giving a guy an enthusiastic blowjob, happily gagging on his cock while she tries to take it down her throat over and over. Wait a minute... that''s Sonia, from your class!'
 				gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
 				gs 'stat'
-				if rand1<=60:
+				act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
+				if hotel_rand1 <= 60:
 					act'Keep watching':
 						*clr & cla
@@ -770,7 +769,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 						act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
-				if rand1>60:
+				if hotel_rand1 > 60:
 					act'Keep watching':
 						*clr & cla
@@ -786,22 +785,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 							gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3
 							gs 'arousal', 'end'
 							gs 'stat'
 							act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
-				act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
-			if maidrand >110 and maidrand<=120:
+			if maidrand >110 and maidrand <= 120:
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/hotel/sonia.hotel.boy.nigga0,'+rand(0,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
 				'You open the door to the next room, and immediately freeze in place when you hear gagging sounds coming from inside. Curious as you are, you decide to sneak a peek and see what''s happening in the room. When you look around the corner, you see Sonia giving a black guy an enthusiastic blowjob, happily gagging on his cock while she tries to take it down her throat over and over. Obviously it''s not working; his cock is way too big for her.'
 				'She adjusts her strategy, diligently sucking the head of his cock and licking his balls instead.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10
 				gs 'stat'
-				if rand1<=60:
+				act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
+				if hotel_rand1 <= 60:
 					act'Keep watching':
 						*clr & cla
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 						act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
-				if rand1>60:
+				if hotel_rand1 > 60:
 					act'Keep watching':
 						*clr & cla
@@ -835,16 +835,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
-				act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
-			if maidrand >120 and maidrand<=130:
+			if maidrand >120 and maidrand <= 130:
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/hotel/sonia.hotel.two.nigga0,'+rand(0,1)+'.jpg"></center>'
 				'You open the door to the next room, and immediately freeze in place when you hear gagging sounds coming from inside. Curious as you are, you decide to sneak a peek and see what''s happening in the room. When you look around the corner, you see Sonia with not one, but two huge black guys. She''s happily sucking their enormous dicks in turn, massaging the one she doesn''t currently have in her mouth with her delicate fingers.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10
 				gs 'stat'
-				if rand1<=60:
+				act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
+				if hotel_rand1 <= 60:
 					act'Keep watching':
 						*clr & cla
@@ -857,7 +858,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
 						act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'
-				if rand1>60:
+				if hotel_rand1 > 60:
 					act'Keep watching':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/hotel/sonia.hotel.two.nigga1,'+rand(0,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
@@ -877,8 +878,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maid':
-				act'Get back to work':gt'hotelwork','maid'

+ 9 - 11

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # IgorEv
+menu_off = 1
 !!Igor = A4
 !!It starts off by talking to Igor at school and there will be a option where he is aceing history and Sveta is not as good as she wants to be. No mention of grades just she is doing worse class than he is. She can then ask if they can study together. This leads to them going to Igor's house to study and talk. From there two things can happen, each is it's own story that links back up later on.
@@ -77,9 +78,6 @@ $location_type = 'event'
 	! walk, movie
 if $ARGS[0] = '': gt 'igorhome', 'Chat'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies':
 	act 'Walk to the theater':
@@ -362,7 +360,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'strap on':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/igor/namek.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'You start stroking the strap-on through the dress saying "I have a surprise for you." to Igor.'
-			'"Oh?  What is it?" he eagerly asks awaiting your answer.'
+			'"Oh? What is it?" he eagerly asks awaiting your answer.'
 			act 'Show him the strap-on':
 				*clr & cla
 				igor_net += 1
@@ -945,7 +943,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'caught':
 					'You go for a walk in the park. Igor is very scared, leaning onto you, holding your hand. You were both constantly looking around, fearing seeing someone you know.'
 					'"Igor, please, calm down! You are drawing attention to yourself acting this way. Just act like you are enjoying yourself and no one will notice." you tell him as you hold his hand.'
 					'"It does not work! I swear it looks like everyone is staring at me all the time. I am so screwed!" he said while shivering nervously.'
-					'"Don''t worry.  No one has recognized you yet, no one suspects you of being a boy." you reassure him.'
+					'"Don''t worry. No one has recognized you yet, no one suspects you of being a boy." you reassure him.'
 					act 'Continue walking':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/igor/crossdress/progulka_3.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1008,7 +1006,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'walk':
 					'You go for a walk in the park. Igor is very scared, leaning onto you, holding your hand. You were both constantly looking around, fearing seeing someone you know.'
 					'"Igor, please, calm down! You are drawing attention to yourself acting this way. Just act like you are enjoying yourself and no one will notice." you tell him as you hold his hand.'
 					'"It does not work! I swear it looks like everyone is staring at me all the time. I am so screwed!" he said while shivering nervously.'
-					'"Don''t worry.  No one has recognized you yet, no one suspects you of being a boy." you reassure him.'
+					'"Don''t worry. No one has recognized you yet, no one suspects you of being a boy." you reassure him.'
 					act 'Continue walking':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/igor/crossdress/progulka_3.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1109,8 +1107,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'walk':
 					'He nods a bit. "I better get changed before my parents get home." With that he goes and changes back into his boy clothes.'
 					act 'Finish': gt 'igorhome', 'igorroom'
-				if rand(1,100) <= 20:
-					if igor_DimaNos = 0 or igor_DimaNos = 3:
+				if rand(1,100) <= 25:
+					if igor_DimaNos = 0 or igor_DimaNos = 1:
 						act 'Dimka': gt 'IgorEv', 'Dimka'
@@ -1148,7 +1146,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Dimka':
 				'"Hi." Igor said timidly, trying to make his voice sound like a girls.'
 				'"My name is Dimka and you are?" said Dimka and extended his hand to Igor.'
 				'"Uh... I... I''m Diana." said Igor, reaching out to take Dimka''s extended hand. It''s very noticeable that he''s very nervous.'
-				'"What a beautiful name." said Dimka, kissing Diana''s  hand.'
+				'"What a beautiful name." said Dimka, kissing Diana''s hand.'
 				'Igor jumped slightly as Dimka''s lips touched his hand.'
 				'"Will you lovely ladies keep me company? Let me buy you two a beer!" asked a grinning Dimka.'
 				act 'Decline his invitation':
@@ -1160,7 +1158,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Dimka':
 						'<center><b><font color = maroon>Entrance hall</font></b></center>'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/igorhome/kor.jpg"></center>'
 						'You return to Igor''s home. As soon as you close the door you ask Igor what he thought about the walk today?'
-						'"Well... fuck... it was great until Dimka showed up!" he said with a genuine tremor in his voice. "That was Dimka! If he had recognized me it would have been... that entire situation was beyond fucked up!  Sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, but I can''t risk wearing these lovely outfits and go walking with you any more!"'
+						'"Well... fuck... it was great until Dimka showed up!" he said with a genuine tremor in his voice. "That was Dimka! If he had recognized me it would have been... that entire situation was beyond fucked up! Sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, but I can''t risk wearing these lovely outfits and go walking with you any more!"'
 						'"Come on, Diana," you tease Igor by calling his by his female name. "Don''t worry, he didn''t recognize you." You drag him into his sisters room and to her full length mirror. "Look at yourself, what do you see? All I see is a beautiful young woman, not a boy in drag. Dimka see''s the same thing."'
 						'He sighs and looks at the mirror but after a moment he can''t help but smile. "Yeah ok, I look hot, way hotter than you." he says jokingly.'
 						'You hip check him. "Very funny, but seriously if Dimka, your best friend didn''t reconize you then no one will."'
@@ -1392,7 +1390,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Ask about Dianas date':
 												act 'Keep listening':
 													*clr & cla
 													'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/igor/dimanos/medlyak.mp4"></video></center>'
-													'"Then he hugged me and we began to dance.  He was still complimenting me, saying that this was the best date he had ever been on."'
+													'"Then he hugged me and we began to dance. He was still complimenting me, saying that this was the best date he had ever been on."'
 													act 'Keep listening':
 														*clr & cla
 														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/igor/dimanos/krovat.jpg"></center>'

+ 37 - 23

@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 # IgorHanter
+$menu_loc = 'IgorHanter'
+$menu_arg = ''
+menu_off = 0
 gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
 $boybody = 'high'
 $boybod = 'athletic'
@@ -20,7 +23,7 @@ gs 'stat'
 '<center><b><font color = maroon>Igor Anisimov</font></b></center>'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/igorhanter.jpg"></center>'
-'Igor is a hunter along with the Sergey and Andrew and is here visiting Andrew. He''s <<boyage>> years old. He is not married and lives in the City Center..'
+'Igor is a hunter along with the Sergei and Andrei and is here visiting Andrei. He''s <<boyage>> years old. He is not married and lives in the City Center..'
 if hantersIgorQw < 0:'You and him have a bad relationship, because you offended him in the past.'
 if hantersIgorQw >= 0 and hantersIgorQw < 10:'You have a normal relationship with him.'
 if hantersIgorQw >= 10 and hantersIgorQw < 20:'You have friendly relations with him.'
@@ -35,11 +38,12 @@ if hantersIgorLove = 3:'<<$boydesc>> is your husband.'
 act 'Chat':
     *clr & cla
     minut += 60
+	menu_off = 1
     if hantersIgorQw < 10:hantersIgorQw += 1
     gs 'stat'
     '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/talk1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
-    if hantersIgorQw >= 0:'You have a chat with Igor, swapping to stories about life and love.'
+    if hantersIgorQw >= 0:'You have a chat with Igor, swapping stories about life and love.'
     if hantersIgorQw < 0:'You talk to Igor. He wears his heart on his sleeve, so you can tell he doesn''t like you.'
     act'Continue':gt $loc, $metka
@@ -48,6 +52,10 @@ end
 if hantersIgorQw >= 10:
     if hantersIgorLove = 0:
         act 'Flirt':
+			minut += 120
+			menu_off = 1
+			!!not using arousal as no orgasm chance
+			pcs_horny += 10
             *clr & cla
             if hantersIgorQw <= 35 and hantersKnowSlut = 0:hantersIgorQw += 1
             if hantersAndreiQw >= 10 and hantersKnowSlut = 0:hantersAndreiQw -= 1
@@ -57,7 +65,6 @@ if hantersIgorQw >= 10:
             '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterflirt1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
             'You spend time with Igor, flirting all the while. He flirts back, and blushes when you catch him checking you out.'
-			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 120
 			gs 'stat'
             if hantersIgorLove = 0 and hantersIgorQw >= 35 and hantersKnowSlut = 0 and bfA = 1 and pcs_apprnc >= 60:
@@ -65,7 +72,7 @@ if hantersIgorQw >= 10:
                 gs 'stat'
                 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss1.jpg"></center>'
-                'You smile sweetly at Igor. Suddenly Igor takes a kiss when you didnt expect it. You can feel his breath on your skin, smell the scent of the soap he used to clean himself. Suddenly, he looks embarrassed by what he just did and waits to see what your response will be.'
+                'You smile sweetly at Igor. Suddenly Igor steals a kiss when you didnt expect it. You can feel his breath on your skin, smell the scent of the soap he used to clean himself. Suddenly, he looks embarrassed by what he just did and waits to see what your response will be.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -90,9 +97,9 @@ if hantersIgorQw >= 10:
                             gs 'stat'
                             '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss3.jpg"></center>'
-                            '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, Do you want to..?" Igor asked in a whisper, when your lips finally parted. "Yes" you say just as quietly and Igor gently took you by the hand and led inside.'
+                            '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, Do you want to..?" Igor asked in a whisper, when your lips finally parted. "Yes" you say just as quietly and Igor gently took your hand and led you inside.'
-							act 'Go':gt 'HanterLoveSex','Igor'
+							act 'Go inside':gt 'HanterLoveSex','Igor'
@@ -116,15 +123,19 @@ if hantersIgorQw >= 10:
                     '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg"></center>'
                     '"No, Igor, this isn''t right", you say, and try not to look at his sorrowful face as he leaves.'
-                    act'Go':gt $loc, $metka
+                    act'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
-                act'Depart':gt $loc, $metka
+                act'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
         act 'Spend time together':
             *clr & cla
+			minut += 120
+			menu_off = 1
+			!!not using arousal as no orgasm chance
+			pcs_horny += 10
             pcs_mood = 100
             hantersIgorQw += 1
             if hantersSergeiLove > 0 or hantersAndreiLove > 0:hanterslut += 1
@@ -135,10 +146,9 @@ if hantersIgorQw >= 10:
             '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterlove1.'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
             'You cuddle up with Igor, and trade gentle kisses with him. He adores you and wishes you were always with him and you wish the same.'
-			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 120
 			gs 'stat'
-            act'Depart':gt $loc, $metka
+            act'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
@@ -146,6 +156,7 @@ end
 if hantersIgorLove > 0 and pcs_horny >= 60:
     act 'Have sex':
 	    *clr & cla
+		menu_off = 1
         hantersIgorQw += 1
         hantersIgorsex += rand(12,36)
 	    gs 'stat'
@@ -163,11 +174,12 @@ end
 !! I replaced the partial condition "and temp = 1" with "and rand(1,5) = 1" because temp is changed in the stat procedure. Formely the temp variable was initialized at the beginning of the file temp = rand(1,5)
 if hantersIgorLove > 0 and pcs_horny <= 60 and hantersIgorQw >= 10 and rand(1,5) = 1 and hantersIgorsex = 0:
 	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	hantersIgorsex += rand(12,36)
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterlove1.4.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walked up to Igor to spend time together, but he suddenly kisses and whispered,'
+	'You walked up to Igor to spend time together, but he suddenly kisses you and whispers,'
 	'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, let''s make love."'
 	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5
@@ -180,7 +192,7 @@ if hantersIgorLove > 0 and pcs_horny <= 60 and hantersIgorQw >= 10 and rand(1,5)
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterflirt2.'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
-		'Smiling you wink Igor. He gets a childlike grin on his face and takes leads you by the hand.'
+		'Smiling, you wink at Igor. He gets a childlike grin on his face and leads you by the hand to his bed.'
 		act 'Go':gt 'HanterLoveSex','Igor'
 	act 'Decline':
@@ -190,16 +202,17 @@ if hantersIgorLove > 0 and pcs_horny <= 60 and hantersIgorQw >= 10 and rand(1,5)
 		gs 'stat'
         '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg"></center>'
-        '"I can''t right now, Igor ," you say'
+        '"I can''t right now, Igor," you say'
 		'You see a look of regret on his face as you leave'
-	    act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka
+	    act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
 if hantersIgorLove > 0:
-    act 'Part with a guy':
+    act 'Break up with Igor':
 	    *clr & cla
         minut += 5
+		menu_off = 1
         hantersIgorLove = 0
         if hantersIgorLove = 2:bfA = 0
         hantersIgorQw -= 100
@@ -208,7 +221,7 @@ if hantersIgorLove > 0:
 	    '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/brosila.jpg"></center>'
 	    '"We''re through Igor. I don''t think that this relationship was going where either of us wanted," you say. Igor looks completely blindsided but turns and leaves without saying a word.'
-	    act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka
+	    act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
@@ -217,6 +230,7 @@ act'Depart':gt $loc, $metka
 if hantersIgorQw < 10 and hantersIgorLove > 0:
 	*clr & cla
     minut += 5
+	menu_off = 1
     hantersIgorLove = 0
     if hantersIgorLove = 2:bfA = 0
     hantersIgorQw -= 10
@@ -224,26 +238,27 @@ if hantersIgorQw < 10 and hantersIgorLove > 0:
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/brosil.jpg"></center>'
 	'You wanted to talk to Igor, but he cuts you off with an angry look.'
 	'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, I realized that our love wasn''t real and we need to break up," he says. As you try to find words to answer he turns and resolutely walks away.'
-	'"This may well be for the best," you thought, going in the other direction.'
+	'"This may well be for the best," you think, as you leave in the other direction.'
-	act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka
+	act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
 if hantersIgorLove < 2 and hantersIgorQw >= 35 and hantersKnowSlut = 0 and bfA < 1 and hour >= 8 and hour < 20 and pcs_apprnc >= 60:
     *clr & cla
     minut += 1
+	menu_off = 1
     gs 'stat'
     '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss1.jpg"></center>'
-    'Suddenly Igor takes a kiss when you didnt expect it. You can feel his breath on your skin, smell the scent of the soap he used to clean himself. Suddenly, he looks embarrassed by what he just did and waits to see what your response will be.'
+    'Suddenly Igor kisses you when you didn''t expect it.'
+	'He looks a little nervous before gathering up his courage to ask you, "Will you be my girlfriend?"'
 	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1
 	gs 'stat'
 !! this part is not included properly into boyfriend system yet - rachels
 !! it could be simply replaced with gs 'boyfrend', 'start' but we need to check if a slot is empty
 !! at the moment I disable all the actions
-    act 'Answer kiss':
+    act 'Yes':
         *clr & cla
 	    !stopboy = 0
 !!	    $lover[lover_number] = $boy
@@ -304,7 +319,7 @@ if hantersIgorLove < 2 and hantersIgorQw >= 35 and hantersKnowSlut = 0 and bfA <
-    act 'To remove the face':
+    act 'No':
         *clr & cla
         minut += 5
         hantersIgorQw -= 50
@@ -316,6 +331,5 @@ if hantersIgorLove < 2 and hantersIgorQw >= 35 and hantersKnowSlut = 0 and bfA <
         act'Go':gt $loc, $metka
 --- IgorHanter ---------------------------------

+ 9 - 11

@@ -3,18 +3,12 @@
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
+	$menu_loc = 'IrinaRoom'
+	$menu_arg = 'start'
+	menu_off = 0
 	minut += 5
-	clr
 	gs 'stat'
-	if night_mode = 1:
-		fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	else
-		fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	end
+	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Entrance where your girlfriend Ira lives</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/podezdhr.jpg"></center>'
@@ -47,7 +41,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'first':
-	minut += 5
+	$menu_loc = 'IrinaRoom'
+	$menu_arg = 'first'
+	menu_off = 0
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Apartment Ira</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/ira/irinaroom.jpg"></center>'
@@ -67,6 +63,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'first1':
 		pcs_hydra -= 10
+	$locclass = 'kitr'
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/ira/irinaqw.jpg"></center>'
 	'You and Ira settle in the kitchen with a bottle of wine and some fruits, you talk and chat merrily.'

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # IvanEv
+menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	numnpc = 3

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 # JuliaMilGo
+menu_off = 1
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><b><font color="maroon">Julia Milova, your classmate</font></b></center>'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/12.jpg"></center>'

+ 7 - 0

@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # JuliaMilHome
 $location_type = 'indoors'
+$menu_loc = 'pavCommercial'
+$menu_arg = ''
+menu_off = 0
 if BeInJulMilHome = 0:BeInJulMilHome = 1
@@ -14,6 +17,7 @@ if lernHome ! 0:
 	act 'Do your homework with Julia':
+		menu_off = 1
 		minut += 60
 		!npc_rel['A14'] += 10
 		lernHome = 0
@@ -33,6 +37,7 @@ elseif lernHome = 0:
 		act 'Have a meal with Julia':
+			menu_off = 1
 			minut += 30
 			fat += 2
 			pcs_energy += 60
@@ -57,6 +62,7 @@ elseif lernHome = 0:
 		if wine = 1:
 			act 'Drink your wine with Julia':
+				menu_off = 1
 				minut += 30
 				wine = 0
 				alko += 6
@@ -187,6 +193,7 @@ elseif lernHome = 0:
 		act 'Chat with Julia':
+			menu_off = 1
 			minut += 15
 			JulMilBestFrend += 1
 			gs 'stat'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # JuliaMilVhod
+menu_off = 1

+ 1 - 1

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ gs 'KGZdyn'
 if KGZHP <= 0:
-	pcs_mood += 10
+	pcs_mood -= 10
 	'<center><b>GAME OVER</b></center>'
 	act 'Quit Game':gt 'KGZstart'

+ 3 - 3

@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ cla
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/katja_home.jpg"></center>'
 if hour >= 17 and week < 6 and kanikuli = 0 and hour < 20 or hour >= 9 and week >= 6 and kanikuli = 0 and hour < 20 or hour >= 9 and kanikuli > 0 and hour < 20:
-	'The door is opened by Katjas mum. "Hello <<$pcs_nickname>>. Katja is in her room. Come in."'
+	'The door is opened by Katjas mother. "Hello <<$pcs_nickname>>. Katja is in her room. Come in."'
 	act 'Go to Katjas room':
 		if frost > 0: frost = 0
-	if hour >= 9:'The door is opened by Katjas mum. "Oh, hello <<$pcs_nickname>>. Katja isn''t home right now."'
-	if hour < 9:'The door is opened by Katjas mum. "<<$pcs_nickname>>. Shouldn''t you be in bed? You shouldn''t come around before nine."'
+	if hour >= 9:'The door is opened by Katjas mother. "Oh, hello <<$pcs_nickname>>. Katja isn''t home right now."'
+	if hour < 9:'The door is opened by Katjas mother. "<<$pcs_nickname>>. Shouldn''t you be in bed? You shouldn''t come around before nine."'
 	act 'Say goodbye and go home':gt 'pavResidential'

+ 1 - 0

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	$location_type = 'indoors'
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$npc_firstname[''A14'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A14'']>></font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/14.jpg"></center>'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'secretroom':
 						act'Use dildo':
 							*clr & cla
 							pcs_horny = 0
-							pcs_mood += 15
+							pcs_mood -= 15
 							pcs_willpwr = pcs_willpwr + 15
 							orgasm = orgasm + 1
 							vaginalOrgasm += 1

+ 1 - 0

@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'znakomstvo':
 		katday = daystart
 		telkat += 1
 		kat = 1
+		npc_rel['A219'] += 1
 		minut += 30
 		'"Erm... hello!" you say, a bit shyly.'
 		'The girl takes off her sunglasses and examines your body, top to bottom. Her face breaks out into a small smile and she says: "Hey, you!"'

