gschool_chats1.qsrc 83 KB

  1. # gschool_chats1
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'dimka':
  3. *clr & cla
  4. menu_off = 1
  5. gs 'stat'
  6. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big1.jpg"></center>'
  7. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  8. if dimka_debt > 0:
  9. 'As you walk up the first thing Dimka says is. "Do you have my money?"'
  10. if money >= dimka_debt:
  11. act 'Pay your debt':
  12. *clr & cla
  13. money -= dimka_debt
  14. dimka_debt = 0
  15. gs 'stat'
  16. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big1.jpg"></center>'
  17. 'You nod your head and dig in your purse, pulling out enough money, you hand it over to him. He takes his time slowly counting it out, then nods as it seems to all be their. You briefly talk back and forth, as he puts the money away.'
  18. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  19. if dimarudorient = 1: act 'Ask for some pale lady': gt 'gschool_chats1', 'dim_drugs'
  20. end
  21. else
  22. cla
  23. 'You bite your lower lip nervously and look down, as you shake you head. "No, just give me a little more time and I will have it please?" You beg him.'
  24. 'He sighs. "I like you <<$pcs_nickname>>, I do. But I can''t just let you slide, how about you pay me a little interest and you can pay me later." The way he says it, it leaves you no doubt exactly what he considers <i>interest</i> and it isn''t money.'
  25. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist'
  26. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  27. act 'Refuse (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  28. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  29. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  30. end
  31. else
  32. act 'Refuse (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  33. end
  34. act 'Go with Dimka': gt 'gschool_chats1', 'dimka_sex'
  35. end
  36. elseif DimaRudeQW > 0 and DimaRudeBlock = 0:
  37. 'Dimka looks into your eyes with a disinterested look and after a while says, "Whatever. After school, we''re going to my place. I''ll wait for you by the entrance."'
  38. elseif npc_rel['A1'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 100:
  39. npc_rel['A1'] += 1
  40. if grupTipe = 1:
  41. '"Just the person I was hoping to see," Dimka smiles. "Take a look at this." He pulls out his phone and shows you some photos from his latest trip to Moscow. "You would have loved it out there. Really made me realize we''re wasting away out here in a place like this." With that you mostly talk about the other places he has been.'
  42. else
  43. 'Dimka greets you with a friendly smile, making room for you in the group made up of Albina, Igor and a few other students you don''t recognize. Some of them give you an odd look, obviously not sure why you''re here since you''re not apart of their clique, but Dimka makes you feel welcome. "Relax, she doesn''t have the plague." He playfully chides everyone and soon you are engaged in a conversation with Dimka.'
  44. end
  45. if dimarudorient = 1:act 'Ask for some pale lady': gt 'gschool_chats1', 'dim_drugs'
  46. elseif npc_rel['A1'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 100:
  47. npc_rel['A1'] += 1
  48. if grupTipe = 1:
  49. '"You seem to have the wrong idea about me, <<$pcs_nickname>>." Dimka holds out his hand to keep you from getting any closer. "Just because we run in the same social circle doesn''t mean we''re friends."'
  50. 'You can''t help but scoff and roll your eyes. "Who said I want to be friends? You just looked lonely standing over here by yourself. I was just trying to be nice." You trade a few more barbs back and forth.'
  51. else
  52. 'Dimka looks down at you with a condescending smile. "What do you want?" he asks, maintaining his "friendly" appearance in front of everyone.'
  53. '"I just wanted to say hi is all" You reply'
  54. 'He looks around like this is a common burden. "Of course you did, everyone does." You talk to him a bit but he acts like he is barely tolerating you, like a Tsar might a peasant in his court.'
  55. end
  56. if dimarudorient = 1:act 'Ask for some pale lady': gt 'gschool_chats1', 'dim_drugs'
  57. elseif pav_slut >= 125:
  58. 'Dimka sees you approaching and gives you a blank look, his gaze cold and unblinking. "Do you really think I would talk to a whore like you," he dryly states. He continues to stare you down until you finally leave.'
  59. elseif (dimaRevenge = 6 and (dimaRevChoice = 3 or dimaRevChoice = 5 or dimaRevChoice = 6)) or (dimaRevenge = 7 and dimaRevChoice = 2) or (dimaRevenge = 8 and (dimaRevChoice = 1 or dimaRevChoice = 4)):
  60. npc_rel['A1'] += 1
  61. 'As you walk up he glares at you. "What the fuck do you want slut?"'
  62. 'You sigh a bit. "Look I know a lot has happened between us, but I thought we could leave it in the past and just be friends or something."'
  63. 'He gets a odd look on his face then shrugs. "Whatever." With that the two of you make a little small talk but you get the feeling he is planning something.'
  64. else
  65. npc_rel['A1'] += 1
  66. 'Dimka is willing to entertain you for a bit, occasionally taking part in the conversation but letting you do most of the talking. "Hey, Albina!" he calls as he spots her walking by. "Sorry, I hope you don''t mind." He follows after her before you can even reply. At least he let you talk to him.'
  67. if dimarudorient = 1: act 'Ask for some pale lady': gt 'gschool_chats1', 'dim_drugs'
  68. end
  69. end
  70. if $ARGS[0] = 'dim_drugs':
  71. *clr & cla
  72. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big1.jpg"></center>'
  73. 'You don''t want to but the you feel miserable and everything hurts, you crave the rush that you''ve come to enjoy so much'
  74. '"Please Dimka, can I have some pale lady?"'
  75. 'He smiles at you with a smug knowing smile. "Sure do you have any money?"'
  76. if money >= 420:
  77. act 'Change your mind': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  78. if money >= 420: act 'Buy enough for 1 lines (420 <b>₽</b>)': palelady = 1 & gt 'gschool_chats1', 'dimka_pay'
  79. if money >= 840: act 'Buy enough for 2 lines (840 <b>₽</b>)': palelady = 2 & gt 'gschool_chats1', 'dimka_pay'
  80. if money >= 1680: act 'Buy enough for 5 lines (1680 <b>₽</b>)': palelady = 5 & gt 'gschool_chats1', 'dimka_pay'
  81. if money >= 3720: act 'Buy enough for 10 lines (3320 <b>₽</b>)': palelady = 10 & gt 'gschool_chats1', 'dimka_pay'
  82. else
  83. *nl
  84. 'You bite your lower lip nervously and look down, as you shake you head. "No, but please can you just give me some now and I can pay you back later?" You beg him.'
  85. 'Dimka grins. "Sure, why don''t we go somewhere quieter. You make me happy and I will make you happy, you can pay me back later."'
  86. 'Resolved to do anything to make the pain go away and feel happy again, you mentally sigh and follow him'
  87. act 'Change your mind': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  88. act 'Go with Dimka': gt 'gschool_chats1', 'dimka_sex'
  89. end
  90. end
  91. if $ARGS[0] = 'dimka_pay':
  92. *clr & cla
  93. money -= palelady * 420
  94. dur += palelady
  95. palelady = 0
  96. gs 'stat'
  97. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/drugs/cocainebag.jpg"></center>'
  98. 'You nod your head and dig in your purse, pulling out enough money, you quickly hand it over to him. He takes his time slowly counting it out, which seems like a eternity before he finally hands over a small baggy. You snatch it from him and then quickly leave.'
  99. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  100. act 'Go do a line':
  101. *clr & cla
  102. gs 'drugs', 'cocaine'
  103. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/drugs/lineschool.jpg"></center>'
  104. 'You walk down the hall looking into class rooms until you spot one that is empty. You glance around, when no one is looking you duck inside and rush over to the teachers desk. You pour out a couple of lines and snort them up quickly. You feel the sensation of relief and pleasure rush through you body. You spend a few moment just in a stupor before the bell for next class rings.'
  105. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  106. end
  107. end
  108. if $ARGS[0] = 'dimka_sex':
  109. *clr & cla
  110. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/school/dimbj1.jpg"></center>'
  111. 'He leads you down the hall and finally stops at one of the classrooms. He opens the door and steps in, closing the door after you enter it. Once inside he pushes you up again the wall next to the door, he leans in close so his face is only a few inches from yours and says. "Get on your knees bitch."'
  112. 'You obey him and slowly sink down to your knees, you don''t have to be told what to do next. You reach up and start undoing his pants.'
  113. act 'Get him hard':
  114. *clr & cla
  115. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/school/dimbj2.jpg"></center>'
  116. 'You pull his limp dick free from his pants, you start stroking his dick with your hand and sucking on his balls, you feel him growing and getting hard in your hand as you stroke his cock.'
  117. gs 'arousal', 'hj', 2, 'sub'
  118. gs 'stat'
  119. act 'Suck his dick':
  120. *clr & cla
  121. gs 'boyStat', 'A1'
  122. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/school/dimbj3.jpg"></center>'
  123. 'With his cock nice and hard, you open your mouth and take his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dick in your mouth. You wrap your lips around his shaft and start bobbing your head back and forth on his dick. As you look up at him to make sure he is enjoying it.'
  124. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
  125. gs 'stat'
  126. act 'Keep sucking':
  127. *clr & cla
  128. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/school/dimbj4.jpg"></center>'
  129. 'As you keep sucking his cock, you add one of your hands around his shaft. You stroke his dick with your hand in sequence with your lips, he starts to moan from that, he is obviously enjoying it.'
  130. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
  131. gs 'stat'
  132. act 'Finish him':
  133. *clr & cla
  134. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/school/dimbj5.jpg"></center>'
  135. 'While you are sucking his dick, he reaches down and starts stroking his dick himself, before pulling it out of your mouth. After a couple of more strokes he sends spurts of his cum landing on your face and some running down your neck. Once the last spurt lands on you, he sticks his dick back in your mouth and says. "Suck me clean slut." You suck the cum off his dick and the last few drops out of him.'
  136. *nl
  137. gs 'cum_call', 'face', 'A1'
  138. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 2, 'sub'
  139. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  140. gs 'stat'
  141. if dimka_debt > 0:
  142. 'With that he puts his dick away and buttons up his pants. "I want my money by next week." Then he walks out, leaving you to get cleaned up on your own.'
  143. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  144. else
  145. dur += 1
  146. dimka_debt += 2000
  147. 'With that he puts his dick away and buttons up his pants. "I want my money by next week." Then he tosses a small baggy of white power on the floor by your knees as walks out, leaving you to get cleaned up on your own. Not even thinking about the cum on your face, you snatch up the small baggy of pale lady.'
  148. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  149. act 'Go do a line':
  150. *clr & cla
  151. gs 'drugs', 'cocaine'
  152. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/drugs/lineschool.jpg"></center>'
  153. 'You get up and rush over to the teachers desk. You pour out a couple of lines and snort them up quickly. You feel the sensation of relief and pleasure rush through you body. You spend a few moment just in a stupor before the bell for next class rings.'
