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Proofreading and fixing dialogue placement (probably broke it doing that though)

Vengeance11 2 năm trước cách đây
mục cha

+ 86 - 82

@@ -11,61 +11,61 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Family':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Anya <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/progulka.jpg"></center>'
-	'You feel hands, patting your leg. You open your eyes to see Anya kneeling next to you. "<<$pcs_firstname>> are you alright? It looks like you were having a bad dream." You quickly look around and realize that you are in your bedroom. Anya stands up then says, "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>, everyone is waiting for us." You tilt your head as you reply, "Who''s waiting for us?" Anya responds, "You know, Mom, Dad, Kolka. Have you hit your head your something? Come on, you know that we can''t eat breakfast without you." Anya takes your hand then leads you to the kitchen.'
+	'You feel a hand patting your leg. You open your eyes to see Anya kneeling next to you. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, are you okay? It looks like you were having a bad dream." You quickly look around and realize that you are in your bedroom. Anya stands up. "Come on, everyone''s waiting for us." You tilt your head as you reply. "Who''s waiting for us?" Anya smiles. "You know, Mom, Vlad and Kolka. Have you hit your head or something? Come on, you know that we can''t eat breakfast without you." Anya takes your hand and leads you to the kitchen.'
 	act 'Enter kitchen':	
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Vladimir <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vladimir/father.jpg"></center>'
-		'You enter the kitchen to see Your stepfather and Kolka laughing at a joke that you can''t quite hear. They both stop laughing as you enter. Anya offers you a chair which you sit on as Anya sits down next to you. You look around in relief, '+$OpenInnerThought+'That whole thing was just a dream. Oh it feels so good to be back home.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You hear something bumping against the kitchen door.' 
+		'You enter the kitchen to see your stepfather and Kolka laughing at a joke that you can''t quite hear. They both stop laughing as you enter. Anya offers you a chair and sits down next to you. You look around in relief until you hear something bumping against the kitchen door.' 
 		act 'Turn to see what it is':	
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'				
-			'Your mother backs out of the kitchen with a tray of food then places a dish on food in front of each of you then says, "Nice of you to finally join us <<$pcs_firstname>>. I was beginning to think that you were never going to wake up." You giggle as you begin eating.'		
+			'Your mother backs out of the kitchen with a tray of food and places some in front of each of you. "Nice of you to finally join us <<$pcs_nickname>>. I was beginning to think that you were never going to wake up." You giggle as you begin eating.'		
 			act 'Eat breakfast':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
-				'Your mother suddenly exclaims, "HEY! No eating until your brother gets here!" You look and see your stepfather whispering in Kolka''s ear, but stopping as soon as you face them. You point to Kolka as you say, "Mom, Kolka is right there." Your mother crosses her arms as she replies, "I''m not talking about Kolka." She then walks back to the kitchen as Your brother and stepfather continue cackling while whispering into each others ears. You look around in confusion until you hear light moaning nearby. You then peek over the kitchen doorway to see your mother bent over the stove with a dark burly figure pressing against her bottom. You suddenly feel someone''s hand on one of your breasts.'
+				'Your mother suddenly shouts out. "HEY! No eating until your brother gets here!" You look and see your stepfather whispering in Kolka''s ear, but stopping as soon as you face them. You point at Kolka. "He''s right there..." Your mother crosses her arms. "I''m not talking about Kolka." Sh walks back to the kitchen as your brother and stepfather continue cackling and whispering at each other. You look around in confusion until you hear light moaning nearby. You peek over the kitchen doorway to see your mother bent over the stove with a dark burly figure pressing against her before you suddenly feel someone''s hand on one of your breasts.'
 				act 'Turn around':	
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Kolka <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/kolka/brother.jpg"></center>'
-					'You turn to see Kolka squeezing your right breast as he gives your stepfather a thumbs up. You push Kolka away then hear your stepfather shout, "Hey don''t push your little brother like that!" You respond, "But he touched me!" You mother enters the room with her pants at her angles. "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>, it''s not like all the other boys haven''t already fucked you before. Why not let your brother have a chance?" Kolka quickly adds, "Yeah <<$pcs_firstname>>, don''t be selfish!" You see everyone in the room scolding you then hear a voice shout. "Don''t worry everyone, I will put this bitch in her place!"' 
+					'You turn to see Kolka squeezing your right breast as he gives your stepfather a thumbs up. You push Kolka away and hear your stepfather shouting. "Hey, don''t push your little brother like that!" You''re taken aback as you respond. "But he touched me!" Your mother then enters the room with her pants around her ankles. "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>, it''s not like all the other boys haven''t already fucked you before. Why not let your brother have a chance?" Kolka quickly chimes in. "Yeah <<$pcs_nickname>>, don''t be selfish!" You see everyone in the room scolding you before you hear a voice shout. "Don''t worry everyone, I''ll put this bitch in her place!"' 
 					act 'Turn to see who it is':	
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Yurik Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/avatars/threaten1.jpg"></center>'					
-						'You turn to see Yurik Volkov without any clothes on, walking into the room before grabbing you by your throat then pushing you against the wall.'				
+						'You turn to see Yurik without any clothes on walking into the room before grabbing you by your throat and pushing you against the wall.'				
 						act 'Continue':	
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/ra8.mp4"></video></center>'
-							'You can faintly feel something entering your vagina and can feel your tears leaking down your cheeks. You can faintly hear some soft voices in the distance. "Hey watch her head...! Don''t drop her...! Come on get that door open!" A few seconds later, you hear someone whispering in your ear. "It''s okay <<$pcs_firstname>>. This is your place now. You didn''t think that you can keep that precious body to yourself, did you?"'
+							'You can faintly feel something entering your pussy and feel tears streaming down your cheeks. You faintly hear some soft voices in the distance. "Hey watch her head! Don''t drop her! Come on, get that door open!" A few seconds later, you hear someone whispering in your ear. "It''s okay <<$pcs_firstname>>. This is your place now. You didn''t think that you could keep that precious body to yourself, did you?"'
 							act 'Turn around':
 								*clr & cla
 								'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile1.jpg"></center>'					
-								'You slowly turn to see Niko standing right next to you with a wide grin on his face as he says, "You never need to worry my princess. I will keep your pussy well fed with all the cocks in town." before he leans over and gives you a kiss on the cheek.' 
+								'You slowly turn to see Niko standing right next to you with a wide grin on his face. "You never need to worry my princess. I''ll keep your pussy well fed with all the cocks in town." He leans over and gives you a kiss on the cheek.' 
 								act 'Continue':
 									*clr & cla
 									'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/cum/cum10.mp4"></video></center>'								
-									'You suddenly hear Yurik groan as he begins pumping his cum inside of your pussy before walking away while saying to Niko, "What a worthless whore. Couldn''t even rock her hips a bit. If I wanted to fuck a blow up doll, I would have kept fucking her mother." He then leaves as you start hearing the soft voices again, but they sound closer. "Is she going to be alright...? She will be fine. She just needs some more rest... she''s moving. Do you think she is...?"'
+									'You suddenly hear Yurik groan as he begins pumping his cum inside your pussy before talking to Niko. "What a worthless whore. Couldn''t even rock her hips a little. If I wanted to fuck a blow up doll, I would have kept fucking her mother." He then leaves as you start hearing the soft voices again, but they sound closer. "Is she going to be okay? She''ll be fine. She just needs some more rest... she''s moving. Do you think she''s...?"'
 									act '...':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath'
@@ -95,10 +95,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods':
 	VKSmiley = 3
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You can feel grass on your face which you quickly brush away before looking around and noticing that you are in the middle of the woods with a mist that surrounds you. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What''s going on? Why am I here? How did I get here? Where am I?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You stand up then look around to try to get your bearings when you begin hearing music along with the sounds of laughing in the far distance. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Where is this music coming from? Was that a person laughing? Maybe they can help me.'+$CloseInnerThought+' you begin heading in that direction when you suddenly feel a cold chill down your spine. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Something about that laughter is... unnerving.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
-	*nl
-	'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
+	'You can feel grass on your face which you quickly brush away before looking around and noticing that you''re in the middle of the woods, surronded by an eerie mist. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What''s going on? Why am I here? How did I get here? Where am I?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You stand up and look around, trying to get your bearings when you begin hearing music and the sounds of laughing in the far distance. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Where is this music coming from? Was that a person laughing? Maybe they can help me.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You begin heading in the direction of the noise when you suddenly feel a cold chill running down your spine. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Something about that laughter is... unnerving.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 2'
@@ -110,13 +108,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 2':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/2.jpg"></center>'
 	''+$OpenInnerThought+'These woods are so dark. How did I get here?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		'You can hear laughing close by.'
+		'You can hear laughter close by.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
 	elseif VKSmiley = 2:
-		'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
+		'You can hear laughter in the distance.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
 	elseif VKSmiley = 3:
-		'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
+		'You can hear someone laughing far away.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
@@ -137,13 +135,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 3':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/3.jpg"></center>'
 	''+$OpenInnerThought+'Still so dark. Am I even going the right way?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		'You can hear laughing close by.'
+		'You can hear laughter close by.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
 	elseif VKSmiley = 2:
-		'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
+		'You can hear laughter in the distance.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
 	elseif VKSmiley = 3:
-		'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
+		'You can hear someone laughing far away.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
@@ -164,13 +162,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 4':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/4.jpg"></center>'
 	''+$OpenInnerThought+'More woods? At least I can see some light.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		'You can hear laughing close by.'
+		'You can hear laughter close by.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
 	elseif VKSmiley = 2:
-		'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
+		'You can hear laughter in the distance.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
 	elseif VKSmiley = 3:
-		'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
+		'You can hear someone laughing far away.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
@@ -191,13 +189,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 5':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/5.jpg"></center>'
 	''+$OpenInnerThought+'Must keep moving. There must be a way out of here.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		'You can hear laughing close by.'
+		'You can hear laughter close by.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
 	elseif VKSmiley = 2:
-		'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
+		'You can hear laughter in the distance.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
 	elseif VKSmiley = 3:
-		'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
+		'You can hear someone laughing far away.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
@@ -218,13 +216,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 6':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/6.jpg"></center>'
 	''+$OpenInnerThought+'Will this ever end? That freak is still lurking around.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		'You can hear laughing close by.'
+		'You can hear laughter close by.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
 	elseif VKSmiley = 2:
-		'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
+		'You can hear laughter in the distance.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
 	elseif VKSmiley = 3:
-		'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
+		'You can hear someone laughing far away.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
@@ -244,15 +242,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 7':
 	VKSmiley -= 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/7.jpg"></center>'
-	''+$OpenInnerThought+'Will I be trapped here forever? Oh wait, what is that?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You can see a pair of train tracks ahead of you and you can hear the music getting louder as you approach the tracks.'
+	''+$OpenInnerThought+'Will I be trapped here forever? Wait, what''s that?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You see a set of train tracks ahead of you. The music gets louder the closer you approach them.'
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		'You can hear laughing close by.'
+		'You can hear laughter close by.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
 	elseif VKSmiley = 2:
-		'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
+		'You can hear laughter in the distance.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
 	elseif VKSmiley = 3:
-		'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
+		'You can hear someone laughing far away.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
 	'You can hear a woman crying in the distance.'
@@ -273,15 +271,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 8':
 	VKSmiley -= 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/8.jpg"></center>'
-	'You begin walking on the train tracks toward a light at what appears to be, the end of the forest. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Is this it? Am I out of this forest?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
+	'You start following the tracks towards a light at what appears to be the end of the forest. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Is this it? Am I finally out of this forest?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		'You can hear laughing close by.'
+		'You can hear laughter close by.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
 	elseif VKSmiley = 2:
-		'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
+		'You can hear laughter in the distance.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
 	elseif VKSmiley = 3:
-		'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
+		'You can hear someone laughing far away.'
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
 	'You can hear a woman crying nearby.'
@@ -303,7 +301,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods Home':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Happy Home">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/mansion/happyhome.jpg"></center>'
 	if VKTeeHee = 0:
-		'You finally approach the end of the forest when you see a derelict house. As you walk toward the house, you can can see; what appears to be a woman standing in the middle of the path, leading to the house while crying. '+$OpenInnerThought+'She must be stranded here like me. Maybe I can help her.'+$CloseInnerThought+' you suddenly feel a cold chill down your spine before seeing a strange looking <a href="exec:gt ''NikoDreams'', ''TeeHee''">cat</a> on a tree stump, licking its paw.'
+		'You finally approach the end of the forest and see a derelict house. As you walk towards it, you can can see what appears to be a woman standing in the middle of the path leading to the house crying. '+$OpenInnerThought+'She must be stranded here like me. Maybe I can help her.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You suddenly feel a cold chill run down your spine before seeing a strange looking <a href="exec:gt ''NikoDreams'', ''TeeHee''">cat</a> sitting on a tree stump, licking its paw.'
 		'There is an old derelict house in the distance, but the path to the house is blocked by a crying woman. <a href="exec:gt ''NikoDreams'', ''TeeHee''">TeeHee</a> continuously rubs against your leg while purring softly.'
@@ -324,9 +322,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'TeeHee':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/teehee.jpg"></center>'
 	if VKTeeHee = 0:
-		'You approach the cat and it turns to you with a creepy grin as it says, "TeeHee who is thee?" You recoil in shock before replying, "You can talk?" The cat replies, "Only if you want me too, TeeHee." You respond, "Um what do you want exactly?" The cat replies, "What do I want? You approached me TeeHee." You respond, "You''re right. My name is <<$pcs_firstname>>. What is yours?" The cat replies, "My name is TeeHee and I am so happy to meet thee."' 
+		'You approach the cat and it turns to you with a creepy grin. "Tee hee, who is thee?" You recoil in shock. "You can talk?!" 
+		The cat grins wider. "Only if you want me to. Tee hee." 
+		"Umm, what do you want exactly?" The cat laughs. "What do I want? You approached me. Tee hee." 
+		"My name is <<$pcs_firstname>>. What is yours?" The cat grins again. "My name is TeeHee and I am so happy to meet thee."' 
-		'You pet TeeHee''s head, causing her to begin purring before saying, "This is the end of the path for now. Come with me to return to your own path TeeHee." You reply, "But that woman might need my help." TeeHee frowns as she responds, "She doesn''t need you for reasons you may think. You really should come with me, not WeePee."'
+		'You pet TeeHee''s head, causing her to begin purring. "This is the end of the path for now. Come with me to return to your own path."
+		"But that woman might need my help." TeeHee frowns as she responds. "She doesn''t need you for reasons you may think. You really should come with me, not WeePee."'
 		'We meet again <<$pcs_firstname>>. Have you come to re-join your own path, or do you wish to stay and face WeePee''s wrath?'
@@ -342,7 +344,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Smiley 1':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Smiley">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/smiley2.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you are walking through the forest you hear loud laughing behind you then suddenly feel something rubbing across your throat, causing a stream of blood to begin pouring out of your neck. You let out a scream as your energy fades and the ground rushes toward you...'
+	'As you walk through the forest, you hear loud laughing behind you and suddenly feel something rubbing across your throat, causing a stream of blood to begin pouring out of your neck. You let out a gurgled scream as your energy fades and the ground rushes toward you...'
 	act 'Rest in peace': VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath 2'
@@ -354,7 +356,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'WeePee 1':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"WeePee">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/weepee.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you approach the crying woman, she instantly turns around then lunges toward you, shoving her hand into your chest and pulling out your heart as she stares into your eyes, watching your life slowly drain away...'
+	'As you approach the crying woman, she instantly turns around and lunges toward you, shoving her hand into your chest and pulling out your heart, staring into your eyes as she watches your life slowly drain away...'
 	act 'Rest in peace': VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath 2'
@@ -365,13 +367,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods Hide':
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Smiley">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/smiley.jpg"></center>'
-		'You quickly duck behind a tree just as a horrific looking man, wielding a bloody battle axe and wearing clown makeup, comes out of the mist. He begins laughing loudly as he walks past the tree that you are hiding behind. He doesn''t seem to notice you as he then walks back into the mist.'
+		'You quickly duck behind a tree just as a horrific looking man, wielding a bloody battle axe and wearing clown makeup, comes out of the mist. He begins laughing loudly as he walks past the tree that you''re hiding behind. He doesn''t seem to notice you and disappears back into the mist.'
 		VKSmiley = rand(3,4)
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff00cc><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		*pl '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'	
-		'You quickly duck behind a tree then stare into the forest. You wait for a few seconds before realizing that there is nothing there. You get out from behind the tree then brush the dirt from your leg.'
+		'You quickly duck behind a tree and stare into the forest. You wait for a few seconds before realizing that there is nothing there. You get out from behind the tree and brush the dirt from your leg.'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/<<VKWoods>>.jpg"></center>'
@@ -384,7 +386,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Friends':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00>Viktoria "Vicky" Meynold</font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/vicky.jpg"></center>'
-	'You slowly open your eyes and see <<$VK_VikName>> playfully shaking your shoulder. "Hey there sleepy head! Did you sleep well?" You give <<$VK_VikName>> a warm smile. "I guess but... where am I?" Vicky replies, "After what happened at school, we were bored, so we decided to have you dance for us." You tilt your head. "Dance... for us?" Vicky giggles as she points to her right. You turn to see Katja Meynold and Natalia Pavlova sitting on the seats right next to the bed. Katja says, "Come on <<$pcs_firstname>>. What are you waiting for?" Natalia adds, "Don''t worry, I threw away all your clothes. Whores don''t need clothes." You look down and notice that you are naked. Katja suddenly slams the bed frame. "Enough messing around! DANCE WHORE!"'
+	'You slowly open your eyes and see <<$VK_VikName>> playfully shaking your shoulder. "Hey there sleepy head! Did you sleep well?" You give <<$VK_VikName>> a warm smile. "I guess but... where am I?"
+	"After what happened at school, we were bored, so we decided to have you dance for us." Vicky replies and you tilt your head. "Dance... for us?" Vicky giggles as she points to her right. You turn to see Katja and Natalia sitting next to the bed. "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>. What are you waiting for?" Katja asks and Natalia nods before speaking. "Don''t worry, I threw away all your clothes. Whores don''t need clothes." You look down and notice that you''re naked before Katja suddenly slams the bed frame. "Enough messing around! DANCE WHORE!"'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
@@ -392,64 +395,65 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Friends':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/sex/cam/Cam2.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'You quickly stand up then begin dancing. '+$OpenInnerThought+'I need to keep dancing because... Umm... Why am I dancing?'+$CloseInnerThought+' Vicky reaches forward then shoves her fingers inside of your vagina while Katja sticks her finger in your ass. Natalia walks up to you then begins squeezing your breasts. Vicky then says, "And they thought that Sonia was a whore." Katja giggles as she responds, "That''s just silly. <<$pcs_firstname>> is the only whore here." Natalia replies, "I agree, I don''t even know why she thought that she could hide it." '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why are they being so mean to me? and why can''t I stop dancing?'+$CloseInnerThought+' Vicky gives your ass a firm smack as she says, "Alright, we kept the boys waiting long enough!"'