+ 37 - 30

@@ -42,8 +42,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'brows':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/accessories/computer/eror.jpg"></center>'
 		'You have no prepaid internet access remaining. You need to buy more, before you can go online again.'
+		if camwhore = 1:
+			'Since MyFreeCams will cover the cost, you can still log on to do a cam show.'
+			act 'Go to':gt 'Komp', 'mfc'
+		end
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/accessories/computer/komp.jpg"></center>'
 		'You go to your favourite start page, while you try to decide on what you want to see right now.'
@@ -77,9 +80,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'brows':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'sale':
-	cla
-	clr
-	*clr
+	*clr & cla	
 	minut += 60
 	elektro += 3
 	internet -= 1
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sale':
 					sdamonth = month + 1
 					if sdamonth > 12:sdamonth = 1
 					if sdaday > monthsEnd[sdamonth]:sdaday = monthsEnd[sdamonth]
-					home_owned[1] = 0
+					home_owned[1] = 3
 					karta += predsumm
 					gt 'Komp', 'start'
@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'znak':
 				haraklover[lover_number] = 0
 				'You find a guy named <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>, and send him your number after checking out his profile. You hope he will call you!'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'Komp', 'brows'
+				act 'Leave this website':gt 'Komp', 'brows'
 			act 'Look for a normal guy':
@@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'znak':
 				haraklover[lover_number] = 1
 				'You find a guy named <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>>, and send him your number after checking out his profile. You hope he will call you!'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'Komp', 'brows'
+				act 'Leave this website':gt 'Komp', 'brows'
 			act 'Look for a strong man':
@@ -450,7 +451,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'rabota':
 			if hour < 20 and hour > 7:act 'Search for more jobs':gt 'Komp', 'rabota'
 			act 'Leave this website':gt 'Komp', 'brows'
-		elseif komprabota > 4 and komprabota < 8 and pcs_intel >= 50 and camwhore = 0:
+		elseif komprabota > 4 and komprabota < 8 and camwhore = 0:
 			'You find a job vacancy, on a legit looking website. It reads: "Wanted! Webcam models. Flexible working hours. Click for more info."'
 			act 'Gather more information':
@@ -459,29 +460,34 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'rabota':
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/accessories/computer/camwhore1.jpg"></center>'
 				'You click the button and get taken to the full job description.'
 				'<i>For this job, you will have to expose your body in front of customers, fulfilling their wishes. Payment is completely based on a tip system: customers on the website can buy tokens, which they can use to tip girls they enjoy watching.'
-				'How much money you make is up to you: the better you are at attracting viewers, and the more you are willing to do to please them, the more likely they will be to tip you.'
+				'The website will cover all costs during your shows. But how much money you make is up to you: the better you are at attracting viewers, and the more you are willing to do to please them, the more likely they will be to tip you.'
 				'After a quick verification, you usually get paid immediately after a session ends. The tokens you earn will be converted to rubles, and paid to your bank account right away.'
 				'The website hides your stream for viewers from your region, so the chance of being recognized by someone you know in real life is very low.'
 				'If you''re interested in becoming a webcam girl, please fill in this questionnaire below.</i>'
-				act 'Fill in the questionnaire':
-					cls
-					camwhore = 1
-					mfcclients = 0
-					camclients = 0
-					mfccum = 0
-					minut += 20
-					gs 'stat'
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/accessories/computer/camwhore2.jpg"></center>'
-					'You fill out the questionnaire and register yourself as a webcam model. Ten minutes later, you have already been approved and you can now earn money as a webcam girl.'
-					'Of course, you will need a functioning webcam to do this! If you don''t have one yet, they are fairly cheap to buy at most local supermarket chains.'
+				if pcs_inhib >= 40 or exhibitionist_lvl > 1 or (pcs_inhib >= 35 and exhibitionist_lvl > 0):
+					act 'Fill in the questionnaire':
+						cls
+						camwhore = 1
+						mfcclients = 0
+						camclients = 0
+						mfccum = 0
+						minut += 20
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/accessories/computer/camwhore2.jpg"></center>'
+						'You fill out the questionnaire and register yourself as a webcam model. Ten minutes later, you have already been approved and you can now earn money as a webcam girl.'
+						'Of course, you will need a functioning webcam to do this! If you don''t have one yet, they are fairly cheap to buy at most local supermarket chains.'
+						act 'Leave this website':gt 'Komp','brows'
+					end
 					act 'Leave this website':gt 'Komp','brows'
+				else
+					''
+					'You don''t feel comfortable showing of your body.'
+				if hour < 20 and hour > 7:act 'Search for more jobs':gt 'Komp','rabota'
 				act 'Leave this website':gt 'Komp','brows'
-			if hour < 20 and hour > 7:act 'Search for more jobs':gt 'Komp','rabota'
-			act 'Leave this website':gt 'Komp','brows'
 			'Unfortunately, you do not find any jobs you would consider doing.'
@@ -512,7 +518,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'kursak':
 	minut += 60
 	elektro += 3
 	internet -= 1
-	pcs_mood += 10
+	pcs_mood -= 10
 	compskl_exp += 1
 	kursovik = kursovik + RAND(pcs_intel/20,pcs_intel/10)
 	if kursovik > 100:kursovik = 100
@@ -643,7 +649,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'startpagemfc':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'While you sit in your chair, you can''t help but wince every time you move. You want to put up a show, but it hurts too much. And besides... you doubt your viewers would want to see you in your current state! You should heal up a bit before trying again.'
 		act 'Collect your earnings and leave':
-			karta += tokens/2
+			karta += tokens * 2
 			gt 'Komp','mfc'
@@ -653,13 +659,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'startpagemfc':
 		'You casually chat with the <<camclients>> visitors currently in your chatroom. Once you turn on your webcam, things will probably get busier.'
 		act 'Turn on your webcam':gt 'komp','waitclients'
 		act 'Collect your earnings and leave':
-			karta += tokens/2
+			karta += tokens * 2
 			gt 'Komp','mfc'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'waitclients':
+	gs'family'
 	minut += RAND(1,4)
 	if mfccum > 0: mfcdaycum = daystart
@@ -968,7 +975,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'waitclients':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/accessories/computer/camwhore6.jpg"></center>'
-	tokenpay = tokens / 2
+	tokenpay = tokens * 2
 	'You take a moment of rest, and just chat casually with your <<camclients>> visitors.'
 	'You have earned <<tokens>> tokens so far this session, which amounts to <<tokenpay>> <b>₽</b>.'
@@ -1440,7 +1447,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'waitclients':
 				pcs_mood = 100
 				gs 'stat'
 				$orgasm_or = 'custom'
-				$orgasm_txt = 'It feels too good to stop! Before you know it, your fingers are repeatedly penetrating your ass and you moan excitedly, barely keeping yourself from screaming. You just had an anal orgasm in front of  <<camclients>> users, completely free of charge! Oops...'
+				$orgasm_txt = 'It feels too good to stop! Before you know it, your fingers are repeatedly penetrating your ass and you moan excitedly, barely keeping yourself from screaming. You just had an anal orgasm in front of <<camclients>> users, completely free of charge! Oops...'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -1480,7 +1487,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'waitclients':
 		topmfc = 1
 		backmfc = 1
-		karta += tokens/2
+		karta += tokens * 2
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/accessories/computer/camwhore2.jpg"></center>'
 		'Suddenly you hear the handle of your door creak, and an annoyed voice shouting: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, what the hell!? Why is the door locked? Let me in!"'

+ 1 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 pcs_horny += 15
+menu_off = 1
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/lake/sex/kwlake1/kwlake1.jpg"></center>'
 'While you and Kat walk along the beach, you notice a rock shaped like a dildo.'

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # Kwlake2
+menu_off = 1
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/lake/sex/kwlake2/kwlake1.jpg"></center>'
 'While you''re walking along the beach, Kat notices a man sitting by himself.'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'firsttime':
 	act 'Get out of here':
 		*clr & cla
-		npc_rel['A89'] += 10
+		npc_rel['A89'] -= 10
 		minut += 7
 		gs 'stat'
 		'No, no! You quickly squirm past Eugene and leave the pantry, and don''t stop walking until you''re well away from the diner.'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-if Enable_settingmode!2: killvar '$cheatmenu'
+if settingmode!0: killvar '$cheatmenu'
 if mod_list > 0:

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # LariskaGo
+menu_off = 1
 '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$npc_firstname[''A13'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A13'']>></font></b></center>'

+ 4 - 2

@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ March 25,2016
 Cleaned up the dialog
 added a few lines to the BDSM room to improve immersion
+$menu_loc = 'LariskaHome'
+$menu_arg = ''
+menu_off = 0
 $location_type = 'indoors'
@@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ if (hour >= 14 and hour < 19 and week < 6) or (hour >= 9 and hour < 19 and (week
 	if beInLariskaHome = 0:
 		'Entering the apartment, you see that it is decorated in a Japanese style.'
 		'"You have a nice apartment, Lariska." you say while looking around with interest.'
-		'"Thank you, Mom makes a good living, although she is only home on weekends usually." Lariska says with a sad voice.'
+		'"Thank you, Mother makes a good living, although she is only home on weekends usually." Lariska says with a sad voice.'
 		'You go into Lariska''s room.'
 		beInLariskaHome = 1

+ 32 - 28

@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
 # LariskaStart
+!!Lariska = A13
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	numnpc = 13
 	minut += 5
+	$static_num = 'A13'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon><<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> <<$npc_lastname[$static_num]>></font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/<<numnpc>>.jpg"></center>'
@@ -57,16 +61,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 				'"Well, she gave blow jobs not only the trainer, but she also blew the junkies, who are selling drugs here. She also bought some super steroids and she wants to contaminate you with them! Tomorrow after the section, they want to catch and rape you!"'
 				'As soon as she said it, she runs away.'
 				lariskaHelp = 1
 				if kotovLoveQW > 0:
 					act 'Call Kotov':
 						minut += 5
 						'"Hi Vitek. Listen, you said that you can protect me from anybody. I need you help now! Zvereva is going to dig a pit on me tomorrow. She wants to set her dealers on me so that they rape me."'
 						'"That bitch! Do not worry, I know these bastards, Nosov takes his dope from them. Nobody is dangerous, for me anyway! Do not worry about anything!"'
 						KotovZverHelp = 1
 						act 'Leave':gt'gdk'
@@ -76,10 +80,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 						minut += 5
 						'"Hey Ivan, listen, some perverts badgering me here, could you escort me home after section tomorrow?"'
 						'"Sure, no problem <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
 						IvanZverHelp = 1
 						act 'Leave':gt'gdk'
@@ -89,12 +93,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 						minut += 5
 						'"Hi Albina, could you help me? I will make it all up for to you."'
 						'"What happened?"'
 						'"Zvereva set junkies on me."'
 						'"Okay, don''t be afraid. I''ve got contacts, I''ll call right now, she''ll go away empty-handed."'
 						AlbZverHelp = 1
 						act 'Leave':gt'gdk'
@@ -106,16 +110,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 						minut += 5
 						'"Fedor, I need your help, Christina has paid off some steroid pumping punks to rape me outside the sports center tomorrow, Can you please help me?"'
 						'"There is no way I''m letting them hurt you, I will wait for you outside the club and do all in my power to keep you safe."'
 						'"Thank you Fyodor, I knew I could count on you."'
 						FyodorZverHelp = 1
 						act 'Leave':gt'gdk'
-				end		
+				end
 				act 'Leave':gt'gdk'
@@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 					minut += 5
 					npc_rel[$static_num] = 0
 					'<center><b><font color = maroon><<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> <<$npc_lastname[$static_num]>></font></b></center>'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/<<numnpc>>.jpg"></center>'
@@ -162,7 +166,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
 	if IvanZverHelp = 1:
 		numnpc = 3
 		'<center><b><font color = maroon><<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> <<$npc_lastname[$static_num]>></font></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/<<numnpc>>.jpg"></center>'
@@ -254,13 +258,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
 								if npcSex[numnpc] = 0:npcSex[numnpc] = 1 & guy += 1
 								stat['hj'] += 1
-								rand1 = rand(0,2)
-								if rand1 = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/handjob/hj.jpg"></center>'
-								if rand1>=1:'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/handjob/hand0,'+rand(0,1)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+								laris_rand1 = rand(0,2)
+								if laris_rand1 = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/handjob/hj.jpg"></center>'
+								if laris_rand1>=1:'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/handjob/hand0,'+rand(0,1)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
 								spafinloc = 13
 								gs 'cum_manage'
 								'You pull out his hard cock from his pants and grasp it firmly with your hand. You are kissing Ivan passionately and pumping his cock up and down simultaneously. Finally, Ivan gives a groan of pleasure and you can see streams of his semen gushing out of his cock.'
 								act 'Go home':gt'korrPar'
@@ -288,8 +292,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/outcast/outcast2.jpg"></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/5.jpg"></center>'
-		end	
+		end
 		act 'Leave':gt 'korrPar'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/19.jpg"></center>'
@@ -473,10 +477,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'IvanHelp_down':
 			stat['bj'] += 1
-			rand1 = rand(0,50)
-			if rand1<5:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/disco/sex/boybj3.jpg"></center>'
-			if rand1>=5 and rand1<30:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/sex/publ0,0.jpg"></center>'
-			if rand1>=30:'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/sex/publ0,0.mp4"></video></center>'
+			laris_rand1 = rand(0,50)
+			if laris_rand1<5:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/disco/sex/boybj3.jpg"></center>'
+			if laris_rand1>=5 and laris_rand1<30:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/sex/publ0,0.jpg"></center>'
+			if laris_rand1>=30:'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/sex/publ0,0.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'You sit down on his haunches and begin to suck Ivan.'
 			dynamic $dinrandswallow
@@ -497,10 +501,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'IvanHelp_sex':
 	pose = 1
 	if npcSex[numnpc] = 0:npcSex[numnpc] = 1 & guy += 1
-	rand1 = rand(0,50)
-	if rand1<5:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/public/boysex.jpg"></center>'
-	if rand1>=5 and rand1<30:'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/public/publ1,'+rand(0,2)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
-	if rand1>=30:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/public/publ1,'+rand(0,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	laris_rand1 = rand(0,50)
+	if laris_rand1<5:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/public/boysex.jpg"></center>'
+	if laris_rand1>=5 and laris_rand1<30:'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/public/publ1,'+rand(0,2)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+	if laris_rand1>=30:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/public/publ1,'+rand(0,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
 	'You bend down and have him fuck you from behind.'
 	dynamic $sexstart
 	dynamic $sexstart2

+ 10 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
 if $ARGS[0] = 'ballroom':
     $location_type = 'private'
+	$loc = 'MBallroom'
+	$metka = 'ballroom'
+	$menu_loc = 'MBallroom'
+	$menu_arg = 'ballroom'
+	menu_off = 0
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/ballroom.jpg"></center>'
@@ -13,6 +18,11 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'atrium':
     $location_type = 'private'
+	$loc = 'MBallroom'
+	$metka = 'atrium'
+	$menu_loc = 'MBallroom'
+	$menu_arg = 'atrium'
+	menu_off = 0
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/atrium.jpg"></center>'

+ 56 - 105

@@ -1,155 +1,106 @@
 # MBasement
 $location_type = 'private'
-'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/basement.jpg"></center>'
-'Basement, for torture and whatnot'
-act 'Go upstairs to the east wing hallway': gt 'MHall', 'east'
+$loc = 'MBasement'
+$metka = ''
+$menu_loc = 'MBasement'
+$menu_arg = ''
+menu_off = 0
 if rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/baserand1.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'You see a Mistress with two submissives, she is fucking one of them.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Return':gt 'MBasement'
+	gs 'basement', 'end'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/baserand2.jpg"></center>'
 	'You see a submissive, tied up and waiting for someone to play with.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Return':gt 'MBasement'
+	gs 'basement', 'end'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/baserand3.png"></center>'
+	menu_off = 1
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/baserand3.jpg"></center>'
 	'A submissive woman is tied up and displayed like an art exhibition, the sign tells people to use the whip on her.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Return':gt 'MBasement'
+	gs 'basement', 'end'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/baserand4.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'You see a Mistress with two submissives, she is fucking one of them.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Return':gt 'MBasement'
+	gs 'basement', 'end'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/baserand5.jpg"></center>'
 	'You see a submissive, tied up and waiting for someone to play with.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Return':gt 'MBasement'
+	gs 'basement', 'end'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/baserand6.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'You see a two submissives being used by 2 dommes.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Return':gt 'MBasement'
+	gs 'basement', 'end'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/baserand7.jpg"></center>'
 	'You see three submissives, tied up and hanging upside down.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Return':gt 'MBasement'
+	gs 'basement', 'end'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/baserand8.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'You see a submissive woman, tied and gagged and being fucked by a dominant man.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Return':gt 'MBasement'
+	gs 'basement', 'end'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/baserand9.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'You see a submissive woman, tied and being fucked by a dominant man. Their eyes are locked and they are oblivious to the crowd of people watching them.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Return':gt 'MBasement'
+	gs 'basement', 'end'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/subbyhubby.jpg"></center>'
 	'A dominate wife wearing a strap-on fucks her husband with another man.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Return':gt 'MBasement'
+	gs 'basement', 'end'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/3dom.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'Three dommes taking turn fucking their submissive male bent over a padded bench.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Return':gt 'MBasement'
+	gs 'basement', 'end'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/2domsub.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'Two dommes fuck their subs wearing ball gags roughly, in a contest to see how can make their sub orgasm first.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Return':gt 'MBasement'
+	gs 'basement', 'end'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
-	gs 'stat'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/stacross.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'A woman is shackled to a Saint Andrews Cross while several dom''s take turns whipping her.'
+	gs 'basement', 'end'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/basement.jpg"></center>'
+	'Basement, for torture and whatnot'
+	act 'Go upstairs to the east wing hallway': gt 'MHall', 'east'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
 	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 5
 	gs 'arousal', 'end'
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Return':gt 'MBasement'
 --- MBasement ---------------------------------

+ 15 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
 if $ARGS[0] = 'bath':
     $location_type = 'bathroom'
+	$loc = 'MBathrooms'
+	$metka = 'bath'
+	$menu_loc = 'MBathrooms'
+	$menu_arg = 'bath'
+	menu_off = 0
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/bath1.jpg"></center>'
 	'A luxrious bathroom, designed to indulge and relax.'
 	gs 'din_van', 'private'
@@ -10,6 +15,11 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'ensuite':
     $location_type = 'bathroom'
+	$loc = 'MBathrooms'
+	$metka = 'ensuite'
+	$menu_loc = 'MBathrooms'
+	$menu_arg = 'ensuite'
+	menu_off = 0
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/ensuite1.jpg"></center>'
 	'An ensuite bathroom'
 	gs 'din_van', 'private'
@@ -17,6 +27,11 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'restroom':
     $location_type = 'bathroom'
+	$loc = 'MBathrooms'
+	$metka = 'restroom'
+	$menu_loc = 'MBathrooms'
+	$menu_arg = 'restroom'
+	menu_off = 0
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/rest.jpg"></center>'
 	'A beautiful little room for taking care of the essentials and making yourself look good.'
 	gs 'din_van', 'private'

+ 5 - 0

@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 # MConservatory
 $location_type = 'private'
+$loc = 'MConservatory'
+$metka = ''
+$menu_loc = 'MConservatory'
+$menu_arg = ''
+menu_off = 0
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/conservatory.jpg"></center>'

+ 15 - 0

@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 # MDining
 $location_type = 'private'
+$loc = 'MDining'
+$metka = ''
+$menu_loc = 'MDining'
+$menu_arg = ''
+menu_off = 0
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/diningroom.jpg"></center>'
@@ -8,6 +13,7 @@ act 'Go to foyer': gt 'MHall', 'foyer'
 act 'Go to the east wing hallway':gt 'MHall', 'east'
 if rand (0,100) < 3:
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_horny += 5
 	minut += 5
@@ -16,6 +22,7 @@ if rand (0,100) < 3:
 	'You see a maid bending over a table.'
 	act 'Return':gt 'MDining'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_horny += 10
 	minut += 5
@@ -24,6 +31,7 @@ elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
 	'You see a maid giving a man a blowjob.'
 	act 'Return':gt 'MDining'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_horny += 10
 	minut += 5
@@ -32,6 +40,7 @@ elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
 	'A submissive women is giving a man a blowjob.'
 	act 'Return':gt 'MDining'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_horny += 10
 	minut += 5
@@ -40,6 +49,7 @@ elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
 	'Two dominant women are having fun with a bound and gagged submissive women.'
 	act 'Return':gt 'MDining'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_horny += 10
 	minut += 5
@@ -48,6 +58,7 @@ elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
 	'Two dominant women are having fun with a bound and gagged submissive women.'
 	act 'Return':gt 'MDining'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_horny += 10
 	minut += 5
@@ -64,6 +75,7 @@ elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
 !!	'A group of women and men are sitting in chairs while they order two young women to strip naked and then change into different fetish clothing and then walk back and forth in them for a bit. Then they repeat the whole process again, a bit of a fetish clothing fashion show.'
 !!	act 'Return':gt 'MDining'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_horny += 10
 	minut += 5
@@ -76,6 +88,7 @@ elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
 	'A naked woman sits on the end of the table with her feet on it and her legs spread wide. A middle aged couple stand in front of her, the woman pointing at varies parts of the naked womans pussy, apparently giving her husband a anatomy lesson on pussies and the proper way to pleasure them.'
 	act 'Return':gt 'MDining'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_horny += 10
 	minut += 5
@@ -84,6 +97,7 @@ elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
 	'A woman is on all fours between two men sitting in chairs talking. There is a serving tray on her back with drinks and snacks on it.'
 	act 'Return':gt 'MDining'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_horny += 10
 	minut += 5
@@ -92,6 +106,7 @@ elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
 	'A dominant woman has her legs propped up on a young mans back who is on all fours, while another young man sits and massages her feet.'
 	act 'Return':gt 'MDining'
 elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_horny += 10
 	minut += 5

+ 5 - 0

@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ $loc = $CURLOC
 $metkaM = $ARGS[0]
 $locM = $CURLOC
 $location_type = 'private'
+$loc = 'MDressing'
+$metka = ''
+$menu_loc = 'MDressing'
+$menu_arg = ''
+menu_off = 0
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/dressingroom.jpg"></center>'

+ 43 - 15

@@ -2,13 +2,20 @@
 if $ARGS[0] = 'guestB':
     $location_type = 'private'
-	cls
+	$locclass = 'bedr'
+	$loc = 'MEastbed'
+	$metka = 'guestB'
+	$menu_loc = 'MEastbed'
+	$menu_arg = 'guestB'
+	menu_off = 0
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/bedb.jpg"></center>'
 	'Guest bedroom B'
 	act 'Go to the east wing landing':gt 'MLanding', 'east'
 	if rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/bedrand1.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'A submissive woman is cleaning up her dom''s cum from another woman''s chest.'
@@ -18,7 +25,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guestB':
 		act 'Return':gt 'MEastbed', 'guestB'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/bedrand5.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'You see three submissive women on the bed, they are tied and gagged.'
@@ -28,7 +36,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guestB':
 		act 'Return':gt 'MEastbed', 'guestB'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/mis_1.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'A well dressed women is very much enjoying giving a blowjob, she must be a switch.'
@@ -64,13 +73,20 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'guestC':
     $location_type = 'private'
-	cls
+	$locclass = 'bedr'
+	$loc = 'MEastbed'
+	$metka = 'guestC'
+	$menu_loc = 'MEastbed'
+	$menu_arg = 'guestC'
+	menu_off = 0
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/bedc.jpg"></center>'
 	'Guest bedroom C'
 	act 'Go to the east wing landing':gt 'MLanding', 'east'
 	if rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/bedrand2.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'A submissive woman on a leash is being fucked by her dom.'
@@ -81,7 +97,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guestC':
 		act 'Return':gt 'MEastbed', 'guestC'
 		if $BDSMrole = 's':
 			act 'Join them':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/bedmff.jpg"></center>'
 				'As you watch the man notices you and motions you over, obeying you walk over to him. He keeps fucking the woman on the bed he says."Straddle her face and look at me."'
@@ -97,7 +113,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guestC':
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/bedrand8.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'A man and two women are having a threesome, you can''t tell who is sub or dom, but they are so carried away in their act that you don''t suppose that''s important right now.'
@@ -108,7 +125,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guestC':
 		act 'Return':gt 'MEastbed', 'guestC'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/maid_pun1.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'A submissive women has been tied and gagged with a body massager strapped to her pussy. Poor thing, hopefully someone will let her go soon.'
@@ -123,13 +141,20 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'guestD':
     $location_type = 'private'
-	cls
+	$locclass = 'bedr'
+	$loc = 'MEastbed'
+	$metka = 'guestD'
+	$menu_loc = 'MEastbed'
+	$menu_arg = 'guestD'
+	menu_off = 0
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/bedd.jpg"></center>'
 	'Guest bedroom D'
 	act 'Go to the east wing landing':gt 'MLanding', 'east'
 	if rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/bedrand4.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'A submissive woman is gagged and tied to a stool and the bedstead and her dom is fucking her roughly.'
@@ -139,7 +164,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guestD':
 		act 'Return':gt 'MEastbed', 'guestD'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/bedrand6.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'A submissive women is tied up and gagged, her domme is fucking her with a strap-on.'
@@ -157,7 +183,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guestD':
 				'Noticing you the dom turns and pulls out of her sub. "You come over here and show my worthless sub how to take it like a good whore."'
 				act 'obey':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					pcs_ass += 1
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/fffdomstrap.jpg"></center>'
@@ -175,7 +201,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guestD':
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/maid_pun2.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'A submissive women appears to have broken the dress code and is being punished.'
@@ -186,7 +213,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guestD':
 		act 'Return':gt 'MEastbed', 'guestD'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/maid_b7.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'A submissive women is having her face fucked by a dom in a suit.'

+ 7 - 1

@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
 # MGames
 $location_type = 'private'
+$loc = 'MGames'
+$metka = ''
+$menu_loc = 'MGames'
+$menu_arg = ''
+menu_off = 0
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/games.jpg"></center>'
 'Games room'
 act 'Go to the west wing landing':gt 'MLanding', 'west'
 if rand (0,100) < 3:
-	cls
+	menu_off = 1
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/maid_a5.jpg"></center>'
 	'A maid is crawling along a bench seat showing everyone her pussy and anus.'

