shop.qsrc 24 KB

  1. # shop
  2. !! This is the supermarket, located in several places
  3. !! Main entrance
  4. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  5. $menu_loc = 'shop'
  6. $menu_arg = 'start'
  7. menu_off = 0
  9. if sound = 0:PLAY 'sound/shop.mp3',30
  10. $shoplocation = 'main'
  11. end
  12. if $ARGS[0] = 'start' or $ARGS[0] = 'move': minut += 1
  13. !! Main area
  14. if $shoplocation = 'main':
  15. *clr & cla
  16. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Supermarket</font></b></center>'
  17. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/store/shop.jpg"></center>'
  18. if hour < 8 or hour > 20:
  19. 'The supermarket is currently closed.'
  20. if $loc = 'shop':
  21. if $loc_bak = 'shop':
  22. $loc = torgpred
  23. else
  24. $loc = $loc_bak
  25. end
  26. end
  27. act 'Leave the store':minut += 3 & gt $loc
  28. exit
  29. end
  30. 'In the hall stands an <a href="exec:$shoplocation = ''ATM'' & gt ''shop'', ''move''">ATM</a>, from which you can withdraw money from your bank account.'
  31. 'There is a branch of communication giants <a href="exec:$shoplocation = ''megafon'' & gt ''shop'', ''move''">MegaFon</a>.'
  32. 'On the other side is on the wall <a href="exec: gs ''noticeboard'',''start''">Public notice board</a>, where you can check various private and official advertisement.'
  33. '<br>Most of the space in the supermarket is taken up by the <a href="exec:$shoplocation = ''grocery'' & gt ''shop'', ''move''">grocery department</a>, but the store has many smaller departments as well. <a href="exec:$shoplocation=''cosmetics'' & gt ''shop'', ''move''">Cosmetics</a>, <a href="exec:$shoplocation = ''hardware'' & gt ''shop'', ''move''">hardware</a>, <a href="exec:$shoplocation = ''clothing'' & gt ''shop'', ''move''">clothing</a> and the department of <a href="exec:$shoplocation = ''tech'' & gt ''shop'', ''move''">household appliances</a>. Not far from the entrance is a <a href="exec:$shoplocation = ''icecream'' & gt ''shop'', ''move''">counter selling ice cream</a>.'
  34. gs 'stat'
  35. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  36. !! The store in the town and in the altstart only
  37. if $loc = 'pavCommercial' and StoryLine = 1:
  38. if week < 6 and hour >= 8 and hour < 16:
  39. *nl
  40. 'Your sister <a href="exec:$shoplocation = ''Anya'' & gt ''shop'', ''move''">Anya</a> is sitting at the cash register.'
  41. end
  42. end
  43. !! Store in the residential district
  44. if $loc = 'street':
  45. if rand(1, 20) = 20:
  46. if dimaQW = 0:
  47. 'By the store entrance a man is looking at you appreciatively.'
  48. act 'Return the look':gt 'event', 'dima'
  49. elseif dimaQW = 1:
  50. 'In the lobby of the store you notice Dima and you are frozen with fear, you want to run, but your legs won''t respond.'
  51. 'Your heart is thumping in your chest, your vision narrows, you feel faint.'
  52. act 'Pass out':gt 'event', 'scoreslut1'
  53. else
  54. 'You meet the same Dima who''s friend fucked and abused you. Dima grins confidently and says, "Hello."'
  55. act 'Hello':
  56. cla
  57. '"Come with me, My wife''s away", says Dima.'
  58. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist'
  59. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  60. act 'Fuck no (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  61. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  62. gt 'shop', 'start'
  63. end
  64. else
  65. act 'Fuck no (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  66. end
  67. act 'I deserve this':
  68. *clr & cla
  69. if rand(1, 2) = 1:
  70. cla
  71. oral += 1
  72. pcs_throat += 1
  73. spafinloc = 12
  74. gs 'cum_manage'
  75. swallow += 1
  76. 'Dima takes you to his house and orders you to lie across the sofa. You get on into position, he calls you a bitch and a starts fucking you in the mouth.'