+		'You quickly stand up and begin dancing. '+$OpenInnerThought+'I need to keep dancing because... Umm... Why am I dancing?'+$CloseInnerThought+' Vicky reaches forward and shoves her fingers inside your pussy while Katja sticks her finger in your ass. Natalia walks up to you and begins squeezing your breasts. "And they thought that Sonia was a whore." Vicky says and Katja giggles as she responds. "That''s just silly. <<$pcs_firstname>> is the only whore here." Natalia nods. "I agree, I don''t even know why she thought that she could hide it." '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why are they being so mean to me? And why can''t I stop dancing?'+$CloseInnerThought+' Vicky gives your ass a firm smack. "Alright, we''ve kept the boys waiting long enough!"'
 		act 'Boys?':	
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/exposed1.jpg"></center>'
-			'Vicky pulls you toward the door which opens on it''s own and you end up in the school hallway with all the boys hollering. "Hey everyone! The whore is here!" The boys all charge you and begin rubbing on your body while making lude comments,'
-			'Artem: "Here is the whore again! <<$pcs_firstname>> doesn''t even care about trying to hide it."'
-			'Petka: "I know right? She is such a worthless whore. I almost don''t even want her anymore."'
-			'Radomir: "I know right? Her pussy is probably all stretched out by now. It''s like ground zero."'
+			'Vicky pulls you toward the door, which opens on it''s own and you suddenly find yourself in the school hallway with all the boys hollering at you. "Hey everyone! The whore is here!" The boys all charge you and begin rubbing on your body while making lude comments.'
+			'"Here''s the whore again! <<$pcs_firstname>> doesn''t even care about trying to hide it." Artems says.'
+			'"I know right? She''s such a worthless whore. I almost don''t even want her anymore." Petka responds.'
+			'"I know right? Her pussy is probably all stretched out by now. It''s like ground zero." Radomir adds.'
 			act 'Boys?':	
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffa200><<"Lesco Tsarev">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big7.jpg"></center>'		
-				'Lesko then walks up to you and says, "It may be used up but I might as well try it." Lesko then grabs you by your hair then pulls out his dick then shoves it in your mouth.'
+				'Lesco then walks up to you. "It may be used up, but I might as well try it." He then grabs you by the hair, pulls out his dick and shoves it in your mouth.'
 				act 'Suck Lesco''s dick':	
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/blowjob/blowjob3.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You begin sucking Lesko''s dick as the boys around you, begin hollering.'
-					'Lena: "Wow! <<$pcs_firstname>> is even sucking Lesko''s dick. What a fucking cumdumpster!"'
-					'Lera: "She seems to be enjoying it too. Gross!"'
-					'Mr. Anatoly: Don''t look at me. I never taught her that.'
+					'You begin sucking Lesco''s dick as the boys around you begin hollering.'
+					'"Wow! <<$pcs_firstname>> is even sucking Lesko''s dick. What a fucking cumdumpster!" Lena comments.'
+					'"She seems to be enjoying it too. Gross!" Lera responds.'
+					'"Don''t look at me. I never taught her that." Mr Tsarev adds.'
 					act 'Continue':	
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/hall1.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'Lesko then pulls you up on top of him and you begin riding his dick while tears stream down your face. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why is this happening? Why are they all laughing at me? Please someone make this stop!'+$CloseInnerThought+''
+						'Lesco pulls you up on top of him and you begin riding his dick as tears stream down your face. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why is this happening? Why are they all laughing at me? Please someone make this stop!'+$CloseInnerThought+''
-						act 'Continue riding Lesko':	
+						act 'Continue riding him':	
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/Home/bedroom/cum/cum3.mp4"></video></center>'
-							'Lesko groans then begin pumping his cum inside of you. You look down to see an almost endless stream of cum filling you up, causing your belly to inflate.' 
+							'Lesco groans as he begins pumping his cum inside you. You look down to see your belly inflating as a seemingly endless stream of cum pours into you.' 
 							act 'Continue':	
 								*clr & cla
 								'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Anya <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/progulka.jpg"></center>'	
-								'Suddenly Anya grabs you by your hair then leads you to the door as she says, "<<$pcs_firstname>> Mom needs to speak with you."'
+								'Anya suddenly grabs you by the hair and leads you to the door. "Mom needs to speak with you, <<$pcs_firstname>>."'
 								act 'Walk through the door':	
 									*clr & cla
 									'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
-									'You enter the room, recognizing it as your apartment. Your mother is standing in front of you with a sneer on her face. "<<$pcs_firstname>> You let those boys get you prenant? I can''t believe you!" Anya adds, "Not only that but she has also been eating my pussy." Your mother''s eyes widen, "SHE WHAT?" Kolka speaks up too. "She also had sex with me and is the mother of my child." Your mother is seething with rage as she grabs onto a knife then drives it into your stomach, causing a large stream of cum to leak out.' 
+									'You enter the room, recognizing it as your apartment. Your mother is standing in front of you with a sneer on her face. "<<$pcs_firstname>>! You let those boys get you prenant? I can''t believe you!"  
+									"Not only that. She''s also been eating my pussy." Anya adds and your mother''s eyes widen. "SHE WHAT?" Kolka speaks up too. "She also had sex with me and is the mother of my child." Your mother is seething with rage as she grabs onto a knife and drives it into your inflated stomach, causing the cum to flood out.' 
 									act 'Fall':	
 										*clr & cla
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/friends/darkness.jpg"></center>'
-										'You fall to the ground then stare at your stomach, watching on as an almost endless stream of cum, pours out of you. You suddenly hear someone whisper in your ear, "Hey, are you alright?" You look around to see who said that, but see nothing at all. You are surrounded by darkness. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Where did everyone go? Where am I? It''s so dark.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You hear the voice whisper again, "<<$pcs_firstname>> wake up..."'
+										'You fall to the ground and stare at your stomach, watching as an almost endless stream of cum pours out of you. You suddenly hear someone whisper in your ear. "Hey, are you alright?" You look around to see who it was, but see nothing at all. You are surrounded by darkness. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Where did everyone go? Where am I? It''s so dark.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You hear the voice whisper again. "<<$pcs_firstname>>, wake up..."'
 										act '...':minut += 120 & gt 'NikoEv2', 'Niko Wake'
@@ -467,38 +471,38 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Classroom Dream':
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/rest.jpg"></center>'
-	'You can feel yourself getting getting tired, so you lay your head down on your desk to rest as you wait for the school period to end. After a few seconds, you hear, "Who''s that, sleeping in my class?" You immediately sit up, pretending that you weren''t laying down as you continue listening to the teacher teach the lesson, "Always remember to double check the problem, so that you can be confident with your solution." Now let''s move on to the next lesson... How to treat a whore. For this lesson I will need a volunteer. Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, come up in front of the class."' 
+	'You can feel yourself getting tired, so you lay your head down on your desk to rest as you wait for the period to end. After a few seconds, you hear someone shouting. "Who''s that, sleeping in my class?" You immediately sit up, pretending that you weren''t laying down as you continue listening to the teacher. "Always remember to double check the problem, so that you can be confident with your solution. Now let''s move on to the next lesson... How to treat a whore. For this lesson, I will need a volunteer. Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, get up here now."' 
 	act 'Who me?':	
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00CC><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		*pl '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'	
-		'You recoil in shock. "Wha... me?" The teacher places both hands on the desk then says, "Of course I mean you. Do you know of any other whores that haven''t already volunteered?" You can just barely make out Sonia under the table sucking on the teacher''s dick.'
+		'You recoil in shock. "Wha... me?" The teacher places both hands on your desk. "Of course I mean you. Do you know of any other whores that haven''t already volunteered?" You can just barely make out Sonia under the table sucking on the teacher''s dick.'
 		act 'Walk to the front of the class':	
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/stand.jpg"></center>'
-			'As you reach the front of the class you feel your clothes falling off, you quickly try to grab them, but they dissolve in your hands. You try covering your body, but then the teacher shouts, "STOP COVERING YOURSELF YOUNG LADY! Whores should always keep their fuckholes on display." You can feel your body trembling as you finally approach the front of the class. The teacher says, "Now this is what you do to a whore. Notice her pussy here? This is the best place to fuck, but don''t get carried away, or she could end up pregnant with a whore baby." He then motions you to come toward him.'		
+			'As you walk to the front of the class, you suddenly feel your clothes falling off. You quickly try to grab them, but they dissolve in your hands. You try covering your body, but the teacher shouts at you. "STOP COVERING YOURSELF YOUNG LADY! Whores should always keep their fuckholes on display." You can feel your body trembling as you finally approach the front of the class. "Now this is what you do to a whore. Notice her pussy here? This is the best place to fuck, but don''t get carried away, or she could end up pregnant with a whore baby." He then motions you to come toward him.'		
 			act 'Move closer':	
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/blowjob/blowjob1.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'As soon as you get close the teacher grabs you then pushes you onto your knees. He pushes his penis against your lips and says, "Open up, for your reward." You open your mouth, allowing his penis to enter. You begin sucking his dick eagerly, for what feels like a few minutes before he grabs your waist then lifts you up, dropping you on top of his desk.' 
+				'As soon as you get close, the teacher grabs you and forces you onto your knees. He pushes his dick against your lips. "Open up for your reward." You open your mouth, allowing his dick to enter. You begin eagerly sucking his dick for what feels like a few minutes before he grabs your waist, lifts you up and drops you on top of his desk.' 
 				act 'See what he does':	
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/sex.jpg"></center>'
-					'He then pushes you over then rams his dick inside of you and begins thrusting. All you can think about if the humiliation of being fucked by your teacher, in front of your class. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why is this happening. Why me? Will I never have a normal life again? Will I always be...'+$CloseInnerThought+' You suddenly hear a soft voice whispering in your ear, "Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, are you okay? Come on, get up..."'
+					'He pushes you over, rams his dick inside you and begins thrusting. All you can think about is the humiliation of being fucked by your teacher in front of your class. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why is this happening? Why me? Will I never have a normal life again? Will I always be...'+$CloseInnerThought+' You suddenly hear a soft voice whispering in your ear. "Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, are you okay? Come on, get up..."'
 					act 'Continue':	
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/leave.jpg"></center>'
-						'You open your eyes then see all of the students getting out of their chairs and leaving the class while chatting with each other. You feel a hand on your shoulder shaking you, so you quickly turn to see Natalia with a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright <<$pcs_firstname>>?" You take a second to collect your thoughts before responding, "I don''t know why I keep having these terrible nightmares." Natalia rubs your back as she responds, "Things must be so hard for you. I''m so sorry." Not wanting to worry Natalia, you give her a fake smile then say, "They''re just dreams, I''ll be fine."' 
+						'You open your eyes and see all of the students getting out of their chairs and leaving the class while chatting with each other. You feel a hand on your shoulder shaking you, so you quickly turn to see Natalia with a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright <<$pcs_firstname>>?" You take a second to collect your thoughts before responding. "I don''t know why I keep having these terrible nightmares." Natalia rubs your back as she responds. "Things must be so hard for you. I''m so sorry." Not wanting to worry Natalia, you give her a fake smile. "They''re just dreams, I''ll be fine."' 
 						act 'Smile at Natalia':	
 							*clr & cla
@@ -506,9 +510,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Classroom Dream':
 							'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/Natalia/love/smile1.jpg"></center>'									
-							'Natalia rubs on your forehead when you suddenly hear heavy breathing then turn to see Petia who says, "Are you two gonna kiss?" Natalia recoils in shock then shouts, "Go away, you perv!" Petia quickly walks away. Natalia looks back to you then says, "We can talk later." You smile as you respond, "That sounds great." You both walk out of the class.'	
+							'Natalia rubs on your forehead when you suddenly hear heavy breathing and turn to see Petia. "Are you two gonna kiss?" Natalia recoils in shock. "Go away, you perv!" Petia quickly walks away and Natalia looks back at you. "We can talk later." You smile as you respond. "That sounds great." You both walk out of the class.'	
-							act 'Leave Classroom':minut += 5 & gt 'NikoEv2', 'Lunch Chat'
+							act 'Leave classroom':minut += 5 & gt 'NikoEv2', 'Lunch Chat'
@@ -522,13 +526,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Puppeteer':
 	VKPuppetDream = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/rest.jpg"></center>'
-	'You can feel the day drag on so slowly, so you rest your head on the desk trying your best to focus on anything but todays lesson, the light occasionally creeps in between your arms so you keep re-adjusting until you can no longer feel any light creeping in, causing you to feel at peace as you slumber through the lesson.'
+	'You can feel the day dragging in slowly, so you rest your head on the desk trying your best to focus on anything but today''s lesson. The light occasionally creeps in between your arms so you keep re-adjusting until it stops, causing you to feel at peace as you slumber through the lesson.'
 	act 'Wake up':	
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You awake then slowly lift your head, looking around the room but immediately recoil in shock, when you notice how dark the classroom is. You quickly think to yourself, '+$OpenInnerThought+'Whoa, how long did I sleep? Ohh shit, I must have slept through the whole day. I should probably get home before the school doors are locked up for the day.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You quickly shove your books into your bag then walk for the door.'	
+		'You awaken and slowly lift your head, looking around the room but immediately recoil in shock when you notice how dark the classroom is. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Whoa, how long did I sleep? Oh shit, I must have slept through the whole day! I should get home right now!'+$CloseInnerThought+' You quickly shove your books into your bag and walk to the door.'	
 		act 'Go to the hallway':	
 			*clr & cla
@@ -545,21 +549,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Puppeteer':
 			PLAY 'sound/happyhome/puppet.mp3', 25
 			'<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/2.jpg"></center>'
-			'As soon as you reach the hallway, you hear a strange muffled laugh in the distance, along with a strange melody which sounds very far away. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Who could that be? Maybe someone is flooding one of the bathrooms again, but that music though. Where is it coming from? Maybe outside?'+$CloseInnerThought+''		
+			'As soon as you reach the hallway, you hear a strange muffled laugh in the distance, along with a strange melody which sounds very far away. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Who could that be? Maybe someone is flooding one of the bathrooms again. That music though. Where is it coming from? Outside maybe?'+$CloseInnerThought+''		
 			act 'Head downstairs':	
 				*clr & cla
 				PLAY 'sound/happyhome/puppet.mp3', 50
 				'<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/3.jpg"></center>'
-				'You reach the bottom of the stairs to hear the laughing getting louder. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Hmm I must be getting closer to whoever is laughing.'+$CloseInnerThought+' The hallway is so dark but you can see a light at the end.'
+				'You reach the bottom of the stairs and hear the laughter getting louder. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Hmm, I must be getting closer.'+$CloseInnerThought+' The hallway is dark, but you can see a light at the end.'
 				act 'Continue down the hallway':	
 					*clr & cla
 					PLAY 'sound/happyhome/puppet.mp3',75
 					'<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/4.jpg"></center>'
-					'You continue walking down the hallway until you reach a strange puddle on the floor, coming from one of the lockers. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What is this stuff? Did someone have a drink in their locker which spilled?'+$CloseInnerThought+' When you look closer, you notice that the locker is slightly open, leaking with the strange liquid.'
+					'You continue walking down the hallway until you reach a strange puddle on the floor, coming from one of the lockers. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What is this stuff? Did someone have a drink in their locker that''s spilled?'+$CloseInnerThought+' When you look closer, you notice that the locker is slightly open and leaking the strange liquid.'
 					act 'Open the locker':	
 						*clr & cla
@@ -567,7 +571,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Puppeteer':
 						'<center><b><h4><font color=#FFA200><<"Puppet">></font></h4></b></center>'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/puppet.jpg"></center>'	
-						'You slowly open the locker to find a creepy doll there, which is constantly laughing in an automated voice. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Who left this doll here? and why is it all wet? What is this stuff?'+$CloseInnerThought+' The doll is heavier than it looks and seems to be covered in a thick warm liquid. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What is this?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You look closely at the liquid as you hold up the doll to the light then notice that the liquid is dark red; almost like blood. The doll has some strings attached to both of it''s wrists and ankles. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Maybe it''s a puppet?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You look into it''s eyes and notice your own reflection next to something else...'
+						'You slowly open the locker to find a creepy doll inside, which is constantly laughing in an automated voice. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Who left this here? And why is it all wet? What is this stuff?'+$CloseInnerThought+' The doll is heavier than it looks and seems to be covered in a thick warm liquid. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What is this?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You look closely as you hold up the doll to the light and notice that the liquid is dark red; almost like blood. The doll has some strings attached to it''s wrists and ankles. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Maybe it''s a puppet?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You look into it''s eyes and notice your own reflection next to something else...'
 						act 'Turn around':	
 							*clr & cla
@@ -575,7 +579,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Puppeteer':
 							'<center><b><h4><font color=#FFA200><<"Puppeteer">></font></h4></b></center>'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/puppeteer.jpg"></center>'	
-							'You turn around but quickly get grabbed by your cheeks then launched onto the ground by a horrific looking man with long sharp nails. You dive to the side, dodging a swipe of his nails before quickly crawling away, just to get grabbed by your ankles and dragged back. You let out a loud scream as you suddenly get pulled back, toward the insane laughing man. You quickly turn to the man as he drives his sharp nails into your eyes...'					
+							'You turn around, but are quickly grabbed by the cheeks and launched onto the ground by a horrific looking man with long sharp nails. You dive to the side, dodging a swipe of his nails before quickly crawling away, only to be grabbed by your ankles and dragged back. You let out a loud scream as the insane laughing man pulls you towards him. You turn to try and fight him off, but he immediately drives his nails into your eyes...'					
 							act '...':
 								*clr & cla
@@ -584,13 +588,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Puppeteer':
 								'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00CC><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 								*pl '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
-								'You quickly jump up screaming to then notice that you are still in class. The whole class is staring at you in shock. Mr. Tsarev asks; in a concerned voice, "Miss <<$pcs_lastname>> what''s wrong?" You stand, completely speechless for a few seconds before hearing the bell sound. You use this time to quickly pack up your things then head for the door as some of your classmates whisper to each other.'
+								'You quickly jump up screaming, only to notice that you''re still in class. The whole class is staring at you in shock. "Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, what''s wrong?" Mr Tsarev asks softly in a concerned voice. You sit completely speechless for a few seconds before hearing the bell ringing. You quickly pack up your things and head for the door as some of your classmates whisper to each other.'
-								'Arkadi: "Whoa, what is her problem?"'
-								'Niko: "Maybe <<$pcs_nickname>> is on the pipe or something?"'
-								'Natalia: "I hope that she is okay."'
-								'Christina: "I bet she was just looking for attention. I wouldn''t put it past her."'
-								'Bella: "Maybe she is just a psycho bitch and she finally snapped."'
+								'"Whoa, what''s her problem?" Arkadi asks.'
+								'"Maybe she''s on the pipe or something?" Niko replies.'
+								'"I hope that she''s okay..." Natalia asks in a concerned voice.'
+								'"I bet she was just looking for attention. I wouldn''t put it past her." Christina sneers.'
+								'"Maybe she''s just a psycho bitch and finally snapped?" Bella says in a mocking tone.'
 								act 'Quickly leave the classroom': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break' 

+ 171 - 142

@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Aftermath':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/vicky/vickysmile.jpg"></center>'
-	'You slowly open your eyes and see <<$VK_VikName>> playfully shaking your shoulder. "Hey there sleepy head! Did you sleep well?" You give <<$VK_VikName>> a warm smile. "I guess but... where am I?" <<$VK_VikName>> replies, "After what happened at school, we couldn''t just leave you alone, to be abused by the boys, so we brought you back to our place." You scratch your head. "We?" <<$VK_VikName>> smiles then turns to her left.' 
+	'You slowly open your eyes and see <<$VK_VikName>> playfully shaking your shoulder. "Hey there sleepy head! Did you sleep well?" You give <<$VK_VikName>> a warm smile. "I guess but... where am I?" 
+	"After what happened at school, we couldn''t just leave you alone to be abused by the boys, so we brought you back to our place." <<$VK_VikName>> replies and you scratch your head. "We?" <<$VK_VikName>> smiles and turns to her left.' 
 	act 'Turn with her':	
 		*clr & cla		
@@ -31,9 +32,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Aftermath':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja2.jpg"></center>'		
-		'You turn to see Katja Meynold and Natalia Pavlova sitting on the seats right next to the bed. Katja says, "I''m so glad that you are okay. I was worried when you didn''t wake up." Natalia adds, "I also cleaned your hair for you. It was... Messy" You look around the room then back at <<$VK_VikName>>. "Thank you all, for helping me. I can''t believe what happened in school was not a dream. I want it to be a dream, so bad." You can feel tears forming under your eyes. Katja hugs you as she says, "I don''t know what caused it, but we will find a way to make things better. You didn''t deserve what they did to you."' 
+		'You turn to see Katja and Natalia sitting next to the bed. "I''m so glad that you''re okay! I was worried when you didn''t wake up." Katja says in a concerned voice and Natalia nods before replying. "I cleaned your hair for you. It was... messy." You look around the room then back at <<$VK_VikName>>. "Thank you all for helping me. I can''t believe what happened in school wasn''t a dream! I want it to be a dream, so bad." You can feel tears forming under your eyes as Katja hugs you. "I don''t know what caused it, but we''ll find a way to make things better. You didn''t deserve what they did to you."' 
-		'<<$VK_VikName>> places her hand on your shoulder then says, "There, there, you''ll be alright." Natalia gives you a very supportive smile as she lightly squeezes your hand as Katja sighs, "What is going at school these days, first Sonia and now <<$pcs_firstname>>. These boys are animals." You reply, "Yes they are." Natalia places her hand on your leg, "<<$pcs_firstname>> what happened exactly?"'
+		'<<$VK_VikName>> places her hand on your shoulder. "There there, you''ll be alright." Natalia gives you a very supportive smile as she lightly squeezes your hand as Katja sighs. "What''s going at school these days? First Sonia and now <<$pcs_nickname>>. These boys are animals." 
+		"Yes, they are." you reply and Natalia places her hand on your leg. "What exactly happened, <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
 		act 'Tell them your story':	
 			*clr & cla
@@ -41,21 +43,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Aftermath':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
-			'You take a deep breath, "It all started when I met a boy named Nikolai. He..." Katja cuts you off, "Wait, do you mean that gopnik punk Niko? You should never trust that loser." Natalia nods, "She''s right. That boy is bad news. He is always lying to everyone. Even the other boys know, not to trust him."' 
-			act 'Look to Katja':
+			'You take a deep breath. "It all started when I met Nikolai. He..." Katja cuts you off. "Wait, do you mean that gopnik punk Niko? You should never have trusted that loser!" Natalia nods. "She''s right. That boy is bad news. He''s always lying to everyone. Even the other boys know not to trust him."' 
+			act 'Look at Katja':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/natalia.jpg"></center>'			
-				'You look up, surprised by their opinions of Niko. "But he treats me with such love and compassion. He always calls me his princess." Katja places her arms around your neck. "Listen <<$pcs_nickname>>, you can go out with whoever you want. I am just concerned that he will use you." You lay back as you consider your options. Natalia asks, "So how did you end up... naked at school?"'
+				'You look up, surprised by their opinions of Niko. "But he treats me with such love and compassion. He always calls me his princess!" Katja places her arms around your neck. "Listen <<$pcs_nickname>>, you can go out with whoever you want. I''m just concerned that he''ll use you." You lay back as you consider your options. "So how did you end up... naked at school?" Natalia asks.'
 				act 'Return to your story':	
 					*clr & cla
 					minut += 5
 					'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'	
-					'"Niko is always teaching me how to be more confident and daring. He tells me to do things that are very scary at first, but end up being very exciting. I don''t know why it excites me so much, but I feel so alive when I am with Niko. He always makes me feel safe and he tells me..." Katja cuts you off. "Makes you feel safe? Like how he kept you safe today?" You lower your head and remain silent, for a few seconds before Katja says, "I''m sorry <<$pcs_firstname>>, I just get so angry when I see good people getting used by assholes like him. Continue your story, please."' 
+					'"Niko is always teaching me how to be more confident and daring. He tells me to do things that are very scary at first, but end up being very exciting. I don''t know why it excites me so much, but I feel so alive when I''m with Niko. He always makes me feel safe and he tells me..." Katja cuts you off again. "Makes you feel safe? Like how he kept you safe today?" You lower your head and remain silent for a few seconds before Katja continues. "I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, I just get so angry when I see good people getting used by assholes like him. Continue your story, please."' 
 					act 'Continue your story':	
 						*clr & cla
@@ -63,21 +65,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Aftermath':
 						'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/vicky.jpg"></center>'					
-						'You take a second before continuing your story. "He helps me find my confidence and break out of my safety bubble. I''m alway trying something new and facing my fears. I... I just don''t know what to do without him. Niko always guides me in bettering myself and feeling so alive." <<$VK_VikName>> places her hand on your shoulder, "If you really care for him then maybe you can work things out with Niko..." Katja immediately cuts <<$VK_VikName>> off, "No! You need to dump that freak! Do you really want to stay with a boy who stripped you down and let those gopnik punks... RAPE YOU!!!?" Natalia tries to calm her. "We might not like him, but it is <<$pcs_firstname>>''s decision and we can''t control her. We can only give her our advice and hope that she makes the right decision... on her own."'
+						'You take a second before continuing. "He helps me find my confidence and break out of my safety bubble. I''m alway trying something new and facing my fears. I... I just don''t know what to do without him. Niko always guides me in bettering myself and feeling so alive." <<$VK_VikName>> places her hand on your shoulder. "If you really care for him, then maybe you can work things out with Niko..." Katja immediately cuts <<$VK_VikName>> off. "No! You need to dump that freak! Do you really want to stay with a boy who stripped you down and let those gopnik punks... RAPE YOU!!!?" Natalia tries to calm her. "We might not like him, but it''s <<$pcs_nickname>>''s decision and we can''t control her. We can only give her our advice and hope that she makes the right decision... on her own."'
 						act 'Continue':	
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/vicky/vickysmile.jpg"></center>'
-							'You lightly grip your hair as you respond, "I just... need to think about this, for a while." <<$VK_VikName>> stands up and says in a cheerful tone, "Well, you take all the time you need. If you need anything then don''t be afraid to holler." <<$VK_VikName>> then walks toward the door then motions the other girls to follow.' 
+							'You lightly grip your hair as you respond. "I just... need to think about this for a while." <<$VK_VikName>> stands up. "Well, you take all the time you need. If you need anything, then don''t be afraid to holler." she says in a cheerful tone before walking toward the door and motioning for the other girls to follow.' 
 							act 'Watch <<$VK_VikName>> leave':	
 								*clr & cla
 								'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja2.jpg"></center>'							
-								'Katja gets up then tells you, "I''m sorry that I have been a bit stern, I just don''t want to see what happened today repeat itself. When you finish resting then come see me okay? We can have a nice chat together and don''t worry, I won''t lecture you again." Natalia adds, "Come see me too, I would like to speak with you. Now get some rest." The girls leave the room as you lay down and close your eyes...'
+								'Katja stands up. "I''m sorry that I''ve been a bit stern, I just don''t want to see what happened today repeat itself. When you finish resting, come see me okay? We can have a nice chat together. Don''t worry, I won''t lecture you again." 
+								"Come see me too, I''d like to speak with you. Now get some rest." Natalia adds and the girls leave the room as you lay down and close your eyes...'
 								act 'Rest':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods'
@@ -99,13 +102,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Aftermath 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
-	'You quickly jump up and see Katja with a concerned look on her face. "It''s okay <<$pcs_firstname>>. You were just having a bad dream." You look around the room, trying to get your bearings then turn to Katja, "Thank you Katja, I hope these nightmare don''t become a habit." Katja rubs your forehead as she responds, "Everything will be alright. You don''t worry need to worry about anything right now. You are among friends. Remember that." As she lightly rubs your forehead. You give her a smile and an approving nod. Katja returns the smile before saying, "Now that''s what I like to see, a fresh smile."' 
+	'You quickly jump up and see Katja with a concerned look on her face. "It''s okay <<$pcs_nickname>>. You were just having a bad dream." You look around the room, trying to get your bearings before turning to Katja. "Thank you Katja, I hope these nightmare don''t become a habit." Katja rubs your forehead as she responds. "Everything will be alright. You don''t need to worry about anything right now. You''re among friends. Remember that." You give her a smile and an approving nod and she returns the smile. "Now that''s what I like to see, a fresh smile."' 
-	'You both giggle before Katja tells you, "Vicky has something planned that she thinks we will all enjoy. It''s hard to imagine what it is but who knows? It might be fun. Anyway you should get yourself washed up. A nice relaxing bath can work wonders for the body and mind. You should also see Vicky when you have the chance. She will be pleased to see you up.' 
+	'You both giggle before Katja speaks again. "Vicky has something planned that she thinks we will all enjoy. It''s hard to imagine what it is but who knows? It might be fun. Anyway, you should get yourself washed up. A nice relaxing bath can work wonders for the body and mind. You should also see Vicky when you have the chance. She will be pleased to see you up.' 
 	if NataliaPavlovaQW >= 10:
-		'I know that Natalia will be excited to see that you''re okay. She was panicking over you. The two of you must be close." You nod then say, "I will go them and thank you for your help." Katja replies, "Don''t mention it. I couldn''t just leave you there." You give Katja an approving nod as you climb out of bed.'
+		'I know that Natalia will be excited to see that you''re okay. She was panicking over you. The two of you must be close." 
+		You nod. "I''ll go them. Thank you for your help." Katja smiles. "Don''t mention it. I couldn''t just leave you there." You give Katja an approving nod as you climb out of bed.'
-		'I''m sure Natalia will be pleased to see that you''re okay. She was seemed very worried about you. She obviously has a kind heart." You nod then say, "I will go see them and thank you for your help." Katja replies, "Don''t mention it. I coldn''t just leave you there." You give Katja an approving nod as you climb out of bed.'
+		'I''m sure Natalia will be pleased to see that you''re okay. She seemed very worried about you. She obviously has a kind heart." 
+		You nod. "I''ll go see them. Thank you for your help." Katja smiles. "Don''t mention it. I coldn''t just leave you there." You give Katja an approving nod as you climb out of bed.'
 	act 'Get up':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
@@ -121,10 +126,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Hallway':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Hall</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/corridor.jpg"></center>'
-	'A large and bright hall, this "hallway" stretches for quite a bit, you''ve never seen anything like this before! There is a mirror covering half of one of the walls. You see the kitchen from the hallway, there''s a big oval dining table.'
-	'There are stairs leading to the second floor. You can also see two doors where the signs say "Toilet" and "Bathroom".'
+	'A large and bright hall, this "hallway" stretches for quite a bit. You''ve never seen anything like this before! There''s a mirror covering half of one of the walls and you see the kitchen not too far away.'
+	'There are stairs leading to the second floor. You can also see two doors with the signs "Toilet" and "Bathroom" attached to them.'
-	if VKAftermathEvent = 2:'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Vicky Chat 3''"><<$VK_VikName>></a> leaning against the wall, playing a game on her phone.'
+	if VKAftermathEvent = 2:'You see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Vicky Chat 3''"><<$VK_VikName>></a> leaning against the wall, playing a game on her phone.'
 	act 'Katja''s room': gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Katja Room'
 	act 'Vicky''s room': gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Vicky Room'
@@ -150,13 +155,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Hallway':
 	if VKAftermathEvent = 3 and VKVickyChat < 4 or VKAftermathEvent = 3 and VKKatjaChat < 3 or VKAftermathEvent = 3 and VKNatChat < 3:
-		act 'Leave house and go home':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Leaving'
+		act 'Leave and go home':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Leaving'
 	elseif VKAftermathEvent = 3:
-		act 'Leave house and go home':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Vicky Goodbye'
+		act 'Leave and go home':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Vicky Goodbye'
 	if VKAftermathEvent = 3 and NikoAftermath = 1 and VKVickyChat = 3:
-		'<font color=#ffae00>You can hear some loud music coming from Vicky''s room</font>'
+		'<font color=#ffae00>You can hear some loud music coming from Vicky''s room.</font>'
 		if music_on = 1:
 			$track_loop = 'sound/hate.mp3'
 			volume = 10
@@ -192,10 +197,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Kitchen':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Kitchen</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/kitchen.jpg"></center>'
-	'The kitchen is huge and luxurious. It is decorated in a minimalist high-tech style. An oval dining room table standing in the middle of the room. The appliances are all hidden. The kitchen is sparkling clean.'
-	if VKAftermathEvent < 2 and NikoAftermath = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Vicky Chat''"><<$VK_VikName>></a> is standing by the stove while playing on her phone.'
+	'The sparkling clean kitchen is huge and luxurious, decorated in a minimalist high-tech style. An oval dining room table stands in the middle of the room while the appliances are all hidden.'
+	if VKAftermathEvent < 2 and NikoAftermath = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Vicky Chat''"><<$VK_VikName>></a> is standing by the stove playing on her phone.'
-	act 'Return to hallway': gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
+	act 'Return to the hallway': gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Lounge':
@@ -220,27 +225,27 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Lounge':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Lounge</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/hall.jpg"></center>'
-	'Spacious room with a sofa and armchairs, on the wall hangs a large plasma TV, located next to the bookcase and on the opposite side is the fireplace, from the hall there is access to a bright garden, overgrown with grapes'
+	'A spacious room with a sofa and armchairs. A large TV hangs on the wall next to the bookcase and on the opposite side is a fireplace. There is access to a bright garden, overgrown with grapes.'
 	if VKNatChat = 0:
-		'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat''">Natalia</a>, leaning against the fireplace. She appears lost in thought.'
+		'You see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat''">Natalia</a> leaning against the fireplace. She appears lost in thought.'
 	elseif VKNatChat = 1 and VKAftermathEvent = 0:
-		'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat''">Natalia</a>, leaning against the fireplace. She appears lost in thought.'		
+		'You see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat''">Natalia</a> leaning against the fireplace. She appears lost in thought.'		
 	elseif VKAftermathEvent = 2 and VKNatChat = 1 or VKAftermathEvent = 3 and VKNatChat = 1:		
-		'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat 2''">Natalia</a>, sitting on a chair near the window, staring outward at the garden.'		
+		'You see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat 2''">Natalia</a> sitting on a chair near the window, staring out at the garden.'		
 	elseif VKAftermathEvent = 3 and VKNatChat < 3 and NikoAftermath = 1 and VKKatjaChat = 3:
-		'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Katja and Natalia''">Katja and Natalia</a> sitting on the couch, chatting with each other.'
+		'You see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Katja and Natalia''">Katja and Natalia</a> sitting on the couch chatting with each other.'
 	elseif VKAftermathEvent = 3 and VKNatChat = 4 and NikoAftermath = 1 and VKKatjaChat = 3:
-		'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Katja and Natalia 2''">Katja and Natalia</a>, sitting on the couch, chatting with each other.'		
+		'You see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Katja and Natalia 2''">Katja and Natalia</a> sitting on the couch chatting with each other.'		
 	elseif VKAftermathEvent = 3 and VKNatChat < 3 and NikoAftermath = 1:
-		'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat 3''">Natalia</a>, leaning against the fireplace as she runs her fingers through her hair.'
+		'You see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat 3''">Natalia</a> leaning against the fireplace as she runs her fingers through her hair.'
 	elseif VKNatChat = 4 and NikoAftermath = 1 and VKKatjaChat < 3:
-		'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat 4''">Natalia</a>, leaning against the fireplace. She look to you with a warm smile.'
+		'You see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Natalia Chat 4''">Natalia</a> leaning against the fireplace. She looks at you with a warm smile.'
 	elseif VKNatChat = 3 and NikoAftermath = 1 and VKKatjaChat = 3:
-		'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Katja Chat 4''">Katja</a>, sitting on the couch watching TV.'
+		'You see <a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Katja Chat 4''">Katja</a> sitting on the couch watching TV.'
-	act 'Return to hallway': gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
+	act 'Return to the hallway': gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Room':
@@ -266,18 +271,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Room':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Katja''s room</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/katya_room.jpg"></center>'
-	'Katja''s room feels like someone is living there temporarily and will soon move out. The stuff in the room are in the perfect order, depicting the feeling off a "non-residential premise".'
-	'There are numerous flowers in the pots on the windowsill, there are pots hanging on the walls and there are even plants in pots on the floor giving the room a greenhouse feeling.'
-	'There is a computer desk in one of the corners, opposite of the bed. In another corner is a hidden wardrobe. Lastly a well hidden bookshelf can be seen in the room, but it is kinda hard to spot because of wildly overgrown plants.'
+	'Katja''s room feels like someone is living there temporarily and will soon move out. The stuff in the room is in perfect order, depicting the feeling of a "non-residential premise."'
+	'There are numerous flowers in pots on the windowsill, there are pots hanging on the walls and there are even plants in pots on the floor, giving the room a greenhouse feeling.'
+	'There is a computer desk in one of the corners, opposite the bed. In another corner is a hidden wardrobe. A well hidden bookshelf can be seen, but it is hard to spot because of the wildly overgrown plants.'
 	if VKKatjaChat = 0 and NikoAftermath = 1:
 		'<a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Katja Chat''">Katja</a> is standing in front of a mirror, checking herself out from different angles.'
 	elseif VKAftermathEvent < 2 and VKKatjaChat = 1 and NikoAftermath = 1:
-		'<a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Katja Chat''">Katja</a> is standing in front of a mirror, tweezing her eyes brows while humming a soothing tune.'	
+		'<a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Katja Chat''">Katja</a> is standing in front of a mirror, tweezing her eyebrows while humming a soothing tune.'	
 	elseif VKAftermathEvent = 2 and VKKatjaChat = 1 and NikoAftermath = 1:
 		'<a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Katja Chat 2''">Katja</a> is cleaning up her shoe closet.'	
 	elseif VKAftermathEvent = 3 and VKKatjaChat = 2 and NikoAftermath = 1:
-		'<a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Katja Chat 3''">Katja</a> is laying on the bed while humming a sweet melody.'
+		'<a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Katja Chat 3''">Katja</a> is lying in bed humming a sweet melody.'
 	act 'Return to the hallway': gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
@@ -309,16 +314,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Room':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Vicky''s room</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/vika_room.jpg"></center>'
-	'<<$VK_VikName>>''s room is always in a mess. It''s clean, but everything is scattered all over the place. There are soft toys laying around in enormous quantities and all the walls are plastered with posters of pop stars and film actors.'
-	'There''s a laptop on the table by the window, it accidentally brings a sense of orderliness. The stacks of magazines resemble music speakers. The rooms centerpiece is the ginormous bed, next to it is a wardrobe. There''s a lone chair somewhere in the corner hidden under all the stuff.'
