Commit History

Author SHA1 Message Date
  3xpurt a8725a49b3 Revert "Reformatted code for swamp rescue, minor dialogue changes, added hunter collective opinion" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 3636781411 Revert "More flavor for nudity in front of hunters. Pending images and more options" 6 years ago
  3xpurt af6afb1130 Revert "Naked encounter story outlines complete. Reordered some of that code into separete scenes" 6 years ago
  3xpurt d2940f71f8 Revert "swamp_yard initial reorder complete. pending the rest of the reorder as well as addition of more scenes. more convenient with dynamic events at least" 6 years ago
  3xpurt cc12735bda Revert "Fixes -- Syntax and logic issues." 6 years ago
  3xpurt eed7b1f127 Revert "[added] Constantly available food in the swamp hut" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 7ca3ceaee3 Revert "[added] Meal table at swamp hut so that Sveta can eat like civilized people" 6 years ago
  3xpurt fc5057395f Revert "[fixed] Syntax issue with the new meal table" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 6525f12b79 Revert "[changed] Removed hunters inviting for drinks. Sveta can join them herself instead" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 9c381ed35d Revert "[removed] individual hantersex events from swampyard removed. group events moved to its own codeblock and disabled, pending revamp before being enabled" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 4ced42a3cd Revert "[removed] Individual hunter opinion ticks after a yard cleanup. It all goes to the collective now. HAil the collective!" 6 years ago
  3xpurt b8d0d9ae3c Revert "[changed] dynamic events for swampyard are all now goto blocks" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 4707f448d8 Revert "[changed][fixed] moved swamp_yard location stuff into a start/null block. fixed calls to dynamic events that are no longer dynamics" 6 years ago
  3xpurt ef334d4733 Revert "[fixed] last calls to dynamic events. dynamic no longer, static forever" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 23a8c6151e Revert "[removed] hantersex purged with holy fire" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 69af25fbc8 Revert "[changed] Split doing favors for hunters and ambient hunter conversations into their own locations to make finding and changing them easier" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 5a6ecd8bf1 Revert "[removed] Purged more hantersex from hunters.qsrc" 6 years ago
  3xpurt f05f4aac22 Revert "[changed][removed] Removed gadforest_event hunter sex events. Fetched sovietmercader's edits to make youth sex events in the same file point to mitkasex rather than hunters" 6 years ago
  3xpurt b5121ef20d Revert "[changed] Moved hunter group chat dialogue into hunter_ambient generic convo" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 6afe0310e6 Revert "[changed][removed] Edited hunter conversations to make more sense. Removed especially bad 'jokes'. I need a drink." 6 years ago
  3xpurt 16842d90dc Revert "[removed] purged hanterlovesex with holy fire" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 7b008fcde1 Revert "[added] Hunters now randomly bring hunted rabbits. Sveta can cook meat stew with what they bring" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 3b0d9fd41b Revert "[fixed] Dried meat and crackers is now a snack isntead of a meal. Also added missing end" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 3ca27b7593 Revert "[fixed] Removed hantersex files from glife.qproj, added the new hunter files" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 90edbd0537 Revert "[fixed] incorrect file header and footer for hunter_favors" 6 years ago
  3xpurt c0f2ec9a85 Revert "[added] Hunters can ask Sveta to cook food" 6 years ago
  3xpurt d967f2304c Revert "[removed] There is no such thing as a free lunch, anymore. No free meal from hunters" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 0aea7456a6 Revert "[changed] Tweaks to sitting on the meal table with hunters. Moved striptease event into hunter_favors as its own conditional block" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 363580f6dc Revert "[added] Created hunter_interactions.qsrc for two-sided interactions with unters. Moved the striptease event in there" 6 years ago
  3xpurt 655607149d Revert "[changed] Moved more hunter sex events into hunter_interactions and hunter_favors" 6 years ago