+ 30 - 9

@@ -3,7 +3,12 @@
 if $ARGS[0] = 'foyer':
     $location_type = 'private'
-	cls
+	$loc = 'MHall'
+	$metka = 'foyer'
+	$menu_loc = 'MHall'
+	$menu_arg = 'foyer'
+	menu_off = 0
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/foyer.jpg"></center>'
 	'You stand in the grand foyer, your eye is draw towards and up the dual staircases. To your left is the Dinning room, to your right the dressing room.'
@@ -30,7 +35,12 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'west':
     $location_type = 'private'
-	cls
+	$loc = 'MHall'
+	$metka = 'west'
+	$menu_loc = 'MHall'
+	$menu_arg = 'west'
+	menu_off = 0
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/hall.jpg"></center>'
 	'You are standing in the west wing hallway, the reception and office are located here. If you need to speak to management, you need to go to the reception.'
@@ -43,7 +53,13 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'east':
     $location_type = 'private'
-	cls
+	$loc = 'MHall'
+	$metka = 'east'
+	$menu_loc = 'MHall'
+	$menu_arg = 'east'
+	menu_off = 0
+	killvar '$locclass'
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/hall.jpg"></center>'
 	'You are standing in the east wing hallway, you can feel the warm air from the conservatory to your right and the dinning room is to your left.'
@@ -57,7 +73,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'east':
 	act 'Go down to the basement':gt 'MBasement'
 	if rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/maid_mis2.jpg"></center>'
 		'A sexy domme in her underwear is leading a sub upstairs by her leash.'
@@ -68,7 +85,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'east':
 		act 'Return': gt 'MHall', 'east'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/ponyboy.jpg"></center>'
 		'A man on all fours comes crawling into the room, wearing a pair of tight latex shorts, a saddle across his back and a bit with reigns. While a woman rides on the saddle, dressed in a latex corset and shorts, in knee high boots with larges spurs that she occasionally uses on the man to make him crawl faster, as she pulls on the reigns to direct him.'
@@ -86,7 +104,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'east':
 		act 'Return': gt 'MHall', 'east'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/petgirl.jpg"></center>'
 		'A man dressed in leather stands talking to a well dressed couple, at his feet rests his petgirl on her knees. She holds her own leash in her mouth, wearing nothing but her collar, bra, cat ears, and a buttplug tail. She obediently waits on her knees for her master to finish talking to the couple.'
@@ -107,7 +126,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'east':
 		act 'Return': gt 'MHall', 'east'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/maid_b5.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'A submissive woman is give her dominant a blowjob while another sub watches from the stairs.'
@@ -117,7 +137,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'east':
 		act 'Return': gt 'MHall', 'east'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/maid_b3.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'One of the maids is giving her dominant a blowjob by the small staircase.'
@@ -126,7 +147,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'east':
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Continue':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/maid_b4.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'It looks like she has learnt to overcome her gag-reflex.'	

+ 19 - 0

@@ -2,18 +2,37 @@
 $location_type = 'private'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'kitchen':
+	$locclass = 'kitr'
+	$loc = 'MKitchen'
+	$metka = 'kitchen'
+	$menu_loc = 'MKitchen'
+	$menu_arg = 'kitchen'
+	menu_off = 0
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/kitchen.jpg"></center>'
 	act 'Go to the east hall': gt 'MHall', 'east'
 	act 'look in the pantry': gt 'MKitchen', 'pantry'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'laundry':
+	$loc = 'MKitchen'
+	$metka = 'laundry'
+	$menu_loc = 'MKitchen'
+	$menu_arg = 'laundry'
+	menu_off = 0
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/laundry.jpg"></center>'
 	'The laundry'
 	act 'Go to the east hall': gt 'MHall', 'east'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'pantry':
+	$loc = 'MKitchen'
+	$metka = 'pantry'
+	$menu_loc = 'MKitchen'
+	$menu_arg = 'pantry'
+	menu_off = 0
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/pantry.jpg"></center>'
 	act 'Return to the kitchen': gt 'MKitchen', 'kitchen'

+ 16 - 3

@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
 # MLanding
 $location_type = 'private'
+killvar '$locclass'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'west':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	$loc = 'MLanding'
+	$metka = 'west'
+	$menu_loc = 'MLanding'
+	$menu_arg = 'west'
+	menu_off = 0
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/wlanding.jpg"></center>'
 	act 'Go to the east wing landing':gt 'MLanding', 'east'
@@ -12,7 +18,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'west':
 	act 'Visit the games room':gt 'MGames'
 	if rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/maid_sex_b1.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'A maid is being helped with the vacuum cleaning by a man in casual clothing, you think about reporting him, but he''s a bit busy right now.'
@@ -26,7 +33,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'west':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'east':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	killvar '$locclass'
+	$loc = 'MLanding'
+	$metka = 'east'
+	$menu_loc = 'MLanding'
+	$menu_arg = 'east'
+	menu_off = 0
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/elanding.jpg"></center>'
 	act 'Go to the west wing landing':gt 'MLanding', 'west'

+ 8 - 2

@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
 # MLibrary
 $location_type = 'private'
+$loc = 'MLibrary'
+$metka = ''
+$menu_loc = 'MLibrary'
+$menu_arg = ''
+menu_off = 0
+*clr & cla
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/library.jpg"></center>'
 'Library, full of books.'
 if hour = 18:
+	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_horny += 10
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/librand.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'It looks like the librarian has put one of the books back in the wrong place, she really does seem to like the being punished.'

+ 8 - 0

@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
 # MLiving
 $location_type = 'private'
+$locclass = 'livingr'
+$loc = 'MLiving'
+$metka = ''
+$menu_loc = 'MLiving'
+$menu_arg = ''
+menu_off = 0
+*clr & cla
+gs 'stat'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/living.jpg"></center>'
 'Living room'
 act 'Go to the east wing landing':gt 'MLanding', 'east'

+ 36 - 9

@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
 $location_type = 'private'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'garden':
-	cls
+	$loc = 'MRear'
+	$metka = 'garden'
+	$menu_loc = 'MRear'
+	$menu_arg = 'garden'
+	menu_off = 0
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/garden.jpg"></center>'
 	'Extensive garden, meticulously designed and maintained. Split into different areas each with its own theme and inspiration.'
@@ -13,7 +18,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garden':
 	if $BDSMrole = 's' and rand (0, 100) < 5 and pcs_vag > 0:
 		gt 'MRear', 'gEV1'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/garrand.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'The gardener is fucking a sub, gagged and tied to a tree.'
@@ -24,7 +30,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garden':
 		act 'Return':gt 'MRear', 'garden'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/uniform.jpg"></center>'
 		'A strapping young dom is checking a sub is adhering to the dress code. Looks like she forgotten her panties.'
@@ -35,6 +42,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garden':
 		act 'Return':gt 'MRear', 'garden'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3 and sunWeather = 1:
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/drink.jpg"></center>'
 		'A dominate woman is forcing a naked man to drink from the fountain.'
@@ -45,6 +54,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garden':
 		act 'Return':gt 'MRear', 'garden'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3 and sunWeather = 1:
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/race.jpg"></center>'
 		'A cluster of people are gathered around five women bent over in a row masturbating, you quickly realize everyone is betting on who will orgasm first. You briefly wonder if their is a prize for winning.'
@@ -60,6 +71,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gEV1':
+	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/randgirl.jpg"></center>'
 	if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
 		'Another submissive women approaches you and says, "If you are looking to earn a nice bonus, there are a group of older men at the outside dining table. If you strip off, go over to them and have sex with them, they will give you a load of cash."'
@@ -77,13 +89,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gEV2':
 	sub += 2
+	menu_off = 1
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/grup1.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'You walk over to the older men, they can''t take their eyes of your beautiful naked body.'
 	act 'Continue':gt 'MRear', 'gEV3'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gEV3':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
+	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Old Man', rand(55,75)
 	gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
 	sexpartkno = 1
@@ -102,7 +118,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gEV3':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gEV4':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/grup3.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'You let the man go from under you and lie on your back. All of the men surround you and you do all you can to please them with your mouth and hands.'
@@ -120,6 +137,8 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gEV5':
+	menu_off = 1
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/grup4.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'"Fuck me." You moan to no particular man. The invite is soon accepted and as you continue to suck one of the men''s cocks another pushes itself into your pussy.'
@@ -130,7 +149,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gEV5':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gEV6':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/grup5.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'Not wanting this to turn into a creampie party, you get yourself onto all fours and spend sometime sucking on the cocks that you have otherwise been neglecting.'
@@ -142,7 +162,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gEV6':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gEV7':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	spafinloc = 11
 	gs 'cum_manage'
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -154,7 +175,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gEV7':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gEV8':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Old Man', rand(55,75)
 	gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
 	sexpartkno = 1
@@ -200,7 +222,12 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'garage':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
+	$loc = 'MRear'
+	$metka = 'garage'
+	$menu_loc = 'MRear'
+	$menu_arg = 'garage'
+	menu_off = 0
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/garage.jpg"></center>'
 	'The garage has many different expensive cars, the doors are shut and it is surprisingly warm.'

+ 28 - 8

@@ -2,13 +2,21 @@
 $location_type = 'private'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'master':
-	cls
+    $location_type = 'private'
+	$locclass = 'bedr'
+	$loc = 'MWestbed'
+	$metka = 'master'
+	$menu_loc = 'MWestbed'
+	$menu_arg = 'master'
+	menu_off = 0
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/masterbed.jpg"></center>'
 	'Master bedroom'
 	act 'Go to the west wing landing':gt 'MLanding', 'west'
 	if rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/bedrand3.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'You see a submissive woman in lingerie and on a leash, she appears to have earned herself a treat from a dominant man in a suit.'
@@ -19,7 +27,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'master':
 		act 'Return':gt 'MWestbed', 'master'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/bedrand7.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'A dominant woman is being pleasured by her sub.'
@@ -30,7 +39,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'master':
 		act 'Return':gt 'MWestbed', 'master'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/maid_pun4.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'Ooo, a spanking, someone''s been a bad girl.'
@@ -41,7 +51,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'master':
 		act 'Return':gt 'MWestbed', 'master'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3 and $BDSMrole = 's':
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		pcs_horny += 5
 		minut += 5
 		gs 'pain', 4, 'asscheeks', 'spank'
@@ -56,13 +67,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'master':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'guest':
-	cls
+    $location_type = 'private'
+	$locclass = 'bedr'
+	$loc = 'MWestbed'
+	$metka = 'guest'
+	$menu_loc = 'MWestbed'
+	$menu_arg = 'guest'
+	menu_off = 0
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/beda.jpg"></center>'
 	'Guest bedroom A'
 	act 'Go to the west wing landing':gt 'MLanding', 'west'
 	if rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/maid_bound_d1.jpg"></center>'
 		'A submissive woman is being tied to a bed by a dominant man.'
@@ -73,7 +92,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guest':
 		act 'Return':gt 'MWestbed', 'guest'
 	elseif rand (0,100) < 3:
-		cls
+		menu_off = 1
+		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 	    '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/crossdressfuck.mp4"></video></center>'
 	    'You peek in the room when you hear grunts coming from it.'

+ 10 - 9

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # MagEncounterFairy
+menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	if knowsfairy = 1:
 		if fairyshoo = 0:
@@ -22,14 +24,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_chat_no1':
-	cls
+	cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	knowsfairy = 1
 	'You take a closer look at the floating glowing orb. What you mistook for a large firefly is actually a small woman with translucent wings on her back: A fairy!'
 	'"Hello, biggie!", she says in a high pitched voice. "You can see me, right?'
 	'"It''s so nice to meet you! Finally someone who can see me!", she goes on before you have a chance to answer. "Finally someone to chat with!!! You have no idea how annoying it is to be here and nobody recognizes you. It''s sooo BORING!!!"'
 	act 'Chat with the fairy':
-		cls
+		cla
 		minut += 30
 		fairychat = 1
 		pcs_manna += 25 * pcs_magik
@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_chat_no1':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_shoo':
-	cls
+	cla
 	minut += 1
 	if knowsfairy < 1:
 		knowsfairy = 1
@@ -78,11 +80,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_shoo':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_chat':
-	cls
+	cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'You take the few steps over to the glowing orb that apparently only you can recognize as what it truly is: a fairy.'
 	act 'Chat with the fairy':
-		cls
+		cla
 		minut += 30
 		if fairyshoo = 1 and rand (1, 3) = 2:
 			fairyshoo = 0
@@ -120,13 +122,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_chat':
 			gs 'stat'
 			'The fairy takes another quick look at you, rubs her chin, and says "Hmm, since you''ve been a little nice to me, maybe I could be a little nice to you."'
 			act 'Huh?':
-				cls
+				cla
 				'You look at her, puzzled, wondering if you heard her right.  She just shrugs her shoulders and says "Okay, if you''re not interested"'
 				act 'Go on your way': gt $loc, $metka
 			act 'Sure':
-				cls
+				cla
 				fday_surprise += 1
 				fairy_surprise = RAND(1,9)
 				if fairy_surprise =< 2:
@@ -226,8 +228,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairychattopic':
 		'Today the fairy introduces you to fairy knock-knock jokes. She spends almost half an hour telling joke after joke, but you failed to understand a single one. By the time you''re ready to leave, she''s complaining about how humans have no sense of humor.'
-	act 'Go on your way': gt $loc, $metka
-	killvar 'frandchat'
+	act 'Go on your way': killvar 'frandchat' & gt $loc, $metka

+ 2 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # Maria1
+menu_off = 1
 minut += 1
 '<right><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/casino/metrd.jpg"></right>'
 'You walk up to the front reception and get greeted by a smiling young woman behind the counter.'
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ if nom_1 = 0:
 			tobiQW = 2001
 			minut += 1
 			'"Why so the hotel so crowded today?" you ask.'
-			'"There''s an conference on indigenous languages, they meet every year and complain about their disappearing languages." he says laughing.'
+			'"There''s an conference on indigenous languages, they meet every year and complain about their disappearing languages." she says laughing.'
 			act 'Move away':gt 'Maria1'

