@ECHO off :: Set those lines to fit your setup. :: This is where glife.qsp will be copied. If you don't want to move it just comment (::) the line below. set CP_TO=..\Game :: This is the program used to open the QSPFILE. If you comment this line windows will launch the default app for the ".qsp" extension. set QSPGUI=QSP\Player-video\qspgui.exe set QGEN=QSP\QGen5\QGen.exe :: The file that will be generated or open set QSPFILE=glife.qsp :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :menu cls echo. echo :: QSP Compiler and Launcher echo. if defined QGEN ( if not exist "%QGEN%" ( echo QGEN : [ERROR] - %QGEN% not found. Using DEFAULT application. set QGEN= ) else ( echo QGEN : [OK] - "%QGEN%") ) else echo QGEN : [NOT DEFINED] - Using DEFAULT application. if defined QSPGUI ( if not exist "%QSPGUI%" ( echo QSP EXEC : [ERROR] - %QSPGUI% not found. set QSPGUI= ) else ( echo QSP EXEC : [OK] - "%QSPGUI%") ) else ( echo QSP EXEC : [NOT DEFINED] - Using Windows DEFAULT.) if defined QSPFILE ( if not exist "%QSPFILE%" ( echo QSP FILE : [WARNING] - %QSPFILE% not found. ) else ( echo QSP FILE : [OK] - "%QSPFILE%") ) else ( echo QSP FILE : [NOT DEFINED] - ERROR: CAN'T CONTINUE.) if defined CP_TO ( if not exist "%CP_TO%" ( echo COPY : [ERROR] - Destination "%CP_TO%" not found. Copy DISABLED. set CP_TO= ) else ( echo COPY : [OK] - "%CP_TO%") ) else ( echo COPY : [DISABLED] ) echo. if defined NOT_FOUND ( echo ERROR: Option '%action%' wasn't recognized. Is it lowercase? set NOT_FOUND= ) echo. echo ACTIONS: (B)uild (R)un (F)ull (Q)Gen (E)xit echo. set /p action=Choose an action: if defined QSPFILE ( if %action% == b goto build if %action% == r goto run if %action% == f goto build if %action% == q goto qgen ) if %action% == e goto exit set NOT_FOUND=1 goto menu :build echo. echo Building ... @ECHO ON python txtmerge.py locations glife.txt txt2gam.exe glife.txt %QSPFILE% > nul @ECHO OFF echo. if defined CP_TO ( echo Copying %QSPFILE% to "%CP_TO%" ... & copy %QSPFILE% %CP_TO% > nul ) echo. echo Done. pause if %action% == f ( goto run ) else ( goto menu ) :qgen echo. echo Running ... if defined CP_TO ( start %QGEN% %CP_TO%\%QSPFILE% ) else ( start %QGEN% %QSPFILE% ) goto exit :run echo. echo Running ... if defined CP_TO ( start %QSPGUI% %CP_TO%\%QSPFILE% ) else ( start %QSPGUI% %QSPFILE% ) :exit