  77. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/street/sex/gostdt2.jpg"></center>'
  78. 'Dima finally finishes in your mouth, you obediently swallow and lick the remnants of sperm off his big cock.'
  79. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'deepthroat', 'humiliation'
  80. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  81. gs 'stat'
  82. act 'Leave': minut += 3 & gt 'street'
  83. else
  84. cla
  85. gs 'pain', 6, 'asscheeks', 'slap'
  86. spafinloc = 4
  87. gs 'cum_manage'
  88. spank += 1
  89. boom = 5
  90. 'Dima has brings you to his house and right in the corridor begins to kiss and undress you. When you are naked he takes you to the bathroom.'
  91. 'There he unscrews the shower-head and puts the hose in your ass. Quickly you feel the fullness and Dima sits you on the toilet. After the rough enema, he bends you over and puts his big dick in your ass.'
  92. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/street/sex/gostanal2.jpg"></center>'
  93. 'Dima fucks you in the ass whilst slapping your butt, at first it is painful, but gradually you get it and it feels amazing. Finally, your ass fills with hot liquid and Dima moans and grabs your buttocks.'
  94. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 30, 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
  95. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  96. gs 'stat'
  97. act 'Leave': minut += 3 & gt 'street'
  98. end
  99. end
  100. end
  101. end
  102. end
  103. end
  104. '<br>The store is crowded with shoppers.'
  105. !! This is connected to the trade mission
  106. if TorgPredZ > 0:
  107. !! the location of the shop hasn''t been done today
  108. if ($loc = 'street' and StreetShopTPday ! daystart) or ($loc = 'Nord' and nordShopTPday ! daystart) or ($loc = 'torgcentr' and downShopTPday ! daystart):
  109. act 'Arrange products':
  110. *clr & cla
  111. if $loc = 'street':StreetShopTPday = daystart
  112. if $loc = 'Nord':nordShopTPday = daystart
  113. if $loc = 'torgcentr':downShopTPday = daystart
  114. mtprand = rand(40, 130)
  115. minut += mtprand
  116. TorgPredZ -= 1
  117. TorgPredZV += 1
  118. gs 'stat'
  119. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/store/shop.jpg"></center>'
  120. 'You arranged the products for quite a while and when I finally managed, then went to the cashier and you check it struck.'
  121. act 'Exit':gt 'shop', 'start'
  122. end
  123. end
  124. end
  125. act 'Leave the store': minut += 3 & gt $loc
  126. exit
  127. end
  128. if $shoplocation = 'ATM':
  129. '<center><b><font color="maroon">ATM</font></b></center>'
  130. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/store/atm.jpg"></center>'
  131. if bankAccount = 1:
  132. if karta >= 0:
  133. 'You have <<karta>> <b>₽</b> in your account.'
  134. 'You have an overdraft limit of <font color="blue"><<bankDebtLimit>></font>!'
  135. else
  136. 'You are overdrawn by <font color="red"><<-1 * karta>> <b>₽</b></font>.'
  137. 'You have a remaining credit limit of <font color="blue"><<bankDebtLimit + karta>></font>!'
  138. end
  139. '<br>ATM Deposit Fee: 100 <b>₽</b>'
  140. if atmDeposit = 0:
  141. act 'Deposit money':
  142. cla
  143. minut += 5
  144. kartaINATM = input ("How much money you want to deposit into the account? Note: A service charge of 100 <b>₽</b> will be deducted from the amount deposited.")
  145. if kartaINATM < 100 or kartaINATM > money:
  146. 'This is not a valid input.'
  147. else
  148. atmDeposit += kartaINATM - 100
  149. atmDepositDate = daystart + 2
  150. money -= kartaINATM
  151. '<br>You deposited <<kartaINATM>> <b>₽</b> into your account.'
  152. 'It will take 2 days for funds to be available. Your new balance will be <<karta+atmDeposit>> <b>₽</b>.'