  154. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  155. end
  156. end
  157. end
  158. end
  159. end
  160. end
  161. end
  162. if $ARGS[0] = 'igor':
  163. *clr & cla
  164. menu_off = 1
  165. gs 'stat'
  166. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big4.jpg"></center>'
  167. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  168. if IgorloverQW > 0:
  169. npc_rel['A4'] += 1
  170. 'When Igor sees you, his face lights up and he smiles warmly. "I was hoping I''d see you. I, uh, kinda missed you..." he says shyly, and it makes you giggle. While you talk with each other, his warm hand finds yours. You remain holding hands and chatting until break is over, with a smile you give him a quick kiss goodbye.'
  171. act 'Help with homework':
  172. *clr & cla
  173. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big4.jpg"></center>'
  174. 'Igor is almost offended that you''d even have to ask that. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn''t help my girlfriend?" he chuckles. "Of course I''ll help you."'
  175. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  176. end
  177. if igorstrap = 1:
  178. act 'Tease him':
  179. *clr & cla
  180. npc_rel['A4'] += 1
  181. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big4.jpg"></center>'
  182. 'You decide to tease Igor a little bit. "I hope you''re not too sore after last time," You whisper with a smirk. Igor''s cheeks flush pink as he looks around nervously, hoping no one overheard.'
  183. act 'Just chat':
  184. *clr & cla
  185. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big4.jpg"></center>'
  186. 'You don''t press it anymore and start talking to him about a variety of topics.'
  187. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  188. end
  189. act 'Tell him you have a surprise':
  190. *clr & cla
  191. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big4.jpg"></center>'
  192. 'You keep whispering in his ear. "I want to fuck you right now." He gives you a shocked look and then you open up your purse and show him your strapon nestled inside, which makes him blush even more.'
  193. '"What if we get caught?" He sounds scared and excited at the same time.'
  194. 'You pat him on the cheek. "Trust me, I know a place and no one will ever find out." He thinks on it for a moment and then finally nods.'
  195. act 'Take him somewhere private': gt 'gschool_chats1', 'igor_peg'
  196. end
  197. act 'Help with homework':
  198. *clr & cla
  199. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big4.jpg"></center>'
  200. '"Oh... yeah I can help you with your homework..." Igor smiles but glances down and shuffles a bit restlessly.'
  201. 'You smirk and lean in closer. "Don''t look so disappointed. Who knows, the quicker we finish with that, the more time we have for <i>other</i> things."'
  202. 'Hearing this, Igor''s eyes widen and his cheeks flush as he tries to play it cool, but you notice how he''s suddenly more excited.'
  203. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  204. end
  205. end
  206. end
  207. elseif npc_rel['A4'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 100:
  208. npc_rel['A4'] += 1
  209. if grupTipe = 1:
  210. 'You know he doesn''t have many friends, so he''s more than happy that you want to hang out with him. Unlike most boys, Igor is really attentive and listens to everything you say, even taking an interest in the more "girly" topics.'
  211. '"Oh, it''s not that weird," Igor blushes a bit. "I have a sister so I hear about these things all the time..."'
  212. act 'Help with homework':
  213. *clr & cla
  214. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big4.jpg"></center>'
  215. 'Igor''s face lights up. "Yeah, of course I''ll help you."'
  216. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  217. end
  218. else
  219. 'As usual, Igor is hanging around Dimka but with you here, Igor pays closer attention to you. With a smile, he asks you how your day has been so far and before long you''re talking about all kinds of things, even taking an interest in the more "girly" topics.'
  220. act 'Help with homework':
  221. *clr & cla
  222. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big4.jpg"></center>'
  223. '"Oh, you need my help?" Igor asks curiously, a bit surprised that you would ask him of all people. After a moment, he smiles and nods. "Yeah, of course I''ll help you."'
  224. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  225. end
  226. end
  227. elseif npc_rel['A4'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 100:
  228. npc_rel['A4'] += 1
  229. if grupTipe = 1:
  230. 'The conversation feels forced as Igor does little to keep talking to you. You get the feeling he''s just doing this as a courtesy since you''re in the same clique.'
  231. act 'Help with homework':
  232. *clr & cla
  233. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big4.jpg"></center>'
  234. 'Igor hesitates, making the whole encounter extremely awkward. "I would... but I can''t. I''ve got... other things I need to do."'
  235. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  236. end
  237. else
  238. npc_rel['A4'] += 1
  239. '"Uh, hello?" Igor is unamused to see you and completely ignores you as you try to keep a one-sided conversation going. Eventually he just walks away without saying a word.'
  240. act 'Help with homework':
  241. *clr & cla
  242. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big4.jpg"></center>'
  243. '"No," Igor says flatly as he slams his locker closed and walks away.'
  244. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  245. end
  246. end
  247. elseif pav_slut >= 100:
  248. 'Igor is hanging with Dimka, Stasya and Albina when you approach. The others are quick to throw some insults your way, but Igor hesitates. It isn''t until Stasya puts him on the spot for being so silent that he finally speaks up to agree with the rest of the group. "I''m surprised the gopniks are finished with her so early. Must have had another cocksleeve waiting for them, or maybe she''s just gotten too loose."'
  249. act 'Help with homework':
  250. *clr & cla
  251. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big4.jpg"></center>'
  252. 'Igor can''t help but laugh a bit at your request. "Of course you''re behind on your work. Maybe if you spent less time whoring around..." He doesn''t finish the sentence before walking away with a look of disgust.'
  253. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  254. end
  255. else
  256. npc_rel['A4'] += 1
  257. '"Hey, Igor, what are you doing?" You ask as you see him looking around for someone.'
  258. 'Igor kind of shrugs. "Just waiting for Dimka."'
  259. 'The two of you spend some time chatting while he waits for Dimka. Eventually he shows up, and Igor is ready to leave. "Maybe we can talk some other time?" he says with a small smile as he waves goodbye.'
  260. act 'Help with homework':
  261. *clr & cla
  262. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big4.jpg"></center>'
  263. 'Igor smiles apologetically. "I would but I''ve kinda got my hands full at the moment. Maybe some other time?"'
  264. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  265. end
  266. end
  267. end
  268. if $ARGS[0] = 'igor_peg':
  269. *clr & cla
  270. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/igor/sex/school/break1.jpg"></center>'
  271. 'You lead him down the hall and finally stop at one of the classrooms. You open the door and step in, closing the door after he enters. Once inside you tell him. "Strip naked for me."'
  272. 'He only hesitates a moment before he quickly strips all of his clothes off, once naked you push him down to his knees. While on his knees he looks up to you submissively and is already rock hard.'
  273. act 'Eat me':
  274. *clr & cla
  275. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/igor/sex/school/break2.jpg"></center>'
  276. 'You take off your school uniform until your pussy is nice and exposed, you reach over and pull his head over. He immediately starts licking your twat and sucking on your clit.'
  277. gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 2, 'dom'
  278. gs 'stat'
  279. act 'Eat me some more':
  280. *clr & cla
  281. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/igor/sex/school/break3.jpg"></center>'
  282. 'Wanting him to have better access, you move over and lay on one of the desks. He follows you over on his knees, once you lay down, you spread you legs. You reach up and grab him and pull his face back into your crotch, he starts licking your pussy at once. Getting you nice and wet.'
  283. gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 3, 'dom'
  284. gs 'stat'
  285. act 'Suck my dick':
  286. *clr & cla
  287. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/igor/sex/school/break4.jpg"></center>'
  288. 'Having had enough, you want to give him his reward. You slide off the desk and grab your purse. You pull your strapon out of your purse and beging strapping it in place. Igor eagerly helps you get it all strapped into place, once it is you tell him. "Suck my dick bitch." He eagerly starts sucking your strapon really working it.'
  289. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'dom'
  290. gs 'stat'
  291. act 'Bend over bitch boy':
  292. *clr & cla
  293. gs 'boyStat', 'D2'
  294. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/igor/sex/school/break5.jpg"></center>'
  295. 'Once he has the strapon nice and wet with his saliva you tell him. "Get up and bend over for me my little slut."'
  296. 'He stands up and bends over one of the desks, you step up behind him and rub the tip of your strapon against his little puckered asshole. You bend over a bit and spit in the crack of his ass to add a little more lubrication. Then you press the head of the strapon against his asshole into it pops in, he moans in a mixture of pain and pleasure as it does.'
  297. *nl
  298. 'You slowly slide the full length of your <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dildo into his ass. Once you are balls deep you start to slowly stroke the strapon in his ass. You steadily pick up speed with each stroke, before long you are holding onto his hips and pounding his ass for all your worth. It doesn''t take long after that until he moans loudly and his whole body starts to shudder, you know he just shot his lead, without either of you even touching his dick.'
  299. gs 'arousal', 'anal_dildo_give', 5, 'dom', 'rough'
  300. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  301. gs 'stat'
  302. act 'Clean up':
  303. *clr & cla
  304. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big4.jpg"></center>'
  305. 'Feeling better and knowing he feels better. You give him a few last hard deep thrusts before pulling out of him. You take the harness off and clean up the dildo before putting them back in your purse. Then you both get dressed, just as you both finish getting dressed the bell rings for next class. You slap him on the ass which makes him yelp a little, as you walk out of the class room with him. "Talk to you later Igor." You say to him with a wink.'
  306. 'He blushes and nods, as he replies. "Talk to you later <<$pcs_nickname>>." With that you both hurry to your next class.'
  307. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  308. end
  309. end
  310. end
  311. end
  312. end
  313. end
  314. if $ARGS[0] = 'katja':
  315. *clr & cla
  316. menu_off = 1
  317. gs 'stat'
  318. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big14.jpg"></center>'
  319. if KatjaOTN > 0:
  320. if KatjaHorny < 20:
  321. 'Katja looks calm and stoic.'
  322. elseif KatjaHorny >= 20 and KatjaHorny < 40:
  323. 'You see a naughty twinkle in Katja''s eyes.'
  324. elseif KatjaHorny >= 40 and KatjaHorny < 60:
  325. 'Katja has a faint blush on her cheeks and she looks at you mischievously.'
  326. elseif KatjaHorny >= 60 and KatjaHorny < 80:
  327. 'Katja is blushing fairly obviously, and looks at you longingly.'
  328. elseif KatjaHorny >= 80:
  329. 'Katja is as red as a lobster, and her chest is heaving from her heavy breaths. She''s idly rubbing her thighs against one another while you talk.'
