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[Fixed] Some bug in the calculationg of fame. Also took the time to remove difference in the calculation depending on starts, since now all starts are Sveta.

bgkjdgbizgblzdgbr 2 years ago
1 changed files with 31 additions and 27 deletions
  1. 31 27

+ 31 - 27

@@ -493,22 +493,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'calculate':
-	!! Fame in the city will take alittle while before it start being noticed in other places. But the it will start spreading much faster than in the city. (The formula is +1050-52500000/(50000+(fame_city/10)^3 if the palyer is Sveta, but will spread a little slower for non Sveta starts using the formula +fame_city^2/1000)
-	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg':
-		if dyneval('RESULT = fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']') >= 2000: 
-			dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_high''] = 1050'
-		else 
-			dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_high''] = 1050 - (52500000/((fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10)*(fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10)*(fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10) +50000))' 
-		end
-	else
-		if dyneval('RESULT = fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']') >= 1000: 
-			dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_high''] = 1000'
-		else
-			dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_high''] = ((fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core''])*(fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']))/1000' 
-		end
+	!! Fame in the city will take a little while before it start being noticed in other places. But the it will start spreading much faster than in the city. (The formula is +1050-52500000/(50000+(fame_city/10)^3 if the palyer is Sveta, but will spread a little slower for non Sveta starts using the formula +fame_city^2/1000)
+	if dyneval('RESULT = fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']') >= 2000: 
+		dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_high''] = 1050'
+	else 
+		dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_high''] = 1050 - (52500000/((fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10)*(fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10)*(fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10) +50000))' 
-	!! Fame in the in city will spread spread to old town wit a little delay, but cath up as you rach star status. (The formula is +fame_city^2/1000)
+	!!The below is the code used for a non Sveta start, but since the unification of the starts this is not used. Leaving it here out comented for the case non Sveta starts are reintroduced.
+	!!else
+	!!	if dyneval('RESULT = fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']') >= 1000: 
+	!!		dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_high''] = 1000'
+	!!	else
+	!!		dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_high''] = ((fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core''])*(fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']))/1000' 
+	!!	end
+	!!end
+	!! Fame in the in city will spread spread to old town wit a little delay, but cath up as you reach star status. (The formula is +fame_city^2/1000)
 	if dyneval('RESULT = fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']') >= 1000: 
 	if dyneval('RESULT = fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']') >= 1000: 
 		dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_medium''] = 1000'
 		dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_medium''] = 1000'
@@ -516,19 +516,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'calculate':
 	!!The fame from city takes sometime before it starts being noticed in the village, but after that it spread very fast (the formula is +1050 -672000000/(640000+(fame_city/10-20)^4) is player is Svata and +1050 -672000000/(640000+(fame_city/10-40)^4) in other starts).
 	!!The fame from city takes sometime before it starts being noticed in the village, but after that it spread very fast (the formula is +1050 -672000000/(640000+(fame_city/10-20)^4) is player is Svata and +1050 -672000000/(640000+(fame_city/10-40)^4) in other starts).
-	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg':
-		if dyneval('RESULT = fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']') >= 2000: 
-			dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_low''] = 1050'
-		elseif dyneval('RESULT = fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>'']') >= 200:
-			dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_low''] = 1050 - (672000000/((fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 -20)*(fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 - 20)*(fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 -20)*(fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 -20) +640000))' 
-		end
+	if dyneval('RESULT = fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']') >= 2000: 
+		dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_low''] = 1050'
+	elseif dyneval('RESULT = fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>'']') >= 200:
+		dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_low''] = 1050 - (672000000/((fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 -20)*(fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 - 20)*(fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 -20)*(fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 -20) +640000))' 
-		if dyneval('RESULT = fame[''pav_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']') >= 2000: 
-			dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_low''] = 1050'
-		elseif dyneval('RESULT = fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']') >= 400:
-			dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_low''] = 1050 - (672000000/((fame[''pav_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 -40)*(fame[''pav_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 - 40)*(fame[''pav_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 -40)*(fame[''pav_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 -40) +640000))' 
-		end	
+		dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_low''] = 0'
+	!!The below is the code used for a non Sveta start, but since the unification of the starts this is not used. Leaving it here out comented for the case non Sveta starts are reintroduced.
+	!!else
+	!!	if dyneval('RESULT = fame[''pav_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']') >= 2000: 
+	!!		dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_low''] = 1050'
+	!!	elseif dyneval('RESULT = fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']') >= 400:
+	!!		dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_low''] = 1050 - (672000000/((fame[''pav_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 -40)*(fame[''pav_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 - 40)*(fame[''pav_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 -40)*(fame[''pav_<<$ARGS[1]>>_core'']/10 -40) +640000))' 
+	!!	else
+	!!		dynamic 'fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_low''] = 0'
+	!!	end
+	!!end
 	!! Fame in the old town will spread fast to pav, at almost the same level. (The formula is +(fame_pushkin*(1050-525000000/(500000+(fame_pushkin/10)^4)))/1050)
 	!! Fame in the old town will spread fast to pav, at almost the same level. (The formula is +(fame_pushkin*(1050-525000000/(500000+(fame_pushkin/10)^4)))/1050)
@@ -632,7 +636,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'calculate':
 	if dyneval ('RESULT = fame[''pushkin_<<$ARGS[1]>>'']') >= 1000:
 	if dyneval ('RESULT = fame[''pushkin_<<$ARGS[1]>>'']') >= 1000:
 		dynamic 'fame[''pushkin_<<$ARGS[1]>>''] += fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_high'']/1000'
 		dynamic 'fame[''pushkin_<<$ARGS[1]>>''] += fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_high'']/1000'
-		dynamic 'fame[''pushkin_<<$ARGS[1]>>''] = (1000*fame[''pushkin_<<$ARGS[1]>>'']+ (1000-fame[''pushkin_<<$ARGS[1]>>''])*fame[''pushkin_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_high''])/1000'
+		dynamic 'fame[''pushkin_<<$ARGS[1]>>''] = (1000*fame[''pushkin_<<$ARGS[1]>>'']+ (1000-fame[''pushkin_<<$ARGS[1]>>''])*fame[''city_<<$ARGS[1]>>_contribution_high''])/1000'
 	if dyneval ('RESULT = fame[''pushkin_<<$ARGS[1]>>'']') >= 1000:
 	if dyneval ('RESULT = fame[''pushkin_<<$ARGS[1]>>'']') >= 1000: