qspplayerforandroid.md 3.0 KB

This guide is for Android user. If you want to play QSP on iPhone, try AeroQSP

I. Which Version do I need?

Quest player 1.4+ only support 4.4.4+

If your Android is below 4.4.4 (including 4.4.4): Use Quest player 1.0.2 or 1.3

If your Android is 5.x or 6.x, got modified 1.3 version by BOOM.vrn:
Main update for 1.3:

  1. support Android 5/6
  2. support Animated gif
  3. support Autosave

II. Get Quest player for Android

2017/7: New version! 1.4+ by [b]MrBoboFace[/b], require Android 4.4.4+ [i]Still in development, only English version for now.[/i] Major change:

  • extend html flag, table support
  • support webm video


    You can download my translated apk, or do it on your own.

    • download my translated .apk
      About permission of Destribution:

      e-mail on 2016/11/2:
      illume: I translate it into English and Chinese. Can I distribute it on English and Chinese forum?  
      Nex: Please do whatever you want, it is open source )

QuestPlayer 1.0.2 by Nex:

QuestPlayer 1.3 by BOOM.vik:

password is qsp
QSPplayer113_en_Sign.apk English UI
QspPlayer113_tc_Sign.apk Traditional Chinese UI
QSPplayer113_gb_Sign.apk Simplified Chinese UI

  • You want to do the translation yourself:

Download Quest player 1.1 from Google play
or (1) Download Quest player 1.3 from 4pda You will need register to 4pda to download.
Then download my Translated .xml here , password is qsp
(2) Use Apktool to unpack russian .apk
(3) overwrite my translated .xml to res\values
(4) pack with apktool
(5) sign apk

III. Install Game

Create a folder in your SD card

put game files as this:

Images&sounds Goes these 2 folders:  

For QSP player 1.3 by BOOM, it can fit image width to screen (set in menu).
For 1.1 on google play, you must adjust image size manually before copy them into sdcard.
the width of screen is 1920.

IV. Play game:

  1. Launch QSP player
  2. Select "ETO" (same as folder name as you set in II.)
  3. A messagebox with 2 russian button will pop out. one is play, another is cancel.
  4. Once in game, press MENU key of your phone to do the setting and save/load.

  • Quest player of Android does not support in-game save, you must save through system menu on your own.
  • 1.3 version by BOOM.vrn support autosave

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