+ 372 - 366

@@ -1,22 +1,15 @@
 # MartinSex
 gs 'stat'
-if night_mode = 1:
-	fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-	bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-	lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-	bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-	lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
+gs 'themes', 'indoors'
+menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
 	minut += 1
 	npc_rel['A216'] += rand(0,1)
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinAfterHours.jpg"></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martinafterhours.jpg"></center>'
 	if MartinSexTalk = 0 and MartinSex = 0:
 		'You approach Martin as he''s cleaning the floor. The bartender raises his head when he notices you.'
@@ -69,7 +62,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			act 'Leave the bar':
 				minut += 2
-				pcs_mood += rand(0,1)
+				pcs_mood -= rand(0,1)
 				'"Just wanted to say goodnight before I leave," you say, feeling a little tense and unhappy with yourself for running away instead of dealing with whatever emotional dilemma you are facing.'
@@ -85,7 +78,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			act 'Keep it light - Talk to Martin':
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinAfterHours.jpg"></center>'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martinafterhours.jpg"></center>'
 				minut += 30
 				pcs_mood += 1
 				npc_rel['A216'] += rand(0,1)
@@ -103,7 +96,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			act 'Go for it - Flirt with him':
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinFlirt.jpg"></center>'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martinflirt.jpg"></center>'
 				minut += 20
 				'You don''t know when this thing with Martin went from friendly chats and idle flirts to something else, but there is a tingling in your belly, and lower, when you look at him that you would very much like to act on...'
@@ -141,7 +134,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 				act 'I understand (calm)':
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinUnderstand.jpg"></center>'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martinunderstand.jpg"></center>'
 					MartinSexTalk = 2
 					npc_rel['A216'] += 1
 					pcs_mood -= 4
@@ -162,7 +155,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 				act 'Storm out (angry)':
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinAngry.jpg"></center>'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martinangry.jpg"></center>'
 					MartinSexTalk = 1
 					MartinSexTalkDay = daystart
 					pcs_mood -= 8
@@ -202,7 +195,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		act 'Reconcile with Martin':
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinReconcile.jpg"></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martinreconcile.jpg"></center>'
 			MartinSexTalk = 2
 			npc_rel['A216'] += 2
 			pcs_mood += 5
@@ -309,7 +302,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		act 'Talk about "getting involved"':
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinReconcile.jpg"></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martinreconcile.jpg"></center>'
 			minut += 1
 			'As far as you''re concerned, it''s time to address the elephant in the room.'
@@ -340,7 +333,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			act 'Kiss Martin':
-				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinKiss.mp4"></center>'
+				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martinkiss.mp4"></center>'
 				minut += 2
 				MartinSex = 1
 				npc_rel['A216'] += 2
@@ -461,213 +454,386 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease':
 		MartinSex = 1
 		MartinSexTalk = 2
 		if pcs_dancero <= 50:dancero_exp += rand(2,5)
-		pcs_exhib += rand(0,2)
+		inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
 		if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You are not in the mood to play hard-to-get; in fact, now that you think about it, maybe the easiest way to get Martin to drop this "you deserve better" spiel is to be <i>easy</i>.'
+			gt 'MartinSex', 'MartinTease1'
+		else
+			gt 'MartinSex', 'MartinTease2'
+		end
+	else
+		if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
+			gt 'MartinSex', 'MartinTease3'
+		else
+			gt 'MartinSex', 'MartinTease4'
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease1':
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease1.jpg"></center>'
+	'You are not in the mood to play hard-to-get; in fact, now that you think about it, maybe the easiest way to get Martin to drop this "you deserve better" spiel is to be <i>easy</i>.'
+	*nl
+	'You bend over and take off your lower garment.'
+	'Martin is utterly perplexed by that. "<<$pcs_firstname>>, what are you-"'
+	'"Oops, I seem to have accidentally pulled my panties down," you say innocently, giving him a broad smile.'
+	*nl
+	'Most of your crotch is revealed to him, but your ' + iif(tatvag>0,'tattooed ','') + 'pussy is only vaguely perceptible. Still, you can already tell that the situation is entirely different from how it was a minute ago - the suave barkeeper is on the defensive. And you are just getting started...'
+	gs 'clothing', 'strip'
+	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
+	gs 'stat'
+	act 'Turn around':
+		cls
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease2.jpg"></center>'
+		'You pull your panties all the way down to your knees and spin around for a moment to let him look at you from all sides. Spotting a growing bulge in his pants, you turn your back to Martin and bend over a nearby table.'
+		*nl
+		'"Well?" You ask flirtatiously over your shoulder, your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and asshole completely revealed to him. "Do I still look too young to you? Or... just old enough?"'
+		'His speechlessness is all the answer you need.'
+		'And you can''t blame him for this reaction - you went from being a friendly flirt to showing him your pussy in under a minute, so most men would need a second to catch up with a reality that has gone utterly mad.'
+		if analplugin = 1:
+			analplugin = 0
+			minut += 1
+			*nl
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/buttplug.jpg"></center>'
+			'But it seems that something particular, in your ass, has caught his attention.'
+			'"Oh." You realize that you are still wearing your anal plug. "Do you like my buttplug?" You ask Martin coyly.'
+			*nl
+			'He still seems a little dumbfounded, but has regained enough control over himself to nod.'
+			'Smiling to yourself, you slowly remove the toy from your ass. You have a feeling that he is already at his limit coping with your stripping, so your buttplug may be a little more than he can handle right now.'
+		end
+		gs 'underwear', 'remove'
+		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
+		gs 'stat'
+		act 'Climb on the table':
+			cls
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease3.jpg"></center>'
+			'Deciding to make full use of the table being there, you climb on top of it and sit down, spreading your legs to give Martin a good view of your ' + iif(pirsG>0,'pierced ','') + 'pussy.'
+			*nl
+			'"You could do more than just look, you know." The flirtatious tone is gone now - anything but being openly sultry just wouldn''t do this porno-esque situation justice.'
+			'Plus, Martin isn''t the only one getting turned on by this, and both of you can see it. "This <<$pcdesc_pubesrandom>> <<$pcdesc_pussyrandom>> <<$pcdesc_genitals>> could be yours."'
+			*nl
+			'Maybe something you said shook him out of his reverie, or maybe enough time has passed for him to snap out of it, but Martin seems to have regained the ability to speak. But he just loves saying things you don''t want to hear, doesn''t he?'
+			'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, I''m trying to be <b>sensible</b> here. This is not a good idea. You should cover yourself and go."'
+			'It''s telling that his mouth says one thing while his eyes are transfixed with your glistening <<$pcdesc_genitals>>.'
+			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
+			gs 'stat'
+			act 'Sensibly take off your shirt':
+				cls
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease4.jpg"></center>'
+				'"I don''t know what gave you the idea that I wanted ''sensible''."'
+				'As you say that, you pull your shirt over your head, revealing your breasts to him. "A man should be able to tell when a woman wants to fuck. Can''t you?"'
+				*nl
+				'Pride - it is most men''s sore spot and your final remarks were squarely aimed at Martin''s sense of pride. You might as well have asked him if he couldn''t get it up. It was a dangerous game to play.'
+				*nl
+				'But it worked: Before you know it, Martin has closed the gap between you and is kissing you, hard.'
+				'His hands are roaming your body, pawing at your breasts, brushing against your ass and pussy. Then, all of a sudden, Martin pulls you closer to the edge, his pants miraculously already undone, his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dick revealed in all its glory.'
+				*nl
+				'"Alright, niña," he growls, "you asked for a fuck, you''ll get a fuck."'
+				gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'exhibitionism'
+				gs 'stat'
+				killvar 'MartinStripVar'
+				act 'Let Martin fuck you':$martinpos='missionary' & gt'MartinSex2','MartinSexDyn'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease2':
+	alko += 1
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopant_tease1.jpg"></center>'
+	'You are not in the mood to play hard-to-get; in fact, now that you think about it, maybe the easiest way to get Martin to drop this "you deserve better" spiel is to be <i>easy</i>.'
+	*nl
+	'"You know what?" You slip out of your shoes first. "I think I''ll have something to drink. Do you have wine somewhere behind... Ah, I see it."'
+	'Without waiting for Martin''s reply, you stretch and bend over the counter slightly, reaching for a glass and an open bottle of white wine. You didn''t even know Martin had wine.'
+	'The trick in all this was to make it look natural while carefully shifting around just enough so he could...'
+	*nl
+	'"<<$pcs_firstname>>," you can hear him swallow from across the room, "are you wearing underwear?"'
+	'Bingo.'
+	*nl
+	'You look at him, glass of wine in hand and standing on your tiptoes, your pantiless crotch just barely visible to him, and take a sip.'
+	'"I must have forgotten to put it on," you note innocently.'
+	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
+	gs 'stat'
+	act 'Time for a good look':
+		cls
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopanties_tease2.jpg"></center>'
+		'It wouldn''t be nice to tease Martin with a sight like that and keep him guessing if the carpets do indeed match the drapes.'
+		*nl
+		'Without putting the glass down, you turn your side to Martin and bare your lower half with your free hand. You can feel Martin''s eyes linger on your <<$pcdesc_legsrandom>> legs, but you know what he really wants to see, as much as he''d deny it.'
+		'Feeling ready to burn whatever bridge there''s left behind you, you face Martin, revealing your <<$pcdesc_pubesrandom>> <<$pcdesc_genitals>> to him. He seems shocked by your boldness; not just by you stripping for him, right here in the empty bar - although that must be a big part of it - but also by the fact that you had been walking around commando like there was nothing to it.'
+		*nl
+		'"Like what you see?"'
+		'You don''t know if he was even physically capable of saying no, given that he just barely managed to croak a "yes" - still, it was nice that he was being honest with you and himself.'
+		gs 'clothing', 'strip'
+		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
+		gs 'stat'
+		act 'Then he''s gonna like what''s next':
+			cls
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopanties_tease3.jpg"></center>'
+			'With an audience as appreciative as this, how could you possibly stop now?'
+			*nl
+			'Setting the glass, your trusty prop, aside, you pull down what little covers your ' + iif(tatbrst > 0,'tattooed ','') + 'chest and ' + iif(tatblly > 0 and tatbrst = 0,'tattooed ','') +'belly, giving Martin a good look at your <<$pcdesc_breastsrandom>> tits, your <<$pcdesc_nipplesrandom>> nipples standing hard thanks to the chilly, smoky air... and maybe also due to his intense stares.'
-			'You bend over and take off your lower garment.'
-			'Martin is utterly perplexed by that. "<<$pcs_firstname>>, what are you-"'
-			'"Oops, I seem to have accidentally pulled my panties down," you say innocently, giving him a broad smile.'
+			'You lift your arms a little, playing with your <<$pcdesc_hairobjectwordy>> and sticking out your breasts even more.'
+			'No, you <b>really</b> aren''t making it easy for Martin to adhere to his principles regarding celibacy and sexy young women, or whatever it is that''s holding him back from bending you over and nailing you into the fucking counter.'
-			'Most of your crotch is revealed to him, but your ' + iif(tatvag>0,'tattooed ','') + 'pussy is only vaguely perceptible. Still, you can already tell that the situation is entirely different from how it was a minute ago - the suave barkeeper is on the defensive. And you are just getting started...'
-			gs 'clothing', 'strip'
+			'He''s not frozen solid anymore, though. He seems to be struggling with his lust, and you don''t think his ''reason'' is winning.'
+			gs 'underwear', 'remove'
 			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
 			gs 'stat'
-			act 'Turn around':
+			act 'Go Lust!':
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease2.jpg"></center>'
-				'You pull your panties all the way down to your knees and spin around for a moment to let him look at you from all sides. Spotting a growing bulge in his pants, you turn your back to Martin and bend over a nearby table.'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopanties_tease4.jpg"></center>'
+				'He''s staggering, but he isn''t out yet. You have to keep at it.'
-				'"Well?" You ask flirtatiously over your shoulder, your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and asshole completely revealed to him. "Do I still look too young to you? Or... just old enough?"'
-				'His speechlessness is all the answer you need.'
-				'And you can''t blame him for this reaction - you went from being a friendly flirt to showing him your pussy in under a minute, so most men would need a second to catch up with a reality that has gone utterly mad.'
+				'"I''m flexible, too. See?"'
+				'You don''t wait for a reply. You simply lift your <<$pcdesc_legsrandom>> leg up over the stool next to you, giving him a spectacular view at your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy.'
+				*nl
+				'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, stop." Martin has found his voice again, it seems - not that he''s using it to say something helpful. "This is wrong."'
+				'"Really?" You look at your leg, confused. "Yeah, I guess you''re right."'
+				*nl
+				'You momentarily see something like hope or relief flare up in his eyes. You are not feeling very merciful tonight, though:'
+				'You put one of your hands on your ass and pull slightly, completely revealing what little of your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and <<pcs_ass>> asshole wasn''t already visible to him.'
+				'"There, better now?"'
 				if analplugin = 1:
 					analplugin = 0
 					minut += 1
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/buttplug.jpg"></center>'
-					'But it seems that something particular, in your ass, has caught his attention.'
-					'"Oh." You realize that you are still wearing your anal plug. "Do you like my buttplug?" You ask Martin coyly.'
+					'But it seems that something particular, in your ass, has caught his attention, rendering him silent once more.'
+					'"Oh." You realize that you are still wearing your anal plug. "Don''t mind my buttplug."'
+					'If he does mind, he''s unable to say it.'
-					'He still seems a little dumbfounded, but has regained enough control over himself to nod.'
-					'Smiling to yourself, you slowly remove the toy from your ass. You have a feeling that he is already at his limit coping with your stripping, so your buttplug may be a little more than he can handle right now.'
+					'Smiling to yourself, you slowly remove the toy from your ass. You have a feeling that he is already at his limit, coping with your stripping and lack of panties, so your buttplug may be a little more than he can handle right now.'
-				gs 'underwear', 'remove'
 				gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
 				gs 'stat'
-				act 'Climb on the table':
+				act 'Just one last push...':
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease3.jpg"></center>'
-					'Deciding to make full use of the table being there, you climb on top of it and sit down, spreading your legs to give Martin a good view of your ' + iif(pirsG>0,'pierced ','') + 'pussy.'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopanties_tease5.jpg"></center>'
+					'Ridding yourself of what little items you have still left on you, you put your leg up on the bar and bend over. Your ass and <<$pcdesc_genitals>> aren''t just visible to Martin - they are also very much accessible.'
-					'"You could do more than just look, you know." The flirtatious tone is gone now - anything but being openly sultry just wouldn''t do this porno-esque situation justice.'
-					'Plus, Martin isn''t the only one getting turned on by this, and both of you can see it. "This <<$pcdesc_pubesrandom>> <<$pcdesc_pussyrandom>> <<$pcdesc_genitals>> could be yours."'
+					'"<<$pcs_firstname>>-" But you cut him off.'
+					'"If you are gonna say anything but ''I want to fuck you so bad right now'', I''m going to scream." You''re not sound very playful now, to be honest. All the cards are on the table, and you went about a million extra miles to show Martin just how much you want him. If he doesn''t finally take a hint, you''re going to-'
-					'Maybe something you said shook him out of his reverie, or maybe enough time has passed for him to snap out of it, but Martin seems to have regained the ability to speak. But he just loves saying things you don''t want to hear, doesn''t he?'
-					'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, I''m trying to be <b>sensible</b> here. This is not a good idea. You should cover yourself and go."'
-					'It''s telling that his mouth says one thing while his eyes are transfixed with your glistening <<$pcdesc_genitals>>.'
+					'But before you can even finish the thought, Martin kissing you, hard, his hands are roaming your body and exploring every mound and every crevice.'
+					'"Alright, you asked for it," he growls, "but I''m not gonna play nice."'
+					'"I never wanted you to," you moan, his fingers stroking your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and clit.'
+					*nl
+					'You don''t know if his zipper exploded at your last words or if he was just that damn good with his hands that you didn''t even notice when he opened it to reveal his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dick, but you cannot wait to feel him inside you and, judging by how he''s now taking position behind you, neither can he.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
+					gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 1
 					gs 'stat'
+					killvar 'MartinStripVar'
-					act 'Sensibly take off your shirt':
-						cls
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease4.jpg"></center>'
-						'"I don''t know what gave you the idea that I wanted ''sensible''."'
-						'As you say that, you pull your shirt over your head, revealing your breasts to him. "A man should be able to tell when a woman wants to fuck. Can''t you?"'
-						*nl
-						'Pride - it is most men''s sore spot and your final remarks were squarely aimed at Martin''s sense of pride. You might as well have asked him if he couldn''t get it up. It was a dangerous game to play.'
-						*nl
-						'But it worked: Before you know it, Martin has closed the gap between you and is kissing you, hard.'
-						'His hands are roaming your body, pawing at your breasts, brushing against your ass and pussy. Then, all of a sudden, Martin pulls you closer to the edge, his pants miraculously already undone, his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dick revealed in all its glory.'
-						*nl
-						'"Alright, niña," he growls, "you asked for a fuck, you''ll get a fuck."'
-						gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'exhibitionism'
-						gs 'stat'
-						killvar 'MartinStripVar'
-						act 'Let Martin fuck you':$martinpos='missionary' & gt'MartinSex2','MartinSexDyn'
-					end
+					act 'Let Martin fuck you':$martinpos='doggystyle' & gt'MartinSex2','MartinSexDyn'
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease3':
+	if pcs_dancero <= 50:dancero_exp += rand(2,5)
+	inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease1.jpg"></center>'
+	'Feeling in the mood to give Martin a bit of a show today, you give him a soft push, just strong enough to make him get the hint and sit down on the chair behind him.'
+	'You then take a few steps back and slowly bend forward, giving him a generous look at your <<$pcdesc_breastsrandom>> cleavage and <<$pcdesc_legsrandom>> legs as you take off your lower garment.'
+	*nl
+	'Martin certainly looks like he likes where this is going, and you have no intention of changing course.'
+	'Without much ado, you smile and pull down your panties as well. Most of your crotch is revealed to him, but your sex is only vaguely perceptible. But taking the initiative like this is fun, and it adds to the thrill to know that you''re standing in the middle of a bar, even if nobody''s gonna enter.'
+	gs 'clothing', 'strip'
+	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
+	gs 'stat'
+	act 'Turn around':
+		cls
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease2.jpg"></center>'
+		'You pull your panties all the way down to your knees and spin around for a moment, to let him look at you from all sides... and to bar him from seeing your exposed crotch right away. Still, you quickly spot the growing bulge in his pants - knowing that you are half-naked and seeing you in glorious, pantiless profile seems to be enough to get his engine going.'
+		*nl
+		'You ever so slowly turn your back to Martin and lasciviously bend over a nearby table.'
+		'"Well?" You ask flirtatiously over your shoulder, your <<$pcdesc_pubesrandom>> <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and asshole completely revealed to him. "Enjoying the view?"'
+		'"You have no idea," he breathes, a lustful glint in his eyes.'
+		if analplugin = 0:
+			*nl
+			'Considering how reluctant he was to let you "settle for an old man", he seems to be awfully happy about that same young <<$body>> woman stripping and exposing her privates to him.'
-			alko += 1
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopant_tease1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You are not in the mood to play hard-to-get; in fact, now that you think about it, maybe the easiest way to get Martin to drop this "you deserve better" spiel is to be <i>easy</i>.'
+			analplugin = 0
+			minut += 1
+			*nl
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/buttplug.jpg"></center>'
+			'Your ass in particular seems to have caught your attention, and it doesn''t take you long to realize that he''s staring at your anal plug with utter fascination.'
-			'"You know what?" You slip out of your shoes first. "I think I''ll have something to drink. Do you have wine somewhere behind... Ah, I see it."'
-			'Without waiting for Martin''s reply, you stretch and bend over the counter slightly, reaching for a glass and an open bottle of white wine. You didn''t even know Martin had wine.'
-			'The trick in all this was to make it look natural while carefully shifting around just enough so he could...'
+			'"My my, it''s almost like you enjoy it when women take something up their ass," you comment playfully.'
+			'"Pull it out." His voice is low but the order unmistakeable. "Slowly."'
+			if pcs_dom > 20:
+				'"Why should I?" You ask, a hint of defiance in your response.'
+				'"Because if I have to look at it a moment longer, I''ll come over there, pull it out and fuck your ass right now."'
+				'Even though you two share a laugh over his ''threat'', the thought that the plug might excite him that much makes your pussy tingle.'
+			end
+			*nl
+			'Taking all the time in the world, you comply, reach down and slooooowly remove the toy from your ass, moaning softly as your <<$pcs_ass>> ass releases its intruder.'
+			'The glint you saw earlier is now a full-blown fire, fueled by the sight of your gaping and ready asshole.'
+		end
+		gs 'underwear', 'remove'
+		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
+		gs 'stat'
+		act 'Climb on the table':
+			cls
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease3.jpg"></center>'
+			'Making full use of the table being there, you climb on top and sit down on it, giving Martin an alluring smile and spreading your <<$pcdesc_legsrandom>> legs, giving the lucky guy in the front row an exclusive look at your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy.'
-			'"<<$pcs_firstname>>," you can hear him swallow from across the room, "are you wearing underwear?"'
-			'Bingo.'
+			'"The way you look at me really turns me on, you know," you sigh. The flirtatious tone is gone now - the wetness you feel between your legs makes anything but ''sultry'' feel inadequate.'
+			'Your body''s display of excitement cannot possibly have escaped Martin, because is looking at you intently, feasting on the sight of you like he''d never get to do it again. "You and me both, mi amor."'
-			'You look at him, glass of wine in hand and standing on your tiptoes, your pantiless crotch just barely visible to him, and take a sip.'
-			'"I must have forgotten to put it on," you note innocently.'
-			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
+			'Feeling it would be cruel to continue too quickly - and enjoying his stare immensely - you give him a moment to bask in the nubile display before you...'
+			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'exhibitionism'
 			gs 'stat'
-			act 'Time for a good look':
+			act 'Take off your shirt':
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopant_tease2.jpg"></center>'
-				'It wouldn''t be nice to tease Martin with a sight like that and keep him guessing if the carpets do indeed match the drapes.'
-				*nl
-				'Without putting the glass down, you turn your side to Martin and bare your lower half with your free hand. You can feel Martin''s eyes linger on your <<$pcdesc_legsrandom>> legs, but you know what he really wants to see, as much as he''d deny it.'
-				'Feeling ready to burn whatever bridge there''s left behind you, you face Martin, revealing your <<$pcdesc_pubesrandom>> <<$pcdesc_genitals>> to him. He seems shocked by your boldness; not just by you stripping for him, right here in the empty bar - although that must be a big part of it - but also by the fact that you had been walking around commando like there was nothing to it.'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease4.jpg"></center>'
+				'... pull your shirt over your head, revealing your <<$pcdesc_breastsrandom>> breasts to Martin. "And what do you think of my tits?"'
+				'Martin leans back, smiling ear to ear, and shows you his crotch in response, and the sight before you adds fuel to the fire in your loins: He is pitching a perfect tent, his pants barely able to contain the cock underneath, and Martin seems very pleased with himself and the world. And why wouldn''t he be? What man his age would be anything but ecstatic to have a pretty young woman strip for him, and only him, and to have her stare at his hard-on in curiosity?'
-				'"Like what you see?"'
-				'You don''t know if he was even physically capable of saying no, given that he just barely managed to croak a "yes" - still, it was nice that he was being honest with you and himself.'
-				gs 'clothing', 'strip'
+				'You could certainly make him, and yourself, even happier, if you wanted to.'
+				'But at least part of the excitement you are feeling right now came from teasing Martin, from having control over the situation and over him. And, as cruel as that may be, what could possibly emphasize your power over him more than leaving him with blue balls?'
+				if dildo = 1 or middildo = 1 and bag > 0:
+					*nl
+					'Or... well, you could take your ''little friend'' out of your purse and take care of your own needs before deciding anything...'
+				end
 				gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
 				gs 'stat'
-				act 'Then he''s gonna like what''s next':
+				temp = rand(1,3)
+				if pcs_dom > 20 and cycle ! 0:
+					act 'Tell Martin to go down on you':gt 'MartinSex3','MartinPussyLick'
+				elseif temp = 1 and cycle ! 0:
+					act 'Martin wants to go down on you':gt 'MartinSex3','MartinPussyLick'
+				end
+				act 'Take care of Martin (Blowjob)':gt 'MartinSex3', 'MartinBlowTease'
+				act 'Beckon Martin to fuck you like this (On your back)':$martinpos='missionary' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
+				act 'Get up and bend over for Martin (From behind)':$martinpos='doggystyle' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
+				act 'Roll on your side (Sideways)':$martinpos='sideways' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
+				act 'Get up and tell Martin you wanna ride him (Cowgirl)':$martinpos='cowgirl' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
+				act 'Get up and tell Martin you wanna ride him (<b>Reverse</b> Cowgirl)':$martinpos='rev_cowgirl' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
+				act 'Blueball him - Get dressed and leave':
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopant_tease3.jpg"></center>'
-					'With an audience as appreciative as this, how could you possibly stop now?'
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_dom += 1
+					npc_rel['A216'] -= 1
+					'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
+					'"I''m glad you like it," you say, swinging your legs off the table as you put your shirt back on, "because that''s all you''ll be getting today."'
-					'Setting the glass, your trusty prop, aside, you pull down what little covers your ' + iif(tatbrst > 0,'tattooed ','') + 'chest and ' + iif(tatblly > 0 and tatbrst = 0,'tattooed ','') +'belly, giving Martin a good look at your <<$pcdesc_breastsrandom>> tits, your <<$pcdesc_nipplesrandom>> nipples standing hard thanks to the chilly, smoky air... and maybe also due to his intense stares.'
+					'At first, Martin probably thinks you''re joking, but seeing as you''re putting your other clothes back on as well, he gets up, frowning.'
+					'"You''d leave me here, alone, in this state?" He points towards his crotch where his dick is straining against the fabric of his pants. "You couldn''t possibly be this cruel."'
-					'You lift your arms a little, playing with your <<$pcdesc_hairobjectwordy>> and sticking out your breasts even more.'
-					'No, you <b>really</b> aren''t making it easy for Martin to adhere to his principles regarding celibacy and sexy young women, or whatever it is that''s holding him back from bending you over and nailing you into the fucking counter.'
+					'You walk up to Martin, put your ' + iif(tatarm>0,'tattooed ','') + 'arms around his neck and give him a soft kiss. When you break it, you whisper: "If I wasn''t cruel at least once in a while, you wouldn''t appreciate it when I''m not."'
-					'He''s not frozen solid anymore, though. He seems to be struggling with his lust, and you don''t think his ''reason'' is winning.'
-					gs 'underwear', 'remove'
-					gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
+					'With that, you quickly move out of his range, towards the door, blow the perplexed barkeeper a final kiss and make off like a bandit.'
+					'... A horny bandit.'
+					gs 'underwear', 'wear'
+					gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
+					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'
-					act 'Go Lust!':
-						cls
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopant_tease4.jpg"></center>'
-						'He''s staggering, but he isn''t out yet. You have to keep at it.'
-						*nl
-						'"I''m flexible, too. See?"'
-						'You don''t wait for a reply. You simply lift your <<$pcdesc_legsrandom>> leg up over the stool next to you, giving him a spectacular view at your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy.'
-						*nl
-						'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, stop." Martin has found his voice again, it seems - not that he''s using it to say something helpful. "This is wrong."'
-						'"Really?" You look at your leg, confused. "Yeah, I guess you''re right."'
-						*nl
-						'You momentarily see something like hope or relief flare up in his eyes. You are not feeling very merciful tonight, though:'
-						'You put one of your hands on your ass and pull slightly, completely revealing what little of your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and <<pcs_ass>> asshole wasn''t already visible to him.'
-						'"There, better now?"'
-						if analplugin = 1:
-							analplugin = 0
-							minut += 1
-							*nl
-							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/buttplug.jpg"></center>'
-							'But it seems that something particular, in your ass, has caught his attention, rendering him silent once more.'
-							'"Oh." You realize that you are still wearing your anal plug. "Don''t mind my buttplug."'
-							'If he does mind, he''s unable to say it.'
-							*nl
-							'Smiling to yourself, you slowly remove the toy from your ass. You have a feeling that he is already at his limit, coping with your stripping and lack of panties, so your buttplug may be a little more than he can handle right now.'
-						end
-						gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
-						gs 'stat'
+					act 'Leave the bar': gt 'nord'
+				end
-						act 'Just one last push...':
-							cls
-							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopant_tease5.jpg"></center>'
-							'Ridding yourself of what little items you have still left on you, you put your leg up on the bar and bend over. Your ass and <<$pcdesc_genitals>> aren''t just visible to Martin - they are also very much accessible.'
-							*nl
-							'"<<$pcs_firstname>>-" But you cut him off.'
-							'"If you are gonna say anything but ''I want to fuck you so bad right now'', I''m going to scream." You''re not sound very playful now, to be honest. All the cards are on the table, and you went about a million extra miles to show Martin just how much you want him. If he doesn''t finally take a hint, you''re going to-'
-							*nl
-							'But before you can even finish the thought, Martin kissing you, hard, his hands are roaming your body and exploring every mound and every crevice.'
-							'"Alright, you asked for it," he growls, "but I''m not gonna play nice."'
-							'"I never wanted you to," you moan, his fingers stroking your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and clit.'
-							*nl
-							'You don''t know if his zipper exploded at your last words or if he was just that damn good with his hands that you didn''t even notice when he opened it to reveal his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dick, but you cannot wait to feel him inside you and, judging by how he''s now taking position behind you, neither can he.'
-							gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
-							gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 1
-							gs 'stat'
-							killvar 'MartinStripVar'
-							act 'Let Martin fuck you':$martinpos='doggystyle' & gt'MartinSex2','MartinSexDyn'
-						end
-					end
+				if dildo = 1 or middildo = 1 and bag > 0:
+					act 'Masturbate with your dildo':gt 'MartinSex','MartinTeaseDildo'
+	end
-	else
-		if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
-			if pcs_dancero <= 50:dancero_exp += rand(2,5)
-			pcs_exhib += rand(0,2)
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease1.jpg"></center>'
-			'Feeling in the mood to give Martin a bit of a show today, you give him a soft push, just strong enough to make him get the hint and sit down on the chair behind him.'
-			'You then take a few steps back and slowly bend forward, giving him a generous look at your <<$pcdesc_breastsrandom>> cleavage and <<$pcdesc_legsrandom>> legs as you take off your lower garment.'
-			*nl
-			'Martin certainly looks like he likes where this is going, and you have no intention of changing course.'
-			'Without much ado, you smile and pull down your panties as well. Most of your crotch is revealed to him, but your sex is only vaguely perceptible. But taking the initiative like this is fun, and it adds to the thrill to know that you''re standing in the middle of a bar, even if nobody''s gonna enter.'
-			gs 'clothing', 'strip'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease4':
+	alko += 1
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopant_tease1.jpg"></center>'
+	'Feeling in the mood to give Martin a bit of a show today, you give him a soft push, just strong enough to make him get the hint and sit down on the chair behind him.'
+	*nl
+	'You slip out of your shoes first. "You know, I think I''ll have something to drink. Do you mind if I help myself?"'
+	'Without waiting for Martin''s reply, you stretch and bend over the counter slightly. Spotting a glass that''s within reach and an open bottle of white wine, you fill it with a thumb or two of the cool liquid. You don''t think you''ve ever seen Martin serve wine to anyone - it would seem he likes to have a little while he closes up shop.'
+	*nl
+	'But while you are having a taste, you aren''t standing idle. The trick in all this is to look careless, naturally moving and accidentally shifting around until...'
+	'... well, until you can hear Martin swallow from across the room. "What underwear are you wearing tonight?"'
+	*nl
+	'You smile to yourself as you look over your shoulder, your voice an enticing whisper "None at all. Why do you ask?" Glass of wine in hand and standing on your tiptoes, your pantiless crotch just barely visible to him, and take a sip.'
+	*nl
+	'Martin chuckles softly at your nonchalance, but with his eyes glued to your crotch, he replies: "Just curious."'
+	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
+	gs 'stat'
+	act 'A little curiosity doesn''t hurt':
+		cls
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopanties_tease2.jpg"></center>'
+		'Without putting the glass down, you turn your side to Martin and bare your lower half with your free hand, making it blatantly obvious that you were indeed going commando. You can feel Martin''s eyes linger on your <<$pcdesc_legsrandom>> legs, but you know what he really wants to see - he wants you to confirm what he already knows.'
+		*nl
+		'You slowly turn to face Martin, revealing your <<$pcdesc_pubesrandom>> <<$pcdesc_genitals>> to him. Your boldness to strip for him, right here in the empty bar, and to walk around without underwear seem to turn him on immensely, if the bulge in his pants is any indication.'
+		*nl
+		'"Like what you see?" You ask, taking another small sip of wine.'
+		'"You little minx", is all he says, sounding as incredulous as he does admiring - not to mention horny.'
+		gs 'clothing', 'strip'
+		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
+		gs 'stat'
+		act 'He''s gonna like what''s next':
+			cls
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopanties_tease3.jpg"></center>'
+			'With an audience as appreciative as this, how could you possibly stop now?'
+			*nl
+			'Setting the glass aside, you pull down what little covers your ' + iif(tatbrst > 0,'tattooed ','') + 'chest and ' + iif(tatblly > 0 + tatbrst = 0,'tattooed ','') +'belly, giving Martin a good look at your <<$pcdesc_breastsrandom>> tits, your <<$pcdesc_nipplesrandom>> nipples standing hard thanks to the chilly, smoky air... and maybe also due to his intense stares.'
+			*nl
+			'You lift your arms a little, playing with your <<$pcdesc_hairobjectwordy>> and sticking out your breasts even more.'
+			'Honestly, it wouldn''t have surprised you if he had just bent you over and nailed you into the fucking counter then and there - his eyes are certainly burning with desire enough to tell you that he wants to.'
+			*nl
+			'But he doesn''t jump up and fuck you. He sits there, patiently, waiting to see what else you have in store for him, how else you want to tease and torture him.'
+			'He enjoys that a pretty young woman like you is putting on a show for him, and him alone, and he doesn''t want to interrupt it.'
+			gs 'underwear', 'remove'
 			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
 			gs 'stat'
-			act 'Turn around':
+			act 'The show must go on':
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease2.jpg"></center>'
-				'You pull your panties all the way down to your knees and spin around for a moment, to let him look at you from all sides... and to bar him from seeing your exposed crotch right away. Still, you quickly spot the growing bulge in his pants - knowing that you are half-naked and seeing you in glorious, pantiless profile seems to be enough to get his engine going.'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopanties_tease4.jpg"></center>'
+				'Well, if it''s a sexy torture he wants, you are happy to deliver.'
+				*nl
+				'"Want to see how flexible I am?"'
+				'You don''t wait for a reply. You simply lift your <<$pcdesc_legsrandom>> leg up over the stool next to you, giving him a spectacular view at your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy.'
+				*nl
+				'When you look up from the stool, you are stunned to see Martin give you a look of indifference. "That''s okay, I guess."'
-				'You ever so slowly turn your back to Martin and lasciviously bend over a nearby table.'
-				'"Well?" You ask flirtatiously over your shoulder, your <<$pcdesc_pubesrandom>> <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and asshole completely revealed to him. "Enjoying the view?"'
-				'"You have no idea," he breathes, a lustful glint in his eyes.'
+				'You almost burst into laughter after your brain has caught up with his challenge, but you are only too happy to indulge him, if it''s an even sexier display he wants.'
+				'You put one of your hands on your ass and pull slightly, completely revealing what little of your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and <<pcs_ass>> asshole wasn''t already visible to him.'
+				'"Just okay, huh?"'
 				if analplugin = 0:
-					'Considering how reluctant he was to let you "settle for an old man", he seems to be awfully happy about that same young <<$body>> woman stripping and exposing her privates to him.'
+					'"Maybe a little better than okay," he smirks.'
+					'Considering how reluctant he was to let you "settle for an old man", he seems to be awfully happy about teasing that same young <<$body>> woman while she''s stripping and exposing her privates to him.'
 					analplugin = 0
 					minut += 1
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/buttplug.jpg"></center>'
-					'Your ass in particular seems to have caught your attention, and it doesn''t take you long to realize that he''s staring at your anal plug with utter fascination.'
+					'But something on your ass seems to distract him from your question, and it doesn''t take you long to realize that he''s staring at your anal plug with utter fascination.'
 					'"My my, it''s almost like you enjoy it when women take something up their ass," you comment playfully.'
 					'"Pull it out." His voice is low but the order unmistakeable. "Slowly."'
@@ -680,227 +846,67 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease':
 					'Taking all the time in the world, you comply, reach down and slooooowly remove the toy from your ass, moaning softly as your <<$pcs_ass>> ass releases its intruder.'
 					'The glint you saw earlier is now a full-blown fire, fueled by the sight of your gaping and ready asshole.'
-				gs 'underwear', 'remove'
 				gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
 				gs 'stat'
-				act 'Climb on the table':
+				act 'Better than okay':
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease3.jpg"></center>'
-					'Making full use of the table being there, you climb on top and sit down on it, giving Martin an alluring smile and spreading your <<$pcdesc_legsrandom>> legs, giving the lucky guy in the front row an exclusive look at your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy.'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopanties_tease5.jpg"></center>'
+					'Ridding yourself of what little items you have still left on you, you put your leg up on the bar and bend over. Your ass and pussy aren''t just visible to Martin - they are also very much accessible.'
-					'"The way you look at me really turns me on, you know," you sigh. The flirtatious tone is gone now - the wetness you feel between your legs makes anything but ''sultry'' feel inadequate.'
-					'Your body''s display of excitement cannot possibly have escaped Martin, because is looking at you intently, feasting on the sight of you like he''d never get to do it again. "You and me both, mi amor."'
+					'"So..." Your tone is about as casual as you can muster, but your glistening pussy gives away your true feelings. "What do you think of my body?"'
+					'Martin leans back, smiling ear to ear, and shows you his crotch in response, and the sight before you adds fuel to the fire in your loins: He is pitching a perfect tent, his pants barely able to contain the cock underneath, and Martin seems very pleased with himself and the world. And why wouldn''t he be? What man his age would be anything but ecstatic to have a pretty young woman strip for him, and only him, and to have her stare at his hard-on in curiosity?'
-					'Feeling it would be cruel to continue too quickly - and enjoying his stare immensely - you give him a moment to bask in the nubile display before you...'
-					gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'exhibitionism'
-					gs 'stat'
+					'You could certainly make him, and yourself, even happier, if you wanted to.'
+					'But at least part of the excitement you are feeling right now came from teasing Martin, from having control over the situation and over him. And, as cruel as that may be, what could possibly emphasize your power over him more than leaving him with blue balls?'
-					act 'Take off your shirt':
-						cls
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease4.jpg"></center>'
-						'... pull your shirt over your head, revealing your <<$pcdesc_breastsrandom>> breasts to Martin. "And what do you think of my tits?"'
-						'Martin leans back, smiling ear to ear, and shows you his crotch in response, and the sight before you adds fuel to the fire in your loins: He is pitching a perfect tent, his pants barely able to contain the cock underneath, and Martin seems very pleased with himself and the world. And why wouldn''t he be? What man his age would be anything but ecstatic to have a pretty young woman strip for him, and only him, and to have her stare at his hard-on in curiosity?'
+					if dildo = 1 or middildo = 1 and bag > 0:
-						'You could certainly make him, and yourself, even happier, if you wanted to.'
-						'But at least part of the excitement you are feeling right now came from teasing Martin, from having control over the situation and over him. And, as cruel as that may be, what could possibly emphasize your power over him more than leaving him with blue balls?'
-						if dildo = 1 or middildo = 1 and bag > 0:
-							*nl
-							'Or... well, you could take your ''little friend'' out of your purse and take care of your own needs before deciding anything...'
-						end
-						gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
-						gs 'stat'
-						temp = rand(1,3)
-						if pcs_dom > 20 and cycle ! 0:
-							act 'Tell Martin to go down on you':gt 'MartinSex3','MartinPussyLick'
-						elseif temp = 1 and cycle ! 0:
-							act 'Martin wants to go down on you':gt 'MartinSex3','MartinPussyLick'
-						end
-						act 'Take care of Martin (Blowjob)':gt 'MartinSex3', 'MartinBlowTease'
-						act 'Beckon Martin to fuck you like this (On your back)':$martinpos='missionary' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
-						act 'Get up and bend over for Martin (From behind)':$martinpos='doggystyle' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
-						act 'Roll on your side (Sideways)':$martinpos='sideways' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
-						act 'Get up and tell Martin you wanna ride him (Cowgirl)':$martinpos='cowgirl' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
-						act 'Get up and tell Martin you wanna ride him (<b>Reverse</b> Cowgirl)':$martinpos='rev_cowgirl' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
-						act 'Blueball him - Get dressed and leave':
-							cls
-							minut += 5
-							pcs_dom += 1
-							npc_rel['A216'] -= 1
-							'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/GettingDressed.mp4"></center>'
-							'"I''m glad you like it," you say, swinging your legs off the table as you put your shirt back on, "because that''s all you''ll be getting today."'
-							*nl
-							'At first, Martin probably thinks you''re joking, but seeing as you''re putting your other clothes back on as well, he gets up, frowning.'
-							'"You''d leave me here, alone, in this state?" He points towards his crotch where his dick is straining against the fabric of his pants. "You couldn''t possibly be this cruel."'
-							*nl
-							'You walk up to Martin, put your ' + iif(tatarm>0,'tattooed ','') + 'arms around his neck and give him a soft kiss. When you break it, you whisper: "If I wasn''t cruel at least once in a while, you wouldn''t appreciate it when I''m not."'
-							*nl
-							'With that, you quickly move out of his range, towards the door, blow the perplexed barkeeper a final kiss and make off like a bandit.'
-							'... A horny bandit.'
-							gs 'underwear', 'wear'
-							gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
-							gs 'arousal', 'end'
-							gs 'stat'
-							act 'Leave the bar': gt 'nord'
-						end
-						if dildo = 1 or middildo = 1 and bag > 0:
-							act 'Masturbate with your dildo':gt 'MartinSex','MartinTeaseDildo'
-						end
+						'Or... well, you could take your ''little friend'' out of your purse and take care of your own needs before deciding anything...'
-				end
-			end
-		else
-			alko += 1
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopant_tease1.jpg"></center>'
-			'Feeling in the mood to give Martin a bit of a show today, you give him a soft push, just strong enough to make him get the hint and sit down on the chair behind him.'
-			*nl
-			'You slip out of your shoes first. "You know, I think I''ll have something to drink. Do you mind if I help myself?"'
-			'Without waiting for Martin''s reply, you stretch and bend over the counter slightly. Spotting a glass that''s within reach and an open bottle of white wine, you fill it with a thumb or two of the cool liquid. You don''t think you''ve ever seen Martin serve wine to anyone - it would seem he likes to have a little while he closes up shop.'
-			*nl
-			'But while you are having a taste, you aren''t standing idle. The trick in all this is to look careless, naturally moving and accidentally shifting around until...'
-			'... well, until you can hear Martin swallow from across the room. "What underwear are you wearing tonight?"'
-			*nl
-			'You smile to yourself as you look over your shoulder, your voice an enticing whisper "None at all. Why do you ask?" Glass of wine in hand and standing on your tiptoes, your pantiless crotch just barely visible to him, and take a sip.'
-			*nl
-			'Martin chuckles softly at your nonchalance, but with his eyes glued to your crotch, he replies: "Just curious."'
-			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
-			gs 'stat'
-			act 'A little curiosity doesn''t hurt':
-				cls
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopant_tease2.jpg"></center>'
-				'Without putting the glass down, you turn your side to Martin and bare your lower half with your free hand, making it blatantly obvious that you were indeed going commando. You can feel Martin''s eyes linger on your <<$pcdesc_legsrandom>> legs, but you know what he really wants to see - he wants you to confirm what he already knows.'
-				*nl
-				'You slowly turn to face Martin, revealing your <<$pcdesc_pubesrandom>> <<$pcdesc_genitals>> to him. Your boldness to strip for him, right here in the empty bar, and to walk around without underwear seem to turn him on immensely, if the bulge in his pants is any indication.'
-				*nl
-				'"Like what you see?" You ask, taking another small sip of wine.'
-				'"You little minx", is all he says, sounding as incredulous as he does admiring - not to mention horny.'
-				gs 'clothing', 'strip'
-				gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
-				gs 'stat'
-				act 'He''s gonna like what''s next':
-					cls
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopant_tease3.jpg"></center>'
-					'With an audience as appreciative as this, how could you possibly stop now?'
-					*nl
-					'Setting the glass aside, you pull down what little covers your ' + iif(tatbrst>0,'tattooed ','') + 'chest and ' + iif(tatblly>0&tatbrst=0,'tattooed ','') +'belly, giving Martin a good look at your <<$pcdesc_breastsrandom>> tits, your <<$pcdesc_nipplesrandom>> nipples standing hard thanks to the chilly, smoky air... and maybe also due to his intense stares.'
-					*nl
-					'You lift your arms a little, playing with your <<$pcdesc_hairobjectwordy>> and sticking out your breasts even more.'
-					'Honestly, it wouldn''t have surprised you if he had just bent you over and nailed you into the fucking counter then and there - his eyes are certainly burning with desire enough to tell you that he wants to.'
-					*nl
-					'But he doesn''t jump up and fuck you. He sits there, patiently, waiting to see what else you have in store for him, how else you want to tease and torture him.'
-					'He enjoys that a pretty young woman like you is putting on a show for him, and him alone, and he doesn''t want to interrupt it.'
-					gs 'underwear', 'remove'
 					gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
 					gs 'stat'
-					act 'The show must go on':
+					temp = rand(1,3)
+					if pcs_dom > 20 and cycle ! 0:
+						act 'Tell Martin to go down on you':gt 'MartinSex3','MartinPussyLick'
+					elseif temp = 1 and cycle ! 0:
+						act 'Martin wants to go down on you':gt 'MartinSex3','MartinPussyLick'
+					end
+					act 'Take care of Martin (Blowjob)':gt 'MartinSex3', 'MartinBlowTease'
+					act 'Beckon Martin to fuck you like this (On your back)':$martinpos='missionary' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
+					act 'Get up and bend over for Martin (From behind)':$martinpos='doggystyle' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
+					act 'Roll on your side (Sideways)':$martinpos='sideways' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
+					act 'Get up and tell Martin you wanna ride him (Cowgirl)':$martinpos='cowgirl' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
+					act 'Get up and tell Martin you wanna ride him (<b>Reverse</b> Cowgirl)':$martinpos='rev_cowgirl' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
+					act 'Blueball him - Get dressed and leave':
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopant_tease4.jpg"></center>'
-						'Well, if it''s a sexy torture he wants, you are happy to deliver.'
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_dom += 1
+						npc_rel['A216'] -= 1
+						'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
+						'"I''m glad you like it," you say, swinging your legs off the table as you put your shirt back on, "because that''s all you''ll be getting today."'
-						'"Want to see how flexible I am?"'
-						'You don''t wait for a reply. You simply lift your <<$pcdesc_legsrandom>> leg up over the stool next to you, giving him a spectacular view at your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy.'
+						'At first, Martin probably thinks you''re joking, but seeing as you''re putting your other clothes back on as well, he gets up, frowning.'
+						'"You''d leave me here, alone, in this state?" He points towards his crotch where his dick is straining against the fabric of his pants. "You couldn''t possibly be this cruel."'
-						'When you look up from the stool, you are stunned to see Martin give you a look of indifference. "That''s okay, I guess."'
+						'You walk up to Martin, put your arms around his neck and give him a soft kiss. When you break it, you whisper:'
+						'"If I wasn''t cruel at least once in a while, you wouldn''t appreciate it when I''m not. Besides, I think you''ll cum immediately when I''m out that door once you realize that I''m going commando again."'
-						'You almost burst into laughter after your brain has caught up with his challenge, but you are only too happy to indulge him, if it''s an even sexier display he wants.'
-						'You put one of your hands on your ass and pull slightly, completely revealing what little of your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and <<pcs_ass>> asshole wasn''t already visible to him.'
-						'"Just okay, huh?"'
-						if analplugin = 0:
-							*nl
-							'"Maybe a little better than okay," he smirks.'
-							'Considering how reluctant he was to let you "settle for an old man", he seems to be awfully happy about teasing that same young <<$body>> woman while she''s stripping and exposing her privates to him.'
-						else
-							analplugin = 0
-							minut += 1
-							*nl
-							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/buttplug.jpg"></center>'
-							'But something on your ass seems to distract him from your question, and it doesn''t take you long to realize that he''s staring at your anal plug with utter fascination.'
-							*nl
-							'"My my, it''s almost like you enjoy it when women take something up their ass," you comment playfully.'
-							'"Pull it out." His voice is low but the order unmistakeable. "Slowly."'
-							if pcs_dom > 20:
-								'"Why should I?" You ask, a hint of defiance in your response.'
-								'"Because if I have to look at it a moment longer, I''ll come over there, pull it out and fuck your ass right now."'
-								'Even though you two share a laugh over his ''threat'', the thought that the plug might excite him that much makes your pussy tingle.'
-							end
-							*nl
-							'Taking all the time in the world, you comply, reach down and slooooowly remove the toy from your ass, moaning softly as your <<$pcs_ass>> ass releases its intruder.'
-							'The glint you saw earlier is now a full-blown fire, fueled by the sight of your gaping and ready asshole.'
-						end
-						gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
+						'With that, you quickly move out of his range, towards the door, blow the perplexed barkeeper a final kiss and make off like a bandit.'
+						'... A horny, pantiless bandit.'
+						gs 'underwear', 'wear'
+						gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
+						gs 'arousal', 'end'
 						gs 'stat'
-						act 'Better than okay':
-							cls
-							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopant_tease5.jpg"></center>'
-							'Ridding yourself of what little items you have still left on you, you put your leg up on the bar and bend over. Your ass and pussy aren''t just visible to Martin - they are also very much accessible.'
-							*nl
-							'"So..." Your tone is about as casual as you can muster, but your glistening pussy gives away your true feelings. "What do you think of my body?"'
-							'Martin leans back, smiling ear to ear, and shows you his crotch in response, and the sight before you adds fuel to the fire in your loins: He is pitching a perfect tent, his pants barely able to contain the cock underneath, and Martin seems very pleased with himself and the world. And why wouldn''t he be? What man his age would be anything but ecstatic to have a pretty young woman strip for him, and only him, and to have her stare at his hard-on in curiosity?'
-							*nl
-							'You could certainly make him, and yourself, even happier, if you wanted to.'
-							'But at least part of the excitement you are feeling right now came from teasing Martin, from having control over the situation and over him. And, as cruel as that may be, what could possibly emphasize your power over him more than leaving him with blue balls?'
-							if dildo = 1 or middildo = 1 and bag > 0:
-								*nl
-								'Or... well, you could take your ''little friend'' out of your purse and take care of your own needs before deciding anything...'
-							end
-							gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
-							gs 'stat'
-							temp = rand(1,3)
-							if pcs_dom > 20 and cycle ! 0:
-								act 'Tell Martin to go down on you':gt 'MartinSex3','MartinPussyLick'
-							elseif temp = 1 and cycle ! 0:
-								act 'Martin wants to go down on you':gt 'MartinSex3','MartinPussyLick'
-							end
-							act 'Take care of Martin (Blowjob)':gt 'MartinSex3', 'MartinBlowTease'
-							act 'Beckon Martin to fuck you like this (On your back)':$martinpos='missionary' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
-							act 'Get up and bend over for Martin (From behind)':$martinpos='doggystyle' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
-							act 'Roll on your side (Sideways)':$martinpos='sideways' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
-							act 'Get up and tell Martin you wanna ride him (Cowgirl)':$martinpos='cowgirl' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
-							act 'Get up and tell Martin you wanna ride him (<b>Reverse</b> Cowgirl)':$martinpos='rev_cowgirl' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
-							act 'Blueball him - Get dressed and leave':
-								cls
-								minut += 5
-								pcs_dom += 1
-								npc_rel['A216'] -= 1
-								'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/GettingDressed.mp4"></center>'
-								'"I''m glad you like it," you say, swinging your legs off the table as you put your shirt back on, "because that''s all you''ll be getting today."'
-								*nl
-								'At first, Martin probably thinks you''re joking, but seeing as you''re putting your other clothes back on as well, he gets up, frowning.'
-								'"You''d leave me here, alone, in this state?" He points towards his crotch where his dick is straining against the fabric of his pants. "You couldn''t possibly be this cruel."'
-								*nl
-								'You walk up to Martin, put your arms around his neck and give him a soft kiss. When you break it, you whisper:'
-								'"If I wasn''t cruel at least once in a while, you wouldn''t appreciate it when I''m not. Besides, I think you''ll cum immediately when I''m out that door once you realize that I''m going commando again."'
-								*nl
-								'With that, you quickly move out of his range, towards the door, blow the perplexed barkeeper a final kiss and make off like a bandit.'
-								'... A horny, pantiless bandit.'
-								gs 'underwear', 'wear'
-								gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
-								gs 'arousal', 'end'
-								gs 'stat'
-								act 'Leave the bar': gt 'nord'
-							end
-							if dildo = 1 or middildo = 1 and bag > 0:
-								act 'Masturbate with your dildo':gt 'MartinSex','MartinTeaseDildo'
-							end
-						end
+						act 'Leave the bar': gt 'nord'
+					end
+					if dildo = 1 or middildo = 1 and bag > 0:
+						act 'Masturbate with your dildo':gt 'MartinSex','MartinTeaseDildo'
@@ -911,7 +917,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTeaseDildo':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
-	pcs_exhib += rand(0,2)
+	inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/teasedildo1.jpg"></center>'
 	'You roll to your ' + iif(tatside>0,'tattooed ','') + 'side. Grinning like a Cheshire cat, you rummage through your purse and, under the curious looks of Martin, pull out your ' + iif(dildo = 1,'10cm','15cm') + ' dildo.'
@@ -973,7 +979,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTeaseDildo':
 				pcs_dom += 1
 				npc_rel['A216'] -= 1
 				gs 'underwear', 'wear'
-				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/GettingDressed.mp4"></center>'
+				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
 				'"I''m glad you liked the show," you say, swinging your legs off the table as you put your top back on, "because that''s all you''ll be getting today."'
 				'At first, Martin probably thinks you''re joking, but seeing as you''re putting your other clothes back on as well, he gets up, frowning.'

+ 23 - 30

@@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
 # MartinSex2
 gs 'stat'
-if night_mode = 1:
-	fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-	bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-	lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-	bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-	lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
+gs 'themes', 'indoors'
+menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexPrep':
@@ -93,7 +86,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexPrep':
 	act 'Stop and get dressed':
-		'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/GettingDressed.mp4"></center>'
+		'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
 		'It''s strange how things go sometimes: One moment you are about to have your pussy fucked, the next you are on your feet, collecting your clothes and putting them on. The thoughts that crossed your mind had killed the mood in an instant, even if your horniness is unchanged.'
 		'Martin is completely baffled by your sudden change of heart, standing there as he is, naked and with a raging hard-on. "What''s wrong, mi amor?"'
@@ -137,7 +130,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 	elseif $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/rev_cowgirl/rev_cowgirl<<pic_rand>>.jpg"></center>'
 	elseif $martinpos = 'doggystyle':
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/doggystyle/doggystyle<<pic_rand>>.jpg"></center>'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/doggystyle/doggy<<pic_rand>>.jpg"></center>'
 	elseif $martinpos = 'missionary':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/missionary/missionary<<pic_rand>>.jpg"></center>'
 	elseif $martinpos = 'sideways':
@@ -270,12 +263,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/rev_cowgirl/rev_cowgirl<<pic_rand2>>.jpg"></center>'
-			'You are moving ever faster, trying to take Martin''s wonderful cock deeper into your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy, fucking him harder, moaning louder as you go. It may have started off gently but there''s no gentleness left to be found here anymore: You are riding this man in the middle of his bar, giving him a fantastic view of your ' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl','ass','tits') + ' in the same spot some guys talked about their shitty jobs and marital problems a few hours ago.'
+			'You are moving ever faster, trying to take Martin''s wonderful cock deeper into your <<$pcdesc_pussyrandom>> pussy, fucking him harder, moaning louder as you go. It may have started off gently but there''s no gentleness left to be found here anymore: You are riding this man in the middle of his bar, giving him a fantastic view of your ' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl','ass','tits') + ' in the same spot some guys talked about their shitty jobs and marital problems a few hours ago.'
 			'It only adds to the excitement of it all to know that this is a public place, even if nobody else is here right now.'
 			if exhibitionist_lvl > 1 or exhibitionism['pref'] > 50: 'This idea, and the memories of your previous exhibitionist acts manifest themselves in a small fantasy: You imagine what it would be like if the bar wasn''t empty but bustling with people, what it might be like to fuck the bartender right here in the center, with all of their eyes on you...' & pcs_horny += 10
-			$orgasm_txt = 'And it''s this fantasy that sets you off, causing you to cry out in heat and your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy to quiver around Martin''s cock as you imagine how strangers jerk off to your fucking. As you come down from your high, you feel like a pervert... but that''s not a bad thing, right?'
+			$orgasm_txt = 'And it''s this fantasy that sets you off, causing you to cry out in heat and your <<$pcdesc_pussyrandom>> pussy to quiver around Martin''s cock as you imagine how strangers jerk off to your fucking. As you come down from your high, you feel like a pervert... but that''s not a bad thing, right?'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 3, 'exhibitionism'
 			'Martin, who has been relatively passive so far, leaving you in control, shakes you out of your reverie when his hands move to your hips. No doubt he intends to take a little more initiative.'
@@ -299,7 +292,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 				'"Please what?"'
 				'"Please fuck me with your hard cock again. I need it!"'
-				'That was all he wanted to hear. In the blink of an eye, Martin is balls-deep inside you again, his pelvis slamming into your <<$pcs_vag>> hole from below. You cannot move, his strong arms firmly holding you in place, and are helpless to let him fuck you from below.' 
+				'That was all he wanted to hear. In the blink of an eye, Martin is balls-deep inside you again, his pelvis slamming into your <<$pcdesc_pussyrandom>> hole from below. You cannot move, his strong arms firmly holding you in place, and are helpless to let him fuck you from below.' 
 				'And you are loving every second of it.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 8, 'sub'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -312,7 +305,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 			'It only adds to the excitement of it all to know that this is a public place, even if nobody''s here now.'
 			if exhibitionist_lvl > 1 or exhibitionism['pref'] > 50: 'This idea, and the memories of your previous exhibitionist acts manifest themselves in a small fantasy: You imagine what it would be like if the bar wasn''t empty but bustling with people, what it might be like to be fuck by the bartender right here in the center, with all of their eyes on you...' & pcs_horny += 10
-			$orgasm_txt = 'And it''s this fantasy that sets you off, causing you to cry out in heat and your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy to quiver around Martin''s cock as you imagine how strangers jerk off to your fucking. As you come down from your high, you feel like a pervert... but that''s not a bad thing, right?'
+			$orgasm_txt = 'And it''s this fantasy that sets you off, causing you to cry out in heat and your <<$pcdesc_pussyrandom>> pussy to quiver around Martin''s cock as you imagine how strangers jerk off to your fucking. As you come down from your high, you feel like a pervert... but that''s not a bad thing, right?'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 3, 'exhibitionism'
 			'Martin was firmly in control so far, but it seems like it''s not enough for him: All of a sudden, you can feel his hand at your neck, grabbing you, forcing you to look at him and increasing both his leverage and sense of power over you.'
@@ -349,7 +342,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 			'It only adds to the excitement of it all to know that this is a public place, even if nobody''s here now.'
 			if exhibitionist_lvl > 1 or exhibitionism['pref'] > 50: 'This idea, and the memories of your previous exhibitionist acts manifest themselves in a small fantasy: You imagine what it would be like if the bar wasn''t empty but bustling with people, what it might be like to be fuck by the bartender right here in the center, with all of their eyes on you...' & pcs_horny += 10
-			$orgasm_txt = 'And it''s this fantasy that sets you off, causing you to cry out in heat and your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy to quiver around Martin''s cock as you imagine how strangers jerk off to your fucking. As you come down from your high, you feel like a pervert... but that''s not a bad thing, right?'
+			$orgasm_txt = 'And it''s this fantasy that sets you off, causing you to cry out in heat and your <<$pcdesc_pussyrandom>> pussy to quiver around Martin''s cock as you imagine how strangers jerk off to your fucking. As you come down from your high, you feel like a pervert... but that''s not a bad thing, right?'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 3, 'exhibitionism'
 			'Martin was firmly in control so far, but it seems like it''s not enough to him: All of a sudden, you can feel his hand at your neck, grabbing you, forcing you to look at him and increasing both his leverage and sense of power over you.'
@@ -393,7 +386,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 			'It only adds to the excitement of it all to know that this is a public place, even if nobody''s here now.'
 			if exhibitionist_lvl > 1 or exhibitionism['pref'] > 50: 'This idea, and the memories of your previous exhibitionist acts manifest themselves in a small fantasy: You imagine what it would be like if the bar wasn''t empty but bustling with people, what it might be like to be fuck by the bartender right here in the center, with all of their eyes on you...' & pcs_horny += 10
-			$orgasm_txt = 'And it''s this fantasy that sets you off, causing you to cry out in heat and your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy to quiver around Martin''s cock as you imagine how strangers jerk off to your fucking. As you come down from your high, you feel like a pervert... but that''s not a bad thing, right?'
+			$orgasm_txt = 'And it''s this fantasy that sets you off, causing you to cry out in heat and your <<$pcdesc_pussyrandom>> pussy to quiver around Martin''s cock as you imagine how strangers jerk off to your fucking. As you come down from your high, you feel like a pervert... but that''s not a bad thing, right?'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 3, 'exhibitionism'
 			'Martin was firmly in control so far, and his switch of position only served to emphasize that, but it seems like it''s not enough to him: All of a sudden, you can feel one of his hands leave your hips and grab your neck, forcing you to look back at him and increasing both his leverage and sense of power over you.'
@@ -467,12 +460,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 			if $martinpos = 'cowgirl':
 				'"Did you enjoy yourself?" You ask coquettishly, leaning forward onto his chest.'
 				'Martin smiles up at you, and pulls you down to give you a kiss. "I think you know the answer."'
-				'"Perhaps..." You grin and lift yourself off, feeling his softening <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock slide out of your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy.' 
+				'"Perhaps..." You grin and lift yourself off, feeling his softening <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock slide out of your <<$pcdesc_pussyrandom>> pussy.' 
 			elseif $martinpos = 'rev_cowgil':
 				'"Did you enjoy yourself?" You ask coquettishly, wiggling your butt as you look back over your shoulder.'
 				'Martin smiles up at you, and gives your ass a resounding smack. "I think you know the answer."'
-				'"Perhaps..." You grin and lift yourself off, feeling his softening <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock slide out of your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy.'
+				'"Perhaps..." You grin and lift yourself off, feeling his softening <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock slide out of your <<$pcdesc_pussyrandom>> pussy.'
 				if $martinpos = 'doggystyle':
@@ -542,7 +535,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 			act 'Get cleaned up':
-				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/GettingDressed.mp4"></center>'
+				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
 				'It takes a little while, but eventually, both of you (and the bar) are somewhat clean and dressed again. You''re not being quiet about it, either: The two of you chat and exchange innuendos as you go, intimate as always.'
 				if MartinPrezik = 1 and sexcontra ! 3: 'The whole condom situation did leave a little of a sour aftertaste, though. Sure, Martin tries not to show that he''s worried but you can tell that he''s not as easygoing as usual, and the thought of being pregnant crosses your mind a little more than usual too.'
@@ -599,7 +592,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 	elseif MartinSurpAnal = 1:
 		'Your change of heart is a little sudden, no doubt, but when you tell Martin that you want him to fuck your ass instead, he doesn''t look unhappy about it. After all, what man would refuse an offer like that?'
-		'With your <<$pcs_vag>> pussy thoroughly plowed, you moan: "I want your hard cock in my ass right now!"'
+		'With your <<$pcdesc_pussyrandom>> pussy thoroughly plowed, you moan: "I want your hard cock in my ass right now!"'
 		'"You and me both, corazón," Martin murmurs as he pulls out.'
@@ -843,7 +836,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
-	'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martin/anal/painal1.mp4"></center>'
+	'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/anal/painal1.mp4"></center>'
 	'Feeling as brave and well-lubricated as spit can ever make you, you grab Martin''s cock, hold it against your anus and push against it.'
 	'Unfortunately, anal with Martin is not as easy as slipping his dick inside your pussy. The more you try to put his dick in, the more it hurts. Your ass is obviously a little too tight and Martin must realize that too when more than one attempt at penetration results in you pulling away again.'
@@ -854,7 +847,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
 	act 'Force his dick inside your ass':
-		'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martin/anal/painal2.mp4"></center>'
+		'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/anal/painal2.mp4"></center>'
 		if $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
 			'No, you don''t want to quit, not now. Maybe it''s because of the position you''re in, just a bad angle for penetration, right? You climb off Martin and bend over in front of him. When you look back at him to give him an inviting look, you do feel a little intimidated by his size, though...'
 			'Maybe this wasn''t such a good idea after all?'
@@ -881,7 +874,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
 			act 'Continue':
-				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martin/anal/painal3.mp4"></center>'
+				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/anal/painal3.mp4"></center>'
 				'But as patient as Martin has proven so far, you eventually push him too far, your <<$pcdesc_anusrandom>> asshole too snug and arousing around him for him to stay idle.'
 				'Your lover starts moving on his own. At first, he is gentle, careful, only adding a tiny bit of extra sensation to your mutual experience, but with ever stroke, he loses his inhibitions and turns more and more into an animal, possessed by the need to destroy your ass and fill it with cum.'
@@ -900,7 +893,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
 				act 'Get cleaned up':
-					'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/GettingDressed.mp4"></center>'
+					'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
 					'Now that it''s over, you are starting to think that you''re going to regret this.'
 					'It takes a little while, but eventually, both of you (and the bar) are somewhat clean and dressed again, though it really hurts as you put on your panties and pants. You try to chat and exchange innuendos as always, and you really make it as obvious as you can that you liked what Martin did, that you enjoyed it... but you''re not sure he can truly believe that when you wince every now and again, gingerly rubbing your butt and moving extra slow and careful to avoid any unnecessary pain.'
@@ -940,7 +933,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
 	act 'Stop and get dressed':
-		'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/GettingDressed.mp4"></center>'
+		'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
 		'It''s strange how things go sometimes: One moment you are about to have your ass fucked, the next you are on your feet, collecting your clothes and putting them on. The thoughts that crossed your mind had killed the mood in an instant, even if your horniness is unchanged.'
 		'Martin is completely baffled by your sudden change of heart, standing there as he is, naked and with a raging hard-on. "What''s wrong, mi amor?"'
@@ -964,7 +957,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinCumshot_Mouth':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
-	'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martin/cumshot/cum_mouth.mp4"></center>'
+	'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/cumshot/cum_mouth.mp4"></center>'
 	if $martinpos ! 'MartinBlowjob_dressed' or $martinpos ! 'MartinBlowjob_undressed': 'You quickly move off Martin''s cock and get on your knees in front of him, taking his dick into your mouth and savoring the taste of yourself on your man as you get him off.'
 	'For a moment, you think about saying something dirty, like verbally asking him to cum in your mouth, but by the time this thought has manifested, Martin has already pulled out and complied with it, shooting his hot sperm into your open, waiting mouth.'
 	'You wait like this for the second and third spurt, but then you take him right back into your mouth, sucking and licking him through his orgasm.'
@@ -982,7 +975,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinCumshot_Face':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
-	'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martin/cumshot/cum_facial.mp4"></center>'
+	'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/cumshot/cum_facial.mp4"></center>'
 	!Variation for pic and text sticking out your tongue for the cumshot
 	if $martinpos ! 'MartinBlowjob_dressed' or $martinpos ! 'MartinBlowjob_undressed': 'You quickly move off Martin''s cock and get on your knees in front of him, taking his dick into your mouth and savoring the taste of yourself on your man as you help him finish.'
@@ -999,7 +992,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinCumshot_Tits':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
-	'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martin/cumshot/cum_tits.mp4"></center>'
+	'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/cumshot/cum_tits.mp4"></center>'
 	if $martinpos ! 'MartinBlowjob_dressed' or $martinpos ! 'MartinBlowjob_undressed': 'You quickly move off Martin''s cock and get on your knees in front of him, stroking his dick as you point it at your bust and savoring the expression of bliss on your man''s face.'
 	'"Go ahead", you whisper in your sultriest voice, "Cum all over my tits, baby."'
 	'That''s all the invitation Martin needs: With a final moan, the first hot jet of cum hits your breasts, soon followed by another, and another. By the time his cock stops twitching, your breast and chin are covered in sperm. Cleaning up is gonna take a while, but with a single look at Martin and the satisfied boyish grin the sight of you puts on his face, you know that it''s worth it.'
@@ -1010,7 +1003,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinCleanup':
-	'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/GettingDressed.mp4"></center>'
+	'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
 	'It takes a little while, but eventually, both of you (and the bar) are somewhat clean and dressed again. You''re not being quiet about it, either: The two of you chat and exchange innuendos as you go, intimate as always.'
 	'With a final kiss and smile, you part, leaving Martin to finish his business at the bar for the night.'

+ 17 - 24

@@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
 # MartinSex3
 gs 'stat'
-if night_mode = 1:
-	fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-	bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-	lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-	bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-	lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
+gs 'themes', 'indoors'
+menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
@@ -18,7 +11,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 	if pcs_dom > 20:
 		if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_undressed'
-			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undressDom_bjTease.mp4"></center>'
+			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undressdom_bjtease.mp4"></center>'
 			if MartinPussyLick = 1:
 				'After Martin has pleased you so dilligently, it''s only fair that you do the same for him.'
@@ -41,7 +34,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 		elseif MartinConvinceBJ = 1:
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_dressed'
 			pic_rand = rand(1,2)
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/MartinConvinceBJ<<pic_rand>>.jpg"></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/martinconvincebj<<pic_rand>>.jpg"></center>'
 			'Honestly, you are tired of talking, of subtle hints, of waiting for Martin to notice what you''re getting at. You want him, plain and simple, and you are confident and just slutty enough to chose the easy way to get him.'
 			'Without another, you take a step back and bare your <<$pcdesc_breastsrandom>> breasts to the bartender. Ignoring the sounds he makes, you immediately take the next step and reveal your <<$pcdesc_pubesrandom>> pussy as well before you as much as take a glance at him.' 
@@ -62,7 +55,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_dressed'
-			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dressDom_bjTease.mp4"></center>'
+			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dressdom_bjtease.mp4"></center>'
 			'Sure, you could talk to Martin, explore this strange relationship on an intellectual level and all that, but if you''re honest with yourself, you''d rather suck his dick right now, so why pretend otherwise? You''ll have plenty of time to talk another day.'
 			'You give Martin a lingering kiss, wiping any conscious thought from his mind, then slowly get down on your knees. Every man knows what that means, no matter where they were born. You look up at Martin, smiling seductively as you''re opening his fly and freeing his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dick from its textile prison.'
@@ -81,7 +74,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 		if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_undressed'
-			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undressSub_bjTease.mp4"></center>'
+			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undresssub_bjtease.mp4"></center>'
 			if MartinPussyLick = 1:
 				'After Martin has pleased you so dilligently, it''s only fair that you do the same for him.'
@@ -105,7 +98,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_dressed'
-			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dressSub_bjTease.mp4"></center>'
+			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dresssub_bjtease.mp4"></center>'
 			'Sure, you and Martin could talk and explore this strange relationship on an intellectual level and all that, but if you''re honest with yourself, you''d rather suck his dick right now, and the look in Martin''s eyes tells you that he feels the same way.'
 			'You approach Martin for a ''chaste little kiss'' that quickly ends up in a chaste little French kissing and groping, but after only a few seconds of that, you can feel his hand on your shoulder, pushing you down on your knees. And you know exactly what he''s trying to tell you.'
@@ -147,7 +140,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowjob':
 	if pcs_dom > 20:
 		if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_undressed'
-			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undressDom_bj.mp4"></center>'
+			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undressdom_bj.mp4"></center>'
 			if MartinSexStop = 1:
 				'Instead of plunging Martin''s dick inside you as you originally wanted (and as your wet pussy demands), you scramble to get on your knees. His confusion at this change of heart only lasts for about two seconds - coincidentally the time you needed to take his cock into your mouth.'
@@ -168,7 +161,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowjob':
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_dressed'
-			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dressDom_bj.mp4"></center>'
+			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dressdom_bj.mp4"></center>'
 			'Content that you have tormented him enough, you put an end to his agony, take the tip of his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock into your mouth and suck. His audible exhale speaks volumes of how big his anticipation must have been and it turns into a groan when you pull back only to plunge more of his cock into your hot mouth.'
 			'You''re not letting him get used to this, though - not yet. You pull him out of your mouth once more, brushing your <<$pcdesc_lipgloss>>, <<$pcdesc_lips>> lips and <<$pcdesc_tongue>> along the length and underside of his cock. Your shoot a quick glance up to his face and find him staring at you in rapture.'
@@ -182,9 +175,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowjob':
 		if deepthroat['pref'] > 50:
 			if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
-				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undressDom_deep.mp4"></center>'
+				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undressdom_deep.mp4"></center>'
-				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dressDom_deep.mp4"></center>'
+				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dressdom_deep.mp4"></center>'
 			'But that''s not enough for you. You like having a dick in your mouth, but you <b>love</b> having one in your throat. Martin seems a little too gentlemanly (or intimidated by your attitude) to take what he doubtlessly wants, so when you feel his cock approach that magic threshold in the depths of your mouth again, you force your head down further than before, plunging Martin''s hard <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock down your <<$pcdesc_throat>> throat until your ' + iif(pirsD>0,'pierced ','') + 'nose almost touches his belly.'
 			'You hold it there for a moment, revelling in the feeling of self-inflicted abuse, before you pull back, only to go right back down again. You''re not holding back, and you''re making it all too clear to Martin that you don''t want him to hold back either as you''re taking him deep again and again, all the way to its base, proud and horny at your accomplishment.'
@@ -204,7 +197,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowjob':
 		if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_undressed'
-			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undressSub_bj.mp4"></center>'
+			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undresssub_bj.mp4"></center>'
 			if MartinSexStop = 1:
 				'Instead of plunging Martin''s dick inside you as you originally wanted (and as your wet pussy demands), you scramble to get on your knees. His confusion at this change of heart only lasts for about two seconds - coincidentally the time you needed to take his cock into your mouth.'
@@ -234,7 +227,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowjob':
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_dressed'
-			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dressSub_bj.mp4"></center>'
+			'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dresssub_bj.mp4"></center>'
 			'But you want to please him more, and he''s not leaving any doubt that he wants more from you, too - a soft nudge at the back of your head is all the encouragement you need.'
 			'You sensually slide your <<$pcdesc_lipgloss>>, <<$pcdesc_lips>> lips over the head of Martin''s <<$dick_girth>> dick, your eyes closed as you enjoy the sensations: His musky, manly smell; the sense of security and guidance he gives you; the texture of his cock''s tip.'
@@ -249,9 +242,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowjob':
 		if deepthroat['pref'] > 50:
 			if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
-				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undressSub_deep.mp4"></center>'
+				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undresssub_deep.mp4"></center>'
-				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dressSub_deep.mp4"></center>'
+				'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dresssub_deep.mp4"></center>'
 			'But that''s not enough for him yet. Martin wants to claim all of your mouth and more, and after only a hint of a warning, he takes what he wants: One assertive push at the back of your head is all it takes to drive his hard <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock down your <<$pcdesc_throat>> throat until your ' + iif(pirsD>0,'pierced ','') + 'nose almost touches his belly..'
@@ -284,7 +277,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinPussyLick':
 	MartinPussyLick = 1
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/MartinPussyLick.jpg"></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/martinpussylick.jpg"></center>'
 	if pcs_dom > 20:
 		'You lift yourself up on the counter and spread your legs invitingly for Martin, your moist ' + iif(pirsG>0,'pierced ','') + 'pussy fully exposed to him.' 
 		'"Bartender, I think there''s something here that really ought to be cleaned," you say in your sultriest voice.'
@@ -330,7 +323,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinPussyLick':
 		pcs_dom += 1
 		npc_rel['A216'] -= 1
 		gs 'underwear', 'wear'
-		'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/GettingDressed.mp4"></center>'
+		'<center><video src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
 		'"That was wonderful," you say, pushing yourself off the counter, "but I''m afraid I have to go now."'
 		'At first, Martin probably thinks you''re joking, but seeing as you''re putting your other clothes back on as well, he gets up, frowning.' 