+	'<<$VK_VikName>>''s room is always a mess. It''s clean, but everything is scattered all over the place. There are soft toys laying around in enormous quantities and all the walls are plastered with posters of pop stars and film actors.'
+	'There''s a laptop on the table by the window, which accidentally brings a sense of orderliness. The stacks of magazines resemble music speakers. The room''s centerpiece is the enormous bed. A wardrobe sits next to it and there''s a lone chair somewhere in the corner hidden under all the stuff.'
 	if VKAftermathEvent = 3 and NikoAftermath = 1 and VKVickyChat = 3:
 		'<a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Vicky Chat 4''"><<$VK_VikName>></a> is dancing to some music playing on her radio.'
 	elseif VKAftermathEvent = 3 and NikoAftermath = 1 and VKVickyChat = 4:
-		'<a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Vicky Chat 5''"><<$VK_VikName>></a> is laying on her bed, face down. She appears to be asleep.'				
+		'<a href="exec:gt ''NikoMeyHome'', ''Vicky Chat 5''"><<$VK_VikName>></a> is lying face down in bed. She appears to be asleep.'				
-	act 'Return to hallway': gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
+	act 'Return to the hallway': gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
 if $ARGS[0] =  'Bathroom Locked':
@@ -326,7 +331,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Bathroom Locked':
 	VKMeyLock = 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bathroom/locked.jpg"></center>'
-	'You try to enter the bathroom but the door is locked. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Hmm it''s locked. Katja or <<$VK_VikName>> must have the key. I should speak with them'+$CloseInnerThought+''
+	'You try to enter the bathroom, but the door is locked. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Hmm it''s locked. Katja or <<$VK_VikName>> must have the key. I should speak with them.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	act 'Walk away': gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'	
@@ -337,7 +342,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Bathroom Hornet':
 	gs 'clothing', 'strip'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bathroom/wasp.jpg"></center>'
-	'As soon as you open the door, a huge wasp darts past you, flying into the kitchen. A few seconds later you hear <<$VK_VikName>> scream, "Ahh a hornet. DIE HORNET!!!" She then comes sprinting out of the kitchen with a rolling pin and begins swatting at the fleeing hornet. You can''t help but giggle to yourself as you watch the whole ordeal. You then shake your head before walking into the bathroom.'
+	'As soon as you open the door, a huge wasp darts past you and flies into the kitchen. A few seconds later, you hear <<$VK_VikName>> screaming. "Ahh a hornet. DIE HORNET!!!" She then comes sprinting out of the kitchen with a rolling pin and begins swatting at the fleeing hornet. You can''t help but giggle as you watch the whole ordeal. You shake your head before walking into the bathroom.'
 	act 'Continue':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Bathroom'
@@ -359,21 +364,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Meal Time':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoria [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/vicky/vickysmile.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walk into the kitchen as Katja and Natalia enter. You all take a seat at the table just as <<$VK_VikName>> approaches with a big chocolate cake. Katja says, "wow... that''s a big cake. Are you sure we can even eat all that?" <<$VK_VikName>> responds, "Well whatever we don''t eat, we can always pop in the fridge for later." <<$VK_VikName>> then grabs a knife then begins cutting the cake into slices, placing it on a plate then hands them out to each of you. Natalia takes a big bite of a cupcake then responds, "Thank you Vicky. This cake is so yummy." <<$VK_VikName>> nods with a warm smile on her face. "I''m glad that you like them. It took me freaking ages to get the batter right. Why is everyone else just staring? Eat up!" She then flutters her arms. You and the girls laugh as you all spend the next 15 minutes, eating cake while chatting about various topics.'
+	'You walk into the kitchen as Katja and Natalia enter. You all take a seat at the table just as <<$VK_VikName>> approaches with a big chocolate cake. "Wow... that''s a big cake. Are you sure we can even eat all that?" Katja comments and <<$VK_VikName>> smiles. "Well whatever we don''t eat, we can always pop in the fridge for later." <<$VK_VikName>> grabs a knife and begins cutting the cake into slices, placing them on plates and handing them out to each of you. Natalia takes a big bite. "Thank you Vicky. This cake is so yummy." <<$VK_VikName>> nods with a warm smile on her face. "I''m glad that you like them. It took me freaking ages to get the batter right. Why is everyone else just staring? Eat up!" She flutters her arms and you and the girls laugh as you all spend the next 15 minutes eating cake while chatting about various topics.'
 	act 'Finish eating':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
-		'After you all finish eating as much cake as you can fit into your belly, Katja stands up and says, "This was great wasn''t it? I know that I had a great time. We should probably get <<$pcs_nickname>> and Nat back home before their parents begin to worry get going. I need to quickly visit the ladies room. I won''t be long." Katja then walks out of the room as she waves at everyone.' 
+		'After you all finish eating as much cake as you can, Katja stands up. "This was great wasn''t it? I know that I had a great time. We should probably get <<$pcs_nickname>> and Nat back home before their parents begin to worry get going. I need to quickly visit the ladies room. I won''t be long." She walks out of the room as she waves at everyone.' 
 		act 'Continue':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/smile1.jpg"></center>'				
-			'Natalia gets up next and says, "We should get going <<$pcs_firstname>>. Their mom should be coming home soon and we''d only disturb her." <<$VK_VikName>> nods as she responds, "I''ll be waiting by the front door when you are ready to go and before you go, can you do me a favor and make sure that Katja doesn''t use all my hair care products. I told her she can use some, but that Kat can''t keep her hands off my things." Natalia adds, "When you have a moment please see me in the lounge. I have something I would like to ask you." You nod at Natalia as she and <<$VK_VikName>> walk out of the kitchen.'
+			'Natalia gets up next. "We should get going <<$pcs_nickname>>. Their mom should be coming home soon and we''d only disturb her." <<$VK_VikName>> nods as she responds. "I''ll be waiting by the front door when you''re ready to go. Before you go, can you do me a favor and make sure that Katja doesn''t use all my hair care products. I told her she can use some, but she just can''t keep her hands off my things!" 
+			"When you have a moment, please see me in the lounge. I have something I would like to ask you." Natalia adds and you nod at Natalia as she and <<$VK_VikName>> walk out of the kitchen.'
 			act 'Stand up':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Kitchen'
@@ -386,19 +392,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Chat':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/vicky/vickysmile.jpg"></center>'
 	if VKVickyChat = 0 and VKMeyLock = 0:
-		'As you are approaching <<$VK_VikName>>, she looks up from her phone then flashes you a warm smile as she says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re up? How have you been holding up? Everything has been so grim lately." You reply, "Thank you <<$VK_VikName>>. I am still really sore and kind of worried of my future. Do you think that there is any chance that I could undo what happened yesterday?" <<$VK_VikName>> lightly places her hands on your arms before replying, "Don''t worry about that. Kat and I are looking into it. Don''t worry." She then playfully shakes you side to side while smiling.' 
+		'As you approach <<$VK_VikName>>, she looks up from her phone and flashes you a warm smile. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re up? How have you been holding up? Everything has been so grim lately."
+		"Thank you <<$VK_VikName>>. I''m still really sore and kind of worried about my future. Do you think that there''s any chance that I could undo what happened yesterday?" <<$VK_VikName>> lightly places her hands on your arms before replying. "Don''t worry about that. Kat and I are looking into it. Don''t worry." She then playfully shakes you side to side while smiling.' 
-		'You nod as you reply, "You''re right, I should try to relax. I just don''t know why Niko just... Left me... He must have gotten held up with something important and couldn''t return in time to protect me. He might be looking for me right now." <<$VK_VikName>> firmly grabs onto your shoulders as she says, in a cute but stern tone, "Listen <<$pcs_nickname>>, I know that you must be feeling really frazzled after your ordeal but you need to try to relax." You take a deep breath then say, "I just... Need help... I need Niko to save me, like he always does..." You can feel tears streaming down your cheeks. "Do you really care for Niko? Even after what happened?" You downcast your eyes as you nod,' 
+		'You nod. "You''re right, I should try to relax. I just don''t know why Niko just... Left me... He must have gotten held up with something important and couldn''t return in time to protect me. He might be looking for me right now." <<$VK_VikName>> firmly grabs onto your shoulders as she says, in a cute but stern tone, "Listen <<$pcs_nickname>>, I know that you must be feeling really frazzled after your ordeal, but you need to try and relax." 
+		You take a deep breath. "I just... Need help... I need Niko to save me, like he always does..." You can feel tears streaming down your cheeks. "Do you really care for Niko? Even after what happened?" You downcast your eyes as you silently nod.' 
-		'<<$VK_VikName>> says, "Then maybe you and him could work things out. There is always hope." You look up to her as you reply, "So do you think that I should stay with Niko? Kat didn''t seem to believe that." <<$VK_VikName>> says, "There is no where to go but up from here so if you feel happy with Niko then stay with Niko. Seems simple enough." You nod you head then say, "Well I have a lot of thinking to do." <<$VK_VikName>> gives you a playful smile, "Don''t spend all day thinking or you will have no time to start DOing... and also don''t be so damn formal. You can call me Vicky!" She then returns to playing on her phone.'
+		'"Then maybe you and him could work things out. There is always hope." You look up to her as you reply. "So do you think that I should stay with Niko? Kat didn''t seem to believe that." <<$VK_VikName>> smiles. "There''s nowhere to go but up from here, so if you feel happy with Niko then stay with Niko. Seems simple enough." You nod. "Well, I have a lot of thinking to do." <<$VK_VikName>> gives you a playful smile. "Don''t spend all day thinking or you''ll have no time to start DOing... And don''t be so damn formal. You can call me Vicky!" She then returns to playing on her phone.'
 	elseif VKVickyChat = 0:
-		'As you are approaching <<$VK_VikName>>, she looks up from her phone then flashes you a warm smile as she says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re up? How have you been holding up? Everything has been so grim lately." You reply, "Thank you <<$VK_VikName>>. I am still really sore and kind of worried of my future. Do you think that there is any chance that I could undo what happened yesterday?" <<$VK_VikName>> lightly places her hands on your arms before replying, "Don''t worry about that. Kat and I will handle that. Don''t worry." She then playfully shakes you side to side while smiling.' 
+		'As you approach <<$VK_VikName>>, she looks up from her phone and flashes you a warm smile. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re up? How have you been holding up? Everything has been so grim lately."
+		"Thank you <<$VK_VikName>>. I''m still really sore and kind of worried about my future. Do you think that there''s any chance that I could undo what happened yesterday?" <<$VK_VikName>> lightly places her hands on your arms before replying. "Don''t worry about that. Kat and I will handle that. Don''t worry." She then playfully shakes you side to side while smiling.' 
-		'You nod as you reply, "You''re right, I should try to relax. I just don''t know why Niko just... Left me... He must have gotten held up with something important and couldn''t return in time to protect me. He might be looking for me right now." <<$VK_VikName>> firmly grabs onto your shoulders as she says, in a cute but stern tone, "Listen <<$pcs_nickname>>, I know that you must be feeling really frazzled after your ordeal but you need to try to relax." You take a deep breath then say, "I just... Need help... I need Niko to save me, like he always does..." You can feel tears streaming down your cheeks. "Do you really care for Niko? Even after what happened?" You downcast your eyes as you nod,' 
+		'You nod. "You''re right, I should try to relax. I just don''t know why Niko just... Left me... He must have gotten held up with something important and couldn''t return in time to protect me. He might be looking for me right now." <<$VK_VikName>> firmly grabs onto your shoulders as she says, in a cute but stern tone, "Listen <<$pcs_nickname>>, I know that you must be feeling really frazzled after your ordeal, but you need to try and relax." 
+		You take a deep breath. "I just... Need help... I need Niko to save me, like he always does..." You can feel tears streaming down your cheeks. "Do you really care for Niko? Even after what happened?" You downcast your eyes as you nod.' 
-		'<<$VK_VikName>> says, "Then maybe you and him could work things out. There is always hope." You look up to her as you reply, "So do you think that I should stay with Niko? Kat didn''t seem to believe that." <<$VK_VikName>> says, "There is no where to go but up from here so if you feel happy with Niko then stay with Niko. Seems simple enough." You nod you head then say, "Well I have a lot of thinking to do." <<$VK_VikName>> gives you a playful smile, "Don''t spend all day thinking or you will have no time to start DOing." She then returns to playing on her phone.'
+		'"Then maybe you and him could work things out. There''s always hope." You look up to her as you reply. "So do you think that I should stay with Niko? Kat didn''t seem to believe that." <<$VK_VikName>> smiles. "There''s nowhere to go but up from here, so if you feel happy with Niko then stay with Niko. Seems simple enough." You nod. "Well, I have a lot of thinking to do." <<$VK_VikName>> gives you a playful smile. "Don''t spend all day thinking or you''ll have no time to start DOing." She then returns to playing on her phone.'
-		'You walk up to <<$VK_VikName>> and she looks up to you then says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, what''s up?" Have you checked on the other girls yet? They might have things to say and you can also jump into the bathroom for a quick bath before we all eat up."'
+		'You walk up to <<$VK_VikName>> and she looks up to you. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, what''s up?" Have you checked on the other girls yet? They might have things to say and you can also jump into the bathroom for a quick bath before we all eat."'
 	if VKMeyLock = 1:
@@ -409,7 +419,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/vicky/vickysurprised.jpg"></center>'	
-			'You ask <<$VK_VikName>>, "Hey <<$VK_VikName>> the bathroom is currently locked. Do you have the key for it?" <<$VK_VikName>> gives you a surprised look before saying, "Who the hell locked it... Kaaaaattt... Anyway where the hell is that spare key?" She then turns to the nearby desk then begins recklessly fumbling through it, causing things to fall out as she continues searching. "It''s gotta be around here somew... Wait!" She turns to her refrigerator then quickly grabs a vase on top of it as she exclaims, "There you are, you sneaky little snake." She then tosses you the keys then say, "There you go. Have fun!" before going back to playing games on her phone.'
+			'"Hey <<$VK_VikName>>, the bathroom''s locked. Do you have the key for it?" <<$VK_VikName>> gives you a surprised look. "Who the hell locked it... Kaaaaattt... Where the hell is that spare key?" She turns to the nearby desk and begins recklessly fumbling through it, causing things to fall out as she continues searching. "It''s gotta be around here somew... Wait!" She turns to the refrigerator and quickly grabs a vase on top of it. "There you are, you sneaky little snake." She tosses you the keys. "There you go. Have fun!" She then goes back to playing games on her phone.'
 			act 'Walk away':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Kitchen'
@@ -435,14 +445,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Chat 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/vicky/vickysmile2.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you leave the bathroom, <<$VK_VikName>> walks out of the kitchen then flashes you a playful smile as she says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>! You look all cleaned up. I bet you are feeling right as rain right now. I just finished baking us all something fun and sweet. You can get something to eat right now or help me fetch the girls. Your choice!"'
+	'As you leave the bathroom, <<$VK_VikName>> walks out of the kitchen and flashes you a playful smile. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>! You look all cleaned up. I bet you''re feeling right as rain now! I just finished baking us all something fun and sweet. You can get something to eat right now or help me fetch the girls. Your choice!"'
 	if VKKatjaBath = 1:
-		'<<$VK_VikName>> suddenly tilts her head and looks over your shoulder before saying, "Kat is that you coming out of the bathroom that our good friend <<$pcs_nickname>> was just bathing herself in?" Katja looks surprised and embarrassed as she replies, "Uhh, no... I wasn''t doing anything." <<$VK_VikName>> playfully says, "Not doing anything huh? Then why were you two alone in there?" Katja begins walking toward her room as <<$VK_VikName>> follows her while saying, "Were you both doing what I think you were? If so then you hasve been a naughty girl Kat" Katja puts her hand in front of <<$VK_VikName>>''s face as <<$VK_VikName>> follows her to her room before Katja slams the door in her face. <<$VK_VikName>> giggles as leans against the wall giving you approving wink.'
+		'<<$VK_VikName>> suddenly tilts her head and looks over your shoulder. "Kat, is that you coming out of the bathroom that our good friend <<$pcs_nickname>> was just bathing herself in?" Katja looks surprised and embarrassed as she replies. "Uhh, no... I wasn''t doing anything." <<$VK_VikName>> playfully laughs. "Not doing anything huh? Then why were you two alone in there?" Katja begins walking toward her room as <<$VK_VikName>> follows her. "Were you both doing what I think you were? If so, then you''ve been a naughty girl Kat!" Katja puts her hand in front of <<$VK_VikName>>''s face as <<$VK_VikName>> follows her to her room before Katja slams the door in her face. <<$VK_VikName>> giggles and leans against the wall while giving you an approving wink.'
 	elseif VKKatBath = 1:
-		'<<$VK_VikName>> suddenly tilts her head and looks over your shoulder before saying, "Kat is that you coming out of the bathroom that our good friend <<$pcs_nickname>> was just bathing herself in?" Katja looks surprised and embarrassed as she replies, "Uhh, no... I was just just checking on her, is all." <<$VK_VikName>> playfully says, "Checking on her huh? What were you checking exactly?" Katja begins walking toward her room as <<$VK_VikName>> follows her while saying, "Were you both doing what I think you were? If so then you hasve been a naughty girl Kat" Katja ignores her as <<$VK_VikName>> follows her to her room before Katja slams the door in her face. <<$VK_VikName>> giggles as leans against the wall giving you approving wink.'
+		'<<$VK_VikName>> suddenly tilts her head and looks over your shoulder. "Kat, is that you coming out of the bathroom that our good friend <<$pcs_nickname>> was just bathing herself in?" Katja looks surprised and embarrassed as she replies. "Uhh, no... I was just, just checking on her is all!" <<$VK_VikName>> playfully laughs. "Checking on her huh? What were you checking exactly?" Katja begins walking toward her room as <<$VK_VikName>> follows her. "Were you both doing what I think you were? If so, then you''ve been a naughty girl Kat!" Katja ignores her as <<$VK_VikName>> follows her to her room before Katja slams the door in her face. <<$VK_VikName>> giggles and leans against the wall while giving you an approving wink.'
-		'<<$VK_VikName>> looks around then says, "Where on earth is that sister of mine? She better not be toughing my hair products again." Vicky then walks toward Katja''s room to see Katja with one of her hair sprays then shout, "Ah ha, I caught you in the act!" Katja quicky darts into her room as <<$VK_VikName>> follows just for Katja to slam the door shut before <<$VK_VikName>> could reach it. <<$VK_VikName>> then leans against wall and begins giggling before saying, "Sisters... What can you do?"'
+		'<<$VK_VikName>> looks around. "Where on earth is that sister of mine? She better not be touching my hair products again!" She walks towards Katja''s room when Katja suddenly appears with one of her hair sprays. "Aha, caught you in the act!" Katja quicky darts into her room as <<$VK_VikName>> follows, but Katja slams the door shut before <<$VK_VikName>> can reach it. <<$VK_VikName>> then leans against wall and begins giggling. "Sisters... What can you do?"'
 	act 'Walk away':
@@ -459,9 +469,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Chat 3':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/vicky.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walk up to <<$VK_VikName>> and she looks up at you then puts her phone away before saying, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>> The cake is just about ready. Can you go fetch the girls for me? Nat is in the lounge and Kat is in her room. Hmm I just noticed that they have a very similar nickname, isn''t that weird? Anyway go get them and we can munch on some yum yums.'
+	'You walk up to <<$VK_VikName>> and she looks up at you before putting her phone away. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>. The cake is just about ready. Can you fetch the girls for me? Nat is in the lounge and Kat is in her room. Hmm, I just noticed that they have very similar nicknames, isn''t that weird? Anyway go and get them and we can munch on some yum yums.'
-	act 'Leave to fetch Natalia and Katja':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
+	act 'Fetch Natalia and Katja':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Chat 4':	
@@ -469,9 +479,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Chat 4':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/vicky/vickysmile.jpg"></center>'
-	'You approach <<$VK_VikName>>  as she is dancing and she turns to then grabs you by the hand and says, "Don''t just stand there. Join in and have some fun!" You begin moving to the beats of the music trying your best to stay in sync as <<$VK_VikName>> dances fast and loose, moving to her own beat. You continue dancing when <<$VK_VikName>> smiles at you and says, "Life can be damn fun when you stop thinking about what everyone else wants and focus on what you do. Everyone always seem to want to be normal but being normal just leads to boring routine,' 
-	*nl
-	'where you spend all of your time doing what you think others want you to do. Not enough people just says fuck that and do what they want. Try not to be one of those people <<$pcs_nickname>>. Be what you want to be. Nothing else matters. Only you and whoever you decide to let in. Be it a friend a boyfriend or even a girlfriend. I don''t judge. Just be happy with what you want and who you are. Don''t let anyone get in the way of that okay?" You nod your head and continue dancing as you ponder what <<$VK_VikName>> said. After a few more minutes of dancing, <<$VK_VikName>> begins breathing heavy as she grows tired. She then spins 4 times before falling face first into her bed and not getting up. You walk over to her radio then turn it off so that <<$VK_VikName>> can get some sleep.'
+	'You approach <<$VK_VikName>> as she''s dancing. She turns and grabs you by the hand. "Don''t just stand there! Join in and have some fun!" You begin moving to the beat of the music, trying your best to stay in sync as <<$VK_VikName>> dances fast and loose, moving to her own beat. You continue dancing when <<$VK_VikName>> smiles at you. "Life can be damn fun when you stop thinking about what everyone else wants and focus on what you do. Everyone always wants to be normal, but being normal just leads to boring routines where you spend all of your time doing what you think others want you to do. Not enough people say "fuck that" and do what they want. Try not to be one of those people <<$pcs_nickname>>. Be what you want to be. Nothing else matters. Only you and whoever you decide to let in. Be it a friend, a boyfriend or even a girlfriend. I don''t judge. Just be happy with what you want and who you are. Don''t let anyone get in the way of that okay?"' 
+	'You nod your head and continue dancing as you ponder what <<$VK_VikName>> said. After a few more minutes of dancing, <<$VK_VikName>> begins breathing heavy as she grows tired. She then spins 4 times before falling face first into her bed and not getting up. You walk over to her radio and turn it off so that she can get some sleep.'
 	act 'Walk away':VKVickyChat = 4 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Vicky Room'
@@ -481,7 +490,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Chat 5':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/vicky/vickysmile.jpg"></center>'
-	'You approach Vicky but she seems fast asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, you carefully walk out of the room.'
+	'You approach Vicky, but she seems to be fast asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, you carefully walk out of the room.'
 	act 'Leave':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'	
@@ -491,9 +500,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Reminder':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/vicky.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you approach the bathroom door, <<$VK_VikName>> turns to you then says, "Have you spoken to Natalia and Kat yet? They were both worried about you and would love to see you up and about." You reply, "I haven''t yet but I will visit them right now. I wouldn''t want them to worry about me." You turn around and walk away.'
-	act 'Walk away':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Vicky Room'
+	'As you approach the bathroom door, <<$VK_VikName>> turns to you. "Have you spoken to Natalia and Kat yet? They were both worried about you and would love to see you up and about." 
+	"Not yet, but I''ll speak to them right now. I wouldn''t want them to worry about me." You turn around and walk away.'
+	act 'Walk away':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Leaving':
@@ -501,10 +511,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Leaving':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	*pl '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
-	'As you approach the door, you think to yourself, '+$OpenInnerThought+'I haven''t spoken to all the girls yet. Should I leave without saying goodbye?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
+	'You approach the door. '+$OpenInnerThought+'I haven''t spoken to all the girls yet. Should I leave without saying goodbye?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
-	act '<font color=#FF00FF>Return to hallway</font>':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
-	act '<font color="red">Leave Meynold home</font>':VKMeyLeft = 1 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Vicky Goodbye'
+	act 'Return to the hallway':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
+	act 'Leave Meynold home':VKMeyLeft = 1 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Vicky Goodbye'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Goodbye':
@@ -515,7 +525,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vicky Goodbye':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/vicky/vicky2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You open the front door then walk out as <<$VK_VikName>> quickly comes running up to you. "I hope that you had a great time here. Remember that you always have friends here okay? You don''t need to be alone." You give Vicky an approving nod as you. "Thank you for everything Vicky. I owe you all so much." <<$VK_VikName>> replies, "Bah you don''t owe us anything." But then she playfully whispers, "But I won''t argue if you anted to get me a new phone." Before sticking out her tongue, making a goofy face. You giggle as <<$VK_VikName>> waves goodbye while closing the door.'
+	'You open the front door and walk out as <<$VK_VikName>> quickly comes running up to you. "I hope you had a great time here. Remember that you always have friends here okay? You don''t need to be alone." You give Vicky an approving nod. "Thank you for everything Vicky. I owe you all so much." 
+	"Bah, you don''t owe us anything." She then playfully whispers in your ear. "But I won''t argue if you wanted to get me a new phone." She then sticks out her tongue, making a goofy face. You giggle as <<$VK_VikName>> waves goodbye while closing the door.'
 	if VKNatChat = 4:
 		act 'Walk home with Natalia':NikoAftermath = 0 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Walk'
@@ -531,9 +542,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Chat':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja2.jpg"></center>'
 	if VKKatjaChat < 1:
 		pcs_makeup = 3
-		'As you approach Katja, she waves you over. You stand next to her before she walks around you while keeping her eyes on the mirror. "Let''s gussy you up." Katja reaches into her hand bag then takes out her compact makeup case. She pulls out her brush then begins applying some makeup on you, for a few seconds before saying, "Look at that pretty girl in the mirror. Isn''t she lovely?" You reply, "I agree, she is so pretty, but what about me?" Katja smirks as she places her fingertip on your nose. "I was referring to you, silly." You both giggle before Katja asks, "So, how are you holding up?" You reply, "I have a lot to think about." Katja responds, "Make sure that you take your time and think carefully about your future because one wrong decision, can go a long way."' 	
+		'As you approach Katja, she waves you over. You stand next to her before she walks around you while keeping her eyes on the mirror. "Let''s gussy you up." She reaches into her hand bag and takes out her compact makeup case. She then pulls out her brush and begins applying some makeup on you for a few seconds. "Look at that pretty girl in the mirror. Isn''t she lovely?" 
+		"I agree, she is pretty, but what about me?" you joke and Katja smirks as she places her fingertip on your nose. "I was referring to you, silly." You both giggle. "So, how are you holding up?"
+		"I have a lot to think about." you reply and Katja sighs. "Make sure that you take your time and think carefully about your future because one wrong decision can go a long way."' 	
-		'You approach Katja and she continues tweezing her eyebrow as she tells you, "You should talk to Natalia and Vicky then you should jump into the bath before Vicky hogs it." You nod as you walk toward the hallway.'
+		'You approach Katja as she continues tweezing her eyebrows. "You should talk to Natalia and Vicky. You should also jump in the bath before Vicky hogs it." You nod as you walk toward the hallway.'
 	if VKKatjaChat < 1:
@@ -544,9 +557,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			*pl '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
 			if VKNatChat = 0:
-				'You sarcastically reply, "Tell me about it." Katja lightly squeezes your shoulders, "No one can change who you are beside you. Remember that. Anyway you should take a bath before Vicky decides to gussy herself in there because trust me when I say, you won''t be able to use bathroom anytime this century." You poke Katja in her arm as you reply, "Oh stop. I''m sure she''s not that bad." She giggles as she pulls out her tweezers then begins plucking her eyebrows while telling you, "Oh, by the way, Natalia wanted to speak to you, she seems very worried about you. She is such a sweet girl. It''s a shame that she isn''t more talkative in school." You reply, "I agree. I will go speak with her." You then give Katja a nod before stepping away.'
+				'"Tell me about it." you sarcastically reply and Katja lightly squeezes your shoulders. "No one can change who you are beside you. Remember that. Anyway, you should take a bath before Vicky decides to gussy herself in there. Trust me when I say you won''t be able to use the bathroom anytime this century." You poke Katja in the arm. "Oh stop. I''m sure she''s not that bad." She giggles as she pulls out her tweezers and begins plucking her eyebrows. "Oh, by the way, Natalia wanted to speak to you. She seems very worried about you. She is such a sweet girl. It''s a shame that she isn''t more talkative in school."
+				"I agree. I''ll go speak with her." You give Katja a nod before stepping away.'
-				'You sarcastically reply, "Tell me about it." Katja lightly squeezes your shoulders, "No one can change who you are beside you. Remember that. Anyway you should take a bath before Vicky decides to gussy herself in there because trust me when I say, you won''t be able to use bathroom anytime this century." You poke Katja in her arm as you reply, "Oh stop. I''m sure she''s not that bad." She giggles as she pulls out her tweezers then begins plucking her eyebrows while telling you, "Oh, by the way, Natalia wanted to speak to you, she seems very worried about you. She is such a sweet girl. It''s a shame that she isn''t more talkative in school." You reply, "It''s alright, I already spoke with her" Katja gives you a nod then says, "Good, I hate seeing her worried like that, but you get washed up. You don''t to miss whatever Natalia has planned." You nod at Katja before stepping away.'
+				'"Tell me about it." you sarcastically reply and Katja lightly squeezes your shoulders. "No one can change who you are beside you. Remember that. Anyway, you should take a bath before Vicky decides to gussy herself in there. Trust me when I say you won''t be able to use the bathroom anytime this century." You poke Katja in the arm. "Oh stop. I''m sure she''s not that bad." She giggles as she pulls out her tweezers and begins plucking her eyebrows. "Oh, by the way, Natalia wanted to speak to you. She seems very worried about you. She is such a sweet girl. It''s a shame that she isn''t more talkative in school." 
+				"It''s alright, I already spoke with her." you reply and Katja gives you a nod. "Good, I hate seeing her worried like that, but you get washed up. You don''t want to miss whatever Natalia has planned." You nod at Katja before stepping away.'
 			act 'Walk away':VKKatjaChat = 1 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Katja Room'
@@ -558,7 +573,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Chat':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
-			'You ask Katja, "Hey Katja, the bathroom is currently locked. Do you have the key for it?" Katja gives you a surprised look before saying, "Ohh uhh, I don''t know. Maybe you should ask Vicky. She would probably know where the key is. Be careful going in there though." You give her a puzzled look as she says, "You''ll know what I mean."'
+			'"Hey Katja, the bathroom''s locked. Do you have the key for it?" Katja gives you a surprised look. "Ohh uhh, I don''t know. You should ask Vicky. She probably knows where the key is. Be careful going in there though." You give her a puzzled look. "You''ll know what I mean."'
 			act 'Walk away':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Katja Room'
@@ -573,9 +588,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Chat 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja2.jpg"></center>'
 	if VKKatjaChat < 2 and VKKatBath = 1 or VKKatjaChat < 2 and VKKatjaBath = 1:
-		'You walk up to Katja and she turns to you and smiles. "I hope that you enjoyed our time together." You give her a wink that she returns before saying, "Also I hope that Vicky has been making you nervous at all. She is sprite chicken that one. Can never sit still for long." You lightly giggle before replying, "Everything has been going great. I have really been enjoying my time here." Katja places both of her hands on your shoulders then says, "That''s great. I wouldn''t want to be known for being a terrible host." You and her then giggle as you say, "Speaking of Vicky, she finished whatever she was cooking and wants us to head to the kitchen." Katja nods and says, "Sounds good I have the munchies right now. See you there and don''t worry if you are running a bit late because I''ll be sure to save you a plate." Katja then leaves the room.'
+		'You walk up to Katja and she turns to you and smiles. "I hope that you enjoyed our time together." You give her a wink that she returns. "Also I hope that Vicky hasn''t been making you nervous at all. She''s a wild one and can never sit still for long." 
+		You lightly giggle. "Everything''s been going great. I''ve really been enjoying my time here." Katja places both her hands on your shoulders. "That''s great. I wouldn''t want to be known for being a terrible host." You both giggle before you continue. "Speaking of Vicky, she finished whatever she was cooking and wants us to head to the kitchen." Katja nods. "Sounds good. I have the munchies right now. See you there and don''t worry if you''re running late. I''ll be sure to save you a plate." She then leaves the room.'
 	elseif VKKatjaChat < 2:
-		'You walk up to Katja and she turns to you and smiles. "All cleaned up I see. I hope that Vicky has been making you nervous at all. She is sprite chicken that one. Can never sit still for long." You lightly giggle before replying, "Everything has been going great. I have really been enjoying my time here." Katja places both of her hands on your shoulders then says, "That''s great. I wouldn''t want to be known for being a terrible host." You and her then giggle as you say, "Speaking of Vicky, she finished whatever she was cooking and wants us to head to the kitchen." Katja nods and says, "Sounds good I have the munchies right now. See you there and don''t worry if you are running a bit late because I''ll be sure to save you a plate." Katja then leaves the room.'
+		'You walk up to Katja and she turns to you and smiles. "All cleaned up I see. I hope that Vicky hasn''t been making you nervous at all. She''s a wild one and can never sit still for long." 
+		You lightly giggle. "Everything''s been going great. I''ve really been enjoying my time here." Katja places both her hands on your shoulders. "That''s great. I wouldn''t want to be known for being a terrible host." You both giggle before you continue. "Speaking of Vicky, she finished whatever she was cooking and wants us to head to the kitchen." Katja nods. "Sounds good. I have the munchies right now. See you there and don''t worry if you are running late. I''ll be sure to save you a plate." She then leaves the room.'
 	act 'Walk away':VKKatjaChat = 2 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Katja Room'
@@ -587,7 +604,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Chat 3':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
-	'You sit down next to Katja and she turns to you. "I know that I said that I wouldn''t lecture you, but that boy Niko is not what he seems. He doesn''t care about you, he is just trying to use you. I only tell you this because I care about you. Don''t let this punk corrupt you." You look at your feet while you consider what she said. Katja begins rubbing on your shoulders, "You can do better then him <<$pcs_firstname>>. Don''t let him trick you into believing otherwise. I just needed to tell you that before I left. Please stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>. You are too good a girl to be used like that." Katja gets up then waves goodbye as she walks out of the bedroom.'
+	'You sit next to Katja and she turns to you. "I know that I said that I wouldn''t lecture you, but that boy Niko is not what he seems. He doesn''t care about you, he''s just trying to use you. I''m only telling you this because I care about you. Don''t let this punk corrupt you." You look at your feet while you consider what she said and Katja begins rubbing on your shoulders, "You can do better then him and don''t let him trick you into believing otherwise. I just needed to tell you that before I left. Please stay safe <<$pcs_nickname>>. You''re too good a girl to be used like that." She gets up and waves goodbye as she walks out of the bedroom.'
 	act 'Walk away':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Katja Room'
@@ -598,7 +615,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Chat 4':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You sit down next to Katja and she turns to you and says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, it was great having you here. Feel free to pay us another visit sometime." Katja then winks at you before turning back to the TV screen.'
+	'You sit next to Katja and she turns to you. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, it was great having you here. Feel free to pay us another visit sometime." She winks at you before turning back to the TV screen.'
 	act 'Walk away':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
@@ -608,7 +625,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja and Natalia':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/lounge/Natalia4.jpg"></center>'
-	'You sit down next to Katja and Natalia and they both turn to you then Katja says, "Hello again <<$pcs_nickname>>, are you ready to go?" Natalia adds. "We can go whenever you want but I just want to know if you would... Like to walk home with me?" Katja giggles as she says, "Awww are you gonna say no to that cute face." Natalia lowers her head to hide the embarrassed smile and the light flushing of her cheeks.'
+	'You sit down next to Katja and Natalia and they both turn to you. "Hello again <<$pcs_nickname>>, are you ready to go?" Katja asks. 
+	"We can go whenever you want, but I just want to know if you would... Like to walk home with me?" Natalia adds and Katja giggles. "Awww. Are you gonna say no to that cute face?" Natalia lowers her head to hide the embarrassed smile and the light flushing of her cheeks.'
 	act 'I would love to':
 		*clr & cla	
@@ -616,11 +634,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja and Natalia':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/lounge/Natalia3.jpg"></center>'
-		'Natalia''s eyes light up as she responds, "Great are you ready to head out now or would you like to speak to <<$VK_VikName>>, or Katja first?"'
+		'Natalia''s eyes light up. "Great! Are you ready to head out now or would you like to speak to <<$VK_VikName>> or Katja first?"'
 		act 'Stay to chat with <<$VK_VikName>> and Katja':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
-		act '<font color=#FF00FF>Leave house with Natalia</font>':VKNatChat = 5 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Walk'
+		act 'Leave with Natalia':VKNatChat = 5 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Walk'
 	act 'I can''t right now':
@@ -629,7 +647,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja and Natalia':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/lounge/Natalia2.jpg"></center>'	
-		'"I would love to, but I have other places I need to be today, maybe next time." Natalia lowers her head, "Okay I guess... just stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>. I... I''m concerned for you." You reply, "That is really sweet Natalia, but I''m fine." Natalia responds, "I''m glad to hear that. Goodbye <<$pcs_firstname>>." Natalia then walks out of the house while giving both, you and <<$VK_VikName>> a friendly smile.'
+		'"I would love to, but I have other places I need to be today. Maybe next time." Natalia lowers her head. "Okay I guess... Just stay safe <<$pcs_nickname>>. I... I''m concerned for you." 
+		You smile. "That''s really sweet Natalia, but I''m fine." Natalia smiles back. "I''m glad to hear that. Goodbye <<$pcs_nickname>>." Natalia then walks out of the house while giving both you and <<$VK_VikName>> a friendly smile.'
 		act 'Wave goodbye':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
@@ -641,12 +660,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja and Natalia 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/lounge/Natalia4.jpg"></center>'
 	if VKNatChat = 4:
-		'You approach Katja and Natalia and they both turn to you then Katja says, "I hope you two aren''t planning on living here because my sister is already as much as I can take on a daily basis." Causing Natalia to giggle before asking, "Are you ready to go <<$pcs_nickname>>?'
+		'You approach Katja and Natalia and they both turn to you. "I hope you two aren''t planning on living here because my sister is already as much as I can take on a daily basis." Katja says jokingly, causing Natalia to giggle before asking "Are you ready to go <<$pcs_nickname>>?'
-		'You approach Katja and Natalia and they both turn to you then Katja says, "I hope you two aren''t planning on living here because my sister is already as much as I can take on a daily basis." Causing Natalia to giggle before saying, "I should really get going. See you all at school." Natalia waves as she leaves the room.'
+		'You approach Katja and Natalia and they both turn to you. "I hope you two aren''t planning on living here because my sister is already as much as I can take on a daily basis." Katja says jokingly, causing Natalia to giggle before saying "I should really get going. See you all at school." She waves at you both as she leaves the room.'
 	if VKNatChat = 4:
-		act 'Leave house with Natalia':VKNatChat = 5 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Walk'
+		act 'Leave with Natalia':VKNatChat = 5 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Walk'
 		act 'Not yet':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
@@ -661,13 +680,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Chat':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	if VKNatChat = 0:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/lounge/natalia3.jpg"></center>'
-		'As soon as you approach, Natalia turns to you before flashing you a smile. "<<$pcs_firstname>> you''re up! How are you feeling?" You return the smile as you reply, "I''m feeling much better now. I hope that I didn''t worry you." Natalia giggles before replying, "I''m just glad that you''re okay. I have never seen anyone go through as much as you did today, but I''m sure everything will work out in the end." You reply, "I can only hope." Natalia responds, "Try not to let things get to you." You reply, "Don''t worry I won''t." Natalia says, "Good, I will always be around, if you want to talk."' 
+		'As soon as you approach, Natalia turns to you before flashing you a smile. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re up! How are you feeling?" You return the smile as you reply. "I''m feeling much better now, thanks. I hope I didn''t worry you." Natalia giggles before replying. "I''m just glad you''re okay. I''ve never seen anyone go through as much as you did today, but I''m sure everything will work out in the end." 
+		"I can only hope." you reply and Natalia responds. "Try not to let things get to you." You smile. "Don''t worry, I won''t." 
+		"Good, I''ll always be around if you want to talk."' 
-		'You respond, "Thank you, for everything you all have done for me. I shutter to think of what would have happened to me if you weren''t around." Natalia replies with a warm smile before saying, "You are very welcome. Now you should take a relaxing bath before <<$VK_VikName>> is finished cooking."'
+		'"Thanks for everything you all have done for me. I shudder to think of what would have happened to me if you weren''t around." Natalia replies with a warm smile. "You''re very welcome. Now you should take a relaxing bath before <<$VK_VikName>> is finished cooking."'
 		act 'Walk away':VKNatChat = 1 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/lounge/natalia2.jpg"></center>'
-		'When you approach Natalia, she says, "Is there something else you need?" You reply, "I just wanted to know where the bathroom is." Natalia points toward the end of the hallway. "The bathroom is at the end of the hall. It looks nice. A lot better than my bathroom." You reply, "Mine too." You both giggle before you walk back into the hallway.'
+		'You approach Natalia and she smiles. "Is there something else you need?" You reply, 
+		"I just wanted to know where the bathroom is." you reply and Natalia points toward the end of the hallway. "The bathroom is at the end of the hall. It looks nice. A lot better than my bathroom." 
+		"Mine too." You both giggle before you walk back into the hallway.'
 		act 'Walk away':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Hallway'
@@ -678,7 +701,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Chat 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/lounge/natalia2.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you approach Natalia, her eyes light up  and she says, "<<$pcs_nickname>> You are all wash up and you look great!" You reply, "Thank you Natalia. You look good yourself." Natalia lightly brushes her hair with her hand before saying, "Umm thank you <<$pcs_firstname>>. I... was wondering if you have been having a good time so far." You reply, "I have been having a wonderful time and speaking of which. Vicky just finished making something for us to eat and we wouldn''t want to start eating without you." Natalia happily nods. "I''ll be right there don''t worry. I''m sure whatever Vicky made is going to be yummy." She then walks out of the room.'
+	'Natalia''s eyes light up as you approach. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, you look great! Enjoy the bath?" You reply, 
+	"Thanks. You look good yourself." you reply and Natalia lightly brushes her hair with her hand. "Umm... thank you <<$pcs_nickname>>. I... was wondering. Have you been having a good time so far." 
+	You smile. "I''ve been having a wonderful time. Speaking of which, Vicky just finished making something for us to eat and we wouldn''t want to start eating without you." Natalia happily nods. "Don''t worry, I''ll be right there. I''m sure whatever Vicky made is going to be yummy!" She then walks out of the room.'
 	act 'Wave goodbye':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'	
@@ -688,7 +713,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Chat 3':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/lounge/natalia2.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you approach Natalia, she asks, "How did you like the cupcakes? I found them very tasty." You reply, "They were super yummy, <<$VK_VikName>> could win a cooking contest, if we had those, that is." Natalia giggles before asking, "We are going to be leaving in a bit and I wanted to ask you... would you like to walk home with me?"'
+	'Natalia smiles as you approach. "How did you like the cupcakes? I found them very tasty." You reply, 
+	"They were super yummy! <<$VK_VikName>> could win a cooking contest. If we had those, that is." you reply and Natalia giggles. "We''re leaving in a bit and I wanted to ask... Would you like to walk home with me?"'
 	act 'I would love to':
 		*clr & cla	
@@ -696,11 +722,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Chat 3':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/lounge/natalia3.jpg"></center>'
-		'Natalia''s eyes light up as she responds, "Great are you ready to head out now or would you like to speak to <<$VK_VikName>>, or Katja first?"'
+		'Natalia''s eyes light up. "Great! Are you ready to head out now or would you like to speak to <<$VK_VikName>> or Katja first?"'
 		act 'Stay to chat with <<$VK_VikName>> and Katja':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
-		act 'Leave house with Natalia':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Walk'
+		act 'Leave with Natalia':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Walk'
 	act 'I can''t right now':
@@ -709,7 +735,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Chat 3':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/lounge/natalia2.jpg"></center>'	
-		'"I would love to, but I have other places I need to be today, maybe next time." Natalia lowers her head, "Okay I guess... just stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>. I... I''m concerned for you." You reply, "That is really sweet Natalia, but I''m fine." Natalia responds, "I''m glad to hear that. Goodbye <<$pcs_firstname>>." Natalia then walks out of the house while giving both, you and <<$VK_VikName>> a friendly smile.'
+		'"I would love to, but I have other places I need to be today, maybe next time." Natalia lowers her head. "Okay I guess... Just stay safe <<$pcs_nickname>>. I... I''m concerned for you." 
+		You smile. "That''s really sweet Natalia, but I''m fine." Natalia smiles back. "I''m glad to hear that. Goodbye <<$pcs_nickname>>." She then walks out of the house while giving both you and <<$VK_VikName>> a friendly smile.'
 		act 'Wave goodbye':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
@@ -720,9 +747,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Chat 4':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/lounge/natalia2.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you walk up to Natalia, she asks, "Would you like to leave now?"'
+	'You walk up to Natalia and she smiles. "Would you like to leave now?"'
-	act 'Leave house with Natalia':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Walk'
+	act 'Leave with Natalia':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Walk'
 	act 'Not yet':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Lounge'
@@ -736,24 +763,24 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Walk':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/vicky/vicky2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You and Natalia begin walking toward the front door. <<$VK_VikName>> asks, "Are you two ready to head out?" You both nod simultaneously as <<$VK_VikName>> holds the door open for you. As you are walking past <<$VK_VikName>>, she leans forward then whispers in your ear, "Don''t forget what I said earlier. Whatever makes you happier, is the path you should follow. What''s the point of living a boring life?" She then gives you a wink as you and Natalia head into town.'
+	'You and Natalia begin walking toward the front door. "Are you two ready to head out?" <<$VK_VikName>> asks and you both nod. <<$VK_VikName>> holds the door open for you and she leans forwards and whispers in your ear as you pass. "Don''t forget what I said earlier. Whatever makes you happier is the path you should follow. What''s the point of living a boring life?" She then gives you a wink as you and Natalia head into town.'
 	act 'Continue walking':
 		*clr & cla	
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/park/natalia1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You and Natalia continue walking in silence until you begin walking past the park when Natalia asks, "Would you like to stop by the park?"'	
+		'You and Natalia continue walking in silence until you begin walking past the park. "Would you like to stop by the park?" Natalia asks.'	
 		act 'Sure': gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Park'
-		act 'It''s getting too late':			
+		act 'It''s getting late':			
 			*clr & cla	
 			minut += 10
 			'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/Natalia/love/sad1.jpg"></center>'
-			'Natalia lowers her head, "Oh, ok then, sorry for asking." You both walk home in silence. When you reach your door Natalia says, "Stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>> and remember to do whatever you feel is right. Goodbye." You wave goodbye to Natalia as she walks away.'	
+			'You shake your head. "No, it''s getting late and I just want to go home." Natalia lowers her head. "Oh, okay then." You both walk home in silence and when you reach your door, Natalia gives you a hug. "Stay safe <<$pcs_nickname>>. And remember to do whatever you feel is right. Goodbye." You wave goodbye to Natalia as she walks away.'	
 			act 'Enter your apartment':gt 'korrPar'
@@ -766,14 +793,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Park':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/park/sit.jpg"></center>'
-	'You and Natalia walk through the park while having small talk until you sit down on a bench and Natalia sits down next to you. Natalia smiles as she asks, "What do you plan to do with Niko?" You reply, "I don''t know yet. I need to sleep on it." Natalia nods slowly, "I guess that''s fair, I''m just worried about you. No one can go through what you did and be unphased." You nod as you reply, "Nothing will be the same, I know that, but I can still choose where I go from here." Natalia places her hand on your knee. "You don''t need to be alone in this. If you ever need anything then you can always talk to me." You give Natalia a warm smile as you reply, "That''s so sweet of you, but why do you care so much about what happens to me? I''m no one special."'
+	'You and Natalia walk through the park chatting until you sit on a bench. Natalia smiles. "What do you plan to do with Niko?"  
+	You sigh. "I don''t know yet. I need to sleep on it." Natalia nods slowly. "I guess that''s fair. I''m just worried about you. No one can go through what you did and be unphased." You nod as you reply. "Nothing will be the same, I know that, but I can still choose where I go from here." Natalia places her hand on your knee. "You don''t need to be alone in this. If you ever need anything then you can always talk to me." 
+	You give Natalia a warm smile. "That''s so sweet of you, but why do you care so much about what happens to me? I''m no one special."'
 	if SexTalkNatalia = 4 or NataliaPavlovaQW >= 10:
-		'"I... uhm... care for you, I..." Natalia remains silent for a few seconds as she rubs her arm while staring at the ground in front of her.'
+		'"I... uhm... care for you. I..." Natalia remains silent for a few seconds as she rubs her arm while staring at the ground in front of her.'
 		act 'Kiss her':VKNataliaKiss = 1 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Kiss'
 		act 'Change subject':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Park 2'
-		'"I just couldn''t leave you like that. You looked so scared and helpless. I needed to help in any way I can." You place your hand on her knee, "Thank you Natalia. You saved me." Natalia''s face grows red as she replies, "I didn''t do it alone, but you''re welcome." Natalia gives you a meek smile.'
+		'"I just couldn''t leave you like that. You looked so scared and helpless. I needed to help in any way I can." You place your hand on her knee. "Thank you Natalia. You saved me." Natalia''s face grows red. "I didn''t do it alone, but you''re welcome." She gives you a meek smile.'
 		act 'Continue talking':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Natalia Park 2'
@@ -784,7 +813,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Park 2':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big240.jpg"></center>'
-	'You and Natalia continue chatting for a few minutes before Natalia looks at her phone then says, "Wow, I can''t believe it gotten so late. We should really get home." You both walk home. When you reach your door Natalia says, "Stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>> and remember to follow your heart. Have a good night." You then wave goodbye to Natalia as she walks away.'
+	'You and Natalia continue chatting for a few minutes before she looks at her phone. "Wow, I can''t believe it gotten so late! We should really get home." You both walk home and when you reach your door, Natalia gives you a hug. "Stay safe <<$pcs_nickname>>. And remember to follow your heart. Have a good night." You wave goodbye to Natalia as she walks away.'
 	act 'Enter your apartment':gt 'korrPar'
@@ -793,20 +822,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Kiss':
 	*clr & cla	
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/kiss1.mp4"></video></center>'
-	'You place your hand on Natalia''s cheek then gently pull her face to yours. You both share a passionate kiss for what feels like two minutes. After you finish, you both stare into each others eyes as you whisper to her, "Thank you for saving me Natalia. I will never forget what you have done for me." Natalia''s face is very red as she replies, "I would do anything for you. You only need to ask." You reply, "You''re so sweet Natalia and I am so lucky to have you." Natalia gives you a trembling smile before she quickly darts forward, giving you another passionate kiss.'
+	'You place your hand on Natalia''s cheek and gently pull her face to yours. You both share a passionate kiss for what feels like eternity. After you finish, you both stare into each other''s eyes as you whisper at her. "Thank you for saving me Natalia. I''ll never forget what you done for me." Natalia''s face is very red. "I''d do anything for you. You only need to ask." 
+	"You''re so sweet Natalia. I''m so lucky to have you." Natalia gives you a trembling smile before she quickly darts forward, giving you another passionate kiss.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5, 'lesbian'
 	act 'Finish kissing':
 		*clr & cla	
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/park/natalia1.jpg"></center>'	
-		'After a long passionate kiss, Natalia begins giggling playfully then checks her phone before saying, "It''s getting late, maybe we should start heading home." You reply, "Sure, let''s walk home." As you are walking home, Natalia wraps her fingers around yours then gives you an innocent smile. When you arrive at your apartment, Natalia says, "Please stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>, I care for you so much... Just remember to follow your heart and I''m sure that everything will work out for you. Have a good night." Natalia then gives you a soft kiss before walking away while looking back at you with an innocent smile.'
+		'After a long passionate kiss, Natalia begins giggling playfully and checks her phone. "It''s getting late. We should start heading home." 
+		"Sure, let''s go." As you are walking home, Natalia wraps her fingers around yours and gives you an innocent smile before you arrive at your apartment. "Please stay safe <<$pcs_nickname>>, I care for you so much... Just remember to follow your heart and I''m sure that everything will work out for you. Have a good night." She gives you a soft kiss before walking away while looking back at you with an innocent smile.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 10, 'lesbian'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		act 'Enter your apartment':gt 'korrPar'
@@ -838,11 +869,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Bathroom':
 	$location_type = 'bathroom'
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Bathroom</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'
-	'A luxurious bathroom looking like the five-star hotel bathrooms you read about in the magazines.'
+	'A luxurious bathroom that looks like the five-star hotel bathrooms you read about in magazines.'
 	if VKAftermathEvent = 0 and KatjaDom ! 0 and VKKatjaChat = 1 or VKAftermathEvent = 0 and NataliaPavlovaQW >= 10 and VKNatChat = 1:
-		if KatjaDom > 0 and KatjaDom <= 50 or KatjaDom > 50 or NataliaPavlovaQW >= 10:'Above the beautiful vanity and sink there is a huge mirror. You can feel a hand on your shoulder.'
+		if KatjaDom > 0 and KatjaDom <= 50 or KatjaDom > 50 or NataliaPavlovaQW >= 10:'Above the beautiful vanity and sink is a huge mirror. You can feel a hand on your shoulder.'
-		'Above the beautiful vanity and sink there is a huge <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>.'
+		'Above the beautiful vanity and sink is a huge <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>.'
 	if VKAftermathEvent = 0 and KatjaDom > 50 and VKKatjaChat = 1:
 		act 'Turn around': VKAftermathEvent = 1 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Kat Bath'
@@ -865,7 +896,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Bath':
 	gs 'clothing', 'strip'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/bathroom/wash4.jpg"></center>'
-	'You turn the water on and watch as the bathtub slowly fills. You look around the room feeling rather lonely but nevertheless you wait for the tub to fill before carefully climbing inside and relaxing as the warm water sooths you sore body. After a few minutes, you begin slowly scrubbing yourself until you finally feel clean. You then rest for a few more seconds before you get up, dry yourself off then get dressed.'
+	'You turn the water on and watch as the bathtub slowly fills. You look around the room, feeling rather lonely but nevertheless you wait for the tub to fill before carefully climbing into it and relaxing as the warm water soothes you aching body. After a few minutes, you begin slowly scrubbing yourself until you finally feel clean. You then rest for a few more seconds before you get up, dry yourself off and get dressed.'
 	act 'Continue':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Bathroom'
@@ -876,7 +907,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Kat Bath':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You turn around and see Katja staring at you. You freeze in place as she walks up to you then looks into your eyes as she says, "Let''s get you cleaned up <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
+	'You turn around and see Katja staring at you. You freeze in place as she walks up to you and looks into your eyes. "Let''s get you cleaned up <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
 	act 'Meekly nod':	
 		cla & *clr
@@ -884,52 +915,51 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Kat Bath':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
-		'Katja begins unbuttoning your shirt then drops it to the ground she then feels up your waist until she gets to your shirt. She then pulls it up over your head exposing your breasts. Katja slowly runs her fingers over your nipples then lightly grips them before pulling them gently up and letting them go, causing your breasts to bounce.' 
-		*nl
-		'Katja''s hands now reaches downward as she slowly slides her thumbs down the waist of your pants then pulls them all the way down before she kneels down to remove your socks. After you are fully naked, Katja looks you over then slowly runs her finger to your vagina then starts putting her finger in until she see you flinch from the soreness you feel.'
+		'Katja begins unbuttoning your shirt and pulls it up over your head, exposing your breasts. She slowly runs her fingers over your nipples and lightly squeezes them before pulling them gently up and letting them go, causing your breasts to bounce.' 
+		'Her hands then reach downward as she slowly slides her thumbs down the waistband of your panties and pulls them all the way down before she kneels down to remove your socks. Once you''re fully naked, Katja looks you over and slowly runs her finger over your pussy. She slides her finger in until she sees you flinch from the soreness you feel.'
 		act 'Continue':	
 			cla & *clr
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/receiving/1.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'Realizing your pain, Katja quickly stops then whispers in your ear, "Get in the tub." You do as she says and climb into the tub as Katja undresses herself and joins you. She begins soaping up the sponge then says, "Sit up." You do as she says and she begins lathering your body with the soft sponge while being very careful not to put too much pressure on your sore spots.'
+			'Realizing your pain, Katja quickly stops and whispers in your ear. "Get in the tub." You do as she says and climb into the tub as Katja undresses herself and joins you. She begins soaping up the sponge. "Sit up." You do as she says and she begins lathering your body with the soft sponge while being very careful not to put too much pressure on your sore spots.'
 			act 'Let Katja rinse you':	
 				cla & *clr
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/receiving/2.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'After Katja finishes rinsing off the soap she grabs onto the back of your head then pulls you forward toward her nipple and you obediently begin licking her nipple passionately while occasionally looking up to see her lightly bitting her lip, obviously pleased at your performance. She then lightly grips your neck, gently pushing you off her, before climbing on top of the side of the tub before spreading her legs and rubbing her pussy gently.'
+				'After Katja finishes rinsing off the soap, she grabs onto the back of your head and pulls you forward towards her nipple. You obediently begin licking her nipple passionately while occasionally looking up to see her lightly biting her lip, obviously pleased at your performance. She then lightly grips your neck, gently pushing you off her before climbing on top of the side of the tub before spreading her legs and rubbing her pussy gently.'
 				act 'Lick her pussy':	
 					cla & *clr
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/receiving/3.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You lean forward then begin lightly licking her pussy as Katja leans back against the wall. You continue licking her vagina gently at first then begin quickening your pace while occasionally looking up to see her tilting her head back and moaning. You can see her legs tensing up as you pleasure her.'
+					'You lean forward and begin lightly licking her pussy as Katja leans back against the wall. You continue licking her pussy, gently at first before quickening your pace while occasionally looking up to see her tilting her head back and moaning. You can see her legs tensing up as you pleasure her.'
 					act 'Continue':	
 						cla & *clr
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/receiving/4.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'As you continue licking Katja''s pussy, you decide to slide one of your fingers into her vagina then do your best to please her with it. You run your finger inside of her, brushing her g-spot with the tip of your finger as Katja begins moaning louder. You look up to Katja to see her fidgeting as she moans out loud.'
+						'As you continue licking Katja''s pussy, you decide to slide one of your fingers inside her and do your best to please her with it. You brush her g-spot with the tip of your finger as she begins moaning louder. You look up to see her fidgeting as she moans out loud.'
 						act 'Increase your pace':	
 							cla & *clr
 							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/receiving/5.mp4"></video></center>'
-							'You increase your pace before Katja suddenly slams her head back. Katja''s body begins to spasm as she experiences a powerful orgasm. Her moaning is erratic and her hands tightly clench around the shelf. You look up at her and watch her writhing in pleasure. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Yes Katja. Feel what you mean to me. You deserve every second of pleasure I can give you. I want you to feel pure ecstasy.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
+							'You increase your pace before Katja suddenly slams her head back and her body begins to spasm as she experiences a powerful orgasm. Her moaning is erratic and her hands tightly clench around the shelf. You look up at her and watch her writhing in pleasure.'
 							act 'Continue':	
 								cla & *clr
 								'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/receiving/6.mp4"></video></center>'
-								'Katja finishes her orgasm then lays still for a few seconds, catching her breath before looking into your eyes and saying, "You did good <<$pcs_nickname>>... Real good." She then leans forward and places her hand on your cheek, "You''re such a good girl aren''t you?" She then shares a soft passionate kiss with you for what feels like an eternity, but an eternity that you welcome.'
+								'Katja rides through her orgasm and lays still for a few seconds, catching her breath before looking into your eyes. "You did good <<$pcs_nickname>>... Really good." She then leans forward and places her hand on your cheek. "You''re such a good girl, aren''t you?" She then shares a soft passionate kiss with you for what feels like an eternity, an eternity that you welcome.'
 								act 'Finish the kiss':	
 									cla & *clr
 									'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja2.jpg"></center>'
-									'After the long passionate kiss Katja says, "Well... you should probably go see Vicky. She will see you out... and <<$pcs_firstname>>. Don''t forget about what I told you. Niko is no good for you and please... take care of yourself. You are very important to me." You give Katja a approving nod as she climbs out of the tub and you both get dried, dressed.'
+									'After the long passionate kiss, Katja smiles. "Well... you should probably go see Vicky. She will see you out... and <<$pcs_nickname>>. Don''t forget about what I told you. Niko is no good for you and please... take care of yourself. You are very important to me." You give Katja an approving nod as she climbs out of the tub and you both get dried and dressed.'
 									act 'Continue':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Bathroom'
@@ -991,7 +1021,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Bath':
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
-	'You turn around and see Katja staring at you. She reaches out for you but hesitates as you turn to her. You then look into your eyes and say, "The water is ready Jump in." You then motion her to come closer'
+	'You turn around and see Katja staring at you. She reaches out for you, but hesitates as you turn to her. You look into your eyes. "The water is ready. Jump in." You then motion her to come closer'
 	act 'See what she does':
 		cla & *clr
@@ -999,52 +1029,51 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Bath':
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja2.jpg"></center>'
-		'Katja begins unbuttoning your shirt then drops it to the ground she then feels up your waist until she gets to your shirt. She then pulls it up over your head exposing your breasts. Katja slowly runs her fingers over your nipples then lightly grips them before pulling them gently up and letting them go, causing your breasts to bounce.' 
-		*nl
-		'Katja''s hands now reaches downward as she slowly slides her thumbs down the waist of your pants then pulls them all the way down before she kneels down to remove your socks. After you are fully naked, Katja looks you over then slowly runs her finger to your vagina then starts putting her finger in until she see you flinch from the soreness you feel.'
+		'Katja begins unbuttoning your shirt and pulls it up over your head, exposing your breasts. She slowly runs her fingers over your nipples and lightly squeezes them before pulling them gently up and letting them go, causing your breasts to bounce.' 
+		'Her hands then reach downward as she slowly slides her thumbs down the waist of your panties and pulls them all the way down before she kneels down to remove your socks. Once you''re fully naked, Katja looks you over and slowly runs her finger over your pussy. She slides her finger in until she sees you flinch from the soreness you feel.'
 		act 'Continue':	
 			cla & *clr
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/receiving/1.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'Realizing your pain, Katja quickly stops then whispers in your ear, "I''m sorry I just... I forgot." You stroke her cheek then say, "Take off your clothes then get in." Katja quickly undresses herself and joins you. She begins soaping up the sponge then says, "Can you sit up please." You nod and she begins lathering your body with the soft sponge while being very careful not to put too much pressure on your sore spots.'
+			'Realizing your pain, Katja quickly stops and whispers in your ear. "I''m sorry! I just... I forgot." You softly stroke her cheek. "Take off your clothes and get in." Katja quickly undresses herself and joins you. She begins soaping up the sponge. "Can you sit up please?" You nod and she begins lathering your body with the soft sponge while being very careful not to put too much pressure on your sore spots.'
 			act 'Let Katja rinse you off':	
 				cla & *clr
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/giving/2.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'After Katja finishes rinsing off the soap you grab onto the back of her head then pull her forward toward your nipple and she obediently begins licking your nipple passionately while occasionally looking up to see if you approve. You give her a nod then lightly grip her neck, gently pushing her off of you, before climbing on top of the side of the tub before laying back and spreading your legs and rubbing your pussy gently.'
+				'After Katja finishes rinsing off the soap, you grab onto the back of her head and pull her forward toward your nipple. She obediently begins licking your nipple passionately while occasionally looking up to see if you approve. You give her a nod and lightly grip her neck, gently pushing her off of you before climbing on top of the side of the tub before laying back and spreading your legs and gently rubbing your pussy.'
 				act 'Let Katja lick your pussy':	
 					cla & *clr
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/giving/3.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'Katja leans forward then begin lightly licking your pussy as you lean back laying against the side of the tub. Katja continues licking your vagina gently at first then begins quickening her pace while occasionally looking up to see your reaction, obviously wanting to please you. You reach down then stroke her cheek as she continues licking your vagina.'
+					'Katja leans forward and begins lightly licking your pussy as you lean back against the side of the tub. Katja continues licking your pussy, gently at first before quickening her pace while occasionally looking up to see your reaction, obviously wanting to please you. You reach down and stroke her cheek as she continues eating you out.'
 					act 'See what she does':	
 						cla & *clr
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/giving/4.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'Katja slowly begins to slide one of her fingers into your vagina then does her best to please you with it. She runs her finger inside of you, brushing against your g-spot with the tip of her finger as you begin moaning louder. Katja looks up to you as you feel the pleasure building to an almost unsustainable amount as you begin moaning loudly, feeling like you will burst into an orgasm at any second.'
+						'Katja slowly slides one of her fingers into your pussy and does her best to please you with it. She brushes against your g-spot with the tip of her finger as you begin moaning louder. Katja looks up to you as you feel the pleasure building to an almost unsustainable amount and begin moaning loudly, feeling like you''ll burst into an orgasm at any second.'
 						act 'Orgasm':	
 							cla & *clr
 							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/giving/5.mp4"></video></center>'
-							'Katja notices your loud moaning then begins increasing her pace, causing you to suddenly slam your head back. You feel your breath stop as waves of pleasure begin pulsing throughout your body. You lose all control as your body is filled with perfect ecstasy. You can hear yourself moaning loudly and feel your body spasming wildly while Katja remains latched onto your vagina, licking vigorously. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Yes Katja. Please me. Show me what I mean to you. Make me feel pure ecstasy!'+$CloseInnerThought+''
+							'Katja notices your loud moaning and begins increasing her pace, causing you to suddenly slam your head back. You feel your breath stop as waves of pleasure begin pulsing throughout your body. You lose all control as your body is filled with perfect ecstasy. You can hear yourself moaning loudly and feel your body spasming wildly while Katja remains latched onto your pussy, licking vigorously.'
 							act 'Continue':	
 								cla & *clr
 								'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/giving/6.mp4"></video></center>'
-								'You finish your orgasm then lay still for a few seconds, catching your breath before looking into Katja''s eyes and saying, "You did great Kat... Really good." She then leans forward and places her hand on your chest as you say, "You''re such a good girl aren''t you?" You both then share a soft passionate kiss for what feels like an eternity, but an eternity that you welcome.'
+								'You ride through your orgasm and lay still for a few seconds, catching your breath before looking into Katja''s eyes. "You did great Kat... Really good." She leans forward and places her hand on your chest as you tell her "You''re such a good girl, aren''t you?" You both share a soft passionate kiss for what feels like an eternity, an eternity that you welcome.'
 								act 'Meekly nod':	
 									cla & *clr
 									'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
-									'After the long passionate kiss Katja says, "Well... you should probably go see Vicky. She will see you out... and <<$pcs_firstname>>. Don''t forget about what I told you. Niko is no good for you and please... take care of yourself. You''re important to me." You give Katja a approving nod as she climbs out of the tub and you both get dried, dressed.'
+									'After the long passionate kiss, Katja smiles. "Well... You should probably go see Vicky. She''ll see you out... And <<$pcs_nickname>>. Don''t forget about what I told you. Niko is no good for you and please... take care of yourself. You''re important to me." You give Katja an approving nod as she climbs out of the tub and you both get dried and dressed.'
 									act 'Continue':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Bathroom'
@@ -1062,7 +1091,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Bath':
 			gs 'clothing', 'strip'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bathroom/bath.jpg"></center>'
-			'Katja nods then slowly approaches you walks up to you then begins kissing you gently '		
+			'Katja nods, slowly approaches you and begins kissing you gently.'		
 			act '':	
 				cla & *clr

+ 30 - 36

@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'swim_winter1':
 		cla & *clr
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/pool_winter.jpg"></center>'
 		'"I... I guess..." you say.'
-		'Albina leads you through her house towards the back door. Opening it up, she shudders as a cold wind blows over before glancing back at you. She drops her robe, revealing her naked body as eyes you. "Well? You coming or what? You''re not going to swim in your clothes are you?" You strip out of your clothing while Albina keep standing by the door, jumping up and down and shivering in the cold breeze.'
+		'Albina leads you through her house towards the back door. Opening it up, she shudders as a cold wind blows over before glancing back at you. She drops her robe, revealing her naked body as she eyes you. "Well? You coming or what? You''re not going to swim in your clothes are you?" You strip out of your clothing while Albina keep standing by the door, jumping up and down and shivering in the cold breeze.'
 		'"Hurry up!"'
 		'"Okay okay!" You finish taking off the last of your clothing and quickly skip towards the pool with Albina.'
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'swim_winter4':
 		'After a while, Albina swims up to the edge and pulls herself up, stretching her arms behind her head. You climb up next to her, watching the water drip from her breasts which are emphasized very prominently in her current posture. She releases her stretch and turns to look at you, a twinkle in her eye, making you think she was doing it on purpose.'
-		'"Come on, let''s go and get cleaned up. I hate smelling like chlorine," she says, climbing to her feet and heading inside. She walks straight straight into the house in the nude, leaving her crumpled clothing where she tossed it. You follow her inside, not following her example and grabbing your clothes so you at least have something to change into when you''re done.'
+		'"Come on, let''s go and get cleaned up. I hate smelling like chlorine," she says, climbing to her feet and heading inside. She walks straight into the house in the nude, leaving her crumpled clothing where she tossed it. You follow her inside, not following her example and grabbing your clothes so you at least have something to change into when you''re done.'
 		xgt 'albina_house_events','after_swim_shower'
@@ -432,7 +432,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hot_tub1':
-!! Albina invites you to use her hot tub
 if $ARGS[0] = 'hot_tub2':
 	'The two of you start heading towards the pool and Albina strips the whole way there, tossing her clothes randomly aside without a care. By the time you reach the back door, she''s down to just her thong. She opens the door and struts over to the hot tub and climbs in, sighing as she does. She looks at you and beckons you to join her.'
 	'"Don''t worry about your panties getting wet <<$pcs_nickname>>," Albina says. "I''ll give you something to wear until they dry."'
@@ -448,7 +447,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hot_tub3':
 		act'Get in':
 			cla & *clr
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/hottub.jpg"></center>'
-			'You smile peel off the rest of your clothes until you''re left in just your panties and climb in across from her as she closes her eyes, leaning back and relaxing. "This is the fucking life, am I right?" You murmur in agreement and you both spend quite a bit of time in the tub relaxing and chatting away.'
+			'You smile and peel off the rest of your clothes until you''re left in just your panties and climb in across from her as she closes her eyes, leaning back and relaxing. "This is the fucking life, am I right?" You murmur in agreement and you both spend quite a bit of time in the tub relaxing and chatting away.'
 			minut +=6
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Continue':
@@ -510,7 +509,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hot_tub3':
 						cla & *clr
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/zoya.jpg"></center>'
-						'Albina has a look in her eye - she''s horny. You see her clearly slide her hand slither down between her legs. She locks eyes with you, biting her lip in obvious pleasure before her eyes go wide and she sits up straight.'
+						'Albina has a look in her eye - she''s horny. You clearly see her hand slither down between her legs. She locks eyes with you, biting her lip in obvious pleasure before her eyes go wide and she sits up straight.'
 						'"You''ll take any opportunity to be as naked as possible, won''t you?" You turn in shock and see Zoya standing behind you, shaking her head as she throws some towels at you'
@@ -559,13 +558,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hot_tub_no_panties':
 	'"No panties <<$pcs_nickname>>?? How <i>daring</i> of you!" Albina teases.'
 	if trait['commando_lvl'] > 0 and trait['commando_lvl'] < 3:
-		'"I don''t always wear them," you smirk back, stepping into the tub with her. Albina stares with a raised brow before smiling mischievously and begins wriggling around under the bubbling water. Her knees breach the surface for just a moment before going back down again and moments later, she tosses something over her shoulder. The black fabric wetly slaps onto the poolside and peering past her, you can see that it''s her thong.'
+		'"I don''t always wear them," you smirk back, stepping into the tub with her. Albina stares with a raised brow before smiling mischievously and wriggling around under the bubbling water. Her knees breach the surface for just a moment before going back down again and moments later, she tosses something over her shoulder. The black fabric wetly slaps onto the poolside and peering past her, you can see that it''s her thong.'
 		'"Oh <i>fuck...</i>" she moans. "I can see why. I should do this more often..."'
 	elseif trait['commando_lvl'] = 3:
-		'"I hate wearing panties," you smirk while stepping into the tub with her. Albina stares with a raised brow before smiling mischievously and begins wriggling around under the bubbling water. Her knees breach the surface for just a moment before going back down again and moments later, she flings something over her shoulder. The black fabric wetly slaps onto the poolside and peering past her, you can see that it''s her thong.'
+		'"I hate wearing panties," you smirk while stepping into the tub with her. Albina stares with a raised brow before smiling mischievously and wriggling around under the bubbling water. Her knees breach the surface for just a moment before going back down again and moments later, she tosses something over her shoulder. The black fabric wetly slaps onto the poolside and peering past her, you can see that it''s her thong.'
 		'"Oh <i>fuck...</i>" she moans. "I should do this more often..."'
-		'"I uhh, may have forgotten to wear them today..." you blush stepping into the tub with her. Albina just grins back at you. Moments later, you see a mischievous twinkling in her eye and she begins wriggling around under the bubbling water. Her knees breach the surface for just a moment before going back down again and moments later, she flings something over her shoulder. The black fabric wetly slaps onto the poolside and peering past her, you can see that it''s her thong.'
+		'"I uhh, may have forgotten to wear them today..." you blush before stepping into the tub with her. Albina just grins back at you. Moments later, you see a mischievous twinkling in her eye and she begins wriggling around under the bubbling water. Her knees breach the surface for just a moment before going back down again and moments later, she tosses something over her shoulder. The black fabric wetly slaps onto the poolside and peering past her, you can see that it''s her thong.'
 		'"Oh <i>fuck...</i>" she moans. "I should do this more often..."'
 	'You think she''s just teasing you until you sit down and gasp involuntarily. Hot water blasts directly across your pussy from the hot tub''s jets, softly tickling your clit. It''s turning you on and you can feel heat spreading through your hips that <i>isn''t</i> coming from the water. It seems to have the same effect on Albina, who reaches over and turns up the bubbles even more. You lose track of time, but it''s a very pleasurable experience.'
@@ -574,7 +573,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hot_tub_no_panties':
 		gs 'stat'
 		cla & *clr
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/zoya.jpg"></center>'
-		'After a while, you look up and see Albina has a mischievous twist in her lips. She is slides through the water towards you and you feel her hand snaking up your leg.'
+		'After a while, you look up and see Albina has a mischievous twist in her lips. She slides through the water towards you and you feel her hand snaking up your leg.'
 		'"What on earth are you two doing?!"'
@@ -595,15 +594,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hot_tub_no_panties':
 			'You finish dressing before walking back into the house, where you find Zoya sitting at the kitchen counter, drinking wine and reading what you assume are work related papers. She gives you both a disapproving look, but otherwise ignores you. Albina leads you into the sitting room and plops down on the sofa. '
 			'She turns on the TV and beckons for you to sit down. "My favourite show is about to start. I think you''ll like it."'
-			act 'Watch TV': gt 'albina_house_events', 'tv_1'
+			act 'Watch TV': gt 'albina_house_events', 'tv_2'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'tv_1':
-!! (used only after the swimming event)
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/watchtv.jpg"></center>'
-	'Albina grabs some snacks and leads you into the living room and you sit with her as the show starts. It''s some American medical drama that''s been dubbed into Russian. Albina gets really engrossed in it, telling you everything she thinks you need to know about the plot and the characters. As the ending credits scroll, she turns to you with an excitement you never see, not even when she''s dancing.'
+    '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/watchtv.jpg"></center>'
+	'Albina grabs some snacks from the kitchen before leading you into the sitting room. You sit with her on the sofa as the show starts. It''s some American medical drama that''s been dubbed into Russian. Albina gets really engrossed in it, telling you everything she thinks you need to know about the plot and the characters. As the ending credits scroll, she turns to you with an excitement you never see, not even when she''s dancing.'
 	'"So, what did you think?"'
 	minut +=36
@@ -615,7 +613,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'tv_1':
 		'"It was actually quite cool. I might start watching it myself." Albina smiles, seemingly over the moon at your answer. She opens her mouth to speak when her mother walks in, takes one look at the two of you and sighs.'
 		'"What have I told you about strutting around here in your underwear young lady? Get dressed already! I''m going to take a bath and you better be wearing something decent before I come back!" She doesn''t bother waiting for a reply and leaves without another word.'
-		'Albina completely ignores her directives and gets comfy on the sofa, flicking through the channels to find something to watch. Unfortunately, she doesn''t succeed and the two of you end up randomly channel surfing for a few minutes before Zoya reappears, clothed in a bathrobe and her hair wrapped in a towel. She glares at Albina and reaches into a nearby pile of clothes, rifling through it for a few seconds before throwing a pair of booty shorts at Albina.'
