Browse Source

Merge branch 'master' of

CroWke 5 years ago
87 changed files with 3138 additions and 3786 deletions
  1. 15 0
  2. BIN
  3. 47 0
  4. 10 0
  5. 7 0
  6. 44 0
  7. 35 0
  8. 7 0
  9. 44 0
  10. 2 1
  11. 2 17
  12. 2 2
  13. 5 3
  14. 2 2
  15. 1 1
  16. 1 1
  17. 6 1
  18. 2 1
  19. 4 0
  20. 64 63
  21. 14 9
  22. 1 1
  23. 1 1
  24. 1 1
  25. 1 1
  26. 5 2
  27. 26 0
  28. 1 4
  29. 1 1
  30. 50 13
  31. 17 12
  32. 0 2711
  33. 1 5
  34. 21 21
  35. 1 1
  36. 1 1
  37. 1 1
  38. 2 2
  39. 5 5
  40. 19 17
  41. 97 111
  42. 48 40
  43. 3 1
  44. 15 2
  45. 4 4
  46. 109 135
  47. 29 18
  48. 26 9
  49. 9 1
  50. 1 1
  51. 11 7
  52. 2 4
  53. 32 1
  54. 42 1
  55. 2 0
  56. 391 14
  57. 707 0
  58. 14 3
  59. 1 0
  60. 1 1
  61. 1 1
  62. 18 13
  63. 4 4
  64. 99 27
  65. 354 207
  66. 1 5
  67. 39 78
  68. 3 3
  69. 6 6
  70. 307 2
  71. 8 3
  72. 39 0
  73. 110 112
  74. 31 1
  75. 4 4
  76. 18 18
  77. 0 2
  78. 2 1
  79. 6 3
  80. 1 1
  81. 10 2
  82. 2 2
  83. 4 5
  84. 18 4
  85. 11 9
  86. 27 19
  87. 2 0

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<QGen-project version="4.0.0 beta 1">
+  <Structure>
+    <Folder name="setup">
+      <Location name="mod_isample_options"/>
+      <Location name="mod_isample_setup"/>
+      <Location name="mod_isample_readme"/>
+      <Location name="mod_isample"/>
+    </Folder>
+    <Folder name="locations">
+      <Location name="mod_isample_pavResidential"/>
+      <Location name="mod_isample_street"/>
+    </Folder>
+  </Structure>


+ 47 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# mod_isample
+!input mod entry point here. this will be checked on every location, please keep it clean and brief to avoid game lag
+!entry point 1: if player is on bed, create a new link to make her sleepy
+if $curloc = 'bed2' and $args[0] = '':
+	if pcs_sleep > 80:
+		'[mod]... But You can make yourself <a href="exec:pcs_sleep=0&gt $curloc">sleepy!</a>'
+	else
+		'[mod]... And you are already sleepy.'
+	end
+!entry point 2: goto school directly from room
+!Note that location name are case sensetive. you can use lcase() or ucase() to prevent bug
+if lcase($curloc) = 'bedrpar' or ucase($curloc) = 'KORRPAR':
+		act '[mod]<font color = green><b>Go to school</b></font>': minut += 1 & gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
+!entry point 3: replace exit room act in apartment
+if $curloc = 'bedrPar':
+	delact 'Exit the room'
+	act 'Exit the room':
+		msg 'Now mod isample will send you to school directly'
+		minut += 1 & gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
+	end
+!entry point 4: access in-mod location
+if $curloc = 'pavResidential':
+	act '[mod]Chase the rabbit':
+		gt 'mod_isample_pavResidential'
+	end
+if $curloc = 'street':
+	act '[mod]Jump into rabit hole':
+		*clr & cla
+		'[mod]Suddenly, everything blank out'
+		gs 'mod_isample_street'
+	end
+--- mod_isample ---------------------------------

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# mod_isample_options
+! This is where you place the configuration options for your mod.
+'There are currently no options available for this mod.'
+act 'return': gt 'mod_setting'
+--- mod_isample_options ---------------------------------

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# mod_isample_pavResidential
+!mod event. remember to add a act to exit
+'You try to chase the rabbit in town, sadly, this is only a sample mod, so there are no rabbit in sight.'
+act 'Back to town': gt 'pavResidential'
+--- mod_isample_pavResidential ---------------------------------

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# mod_isample_readme
+!input your mod detail readme here. you can use msg or detailed structure, just make sure to create act 'return': gt 'mod_setting'
+act 'return': gt 'mod_setting'
+'<center>Mod <b>isample</b></center>'
+'This is a sample for new mod system, please fill your own mod in this form
+1. Since QSP can not load location with same name, and there are no warning about this during adding new qsp files, please name ALL YOUR LOCATION NAME with <B>mod_name_xxx</B> to avoid duplication bug.
+2. please DO NOT use space or non-ascii character in location name. you can use use _ instead. -- this may cause bug on txtsplit function for git
+3. The first location MUST be named as "mod_name_setup", this system will call it and load necessary information from it.
+$mod_info[0] = mod name
+$mod_info[1] = mod version
+10203 will be displayed as version 1.2, fix3.
+40500 will be showen as version 4.5
+$mod_info[2] = author name
+$mod_info[3] = short description for this mod
+4. please create "mod_name_readme" location for mod detail readme (just like this location)
+  If you really have only one line for this, you can use a simple msg instead a long text.
+5. put all your entry point in location "mod_name"
+You can use lots of condition check there, check this sample file yourself.
+Frequency used condition:'
+*p "<tr><td>current location"
+"<td>if $curloc = '...'</td></tr>"
+*p "<tr><td>current stage"
+"<td>if $ARGS[0] = '...'</td></tr>"
+*p "<tr><td>variable value"
+"<td>if aaa > 10 </td></tr>"
+Please note that strings are case sensitive, you can use lcase() or ucase() to shft them before check.
+6. Due to techinque issue, this mod system CAN NOT recognition locations use value in ARGS (luckly, only system functions use this, so you shall not worry about this.)
+for example, gs ''indik'', ''2'', 100
+Have a nice day, and Welcome to join this Community!
+--- illume, 2018/1/25'
+--- mod_isample_readme ---------------------------------

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# mod_isample_setup
+!input basic mod information here. 
+!this location must be the first one
+$mod_info[0] = 'isample'
+!0=mod name, saved to $mod_name[i] array 
+$mod_info[1] = '10203'
+!1=mod version
+!this will be displayed as version 1.2, fix3.
+!if you input 40500, will be showen as version 4.5
+$mod_info[2] = 'illume'
+!2=mod author
+$mod_info[3] = 'This is a sample for new mod system, please fill your own mod in this form'
+!3=mod description, input a short brief here.
+$mod_info[4] = 'Options'
+!4=mod options/settings link name.
+if curloc = 'mod_<<$mod_info[0]>>_setup':
+	usehtml = 1
+	!this will be only showed if you exec mod file. This location should be only called by gs, so this line will not trigger on normal mod playing
+	'<center><h1><font color=red>ACCESS DENIED</font></h1></center>'
+	'<<$mod_info[0]>> is a mod for <b>Girl Life - English Community Version</b>, and can not be played individually.'
+	''
+	'You can find the main game in <a href="">Tfgames site</a> (external link)'
+	''
+	'Our forum: <a href="">Tfgames site</a> (external link)'
+--- mod_isample_setup ---------------------------------

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# mod_isample_street
+!mod event. remember to add a act to exit
+'You try to jump into rabbit hole, sadly, this is only a sample mod, so you can not even find a hole to jump.'
+act 'Back to street': gt 'street'
+--- mod_isample_street ---------------------------------

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# usage: <input_dir> <output_file_name> 
+# does the exact opposite of
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import io 
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+assert len(sys.argv) == 3, "usage:\ <input_dir> <output_file_name>"
+idir = str(sys.argv[1])
+oname = str(sys.argv[2])
+# read the project xml file first
+# let's do this later in order to implement directory structure
+tree = ET.parse('isample.qproj')
+root = tree.getroot()
+ofile =, 'w', encoding='utf-16', newline='\r\n')
+for location in root.iter('Location'):
+    iname = location.attrib['name']
+    iname = iname.replace("$","_")
+    try:
+        ifile =,iname + '.qsrc'), 'rt', encoding='utf-8')
+        text =
+        # make sure there's a line at the end of file
+        # (why wouldn't there be one? WINDOWS!
+        if text[-1] != u'\n':
+            text += u'\n\n'
+        ofile.write(text)
+        ifile.close()
+    except IOError:
+        print("WARNING: missing location %s" % iname)
+        pass

+ 2 - 1

@@ -279,7 +279,6 @@
 		<Location name="parkdin"/>
 		<Location name="parkivent"/>
 		<Location name="poli"/>
-		<Location name="experiment"/>
 		<Location name="rinok"/>
 		<Location name="rinwork"/>
 		<Location name="sauna"/>
@@ -374,6 +373,7 @@
 		<Location name="nichNicholas"/>
 		<Location name="nichStudy"/>
 		<Location name="nichTanya"/>
+		<Location name="nichTaras"/>
 		<Location name="nichUtil"/>
 	<Folder name="Apartment">
@@ -1124,5 +1124,6 @@
 		<Location name="treeCircActs"/>
 		<Location name="treeCircEntry"/>
+	<Location name="cleanHTML"/>

+ 2 - 17

@@ -128,17 +128,6 @@ $cheatmenu['health'] = {
-$cheatmenu['Bandit'] = {
-	if cheatBandit = 0:
-		cheatBandit = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatBandit = 1:
-		cheatBandit = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
 $cheatmenu['fight'] = {
 	if fight_cheat = 0:
 		fight_cheat = 1
@@ -429,8 +418,6 @@ $cheatmenu['permanent'] = {
 	if cheatHorny = 1:$cheatHorny = 'Currently ON'
 	if bedvibrator = 0:$cheatVib = 'Currently OFF'
 	if bedvibrator = 1:$cheatVib = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatBandit = 0:$cheatBandit = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatBandit = 1:$cheatBandit = 'Currently ON'
 	if fight_cheat = 0:$fight_cheat = 'Currently OFF'
 	if fight_cheat = 1:$fight_cheat = 'Currently ON'
 	if autocombat_cheat = 0:$autocombat_cheat = 'Currently OFF'
@@ -474,7 +461,6 @@ $cheatmenu['permanent'] = {
 	'Enable sleeping with vibrator inserted: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''Vibrator'']"><<$cheatVib>></a>'
-	'Bandit always horny: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''Bandit'']"><<$cheatBandit>></a>'
@@ -1552,7 +1538,7 @@ $cheatmenu['magicTable'] = {
-	*p $SpellListStr
+	*pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr)
 	killvar 'i'
 	killvar '$ThisSpellName'
@@ -1604,7 +1590,7 @@ $cheatmenu['magic'] = {
-	*p $SpellListStr
+	*pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr)
 	killvar 'i'
 	killvar '$ThisLocation'
@@ -2376,7 +2362,6 @@ $cheatmenu['vartracker'] = {
 	'Mira''s Father Quest (npc_QW[''A64'']): <<npc_QW[''A64'']>>'
 	'Mira''s Quest (npc_QW[''A60'']): <<npc_QW[''A60'']>>'
 	'mirasextimes: <<mirasextimes>>'
-	'Bandit Quest Level (npc_QW[''A66'']): <<npc_QW[''A66'']>>'
 	'Mira''s Relationship (npc_rel[''A60'']): <<npc_rel[''A60'']>>'
 	'Mitka''s Quest (npc_QW[''A63'']): <<npc_QW[''A63'']>>'
 	'mirabrosextime: <<mirabrosextime>>'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Main':
 	!New family system, skip for now.
 	gs 'zz_family', 'father_sheduler'
-	if $father['location'] = $curloc:
+	if $father['location'] = $curloc and ParHomeBlock = 0:
 		'Your parents room.'
 		gs 'gadukino_event', 'go_home'
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Main':
 	if indorf = 1:
 		'Your parents are relaxing inside.'
-		if staygad ! daystart: gs 'gadukino_event', 'go_home'
+		if staygad ! daystart and ParHomeBlock = 0: gs 'gadukino_event', 'go_home'
 	 if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':

+ 5 - 3

@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 # Gadsarai
-menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	$metka = ''
 	$loc = 'Gadsarai'
+	$menu_loc = 'Gadsarai'
+	$menu_arg = ''
+	menu_off = 0
 	$location_type = 'secluded'
 	'<center><h4>Old Barn</h4></center>'
 	if month >= 4 and month <= 10:
@@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/sarai_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
-	'An old junk filled barn that could hold some useful items. Sitting near the barn is an old unused dog house.'
+	'An old junk filled barn that could hold some useful items.'
 	if mira_dog > 0: 'A naked and chained <a href="exec: gt ''Gadsarai'',''mira_dog'' ">Mira</a> sits near the dog house.</a>'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'brows':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/accessories/computer/eror.jpg"></center>'
 		'You have no prepaid internet access remaining. You need to buy more, before you can go online again.'
-		if camwhore = 1:
+		if camwhore = 1 and $loc ! 'shulga_room':
 			'Since MyFreeCams will cover the cost, you can still log on to do a cam show.'
 			act 'Go to':gt 'Komp', 'mfc'
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'brows':
 		if shantfoto > 0:act 'Find the girl you took photos of in the park on "Assbook"':gt 'Komp', 'foto'
 		if gor_dorm = 7:act 'Read letter from Eugene':gt 'etoexhib', 'pos91'
-		if camwhore = 1:act 'Go to':gt 'Komp', 'mfc'
+		if camwhore = 1 and $loc ! 'shulga_room':act 'Go to':gt 'Komp', 'mfc'
 		if (storyline = 1 and SchoolAtestat = 0) or student > 0:act 'Spend time studying':gt 'Komp', 'study'
 		if sucpcinfo = 0 and succubxp > 0: act 'Research the strange feelings you''ve been having': gt 'succubus', 'kompresearch'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'purses':
 	i = 1
-		if fashionista_purse[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''NewCloShop'', ''purses2''"><img src="images/pc/purses/fashionista/<<i>>.jpg" 	height="150" /></a> '
+		if fashionista_purses[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''NewCloShop'', ''purses2''"><img src="images/pc/purses/fashionista/<<i>>.jpg" 	height="150" /></a> '
 		i += 1
 	if i <= 15:jump 'loopfashionista_purses'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Diner 1':
 					minut += 5
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/npc/1.jpg"></center>'
-					'You see the biker shake hands with Niko then give him the money. Niko counts the money then gives the biker an approving nod before the biker takes his seat again. Niko turns to you, and says, "Good job <<$pcs_nickname>>. We are making some good progre..." A nearby trucker begins examining your face before shouting out, "Is that what I think it is? Hey guys look at this girl. She is walking around with cum leaking off of my face!" You freeze in place. <font color=#FF00FF>Oh shit! I forgot to wash up. How did I forget that? I''m walking around with cum leaking off my chin. How could I forget?</font> the truckers, and bikers in the room surround you then begin talking to each other.'
+					'You see the biker shake hands with Niko then give him the money. Niko counts the money then gives the biker an approving nod before the biker takes his seat again. Niko turns to you, and says, "Good job <<$pcs_nickname>>. We are making some good progre..." A nearby trucker begins examining your face before shouting out, "Is that what I think it is? Hey guys look at this girl. She is walking around with cum plastering her face!" You freeze in place. <font color=#FF00FF>Oh shit! I forgot to wash up. How did I forget that? I''m walking around with cum leaking off my chin. How could I forget?</font> the truckers, and bikers in the room surround you then begin talking to each other.'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/cum/cumface/blonde/15.jpg"></center>'

+ 6 - 1

@@ -2499,7 +2499,12 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 414:
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloExhibit = 0
+elseif ARGS[1] = 415:
+	CloQuality = 2
+	CloThinness = 5
+	CloTopCut = 4
+	CloSkirtShortness = 3
+	CloExhibit = 15
 --- $attributes_cheap ---------------------------------

+ 2 - 1

@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'chat':
 			!!can you make the <<boyfriend>> be the name of who ever Sveta is dating? Vitek, Artem, etc? I have no clue how hard that would be to code but eventually we will need a code like that, for the expanded chats with NPC''s at school, home and the disco.
 				'You tell her. "I have a boyfriend you know."'
 				'She grins at you. "Right who are you dating again?"'
-				'"<<boyfriend>>" You tell her.'
+				iif(kotovloveQW > 0, '"Vitek', '"<<boyfriend>>')+'" You tell her.'
 				'"Really? Hmm think he would be up for a threesome?" She says as she makes a kissy face at you.'
 			act 'No':
@@ -797,6 +797,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'chat':
 					npc_rel['A144'] -= 3
+					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					'You pull away before things go too far and catch your breath. You see her slightly confused look and you feel a bit bad about it. "Sorry, I got carried away. Can we just go back to talking?" She frowns a little. "Yeah whatever." You know you annoyed her a little and you don''t blame her, you did just tease her more or less.'
 					act 'Talk about something else': gt 'anushapt', 'chat'

+ 4 - 0

@@ -131,6 +131,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sleep':
 		notathomesleep = 0
+	if $loc = 'nichBedroomServant':
+		gs 'nichBedroomServant', 'sleepEvents'
+	end
 	if succubusflag = 1 and sucwalkday <= daystart:
 		If succublvl <= rand(1,20) or pcs_willpwr < ((succublvl * willpowermax) / 10) or sucpowzeroed >= 3: gs 'succubus', 'sucwalkinginit'

+ 64 - 63

@@ -1,59 +1,66 @@
 # bouling
-$sexloc = $CURLOC
-menu_off = 1
-$location_type = 'public_indoors'
-gs 'stat'
-'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/bowling/boul.jpg"></center>'
-act 'Leave':gt 'torgcentr'
-if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20:
-	act 'Play (300 <b>₽</b>) (1:00)':
-		if money < 300:
-			'You don''t have enough money.'
-		else
-			money -= 300
-			minut += 60
-			boulvar = 0
-			boulingnav += rand(0, 3)
-			boulrand = rand(0, 9)
-			gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Bowling Player', rand(18,40)
-			$boy[0] = $npclastgenerated
-			$boydesc[0] = $npc_usedname[$npclastgenerated]
-			gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Bowling Player', rand(18,40)
-			$boy[1] = $npclastgenerated
-			$boydesc[1] = $npc_usedname[$npclastgenerated]
-			if boulrand = 0:
-				cla
-				'You see two guys and they challenge you to a game.'
-				act 'Gamble (2000 <b>₽</b>)':boulvar = 1 & gt 'bouling', 'randwin'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'torgcentr'
-			elseif boulrand = 1:
-				cla
-				'You meet two girls and they suggest challenging two guys to a game: Prize 5000 <b>₽</b>, lose and they have sex with you.'
-				act 'Play':boulvar = 2 & gt 'bouling', 'randwin'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'torgcentr'
-			elseif boulrand > 1:
-				cla
-				'You play a game.'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'torgcentr'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'start' or $ARGS[0] = '':
+	$sexloc = $CURLOC
+	*clr & cla
+	$loc = 'bouling'
+	$metka = 'start'
+	$menu_loc = 'bouling'
+	$menu_arg = 'start'
+	menu_off = 0
+	$location_type = 'public_indoors'
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><b>Bowling</b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/bowling/boul.jpg"></center>'
+	act 'Leave':gt 'torgcentr'
+	if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20:
+		act 'Play (300 <b>₽</b>) (1:00)':
+			if money < 300:
+				'You don''t have enough money.'
+			else
+				menu_off = 1
+				money -= 300
+				minut += 60
+				boulvar = 0
+				boulingnav += rand(0, 3)
+				boulrand = rand(0, 9)
+				gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Bowling Player', rand(18,40)
+				$boy[0] = $npclastgenerated
+				$boydesc[0] = $npc_usedname[$npclastgenerated]
+				gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Bowling Player', rand(18,40)
+				$boy[1] = $npclastgenerated
+				$boydesc[1] = $npc_usedname[$npclastgenerated]
+				gs 'stat'
+				act 'Leave': gt 'bouling'
+				if boulrand = 0:
+					cla
+					'You see two guys and they challenge you to a game.'
+					act 'Gamble (2000 <b>₽</b>)':boulvar = 1 & gt 'bouling', 'randwin'	
+				elseif boulrand = 1:
+					cla
+					'You meet two girls and they suggest challenging two guys to a game: Prize 5000 <b>₽</b>, lose and they have sex with you.'
+					act 'Play':boulvar = 2 & gt 'bouling', 'randwin'
+				elseif boulrand > 1:
+					cla
+					'You play a game.'
+				end
-	end
-	if money >= 300:
-		act 'Play for money (300 <b>₽</b>)':
-			money -= 300
-			minut += 60
-			boulvar = 0
-			gt 'bouling', 'randwin'
+		if money >= 300:
+			act 'Play for money (300 <b>₽</b>) (1:00)':
+				menu_off = 1
+				money -= 300
+				minut += 60
+				boulvar = 0
+				gs 'stat'
+				gt 'bouling', 'randwin'
+			end
@@ -76,21 +83,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'randwin':
 		money += 300
 		'You won and received 300 <b>₽</b>.'
-		act 'Get_Away':gt 'torgcentr'
+		act 'Leave': gt 'bouling'
 	elseif boulwin > 10 and boulvar = 1:
 		money += 2000
 		'You won and received 2,000 <b>₽</b>.'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'torgcentr'
+		act 'Leave': gt 'bouling'
 	elseif boulwin > 10 and boulvar = 2:
 		money += 5000
 		'You won and received 5,000 <b>₽</b>.'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'torgcentr'
+		act 'Leave': gt 'bouling'
 	elseif boulwin <= 10 and boulvar = 0:
 		money -= 300
 		'You lost and paid 300 <b>₽</b>.'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'torgcentr'
+		act 'Leave': gt 'bouling'
 	elseif boulwin <= 10 and boulvar = 1:
 		picrand = 14
@@ -98,11 +105,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'randwin':
 			'You lose and have to pay 2,000 <b>₽</b>.'
 			act 'Offer sex instead':xgt 'sexdvoe', 'var'
-			act 'Pay':
-				money -= 2000
-				gt 'torgcentr'
-			end
+			act 'Pay': money -= 2000 & gt 'bouling'
 			'You lost, but you do not have money to pay, only one thing for it.'
@@ -116,7 +119,5 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'randwin':
-if $ARGS[0] = 'start':gt 'bouling'
 --- bouling ---------------------------------

+ 14 - 9

@@ -1487,7 +1487,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'brother_shower_bj':
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', rand(1,5)
 		brotherbjfinish = rand(1,2)
 		if brotherbjfinish = 1:
-			gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy
+			gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'A34', 1
 			brotherbjcomment = rand(1,2)
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'brother_shower_bj':
 			'	"Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>," he says through grunts. "I''m gonna cum soon. Can I cum on your face?"'
 			act'Ignore him and keep sucking':
-				gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy
+				gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'A34', 1
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -1606,8 +1606,11 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'shower_swallow':
-	brotherbjcomment = rand(1,2)
 	cla & *clr
+	brotherbjcomment = rand(1,2)
+	gs 'boystat','A34'
+	gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'A34', 1
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><video src="images/shared/home/bathroom/showerbj.mp4"></center>'
 	if broshowerfuck = daystart:
 		'	Sinking to your knees, you barely put the tip of Kolka''s cock in before he explodes between your lips. Cum fills your mouth and you contemplate what to do with it.'
@@ -1782,10 +1785,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shower_swallow':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'shower_facial':
+	cla & *clr
 	brotherbjcomment = rand(1,2)
-	gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy
+	gs 'boystat','A34'
+	gs 'cum_call', 'face', 'A34', 1
 	gs 'stat'
-	cla & *clr
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/bathroom/facial1.jpg"></center>'
 	if broshowerfuck = daystart:
 		'	You kneel down in front of Kolka, jerking his cock off. He starts to cum and as the first spurt hits you, you squeeze your eyes shut, continuing to jerk your brother until your face is thoroughly coated and feel no more droplets.'
@@ -2106,6 +2110,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'brother_shower_fuck_first2':
 					'	<i>Well,</i> you think to yourself, <i>It''s a good thing I''m on birth control.</i>'
 				elseif mesec > 0:
 					'	<i>Well,</i> you think to yourself, <i>I don''t think I can get pregnant when I''m on my period... right...?</i>'
+				elseif knowpreg = 1:
+					'	<i>Well,</i> you think to yourself, <i>I''m already pregnant.</i>'
 					'	<i>Shit...</i> You close your eyes, sighing as you feel another glob of Kolka''s cum drip from your pussy. <i>I fucked up...</i>'
@@ -2155,6 +2161,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'brother_fuck_cum':
 	cla & *clr
+	gs 'boystat','A34'
 	'<center><video src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/kolka/event/shower/broshower.mp4"></center>'
 	if brotherfuck ! 1:brothercumchoice = rand(1,4)
 	if brotherfuck = 1:brothercumchoice = 1
@@ -2226,7 +2233,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'brother_fuck_cum':
 				gs 'cum_call', 'stomach', 'A34', 1
 				'<center><video src="images/shared/home/bathroom/showercum.mp4"></center>'
 				'	"No! Not inside me!" you cry out. You push him off you and turn around. Grabbing his cock, you jerk him vigorously until he groans, spraying hot cum that spatters all over your stomach.'
-				if pillcon < 30000 and pillday < 18 and tabletkishot < 1 and succubusflag = 0:'	Feeling his spunk on your stomach, you suddenly grow annoyed and wonder why you even finished him off. "What the fuck Kolka?! Are you <i>trying</i> to get me pregnant?"'
+				if pillcon < 30000 and pillday < 18 and tabletkishot < 1 and succubusflag = 0 and knowpreg = 0 and thinkpreg = 0:'	Feeling his spunk on your stomach, you suddenly grow annoyed and wonder why you even finished him off. "What the fuck Kolka?! Are you <i>trying</i> to get me pregnant?"'
@@ -2237,7 +2244,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'brother_fuck_cum':
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><video src="images/shared/home/bathroom/showercum.mp4"></center>'
 			'	"Not today Kolka." You push your brother off of you and turn around. Grabbing his cock, you jerk him vigorously until he groans, spraying hot cum that spatters all over your stomach.'
-			if pillcon < 30000 and pillday < 18 and tabletkishot < 1 and knowpreg = 0 and thinkpreg = 0:'	"Sorry little brother." You smile apologetically. "I''m not on birth control and I can''t afford to get knocked up. Especially not by my one of my siblings."'
+			if pillcon < 30000 and pillday < 18 and tabletkishot < 1 and succubusflag = 0 and knowpreg = 0 and thinkpreg = 0:'	"Sorry little brother." You smile apologetically. "I''m not on birth control and I can''t afford to get knocked up. Especially not by my one of my siblings."'
@@ -2383,8 +2390,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'brother_fuck_cum':
 	elseif brothercumchoice = 4:
 		'	"<<$pcs_nickname>>-! I''m almost there! Can I cum in your mouth?"'
 		brotherbjcomment = 3

+ 1 - 1

@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'purses':
 	i = 1
-		if cheap_purse[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''budgetclothes'', ''purses2''"><img src="images/pc/purses/cheap/<<i>>.jpg" 	height="250" /></a>'
+		if cheap_purses[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''budgetclothes'', ''purses2''"><img src="images/pc/purses/cheap/<<i>>.jpg" 	height="250" /></a>'
 		i += 1
 	if i <= 14:jump 'looppurses'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'purses':
 	i = 1
-		if boutique_purse[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''butik'', ''purses2''"><img src="images/pc/purses/moncheri/<<i>>.jpg" 	height="150" /></a> '
+		if boutique_purses[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''butik'', ''purses2''"><img src="images/pc/purses/moncheri/<<i>>.jpg" 	height="150" /></a> '
 		i += 1
 	if i <= 17:jump 'loopboutique_purses'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		$cgd_clothes['A9'] = ' shirt, jeans, socks, briefs'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/bigroom/card/durak.jpg"></center>'
 		'"Cards? We can deal you in, but only if you want to play strip poker", Vitek grins. "The loser does whatever the winner wants them to do. Because you''re a girl, you''ll get one extra piece of clothing to start with. Sound fair?"'
-		'Your game statistics: You''ve won <<card_game_durak_win>> times, lost <<card_game_durak_loss>> times, managed a draw <<card_game_durak_draw>> times, and have taken off <<card_game_durak_nude>> articles of clothing.'
+		'Your game statistics: You''ve won <<card_game_durak_win>> times, lost <<card_game_durak_loss>> times, managed a draw <<card_game_durak_draw>> times, and ended up naked <<card_game_durak_nude>> times.'
 		act 'Play': gt 'cardgame_durak', 'card_game_durak_play'
 		'<<iif(RAND(0,1) = 0,''Dan'',''Vitek'')>> sighs: "I''m tired of playing cards. Let''s just watch some TV or something, or have some more beers."'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # castSpell
-! Used to cast a spell.  Use as a function.  Returns 1 OR 0 for Success or Failure.
+! Used to cast a spell.
 ! ARGS[0] is the spell being cast
 !	Valid Spells are listed below

+ 5 - 2

@@ -1349,8 +1349,11 @@ if storyline = 1:
 	!!Brother''s dick growth as he gets older
-	kolka_dick_month = daystart/30
-	if kolka_dick_month > daystart/30 and npc_dick['A34'] < 26: npc_dick['A34'] += 1
+	if kolka_dick_day + 30 < daystart and npc_dick['A34'] < 26: 
+		kolka_dick_day = daystart
+		npc_dick['A34'] += 1
+	end
 	if npc_dick['A34'] < 20 and npc_dick['A34'] > 16:
 		$npc_thdick['A34'] = 'well proportioned'
 	elseif npc_dick['A34'] >= 20 and npc_dick['A34'] <= 26:

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+!Removes Whitespace from between HTML tags in a string.
+!	Purpose is because having whitespace in writing code makes readablility,
+!	but the rendering engine adds extra lines at top for no reason.
+!	$ARGS[0] = is the string to be cleaned up.
+!	Call this as a Function to get the cleaned string returned
+!	example:
+!		*pl func('cleanHTML', $HTMLString)
+$HTMLString = $ARGS[0]
+$BadStr = STRFIND($HTMLString, '\>\s+\<', 0)
+if $BadStr ! "":
+	$HTMLString = REPLACE( $HTMLString , $BadStr , "><" )
+	jump 'cleanHTMLloop'
+$result = $HTMLString
+killvar '$HTMLString'
+killvar '$BadStr'
+--- cleanHTML ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 4

@@ -47,10 +47,7 @@ $bteeth = {
 $dryOff = {
-	act 'Get out and dry off':
-		menu_off = 1
-		mirror_steam = hour & menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $metka
-	end
+	act 'Get out and dry off': mirror_steam = hour & gt $loc, $metka
 $shower = {

+ 1 - 1

@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'purses':
 	i = 1
-		if dolls_purse[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''dolls'', ''purses2''"><img src="images/pc/purses/dolls/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
+		if dolls_purses[i] = 0:*p '<a href="exec: i = <<i>> & gt ''dolls'', ''purses2''"><img src="images/pc/purses/dolls/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
 		i += 1
 	if i <= 22:jump 'loopdolls_purses'

+ 50 - 13

@@ -272,21 +272,58 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'snarkozaka':
 	'You walk to the end of the platform and see a man hiding undercover smoking a cigarette'
 	'Walking up to him you ask him if he has anything'
 	'He turns and looks you up and down, "That depends on what you want little lady?"'
-	act 'Heroin':
-		money -= 1500
-		StrongNarkota += 25
-		SNarkTimes += 1
-		narkozakday=day
-		gs'stat'
-		'You buy the drugs and without thinking twice you shoot up.'
-		gt 'events', 'snkayf'
+	act 'Leave': gt $loc, $metka
+	if money >= 1500:
+		act 'Buy heroin (1500 <b>₽</b>)':
+			money -= 1500
+			StrongNarkota += 25
+			SNarkTimes += 1
+			narkozakday = day
+			gs'stat'
+			'You buy the drugs and without thinking twice you shoot up.'
+			gt 'events', 'snkayf'
+		end
+	else
+		'You don''t have enough money to buy heroin.'
-	act 'Amphetamines':
-		money -= 1000
-		amphetamine += 5
-		gt $loc, $metka
+	if money >= 1000:
+		act 'Buy Amphetamine (5 for 1000 <b>₽</b>)':
+			money -= 1000
+			amphetamine += 5
+			gt $loc, $metka
+		end
+	else
+		'You don''t have enough money to buy amphetamine.'
+	end
+	if money >= 50 and money < 500:
+		act 'Buy 1 joint (50 <b>₽</b>)':
+			money -= 50
+			drugUser = 1
+			joint += 1
+			minut += 5
+			gt $loc, $metka
+		end
+	elseif money >= 500:
+		act 'Buy 10 joints (500 <b>₽</b>)':
+			money -= 500
+			drugUser = 1
+			joint += 10
+			minut += 5
+			gt $loc, $metka
+		end
+		act 'Buy 1 (50 <b>₽</b>)':
+			money -= 50
+			drugUser = 1
+			joint += 1
+			minut += 5
+			gt $loc, $metka
+		end
+	else
+		'You don''t have enough money to buy a joint.'
-	act 'Leave': gt $loc, $metka
 if $ARGS[0] = 'snkayf1':

+ 17 - 12

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
-	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Exhibitionist Shop</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Expression of You</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/exhibitshop/shop.jpg"></center>'
 	'A shop in the most modern style who''s clothing is all very revealing and not nearly as classy as the store itself.'
@@ -22,19 +22,24 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		gt 'liames'
-	act 'View clothing':
-		minut += 5
-		gt 'exhibitionistshop', 'clo'
-	end
+	if hour >= 18:
+		*nl
+		'The shop is closing and you have to leave.'
+	else
+		act 'View clothing':
+			minut += 5
+			gt 'exhibitionistshop', 'clo'
+		end
-	act 'View panties':
-		minut += 5
-		gt 'exhibitionistshop', 'panties'
-	end
+		act 'View panties':
+			minut += 5
+			gt 'exhibitionistshop', 'panties'
+		end
-	act 'View bras':
-		minut += 5
-		gt 'exhibitionistshop', 'bras'
+		act 'View bras':
+			minut += 5
+			gt 'exhibitionistshop', 'bras'
+		end

