// Crafting /*jshint multistr:true*/ jewelryMods =["nipplerings","collar","headband","bellybuttonstud","clitcockring"]; function Craft() { if ($("#craft_buttons").is(":visible")) { $("#camp_feed").html(""); return; } if ($("#women_buttons").is(":visible")) resetRival(); $("#camp_feed").html( "
\ "); // Nipple Rings if (player.Mods.craftnipplerings > 0) { $("#craft_buttons").append(""); $("#craft_btn_1").click( function() { if (player.metal == 0) $("#craft_display").append("You need metal to make this
"); else CraftIt("Nipple Rings", "nipplerings", 1, "craftNippleRingsYou", "craftNippleRingsWoman"); } ); } // Collar if (player.Mods.craftcollar > 0) { $("#craft_buttons").append(""); $("#craft_btn_2").click( function() { if (player.metal == 0) $("#craft_display").append("You need metal to make this
"); else if (player.goods == 0) $("#craft_display").append("You need a pretty gem to make this
"); else CraftIt("Torc (Collar)", "collar", 1, "craftCollarYou", "craftCollarWoman"); } ); } // Head Band if (player.Mods.craftheadband > 0) { $("#craft_buttons").append(""); $("#craft_btn_3").click( function(){ if (player.metal == 0) $("#craft_display").append("You need metal to make this
"); else if (player.goods == 0) $("#craft_display").append("You need a pretty gem to make this
"); else CraftIt("Headband", "headband", 1, "craftHeadbandYou", "craftHeadbandWoman"); } ); } // Belly button Stud if (player.Mods.craftbellybuttonstud > 0) { $("#craft_buttons").append(""); $("#craft_btn_4").click( function() { if (player.goods == 0) $("#craft_display").append("You need a pretty gem to make this
"); else CraftIt("Belly Button Stud", "bellybuttonstud", 1, "craftBellyButtonStudYou", "craftBellyButtonStudWoman"); } ); } // Clit/Cock Ring if (player.Mods.craftclitcockring > 0) { $("#craft_buttons").append(""); $("#craft_btn_5").click( function() { if (player.metal == 0) $("#craft_display").append("You need metal to make this
"); else if (player.goods == 0) $("#craft_display").append("You need a pretty gem to make this
"); else CraftIt("Clit Cock Ring", "clitcockring", 1, "craftClitCockRingYou", "craftClitCockRingWoman"); } ); } // Bracelet (left) if (player.Mods.craftleftbracelet > 0) { $("#craft_buttons").append(""); $("#craft_btn_6").click( function() { if (player.metal == 0) $("#craft_display").append("You need metal to make this
"); else CraftIt("Red Bracelet", "leftbracelet", 2, "craftLeftBraceletYou", "craftLeftBraceletWoman"); } ); } } function CraftIt(desc, itm, limit, actionyou, actionwoman) { $("#output").html(desc); $("#output").append("You make the rings and with a sharp bone needle pierce your nipples and fit the rings!
"); } function craftNippleRingsWoman(index) { player.metal -= 1; rival = player.women[index]; rival.items.nipplerings = 1; rival.changeNatural("orientation", 5); rival.orientation += 5; rival.capTraits(); redraw(); Message("ShowCamp();Craft()", "You make the rings and with a sharp bone needle pierce " + rival.name + " nipples and fit the rings!
"); } // Collar function craftCollarYou() { player.metal -= 1; player.goods -= 1; player.items.collar = 1; player.changeNatural("submissiveness", -5); player.submissiveness -= 5; player.capTraits(); player.calcPhysique(); redraw(); Message("ShowCamp();Craft()", "You make the torc and fit it around you neck, you feel more commanding!
"); } function craftCollarWoman(index) { player.metal -= 1; player.goods -= 1; rival = player.women[index]; rival.items.collar = 1; rival.changeNatural("submissiveness", 5); rival.submissiveness += 5; rival.capTraits(); rival.calcPhysique(); redraw(); Message("ShowCamp();Craft()", "You make the torc at fit it around " + rival.name + "'s neck, marking them as yours!
"); } // Head band function craftHeadbandYou() { player.metal -= 1; player.goods -= 1; player.items.headband = 1; player.changeNatural("allure", -5); player.allure -= 5; player.capTraits(); player.calcPhysique(); redraw(); Message("ShowCamp();Craft()", "You make the headband and wear it, you stand out more!
"); } function craftHeadbandWoman(index) { player.metal -= 1; player.goods -= 1; rival = player.women[index]; rival.items.headband = 1; rival.changeNatural("allure", 5); rival.allure += 5; rival.capTraits(); rival.calcPhysique(); redraw(); Message("ShowCamp();Craft()", "You make the headband and put it on " + rival.name + "'s head!
"); } // Belly Button Stud function craftBellyButtonStudYou() { player.goods -= 1; player.items.bellybuttonstud = 1; player.changeNatural("maternalism", -5); player.maternalism -= 5; player.capTraits(); player.calcPhysique(); redraw(); Message("ShowCamp();Craft()", "You make the stud and with a sharp bone needle pierce your belly button and fit the stud.
"); } function craftBellyButtonStudWoman(index) { player.goods -= 1; rival = player.women[index]; rival.items.bellybuttonstud = 1; rival.changeNatural("maternalism", 5); rival.maternalism += 5; rival.capTraits(); rival.calcPhysique(); redraw(); Message("ShowCamp();Craft()", "ou make the stud and with a sharp bone needle pierce " + rival.name + "'s belly button and fit the stud.
"); } // Clit cock ring function craftClitCockRingYou() { player.metal -= 1; player.items.clitcockring = 1; player.changeNatural("orientation", -5); player.orientation -= 5; player.capTraits(); redraw(); if (player.hasCock()) { Message("ShowCamp();Craft()", "You make the ring and with a sharp bone needle pierce your cock and fit the ring!
"); } else { Message("ShowCamp();Craft()", "You make the ring and with a sharp bone needle pierce your clit and fit the ring!
"); } } function craftClitCockRingWoman(index) { player.metal -= 1; rival = player.women[index]; rival.items.clitcockring = 1; rival.changeNatural("orientation", 5); rival.orientation += 5; rival.capTraits(); redraw(); if (rival.hasCock()) { Message("ShowCamp();Craft()", "You make the ring and with a sharp bone needle pierce " + rival.name + " cock and fit the ring!
"); } else { Message("ShowCamp();Craft()", "You make the ring and with a sharp bone needle pierce " + rival.name + " clit and fit the ring!
"); } } // Red Bracelet function craftLeftBraceletYou() { player.goods -= 1; player.metal -= 1; player.items.leftbracelet += 1; player.changeNatural("maternalism", 5); player.maternalism += 5; player.capTraits(); player.calcPhysique(); redraw(); Message("ShowCamp();Craft()", "You make the bracelet and put it on your wrist.
"); } function craftLeftBraceletWoman(index) { player.goods -= 1; player.metal -= 1; rival = player.women[index]; rival.items.leftbracelet += 1; rival.changeNatural("maternalism", 5); rival.maternalism += 5; rival.capTraits(); rival.calcPhysique(); player.changeNatural("maternalism", 10); player.maternalism += 10; player.capTraits(); player.calcPhysique(); redraw(); Message("ShowCamp();Craft()", "You make the bracelet and put it on " + rival.name + "'s wrist.
"); }