# nichBedroomServant
$metka = ''
$loc = 'nichBedroomServant'
$locM = $loc
$nichLoc = 'servant'
$metkaM = ''
$location_type = 'private'
$locclass = 'bedr'
$menu_loc = 'nichBedroomServant'
$menu_arg = ''
menu_off = 0
tanhouse1 = 1
!! Has to happen before there is any output
if nichWork = 2:
if nichLastWorkDay ! daystart:
gs 'nichUtil', 'startWorkday'
!! this code has to be include everywhere where PC can change clothes or enter the apartment
gs 'nichUtil', 'checkOutfit'
!! Argument return: PC has been in the room before, dont perform actions meant to be executed before or as she enters the room.
if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'start' or $ARGS[0] = 'return':
gs 'stat'
Your Bedroom in Nicholas'' Apartment'
'> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nichApartment/bedroomServant.jpg">'
'Your bedroom is fairly large, considering you''re only an employee. There is a small double bed and an alarm clock.'
'Half a wall is taken up by an expensive-looking wardrobe (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing). There''s a make-up table with a mirror next to it.'
if komp = 1:
$komp = ' with your laptop.'
$komp = '.'
'A luxurious leather sofa is also part of the ensemble. Mounted on the wall opposite the sofa is a big flat TV. Under the window, you see a brand-new desk<<$komp>>'
if obruch > 0:'
Your hula hoop stands in a corner of the room. '
if skak > 0:'Your jump rope is sitting on a shelf. '
if bookYog > 0:'A yoga mat is rolled up in a corner next to the wardrobe. '
if mishka > 0:'On one of the shelves, you''ve placed your <> teddy bear.'
gs 'exercise', 'start'
if nichSalaryOutstanding > 0:
'On top of your desk lies your paycheck over <> ?(redeem).'
act 'Go to the hallway':
if nichEvtGalaTele1 = 1 and nichGalaOpinion = 1 and (rand(1,100) <= 40 or nichDebug = 1):
gt 'nichBedroomServant', 'evtBodyguardIntim1'
elseif nichGalaOpponent = 31 and (rand(1,100) <= 10 or nichDebug = 1):
!!Todo: Sveta gets abducted
if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
minut += 1
gt 'nichApartment'
msg'You probably shouldn''t walk around naked, especially not at your workplace. You need to get dressed.'
act 'Go to the servant bathroom':
gt 'nichBathServant'
act 'Study (2:00)':
*clr & cla
menu_off = 1
minut += 120
intel_exp += 1
'> src="images/pc/activities/study.jpg">'
'You spend two hours studying and feel a little smarter now.'
act 'Finish':gt $loc
if student > 0 and kursovik < 100:
act 'Write course work (1:00)':
*clr & cla
menu_off = 1
minut += 60
kursovik += rand(pcs_intel / 20, pcs_intel / 10)
if kursovik > 100:kursovik = 100
pcs_mood -= 10
'> src="images/pc/activities/study.jpg">'
'You work on your course work and have now completed <> percent.'
act 'Finish':gt $loc
gs 'events', 'read'
if pcs_magik >= 6 and spellbefshild = 1 and tobiQW = 0:gt'tobiQW','start'
if sick >= 1:
act 'Get some bed rest (illness)':
*clr & cla
menu_off = 1
minut += 240
sick -= 1
if sick < 0:sick = 0
'> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/sick'+rand(11,17)+'.jpg">'
'You lie in bed, coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose... and, as if that wasn''t enough, you also think you might be getting a headache.'
'Drifting in and out of sleep, you spend about 4 hours tossing and turning, trying to sweat out the illness, and you actually feel better when you decide to stretch your legs.'
act 'Get up': gt 'bedr'
if pcs_horny >= 50: act 'Masturbate': gt'selfplay', 'start'
if pornMagazine > 0:'You hide a porn magazine under your mattress.' & dynamic $d_read_porn
if dur > 0:'You have hidden <> doses of Pale Lady behind your wardrobe.'