+ 0 - 2711

@@ -1,2711 +0,0 @@
-# experiment
-$loc = 'experiment'
-$location_type = private
-$locM = 'experiment'
-$doc1 = 'Doctor Sokolnikov'
-$doc2 = 'Doctor Ivanov'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	$menu_loc = 'experiment'
-	$menu_arg = 'start'
-	menu_off = 0
-	$metka = 'start'
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	if experimentAbsolved = 0:
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\desk.jpg"></center>'
-		*nl
-		'A young woman, dressed in office clothes and wearing glasses is sitting behind a desk.'
-	else
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-		*nl
-		'An elderly nurse is sitting behind a desk.'
-	end
-	if succubusflag = 0:
-		if unrelated_preg = 1 and knowpreg = 1:
-			*nl
-			'You are pregnant and they don''t take on pregnant candidates.'
-		elseif exp_form = 0 and experimentAbsolved = 0 and (knowpreg = 0 or unrelated_preg = 0):
-			*nl
-			'You are warmly welcomed by the woman sitting behind the desk, "Hello miss, can I help you?"'
-			'"I read an advert that you are looking for people to test some kind of new treatment... And that you compensate the subjects for it." you reply.'
-			'"Yes, that is true. If you want to apply, please read and fill in this form." She hands you over the form.'
-			act 'Take the form':gt 'experiment', 'form'
-		elseif exp_form = 1 and experimentAbsolved = 0 and (knowpreg = 0 or unrelated_preg = 0):
-			act 'Go to the area marked in the book to start the experiment':gt 'experiment', 'form:filled'
-		elseif shouted = 1:
-			*nl
-			'"Hello miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, you are not going to shout at me again, will you?" the woman behind the desk asks.'
-			act '<i>Angrily shout at her for ruining your life</i>':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk:shout'
-			act 'No, I am sorry about that..':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk' & shouted = 0
-		else
-			'Hello miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, how is your pregnancy?'
-			if kid = 0 and pregchem > 0:act 'It is going well':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk'
-			if kid > 0 and knowpreg = 1:act 'I already gave birth, but I''m also pregnant again':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk'
-			if kid > 0 and knowpreg = 0:act 'I already gave birth':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk'
-			if kid = 0 and pregchem = 0:act 'I had an abortion':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk'
-		end
-	else
-		'You have a really bad feeling about this place. It''s no place for a succubus.'
-	end
-	act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'deskTalk':
-	minut += 3
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	if kid = 0 and pregchem > 0:
-		'"That is good to hear. Can I help you somehow?"'
-		act 'No':gt 'poli', 'start'
-	elseif kid > 0 and (pregchem = 0 or (pregchem > 0 and knowpreg = 0)):
-		'"Wonderful! Anyway, can I help you somehow? Are you maybe interested in rejoining the experiment?" she curiously asks.'
-		'"That''s still a possibility?" you surprisingly ask.'
-		'"Of course it is miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. We don''t discriminate if you''ve had a child or not, on the contrary." she re-assures you.'
-		'"Really?" you start to ponder.'
-		'"Indeed. If I remember correctly you were in need of money, weren''t you? Think about it..."'
-		act 'No way I''m going through that again!':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk:refuse'
-		act 'Yes, I need the money..':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk:volunteer'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
-	elseif kid > 0 and knowpreg = 1:
-		'"I already gave birth, but I''m also pregnant again." you say.'
-		'"That''s wonderful! We need to wait until you have given birth again if you want to rejoin the experiment." she says with a smile.'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
-	elseif kid = 0 and pregchem = 0:
-		'"Oh, that is unfortunate, but not unexpected. Why are you here again, tell me? Do you want to rejoin the experiment again? Have you changed your mind, or do you need the money? Our doctors would definitely welcome to test on a subject that underwent a pregnancy termination..." she asks.'
-		act 'No way I''m going through that again!':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk:refuse'
-		act 'Yes, I need the money..':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk:volunteer'
-		act '<i>Angrily shout at her for ruining your life</i>':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk:shout'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'deskTalk:shout':
-	shouted = 1
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\shout.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"Calm damn miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, or I will be forced to call a security!" the woman yells as she tries to calm you down.'
-	'"You can all go to hell, all of you and your medical experiments!" you yell back.'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'deskTalk:refuse':
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"I understand miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. I guess being used by those extra large sized cocks is not an experience that a woman would like to go through repeatedly." she understandingly replies.'
-	'"Thank you nurse." you are surprised by her empathy.'
-	'"Yet you are not a regular woman, are you?" her look and voice changes.'
-	'"What?" you frightfully ask.'
-	'"Admit it, you are a slut. I''ve seen you silently enjoy the pounding those africans gave you. I''ve seen your true self. You are a whore, a cum bucket, a slut." the woman starts attacking you.'
-	'"How dare you?!" you start mouthing back.'
-	'"What''s worse, you are not just any regular whore, but you are a big black cock whore, the worst of the worst. A true disgrace to all decent women originating from Russia!" she hisses back.'
-	act '<i>Angrily shout at her for those lies</i>':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk:shout'
-	act 'Admit that you love black cocks':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk:admitWhore'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'deskTalk:admitWhore':
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"You see miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, acceptance is the first step. Now do you want to rejoin the experiment, or not?" she grins as she asks.'
-	'"I am not sure, nurse..." you hesitantly answer.'
-	'"Just think about all those big black cocks, ready to fill you up... And all the orgasms you would be experiencing!" she is trying her best to tempt you.'
-	act 'No, I have to fight this..':gt 'poli', 'start'
-	act 'Yes, I need it...':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk:volunteer'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'deskTalk:volunteer':
-	minut += 1
-	impreg = 0
-	expVolunteer = 1
-	expVolunteerExam = 0
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"Great! No need to go through the regular procedures again. Go directly to the changing room and then come back to me." she points you towards the direction of the changing room.'
-	act 'Go change':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:lockeroom:locker'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'deskTalk:volunteer:start':
-	minut += 3
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"Very well miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, now follow me, I will show you to your room." she begins to lead you towards the room.'
-	'As you follow her, she turns your head to you, saying:'
-	'"Please mind that the regular restrictions still apply to you, even though you are volunteering again."'
-	'"Regular restrictions?" you ask.'
-	'"Yes" she nods her head, "You will be restricted to your room and not allowed to leave until the experiment is completed, just as last time."'
-	'"Will the men be rough with me again? Can''t they be a bit more gentle now that I''ve volunteered once again?" you ask.'
-	'The nurse shakes her head, "I am afraid they will be the same. You can''t change men, girl... You should already know that."'
-	act 'Follow her':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'form':
-	minut += 2
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<h2>Research project #667 - "Fruit of Eden"</h2>'
-	'<h4>Description</h4>'
-	'7 days experimental treatment requiring 24/7 facility stay.'
-	'Subjects will be divided into two groups, a test group and a control group.'
-	'Both subjects will be injected by a test drug without knowing if it is a placebo or not.'
-	'<h4>Possible harms to health</h4>'
-	'Only minor threats: nausea, swellings, cramps, confusion'
-	'<h4>Who can apply</h4>'
-	'Women in age between 18 and 40, in perfect health.'
-	'Men in age between 35 and 70, with further conditions applied case to case by a supervising doctor.'
-	'<h4>Payment</h4>'
-	'A compensation will be paid at the end of the treatment, a value of 50.000 <b>₽</b>.'
-	if age <= 40:
-		act 'Fill in the form and hand it over to the desk attendant':gt 'experiment', 'form:filled'
-		act 'Leave it be':gt 'poli', 'start'
-	else
-		act 'Leave it be (you are too old)':gt 'poli', 'start'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'form:filled':
-	exp_form = 1
-	minut += 3
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\desk.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'As you hand the form back the nurse, she begins to talk, "Thank you miss. You can start at any time, this project is ongoing and you do not have to wait for other people."'
-	'She hands you over a confirmed copy of the form and a guide book with instructions.'
-	act 'Go to the area marked in the guide to start the experiment':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start'
-	act 'Leave for now':gt 'poli', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start':
-	minut += 1
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"Hello miss, you are here for the experimental treatment?" an other nurse asks you.'
-	'"Yes, I have the confirmed form right here." you hand over the form.'
-	'"Okay, very well. But before we start, we need to double check a couple of facts, if you don''t mind." she tells you.'
-	'She brings up a new form and begins to ask you questions, taking notes:'
-	act 'Start the questionare':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:0'
-! pregnant
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:questionare:0':
-	minut += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"Are you pregnant?"'
-	if knowpreg = 1:
-		act 'Yes':
-			cla
-			*nl
-			'"Yes", you answer truthfully.'
-			'"Oh, I''m sorry, but we can''t sign you up for the experiment when you are pregnant." she disappointingly replies.'
-			unrelated_preg = 1
-			act 'Leave': gt 'experiment', 'start'
-		end
-		act 'No (lie)': gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:1'
-	elseif knowpreg = 0:
-		 act 'Yes (lie)':
-			cla
-			*nl
-			'"Yes", you lie.'
-			'"Oh, I''m sorry, but we can''t sign you up for the experiment when you are pregnant." she disappointingly replies.'
-			unrelated_preg = 1
-			act 'Leave': gt 'experiment', 'start'
-		end
-		act 'No': unrelated_preg = 0 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:1'
-	end
-! age
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:questionare:1':
-	minut += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"How old are you?"'
-	if age < 18:act '18 years (lie)':underage = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:2'
-	if age >= 18:act age+' years':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:2'
-! period or pill?
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:questionare:2':
-	minut += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"Are you having regular periods?"'
-	if tabletkicheck = 2:
-		act 'No, I have had the birth control shot':regper = 4 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:3'
-	elseif tabletkicheck = 1:
-		act 'No, I am on the pill':regper = 3 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:3'
-	else
-		act 'No, I am on the pill (lie)':regper = 3 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:3'
-		act 'Yes'				:regper = 1  & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:3'
-		act 'Yes (lie)'			:regper = 2  & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:3'
-		act 'No'				:regper = -1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:3'
-		act 'No (lie)'			:regper = -2 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:3'
-	end
-! sexual experience
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:questionare:3':
-	minut += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"How many sexual partners have you had so far?"'
-	if guy = 0 and pcs_vag = 0:act 'None, I am a virgin.':virg = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:5'
-	if guy > 0:act 'None, I am a virgin. (lie)':virg = 0 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:5'
-	if guy = 0:act 'A few (lie) ':virg = 2 & slut = 0 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:4'
-	if guy = 0:act 'Many (lie)':virg = 2 & slut = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:4'
-	if guy > 0 and guy <= 5:act 'A few':virg = 2 & slut = 0 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:4'
-	if guy > 0 and guy <= 5:act 'Many (lie)':virg = 2 & slut = 2 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:4'
-	if guy > 5:act 'A few (lie)':virg = 2 & slut = 0 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:4'
-	if guy > 5:act 'Many':virg = 2 & slut = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:4'
-! sex intervals
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:questionare:4':
-	minut += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"How many times a week do you have sex?"'
-	act 'None or rarely':sexfreq = 1 &  gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:5'
-	act 'A few times':sexfreq = 2 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:5'
-	act 'Daily or almost daily':sexfreq = 3 & slut = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:5'
-! dick size pref
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:questionare:5':
-	minut += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"What size of your partners penis do you prefer?"'
-	'"I''m sorry, but these questions are really starting to be suspiciously related to sexual nature?" you start to question her intentions.'
-	'The nurse smiles, "No need to worry, we''ll be shortly done..."'
-	if virg <= 1:
-		act 'I do not know, I am a virgin after all.':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:6'
-	else
-		act 'A small one, it is more comfortable and painless.':dick_pref = 1 & prude = 1 &gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:6'
-		act 'A medium one, balance between pleasure and comfort.':dick_pref = 2 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:6'
-		act 'A big one, the feeling of fullness exceeds the occasional discomfort.':dick_pref = 3 & slut = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:6'
-	end
-! race experiance
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:questionare:6':
-	minut += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"Have you ever had sex with anyone other than of Russian native origin?"'
-	if virg <= 1:
-		act 'I already told you I am a virgin':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:7'
-	else
-		act 'No.':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:7'
-		act 'No. (lie) ':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:7'
-		act 'Yes, an african man':interr = 2 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:7'
-		act 'Yes, an asian man.':interr = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:7'
-		act 'Yes, both asian and african man.':interr = 3 &gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:7'
-	end
-! thank you
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:questionare:7':
-	minut += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"Thank you miss. Now that we have this paperwork taken care for, we can proceed with the experiment."'
-	'"Do you have any questions?" the nurse asks you.'
-	act 'Yes, why did you ask such weird questions?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:8'
-	act 'No, we can proceed.':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:9'
-! weird questions?
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:questionare:8':
-	minut += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"Why were you asking such weird questions? I thought this was a medical experiment. They were really weird!" you ask.'
-	'"Don''t worry miss, it is a standard procedure meant to assess potential risks of sexually transmitted diseases." the nurse is trying to re-assure you.'
-	act 'Sounds genuine, we can proceed':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:questionare:9'
-	act 'Something''s wrong, I want to leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
-! questionare end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:questionare:9':
-	minut += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"I am glad you are pleased. Now please head over to the locker room, put all your things in locker No 54. It will be stored for you until you finish the treatment."'
-	'"You will find a patient gown inside there, put in on and come back to me." she tells you.'
-	act 'Head over to the locker room':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:lockeroom:locker:meetAfrican'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:lockeroom:locker:meetAfrican':
-	minut += 2
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\africanmeet.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'As you walk down the hall, you notice a room with open doors.'
-	'You don''t know why but you quietly step behind the door, as if you didn''t want to be seen or heard.'
-	'A black man is standing in the middle of the room, smoking a cigarette, and he''s completely <b>naked</b>!'
-	'He doesn''t notice you. It could be that he is just ignoring you.'
-	'Your curiosity gets the best of you as you stray your eyes away from his face, and continue down his body to stop by his crotch... You open your mouth wide in shock and disbelief:'
-	if pcs_vag = 0:'<i>I have seen a few penis pictures so far, but none has ever been so big, not nearly! I''ve heard stories about black men, but to be this big?</i>'
-	if pcs_vag > 0 and pcs_vag <= 10:'<i>I have seen a few penises so far, but none has ever been so big, not nearly! I''ve heard stories about black men, but to be this big?</i>'
-	if pcs_vag > 10:'<i>I have seen many penises already, but none has ever been so big, not nearly! I''ve heard stories about black men, but to be this big?</i>'
-	act 'Stare at him':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:lockeroom:locker:stareAfrican'
-	act 'Something''s wrong - run away':gt 'poli', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:lockeroom:locker:stareAfrican':
-	minut += 2
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\africanmeet.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'The man finishes his cigarette, and all of a sudden turns over and is hungrily looking at you.'
-	'"<b>Haven''t seen you before, you are new? Can''t wait to knock you up... Why you not bound? Come here!</b>" he yells out.'
-	'He makes a move towards you, his giant penis swinging freely between the legs.'
-	'This wakes you from the shock, realizing that he is standing in front of you and what is he implying.'
-	'Frightened, you take a step back.'
-	act 'Step back and continue down the hall':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:lockeroom:locker'
-	act 'Something''s wrong, run away':gt 'poli', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:lockeroom:locker':
-	minut += 2
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\lockerroom.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'A room full of old rusty steel lockers. Each one has a code lock.'
-	'You find locker No. 54 in the middle of the room.'
-	$pantyworntype = 'none'
-	$braworntype = 'none'
-	$shoeworntype = 'none'
-	vibratorIN = 0
-	analplugin = 0
-	gs 'clothing', 'strip'
-	act 'Strip down and put on the gown':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:lockeroom:gown'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:lockeroom:gown':
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\gown.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'You wear nothing but the long, plain white gown. It is secured behind your back by a strap, leaving your back and ass cheeks barely covered.'
-	'You feel as if you were naked, and an insecurity comes over you...'
-	if expVolunteer = 0:act 'Leave the room and go back to nurse':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask1'
-	if expVolunteer = 1:act 'Leave the room and go back to nurse':gt 'experiment', 'deskTalk:volunteer:start'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatment:ask1':
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'Back in the entry hall, you feel a sudden cold breeze running through your back.'
-	'The unexpected meeting with the black man made you tremble as you remember the things he said to you...'
-	*nl
-	'Meanwhile the nurse comes back, and takes a look at you, "So miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, everything alright? Can we proceed?"'
-	act 'Yes, we can proceed':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart'
-	act 'No, I have a question':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask2'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatment:ask2':
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	if ask1 = 2:lvl = 1
-	if ask2 = 2 and ask3 = 2 and ask4 = 2:lvl = 2
-	if lvl = 0:
-		'"I have a question." you swallow hard.'
-		'"Very well, miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, ask away." the nurse is awaiting your question.'
-	else
-		'"Do you have another question, miss <<$pcs_lastname>>?"'
-	end
-	if lvl = 0 and ask1 = 0:act 'Who was that black man I just encountered?':ask1 = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask3'
-	if lvl = 1 and ask2 = 0:act 'Why did he have such enormous penis?':ask2 = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask3'
-	if lvl = 1 and ask3 = 0:act 'Why did he call me a whore waiting to be knocked up?':ask3 = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask3'
-	if lvl = 1 and ask4 = 0:act 'He mentioned something about me being not bound?':ask4 = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask3'
-	if lvl = 2 and ask5 = 0:act 'What exactly will be tested on me?':ask5 = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask3'
-	if lvl = 2 and ask6 = 0:act 'Will I be meeting these black male subjects?':ask6 = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask3'
-	if lvl > 0:act 'No, we can proceed':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart'
-	if lvl > 0:act 'I think I''ve changed my mind about this':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:changeMind'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatment:ask3':
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	if ask1 = 1:
-		ask1 = 2
-		'"<b>Who was that black man I just encountered?</b>" you ask.'
-		'"I see, you have witnessed something you shouldn''t have. Alright, no use hiding it before you anymore, I will tell you. He is one of our male subjects." the nurse starts explaining.'
-		'"A black male? Are all the subjects like him?" you impatiently ask.'
-		'"Yes miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, they are all of african descent." the nurse replies.'
-		'"But... Why?" you frightfully question.'
-		'"It is a part of the research. The males are africans, the females are caucasians." she tells you without a further explanation.'
-		act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask2'
-	elseif ask2 = 1:
-		ask2 = 2
-		'"<b>How come did he have such an enormous penis?</b>" you ask.'
-		'"Oh, he was administered an experimental treatment for penis enlargement." the nurse explains.'
-		'"What? That is possible?" you gasp.'
-		'The nurse nods, "Yes miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, it is one of the drugs we research here." she shortly explains.'
-		act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask2'
-	elseif ask3 = 1:
-		ask3 = 2
-		'"<b>Why did he want to knock me up?</b>" you ask.'
-		'"You see miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, the drug has side effects. The subjects can end up confused, in some cases their brain function gets limited." she says.'
-		'"That is horrible!" you reply.'
-		'"We do our best to remove such side effects. But it takes time to correct." the nurse does her best to explain.'
-		'"And they don''t mind being in such a state?" you curiously ask.'
-		'"They have taken part in this project knowing all the risks." the nurse sighs.'
-		act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask2'
-	elseif ask4 = 1:
-		ask4 =2
-		'"<b>He mentioned something about me being not bound?</b>" you ask.'
-		'"Indeed miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, we have to restrict the movement of some of our patients from time to time." she explains.'
-		'"Why?" you frightfully ask.'
-		'"To prevent them from harming themselves. The side effects vary, you know..." the nurse continues on.'
-		'"Will you restrict me too?" you question the nurse.'
-		'"There''s a risk for that, yes. But only for your good and if necessary." she re-assures you.'
-		act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask2'
-	elseif ask5 = 1:
-		ask5 = 2
-		'"<b>What exactly will be tested on me?</b>" you ask.'
-		'"I cannot tell you even if I wanted to." the nurse replies.'
-		'"Why?" you ask.'
-		'"Firstly, you shouldn''t know what to expect. It may be a placebo or not." the nurse explains.'
-		'"There''s more?" you continue on pressing.'
-		'"Secondly, it will be decided when we run the tests. You will be assigned a schedule best fitting for you." the nurse annoyingly answers.'
-		act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask2'
-	elseif ask6 = 1:
-		ask6 = 2
-		'"<b>Will I be meeting these black male subjects?</b>" you ask.'
-		'"Most certainly." the nurse replies.'
-		'"In what way?" you pry on.'
-		'"A regular interaction is required in order to do the research." the nurse explains.'
-		'"What do you mean regular? What kind of interaction?" you angrily ask.'
-		'"Several times a day. I cannot tell you more, it will be decided when we run the tests and once you will be assigned to a specific test group." the nurse vaguely explains.'
-		*nl
-		'As if from afar, you hear a male''s grunts and heavy breathing, getting more and more intensive, when it suddenly stops with just one last loud grunt.'
-		act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatment:ask2'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:changeMind':
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"<b>I think I changed my mind.</b>" you tell the nurse.'
-	'"What do you mean miss <<$pcs_lastname>>?" she is confusingly looking at you.'
-	'"Everything here is too suspicious. Questions regarding sex, black males with giant penises wanting to impregnate me, restricting your test subjects, not telling me what actually will I go through." you explain.'
-	'"I think you are over-thinking it, miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. This is an official research project. There is nothing to be afraid of. Are you sure you want to leave?" the nurse asks.'
-	act 'Tell her you changed your mind and want to continue on':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart'
-	act 'Tell her yes, dress up and leave':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'poli', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart':
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'Back in the entry hall, you feel a sudden cold breeze running through your back.'
-	*nl
-	'"Alright nurse, I am ready." you tell her.'
-	'"Have you secured the locker?" she asks.'
-	'"Yes, I have." you reply.'
-	'"Good. Now please follow me, it''s time to start." she commands you.'
-	*nl
-	'She leads you through a long hallway to a room that looks like any other doctor room.'
-	*nl
-	'The nurse points towards a chair, "Please sit down, I need to inject some vitamins before the doctors come and start the actual treatment."'
-	*nl
-	'She takes out a syringe, pushing the remaining air bubbles out. Holding you by the arm she is about to inject it into you...'
-	act 'Brace for the pinch':
-		if pregchem = 0: 
-			gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:injection'
-		elseif pregchem > 0:
-			cla & *clr
-			minut += 120
-			thinkpreg = 1
-			knowpreg = 1
-			unrelated_preg = 1
-			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse2.jpg"></center>'
-			*nl
-			'You wake up in a hospital bed the nurse standing beside you, "I''m sorry but you are pregnant and we can''t sign up pregnant woman for the experiment."'
-			act 'Leave': gt 'experiment', 'start'
-		end
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:injection':
-	minut += 60
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\injection.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'"See, it didn''t hurt at all." the nurse smiles.'
-	*nl
-	'"What are these vitamins for anyway?" you ask.'
-	'"To make you strong and healthy for the upcoming treatment, miss <<$pcs_lastname>>." the nurse explains.'
-	'"Will the treatment hurt, nurse?" you curiously ask.'
-	'"Well, some girls say that it does. You will notice..." she shortly replies.'
-	*nl
-	'Hearing that, you start to feel very, very sleepy.'
-	*nl
-	'"I... I don''t feel entirely fine, nur..." you don''t even finish the sentence before you''re fast asleep.'
-	act 'Am I dreaming or is this reality?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:dream1'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:dream1':
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doctorsblurred.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'You wake up confused and disoriented, but you''re slowly getting to it, remembering your whereabouts. A clinic... experimental treatment... nurse... weird questions... vitamin injection...'
-	'It all seems as a dream that you are unable to wake up from. You desperately try to, but it just won''t let you wake up!'
-	*nl
-	'Struggling like this for a while, trying to clear your mind, you hear voices from afar...'
-	*nl
-	'<<$doc1>>: "So we''ve got another subject, I see."'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Yes, this one looks promising."'
-	if age < 18:
-		'<<$doc1>>: "She looks very young. What did she put down on the form?"'
-		'<<$doc2>>: "18 years."'
-		'<<$doc1>>: "Really? I don''t believe that. Let me check with the system."'
-		'<<$doc1>>: "Indeed. Her medical record says she is '+age+' years old."'
-		'<<$doc2>>: "Hmm, I guess we can still work with her. It is her problem she is hiding her actual age."'
-	end
-	act 'What the...?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:dream2'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:dream2':
-	minut += 10
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doctorsblurred.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'<i>What is this all about? Such a weird dream..</i>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$doc1>>: "What''s next in the form?"'
-	if regper = 3 or regper = 4:
-		'<<$doc2>>: "She claims that she is using some kind of anti-conception pill."'
-		'<<$doc1>>: "Well, not exactly desirable, but we will manage."'
-	elseif	regper = 1 or regper = 2:
-		'<<$doc2>>: "She claims that her period is regular."'
-		'<<$doc1>>: "Very good, but we need to run tests to confirm it."'
-	elseif regper = -1 or regper = -2:
-		'<<$doc2>>: "She claims that her period is not very regular."'
-		'<<$doc1>>: "Well, not exactly desirable, but we will manage."'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if virg <= 1:
-		'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to be a virgin."'
-		'<<$doc1>>: "Hmm, we will have to check that."'
-		'<<$doc2>>: "Because of that there is no data regarding her sexual experience, racial experience or penis preferences."'
-		'<<$doc1>>: "Come on dear colleague, just look at her lying on the bed. She can''t be lying?"'
-	else
-		if slut = 0:
-			'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to had few sexual partners."'
-			'<<$doc1>>: "Barely used I see. We can work with that."'
-			if sexfreq = 1:
-				*nl
-				'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to not have almost no sex during a regular week."'
-				'<<$doc1>>: "Probably long time without a boyfriend."'
-			elseif	sexfreq = 2:
-				*nl
-				'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to have sex few times a week."'
-				'<<$doc1>>: "Quite regular giving her so far sexual experience."'
-			elseif	sexfreq = 3:
-				*nl
-				'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to have sex daily."'
-				'<<$doc1>>: "Really? What a slut. Or her boyfriend must be really horny bastard."'
-			end
-		elseif slut = 1 or slut = 2:
-			'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to had a lot of sexual partners."'
-			'<<$doc1>>: "Another slut? At least she''ll endure the treatment more easily."'
-			if sexfreq = 1:
-				*nl
-				'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to not have almost no sex during a regular week."'
-				'<<$doc1>>: "What? I don''t believe her. Just look at her other answers, she IS a slut."'
-			elseif	sexfreq = 2:
-				*nl
-				'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to have sex few times a week."'
-				'<<$doc1>>: "With such high number of sexual partners? She must be lying."'
-			elseif	sexfreq = 3:
-				*nl
-				'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to have sex daily."'
-				'<<$doc1>>: "Well, even her other answers implicate she is a slut."'
-			end
-		end
-		*nl
-		!black and asian
-		if interr = 3:
-			'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to have sexual experience with a partner of causaian, african and asian origin."'
-			'<<$doc1>>: "A multicultural slut, isn''t she? Very good."'
-		!black
-		elseif interr = 2:
-			'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to have sexual experience with a partner of african origin."'
-			'<<$doc1>>: "Only africans?! Perfect! Exactly what we need."'
-		!asian
-		elseif interr = 1:
-			'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to have sexual experience with a partner of asian origin."'
-			'<<$doc1>>: "Asians?! That''s interesting."'
-		!none
-		else
-			'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to have no other sexual experience but with a partner of caucasian origin."'
-			'<<$doc1>>: "Untouched by any other but a Russian? That will change very soon."'
-		end
-		*nl
-		if dick_pref = 1:
-			'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to prefer small penises, accenting her comfort and painless experience."'
-			'<<$doc1>>: "Such a prude. We need to fix that as we start the experiment."'
-		elseif dick_pref = 2:
-			'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to prefer regular size penises, accenting balance between pleasure and comfort."'
-			'<<$doc1>>: "Like most of our subjects."'
-		elseif dick_pref = 3:
-			'<<$doc2>>: "She claims to prefer large size penises, accenting her enjoyment of fullness before comfort and pain."'
-			'<<$doc1>>: "A big cock lover? A good test candidate indeed."'
-		end
-	end
-	act 'What is going on?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:dream3'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:dream3':
-	minut += 3
-	if slut = 0: $title = 'girl'
-	if slut > 0: $title = 'slut'
-	if virg <= 1: $title = 'virgin'
-	if dick_pref = 1: $dick_pref_t = 'small'
-	if dick_pref = 2: $dick_pref_t = 'regular'
-	if dick_pref = 3: $dick_pref_t = 'big'
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doctorsblurred.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	if virg <= 1:
-		'<<$doc1>>: "So my dear colleague, we''ve got a '+age+' years old '+$title+'."'
-		'<<$doc2>>: "So it seems."'
-		'<<$doc1>>: "We should better check everything is correct. You never know, these days."'
-	else
-		'<<$doc1>>: "So my dear colleague, we''ve got a '+age+' years old '+$title+' who prefers '+$dick_pref_t+' sized cocks."'
-		if regper = 3 or regper = 4:'<<$doc2>>: "And she is using anti-conception."'
-		if regper = 1 or regper = 2:'<<$doc2>>: "And her period is regular."'
-		if regper = -1 or regper = -2:'<<$doc2>>: "And her period is irregular."'
-		if interr = 0:'<<$doc1>>: "Indeed. And she has never had sex with an african nor an asian male."'
-		if interr = 1:'<<$doc1>>: "Indeed. And she has had sex with an asian male."'
-		if interr = 2:'<<$doc1>>: "Indeed. And she has had sex with an african male."'
-		if interr = 3:'<<$doc1>>: "Indeed. And she has had sex with both an asian AND an african male."'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if venera = 0 and GerpesOnce = 0 and Gerpes = 0 and SifacOnce = 0 and Sifilis = 0 and TriperOnce = 0 and Triper = 0 and TriperOral = 0 and KandidozOnce = 0 and Kandidoz = 0:
-		'Unable to stay awake anymore you fade out back to the world of unknowing...'
-		act '(Fade out)':minut += 300 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup1'
-	else
-		'"But she has a STD," is the last thing you here before you fade out back to world of unknowing...'
-		act '(Fade out)':minut += 300 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup:std'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup:std':
-	minut += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\lights.jpg"></center>'
-	'You''re finally awake, feeling as if you''ve slept for days.'
-	'Your eyes slowly adjust to the light coming from the ceiling lamps. It looks as if there are no windows at all and only artificial light illuminates the room.'
-	*nl
-	'A nurse stands next to your bed. "Sorry, we can''t let you be part of the experiment. You have a STD," she says. "You can get dressed here before you leave."'
-	act 'Get dressed and leave': gt 'poli', 'start'	
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup1':
-	minut += 1
-	$menu_loc = 'experiment'
-	$menu_arg = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup1'
-	menu_off = 0
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\lights.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'You''re finally awake, feeling as if you''ve slept for days.'
-	'Your eyes slowly adjust to the light coming from the ceiling lamps. It looks as if there are no windows at all and only artificial light illuminates the room.'
-	'But you feel something is off...'
-	*nl
-	'You can''t move! <i>Oh my god, I''m paralyzed!</i>'
-	'As you move your head to the side, you can feel it is not paralysis, but your hands and legs are bound to the bed!'
-	'In horror you struggle to raise your head, only to see that the medical gown is gone and...'
-	act 'And what???':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup2'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup2':
-	$menu_loc = 'experiment'
-	$menu_arg = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup2'
-	menu_off = 0
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\bedbound1.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	' are not just bound, but also completely naked!'
-	'You start panicking, hoping to somehow break free.'
-	*nl
-	'You continue on trying to struggle yourself free, but your body feels very weak, as if all your strength has been sucked out of you...'
-	act 'Footsteps, someone is coming!':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup3'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup3':
-	minut += 5
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doc1.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'A doctor, who you barely recognize from your half-dream, stands above you.'
-	'Your eyes widen as you realize he is watching your naked, exposed body.'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "You are awake I see. Are you confused?"'
-	'You want to answer him, shout at him to release you. But it is as if your body was not your own, you''re not able to form a single sound...'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Perfect. Our drug worked very well once again. I guess I owe you at least an explanation."'
-	'You manage to nod your head in response, both eager and afraid to hear what is going on.'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "So you signed up to this experimental treatment. Completely voluntary with all the paperwork in perfect order. And as you know, we''re in Russia and nobody cares what is going inside here, as long as the papers are fine and pockets are full. Don''t worry my dear, you will be released at the end. But first we will do for what you came here for, to perform an experiment on you."'
-	'You swallow anxiously and you can feel a few sweat drops form on your head as you wait for the doctor to continue on...'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "You see, this is a combined experiment. We are testing a drug for male fertility, drug for a female ovulation and also an impact of both drugs to interracial intercourse."'
-	'You stare at him, even more confused than before...'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "You appear to be a bit slow... Do you want me to tell you the simple version?"'
-	'This time he does not wait for you to nod.'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "We will use a drug to induce an ovulation, afterwards you will be repeatedly have intercourse with a drug induced african male until you get pregnant."'
-	'Your eyes widen in disbelief...'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Good, I see you have some wits left at the very least."'
-	gs 'cum_cleanup', 'cleandeposit'
-	index = 0
-	amount = 1028
-	:start
-	if index < amount:
-		gs 'cum_cleanup', 'cleanwomb', index
-		index += 1
-		jump 'start'
-	end
-	! disable anticonception
-	tabletkishot = 0
-	shotdays = 0
-	tabletkicheck = 0
-	pillcon = 0
-	! cause ovulation
-	lastovulation = daystart
-	cycle = 2
-	ovulate = 24+rand(24,48)
-	EggRH = 320+rand(160, 320)
-	if pcs_vag = 0:
-		act '(fade out again)':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup:virgin1'
-	elseif virg = 0:
-		act '(fade out again)':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup:liedVirgin'
-	else
-		'Either from the drug or from the shock of your situation, you start to fade out once again.'
-		'The doctor walks out, leaving you to your fate. As if from afar, already half asleep, you hear him say:'
-		'<<$doc1>>: "Oh, and I forgot to mention that we also test what success rate of having an extremely large penis has to human fertilization."'
-		if dick_pref = 1:'<<$doc1>>: "And since you said you enjoy small penises because of the pain... we are doctors after all. We will cure this weakness of yours. When we are done with you, no size will be painful for you, rest assured!"'
-		if dick_pref = 2:'<<$doc1>>: "And since you said you enjoy regular penises, this will at least EXPAND your... horizons!"'
-		if dick_pref = 3:'<<$doc1>>: "And since you said you enjoy big penises, it will surely be a walk in park for you!"'
-		'"Best of luck!" the doctor scoffs.'
-		act '(fade out again)':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed'
-	end
-	act '(struggle hard to remain awake)':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:struggleEscape1'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:struggleEscape1':
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\bedbound1.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$doc1>> walks out, leaving you alone, bound on the bed.'
-	'The drug you''ve been injected is heavily restricting your abilities, you feel very tired. But from what you heard, and what they plan for you, there''s no way you can remain here!'
-	*nl
-	act 'Focus your willpower as much as possible':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:struggleEscape2'
-	if pcs_vag = 0:
-		act 'Succumb to the drug':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup:virgin1'
-	elseif pcs_vag > 0 and virg = 0:
-		act 'Succumb to the drug':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup:liedVirgin'
-	else
-		act 'Succumb to the drug':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:struggleEscape2':
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\bedbound1.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'As you focus your willpower, you feel that your body starting to respond. Your right hand pulls the rope so strongly that your arm breaks free!'
-	'With one hand free, your mind gets a strong positive signal and your body responds. Untying the rest of the binds is a matter of seconds.'
-	'You get up, naked as you are and run through the hall.'
-	'Your heart beats like it will explode but finally after running around you manage to locate the back-door to the clinic hall!'
-	*nl
-	act 'Escape':gt 'poli', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup:liedVirgin':
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doc2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'You must have faded out again... You are slowly regaining consciousness, feeling cold and confused.'
-	'Someone is standing above you, it''s one of the doctors..'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Nurse, give her 2 ml, I want to speak to her."'
-	'The nurse quickly comes over and injects you with some drug. Several seconds later you can feel your body return back to normal...'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "So my little test subject, an examination has confirmed that you have lied to us and that you are not a virgin after all."'
-	'You take a while to catch up with your situation...'
-	'"And? So I lied! Let me go!" you are almost surprised that you are able to speak again.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Oh no, you have signed up for this, you have to go through it. Tell me <<$pcs_firstname>>, obviously you had vaginal sex before, what size do you prefer?"'
-	'"Why do you ask that?" you ask.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "A small, barely noticeable penis? A regular cock? Or do you prefer, which I doubt, an above average phallus?"'
-	'"I won''t tell, not YOU anyway!" you defiantly reply.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Actually it does not matter. Here you won''t get neither of those three. We are testing a penis enlargement drug with quite a success."'
-	'"What do you mean?!" you yell out.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Thanks to our drug all our males have bigger penises than the largest ones ever measured."'
-	'"That cannot be true!" you swallow hard.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Believe me, miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, and you''ll shortly find out..."'
-	'He gets up and leaves the same way he entered. The nurse injects you with something and the world darkens as you fade off once again...'
-	act '(fade out)':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup:virgin1':
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doc2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'You must have faded out again... You are slowly regaining consciousness, feeling cold and confused.'
-	'Someone is standing above you, it''s one of the doctors..'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Nurse, give her 2 ml, I want to speak to her."'
-	'The nurse quickly comes over and injects you with some drug. Several seconds later you can feel your body return back to normal...'
-	if virg = 2:'<<$doc2>>: "So my little test subject, an examination has confirmed that you lied to us and that you ARE a virgin!"'
-	if virg = 1:'<<$doc2>>: "So my little test subject, an examination has confirmed that you are a virgin after all."'
-	'You take a while to catch up with your situation..'
-	'"Of course I am! I am a decent girl! Let me go!" you are almost surprised that you are able to speak again.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Oh no, you have signed up for this, you have to go through it now. Tell me <<$pcs_firstname>>, how did you imagine your first time would be?"'
-	'"There''s no way I would tell you that!" you defiantly answer.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "In warm hands of your lover? With your boyfriend, first time for the both of you? With an older, experienced gentleman?"'
-	'"I won''t tell, not YOU anyway!" you yell back.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Well, whatever your ideas was, you can forget about it. I have arranged a special occasion for you."'
-	act 'What occasion?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup:virgin2'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup:virgin2':
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doc2.jpg"></center>'
-	'"What occasion?" you frightfully ask.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Did I already mention that we also test for another experimental drug?"'
-	'"Uhm... another drug?" you ask.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Yes. A penis enlargement drug. It works fairly well, most of the times that is..."'
-	'"And what does it have to do with me?" you ask the doctor.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "You should feel proud! I have picked out our most successful subject to be the one to deflower you."'
-	'"Oh my god no, please no! It will hurt!" you plead with him.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Yes it will. Jamal has so far more than doubled his initial size. He is 37 cm long and almost 25 cm in circumference.'
-	'An intense feeling of fear runs through your entire body, making you tremble...'
-	act 'Why? Why are you doing this to me??':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup:virgin3'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:start:treatmentStart:wakeup:virgin3':
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doc2.jpg"></center>'
-	'Why? Why are you doing this to me?" you plead.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Medical reasons..."'
-	'"Liar! You are a sadist! A pervert!" you yell out.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Maybe I am, maybe I am not. It makes no difference for you."'
-	'"Go to hell!" you curse him...'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Concept of hell exists only for those who believe in it. For you, a living hell will come in a few minutes. Enjoy it miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, it is your first time after all."'
-	*nl
-	'He turns away from you, slowly walking back towards where he came from. You shout at him, throwing both swears and pleas his way, but he leaves without another word or any reaction at all.'
-	'You are left to your fate, tied to a bed, helpless and vulnerable. The effect of the antidote seems to fade and you slowly start to feel tired, weak and sleepy...'
-	act '(fade out again)':deflower = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:bed':
-	minut += 5
-	$menu_loc = 'experiment'
-	$menu_arg = 'testarea:treatment:bed'
-	menu_off = 0
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><h3>Experiment public room</h3></center>'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\bedbound2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You wake up bound to the medical bed, completely naked, with your legs are secured high behind your head.'
-	'"This position is designed to prevent the sperm from pouring out, to support the impregnation process," the nurse explains.'
-	if plugIn = 1:'<b>A cold, metal plug is stuffed securely inside your vagina, preventing the superfluous ejaculate to spur out of you.</b>'
-	'You try to respond but you can''t manage to say a word, your throat feeling dry and a bit sore. You struggle weakly against the straps holding you down before realizing the only thing you can do is move your head left or right.'
-	'Looking beside you, you see there are several more beds, most of them occupied by young girls secured in similar positions such as yourself.'
-	'Eventually you give up and relax against the bed as best you can. The only thing you are able to do now is helplessly await what happens, or try to sleep if you feel tired enough.'
-	gs 'stat'
-	! custom vagina state
-	if coitVagCount <= 2:
-		if deflowered = 1:
-			$vagState = 'recently deflowered'
-		else
-			$vagState = 'abused'
-		end
-	elseif coitVagCount >= 3 and coitVagCount <= 4:
-		$vagState = 'battered'
-	else
-		$vagState = 'widely gaping'
-	end
-	if deflower = 1:
-		act '(wait until something happens)':deflower = 0 & deflowered = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:deflower'
-	else
-		act '(wait until something happens)':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed:wait'
-		act '(sleep)':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed:sleep'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:bed:sleep':
-	menu_off = 1
-	if plugIn = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\bedbound3.jpg"></center>'
-	if plugIn = 1:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\bedbound5.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	if pcs_sleep <= 50:
-		'Even in this uncomfortable position you manage to fall into an uneasy sleep.'
-		minut += 240
-		pcs_sleep += 65
-		gs 'stat'
-	else
-		'You try to fall asleep, but you are just not tired enough.'
-	end
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:bed:wait':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += rand (20, 60)
-	gs 'stat'
-	if plugIn = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\bedbound3.jpg"></center>'
-	if plugIn = 1:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\bedbound5.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'As if you have anything else to do, you patiently wait until something happens.'
-	if impreg = 1:
-		act 'Wait':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg:lead'
-	else
-		act 'Wait':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed:wait:event'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:impreg:lead':
-	minut += 5
-	gs 'stat'
-	if plugIn = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\bedbound3.jpg"></center>'
-	if plugIn = 1:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\bedbound5.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'You hear someone approaching your bed once again. You tremble at the thought which black male is going to pound your pussy again.'
-	'This time you''re in luck, it is one of the nurses, she unbinds your ankles, finally enabling you to retain a normal position.'
-	'A pain runs through your body as you''ve forgot about how it is to be in a normal position.'
-	'You don''t get much time to recover, "Follow me."'
-	'She leads you to a room, "Sit down and wait."'
-	act 'Follow her':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:bed:wait:event':
-	minut += 5
-	actionType = rand (1, 10)
-	gs 'stat'
-	! fuck other girl
-	if actionType >= 1 and actionType <= 3 and pcs_health >= 100 and pain['vaginal'] < 50:
-		if plugIn = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\bedbound4.jpg"></center>'
-		if plugIn = 1:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\bedbound5.jpg"></center>'
-		'A naked black male with huge erect penis enters the room, followed by a nurse.'
-		'You tremble in fear... But you let out a sigh of relief as he passes your bed and goes to one of the other girls instead.'
-		'You turn your head and watch what is about to happen.'
-		*nl
-		'He begins fucking the girl as is, bound and helpless, burying his phallus deeper with each stroke.'
-		'The girl screams, either in horror or pain... You can''t tell which one...'
-		'Not wanting to watch the onslaught you turn your head, shut your eyes and try to zone out the terrifying deed.'
-		*nl
-		'When you open your eyes, no one else but the other bound girl is there...'
-		act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed'
-	! fuck Sveta
-	elseif actionType >= 4 and actionType <= 8 and pcs_health >= 100 and pain['vaginal'] < 50:
-		coitVagCount += 1
-		'A naked black male with huge erect penis enters the room, followed by a nurse.'
-		'You tremble in fear... your worse fear might come true. He stops by your bed, hungrily observing your helpless body.'
-		'The nurse spats a large portion of lubricant on the brim of your vagina.'
-		'He climbs the bed, crouching above you. He grabs his giant, veiny cock, pointing it directly at the entry of your <b>'+$vagState+'</b> hole.'
-		'Your eyes widen at the moment he starts pushing inside of you...'
-		*nl
-		if coitVagCount = 1:
-			'<i>Oh no, oh no, I don''t want him to put THAT THING inside of me!</i>'
-		elseif coitVagCount >= 2 and coitVagCount <= 3:
-			'<i>No, not again, please!!!</i>'
-		elseif coitVagCount >= 4 and coitVagCount <= 5:
-			'<i>I''m already so full of cum... there is no space anymore!</i>'
-		else
-			'<i>More...dick...more...cum...</i>'
-		end
-		act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:sex1'
-	! status check by nurse
-	else
-		cumPlugCheck += 1
-		if pcs_health < 100:
-			pcs_health += 150
-		else
-			pcs_health += 30
-		end
-		pcs_hydra += 100
-		pcs_energy += 100
-		pcs_mood += 50
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-		*nl
-		'A nurse comes in, and heads directly towards your bed.'
-		*nl
-		if cumPlugCheck = 1:
-			'She stops in front of you and takes a small sample of blood, checks your health and insemination status.'
-			*nl
-		elseif cumPlugCheck >= 2:
-			'Once again she stops in front of you and takes a small sample of blood, checks your health and insemination status.'
-			*nl
-		elseif cumPlugCheck >= 4:
-			'By now you already know the process, the nurse takes a small sample of blood, checks your health and insemination status.'
-		end
-		if pain['vaginal'] > 30:
-			'She gives you something against the vaginal pain.'
-			pain['vaginal'] -= rand(9,18)
-		end
-		gs 'stat'
-		if plugIn = 1:
-			if coitVagCount >= 6 and refusal = 0:
-				*nl
-				'The nurse pulls the plug out of your pussy, "Hmm, yes, it is time."'
-				'<i>Time for what??</i> you think to yourself, still unable to speak.'
-				'The nurse leaves. Your pussy, finally unplugged after long hours and '+coitVagCount+' voluminous doses of cum, starts dripping clots of white sticky juice.'
-				act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed:doctor1'
-			else
-				if pregchem > 30:
-					pcs_pregtalk = 1
-					impreg = 1
-					*nl
-					'"Very well you little cum bucket, you have finally managed to finish the impregnation process. You will proceed to the final stage in a short time." the doctor tells you.'
-				else
-					*nl
-					'The nurse pulls the plug out of your pussy, "Hmm, it seems you''ll need a fresh dose of sperm soon. The old one has been almost absorbed."'
-					'With these words she rams the plug back in.'
-					if cycle <= 1 or cycle > 2 and fertEgg = 0 and pregchem = 0:
-						lastovulation = daystart
-						cycle = 2
-						ovulate = 24+rand(24,48)
-						EggRH = 320+rand(160, 320)
-						'"It seems you need a fresh dose of the ovulation drug." as she injects you with another dose.'
-					end
-				end
-				act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed'
-			end
-		else
-			act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed'
-		end
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:sex1':
-	imgRand = rand(1, 3)
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\shared\sex\vag\miss\africanmis'+imgRand+'.jpg"></center>'
-	'One of the men is setting himself into a position above you. He holds his giant cock in one hand, forcing it down... the grey tip, big as an apple, now touches the brim of your vagina, making you shake both in fear and expectation.'
-	'The previously applied lube does its job as he lowers his entire body down, pushing the tip inside you.'
-	*nl
-	if coitVagCount = 1:'<i>Nonono..this can''t be true!</i>'
-	*nl
-	gs 'pain', 4, 'vaginal', 'stretch'
-	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 3, 'bound', 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:sex2'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:sex2':
-	imgRand = rand(3, 7)
-	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\vag\miss\africanmis'+imgRand+'.mp4"></video></center>'
-	'The few first thrusts are enough for him to get comfortable. He is already burying his long black cock more than halfway down your aching vagina.'
-	if coitVagCount = 1:
-			'<i>Aaarghh... I''m being sodomized, please help! It hurts! If I could at least scream!</i>'
-		elseif coitVagCount >= 2 and coitVagCount <= 3:
-			'<i>Ouch... ouch... he is tearing me apart!!</i>'
-		elseif coitVagCount >= 4 and coitVagCount <= 5:
-			'<i>No no... not so deep please... not so dee... ouch!</i>'
-		else
-			'<i> my..ouch..cervix..ouch..</i>'
-	end
-	'A relentless, beast-like pounding is what you have to endure. His stamina seems without limits, as he keeps the furious pace steady for what seems as long minutes...'
-	*nl
-	if coitVagCount >= 3:'The several doses of cum you have been pumped with whiles ago are still inside you. With his giant dick filling all of your insides, the cums squirts out of you with each thrust.'
-	*nl
-	gs 'pain', 4, 'vaginal', 'tear'
-	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 9, 'bound', 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:sex3'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:sex3':
-	imgRand = rand(1, 3)
-	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\cum\vagcreampie\africancreampie'+imgRand+'.mp4"></video></center>'
-	'Finally he reaches his orgasm, but not before he increases the pace even more.'
-	'Your pussy already feels like on fire, your back hurts from his full weight falling down on your bound and exposed body.'
-	'Buried all the way inside you, with the tip of his cock surely pushed all the way to your cervix, he ejaculates.'
-	'Wave after wave a fresh dose of hot, thick sperm is pumped into you. It may be your imagination, but it seems as your belly is bulging more and more with each dose.'
-	'There seems to be no end to his waves, he must have emptied his load at least ten times.'
-	if coitVagCount = 1:
-			'<i>...please don''t cum in me, please don''t cum in me, please don''t... oh no... ugh!</i>'
-		elseif coitVagCount >= 2 and coitVagCount <= 3:
-			'Ugh... I can feel it gushing into my womb... is that even possible?<i></i>'
-		elseif coitVagCount >= 4 and coitVagCount <= 5:
-			'<i>Ugh... ugh... ugh... ugh... oh god, he has been cumming for like a minute in a row, stop already! ugh... ugh...</i>'
-		else
-			'<i>I... feel... so... full...</i>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	gs 'pain', 4, 'cervix', 'slam'
-	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 4, 'bound', 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'cum_call', '', 'Some african male', 0, '', 100000, 75
-	gs 'experiment', 'std_block'
-	gs 'stat'
-	*nl
-	'At last his ejaculation ends. He does not pull immediately out, instead he signals for the nurse. As she arrives, he finally pulls his sticky, cum covered cock out. And you don''t feel empty for too long...'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:plugIn'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:deflower':
-	menu_off = 1
-	if experi_stage = 0:
-		minut += 2
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\africandeflowerer.jpg"></center>'
-		*nl
-		'Waiting for some time, you hear some footsteps nearing you.'
-		'Turning your head you see a black man, naked, with something tremendous hanging between his legs.'
-		'You finally figure out what it is, his penis! With each step the giant, heavy device swings from side to side...'
-		'You start to tremble again as the man is approaching you...'
-		act '(tremble in fear)':experi_stage = 1 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:deflower'
-	elseif experi_stage = 1:
-		minut += 2
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\bedbound3.jpg"></center>'
-		*nl
-		'You are still bound to your bed, both hands and legs secured behind your head.'
-		'Your ass is lifted in the air, exposing your virgin holes to anyone who comes near the bed.'
-		'One of the male participants approaches you, "Doctor said your pussy virgin is. I come to remove it."'
-		'As he touches your ass cheeks, you begin to panic as it slowly dawns on you what is about to happen...'
-		'He climbs your bed, stroking his giant, inhumanly enormous penis with his hands, making it thicker and harder, using a lot of lubricant.'
-		'You have no choice but to watch him inflate his giant penis right above your head...'
-		act '(watch him)':experi_stage = 2 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:deflower'
-	elseif experi_stage = 2:
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\vag\miss\africanmis8.mp4"></video></center>'
-		*nl
-		'Within few minutes his penis gets to its full size. The doctor was not exaggerating, it is huge and super thick!'
-		'He lowers the phallus with his hands, pointing at the virgin membrane still present in your pure pussy...'
-		'"Prepare for my black cock white virgin whore. Now I go in." he whispers...'
-		'With these words, he starts to push, penetrating your virgin pussy slowly but steadily, deflowering you in a brutal and painful way.'
-		'If you could scream, you would... but thanks to the drugs you''re not able to make a single noise...'
-		*nl
-		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'bound', 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-		gs 'arousal', 'end'
-		gs 'pain', 10, 'vaginal', 'tear'
-		gs 'stat'
-		act '(endure)':experi_stage = 3 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:deflower'
-	elseif experi_stage = 3:
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\vag\miss\africanmis9.mp4"></video></center>'
-		*nl
-		'As he goes deeper and deeper, a stream of blood starts pouring out of your deflowered pussy...'
-		'Yet he does not mind, his only aim is to penetrate you as deep as possible, using his superior strength.'
-		'"White whore have nice small pussy. Now I go deep more." he says as he pushes in even further...'
-		'You''re barely able to take it, you''re fully stretched and it feels like he''s entered your stomach...'
-		'Finally he stops thrusting in what you think will offer some respite, but to your dismay the man instead starts pounding you. It is even worse than before... His pace is fast and his strokes are still very deep...'
-		'His pace is furious, it seems he has to fuck intensively to reach an orgasm.'
-		'You have no choice but to endure it until the end...'
-		*nl
-		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15, 'bound', 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-		gs 'arousal', 'end'
-		gs 'pain', 4, 'vaginal', 'stretch'
-		gs 'stat'
-		act '(endure)':experi_stage = 4 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:deflower'
-	elseif experi_stage = 4:
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\cum\vagcreampie\africancreampie4.mp4"></video></center>'
-		*nl
-		'Finally he starts to grunt, he''s reaching the edge...'
-		'"White whore now will get reward, lot cum." he lets out between his grunts.'
-		'His strokes get slower but more intensive, reaching your very cervix!'
-		'Fortunately after several such painful strokes, he ejaculates!'
-		'His 37 cm cock is buried almost all the way inside you, pumping his cum into you...'
-		*nl
-		gs 'pain', 6, 'cervix', 'slam'
-		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'bound', 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-		gs 'arousal', 'end'
-		gs 'cum_call', '', 'Some african male', 0, '', 100000, 75
-		gs 'experiment', 'std_block'
-		gs 'stat'
-		*nl
-		act '(endure)':experi_stage = 5 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:deflower'
-	elseif experi_stage = 5:
-		minut += 5
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\africandeflowerer.jpg"></center>'
-		*nl
-		'As he finishes, he pulls out his cock from your battered, deflowered vagina.'
-		'A stream of cum mixed with blood pours out of it...'
-		'He stands beside your bed, looking first at your gaping, leaking pussy... than turns his gaze towards your face...'
-		'"White whore now big girl is. See you soon, we fuck more will." with that he leaves you as you are...'
-		'Still bound and helpless, you fade out again. Who knows, if it''s from the drugs or the terrible experience...'
-		act '(fade out again)':experi_stage = 0 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:plugIn':
-	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_dildo', 2, 'bound', 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
-	plugIn = 1
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\pussyplug.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'Right after he pulls out his giant cock, the nurse grabs hold of a big, round plug and shoves it down your cum-filled hole.'
-	'She manages it so quickly that almost no cum manages to slop out.'
-	'Without a word she leaves you as you are, plugged like some kind of cattle...'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:bed:doctor1':
-	minut += 5
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doc2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'After few minutes the nurse gets back, followed by one of the doctors you have seen during the initial ''test''.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Hello miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. The nurse here has informed me that you''ve made some progress."'
-	'The doctor is observing you, as if he''s trying to figure out what''s on your mind...'
-	'Your eyes widen as your mind drifts toward the worst case scenario...'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Nurse, give her a dose, I want to speak to her."'
-	'The nurse empties an already prepared injection to your arm.'
-	'You can slowly feel as if your body turns once again to your own control.'
-	'"Uhm... uhm... I... I... can... speak?" you manage to whimper.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Yes miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, we have given you an antidote. It is now up to you if you will get back to that vegetative state, or if you will cooperate and retain your full consciousness."'
-	act 'Up to me?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed:doctor2'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:bed:doctor2':
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doc2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Yes miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, you have shown a great ability to experience an over-sized member. Your sperm absorption ability is also above average."'
-	'"That... is... good... I guess?" you frightfully ask...'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "It is. We would like to extent an offer not every subject here gets."'
-	'"An offer? You will let me go? Really? I need to... I want to, please!" you eagerly say.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "No, we definitely don''t want to let you go. You are legally bound to finish this treatment, you have no say in that."'
-	'"But..." you start to sob as the sudden glimpse of hope gets crushed again.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "But you have SOME choice. To remain half awake, bound to a bed like an animal and be used like an animal."'
-	'"...or?" you raise your eyes to meet his.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Or you can continue under more, let''s say, cooperative conditions."'
-	act 'That means what?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed:doctor3'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:bed:doctor3':
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doc2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$doc2>>: "It means that for the remainder of the experiment, you will be provided with a private room, regular nutritions and hygienically equipment."'
-	'You''re a bit surprised by that offer, "That sounds good... a little too good..."'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Indeed. However you will have to fully cooperate in all matters."'
-	'"Which are?" you ask.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Well, the ones you are already familiar with. You will still be inseminated regularly until you get impregnated. You will also be used by our top subjects."'
-	'"Top subjects?" you curiously ask.'
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Few of our first subjects, african males, who have been subjected to the Penis over-sizement project and members of the male fertility project for the longest time."'
-	'He looks down on you, still bound with your ass higher than your head. It is probably the weirdest style of conversation you could ever think of.'
-	'Still awaiting your answer the doctor grows impatient, "You are a bit slow, aren''t you? Well let me translate it so a slut can understand. You will have all the comfort, but you will also be fucked by males with the largest cocks ever seen, size of a horse, who ejaculate as much as a horse. You will have to do it willingly. They will use you any way they want. Those are the conditions. Yes or no?"'
-	act 'I accept':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed:doctor5'
-	act 'I refuse':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed:doctor4'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:bed:doctor4':
-	minut += 3
-	refusal = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doc2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$doc2>>: Well, that''s disappointing, not at all what I hoped for, but it''s your choice. Nurse, do what you have to do. Goodbye miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. And enjoy..."'
-	act 'Return to a vegetative state...':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:bed'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:bed:doctor5':
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doc2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$doc2>>: "Very good! Nurse, untie her and lead her to her new room. Goodbye miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. And enjoy..."'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room':
-	minut += 1
-	$menu_loc = 'experiment'
-	$menu_arg = 'testarea:treatment:room'
-	menu_off = 0
-	gs 'stat'
-	$metka = 'testarea:treatment:room'
-	'<center><h3>Experiment private room</h3></center>'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\room.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'The room you are locked in is not a big one, but has all what you might need. Everything is however somehow adjusted to provide for more or less violent sexual acts.'
-	'The bed has arm and leg cuffs. A hook is hanging from the ceiling. A large box in the far corner is locked by a code lock, you can only guess what''s inside.'
-	'What strikes fear in your heart is a first aid kit on one of the walls, what just might happen here is so terrible that a first aid kit would be needed...'
-	'The <a href="exec:gt ''experiment'', ''testarea:treatment:room:shower''">bathroom</a> has, in addition to regular equipment, also an enema kit.'
-	'The exit door has a safety glass window. You are able to leave the room, but the only way you can go is the <a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt ''experiment'', ''testarea:treatment:room:social''">social room</a>. All the other doors are securely locked.'
-	act 'Wait for some time':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:wait'
-	act 'Go to the bathroom':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:shower'
-	act 'Eat hospital meal (0:20)':
-		cla
-		*clr
-		minut += 20
-		pranik -= 1
-		pcs_health += 30
-		pcs_manna += 100
-		pcs_energy += 50
-		water -= 25
-		cumspclnt = 2
-		gs 'cum_cleanup'
-		fbreath = 0
-		fat += 4
-		frost = 0
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\meal.jpg"></center>'
-		'You ate a pretty stale hospital meal...'
-		act 'Get back':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-	end
-	act 'Drink some water (0:05)':gs 'beverage', 'bev_wat'
-	if pcs_sleep < 50:
-		act 'Go to sleep':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:sleep'
-	end
-	act 'Go to social room':minut += 10 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:sleep':
-	menu_off = 1
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\sleep.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'You fall asleep on the bed, barely covered by the sheets...'
-	pcs_hairbsh = 0
-	cloth_vid = 0
-	pain['killer'] = 0
-	if fat > 5 and stringimplant = 1:silicone += 1 & fat -= 5
-	minut += 240
-	pcs_sleep += 65
-	gs 'dreams', 'start'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Wake up':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:shower':
-	$locM = 'experiment'
-	$metkaM = 'testarea:treatment:room:shower'
-	$metka = 'testarea:treatment:room:shower'
-	$menu_loc = 'experiment'
-	$menu_arg = 'testarea:treatment:room:shower'
-	menu_off = 0
-	'<center><h3>Experiment private - bathroom</h3></center>'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\roomshower.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'The bathroom has a small, hospital-like shower, a toilet, some clean razors, an enema kit and a sink with <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>.'
-	if klisma = 0: klisma = 1 & klisma_borrowed = 1
-	if stanok > 0 and stanok_storage = 0: stanok_storage = stanok
-	stanok = 2
-	dynamic $shower
-	dynamic $brit
-	dynamic $enema
-	dynamic $tampon
-	dynamic $basin
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Go back':
-		if klisma_borrowed = 1: klisma = 0 & klisma_borrowed = 0
-		stanok = 0
-		if stanok_storage > 0:
-			stanok = stanok_storage
-			stanok_storage = 0
-		end
-		gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:wait':
-	waitTime = rand (20, 60)
-	minut += waitTime
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\roomwaiting.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'As if you have anything else to do, you patiently wait until something happens.'
-	if impreg = 1:
-		act 'Wait':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg'
-	elseif expVolunteerExam = 0:
-		expVolunteerExam = 1
-		act 'Wait':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:check'
-	else
-		act 'Wait':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:social':
-	$menu_loc = 'experiment'
-	$menu_arg = 'testarea:treatment:room:social'
-	menu_off = 0
-	$metka = 'testarea:treatment:room:social'
-	G1R = rand (0, 100)
-	if G1R <= 30:
-		G1 = 1
-	else
-		G1 = 0
-	end
-	G2R = rand (0, 100)
-	if G2R <= 30:
-		G2 = 1
-	else
-		G2 = 0
-	end
-	G3R = rand (0, 100)
-	if G3R <= 30:
-		G3 = 1
-	else
-		G3 = 0
-	end
-	mateR = rand (0, 100)
-	soundR = rand (0, 100)
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\roomsocial.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'The room has no windows. There are several sofas, a bookcase with some old books, a few used table games that are placed bellow the conference table.'
-	*nl
-	if G1 = 0 and G2 = 0 and G3 = 0:
-		waitTime = rand (30, 60)
-		'You are currently alone in the room.'
-	else
-		if G1 = 1:'A young, <a href="exec:gt ''experiment'', ''testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G1''">blonde girl</a> is sitting on one of the couches.'
-		if G2 = 1:'A thin, <a href="exec:gt ''experiment'', ''testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G2''">brunette girl</a> is leaning by the wall.'
-		if G3 = 1:'A mature, <a href="exec:gt ''experiment'', ''testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G3''">dark haired woman</a> is reading a book.'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if soundR <= 20:
-		'A loud wetly pattering sound can be heard, coming from one of the rooms, along with male grunts and female moaning...'
-	elseif soundR > 20 and soundR <= 40:
-		'A rhythmic painful female screams resonate through the hallway, along with harsh male grunts...'
-	elseif soundR > 40 and soundR <= 60:
-		'A quiet yet noticeable sobbing of some girl can be heard through the silent hallway...'
-	elseif soundR > 60 and soundR <= 80:
-		'A period sound of whip landing on a skin resonates through the hallway, along with female sobbing...'
-	else
-		'A rare silence wanders through the hallways...'
-	end
-	*nl
-	gs 'exercise', 'start'
-	fuckCh = rand (0, 100)
-	if fuckCh <= 30:
-		act 'Spend some time reading':
-			cls
-			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/accessories/books/book.jpg"></center>'
-			if pcs_nerd > 0:
-				lastread = totminut
-				lastreadday = daystart
-				pcs_nerd += 1
-				blizoruk += 1
-			end
-			if rand(0,1) = 0:
-				makupskl_exp += 1
-				'The book is really girly and mostly centres around what the characters wear and how they get ready to go out.'
-				'You do pick up a few make up tips but its not mentally stimulating.'
-			else
-				if pcs_sewng <= 100: sewng_exp += rand(1,3)
-				'The book is about an older lady solving a murder. For the most part its exciting.'
-				'The slower parts have her sewing and it goes into more detail than it needs to, you do learn a little though.'
-			end
-			pcs_mood += 10
-			minut += waitTime
-			'While you are reading, all of a sudden a strong hand grabs you by the neck.'
-			act 'Stop reading': gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social:gofuck'
-		end
-	else
-		act 'Spend some time reading':
-			cls
-			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/accessories/books/book.jpg"></center>'
-			if pcs_nerd > 0:
-				lastread = totminut
-				lastreadday = daystart
-				pcs_nerd += 1
-				blizoruk += 1
-			end
-			if rand(0,1) = 0:
-				makupskl_exp += 1
-				'The book is really girly and mostly centres around what the characters wear and how they get ready to go out.'
-				'You do pick up a few make up tips but its not mentally stimulating.'
-			else
-				if pcs_sewng <= 100: sewng_exp += rand(1,3)
-				'The book is about an older lady solving a murder. For the most part its exciting.'
-				'The slower parts have her sewing and it goes into more detail than it needs to, you do learn a little though.'
-			end
-			pcs_mood += 10
-			minut += waitTime
-			gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social'
-		end
-	end
-	act 'Go back to your room':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:social:gofuck':
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'"White whore stop reading! Too much cum in balls I have, I need to empty them!" you hear a deep voice say.'
-	*nl
-	'One of the men approached you directly in the social room! You have no choice but to submit to him... like some kind of pet.'
-	'He leads you to your room, throwing you down between the bedsheets...'
-	coitusType = rand (0,16)
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:sex'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G1':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\g1.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'A petite young girl, she must''ve just turned eighteen. She is obviously in a bad mood, keeping to herself.'
-	act 'Talk to her':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G1:talk'
-	act 'Go back':minut += 10 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G1:talk':
-	menu_off = 1
-	$subloc = 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G1:talk:question'
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\g1.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'As you approach her, she looks up at you with a saddened look.'
-	act 'Why are you so sad?':G1Q = 1 & gt 'experiment', $subloc
-	act 'Why did you join this experiment?':G1Q = 2 & gt 'experiment', $subloc
-	act 'What will you do once you finish the experiment?':G1Q = 3 & gt 'experiment', $subloc
-	act 'You don''t mind the way we are treated by the men?':G1Q = 4 & gt 'experiment', $subloc
-	act 'Leave her be':minut += 10 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G1:talk:question':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 5
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\g1.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	if G1Q = 1:
-		'"Why are you so sad?" you ask.'
-		'"I have been tricked into joining this experiment! How could I be not sad?" she responds.'
-	elseif G1Q = 2:
-		'"Why did you join this experiment?" you ask.'
-		'"For money! Only for the stupid money! I was so desperate when I ran away from home and my boyfriend kicked me out from his apartment. I had nowhere to go, no money for food... But this, this is worse than living under the bridge! What will I do afterwards? I will receive 50.000 <b>₽</b> but also a baby in my belly..." she responds.'
-	elseif G1Q = 3:
-		'"What will you do once you finish the experiment?" you ask.'
-		'"Well, I will be pregnant, that''s for sure. But... But I don''t really know. I was sure I was going to do an abortion but... It''s a tiny life inside you, you know? Would you kill it?" she replies.'
-	elseif G1Q = 4:
-		'"You don''t mind the way we are treated by the men?" you ask.'
-		'"Of course I do mind! I hate it! I was a virgin when I signed up for this hell... They... they deflowered me. The biggest man did it. He tore me... They had to stitch me up... It hurts every time... I guess I am too tight, too small, for a regular men, even more for those drugged over-sized beasts!" she replies with tears in her eyes.'
-	end
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G1:talk'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G2':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\g2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'A thin but lively girl. She is observing everyone else in the room, probably looking for a distraction from the usual boredom.'
-	act 'Talk to her':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G2:talk'
-	act 'Go back':minut += 10 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G2:talk':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	$subloc = 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G2:talk:question'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\g2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'As you approach her, her face brightens as she gets some attention.'
-	act 'How can you be in such a good mood?':G2Q = 1 & gt 'experiment', $subloc
-	act 'Why did you join this experiment?':G2Q = 2 & gt 'experiment', $subloc
-	act 'What will you do once you finish the experiment?':G2Q = 3 & gt 'experiment', $subloc
-	act 'You don''t mind the way we are treated by the men?':G2Q = 4 & gt 'experiment', $subloc
-	act 'Leave her be':minut += 10 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G2:talk:question':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 5
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\g2.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	if G2Q = 1:
-		'"How can you have such a good mood?" you ask.'
-		'"Why wouldn''t I? It is so much fun in here. Where else would you get so many orgasms? And those giant dicks! I love them!" she replies.'
-	elseif G2Q = 2:
-		'"Why did you join this experiment?" you ask.'
-		'First I was attracted by the money. But when I heard what is it about, I didn''t wait a second! I love fucking black men! There are so few of them in Russia, but here.. it''s like a fairytale!'
-	elseif G2Q = 3:
-		'"What will you do once you finish the experiment?" you ask.'
-		'"I''ll be pregnant! I hope they will keep me around for some time at least. You can safely have sex almost until the end of the pregnancy, did you know that?" she happily replies.'
-	elseif G2Q = 4:
-		'"You don''t mind the way we are treated by the men?" you ask.'
-		'"I love it! It is true their cocks are big and it hurts sometimes, but those orgasms I get! It is the reason I am here!" she eagerly replies.'
-	end
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G2:talk'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G3':
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\g3.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'A mature but fairly attractive woman in her late thirties. She is minding her own, reading a book.'
-	act 'Talk to her':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G3:talk'
-	act 'Go back':minut += 10 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G3:talk':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	$subloc = 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G3:talk:question'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\g3.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'As you approach her, she lifts her sight from the book, looking at you haughtily.'
-	act 'Why are you not talking to anyone?':G3Q = 1 & gt 'experiment', $subloc
-	act 'Why did you join this experiment?':G3Q = 2 & gt 'experiment', $subloc
-	act 'What will you do once you finish the experiment?':G3Q = 3 & gt 'experiment', $subloc
-	act 'You don''t mind the way we are treated by the men?':G3Q = 4 & gt 'experiment', $subloc
-	act 'Leave her be':minut += 10 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G3:talk:question':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 5
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\g3.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	if G3Q = 1:
-		'"Why are you not talking to anyone?" you ask.'
-		'"Why would I? It''s all you ungrateful youngsters whimpering about being tricked and all. You don''t appreciate the opportunity you have been given." she snarly answers.'
-	elseif G3Q = 2:
-		'"Why did you join this experiment?" you ask.'
-		'"A woman has to eat you know? I was working hard as a waitress but the money was tight, work was hard and everything sucked. Then I got this opportunity. I am here already for the fifth time." she answers.'
-	elseif G3Q = 3:
-		'"What will you do once you finish the experiment?" you ask.'
-		'"I''ll head directly to an abortion clinic. Then I will rest for a six weeks and then I will get back here." she answers.'
-	elseif G3Q = 4:
-		'"You don''t mind the way we are treated by the men?" you ask.'
-		'"As a waitress you live through a lot. I have done it for almost 15 years. It''s true some of them are rough but it is a walk through a rose garden compared to what the those crime bosses do to a lonely girl serving drinks." she answers.'
-	end
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:social:girls:G3:talk'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event':
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	actionType = rand (1, 12)
-	! SEX
-	if actionType >= 1 and actionType <= 6 and pain['asshole'] < 50 and pain['vagina'] < 50 and pcs_health >= 100:
-		type = rand(1, 3)
-		if type = 1:
-			$africanN = 'africanMaleDark'
-			africanMaleDarkC += 1
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\africanmaledark.jpg"></center>'
-			'The door opens and a tall man enters your room. His skin is dark as the night''s sky. A huge, almost horse-like cock is heavily hanging between his legs.'
-			act 'Kneel down':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:positionKneel'
-			act 'Get in position to get fucked':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:positionDoggy'
-			act 'Lay back and let him have his way with you':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:positionVag'
-			act 'Beg him not to abuse you':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:beg'
-			act 'Resist him':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:resist'
-			if  pcs_inhib =< 65: act 'Try to influence his choice of holes': gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:seduce'
-		elseif type = 2:
-			$africanN = 'africanMaleMuscular'
-			africanMaleMuscularC += 1
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\africanmalemuscular.jpg"></center>'
-			'You can hear the door open as a muscular man enters to your room.'
-			'Afraid by his posture you have no other choice than to offer yourself to him...'
-			act 'Kneel down':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:positionKneel'
-			act 'Get in position to get fucked':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:positionDoggy'
-			act 'Lay back and let him have his way with you':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:positionVag'
-			act 'Beg him not to abuse you':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:beg'
-			if  pcs_inhib =< 65: act 'Try to influence his choice of holes': gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:seduce'
-		elseif type = 3:
-			$africanN = 'africanMaleFat'
-			africanMaleFatC += 1
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\africanmalefat.jpg"></center>'
-			'A somewhat old and fat man enters your room, locking the door behind him. He is very hairy and smells terribly.'
-			*nl
-			if africanMaleFatC > 0:'<i>Oh god, not this one again! I hate him... he is so repugnant... and violent... please no... I... I just can''t...</i>'
-			panicCh = rand (0, 100)
-			if (africanMaleFatC > 0 and panicCh >= 50):act 'Do nothing and wait to see what happens':coitusType = rand (0,16) & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:sex'
-			act 'Beg him not to abuse you':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:beg'
-			act 'Resist him':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:resist'
-		end
-	elseif actionType >= 7 and actionType <= 10 and pain['asshole'] < 50 and pain['vagina'] < 50 and pcs_health >= 100:
-		'You wait and wait, but it seems nothing is going to happen this time...'
-		act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-	else
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-		'A nurse enters your room, looking at you very strictly, "Lay down, hands behind head, spread your legs wide and don''t move."'
-		act 'Do as told':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:check'
-		if nurseTalk = 0:act 'Try to talk to her':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talkTry'
-		if nurseTalk = 1:act 'Talk to her':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:positionDoggy':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	i = rand(1, 3)
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\positiondoggy'+i+'.jpg"></center>'
-	'You position yourself to his liking, lifting your ass in the air, inviting his to do whatever he pleases...'
-	posR = rand(0, 5)
-	if posR < 5:pos = 1
-	if posR = 5:pos = 12
-	act 'Close your eyes and wait':coitusType = pos & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:sex'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:positionVag':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	i = rand(1, 3)
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\positionvag'+i+'.jpg"></center>'
-	'You position yourself to his liking, lifting your ass in the air, inviting him to do whatever he pleases...'
-	posR = rand(0, 5)
-	if posR < 5:pos = 6
-	if posR = 5:pos = 13
-	act 'Signal him you want him in your pussy':coitusType = pos & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:sex'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:positionKneel':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	i = rand(1, 3)
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\positionkneel'+i+'.jpg"></center>'
-	'Kneeling down before him you shut your eyes, awaiting what he is going to do to you...'
-	posR = rand(0, 6)
-	if posR < 5:pos = 2
-	if posR = 5:pos = 14
-	if posR = 6:pos = 15
-	act 'Kneel down':coitusType = pos & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:sex'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:seduce':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	i = rand(1, 3)
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\positionvag'+i+'.jpg"></center>'
-	'You try to seduce him into knocking you up. You are here to get pregnant, the sooner you are knocked up, the sooner you get to leave and enjoy the hefty payment.'
-	'You spread you legs and show him your pussy.'
-	'"Come and breed me. Put your babies in me." you try to convince him.'
-	if pcs_apprnc => 80:
-		posR = rand(1,3)
-		if posR = 1:pos = 0
-		if posR = 2:pos = 3
-		if posR = 3:pos = 6
-	else
-		posR = rand(0, 5)
-		if posR < 5:pos = 6
-		if posR = 5:pos = 13
-	end
-	act 'Close your eyes and wait':coitusType = pos & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:sex'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:beg':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\beg.jpg"></center>'
-	'You beg him to not abuse anymore... you are very sore!'
-	'But your begging seems to has no effect on him... on the contrary!'
-	posR = rand(1, 2)
-	if posR = 1:pos = 15
-	if posR = 2:pos = 16
-	act 'Beg':coitusType = pos & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:sex'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:resist':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\resist.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'You start hitting his chest as he''s grabbing your hair.'
-	'There is no chance against his superior strength...'
-	act 'Resist him':coitusType = 16 & gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:sex'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:sex':
-	menu_off = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	! COITUS: vaginal doggy, 1v1
-	if coitusType >= 0 and coitusType < 3:
-		imgRand = rand(1, 5)
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\vag\doggy\africandoggy'+imgRand+'.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'Holding you by your neck, he pushes you on the bed, lifting your hips with his strong hands.'
-		'Having your ass up you brace for the entry of his giant cock.'
-		'It hurts, but at least your pussy is still lubed from the last fuck, so it is not as bad as it could be. Yet his cock is so thick that the whole time you feel your pussy stretching to its limits.'
-		'After several minutes he increases his pace, climaxing in long and voluminous ejaculation into your insides.'
-		gs 'pain', 4, 'vaginal', 'tear'
-		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 20, 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-		gs 'arousal', 'end'
-		gs 'cum_call', '', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 100
-		gs 'experiment', 'std_block'
-		gs 'stat'
-	! COITUS: vaginal cowgirl, 1v1
-	elseif coitusType >= 3 and coitusType < 6:
-		imgRand = rand(1, 3)
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\vag\cowgirl\africancowgirl'+imgRand+'.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'The man lies down on the bed, relaxed and already with a huge erection, "Do your job white slut, or I make sure it hurts even more."'
-		'Not wanting to upset him, you climb the bed, wrap your legs around his wide strong hips and carefully insert the tremendous tip inside your vagina.'
-		'You slowly manage to bury yourself deeper and deeper, until it is somehow comfortable to ride him.'
-		'He truly enjoys it and after several minutes a tremendous delivery of sperm fills you up.'
-		gs 'pain', 2, 'vaginal', 'tear'
-		gs 'pain', 2, 'armL', 'bind'
-		gs 'pain', 2, 'armR', 'bind'
-		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 45, 'bound', 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-		gs 'arousal', 'end'
-		gs 'cum_call', '', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 100
-		gs 'experiment', 'std_block'
-		gs 'stat'
-	! COITUS: vaginal missionary, 1v1
-	elseif coitusType >= 6 and coitusType < 9:
-		imgRand = rand(1, 3)
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\vag\miss\africanmis'+imgRand+'.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'Holding you by your neck, he pushes you on the bed, spreading your legs to get better access to your pink, wetly pussy.'
-		'You stiffen a bit as he penetrates you.'
-		'It hurts, but at least your pussy is still lubed from the last fuck, so it is not as bad as it could. Yet his cock is so thick that the whole time you feel your pussy stretching to its limits.'
-		'After several minutes he increases his pace, climaxing in long and voluminous ejaculation into your insides.'
-		'As you watch him ejaculate, you can feel your abdomen bulking, as if the cum entered your very cervix.'
-		gs 'pain', 2, 'throat', 'stretch'
-		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 15, 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-		gs 'arousal', 'end'
-		gs 'cum_call', '', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 100
-		gs 'experiment', 'std_block'
-		gs 'stat'
-	! COITUS: vaginal + mouth, 2v1
-	elseif coitusType >= 9 and coitusType < 12:
-		imgRand = rand(1, 3)
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\mmf\africandoggydouble'+imgRand+'.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'As he''s about to penetrate you, the door opens and another man walks in.'
-		'Confused you await what is going to happen, but the other man just causally walks around and grabs your head, and pushes the tip of his cock to your yet closed lips.'
-		'Before you realize what''s happening, the other man penetrates your vagina...'
-		'"Ouch!" the penetration makes your mouth open automatically, while the second man takes the opportunity and sticks his cock inside your unprepared mouth!'
-		'You gag but he does not mind, as he begins to fuck your throat.'
-		'You have no choice but to satisfy them both at once.'
-		gs 'pain', 6, 'vaginal', 'tear'
-		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 30, 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-		gs 'arousal', 'end'
-		gs 'cum_call', '', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 100
-		gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 100
-		gs 'experiment', 'std_block'
-		gs 'stat'
-	! COITUS: anal doggy, 1v1
-	elseif coitusType = 12:
-		imgRand = rand(1, 5)
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\anal\doggy\africananaldoggy'+imgRand+'.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'Holding you by your neck, he pushes you on the bed, lifting your hips with his strong hands.'
-		'With your ass up you expect him to penetrate your pussy...'
-		'But all of a sudden a sharp pain runs through your lower parts! You yell out as he starts penetrating your ass!'
-		'He either did not realize it, or maybe it was his intention.'
-		'As he fucks you, beside all the pain it feels as if he''s bumping to your actual stomach from inside you!'
-		'After several minutes he increases his pace, climaxing with a long and voluminous ejaculation into your intestines.'
-		gs 'pain', 4, 'anal', 'tear'
-		gs 'arousal', 'anal', 20, 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-		gs 'arousal', 'end'
-		gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 100
-		gs 'experiment', 'std_block'
-		gs 'stat'
-	! COITUS: anal missionary, 1v1
-	elseif coitusType = 13:
-		imgRand = rand(1, 4)
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\anal\mis\africananalmis'+imgRand+'.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'Holding you by your neck, he pushes you on the bed, spreading your legs to get better access to your pink, wetly pussy.'
-		'You stiffen a bit as you expect him to penetrate your pussy..'
-		'But all of a sudden a sharp pain runs through your lower parts! You yell out as he starts penetrating your ass!'
-		'He either did not realize it, or maybe it was his intention.'
-		'As he fucks you, beside all the pain it feels as if he''s bumping to your actual stomach from inside you!'
-		'After several minutes he increases his pace, climaxing with a long and voluminous ejaculation into your intestines.'
-		gs 'pain', 4, 'anal', 'tear'
-		gs 'arousal', 'anal', 30, 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-		gs 'arousal', 'end'
-		gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 100
-		gs 'experiment', 'std_block'
-		gs 'stat'
-	! COITUS: bj, 1v1
-	elseif coitusType = 14:
-		imgRand = rand(1, 5)
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\blowjob\africanblowjob'+imgRand+'.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'Holding you by your neck, he forcefully pushes you to the ground, making you kneel before him.'
-		'His giant black cock is hanging in front of your face...'
-		'"Suck my black cock white white. Suck deep, or I make you." he commands.'
-		'Taking his cock in your hands, almost unable to wrap your whole hand around it, you start to suck the tip.'
-		'You slowly make way down your throat, while the horselike cock makes you gag and almost suffocate.'
-		'After working on his cock for what feels like an eternity he grunts and finally ejaculates.'
-		'Part of his cum lands around your mouth and face, as he sees you are not swallowing he forces your head, almost whole length of his cock is now buried inside your throat.'
-		'You can feel the hot cum flowing directly to your stomach with each wave of cum...'
-		gs 'pain', 4, 'throat', 'stretch'
-		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 30, 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-		gs 'arousal', 'end'
-		gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 70
-		gs 'cum_call', 'face', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 20
-		gs 'experiment', 'std_block'
-		gs 'stat'
-	! COITUS: bdsm, anal, 1v1
-	elseif coitusType = 15:
-		imgRand = rand(1, 3)
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\anal\bdsm\africananalbdsm'+imgRand+'.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'"White whore, I have no patience now. Turn around." he commands.'
-		'As you do it he brings your hands together and binds them.'
-		'He then positions you to his likes, you are unable to move, with all your holes at his mercy.'
-		'He seems happy to see you helpless like that, and begins penetrating your anus with his giant cock!'
-		'"Not my ass, please, it hurts! Ouuch!" you yell out...'
-		'Disregarding your pleads, he fucks you like that for some time until he finally ejaculates, filling you with his immense amount of cum.'
-		gs 'pain', 2, 'anal', 'tear'
-		gs 'pain', 2, 'armL', 'bind'
-		gs 'pain', 2, 'armR', 'bind'
-		gs 'arousal', 'anal', 30, 'bound', 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-		gs 'arousal', 'end'
-		gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 100
-		gs 'experiment', 'std_block'
-		gs 'stat'
-	! COITUS: bdsm, whip, 1v1
-	elseif coitusType = 16:
-		imgRand = rand(1, 5)
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\whip'+imgRand+'.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'"White whore deserve to be punished. Turn around." he commands you.'
-		'As you do it he brings your hands together and binds them, securing you in a position.'
-		'From the box in the corner he takes out a long leather whip.'
-		'Without saying another word, regardless of your pleads, he starts whipping your ass cheeks.'
-		'With each stroke you let out a scream, like small girl that is punished by her bad behavior.'
-		'When you finally believe it is over, he walks to the front, and does the same to your tender breasts!'
-		'"Not my breasts, please, it hurts! My nipples! you yell out.'
-		'After he is really over, both your ass cheeks and breasts burn like hell, being red and bruised by the punishment.'
-		gs 'pain', 4, 'breasts', 'spank'
-		gs 'pain', 4, 'asscheeks', 'spank'
-		gs 'pain', 2, 'armL', 'bind'
-		gs 'pain', 2, 'armR', 'bind'
-		gs 'stat'
-	end
-	act 'Wait until he leaves':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-	if coitusType < 15:act 'Try to talk to him':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\<<$africanN>>.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	talkChance = rand (0, 100)
-	if talkChance <= 20:
-		'You try to talk to him, but he does not react at all. As if he does not even recognize your presence.'
-		act 'Let him be':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-	elseif talkChance > 20 and talkChance <= 40:
-		'You try to talk to him. Looking at you he slowly opens his mouth, "Must... fuck... many... white... women..."'
-		'He speaks as if he wasn''t even aware of himself. Maybe he is under some kind of drug, or even hypnotized?'
-		act 'Let him be':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-	elseif talkChance > 40 and talkChance <= 60:
-		'You try to talk to him. He finally looks at you...'
-		'"Shut your mouth white whore. I must not talk, only to cum inside." he angrily replies.'
-		'Not wanting to upset him further, you keep quiet...'
-		'It doesn''t take long before he leaves, looking at you with angry face while closing the door. You just hope he will not be back before his anger fades, otherwise...'
-		act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-	else
-		'You try to talk to him. He finally pays attention to you, this time looking a bit friendlier than before.'
-		'"What you want white whore?" he asks...'
-		act 'Why are you here?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q1'
-		if expVolunteer = 0:act 'Are you also a prisoner like me?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q2'
-		act 'Where are you from?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q3'
-		act 'Why are you so violent?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q4'
-		act 'How can your cock be so enormous?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q5'
-		act 'Are you in Russia legally?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q6'
-		act 'Why do you crave to fuck white women so much?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q7'
-		act 'How can you enjoy hurting women in such a way?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q8'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q1':
-	minut += 5
-	pcs_mood += 20
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\<<$africanN>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'"Why are you here?" you ask...'
-	'"Guess why, you white whore." he replies.'
-	'"For money?" you guess.'
-	'"That too." he quickly replies.'
-	'"Too? What else?" you continue on.'
-	'"For fun. Doctor gave me pills so my cock bigger is. And free white whores to fuck." he smirks, "I like white whores. Money good is but fuck better is."'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q2':
-	minut += 5
-	pcs_mood += 20
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\<<$africanN>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'"Are you also a prisoner like me?" you ask.'
-	'"No! I am never slave as you white whore are." he replies.'
-	'"So you entered the experiment voluntarily?" you press on.'
-	'"Yes, I come for money but I stay for whores." he smiles.'
-	'"I see..." you comment.'
-	'"And for pills. Pills make my cock big, as big as horse. Horse cock, white whores, a lot fun." his grin is getting even bigger.'
-	'"Not for me, it hurts so much!" you moan.'
-	'"Horse cock is good for white whore. The bigger the more fun when it hurts. It''s fun more when white whore can not say no." he laughs loudly.'
-	'You just gulp, in disgust, unable to say anything more.'
-	'He gets up, slaps your face with his almost flaccid cock and leaves.'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q3':
-	minut += 5
-	pcs_mood += 20
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\<<$africanN>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'"Where are you from?" you ask.'
-	'"From the start, a country in Africa. But I come out of Germany. White man not let me stay." he sadly answers.'
-	'"Why?" you curiously ask.'
-	'"German man is racist. German cunts went for police. I must go out." he replies.'
-	'You are in shock. Is he some kind of criminal? Better not make him upset...'
-	'Before you''re able to say anything he speaks up, "My balls are getting full again are. White whore get ready, I come soon again."'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q4':
-	minut += 5
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\<<$africanN>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'"Why are you so violent?" you ask.'
-	'"White whore should keep quiet." he annoyingly answers.'
-	'"What do you mean?" you push on.'
-	'"White whore should know we treat as the whores they are." he explains.'
-	'"What are you saying!" you tell him off.'
-	'"White whore should shut mouth or I stuff my fist inside her." he threatens you.'
-	'You are shocked. He seem to feel no remorse about what he''s doing to you, he''s probably used to treat women as slaves who require nothing else than punishment and abuse.'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q5':
-	minut += 5
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\<<$africanN>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'"How can your cock be so enormous?" you ask.'
-	'"My cock was not so big before." he begins to explain.'
-	'"Before what?" you pry further.'
-	'"Before doctor came and give me chance." he continues on.'
-	'"A chance?" you look confusedly at him.'
-	'"Yes, doctor gave me pills. My cock now is double big as before." he proudly says.'
-	'"I understand..." you say.'
-	'"Double dick size but also balls are more full. So doctor give me white whores to fuck." he smiles.'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q6':
-	minut += 5
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\<<$africanN>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'"Are you legally in Russia?" you ask.'
-	'"Doctor promised. I do eat pills, I get passport." he explains.'
-	'"So you will receive citizenship for being part of this medical research?" you continue on.'
-	'"Doctor promised. I will not go back." he''s pretty resolute in his answer.'
-	'"Why, if you don''t mind me asking?" you pry.'
-	'"Because, war." you replies as his eyes sadden.'
-	'"Oh, there is a war in your country?" you continue on.'
-	'But he waves it away, "Yes, war. And no white whores to fuck, boredom. But Russia good is."'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q7':
-	minut += 5
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\<<$africanN>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'"Why do you crave to fuck white women so much?" you ask.'
-	'"White woman is not woman. She whore is." he replies in broken russian.'
-	'"Excuse me?!" you yell out.'
-	'"Black woman is good woman. She decent is. Not provoke, not slut." he starts explaining.'
-	'"And white is a slut or what?" annoyed, you ask.'
-	'"Yes, white woman is slut. She show too much skin... She wants cock..." he says.'
-	'"That is not true!" you start to explain.'
-	'"It true is. Look yourself. You here are for cock. You let be fucked by black man. You slut are." and with that he finishes the discussion.'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:african:talk:Q8':
-	minut += 5
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\<<$africanN>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'"How can you enjoy hurting women in such a way?" you ask.'
-	'"I do not hurt women. No." he confidently answers.'
-	'"But you just abused me in very aggressive and painful way!" you begin to explain.'
-	'"You no woman are. You white whore are." he angrily replies.'
-	'"What? Me being a whore makes me not a woman?" you try to reason with him.'
-	'"Yes, white whore not woman. She only to fuck wants. All Africa knows well." he''s almost shouting.'
-	'"What? Everyone in Africa knows what?" you''re irritated by now.'
-	'"Every man in Africa knows white whores only for sex is. All white whore is and want sex." he continues on.'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:check':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 5
-	! STATUS CHECK: nurse
-	gs 'experiment', 'std_block'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	'She takes a sample of your blood, measures your temperature, blood pressure and proceeds to examine insides of your vagina.'
-	if pain['vaginal'] > 30 or pain['asshole'] > 30:
-		'She gives you something against the pain.'
-		if pain['vaginal'] > 30: pain['vaginal'] -= rand(9,18)
-		if pain['asshole'] > 30: pain['asshole'] -= rand(9,18)
-	end
-	'<i>The cold medical mirror is nothing compared to the abuse endured by the giant black cocks.</i>'
-	'When she''s done, she packs up her equipment and says,'
-	if pregchem > 30:
-		pcs_pregtalk = 1
-		impreg = 1
-		'Very well miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, you have finally managed to complete the impregnation process. You will proceed to the final stage in a short time.'
-	else
-		'The impregnation has yet not taken place, further insemination is needed. See you later miss <<$pcs_lastname>>.'
-	end
-	if cycle <= 1 or cycle > 2 and fertEgg = 0 and pregchem = 0:
-		lastovulation = daystart
-		cycle = 2
-		ovulate = 24+rand(24,48)
-		EggRH = 320+rand(160, 320)
-		'Also it seems you need a refresh of the ovulation drug. She injects you with another dose.'
-	end
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talkTry':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You decide to try to talk to her...'
-	act 'Please nurse, please talk to me!':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk':
-	menu_off = 1
-	nurseRel += 1
-	minut += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	if nurseRel <= 2:
-		'The nurse does not seem to be interested in talking with you.'
-		act 'Let her be':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:check'
-	elseif nurseRel >= 3 and nurseRel <= 4:
-		'The nurse still does not want to talk to you, yet you can see that she looks compassionately at your face occasionally.'
-		act 'Let her be':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:check'
-	else
-		nurseTalk = 1
-		'The nurse looks at you, "What do you want to talk about miss <<$pcs_lastname>>?"'
-		'"I''m so glad you decided to speak to me. Everyone here just comes, fucks me like a doll and leaves without saying a word." you explain.'
-		'"Well, that''s what you signed for after all. Do you have some questions or not?" she answers cold hearteningly.'
-		act 'When will you let me go?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q1'
-		if expVolunteer = 0:act 'Why are you doing this to me?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q2'
-		if expVolunteer = 0:act 'Is this experiment even legal?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q3'
-		act 'Did you also gone through the experiment?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q4'
-		if expVolunteer = 0:act 'How can you let them do this to me?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q5'
-		act 'Why do you use the africans?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q6'
-		act 'Why do the africans have such unnaturally oversized penises?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q7'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q1':
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	'"When will you let me go?" you ask.'
-	'"You will be released from the experimental research once you finish it." the nurse explains.'
-	'"And when I will finish it?" you continue asking.'
-	'"Once you get impregnated." she shortly answers.'
-	'"But what will I do with a child afterwards?" you hesitantly ask.'
-	'The nurse nonchalantly looks at you, "I don''t know miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. You can do whatever you want I guess. I must go, I have to get back to work."'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:check'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q2':
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	'"Why are you doing this to me?" you ask.'
-	'"Me? I am doing just my job." she answers.'
-	'"But I was tricked! I did not know the experiment will be like this!" you try to reason with her.'
-	'"You believe this yourself? I think there is just enough information to catch up with the actual nature of this research." she answers.'
-	'"But... but..." you start...'
-	'"But what?" she annoyingly looks at you...'
-	'"I don''t want this anymore!" your eyes tear up.'
-	'"That is unfortunate, but I cannot do anything about it. I am just a cog in a large machine, you know." she explains.'
-	'"But... but..." you try...'
-	'She interrupts you, "I have to go now miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. See you later."'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:check'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q3':
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	'"Is this experiment even legal?" you ask.'
-	'"Of course it is. You have filed out the paperwork, stating your attendance as entirely voluntary and willing." the nurse smirks.'
-	'"Voluntary? That means I can leave when I want?" you feel getting the upper hand.'
-	'The nurse quickly shuts you down, "Almost. You will be released while your contract obligations are fulfilled. Not until the goal is accomplished."'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:check'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q4':
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	'"Did you also gone through the experiment?" you ask.'
-	'"What do you mean?" the nurse is confusingly looking at you.'
-	'"Well... have you been also... you know... in my place?" you pry on.'
-	'The nurse takes offense, "What??? Do I look like so miserable to sell my own body?"'
-	'"I did not..." you begin to explain yourself...'
-	'But the nurse quickly interrupts you, "Shut up you stupid black cock loving whore, you are a disgrace of the Russian people."'
-	nurseRel -= 3
-	nurseTalk = 0
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:check'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q5':
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	'"How can you let them do this to me?" you ask.'
-	'"Me? I am doing just my own job. I did not force anyone to do anything." she explains.'
-	'"But you see what they do to me and do nothing about it!" you yell out.'
-	'Annoyed she replies, "And what should I do? Go to authorities or police? They are bribed. I would end up without a job, and that would be even the best outcome."'
-	nurseTalk = 0
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:check'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q6':
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	'Why do you use the black males?" you ask.'
-	'"Well, it''s an idea of the doctors. Something about several areas to test." she explains.'
-	'"Several areas?" you ask.'
-	'"Yes, apparently they wanted to use this opportunity to their best. They can test the ovulation drug, the male fertility drug and in addition they can test it in interracial environment." she tries to explain.'
-	'"I understand..." you quietly answer.'
-	'"But I believe there is also a more practical reason." she smirks.'
-	'"What reason?" you quickly ask.'
-	'"Well if they hired male Russians, word about the experiment would get out sooner or later. So they hired those black males instead, who barely speak Russian, and even if they would, nobody would believe them a single word. And when this is finished, they can dispose of them very quietly..." she tells you before leaving.'
-	nurseTalk = 0
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:check'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:talk:Q7':
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	'"Why do the africans have such unnaturally over-sized penises?" you ask.'
-	'"It''s the other drug that is tested here. Experimental penis enlargement." she explains.'
-	'"It really works? I thought it was only a placebo..." you say.'
-	'She nears you and starts whispering, "What they sell on-line is a fake. But what we test here is not. But..."'
-	'"But what?" you curiously ask.'
-	'"It has side effects. Sometimes their bodies fail to keep up with the enlargement process, and..." she keeps telling you.'
-	'"And?" the excitement is killing you...'
-	'"They don''t survive it. Better said, their ''devices'' don''t survive it, and they slowly follow afterwards." she explains.'
-	'You gasp, "They died because why, their cocks... fell off?"'
-	'The nurse nods, "Crudely said, yes. It can cause an incurable gangrene that in the end causes the victim to die. That is another reason why doctors use these africans, people without documents, without connection to reality. People who are missed by nobody... Until they finally fix this side effect, that is."'
-	nurseTalk = 0
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:room:event:nurse:check'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:impreg':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\positiondoggy2.jpg"></center>'
-	'Lying on the bed you hear the door open once again. You have lost count of how many times you have been abused, how many ejaculations have you taken inside you...'
-	'You do not even watch to see who is coming in, you automatically turn around on the bed, sticking your ass up, getting ready to be fucked once again...'
-	if expVolunteer = 0:
-		act 'Await penetration':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg:doctor'
-	else
-		act 'Await penetration':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg:doctor:volunteer'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:impreg:doctor:volunteer':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 3
-	thinpreg = 1
-	knowpreg = 1
-	unrelated_preg = 0
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doc1.jpg"></center>'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>?"'
-	*nl
-	'Hearing that voice you realize it is not another black male coming to abuse you, but one of the doctors!'
-	'You quickly turn around on the bed to be able to look at him. He is watching you with weird interest.'
-	'"What do you want from me?" you ask.'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "I have come to inform you about your progress."'
-	'"Progress?" you look strangely at him.'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Yes, the insemination has finally been processed."'
-	'"Already?" you disappointingly ask.'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Indeed miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, you are pregnant. Congratulations!"'
-	'"Thank you, I guess...?" you don''t really know how to act.'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Both our ovulation drug and male fertility drug worked very efficiently in your case. It was a valuable input to our experiment."'
-	act 'Follow him':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg:dressup'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:impreg:doctor':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 3
-	thinpreg = 1
-	knowpreg = 1
-	unrelated_preg = 0
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\doc1.jpg"></center>'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>?"'
-	*nl
-	'Hearing that voice you realize it is not another black male coming to abuse you, but one of the doctors!'
-	'You quickly turn around on the bed to be able to look at him. He is watching you with weird interest.'
-	'"What do you want from me?" you ask.'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "I have come to inform you about your progress."'
-	'"Progress?" you look strangely at him.'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Yes. The insemination has finally been processed."'
-	'You gasp, "I... I''m...?"'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Indeed miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, you are pregnant. Congratulations!"'
-	'You shake your head in disbelief, "Oh no... pregnant... by one of... them?"'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Of course, who else? Both our ovulation drug and male fertility drug worked very efficiently in your case. It was a valuable input to our experiment."'
-	act 'Collapse and cry':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg:cry'
-	act 'Get angry and shout at him':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg:shout'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:impreg:cry':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\cry.jpg"></center>'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Do not cry miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. You should be proud of yourself, you helped the medical field progress."'
-	'With tears running down your cheeks, "Progress?! My life is ruined! I''m expecting a black bastard! How will I explain this to my friends? To my family?!"'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "That is a problem you should have thought about before signing the form. Now follow me, I will show you to the exit."'
-	act 'Follow him crying':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg:dressup'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:impreg:dressup':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 8
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	'The nurse enters the room, "So miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, here are your things from the locker, please dress up."'
-	'You eagerly put on the clothing that you left in the locker before getting locked up for days, maybe weeks, but definitely dozens of ejaculations ago.'
-	gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg:leave'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:impreg:leave':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 5
-	money += 50000
-	experimentAbsolved += 1
-	gs 'experiment', 'std_block'
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	'The nurse speaks up, "And the last matter to be settled is your payment."'
-	if expVolunteer = 0:'<i>At least I will get paid for the abuse I''ve been through...</i>'
-	'She hands you several bills. You count them, it is 50.000 <b>₽</b>, "Now follow me, I will show you the way out."'
-	if expVolunteer = 0:'<i>Finally, freedom!</i>'
-	if expVolunteer = 1:act 'Uhm... nurse?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg:shout:punish:volunteer1'
-	act 'Get out':gt 'poli', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:impreg:shout:punish:volunteer1':
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	'"What is it miss <<$pcs_lastname>>?" the nurse asks.'
-	'"Uhm... I..." you hesitate.'
-	'The nurse is growing inpatient, "Just tell me what you want, I have to get back to paperwork."'
-	act 'It''s nothing... (thank her and leave)':gt 'poli', 'start'
-	act 'Can I get one last fuck?':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg:shout:punish:volunteer2'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:impreg:shout:punish:volunteer2':
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\locations\shared\clinic\experiment\nurse1.jpg"></center>'
-	'The nurse is a bit shocked by your request, "Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, haven''t you had enough?"'
-	'You look down at the ground, "Uhm... you know..."'
-	'The nurse crosses her arms, "After so many days, being stuffed by those black cocks, and you ask me for another fuck?"'
-	'"Well... I..." you shyly speak.'
-	'With a stern look the nurse begins to speak, "Someone here needs to punished. Abdul, come over here!"'
-	act '(change your mind and quickly leave)':gt 'poli', 'start'
-	act '(sit down and wait)':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg:shout:punish'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:impreg:shout':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 3
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images\pc\shout.jpg"></center>'
-	'"My life is ruined! You have forced upon this me! I was raped at least million times!" you angrily yell out.'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Calm down miss <<$pcs_lastname>>. You should be proud of yourself, you helped the medical field progress.'
-	'"Go to hell! You and your medicine!" you keep on yelling.'
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Calm down or I will have you forcefully led out!"'
-	'"Fuck you!" with these words you jump off the bed and start slapping him with your hands.'
-	'As if from nowhere a pair of strong black hands grab you, lifting you in the air. You''re kicking with your legs like a beetle, but resistance is futile.'
-	*nl
-	'<<$doc1>>: "Thank you Abdul. Show this stubborn girl her place and then kick her out."'
-	*nl
-	'"You heard doctor we job have to do." with these words he looks at you with a mean smile.'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg:shout:punish'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:impreg:shout:punish':
-	menu_off = 1
-	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images\shared\sex\group\africangroup1.mp4"></video></center>'
-	'Several black men, most of them you have ''met'' before, start entering the room.'
-	'The one called Abdul is holding you while the other men grab your legs, making their way to your battered groin.'
-	'Even more violently than before, all of them at once, abuse you. A big black cock is rammed deep in every free hole.'
-	'You cry, you beg, but they are relentless, as if no human pity is left inside them. Might be caused by the fertility drug, but who really knows anymore...'
-	gs 'pain', 4, 'breasts', 'spank'
-	gs 'pain', 4, 'asscheeks', 'spank'
-	gs 'pain', 4, 'neck', 'twist'
-	gs 'pain', 2, 'armL', 'bind'
-	gs 'pain', 2, 'armR', 'bind'
-	gs 'pain', 4, 'vaginal', 'stretch'
-	gs 'pain', 4, 'asshole', 'stretch'
-	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 30, 'bound', 'sub', 'rough', 'humiliation'
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 50
-	gs 'cum_call', '', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 50
-	gs 'cum_call', 'face', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 50
-	gs 'cum_call', 'hair', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 50
-	gs 'cum_call', 'stomach', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 50
-	gs 'cum_call', 'breasts', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 50
-	gs 'cum_call', 'butt', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 50
-	gs 'cum_call', 'labia', 'Some african male', 0, '', 250000, 50
-	gs 'experiment', 'std_block'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'experiment', 'testarea:treatment:impreg:shout:punish:kickout'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'testarea:treatment:impreg:shout:punish:kickout':
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 5
-	'When they are finally done with you, one by one they leave the room and you crumble to the ground, filled with and covered by thick layers of jizz.'
-	'Far too exhausted, you can barely move, much less say anything. The only thing heard in the room for a moment is your hard, shaky breathing.'
-	'"Filthy whore, get up! We''re done with you, to the real world back you go!" He grabs you by your hair, forcing you to get up. Like this he drags you naked and cum covered through the hallway to the reception.'
-	*nl
-	'"Nurse get her junk. I order have to kick her out!" The nurse nods to him before looking down at you. You expected to see pity in her eyes, but she looks at you with disgust and disdain. She quickly shuffles off behind a door and in a few minutes returns carrying a plastic bag with your clothing inside.'
-	'"Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, in this bag are your things and payment for Take it and get out." the nurse starts explaining.'
-	'"No! Give me that," he says before snatching the bag from her. With a twisted smile, he looks down at you, "Doctor give me order so I kick her out!" and without another word, he grabs you and drags you to the entrance.'
-	*nl
-	'<i>He''s going to kick me out of the clinic hall like this? Naked and covered in cum? Really?!</i>'
-	*nl
-	'You didn''t believe he would do it, but he did. He opens the door and pushes you out. You fall onto the cold pavement of the clinic hallway.'
-	'Abdul watches you for a moment as you squirm and try to cover yourself. "Here your slut suit and payment for black cock whoring!" He laughs and throws the bag on you before shutting the door behind him.'
-	'At least you are free once again...'
-	money += 50000
-	experimentAbsolved += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Get up':gt 'poli', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'std_block':
-	venera = 0
-	GerpesOnce = 0
-	Gerpes = 0
-	SifacOnce = 0
-	Sifilis = 0
-	TriperOnce = 0
-	Triper = 0
-	TriperOral = 0
-	KandidozOnce = 0
-	Kandidoz = 0
---- experiment ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 5