  153. end
  154. gs 'stat'
  155. act 'Move away': gt 'shop'
  156. end
  157. else
  158. '<br>★ Processing deposit of <<atmDeposit>> <b>₽</b> in <<atmDepositDate - daystart>> days.'
  159. end
  160. if karta + bankDebtLimit > 0:
  161. act 'Withdraw money from the ATM':
  162. cla
  163. minut += 5
  164. kartaOUT = input ("How much money you want to withdraw?")
  165. if kartaOUT <= 0 or kartaOUT > karta + bankDebtLimit:
  166. '<br>Invalid operation.'
  167. else
  168. karta -= kartaOUT
  169. money += kartaOUT
  170. if karta > 0:
  171. '<br>You withdraw <<kartaOUT>> <b>₽</b>. You have <<karta>> <b>₽</b> left in your bank account.'
  172. elseif karta = 0:
  173. '<br>You withdraw <<kartaOUT>> <b>₽</b>. You have no money left in your bank account.'
  174. else
  175. '<br>You withdraw <<kartaOUT>> <b>₽</b>. <font color="red">Your bank account is overdrawn by <b><<karta>> ₽</b>.</font>'
  176. end
  177. end
  178. gs 'stat'
  179. act 'Move away': gt 'shop'
  180. end
  181. else
  182. 'You have maxed out your overdraft.'
  183. end
  184. else
  185. 'You don''t have a bank account yet!'
  186. end
  187. act 'Move away':gt 'shop', 'start'
  188. end
  189. if $shoplocation = 'grocery':
  190. *clr & cla
  191. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Grocery</font></b></center>'
  192. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/store/shop1.jpg"></center>'
  193. if hour < 8 or hour > 20:
  194. 'The grocery is currently closed.'
  195. act 'Leave the grocery':gt 'shop', 'start'
  196. exit
  197. end
  198. !! output from purchase
  199. if $message ! '':
  200. '<center>'+$message+'</center>'
  201. killvar '$message'
  202. else
  203. ''
  204. end
  205. *pl '<center><table align="center" width=80%>'
  206. *p func ('$stock_item', 1, 'Regular food', 80, 'eda', $curloc)
  207. *p func ('$stock_item', 10, 'Regular food', 800, 'eda', $curloc)
  208. *p func ('$stock_item', 1, 'Diet food', 300, 'edaD', $curloc)
  209. *p func ('$stock_item', 10, 'Diet food', 3000, 'edaD', $curloc)
  210. *p func ('$stock_item', 10, 'Tea biscuits', 400, 'pranik', $curloc)
  211. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Bottle of water', 100, 'bottle', $curloc, '', iif(bag > 0, 0, 1), 'You need a handbag')
  212. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Sandwich', 100, 'buterbrod', $curloc, '', iif(bag > 0, 0, 1), 'You need a handbag')
  213. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Cheap Bottle of wine', 200, 'wine', $curloc, '', iif(bag > 0, 0, 1), 'You need a handbag')
  214. *p '</table></center>'
  215. gs 'stat'
  216. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  217. act 'Leave the grocery':gt 'shop', 'start'
  218. end
  219. if $shoplocation= 'cosmetics':
  220. *clr & cla
  221. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Cosmetics Department</font></b></center>'
  222. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/store/shop2.jpg"></center>'
  223. if hour < 8 or hour > 20:
  224. 'The cosmetics department is currently closed.'