  330. end
  331. end
  332. if npc_rel['A14'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 125:
  333. npc_rel['A14'] += 1
  334. if grupTipe = 1:
  335. 'You spend some time hanging around Kat''s locker, laughing and joking as she tells you some personal stories about Vicky. "She had been drinking all night and had to go, but all the stalls were full, so she drags me out behind the community center to go pee behind a bush." Kat breaks out into a fit of giggles.'
  336. '"She was so drunk, as she was squatting, she starts to stumble and ends up falling into her own pee!"'
  337. else
  338. 'You''re hanging around Katja''s locker, chatting about the latest fashion when she pulls out a decorated and well-loved journal. The pages are filled with various snippets of clothes, makeup and models cut from magazines, along with little notes she''s written. "Isn''t this such a pretty dress? I would <i>love</i> to wear something like that."'
  339. end
  340. elseif npc_rel['A14'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 125:
  341. npc_rel['A14'] += 1
  342. if grupTipe = 1:
  343. '"Hey, Kat, trying a new lipstick out? That color looks pretty on you," you compliment her and she smiles sheepishly.'
  344. '"Yeah... yeah, just wanted to try something a little different..." she answers quietly. The conversation doesn''t really go anywhere as she keeps her answers short or just doesn''t say anything at all. At least she''s willing to stick around.'
  345. else
  346. 'You''re in the middle of trying to keep a conversation going with a very disinterested Katja when she pulls out her phone and sighs. "Sorry but Vicky just texted me and she, uh, well, she needs me! For... something." She smiles nervously before shuffling off in the opposite direction.'
  347. end
  348. elseif pav_slut >= 125:
  349. '"Oh hey, Kat. I was wondering if you had any recommendations for lipstick that won''t smear? Things can get kind of messy when I''m... y''know." You press your tongue against the inside of your cheek to imitate sucking cock.'
  350. 'She looks at you confused for a long moment before she gasps softly. "That... that''s gross!" she huffs. "How can you even ask me that?!"'
  351. else
  352. npc_rel['A14'] += 1
  353. 'With Katja being a quiet girl, she doesn''t do much talking, but she seems to enjoy some lighthearted banter with you, so long as you''re doing most of the talking. You get the feeling that if you were closer, she''d open up more, but for now you''ll have to settle with this.'
  354. end
  355. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  356. if meynoldQW = 1:
  357. act 'Thank Katja for taking you home from the disco':
  358. *clr & cla
  359. npc_rel['A14'] += 5
  360. meynoldQW = 2
  361. gs 'stat'
  362. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$npc_firstname[''A14'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A14'']>></font></b></center>'
  363. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big14.jpg"></center>'
  364. 'You approach Katja and thank her for taking you home from the disco when you were drunk, the other night. Katja gives you a knowing smile and says: "Don''t mention it, <<$pcs_nickname>>! You really shouldn''t get that drunk at the disco though, that could end badly. Some of the guys there are real pigs..." she says. "Do you want to hang out after school? We could do our homework together."'
  365. '"Sure, why not," you reply.'
  366. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  367. end
  368. elseif meynoldQW > 1 and pcs_makeup <= 1:
  369. 'Katja looks at you with a smile: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I bet you would look great with a little make-up on you! What do you say?"'
  370. act 'Let her put makeup on you':
  371. *clr & cla
  372. pcs_hairbsh = 1
  373. gs 'stat'
  374. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$npc_firstname[''A14'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A14'']>></font></b></center>'
  375. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big14.jpg"></center>'
  376. 'Katja happily grins as she quickly straightens your hair: "What do you want? A light touch-up, some normal make-up or shall I just shovel it on?"'
  377. act 'Light touch-up':
  378. cla
  379. pcs_makeup = 2
  380. 'Katja subtly applies some neutral tones, with a light application of makeup to bring out your natural beauty.'
  381. if KatjaOTN > 0:KatjaHorny += 10 & 'Katja suddenly becomes aware that she is staring into your eyes, and blushes.'
  382. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  383. act 'Keep talking to her': gt 'gschool_chats1', 'katja'
  384. end
  385. act 'Normal make-up':
  386. cla
  387. pcs_makeup = 3
  388. 'Katja applies some mildly vibrate tones and colors of makeup to cover your minor imperfections and enhance your best features.'
  389. if KatjaOTN > 0:KatjaHorny += 10 & 'Katja suddenly becomes aware that she is staring into your eyes, and blushes.'
  390. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  391. act 'Keep talking to her': gt 'gschool_chats1', 'katja'
  392. end
  393. act 'Heavy make-up':
  394. cla
  395. pcs_makeup = 4
  396. 'Katja applies some deeper, richer shades of makeup, thick enough to cover most imperfections, while drawing attention to your eyes and lips.'
  397. if KatjaOTN > 0:KatjaHorny += 10 & 'Katja suddenly becomes aware that she is staring into your eyes and blushes.'
  398. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  399. act 'Keep talking to her': gt 'gschool_chats1', 'katja'
  400. end
  401. end
  402. elseif meynoldQW > 1 and pcs_makeup > 1 and npc_rel['A14'] > 60:
  403. if apmeet = 3 and artemIzdev = 0:
  404. act 'Ask her how to stop Artem and Petka''s blackmail':
  405. *clr & cla
  406. artemIzdev = 1
  407. gs 'stat'
  408. '<center><b><font color = maroon><<$npc_firstname[''A14'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A14'']>></font></b></center>'
  409. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big14.jpg"></center>'
  410. 'You make sure no one else is paying attention, and tell Katja about what Artem and Petka are doing to you on Mondays. At first she doesn''t believe you. After a while, all of the nasty details you''re sharing convince her that there is no way you''re making this up. Katja is shocked!'
  411. 'You tell her that the only way you have thought of to get rid of their blackmailing, is to get blackmailing material of your own. Katja nods and says: "That makes sense, actually... if you could somehow make it look violent, I bet it would work even better! I don''t know where you would be able to find a tiny camera though... maybe Albina can help you?"'
  412. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  413. end
  414. end
  415. if KatjaOTN > 0 and KatjaLust > 15:
  416. act 'Kiss Katja':
  417. *clr & cla
  418. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/tanga_kiss.jpg"></center>'
  419. 'You lean in to kiss Katja'
  420. if Katjahorny < 30:
  421. cla & *nl
  422. 'She pulls away from you as you try and kiss her, she looks around to see if anyone seen. "Not here and not now."'
  423. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  424. else
  425. *clr & cla
  426. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$npc_firstname[''A14'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A14'']>></font></b></center>'
  427. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big14.jpg"></center>'
  428. 'You slowly lean in towards Katja to kiss her. Unable to resist, Katja almost closing her eyes, slowly opening her mouth, leans in and meets your kiss.'
  429. gs 'katjaEv', 'kiss_events'
  430. end
  431. end
  432. end
  433. end
  434. if rand(1,3) = 1 and npc_sex['A14'] > 0 and $pantyworntype = 'none' and PCloSkirt > 1 and tangaday ! daystart: gt 'Katja_tanga', 'start'
  435. if rand(1,2) = 1 and katschoolsex = 1 and pcs_horny > 40:
  436. *clr & cla
  437. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/tanga_kiss.jpg"></center>'
  438. 'Katja slowly leans in towards you, almost closing her eyes and slowly opening her mouth. Unable to resist, you lean in and meet her with a kiss.'
  439. gs 'katjaEv', 'kiss_events'
  440. end
  441. end
  442. if $ARGS[0] = 'albina':
  443. *clr & cla
  444. menu_off = 1
  445. gs 'stat'
  446. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big23.jpg"></center>'
  447. if albinaQWdance > 0 and AlbinaBlokDance = 0 and ZvezdEnd = 0:
  448. 'Albina offers you a friendly smile and says: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re progressing very well in your training. Don''t forget to keep attending!"'
  449. end
  450. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  451. if AlbFrend = 1:
  452. AlbFrend = 2
  453. npc_rel['A23'] = 100
  454. 'Albina smiles gratefully at you as she says: "Thank you <<$pcs_nickname>>! Like they say... a friend in need is a friend indeed. Your timely warning saved me, I had just enough time to get rid of all the evidence! Unfortunately we do have to stop with Albina''s Starlets, to keep ourselves out of trouble."'
  455. elseif AlbFather = 2 and AlbEnemy = 0:
  456. npc_rel['A23'] = 0
  457. AlbEnemy = 1
  458. 'Albina angrily glares at you as she talks: "Cut the crap, bitch... I know what you did. You''ll regret this!"'
  459. elseif npc_rel['A23'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 100:
  460. npc_rel['A23'] += 1
  461. if grupTipe = 1:
  462. 'For once, Albina isn''t just focusing on herself while you''re hanging out. She takes a genuine interest in what you have to say, even stopping to ask your thoughts on the things you talk about.'
  463. else
  464. 'Albina spends a lot of the conversation talking about herself but does like to hear your thoughts on what she says. "I could never be in a relationship like that, having my boyfriend ignore me. I can''t tell if Stasya is being patient or really, really, <i>really</i> stupid for going along with Anfrey''s bullshit." She huffs with crossed arms.'
  465. end
  466. elseif npc_rel['A23'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 100:
  467. npc_rel['A23'] += 1
  468. if grupTipe = 1:
  469. '"Hey Albina, how are things going?" You ask her with a smile.'
  470. 'Albina rolls her eyes. "Like you really care." She brushes past you, and you swear you hear her calling you a fake bitch under her breath.'
  471. else
  472. '"Is this some kind of joke?" Albina laughs. She shoves you away and into one of the lockers. "Did Mefodiy put you up to this?"'
  473. '"No... I just wanted to talk..." You reply but she seems reluctant to believe you. You take your chance and butter her up by complimenting her whenver you can as you keep the conversation focused on her, a topic she always enjoys talking about. She seems to relax a bit as time goes on.'
  474. end
  475. elseif pav_slut >= 100:
  476. '"Look who it is, the gopnik''s favorite cum dumpster," Albina smirks. "There''s some <i>nasty</i>? rumors about you going around school. If everyone is saying you''re a cock hungry whore, I''m inclined to believe them. They all can''t be wrong, right?" she chuckles.'
  477. else
  478. npc_rel['A23'] += 1
  479. 'The conversation, if you can call it that, with Albina is shallow and over quickly after a minute or two as she excuses herself. But not before selling you some propaganda about her father''s run for mayor.'
  480. '"You know my father cares a lot about us youth. He''s been looking into upgrading the community center, especially since that''s where many of us hang out. But it''s not just about us, it''ll benefit everyone! You should tell your family to stop by the center, he has flyers and pamphlets that can tell you more about it."'
  481. 'Was this all just an excuse to campaign a bit for her dad?'
  482. end
  483. if artemIzdev = 1 and pav_slut < 100:
  484. act 'Ask about a tiny camera':
  485. minut += 5
  486. artemIzdev = 2
  487. 'You ask Albina if she knows where you could get a tiny camera, saying it''s for a prank you''re pulling on your parents. Albina smiles and nods: "There''s a photo studio in the city, they''ll have that you need!"'
  488. 'You thank her for the help. Maybe now you''ll finally be able to get out of this hell.'
  489. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  490. end
  491. end
  492. end
  493. if $ARGS[0] = 'lizaveta':
  494. *clr & cla
  495. menu_off = 1
  496. gs 'stat'
  497. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big140.jpg"></center>'
  498. if npc_rel['A140'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 100:
  499. npc_rel['A140'] += 1
  500. if grupTipe = 1:
  501. 'The perks of being a close friend of Liza goes beyond just running in the same social circle as she tells you some gossip that no one else should know about.'
  502. '"I heard from a little red bird that one time while Vicky was out partying at the community center, she couldn''t hold it in, so she went to go do her business out behind a bush. Buuuut," Liza drags it out to build a little suspense. "She was so drunk that she ended up falling into her own piss. Luckily Kat-- her friend, I mean, was there to take her home before anyone saw!"'
  503. else
  504. 'You would think that being close friends with Lizaveta woud mean getting some exclusive gossip from her, but she keeps her lips sealed. "I know everyone likes to say I can''t keep my mouth shut, but even I need to have some secrets of my own," she winks.'
  505. '"Oh come on," you plead. "You gotta give me a little bit of something..."'
  506. 'With a dramatic sigh, Liza caves a little bit and shares some harmless, yet juicy gossip you hadn''t heard about until now.'
  507. end
  508. act 'Latest gossip': gt 'gschool_chats1', 'latest_gossip'
  509. elseif npc_rel['A140'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 100:
  510. npc_rel['A140'] += 1
  511. if grupTipe = 1:
  512. '"You know, you really shouldn''t shit where you sleep," Lizaveta says while shaking her head disapprovingly.'
  513. '"What? What is that suppose to mean?" You question, but she just sighs.'
  514. '"You''re dumber than I thought..." She mutters. You try to get an answer out of her, but she dances around your questions while the two of you make smalltalk.'
  515. else
  516. 'The conversation is stale and lifeless as Lizaveta taps away at her phone while you talk, only managing a "Yeah..." or "Uh-huh..." occasionally.'
  517. end
  518. elseif pav_slut >= 100:
  519. '"The current rumor is that you''ve ridden well over 100 dicks!" Lizaveta exclaims with a cruel laugh. "There''s even a bet that you''ll have sucked or fucked a 1,000 dicks by the end of the year. Wanna know if I''m betting against or for you?" she taunts before dismissing it as a joke, but you''re not sure if she''s telling the truth...'
  520. else
  521. npc_rel['A140'] += 1
  522. 'You spend some time talking with Lizaveta, and for awhile you manage to avoid talking about anything gossipy, but considering she''s the queen of it, eventually it devolves into some "He said, She said."'
  523. end
  524. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  525. act 'Latest gossip': gt 'gschool_chats1', 'latest_gossip'
  526. end
  527. if $ARGS[0] = 'latest_gossip':
  528. *clr & cla
  529. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big140.jpg"></center>'
  530. '"So Lizaveta hear any good gossip of late?"'
  531. 'As you ask that her face lights up and she leans in close like she has the best secret in the world to share with you. "Oh my god yes! I was... well it doesn''t matter what I was doing but I overheard some others talking and they said..."'
  532. gs 'gschool_gossip', 'Lizaveta'
  533. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  534. end
  535. if $ARGS[0] = 'marcus':
  536. *clr & cla
  537. menu_off = 1
  538. gs 'stat'
  539. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big146.jpg"></center>'
  540. if npc_rel['A146'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 125:
  541. npc_rel['A146'] += 1
  542. if grupTipe = 1:
  543. 'Talking with Marcus is always fun, he always knows how to make you laugh with the stories he tells. "You should have seen his face!" He lets out a deep laugh. "We walk by the bathroom on the way to his room and BAM! There''s his mom, butt naked, and we see it all! You ever seen someone change colors? Poor guy was as pink as... as his mom''s nipples now that I think about it!"'
  544. 'You spend the rest of break laughing along with him as he tells you some more stories.'
  545. else
  546. 'You enjoy hearing the stories Marcus tells about his life in America. "It''s kind of funny, I don''t think I was nearly as popular as this back home. I''m not complaining though!"'
  547. 'You spend the rest of break asking more questions about his home life and he''s happy to tell you all about it.'
  548. end
  549. elseif npc_rel['A146'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 125:
  550. npc_rel['A146'] += 1
  551. if grupTipe = 1:
  552. '"Do I know you?" Marcus asks when you try to strike up a conversation.'
  553. '"Uhh... I would think so? We run in the same social circle..." You tell him, but he just shrugs.'
  554. else
  555. 'You try to strike up a conversation with Marcus, but for the most part he ignores you as he continues talking to Andrey and Dimka.'
  556. end
  557. elseif pav_slut >= 125:
  558. '"Hmm... I should have known," Marcus says when he sees you.'
  559. '"Known what?"'
  560. 'He smirks and steps closer to you, cornering you between himself and a locker. "I thought Russian girls were different but I guess a slut is a slut no matter where you are. Ain''t that right, <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
  561. 'You expect him to grab at you, but he just shakes his head and walks away.'
  562. else
  563. npc_rel['A146'] += 1
  564. 'Marcus is a friendly guy that gets along with nearly everyone, which makes talking to him easy and fun even when you''re not that familiar with each other.'
  565. end
  566. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  567. end
  568. if $ARGS[0] = 'andrey':
  569. *clr & cla
  570. menu_off = 1
  571. gs 'stat'
  572. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big147.jpg"></center>'
  573. if npc_rel['A147'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 125:
  574. npc_rel['A147'] += 1
  575. if grupTipe = 1:
  576. '"Do you think Stasya will ever get over this whole... jealousy thing she has for Marcus?" Andrey confides in you with a look of exhaustion.'
  577. 'Stasya must really be putting him through it lately. "She''ll get over herself, don''t worry. Just be glad you''re not one of the nerds," you tease.'
  578. 'That seems to brighten his mood a bit as the conversation continues in a lighter tone.'
  579. else
  580. '"Hanging out with Marcus has been great for me!" Andrey says with a grin.'
  581. '"Oh yeah?" You can''t help but smile when you see the good mood he''s in. "Did something happen recently?"'
  582. '"Nah, nah. It''s just that hanging around him has made me more popular than ever! I maen, I was already pretty popular but this... being his friend sure has its perks!"'
  583. end
  584. elseif npc_rel['A147'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 125:
  585. npc_rel['A147'] += 1
  586. if grupTipe = 1:
  587. 'You spend a few minutes talking with Andrey until he makes up an excuse to leave. "I gotta go meet up with Marcus. Uh, maybe we''ll talk some other time."'
  588. else
  589. 'About a minute or two into the conversation, Andrey gets bored and restless. With a half-assed lie, he says he has somewhere to be, something to do and leaves.'
  590. end
  591. elseif pav_slut >= 125:
  592. 'Andrey glances your way for a second before focusing back on looking through his locker, completely uninterested in you. "Shouldn''t you be in the bathroom with Lazar sucking him off?"'
  593. else
  594. npc_rel['A147'] += 1
  595. '"Hey, Andrey! How''s it been?" You ask with a small smile.'
  596. 'Andrey shrugs. "Oh, you know, Stasya and my parents still complain about Marcus, so the usual," he teases halfheartedly.'
  597. 'You spend some time chatting with him, which seems to take his mind off things for a bit.'
  598. end
  599. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  600. end
  601. if $ARGS[0] = 'mefodiy':
  602. *clr & cla
  603. menu_off = 1
  604. gs 'stat'
  605. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big148.jpg"></center>'
  606. if npc_rel['A148'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 125:
  607. npc_rel['A148'] += 1
  608. if grupTipe = 1:
  609. '"I still don''t get why you guys keep me around, there really isn''t much about me that screams ''popular''," Mefodiy explains with a shy smile.'
  610. '"Hey, you''re selling yourself short," You comfort him. "Every kingdom needs their village idiot, right?" You add with a smirk.'
  611. 'He winces and groans as he clutches at his heart. "Damn, that''s was a cold one, <<$pcs_nickname>>! You''re lucky I like you!"'
  612. else
  613. '"Who would have thought that being funny and kinda cute would make me so popular," Mefodiy says and you can''t help but laugh.'
  614. '"You really couldn''t be more wrong," you tease him.'
  615. 'He takes a moment to think. "Hmm... ah, you''re right! What I should have said was <i>incredibly handsome and hilarious</i>. Thanks for correcting me, <<$pcs_nickname>>," he says with a wink.'
  616. end
  617. elseif npc_rel['A148'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 125:
  618. npc_rel['A148'] += 1
  619. if grupTipe = 1:
  620. '"It doesn''t take much to get on people''s good sides, just look at me, even I can manage it, so why can''t you?" Mefodiy seems disappointed that you''re not getting along better, but at least he seems willing to give you a chance still.'
  621. else
  622. '"I just can''t," Mefodiy groans after talking to you for a few minutes. "You just kill my whole mood..." He sighs heavily before walking away, dragging his feet the entire time.'
  623. end
  624. elseif pav_slut >= 125:
  625. '"Don''t worry, I''m not going to make a slut joke," Mefodiy reassures you. "That would just be a <i>whoreable</i> thing to do."'
  626. else
  627. npc_rel['A148'] += 1
  628. 'Mefodiy has you laughing nonstop the entire time you''re hanging out with him. You lose track of time and in the end feel a bit disappointed that break is nearly over.'
  629. end
  630. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  631. end
  632. if $ARGS[0] = 'viktoria':
  633. *clr & cla
  634. menu_off = 1
  635. gs 'stat'
  636. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big15.jpg"></center>'
  637. if npc_rel['A15'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 125:
  638. npc_rel['A15'] += 1
  639. if grupTipe = 1:
  640. 'As soon as Vicky sees you, she pulls you into a tight hug. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, my third favorite person!"'
  641. '"Wait, third? I get Kat being second, but who''s first?!" You pretend to be outraged, and she plays along.'
  642. '"Oh hunny, you.. you didn''t know? I don''t know how to tell you this but... Vanya is my number one!"'
  643. 'You pout and cross your arms. "That''s not fair. I can''t fuck my way to the number one spot like he can!" You say before the two of you burst into laughter.'
  644. else
  645. '"I''ve been thinking of going all in and dying my hair to match the color of the outfits I wear. What do you think?" Vicky asks as she runs her fingers through her red hair.'
  646. 'You can''t keep from laughing at her odd question. "Uhmm, you wear a different color every day, do you know what that will do to your hair after a week?"'
  647. 'Vicky is silent for awhile before shrugging. "No?"'
  648. '"Bald. You will definitely be bald after a week of dying your hair..." You and Vicky spend the rest of break joking back and forth like that.'
  649. end
  650. elseif npc_rel['A15'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 125:
  651. npc_rel['A15'] += 1
  652. if grupTipe = 1:
  653. '"I know we''re both "popular", which means we should be friends, but I would honestly rather have people think I let Lera''s creepy brother finger me than spend another minute talking to you," Vicky throws her hands up and shrugs.'
  654. else
  655. '"Do you hear that, <<$pcs_nickname>>?" Vicky interrupts you mid sentence. You go quiet and listen carefully but don''t hear anything unusual.'
  656. '"Listen carefully... that''s the sound of me running away from this conversation. Cya!"'
  657. 'Before you can respond, she takes off down the hallway.'
  658. end
  659. elseif pav_slut >= 125:
  660. '"Well, well, well, look who''s taken a break from sucking cocks!" Vicky announces with a grin. She gives your ass a quick slap and you let out a surprise squeak.'
  661. '"Oh don''t act so innocent, we all know you''ve had that ass broken in plenty of times. Or maybe you''re just sore from your last go?"'
  662. else
  663. npc_rel['A15'] += 1
  664. 'It can be hard to follow Vicky as she keeps up a lively conversation, jumping from one topic to another, but you don''t really mind and find her upbeat attitude intoxicating.'
  665. end
  666. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  667. end
  668. if $ARGS[0] = 'stasya':
  669. *clr & cla
  670. menu_off = 1
  671. gs 'stat'
  672. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big139.jpg"></center>'
  673. if npc_rel['A139'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 100:
  674. npc_rel['A139'] += 1
  675. if grupTipe = 1:
  676. 'When Stasya sees you, she pulls you into a quick hug. "Glad you showed up, I was starting to get bored and desperate," she tells you with a dramatic sigh.'
  677. '"Desperate enough to hang out with Irina for the rest of break?" You joke with a cheeky smile.'
  678. '"Never that fucking desperate!" She blurts out before the two of you break out into laughter.'
  679. else
  680. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, what do you think of this?" Stasya gives her reflection in the little mirror hanging inside her locker one last look before turning towards you.'
  681. 'You take a moment to admire the new makeup she''s wearing. "I think you look gorgeous. Why?"'
  682. 'Stasya smiles smugly as she glances back in the mirror. "It''s time Andrey paid attention to what really matters in life... and that''s me."'
  683. end
  684. elseif npc_rel['A139'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 100:
  685. npc_rel['A139'] += 1
  686. if grupTipe = 1:
  687. '"Don''t think that just because we''re in the same clique, we''re going to be best buddies," Stasya tells you. Despite that, she doesn''t run you off as you hang around to talk.'
  688. else
  689. '"Don''t even fucking think about it," Stasya warns when you try to approach. She glares you down until you finally back away.'
  690. end
  691. elseif pav_slut >= 100:
  692. '"You better stay the fuck away from Andrey, or you''ll end up with some extra holes you can stuff full with more cocks."'
  693. 'You''re slammed into the lockers as she shoves past you.'
  694. else
  695. npc_rel['A139'] += 1
  696. 'You spend some time conversing with Stasya until she holds out her hand to stop you from talking. "I don''t mean to cut you off but I need to get see Andrey before break ends." She gives you this half-assed apologetic smile before walking off in search for her elusive boyfriend.'
  697. end
  698. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  699. end
  700. if $ARGS[0] = 'irina':
  701. *clr & cla
  702. menu_off = 1
  703. gs 'stat'
  704. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big17.jpg"></center>'
  705. if npc_rel['A17'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 100:
  706. npc_rel['A17'] += 1
  707. if grupTipe = 1:
  708. '"Liza told me that some girl overheard this group of girls talking at lunch that they heard Stasya talking shit about me!" Irina exclaims and the both of you let out a little gasp, even though it really isn''t much of a surprise.'
  709. '"What did she say?"'
  710. '"Oh I wouldn''t dare repeat the things she said, it would just leave a bad taste in my mouth." Irina shakes her head in disappointment, but you notice the hint of a smirk on her lips. "Jealousy is such an ugly look..."'
  711. else
  712. '"I need to get my nails done, but I won''t have time with all this stupid homework!" Irina whines with a pout.'
  713. '"I''m sure Artem or Petka would be more than happy to help you out," You gently remind her.'
  714. 'A sly smile spreads across Irina''s face. "You''re totally right, <<$pcs_nickname>>! You know me so well."'
  715. end
  716. elseif npc_rel['A17'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 100:
  717. npc_rel['A17'] += 1
  718. if grupTipe = 1:
  719. 'Irina listens to you talk with a tired and bored expression. "Oh god, I think I''d rather talk to Lesco..." she yawns before brushing you off. "I''ve heard enough. Go bother Stasya."'
  720. else
  721. 'You try to make small talk with Irina and to your surprise she doesn''t instantly turn you away. Seeing as though she hasn''t said anything yet, you keep talking to her, even if she hasn''t said much... of anything yet. Falling quiet, you hear the faint sound of music and realize she''s being wearing earpods this whole time.'
  722. 'With comical timing, Irina pulls them out when she finally notices you standing next to her. "What do you want?" she sneers.'
  723. end
  724. elseif pav_slut >= 100:
  725. '"I would rather have Petia staring at my tits until he creams himself than to talk to you, skank," Irina hisses with disgust.'
  726. else
  727. npc_rel['A17'] += 1
  728. 'It''s easy to please Irina. She likes to talk about herself, so as long as you ask her about herself and then don''t interrupt her, she''s more than happy to talk with you.'
  729. end
  730. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  731. end
  732. if $ARGS[0] = 'sonia':
  733. *clr & cla
  734. menu_off = 1
  735. gs 'stat'
  736. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big25.jpg"></center>'
  737. if soniaPS = 0:
  738. if npc_rel['A25'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 100:
  739. npc_rel['A25'] += 1
  740. '"What are you up to?" You ask Sonia as you watch her organizing a stack of various teen magazines inside her locker.'
  741. '"I think it''s time I got rid of some of these..." Sonia sighs as she stares longinly at the stack. "But I can''t bear throwing any of them away!"'
  742. 'You can''t help but laugh and tease her a bit. In the end, the two of you end up reading through the magazines rather than throwing them out.'
  743. elseif npc_rel['A25'] >= 50:
  744. npc_rel['A25'] += 1
  745. '"Oh man!" Sonia groans and stretches. "I can''t WAIT for this day to be over!"'
  746. '"Ready to get drunk and party at the community center, hm?" You give her a playful nudge.'
  747. 'Sonia giggles and bounces around excitedly. "Damn right, and you better be ready, too!"'
  748. elseif npc_rel['A25'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 100:
  749. npc_rel['A25'] += 1
  750. if grupTipe = 1:
  751. 'You spend some time talking with Sonia, but she ends up focusing more on the magazine she''s reading which is a bit disappointing, but at least she stuck around.'
  752. else
  753. '"Have you seen the new clothes they''re selling at the garment factory in town?" You ask Sonia, trying to catch her interest... but you manage to do the exact opposite.'
  754. '"Garment factory?" She asks with a hurt and slightly annoyed look. "What makes you think I shop at that place...?"'
  755. 'It takes some time, but eventually you manage to save the conversation, or at least you think so since she doesn''t run you off, although she''s more withdrawn after that point.'
  756. end
  757. elseif pav_slut >= 100:
  758. npc_rel['A25'] += 1
  759. 'Unlike most people, Sonia isn''t calling you a slut or whore. Instead she asks you about some of the best sex you''ve had lately and some of your favorite positions. The conversation continues like this and you end up enjoying hanging out with her as you talk about all kinds of naughty things.'
  760. else
  761. npc_rel['A25'] += 1
  762. '"Hey, Sonia," you greet her with a smile and gives you a friendly little wave.'
  763. '"What''s up, <<$pcs_nickname>>?" she asks and you tell her you just wanted to hang out for a bit. "Sure, I got a little bit of time."'
  764. 'With Sonia being so friendly, you slip into an easygoing banter with her for the rest of break.'
  765. end
  766. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  767. else
  768. if npc_rel['A25'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 125:
  769. npc_rel['A25'] += 1
  770. if grupTipe = 5:
  771. 'You see Sonia sitting by herself just like usual, except when you sit with her. As you approach her with a friendly smile, she looks up and gives you a friendly smile in return. "How''s it going <<$pcs_nickname>>?" You sit down next to her and the two of you engage in a friendly conversation about fashion, makeup and many other things. Sonia seems well versed in those two especially.'
  772. else
  773. 'You see Sonia sitting by herself just like usual, except when you sit with her. As you approach her with a friendly smile, she looks up and gives you a friendly smile in return. "How''s it going <<$pcs_nickname>>?" You sit down next to her and the two of you engage in a friendly conversation about fashion, makeup and many other things. Sonia seems well versed in those two especially.'
  774. end
  775. elseif npc_rel['A25'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 125:
  776. npc_rel['A25'] += 1
  777. if grupTipe = 5:
  778. 'You see Sonia sitting by herself just like usual. As you approach her with a friendly smile, she looks up and gives you a a slight frown in return. "What do you want <<$pcs_nickname>>?" You sit down next to her and explain you just wanted to talk. She is reluctant at first but slowly starts to get engaged in the conversation, the two of you talk about fashion, makeup and many other things. Sonia seems well versed in those two especially.'
  779. else
  780. 'You see Sonia sitting by herself just like usual. As you approach her with a friendly smile, she looks up and stiffens at your approach. "What do you want <<$pcs_nickname>>?" You sit down next to her and explain you just wanted to talk. She is reluctant at first but slowly starts to get engaged in the conversation, the two of you talk about fashion, makeup and many other things. Sonia seems well versed in those two especially.'
  781. end
  782. elseif pav_slut >= 125:
  783. npc_rel['A25'] += 1
  784. 'You see Sonia sitting by herself just like usual, except when you sit with her. As you approach her with a friendly smile, she looks up and gives you a friendly smile in return. "What''s up slut?" You laugh and sit down next to her telling her about your day. The two of you banter back and forth about who''s breath smells like cum and discuss each of your latest sexcapades.'
  785. else
  786. npc_rel['A25'] += 1
  787. 'You see Sonia sitting by herself just like usual. As you approach her with a friendly smile, she looks up and stiffens slightly at your approach. "Do you need something <<$pcs_nickname>>?" You sit down next to her and the two of you engage in a conversation, the two of you talk about fashion, makeup and many other things. Sonia seems well versed in those two especially.'
  788. end
  789. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  790. end
  791. end
  792. if $ARGS[0] = 'lazar':
  793. *clr & cla
  794. menu_off = 1
  795. gs 'stat'
  796. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big149.jpg"></center>'
  797. if npc_rel['A149'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 125:
  798. npc_rel['A149'] += 1
  799. if grupTipe = 2:
  800. '"Did you hear my own little cheer-squad the last game <<$pcs_nickname>>?" Lazar boasts.'
  801. '"I heard many boys are out to get at your level, <i>Mister Superstar</i>. Watch out so you don''t lose that cheer-squad of yours." you jokingly reply.'
  802. 'Lazar bursts out in a laughter, "No no, I''m not worried. That only makes me want to improve even more..."'
  803. else
  804. '"Hey, <<$pcs_nickname>>, so I''ve been noticing you''ve been eying me." Lazar winks.'
  805. 'You laugh, "Nice line Lazar... Is that how you get the ladies interested in you?"'
  806. 'He confidently continues, "You know it. And it works like a charm every time. You just wait, you''ll fall for me too."'
  807. end
  808. elseif npc_rel['A149'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 125:
  809. npc_rel['A149'] += 1
  810. if grupTipe = 2:
  811. '"Well, well, if it isn''t <<$pcs_nickname>>..." Lazar is standing with his arms crossed.'
  812. 'You sigh, "What now Lazar? I don''t have time for your games today..."'
  813. 'He huffs and puffs, "Somebody has been talking shit behind my back to some girls but I haven''t figured out who it is yet, so I wanted you to know that I''m keeping my eyes on you <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
  814. '"Okay..." you roll your eyes, "What does that have to do with me?"'
  815. else
  816. '"Are you the one that''s been going around and telling the other girls that I''m no good for them?!" Lazar angrily asks you.'
  817. '"No... Like I give a shit about you! You''re not the center of world, Lazar!" you yell back.'
  818. '"Good, keep it that way or else we might have a problem..." he pushes you.'
  819. end
  820. elseif npc_sex['A149'] > 0:
  821. npc_rel['A149'] += 1
  822. 'Seeing you Lazar smirks, "Back for more? I know, it was amazing."'
  823. 'You only let out a short "Mhm," as you roll your eyes.'
  824. 'Lazar breaks out in a smile, "No worries, <<$pcs_nickname>>! I''m sure we''ll hook up again."'
  825. elseif pav_slut >= 125:
  826. '"You here to suck me off, slut?" Lazar snickers.'
  827. '"What did you say?" you angrily reply.'
  828. '"Come on, everyone knows that you''re the schools biggest slut, what''s another fuck." he winks.'
  829. else
  830. npc_rel['A149'] += 1
  831. '"I didn''t take you for one of them girls, <<$pcs_nickname>>?" Lazar smiles.'
  832. '"What?" you ask surprised.'
  833. '"Didn''t take you for one of my fan-girls, that''s all." he winks.'
  834. end
  835. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  836. end
  837. if $ARGS[0] = 'svyatoslav':
  838. *clr & cla
  839. menu_off = 1
  840. gs 'stat'
  841. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big8.jpg"></center>'
  842. if npc_rel['A8'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 100:
  843. npc_rel['A8'] += 1
  844. if grupTipe = 2:
  845. '"Dammit I almost had him this time..." Svyatoslav lowers his disappointed gaze.'
  846. '"Don''t give up, you''ll beat Ivan one day." you encourage him.'
  847. 'His eyes light up, "You''re right! Giving up is for weaklings! Thanks for the encouragement <<$pcs_nickname>>"'
  848. else
  849. '"Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>! Are you going to come out to see the champ?" Svyatoslav asks.'
  850. '"I might be interested seeing the epic battle, yes!" you excitingly answer.'
  851. '"Good, good! I hope you''ll be cheering for me!" he winks.'
  852. end
  853. elseif npc_rel['A8'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 100:
  854. npc_rel['A8'] += 1
  855. if grupTipe = 2:
  856. '"It''s your fault I lost the last race against Ivan!" Svyatoslav starts accusing you.'
  857. '"My fault?! Don''t blame me for your shortcomings, Svyatoslav!" you bitterly answer back.'
  858. '"You bring too much bad luck, <<$pcs_nickname>>! I don''t want to see you near the next time we''re having a competition, got it?!" he scoffs.'
  859. else
  860. '"Aren''t you the one that ruined my last competition against Ivan?!" Svyatoslav angrily asks you.'
  861. '"What?! What are you talking about Svyatoslav?" you ask, confused about what the hell he''s talking about.'
  862. '"Yeah, yeah, don''t lie to me, <<$pcs_nickname>>! It''s all your fault that I keep losing against Ivan..." he continues on.'
  863. end
  864. elseif pav_slut >= 100:
  865. '"So when am I going to get the complementary blowjob?" Svyatoslav asks.'
  866. '"Never..." you sourly reply.'
  867. '"Come on, don''t play hard to get, I know you loving sucking cock, you little slut." he starts approaching you.'
  868. else
  869. npc_rel['A8'] += 1
  870. '"Well isn''t this a surprise. Are you here to wish me good luck in the next race?" Svyatoslav curiously asks.'
  871. 'Seeing him excited and not wanting to hurt his feelings you nod, "Yeah... that''s exactly what I wanted to say..."'
  872. '"Thanks, <<$pcs_nickname>>! I''ll be sure to win this time!" he boastfully replies.'
  873. end
  874. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  875. end
  876. if $ARGS[0] = 'vanya':
  877. *clr & cla
  878. menu_off = 1
  879. gs 'stat'
  880. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big165.jpg"></center>'
  881. if npc_rel['A165'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 100:
  882. npc_rel['A165'] += 1
  883. if grupTipe = 2:
  884. '"Say, <<$pcs_nickname>> did you hear about the prank I pulled on the football coach?" Vanya is having a hard time keeping himself from laughter.'
  885. '"No, what did you do this time?" you curiously ask.'
  886. '"Well, during one of the training sessions I unscrewed the top from a water-bottle thinking one of the boys would drink it but here comes the coach, grabs it and just as he''s about to drink the top falls off and splashes him all over..." Vanya bursts out in laughter.'
  887. else
  888. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you need to help me hide!" Vanya is alarmingly looking around.'
  889. 'Feeling stressed you ask, "What''s wrong?! Who''s after you?!"'
  890. 'Vanya cracks up seeing you panic, "Just kidding! Just wanted to see your reaction."'
  891. '"Always the same thing Vanya, don''t you get tired of playing games all the time?" you reprimand him.'
  892. end
  893. elseif npc_rel['A165'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 100:
  894. npc_rel['A165'] += 1
  895. if grupTipe = 2:
  896. '"What the hell, Vanya!" you angrily stomp towards him...'
  897. '"What now?" he looks innocently at you, "I''m getting tired of being accused by you for things I haven''t done..."'
  898. '"It must''ve been you! Who else replaces talc powder with itching powder?!" you continue on.'
  899. '"No idea, what a cruel joke though..." he coolly replies.'
  900. else
  901. '"Funny joke you played on me there, dickhead." you angrily push Vanya.'
  902. '"What are you talking about? You''ve gone crazy!" he upsettingly replies.'
  903. '"Listen here, I know it was you!" you start yelling.'
  904. '"Oh, yeah! Prove it then!" he yells back. You both stand there in silence and after a while you stomp off while Vanya is grinning from ear to ear.'
  905. end
  906. elseif mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] >= 20:
  907. npc_rel['A165'] += 1
  908. '"Hey Vanya..." you sneakily greet him, "Want to hear a secret?" you ask.'
  909. 'Vanya''s attention turns totally towards you, "Hell yeah! I love secrets! Especially ones I can use on others as a joke."'
  910. '"Well this one is special..." you snicker, "I saw Vicky and you having sex in the park..."'
  911. 'Vanya stops and thinks for a moment and then starts grinning, "That''s the big secret, well that''s nothing new. Vicky and I love to have sex outdoors." he winks.'
  912. elseif pav_slut >= 100:
  913. '"Are you up for a threesome with Vicky and me?" Vanya asks.'
  914. '"What?" you ask surprised.'
  915. 'Vanya breaks out in a mischievous smile, "Yeah, you know, we''ve heard that you''ve become such a big slut so we wanted to try a threesome."'
  916. '"Hmm..." you start to think...'
  917. '"Never mind, I was only kidding. Like I would share Vicky with a slut like you."'
  918. else
  919. npc_rel['A165'] += 1
  920. '"Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>! Check this out!" Vanya yells out as he throws a crumbled paper ball onto Vitek''s head.'
  921. 'He in turn quickly starts turning around looking around, trying to figure out who threw the crumbled paper, "Who was it?!" Vitek yells out, "Tell me who the fuck it was!"'
  922. '"So easily agitated..." Vanya comments, while you burst out in laughter over the stupid face Vitek is making.'
  923. end
  924. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  925. end
  926. if $ARGS[0] = 'erast':
  927. *clr & cla
  928. menu_off = 1
  929. gs 'stat'
  930. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big150.jpg"></center>'
  931. if npc_rel['A150'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 125:
  932. npc_rel['A150'] += 1
  933. if grupTipe = 2:
  934. '"Oh, hi <<$pcs_nickname>>..." Erast gently says, "What can I help you with?"'
  935. '"Hi Erast! So I saw you skating and needed some pointers..." you ask him.'
  936. '"No worries, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''ll gladly share my secrets with you." he winks and continues on talking about different skating techniques.'
  937. else
  938. '"Oh, hi <<$pcs_nickname>>..." Erast gently says, "What can I help you with?"'
  939. '"Hi Erast! Well, I was thinking about starting working out and wanted to ask you about some pointers, if you have the time?" you politely ask.'
  940. '"Of course <<$pcs_nickname>>." Erast brightens up as he starts asking you about what you want to achieve with your training.'
  941. end
  942. elseif npc_rel['A150'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 125:
  943. npc_rel['A150'] += 1
  944. if grupTipe = 2:
  945. '"Oh I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>> I don''t have the time to talk to you..." Erast tries to excuse himself.'
  946. '"Just a quick thing, Erast. I promise..." you plead with him.'
  947. '"Sorry, I don''t have any time right now. Later, okay?" he politely replies.'
  948. else
  949. '"Oh, hi <<$pcs_nickname>>..." Erast gently says, "What can I help you with?"'
  950. '"Hi Erast! Well, I was thinking about starting working out and wanted to ask you about some pointers, if you have the time?" you politely ask.'
  951. '"Oh... I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>> but I don''t have time right now... I got to head to class... Maybe another time..." Erast avoids looking you in the eyes.'
  952. end
  953. elseif pav_slut >= 125:
  954. '"Are the rumors true?" Erast asks you.'
  955. '"What rumors?" you ask back.'
  956. '"Well..." he looks around, avoiding meeting your eyes, "I heard that you''ve built quite the reputation..."'
  957. '"What reputation?! Out with it!!!" You''re getting irritated by him trying to avoid the subject.'
  958. '"Well..." he takes a deep breath, "I heard you''ll sleep with anyone so I was thinking about if I had a shot..."'
  959. 'Before you''re able to reply he grabs his stuff and walks away from you, clearly blushing...'
  960. else
  961. npc_rel['A150'] += 1
  962. '"Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>... What''s up?" Erast asks.'
  963. '"Nothing much just hanging around waiting for the next class to start, and you?" you ask.'
  964. '"Same thing here..." Erast replies and stops saying anything more...'
  965. end
  966. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  967. end
  968. !!In these interactions, there is an 'elseif' missing for when you are raped at the community center (zverSlutQW = 0). Contradicting texts arise.
  969. if $ARGS[0] = 'christina':
  970. *clr & cla
  971. menu_off = 1
  972. gs 'stat'
  973. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big18.jpg"></center>'
  974. if zverRageQW = 10:
  975. 'As you pass by Christina, she looks at you triumphantly, "Don''t forget my little slave, showers after the gym class..."'
  976. 'Before you''re able to respond she turns around and walks away...'
  977. elseif lariskaQwestStart > 0 and zverSlutQW ! 0:
  978. 'As you pass by Christina, you look at her triumphantly, "Don''t forget my little slave, showers after the gym class..."'
  979. 'Before she''s able to respond you turn around and walk away...'
  980. elseif kristinaSex > 0 and fizrukSex > 0:
  981. npc_rel['A18'] += 1
  982. 'As soon as you approach Christina she pushes you around, "Listen here <<$pcs_nickname>>, if you tell anyone what you saw... I swear... I will..."'
  983. 'Looking at her you teasingly answer, "What I have no idea what you''re talking about... I haven''t seen anything," you finish with a slight wink.'
  984. 'Once again Christina pushes you and sighs, "Don''t push it <<$pcs_nickname>>, consider this a warning."'
  985. elseif kristinaSex = 0 and swinbeggor > 0:
  986. if npc_rel['A18'] > 20: npc_rel['A18'] -= 10
  987. 'Christina looks at you full of hate: "I can''t believe you were faster than me... bitch!"'
  988. elseif npc_rel['A18'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 100:
  989. npc_rel['A18'] += 1
  990. if grupTipe = 2:
  991. '"Hi, <<$pcs_nickname>>! Do you want to work out together, since you know, you''re the only one that is on the same level as me?" she confidently asks.'
  992. '"I don''t know if I could keep up with you," you jokingly reply.'
  993. 'Christina lets out a loud laugh, "Well you know where to find me if you want to work out."'
  994. 'You give her a nod and say your goodbyes.'
  995. else
  996. '"Hi, <<$pcs_nickname>>! So what are you up to?" Christina asks.'
  997. '"Nothing much, trying to figure out what I could do after school." you answer.'
  998. '"You should join one of the sports teams. I''m sure you''d do great there." she tries to entice you.'
  999. '"That''s definitely something I will consider. Thanks for the suggestion." you reply.'
  1000. end
  1001. elseif npc_rel['A18'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 100:
  1002. npc_rel['A18'] += 1
  1003. if grupTipe = 2:
  1004. '"Look at the biggest joke among us. You shouldn''t even be allowed to call yourself a jock. What a joke..." Christina shakes her head.'
  1005. 'You fiercely reply, "Oh, yeah? I could beat you in whatever you want. Just name the place and time."'
  1006. '"Hmmrph," Christina looks angrily at you, "You know what I don''t have time for this right now," she crosses her arms and refuses to say another word to you.'
  1007. else
  1008. '"Why did you approach me? I don''t want to talk to someone like you." Christina scorns you.'
  1009. '"Well, excuse me your highness," you sarcastically take a bow in front of her. You hear some snickering behind you.'
  1010. 'Christina turns a bit red as she pushes you away and storms off with Lina trying to keep up behind her.'
  1011. end
  1012. elseif pav_slut >= 100:
  1013. '"What does the biggest school slut want from me? Don''t you have a cock to suck somewhere?" Christina says mockingly.'
  1014. '"Shut up Christina I''m tired of your bullshit." you tiredly reply.'
  1015. '"Poor little thing, must''ve been what at least a few minutes since you last spread your legs for someone," she begins to laugh as she walks away.'
  1016. else
  1017. npc_rel['A18'] += 1
  1018. '"What do you want <<$pcs_nickname>>? I don''t really have the time right now," she''s looking around looking for something.'
  1019. '"Well... I wanted to ask you..." you choke up a little.'
  1020. '"Out with it, <<$pcs_nickname>>," Christina gets a bit irritated.'
  1021. 'You take a deep breath, "I wanted to join..."'
  1022. 'Before you end your sentence she starts walking away and you can hear her say, "Yeah, yeah, you do that <<$pcs_nickname>>..."'
  1023. end
  1024. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  1025. end
  1026. if $ARGS[0] = 'bella':
  1027. *clr & cla
  1028. menu_off = 1
  1029. gs 'stat'
  1030. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big22.jpg"></center>'
  1031. if npc_rel['A22'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 100:
  1032. npc_rel['A22'] += 1
  1033. if grupTipe = 2:
  1034. '"Now that you''ve proven yourself that you''re amazing at sports, you should come and hang with my friends." Bella says smiling.'
  1035. '"You really mean that?" your eyes widen, "You think I can keep up with them?"'
  1036. 'Bella nods, "No doubt, you''ll have no issues fitting in. I''ll be seeing you around and we can plan something, no?"'
  1037. else
  1038. '"Now that we''ve established that you''re pretty mature and cool, you should come and hang with my friends." Bella says smiling.'
  1039. '"You really mean that?" your eyes widen, "I can''t believe you asked me..."'
  1040. 'Bella nods, "Of course, I don''t joke around. I''ll be seeing you around and we can plan something, no?"'
  1041. end
  1042. elseif npc_rel['A22'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 100:
  1043. npc_rel['A22'] += 1
  1044. if grupTipe = 2:
  1045. '"What do you want now <<$pcs_nickname>>? What can you possible want from me?" Bella rolls her eyes.'
  1046. '"I was thinking about asking you for some help." you ask.'
  1047. 'Bella begins to mockingly laugh, "Don''t be silly! Like I would give advice to someone younger..."'
  1048. else
  1049. '"What do you want?" Bella arrogantly looks at you as you approach her.'
  1050. '"I just wanted to ask you about this store in the city. I heard..."'
  1051. 'Before you''re able to continue she cuts you off, looks at pedicure and with a sigh replies, "Listen, the city is not for children like you. You''re better off buying clothes like the rest of your classmates at the GM store here in Pavlovsk..."'
  1052. end
  1053. elseif pav_slut >= 100:
  1054. '"I heard some rumors that you''re interested in older guys? Is it true?" Bella asks.'
  1055. 'You stand in silence as she continues on.'
  1056. '"Well I''ve told about you to some of my older male friends and they would love to meet you," she winks.'
  1057. else
  1058. npc_rel['A22'] += 1
  1059. '"Well well, make it quick <<$pcs_nickname>> I don''t really have the time to stand here and chat..." Bella hurries you on.'
  1060. '"I was thinking we could maybe hang after school one day," you cheerfully ask.'
  1061. '"You and I?" she looks around, "Is this a prank? Where have you hidden the cameras?" she keeps on looking around, "Don''t be silly, run along now," as she scoffs you aside.'
  1062. end
  1063. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  1064. end
  1065. if $ARGS[0] = 'veronika':
  1066. *clr & cla
  1067. menu_off = 1
  1068. gs 'stat'
  1069. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big141.jpg"></center>'
  1070. if npc_rel['A141'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 75:
  1071. npc_rel['A141'] += 1
  1072. if grupTipe = 2:
  1073. '"So... <<$pcs_nickname>>... I was thinking..." Veronika speaks up.'
  1074. 'Standing there confused, "Wait, you''re talking to me?"'
  1075. 'She indifferently nods "Yes, I was thinking about asking you if you would like to see my skating routine?"'
  1076. 'You squeal, "Of course I would love to see that, I bet it''s amazing." you give her a hug while Veronika remains stiff as usual.'
  1077. else
  1078. '"Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>..." Veronika speaks quietly.'
  1079. '"Hi Veronika! Glad I ran into you," you cheerfully greet her.'
  1080. '"Oh?" she surprisingly replies.'
  1081. '"Yeah, just wanted to tell you that I''ll be cheering you on as you compete." you say.'
  1082. '"Thank you." Veronika politely replies.'
  1083. end
  1084. elseif npc_rel['A141'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 75:
  1085. npc_rel['A141'] += 1
  1086. if grupTipe = 2:
  1087. 'Veronika is looking confoundedly at you.'
  1088. '"Did you want something?" you curiously ask.'
  1089. '"I... Nothing really..." she shrugs.'
  1090. else
  1091. 'Veronika is looking at you indifferently.'
  1092. '"Did you say something?" you ask.'
  1093. 'She keeps on looking at you and just shrugs her shoulders before continuing on.'
  1094. end
  1095. elseif pav_slut >= 75:
  1096. '"What are you up to Veronika?" you ask.'
  1097. 'Veronika stops and starts looking intensely at you.'
  1098. '"Fine be that way then," you sourly reply.'
  1099. 'You can barely hear Veronika reply as you start walking away from her, "Slut..."'
  1100. else
  1101. npc_rel['A141'] += 1
  1102. '"I..." it''s as Veronika wants to say something.'
  1103. '"Something you wanted?" you ask?'
  1104. '"I... Don''t mind me, it was nothing..." she replies.'
  1105. end
  1106. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  1107. end
  1108. if $ARGS[0] = 'lina':
  1109. *clr & cla
  1110. menu_off = 1
  1111. gs 'stat'
  1112. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big19.jpg"></center>'
  1113. if npc_rel['A19'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 125:
  1114. npc_rel['A19'] += 1
  1115. if grupTipe = 2:
  1116. '"I''ve been finally improving my lap times..." Lina proudly tells you.'