@@ -19,11 +19,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	if abonement > 0:'Subscription is valid for <<abonement>> more classes.'
-	act 'Leave':
-		cla
-		minut += 5
-		gt 'down'
-	end
+	act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt 'down'
 	if money >= 3000:
 		act 'Buy a subscription (3,000 <b>₽</b>)':

+ 21 - 21

@@ -1993,8 +1993,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'model':
 					modelpayfin = 300 + (modelpay) + (15*rand(0,5)) + (pcs_apprnc) + (city_modelling/2) + (pcs_mdlng/2 * 10)
 					modelfoto_fashion += 1
 					mdlng_exp += rand(5,8)
-					gs 'fame', 'city', 'mdlng', rand(7,12)
-					gs 'fame', 'pav', 'mdlng', rand(1,city_modelling)/10
+					gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', rand(7,12)
+					gs 'fame', 'pav', 'modelling', rand(1,city_modelling)/10
 					fashionshoot = rand(1,2)
 					gs 'stat'
 					if fashionshoot = 1:
@@ -2021,8 +2021,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'model':
 						minut += 120
 						modelpayfin = 325 + (modelpay) + (15*rand(0,5)) + (pcs_apprnc) + (city_modelling/2) + (pcs_mdlng/2 * 10)
 						modelfoto_bikini += 1
-						gs 'fame', 'city', 'mdlng', rand(7,12)
-						gs 'fame', 'pav', 'mdlng', rand(1,city_modelling)/10
+						gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', rand(7,12)
+						gs 'fame', 'pav', 'modelling', rand(1,city_modelling)/10
 						mdlng_exp += rand(6,10)
 						if pcs_inhib < 50:inhib_exp += 1
 						bikinishoot = rand(1,5)
@@ -2059,8 +2059,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'model':
 						modelpayfin = 350 + (modelpay) + (15*rand(0,5)) + (pcs_apprnc) + (city_modelling/2) + (pcs_mdlng/2 * 10)
 						modelfoto_lingerie += 1
 						mdlng_exp += rand(6,10)
-						gs 'fame', 'city', 'mdlng', rand(7,13)
-						gs 'fame', 'pav', 'mdlng', rand(0,city_modelling)/10
+						gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', rand(7,13)
+						gs 'fame', 'pav', 'modelling', rand(0,city_modelling)/10
 						inhib_exp += 2
 						shoot_type = rand(1,2)
 						gs 'stat'
@@ -2147,11 +2147,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nude_shoot':
 				modelfoto_glamour += 1
 				modelfoto_ero_clo += 1
 				mdlng_exp += rand(5,10)
-				gs 'fame', 'city', 'mdlng', rand(7,12)
-				gs 'fame', 'pav', 'mdlng', rand(1,city_modelling)/10
+				gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', rand(7,12)
+				gs 'fame', 'pav', 'modelling', rand(1,city_modelling)/10
 				inhib_exp += 1
 				gs 'stat'
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/ero<<rand(1,3)>>.jpg"></center>'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/ero<<rand(2,4)>>.jpg"></center>'
 				'	You dress up in sexy clothes and spend the next two hours posing for the photographer.'
 				'	After having taken all his pictures, the photographer thanks you for your time and concludes the shoot, counting out your <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> to hand to you.'
@@ -2172,8 +2172,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nude_shoot':
 			modelfoto_glamour += 1
 			modelfoto_nip += 1
 			mdlng_exp += rand(6,10)
-			gs 'fame', 'city', 'mdlng', rand(7,13)
-			gs 'fame', 'pav', 'mdlng', rand(1,city_modelling)/10
+			gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', rand(7,13)
+			gs 'fame', 'pav', 'modelling', rand(1,city_modelling)/10
 			inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/seethru<<rand(1,6)>>.jpg"></center>'
@@ -2203,8 +2203,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nude_shoot':
 				modelfoto_nip += 1
 				modelfoto_lingerie += 1
 				mdlng_exp += rand(8,10)
-				gs 'fame', 'city', 'mdlng', rand(9,14)
-				gs 'fame', 'pav', 'mdlng', rand(0,city_modelling)/10
+				gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', rand(9,14)
+				gs 'fame', 'pav', 'modelling', rand(0,city_modelling)/10
 				inhib_exp += 4
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/lingerie_trans<<rand(1,3)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -2237,8 +2237,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nude_shoot':
 				modelfoto_nip += 1
 				modelfoto_topless += 1
 				mdlng_exp += rand(6,10)
-				gs 'fame', 'city', 'mdlng', rand(8,14)
-				gs 'fame', 'pav', 'mdlng', rand(1,city_modelling)/10
+				gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', rand(8,14)
+				gs 'fame', 'pav', 'modelling', rand(1,city_modelling)/10
 				inhib_exp += 3
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/topless<<rand(1,22)>>.jpg"></center>'
@@ -2269,8 +2269,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nude_shoot':
 				modelfoto_glamour += 1
 				modelfoto_nude += 1
 				mdlng_exp += rand(9,10)
-				gs 'fame', 'city', 'mdlng', rand(10,20)
-				gs 'fame', 'pav', 'mdlng', rand(0,city_modelling)/4
+				gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', rand(10,20)
+				gs 'fame', 'pav', 'modelling', rand(0,city_modelling)/4
 				inhib_exp += 5
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/nude<<rand(1,5)>>.jpg"></center>'
 				'	Already naked, you step onto the set and begin the shoot immediately.'
@@ -2300,8 +2300,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nude_shoot':
 				modelfoto_glamour += 1
 				modelfoto_nude += 1
 				mdlng_exp += rand(9,10)
-				gs 'fame', 'city', 'mdlng', rand(10,20)
-				gs 'fame', 'pav', 'mdlng', rand(0,city_modelling)/4
+				gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', rand(10,20)
+				gs 'fame', 'pav', 'modelling', rand(0,city_modelling)/4
 				inhib_exp += 5
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/nude<<rand(6,26)>>.jpg"></center>'
 				'	Already naked, you step onto the set and begin the shoot immediately.'
@@ -2335,8 +2335,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nude_shoot':
 				modelfoto_nip += 1
 				modelfoto_pussy += 1
 				mdlng_exp += rand(9,10)
-				gs 'fame', 'city', 'mdlng', rand(10,20)
-				gs 'fame', 'pav', 'mdlng', rand(10,15)
+				gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', rand(10,20)
+				gs 'fame', 'pav', 'modelling', rand(10,15)
 				inhib_exp += 5
 				if pcs_pubes <= 20:
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/nude<<rand(27,35)>>.jpg"></center>'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			'In the center of the village is a small grass covered square where villagers gather to meet and discuss or argue politics or village life.'
 			'One of the building facing the square has a sign saying General Store. A sign in the door proclaims it "CLOSED". It looks like the only place in the village to buy goods.'
-		if hour >= 6 and hour < 20 and month >= 4 and month <= 10:
+		if hour >= 6 and hour < 20:
 			act 'Walk through the village':
 				*clr & cla
 				minut += 15

+ 1 - 1

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	if music_on = 1:
 		$track_loop = 'sound/komb.mp3'
-		volume = 100
+		volume = 80
 		music_loop = 1
 		pl '<a href="exec: music_on = 0 & gt $loc">Turn off the music</a>'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/misha/sex/cum.jpg"></center>'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/misha/sex/cum.mp4"></center>'
 				'His sperm tastes quite bitter as it hits your tongue. Nevertheless, knowing it is what he expects you to do, you swallow it and lick your lips clean like an obedient girl.'
 				'"You swallowed it, girl?" he asks, melodramatically patting your head as a sign of approval. He continues: "Very nice. Go ahead and get dressed, I''ll give you a present for your efforts."'
 				'Uncle Misha leaves the room as you get dressed, and while you quickly put your clothes back on you hope that ''present'' is not more punishment in some shape or form. To your surprise, his present is actually a bank note worth 500 <b>₽</b>.'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maternity_ward':
 						'Donation count: <<pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation_count>>'
 						'Average milk volume per donation in ml: <<pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation/pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation_count>>'
-						'Paid money: <<(((pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation*10)/3)*75)/100>><b>₽</b>'
+						'Paid money: <<((pcs_gpoli_totalmilkdonation/50)*100)>><b>₽</b>'
 					act 'Leave': gt 'gpoli', 'maternity_ward'
@@ -1819,7 +1819,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'maternity_ward_donation':
 			lact_ev['gpoli_milkedvolume'] = 0
 			if pcs_gpoli_donationsessioncount > 0:
-				mward_donatemoney = (((pcs_gpoli_donationsessioncount*500)/3)*75)/100
+				mward_donatemoney = (pcs_gpoli_donationsessioncount*100)
 				mward_donatemoney = 0

+ 5 - 5

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gossip':
 			'"Did you hear what happened at the disco the other night? Sonia gave like five guys a blowjob, at once!"'
-			'"I heard. I don''t think anyone would want to go out with her any more now, not after Kotov and his cronies had their way with her."'
+			'"Yeah, I heard. I don''t think anyone would want to go out with her any more now, not after Kotov and his cronies had their way with her."'
 			'"What do you mean?"'
 			'"They all came right on her face, and made her walk out like that. I bet half the town has seen pictures of her face covered in cum. It''s disgusting!"'
 		elseif soniaPS = 2:
@@ -559,19 +559,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'boys':
 		'"Dude, you''re not gonna believe this. There''s this chick in my class, she''s always letting me look down her shirt!"'
 		'"Man, you''re so full of shit!"'
 	elseif chat_rand = 36:
-		'"I hear Anushka and Alyona sometimes like to run around the school naked after hours."'
-		'"Really? They are so hot, maybe I should hang around school for a while before going home."'
+		'"I heard that Anushka and Alyona sometimes like to run around the school naked after lessons are over."'
+		'"Really? They are so hot! Maybe I should hang around school for a while before going home."'
 	elseif chat_rand = 37:
 		'"I heard Lariska sometimes does a striptease for the jocks after school."'
 		'"Really? God they are so lucky, I wish I was athletic enough to try out for sports, lucky bastards, they get all the girls."'
 	elseif chat_rand = 38:
 		'"I went to see my cousin in Moscow this weekend and we were talking about girls."'
 		'"So what''s new about that, that is all you guys talk about."'
-		'"Yeah, I know, but he was saying that when he stayed here a couple of weeks this summer that, things are different here."'
+		'"Yeah, I know, but he was told me that when he stayed here a couple of weeks this summer, noticed that things are different here."'
 		'"Different? Different how?"'
 		'"Well, he said Pavlovsk is like living in a porn movie or video game. That Moscow is nothing like this."'
 		'The second boy laughs. "More like the girls there see through his bullshit and don''t give him play."'
-		'"Yeah, maybe, but I don''t know. The girls are just different there. I mean, normally it isn''t too hard to find a girl that will let you fuck her, but they are a lot more resistant."'
+		'"Yeah, maybe, but I don''t know. The girls are just different there. I mean, normally it isn''t too hard to find a girl that will let you fuck her, but they are a lot more resistant there."'
 		'"Well, what do you expect? It''s Moscow, they are obsessed with being all prime and proper. Moscow is just boring, it''s not us that are different, but them."'
 		'"Hmm yeah, you''re most likely right, but man it would be fun to live in a porn movie or video game though, wouldn''t it?"'
 		'"Fuck yeah it would!"'

+ 19 - 17

@@ -8,22 +8,11 @@ gs 'stat'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/theater/kinoteatr.jpg"></center>'
 'Small cinema in which there is just one small screen. A movie ticket costs 100 <b>₽</b>.'
-$kinoevent = {
-	act 'Turn around and look':
-		cls
-		pcs_horny += 3
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/theater/sex/kino.mp4"></center>'
-		'You see on the back row a girl sucking a guy, nobody reacts to the loud smacking sound that can be heard by the whole cinema.'
-		'You turn back and watch the rest of the film.'
-		act 'Leave the cinema':gt 'gskver', 'start'		
-	end
+act 'Leave the cinema':minut += 5 & gt 'gskver', 'start'
 if money >= 100:
 	act 'Go to the movies':
-		cla
-		*clr
+		*clr & cla
 		menu_off = 1
 		money -= 100
 		minut += 120
@@ -32,26 +21,39 @@ if money >= 100:
 			'As you are watching the film a guy sits next to you and whispers in your ear, "Everyone knows you like to suck cock, I''ll pay you if you have a go on this."'
 			'Its dark, but you can just about see well enough to see that he is pointing at his dick.'
-			act 'Agree':gt 'gevent', '2'
 			act 'Reject':
 				'You tell him you''d rather watch the film, he mutters something that sounded like bitch and leaves you to watch the rest of the movie in peace.'
 				act 'Leave the cinema':gt 'gskver', 'start'
+			act 'Agree':gt 'gevent', '2'
+		act 'Leave the cinema':gt 'gskver', 'start'
 		if rand(1,100) > 10:
 			'You quietly watch the film.'
-			'You quietly watch the movie, but suddenly behind you there is a strange sound.' & dynamic $kinoevent
+			'You quietly watch the movie, but suddenly behind you there is a strange sound.'
+			gs 'gskino', 'kinoevent'
+	end
-		act 'Leave the cinema':gt 'gskver', 'start'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'kinoevent':
+	act 'Turn around and look':
+		*clr & cla
+		pcs_horny += 3
+		gs'stat'
+		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/theater/sex/kino.mp4"></video></center>'
+		'You see on the back row a girl sucking a guy, nobody reacts to the loud smacking sound that can be heard by the whole cinema.'
+		'You turn back and watch the rest of the film.'
+		act 'Leave the cinema':gt 'gskver', 'start'		
-act 'Leave the cinema':minut += 5 & gt 'gskver', 'start'
 --- gskino ---------------------------------

+ 97 - 111

@@ -15,6 +15,98 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	act 'Step away from the reception desk':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
+	if GermanQW < 1:
+		act 'Ask about the maid job':
+			menu_off = 1
+			*clr & cla
+			if GermanQW = 0:GermanQW = 1
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/resep.girl0,'+rand(0,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			'You approach the reception desk, and ask the girl: "Excuse me... I hear you are often looking for maids? I would like to come work as a maid here."'
+			'She nods understandingly, and takes a quick look at your figure: "We do often need maids, that''s true. I''d hire you in an instant, but unfortunately it''s not up to me. You should go see Herman Leonidovich, the hotel manager. He''s usually in his office between 12:00 and 14:00. I bet he will hire you! Good luck when you go see him!"'
+			act 'Step away from the reception desk':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
+		end
+	end
+	if hotelcollect > 0:
+		act 'Collect your money':
+			cla
+			hotelcollect = 0
+			money += maidtime * 250
+			'She quickly checks the computer and then gives you <<maidtime*250>> <b>₽</b> for all the shifts you worked in the hotel.'
+			maidtime=0
+			if maidHotelCount >= rand(8,10) and nichHotelReferral = 0:
+				'"You are doing a good job as our maid. Did you ever think about working as a maid full-time? I know of a person who''s living in the city and is looking for a live-in maid. The job also pays well."'
+				'She hesitates for a second.'
+				'"I could write you a referral. He wouldn''t invite you for a job interview without one. But the boss wouldn''t like me referring his maids to another employer. That''s why I require you to pay me 5.000 <b>₽</b> for my troubles. Just look at it as a small fee. Just tell me if you want the job and have the money."'
+				nichHotelReferral = 1
+				act 'Thank her for the offer and step away from the reception desk':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
+			else
+				act 'Step away from the reception desk':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if proshotelopen = 1 and proshotelday ! daystart:
+		act'Ask for "The Peacock"':
+			*clr & cla
+			menu_off = 1
+			if pavhotprosQW = 6:
+				pavhotprosQW = 7
+				PavlinQW = 1
+			end
+			gs'stat'
+			if pavlevent = 1:
+				'You are too scared of <<$npc_nickname[''A217'']>> at the moment to meet him in a private place.'
+				act 'Step away from the reception desk':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
+				exit
+			elseif pcs_makeup <= 1 or pcs_hairbsh < 1 or pcs_sweat > 26:
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/resep.girl0,'+rand(0,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
+				'"<<$npc_nickname[''A217'']>> expects you to be clean, made-up and with your hair looking nice. I can''t let you go up looking like this." She says.'
+				act 'Step away from the reception desk':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
+				exit
+			else
+				'You approach <<$receptionName>> and ask for ''The Peacock''.'
+				gt 'hotel_resep', 'pavgenpros'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if nichHotelReferral = 1:
+		act 'Ask about the live-in maid job':
+			*clr & cla
+			menu_off = 1
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/resep.girl0,'+rand(0,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			'You approach the reception desk, and ask the girl: "About the job you told me about ... I''d like to get your referral."'
+			'"Great. Do you have my fee of 5.000 <b>₽</b> with you?"'
+			act 'No':
+				cla & *nl
+				'"Actually I don''t."'
+				'"Too bad. I''m afraid I can''t help you unless you pay me. Just come back as soon as you have the money."'
+				act 'Step away from the reception desk':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
+			end
+			if money >= 5000:
+				act 'Yes (give it to her)':
+					cla & *nl
+					money -= 5000
+					nichHotelReferral = 2
+					gs 'stat'
+					'You give her the money and she swiftly puts it into her purse. Then she hands you your referral. It says that you are a experienced, wellbehaved and diligent maid. It is written on the official paper of the hotel and even has the signature of the manager on it.'
+					'"Don''t worry, the signature is legit. The boss signs everything I hand him."'
+					'She also hands you a small card with an address on it.'
+					'"This is the address. You can get there easily from the city center of St. Petersburg. Just go there in the late afternoon and present your referral. You also have to wear a maid uniform. If you don''t own one you can buy one at the G&M-Store. And make sure you look presentable in every way. I heard this man is a perfectionist. Good luck!"'
+					act 'Thank her and step away':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
 	act'Rent a room':
 		menu_off = 1
 		*clr & cla
@@ -25,18 +117,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			'<<$receptionName>> smiles at you and asks: "Hello <<$pcs_nickname>>! Would you like to rent a room?"'
-		if hotelroom>0:
-			*clr
-			cla
+		if hotelroom > 0:
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/resep.girl0,'+rand(0,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
 			'She looks in the computer: "I see you already have a room here. As it is already booked and paid for the only way to change it to a different room, would be to cancel your existing booking. To do so without notice would forfeit your payment, I would advise against this, but you may do so if you wish."'
 			act'Yes, cancel your booking':hotelroom=0 & gt'HotelHole'
-		end
-		if hotelroom = 0:
-			act'Yes':
-				*clr
-				cla
+		elseif hotelroom = 0:
+			act 'Yes':
+				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/resep.girl0,'+rand(0,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
 				'She smiles at you happily: "Excellent! We have the following rooms available right now:"'
 				'Standard room - 500 <b>₽</b> / night;'
@@ -108,109 +197,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
-if hotelcollect > 0:
-	hotelcollect = 0
-	money+=maidtime*250
-	'She quickly checks the computer and then gives you <<maidtime*250>> <b>₽</b> for all the shifts you worked in the hotel.'
-	maidtime=0
-	if maidHotelCount >= rand (8,10) and nichHotelReferral = 0:
-		'"You are doing a good job as our maid. Did you ever think about working as a maid full-time? I know of a person who''s living in the city and is looking for a live-in maid. The job also pays well."'
-		'She hesitates for a second.'
-		'"I could write you a referral. He wouldn''t invite you for a job interview without one. But the boss wouldn''t like me referring his maids to another employer. That''s why I require you to pay me 5.000 <b>₽</b> for my troubles. Just look at it as a small fee. Just tell me if you want the job and have the money."'
-		nichHotelReferral = 1
-	end
-if nichHotelReferral = 1:
-	act 'Ask about the live-in maid job':
-		menu_off = 1
-		*clr & cla
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/resep.girl0,'+rand(0,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
-		'You approach the reception desk, and ask the girl: "About the job you told me about ... I''d like to get your referral."'
-		'"Great. Do you have my fee of 5.000 <b>₽</b> with you?"'
-		if money >= 5000:
-			act 'Yes (give it to her)':
-				cla
-				money -= 5000
-				nichHotelReferral = 2
-				'You give her the money and she swiftly puts it into her purse. Then she hands you your referral. It says that you are a experienced, wellbehaved and diligent maid. It is written on the official paper of the hotel and even has the signature of the manager on it.'
-				'"Don''t worry, the signature is legit. The boss signs everything I hand him."'
-				'She also hands you a small card with an address on it.'
-				'"This is the address. You can get there easily from the city center of St. Petersburg. Just go there in the late afternoon and present your referral. You also have to wear a maid uniform. If you don''t own one you can buy one at the G&M-Store. And make sure you look presentable in every way. I heard this man is a perfectionist. Good luck!"'
-				act 'Thank her and step away':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
-			end
-		end
-		act 'No':
-			cla
-			'"Actually I don''t."'
-			'"Too bad. I''m afraid I can''t help you unless you pay me. Just come back as soon as you have the money."'
-			act 'Step away from the reception desk':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
-		end
-	end
-If GermanQW < 1:
-	act 'Ask about the maid job':
-		menu_off = 1
-		*clr & cla
-		if GermanQW = 0:GermanQW = 1
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/resep.girl0,'+rand(0,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
-		'You approach the reception desk, and ask the girl: "Excuse me... I hear you are often looking for maids? I would like to come work as a maid here."'
-		'She nods understandingly, and takes a quick look at your figure: "We do often need maids, that''s true. I''d hire you in an instant, but unfortunately it''s not up to me. You should go see Herman Leonidovich, the hotel manager. He''s usually in his office between 12:00 and 14:00. I bet he will hire you! Good luck when you go see him!"'
-		act 'Step away from the reception desk':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
-	end
-	If GermanQW < 1:
-		act 'Ask about the maid job':
-			menu_off = 1
-			*clr & cla
-			if GermanQW = 0:GermanQW = 1
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/resep.girl0,'+rand(0,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
-			'You approach the reception desk, and ask the girl: "Excuse me... I hear you are often looking for maids? I would like to come work as a maid here."'
-			'She nods understandingly, and takes a quick look at your figure: "We do often need maids, that''s true. I''d hire you in an instant, but unfortunately it''s not up to me. You should go see Herman Leonidovich, the hotel manager. He''s usually in his office between 12:00 and 14:00. I bet he will hire you! Good luck when you go see him!"'
-			act 'Step away from the reception desk':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
-		end
-	end
-	if proshotelopen = 1 and proshotelday ! daystart:
-		act'Ask for "The Peacock"':
-			menu_off = 1
-			if pavhotprosQW = 6:
-				pavhotprosQW = 7
-				PavlinQW = 1
-			end
-			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			if pavlevent = 1:
-				'You are too scared of <<$npc_nickname[''A217'']>> at the moment to meet him in a private place.'
-				act 'Step away from the reception desk':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
-				exit
-			elseif pcs_makeup <= 1 or pcs_hairbsh < 1 or pcs_sweat > 26:
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/resep.girl0,'+rand(0,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
-				'"<<$npc_nickname[''A217'']>> expects you to be clean, made-up and with your hair looking nice. I can''t let you go up looking like this." She says.'
-				act 'Step away from the reception desk':gt'HotelHole','skip_resepevent'
-				exit
-			else
-				'You approach <<$receptionName>> and ask for ''The Peacock''.'
-				gt 'hotel_resep', 'pavgenpros'
-			end
-		end
-	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'pavlbar':
 	menu_off = 1
 	*clr & cla

+ 48 - 40

@@ -137,50 +137,58 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'counter':
 	act 'Leave': $kioskloc = '' & minut += 1 & gt $loc
-	act 'Buy a snack (100 <b>₽</b>) (0:05)':
-		*clr & cla
-		gs 'stat'
-		minut += 5
-		money -= 100
-		pcs_health += 10
-		pcs_mood += 20
-		fat += 6
-		pcs_energy += 20
-		if pcs_hydra >= 100:
-			pcs_hydra += 10
-		else
-			pcs_hydra += 20
+	if money >= 100:
+		act 'Buy a snack (100 <b>₽</b>) (0:05)':
+			*clr & cla
+			gs 'stat'
+			minut += 5
+			money -= 100
+			pcs_health += 10
+			pcs_mood += 20
+			fat += 6
+			pcs_energy += 20
+			if pcs_hydra >= 100:
+				pcs_hydra += 10
+			else
+				pcs_hydra += 20
+			end
+			cumspclnt = 2
+			gs 'cum_cleanup'
+			pcs_breath = 0
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/food/food.jpg"></center>'
+			'You enjoy a small tasty, but somewhat fattening, snack.'
+			act 'return': gt 'kiosk', 'start'
-		cumspclnt = 2
-		gs 'cum_cleanup'
-		pcs_breath = 0
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/food/food.jpg"></center>'
-		'You enjoy a small tasty, but somewhat fattening, snack.'
-		act 'return': gt 'kiosk', 'start'
+	else
+		'You don''t have enough money to buy a snack.'
-	act 'Buy some water (40 <b>₽</b>) (0:05)':
-		*clr & cla
-		frost = 1
-		alko -= 1
-		minut += 5
-		money -= 40
-		pcs_health += 10
-		pcs_energy += 4
-		if pcs_hydra >= 100:
-			pcs_hydra += 25
-		else
-			pcs_hydra += 50
+	if money >= 40:
+		act 'Buy some water (40 <b>₽</b>) (0:05)':
+			*clr & cla
+			frost = 1
+			alko -= 1
+			minut += 5
+			money -= 40
+			pcs_health += 10
+			pcs_energy += 4
+			if pcs_hydra >= 100:
+				pcs_hydra += 25
+			else
+				pcs_hydra += 50
+			end
+			cumspclnt = 2
+			gs 'cum_cleanup'
+			pcs_breath = 0
+			gs 'cum_cleanup'
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/brothel/barorderwater.jpg"></center>'
+			'You enjoy a drink of water'
+			act 'return': gt 'kiosk', 'start'
-		cumspclnt = 2
-		gs 'cum_cleanup'
-		pcs_breath = 0
-		gs 'cum_cleanup'
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/brothel/barorderwater.jpg"></center>'
-		'You enjoy a drink of water'
-		act 'return': gt 'kiosk', 'start'
+	else
+		'You don''t have enough money to buy some water.'
 	act 'View phone themes': $kioskloc = '' & gt 'kiosk', 'themes'

+ 3 - 1

@@ -204,8 +204,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'event3_1':
 							'You tell Kseniya you are done and want your clothes back.'
 							'"Over there. Sit down hand between your legs, that''s the one"'
 							'As you try and pose you realise your pussy is soaking wet and your nervousness about exposing yourself is completely overcome.'
-							'Kseniya hands you back your clothes and gives you a business card, it is for a shop in Old Town, off the high street. How odd.'
+							'Kseniya hands you back your clothes and gives you a business card, it is for a shop in Old Town. How odd.'
 							'"It was fun and I''m glad I found you. I have others to find though so good bye." Kseniya blows you a kiss and leaves. By the time you are dressed she is long gone.'
+							*nl
+							'You look at the card again "Expression of You" just off Pushkin High Street. Open Mon-Sat, 08:00 - 18:00'
 							gs 'arousal', 'flash', 10, 'sub'
 							gs 'arousal', 'end'
 							minut -= 5

+ 15 - 2

@@ -339,13 +339,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 		$EyeColorTab =   func('lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Eye Color',  '40', '30', '$eyeColors', 'i',         'pcs_eyecol')
 		$EyeLashTab =    func('lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Eye Lashes', '40', '30', '$eyeLashes', 'i',         'pcs_lashes')
 		$LipTab =        func('lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Lip Size',   '40', '30', '$lipSize',   'i',         'pcs_lip')
-		$BreastTab =     func('lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Breast Size','40', '30', '$breastSize','breastSize','pcs_cupsize')
+		$BreastTab =     func('lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Breast Size','40', '30', '$breastSize','breastSize','nbsize')
 		$SkinTab = "<a href=""EXEC:pcs_skin = 100 & pcs_manna -= 40 & gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 30 & gs 'stat' & gt 'lab', 'BodyModded', 'Skin', 'clear'"">Clear Skin</a>"
 		$VirginTab = "<a href=""EXEC:pcs_vag = 0 & pcs_manna -= 40 & gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 30 & gs 'stat' & gt 'lab', 'BodyModded', 'Virginity', 'renewed'"">Renew Virginity</a>"
 		$SiliconeTab = "<a href=""EXEC:brSurTemp = 0 & stringimplant = 0 & fillimplant = 0 & pcs_manna -= 40 & gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 30 & gs 'stat' & gt 'lab', 'BodyModded', 'Boobs', 'natural again'"">Remove Silicone</a>"
-		"<CENTER>
+		$SpellListStr = "<CENTER>
@@ -365,6 +365,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
+		*pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr)
+		killvar '$HairColorTab'
+		killvar '$HairLengthTab'
+		killvar '$EyeColorTab'
+		killvar '$EyeLashTab'
+		killvar '$LipTab'
+		killvar '$BreastTab'
+		killvar '$SkinTab'
+		killvar '$VirginTab'
+		killvar '$SiliconeTab'
+		killvar '$SpellListStr'
 		act 'No, no, I''ve changed my mind. Thank you':gt 'lab', 'Tatiana'

+ 4 - 4

@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bp_milking':
 		if lactation['breastmv'] > 0 and (func('lact_bp','useable_sbottle_count') > 0 or func('lact_bp','useable_mbottle_count') > 0):
-			pumptime = (func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', 3, (lactation['breastmv']/10)))
+			pumptime = (func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', 3, (lactation['breastmv']/1000)))
 			if pumptime > 5:
 				pumptime -= 2
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bp_milking':
 				act 'Pump until breasts are empty':
-					pumptime = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', 3, (lactation['breastmv']/10))
+					pumptime = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', 3, (lactation['breastmv']/1000))
 					if pumptime > 5:
 						pumptime -= 2
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man_milking':
 		'How long do you want to massage your breasts?'
 	if lactation['breastmv'] > 0:
-		pumptime = (func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', 5, (lactation['breastmv']/10)))
+		pumptime = (func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', 5, (lactation['breastmv']/1000)))
 		if pumptime > 60:
 			act 'Express until breasts are empty':
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man_milking':
 			act 'Express until breasts are empty':
-				pumptime = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', 5, (lactation['breastmv']/10))
+				pumptime = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', 5, (lactation['breastmv']/1000))
 				gt 'lact_bp', 'hand_milking'

+ 109 - 135

@@ -21,52 +21,25 @@
 !!	lactation['breastcount'] = how many breasts does sveta have? Usually should be set to 2.
 !!	lactation['maturebreast'] = Did Svetas breast fully change during pregnancy yet? 0 = no, 1 = yes
 !!	lactation['breastpumped'] = old breastpumped variable.
+!!	lactation['max_sucktion_demand'] = old max_sucktion_demand variable. Used in milking function
+!!	breastcounter = times the breasts have been milked/sucked/pumped
+!!	lactation['max_nip_flow_rate'] = old max_nip_flow_rate variable. used in milking function
+!!	lactation['suck_flow_rate'] = old suck_flow_rate variable. Used in milking function
+!!	lactation['soreness_mod'] = old soreness_mod variable. Used in milking functions
+!!	lactation['nip_flow_mod'] = old nip_flow_mod variable. Used in milking functions
+!!	lactation['used_lactaterate'] = old lactaterate_use variable.
+!!	lactation['nipple_cream_applied'] = old nipple_cream variable. Used in soreness_mod function
+!!	lactation['lactaterate_per_min'] = old temp_lactaterate variable in get breast milking time function
+!!	lactation['produced_milk'] = dummy used in milking function.
 !!	---- old variables ---------------------------------------------------------
 !!	- These Variables still need to be replaced/removed or substituted. -
-!!	breastcounter
-!!	di_i
-!!	emb_i
 !!	energytomilkpump
-!!	lactaterate_use
-!!	max_nip_flow_rate
-!!	max_sucktion_demand
-!!	mbarrcool
-!!	mbarrfill
-!!	mbarrloca
-!!	mbarrmage
-!!	mbarrtype
-!!	milk_demand
-!!	nip_flow
-!!	nip_flow_mod
-!!	nipple_cream
-!!	pcs_ask_mward_help
-!!	pcs_know_mward
-!!	pcs_knows_electric_pump
-!!	pcs_massagedherbreasts
-!!	pcs_usedbreastpumponherself
-!!	piits_i
-!!	pump_bottletype
 !!	pump_stop_brake
-!!	pump_timestamp
-!!	pumpinggrowth
 !!	pumptime
 !!	pumptime_left
-!!	pumptype
-!!	rbc_index
-!!	reg_bottlem_count
-!!	reg_bottles_count
-!!	soreness_mod
-!!	suck_flow_rate
-!!	suck_until_pain
-!!	temp_breastsize
-!!	temp_lactaterate
-!!	temp_timestamp
-!!	temp_var
-!!	temp_var2
-!!	ts_i
-!!	umbc_i
-!!	usbc_i
-!!	vmb_i
+!!	suck_until_pain = needs update
+!!	temp_var = need to find ways to get rid of temp_var dump
+!!	temp_var2 = need to find ways to get rid of temp_var dump
 !!	This function is called only once in the begining of the game. It is calculating svetas mammary gland density and alveolicount and sets the breastcount which will be 2 naturally
 if $ARGS[0] = 'init_breasttissue' and lactation['breasttissueinitiated'] <= 0:
@@ -101,11 +74,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'init_breasttissue' and lactation['breasttissueinitiated'] <= 0:
 	!!	full breastccm would be nbsize + magicf2b + silicone.
 	!!	Getting percentage tissue from breastccm.
 	lactation['breastccm'] = func('lact_lib','bsizetoccm',(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone))
-	lactation['nbsizepercent'] = (nbsize/(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone))*100
-	lactation['magicf2bpercent'] = (magicf2b/(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone))*100
-	lactation['siliconepercent'] = (silicone/(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone))*100
-	lactation['nbsizepercent_wos'] = (nbsize/(nbsize + magicf2b))*100
-	lactation['magicf2bpercent_wos'] = (magicf2b/(nbsize + magicf2b))*100
+	if lactation['breastccm'] <= 0: lactation['breastccm'] = 1
+	lactation['nbsizepercent'] = (nbsize*100/(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone)*100)/100
+	lactation['magicf2bpercent'] = (magicf2b*100/(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone)*100)/100
+	lactation['siliconepercent'] = (silicone*100/(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone)*100)/100
+	lactation['nbsizepercent_wos'] = (nbsize*100/(nbsize + magicf2b)*100)/100
+	lactation['magicf2bpercent_wos'] = (magicf2b*100/(nbsize + magicf2b)*100)/100
 	lactation['nbsizechange'] = nbsize
 	lactation['magicf2bchange'] = magicf2b
 	lactation['siliconechange'] = silicone
@@ -243,10 +217,11 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'breastrecalc':
 	!!	use func('lact_lib','breastrecalc')
 	lactation['breastccm'] = func('lact_lib','bsizetoccm',(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone))
-	lactation['nbsizepercent'] = (nbsize/(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone))*100
-	lactation['magicf2bpercent'] = (magicf2b/(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone))*100
-	lactation['siliconepercent'] = (silicone/(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone))*100
-	lactation['magicf2bpercent_wos'] = (magicf2b/(nbsize + magicf2b))*100
+	if lactation['breastccm'] <= 0: lactation['breastccm'] = 1
+	lactation['nbsizepercent'] = (nbsize*100/(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone)*100)/100
+	lactation['magicf2bpercent'] = (magicf2b*100/(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone)*100)/100
+	lactation['siliconepercent'] = (silicone*100/(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone)*100)/100
+	lactation['magicf2bpercent_wos'] = (magicf2b*100/(nbsize + magicf2b)*100)/100
 	lactation['breastuseabletissue'] = ((lactation['nbsizepercent'] + lactation['magicf2bpercent'])*lactation['breastccm'])/100
 	lactation['breastsiliconeccm'] = (lactation['siliconepercent']*lactation['breastccm'])/100
 	if lactation['alveolicount'] > 0:
@@ -291,28 +266,26 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'breastrecalc':
 	lactation['breastfat'] = lactation['breastuseabletissue'] - lactation['breastglandtissue']
-!!	This function fixes some things that are caused by cheats
-if ARGS[0] = 'AntiCheatIssues':
-	!! usage func('lact_lib', 'AntiCheatIssues')
-	if lactation['breasttissueinitiated'] <= 0: func('lact_lib','init_breasttissue')
-	if lactation['breastccm'] <= 0: func('lact_lib','breastrecalc')
-	if lactation['breastccm'] <= 0: lactation['breastccm'] = 1
-	if lactation['active'] > 0 and lactation['alveoliexpandlvl_change'] < lactation['alveoliexpandlvl']: lactation['alveoliexpandlvl_change'] = lactation['alveoliexpandlvl']
 !!	This function is used for breastgrowth. When nbsize, magicf2b, silicone, alveolicount or the alveoliexpandlvl are changed the breastccm changes. Everything will be written back to the specific variable
 if $ARGS[0] = 'BreastGrowth':
 	!!	usage func('lact_lib','BreastGrowth')
-	!!	setting everything in here.
+	!!	Checking for variable errors, and re-initializing breastccm or alveolicount
+	if lactation['breastccm'] <= 0 or lactation['alveolicount'] <= 0:
+		lactation['breasttissueinitiated'] = 0
+		func('lact_lib','init_breasttissue')
+	end
+	!!	things will start if breastccm is different from bust/cup size (mostly due to other events or cheating) or if the mammaryglands change due to breastpumping or pregnancy.
 	if lactation['breastccm'] <> func('lact_lib','bsizetoccm',(nbsize + magicf2b + silicone)) or lactation['alveolicount_change'] <> lactation['alveolicount'] or lactation['alveoliexpandlvl_change'] <> lactation['alveoliexpandlvl']:
 		!!	There are general breast growth events that will increase nbsize, magicf2b or silicone. So the breast "contents" have to be recalculated. This is happening here with the breastrecalc function.
 		!!	Now the fun part. Warning, crazy math ahead. I got headaches while doing this, so better not mess with it or you will break everything.
 		!!	first - check for alveoligrowth: yes, do the crazy stuff
+		!!	second - check for nbsize, magicf2b and silicone change
+		!!	there is no else on purpose, because nothing should happen to svetas breasts if nothing else changes
 		if lactation['alveolicount_change'] <> lactation['alveolicount'] or lactation['alveoliexpandlvl_change'] <> lactation['alveoliexpandlvl']:
 			!!	calculating the ccm all mammarygland tissue will use up in the breast, based on alveolicount and alveoliexpandlvl. With every level, cmm will rise by 20 per alveoli.
 			lactation['breastglandtissue']= (lactation['alveolicount'] * (218 + (lactation['alveoliexpandlvl'] * 20)))/100000
 			!!	Crazy Math going on here. When I was coding this, only god and I knew what I was doing. Now only god knows.
-			!!	Well, this one recalculates all the CCM stuff to normal nbsize, magicf2b and silicone. It works, no idea why, but it works.
+			!!	Well actually, this one recalculates all the CCM stuff to normal nbsize, magicf2b and silicone. It works, no idea why, but it works.
 			lactation['breastccm'] = (lactation['breastglandtissue'] + lactation['breastfat'] + lactation['breastsiliconeccm'])
 			lactation['siliconepercent'] = (lactation['breastsiliconeccm']/lactation['breastccm'])*100
 			lactation['magicf2bccm'] = ((lactation['breastccm'] - ((lactation['breastccm']*lactation['siliconepercent'])/100))*lactation['magicf2bpercent_wos'])/100
@@ -357,6 +330,7 @@ end
 !!	milk production function
 if $ARGS[0] = 'prod_milk':
 	!!	function for Svetas milk production. Milk production will cost stamina, hydration, and hunger. this function is used in breastcycle
+	!!	I know, pretty complex for just making breast milk, but hey - life is complex :D
 	!!	func('lact_lib','prod_milk',milkamount)
 	!!	result = produced breast milk amount in ml*1000
 	!!	ARGS[1] = Requested milk production amount produced in ml*1000. Usually should be the lactaterate.
@@ -444,7 +418,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'prod_milk':
-!!	breast status messages - for use in stat_display
+!!	breast status messages - for use in stat_display. Explains itself basically.
 if $ARGS[0] = 'breast_stat_disp':
 !! breast status
 	if lactation['active'] <= 0:
@@ -502,6 +476,7 @@ end
 !!	function for breast engorment, used in breastcycle
 if $ARGS[0] = 'breast_engorment':
+	!!	relatively easy. if the breasts get full, engorgement will happen.
 	if lactation['breastmv'] >= lactation['breastmm']:
 		temp_var = lactation['breastmv'] - lactation['breastmm']
 		lactation['breastmv'] = lactation['breastmm']
@@ -528,8 +503,7 @@ end
 !!	Lactation On/Off switch function
 if $ARGS[0] = 'lact_switch':
-	!!	Usage
-	!!	func('lact_lib','lact_switch')
+	!!	Usage func('lact_lib','lact_switch')
 	if lactation['active'] <= 0:	
 		!!	Sveta is not aware of the lactation yet. She will notice when playing with her breasts or applying pressure to them. Or during pumping or when she starts to leak.
 		lactation['pc_aware'] = 0
@@ -547,7 +521,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'lact_switch':
 		lactation['nipgrowth'] = 2
 		pcs_nips += lactation['nipgrowth']
 		if lactation['alveoliexpandlvl'] < 10: lactation['alveoliexpandlvl'] = 10
-		if lactation['alveoliexpandlvl_change'] < 10: lactation['alveoliexpandlvl_change'] = 10
+		if lactation['alveoliexpandlvl_change'] < 9: lactation['alveoliexpandlvl_change'] = 9
 		lactation['milkprod_type'] = 1
 		!!	If lactation is on, the stuff below will switch it off again.
@@ -556,17 +530,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'lact_switch':
 		lactation['breastmv'] = 0
 		lactation['breastmm'] = 0
 		lactation['alveoliexpandlvl'] = 0
-		lactation['alveoliexpandlvl_change'] = 0
+		lactation['alveoliexpandlvl_change'] = 1
 		lactation['prolactinlvl'] = 0
 		if pcs_nips > lactation['nipgrowth']: pcs_nips -= lactation['nipgrowth']
 		lactation['nipgrowth'] = 0
+	!!	Always trigger the breastcycle after breast change, or the changes to svetas breasts will not happen.
+	func('lact_lib','breastcycle')
-!!	new breast cycle function, will replace the monster lactation function in femcyc
+!!	new breast cycle function, replaced the monster lactation function in femcyc
 if $ARGS[0] = 'breastcycle':
 	if lactation['breasttissueinitiated'] <= 0: func('lact_lib','init_breasttissue')
-	func('lact_lib', 'AntiCheatIssues')
 	!!	usage func('lact_lib','breastcycle')
 	!!	if lactating or not, breasts will grow during pregnancy. This will only happen during first full pregnancy
 	if pregchem => 2191 and lactation['maturebreast'] <= 0:
@@ -574,8 +549,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'breastcycle':
 		!!	Checking pregchem last. It should not be small than 0.
 		if lactation['pregchemlast'] <= 0:
 			lactation['pregchemlast'] = 2191
+			lactation['preggrowth'] = 0
-		if lactation['preggrowth'] <= 78876 and (pregchem - lactation['pregchemlast']) > 0:
+		if lactation['preggrowth'] <= 78876 and (pregchem - lactation['pregchemlast']) >= 0:
 			lactation['preggrowth'] = (pregchem - 2191) * 36
 			lactation['alveolicount'] = lactation['alveolicount_start'] + lactation['preggrowth']
 			lactation['growthsoreness_on'] = 1
@@ -694,11 +670,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'breastcycle':
-!!	this needs to be reworked
+!! Used for switching off all lactation related content
 if $ARGS[0] = 'lactate_optout':
-	!! func('lact_lib','lactate_optout')
-	!! use gs 'lact_lib','lactate_optout'
-	!! Used for switching off all lactation related content
+	!! usage 1: func('lact_lib','lactate_optout')
+	!! usage 2: gs 'lact_lib','lactate_optout'
+	if lactation['active'] > 0:
+		func('lact_lib','lact_switch')
+	end
 	lactation['active'] = 0
 	lactation['prolactinlvl'] = 0
 	lactation['lactmess'] = 0
@@ -706,7 +684,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'lactate_optout':
 	lactation['breastmv'] = 0
 	lactation['breastmm'] = 0
 	lactation['lactaterate'] = 0
-	milk_demand = 0
+	lactation['dailyoverdemand'] = 0
 !!	get suckflow rate function
@@ -715,7 +693,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'get_suckflowrate':
 	!!	The suck flow rate is the demand that is applied to Svetas breasts per minute. Be it breast massaging, direct nipple sucking or the simple use of a breast pump.
 	!!	ARGS[1] = sucktion_type: the type of sucktion. adult_mouth [0], child_mouth [1], baby_mouth [2], manual_breastpump [3] , electric_breastpump [4], hand_expressing [5], cow milker [6], weak baby_mouth [7], stimulation during sex/sex play [8]
 	!!	what type of sucktion is happening? different sucktion can cause a different demand of breastmilk.
-	!!	Result is base rate of sucktion 10ml/minute x 1000. So if the sucktion rate is 10ml/min then suck_flow_rate = 100.
+	!!	Result is base rate of sucktion 10ml/minute x 1000. So if the sucktion rate is 10ml/min then suck_flow_rate = 10000.
 	if ARGS[1] = 0:
 		!!	'adult sucking'
 		result = 12000
@@ -754,24 +732,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'get_maxnipflowrate':
 	!!	lactation['max_nip_flow_rate'] = func('lact_lib','get_maxnipflowrate')
 	!!	How much milk can be sucked out through svetas nipples per minute.
 	!!	Result is base rate is 10ml/minute x 1000.
-	!!	Calculating the nip flow mod. The more svetas breasts were worked/sucked, the more milk can go through her nipples.
+	!!	Calculating the nip flow mod. The more svetas breasts were worked/sucked, the more milk can go through her nipples. Max cap is at 9000 (9ml/min).
 	lactation['nip_flow_mod'] = breastcounter * 100
 	!!	IT IS OVER 9000! 
 	if lactation['nip_flow_mod'] > 9000: lactation['nip_flow_mod'] = 9000
+	!!	y = 100x + 6000 linear growth for the nip flowrate
 	if pcs_nips > 0:
-		result = (6000 + lactation['nip_flow_mod'])
-	elseif pcs_nips > 20:
-		result = (8000 + lactation['nip_flow_mod'])
-	elseif pcs_nips > 40:
-		result = (10000 + lactation['nip_flow_mod'])
-	elseif pcs_nips > 60:
-		result = (12000 + lactation['nip_flow_mod'])
-	elseif pcs_nips > 80:
-		result = (14000 + lactation['nip_flow_mod'])
-	elseif pcs_nips > 100:
-		result = (16000 + lactation['nip_flow_mod'])
+		result = ((100*pcs_nips) + 6000 + lactation['nip_flow_mod'])
-		result = (10000 + lactation['nip_flow_mod'])
+		result = (6000 + lactation['nip_flow_mod'])
@@ -832,68 +801,70 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '$get_breastmilk_time':
 	!!	func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', sucktion_type, milk_demand)
 	!!	ARGS[1] = sucktion_type: the type of sucktion. adult_mouth [0], child_mouth [1], baby_mouth [2], manual_breastpump [3] , electric_breastpump [4], hand_expressing [5], cow milker [6], weak baby_mouth [7], stimulation during sex/sex play [8]
 	!!	ARGS[2] = milk_demand: how much milk is demanded. Warning: Should be ml and not in ml*10 for ease of use. :D
-	!!	RESULT = Time in Minutes
+	!!	result = Time in Minutes
 	!!	Usage: breastmilktimetoget = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', 2, 150)
 	!!	This function is just calculating the amount of time needed to get a specific amount of milk from svetas breasts. It is not pumping milk from her or changes anything else.
 	!!	If you want to milk sveta, use get_breastmilk.
 	if lactation['active'] > 0:
-		!! suck_flow_rate initialized Base Rate of sucking is 10ml/minute.
+		!! suck_flow_rate initialized Base Rate of sucking is 10ml/minute x 1000.
 		lactation['suck_flow_rate'] = func('lact_lib','get_suckflowrate', ARGS[1])
 		!!	max nip flow rate initialized
 		lactation['max_nip_flow_rate'] = func('lact_lib','get_maxnipflowrate')
 		!!	getting temp lactaterate
 		if (lactation['lactaterate']/60) < 1 and lactation['lactaterate'] > 0:
-			temp_lactaterate = 1
+			lactation['lactaterate_per_min'] = 1
-			temp_lactaterate = lactation['lactaterate']/60
+			lactation['lactaterate_per_min'] = lactation['lactaterate']/60
-		if lactation['breastmv'] >= (ARGS[2]*10):
+		!!	resetting lactation['milk_time_output'] to 0
+		lactation['milk_time_output'] = 0
+		!!	getting breast milking time
+		if lactation['breastmv'] >= (ARGS[2]*1000):
 			if lactation['max_nip_flow_rate'] <= lactation['suck_flow_rate']:
-				temp_var = (ARGS[2]*10)/lactation['max_nip_flow_rate']
+				lactation['milk_time_output'] = (ARGS[2]*1000)/lactation['max_nip_flow_rate']
-				temp_var = (ARGS[2]*10)/lactation['suck_flow_rate']
+				lactation['milk_time_output'] = (ARGS[2]*1000)/lactation['suck_flow_rate']
-			RESULT = temp_var
-		elseif lactation['breastmv'] > 0 and lactation['breastmv'] < (ARGS[2]*10):
+			result = lactation['milk_time_output']
+		elseif lactation['breastmv'] > 0 and lactation['breastmv'] < (ARGS[2]*1000):
 			if lactation['max_nip_flow_rate'] <= lactation['suck_flow_rate']:
-				temp_var = lactation['breastmv']/lactation['max_nip_flow_rate']
-				temp_var2 = (ARGS[2]*10) - lactation['breastmv']
-				if lactation['max_nip_flow_rate'] <= temp_lactaterate:
-					temp_var += temp_var2/lactation['max_nip_flow_rate']
+				lactation['milk_time_output'] = lactation['breastmv']/lactation['max_nip_flow_rate']
+				temp_var2 = (ARGS[2]*1000) - lactation['breastmv']
+				if lactation['max_nip_flow_rate'] <= lactation['lactaterate_per_min']:
+					lactation['milk_time_output'] += temp_var2/lactation['max_nip_flow_rate']
-					temp_var += temp_var2/(temp_lactaterate*10)
+					lactation['milk_time_output'] += temp_var2/lactation['lactaterate_per_min']
-				temp_var = lactation['breastmv']/lactation['suck_flow_rate']
-				temp_var2 = (ARGS[2]*10) - lactation['breastmv']
-				if lactation['suck_flow_rate'] <= temp_lactaterate:
-					temp_var += temp_var2/lactation['suck_flow_rate']
+				lactation['milk_time_output'] = lactation['breastmv']/lactation['suck_flow_rate']
+				temp_var2 = (ARGS[2]*1000) - lactation['breastmv']
+				if lactation['suck_flow_rate'] <= lactation['lactaterate_per_min']:
+					lactation['milk_time_output'] += temp_var2/lactation['suck_flow_rate']
-					temp_var += temp_var2/(temp_lactaterate*10)
+					lactation['milk_time_output'] += temp_var2/lactation['lactaterate_per_min']
-			RESULT = temp_var
+			result = lactation['milk_time_output']
 		elseif lactation['breastmv'] <=0:
 			if lactation['max_nip_flow_rate'] <= lactation['suck_flow_rate']:
-				if lactation['max_nip_flow_rate'] <= temp_lactaterate:
-					temp_var = (ARGS[2]*10)/lactation['max_nip_flow_rate']
+				if lactation['max_nip_flow_rate'] <= lactation['lactaterate_per_min']:
+					lactation['milk_time_output'] = (ARGS[2]*1000)/lactation['max_nip_flow_rate']
-					temp_var = (ARGS[2]*10)/(temp_lactaterate*10)
+					lactation['milk_time_output'] = (ARGS[2]*1000)/lactation['lactaterate_per_min']
-				if lactation['suck_flow_rate'] <= temp_lactaterate:
-					temp_var = (ARGS[2]*10)/lactation['suck_flow_rate']
+				if lactation['suck_flow_rate'] <= lactation['lactaterate_per_min']:
+					lactation['milk_time_output'] = (ARGS[2]*1000)/lactation['suck_flow_rate']
-					temp_var = (ARGS[2]*10)/(temp_lactaterate*10)
+					lactation['milk_time_output'] = (ARGS[2]*1000)/lactation['lactaterate_per_min']
-			RESULT = temp_var
+			result = lactation['milk_time_output']
-			RESULT = 0
+			result = 0
-		RESULT = 0
+		result = 0
@@ -902,7 +873,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '$get_breastmilk':
 	!!	ARGS[1] = sucktion_type: the type of sucktion. adult_mouth [0], child_mouth [1], baby_mouth [2], manual_breastpump [3] , electric_breastpump [4], hand_expressing [5], cow milker [6], weak baby_mouth [7], stimulation during sex/sex play [8]
 	!!	ARGS[2] = sucktion_time: how many minutes the sucking/pumping takes place
 	!!	Usage: breastmilkvolume = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 4, 20)
-	!! 	RESULT = Milk in ml*10
+	!! 	result = Milk in ml*10
 	!!	Sveta, someone or something tries to milk Svetas breasts, so the daily variable breastpumped is switched on. This is used for the breastcycle/femcycle. If this is not switched on, possible changes like prolactinlvl etc go down.
 	lactation['breastpumped'] = 1
 	!! suck_flow_rate initialized Base Rate of sucking is 10ml/minute.
@@ -918,34 +889,34 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '$get_breastmilk':
 		if lactation['dailyoverdemand'] <= 0: lactation['dailyoverdemand'] = 0
 		pump_stop_brake = 0
 		!!	This is how much milk demand is applied to the breasts. In this function it is needed to calculate the nipple pain and breast pain.
-		max_sucktion_demand = lactation['suck_flow_rate']*ARGS[2]
+		lactation['max_sucktion_demand'] = lactation['suck_flow_rate']*ARGS[2]
 		if pain['nipples'] <= 60:
 			suck_until_pain = (((60 - pain['nipples'])*lactation['soreness_mod'])*1000)/(lactation['suck_flow_rate']/18)
-		temp_var = pain['nipples'] + max_sucktion_demand/(lactation['soreness_mod']*10000)
+		temp_var = pain['nipples'] + lactation['max_sucktion_demand']/(lactation['soreness_mod']*10000)
 		if temp_var > 60:
 			pain['nipples'] = 65
 			pump_stop_brake = 1
 			pumptime = suck_until_pain
-			max_sucktion_demand = lactation['suck_flow_rate']*pumptime
+			lactation['max_sucktion_demand'] = lactation['suck_flow_rate']*pumptime
-			pain['nipples'] += max_sucktion_demand/(lactation['soreness_mod']*100000)
+			pain['nipples'] += lactation['max_sucktion_demand']/(lactation['soreness_mod']*100000)
-		temp_var = pain['breasts'] + max_sucktion_demand/10000
+		temp_var = pain['breasts'] + lactation['max_sucktion_demand']/10000
 		if temp_var > 20:
 			pain['breasts'] = 25
-			pain['breasts'] += max_sucktion_demand/10000
+			pain['breasts'] += lactation['max_sucktion_demand']/10000
 		!!	Pumping breasts is exhausting even if no milk comes. Pumping will impact the stamina of Sveta if she is not lactating.
-		temp_var = pcs_stam - (max_sucktion_demand/30000)
+		temp_var = pcs_stam - (lactation['max_sucktion_demand']/30000)
 		if temp_var < 0:
 			pcs_stam = 0
 			!!	energy usage flag on.
 			energytomilkpump = 1
 			pcs_sweat += pumptime/30
-			pcs_stam -= max_sucktion_demand/30000
+			pcs_stam -= lactation['max_sucktion_demand']/30000
 			pcs_sweat += pumptime/30
 			!!	energy usage flag on.
 			energytomilkpump = 1
@@ -955,34 +926,35 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '$get_breastmilk':
 			breastcounter += pumptime/10
-		lactation['dailyoverdemand'] += max_sucktion_demand
+		lactation['dailyoverdemand'] += lactation['max_sucktion_demand']
+		func('lact_lib','breast_engorment')
 		result = 0
 	elseif lactation['active'] > 0:
 		!!	How much milk demand is applied to the breasts.
-		max_sucktion_demand = lactation['suck_flow_rate']*ARGS[2]
+		lactation['max_sucktion_demand'] = lactation['suck_flow_rate']*ARGS[2]
 		!!	We want to know if we can just suck out what is already stored or if additional milk production is needed to go through the whole pumping/sucking.
 		!!	If we only need 20ml from a 100ml storage, we would only substract 20ml, leaving 80ml inside the breasts.
 		!!	Also lets make sure we start at zero from the stuff we get from Sveta.
 		lactation['get_bm_milkedvolume'] = 0
 		!!	Case: Enough milk in Svetas breasts, covering the demand
-		if lactation['breastmv'] >= max_sucktion_demand:
+		if lactation['breastmv'] >= lactation['max_sucktion_demand']:
 			!!	Checking if svetas nipple flow is enough to serve the demand. If yes - get the demand; If no - get what she is able to give us.
 			if lactation['max_nip_flow_rate'] >= lactation['suck_flow_rate']:
-				lactation['get_bm_milkedvolume'] = max_sucktion_demand
-				lactation['breastmv'] -= max_sucktion_demand
+				lactation['get_bm_milkedvolume'] = lactation['max_sucktion_demand']
+				lactation['breastmv'] -= lactation['max_sucktion_demand']
 				lactation['get_bm_milkedvolume'] = lactation['max_nip_flow_rate']*ARGS[2]
 				lactation['breastmv'] -= lactation['get_bm_milkedvolume']
 		!!	Case: Not enough milk in Svetas breasts.
-		elseif lactation['breastmv'] < max_sucktion_demand:
+		elseif lactation['breastmv'] < lactation['max_sucktion_demand']:
 			!!	We have two sub cases in this one. Sveta has no lactation['breastmv'] and Sveta has not enough lactation['breastmv']. This means she has to produce more milk, but first we need to know how much is needed.
 			!!	temp_var will be the amount of milk Sveta has to produce to serve the demand. pump time left is the time left after lactation['breastmv'] is drained.
 			if lactation['breastmv'] <= 0:
-				temp_var = max_sucktion_demand
+				temp_var = lactation['max_sucktion_demand']
 				pumptime_left = ARGS[2]
-				temp_var = max_sucktion_demand - lactation['breastmv']
+				temp_var = lactation['max_sucktion_demand'] - lactation['breastmv']
 				if lactation['max_nip_flow_rate'] >= lactation['suck_flow_rate']:
 					pumptime_left = ARGS[2] - (lactation['breastmv']/lactation['suck_flow_rate'])
@@ -1030,7 +1002,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '$get_breastmilk':
 				if lactation['get_bm_milkedvolume'] > 0:
 					!!	energy usage flag on. Can be used in events to show that sveta is getting hungry or thirsty
 					energytomilkpump = 1
-					func('lact_lib','prod_milk',lactation['get_bm_milkedvolume'])
+					lactation['produced_milk'] = func('lact_lib','prod_milk',lactation['get_bm_milkedvolume'])
 			!!	Now we check if sveta was able to make it or not. If not we have milk overdemand which will be used in femcycle to make her produce more milk next day.
@@ -1083,6 +1055,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '$get_breastmilk':
 			breastcounter += pumptime/10
+		!!	checking for engorgement
+		func('lact_lib','breast_engorment')
 		!!	Done - Result is the milked volume.
 		result = lactation['get_bm_milkedvolume']

+ 29 - 18

@@ -27,18 +27,30 @@ set minut+=10
 'Not so much of a street, more of a connection of several streets including cafes and shops.'
 'A street runs straight to the <a href="exec:gt ''liam'',''start''">Town center</a>.'
 'Street leads to the Old Town <a href="exec:gt ''parks'',''start''">park</a>.'
-if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20:'A small <a href="exec:gt ''larek'',''start''">shop</a> is currently open.'
-if hour >= 10 and hour <= 22: 'A <a href="exec:gt ''liamelkafe'',''start''">tiny cafe</a> displays a street sign outside its door.'
-if hour >= 8 and hour <= 17 and exhibitionQW > 3:'The <a href="exec:gt ''exhibitionistshop'',''start''">exhibitionist shop</a> is just down a small side street from here.'
+if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20:
+	'A small <a href="exec:gt ''larek'',''start''">shop</a> is currently open.'
+	'There is a small local shop that is open 8:00 - 20:00 everyday. Currently closed.'
-if home_owned[4] = 1:
-	act '<b>Go home</b>':gt'korr2x'
+if hour >= 10 and hour <= 22:
+	'A <a href="exec:gt ''liamelkafe'',''start''">tiny cafe</a> displays a street sign outside its door.'
+	'The tiny cafe here is close currently, it is open every day 10:00 - 22:00'
-if hour >= 8 and hour <= 17 and exhibitionQW = 3:
-	act 'Search for the shop on the card from Kseniya': gt 'exhibitionistshop', 'start'
+if exhibitionQW > 3:
+	if week < 7 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 18:
+		'<a href="exec:gt ''exhibitionistshop'',''start''">Expression of You</a> is just down a small side street from here.'
+	else
+		'Expression of You is open Mon - Sat, 8:00 - 18:00'
+	end
+if home_owned[4] = 1: act '<b>Go home</b>':gt'korr2x'
+if hour >= 8 and hour <= 17 and exhibitionQW = 3: act 'Search for the shop on the card from Kseniya': gt 'exhibitionistshop', 'start'
 act 'wait':gs 'obj_din', 'wait'
 if home_owned[4] = 1 and hour = meethour:
@@ -75,22 +87,21 @@ end
 temp = RAND(1,100)
-	if temp >= 90:
-		cls
-		minut += 5
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/liamhud1.jpg"></center>'
+if temp >= 90:
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/oldtown/liamhud1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You have seen both a sitting area-the artist, here the artist girl came and sat opposite him,and the artist began to paint it'
+	'You have seen both a sitting area-the artist, here the artist girl came and sat opposite him,and the artist began to paint it'
-		act 'Further':gt'liames'
-	end
+	act 'Further':gt'liames'
 if hour >= 15 and hour <= 22 and tusa = 0:
 	act'Local Hangout':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 20
@@ -105,7 +116,7 @@ end
 if hour >= 15 and hour <= 22 and tusa = 1 and tusnyakday ! daystart:
 	act'Local Hangout':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 20

+ 26 - 9

@@ -1,23 +1,34 @@
 # magik
-$SpellListStr = "<center>
-	<table>
+act 'Physical attacks':gt'boxing'
+if spellMana['fog'] = 0:
+	gs 'spellList'
+$SpellListStr = "
+	<h1>Choose a Spell to cast.</h1>
+	<br>
+	<table CELLPADDING = '5'>
-			<th>Spell</th>
-			<th>Mana</th>
-			<th>Description</th>
+			<th align='left'>Spell</th>
+			<th align='left'>Mana</th>
+			<th align='left'>Description</th>
 i = 0
+numSpellsKnown = 0
 $ThisSpellName = $combatSpells[i]
 if i < arrsize('$combatSpells'):
 	if spellKnown[$ThisSpellName] = 1:
 		$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + " 
-			<td><a href=""EXEC: cls & gs 'castSpell', '<<$ThisSpellName>>'& xgt 'fight','sta' & act 'Physical attacks':gt'boxing' & act 'Magic attacks':gt'magik'""><<$spellName[$ThisSpellName]>></a></td>
-			<td><<spellMana[$ThisSpellName]>></td>
-			<td><<$spellDesc[$ThisSpellName]>></td>
+			<td align='left'><a href=""EXEC: cls & gs 'castSpell', '<<$ThisSpellName>>'& xgt 'fight','sta' & act 'Physical attacks':gt'boxing' & act 'Magic attacks':gt'magik'""><<$spellName[$ThisSpellName]>></a></td>
+			<td align='right'><<spellMana[$ThisSpellName]>></td>
+			<td align='left'><<$spellDesc[$ThisSpellName]>></td>
+		numSpellsKnown += 1
 	i += 1
 	jump 'CombatSpellLoop'
@@ -27,12 +38,18 @@ $SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + "
+if numSpellsKnown = 0:
+	"No combat spells known."
+	*pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr)
 killvar 'i'
+killvar 'numSpellsKnown'
 killvar '$ThisSpellName'
 killvar '$SpellListStr'
 --- magik ---------------------------------

+ 9 - 1

@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shop':
 	menu_off = 1
 	'<b>What''s it gonna be?</b>'
 	'He shows you a small box filled with red and blue pills. There is about two dozen of each pill inside.'
+	act 'Leave':gt 'metro','start'
 	if money >= 1000:
 		'<a href="exec:money -= 1000 & mentats_have += 20 & gt ''metro'', ''shop''">Buy neuroboosters</a> 1000 <b>₽</b>'
@@ -205,7 +206,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shop':
 		'Uses left: <<aphrodisiac_have>>'
-	act 'back':gt 'metro','start'
+	if money >= 50:
+		'<a href="exec:money -= 50 & joint += 1 & gt ''metro'', ''shop''">Buy a joint</a> for 50 <b>₽</b>'
+	elseif money >= 500:
+		'<a href="exec:money -= 50 & joint += 1 & gt ''metro'', ''shop''">Buy a joint</a> for 50 <b>₽</b>'
+		'<a href="exec:money -= 500 & joint += 10 & gt ''metro'', ''shop''">Buy ten joints</a> for 500 <b>₽</b>'
+	else
+		'Buy a joint 50 <b>₽</b> (You do not have enough money)'
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'dealer':

+ 1 - 1

@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'miralick_dog':
 	gs 'stat'
 	if svetahorny >= 50 and rand(0,2) ! 0:
 		you_orgasm = 1
-		orgasm_or = 'yes'
+		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 		$orgasm_txt = 'You cannot hold out any more from the stimulation that Mira is providing and with a shudder you cum in her face.'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/sex/miralick_dog_cum.jpg"></center>'

+ 11 - 7

@@ -17,19 +17,21 @@ end
 '<b>WARNING</b>: Game slowdown may occur when installing too many mods, or mods with bad structure.'
 if mod_list > 0:
-	'<table border=1><tr><td>id</td><td>Name</td><td>Version</td><td>Author</td><td>Description</td></tr>'
+	'<table border=1><tr><td>id</td><td>Name</td><td>Version</td><td>Author</td><td>Description</td><td>Options</td></tr>'
 	if $mod_name[mod_i] ! '':
+		!name
 		gs 'mod_<<$mod_name[mod_i]>>_setup'
 		*p '<tr><td><<mod_i>></td><td><<$mod_info[0]>></td>'
-		!name
-		*p '<td><<val($mod_info[1])/10000>>.<<(val($mod_info[1]) mod 10000)/100>> <<iif(val($mod_info[1]) mod 100 > 0, ''fix <<val($mod_info[1]) mod 100>> '', '' '')>></td>'
-		*p '<td><<$mod_info[2]>></td>'
+		*p '<td><<val($mod_info[1])/10000>>.<<(val($mod_info[1]) mod 10000)/100>> <<iif(val($mod_info[1]) mod 100 > 0, ''fix <<val($mod_info[1]) mod 100>> '', '' '')>></td>'
-		*p '<td><a href="exec:gs ''mod_<<$mod_info[0]>>_readme''"><img src="images/system/icon/anptekainfo.jpg"></a> <<$mod_info[3]>></td></tr>'
+		*p '<td><<$mod_info[2]>></td>'
 		!description and readme
+		*p '<td><a href="exec:gs ''mod_<<$mod_info[0]>>_readme''"><img src="images/system/icon/anptekainfo.jpg"></a> <<$mod_info[3]>></td>'
+		!mod options page
+		*p '<td>'+iif($mod_opt[mod_i] ! '','<a href="exec:gs ''mod_<<$mod_info[0]>>_options''"><<$mod_info[4]>></a>','')+'</td></tr>'
 		'ERROR loading mod id <<mod_i>>, no mod name available'
@@ -38,14 +40,14 @@ if mod_list > 0:
 		jump 'mod_alllist'
-	killvar 'mod_info'
+	killvar '$mod_info'
 	'<br>You have no Mods activated.'
 act ''+iif(settingmode = 1, '<center><b>Install new mod</b></center>','Install new mod')+'':
-	killvar 'mod_info'
+	killvar '$mod_info'
 	$mod_temp=input('input mod name (as for the example image above, input <B>isample</B>)')
 	if $mod_temp='':exit
 	addqst 'mod/<<$mod_temp>>.qsp'
@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ act ''+iif(settingmode = 1, '<center><b>Install new mod</b></center>','Install n
 	$mod_version[mod_list] = $mod_info[1]
 	$mod_author[mod_list] = $mod_info[2]
 	$mod_desc[mod_list] = $mod_info[3]
+	$mod_opt[mod_list] = $mod_info[4]
 	gt $loc, $metka
 act ''+iif(settingmode = 1, '<center><b>Disable all mods</b></center>','Disable all mods')+'':
@@ -69,6 +72,7 @@ act ''+iif(settingmode = 1, '<center><b>Disable all mods</b></center>','Disable
 		killvar '$mod_version'
 		killvar '$mod_author'
 		killvar '$mod_desc'
+		killvar '$mod_opt'
 		'All mod disabled. You can re-install them later.'
 		act 'Continue':gt $loc, $metka

+ 2 - 4

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		act 'Leave the drug den': minut += 5 & gt 'street'
 		act 'Ask for heroin': gt 'narkopriton', 'heroin'
 		act 'Ask for amphetamine': gt 'narkopriton', 'amphetamine'
-		!!act 'Ask for joints': gt 'narkopriton', 'joint'
+		act 'Ask for weed': gt 'narkopriton', 'joint'
 	 if StoryLine = 1 and snarkozak = 0:
 			act 'Ask for a drop-off point in Pavlovsk':
 				minut +=5
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		act 'Leave the drug den': minut += 5 & gt 'street'
 		act 'Ask for heroin': gt 'narkopriton', 'heroin'
 		act 'Ask for amphetamine': gt 'narkopriton', 'amphetamine'
-		!!act 'Ask for joints': gt 'narkopriton', 'joint'
+		act 'Ask for weed': gt 'narkopriton', 'joint'
 	elseif (StrongNarkota > 23 and ampHigh > 23) or ampHigh > 23 or StrongNarkota > 23:
 		gt 'narkopriton', 'kiteHigh'
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'joints':
 			drugUser = 1
 			joint += 20
 			minut += 5
-			gs 'stat'
 			gt 'narkopriton', 'joint'
@@ -120,7 +119,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'joints':
 			drugUser = 1
 			joint += 10
 			minut += 5
-			gs 'stat'
 			gt 'narkopriton', 'joint'

+ 32 - 1

@@ -196,12 +196,43 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'desk':
 		gt 'stol','start'
-elseif $ARGS[0] = 'redeemSalary'
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'redeemSalary':
 	*clr & cla
 	karta += nichSalaryOutstanding
 	nichSalaryOutstanding = 0
 	'Your salary of <<nichSalaryOutstanding>> <b>?</b> is transferred to your bank account.'
 	act 'Back': gt 'nichBedroomServant', 'return'
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'sleepEvents':
+	if ARGS[1] = 0:
+		if nichGalaOpponent = 30 and hour <= 23 and hour >= 19:
+			gt 'nichBedroomServant','sleepEvents', 1000
+		end
+	elseif ARGS[1] = 1000:
+		hour = 23
+		minut += 180
+		'In the middle of the night you wake up from your sleep. You have the feeling as if somebody is in your room watching you. You look around but there is nobody to be seen.'
+		*nl
+		'Maybe you are just paranoid?'
+		*nl
+		'You decide to get back to sleep. You close your eyes and rest your head back on your pillow.'
+		*nl
+		'Suddenly you feel a strong hand grabbing your face, sealing your mouth and nose shut while another hand pins you down by your hip.'
+		*nl
+		'You try to scream put you can''t get a single sound out. The last thing you notice before you lose consciousness is a sweetish smell.'
+		!!WIP Notice
+		*nl
+		'<font color = red><b>Warning: This part of the story is currently not finished and most likely ends in a dead end. Click ignore to pass it.</b></font>'
+		act 'Everything turns black':
+			gt 'nichTaras','abdIntro'
+		end
+		act 'Ignore':
+			nichGalaOpponent = 31
+			menu_off = 0
+			InSleep = 0
+			gt 'nichBedroomServant'
+		end
+	end	
 --- nickBedroomServant ---------------------------------

+ 42 - 1

@@ -386,10 +386,51 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'inspect':
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 	!! Relies on some vars being set by 'nichChore','inspect'.
-	!! ARG[1]:
+	!! ARGS[1]:
 	!!	1: quick
 	!!	2: normal
 	!!	3: diligent
+	!! ARGS[2]:
+	!!  0: special events enabled (default)
+	!!  1: special events disabled
+	!! Events which have to happen before the work result is computed
+	if ARGS[2] ! 1:
+		if nichChoreID = 5:
+			!! Tanyas room
+			if nichTanyaOpinion > 0 and nichTanyaOpinion < 30 and nichTanyaDominance >= 20:
+				!! if Tanya and Sveta are in a relationship and Tanya is dominant
+				nichTanyPresent = FUNC('nichUtil','isPresent','tanya','bedroomTanya')
+				if nichTanyPresent ! 0:
+					!!and if Tanya is actually in the room
+					nichRand = rand(1,100)
+					if nichRand <= 30 or nichDebug = 1:
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/tanya/encounter/dom1.jpg"></center>'
+						'Has you start cleaning Tanya approaches you from behind and smack you on your butt.'					
+						'"Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, don''t miss this edge over there." she points at a small mess she obviously created on purpose.'
+						act 'Comply':
+							nichTanyaDominance += 2
+							'Once you are done cleaning up the first spot Tanya points you to another one. She obviously enjoys bossing you around, taking several opportunities to hit you on you butt again.'
+							minut += 10
+							cla
+							act 'Continue cleaning':
+								gt 'nichChore', 'work', ARGS[1], 1
+							end
+						end
+						act 'Tell her to stop this':
+							nichTanyaDominance -= 3
+							'She looks a little bit dissapointed as you tell her that you are not in the mood for this right now and want to focus on your work.'
+							cla
+							act 'Continue cleaning':
+								gt 'nichChore', 'work', ARGS[1], 1
+							end
+						end
+						exit
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
 	nichRand = rand(1,100)

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # nichNicholas
+!! Nicholas is registered as NPC A52
 !! nichNTRelation: 0= Tanya and Nicholas are having an affair and PC doesnt know it, 1= PC found out, 2-9= reserved for them being together, 10= Tanya broke up, 11-19= reserved, 20= Nicholas broke up
 !! nichFlirtCounter
 !! nichFlirtLast

+ 391 - 14

@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
 # nichTanya
+!! Tanya is registered as NPC A218
 !! Important variables concerning Tanya:
 !! nichTanyaOpinion: 0= she doesn't know you, 1= you are her lover, 10= you are her gf, 20= you are her lover and told her you don't want to be her gf, 30= you are her former lover
 !! nichTanyaBF: 0= she doesn't have a bf (includes her and Nicholas doing it, see nichNTRelation), 1= her bf is vladik, 2= her bf is grigory
 !! nichTanyaBFState: 0= PC hasn't met BF, 1 = PC has met BF, 2 = PC has fucked BF, 3 = PC has fucked BF and Tanya knows it
+!! nichTanyaDate: the type of date Tanya and Sveta are currently having
+!! nichTanyaDateCounter
+!! nichTanyaDateLast
+!! nichTanyaDateShopping: how many times Tanya and Sveta were shopping together (without special shopping events)
 !! nichTanyaFuckCounter: how many times Tanya and PC have fucked (doing it several times a day only counts once)
 !! nichTanyaFuckLast: the last day Tanya and PC have fucked
 !! nichTanyaFuckToday: how many times PC and Tanya have fucked today
@@ -12,7 +19,7 @@
 !! nichTanyaFuckDom: how many times Tanya was dominant during the current encounter
 !! nichTanyaFuckSub: how many times Tanya was submissive during the current encounter
-!! nichTanyaStrapon: 1: Tanya owns a strapon and might use it sometimes
+!! nichTanyaStrapon: >0: Tanya owns a strapon and might use it sometimes (the value is the size of the strapon)
 !! nichTanyaDominance: how dominant Tanya is <= -70: very submissive, <= -20: submissive, >= 20: dominant, >= 70 very dominant
 !! nichTanyaUni = 1: Nicholas has asked Tanya to go to university, 11: PC has agreed to help convince Tanya, 50: Tanya has decided to quit university and Nicholas hasnt reacted yet, 51: Nicholas has reacted to 50, 100: Tanya goes to university and Sveta has not been rewarded by Nicholas, 101: Sveta got her reward
@@ -20,7 +27,7 @@
 !! nichTanyaRoom: 0= Tanya doesnt clean her room herself, 1= Tanya cleans her room herself
+menu_off = 1
 if nichTanyaFuckLast ! daystart:
 	nichTanyaFuckToday = 0
@@ -29,6 +36,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'bedroomTanya':
 	$nichTanyaPic = func('nichUtil','tanyaPic','idle','apartment')
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTanyaPic>>"></center>'
+	nichTanyaPropDate = 0
 	nichTanyaPropSex = 0
 	if nichGalaKnowsPT = 10:
@@ -156,6 +164,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bedroomTanya':
 			'As you approach her she greets you with a smile.'
 			nichTanyaPropSex = 1
+			nichTanyaPropDate = 1
 	elseif nichTanyaOpinion = 10:
 		if nichTanyaFuckLast < daystart - 5:
@@ -166,6 +175,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bedroomTanya':
 			'As you approach her she greets you with a smile. "Hello sweety. How are you doing?"'
 		nichTanyaPropSex = 1
+		nichTanyaPropDate = 1
 	elseif nichTanyaOpinion = 20:
 		if nichTanyaFuckCounter > rand(20,30) and nichTanyaFuckToday = 0:
 			'As you approach her she greets you with a smile. She walks over to her bed and sits down on the edge. Apparently she expects you to sit next to her.'
@@ -200,6 +210,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bedroomTanya':
 			'As you approach her she greets you with a smile.'
 			nichTanyaPropSex = 1
+			nichTanyaPropDate = 1
@@ -225,6 +236,58 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bedroomTanya':
+	if nichTanyaPropDate = 1 and (nichTanyaDateLast ! daystart or nichDebug = 1):
+		act 'Propose going on a date':
+			cla
+			*nl
+			nichTanyaDateCounter += 1
+			nichTanyaDateLast = daystart
+			'"Hey Tanya. I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date."'
+			'"Sure. That''s a great idea. What would you like to do?"'
+			act 'Let her pick':
+				cla
+				*nl
+				'"I don''t know. How about you?"'
+				if nichTanyaDominance >= 20 and nichTanyaStrapon = 0 and (rand(1,100) <= 50 or nichDebug = 1):
+					'"There is one thing I wanted to do with you for a while. Don''t ask what it is, it''s a surprise."'
+					nichTanyaDate = 100
+				else	
+					nichRand = rand(1,2)
+					if nichRand = 1:
+						'"There is a movie I''d like to see. I think they show it at the nearby movie theatre."'
+						nichTanyaDate = 1
+					else
+						'"Okay. Lets go shopping then."'
+						nichTanyaDate = 2
+					end
+				end
+				act 'Leave with her':
+					gt 'nichTanya','date'
+				end
+			end
+			act 'Movie theatre':
+				cla
+				'"How about watching a movie?"'
+				'"Okay, sounds good. Lets go to the movie theatre then."'
+				nichTanyaDate = 1
+				act 'Leave with her':
+					gt 'nichTanya','date'
+				end
+			end
+			act 'Shopping':
+				cla
+				'"I''d like to go shopping."'
+				'"Great idea. Lets go to the mall then."'
+				nichTanyaDate = 2
+				act 'Leave with her':
+					gt 'nichTanya','date'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	killvar 'nichTanyaPropDate'
 	killvar 'nichTanyaPropSex'
 	act 'Talk with her':
@@ -235,6 +298,280 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bedroomTanya':
 	act 'Move away':
 		gt $loc
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'date':
+	if nichTanyaDate = 1:
+		if nichDateState = 0:
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/cinema/cinema.jpg"></center>'
+			'The two of you head over to the cinema at the mall.'
+			'Tanya pays for the tickets and you settle down in your seats. You are alone in the last row.'
+			act 'Watch the movie':
+				nichDateState = 10
+				gt 'nichTanya','date'
+			end
+			act 'Kiss Tanya':
+				nichDateState = 20
+				gt 'nichTanya','date'
+			end
+		elseif nichDateState = 10:
+			minut += 150
+			gs 'kino','movie'
+			*nl
+			'After the movie is done Tanya smiles at you. "That was fun. But lets go home now."'
+			cla
+			act 'Return to Apartment':
+				nichDateState = 10000
+				gt 'nichTanya','date'
+			end
+		elseif nichDateState = 20:
+			*clr & cla 
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/cinema/sex/kinoKissLesbian1.jpg"></center>'
+			'The light goes dark and the movie starts. You lean over to Tanya and the two of you share a deep kiss.'
+			act 'Go down on her':
+				*clr & cla
+				gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', -90, 'lesbian'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/tanya/sexL/arimjob/arimjob1.jpg"></center>'
+				'Making sure that nobody sees you you slip down from your seat.'
+				'Tanya looks a little bit surprised at first. Quickly realizing what you are up to she opens her legs for you.'
+				'You slowly raise her shirt and push her panties aside. She is already a little wet from excitement.'
+				'You decide to go slowly on her, softly kissing, licking and sucking her sex.'
+				'Her breath quickens and her muscles get tense. She lets out a single moan has she cums, trying to keep quite so the other people in the cinema don''t recognize what''s going on.'
+				'You get back on your feet and slip back on your seat. To your surprise you nearly missed all of the movie.'
+				*nl
+				'After the movie is done Tanya smiles at you. "That was fun. But lets go home now."'
+				cla
+				minut += 150
+				act 'Return to Apartment':
+					nichDateState = 10000
+					gt 'nichTanya','date'
+				end
+			end
+			act 'Watch the movie':
+				nichDateState = 10
+				gt 'nichTanya','date'
+			end
+		else
+			killvar 'nichTanyaDate'
+			killvar 'nichDateState'
+			gt 'nichBedroomTanja'
+		end
+	elseif nichTanyaDate = 2:
+		if nichTanyaDateShopping = 0:
+			minut += 120
+			nichTanyaDateShopping += 1
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/tanya/date/shopping1.jpg"></center>'
+			'The two of you go to a shop for young fashion. You take turns trying on clothes and posing for each other.'
+			'You notice that the clothes Tanya puts on get skimpier every time. The last outfit she puts on only consists of high heels, a blue tanga and a revealing white shirt.'
+			'"What do you think? I think you would gorgeous in this."'
+			'"Wait? Me?"'
+			'Tanya laughs out. "Yes. I would really like you to wear it. And look, I even found a matching skirt. Please let me buy this for you."'
+			gs 'clothing_attributes', 'cheap', 415
+			if CloInhibit <= pcs_inhib:
+				act 'Agree':
+					cheap[415] = 1
+					cheapB[415] = pcs_hips
+					cheapH[415] = 70
+					cheapS[415] = 0
+					$clothingworntype = 'cheap'
+					clothingwornnumber = 415
+					cla
+					'"Okay. Thank you, Tanya."'
+					'Tanya smiles at you as she changes back into her own clothes. Then she walks over to the cashier. After she paid for the outfit she returns to you so you can put it on now.'
+					'You put it on. The two of you spend another hour in the mall before returning to the apartment.'
+					act 'Return to the apartment':
+						gt 'nichBedroomTanja'
+					end
+				end
+			end
+			act 'Decline':
+				'"Sorry Tanya, but that''s really not my style."'
+				'She looks a little bit dissapointed.'
+				'The two of you spend another hour in the mall before returning to the apartment.'
+				cla
+				act 'Return to the apartment':
+					gt 'nichBedroomTanja'
+				end
+			end
+		elseif nichTanyaDateShopping = 1:
+			minut += 60
+			nichTanyaDateShopping += 1
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/tanya/date/shopping2.jpg"></center>'
+			'The two of you visit various shops in the mall. One of the shops appears to be aimed at lumberjacks and truckers.'
+			'You take a look a the shirts and wonder why you are here. Then you realize that Tanya went missing. After a quick search you figure out that she must be in one of the chaning rooms.'
+			'"Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, come in here."'
+			'You step into the room from where Tanyas voice came. She is wearing nothing but her panties and a truckers cap.'
+			'"Aha, there is my girl." she tries to speak with a deeper voice, obviously trying to impersonate a trucker. "Get your hot ass over here." She smacks you on your cheek. "Now let daddy finish changing." She laughs out loudly.'
+			'Once she has put her clothes back on the two of you go back to the apartment.'
+			act 'Return to the apartment':
+				gt 'nichBedroomTanja'
+			end
+		elseif nichTanyaDateShopping = 2:
+			minut += 60
+			nichTanyaDateShopping += 1
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/tanya/date/shopping3a.jpg"></center>'
+			'The two of you visit various shops in the mall. The last shop is an expensive boutique.'
+			'Tanya goes straight to the lingerie department. She collects some items, then she takes you by the hand and leads you to a changing room.'
+			'She strips down and puts the bra and the panties she took on.'
+			if $braworntype = 'boutique' and brawornnumber = 19:
+				'"Hey, I think I took the same bra you are wearing right now. We really have very much in common." She smiles at you.'
+				'After she is done trying out some other clothes she pays for the ones she wants to buy and the two ouf you head back home.'
+				act 'Return to the apartment':
+					gt 'nichBedroomTanja'
+				end
+			else
+				'She squeezes and pushes her breasts a little inside the breastforms.'
+				'"I think I picked the wrong size."'
+				'She turns around and looks at you.'
+				act 'Continue':
+					*clr & cla
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/tanya/date/shopping3b.jpg"></center>'
+					'"I think this bra could fit you. Try it out."'
+					act 'Try it':
+						*nl
+						'Once you put it on Tanya inspects the fit by pressing and pulling it at various spots.'
+						'"How does it feel? I think it''s a perfect fit. I would like to buy it for you. As a gift."'
+						cla
+						act 'Agree':
+							'"That would be great. Thank you, Tanya."'
+							'Tanya beams at you as the both of you put your clothes back on.'
+							'Tanya pays for the bra and also buys the matching panties for you.'
+							'After spending another few minutes visiting another shop the two of you head back to the apartment.'
+							boutique_bras[19] = 1
+							boutique_brasS[19] = 0
+							boutique_panties[31] = 1
+							boutique_pantiesS[31] = 0
+							cla
+							act 'Return to the apartment':
+								gt 'nichBedroomTanja'
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/torgcentr.jpg"></center>'
+			'The two of you go to the mall.'
+			'After spending two hours visiting various shops the two of you return to the apartment.'
+			act 'Return to the apartment':
+				gt 'nichBedroomTanja'
+			end
+		end
+	elseif nichTanyaDate = 100:
+		!! Tanya wants to buy a dildo
+		if nichDateState = 0:
+			minut += 45
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/sexshop/sexshop.jpg"></center>'
+			'Tanya leads you to the metro. You ask yourself what she is up to, because she usually uses calls a cab if she wants to travel longer distances.'
+			'After a few minutes you arrive at the industrial area of the town. From there Tanya leads you straigth to the Red Light Destrict.'
+			'"Tanya. Where are we going?"'
+			'"Don''t worry. There is a shop I wanted to show you. We can''t go to the ones in the city center because we could run into somebody I know. Ah, there it is."'
+			'She leads you into the local sex shop. It appears as if she has been here before.'
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/sexshop/sexshop.jpg"></center>'
+				'You inspect the different types of sex toys presented here. Just as you''re starting to wonder what Tanya wants here she points at a shelf which has strap-on of various sizes and forms on it.'
+				'"There it is. I thought it would be fun to fuck you in a whole new way. And I think you should have a say in who your new ''lover'' will be."'
+				'She takes one of the strap-ons in her hand. "This one is called Vlad. How do you like it? Wait, there is one that''s called Igor. It''s a little bigger. Do you think you could handle it? Or how about this one? ''Labaan''. Sounds African. Look how big it is. It''s nearly as long and thick as my arm." She laughs out. "Which one would you prefer?"'
+				act 'Vlad (15 cm)':
+					nichTanyaStrapon = 15
+					'"I think I like Vlad best."'
+					if pcs_vag >= 25:
+						'"Really? I thought you might prefer a bigger one. But okay, I will buy this one then."'
+					else
+						'"Great. I will buy this one then."'
+					end
+					cla
+					act 'Wait for her':
+						nichDateState = 10
+						gt 'nichTanya','date'
+					end
+				end			
+				act 'Igor (25 cm)':
+					nichTanyaStrapon = 25
+					'"I think I like Igor best."'
+					if pcs_vag >= 35:
+						'"Really? I thought you might prefer a bigger one. But okay, I will buy this one then."'
+					else
+						'"Great. I will buy this one then."'
+					end
+					cla
+					act 'Wait for her':
+						nichDateState = 10
+						gt 'nichTanya','date'
+					end
+				end
+				act 'Labaan (35 cm)':
+					nichTanyaStrapon = 35
+					'"I think I like Labaan best."'
+					if pcs_vag <= 25:
+						'"Really? Are you sure? I didn''t think... well, it''s your choice. I will buy it then. Just don''t complain afterwards."'
+					else
+						'"Great. I will buy this one then."'
+					end
+					cla
+					act 'Wait for her':
+						nichDateState = 10
+						gt 'nichTanya','date'
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		elseif nichDateState = 10:
+			minut += 20
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/sexshop/sexshop.jpg"></center>'
+			'Tanya pays for the strap-on and also some items she collected while you were''t paying attention.'
+			'"I think I got everything I need. Lets get back to the appartment."'
+			act 'Return to the appartment':
+				nichDateState = 20
+				gt 'nichTanya','date'
+			end
+		elseif nichDateState = 20:
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/tanya/date/strapona.jpg"></center>'
+			'Once you are back at Tanyas'' bedroom she tells you to undress and lie on her bed head down.'
+			'She takes out some kind of rope of her shopping bag. One by one she connects your wrists and ankles to the posts of her bed. You are trapped, lieing in a spread position, unable to move.'
+			'The next thing Tanya takes out is a whip. She whips your back for a few minutes.'
+			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound', 'sub'
+			act 'Further':
+				nichDateState = 30
+				gt 'nichTanya','date'
+			end
+		elseif nichDateState = 30:
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/tanya/sexL/psovaginal/psovaginal0.jpg"></center>'
+			'Tanya puts her whip aside and puts her clothes off. You can''t turn your head enough to see what she is doing exactly but it appears as if she is putting on her new strap-on. She also seems to fasten her favorite vibrator on the inner side.'
+			'"I think this is going to be our favorite toy."'
+			'She probes your holes before generously applying lube on her strap-on.'
+			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound', 'sub'
+			act 'Further':
+				nichDateState = 40
+				gt 'nichTanya','date'
+			end
+		elseif nichDateState = 40:	
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/tanya/sexL/psovaginal/psovaginal0.jpg"></center>'
+			'Tanya mercilessly fucks you for more than ten minutes.'
+			'From your position you can''t see her. You can only feel her hands on your hips and her fake member grinding into you.'
+			dick = nichTanyaStrapon
+			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_strap', 15, 'lesbian', 'sub'
+			'After a while you hear a breath quicken. She pulls back your head by pulling on your hair. With a deep moan she cums.'
+			'She doens''t untie you for another ten minutes. You feel her lying on your back, her breasts resintg on your shoulders. Finally she unties one of your wrists so you are able to untie the other knots.'
+			minut += 15
+			act 'Finish':
+				gs 'arousal', 'end'
+				killvar 'nichTanyaDate'
+				killvar 'nichDateState'
+				gt 'nichBedroomTanja'
+			end
+		end
+	else
+		!! Catch invalid dates
+		minut += 120
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/park.jpg"></center>'
+		'You spend two nice hours with Tanya in the cities central park.'
+		act 'Return to the apartment':
+			gt 'nichBedroomTanja'
+		end
+	end
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'desc':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/tanya/01.jpg"></center>'
@@ -265,6 +602,20 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'desc':
 		'She is your former lesbian lover.'
+	if nichTanyaOpinion > 0 and nichTanyaOpinion < 30:
+		if nichTanyaDominance >= 70:
+			'She acts very dominantly around you (<<nichTanyaDominance>>)'
+		elseif nichTanyaDominance >= 20:
+			'She acts dominantly around you (<<nichTanyaDominance>>)'
+		elseif nichTanyaDominance <= -70:
+			'She acts very submissively around you (<<nichTanyaDominance>>)'
+		elseif nichTanyaDominance <= -20:
+			'She acts submissively around you (<<nichTanyaDominance>>)'
+		else
+			'Her behaviour around you is neither remarkably dominant nor submissive (<<nichTanyaDominance>>)'
+		end
+	end
 	$nichTemp = func('nichUtil','npcActivity','tanya')
 	if $nichTemp = 'sleep':
@@ -350,17 +701,18 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'sexL':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTempPic>>"></center>'
 		'Tanya kisses your buttocks in ever decreasing circles, eventually getting to the center where your puckered anus is waiting.  Reaching her goal, she licks all around the tender star to get it plenty moist, then firmly pushes her tongue forward, penetrating your ass with just the tip.  She retracts it, again licking all around your anus, and repeats her tongue invasion into that most private entrance.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'rimming', -1, 'lesbian'
+	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'psovaginal':
+		nichTanyaFuckPositions += 1
+		$nichTempPic = func('nichUtil','tanyaPic','sexL','psovaginal')
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<$nichTempPic>>"></center>'
+		'You watch as Tanya puts on the strap-on, adjusting it to her hips and centering the fake cock, and then she moves to you and inserts it slowly into your pussy.  You moan and grind back at her while she fucks you with it.'
+		dick = nichTanyaStrapon
+		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_strap', -1, 'lesbian', 'sub'
 	nichTanyaChanceDom = 20
 	nichTanyaChanceSub = 20
-	!!Orgasm gets handled by arousal
-	!!if pcs_horny >= 80 and nichTanyaFuckPositions >= 2:
-	!!	pcs_horny = 0
-	!!	orgasm += 1
-	!!end
 	gs 'stat'
 	if nichTanyaDominance >= 70:
@@ -379,8 +731,29 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'sexL':
 	if nichRand <= nichTanyaChanceDom:
 		!! Tanya is dominant
-		nichRand = rand(0,1)
-		if nichRand = 0:
+		nichRand = rand(0,2)
+		if nichRand = 0 and nichTanyaStrapon > 0:
+			!!Tanya wants to use her strapon
+			if nichTanyaDominance >= 70:
+				'Tanya takes out the strap-on the two of you bought together. Apparently she expects you to submit to her false member.'
+			else
+				'Tanya takes out the strap-on the two of you bought together.'
+			end
+			if sub >= 50:
+				act 'Get fucked':
+					nichTanyaFuckDom += 2
+					gt 'nichTanya','sexL','psovaginal'
+				end
+			else
+				act 'Distract her':
+					gt 'nichTanya','sexL','kiss'
+				end
+				act 'Get fucked':
+					nichTanyaFuckDom += 2
+					gt 'nichTanya','sexL','psovaginal'
+				end
+			end
+		elseif nichRand <= 1:
 			!! Tanya wants her pussy to be eaten
 			if nichTanyaDominance >= 70:
 				'Tanya pushes your head in the direction of her vagina. Apparently she expects you to service her with your tongue.'
@@ -402,7 +775,6 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'sexL':
 					gt 'nichTanya','sexL','peatout'
-		!!elseif nichRand = 1:
 			if nichTanyaDominance >= 70:
 				'Tanya pushes your head in the direction of her vagina. When she turns around you realize that it''s actually a rimjob she expects from you.'
@@ -423,11 +795,10 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'sexL':
 					nichTanyaFuckSub += 1
 					gt 'nichTanya','sexL','primjob'
-			end
+			end			
 	elseif nichRand >= 100-nichTanyaChanceSub:
 		!! Tanya is submissive
-		!! Tanya is dominant
 		nichRand = rand(0,1)
 		if nichRand = 0:
 			!! Tanya wants to eat your pussy
@@ -476,6 +847,12 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'sexL':
 			nichTanyaFuckSub += 1
 			gt 'nichTanya','sexL','primjob'
+		if nichTanyaStrapon > 0:
+			act 'Get fucked':
+				nichTanyaFuckSub += 1
+				gt 'nichTanya','sexL','primjob'
+			end
+		end
 		if nichTanyaFuckPositions >= 3:
 			act 'Finish':
 				if nichTanyaFuckSub >= nichTanyaFuckDom * 3:

+ 707 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+# nichTaras
+menu_off = 0
+timeHidden = 0
+if $ARGS[0] = 'abdIntro':
+	$nichKatinkaName = 'the other girl'
+	$nichKatinkaNameUC = 'The other girl'
+	if nichAbdStage = 0:
+		menu_off = 1
+		InSleep = 0
+		timeHidden = 1
+		gs 'clothing', 'strip'
+		gs 'underwear', 'remove'
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/intro1.jpg"></center>'
+		'You don''t know how much time has passed when you finally regain consciousness. Maybe minutes? Hours? A whole day?'	
+		*nl
+		'Your limbs hurt and you try to stretch them. To no avail. Your feet and wrists are chained to the floor while something in your back pushes your belly up, forcing you into an awkward backwards bent position. The worst thing is that you are apparently naked.'
+		*nl
+		'You open your eyes. Your position forces you to look upward and you can only turn your head a little bit. The only thing you can figure out is that you are in a basement.'
+		act 'Call for help':
+			'You scream for help as loud as you possibly can. Nothing happens. Did anybody hear you at all?'
+		end
+		act 'Try to free yourself':
+			'You try to wiggle yourself out of your metal bounds. It''s no use. The metal doesn''t move a tiny bit and your wrists and ankles can''t fit through the openings. There is no way you could possibly get free.'
+		end
+		act 'Wait':
+			nichAbdStage = 10
+			gt 'nichTaras','abdIntro' 
+		end
+	elseif nichAbdStage = 10:
+		minut += 60
+		gs 'pain', 'back', 'bind' 
+		gs 'pain', 'shoulders', 'bind' 
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/intro2.jpg"></center>'
+		'You wait for what appears to be an eternity.'
+		*nl
+		'Your back starts to hurt and you try shift into a more comfortable position. You once again realize that that''s futile. You are forced into this painful position until anybody frees you.'
+		act 'Call for help':
+			'You scream for help as loud as you possibly can. Nothing happens. Did anybody hear you at all?'
+		end
+		if pcs_sleep <= 40:
+			act 'Try to sleep':
+				nichAbdStage = 20
+				gt 'nichTaras','abdIntro' 
+			end
+		end
+		act 'Wait':
+			nichAbdStage = 21
+			gt 'nichTaras','abdIntro' 
+		end
+	elseif nichAbdStage = 20:
+		minut += 120
+		pcs_sleep += 20
+		gs 'pain', 'pubic', 'spank' 
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/intro3.jpg"></center>'
+		'You are just to exhausted to stay awake any longer. You fall into an uneasy sleep.'
+		*nl
+		'You suddenly awake from a sharp pain in your pubic area. Instinctively you try to jump up, only to be painfully reminded that you can''t move at all. So the only thing you can do is letting out an agonized scream.'
+		*nl
+		'"Look who decided to wake up." the male voice sounds familiar. "Just to make sure you don''t fall asleep again."'
+		*nl
+		'"You hear a swishing sound and your vagina feels like being on fire. Apperently you got whipped."'
+		*nl
+		'Your eyes widen as the man torturing you steps into your field of view. It''s Taras, the bodyguard of Gala.'
+		*nl
+		'"Please sir..." another hit from the whip immidiately turns your plea into a scream.'
+		*nl
+		'"Shut up, slut! I am sure you''re having a lot of questions right now. But there are only a few things you need to know."'
+		act 'Object':
+			'Just as you open your mouth you feel the whip once more. Taras obviously doesn''t want you to speak right now.'
+		end
+		act 'Listen':
+			nichAbdStage = 30
+			gt 'nichTaras','abdIntro' 
+		end
+	elseif nichAbdStage = 21:
+		minut += 120
+		gs 'pain', 'pubic', 'spank' 
+		gs 'stat'	
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/intro3.jpg"></center>'
+		'Locked down like this there is nothing you can do than continue waiting.'
+		*nl
+		'After another eternity you hear heavy steps from a man comming down a stairway.'
+		*nl
+		'"Good, you are awake." the male voice sounds familiar. "Just to make sure you don''t fall asleep."'
+		*nl
+		'"You hear a swishing sound and your vagina feels like being on fire. Apperently you got whipped."'
+		*nl
+		'Your eyes widen as the man torturing you steps into your field of view. It''s Taras, the bodyguard of Gala.'
+		*nl
+		'"Please sir..." another hit from the whip immidiately turns your plea into a scream.'
+		*nl
+		'"Shut up, slut! I am sure you''re having a lot of questions right now. But there are only a few things you need to know."'
+		act 'Object':
+			'Just as you open your mouth you feel the whip once more. Taras obviously doesn''t want you to speak right now.'
+		end
+		act 'Listen':
+			nichAbdStage = 30
+			gt 'nichTaras','abdIntro' 
+		end
+	elseif nichAbdStage = 30:
+		gs 'pain', 'breasts', 'twist' 
+		gs 'stat'	
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/intro4.jpg"></center>'
+		'"I bet you''re wondering how you got here. You see, you annoyed Mistress Gala. Being the classy woman she is she can''t tolerate skanks like yourself in her household."'
+		*nl
+		'"That''s why she ordered me to get rid of you. She didn''t specify how you should vanish. At first I thought about disposing you in the wilderness. But then I thought you might make a nice addition to my collection of toys."'
+		*nl
+		'He knees down next to you and starts painfully squeezing your breasts.'
+		*nl
+		'"Do you understand, slut? You are my posession now. You will do anything I tell you to do. You will never speak unless spoken to. Your sole purpose of existence is to please me. If you ever fail to do so I will toss you. I have no use for a broken toy."'
+		*nl
+		'"Do you understand?"'
+		act 'Yes sir':
+			nichAbdStage = 40
+			gt 'nichTaras','abdIntro' 
+		end
+		act 'No way!':
+			gs 'pain', 'nipples', 'twist' 
+			gs 'stat'
+			'"No! You can''t ..." you are interrupted by him painfully twisting your nipples.'
+			'"I''m asking again: do you understand?"'
+		end
+	elseif nichAbdStage = 40:
+		gs 'pain', 'clitoris', 'twist' 
+		gs 'stat'	
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/intro5.jpg"></center>'
+		'There is no use in resistance right now. This man will punish you until you say what he wants to hear.'
+		*nl
+		'"Yes sir, I understand."'
+		*nl
+		'"Good. I really hate to hurt my little toys." while still firmly holding one of your breasts he slips two fingers into your vagina.'
+		*nl
+		'"Sadly stupid cunts like you don''t understand the importance of obedience without a tiny bit of pain."'
+		*nl
+		'With these words he starts to twist your clit painfully. The pain is so intense you can''t help but scream in pain and spasm uncontrollably while still being locked firmly in place.'
+		*nl
+		'Just as you think you pass out he removes his hand. The pain is still present on only fades very slowly.'
+		*nl
+		'"Obedience. Now that your starting to grasp the importance of it let me show you the rewards you can earn when you are an obedient little toy."'
+		*nl
+		'He unbottons his pants and pulls them down along with his underpants. He clearly wants you to see his erect penis. Does he really expect you to suck it?'
+		act 'Further':
+			nichAbdStage = 50
+			gt 'nichTaras','abdIntro' 
+		end
+	elseif nichAbdStage = 50:
+		nichKatinkaPresent = 1
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/intro6.jpg"></center>'
+		'Maybe Taras saw the distgusted look on your face. Or he just figured out what you were thinking.'
+		*nl
+		'"Don''t flatter yourself, slut. You didn''t earn the privilege to taste my cock."'
+		*nl
+		'He stands up and goes to a place in the basement you can''t see from your position. You hear the sound of a lock being unlocked and some chains rattling.'
+		*nl
+		'He returns into your field of view. In his hand he holds a metal chain which is connected to a collar around the neck of a naked young woman. She appears to be about your age. Has she been in the basement all along?'
+		*nl
+		'The girl has a terrified look on her face. When Taras points at the ground she hastily drops on her knees and obediently starts to sucking him off.'
+		*nl
+		'It doesn''t take long for Taras to cum. When he does he grabs the girls head with both hands and forces his dick as deeply inside her throat as he can. You see the panic in the girls eyes as she struggles to breath. With a load moan Taras unloads his cum into her throat.'
+		*nl
+		'You see tears rolling down the girls cheeks as she starts to diligently lick his penis clean.'
+		*nl
+		'Once she is done Taras kicks her into the belly. "Get up, lazy slut!"'
+		act 'Further':
+			nichAbdStage = 60
+			gt 'nichTaras','abdIntro' 
+		end
+	elseif nichAbdStage = 60:
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/hogtie1.jpg"></center>'
+		'He shifts his attention back to you.'
+		'"I am sure you enjoy your current position. But you can''t hang around like this all day."'
+		'He takes a rope and connects your ankles, your ellbows your knees and your neck. Once he is finished he finally unlocks you from your metal bondage.'
+		*nl
+		'He gives you a push and you land on your belly. You realize that you are now tied in a hogtie. At least you can move a tiny bit more now. You assume that you could slowly crawl around the basement like this.'
+		*nl
+		'"I have to go now. I need to get ready for work."'
+		*nl
+		'Directed at the other girl he says "Give this skank a wash. She stinks horribly. And make sure she doesn''t starve. I have way more fun planed for her."'
+		*nl
+		'"Yes, sir."'
+		*nl
+		'Taras nods and leaves the basement. You hear an heavy door closing and three locks being closed.'
+		act 'Further':
+			nichAbdStage = 100
+			nichTarasLeave = hour * 60 + minut + 20
+			nichTarasReturn = rand(19,23)
+			gt 'nichTaras','katinka', 'wash'
+		end
+	end
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'katinka':
+	if $ARGS[1] = 'desc':
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/katinka1.jpg"></center>'
+		act 'Talk':
+			cla
+			if nichKatinkaTopics = 0 and nichKatinkaTopic[1] = 0:
+				act 'Who are you?':
+					nichKatinkaTopics+= 1
+					nichKatinkaTopic[1] = 1
+					'"Excuse me?"'
+					'"Psssst. Please talk quitely. Master will be mad when he finds out you were talking to me." she looks and sounds terrified.'
+					'"Who are you? Why are you here?"'
+					'"I ... I ... I am nothing but my Masters little slut. I am here to serve him." a tear rolls down her cheek as she says these lines which are obviously not her own thoughts.'
+					'<i>She doesn''t seem to be ready to talk about this topic. Maybe you should ask her again at another time.</i>'
+					xgt 'nichTaras','katinka','talkEnd'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		act 'Back':
+			gt 'nichTaras','dungeon'
+		end
+	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'talkEnd':
+		*nl
+		'As you think about what you could say next you hear Taras returning from upstairs. He is dressed for his job.'
+		'"Time to get you back to your own room." he grabs <<$nichKatinkaName>> by her hair and pulls her back upstairs. You hear the locks once again being locked.'
+		nichKatinkaPresent = 0
+		act 'Alone':
+			gt 'nichTaras','dungeon'
+		end
+	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'wash':
+		!!or pcs_sweat >= 30
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/washing1.jpg"></center>'
+		'<<$nichKatinkaNameUC>> takes a bottle of shower gel and covers you in it. Being all tied up there is nothing you can do to prevent it. Her touch feels soft on your skin. Then she uses a hose to clean you. The water is ice cold. She gently dries you with a towel before combing your hair.'
+		dynamic $showerdin
+		pcs_hairbsh = 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		act 'Finished':
+			gt 'nichTaras','dungeon'
+		end
+	end
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'dungeon':
+	if nichTarasLeave <= hour * 60 + minut and nichKatinkaPresent ! 0:
+		'You hear Taras returning from upstairs. He is dressed for his job.'
+		'"Time to get you back to your own room." he grabs <<$nichKatinkaName>> by her hair and pulls her back upstairs. You hear the locks once again being locked.'
+		nichKatinkaPresent = 0
+	end
+	if $ARGS[1] = '':
+		gs 'stat'
+		if nichTarasReturn <= hour:
+			'You hear the locks of the door upstairs being opened again. Then heavy steps. Taras has returned.'
+			'"There is my slut, just where I left her. Good."'
+			'He comes over to you and grabs you by the hair.'
+			act 'Get dragged':
+				gt 'nichTaras','session'
+			end
+		else
+			'<center><b>Basement</b></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/dungeon.jpg"></center>'
+			'You are in a basement. There are several metal objects bolted to the ground and to the walls. They are used for chaining up prisoners. There is also a hose for cleaning.'	
+			*nl
+			'In one corner of the room stands an <a href="exec:minut += 10&gt ''nichTaras'', ''dungeon'', ''bed''">old bed</a> with a dirty mattress on it.'
+			*nl
+			'There is also a bucket with water and another one with some kind of bad tasting food. You could <a href="exec:gt ''nichTaras'', ''dungeon'', ''eat''">eat and drink</a> from them.'
+			*nl
+			if nichTarasMirror = 0:
+				'In another corner of the room is an <a href="exec:gt ''nichTaras'', ''dungeon'', ''mirror''">old mirror</a>.'
+			else
+				'The mirror you threw over lies in one corner of the room.'
+			end
+			if nichKatinkaPresent = 1:
+				*nl
+				'<a href="exec:gt ''nichTaras'', ''katinka'', ''desc''">The other girl</a> Taras ownes is also here cleaning the floor and refilling your food.'
+			end
+			act 'Wait':
+				minut += 60
+				gt 'nichTaras','dungeon'
+			end
+		end
+	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'bed':
+		gs 'stat'
+		if $ARGS[2] = '':
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/dungeonBed.jpg"></center>'
+			'You crawl over to the bed. Being tied up you have a hard time climbing on the mattress. It isn''t very comfortable but still better than the cold ground.'
+			if pcs_sleep < 80:
+				act 'Sleep':
+					gt 'nichTaras','dungeon', 'bed', 'sleep'
+				end
+			end
+			act 'Return':
+				gt 'nichTaras','dungeon'
+			end
+		elseif $ARGS[2] = 'sleep':
+			'The bed is extremely uncomfortable and smells of old sweat. You try to get into a comfortable position but your bondage would''t allow that.'
+			'Giving up you decide to try to sleep like this. It takes a while but finally you manage to fall asleep.'
+			*nl
+			if hour + 4 >= nichTarasReturn:
+				nichSleepTime = (nichTarasReturn - hour) * 60 - minut
+				minut += nichSleepTime
+				pcs_sleep = min(100 , pcs_sleep + nichSleepTime / 4)
+				killvar 'nichSleepTime'
+				gs 'stat'
+				'You wake up by a sharp pain in your side. Taras has returned and woke you up by giving you a kick.'
+				'"Enough lazing, slut."'
+				'He grabs your hair and pulls you up.'
+				cla
+				act 'Get dragged':
+					gt 'nichTaras','session'
+				end
+			else
+				'You wake up after a few hour. Apperently you are still alone in the basement.'
+				minut += 240
+				pcs_sleep = min(100 , pcs_sleep + 60)
+				gs 'stat'
+				if pcs_sleep < 80:
+					act 'Sleep':
+						gt 'nichTaras','dungeon', 'bed', 'sleep'
+					end
+				end
+				act 'Return':
+					gt 'nichTaras','dungeon'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'eat':
+		minut += 10
+		pcs_hydra = max(pcs_hydra,80)
+		pcs_energy = max(pcs_energy,80)
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/eat.jpg"></center>'
+		'You force yourself to eat a little bit of the distgusting tasting food in the bucket. At least the water is tastless.'
+		act 'Return':
+			gt 'nichTaras','dungeon'
+		end
+	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'mirror':
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirror.jpg"></center>'
+		'This is a dirty old mirror standing on the ground.'
+		act 'Inspect yourself':
+			*clr
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/hogtie1.jpg"></center>'
+			'You see the reflexion of your bound self in the mirror.'
+		end
+		if nichTarasMirror = 0:
+			act 'Throw over':
+				nichTarasMirror = 1
+				nichTarasMirrorCount += 1
+				*clr & cla
+				'It takes quit some effort by finally you manage to use your shoulder to throw the mirror over. The frame took some damage but the glass seems to be still intact.'
+				act 'Back':
+					gt 'nichTaras','dungeon'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		act 'Back':
+			gt 'nichTaras','dungeon'
+		end
+	end
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'session':
+	if nichTarasSession = 0:
+		if nichTarasMirror = 1 and nichTarasMirrorCount = 1:
+			nichTarasSession = -1
+			nichTarasMirror = 0
+		else
+			nichTarasSessions += 1
+			if nichTarasSessionComplete[1] = 0:
+				nichTarasSession = 1
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if nichTarasSession = -1:
+		if nichTarasSessionStage = 0:
+			!! Mirror thrown over for first time
+			'Of course Taras can''t miss the fact that you threw over his mirror.'
+			'"What the hell, bitch? Did you seriously throw my mirror over?"'
+			'He walks over to it and places it back up.'
+			'"Oh, I understand. You don''t like the way you are looking now." he grabs you by the hair and pulls you to the mirror, forcing you to look at your reflexion.'
+			'"This is what you truely are. A dirty little slut, nothing but I toy for finer people."'
+			'"I will make sure you understand and accept that."'
+			act 'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirrorEvent1a.jpg"></center>'
+				'He places you back on your belly and collects some items from a chest in the back of the room.'
+				'You don''t see what happens as he steps over you. Suddenly you feel an intense pain. As you open your mouth to let out a scream you feel that something is pushed into it.'
+				'You try to struggle away from it, but there is no use. Taras pushes what appears to be a dildo gag into your mouth and secures it in position with a few straps. The dildo is long enough to cause you discomfort as it nearly reaches your throat. You are forced to breath through your nose and even then you feel like being constantly at the edge of suffocation.'
+				'While you are desperately trying to push out the rubber invader in your mouth Taras expertly replaces your restraints with wrist cuffs and beltlike straps.'
+				'Next he forces you to your feet and connects your wrist cuffs to a chain hanging from the ceiling. You are forced to stand on tip toes, unable to move.'
+				'Your wrists already start to hurt, but Taras is not done yet. He takes out wooden clothes pegs and starts placing them all over your body. You try to protest but all you can produce is a gargle.'
+				'Lastly Taras places the mirror directly in front of you.'
+				'"I call this lesson ''Acceptance of your role in life''. The rules are simple: I will remove the pegs and by one. And you will watch it happen in the mirror. If you look away you get punished. If you close your eyes you get punished. If you pass you get rewarded."'
+				act 'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirrorEvent1b.jpg"></center>'
+					'He steps behind you. You hear a swishing sound in the air and one moment later you feel a burning pain on your back.'
+					'Apparently Taras wants to remove the pegs by whipping them away.'
+					act 'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirrorEvent1c.jpg"></center>'
+						'You feel the whip on your body again and again. The pain is almost too much to bare.'
+						*nl
+						'You try to keep your eyes on your reflexion. You can''t believe the girl in the mirror who gets abused so horribly is acutally you.'
+						act 'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirrorEvent1d.jpg"></center>'
+							'Focussing on the mirror gets harder with each stroke. You really want to close your eyes but what if you got punished even worse then?'
+							act 'Close eyes':
+								nichTarasSessionStage = 10
+								gt 'nichTaras','session'
+							end
+							act 'Focus':
+								*clr & cla
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirrorEvent1e.jpg"></center>'
+								'Taras has spared your most sensitive parts for the finish. Your pussy feels like being on fire as the whip hits it mercilessly several times.'
+								act 'Close eyes':
+									nichTarasSessionStage = 10
+									gt 'nichTaras','session'
+								end
+								act 'Focus':
+									nichTarasSessionStage = 20
+									gt 'nichTaras','session'
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		elseif nichTarasSessionStage = 10:
+			!! Sveta gets punished
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirrorEvent1d.jpg"></center>'
+			'The pain is too intense. You just have to close your eyes.'
+			'"What did I say, slut?! Don''t close your eyes! I will teach you to listen to my words."'
+			'Taras whips you even harder now. Your skin feels on fire and you scream as loud as you can. But the gag prevents you from making anything but muffled sounds.'
+			'Once Taras is done you are reduced to a sobbing mess.'
+			'"Since you missed the central aspect of this lesson I think you could use some extra time to finally get the point."'
+			'With these words he leaves the basement, leaving you hanging from the ceiling with the vile dildo in your mouth and your whole body covered in bruises.'
+			act 'Try to break free':
+				'You pull on your restraints the best you can, but they don''t give in. You are tightly locked.'
+			end
+			act 'Wait':
+				if pcs_sleep <= 20 or (hour >= 4 and hour <= 6):
+					*clr & cla
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirrorEvent1d.jpg"></center>'
+					'You are too tired to stay awake any longer.'
+					act 'Fall asleep':
+						nichTarasSessionStage = 11
+						gt 'nichTaras','session'
+					end
+				end
+				minut += 60
+				gs 'stat'
+			end
+			if pcs_sleep < 80:
+				act 'Sleep':
+					nichTarasSessionStage = 11
+					gt 'nichTaras','session'
+				end
+			end
+		elseif nichTarasSessionStage = 11:
+			!! Sveta fell asleep after 10
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirrorEvent1d.jpg"></center>'
+			'Despite your position being very uncomfortable you finally manage to fall asleep.'
+			if hour < 6: 
+				nichSleepTime = (6 - hour) * 60 - minut 
+			else	
+				nichSleepTime = (30 - hour) * 60 - minut 
+			end
+			pcs_sleep = min(100 , pcs_sleep + nichSleepTime / 4)
+			minut += nichSleepTime
+			killvar 'nichSleepTime'
+			gs 'stat'
+			*nl
+			'You don''t know for how long you slept when a dash of cold water pulls you out of your dreams.'
+			'You immidiately realize that you or no longer bolted to the ground. Instead you have already bound in an hogite again.'
+			'<<$nichKatinkaNameUC>> is the one washing you. Taras is nowhere to be seen for now.'
+			nichKatinkaPresent = 1
+			act 'Get washed':
+				killvar 'nichTarasSession'
+				killvar 'nichTarasSessionStage'
+				gt 'nichTaras','katinka', 'wash'
+			end
+		elseif nichTarasSessionStage = 20:
+			!! Sveta gets rewarded
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirrorEvent1e.jpg"></center>'
+			'Taras whips off the last pegs. Then he takes your chin and forces you to look him into the eyes.'
+			'"You passed this test. Of course that''s not your accomplishment. A pupil can only be as good as her teacher."'
+			'He diconnects your wrist cuffs from the ceiling. Only now you realize that your arms started to feel numb from the constant pull on them. Unabled to resist he pushes you to the ground and locks your wrists and ankles to metal rings bolted there.'
+			'"Nevertheless I promised you a reward."'
+			act 'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirrorEvent1f.jpg"></center>'
+				'He takes a vibrator and start working your clit.'
+				'It doesn''t take long before you feel an orgasm building up.'
+				'Your breath quickens while your gag still makes breathing difficult. Just as you are about to cum Taras holds your nose shut.'
+				'You feel your intense orgasm with every nerve. You try to move, to give into it, but your are tightly hold in place.'
+				*nl
+				'Finally Taras removes his hand from your nose also removes the horrible gag.'
+				'"I am done with you for today. You can rest now, slut."'
+				'Leaving you locked to the ground he leaves the basement.'
+				act 'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirrorEvent1g.jpg"></center>'
+					'You lie on the ground. Being restrained like this there is not much you can do.'
+					act 'Try to break free':
+						'You pull on your restraints the best you can, but they don''t give in. You are tightly locked.'
+					end
+					act 'Wait':
+						if pcs_sleep <= 20 or (hour >= 4 and hour <= 6):
+							*clr & cla
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirrorEvent1g.jpg"></center>'
+							'You are too tired to stay awake any longer.'
+							act 'Fall asleep':
+								nichTarasSessionStage = 21
+								gt 'nichTaras','session'
+							end
+						end
+						minut += 60
+						gs 'stat'
+					end
+					if pcs_sleep < 80:
+						act 'Sleep':
+							nichTarasSessionStage = 21
+							gt 'nichTaras','session'
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		elseif nichTarasSessionStage = 21:
+			!! Sveta fell asleep after 20
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/mirrorEvent1g.jpg"></center>'
+			'Despite the hard cold floor being very uncomfortable to lie on you finally manage to fall asleep.'
+			if hour < 6: 
+				nichSleepTime = (6 - hour) * 60 - minut 
+			else	
+				nichSleepTime = (30 - hour) * 60 - minut 
+			end
+			pcs_sleep = min(100 , pcs_sleep + nichSleepTime / 4)
+			minut += nichSleepTime
+			killvar 'nichSleepTime'
+			gs 'stat'
+			*nl
+			'You don''t know for how long you slept when a dash of cold water pulls you out of your dreams.'
+			'You immidiately realize that you are no longer bolted to the ground. Instead you have already bound in an hogite again.'
+			'<<$nichKatinkaNameUC>> is the one washing you. Taras is nowhere to be seen for now.'
+			nichKatinkaPresent = 1
+			act 'Get washed':
+				killvar 'nichTarasSession'
+				killvar 'nichTarasSessionStage'
+				gt 'nichTaras','katinka', 'wash'
+			end
+		end
+	elseif nichTarasSession = 1:
+		if nichTarasSessionStage = 0:
+			!! Rope 1 Event
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/rope1a.jpg"></center>'
+			'Taras holds your nose shut until you are forced to open your mouth to breath. Then he forces a dildo gag into your mouth. The fake member is so long it almost reaches your throat, making it difficult to breath.'
+			*nl
+			'Taras lets go of you and takes out a rope with many knots in it, which he places between two poles at hip height.'
+			*nl
+			'Afterwards he repeats this with another rope and two other poles. When he is done he has two taut ropes. They are about 5 meters long.'
+			*nl
+			'You see <<$nichKatinkaName>> standing next to one poles. She wears the same kind of gag you are wearing. Her hands are boung behind her back with some ropes.'
+			*nl
+			'Taras walks over to her, takes her upper leg and forces it over the rope. The rope is now between legs. It is so high she is forced to stand on tip toes.'
+			*nl
+			'You assume that the other rope is meant for you. And you are not wrong. Before long you find yourself in exactly the same position on the other rope, less than half a meter away from <<$nichKatinkaName>>. If you were not bound you could easily touch her. But with your hands being secured behing your back there is no way you could reach her.'
+			act 'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/rope1a.jpg"></center>'
+				'Taras steps on the other side of the two ropes.'
+				*nl
+				'"Now that I have two sluts I want to know which one of you is more eager to please her owner."'
+				*nl
+				'"Here is a little competition. The first one who reaches the end of her rope gets a reward. And you really don''t want to disappoint me."'
+				*nl
+				'"Three, two, one, <b>start</b>!"'
+				act 'Move forward':
+				end
+				act 'Don''t move':
+					*clr & cla
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/rope1a.jpg"></center>'
+					'You notice that <<$nichKatinkaName>> started to move forward. But you have no interest in participating in this humiliating race.'
+					*nl
+					'<<$nichKatinkaNameUC>> has advanced two knots when Taras comes over to you.'
+					*nl
+					'"You don''t want to get me angry, slut. Get moving or you will regret it."'
+					act 'Move forward':
+					end
+					act 'Stand still':
+						*clr & cla
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/rope1a.jpg"></center>'
+						'You decide that you won''t let his threat impress you. You watch as <<$nichKatinkaName>> slowly approaches the end of her rope knot by knot.'
+						*nl
+						'When she reaches the end Taras pets her head. "Well done, slut. Too bad your competitor didn''t show the same ambition. Just stay here while I lecture her the importance of good sportsmanship."'
+						*nl
+						'He grabs the bucket where you usually have to drink from. He opens his pants and starts urinating in the bucket.'
+						*nl
+						'Afterwards he unties you, only to push you inside a crate which is barely big enough for you to fit in. At the end is a hole where your head fits through.'
+						act 'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/punishment1a.jpg"></center>'
+							'Taras tightly ties you in the crate, then he pushes it on a small metal podium and turns it so your head faces downward.'
+							*nl
+							'Then he places the bucket under your face. You can smell the urine. It''s distgusting.'
+							*nl
+							'But Taras isn''t done yet. From the corner of your eyes you see that he is dragging <<$nichKatinkaName>> over to you.'
+							*nl
+							'"Piss!" he commands. Nothing happens. Does she hesitate to follow his order? "I said piss!". It only take a few moments longer before you feel a warm liquid on the back of your head, slowly running down your hair and into your face. She is actually pissing on your head!'
+							*nl
+							'When she is done the bucket is almost have full and the urine is even closer to your face now. But Taras is not satisfied yet. He returns with the water hose and while holding you back by your hair he fills the bucket with water until it reaches your chin.'
+							*nl
+							'When he lets go your face drops into the foul smelling liquid. In order to breath you have to pull it back and hold it in an akward position.'
+							*nl
+							'"That''s what happens to bad sportsman. You better keep your head up while I reward this little skank here."'
+							act 'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/punishment1b.jpg"></center>'
+								'You try to keep your head up the best you can. But it is just too exhausting. So you limit yourself on taking a deep breath every few seconds, let your head drop into the liquid and to surface a few seconds later.'
+								*nl
+								'While you''re busy not drowning you hear the reward Taras was speaking of. It sounds like a mixture of spanking, rape and whipping. Even being in a dire situation you can''t tell for sure if <<$nichKatinkaName>> is better of right now.'
+								*nl
+								'After what appears to be an eternity you hear Taras stepping next to your bucket again.'
+								*nl
+								'"It looks like you are having fun. I think I will leave you like this for the night."'
+								*nl
+								'"Oh, and before I forget: if you drink a little water you can drop your head without drowning."'
+								*nl
+								'With these words he leaves you alone once again.'
+								act 'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/punishment1a.jpg"></center>'
+									'You can''t believe what you just heard. How can he expect you to drink this revolting smelling liquid?'
+									act 'Drink':
+										if nichTarasSessionStage < 201:
+											'You have to bring up all your willpower to force this distgusting liquid down your throat.'
+											'You feel your stomach revolting and press your lips together. Barfing would only make matters way worse right now.'
+											'Just as you are about to finish drinking you realize, that you can''t drop your head safely yet. You are only halfway done.'
+											nichTarasSessionStage = 201
+											pcs_hydra = pcs_hydra + rand (80,100)
+											gs 'stat'
+										elseif nichTarasSessionStage = 201:
+											'Again you convince yourself to drink the liquid. It didn''t become easier since last time and your stomach already feels like bursting from all the liquid you forced into it.'
+											nichTarasSessionStage = 202
+											pcs_hydra = pcs_hydra + rand (80,100)
+											gs 'stat'
+										else
+											'There is no reason to drink any more liquid.'
+										end
+									end
+									act 'Wait':
+										if nichTarasSessionStage < 202:
+											'You wait for a few minutes. There is no way you will make it through the night like this.'
+										else
+											'You wait for a few minutes. You still have an uneasy feeling in your stomach, but at least you could sleep now.'
+										end
+									end
+									act 'Sleep':
+										if nichTarasSessionStage < 202:
+											'If you would fall asleep right now you would drown for sure.'
+										else
+											*clr & cla
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/taras/punishment1a.jpg"></center>'
+											'Being placed in this crate and all most of your weight resting on your shoulders while foul smelling urine is slowly drying on your head is a bad position to sleep in. But your need for sleep is too strong and so you fall asleep soon.'
+											if hour < 6: 
+												nichSleepTime = (6 - hour) * 60 - minut 
+											else	
+												nichSleepTime = (30 - hour) * 60 - minut 
+											end
+											pcs_sleep = min(100 , pcs_sleep + nichSleepTime / 4)
+											minut += nichSleepTime
+											killvar 'nichSleepTime'
+											gs 'stat'
+											*nl
+											'You don''t know for how long you slept when a dash of cold water pulls you out of your dreams.'
+											'You immidiately realize that you are no longer tied in the create. Instead you have already bound in an hogite again.'
+											'<<$nichKatinkaNameUC>> is the one washing you. Taras is nowhere to be seen for now.'
+											nichKatinkaPresent = 1
+											act 'Get washed':
+												killvar 'nichTarasSession'
+												killvar 'nichTarasSessionStage'
+												gt 'nichTaras','katinka', 'wash'
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end	
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+--- nichTaras ---------------------------------

+ 14 - 3

@@ -55,6 +55,16 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'debug':
 			nichTanyaFuckCounter = 6
 			hour = 16
 			gt 'down'
+		elseif $ARGS[2] = 'tanyaDate100':
+			nichWork = 2
+			nichTanyaOpinion = 1
+			nichTanyaFuckCounter = 6
+			nichTanyaDominance = 30
+			nichTanyaStrapon = 0
+			nichGalaKnowsPT = 0
+			hour = 16
+			$loc = 'nichBedroomTanja'
+			gt 'nichTanya','bedroomTanya'
@@ -71,6 +81,7 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'debug':
 	'<i>The following options will set and change a whole bunch of variables and might transport you to another place. Important: every shortcut has been created with a debug scenario in mind and won''t set/reset every storyline-variable. Expect weird behavior.</i>'
 	'<a href="exec: gt ''nichUtil'', ''debug'',''shortcut'',''meetTanya''">Meet Tanya</a>: Sets you up to meet Tanya. Go to the dressing room. She is the ''cute girl''. Meeting her has a random chance unless you have activated debug mode.'
 	'<a href="exec: gt ''nichUtil'', ''debug'',''shortcut'',''getHired''">Get hired</a>: You visited Tanya often enough for her to offer you the job as the live-in maid.'
+	'<a href="exec: gt ''nichUtil'', ''debug'',''shortcut'',''tanyaDate100''">Tanya Special Date 1</a>: Tanya became somewhat dominant. Ask her for a date and let her decide where to go.'
 	'<i><b>Job performance</b></i>'
@@ -533,11 +544,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'tanyaPic':
 		elseif $ARGS[2] = 'arimjob':
 			$RESULT = $nichTempFolder + 'sexL/arimjob/arimjob'+rand(0,3)+'.jpg'
 		elseif $ARGS[2] = 'primjob':
-			$RESULT = $nichTempFolder + 'sexL/primjob/primjob'+rand(0,1)+'.jpg'
+			$RESULT = $nichTempFolder + 'sexL/primjob/primjob'+rand(0,2)+'.jpg'
 		elseif $ARGS[2] = 'astrapon':
 			$RESULT = $nichTempFolder + 'sexL/astrapon/astrapon'+rand(0,5)+'.jpg'
 		elseif $ARGS[2] = 'pstrapon':
 			$RESULT = $nichTempFolder + 'sexL/pstrapon/pstrapon'+rand(0,3)+'.jpg'
+		elseif $ARGS[2] = 'psovaginal':
+			$RESULT = $nichTempFolder + 'sexL/pstrapon/pstrapon'+rand(0,3)+'.jpg'
 	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'sexH':
 		if $ARGS[2] = 'spy':
@@ -550,8 +563,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'tanyaPic':
-	'<<$RESULT>>'
 	killvar '$nichTempFolder'

+ 1 - 0

@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ npctemp = 52
 gs 'npcstaticdefaults', 'defaults'
 $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] = '1571713339 1381421911 1129274296 1580593240 1693511984 1798824352 1655802955'
 $npc_firstname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Nicholas'
+$npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Polyakov'
 $npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Nicholas'
 npc_cyc['A<<npctemp>>'] = -1
 npc_fert['A<<npctemp>>'] = -1

+ 1 - 1

@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ $npc_nickname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Tanya'
 $npc_lastname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Polyakov'
 $npc_usedname['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Tanya'
 $npc_notes['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'Girl you meet at the city gym'
-npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19980207
+npc_dob['A<<npctemp>>'] = 19980622
 npc_cyc['A<<npctemp>>'] = rand(0,29)
 npc_fert['A<<npctemp>>'] = -1
 $npc_firstpart['A<<npctemp>>'] = 'U'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1532,7 +1532,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'magic':
-		$SpellListStr
+		*pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr)
 		killvar 'i'
 		killvar '$ThisSpellName'

+ 18 - 13

@@ -20,15 +20,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	$torchki = {
-		*clr & cla
-		gs 'stat'
-		SNarkPriton = 1
-		'The junkies look at you with a daunted gaze. They probably thought you are a police officer. Then one of them said, "We don''t sell no drugs. Go to the Drug House, ye can get zome there."'
-		act 'Walk away from them':gt 'park', 'start'
-	}
 	$sexloc = $CURLOC
 	if WalkInsidePark = 0:WalkInsidePark = 1
@@ -45,7 +36,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	if hour >= 10 and hour <= 22:'The small café in the park is open, you could sit there and have some food.'
-	if SNarkPriton = 0:'Near the cafe the <a href="exec:dynamic $torchki">junkies</a> hang out.'
+	if SNarkPriton = 0:'Near the cafe the <a href="exec: gt ''park'', ''junkies''">junkies</a> hang out.'
 	if hour >= 9 or hour <= 20:
 		'There is an all year <a href="exec:gt ''park'', ''luna''">fair</a> at the park which you can visit.'
@@ -129,7 +120,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	if $clothingworntype = 'exercise' and $shoeworntype = 'trainers' and hour > 5 and hour < 23 and parkrunday ! daystart:
-		act 'Jog through the park (1:00)':
+		act 'Go for a run in the park (1:00)':
 			*clr & cla
 			menu_off = 1
 			parkrunday = daystart
@@ -189,6 +180,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
+			act 'Finish your run':
+				cla & *nl
+				'You feel great after your run. A bit sweaty, but also that you''ve managed to improve your stamina as you even feel a bit slimmer.'
+				act 'Continue': gt 'park', 'start'
+			end
 			if pcs_inhib >= 35  or exhibitionist_lvl > 0:
 				act 'Expose your breasts':
 					*clr & cla
@@ -202,8 +199,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 					gs 'parkivent', 'run_reactions'
-			act 'Complete jog':gt 'park', 'start'
 	elseif ($clothingworntype ! 'exercise' or $shoeworntype = 'trainers') and hour > 5 and hour < 23 and parkrunday ! daystart:
 		'You could go for a run in the park if you were wearing sports clothes and shoes.'
@@ -767,5 +762,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'rape1':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'junkies':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	SNarkPriton = 1
+	'The junkies look at you with a daunted gaze. They probably thought you are a police officer. Then one of them said, "We don''t sell no drugs. Go to the Drug House, ye can get zome there."'
+	act 'Walk away from them':gt 'park', 'start'
 --- park ---------------------------------

+ 4 - 4

@@ -899,10 +899,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'find_baby':
 					'The boy is in your arms and you lead your nipple into his small dry mouth. You can feel the small lips clamping weakly onto your nipple, only light sucktion coming from the mouth.'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/park_baby/feeding_01.jpg"></center>'
-					temp_var = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', 7, 3000)
+					temp_var = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', 7, 30)
 					if temp_var > 10:
 						'<br>The baby boys weak suckling isn''t getting better with time. He is suckling on your nipple for almost 10 minutes and his condition isn'' getting better.'
-						milkedvolume = (func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 7, 10)/100)
+						milkedvolume = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 7, 10)
 						milkedvolume = 0
 						minut += temp_var
 						if pcs_mood < 20:
@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'find_baby':
 						'<br>The baby boys weak suckling is getting better with time. After around <<temp_var>> minutes his sucking is getting more intense.'
-						milkedvolume = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 7, 10)
+						milkedvolume = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 7, temp_var)
 						milkedvolume = 0
 						minut += temp_var
 						act 'Continue to breastfeed him':
@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'find_baby':
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/park_baby/feeding_02.jpg"></center><br>'
 							temp_var = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', 2, 120)
 							if temp_var > 30:
-								'You try to breastfeed him for 30 minutes but you can''t satisfy his needs even after switching breasts. Your breasts don''t make enough milk.'
+								'You try to breastfeed him for 30 minutes but you can''t satisfy his needs even after switching breasts. He doesn''t seem to get enough milk from your breasts.'
 								milkedvolume = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 2, 30)
 								milkedvolume = 0
 								minut += 30

+ 99 - 27

@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	if StoryLine > 0 and hour < 5 and motherWorry = 0 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and age < 18 and home_owned[2] = 1: motherWorry = 1
-	if  ((minut + 60*(hour+daystart*24) - pavcomplexevent_time) > 60) or ((daystart+1)*1440 < pavcomplexevent_time):
+	if ((minut + 60*(hour+daystart*24) - pavcomplexevent_time) > 60) or ((daystart+1)*1440 < pavcomplexevent_time):
 		pavcomplexevent_time = minut + 60*(hour+daystart*24)
 		if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and rand (1,4) = 1: gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'events1'
 		if (hour < 8 or hour > 20) and rand (1,8) = 1: gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'events2'
 	if week = 1 or week = 3 or week = 5:
 		if hour >= 17 and hour <= 19:
 			'Walking along the apartment complex you can hear a bouncing sound. Turning the corner you see <a href="exec:gt ''gschool_socialchg1'', ''tLariska''">Lariska</a> hitting a ball against the wall...'
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		cardrive = 20
 		'Your <a href="exec:gs ''carF'', ''start''"><<$car>></a> is parked in the street.'
 	if rexCar = 1 and rexCarDay = daystart and hour >= 21 and hour < 23 and rexSisTalk = 3:
 		'<br>Rex is in his car, waiting for you at the parking lot near the apartment building where your parents live.'
 		act 'Join Rex in his car':gt'reks','avto'
@@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		if anushkaFirstvisit ! 0: gs'show_table','Messy home of <a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt ''anushapt'', ''home''">Anushka Konstantinov</a>.','3'
+		if st_count > 0 :'<TABLE BORDER=1><<$show_table>></TR></TABLE>'
 	if seenAD = 1 and pavSharedAptEnabled = 0: '<br>Some guys in one of the <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''pavSharedApt'',''doorNo30''">apartments</a> are looking for a roommate.'
@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garages':
 	'Along the back street is a row of garages for rent to the residents of the apartments. The weather in Pavlovsk can be brutal especially in the winter, so people who own a car often have a garage to put it away safely. Between the garages and the courtyard is a series of smaller storage buildings that can be rented as well as the complex maintenance building and laundry. The buildings layout leaves of a bit of a maze of walkways between them, which is a popular place for the kids to play or for teenagers to hang out.'
 	if StoryLine = 1:'Your <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''gargazel''">stepfather''s garage</a> is around here somewhere.'
 	if gopnik_initiation = 1 and gopnik_initiation_day = daystart and hour = 20: act '<b>Meet Lena and Lera</b>': gt 'gschool_socialchg','gopnik initiation'
-	if ((week < 6 and hour => 18 and hour < 22) or (week >= 6 and hour >= 15 and hour < 22)) and (Ed_event_day ! daystart):
+	if ((week < 6 and hour => 18 and hour < 22) or (week >= 6 and hour >= 15 and hour < 22)) and ed_event_day ! daystart:
 		if seenEd = 0:
 			if rand(0,5) = 1:
@@ -175,15 +177,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garages':
 				'As you pass by you can hear the man talking to someone else. You throw a quick glance towards them, and you see the man showing something off to a younger man on a motorcycle, looking further at them you realize that the younger man is Valentin... They seem really into it and before they turn their attention towards you quickly move on.'
 				seenEd = 1
-				Ed_event_day = daystart
+				ed_event_day = daystart
-			!!Random events after you know who Eduard is
 			if anushkaFirstvisit >= 1:
 				if rand(0,4) = 0:
 					*clr & cla
-					Ed_event_day = daystart
-					garageedevent = RAND(1,5)
+					ed_event_day = daystart
+					garageedevent = rand(1,5)
 					if garageedevent = 1:
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/garage/ed1.jpg"></center>'
 						'As you walk past Eduard''s garage you notice him working on his motorcycle as usual. You carefully approach the entrance and peek in, he has his back towards you and seems completely engrossed on whatever he is doing with the motorcycle.'
@@ -191,7 +192,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garages':
 						gs 'stat'
 						act 'Be on your way':gt 'pavComplex', 'garages'
 						act 'Say hi':
-							cla
+							*clr & cla
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/garage/ed1.jpg"></center>'
 							'You step into the garage and walk up behind him. "Hello Mr. Konstantinov."'
 							'A bit startled he quickly turns towards you, gripping his wrench tight. He looks like he is ready to hurt someone. Frightened by his actions you instinctively take a step back ready to quickly run away.'
 							'Feeling like an eternity Eduard finally relaxes, letting the wrench hang loosely in his hand, and even breaks out in a small smile, "You should be careful when approaching someone from behind <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
@@ -220,6 +222,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garages':
 							'You approach and greet them, they look up and greet you back. You spend some minutes small talking with them about what they''re doing and they try their best to answer in the most interesting way they can.'
 							'Despite their best efforts to explain you don''t really follow it all that well, they are way more technically then you can easily follow. So you smile and nod humoring them and maybe learning a thing or two.'
 							gs 'stat'
+							act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
 							act 'Talk to Valentin':
 								cla & *clr
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/garage/ed7.jpg"></center>'
@@ -249,6 +252,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garages':
 							gs 'stat'
 							act 'Nothing':
 								cla & *clr
+								minut += 1
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/garage/ed1.jpg"></center>'
 								'You shake your head slightly. "Nothing, I was just passing by and saw you. So thought I would stop and say hi, well anyways I should let you get back to work and I got things I need to do." With that you give him a slight wave then leave.'
 								gs 'stat'
@@ -256,21 +260,102 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garages':
 							act 'Talk':
 								cla & *clr
-								minut += 25
+								minut += 10
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/garage/ed6.jpg"></center>'
-								'You shrug slightly. "I just thought you might wanted to talk." you tell him.'
+								'You shrug slightly. "I just thought you might want to talk." you tell him.'
 								'He nods and takes a seat on his tool box. "Sure I got a few minutes, what''s on your mind?"'
 								'You walk over and look at his bike and then gently lean against it, being real careful not to knock it over. "How are things at home?"'
 								'He laughs slightly at the question. "Well if you are really curious, the wife is still a shrew, the boys are... well preteen boys so nothing but trouble and Nush, well I wouldn''t know. I rarely see her, I just hope she is staying out of trouble." Then he snorts. "Or I should say, not getting into more trouble than she can handle. What about yourself? Everything ok at home, doing well in school?"'
 								'You spend some time telling him about home and school, he seems far more interested than you expected. After about half of hour of pleasant conversation you excuse yourself and tell him not to work too late, as you leave.'
 								gs 'stat'
 								act 'Go to the courtyard':minut += 1 & gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+								act 'Keep talking':
+									cla & *clr
+									minut += 15
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/garage/ed6.jpg"></center>'
+									edchat = rand(1,13)	
+									if edchat = 1:
+										'"Your daughter is lots of fun, has anyone ever mentioned that?" you gloat a little.'
+										'"So what''s my daughter up to these days?" Eduard causally asks while working on his bike.'
+										'"Oh, you know... The usual teenage stuff... Nothing serious." you smile and give him a sly wink.'
+										'"As long as I don''t get anyone angry knocking on my door..." he calmly replies.'
+									elseif edchat = 2:
+										'"I''ve been trying to get to know your daughter a little bit better but I have a hard time getting through to her, mind if you share a fond memory of her with me?" you ask.'
+										'"No at all," Eduard shines up, "There was this time, I remember some boys were picking on her..." he stops and begins to laugh, "She went home grabbed a bucket full of water to soak them. But what she didn''t think of was that the bucket would be too heavy so just as she lifted the bucket, she lost her balance and got soaked all over."'
+										'The two of you start to laugh loudly, "I still remember her barging in, soaking wet..." Eduard says as you notice tears forming from laughter.'
+									elseif edchat = 3:
+										'"Have you seen Anushka today?" you ask Eduard as he''s working on his bike.'
+										'"Can''t say I really have... Why, is she up to something?" he stops and looks sternly at you.'
+										'"N-No, not at all..." you gulp, "I was just wondering if you''ve seen her?"'
+										'"Sorry if I scared you... I just want her to be safe you know. Keep an eye out for her okay, I know she can be all over the place and gets in trouble a lot..." Eduard tells you before going back to work on his bike.'
+									elseif edchat = 4:
+										'"May I ask you a question, <<$pcs_nickname>>?" Eduard wipes his hands as he takes a break from working on the bike.'
+										'You nod, a bit afraid what he''ll ask...'
+										if grupTipe = 4:
+											'"So I''ve heard some rumors that you two were about and doing some shit round town? Do I need to have a talk with you and my lovely daughter?" he crosses his arms awaiting an answer.'
+											'You shake your head, "No, no, no, we''re staying out of trouble. We''d never do anything to upset you. I promise."'
+											'"Good, keep it that way... Sometimes you kids drive me crazy..." he shortly reply.'
+										else
+											'"How come you and my daughter are friends? Don''t take this the wrong way, but you''re totally different from each other."'
+											'You stand and ponder for a while, "I don''t actually know. We just click, it''s hard to explain, but being around your daughter is a blast."'
+											'"Hopefully you''ll be a good influence on her. And be careful, don''t let her corrupt you." he smiles and winks.'
+										end
+									elseif edchat = 5:
+										'"I don''t know how to say this..." you look a bit frighteningly at Eduard, "But your boys have been spying on me."'
+										'"Spying in what way?" Eduard asks.'
+										'"Well," you squirm a little, "They like to watch me, when I''m taking a shower at your place..." you blush.'
+										'Eduard stops and thinks for a while, "Again?! Those damn boys will be the death of me... Tell you what don''t worry I''ll have a long discussion with them about it not being okay... Seems like I''ll need to show them what happens when they overstep their boundaries..."'
+									elseif edchat = 6:
+										'"Those damn kids are sitting in front of a computer all day just staring at the screen..." Eduard rants.'
+										'"What''s the problem?" you ask.'
+										'"I''ll tell you what''s the problem... Those brats are joining a sports team. I don''t care which one but they''re not sitting on their asses anymore..." Eduard keeps on ranting.'
+									elseif edchat = 7:
+										'Eduard looks worryingly at you, "Has Anushka mentioned anything about her brothers?"'
+										'"No, not really. She usually doesn''t mention them that often..." you reply honestly.'
+										'"Oh, okay. They''ve been going at each other lately so I was just wondering if you''ve heard anything..." Eduard shrugs his shoulders.'
+									elseif edchat = 8:
+										'"I don''t want to be rude, but what does your wife act like that, you know like a bitch?" you curiously ask.'
+										'He sighs, "Look, I know she sometimes act like she has a stick up her ass but she''s got the heart at the right place... You just don''t see it that often..."'
+									elseif edchat = 9:
+										'"So I was heading over to see Anushka and I saw your wife talking with some people outside the store..."'
+										'Eduard starts laughing, "Ah yes, the good ol'' gossip gang. They were probably talking some shit, thinking they''re the center of attention... But it''s quite sad to be honest."'
+									elseif edchat = 10:
+										'"That damn, fucking... Always on my ass. One day I''ll fucking..." Eduard is muttering to himself...'
+										'"I-Is everything okay?" you quietly ask, afraid of his reaction.'
+										'He mutters on, "Is everything okay... Such a stupid question, everyone always want to know what is on Eduard''s mind. Can''t be alone for a moment..."'
+										'Noticing he''s deep inside his thoughts, you turn around and begin to leave as you hear, "Oh sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, I''m having an off day today..."'
+									elseif edchat = 11:
+										'"How many tattoo''s do you have?" you curiously ask.'
+										'Eduard smiles and starts looking all over his body, "Did this one when I was thirteen, this one in jail..." he stops and looks at you, "More than a dozen, can''t even remember how many I''ve done."'
+										'"Cool!" you reply.'
+										if tattCount = 0:
+											'He sighs a bit. "No, it''s not cool. But they can be meaningful, if you get one. Make sure you get one for the right reasons and not just to be cool, ok?" he poorly tries his best to discourage you to get one.'
+										elseif tattCount > 0 and tatarm = 0 and tathand = 0 and tatwrist = 0 and tatunder = 0 and tatupb = 0 and tatside = 0 and tatlech = 0 and tatneck = 0 and tatlip = 0 and tatleg = 0 and tatankle = 0 and tatfce = 0 and tatchst = 0:
+											'You start to remove your clothes to show him your special tattoo, he holds up his hands partially blocking his own view. "What the hell are you doing?" He asks.'
+											'"I was just going to show you my tattoo, I got." You respond.'
+											'He snorts and a laugh and shakes his head. "That''s ok, I believe you. I swear you are almost as bad as Nush, you would think she was allergic to clothes or something, the number of times she walks around the apartment naked..." he trails off, muttering something about girls.'
+										else
+											'You proudly show off yours to him.'
+											'Taken aback a bit, "Oh you''ve already got one. It''s a great feeling, I remember getting my first one and then it became like a drug, I was hooked."'
+											'You nod your head, "I''m already thinking about doing another one."'
+											'"Just remember to do something cool and not something horrible that you''ll regret later on." he gives you advice on it.'
+										end
+									elseif edchat = 12:
+										'"So I was just harassed by the local police..." you complain to Eduard.'
+										'"Ah yes, our finest," he spits on the ground out of spite, "They''re always harassing people, looking for a bribe. I''ve always hated this cities police force, even when I was young they were out to get me."' 
+									elseif edchat = 13:
+										'"Tell me <<$pcs_nickname>>, is that place over by old factory still left?" Eduard curiously asks.'
+										'You ponder for a while, "Don''t really know which one you mean but no one really hangs over there anymore. The only ones that remain are the drug dealers..."'
+										'"That''s a shame, we used to have that as a meeting place... Lots of crazy stuff happened there, the fights, the women, the dru-..." he clears his throat, "Yeah, those were great times." his mind travels away somewhere as he gets a little smirk.'
+									end
+									act 'Go to the courtyard':minut += 1 & gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+								end
 							act 'Want to learn about working on motorcycles':
 								cla & *clr
 								minut += 60
+								hndiwrk_exp += rand(3,5)
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/garage/ed5.jpg"></center>'
-							!!if first time get this text below
 								if LearntAboutMotorcycle = 0:
 									LearntAboutMotorcycle = 1
 									'You walk up to his bike and pick up a random tool. "Actually I was wondering if maybe you can teach me a little about working on motorcycles." You say hopefully.'
@@ -280,7 +365,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garages':
 									'He smiles at that and looks... proud you think. "Couldn''t have said it better myself." With that he explains how the motorcycles works in broad basic terms, explains some of the tools and then puts you to work on some easy stuff on the bike. But you do learn stuff, before long though you are covered in grease and grim.'
 									'He chuckles and shakes his head at how you look. "Ok I think that is enough for now, why don''t you go get cleaned up. We can continue some other time." You put down the tools, smile and thank him for helping you, then leave.'
-							!!else all follow up times get this text
 									'You walk up to his bike and pick up a tool. "Actually I was wondering if maybe you can teach me a little more about working on motorcycles." You say hopefully.'
 									'He nods a bit. "I would be happy to show you more, grab that wrench over there." He points at a wrench laying on a table.'
 									'You nod enthusiastically. "I do, I really do. I think all girls should learn the basics, in case we break down out on the road somewhere with no one around."'
@@ -322,7 +406,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garages':
 							act 'Strip down to your panties':
 								cla & *clr
 								minut += 3
-								npc_rel['A158'] += 3
+								npc_rel['A158'] += 1
 								gs 'clothing', 'strip'
 								gs 'bras', 'remove'
 								gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'exhibitionism'
@@ -330,17 +414,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garages':
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/garage/val1.jpg"></center>'
 								'Like all the other boys he just wants you for your body, but what the fuck. It''s not like you don''t enjoy it too and you are in the mood to get your brains fucked out. So you grin at him and start undressing, you do it very slowly.'
 								if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
-									!!if wearing panties this
 									'You strip down to your underwear, teasing him the whole time. Tossing your clothes aside and loving how you have his complete attention, you can already see the bulge in his pants. You kneel down next to him.'
-									!!if not wearing panties this
 									'You strip down, teasing him the whole time. Tossing your clothes aside and loving how you have his complete attention, you can already see the bulge in his pants. You kneel down next to him.'
 								gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'exhibitionism'
 								gs 'stat'
 								act 'Unbutton his pants':
 									cla & *clr
-									minut += 2
 									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/garage/val2.jpg"></center>'
 									'You pull off his shirt and push him back so he is sitting back on his heels. Then you start to unbutton his pants, while you feel one of his hands slide between your legs and begins to rub your pussy, getting it nice and wet.'
@@ -348,7 +429,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garages':
 									gs 'stat'
 									act 'Suck his dick':
 										cla & *clr
-										minut += 5
 										gs 'boyStat', 'A154'
 										gs 'stat'
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/garage/val3.jpg"></center>'
@@ -358,16 +438,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garages':
 										gs 'stat'
 										act 'Let him fuck you':
 											cla & *clr
-											minut += 10
 											gs 'panties', 'remove'
 											gs 'boyStat', 'A154'
 											gs 'stat'
 											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/garage/val4.jpg"></center>'
 											'Once he is sure you are good and wet, he slides his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock into your warm pussy. Which elicits a moan from both of you, he goes slow and not to deep at first. As he feels you getting wetter and moaning louder as he starts fucking you a little harder and slowly works himself balls deep into your twat.'
-											gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 20, 'unknown'
+											gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'unknown'
 											act 'More':
 												cla & *clr
-												minut += 10
 												gs 'boyStat', 'A154'
 												gs 'stat'
 												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/garage/val5.jpg"></center>'
@@ -378,13 +456,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garages':
 												gs 'stat'
 												act 'Finish':
 													cla & *clr
-													minut += 5
 													gs 'stat'
 													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/garage/val6.jpg"></center>'
 													'He starts grunting as he fucks your ass and suddenly pulls out of you. He stands up and pulls you up to your knees, turning to face him. As you do, he is already jerking off and within moments warm cum starts spurting out of his dick and covering your tits in sperm. After a couple of more spurts of cum, the spray stops and he moans a sigh of relief.'
 													'He grins down at your cum covered tits grinning at his handy work. Then he cleans himself up and gets dressed as you do the same. Once you are both fully dressed again, he turns to you. "Thanks <<$pcs_nickname>> I needed that, but I should get back to work on my bike. Talk to you tomorrow at school kay." Then he starts working on his bike again. You take one last look around to make sure you didn''t forget anything and leave.'
-													gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'unknown'
+													gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'unknown'
 													gs 'cum_call', 'breasts', $boy, 1
 													gs 'arousal', 'end'
 													gs 'underwear', 'wear'
@@ -400,20 +477,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'garages':
 					killvar 'garageedevent'
-				!! rand(0,4)
-			!! anushkaFirstvisit = 1
-		!! seenEd
-	!! hours
 	if $CURACTS = '':
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Go to the courtyard':minut += 2 & gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
 		if StoryLine = 1: act 'Go to your stepfather''s garage': minut += 5 & gt 'gargazel'
-!! garages
 --- pavComplex ---------------------------------

+ 354 - 207

@@ -10,11 +10,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bench':
 	$loc = 'pavaptcourtev'
 	$location_type = 'public_outdoors'
 	gs 'stat'
-	if month >=11 and month <= 12 or month >=1 and month <=3:
-		!!Winter
+	if music_on = 1:
+		$track_loop = 'sound/outsideschool.mp3'
+		volume = 80
+		music_loop = 1
+		pl '<a href="exec: music_on = 0 & gt $loc">Turn off the music</a>'
+	else
+		music_loop = 0
+		close all
+		pl '<a href="exec: music_on = 1 & gt $loc">Play music</a>'
+	end
+	if month >= 11 and month <= 12 or month >= 1 and month <= 3:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/benchw.jpg"></center>'
-		!!Summer
 		if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23:
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/bench.jpg"></center>'
@@ -27,6 +35,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bench':
 	if cookmag = 1 or fashmag = 1 or compmag = 1 or biomag = 1 or knitmag = 1 or fitmag = 1: act 'Read a magazine': gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'read'
 	act 'Play on your phone': gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'phone'
 	if siga > 0: act 'Smoke': gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'smoke'
+	if joint > 0: act 'Smoke a joint': gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'smoke_joint'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'wait':
@@ -74,13 +83,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'phone':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/benchphonew.jpg"></center>'
 	'You pull out your phone, check you messages before playing a game on your phone.'
 	act 'Get up': gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
-	act 'Keep playing on phone': gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'phone'
+	act 'Keep playing on your phone': gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'phone'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'smoke':
 	*clr & cla
 	menu_off = 1
-	pcs_mood += 10
 	minut += 5
 	gs 'shortgs','smoker'
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -90,6 +98,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'smoke':
 	if siga > 0: act 'Have another cigarette': gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'smoke'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'smoke_joint':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
+	minut += 10
+	gs 'shortgs','smoke_joint'
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/benchsmoke.jpg"></center>'
+	'You pull a joint of your purse and light it up. Trying to act like you are just smoking a cigarette. You take a long slow drag off it as you relax on the bench, before long you are feeling the effects.'
+	act 'Get up': gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'events1':
 	*clr & cla
@@ -100,12 +119,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events1':
 	minut += 5
 	gs 'stat'
-	!!rolanmeet > 0: Rolan story has started
-	if rolanmeet = 0: events = rand(0,17)
-	if rolanmeet > 0: events = rand(0,22)
+	if rolanmeet = 0: 
+		events = rand(0,17)
+	else
+		events = rand(0,22)
+	end
 	if anushkaFirstvisit = 0 and npc_rel['A144'] > 50 and rand(0,1) = 1 and anushka_met ! daystart:
 		if storyline ! 1: jump 'reroll_jump1'
 		*clr & cla
@@ -201,6 +222,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events1':
 		'You notice some young boys heading over, the oldest about your brothers age. They are all holding water balloons or large open bottles of water. As they get closer they suddenly run over and start throwing the water on you, they chase you across the courtyard pretty much getting you soaking wet until they break off, when they see a new victim to go drench in water.'
 !!ToDo: I don''t know if there is code for making Sveta wet and her clothes wet or not, if so please add it, if not maybe we should think about adding it. Since this would mess up the hair, could make wet clothes uncomfortable to wear and in winter greatly increase the odds of getting sick if Sveta doesn''t go change into dry clothes.
+		pcs_hairbsh = 0
+		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
 	elseif events = 13:
 		*clr & cla
@@ -212,7 +235,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events1':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/sex/evbj' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
 		text_rand = rand(0,2)
 		if text_rand = 0 or storyline ! 1:
-			'You spot an extremely happy looking man leaned up against the wall near the storage buildings, and squatting in front of him is a girl giving him an enthusiastic blowjob. You''re not exactly sure which of the two is enjoying it more. You don''t know either of these people, but you''ve seen them around here before. After a few minutes, you hear the guy moan, his cock never leaving the girl''s mouth. She continues to milk him for another minute before standing up and the two walk off together.'
+			'You spot an extremely happy looking guy leaning up against the wall near the storage buildings, and squatting in front of him is a girl giving him an enthusiastic blowjob. You''re not exactly sure which of the two is enjoying it more. You don''t know either of these people, but you''ve seen them around here before. After a few minutes, you hear the guy moan, his cock never leaving the girl''s mouth. She continues to milk him for another minute before standing up and the two walk off together.'
 		elseif text_rand = 1:
 			'You see, between two of the storage buildings, Lena squatting down before Lavrenti as she sucks his dick. Lena seems to be enjoying this almost as much as Lavrenti is enjoying getting the blowjob. After a few minutes, you hear him moan, his cock never leaving her mouth. She continues to milk him for another minute before standing up and the two walk off together. You wonder if Vitek is aware of what his sister is getting up to, though you definitely aren''t going to ask him, knowing his reputation, when it comes to his sister.'
 		elseif text_rand = 2:
@@ -243,10 +266,29 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events1':
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
 	elseif events = 16:
+		*clr & cla
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/nushbench.jpg"></center>'
+		'As you walk through the courtyard you see Anushka sitting on one of the benches, she hasn''t noticed you yet.'
+		act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+		act 'Take a seat next to her':
+			*clr & cla
+			pcs_mood += 10
+			npc_rel['A144'] += 1
+			gs 'Stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/nushbenchtalk.jpg"></center>'
+			'You stop and take a seat next to her, she glances over as you sit down. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>> whats up?"'
+			'"Just killing time, kinda bored you know?" You tell her.'
+			'She nods a bit. "Yeah I know how that is, I was so bored I was making up little stories for what the people are doing." She pauses only a moment then indicates some old guy walking towards the garages. "Take him for example, he use to be part of the kgb. Now he is a freelance assasin and was just hired to go kill, that shrill of a old woman that is always sitting in the market yelling at every girl wearing a skirt higher than her ankle, you know the one."'
+			*nl
+			'You smile and nod that you know the one she means. "So did you hire him?"'
+			'That gets a laugh from her. "Ok your turn." You take a moment to spot someone else and start making up your own story. The two of you spend the next bit laughing and making up stories about the different people you see passing through the courtyard. Then she gets a message and jumps up with a huge grin. "Need to go, see you later." And with that she runs off.'
+			act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+		end
+	elseif events = 17:
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/boysmoke.jpg"></center>'
 		'You notice a couple of boys from the complex standing over near of the buildings by the garages smoking.'
-		act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+		act 'Move away': gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
 		act 'Ask for a cigarette':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 1
@@ -263,7 +305,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events1':
 				'Then he looks at you. "Sure you can have a cigarette if you suck our dicks first."'
 				'"What? Why the fuck would I do that?" you ask him.'
 				'He snorts a laugh. "Come on, everyone knows your a cocksucker. So get down on your knees and suck us off or get lost."'
-				act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+				gs 'willpower', 'bj'
+				if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+					act 'Move away (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+						gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+						gt 'pavComplex', 'start' 
+					end
+				end
 				act 'Get down on your knees':gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'smokeblowjob'
 				'One of the boys nods and pulls a pack out of his pocket, he pulls a cigarette out and hands it to you.'
@@ -281,7 +329,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events1':
-	elseif events >= 17:
+	elseif events >= 18:
 		if storyline ! 1: jump 'reroll_jump1'
 		gt 'pavcomplexrolan'
@@ -295,8 +343,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events2':
 	$loc = 'pavaptcourtev'
 	$location_type = 'public_outdoors'
 	gs 'stat'
-!!ToDo: Remove this and the next line if places are added to the game where sveta can smoke the joints (julzor)
-	:night_events_jump
 	nightevents = rand(1,12)	
 	if nightevents = 1:
@@ -366,10 +412,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events2':
 		act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
 	elseif nightevents = 8:
 		*clr & cla
-!!ToDo: Remove this and the next line if places are added to the game where sveta can smoke the joints (julzor)
-		jump 'night_events_jump'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/weed.jpg"></center>'
 		'You turn at the sound of movement, just in time to see a guy slightly older than you walk up to you. He stops just short of you and is holding a joint in his hand. "You look like the type of girl that likes to have fun. Only fifty each or a dozen for five hundred. So what do you say?"'
+!!will add this later when I find a good image set for it (nutluck)
+!!act 'How about we party together?':	
 		act 'No thanks':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
@@ -389,9 +435,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events2':
 		if money >= 500: 
-			act 'Sure I''ll take ten':
+			act 'Sure I''ll take a dozen':
 				*clr & cla
-				joint += 1
+				joint += 12
 				minut += 1
 				money -= 500
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -399,9 +445,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events2':
 				'You glance around to make sure no one is watching, then you pull out five hundred from your purse and hand it over to him. He hands you a small bag of weed with some wrapping paper, with a smile and walks off. "Enjoy."'
 				act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
-		end
-!!will add this later when I find a good image set for it.
-!!act 'How about we party together?':				
+		end			
 	elseif nightevents = 9:
 		if storyline ! 1: jump 'reroll_jump2'
 		*clr & cla
@@ -421,7 +465,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events2':
 			'You walk over to them. "Hey guys."'
 			if grupTipe = 5:
-				'They give you a look of disgust. "Get lost!"'
+				'They give you a look of disgust. "Get lost loser!"'
 				act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
 			elseif grupTipe = 4:
 				'Vasily smiles to you and scoots over giving you a spot to sit between him and Dan. As you sit down he offers you a beer.'
@@ -464,7 +508,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events2':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/gopgirls.jpg"></center>'
 			'You walk over to them. "Hey guys, mind if I join you?"'
 			if grupTipe = 5:
-				'Lena and Lera give you a look of disgust. "Get lost!", while Alyona just ignores you.'
+				'Lena and Lera give you a look of disgust. "Get lost loser!", while Alyona just ignores you.'
 				act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
 			elseif grupTipe = 4:
 				'They make some room on the bench. "Sure join us <<$pcs_nickname>>" Anushka says.'
@@ -500,7 +544,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events2':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/lelepa.jpg"></center>'
 			'You walk over to them. "Hey guys, mind if I join you?"'
 			if grupTipe = 5:
-				'They all give you a look of disgust. "Get lost!", is what Paulina says and the way she says it makes you think she is about ready to kick your ass for even asking.'
+				'They all give you a look of disgust. "Get lost loser!", is what Paulina says and the way she says it makes you think she is about ready to kick your ass for even asking.'
 				act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
 			elseif grupTipe = 4:
 				'They make some room on the bench. "Sure join us <<$pcs_nickname>>" Paulina says.'
@@ -542,8 +586,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'events2':
 				'Then he looks at you. "Sure you can have a cigarette if you suck our dicks first."'
 				'"What? Why the fuck would I do that?" you ask him'
 				'He snorts a laugh. "Come on, everyone knows your a cocksucker. So get down on your knees and suck us off or get lost."'
+				gs 'willpower', 'bj'
+				if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+					act 'Move away (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+						gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+						gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+					end
+				end
 				act 'Get down on your knees':gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'smokeblowjob'
-				act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
 				'One of the boys nods and pulls a pack out of his pocket, he pulls a cigarette out and hands it to you.'
@@ -574,81 +624,111 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'male_gopnik_beer':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/drinkbeer.jpg"></center>'
 	'You take the offered beer, taking a swig of it. You listen to the boys talking about their latest ventures, which range from vandalizing, beating some guy up, to gang banging some slut. Occasionally you comment and as well, but you mostly just listen to them.'
-	act 'Stop drinking and leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
-		act 'Drink more':
+	gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+	if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+		act 'Stop drinking and leave(<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+			gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+			gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+		end
+	end
+	act 'Drink more':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		alko += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
+		'You grab another beer from the collection the boys have, they don''t seem to mind. You keep drinking as you continue to listen to them.'
+		gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+		if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+			act 'Stop drinking and leave(<<will_cost>> Willpower)': 
+				gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+				gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+			end
+		end
+		act 'Drink even more':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 5
 			alko += 1
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
-			'You grab another beer from the collection the boys have, they don''t seem to mind. You keep drinking as you continue to listen to them.'
-			act 'Stop drinking and leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
-			act 'Drink even more':
-				*clr & cla
-				minut += 5
-				alko += 1
-				gs 'stat'
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
-				if pav_slut < 50 and grupTipe ! 4:
-					'After you drink that beer, you are starting to feel the effects of the beers, but Vasily keeps you from grabbing another beer. "It''s time for you to go <<$pcs_nickname>>, good girls don''t get wasted like this." He won''t take no for an answer and escorts you away from them, before turning and going back to join Vitek and Dan himself.'
-					act 'Stop drinking and leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
-				elseif kotovLoveQW > 0:
-					'After you drink that beer, you are starting to feel the effects of the beers, but Vitek gets up and pulls you up as well. "It''s time for you to go <<$pcs_nickname>>, you are getting to drunk. So go home and I will see you later." He won''t take no for an answer and escorts you away from them, before turning and going back to join Vasily and Dan himself.'
-					act 'Stop drinking and leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
-				else
-					'You are starting to feel the effects of the beers but you are having to much fun. So you grab another beer from the collection the boys have, they don''t seem to mind. You keep drinking as you continue to listen to them.'
-					act 'Stop drinking and leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
-					act 'Grab another beer':
-						*clr & cla
-						minut += 5
-						alko += 1
-						gs 'stat'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
-						'Now you are feeling pretty drunk, the guys seem to be amused by just how drunk you are. They exchange a few words that you can''t quite make out. Then Vasily speaks up. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>> you really know how to drink." You nod at the compliment because it is coming from these three. "Yeah I do okay."'
-						*nl
-						'This seems to amuse them even more. "Yeah I bet you could down a beer faster than Vitek can, couldn''t you?" You give him a look wondering what he is up to but right now you feel like you could out drink anyone so you nod. "Yeah I think I could."'
-						'Vasily grins widely. "Great then how about we make a bet, if you can drink one down faster than Vitek we will buy you a case of beer, but if you lose. You got to walk around the complex completely naked. What do you say?"'
-						act 'Refuse bet':
+			if pav_slut < 50 and grupTipe ! 4:
+				'After you drink that beer, you are starting to feel the effects of the beers, but Vasily keeps you from grabbing another beer. "It''s time for you to go <<$pcs_nickname>>, good girls don''t get wasted like this." He won''t take no for an answer and escorts you away from them, before turning and going back to join Vitek and Dan himself.'
+				act 'Stop drinking and leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+			elseif kotovLoveQW > 0:
+				'After you drink that beer, you are starting to feel the effects of the beers, but Vitek gets up and pulls you up as well. "It''s time for you to go <<$pcs_nickname>>, you are getting to drunk. So go home and I will see you later." He won''t take no for an answer and escorts you away from them, before turning and going back to join Vasily and Dan himself.'
+				act 'Stop drinking and leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+			else
+				'You are starting to feel the effects of the beers but you are having to much fun. So you grab another beer from the collection the boys have, they don''t seem to mind. You keep drinking as you continue to listen to them.'
+				gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+				if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+					act 'Stop drinking and leave(<<will_cost>> Willpower)': 
+						gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+						gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+					end
+				end
+				act 'Grab another beer':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					alko += 1
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
+					'Now you are feeling pretty drunk, the guys seem to be amused by just how drunk you are. They exchange a few words that you can''t quite make out. Then Vasily speaks up. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>> you really know how to drink." You nod at the compliment because it is coming from these three. "Yeah I do okay."'
+					*nl
+					'This seems to amuse them even more. "Yeah I bet you could down a beer faster than Vitek can, couldn''t you?" You give him a look wondering what he is up to but right now you feel like you could out drink anyone so you nod. "Yeah I think I could."'
+					'Vasily grins widely. "Great then how about we make a bet, if you can drink one down faster than Vitek we will buy you a case of beer, but if you lose. You got to walk around the complex completely naked. What do you say?"'
+					gs 'willpower', 'exhib'
+					if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+						act 'Refuse bet(<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
 							*clr & cla
+							gs 'willpower', 'resist'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/dandick.jpg"></center>'
 							'You shake your head no. "No I don''t think so, I wouldn''t win so no reason for me to make that bet." You reach for another beer but Dan pulls it away before you can grab it. Then he stands up and pulls his dick out of his pants. "If you want another beer you have to suck my dick."'
-							act 'Refuse':
-								*clr & cla
-								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
-								'You shake your head no. "I''m not sucking your dick for a beer Dan."'
-								'He laughs, "Then you''re not getting another beer." Knowing you won''t win this and you are not about to suck his dick for a beer you sigh and leave them.'
-								act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+							gs 'willpower', 'bj'
+							if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+								act 'Refuse (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+									*clr & cla
+									gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
+									'You shake your head no. "I''m not sucking your dick for a beer Dan."'
+									'He laughs, "Then you''re not getting another beer." Knowing you won''t win this and you are not about to suck his dick for a beer you sigh and leave them.'
+									act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+								end
-							act 'Agree':gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'suck3stooges'
-							if grupTipe = 4:
-								act 'Threaten Dan':
-								*clr & cla
-								npc_rel['A10'] -= 2
-								grupvalue[4] += 1
-								alko += 1
-!!ToDo: code for adding willpower and or dom when we do something with them. This note is just so we remember to add it
-								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/dandick.jpg"></center>'
-								'You smile to Dan and reach over and grab his dick, but instead of stroking it, you dig your nails deeply into it, making him squirm and yell. Trying to pull away which only makes it hurt more. "Fuck <<$pcs_nickname>> let go before you rip my dick off!" Vitek and Vasily howl in laughter at this.'
-								'You give him a sadist little smile. "Give me a beer and I will let go." He gives you a dirty look but winces as you dig your nails in even harder, with that he quickly hands you another beer. You take your time taking another drink before releasing him.'
-								*nl
-								'He puts his dick away and spends the next several minutes complaining about how much his dick hurts. With the last of the beers drank, the boys get up and telling you they will see you later and then they move off to go do who knows what. They don''t invite you to join them, so you take the hint.'
-								act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+							act 'Agree': gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'suck3stooges'
+							gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+							if grupTipe = 4 and will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+								act 'Threaten Dan (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+									*clr & cla
+									npc_rel['A10'] -= 2
+									grupvalue[4] += 1
+									alko += 1
+									gs 'willpower', 'force'
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/dandick.jpg"></center>'
+									'You smile to Dan and reach over and grab his dick, but instead of stroking it, you dig your nails deeply into it, making him squirm and yell. Trying to pull away which only makes it hurt more. "Fuck <<$pcs_nickname>> let go before you rip my dick off!" Vitek and Vasily howl in laughter at this.'
+									'You give him a sadist little smile. "Give me a beer and I will let go." He gives you a dirty look but winces as you dig your nails in even harder, with that he quickly hands you another beer. You take your time taking another drink before releasing him.'
+									*nl
+									'He puts his dick away and spends the next several minutes complaining about how much his dick hurts. With the last of the beers drank, the boys get up and telling you they will see you later and then they move off to go do who knows what. They don''t invite you to join them, so you take the hint.'
+									act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+								end
-						act 'Make Bet':
-							*clr & cla
-							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
-							'You are feeling confident. "Fine you got a bet." The boys laugh, while Dan hands you and Vitek a beer and says. "Okay start drinking when I say so."'
-							'When both you and Vitek nod, Dan says. "Drink!"'
-							'You start guzzling the beer, you are keeping up with Vitek, maybe even winning. Just then Vasily pokes you in the stomach which causes you to sputter out some beer and slow you down. Before you can recover Vitek finishes.'
-							*nl
-							'Vasily laughs. "Okay, strip and pay up <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
-							'You give him a slight glare. "You cheated."'
-							'Holding up his hands. "We never said you couldn''t do something to make the other lose. So stop whining and pay up."'
-							act 'Refuse':
+					end
+					act 'Make bet':
+						*clr & cla
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
+						'You are feeling confident. "Fine you got a bet." The boys laugh, while Dan hands you and Vitek a beer and says. "Okay start drinking when I say so."'
+						'When both you and Vitek nod, Dan says. "Drink!"'
+						'You start guzzling the beer, you are keeping up with Vitek, maybe even winning. Just then Vasily pokes you in the stomach which causes you to sputter out some beer and slow you down. Before you can recover Vitek finishes.'
+						*nl
+						'Vasily laughs. "Okay, strip and pay up <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
+						'You give him a slight glare. "You cheated."'
+						'Holding up his hands. "We never said you couldn''t do something to make the other lose. So stop whining and pay up."'
+						gs 'willpower', 'exhib'
+						if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+							act 'Refuse(<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
 								*clr & cla
+								gs 'willpower', 'resist'
 								npc_rel['A9'] -= 2
 								npc_rel['A10'] -= 2
 								npc_rel['A11'] -= 2
@@ -661,23 +741,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'male_gopnik_beer':
 								'You know they will get over it eventually, most likely. You also know their is no point arguing with them, so you leave them to grumble about you welshing on your bet.'
 								act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
-							act 'Payup':
-								*clr & cla
-								npc_rel['A9'] += 1
-								npc_rel['A10'] += 1
-								npc_rel['A11'] += 1
-								grupvalue[4] += 1
-								pav_sex += 2
-								gs 'flash', 'full', 'outdoors', 5
-								gs 'stat'
-								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/nudewalkb.jpg"></center>'
-								'You strip off your clothes, while the boys hoot and whistle. Once you are completely naked Vitek points to the garages. "Come on, start over there and walk all the way around the whole complex." You nod and walk over, with the boys following you, Vasily stops to grab you purse and clothes.'
-								*nl
-								'They follow behind you, laughing and talking seeming to enjoy the view. Occasionally a car drives by, the headlights lighting up your naked body. You notice a couple of people see you, their reactions range from disgust to interest but none of them approach or say anything.'
-								*nl
-								'Just before you get back to where you started, you notice you can''t hear the boys anymore. You turn back to look and they are gone. They took your clothes and left, you start back hoping they just stopped for a moment, but when you see your purse hanging from a handle of one of the garage doors you know they ditched you and took you clothes. Gathering up your purse you know you need to somehow make it back to the apartments without getting spotted.'
-								act 'Go home':gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'homenaked'
-							end
+						end
+						act 'Payup':
+							*clr & cla
+							npc_rel['A9'] += 1
+							npc_rel['A10'] += 1
+							npc_rel['A11'] += 1
+							grupvalue[4] += 1
+							pav_sex += 2
+							gs 'flash', 'full', 'outdoors', 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/nudewalkb.jpg"></center>'
+							'You strip off your clothes, while the boys hoot and whistle. Once you are completely naked Vitek points to the garages. "Come on, start over there and walk all the way around the whole complex." You nod and walk over, with the boys following you, Vasily stops to grab you purse and clothes.'
+							*nl
+							'They follow behind you, laughing and talking seeming to enjoy the view. Occasionally a car drives by, the headlights lighting up your naked body. You notice a couple of people see you, their reactions range from disgust to interest but none of them approach or say anything.'
+							*nl
+							'Just before you get back to where you started, you notice you can''t hear the boys anymore. You turn back to look and they are gone. They took your clothes and left, you start back hoping they just stopped for a moment, but when you see your purse hanging from a handle of one of the garage doors you know they ditched you and took you clothes. Gathering up your purse you know you need to somehow make it back to the apartments without getting spotted.'
+							act 'Go home':gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'homenaked'
@@ -698,7 +778,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'female_gopnik_beer_1':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/drinkbeerg' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
 	'You take the offered beer, taking a swig of it. You listen to the girls talking about their latest ventures, which range from vandalizing, beating some girl up, bulling some of the nerds and outcasts, or what boys they find cute. Occasionally you comment and as well, but you mostly just listen to them.'
-	act 'Stop drinking and leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+	gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+	if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+		act 'Stop drinking and leave(<<will_cost>> Willpower)': 
+			gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+			gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+		end
+	end
 	act 'Drink more':
 		*clr & cla
 		alko += 1
@@ -706,7 +792,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'female_gopnik_beer_1':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
 		'You grab another beer from the collection the girls have, they don''t seem to mind. You keep drinking as you continue to listen to them.'
-		act 'Stop drinking and leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+		gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+		if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+			act 'Stop drinking and leave(<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+				gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+				gt 'pavComplex', 'start' 
+			end
+		end
 		act 'Drink even more':
 			*clr & cla
 			alko += 1
@@ -714,7 +806,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'female_gopnik_beer_1':
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
 			'You are starting to feel the effects of the beers but you are having to much fun. So you grab another beer from the collection the girls have, they don''t seem to mind. You keep drinking as you continue to listen to them.'
-			act 'Stop drinking and leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+			gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+			if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+				act 'Stop drinking and leave(<<will_cost>> Willpower)': 
+					gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+					gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+				end
+			end
 			act 'Grab another beer':
 				*clr & cla
 				alko += 1
@@ -725,7 +823,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'female_gopnik_beer_1':
 				'This seems to amuse them even more. "Yeah I bet you could down a beer faster than Alyona can, couldn''t you?" You give her a look wondering what she is up to but right now you feel like you could out drink anyone so you nod. "Yeah I think I could."'
 				'Lena grins widely. "Great then how about we make a bet, if you can out down one faster than Alyona, Lera will walk around the complex naked, but if you lose. You got to walk around the complex completely naked. What do you say?" Lera gives Lena a look of surprise but Lena just nods and Lera doesn''t say anything.'
-				act 'Make Bet':
+				act 'Make bet':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
 					'You are feeling confident. "Fine you got a bet." The girls laugh, while Lena hands you and Alyona a beer and says. "Okay, start drinking when I say."'
@@ -735,20 +833,24 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'female_gopnik_beer_1':
 					'They all laugh, while Lera taunts. "Okay, strip and pay up <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
 					'You give him a slight glare. "You cheated."'
 					'Holding up her hands. "We never said you couldn''t do something to make the other lose. So stop whining and pay up."'
-					act 'Refuse':
-						*clr & cla
-						npc_rel['A20'] -= 3
-						npc_rel['A21'] -= 3
-						npc_rel['A44'] -= 3
-						npc_rel['A144'] -= 2
-						grupvalue[4] -= 3
-						minut += 2
-						gs 'stat'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
-						'You shake your head no. "No you cheated."'
-						'Then Lera gives you a slight shove. "Then get the fuck out of here and don''t come back"'
-						'You know they will get over it eventually, most likely. You also know their is no point arguing with them, so you leave them to grumble about you welshing on your bet.'
-						act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+					gs 'willpower', 'exhib'
+					if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+						act 'Refuse(<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+							*clr & cla
+							gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+							npc_rel['A20'] -= 3
+							npc_rel['A21'] -= 3
+							npc_rel['A44'] -= 3
+							npc_rel['A144'] -= 2
+							grupvalue[4] -= 3
+							minut += 2
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
+							'You shake your head no. "No you cheated."'
+							'Then Lera gives you a slight shove. "Then get the fuck out of here and don''t come back"'
+							'You know they will get over it eventually, most likely. You also know their is no point arguing with them, so you leave them to grumble about you welshing on your bet.'
+							act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+						end
 					act 'Payup':
 						*clr & cla
@@ -771,32 +873,43 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'female_gopnik_beer_1':
 						act 'Go home':gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'homenaked'
-				act 'Refuse bet':
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/eatmelera.jpg"></center>'
-					'You shake your head no. "No I don''t think so, I wouldn''t win so no reason for me to make that bet." You reach for another beer but Lera pulls it away before you can grab it. Then he stands up and pulls her pants down enough to show off her clit. "If you want another beer you have to eat me <<$pcs_nickname>>." She says with a smirk. The other girls perk up at this and seem interested in what you''re going to do.'
-					act 'Refuse':
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
-						'You shake your head no. "I''m not licking your pussy for a beer Lera."'
-						'She laughs, "Then you''re not getting another beer." Knowing you won''t win this and you are not about to lick her pussy for a beer you sigh and leave them.'
-						act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
-					end
-					act 'Agree':gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'eatlera'
-					if grupTipe = 4:
-						act 'Threaten Lera':
-							*clr & cla
-							npc_rel['A21'] -= 2
-							grupvalue[4] += 1
-							alko += 1
-							minut += 5
-							gs 'stat'
-!!code for adding willpower and or dom when we do something with them. This note is just so we remember to add it
-							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/eatmelera.jpg"></center>'
-							'You smile to Lera and reach over and pinch her clit between your index finger and thumb, which makes her squeal in pain, she grabs your arm with her hands. Trying to pull your hand away only makes it hurt more. "Fuck <<$pcs_nickname>> let go before you rip my clit off!" The other girls howl in laughter at this.'
-							*nl
-							'You give her a sadist little smile. "Give me a beer and I will let go." She gives you a dirty look but winces as you dig your nails in even harder, with that he quickly hands you another beer. You take your time taking another drink before releasing her.'
-							*nl
-							'She pulls her pants back up and spends the next several minutes complaining about how much her clit hurts. With the last of the beers drank, the girls get up and tell each other and you night. Then they each go their own way.'
-							act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+				gs 'willpower', 'exhib'
+				if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+					act 'Refuse bet':
+						*clr & cla
+						gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/eatmelera.jpg"></center>'
+						'You shake your head no. "No I don''t think so, I wouldn''t win so no reason for me to make that bet." You reach for another beer but Lera pulls it away before you can grab it. Then he stands up and pulls her pants down enough to show off her clit. "If you want another beer you have to eat me <<$pcs_nickname>>." She says with a smirk. The other girls perk up at this and seem interested in what you''re going to do.' 
+						gs 'willpower', 'bj'
+						if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+							act 'Refuse(<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+								*clr & cla
+								gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
+								'You shake your head no. "I''m not licking your pussy for a beer Lera."'
+								'She laughs, "Then you''re not getting another beer." Knowing you won''t win this and you are not about to lick her pussy for a beer you sigh and leave them.'
+								act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+							end
+						end
+						act 'Agree':gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'eatlera'
+						gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+						if grupTipe = 4 and will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+							act 'Threaten Lera (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+								*clr & cla
+								npc_rel['A21'] -= 2
+								grupvalue[4] += 1
+								alko += 1
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'willpower', 'force'
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/eatmelera.jpg"></center>'
+								'You smile to Lera and reach over and pinch her clit between your index finger and thumb, which makes her squeal in pain, she grabs your arm with her hands. Trying to pull your hand away only makes it hurt more. "Fuck <<$pcs_nickname>> let go before you rip my clit off!" The other girls howl in laughter at this.'
+								*nl
+								'You give her a sadist little smile. "Give me a beer and I will let go." She gives you a dirty look but winces as you dig your nails in even harder, with that he quickly hands you another beer. You take your time taking another drink before releasing her.'
+								*nl
+								'She pulls her pants back up and spends the next several minutes complaining about how much her clit hurts. With the last of the beers drank, the girls get up and tell each other and you night. Then they each go their own way.'
+								act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+							end
@@ -816,7 +929,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'female_gopnik_beer_2':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/drinkbeerg' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
 	'You take the offered beer, taking a swig of it. You listen to the girls talking about their latest ventures, which range from vandalizing, beating some girl up, bulling some of the nerds and outcasts, gossip about other girls, which ones are sluts and the like, or what boys they find cute. Occasionally you comment and as well, but you mostly just listen to them.'
-	act 'Stop drinking and leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+	gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+	if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+		act 'Stop drinking and leave(<<will_cost>> Willpower)': 
+			gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+			gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+		end
+	end
 	act 'Drink more':
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
@@ -824,7 +943,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'female_gopnik_beer_2':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
 		'You grab another beer from the collection the girls have, they don''t seem to mind. You keep drinking as you continue to listen to them.'
-		act 'Stop drinking and leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+		gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+		if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+			act 'Stop drinking and leave(<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+				gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+				gt 'pavComplex', 'start' 
+			end
+		end
 		act 'Drink even more':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 5
@@ -832,7 +957,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'female_gopnik_beer_2':
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
 			'You are starting to feel the effects of the beers but you are having to much fun. So you grab another beer from the collection the girls have, they don''t seem to mind. You keep drinking as you continue to listen to them.'
-			act 'Stop drinking and leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+			gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+			if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+				act 'Stop drinking and leave(<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+					gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+					gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+				end
+			end
 			act 'Grab another beer':
 				*clr & cla
 				minut += 5
@@ -840,6 +971,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'female_gopnik_beer_2':
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
 				'Now you are feeling pretty drunk, the girls seem to be amused by just how drunk you are. They exchange a few words that you can''t quite make out. Then Lena speaks up. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>> have another." She says as she hands you another beer.'
+				gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+				if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+					act 'Stop drinking and leave(<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+						gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+						gt 'pavComplex', 'start' 
+					end
+				end
 				act 'Keep drinking':
 					*clr & cla
 					minut += 5
@@ -847,17 +985,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'female_gopnik_beer_2':
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
 					'They keep passing you beers now before you even finish the previous one and encouraging you to drink faster.'
-					act 'Had enough':
-						*clr & cla
-						npc_rel['A20'] -= 1
-						npc_rel['A21'] -= 1
-						npc_rel['A24'] -= 1
-						grupvalue[4] -= 1
-						gs 'stat'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
-						'You shake your head no. "No thanks, I think I had enough. Thanks for the beers though."'
-						'With that you get up and stumble off, before you get really wasted.'
-						act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+					gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+					if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+						act 'Had enough(<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+							*clr & cla
+							gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+							npc_rel['A20'] -= 1
+							npc_rel['A21'] -= 1
+							npc_rel['A24'] -= 1
+							grupvalue[4] -= 1
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
+							'You shake your head no. "No thanks, I think I had enough. Thanks for the beers though."'
+							'With that you get up and stumble off, before you get really wasted.'
+							act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+						end
 					act 'Try to keep up':
 						*clr & cla
@@ -870,17 +1012,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'female_gopnik_beer_2':
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/beer' + rand(1,2) + '.jpg"></center>'
 						'You are completely wasted now, yet they still keep handing your beers and encouraging you to drink up.'
-						act 'Had enough':
-							*clr & cla
-							npc_rel['A20'] -= 1
-							npc_rel['A21'] -= 1
-							npc_rel['A24'] -= 1
-							grupvalue[4] -= 1
-							gs 'stat'
-							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
-							'You shake your head no. "No thanks, I think I had enough. Thanks for the beers though."'
-							'With that you get up and stumble off, barely able to walk at all.'
-							act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+						gs 'willpower', 'drink'
+						if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+							act 'Had enough(<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+								*clr & cla
+								gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+								npc_rel['A20'] -= 1
+								npc_rel['A21'] -= 1
+								npc_rel['A24'] -= 1
+								grupvalue[4] -= 1
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
+								'You shake your head no. "No thanks, I think I had enough. Thanks for the beers though."'
+								'With that you get up and stumble off, barely able to walk at all.'
+								act 'Move away':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+							end
 						act 'Keep going':
 							*clr & cla
@@ -941,12 +1087,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'follownush':
 				'You return the kiss and soon your hands are roaming all over each others bodies, before long she starts pulling her clothes off and encouraging you to do the same.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'lesbian', 'exhibitionism'
 				gs 'stat'
-				act 'This is going to far':
-					npc_rel['A144'] -= 1
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/anushka/sex/complex/hey.jpg"></center>'
-					'You pull back from the kiss breaking it and pull back till her hands are no longer on you. "Uh sorry, but this is too public."'
-					'She rolls her eyes slightly. "Yeah whatever, anyways I should get going." With that she gets up and straightens up her clothes as she heads upstairs. Leaving you behind, with nothing to do but return to the courtyard.'
-					act 'Leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+				gs 'willpower', 'sex'
+				if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+					act 'This is going to far(<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+						*clr & cla
+						npc_rel['A144'] -= 1
+						gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/anushka/sex/complex/hey.jpg"></center>'
+						'You pull back from the kiss breaking it and pull back till her hands are no longer on you. "Uh sorry, but this is too public."'
+						'She rolls her eyes slightly. "Yeah whatever, anyways I should get going." With that she gets up and straightens up her clothes as she heads upstairs. Leaving you behind, with nothing to do but return to the courtyard.'
+						act 'Leave':gt 'pavComplex', 'start'
+					end
 				act 'Undress':
 					*clr & cla
@@ -1180,6 +1331,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'homenaked':
 		act 'Go upstairs':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 3
+			rand(1,10)
+			if nakedrand = 1: 
+				gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'two_boys'
+			elseif nakedrand = 2: 
+				gt 'pavaptcourtev', 'misha'
+			end
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/nakedhall2.jpg"></center>'
 			'Almost to the top of the stairs to your floor you hear voices. You freeze and look back down the stairs tempted to bolt back down them, but then the voices fade and you hear a door close. You sneak slowly up the stairs, glancing down the hall to make sure no one is around and you head for your apartment.'
@@ -1223,7 +1380,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'naked_aptcomplex':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/naked/aptstairsnaked.jpg"></center>'
 			'Once inside you sigh in relief, almost home finally. Taking a look around, you glance up the stairs and then slowly start creeping up them hoping no one suddenly comes out of their apartment or comes down the stairs, catching you naked.'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Sneak to your apartment':
 				*clr & cla
 				minut += 22
@@ -1266,19 +1422,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'two_boys':
 	'You turn around and see <<$boydesc[1]>> and <<$boydesc[2]>>, standing behind you. One of them taking your picture with his phone, while the other walks over and leans against your apartment door, so you open it. "Please guys, I just need to get inside. Please share those pictures."'
 	'The one taking the pictures laughs and keeps taking them, while his friends leers at you, looking over your whole body. "Well if you are going to run around like a whore, we should treat you like one. So how about you come over here and let us fuck you and we will keep your secret and you can be our little whore, what do you say?"'
 	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Tell them no and go home':
-		*clr & cla
-		pav_sex += 4
-		minut += 1
-		gs 'exhibitionism', 4
-		killvar 'pavapt_boyrand'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/naked/homedoornaked.jpg"></center>'
-		'You shake your head no. "No, I''ll be your personal whore, now move out of my way."'
-		'He laughs and gets off the door. "Whatever you say, whore." With that, you pull open the door and go into your apartment, with their laughter echoing out in the hall. Nothing you can do now, hopefully, they share the images with anyone, or at least anyone you know. Sighing you walk down the hall to your bedroom.'
-		gs 'stat'
+	gs 'willpower', 'gangbang'
+	if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+		act 'Tell them no and go home(<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+			*clr & cla
+			gs 'willpower', 'resist'
+			pav_sex += 4
+			minut += 1
+			gs 'exhibitionism', 4
+			killvar 'pavapt_boyrand'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/naked/homedoornaked.jpg"></center>'
+			'You shake your head no. "No, I''ll be your personal whore, now move out of my way."'
+			'He laughs and gets off the door. "Whatever you say, whore." With that, you pull open the door and go into your apartment, with their laughter echoing out in the hall. Nothing you can do now, hopefully, they share the images with anyone, or at least anyone you know. Sighing you walk down the hall to your bedroom.'
+			gs 'stat'
 !!this option should only show up if Sveta has another uniform	
 !!		act 'Put on spare uniform and Go back to school':
 !!			*clr & cla
@@ -1288,9 +1444,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'two_boys':
 !!			'You change into your other school uniform quickly and then rush back to school.'
 !!this should take Sveta back to school missing one period
 !!		end
-		act 'Stay home': gt 'bedrPar'
+			act 'Stay home': gt 'bedrPar'
+		end
 	act 'Agree':
 		*clr & cla
 		pav_sex += 2
@@ -1300,7 +1456,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'two_boys':
 		'"Well to fuck you like the whore you are, of course." He barks with a laugh, with that they take you to their apartment. Once inside one of them pushes you down to your knees and the stand on each side of you, with obvious bulges in their pants from having hard-ons.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 2, 'exhibitionism'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Suck dick':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/sex/apartment/nsuck1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1309,7 +1464,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'two_boys':
 			gs 'arousal', 'hj', 2, 'sub', 'group'
 			minut -= 2
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Switch dicks':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/sex/apartment/nsuck2.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1319,7 +1473,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'two_boys':
 				gs 'arousal', 'hj', 3, 'sub', 'group'
 				minut -= 3
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Tell them you are a vigin':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/sex/apartment/nanal1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1334,7 +1487,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'two_boys':
 					gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
 					minut -= 5
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Switch dicks':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/sex/apartment/nanal2.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1343,7 +1495,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'two_boys':
 						gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'group'
 						minut -= 5
 						gs 'stat'
 						act 'Back on your knees':
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/sex/apartment/ncum.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1364,7 +1515,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'two_boys':
 								minut +2
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/naked/homedoornaked.jpg"></center>'
 								'You leave the apartment behind and walk back to your apartment. You unlock the door and walk down the hall to your bedroom and are finally able to get cleaned up and dressed.'
 !!this option should only show up if Sveta has another uniform	
 !!								act 'Put on spare uniform and Go back to school':
 !!									*clr & cla
@@ -1374,7 +1524,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'two_boys':
 !!									'You change into your other school uniform quickly and then rush back to school.'
 !!this should take Sveta back to school missing one period
 !!								end
 								act 'Stay home': gt 'bedrPar'
@@ -1470,13 +1619,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'misha':
 	'You blush as he stares at your naked body, having been caught by someone you know. "Some girls at school stole my clothes." You explain to him, he snorts a laugh and shakes his head.'
 	'"Well you best get inside then." He tells you, as you go unlock the door as quickly as you can, as you go inside you think you hear him say. "Where were girls like that when I was in school." Rushing down the hall you go to your bedroom.'
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Go to your bedroom':
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 2
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/naked/homedoornaked.jpg"></center>'
 		'You finally make it to your bedroom and are able to get dressed.'
 !! this option should only show up if Sveta has another uniform
 !!		act 'Put on spare uniform and go back to school':
 !!			*clr & cla
@@ -1486,9 +1633,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'misha':
 !!			'You change into your other school uniform quickly and then quickly rush back to school.'
 !!			!!this should take Sveta back to school missing one period
 !!		end
 		act 'Stay home': gt 'bedrPar'
 --- pavaptcourtev ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 5

@@ -46,11 +46,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		act 'Go to the ticket office': gt 'pavtrainhall', 'ticket'
-	if snarkozak = 1 and narkossista = 0 and narkozakday!day:
-		if money >= 1500:
-			act 'Find the drug dealer':gs 'events', 'snarkozaka'
-		end
-	end
+	if snarkozak = 1 and narkossista = 0 and narkozakday ! day and money >= 1500: act 'Find the drug dealer':gs 'events', 'snarkozaka'
 	if vokzalVork >= 1:
 		if cleZalDay ! daystart or cleMTDay ! daystart or cleWTDay ! daystart:

+ 39 - 78

@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
 # pirsingsalon
+!! Piercings variables:
+!! pirsX: Which piercing is worn at position X
+!! X=
+!! A: Tongue
+!! B: Lip
+!! C: Ear
+!! D: Nose
+!! E: Eyebrow
+!! F: Nipple
+!! G: Pussy
+!! N: Navel
+!! pirsX = 10000: the body is pieced at X but no piercing is currently worn there
 menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
@@ -48,87 +61,35 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'count':
 	tattCount = 0
-	if tatarm >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatass >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatback >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatblly >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatbrst >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatchst >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatfce >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatankle >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatleg >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatlip >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatneck >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatvag >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatlech >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatside >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatupb >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatunder >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tatwrist >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
-	if tathand >= 1:
-		tattCount += 1
-	end
+	if tatarm >= 1: tattCount += 1
+	if tatass >= 1:	tattCount += 1
+	if tatback >= 1: tattCount += 1
+	if tatblly >= 1: tattCount += 1
+	if tatbrst >= 1: tattCount += 1
+	if tatchst >= 1: tattCount += 1
+	if tatfce >= 1:	tattCount += 1
+	if tatankle >= 1: tattCount += 1
+	if tatleg >= 1:	tattCount += 1
+	if tatlip >= 1:	tattCount += 1
+	if tatneck >= 1: tattCount += 1
+	if tatvag >= 1: tattCount += 1
+	if tatlech >= 1: tattCount += 1
+	if tatside >= 1: tattCount += 1
+	if tatupb >= 1: tattCount += 1
+	if tatunder >= 1: tattCount += 1
+	if tatwrist >= 1: tattCount += 1
+	if tathand >= 1: tattCount += 1
 	pierWearCount = 0
-	if pirsA > 0 and pirsA ! 10000:
-		pierWearCount += 1
-	end
-	if pirsB > 0 and pirsB ! 10000:
-		pierWearCount += 1
-	end
-	if pirsC > 0 and pirsC ! 10000:
-		pierWearCount += 1
-	end
-	if pirsD > 0 and pirsD ! 10000:
-		pierWearCount += 1
-	end
-	if pirsE > 0 and pirsE ! 10000:
-		pierWearCount += 1
-	end
-	if pirsF > 0 and pirsF ! 10000:
-		pierWearCount += 1
-	end
-	if pirsG > 0 and pirsG ! 10000:
-		pierWearCount += 1
-	end
-	if pirsN > 0 and pirsN ! 10000:
-		pierWearCount += 1
-	end
+	if pirsA > 0 and pirsA ! 10000:	pierWearCount += 1
+	if pirsB > 0 and pirsB ! 10000:	pierWearCount += 1
+	if pirsC > 0 and pirsC ! 10000:	pierWearCount += 1
+	if pirsD > 0 and pirsD ! 10000:	pierWearCount += 1
+	if pirsE > 0 and pirsE ! 10000:	pierWearCount += 1
+	if pirsF > 0 and pirsF ! 10000:	pierWearCount += 1
+	if pirsG > 0 and pirsG ! 10000:	pierWearCount += 1
+	if pirsN > 0 and pirsN ! 10000:	pierWearCount += 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'pirsyaz':

+ 3 - 3

@@ -682,16 +682,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex_ev3':
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/stairs/event/sex/sex_ev3_6.jpg"></center>'
 						'When they''re both close to orgasming, they tell you to get on your knees.'
 						'The older guy orders you: "Take it all in your mouth, slut. Don''t swallow it until we tell you to."'
-						'You nod, just as the first guy is shooting his sperm all over your face. You do your best to catch as much of it as you can in your mouth, and seconds later the second guy follows. You open mouth to the guys, showing them your cum coated mouth. After about a minute of this the older one smirks to the younger buy and then gives you the nod to swallow their cum.'
+						'You nod, just as the first guy is shooting his sperm all over your face. You do your best to catch as much of it as you can in your mouth, and seconds later the other guy makes the same. You open mouth to the guys, showing them your cum coated mouth. After about a minute of this the older one smirks to the younger buy and then gives you the nod to swallow their cum.'
 						'The older one shoos you away: "Good job, slut. You can go now, we''re done here."'
-						'You quickly gather your things and leave before they decide to come back for seconds.'
+						'You quickly gather your things up and leave before they change their mind to come back for a second round.'
 						act 'Leave': gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
 !mini game events on 2 floor
 !boys smoking

+ 6 - 6

@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'suck':
 	if pdsxbj = 0: pdsxbj = 1
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/sex/sexdvanadva/minet<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/sex/pod/minet<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
 	'You look the other girl deep in the eyes while the two of you suck the man''s cock, touching her tongue with yours when you reach it around his shaft. Then the two of you take turns sucking him off enthusiastically, while the other licks his balls.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'group'
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'suck':
 	if sexvar > 0:xgt 'podrsex', 'var'
 	if sexvar = 0:
-		'<br><center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/sex/sexdvanadva/cum<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
+		'<br><center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/sex/pod/cum<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
 		spafinloc = 12
 		gs 'cum_manage'
 		gs 'podrsex', 'end'
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pussy':
 	if pdsxsex = 0: pdsxsex = 1
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/sex/sexdvanadva/uvag<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/sex/pod/uvag<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
 	'The man eagerly penetrates your pussy, and begins to thrust his length inside you over and over bringing you pleasure.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub', 'group'
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'ass':
 	if pdsxanal = 0: pdsxanal = 1
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/sex/sexdvanadva/uanal<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/sex/pod/uanal<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
 	'The man slowly works the tip of his cock inside your ass, and halts for a moment so you can get used to the sensation. Then he begins to thrust his length inside you, fucking you more and more intensely with less regard for your feelings and more for his own pleasure.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'sub', 'group'
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'voy':
 	if rand(0,1) = 0:
 		pos = 4
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/sex/sexdvanadva/vag<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/sex/pod/vag<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
 		'While the other girl is enjoying getting her pussy fucked, you find that she''ll do whatever you want her to do. She eagerly licks your pussy when you put it on her mouth, and lap up her sweet juices while the guy rams his cock inside her repeatedly.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 10, 'lesbian', 'dom', 'group'
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'voy':
 		pos = 5
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/sex/sexdvanadva/anal<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/sex/pod/anal<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
 		'While the other girl is enjoying getting her ass fucked, you find that she''ll do whatever you want her to do. She eagerly licks your pussy when you put it on her mouth, and lap up her sweet juices while the guy rams his cock inside her repeatedly.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 10, 'lesbian', 'dom', 'group'

+ 307 - 2

@@ -30,12 +30,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	'One area of the clinic is devoted to cosmetic surgery. A sign with directions on the wall point you to the surgeon''s office.'
-	'There is a small poster on an otherwise empty wall advertising a medical trial taking place here.'
+	if pcs_gpolimilkdonation >= 2 and lactation['active'] > 0 and lact_ev['pcs_knows_milkbank'] < 1 and lactation['pc_aware'] > 0:
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec: minut += 5 & gt ''poli'', ''milk_reception''">Ask</a> at the reception if there is the possibilty for breast milk donation'
+	elseif pcs_gpolimilkdonation < 2 and lactation['active'] > 0 and lact_ev['pcs_knows_milkbank'] < 1 and lactation['pc_aware'] > 0:
+		*nl
+		'At the reception a small <a href="exec: minut += 5 & gt ''poli'', ''milk_advertisement''">advertisement</a> catches your eye.'
+	end
 	if workhosp = 1 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 9 and week < 6:act 'Begin your work day':gt 'poli', 'beginwork'
 	act 'Leave the clinic': minut += 5 & gt 'street'
 	act 'Go see a cosmetic surgeon':gt 'poli','cosmetic1'
+	if lact_ev['pcs_knows_milkbank'] >= 1:
+		act 'Go to the breast milk donation office': minut += 5 & gt 'poli','milk_donation_room'
+	end
 	if pcs_health < (pcs_vital * 10 + pcs_stren * 5) or pain['total'] > 10:
 		act 'See a Doctor about your health (1:00)':
@@ -448,7 +457,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	act 'Go to the medical trials reception desk': gt 'experiment', 'start'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'stdclinic':
@@ -1501,6 +1510,302 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bImplantA':
 	act 'Continue':gt 'poli', 'cosmetic1'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'milk_advertisement':
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/milkbank/milk_advertisement.jpg"></center>'
+	'The advertisement says, that a breast milk bank has opened.'
+	'You go through the brochure for a moment and see that they are paying money for breast milk.'
+	'It also seems that this clinic is accepting donations.'
+	if lactation['pc_aware'] > 0:
+		'Maybe you should concider donating your breast milk.'
+	else
+		'You are not sure why this cought your attention.'
+	end
+	if lact_ev['pcs_knows_milkbank'] < 1: lact_ev['pcs_knows_milkbank'] = 1
+	act 'Go back':gt 'poli','start'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'milk_reception':
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/milkbank/milk_reception.jpg"></center>'
+	'The woman at the reception looks at you annoyed and and stands up.'
+	'Nurse at the reception: Yes, yes ... go this way.'
+	'She waves into a general direction down the hallway.'
+	'Nurse at the reception: There should be a sign on the door, it is only a small room.'
+	if lact_ev['pcs_knows_milkbank'] < 1: lact_ev['pcs_knows_milkbank'] = 1
+	act 'Go back':gt 'poli','start'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'milk_donation_room':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/milkbank/milkbank_door.jpg"></center>'
+	'There is a door with a sign on it, indicating this is the office for the milk donation.'
+	act 'Go back':gt 'poli','start'
+	if lactation['pc_aware'] > 0 and hour < 10 or hour > 19:
+		'The door seems to be locked, nobody is here.'
+		'There is a sign that reads "Opening hours are 10:00 to 19:00 daily.'
+	elseif lactation['pc_aware'] > 0 and hour >= 10 and hour <= 19:
+		'The door seems open and someone is talking inside.'
+		act 'Go inside':
+			*clr & cla
+			menu_off = 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			if lact_ev['pcs_milkbank_firsttime'] < 1:
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/milkbank/milk_nurse.jpg"></center>'
+				'As you come in, you see a women sorting small bottles and bags into a fridge.'
+				'You: Hello?'
+				'The woman turns around: Oh, well hello! I didn''t notice you.'
+				'She smiles happily at you and walks over to a chair, sitting down, signaling you to sit down too.'
+				if lactation['breastmv'] > lactation['breastmm']*6/10:
+					'She looks you up and down for short.'
+					'Woman: Seems like you are here for a donation, right?'
+					'You are blushing a bit, knowing that your breasts feel a bit full today, and answer with a short nod.'
+				else
+					'Woman: Are you here for a donation?'
+					'You: Uhm ... Yes.'
+				end
+				'The woman nods happily and takes some papers and a pen out of her desk.'
+				'Woman: First of all, you have to sign this. Then we are going to take a sample from you.'
+				if pcs_gpolimilkdonation >= 2:
+					'You: Ah yes... yeah, okay. I already donated in the Pavlovsk clinic. They did it too.'
+					'Woman: Okay, then you already know what is going to happen.'
+				else
+					'You: Sample?'
+					'Woman: Yes. We need to pump some milk from your breast to have it analyzed. It''s not much. Maybe about 50ml.'
+					'You nod at her explainations.'
+				end
+				'She gets up and leads you to another room.'
+				act 'Continue':
+					*clr & cla
+					menu_off = 1
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/milkbank/pumping_room.jpg"></center>'
+					'Woman: So, sit down here. I''ll prepare the pump and you can prepare yourself.'
+					'You start to uncover your breasts and the woman puts the sucktion cups over your nipples.'
+					'The pump starts to work, drawing out milk from your breasts'
+					lact_ev['poli_pumptime'] = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk_time', 4, 50)
+					if lact_ev['poli_pumptime'] > 15:
+						'After 15 minutes, the woman detaches the pump, tilting her head a bit disappointed.'
+						'Woman: Hmmm ... this isn''t as much as we expected, but it should do.'
+						minut += 15
+						lact_ev['poli_milkedvolume'] = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 4, 15)
+					else
+						'After <<lact_ev[''poli_pumptime'']>> minutes, the woman detaches the pump with a smile.'
+						'Woman: This is enough I think.'
+						'She nods and smiles at you.'
+						minut += lact_ev['poli_pumptime']
+						lact_ev['poli_milkedvolume'] = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 4, lact_ev['poli_pumptime'])
+					end
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/milkbank/small_sample.jpg"></center>'
+					'The woman takes your pumped milk and signals you to cover up again.'
+					'Woman: Okay, we will have this sample checked, and you can come back later'
+					if salo > 40:
+						lact_ev['poli_sample_fat'] = (60 + rand(0,9))
+					elseif salo > 20:
+						lact_ev['poli_sample_fat'] = (45 + rand(0,9))
+					elseif salo > 15:
+						lact_ev['poli_sample_fat'] = (20 + rand(0,9))
+					else
+						lact_ev['poli_sample_fat'] = (10 + rand(0,9))
+					end
+					if pcs_energy > 30:
+						lact_ev['poli_sample_sugar'] = rand(69, 80)
+					elseif sick > 1:
+						lact_ev['poli_sample_sugar'] = rand(0,45)
+					else
+						lact_ev['poli_sample_sugar'] = rand(45, 69)
+					end
+					lact_ev['poli_sample_vol'] = lact_ev['poli_milkedvolume']
+					lact_ev['poli_milkedvolume'] = 0
+					lact_ev['pcs_milkbank_firsttime'] = 1
+					act 'Leave':gt 'poli','start'
+				end
+			else
+				!!	if rand(1,100) > 98:
+				!!		gt 'poli','milk_bank_guy'
+				!!	else
+				!!		gt 'poli','milk_bank'
+				!!	end
+				gt 'poli','milk_bank'
+			end
+		end
+	else
+		'You are not sure what you want to do here.'
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'milk_bank_guy':
+	'content not finished yet'
+	act 'Leave':gt 'poli','start'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'milk_bank':
+	'You come in and see one of the milk donation service employees sitting at the desk.'
+	if lactation['breastmv'] > lactation['breastmm']*6/10:
+		'Nurse: Oh hi! Do you want to donate your breastmilk?'
+	else
+		'Nurse: Oh hi! How can I help you?'
+	end
+	act 'Check your file':
+		*clr & cla
+		menu_off = 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/formular.jpg"></center>'
+		'The employee hands you a file on how much you have donated so far.'
+		'<br>----------------------------------------'
+		'Analyzed milksample measurements'
+		'Volume in ml: <<lact_ev[''poli_sample_vol'']/1000>>ml'
+		'Fat in %: <<lact_ev[''poli_sample_fat'']/10>>.<<lact_ev[''poli_sample_fat''] mod 10>>%'
+		'Lactose in %: <<lact_ev[''poli_sample_sugar'']/10>>.<<lact_ev[''poli_sample_sugar''] mod 10>>%'
+		'<br>----------------------------------------'
+		if lact_ev['poli_totalmilkdonation_count'] > 0:
+			'Total breast milk donation statistics'
+			if lact_ev['poli_totalmilkdonated'] < 100:
+				'Donated milk volume in liter: <<lact_ev[''poli_totalmilkdonated'']/1000>>.0<<lact_ev[''poli_totalmilkdonated''] mod 1000>>l'
+			else
+				'Donated milk volume in liter: <<lact_ev[''poli_totalmilkdonated'']/1000>>.<<lact_ev[''poli_totalmilkdonated''] mod 1000>>l'
+			end
+			'Donation count: <<lact_ev[''poli_totalmilkdonation_count'']>>'
+			'Average milk volume per donation in ml: <<lact_ev[''poli_totalmilkdonated'']/lact_ev[''poli_totalmilkdonation_count'']>>'
+			'Paid money: <<((lact_ev[''poli_totalmilkdonated'']/50)*100)>><b>₽</b>'
+			'<br>----------------------------------------'
+		end
+		act 'Leave': gt 'poli', 'milk_donation_room'
+	end
+	if lactation['active'] > 0:
+		act 'Donate breast milk':
+			*clr & cla
+			menu_off = 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			'Nurse: Sure, please follow me.'
+			act 'Follow the nurse':
+				*clr & cla
+				menu_off = 1
+				gs 'stat'
+				lact_ev['poli_donatemoney'] = 0
+				lact_ev['poli_donationsessioncount'] = 0
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/milkbank/pumping_room.jpg"></center>'
+				'The employee leads you into one of the free rooms and invites you to sit down.'
+				'She prepares the breast pump and signales you to prepare yourself.'
+				act 'continue': gt 'poli','milk_donation'
+			end
+			act 'Don''t follow her':
+				*clr & cla
+				menu_off = 1
+				gs 'stat'
+				'You: Ah Sorry! I forgot something and can''t donate now.'
+				act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'milk_donation_room'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	act 'Leave':gt 'poli','start'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'milk_donation':
+	*clr & cla
+	menu_off = 1
+	gs 'stat'
+	if hour >= 10 and hour <= 19:
+		lactation['nipple_cream_applied'] = 1
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/mward/pumping.jpg"></center>'
+		'The employee attaches the pumps and switches them on.'
+		if lactation['breastmv'] >= 0:
+			'Your nipples are worked by the pumps, pumping your milk out, first draining at your collected milk resevoir. You feel the pressure in your breasts easing down.'
+		else
+			'Your nipples are worked by the pumps, pumping your milk out, you feel the pressure in your breasts easing down. Then your breasts tingle from the milk production as the pump demands more of your milk.'
+		end
+		act 'Continue':
+			*clr & cla
+			lact_ev['poli_milkedvolume'] = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 4, 15)
+			lactation['breastpumped'] = 1
+			'After 15 minutes, the employee detaches the pumps from your breasts.'
+			if lact_ev['poli_milkedvolume'] => 50000:
+				lact_ev['poli_temp_var'] = (lact_ev['poli_milkedvolume']/50000)
+				lact_ev['poli_donationsessioncount'] += lact_ev['poli_temp_var'] 
+				lact_ev['poli_totalmilkdonation_count'] += 1
+				lact_ev['poli_totalmilkdonated'] += (lact_ev['poli_temp_var']*50)
+				if lact_ev['poli_temp_var'] >= 12:
+					'She looks astonished at the at the marvelous amounts of milk you made as she stores away the <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']>> bottles that contain <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk.'
+					'Nurse: Ms. <<$pcs_lastname>>, this is so much milk, I can''t believe how much you just made!'
+					'She laughts heartily and you blush a bit.'
+				elseif lact_ev['poli_temp_var'] >= 10:
+					'She looks amazed at the at the copious amounts of milk you made as she stores away the <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']>> bottles that contain <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk.'
+					'Nurse: Oh my, where do you store all this milk in your breast...?'
+				elseif lact_ev['poli_temp_var'] >= 8:
+					'She looks surprised at the at the large amount of milk you made as she stores away the <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']>> bottles that contain <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk.'
+					'Nurse: Ms. <<$pcs_lastname>>, this is really much milk...'
+				elseif lact_ev['poli_temp_var'] >= 6:
+					'She looks pleasantly satisfied at you as she puts away the <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']>> bottles containing <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk.'
+					'Nurse: Oh, this is pretty much milk.'
+				elseif lact_ev['poli_temp_var'] >= 4:
+					'She looks satisfied at you as she puts away the <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']>> bottles containing <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk.'
+					'Nurse: This is a good amount of milk.'
+				elseif lact_ev['poli_temp_var'] >= 2:
+					'She looks satisfied at you as she puts away <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']>> bottles with <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk inside.'
+				elseif lact_ev['poli_temp_var'] = 1:
+					'She looks satisfied at you as she puts away one bottle with 50ml of your breast milk.'
+				else
+					'She looks satisfied at you as she puts away <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']>> bottles with <<lact_ev[''poli_temp_var'']*50>>ml of your breast milk inside.'
+				end
+			elseif lact_ev['poli_milkedvolume'] < 50000 and lact_ev['poli_milkedvolume'] > 0:
+				'She looks at you a bit disappointed.'
+				'Nurse: Mhmm... I am sorry, but this isn''t enough milk for a valid donation. You only made <<lact_ev[''poli_milkedvolume'']/1000>>ml of breast milk.'
+			else
+				'She looks at you disappointed.'
+				'Nurse: Mhmm... I am sorry, but this isn''t enough milk for a valid donation. You made no breast milk at all.'
+			end
+			lact_ev['poli_milkedvolume'] = 0
+			if lact_ev['poli_donationsessioncount'] > 0:
+				lact_ev['poli_donatemoney'] = (lact_ev['poli_donationsessioncount']*100)
+			else
+				lact_ev['poli_donatemoney'] = 0
+			end
+			lactation['nipple_cream_applied'] = 0
+			minut += 15
+			if lactation['breastmv'] > lactation['breastmm']/2:
+				'The employee looks at your breasts'
+				'Nurse: It seems there is still some milk left, do you want to donate more?'
+				act 'have your breasts pumped again': gt 'poli','milk_donation'
+				act 'enough for today':
+					*clr & cla
+					gs 'stat'
+					if lact_ev['poli_donationsessioncount'] > 0:
+						money += lact_ev['poli_donatemoney']
+						'You put on your top, and the employee hands you <<lact_ev[''poli_donatemoney'']>><b>₽</b> for your donated breast milk.'
+					else
+						'You put on your top'
+					end
+					act 'leave':
+						lact_ev['poli_milkedvolume'] = 0
+						gt 'poli', 'milk_donation_room'
+					end
+				end
+			else
+				act 'ask to donate more': gt 'poli','milk_donation'
+				act 'enough for today':
+					*clr & cla
+					gs 'stat'
+					if lact_ev['poli_donationsessioncount'] > 0:
+						money += lact_ev['poli_donatemoney']
+						'You put on your top, and the employee hands you <<lact_ev[''poli_donatemoney'']>><b>₽</b> for your donated breast milk.'
+					else
+						'You put on your top'
+					end
+					act 'leave':
+						lact_ev['poli_milkedvolume'] = 0
+						gt 'poli', 'milk_donation_room'
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	elseif lact_ev['poli_donationsessioncount'] > 0:
+		'Sorry Ms. <<$pcs_lastname>>, we are closing now.'
+		'You put on your top, and the employee hands you <<lact_ev[''poli_donatemoney'']>><b>₽</b> for your donated breast milk.'
+		act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'poli', 'milk_donation_room'
+	else
+		'The milk donation service is closed. It''s open every day between 10:00 and 19:00.'
+		act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'poli', 'milk_donation_room'
+	end
 --- poli ---------------------------------