if dur > 0 and narkday ! daystart:
act 'Take some cocaine (0:05)':
*clr & cla
menu_off = 1
minut += 5
narkday = daystart
pcs_health = pcs_vital * 10 + pcs_stren * 5
pcs_willpwr = pcs_intel * 5 + pcs_sprt * 5
pcs_manna = (pcs_intel * pcs_magik) + pcs_magik * 100 + pcs_vital * 10 + rikudo
pcs_mood = 100
pcs_horny = 100
nark += 10
dur -= 1
'> src="images/shared/drugs/dur.jpg">'
'You take a small dose of coke and not long after, you start to feel great, as if you could do anything, be anything - but you''re also starting to feel incredibly horny.'
act 'Leave':gt $curloc
if nichWork = 2:
gs 'nichChore','inspect','servant'
elseif $ARGS[0] = 'evtBodyguardIntim1':
*clr & cla
'> src="images/characters/city/taras/encounter1.jpg">'
'Before you have the chance to leave your room you get pushed back inside by a man you don''t know yet.'
'Taken by surpise you can only gasp as he painfully turns your right arm around, forcing you into a bent over position.'
'He obviously knows what he is doing. He has expertly fixated you with just one hand, leaving you next to no room to move.'
'"Let me introduce myself. My name is Taras, but you will call me Sir. I am the bodyguard of Mistress Gala. I am responsible for protecting not only her life and health, but also the good reputation of her family."'
'"She told me that her husband hired a little skank as his new maid."'
'You gasp in surprise as he pulls up your skirt leaving your butt exposed.'
'"And from the looks of it she is right. Not that I would have doubted her word."'
'He smacks your left buttock painfully.'
'"Of course that can''t be accepted."'
'He smacks your other buttock.'
'"Consider this your first and only warning. If you whore around this house, if you make Mistress Gala unhappy in any way, you will regret it."'
'He smacks your left buttock again.'
'"Do you understand?"'
!! Todo: Disagree
'Unable to resist in you current position you meekly nod your head "Yes."'
'The right buttock again.'
'"Yes what?"'
'"Yes sir, I understand."'
'He waits for another few seconds before gently stroking your hair and then releasing you.'
'"Good girl. I would hate to actually hurt you." with this obvious lie he leaves your room.'
gs 'pain', 3, 'asscheeks', 'spank'
nichGalaOpinion = 2
act 'Return':
gt $loc
elseif $ARGS[0] = 'desk':
if nichGalaOpponent = 21:
'> src="images/characters/city/gala/necklace.jpg">'
'You open your desk. Something doesn''t seem to be right. After closer investigation you find Galas missing necklace hidden under some of your items.'
act 'Leave it there':
gt 'stol','start'
act 'Bring it back to where it belongs':
minut += 3
nichGalaOpponent = 22
gt 'nichBedroomServant', 'return'
gt 'stol','start'
elseif $ARGS[0] = 'redeemSalary':
*clr & cla
karta += nichSalaryOutstanding
nichSalaryOutstanding = 0
'Your salary of <> ? is transferred to your bank account.'
act 'Back': gt 'nichBedroomServant', 'return'
elseif $ARGS[0] = 'sleepEvents':
if ARGS[1] = 0:
if nichGalaOpponent = 30 and hour <= 23 and hour >= 19:
gt 'nichBedroomServant','sleepEvents', 1000
elseif ARGS[1] = 1000:
hour = 23
minut += 180
'In the middle of the night you wake up from your sleep. You have the feeling as if somebody is in your room watching you. You look around but there is nobody to be seen.'
'Maybe you are just paranoid?'
'You decide to get back to sleep. You close your eyes and rest your head back on your pillow.'
'Suddenly you feel a strong hand grabbing your face, sealing your mouth and nose shut while another hand pins you down by your hip.'
'You try to scream put you can''t get a single sound out. The last thing you notice before you lose consciousness is a sweetish smell.'
!!WIP Notice
'Warning: This part of the story is currently not finished and most likely ends in a dead end. Click ignore to pass it.'
act 'Everything turns black':
gt 'nichTaras','abdIntro'
act 'Ignore':
nichGalaOpponent = 31
menu_off = 0
InSleep = 0
gt 'nichBedroomServant'
--- nickBedroomServant ---------------------------------