  225. act 'Leave the cosmetics department':gt 'shop', 'start'
  226. exit
  227. end
  228. !! output from purchase
  229. if $message ! '':
  230. '<center>'+$message+'</center>'
  231. killvar '$message'
  232. else
  233. ''
  234. end
  235. *pl '<center><table align="center" width=80%>'
  236. *p func ('$stock_item', 50, 'Cosmetics', 1300, 'kosmetica', $curloc)
  237. *p func ('$stock_item', 10, 'Plain false lashes', 1500, 'falselashesplain',$curloc)
  238. *p func ('$stock_item', 3, 'Mink false lashes', 900, 'falselashesmink',$curloc)
  239. *p func ('$stock_item', 25, 'Razors (number of shaves)', 350, 'stanok', $curloc)
  240. *p func ('$stock_item', 20, 'Sunblock', 500, 'krem', $curloc)
  241. *p func ('$stock_item', 40, 'Deodorant', 200, 'deodorant', $curloc)
  242. *p func ('$stock_item', 20, 'Tampons', 200, 'tampon', $curloc)
  243. *p func ('$stock_item', 20, 'Sanitary napkins', 100, 'sanpad', $curloc)
  244. *p func ('$stock_item', 30, 'Shampoo', 250, 'shampoo', $curloc)
  245. *p func ('$stock_item', 10, 'Hair scrunchies', 80, 'hscrunch', $curloc)
  246. *p func ('$stock_item', 12, 'Hair pins', 100, 'hpingrip', $curloc)
  247. *p func ('$stock_item', 10, 'Wipes', 50, 'salfetka', $curloc, '', iif(bag > 0, 0, 1), 'You need a handbag')
  248. *p func ('$stock_item', 10, 'Portable makeup', 700, 'kosmetitka', $curloc, '', iif(bag > 0, 0, 1), 'You need a handbag')
  249. *p func ('$stock_item', 20, 'Mouthwash', 150, 'mouthwash', $curloc, '', iif(bag > 0, 0, 1), 'You need a handbag')
  250. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Comb', 150, 'greben', $curloc, '', iif(bag > 0, 0, 1), 'You need a handbag')
  251. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Compact Mirror', 1150, 'compact_mirror', $curloc, '', iif(bag > 0, 0, 1), 'You need a handbag')
  252. *p '</table></center>'
  253. gs 'stat'
  254. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  255. act 'Leave the cosmetics department': gt 'shop', 'start'
  256. if $loc = 'torgcentr': gs 'shoplifting', 'city'
  257. end
  258. if $shoplocation = 'hardware':
  259. *clr & cla
  260. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Division of household goods</font></b></center>'
  261. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/store/shop3.jpg"></center>'
  262. if hour < 8 or hour > 20:
  263. 'The hardware department is currently closed.'
  264. act 'Leave the hardware department':gt 'shop', 'start'
  265. exit
  266. end
  267. !! output from purchase
  268. if $message ! '':
  269. '<center>'+$message+'</center>'
  270. killvar '$message'
  271. else
  272. ''
  273. end
  274. *pl '<center><table align="center" width=80%>'
  275. *p func ('$stock_item', 20, 'Dishwashing detergent', 500, 'fairy', $curloc)
  276. *p func ('$stock_item', 30, 'Clothing detergent', 500, 'poroshok', $curloc)
  277. *p func ('$stock_item', 5, 'Plates', 450, 'cltarelka', $curloc)
  278. *p func ('$stock_item', 5, 'Fabric', 250, 'tkan', $curloc)
  279. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Sewing kit', 500, 'sewing_kit', $curloc)
  280. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Umbrella', 1000, 'umbrella', $curloc, '', iif(bag > 0, 0, 1), 'You need a purse')
  281. *p '</table></center>'
  282. *nl
  283. gs 'stat'
  284. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  285. act 'Leave the hardware department':gt 'shop', 'start'
  286. 'On the counter you can see fabric suitable for sewing. It''s sold in large squares costing 50 <b>₽</b> each. You have <<tkan>> squares of fabric.'
  287. end
  288. if $shoplocation = 'clothing':
  289. *clr & cla
  290. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Department of Women''s Clothing</font></b></center>'
  291. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/store/shop4.jpg"></center>'
  292. if hour < 8 or hour > 20:
  293. 'The women''s clothing department is currently closed.'
  294. act 'Leave the women''s clothing department':gt 'shop', 'start'
  295. exit
  296. else
  297. if $message ! '':
  298. '<center>'+$message+'</center>'
  299. killvar '$message'
  300. else
  301. ''
  302. end
  303. 'Women''s clothing at unbeatable prices, panties and bras 300<b>₽</b> each'
  304. gs 'stat'
  305. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  306. act 'Leave the women''s clothing department':gt 'shop', 'start'
  307. act 'View clothing': $shoplocation = 'clothing1' & gt 'shop'
  308. act 'View underwear': $shoplocation = 'underwear' & gt 'shop'
  309. if swimwear[4] = 0:
  310. act 'View swimwear':
  311. *clr & cla
  312. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/clothing/12swimwear/4.jpg"></center>'
  313. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'swimwear', 4
  314. 'Swimwear 4'
  315. func('$clothing_name', 'swimwear', 4)
  316. if CloInhibit > pcs_inhib:'You don''t feel daring enough to buy an outfit this revealing.'
  317. 'Costs 1,000 <b>₽</b>.'
  318. act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
  319. if money >= 1000 and CloInhibit <= pcs_inhib:
  320. act 'Buy':
  321. cla
  322. money -= 1000
  323. swimwear[4] = 1
  324. swimwearH[4] = 60
  325. swimwearB[4] = pcs_hips
  326. gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>swimwear 4</b>.</font>'
  327. end
  328. end
  329. end
  330. end
  331. if coat[1] = 0:
  332. act 'View coats':
  333. *clr & cla
  334. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/clothing/11coat/1.jpg"></center>'
  335. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'coat', 1
  336. 'Coat 1'
  337. func('$clothing_name', 'coat', 1)
  338. if CloInhibit > pcs_inhib:'You don''t feel daring enough to buy an outfit this revealing.'
  339. 'Costs 1,400 <b>₽</b>.'
  340. act 'Leave':gt 'shop'
  341. if money >= 1400 and CloInhibit <= pcs_inhib:
  342. act 'Buy':
  343. cla
  344. money -= 1400
  345. coat[1] = 1
  346. coatH[1] = 60
  347. gt 'shop', '<font color="green">You bought <b>coat 1</b>.</font>'
  348. end
  349. end
  350. end
  351. end
  352. if konki!1:
  353. 'A pair of ice-skates are available for 3000 <b>₽</b>.'
  354. if money >= 3000:
  355. act 'Buy ice skates (3000 <b>₽</b>)':
  356. *clr & cla
  357. money -= 3000
  358. konki = 1
  359. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/konki_shop.jpg"></center>'
  360. 'You buy a pair of skates.'
  361. act 'Move away from the counter':gt'shop'
  362. end
  363. end
  364. end
  365. end
  366. end
  367. if $shoplocation = 'clothing1':
  368. *clr & cla
  369. if $loc ! 'shop': $loc_bak = $loc
  370. $loc = 'shop'
  371. '<center><B>Click on an outfit to view details</B></center>'
  372. if office[1] = 0: *p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''office'', 1, 3000"><img src="images/pc/clothing/5office/1.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  373. if office[2] = 0: *p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''office'', 2, 3000"><img src="images/pc/clothing/5office/2.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  374. *nl
  375. if cheap[68] = 0: *p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 68, 1500"><img src="images/pc/clothing/1cheap/68.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  376. if cheap[3] = 0: *p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 3, 1500"><img src="images/pc/clothing/1cheap/3.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  377. if cheap[80] = 0: *p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 80, 1500"><img src="images/pc/clothing/1cheap/80.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  378. if cheap[10] = 0: *p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 10, 1500"><img src="images/pc/clothing/1cheap/10.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  379. if cheap[45] = 0: *p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 45, 1500"><img src="images/pc/clothing/1cheap/45.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  380. if cheap[51] = 0: *p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 51, 1500"><img src="images/pc/clothing/1cheap/51.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  381. *nl
  382. if exercise[4] = 0: *p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''exercise'', 4, 3000"><img src="images/pc/clothing/7exercise/4.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  383. if exercise[20] = 0: *p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_item'', ''shop'', ''exercise'', 20, 3000"><img src="images/pc/clothing/7exercise/20.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  384. act 'Return':
  385. $loc = $loc_bak
  386. $shoplocation = 'clothing'
  387. gt 'shop'
  388. end
  389. end
  390. !! Women''s clothing underwear viewer
  391. if $shoplocation = 'underwear':
  392. *clr & cla
  393. if $loc ! 'shop': $loc_bak = $loc
  394. $loc = 'shop'
  395. '<center><B>Click on an item to view details</B></center>'
  396. if basic_panties[7] = 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''panties'', ''view_panty_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 7, 300"><img src="images/pc/panties/basic/7.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  397. if basic_panties[9] = 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''panties'', ''view_panty_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 9, 300"><img src="images/pc/panties/basic/9.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  398. if basic_panties[12] = 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''panties'', ''view_panty_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 12, 300"><img src="images/pc/panties/basic/12.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  399. if basic_panties[21] = 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''panties'', ''view_panty_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 21, 300"><img src="images/pc/panties/basic/21.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  400. if basic_panties[37] = 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''panties'', ''view_panty_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 37, 300"><img src="images/pc/panties/basic/37.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  401. *nl
  402. if basic_bras[11] = 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''bras'', ''view_bra_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 11, 300"><img src="images/pc/bras/basic/11.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  403. if basic_bras[12] = 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''bras'', ''view_bra_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 12, 300"><img src="images/pc/bras/basic/12.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  404. if basic_bras[16] = 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''bras'', ''view_bra_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 16, 300"><img src="images/pc/bras/basic/16.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  405. if basic_bras[18] = 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''bras'', ''view_bra_item'', ''shop'', ''cheap'', 18, 300"><img src="images/pc/bras/basic/18.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  406. act 'Return':
  407. $loc = $loc_bak
  408. $shoplocation = 'clothing'
  409. gt 'shop'
  410. end
  411. end
  412. !! Household appliances
  413. if $shoplocation = 'tech':
  414. *clr & cla
  415. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Department of household appliances</font></b></center>'
  416. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/store/shop5.jpg"></center>'
  417. if hour < 8 or hour > 20:
  418. 'The household appliance department is currently closed.'
  419. act 'Leave the appliance department':gt 'shop', 'start'
  420. exit
  421. end
  422. if $message ! '':
  423. '<center>'+$message+'</center>'
  424. killvar '$message'
  425. else
  426. ''
  427. end
  428. *pl '<center><table align="center" width=80%>'
  429. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Small TV', 15000, 'TV', $curloc, '', iif(home_owned[1] > 0 or home_owned[3] > 0 or home_owned[4] = 1 or home_owned[5] > 2, 0, 1), 'You need your own home')
  430. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 2, 'Large Plasma TV', 30000, 'TV', $curloc, '', iif(home_owned[1] > 0 or home_owned[3] > 0 or home_owned[4] = 1 or home_owned[5] > 2, 0, 1), 'You need your own home')
  431. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Computer', 40000, 'komp', $curloc)
  432. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Computer game Dead Sunset', 800, 'GameCD2', $curloc, '', iif(komp > 0, 0, 1), 'You need a computer')
  433. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Dishwasher', 28000, 'posudomashina', $curloc, '', iif(home_owned[1] > 0 or home_owned[3] > 0 or home_owned[4] = 1 or home_owned[5] > 2, 0, 1), 'You need your own home')
  434. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Washing machine', 30000, 'stiralka', $curloc, '', iif(home_owned[1] > 0 or home_owned[3] > 0 or home_owned[4] = 1 or home_owned[5] > 2, 0, 1), 'You need your own home')
  435. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Camera', 20000, 'zenit', $curloc)
  436. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Mini camera disguised as a cigarette pack', 100000, 'minifoto', $curloc)
  437. *p func ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'Webcam', 2000, 'webcamera', $curloc, '', iif((npc_rel['A11']>=30 and webcamera = 0) or (camwhore = 1 and webcamera = 0), 0, 1), 'You have no use for this')
  438. *p '</table></center>'
  439. gs 'stat'
  440. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  441. act 'Leave the appliance department':gt 'shop', 'start'
  442. end
  443. !! Ice cream counter
  444. if $shoplocation = 'icecream':
  445. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/food/icecreamcounter.jpg"></center>'
  446. 'Ice cream is available for sale for 50 <b>₽</b>.'
  447. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'shop', 'start'
  448. if money >= 50:
  449. act 'Buy ice cream':
  450. *clr & cla
  451. money -= 50
  452. fat += 3
  453. pcs_mood += 50
  454. pcs_hydra += 60
  455. pcs_energy += 30
  456. cumspclnt = 2
  457. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  458. pcs_breath = 0
  459. gs 'stat'
  460. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/food/icecreem.jpg"></center>'
  461. 'You bought ice cream and ate it not going far.'
  462. act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'shop', 'start'
  463. end
  464. end
  465. end
  466. if $shoplocation = 'megafon':
  467. *clr & cla
  468. minut+=3
  469. gs'stat'
  470. i = 0
  471. '<center><b><font color = maroon>MegaFon shop</font></B></center>'
  472. '<center><img src="images/system/phone/megafon2.jpg" ></center>'
  473. *pl '<center><table align="center">'
  474. :loopcard
  475. if i = 0:
  476. n = 5
  477. price = 60
  478. $buy_link = '<a' + iif(money >= 60, ' href="exec: gs ''$buy_item'', <<n>>, ''hours of internet access'', <<price>>, ''internet'', ''shop''">buy ','>buy ') +'</a>'
  479. elseif i = 1:
  480. n = 10
  481. price = 115
  482. $buy_link = '<a' + iif(money >= 115, ' href="exec: gs ''$buy_item'', <<n>>, ''hours of internet access'', <<price>>, ''internet'', ''shop''">buy ','>buy ') +'</a>'
  483. elseif i = 2:
  484. n = 20
  485. price = 220
  486. $buy_link = '<a' + iif(money >= 220, ' href="exec: gs ''$buy_item'', <<n>>, ''hours of internet access'', <<price>>, ''internet'', ''shop''">buy ','>buy ') +'</a>'
  487. elseif i = 3:
  488. n = 50
  489. price = 520
  490. $buy_link = '<a' + iif(money >= 520, ' href="exec: gs ''$buy_item'', <<n>>, ''hours of internet access'', <<price>>, ''internet'', ''shop''">buy ','>buy ') +'</a>'
  491. end
  492. i += 1
  493. '<tr><td align="center"><<n>> hour internet card </td><td align="right">(you have <<internet>> hours of internet access) </td><td align="right"><<$buy_link>> </td><td align="left">for <<price>> <b>₽</b></td></tr>'
  494. if i < 4:
  495. jump 'loopcard'
  496. end
  497. '</table></center>'
  498. act 'Return to the Supermarket':gt'shop','start'
  499. if money > 0:
  500. act 'Put the money on the phone':
  501. cla
  502. set minut = minut + 5
  503. obmennik = input ("How many <b>₽</b> do you want to deposit?")
  504. if obmennik <= 0:
  505. '<center><br><b>Do you want to think again?</b></center>'
  506. act 'Exit Department':gt'shop','start'
  507. else
  508. if money < obmennik:
  509. '<center><br>You do not have <b><<obmennik>></b> <b>₽</b>.</center>'
  510. act 'Exit Department':gt'shop','start'
  511. end
  512. if money >= obmennik:
  513. set balans = balans + obmennik
  514. set money = money - obmennik
  515. clr
  516. gs'stat'
  517. '<center><br>You put <b><<obmennik>></b> <b>₽</b> to the account.</center>'
  518. act 'Exit Department':gt'shop','start'
  519. end
  520. end
  521. end
  522. end
  523. end
  524. if $shoplocation = 'Anya':
  525. cla
  526. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/sister.jpg"></center>'
  527. gs'dinsister'
  528. dynamic $sischecks
  529. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, do not disturb me at work, can''t you see I have customers?""'
  530. act '<B>Move away</B>':gt'shop','start'
  531. end
  532. --- shop ---------------------------------