+ 8 - 3

@@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	act 'Visit the managers PA':gt 'pornstudio', 'pa'
-	if bomzQW = 1 and week = 4 and workDisk = 0:
-		act 'Arrive for work':gt 'pornstudio', 'delivery'
-	end
+	if bomzQW = 1 and week = 4 and workDisk = 0: act 'Arrive for work':gt 'pornstudio', 'delivery'
 	if workDolg > 0 and money >= workDolg:
 		act 'Repay your debt':
@@ -368,6 +366,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'manager':
 			killvar 'pfilmday'
 			killvar 'pornplan'
 			killvar 'porntaken'
+			killvar 'pornnow'
 			gt 'pornstudio', 'start'
@@ -378,6 +377,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'manager':
 		killvar 'pfilmday'
 		killvar 'pornplan'
 		killvar 'porntaken'
+		killvar 'pornnow'
 		'You did not come to the shoot. You fucked me, and you already owed me a lot of money! I paid a lot of money for assistants, actors, cameramen, plus studio rental, and you took it and threw it in my face.'
 		'No, I do not want to work with you and moreover, you''re blacklisted.'
 	elseif pfilmday[0] > 0 and hour >= 10 and hour <= 12:
@@ -869,6 +869,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'medical':
 		if venera > 0:
 			pfilmNO = 1
 			pfilmNoVenera = 1
+			killvar 'prodcosttrue'
+			killvar 'pfilmday'
+			killvar 'pornplan'
+			killvar 'porntaken'
+			killvar 'pornnow'
 			'Your analysis showed an STD. The doctor tells you and calls Peter. Peter looks at the test results.'
 			'"Sorry, but as long as you have an STD you cannot make films."'
 			act 'Leave':gt 'pornstudio', 'start'

+ 39 - 0

@@ -411,5 +411,44 @@ if arrsize('$bodimgsets') = 30:
 	$bodimgsets[39] = 'default_preg'
+!! reorganizes old spell variables into new arrrays
+if spell_update ! 1:
+	spell_update = 1
+	if spelltuman = 1:spellKnown['fog'] = 1
+	if spellklon = 1:spellKnown['clone'] = 1
+	if spellstun = 1:spellKnown['stun'] = 1
+	if spellweap = 1:spellKnown['weapon'] = 1
+	if spellwind = 1:spellKnown['wind'] = 1
+	if spellklon2 = 1:spellKnown['multiclone'] = 1
+	if spellinit = 1:spellKnown['haste'] = 1
+	if spellhel = 1:spellKnown['heal'] = 1
+	if spellfire0 = 1:spellKnown['scaldingtouch'] = 1
+	if spellfire2 = 1:spellKnown['burninghands'] = 1
+	if spellfire3 = 1:spellKnown['firebarrier'] = 1
+	if spellfire4 = 1:spellKnown['firestorm'] = 1
+	if spellfire5 = 1:spellKnown['flameshield'] = 1
+	if spellele0 = 1:spellKnown['shock'] = 1
+	if spellele2 = 1:spellKnown['lightning'] = 1
+	if spellele3 = 1:spellKnown['electricbarrier'] = 1
+	if spellele4 = 1:spellKnown['1000birds'] = 1
+	if spellele5 = 1:spellKnown['dancingsphere'] = 1
+	if spellert0 = 1:spellKnown['quicksand'] = 1
+	if spellert2 = 1:spellKnown['earthshield'] = 1
+	if spellert3 = 1:spellKnown['abyss'] = 1
+	if spellert4 = 1:spellKnown['earthguardian'] = 1
+	if spellert5 = 1:spellKnown['sando'] = 1
+	if spellwind0 = 1:spellKnown['windgust'] = 1
+	if spellwind2 = 1:spellKnown['pressure'] = 1
+	if spellwind3 = 1:spellKnown['vacuum'] = 1
+	if spellwind4 = 1:spellKnown['vacuumshells'] = 1
+	if spellwind5 = 1:spellKnown['devouringvacuum'] = 1
+	if spellwater0 = 1:spellKnown['leechmana'] = 1
+	if spellwater2 = 1:spellKnown['flood'] = 1
+	if spellwater3 = 1:spellKnown['blister'] = 1
+	if spellwater4 = 1:spellKnown['sharkrockets'] = 1
+	if spellwater5 = 1:spellKnown['greatflood'] = 1
 --- saveupdater ---------------------------------

+ 110 - 112

@@ -40,65 +40,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	if maddildo = 1:'You have a humongous dildo, which is 40 cm long.'
 	if dildo + middildo + largedildo + bigdildo + extradildo + superdildo + maddildo ! 0:
-		if dildohand ! 0: *pl & *pl 'You are using a <<dildohand>>cm long dildo.'
-		*pl
-		if dildo = 1:
-			if dildohand = 10:
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 0 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Stop</a> using the 10cm long dildo.'
-			else
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 10 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Start</a> using the 10cm long dildo.'
-			end
-		end
-		if middildo = 1:
-			if dildohand = 15:
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 0 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Stop</a> using the 15cm long dildo.'
-			else
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 15 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Start</a> using the 15cm long dildo.'
-			end
-		end
-		if largedildo = 1:
-			if dildohand = 20:
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 0 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Stop</a> using the 20cm long dildo.'
-			else
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 20 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Start</a> using the 20cm long dildo.'
-			end
-		end
-		if bigdildo = 1:
-			if dildohand = 25:
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 0 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Stop</a> using the 25cm long dildo.'
-			else
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 25 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Start</a> using the 25cm long dildo.'
-			end
-		end
-		if extradildo = 1:
-			if dildohand = 30:
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 0 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Stop</a> using the 30cm long dildo.'
-			else
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 30 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Start</a> using the 30cm long dildo.'
-			end
-		end
-		if superdildo = 1:
-			if dildohand = 35:
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 0 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Stop</a> using the 35cm long dildo.'
-			else
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 35 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Start</a> using the 35cm long dildo.'
-			end
-		end
-		if maddildo = 1:
-			if dildohand = 40:
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 0 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Stop</a> using the 40cm long dildo.'
-			else
-				*pl '<a href="exec:dildohand = 40 & gt ''selfplay'', ''start''">Start</a> using the 40cm long dildo.'
-			end
-		end
+		gs 'selfplay', 'dildo_options', 'selfplay', 'start'
 	if pcs_horny > 0:
@@ -106,7 +48,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 			selfplaytime += 5
 			gs 'selfplay', 'sis_prov'
 			!!if $loc = 'bedrPar':'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/mast/klit.mp4"></video></center>'
 			if $loc = 'vanrPar':
@@ -129,7 +71,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Stop touching yourself':gt $loc, $metka
 			if pcs_horny > 0:gs 'selfplay', 'fingering'
@@ -141,14 +83,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 			selfplaytime += 5
 			gs 'selfplay', 'sis_prov'
 			!!if $loc = 'bedrPar':'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/mast/klit.mp4"></video></center>'
 			!!if $loc = 'vanrPar':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/klitvann.jpg"></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/1.jpg"></center>'
 			gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 5
 			gs 'stat'
 			if pcs_ass >= 5:
 				'You press a finger against your asshole and push it in. It slides in quite easily.'
@@ -160,19 +102,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Stop touching yourself':gt $loc, $metka
 			act 'Add a second finger':
 				selfplaytime += 5
 				gs 'selfplay', 'sis_prov'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/2.jpg"></center>'
 				gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 5
 				gs 'stat'
 				if pcs_ass >= 10:
 					'You relax and squeeze a second finger in, alongside the first. It slides in fairly easily.'
@@ -207,10 +149,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 					pcs_horny -= 50
 					'When you slide in the second finger, you feel a sharp pain in your anus. You may have tried too much, too fast.'
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Stop touching yourself':gt $loc, $metka
 				if $loc = 'vanrPar' and selfplaytime >= 60:gs 'selfplay', 'van_vtor'
@@ -225,7 +167,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 						gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 5
 						gs 'stat'
 						if pcs_ass >= 15:
 							'Your asshole is fairly loose, and you manage to slide three fingers in without much effort.'
@@ -268,18 +210,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 						act 'Stop touching yourself':gt $loc, $metka
 						if pcs_horny > 0 and agape < 3:
 							act 'Push four fingers into your asshole':
 								selfplaytime += 5
 								gs 'selfplay', 'sis_prov'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/4.jpg"></center>'
 								gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 5
 								gs 'stat'
 								if pcs_ass >= 20:
 									'Your asshole is very loose, and you manage to push four fingers into it.'
@@ -329,12 +271,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 										SelfFisting += 1
 										selfplaytime += 5
 										gs 'selfplay', 'sis_prov'
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/5.jpg"></center>'
 										gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 5
 										gs 'stat'
 										if pcs_ass >= 25:
 											'Slowly but surely, you manage to get your entire hand into your ass.'
@@ -374,7 +316,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 										act 'Stop touching yourself':gt $loc, $metka
 										if $loc = 'vanrPar' and selfplaytime >= 60:gs 'selfplay', 'van_vtor'
 										gs 'stat'
@@ -390,21 +332,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	if pcs_horny > 10:
 		if dildo >= 1 or middildo = 1 or largedildo = 1 or bigdildo = 1 or extradildo = 1 or superdildo = 1 or maddildo = 1:
-			if dildohand > 0:
-				! WD: Fix Dildo choice Code ~ refer above
-				! 'In your hands <<dildohand>>five inch dildo'
+			if dildonumber > 0:
+				gs 'boyStat', 'd<<dildonumber>>'
 				if vgape <= 0:
 					act 'Use the dildo on your pussy':
-						if pcs_vag = 0 and dildohand >= 20:
+						if pcs_vag = 0 and dick >= 20:
 							'Are you sure? Doing so will most likely break your hymen.'
 							act 'Yes, do it':
 								selfplaytime += 15
 								gs 'selfplay', 'sis_prov'
 								if husband > 0 and housrA = 1 and husbandrink ! 10 and $loc = 'bedr': gt 'husbsex','husb_mastr_vtor'
-								dick = dildohand
 								!!if $loc = 'bedrPar':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/dildo.jpg"></center>'
 								if $loc = 'vanrPar':
@@ -412,11 +352,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/dildo.jpg"></center>'
 								gs 'dinsex2', 'd_vag_sex_dildo', 15
 								gs 'stat'
 								act 'Stop using the dildo':gt 'selfplay', 'start'
 							act 'On second thoughts, no': gt 'selfplay', 'start'
@@ -424,10 +364,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 							selfplaytime += 15
 							gs 'selfplay', 'sis_prov'
 							if husband > 0 and housrA = 1 and husbandrink ! 10 and $loc = 'bedr': gt 'husbsex','husb_mastr_vtor'
-							dick = dildohand
 							!!if $loc = 'bedrPar':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/dildo.jpg"></center>'
 							if $loc = 'vanrPar':
@@ -435,11 +373,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/dildo.jpg"></center>'
 							gs 'dinsex2', 'd_vag_sex_dildo', 15
 							gs 'stat'
 							act 'Stop using the dildo':gt 'selfplay', 'start'
@@ -450,8 +388,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 						selfplaytime += 15
 						gs 'selfplay', 'sis_prov'
-						dick = dildohand
 						!!if $loc = 'bedrPar':'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/dildoanal.jpg"></center>'
 						if $loc = 'vanrPar':
@@ -469,35 +405,35 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 			! WD: Fix Dildo choice Code  ~ refer above
-			elseif dildohand = 0:
+			elseif dildonumber = 0:
 				'You do not have a dildo in your hand.'
 				if dildo = 1:
-					act 'Take the 10cm long dildo':dildohand = 10 & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
+					act 'Take the 10cm long dildo':dildonumber = 1 & gs 'boyStat', 'd<<dildonumber>>' & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
 				if middildo = 1:
-					act 'Take the 15cm long dildo':dildohand = 15 & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
+					act 'Take the 15cm long dildo':dildonumber = 2 & gs 'boyStat', 'd<<dildonumber>>' & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
 				if largedildo = 1:
-					act 'Take the 20cm long dildo':dildohand = 20 & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
+					act 'Take the 20cm long dildo':dildonumber = 3 & gs 'boyStat', 'd<<dildonumber>>' & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
 				if bigdildo = 1:
-					act 'Take the 25cm long dildo':dildohand = 25 & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
+					act 'Take the 25cm long dildo':dildonumber = 4 & gs 'boyStat', 'd<<dildonumber>>' & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
 				if extradildo = 1:
-					act 'Take the 30cm long dildo':dildohand = 30 & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
+					act 'Take the 30cm long dildo':dildonumber = 5 & gs 'boyStat', 'd<<dildonumber>>' & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
 				if superdildo = 1:
-					act 'Take the 35cm long dildo':dildohand = 35 & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
+					act 'Take the 35cm long dildo':dildonumber = 6 & gs 'boyStat', 'd<<dildonumber>>' & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
 				if maddildo = 1:
-					act 'Take the 40cm long dildo':dildohand = 40 & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
+					act 'Take the 40cm long dildo':dildonumber = 7 & gs 'boyStat', 'd<<dildonumber>>' & gt 'selfplay', 'start'
@@ -527,10 +463,72 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'dildo_options':
+	if dildonumber ! 0: *pl & *pl 'You are using a <<dick>>cm long dildo.'
+	*pl
+	if dildo = 1:
+		if dildonumber = 10:
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 0 & gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Stop</a> using the 10cm long dildo.'
+		else
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 1 & gs ''boyStat'', ''d<<dildonumber>>'' & gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Start</a> using the 10cm long dildo.'
+		end
+	end
+	if middildo = 1:
+		if dildonumber = 15:
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 0 & gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Stop</a> using the 15cm long dildo.'
+		else
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 2 & gs ''boyStat'', ''d<<dildonumber>>'' & gs ''boyStat'', ''d<<dildonumber>>'' &  gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Start</a> using the 15cm long dildo.'
+		end
+	end
+	if largedildo = 1:
+		if dildonumber = 20:
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 0 & gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Stop</a> using the 20cm long dildo.'
+		else
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 3 & gs ''boyStat'', ''d<<dildonumber>>'' & gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Start</a> using the 20cm long dildo.'
+		end
+	end
+	if bigdildo = 1:
+		if dildonumber = 25:
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 0 & gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Stop</a> using the 25cm long dildo.'
+		else
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 4 & gs ''boyStat'', ''d<<dildonumber>>'' & gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Start</a> using the 25cm long dildo.'
+		end
+	end
+	if extradildo = 1:
+		if dildonumber = 30:
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 0 & gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Stop</a> using the 30cm long dildo.'
+		else
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 5 & gs ''boyStat'', ''d<<dildonumber>>'' & gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Start</a> using the 30cm long dildo.'
+		end
+	end
+	if superdildo = 1:
+		if dildonumber = 35:
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 0 & gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Stop</a> using the 35cm long dildo.'
+		else
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 6 & gs ''boyStat'', ''d<<dildonumber>>'' & gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Start</a> using the 35cm long dildo.'
+		end
+	end
+	if maddildo = 1:
+		if dildonumber = 40:
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 0 & gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Stop</a> using the 40cm long dildo.'
+		else
+			*pl '<a href="exec:dildonumber = 7 & gs ''boyStat'', ''d<<dildonumber>>'' & gt $ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]">Start</a> using the 40cm long dildo.'
+		end
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'sis_prov':
 	$AnjaMsg = ''
 	if $loc = 'bedrPar' and (hour >= 7 or hour < 23):
 		gs 'family'
@@ -614,9 +612,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fingering':
 			gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 2
 			gs 'stat'
 			gs 'selfplay', 'fingering2'
 		elseif mesec > 0:
 			pcs_mood -= 5
 			'Your vagina has some dried up blood from your period on it. You attempt to shove your finger in, but then are kind of grossed out by the idea and reconsider.'
@@ -649,11 +647,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fingering2':
 		gs 'stat'
 		gs 'selfplay', 'fingering2', 1
 		if pcs_horny > 0 and pcs_vag > 0:gs 'selfplay', 'fingering3'
 		act 'Stop touching yourself':gt $loc, $metka
@@ -663,11 +661,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fingering3':
 		selfplaytime += 2
 		gs 'selfplay', 'sis_prov'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/hand.jpg"></center>'
 		'You shove all your fingers inside your pussy.'
 		if pcs_vag < 10:
 			if vgape = 2:vgape = 3
 			if vgape = 1:vgape = 2
@@ -692,12 +690,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fingering3':
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Fuck yourself with your fingers':
 			selfplaytime += 10
 			gs 'selfplay', 'sis_prov'
 			if pcs_vag < 10:
 				if vgape = 2:vgape = 3
 				if vgape = 1:vgape = 2
@@ -712,7 +710,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fingering3':
 			gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 10
 			gs 'stat'
 			if pcs_vag <= 15:pcs_horny -= 10 & pcs_mood -= 10 & 'You''re stretching your pussy to the point where it becomes rather painful, and don''t get any enjoyment out of it.'
 			if pcs_vag > 10:pcs_horny += rand(10, 20) & 'Your pussy walls are stretched nicely from the finger fucking, and you feel a pleasant warmth spread in your lower body.'
@@ -721,9 +719,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fingering3':
 			if pcs_vag < 20:vaginaTemp += 1
 			gs 'selfplay', 'fingering3'
 			act 'Stop touching yourself':gt $loc, $metka

+ 31 - 1

@@ -21,7 +21,37 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'smoker':
 	if pcs_energy < 80: pcs_energy += 4
 	gs '$menu_obnovit'
-end &!--- smoker ---
+!! smoke_joint - handles all changes which happen when PC smokes a joint
+!! use : gs 'shortgs', 'smoke_joint'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'smoke_joint':
+	joint -= 1
+	joint_smoked += 1
+	jointday = daystart
+	jointhour = hour
+	jointminut = minut + 1
+	if minut > 30:
+		jointhigh = 2
+	else
+		jointhigh = 1
+	end	
+	cumspclnt = 2
+	gs 'cum_cleanup'
+	pcs_breath = 0
+	pcs_mood += 100
+	if pcs_hydra >= 100:
+		pcs_hydra -= 5
+	else
+		pcs_hydra -= 10
+	end
+	if pcs_energy > 20: 
+		pcs_energy -= 20
+	else
+		pcs_energy = 0
+	end
+	gs 'stat'
 !! following function counts the number of guys which PC slept with. 
 !! use func('shortgs','guy') or func('shortgs','guy',X) for subset (X can be 'A','B','C','AB','AC','BC')

+ 4 - 4

@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ $d_pp_bj = {
 		parkslut += 1
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/sex/ppbj.jpg"></center>'
-		'Your lips wrapped around a hard <<dick>>cm cock, and you suck it carefully feeling his tongue and lips.'
+		'You wrap your lips wrapped around his hard <<dick>>cm cock, and suck it carefully feeling it with your tongue and lips.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
 		tiprand = rand(1, 100)
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ $d_pp_bj = {
 			dynamic $d_pp_sex
 			dynamic $d_pp_bjcum
-			'You chustvuete stiffen cock, it seems he is ready is about to finish'
+			'You feel his cock stiffen, it seems he is already about to finish'
 			dynamic $d_pp_hjcum
 			dynamic $d_pp_bjcum
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ $d_pp_bjcum = {
 		gs 'cum_manage'
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/sex/ppbjcum.jpg"></center>'
-		'You continued to suck and less than a minute as a member became razryazhatsya your mouth seed, Sperm were so many, that part of it poured on your lips and mouth .'
+		'You continue to suck and in less than a minute his member bursts filling your mouth with seed. The sperm is so much, that part of it drips out on your lips and chin .'
 		dynamic $d_pp_goend
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ $d_pp_goend = {
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/sex/ppendno.jpg"></center>'
-		'You began to brush up. <<$boydesc>> pretty buttoned pants "Well pokeda <<$pcs_nickname>>, I still have things, can be seen as a."'
+		'You began to brush up. <<$boydesc>> has already buttoned his pants "Well, catch you around <<$pcs_nickname>>, I still have things to do now, hope to see you again."'
 		act 'Leave':
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'

+ 18 - 18

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	'Vitek notices you staring at the bottle and thinks for a second, before he decides to invite you along: "Hey, <<$pcs_nickname>>. We''re going out for a drink... want to join us?"'
 	act 'Have a drink with them':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		alko += 2
 		cumspclnt = 2
 		gs 'cum_cleanup'
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'Sonia does have more, she''s totally wasted by now. With a slight slur in her voice and a cheeky grin on her face she says: "I want to go dancing! Let''s go back to the disco!"'
 		act 'Go back to the disco':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 15
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	act 'Decline':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		minut += 30
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'dance':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	minut += 5
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'dance':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'dance1':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'dance1':
 	'Sonia smiles at him and confesses: "Of course! I love popsicles! Bu-"'
 	'Vitek reaches for his pocket, and actually pulls out a popsicle. Sonia looks at him in awe for a moment, as if he is a magician that just made a bunny appear out of thin air. Then she tries to reach out for it, but Vitek pulls it away from her and says: "No, no hands. I''ll hold it, you only use your mouth."'
 	act 'Watch':
-	    cls
+	    *clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/2.jpg"></center>'
 		'Sonia obediently pulls her hands away and opens her mouth, and Vitek slowly puts the popsicle against her lips and tongue. Then she closes her lips around it and sucks on it, while looking at Vitek seductively.'
 		'Vitek grins and lowers the popsicle further and further, until it is at the same level as his groin. All this time, Sonia has never taken her mouth off it, and eventually she gets down on her knees after bending over awkwardly and nearly falling over once or twice. The way she''s sucking and licking the popsicle definitely gets Vitek aroused, and you see his cock straining against the fabric of his pants. Meanwhile, Dan and Vasily are looking at the two of them with their mouths open, somewhat awkwardly hiding their erections.'
 		'Once the popsicle is mostly gone, Dan clears his throat and suggests: "Let''s go outside for a while."'
-		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3, 'group'
+		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Stay at the disco':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			minut += 15
 			danc_exp += 1
 			soniaPS = 1
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'dance1':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'dance2':
-	cls
+	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/3.jpg"></center>'
 	'You could go for some fresh air, and follow the group outside. It''s you, Sonia, Vitek, Dan, Vasily and two more guys you don''t know. Sonia is nearly tripping over her own legs as she walks, still clearly affected by the alcohol. After a few minutes the group halts to relax for a while, you assume. When Sonia finishes the popsicle that Vitek gave her, she asks: "That was yummy! Vitek, do you have another one?"'
@@ -133,31 +133,31 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'dance2':
 	'When Sonia opens her eyes again, she recoils a bit from the hard cock right in front of her face. She giggles, but stays on her knees in front of him without any intentions of getting up.'
 	'Vitek softly says in a reassuring voice: "You can touch it if you want. It feels much nicer than a popsicle!"'
-	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3, 'group'
+	gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Watch':
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/4.jpg"></center>'
 		'Sonia stares at the erection in front of her face for a while, spellbound. Then she slowly extends her hand and pokes the cock with her finger. It twitches and some precum leaks from the head, making Sonia giggle with glee. Fascinated by it all, she hesitantly closes her slender fingers around the head and jerks him off carefully.'
 		'Vitek groans, totally not expecting his plan to actually get this far. He quickly clears his mind and tells her: "Now have a taste... I bet you will love it!"'
-		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3, 'group'
+		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Watch':
-			cls
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/5.jpg"></center>'
 			'Sonia nods and leans in closer, and sticks out her tongue before carefully licking the head. You can tell the other guys around you are getting restless, watching Vitek about to get a blowjob from one of the better looking girls in school... who, until now, had always behaved like a total prude.'
 			'Sonia slowly closes her lips around the head and begins to suck on it. The loud smacking sounds she makes while she''s sucking on the head of Vitek''s cock is the final straw for the other guys, and they all unbutton their pants too. They surround her, eager to get in on the action while she is too drunk to know better.'
-			gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3, 'group'
+			gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Watch':
-				cls
+				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/sonia/sex/6.jpg"></center>'
 				'When the boys surround Sonia, to your surprise she stays calm and does not resist being in this position. In fact, she revels in it! She smiles at the guys, looking them in the eyes while she keeps sucking on Vitek''s cock like she had been.'
@@ -165,11 +165,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'dance2':
 				'Too drunk to know better, she mumbles: "Sowwy," with a cock still in her mouth and puts her hands on two more. She does her best to please them all, sucking and stroking them in turns.'
 				'The boys don''t last long, and dump their warm loads of sperm all over her face one by one. By the time the last guy is finished, her face is covered completely.'
-				gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3, 'group', 'humiliation'
+				gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Watch':
-					cls
+					*clr & cla
 					soniaPS = 1
 					soniaPSdays = daystart
 					grupTipe[25] = 5
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'dance2':
 					'Meanwhile, Sonia drunkenly rises to her feet and leans against a tree, trying to keep her balance. Thick gobs of cum are slowly dripping down from her face, and when you look closely you can see tears forming in the corners of her eyes. It looks like reality has finally caught up with her, and she now realizes what she just did. She softly whispers, more to herself than anyone else: "What have I done... I''m such an idiot!" between sobs.'
 					'She''s not given much time to recover from the initial shock. Vitek grabs her arm and announces to the other guys that it''s time to show her off. When he drags Sonia back to the disco with the rest of the boys in tow, you can''t help but feel a bit sorry for her. Knowing your classmates, they will judge her very harshly.'
-					gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3, 'group', 'humiliation'
+					gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'

+ 0 - 2

@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
 SuccessValue = $ARGS[1]
-"Spell='<<$ARGS[0]>>' SuccessValue=<<SuccessValue>>"
 if $ARGS[0] = 'teleport':
 	! Do the stuff of a Teleport
 	!	ARGS[1] = Success/Failure level

+ 2 - 1

@@ -501,7 +501,8 @@ if minut >= 60:
 	if amphWithdrawl > 169: amphWithdrawl = 1 & amphetamineBonus = 1 & amphCount = 0
 	if SLomka > 0 and pcs_mood > 10:SLomka += 1 & pcs_mood -= pcs_mood / 10
 	if SLomka > 100 and StrongNarkota <= 0:SLomka = 0 & SNarkTimes = 0
+	if jointhigh > 0: jointhigh -= 1
 	if narkoman = 1 and narkday ! daystart:
 		pcs_health -= 5
 		pcs_willpwr -= 5

+ 6 - 3

@@ -159,7 +159,9 @@ if Enable_statfsize>0:$stat_msg = '<font size=<<Enable_statfsize>>><<$stat_msg>>
 !$stat_msg += '<<$weather>><BR>'
 !pl '<<$weatherImage>>'
-$stat_msg += '<BR><<$stat_android>> <<$week[week]>> <<day>> <<$month>> <<year>>'
+if timeHidden = 0:
+	$stat_msg += '<BR><<$stat_android>> <<$week[week]>> <<day>> <<$month>> <<year>>'
 $stat_android += '<<$week[week]>> <<day>>/<<month>>, <<money>> ₽, <a href="exec:clr & pl $stat_android">Status</a>'
 ! $stat_android for short desc in android mode, $stat_msg for status bar.
 if StoryLine > 0 and SchoolAtestat ! 1 and $holyday ! '': $stat_msg += '<BR><<$holyday>>' & $stat_msg += '<BR>'
@@ -647,7 +649,8 @@ elseif siga > 0:
 	$stat_msg += '<BR><a href="exec:gs ''shortgs'',''smoker''"><font color=#0064FF><b>You have <<siga>> cigarettes.</b></font></a><BR>'
-if smokeHour = hour and smokeday = day and smokeminut >= minut:$stat_msg += '<BR><font color="green">You are smoking a cigarette.</font><BR>'
+if smokeHour = hour and smokeday = daystart and smokeminut >= minut: $stat_msg += '<BR><font color="green">You are smoking a cigarette.</font><BR>'
+if jointhour = hour and jointday = daystart and jointminut >= minut: $stat_msg += '<BR><font color="green">You are smoking a joint.</font><BR>'
 if cheatNoSweat = 0:
 	if pcs_sweat < 0 : pcs_sweat = 0
@@ -1230,7 +1233,7 @@ if hour < meethour[2] and svidanie[2] = 1:$stat_msg += '<BR><<$loverdesc[2]>> wi
 if hour = meethour[2] and svidanie[2] = 1:$stat_msg += '<BR><b><font color="red"><<$loverdesc[2]>> is waiting for you by <<$streetev_home>>.</font></b>'
 if meetday[2] < daystart and svidanie[2] = 1:pcs_lovers_rel[2] -= 10 & svidanie[2] = 0
-if StrongNarkota > 20:$stat_msg += '<BR><b><font color="red">You are stoned.</font></b>'
+if StrongNarkota > 20 or jointhigh > 0:$stat_msg += '<BR><b><font color="red">You are stoned.</font></b>'
 if amphHigh > 0: $stat_msg += '<BR><b><font color="red">You feel a little wired.</font></b>'
 if alko > 0:

+ 1 - 1

@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ else
 	'In the courtyard of your <a href="exec: gt ''etoexhib'', ''pos51''">apartment building</a>, you see several <a href="exec: minut += 1 & gt ''trashplace''">trash bins</a>.'
-if SNarkPriton > 0:'The <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''narkopriton''">drug house</a> is clearly recognizeable by the syringes and the trash that lies in front of it.'
+if SNarkPriton > 0:'The <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''narkopriton''">drug house</a> is clearly recognizable by the syringes and the trash that lies in front of it.'
 if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23 or saunaWorkWhore > 0 or workDisk = 2:'<a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt ''sauna''">The Sauna</a> is a 10 minute walk away. Rumors say the sauna is just the front for a brothel.'
 if hour >= 20 or hour <= 4:

+ 10 - 2

@@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ if money >= 2500:
+!!The chance to get robbed is capped at 10%
+if streetev_rob > 10: streetev_rob = 10
+if streetev_hijack > 10: streetev_hijack = 10
 if $ARGS[1] = 'extras':
 	if rand(0, 100) < streetev_bf and pcs_lover < 3 and streetbfhour ! hour:
 		streetbfhour = hour
@@ -498,7 +502,7 @@ if $ARGS[1] = 'main':
 	streetrand = rand(0, 100)
-	if streetrand < streetev_rob and daystart >= 10 and (hour < 6 or hour >= 20) and streetev_day ! daystart and bag = 1:
+	if streetrand < streetev_rob and daystart >= 10 and (hour < 6 or hour >= 20) and streetev_day ! daystart and bag = 1 and streetev_rob_day ! daystart:
 		*clr & cla
 		menu_off = 1
 		streetev_day = daystart
@@ -589,11 +593,13 @@ if $ARGS[1] = 'main':
+	elseif streetrand >= streetev_rob and daystart >= 10 and (hour < 6 or hour >= 20) and streetev_day ! daystart and bag = 1 and streetev_rob_day ! daystart:
+		streetev_rob_day = daystart
 	streetrand = rand(0, 100)
-	if streetrand < streetev_hijack and daystart >= 10 and hour >= 6 and hour < 20 and streetev_day ! daystart and bag = 1:
+	if streetrand < streetev_hijack and daystart >= 10 and hour >= 6 and hour < 20 and streetev_day ! daystart and bag = 1 and streetev_hijack_day ! daystart:
 		*clr & cla
 		menu_off = 1
@@ -644,6 +650,8 @@ if $ARGS[1] = 'main':
+	elseif streetrand >= streetev_hijack and daystart >= 10 and (hour < 6 or hour >= 20) and streetev_day ! daystart and bag = 1 and streetev_hijack_day ! daystart:
+		streetev_hijack_day = daystart
 	!!end of old random street events that can always happen

+ 2 - 2

@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ i = 0
 $ThisSpellName = $combatSpells[i]
 if i < arrsize('$combatSpells'):
-	spellKnown[$ThisSpellName] = 1:
+	spellKnown[$ThisSpellName] = 1
 	i += 1
 	jump 'CombatSpellTest'
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ i = 0
 $ThisSpellName = $nonComSpells[i]
 if i < arrsize('$nonComSpells'):
-	spellKnown[$ThisSpellName] = 1:
+	spellKnown[$ThisSpellName] = 1
 	i += 1
 	jump 'NonComSpellTest'

+ 4 - 5

@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hypno':
 			$session = 'You will feel more confident. You are smart, beautiful, and if other people has other opinions, that is their problem. You know what you want, and do not fear to act upon your desires."<br>...<br>...<br>..."'
 		elseif $therapy = 'dominance':
 			pcs_dom += rand(1,2)
-			$session = 'You like to do what you want to do. It pleases you if people do what you tell them to do, or act according to your wishes, and you like to couse them pleasure this way. You have to be in control constantly, but that means others around you can relax."<br>...<br>...<br>..."'
+			$session = 'You like to do what you want to do. It pleases you if people do what you tell them to do, or act according to your wishes, and you like to cause them pleasure this way. You have to be in control constantly, but that means others around you can relax."<br>...<br>...<br>..."'
 		elseif $therapy = 'submission':
 			sub += rand(1,2)
 			$session = 'You want to be told what to do and what to think, what to feel and whom to please. Obeying others pleases you because it pleases them, and for a while you do not have to take responsibility for your actions."<br>...<br>...<br>..."'
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hypnoEnd':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/therapist/room.jpg"></center>'
 	'<font color=brown>"All right, <i>Cunt</i>, now listen to me. You will not remember any of this. You do not feel any discomfort from any of our activities, and you do not notice anything related to what happened here. No taste, no smell, no aches, no fluids. Nothing. You will not respont to Cunt while you are Awake, just while you are Under. You will wake up feeling good, but responsive to all of my commands. Understand, <i>Cunt</i>?"'
 	'"Yes, <i>Master</i>."'
-	'"Oh, I almost forgotten. While you are Awake, you will call me Dr. Pavlov, you will not have any desire to call me Master. Now, you are sitting in the black room. Stand up, and start walking through the door. As you close the door of the black room, you forget..."</font>'
+	'"Oh, I almost forgot. While you are Awake, you will call me Dr. Pavlov, you will not have any desire to call me Master. Now, you are sitting in the black room. Stand up, and start walking through the door. As you close the door of the black room, you forget..."</font>'
 	if hypnoTime < 4:
@@ -474,10 +474,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hypnoEnd':
 		pcs_horny = 60
 		'When you wake up, you see your therapist fixing his shirt.'
 		'"Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, how do you feel right now?"'
-		'Without hesitation, you reply.'
-		'"I feel wounderful, Dr. Pavlov."'
+		'Without hesitation, you reply, "I feel wounderful, Dr. Pavlov."'
 		'"Good, just as expected," nods the doctor, as he escorts you out of his office.'
-		'You feel aroused, and you try to close your legs as you walk out, unconsciously trying to keep you psychologist''s sperm inside your <<$cumdesciption3>> as long as possible.'
+		'You feel aroused, and you try to close your legs as you walk out, unconsciously trying to keep your psychologist''s sperm inside your <<$cumdesciption3>> as long as possible.'
 	'The doctor smiles jovially, his hand on your shoulder as he slowly escort you out of his office.'
 	'"Please, visit me again if you have any further problems, I will be glad to help!" Says Dr. Pavlov as a goodbye, taking your hands in his, patting them, then closes his door.'

+ 18 - 4

@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'breastfeedthebaby':
 				milkedvolume = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 2, 15)
 				'As you open your eyes again, you see the baby suckle on your left breast, the small lips kneading your areola over and over. The tingling feeling fading away, the kneading of the small mouth intensifies for a bit before the baby latches off on its own, making an unsatisfied noise. You make the baby switch breasts and you continue to breastfeed until the baby latches off again.'
 				'You speak up: Sorry ... I don''t think he was getting enough...'
-				if milkedvolume >= 50:
+				if milkedvolume >= 50000:
 					'The man nods, smiling a bit: At least this will help for the rest of the train ride'
 					'The man nods and seems disappointed: Damn, he is still hungry. I''ll have to get out on the next stop to see if I can get something for him.'
@@ -320,7 +320,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'breastfeedthebaby':
 				act 'Finish':gt $loc, $metka
 			elseif temp_var < 12:
 				'You think about it and nod your head while answering: Uhm ... I think I got pretty much milk.'
-				if lactatemm >= 1500:
+				if lactation['breastmm'] >= 500000:
+					'Adding to that: I could fill up a beer glass, when my breasts feel engorged, I think, haha.'
+					'You smile cutely and giggle a bit. You notice how the mans eyes widen from your answer and how he blush.'
+					if vidage <= 16:											
+						if tits <=4:
+							'He speaks up: Wow - you look so young, and yet you make more milk than my wife. She is barely able to breastfeed him and we need extra bottled milk for him.'
+						else
+							'He speaks up: Wow - you look so young, and yet you make more milk than my wife... but with you having breasts like these, this is no wonder.'
+							'Saying this, he makes you blush.'
+							'He continues: My wife is barely able to breastfeed him and we need extra bottled milk for him.'
+						end
+					else
+						'He speaks up: Wow - you make more milk than my wife. She is barely able to breastfeed him and we need extra bottled milk for him.'
+					end
+				elseif lactation['breastmm'] >= 150000 and lactation['breastmm'] < 500000:
 					'Adding to that: I could fill up a cup, when my breasts feel engorged, I think, haha.'
 					'You smile cutely and giggle a bit. You notice how the mans eyes widen from your answer and how he blush.'
 					if vidage <= 16:											
@@ -374,14 +388,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'breastfeedthebaby':
 						'The man leans up and looks over the seats left and right, then around the car. He then gets down on his seat again, leaning over to you and moves his hands up, then hasitating. He looks in your eyes as if he want''s approval. You nod and he grabs around your breast with both hands, holding it firmly. You move your right hand into his neck. Then he moves his mouth towards your nipple and latches on too. He is producing way more sucktion force than the baby, making you moan up. Your nipple pulses, and you feel your breastmilk gushing out into his mouth. He closes his eyes and nozzles into your breast, drinking your milk. After about 5 minutes he is done and latches off.'
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/shared/train/breastfeeding/adult_breastfeeding.mp4" ></video></center>'
 						milkedvolume = func('lact_lib','$get_breastmilk', 0, 5)
-						if milkedvolume >= 800:
+						if milkedvolume >= 80000:
 							if tits <=4:
 								'He wipes his mouth off and looks at you: They don''t look like it, but there is a lot of milk inside your breasts...'
 								'He wipes his mouth off and looks at you: There is really a lot of milk inside your breasts...'
 							'Adding: I should ask my wife to hire you as a wet nurse or something...'
-						elseif milkedvolume >= 500 and milkedvolume < 800:
+						elseif milkedvolume >= 50000 and milkedvolume < 80000:
 							if tits <=4:
 								'He wipes his mouth off and looks at you: They don''t look like it, but there quiet the amount of milk inside your breasts...'

+ 11 - 9

@@ -75,15 +75,17 @@ if i < ARRSIZE('$tpLocations'):
 killvar 'i'
-act 'Masturbate to clear your head.':
-	*nl
-	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/shared/park/tree_masturb.mp4"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'That''s better!'
-	$orgasm_or = 'yes'
-	gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 15
-	gs 'arousal', 'end'
-	gs 'stat'
+if pcs_inhib >= 30:
+	act 'Masturbate to clear your head.':
+		*nl
+		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/shared/park/tree_masturb.mp4"></center>'
+		*nl
+		'That''s better!'
+		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
+		gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 15
+		gs 'arousal', 'end'
+		gs 'stat'
+	end
 --- treeCircle ---------------------------------

+ 27 - 19

@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hj':
 	gs 'willpower', 'calc'
 	will_cost = 0
 	if stat['hj'] <= 90:
-		will_cost = ((100 - stat['hj']) + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (stat['hj'] + will_calc)/10
-		will_cost = (10 + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (100 + will_calc)/10
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj':
 	will_cost = 0
 	if missCum >= timeTresh: will_calc += 100
 	if stat['bj'] <= 90:
-		will_cost = ((100 - stat['bj']) + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (stat['bj'] + will_calc)/10
-		will_cost = (10 + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (100 + will_calc)/10
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
 	gs 'willpower', 'calc'
 	will_cost = 0
 	if stat['vaginal'] <= 90:
-		will_cost = ((100 - stat['vaginal']) + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (stat['vaginal'] + will_calc)/10
-		will_cost = (10 + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (100 + will_calc)/10
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'anal':
 	will_cost = 0
 	if missCum >= timeTresh: will_calc += 100
 	if stat['anal'] <= 90:
-		will_cost = ((100 - stat['anal']) + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (stat['anal'] + will_calc)/10
-		will_cost = (10 + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (100 + will_calc)/10
@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gangbang':
 	will_cost = 0
 	if missCum >= timeTresh: will_calc += 100
 	if stat['group'] <= 90:
-		will_cost = ((100 - stat['group']) + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (stat['group'] + will_calc)/10
-		will_cost = (10 + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (100 + will_calc)/10
@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'prostitution':
 	if missCum >= timeTresh: will_calc += 100
 	prost_will = pav_prostitute + city_prostitute + oldtown_prostitute + village_prostitute
 	if prost_will <= 90:
-		will_cost = ((100 - prost_will) + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (prost_will + will_calc)/10
-		will_cost = (10 + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (100 + will_calc)/10
@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'swallow':
 	gs 'willpower', 'calc'
 	will_cost = 0
 	if trt_cumeater = 0:
-		will_cost = (100 + will_calc)/10
-	else
 		will_cost = (10 + will_calc)/10
+	else
+		will_cost = (100 + will_calc)/10
@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_inside':
 	will_cost = 0
 	if missCum >= timeTresh: will_calc += 100
 	if cumloc[0] <= 0:
-		will_cost = (100 + will_calc)/10
-	else
 		will_cost = (10 + will_calc)/10
+	else
+		will_cost = (100 + will_calc)/10
@@ -158,7 +158,11 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'skill':
 	gs 'willpower', 'calc'
 	will_cost = 0
-	dynamic 'will_cost = <<$ARGS[1]>> + will_calc)/10'
+	if $ARGS[0] = 'inhib_lvl':
+		will_cost = (pcs_inhib + will_calc)/10
+	else
+		dynamic 'will_cost = <<$ARGS[1]>> + will_calc)/10'
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'rape':
@@ -176,11 +180,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'drink':
 	gs 'willpower', 'calc'
 	will_cost = 0
 	if alko > 10:
-		will_cost = (60 + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (40 + will_calc)/10
 	elseif alko > 6:
 		will_cost = (100 + will_calc)/10
 	elseif alko > 3:
 		will_cost = (80 + will_calc)/10
+	else
+		will_cost = (10 + will_calc)/10
@@ -210,7 +216,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'exhib':
 	elseif pcs_inhib > 70:
 		will_cost = (3 + will_calc)/10
-		will_cost = (100 - pcs_inhib + will_calc)/10
+		will_cost = (pcs_inhib + will_calc)/10
@@ -234,6 +240,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'dnd':
 	if smokerNeed > 10: will_dnd += 10
+	!!weed
+	if jointhigh > 0: will_dnd -= 10
 	if amphWithdrawl > 2:
 		will_dnd += 40

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # zoomagazine
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	cla & *clr
+	$loc = 'zoomagazine'
+	$metka = 'start'
 	$menu_loc = 'zoomagazine'
 	$menu_arg = 'start'
 	menu_off = 0