Gnpc 7.0 KB

  1. # Gnpc
  2. !!Guys
  3. GvstreBoyAfter[numnpc] = 0
  4. GvstreBoy = 0
  5. boyvstre[numnpc] += 1
  6. gs 'stat'
  7. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>></font></b></center>'
  8. !!'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/npc<<numnpc>>.jpg"></center>'
  9. '<<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> your guy.'
  10. if otnBoyFrend[numnpc] < 20:'You have a bad attitude.'
  11. if otnBoyFrend[numnpc] >= 20 and otnBoyFrend[numnpc] < 40:'You tensions.'
  12. if otnBoyFrend[numnpc] >= 40 and otnBoyFrend[numnpc] < 60:'You have a normal relationship.'
  13. if otnBoyFrend[numnpc] >= 60 and otnBoyFrend[numnpc] < 80:'You have a good relationship.'
  14. if otnBoyFrend[numnpc] >= 80:'You have a great relationship.'
  15. ''
  16. ''
  17. if preg = 1 and pregtime <= 80 and pregTalk[numnpc] = 0 and gnpcSex[numnpc] = 1:
  18. act 'Tell a guy, you have flown away.':
  19. cls
  20. gs 'stat'
  21. 'You said the guy, that become pregnant by him. He just did not come out of the eye orbits.'
  22. if $father = $nameBoyfrend[numnpc]:
  23. 'The guy thought. "Listen, I`m not ready to be a father, and even marry you." He handed you 5five thousand. "money, and let us part."'
  24. act 'Throw a guy and take the money':
  25. cls
  26. dom += 5
  27. pregTalk[numnpc] = 1
  28. otnBoyFrend[numnpc] = 0
  29. money += 5000
  30. gs 'stat'
  31. 'You covered the rage and you sent the guy on the dick. At still snatched the bill from him and left.'
  32. act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
  33. end
  34. act 'Throw a guy throwing him the money in the face':
  35. cls
  36. dom += 10
  37. pregTalk[numnpc] = 1
  38. otnBoyFrend[numnpc] = 0
  39. gs 'stat'
  40. 'You covered the rage and you sent the guy on the dick and tossed him the money in the face. And then went.'
  41. act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
  42. end
  43. else
  44. 'The guy was troubled "Yes you ohuel slut! Someone held up her pussy, and now will be with me grandmother swing? Fuck you on the dick!"'
  45. act 'quit Man':
  46. cls
  47. dom += 10
  48. pregTalk[numnpc] = 1
  49. otnBoyFrend[numnpc] = 0
  50. gs 'stat'
  51. 'You covered the rage and you sent the guy on the dick. And then went.'
  52. act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
  53. end
  54. end
  55. end
  56. end
  57. if GboyBalabol[numnpc] = 1:
  58. act 'Blame the guy that he yap':
  59. cls
  60. gs 'stat'
  61. 'You accused guy that he blabbed about your relationship now and all surrounding believe that you <<$gnikname>>'
  62. reaktrand = rand(0, 2)
  63. if reaktrand = 0:'<<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> it began to apologize, he accidentally drunk one friend said, and he blabbed all bitch. <<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> vowed that more of this does not happen again.'
  64. if reaktrand = 1:'<<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> began to soothe you, say nothing terrible happened, chat and forget.'
  65. if reaktrand = 2:'<<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> said with a grin. Yes Relax, you is the real <<$gnikname>>, that this fact?'
  66. act 'quit Man':
  67. cls
  68. dom += 10
  69. GboyBalabol[numnpc] = 2
  70. otnBoyFrend[numnpc] = 0
  71. gs 'stat'
  72. 'You covered a rage and you sent the guy on the dick. And then left.'
  73. act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
  74. end
  75. act 'just a guy':
  76. cls
  77. sub += 10
  78. GboyBalabol[numnpc] = 2
  79. gs 'stat'
  80. 'You thought a little and decided to forgive the guy.'
  81. act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
  82. end
  83. end
  84. end
  85. act 'Walking through the square':
  86. cls
  87. if hapri = 0:otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 5
  88. if hapri = 1:otnBoyFrend[numnpc] += 1
  89. if mop = 2:otnBoyFrend[numnpc] += 1
  90. if mop = 3:otnBoyFrend[numnpc] += 2
  91. if mop = 4:otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 5
  92. if sweat > 0:otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 5
  93. if ski > 0 or glamur > 0:otnBoyFrend[numnpc] += 2
  94. minut += 15
  95. !!number of meetings
  96. boytimes[numnpc] += 1
  97. gs 'stat'
  98. 'You walk through the square with a guy and fun to hang out.'
  99. if kotovLoveQW > 0:
  100. otnBoyFrend[numnpc] = 0
  101. 'Suddenly you see is what you go to a meeting Witek Kotov he comes to the guy and silently slap in his face. <<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> falls to the ground. Witek naklonyaetsya over him "Hey you fucker, it´s my girls, see you again with her, living in the woods to bury you understand?" The guy nods his head and says that he understood.'
  102. act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka
  103. exit
  104. end
  105. gboyrand = rand(0, 1)
  106. if gboyrand = 0:
  107. '<<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> offered to go to the movies.'
  108. act 'Apologize and leave':otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 5 & gt $loc, $metka
  109. act 'Going to the cinema':
  110. cls
  111. minut += 15
  112. gs 'stat'
  113. 'You went with a guy in a movie theater located in the park. <<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> bought movie tickets. You came together in a small movie theater and found their seats.'
  114. act 'Watch a movie':
  115. cls
  116. manna += 100
  117. minut += 100
  118. otnBoyFrend[numnpc] += 5
  119. gs 'stat'
  120. 'You got a guy on the chair placed in the back row. Soon the lights dimmed and the movie started on the screen.'
  121. if otnBoyFrend[numnpc] < 80:
  122. 'You watched the movie a couple of hours sitting in a chair next to the guy.'
  123. act 'Go to the exit':gt 'Gnpc2'
  124. end
  125. if otnBoyFrend[numnpc] >= 80 and gnpcSex[numnpc] = 0:
  126. 'You have been watching a movie and suddenly felt a hand on my knee Man.'
  127. act 'Remove his hands':
  128. cls
  129. dom += 1
  130. otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 20
  131. gs 'stat'
  132. 'You have removed palm guy with his knees and continued to watch the movie. Movie finally ended. In the hall lights went on and the screen went titles.'
  133. act 'Go to the exit':gt 'Gnpc2'
  134. end
  135. act 'Ignore':
  136. cls
  137. otnBoyFrend[numnpc] += 5
  138. gs 'stat'
  139. 'You pretended that nothing happens and the guy started more actively stroking your leg. Movie finally ended. In the hall lights went on and the screen went titles.'
  140. act 'Go to the exit':gt 'Gnpc2'
  141. end
  142. end
  143. if otnBoyFrend[numnpc] >= 80 and gnpcSex[numnpc] > 0:
  144. 'You have been watching the movies, and <<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> put his hand on your foot and began to stroke your knee. Movie finally ended. In the hall lights went on and the screen went titles.'
  145. act 'Go to the exit':gt 'Gnpc2'
  146. end
  147. end
  148. end
  149. end
  150. if gboyrand = 1:
  151. '<<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> suggested to drink beer in the park.'
  152. act 'Apologize and leave':otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 5 & gt $loc, $metka
  153. act 'Go for a beer':
  154. cls
  155. manna += 100
  156. minut += 15
  157. gs 'stat'
  158. 'You went with a guy to the nearest kiosk. <<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> bought a beer and a snack. Then you went on the bench in the far corner of the square.'
  159. act 'Drink':
  160. cls
  161. manna += 100
  162. minut += 30
  163. alko += 2
  164. fat += 2
  165. salo += 1
  166. energy += 10
  167. otnBoyFrend[numnpc] += 5
  168. gs 'stat'
  169. '<<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> beer poured into glasses and you have been drinking beer. <<$nameBoyfrend[numnpc]>> tell different funny stories.'
  170. if otnBoyFrend[numnpc] < 80:
  171. 'You drank beer with a guy, and plenty of fun.'
  172. act 'Further':gt 'Gnpc2'
  173. end
  174. if otnBoyFrend[numnpc] >= 80 and gnpcSex[numnpc] = 0:
  175. 'You drank beer with a guy, and plenty of fun.'
  176. act 'Further':gt 'Gnpc2'
  177. end
  178. if otnBoyFrend[numnpc] >= 80 and gnpcSex[numnpc] > 0:
  179. 'You drank beer with a guy, and plenty of fun.'
  180. act 'Further':gt 'Gnpc2'
  181. end
  182. end
  183. end
  184. end
  185. end
  186. act 'Apologize and leave':otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 5 & gt $loc, $metka
  187. --- Gnpc ---------------------------------