+ 36 - 43

@@ -3,19 +3,12 @@
 $location_type = 'public_indoors'
 gs 'stat'
-if night_mode = 1:
-	fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-	bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-	lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-	bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-	lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
+gs 'themes', 'indoors'
+menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = '':
-	cls
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinTalk.jpg"></center>'
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martintalk.jpg"></center>'
 	if MartinTalkVar = 0:
 		MartinTalkVar = 1
@@ -42,7 +35,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'With that, he directs his attention at another visitor of the bar. You notice that you''ve been holding your breath and release it now, glad you didn''t piss him off. Watching Martin from afar, you nurse on your beverage until you find it empty.'
-		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 	elseif MartinTalkVar = 1:
 		MartinTalkVar = 2
@@ -60,7 +53,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'"Guess I better get back to work," he says, and you agree, glad that he broke the uncomfortable silence and leaves you to your beverage.'
 		'Maybe you can satisfy your curiosity about him at a later date. If he talks to you at all, that is.'
-		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 	elseif MartinTalkVar = 2:
 		MartinTalkVar = 3
@@ -94,7 +87,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'With that, he leaves you to your drink. Minutes pass as you enjoy your beverage, only stopping when you find your glass empty.'
-		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 	elseif MartinTalkVar = 3 and npc_rel['A216'] >= 20:
 		MartinTalkVar = 4
@@ -120,7 +113,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'And armed with that knowledge and a newfound ease, you chat and joke with Martin a while longer before another patron demands his attention.'
 		$OpenInnerThought+'Hm... Maybe I really should try and talk to him when he''s starting to clean up and close for the night - I think he starts throwing people out around quarter to Midnight.'+$CloseInnerThought
-		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 	elseif MartinTalkVar = 4 and npc_rel['A216'] >= 28:
 		MartinTalkVar = 5
@@ -130,7 +123,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'"Excuse me?"' 
 		'You ' + iif($body='skinny','would call yourself skinny, too, but','see yourself as <<$body>> rather than skinny, so') + ' you don''t really see why he would bring this up.'
-		'"Are you eating right, <<pcs_firstname>>?" He inquires, completely ignoring your visible confusion.'
+		'"Are you eating right, <<$pcs_firstname>>?" He inquires, completely ignoring your visible confusion.'
 		'"Uh... I guess. Wait, you didn''t, by any chance, talk to my mother, did you?"'
 		'"Hmm? Oh, no no no, mi amor, but I''m sure she''d agree that you could use a good meal every now and then - good meat, not the filth they sell you everywhere."'
@@ -144,7 +137,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'"Suuure," you say and watch Martin walk off.'
 		'Either there was a point to this that you missed completely, or you really look <b>that</b> skinny to him.'
-		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 	elseif MartinTalkVar = 5:
 		MartinTalkVar = 6
@@ -171,7 +164,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'"And do you find me attractive?" You ask innocently.'
 		'"That''s for me to know and for you to find out, <<$pcs_nickname>>." With that, he turns and leaves you to drink and ponder his noncommittal answer.'
-		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 	elseif MartinTalkVar = 6 and npc_rel['A216'] >= 35:
 		MartinTalkVar = 7
@@ -193,7 +186,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'He recoils in mock-shock. "That you would even <b>suggest</b> that! The insolence!"'
 		'You grin at his antics, but your question is still to the point: "Do you do anything besides working out?"'
-		'"This and that," he replies, now more serious. "I don''t know what you want to hear, <<pcs_firstname>>. I don''t run a drug ring or strip club on the side, if that''s what you want to know. Days pass pretty quickly, even when all you do is sleep, work out and go for a walk every now and then."'
+		'"This and that," he replies, now more serious. "I don''t know what you want to hear, <<$pcs_firstname>>. I don''t run a drug ring or strip club on the side, if that''s what you want to know. Days pass pretty quickly, even when all you do is sleep, work out and go for a walk every now and then."'
 		'"You should share that thought at the next book club meeting," you comment dryly.'
 		'"I''d rather not. It would only disturb the other housewives," Martin retorts.'
@@ -204,7 +197,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'For a fraction of a second, it looks like he is going to say something, but instead he just gives you a warm smile and you respond in kind, before Martin has to go back to work, leaving you to enjoy your drink in peace.'
-		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 	elseif MartinTalkVar = 7:
 		MartinTalkVar = 8
@@ -388,8 +381,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'He sighs deeply; not at your question, you feel, but at his own answer: "Life happened, corazón. Life can make or break someone''s faith. Me, I eventually figured that either there was no god or the filio di puta had a really twisted sense of humor and didn''t deserve my faith." The bitterness in his voice is almost palpable.'
 		act 'What happened to him?':
-			cls
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinTalk.jpg"></center>'
+			*clr & cla
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martintalk.jpg"></center>'
 			'The question is burning under your nails: What could have brought this man to the other end of the world? But you realize that he has opened up to you in good faith, not because you pressed him for answer. He would only tell you as much as he wanted to, and pushing him would get you nowhere.'
 			'So, you do what friends do: You try not to be an ass.' 
 			'"That bad?" You ask carefully.'
@@ -414,8 +407,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			act 'Raving lunacy':
-				cls
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinTalk.jpg"></center>'
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martintalk.jpg"></center>'
 				'Martin listens patiently, and when you finish, he gives you that same understanding look he always wears when one of his patrons gets something heavy off their chest.'
 				'"Who am I to judge you?" He reaches out for your hand, takes it into his large one, and squeezes it gently. "If that''s how you feel, that''s how you feel; don''t let somebody else take that away from you. I envy those who have faith in something, regardless of whether it''s something they witness out on the street or something they see all around them. If it''s real to you, that''s enough."'
@@ -426,7 +419,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 				'For a moment, you want to talk back, stop him from deflecting your heartfelt compliment like that, but then you just smile and hold your tongue because you notice that Martin hasn''t let go of your hand and, after his laughter has subsided, he''s giving you a smile full of gratitude.'
-				act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+				act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
@@ -482,8 +475,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		if SchoolAtestat = 0: 
 			act '"I''m still going to school"':
-				cls
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinTalk.jpg"></center>'
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martintalk.jpg"></center>'
 				'"No, actually, I''m still going to school."'
 				'You regret your words almost immediately when Martin''s face darkens. "Still going to school, huh? What about you being 18?"'
@@ -502,7 +495,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 						'You don''t think you''re off the hook - this definitely hurt your relationship with him. But it''s probably a good sign that he didn''t throw you out, so if you give him some space and keep your conversation with him light, you could probably recover from this.'
-						act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+						act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 						npc_rel['A216'] -= 20
@@ -543,7 +536,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 					'You just about managed to save the situation, and you are pretty sure this could have gone A LOT worse, but Martin definitely needs a moment to cool it, and you are suddenly very grateful to have a drink in front of you and a moment to yourself.'
-					act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+					act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
@@ -561,7 +554,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 				'"It can get pretty wild there during the weekend, I heard," Martin comments, "and drunk people can be unpredictable. You watch yourself, okay?"'
 				'"I always do," you reply with a smile, touched by his concern.'
-				act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+				act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
@@ -602,7 +595,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 				'"Like I said, I''m fine," you placate him once again. "It makes sense. I gotta make breakfast and all that, and I have a big room to myself, AND the apartment is right in the city center, so, really, it''s all I could ask for."'
 				'"Well, as long as you''re happy with it." Martin, however, doesn''t sound very happy. Could he be jealous of Nicholas?'
-				act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+				act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
@@ -782,7 +775,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'Well, it doesn''t really matter now. It''s probably the best you could have hoped for: You have friend and experienced lover you can hook up with whenever you feel like it and who just told you that neither of you have to worry about the other''s feelings too much.'
 		'After all, you weren''t actually looking for a serious relationship with a man old enough to be your father, were you?'
-		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 	elseif MartinTalkVar = 11 and MartinSex = 1 and npc_rel['A216'] >= 64:
@@ -812,7 +805,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'You cannot outright see the effect of your words, but the telltale hints of it alone somehow make your drink taste better.'
-		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 	elseif MartinTalkVar = 12 and MartinSex = 1 and npc_rel['A216'] >= 70:
 		MartinTalkVar = 13
@@ -864,7 +857,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'With that, he turns around and, rather than serving patrons, retreats to wash some glasses and check the register, apparently needing some space to pull himself together again.'
 		'Whatever happened to his brothers seems to deeply trouble him.'
-		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 	elseif npc_rel['A216'] < 20:
 		'As usual, Martin brings you your drink of choice. He seems to be in a talkative mood today, though, because he stays with you and strikes up a conversation.'
@@ -873,7 +866,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'Still, you manage to keep it going for a while and by the time another patron wants to order something, you feel like you''ve gotten to know each other a little better, even if you''re still a ways away from becoming best friends.'
-		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 	elseif MartinSex = 1:
 		pcs_horny += rand(0,1)
@@ -887,7 +880,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'So, when one of the regulars calls for Martin, you lick your <<$pcdesc_lipsrandom>> lips lasciviously and thank him for the drink in a low, sexy voice before Martin goes back to work, his walk a little funnier than before.'
-		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 		'As always, Martin brings you your beverage of choice. Rather then leave to look after his other patrons, though, he sticks around and the two of you chat for a while.'
@@ -896,13 +889,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'Neither of you finds out anything mindblowing about the other, but you still feel like you and Martin know each other a little better now, your friendship with him growing stronger the more time you spend with him.'
-		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+		act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTalkHobby':
-	cls
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinTalk.jpg"></center>'
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martintalk.jpg"></center>'
 	'"All that counts is that you enjoy doing it," Martin comments encouragingly. He seems to want to say or ask something else, but both of you notice something out of the corner of your eyes:' 
 	'A new patron is calling him over, so it looks like this heart-to-heart is coming to an end soon.'
@@ -912,11 +905,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTalkHobby':
 	'You''ve done some friendly flirting with Martin before, but something about the way he said this before turning to serve another customer made your belly tingle.'
-	act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+	act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTalkApartment':
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/MartinTalk.jpg"></center>'	
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/martintalk.jpg"></center>'	
 	if housr = 1:
 		'"Actually, I have a small apartment, on the other side of the park."'
@@ -945,7 +938,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTalkApartment':
 		$OpenInnerThought+'He wouldn''t be Martin if he didn''t tell me to "watch out" at least once a day,'+$CloseInnerThought+' you think and roll your eyes, but still smile and say "I always do" before he has to get back to work.'
-	elseif StoryLine = 1 and ParHomeBlock = 0:
+	elseif StoryLine = 1 and home_owned[2] = 1:
 		'"I still live with my parents, in Pavlovsk," you admit.'
 		'"Oh, well, that can''t be easy at your age."'
@@ -968,7 +961,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTalkApartment':
 		'"Okay..." He says slowly, raising an eyebrow. Before he can make any further inquiries, a nearby patron calls for him, saving you from further embarrassment and giving you time to get your story straight, should he ask again.'
-	act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet'
+	act 'Finish your drink': gt 'qwBarPolet', 'bar'

Diferenças do arquivo suprimidas por serem muito extensas
+ 236 - 188

+ 10 - 0

@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	$metka = $ARGS[0]
 	$loc = $CURLOC
 	$sexloc = $CURLOC
+	$menu_loc = 'Military'
+	$menu_arg = 'start'
+	menu_off = 0
     $location_type = 'public_outdoors'
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Army Camp</font></b></center>'
@@ -12,6 +15,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	act 'Work in the infirmary':
+		menu_off = 1
 		minut += 60
 		sanrand = rand(0, 10)
 		medcn_exp += rand (0,2) 
@@ -29,6 +33,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	act 'Take a walk in the woods':
+		menu_off = 1
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/shared/military/woman_forest.jpg"></center>'
 		minut += 60
 		milprorand = rand(0, 10)
@@ -54,6 +59,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'san0':
     $location_type = 'event'
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'soldier', rand(18,30)
@@ -73,6 +79,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'san1':
     $location_type = 'event'
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'army doctor', rand(22,32)
@@ -92,6 +99,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'pro0':
     $location_type = 'event'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'You met two soldiers whom ask you to help them out with a war game, in the role of a captive spy.'
@@ -120,6 +128,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'pro1':
     $location_type = 'event'
+	menu_off = 1
 	'You notice that a guy follows you for several minutes.'
@@ -166,6 +175,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'rape':
 	gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'rapist', rand(18,30)
 	gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
+	menu_off = 1
 	rape += 1

+ 12 - 9

@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 # Mirafather
+$menu_loc = 'Mirafather'
+$menu_arg = ''
+menu_off = 0
 gs 'boystat', 'A64'
 harakBoy = 1
 tempday = (npc_dob['A64'] mod 100)
@@ -14,11 +17,15 @@ gs 'stat'
 if npc_QW['A64'] < 10:'<center><b><font color = maroon>Father Miroslava</font></b></center>'
 if npc_QW['A64'] >= 10:'<center><b><font color = maroon>Afanasiy</font></b></center>'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/mirafather.jpg"></center>'
-'Mira''s father, <<boyage>> years old. After his wife died, he drank heavily and looks much older than is actually is, still he is in good shape for a man his age.'
+'Mira''s father, <<boyage>> years old. After his wife died, he drank heavily and looks much older than he actually is. He is still in good shape for a man his age.'
+act 'Leave':gt 'miroslavahome', 'start'
 if MiraFather ! daystart:
 	MiraFather = daystart
 	act 'Greet':
+		menu_off = 1
 		*clr & cla
 		if npc_QW['A64'] < 10:npc_QW['A64'] += 1
 		minut += 2
@@ -26,7 +33,7 @@ if MiraFather ! daystart:
 		act 'Leave': gt 'miroslavahome', 'start'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/mirafather.jpg"></center>'
-		'You are greeted with Mira''s father and politely inquire about his health.  He responds with a smile and says,"All is well, little lady"'
+		'You are greeted by Mira''s father and politely inquire about his health.  He responds with a smile and says,"All is well, little lady."'
 		if npc_QW['A64'] >= 10:
 			act 'Chat':
@@ -99,7 +106,7 @@ if MiraFather ! daystart:
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/mirafather.jpg"></center>'
 						if temp_mf < 5:
-							'You expressly wink at Afanasiy and he understands your meaning.  Looking about for noicy nieghbors, he quickly waves for you to enter the house.'
+							'You expressly wink at Afanasiy and he understands your meaning.  Looking about for nosy neighbors, he quickly waves for you to enter the house.'
 							gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5
 							gs 'stat'
@@ -185,12 +192,8 @@ if MiraFather ! daystart:
 				act 'Leave': gt 'miroslavahome', 'start'
-	end
-	act 'Leave':gt 'miroslavahome', 'start'
+	end	
-act 'Leave': gt 'miroslavahome', 'start'
 --- Mirafather ---------------------------------

Diferenças do arquivo suprimidas por serem muito extensas
+ 430 - 438

+ 63 - 52

@@ -1,18 +1,23 @@
 # MiroslavaHome
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	$metka = $ARGS[0]
-	$loc = $CURLOC
+	$loc = 'MiroslavaHome'
+	$metka = 'start'
 	$location_type = 'public_outdoors'
+	$menu_loc = 'MiroslavaHome'
+	$menu_arg = 'start'
+	menu_off = 0
 	*clr & cla
 	minut += 5
 	mira_temp = rand(0,15)
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><h2>Gadukino Village</h2></center>'
 	'<center><b>Mira''s Yard</b></center>'
-	!!MiaLoc tells us where Mira is Located
+	!!MiraLoc tells us where Mira is Located
 	!!MiraLoc = 0 (Mira at home)
 	!!MiraLoc = 1 (Mira at river)
@@ -22,32 +27,35 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	!!MiraLoc = 5 (Mira with gop)
+	act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
 	if hour >= 8 and hour <= 22:
 		if Mira_no > 0 and mirafathertalk = 0 and miraday ! daystart:
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/mirafather.jpg"></center>'
 			'You are passing Mira''s house when you see Mira''s father headed in your direction.'
-			'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, wait.  I need to speak with you," he says coming closer to you.'
+			'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, wait. I need to speak with you," he says coming closer to you.'
 			'You stop and look at him frightfully. "Did Mira tell him what I made her do?" you think as panicked thoughts race through your head.'
 			'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, do you know what happened to Mira?" Afanasiy asks, looking you in the eye.'
-			'"N-no, what happened to her?"  you ask in a confused voice, expecting him to start shouting any second.'
-			'"I don''t know.  She is just sitting at home all the time.  She doesn''t leave the yard, I''m concerned." Mira''s father answers.'
-			'"Oh, ah...I don''t know," you say, trying to make it sound believable and make your eyes look innocent.  "Maybe she was by hurt some local boy, or had a fight with someone..."'
-			'"Okay, I think it will pass...soon I hope.  But, I want you come and visit us, I think your company would do Mira a lot of good. It might bring her out of this funk faster." Mira''s father says good-bye, and leaves to resume working around his house.'
-			'"Close call,"  you think as you watch his retreating back and exhale with relief.'
+			'"N-no, what happened to her?" you ask in a confused voice, expecting him to start shouting any second.'
+			'"I don''t know. She is just sitting at home all the time. She doesn''t leave the yard, I''m concerned." Mira''s father answers.'
+			'"Oh, ah...I don''t know," you say, trying to make it sound believable and make your eyes look innocent. "Maybe she was by hurt some local boy, or had a fight with someone..."'
+			'"Okay, I think it will pass...soon I hope. But, I want you come and visit us, I think your company would do Mira a lot of good. It might bring her out of this funk faster." Mira''s father says good-bye, and leaves to resume working around his house.'
+			'"Close call," you think as you watch his retreating back and exhale with relief.'
 			MiraLoc = 0
 			minut += 10
 			mirafathertalk = 1
-			act 'Further':gt 'miroslavahome', 'start'
+			act 'Continue':gt 'miroslavahome', 'start'
 		elseif temper >= 15 and sunWeather = 1 and npc_QW['A60'] = 7 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 18:
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/miraqw7.jpg"></center>'
-			'Entering the courtyard, you notice Miroslav, working in the garden.  She is bent over and, to your amazement, you see her bare naked crotch...'
+			'Entering the courtyard, you notice Mira, working in the garden. She is bent over and, to your amazement, you see her bare naked crotch...'
 			MiraLoc = 0
-			act 'Approach it':
+			act 'You approach slowly':
+				menu_off = 1
 				*clr & cla
 				gs 'Miroslava', 'miraclothes'
 				'You quietly sneak up to her, but she notices you and turns around, immediately blushing rapidly. You a couple seconds of silently staring at her, and then unceremoniously asked why she without panties. Miroslav took the eye, with rumpled feet and legs, explaining that it turned out very hot, so she... You remind her about the second wish and ask to sit down. Miroslav reluctantly agrees, and when he sits down, you tell her, she`ll show you the crotch, you bad considered. The girl mumbles something unintelligible, but then for half a minute lifts up her skirt and gives you a good look at my crotch.'
@@ -58,20 +66,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 				act 'Watch':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/mirawish2.jpg"></center>'
-					'You enjoy the view, then you comes to mind crazy idea, and you decide to make a second wish. Mira Sadly said that you thought this was your second wish, but you answer that just could not resist, after which the speaks her to go for you.'
+					'You enjoy the view, then you have a crazy idea, and you decide to make a second wish. Mira sadly said that she thought this was your second wish, but you answer that you just could not resist, after which you ask her to follow you.'
 					pcs_horny += 15
 					minut += 15
 					gs 'stat'
-					act 'Go out on the road':
+					act 'Lead her to the road':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/mirawish2_1.jpg"></center>'
-						'Out on the road you say Miroslava, so she posed as a prostitute, this will be the second wish. Mira sadly nods her head, looks around and seeing that the street was quiet, fulfills your desire...'
+						'You lead her out to the main road. You tell Mira, that she is to pose as a prostitute and attempt to get a customer or two. This is your second wish. You want Mira to become a prostitute and fulfill the desires of anyone who asks for her services. Mira looks shocked but nods that she will do it, Mira looks around the area and seeing no one else watching begins to pose by the roadside for passing cars...'
 						minut += 15
 						npc_QW['A60'] = 8
 						gs 'stat'
-						act 'Go':gt'gadukino'
+						act 'Go back to the village':gt'gadukino'
@@ -94,24 +102,26 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 				'Near the house <a href="exec: gt ''mirafather'' ">Afanasiy</a> is working.'
-			if month >= 5 and month <= 9 and hour >= 18 and hour <= 21 and RAND(0,30) >= 30:'You hear a motorcycle in the village.  <a href="exec: gt ''miroslavahome'', ''mirabrother''">Miras brother</a> has come in from the city to visit his siblings and father.'
+			if month >= 5 and month <= 9 and hour >= 18 and hour <= 21 and rand(0,30) >= 28:'You hear a motorcycle in the village. <a href="exec: gt ''miroslavahome'', ''mirabrother''">Miras brother</a> has come in from the city to visit his siblings and father.'
 			if MiraLoc > 0 and npc_QW['A60'] > 30:
 				act 'Check on Mira':
+					menu_off = 1
 					*clr & cla
 					minut += 2
 					gs 'stat'
 					'Mira isn''t home.'
 					if miraprost > 0 and month >= 5 and month <= 9 and hour >= 18 and hour >= 0 and rand(0,5) >= 4:
-						' You think you know where to find her. Ever since granting your second wish Mira has been earning money as a prostitute on the highway '
-						act 'go to the highway': gt 'gadprostitutes','start'
+						'You think you know where to find her. Ever since granting your second wish Mira has been earning money as a prostitute on the highway.'
+						act 'Go to the highway': gt 'gadprostitutes','start'
-						'She definitely isn''t around here, and you have no idea where she might be. Maybe you should ask her father, or go look around town'
+						'She definitely isn''t around here, and you have no idea where she might be. Maybe you should ask her father, or go look around town.'
 					act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
 			act 'Ask for Mira':
+				menu_off = 1
 				if mira_temp >= 10 and sunWeather = 1 and temper >= 15 and hour < 20 and Mira_no = 0:
 					*clr & cla
 					minut += 2
@@ -121,7 +131,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/mirafather.jpg"></center>'
 					'Mira''s father tells you that she''s not home, she is over at the river.'
-					act 'Go to river':gt 'gadriver','start'
+					act 'Leave':gt 'Gadukino'
+					act 'Go to the river':gt 'gadriver','start'
 				elseif mira_temp >= 10 and sunWeather = 0 and hour < 20 and MiraLoc ! 0 and Mira_no = 0:
 					*clr & cla
 					minut += 2
@@ -139,17 +150,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/mirahome.jpg"></center>'
-		if hour > 22 or hour < 3: 'It''s late, most of Mira''s family is asleep, no need to wake people up unnecessarily.' else 'It''s too early, most of Mira''s family is still asleep, no need to wake people up unnecessarily.'
+		if hour > 22 or hour < 3: 'It''s too late, most of Mira''s family is asleep, no need to wake them up unnecessarily.' else 'It''s too early, most of Mira''s family is still asleep, no need to wake them up unnecessarily.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
-	act 'Leave': gt 'gadukino'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'mirabrother':
 	*clr & cla
 	minut += 2
+	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/mirabrother.jpg"></center>'
@@ -161,21 +170,25 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'mirabrother':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/mirabrother.jpg"></center>'
 		'You ask Mira''s brother for a ride on his motorcycle.'
-		if hotcat < 7:
+		if hotcat < 5:
 			if npc_rel['A60'] > 20:
-				'He looks you up and down appraisingly and tells you, some other time.'
+				'He looks you up and down checking you out and says, "Some other time."'
-				'He gazes at you a couple of seconds, and then asks, "Who are you anyway again?"'
+				'He gazes at you a couple of seconds, and then asks, "Who are you again?"'
-				act 'Walk away': gt 'gadukino'
+			act 'Walk away': gt 'MiroslavaHome', 'start'
 			if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
-				'"No problem", he says to you while looking you up and down with strange glent in his eyes. "But my bike, well he only allows girls without panties to ride on his back and there''s nothing I can do about it, this bike is a little devil"'
-				act 'You look shocked and walk away.': gt 'gadukino'
+				'"No problem", he says to you while looking you up and down with a strange glint in his eyes. "But my bike, well he only allows girls without panties to ride on his back and there''s nothing I can do about it, this bike is a little devil"'
+				act 'Remove panties':
+					gs 'underwear', 'remove'
+					'You really want a ride on his motorcycle, and quickly slide them down your legs and stuff them in your pocket.'
+					gt 'MiroslavaHome', 'mirabrother'
+				end
+				act 'You look at him in disgust and walk away.': gt 'MiroslavaHome', 'start'
-				'"No problem", he says to you, and then adds with a mischievous smile.  "But first, sit down on him, he''ll check to make sure he likes you.  He is fussy sombitch."'
+				'"No problem", he says to you, and then adds with a mischievous smile. "But first, sit down on him, he''ll check to make sure he likes you. He is fussy son of a bitch."'
 				act 'Get on the bike':
 					*clr & cla
 					pcs_horny += 10
@@ -183,10 +196,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'mirabrother':
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/mira/mirabromoto.jpg"></center>'
-					'You quickly swing your leg up and over the iron horse, you plop your ass down on the motorcycles padded seat and grab the handlebars.  Mira''s brother, with a satisfied smile, never takes his eyes off your crotch.  You wiggle your ass on the seat a little giving him a great view of your naked pussy.'
-					'"Fine", he say still smiling, "Just fine!  You have an awesome pussy, and I''m sure my friend," and he slaps the gas tank,"is looking forward to having you ride on him. You know what I mean, yes?"  You give him a wicked grin and nod.  "We''ll give you a ride to remember, and then you can give me a ride to remember..."  You just continue to nod.'
+					'You quickly swing your leg up and over the motorcycle, plop your ass down on the padded seat and grab the handlebars. Mira''s brother, with a satisfied smile, never takes his eyes off your crotch. You wiggle your ass on the seat a little giving him a great view of your naked pussy.'
+					'"Fine", he say still smiling, "Just fine! You have an awesome pussy, and I''m sure my friend," and he slaps the gas tank,"is looking forward to having you ride on him. You know what I mean, yes?" You give him a wicked grin and nod. "We''ll give you a ride to remember, and then you can give me a ride to remember..." You just continue to nod.'
 					act 'Hell yes, you agree...':
 						*clr & cla
@@ -208,7 +219,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'mirabrother':
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/mira/mirabromoto1.jpg"></center>'
-							'You slide your as back to allow him room to mount the motorcycle.  He grabs his helmet from the handlebars and slams it down on his head.'
+							'You slide your ass back to allow him room to mount the motorcycle. He grabs his helmet from the handlebars and slams it down on his head.'
 							act 'Wrap your arms around his waist...':
@@ -219,7 +230,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'mirabrother':
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/mira/mirabromoto2.jpg"></center>'
-								'He guns the engine, which roars and then sets out at furious pace.  The rear wheel burns rubber and smokes a little as he rides you down the highway, after a few miles he does a U-turn and heads back towards Gadyukino and does not stop in the village.'
+								'He guns the engine, which roars and then sets out at furious pace. The rear wheel burns rubber and smokes a little as he rides you down the highway, after a few miles he does a U-turn and heads back towards Gadukino and does not stop in the village.'
 								act 'One ride ends and another begins...':
@@ -229,7 +240,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'mirabrother':
 									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/mira/mirabromoto3.jpg"></center>'
-									'He rolls down a higway another mile he pulls the motorcycle off the main road onto a little side track and parks a couple hundred meters off the road. He jumps off the bike, pulling off his helmet, and turns to you with a "devil may care" attitude.	He pulls the helmet of your head and drops it to the ground.  He turns you around and begins to paw your crotch and tits...'
+									'He rolls down the highway another mile before pulling off onto a little side track and parks a couple hundred meters off the road. He jumps off the bike, pulling off his helmet, and turns to you with a "devil may care" attitude. He pulls the helmet of your head and drops it to the ground. He turns you around and begins to feel your bare pussy...'
 									act 'Stand':
 										*clr & cla
@@ -238,26 +249,27 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'mirabrother':
 										gs 'stat'
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/mira/mirabromoto4.jpg"></center>'
-										'You, bearing in mind the deal, obediently stand, while his hands imperiously crumple your Breasts and stroking the crotch.'
+										'You, bearing in mind the deal, obediently stand, while his hands knead your breasts and stroke your crotch.'
-										act 'Stand':
+										act 'Try to enjoy his touch':
 											*clr & cla
 											pcs_horny += RAND(5,15)
 											minut += 2
 											gs 'stat'
 											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/mira/mirabromoto5.jpg"></center>'
-											'You feel, as his hand rubs your crotch, fingering labia. A minute later a guy turns you on yourself, and persistently puts pressure on the shoulders...'
+											'You feel, as his hand rubs your crotch, fingering your labia. A minute later he turns you around and press down on your shoulders...'
-											act 'To squat':
+											act 'Squat':
 												*clr & cla
 												pcs_horny += RAND(5,15)
 												minut += 2
 												gs 'stat'
 												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/mira/mirabromoto6.jpg"></center>'
-												'You obediently sit down in front of him on his haunches and unzip his pants. Opened them together with cowards, you see right in front of my face on his swelling member...'
+												'You obediently sit down in front of him on your knees and unzip his pants. His quickly growing member pops out right in front of your face...'
 												act 'Suck':
 													*clr & cla
 													pcs_horny += RAND(10,20)
@@ -265,7 +277,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'mirabrother':
 													gs 'stat'
 													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/mira/mirabromoto7.jpg"></center>'
-													'You have a few seconds, transfixed, watching, as he grows in power, and then, mouth wide open, gently absorb it into himself and then release, then take in hand and begin to suck on it and at the same time nadrachivat hand.'
+													'You stare for a few seconds, transfixed, as he grows larger and larger. You take his dick in your mouth and begin to suck on it and at the same time caressing his balls with your hands.'
 													act 'Swallow':
 														*clr & cla
@@ -279,9 +291,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'mirabrother':
 														if mirabrosextime = 0:mirabrosextime = 1 & guy += 1
 														gs 'stat'
 														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/sex/mira/mirabromoto8.jpg"></center>'
-														'After a couple of minutes you in the mouth strikes unexpectedly warm sticky cum and you quickly begin to swallow. Miroslava brother for another minute stands, blissfully closed his eyes, while you are sucking his cock, and then zips up pants, sits on a motorcycle and drives away...'
+														'After a couple of minutes you feel his warm sticky cum hit the back of your throat and being to swallow it all down. Mira''s brother stands still for a minute, his eyes closed in bliss. Finally he takes his cock out of your mouth, zips up pants, sits on a motorcycle and drives you back to the village...'
-														act 'Going home': gt 'Gadhouse'
+														act 'Go back to your grandparents house': gt 'Gadhouse'
@@ -299,6 +311,5 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'mirabrother':
 --- MiroslavaHome ---------------------------------