  1117. '"Great news! I''m glad you''re improving." you encourage her.'
  1118. 'Lina nods, "Yeah, the new workout plan that Christina made for me is really great. She''s really helped me out a lot."'
  1119. else
  1120. '"Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>! Did you watch the latest video that someone took of the Starlets? Their movements were amazing, I wish I could also join them, but I''m too clumsy..." Lina looks dejected.'
  1121. '"Is that so?" you curiously ask.'
  1122. 'With a nervous laughter Lina replies, "I should stop, you''re probably not interested in this anyway." Before you''re able to answer you can hear Christina calling her over as Lina quickly runs over to her leaving you alone.'
  1123. end
  1124. elseif npc_rel['A19'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 125:
  1125. npc_rel['A19'] += 1
  1126. if grupTipe = 2:
  1127. '"I get to hear that I''m bad at sports but you''re even worse than me," Lina spares no time to insult you.'
  1128. '"Where did this come from?" you ask.'
  1129. 'Lina mockingly replies, "It''s just something me and the other girls were discussing and I just wanted you to know that."'
  1130. '"Come and face me then and I''ll show you who''s the worse athlete..." you fire back.'
  1131. else
  1132. '"So where''s the old ball and chain?" you teasingly ask.'
  1133. '"Oh, shut up <<$pcs_nickname>>. Don''t you have anything better to do? At least I have a friend unlike others." Lina fires back.'
  1134. end
  1135. elseif pav_slut >= 125:
  1136. '"Christina says that you fuck anyone." Lina is glaring at you.'
  1137. '"Christina doesn''t know what she''s talking about it." you reply.'
  1138. '"I knew it! It''s true isn''t it? Christina is always correct... Go and suck someone off!" she fires back.'
  1139. else
  1140. npc_rel['A19'] += 1
  1141. '"What do you want <<$pcs_nickname>>? Christina is looking for me..." Lina says irritatingly.'
  1142. '"I wanted to ask you if you had the notes from the class, I need to copy it." you tell her.'
  1143. '"We''ll do it later. I have to find Christina right away or else she''ll get mad..." Lina excuses herself.'
  1144. end
  1145. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  1146. end
  1147. if $ARGS[0] = 'lariska':
  1148. *clr & cla
  1149. menu_off = 1
  1150. gs 'stat'
  1151. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big13.jpg"></center>'
  1152. if lariskaHelp = -1:
  1153. 'She looks at you rejectingly, and softly says: "Leave me alone, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I want nothing to do with you any more."'
  1154. elseif npc_rel['A13'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 125:
  1155. npc_rel['A13'] += 1
  1156. if grupTipe = 2:
  1157. '"Hey, <<$pcs_nickname>>, have you seen Christina around?" Lariska asks.'
  1158. '"No, why?" you can sense a desperation in her demeanor.'
  1159. '"Well Lina was running after her and I don''t want to be left out..." she dismayingly looks at you.'
  1160. '"Listen, Lariska," you grab hold of her, "You don''t need to run after anyone. You''re fine on your own, okay? Now then, stop worrying and head to class instead."'
  1161. else
  1162. '"Hey, <<$pcs_nickname>>! I need a help with a thing and I think you''re the perfect person that can help me out?" Lariska smiles.'
  1163. '"Sure thing Lariska, what do you need help with?" you curiously ask.'
  1164. '"Well... I need to impress Christina and need your help with coming up with something fitting..." she starts and goes on a long tirade about what might impress Christina.'
  1165. end
  1166. elseif npc_rel['A13'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 125:
  1167. npc_rel['A13'] += 1
  1168. if grupTipe = 2:
  1169. '"I sure beat your ass during the gym class. You had no chance against me." Lariska is gleefully trash-talking you.'
  1170. '"Well at least I don''t have to fish after other people''s compliments." you ferociously tell her off.'
  1171. '"I can''t believe you said something like that." she stands there shocked.'
  1172. else
  1173. '"So where''s the old ball and chain?" you teasingly ask.'
  1174. '"Oh, shut up <<$pcs_nickname>>. Don''t you have anything better to do? At least I have friends unlike others." Lariska fires back.'
  1175. 'You start laughing, "Yeah, real friends..."'
  1176. end
  1177. elseif pav_slut >= 125:
  1178. '"Aren''t you looking for a cock to suck? You big slut!" Lariska says mockingly.'
  1179. '"Shut up Lariska, don''t you have Christina''s tail to run after?" you tiredly reply.'
  1180. '"Poor little slut, go chase another cock." she begins to laugh as she walks away.'
  1181. else
  1182. npc_rel['A13'] += 1
  1183. '"What do you want <<$pcs_nickname>>? I don''t really have the time right now," as Lariska is quickly going towards the classroom.'
  1184. '"Well... I wanted to ask you..." you choke up a little.'
  1185. '"Out with it, <<$pcs_nickname>>," Lariska seems a bit irritated.'
  1186. 'You take a deep breath, "I wanted you to ask Ch..."'
  1187. 'Before you end your sentence she starts walking away and you can hear her say, "Yeah, yeah, you do that <<$pcs_nickname>>..."'
  1188. end
  1189. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  1190. end
  1191. if $ARGS[0] = 'fedor':
  1192. *clr & cla
  1193. menu_off = 1
  1194. gs 'stat'
  1195. if FedorLove < 0:
  1196. gt 'FedorMisc', 'Fedor Hate'
  1197. else
  1198. gt 'FedorMisc', 'Fedor Chat'
  1199. end
  1200. end
  1201. if $ARGS[0] = 'ivan':
  1202. *clr & cla
  1203. menu_off = 1
  1204. gs 'stat'
  1205. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big3.jpg"></center>'
  1206. if pav_slut < 125 and IvanShowerQW = 1:
  1207. IvanShowerQW = 11
  1208. 'Ivan thinks for a moment, before he says: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I would like to talk to you about what happened in the shower. You''re a great girl, and I had a great time, but I''m not ready for a relationship. I need to put all my energy into my athletics, I think I have a good shot at getting to the Russian National Championships this year. I really cannot afford to be distracted by girls, even girls as attractive as you. So how about we just stick to fooling around a little?"'
  1209. act 'Discuss':
  1210. *clr & cla
  1211. gs'stat'
  1212. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big3.jpg"></center>'
  1213. 'You nod at what Ivan says. "Sure Ivan I understand, I am ok with just being friends, really close friends who sometimes fool around in the shower." You say in your best sexy voice with a wink.'
  1214. 'He gives you a one armed hug. "<<$pcs_nickname>> your the best, not only are you smoking hot but you are a super cool chick too. If you want to hang out some time you can stop by my place." He pauses a moment and then looks around and leans in close. "Or if you get a little bored during lunch break, you can let me know too." He says with a suggestive tone and waggled eyebrows.'
  1215. 'You laugh at his silly antics, it is nice to have found a fun guy to hang out with, perhaps you will stop by his place, or maybe even take him up on his offer to make lunch break less boring. "Sure Ivan, I''ll think about it."'
  1216. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  1217. act 'Tell him you''re bored right now':gt 'gdksport', 'Ivan_bored'
  1218. end
  1219. elseif IvanShowerQW = 11 and IvanShowerYes = 1:
  1220. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  1221. if rand(0,4) = 0:
  1222. '<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Ivan Prokhorov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  1223. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/ivan/school/ivan2.jpg"></center>'
  1224. 'You begin chatting with Ivan when he leans toward you then whispers in your ear. "Tell me you''re bored <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
  1225. act 'Go with him':gt 'gdksport', 'Ivan_bored'
  1226. else
  1227. act 'Tell Ivan you''re bored':gt 'gdksport', 'Ivan_bored'
  1228. end
  1229. elseif IvanShowerYes = 0 and IvanShowerQW = 11 and ShowerIvan < 3:
  1230. 'When you''re about to head for your next class, Ivan suddenly stops you and asks: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, want to meet up with me in the showers after school?"'
  1231. act 'Decline':
  1232. IvanShowerYes = 2
  1233. cla
  1234. 'You give it some thought, but have to decline. You shake your head apologetically and say: "Sorry Ivan, I can''t make it today."'
  1235. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  1236. end
  1237. act 'Agree':
  1238. IvanShowerYes = 1
  1239. cla
  1240. 'You give him a cute wink and say: "Sounds like fun, I''ll see you there!"'
  1241. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  1242. end
  1243. elseif npc_rel['A3'] >= 50 and pav_slut < 125:
  1244. npc_rel['A3'] += 1
  1245. if grupTipe = 2:
  1246. '"Hi, Ivan. I wanted to ask you if you could show me some boxing pointers some day?" you ask.'
  1247. '"I guess, but you better be ready, I''m a tough coach." You notice a little smile.'
  1248. '"I''m sure it''ll be fine." you wink.'
  1249. else
  1250. '"Hi, Ivan! Just wanted to say that you did great your last fight, keep it up!" you encourage him.'
  1251. '"Thanks! I really did catch him out. He was not at all ready for my game-plan..." All of a sudden he stops as if he caught himself getting into it too much, "Thanks, I''ll keep up the good work." he finishes.'
  1252. end
  1253. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  1254. elseif npc_rel['A3'] <= 20 and pav_slut < 125:
  1255. npc_rel['A3'] += 1
  1256. if grupTipe = 2:
  1257. '"Are you looking towards your next fight, Ivan?" you ask.'
  1258. 'Shrugging his shoulders, "I guess, I don''t really know who they will have me fight..."'
  1259. else
  1260. '"Hi Ivan! How''s everything going?" you curiously ask.'
  1261. 'Ivan looks at you and shrugs his shoulders before continuing on his way...'
  1262. end
  1263. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  1264. elseif pav_slut >= 125:
  1265. '"So hold up Ivan. I need to talk to you..." you step in front of him.'
  1266. 'Ivan stops and gives you a confused look, "Why are you talking to me? I don''t really have anything to say to you."'
  1267. '"Come on, don''t be like that... I thought we could have some fun..." you give him a wink.'
  1268. 'Ivan looks apathetically at you without any response making the whole situation a bit awkward and after what feels like an eternity he just walks off.'
  1269. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  1270. else
  1271. npc_rel['A3'] += 1
  1272. '"Hi Ivan! Did you hear about how Vitek, Dan and Vasily got drunk and started acting like degenerates?"'
  1273. 'Ivan thinks about it for a moment, sighs, "No not really, I haven''t paid attention to any of it. I''ve been busy focusing on other stuff..."'
  1274. act 'Time for the next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  1275. end
  1276. end
  1277. --- gschool_chats1 ---------------------------------