+		'Albina completely ignores her directives and gets comfortable on the sofa, flicking through the channels to find something to watch. Unfortunately, she doesn''t succeed and the two of you end up randomly channel surfing for a few minutes before Zoya reappears, clothed in a bathrobe with her hair wrapped in a towel. She glares at Albina and reaches into a nearby pile of clothes, rifling through it for a few seconds before throwing a pair of booty shorts at Albina.'
 		'"Put these on, and don''t you dare ignore me again or there will be consequences young lady!"'
 		'"Ugh! Why does it even matter Mama? This is <i>our</i> house!"'
 		'"Don''t you talk back to me, Albina!"'
@@ -633,7 +631,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'tv_1':
 		'It was okay, I guess. Not really my kind of thing," you reply. Albina looks a little disheartened. She opens her mouth to say something when her mother walks in, takes one look at the two of you and sighs.'
 		'"What have I told you about strutting around here in your underwear young lady? Get dressed already! I''m going to take a bath and you better be wearing something decent before I come back!" She doesn''t bother waiting for a reply and leaves without another word.'
-		'Albina completely ignores her directives and gets comfy on the sofa, flicking through the channels to find something to watch. Unfortunately, she doesn''t succeed and the two of you end up randomly channel surfing for a few minutes before Zoya reappears, clothed in a bathrobe and her hair wrapped in a towel. She glares at Albina and reaches into a nearby pile of clothes, rifling through it for a few seconds before throwing a pair of booty shorts at Albina.'
+		'Albina completely ignores her directives and gets comfortable on the sofa, flicking through the channels to find something to watch. Unfortunately, she doesn''t succeed and the two of you end up randomly channel surfing for a few minutes before Zoya reappears, clothed in a bathrobe with her hair wrapped in a towel. She glares at Albina and reaches into a nearby pile of clothes, rifling through it for a few seconds before throwing a pair of booty shorts at Albina.'
 		'"Put these on, and don''t you dare ignore me again or there will be consequences young lady!"'
 		'"Ugh! Why does it even matter Mama? This is <i>our</i> house!"'
 		'"Don''t you talk back to me, Albina!"'
@@ -647,17 +645,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'tv_1':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'tv_2':
-!! (used every other time)
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/watchtv.jpg"></center>'
-	'Albina grabs some snacks and leads you into the living room, both of you plopping down on the sofa in front of the TV. It''s some American medical drama that''s been dubbed into Russian. Albina gets really engrossed in it, telling you everything she thinks you need to know about the plot and the characters. As the ending credits scroll, she turns to you with an excitement you never see, not even when she''s dancing. "So, what did you think?"'
+	'You sit down on the sofa in front of the TV as the show starts. It''s some American medical drama that''s been dubbed into Russian. Albina gets really engrossed in it, telling you everything she thinks you need to know about the plot and the characters. As the ending credits scroll, she turns to you with an excitement you never see, not even when she''s dancing. "So, what did you think?"'
 	minut +=36
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'It was cool':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/watchtv.jpg"></center>'
-		'"It was actually quite cool. I might start watching it myself." She smiles, seemingly over the moon at your answer. She is about to speak when you hear the door opening and you turn to see her mother enter the room, holding a pair of heels in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. Dropping the heels on the floor, she sits down next to Albina.'
+		'"It was actually quite cool. I might start watching it myself." She smiles, seemingly over the moon at your answer. She is about to speak when you hear the door opening and turn to see her mother enter the room, holding a pair of heels in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. Dropping the heels on the floor, she sits down next to Albina.'
-		'"Are you watching that god awful Amercian show again? I don''t get what you like about it," she sighs. From someone else it might have seemed like a genuine criticism, but when Zoya says it, she leans in close and hugs her daughter close, giving her a kiss on the head.'
+		'"Are you watching that god awful Amercian show again? I don''t get what you like about it," she sighs. From someone else it might have seemed like a genuine criticism, but when Zoya says it, she leans in and hugs her daughter close, giving her a kiss on the head.'
 		'"It''s not awful. You just don''t get it," Albina protests, snuggling closer to her mother. Looks like they''re settling in for some mother-daughter time and you decide it''s time for you to leave, bidding them farewell.' 
 		if AlbinaQW['robe'] = 1: 'You gather up your clothes and head off to the bathroom to get changed, leaving the robe in Albina''s room before you quietly leave the house.'
 		AlbinaQW['robe'] = 0
@@ -672,7 +669,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'tv_2':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/watchtv.jpg"></center>'
 		'"It was okay, I guess. Not really my kind of thing." Albina looks a little disheartened, but before she can speak, you hear her mother enter the room, holding a pair of heels in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. Dropping the heels on the floor, she sits down next to Albina.'
-		'"Are you watching that god awful Amercian show again? I don''t get what you like about it," she sighs. From someone else it might have seemed like a genuine criticism, but when Zoya says it, she leans in close and hugs her daughter close, giving her a kiss on the head.'
+		'"Are you watching that god awful Amercian show again? I don''t get what you like about it," she sighs. From someone else it might have seemed like a genuine criticism, but when Zoya says it, she leans in and hugs her daughter close, giving her a kiss on the head.'
 		'""<<$pcs_nickname>> said the same thing! You two just don''t get it," Albina protests, snuggling closer to her mother. Looks like they''re settling in for some mother-daughter time and you decide it''s time for you to leave, bidding them farewell.' 
 		if AlbinaQW['robe'] = 1: 'You gather up your clothes and head off to the bathroom to get changed, leaving the robe in Albina''s room before you quietly leave the house.'
@@ -685,8 +682,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'tv_2':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Use butt plug':
-!! (These are shameless copy pastes of the Anushka events, so copy the images from there)
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/anushroom/buttplug.jpg"></center>'
+    '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/anushroom/buttplug.jpg"></center>'
 	'You dig out the butt plug in her nightstand and hold it up. "I want to use this bad boy..." you say with a smile and she gives you an intrigued, almost aroused look. "And how do you plan on doing that?" she replies.'
 	minut +=6
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -705,7 +701,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Use butt plug':
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal_dildo_give', 3, 'lesbian', 'dom'
 			gs 'stat'
-			act 'Spank her':
+			act 'Fuck her ass with the plug':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/anushka/bedroom/sex/strapon/buttplug3.jpg"></center>'
 				'Her cheeks now red from your thorough spanking, you grab hold of the plug and start pulling on it. You pull it until it''s widest point is stretching her and then let go, watching it disappear back up her asshole. Each time you do it, she moans a little louder and it gets easier to pull it out as her asshole loosens up. She moans loudly in pleasure as you pull the plug out past the widest point, leaving only the tip inside before you shove it all the way back in. You keep repeating this, fucking her ass with the butt plug until she finally cries out in orgasm and her whole body shakes. Once it passes, you pull the plug completely out of her with a loud pop, her asshole gaping widely.'
@@ -732,27 +728,26 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Use butt plug':
 		menu_off = 1
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/anushka/bedroom/sex/strapon/buttplug1.jpg"></center>'
 		'"I want you to use it on me..." you say with a smile and she giggles before crawling over to you. "Turn around and bend over. I want to see that tight little asshole of yours." she replies as she grabs the bottle of lube from her nightstand. You do as you''re told and gasp as she starts rubbing a plentiful amount of lube onto your asshole, working it around until you''re nice and lubed up. She then squirts some onto the butt plug and coats it nicely until it is nice and slick. She kneels next to you and spreads your ass.'
-		'"That''s right I''m going to shove this thing right up your ass and work it until you''re nice and loose like the butt slut you are!" she tells you and you can''t help but bite your lip.'
+		'"That''s right I''m going to shove this thing right up your ass and work it until you''re nice and loose like the butt slut you are!" You can''t help but bite your lip.'
-		act 'Stick the butt plug inside':
+		act 'Take it inside you':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/anushka/bedroom/sex/strapon/buttplug2.jpg"></center>'
-			'There''s a little resistance as she pushes the butt plug against your asshole. The tip goes in easily enough, but as she tries pushing it deeper and the plug widens out, it starts taking a bit more force. At it''s widest point, you relax your ass and the plug suddenly and loudly pops firmly into your hole, causing you to gasp to moan a little in pleasure. With the plug firmly in your ass, she starts spanking your cheeks hard.'
+			'There''s a little resistance as she pushes the butt plug against your asshole. The tip goes in easily enough, but as she tries pushing it deeper and the plug widens out, it starts taking a bit more force. At it''s widest point, you relax your ass and the plug suddenly and loudly pops firmly into your hole, causing you to gasp and moan a little in pleasure. With the plug firmly in your ass, she starts spanking your cheeks hard.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal_dildo', 3, 'lesbian', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
-			act 'Spank me':
+			act 'Get fucked':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/anushka/bedroom/sex/strapon/buttplug3.jpg"></center>'
-				'After spanking you for a while, she grabs hold of the plug and start pulling on it. She pulls it until it''s widest point is stretching your hole and then lets go, making you gasp and moan as it disappears back inside your asshole. Each time she does it, you moan a little louder and it gets easier to pull it out as your asshole loosens up. You moan loudly in pleasure as she pulls the plug out past the widest point, leaving only the tip inside you before shoving it all the way back in. She keeps repeating this, fucking your ass with the butt plug until you finally cry out in orgasm and your whole body shakes. Once it passes, she pulls the plug completely out of you with a loud pop and you feel your asshole gaping widely.'
+				'Your cheeks stinging from her thorough spanking, she grabs hold of the plug and starts pulling on it. She pulls it until it''s widest point is stretching your hole and then lets go, making you gasp and moan as it disappears back inside your asshole. Each time she does it, you moan a little louder and it gets easier to pull it out as your asshole loosens up. You moan loudly in pleasure as she pulls the plug out past the widest point, leaving only the tip inside you before shoving it all the way back in. She keeps repeating this, fucking your ass with the butt plug until you finally cry out in orgasm and your whole body shakes. Once it passes, she pulls the plug completely out of you with a loud pop and you feel your asshole gaping widely.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 3, 'lesbian'
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Finish':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/albina/sex/game/aftermath.jpg"></center>'
-					'"That was fun. I enjoyed that and I know you did." she tells you teasingly and you laugh.'
+                    '"That was fun. I enjoyed that and I know you did." she tells you teasingly and you laugh.'
 					'"Yeah, I did." you reply before she cleans the butt plug and places it back in her nightstand along with the lube. She then offers you some wipes for you to clean your ass.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'lesbian'
 					minut += 8
@@ -775,7 +770,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'ass_too_big':
 	act 'Continue': gt 'albinahome', 'bedroom'
-!! *Options*
 if $ARGS[0] = 'dancing':
 	AlbinaQW['extra'] = daystart
@@ -807,7 +801,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'night_stand':
 		npc_rel['A23'] -= 5
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/anushroom/snoop.jpg"></center>'
-		'Albina excuses herself and leaves the room. You grow bored waiting and decide to have a quick snoop around before she returns, opening the drawer of her nightstand to have a peek. You find a hairbrush, various skin care products, condoms, contraceptive pills, bottles of lube, a vibrator, dildos of various sizes, a large butt plug and a strap-on harness all tossed inside, seemingly without any care. A piece of folded paper hiding underneath the pile catches your eye, but you''re interrupted before you can see what it is.'
+		'Albina excuses herself and leaves the room. You grow bored waiting and decide to have a quick snoop around before she returns, opening the drawer of her nightstand to have a peek. You find a hairbrush, various skin care products, contraceptive pills, bottles of lube, a vibrator, dildos of various sizes, a large butt plug and a strap-on harness all tossed inside, seemingly without any care. A piece of folded paper hiding underneath the pile catches your eye, but you''re interrupted before you can see what it is.'
 		'"Just what do you think you''re doing?!" Albina asks in a displeased tone behind you.'
 		act 'Nothing':
 			*clr & cla
@@ -823,7 +817,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'night_stand':
 		minut += 2
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/anushroom/nushdrawer.jpg"></center>'
-		'Albina excuses herself and leaves the room. You grow bored waiting and decide to have a quick snoop around before she returns, opening the drawer of her nightstand to have a peek You find a hairbrush, various skin care products, condoms, contraceptive pills, bottles of lube, a vibrator, dildos of various sizes, a large butt plug and a strap-on harness all tossed inside, seemingly without any care. A piece of folded paper hiding underneath the pile catches your eye.' 
+		'Albina excuses herself and leaves the room. You grow bored waiting and decide to have a quick snoop around before she returns, opening the drawer of her nightstand to have a peek You find a hairbrush, various skin care products, contraceptive pills, bottles of lube, a vibrator, dildos of various sizes, a large butt plug and a strap-on harness all tossed inside, seemingly without any care. A piece of folded paper hiding underneath the pile catches your eye.' 
 		'You glance around, but it looks like Albina is still busy elsewhere, so you fish out the paper and unfold it to find that it''s actually a crumpled photo of a young Albina dancing as her mother proudly watches. You can see why it has sentimental value to Albina, but decide that you''ve invaded her privacy enough, so you carefully place the photo back inside and close the drawer.'
 		act 'Close the drawer':gt 'albinahome','bedroom'
@@ -844,7 +838,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'computer':
 	elseif AlbinaQW['CompUse'] > 0:
 		*clr & cla
-		'You decide to use Albina''s laptop while she''s gone, despite knowing she would be upset at you doing so. You boot it up and are a little surprised to find that such a private person wouldn''t have a password on her laptop.'
+		'You decide to use Albina''s laptop while she''s gone, despite knowing she would be upset at you doing so. You boot it up and are a little surprised to find that such a private person doesn''t have a password on her laptop.'
 		act 'Turn it off':gt 'albinahome','bedroom'
 		act 'Go online': gt 'Komp', 'start'
 		act 'Check out her porn':
@@ -852,7 +846,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'computer':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>>src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/komp.jpg"></center>'
 			'You get comfortable on the bed in front of the laptop. You''re curious about what sort of porn Albina would watch, so you click on the internet browser and look through her browsing history.'
-			'You aren''t surprised to find that she watches a lot of anal and lesbian sex, but are surprised to see that she also likes watching BDSM, young subs and mature doms in particular. You feel yourself getting aroused as you keep browsing.'
+			'You aren''t surprised to find that she watches a lot of anal and lesbian sex, but are surprised to see that she also likes watching BDSM. You feel yourself getting aroused as you keep browsing.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'porn', 10
 			act 'Turn it off':gt 'albinahome','bedroom'
 			act 'Masturbate':
@@ -869,7 +863,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'computer':
 					temp = rand(0,3)
 					if temp = 0:
                      npc_rel['A23'] -= 5
-						'Just as you''re about to cum, you hear someone clearing their throat. Your heart leaps into your mouth and you turn to see Albina standing in the doorway watching you. You quickly rip your hand from between your legs and pull your clothes back into place. You can tell she''s pissed at you as she storms over and slams the laptop screen down. "Have fun <<$pcs_nickname>>?" You sheepishly apologize as she takes the laptop and throws it aside, not caring as it clatters along the floor. "Don''t touch my stuff when I''m not here!"'
+						'Just as you''re about to cum, you hear someone clearing their throat. Your heart leaps into your mouth and you turn to see Albina standing in the doorway watching you. You quickly rip your hand from between your legs and pull your clothes back into place. You can tell she''s pissed at you as she storms over and slams the laptop screen down. "Have fun <<$pcs_nickname>>?" You sheepishly apologize as she takes the laptop and throws it aside, not caring as it clatters across the floor. "Don''t touch my stuff when I''m not here!"'
 						act 'Find something else to do':gt 'albinahome','bedroom'

+ 19 - 18

@@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'workout_solo':
-	 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/zoyaworkout.jpg"></center>'
-	'Approaching the gym, you hear someone inside. You peer in and find Zoya doing squats. Her technique looks flawless and you get a great view of her voluptuous ass and her heavily toned legs visibly flexing beneath the skintight yoga pants covering them. Noticing your reflection in the mirror, she turns her head over her shoulder to smile at you while continuing to squat. "Hello <<$pcs_nickname>>, it''s nice to see you. What can I do for you?"
-	You enter the room and chat with Zoya for a few minutes as she finishes her work out. "I''d love to stay and chat <<$pcs_nickname>>, but I need to shower and get some paperwork done for work." She excuses herself and leaves the room, leaving you alone to decide what to do.'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/zoyaworkout.jpg"></center>'
+	'Approaching the gym, you hear someone inside. You peer in and find Zoya doing squats. Her technique looks flawless and you get a great view of her voluptuous ass and her heavily toned legs visibly flexing beneath the skintight yoga pants covering them. Noticing your reflection in the mirror, she turns her head over her shoulder to smile at you while continuing to squat. "Hello <<$pcs_firstname>>, it''s nice to see you. What can I do for you?"
+	You enter the room and chat with Zoya for a few minutes as she finishes her work out. "I''d love to stay and chat, but I need to shower and get some paperwork done for work." She excuses herself and leaves the room, leaving you alone to decide what to do.'
 	minut +=6
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -290,21 +290,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'workout_solo':
 	act 'Follow her': gt 'albina_mother_events', 'peep1'
-	act 'Take a peek':
-		*clr & cla
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/zoyashower.jpg"></center>'
-		'Your curiousity gets the better of you and you crack open the door and peek inside. Zoya is unaware of your presence and continues showering. Being a former model, she has a great body that she keeps in shape. You can see where Albina gets some of her curvy nature from, especially her ass. You continue watching for a few seconds before deciding you shouldn''t push your luck and get caught. You quietly slip back out into the hallway just as you hear the water stop running.'
-		act 'Continue' : gt 'albinahome', 'hallway'
-	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'peep1':
 	'You stop outside Zoya''s room, where you can clearly hear water running. You stand at the door, deciding on whether you should enter or not.'
-	minut +=6
+    minut +=6
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Leave':
 		'You decide to stop invading Zoya''s privacy and leave.'
@@ -318,10 +310,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'peep1':
 		'You quietly open the door and step into the room before closing the door behind you. Zoya doesn''t hear you and continues showering. You take a minute to appreciate the nicely decorated room before turning your attention to the connecting ensuite bathroom.'
 		minut +=6
 		gs 'stat'
-		*nl
-		'You don''t feel comfortable invading Zoya''s privacy and so quickly and quietly leave the room.'
-		act 'Leave': gt 'albinahome', 'hallway'
+		act 'Leave'
+		 *clr & cla
+		 'You don''t feel comfortable invading Zoya''s privacy and so quickly and quietly leave the room.'
+         act 'Leave': gt 'albinahome', 'hallway'
+	    end
+		act 'Take a peek':
+			*clr & cla
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/albinahome/zoyashower.jpg"></center>'
+			'Your curiousity gets the better of you and you crack open the door to the ensuite and peek inside. Zoya is unaware of your presence and continues showering. Being a former model, she has a great body that she keeps in shape. You can see where Albina gets some of her curvy nature from, especially her ass. You continue watching for a few seconds before deciding you shouldn''t push your luck and get caught. You quietly slip back out into the hallway just as you hear the water stop running.'
+			act 'Continue' : gt 'albinahome', 'hallway'
+		end
@@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'peep2':
 			gs 'stat'
-			act 'Continue': gt 'albinahome', 'hallway'
+			act 'Continue': gt 'albinahome', 'bedroom'