+ 6 - 4

@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Start':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'NPCLoop':
-	*clr
-	clr
-	cla
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h2>Cheat Menu - NPC Editor</h2></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
 	if n = 0:
 	n = 1
@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'NPCLoop':
 	*p '<a href="exec:gt ''NPCChanger'', ''selection'' ">Select an NPC to modify</a>'
 	*nl '*** THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS ***'
-	act 'Done':gt $loc
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'next10':
 	o += 10

+ 3 - 0

@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 # NatBelGo
+menu_off = 1
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$npc_firstname[''A16'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A16'']>></font></b></center>'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/16.jpg"></center>'

+ 45 - 44

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # NatBelHome
 $location_type = 'indoors'
+menu_off = 1
 if BeInNatBelHome = 0:BeInNatBelHome = 1
@@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ elseif lernHome = 0:
 		elseif natotrab > 0 and NatDolg > 0:
-			'Natasha still doesn''t  have the <<NatDolg>> <b>₽</b>.'
+			'Natasha still doesn''t have the <<NatDolg>> <b>₽</b>.'
 			act 'On your knees! Open your mouth!':
@@ -376,16 +377,16 @@ elseif lernHome = 0:
 										natcp += 1
 										'You let her pull away from your brother, but it appears Kolka was really close, and before anyone could do anything, your brother pumps his seed in Natasha''s body.'
 										'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natasha/sex/natcp.mp4"></video></center>'
-										'"Fuck, I really am sorry, Nat!", he says apologetically. "It is just, you are so hot!"'
+										'"Fuck, I really am sorry, Natasha!", he says apologetically. "It is just, you are so hot!"'
 										'Natalia doesn''t even listen to him, just looks at you with a strange expression on her face. You can''t really decide whether she is scared that Kolka came in her pussy, or enjoyed it. Maybe both at the same time?'
-										'You quitely signal your brother to dress up and leave while you kiss her deeply. "I hope you enjoyed it, pet. We may repeat it."'
+										'You quietly signal your brother to dress up and leave while you kiss her deeply. "I hope you enjoyed it, pet. We may repeat it."'
 										if rand(1,100) >= 95 and natpregday = 0:natpregday = daystart
 										'You let her pull away from your brother, so that you brother''s dick slips out of her just in time. His seed sprays Natasha''s ass, back and hair, and it even reaches your face and hair.'
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natasha/sex/natkolfacial.jpg"></center>'
 										'"Nice shot, bro!", you say laughing, wiping his seed away from your eyelid. "That was quite the distance!"'
 										'"That was close," whispers Nat, with a strange look in her face. You actually can''t decide whether she is relieved or disappointed that Kolka didn''t cum in her pussy.'
-										'You quitely signal your brother to dress up and leave while you kiss her deeply. "I hope you enjoyed it, pet. We may repeat it."'
+										'You quietly signal your brother to dress up and leave while you kiss her deeply. "I hope you enjoyed it, pet. We may repeat it."'
 										gs 'boyStat', 'A34'
 										spafinloc = 11
 										sexpartkno = 1
@@ -475,48 +476,48 @@ elseif lernHome = 0:
 if pregTalkNat = 0 and kid = 0:
-    if natpregday > 0 and (daystart-natpregday) > 84 and (daystart-natpregday) < 200 and pregtime >= 90:
-        cls
-        gs 'stat'
-        '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, are you pregnant, too? Well, I guess I don''t have to worry about being the only pregnant girl at school," she giggles.'
-        act 'Next':gt 'NatBelhome', 'natknows'
-    elseif natpregday > 0 and (daystart-natpregday) > 84 and (daystart-natpregday) < 200 and knowpreg = 1 and pregtime > 0 and pregtime < 90:
-        act 'Tell her you''re pregnant':
-           cls
-           '"If you were worried about being the only pregnant girl at school, that won''t be a problem anymore." You smirk while rubbing your midriff. "It looks like I got myself knocked up as well."'
-           'Natasha smiles at you excitedly. "Really? Congratulations!"'
-            *nl
-            act 'Next':gt 'NatBelhome', 'natknows'
-        end
-    elseif pregtime > 0 and knowpreg = 1 and natsub = 0 and (daystart-natpregday) < 84:
-        act 'Tell her you''re pregnant':
+	if natpregday > 0 and (daystart-natpregday) > 84 and (daystart-natpregday) < 200 and pregtime >= 90:
+		cls
+		gs 'stat'
+		'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, are you pregnant, too? Well, I guess I don''t have to worry about being the only pregnant girl at school," she giggles.'
+		act 'Next':gt 'NatBelhome', 'natknows'
+	elseif natpregday > 0 and (daystart-natpregday) > 84 and (daystart-natpregday) < 200 and knowpreg = 1 and pregtime > 0 and pregtime < 90:
+		act 'Tell her you''re pregnant':
+			cls
+			'"If you were worried about being the only pregnant girl at school, that won''t be a problem anymore." You smirk while rubbing your midriff. "It looks like I got myself knocked up as well."'
+			'Natasha smiles at you excitedly. "Really? Congratulations!"'
+			*nl
+			act 'Next':gt 'NatBelhome', 'natknows'
+		end
+	elseif pregtime > 0 and knowpreg = 1 and natsub = 0 and (daystart-natpregday) < 84:
+		act 'Tell her you''re pregnant':
-            *nl
-            '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re," she pauses momentarily before continuing in a tone of shock mixed with disgust, "pregnant? Have you been sleeping around? This will definitely impact your studies."'
+			*nl
+			'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re," she pauses momentarily before continuing in a tone of shock mixed with disgust, "pregnant? Have you been sleeping around? This will definitely impact your studies."'
 			act 'Continue' :gt 'NatBelhome'
-            pregTalkNat = 1
-        end
-    elseif pregtime > 0 and knowpreg = 1 and natsub > 0 and (daystart-natpregday) < 84:
-        act 'Tell her you''re pregnant':
-            cla
-            *nl
-            '"You''re pregnant? Who''s the father?"'
-            *nl
-            if $wombthfath = '':
-               '"Honestly, I don''t even know."'
-               '"Really? That''s crazy." Natasha whispers, rubbing her midriff longingly.'
-               act 'Continue' :gt 'NatBelhome'
-               pregTalkNat = 1
-            else
-               'You tell her that <<$wombthfath>> is the father and then give her brief details as to how you got pregnant, without getting too explicit.'
-               *nl
-               '"Really? That''s crazy." Natasha whispers, rubbing her midriff longingly.'
-               act 'Continue' :gt 'NatBelhome'
-               pregTalkNat = 1
-            end
-        end
-    end
+			pregTalkNat = 1
+		end
+	elseif pregtime > 0 and knowpreg = 1 and natsub > 0 and (daystart-natpregday) < 84:
+		act 'Tell her you''re pregnant':
+			cla
+			*nl
+			'"You''re pregnant? Who''s the father?"'
+			*nl
+			if $wombthfath = '':
+				'"Honestly, I don''t even know."'
+				'"Really? That''s crazy." Natasha whispers, rubbing her midriff longingly.'
+				act 'Continue' :gt 'NatBelhome'
+				pregTalkNat = 1
+			else
+				'You tell her that <<$wombthfath>> is the father and then give her brief details as to how you got pregnant, without getting too explicit.'
+				*nl
+				'"Really? That''s crazy." Natasha whispers, rubbing her midriff longingly.'
+				act 'Continue' :gt 'NatBelhome'
+				pregTalkNat = 1
+			end
+		end
+	end
 if pregTalkNat = 0 and kid > 0:

+ 1 - 3

@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
 # NatBelVhod
+menu_off = 1
 if BeInNatBelHome = 0:BeInNatBelHome = 1

+ 20 - 21

@@ -4,17 +4,12 @@ $location_type = 'event'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	$metka = 'start'
 	$loc = 'NewCloShop'
+	$menu_loc = 'NewCloShop'
+	$menu_arg = 'start'
+	menu_off = 0
 	gs 'stat'
-	if night_mode = 1:
-		fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	else
-		fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
-		bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
-		lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	end
+	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Fashionista</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/fashionista/fashinista.jpg"</center>'
 	'This shop features many big name brands and designer clothing. Even their bags look cool.'
@@ -25,19 +20,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		gt 'torgcentr'
-	act 'View Clothing': minut += 1 & gt 'NewCloShop', 'clothes'
+	act 'View clothing': minut += 5 & gt 'NewCloShop', 'clothes'
-	act 'View panties': minut += 1 & gt 'NewCloShop', 'panties'
+	act 'View panties': minut += 5 & gt 'NewCloShop', 'panties'
-	act 'View bras': minut += 1 & gt 'NewCloShop', 'bras'
+	act 'View bras': minut += 5 & gt 'NewCloShop', 'bras'
-	act 'View purses': minut += 1 & gt 'NewCloShop', 'purses'
+	act 'View purses': minut += 5 & gt 'NewCloShop', 'purses'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'clothes':
 	$metka = 'clothes'
 	$loc = 'NewCloShop'
-	cls
+	menu_off = 1
+	*clr & cla
 	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Viewing Fashionista clothing</font></b></center>'
@@ -46,7 +42,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'clothes':
 	act 'Return':
-		minut += 5
+		minut += 1
 		gt 'NewCloShop', 'start'
@@ -79,12 +75,13 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'panties':
 	$metka = 'panties'
 	$loc = 'NewCloShop'
-	cls
+	menu_off = 1
+	*clr & cla
 	act 'Return':
-		minut += 5
+		minut += 1
 		gt 'NewCloShop', 'start'
@@ -111,12 +108,13 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'bras':
 	$metka = 'bras'
 	$loc = 'NewCloShop'
-	cls
+	menu_off = 1
+	*clr & cla
 	act 'Return':
-		minut += 5
+		minut += 1
 		gt 'NewCloShop', 'start'
@@ -142,12 +140,13 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'purses':
 	$metka = 'purses'
 	$loc = 'NewCloShop'
-	cls
+	menu_off = 1
+	*clr & cla
 	act 'Return':
-		minut += 5
+		minut += 1
 		gt 'NewCloShop', 'start'

+ 18 - 16

@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # NikoDates
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 1_1':
+menu_off = 1
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Date 1_1':
 	NikoDate_Day = daystart
 	minut += 5
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 1_1':
 							minut += 5
 							'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/charmer1.jpg"></center>'
-							'You downcast your eyes; feeling more bashful, as Niko approaches you; moving his face one inch from yours. "So, May I?" You finally get up the courage to tell him, "You...You may.." Niko gives you a warm smile, as he leans forward, pressing his lips against yours; sharing a very gently but firm kiss. After you both finish kissing, you look up to Niko, and see a very pleased smile on his face. "You are so beautiful <<$pcs_firstname>>, and your lips are as soft as silk; So perfect." You can feel your face quickly growing flushed, as you turn your head; trying to hide how red it is. Niko chuckles lightly, "We''re not done yet. Let''s go to the boxing game next."'
+							'You downcast your eyes; feeling more bashful, as Niko approaches you; moving his face one inch from yours. "So, May I?" You finally get up the courage to tell him, "You... You may..." Niko gives you a warm smile, as he leans forward, pressing his lips against yours; sharing a very gently but firm kiss. After you both finish kissing, you look up to Niko, and see a very pleased smile on his face. "You are so beautiful <<$pcs_firstname>>, and your lips are as soft as silk; So perfect." You can feel your face quickly growing flushed, as you turn your head; trying to hide how red it is. Niko chuckles lightly, "We''re not done yet. Let''s go to the boxing game next."'
 							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/kiss1.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 1_1':
 						minut += 5
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/sad2.jpg"></center>'
-						'You and Niko grab a plastic gun then begin shooting the bottles, as quickly, and efficiently, as possible. After a few minutes, the scores get tallied up, and...You won. The man hosting the event, hands you a plastic gnome. Niko looks at the score, a little shocked, as he scratches the back of his head. "I guess... You won. So what do you desire for your prize?" Niko moves his face closer to yours.'
+						'You and Niko grab a plastic gun then begin shooting the bottles, as quickly, and efficiently, as possible. After a few minutes, the scores get tallied up, and... You won. The man hosting the event, hands you a plastic gnome. Niko looks at the score, a little shocked, as he scratches the back of his head. "I guess... You won. So what do you desire for your prize?" Niko moves his face closer to yours.'
 						'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/charmer1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 1_1':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Stranger Danger':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Stranger Danger':
 	minut += 5
@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Stranger Danger':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 1_2':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Date 1_2':
 	minut += 5
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A189'
@@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 1_2':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Home 1':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Home 1':
 	NikoEv = 3
 	minut += 30
@@ -257,7 +259,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Home 1':
 	act 'Walk toward the city':gt 'pavResidential'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Home Sad':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Home Sad':
 	minut += 20
@@ -269,7 +271,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Home Sad':
 	act 'Walk toward the city':gt 'pavResidential'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 2':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Date 2':
 	NikoDate_Day = daystart
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A189'
@@ -353,7 +355,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 2':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 2_2':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Date 2_2':
 	NikoDate_Day = daystart
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A189'
@@ -392,7 +394,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 2_2':
 				minut += 5
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/dates/2/d2.jpg"></center>'
-				'Niko climbs off of the burly man then turns to  you, and asks, "Are you okay, he didn''t hurt you did he?" You quickly hug Niko then reply, "I''m fine. Thank you Niko. I feel so safe with you." You then kiss Niko''s neck, as he leads you back toward the bar, for a few drinks. While drinking with Niko, you can''t help but think to yourself: <font color=#FF00FF>What if that big guy gets up then comes back for revenge? Should we just leave?</font> Niko hands you another drink when you see the restroom door open, and the burly man steps out then brush off the dirt from his jacket before casually leaving the bar, not even looking back.'
+				'Niko climbs off of the burly man then turns to you, and asks, "Are you okay, he didn''t hurt you did he?" You quickly hug Niko then reply, "I''m fine. Thank you Niko. I feel so safe with you." You then kiss Niko''s neck, as he leads you back toward the bar, for a few drinks. While drinking with Niko, you can''t help but think to yourself: <font color=#FF00FF>What if that big guy gets up then comes back for revenge? Should we just leave?</font> Niko hands you another drink when you see the restroom door open, and the burly man steps out then brush off the dirt from his jacket before casually leaving the bar, not even looking back.'
 				'<font color=#FF00FF>He... He wasn''t mad? I thought that he would want revenge. That is so strange.</font> You try to focus on what Niko is saying, as he chats about various topics with you.'
@@ -415,7 +417,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 2_2':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Date Rape':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Date Rape':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A189'
 	minut += 5
@@ -484,7 +486,7 @@ if NikoVolkovQW = 5 and NikoEv = 4 and NikoDate = 0:
 	'You, and Niko walk out of the cafeteria then Niko leans against the wall, and pulls you toward him, gently kissing your lips before whispering in your ear, "" '
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Cafeteria':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Cafeteria':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A189'
 	NikoDate = 1
@@ -513,7 +515,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Cafeteria':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 3':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Date 3':
 	NikoDate_Day = daystart
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A189'
@@ -632,7 +634,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Date 3':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Home':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Home':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A189'
 	minut += 5
@@ -1471,7 +1473,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
 												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/fedor.jpg"></center>'
 												'You run to Fedor then jump into his arms, as he stares into your eyes, "Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>>. I will keep you safe." Vitek shouts, "Hey, she is ours, give her back." Fedor stands his ground, "No, she is mine!" Vitek walks up to his face, "What did you say punk?" Dan adds, "Hey, I''m sure Fedor misunderstands what''s going on, let me explain. <<$pcs_firstname>> has been a very naughty girl who has been fucking many other students." Fedor responds, "Bullshit! I know <<$pcs_firstname>>, and she''s better than that." Dan responds, "Ohh really? Watch this, and decide for yourself."'
-												'Dan shows Fedor the video of you sucking off Niko then confessing your love to him. Fedor''s face grows red with anger. "You..You bitch! How could you just use me like that?" You lower your head, "I..." You can''t collect your words. Fedor grabs the back of your neck then pushes you toward Vitek who catches you, "Have fun with her. I don''t want her anymore." Dan pats Fedor on the back, as he responds, "Why don''t you join us? We were just about to show her off to everyone else." Fedor nods then you all head into the cafeteria.'
+												'Dan shows Fedor the video of you sucking off Niko then confessing your love to him. Fedor''s face grows red with anger. "You... You bitch! How could you just use me like that?" You lower your head, "I..." You can''t collect your words. Fedor grabs the back of your neck then pushes you toward Vitek who catches you, "Have fun with her. I don''t want her anymore." Dan pats Fedor on the back, as he responds, "Why don''t you join us? We were just about to show her off to everyone else." Fedor nods then you all head into the cafeteria.'
 												'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/fedorangry.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1491,7 +1493,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Exposed':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Exposed':
 	if grupTipe = 1:VKGroup = 1 & grupTipe = 5
 	if grupTipe = 2:VKGroup = 2 & grupTipe = 5

+ 5 - 3

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # NikoDreams
+menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] =  'Family':
 	pcs_hairbsh = 0
@@ -9,7 +11,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Family':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Anya <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/progulka.jpg"></center>'
-	'You feel hands, patting your leg. You open your eyes to see Anya kneeling next to you. "<<$pcs_firstname>> are you alright? It looks like you were having a bad dream." You quickly look around and realize that you are in your bedroom. Anya stands up then says, "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>, everyone is waiting for us." You tilt your head as you reply, "Who''s waiting for us?" Anya responds, "You know, Mom, Dad, Kolka. Have you hit your head your something? Come on you know that we can''t eat breakfast without you." Anya takes your hand then leads you to the kitchen.'
+	'You feel hands, patting your leg. You open your eyes to see Anya kneeling next to you. "<<$pcs_firstname>> are you alright? It looks like you were having a bad dream." You quickly look around and realize that you are in your bedroom. Anya stands up then says, "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>, everyone is waiting for us." You tilt your head as you reply, "Who''s waiting for us?" Anya responds, "You know, <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>>, Dad, Kolka. Have you hit your head your something? Come on you know that we can''t eat breakfast without you." Anya takes your hand then leads you to the kitchen.'
 	act 'Enter kitchen':
@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Family':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
-			'Your mother suddenly exclaims, "HEY! No eating until your brother gets here!" You look and see your stepfather whispering in Kolka''s ear, but stopping as soon as you face them. You point to Kolka as you say, "Mom, Kolka is right there." Your mother crosses her arms as she replies, "I''m not talking about Kolka." She then walks back to the kitchen as Your brother and stepfather continue cackling while whispering into each others ears. You look around in confusion until you hear light moaning nearby. You then peek over the kitchen doorway to see your mother bent over the stove with a dark burly figure pressing against her bottom. You suddenly feel someone''s hand on one of your breasts.'
+			'Your mother suddenly exclaims, "HEY! No eating until your brother gets here!" You look and see your stepfather whispering in Kolka''s ear, but stopping as soon as you face them. You point to Kolka as you say, "<<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>>, Kolka is right there." Your mother crosses her arms as she replies, "I''m not talking about Kolka." She then walks back to the kitchen as Your brother and stepfather continue cackling while whispering into each others ears. You look around in confusion until you hear light moaning nearby. You then peek over the kitchen doorway to see your mother bent over the stove with a dark burly figure pressing against her bottom. You suddenly feel someone''s hand on one of your breasts.'
 			act 'Turn around':
@@ -413,7 +415,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Friends':
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/cum/cum3.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'Lesko groans then begin pumping his cum inside of you. You look down to see an almost endless stream of cum filling you up, causing your belly to inflate. Suddenly Anya grabs you by your hair then leads you to the door, as she says, "<<$pcs_firstname>> Mom needs to speak with you."'
+					'Lesko groans then begin pumping his cum inside of you. You look down to see an almost endless stream of cum filling you up, causing your belly to inflate. Suddenly Anya grabs you by your hair then leads you to the door, as she says, "<<$pcs_firstname>> <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> needs to speak with you."'
 					'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Anya <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/progulka.jpg"></center>'

+ 5 - 4

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # NikoEv
 !! Nikolai Niko Volkov Romance  numnpc = 61  npc_rel['A189'] !!
+menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Intro':
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lunch Chat':
 	if NikoLuv > -4 and NikoVolkovQW = 0 and NikoPayback = 0:
 		act 'Insult':	
-			npc_rel['A189'] += 5
+			npc_rel['A189'] -= 5
 			NikoLuv -= 1
 			minut += 5
@@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Niko Dates':
 	if fedorkozlovQW >= 10 and NikoVsFedor = 0:
 		gt 'NikoEv', 'Fyodor'
-	elseif KotovloveQW >= 10 and NikoVsVitek = 0:
+	elseif KotovloveQW > 0 and NikoVsVitek = 0:
 		gt 'NikoEv', 'Viktor'
 	elseif dimafilm = 1 and DimaRudeBlock = 0 and NikoVsDimka = 0:
 		gt 'NikoEv', 'Dimka'
@@ -542,7 +543,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Disco Chat':
 	if NikoLuv > -4 and NikoVolkovQW = 0 and  NikoPayback = 0:
 		act 'Insult':	
-			npc_rel['A189'] += 5
+			npc_rel['A189'] -= 5
 			NikoLuv -= 1
 			minut += 5
@@ -636,7 +637,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Disco Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-			'You tell Niko. "I would love to stay, but I need to head home early today, or my mom will freak out." He responds "I know how parents can be, I will always be around, if you even have a few minutes to spare." You give Niko a warm smile, as you wave goodbye.'
+			'You tell Niko. "I would love to stay, but I need to head home early today, or my <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> will freak out." He responds "I know how parents can be, I will always be around, if you even have a few minutes to spare." You give Niko a warm smile, as you wave goodbye.'
 			act 'Step away':gt 'gdkin'

+ 4 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # NikoEv2
+menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] =  'Park':
 	if pav_sex < 230:pav_sex = 250
@@ -868,7 +870,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner 2':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/park/walk1.jpg"></center>'
 		'Niko says, "Excellent, today we a going back to the diner to make a lot of money. We are making great progress, and I would like us to keep it up." You give Niko a nervous smile then he places his hands on your cheeks. "Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>>, I will make sure that the customer only go one, or two at a time. No more group activities, unless you are cool with it." You give Niko a grateful nod, as he takes your hand then leads you toward the diner while you both chat about various topic on the way.'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/BorisDiner/Exterior1.jpg"></center>'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/borisdiner/exterior1.jpg"></center>'
 		act 'Enter diner':
@@ -967,7 +969,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner Slut':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/park/walk1.jpg"></center>'
 		'Niko says, "You''re always making me so proud. Let''s get going." Niko then takes your hand, and leads you toward the diner while you both chat about various topic on the way.'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/BorisDiner/Exterior1.jpg"></center>'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/highway/borisdiner/exterior1.jpg"></center>'
 		act 'Walk to Diner':

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