
Added latest version of sister questline stuff

Added sister questline stuff
Minor cleanup on formatting in related locations
Thekingofsweden 9 年之前
共有 10 個文件被更改,包括 1732 次插入594 次删除
  1. 3 0
  2. 二進制
  3. 16 0
  4. 236 0
  5. 25 0
  6. 50 39
  7. 9 4
  8. 484 434
  9. 752 33
  10. 157 84

+ 3 - 0

@@ -329,6 +329,9 @@
       <Location name="tboyopr"/>
 	  <Location name="barbershop"/>
 	  <Location name="sisterQW"/>
+	  <Location name="annafriends"/>
+	  <Location name="annafriends2"/>
+	  <Location name="annafrendtoilet"/>
     <Folder name="Ивенты спортзала городка - Event gym town">
       <Location name="danceGev"/>


+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# annafrendtoilet
+minut += 5
+gs 'stat'
+if gennpc = 0:$annafrendname = 'Anja' & $annafrendname2 = 'Anja'
+if gennpc = 1:$annafrendname = 'Lena' & $annafrendname2 = 'Lena'
+if gennpc = 2:$annafrendname = 'Ira' & $annafrendname2 = 'Ira'
+'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/piss.jpg"></center>'
+'You went with <<$annafrendname>> in the bushes behind the club. <<$annafrendname2>> looked around, lifted her skirt, pulled down pantyhose and squatted. Between the legs of a flood of gushing jet on the ground.'
+act 'Leave':gt 'gdk'
+if sisboyparty = 2 and sisboyparty_day + 1 = daystart and hour = 18:act 'Go to the party':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party', 'start'
+--- annafrendtoilet ---------------------------------

+ 236 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# annafrends
+gs 'stat'
+'Around the house drinking beer culture your sister Anja, Lena, Ira, Rex and Roman.'
+temprand = rand(0, 4)
+if temprand = 0:
+	!!Anja
+	'Anja outraged polutoralitrovogo grasping a bottle of beer "Guys! Well you pour beer today or not?"'
+	if rand(0, 1) = 0:
+		'Rex took poltorashku hands of Anja.'
+		temprand = rand(0, 4)
+		if temprand = 0:
+			*nl
+			'"And why not to shout! now pour!"'
+			temprand = rand(0, 2)
+			if temprand = 0:
+				'Anja giggles "I have not yet started to yell, if I start, you oglohnesh."'
+			elseif temprand = 1:
+				'Lena resounding slaps on the shoulder Rex "Hurry! And with a jump of dog shit, with jumps!"'
+			else
+				'Ira smiling "not outraged, Reksik."'
+				if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Anja sprinkles in cam "And then put him on a chain."'
+			end
+		elseif temprand = 1:
+			*nl
+			'"Well, you always like to be late for the train. Relax rolls. Now everything will be."'
+			temprand = rand(0, 2)
+			if temprand = 0:
+				'Anja giggles, "I have not started to scream if I start, you oglohnesh."'
+			elseif temprand = 1:
+				'Lena resounding slaps on the shoulder Rex "Hurry! And with a jump of dog shit, with a jump!"'
+			else
+				'Roma giggles "Here and stinks. And if she rolls relax, we run the risk of suffocation!"'
+				temprand = rand(0, 2)
+				if temprand = 0:
+					'Anja quips, "You''re so forever remain a virgin, Roma."'
+					if rand(0, 10) = 0:
+						'Roma grins "It was an offer?"'
+						temprand = rand(0, 2)
+						if temprand = 0:
+							'Anja laughs "Dream on, saffron."'
+						elseif temprand = 1:
+							'Anja laughs "Only in your dreams, saffron."'
+						else
+							'Anja laughs "Yeah, schazz. Hear the tramp? Already ran to give."'
+						end
+					end
+				elseif temprand = 1:
+					'Anja quips "And you udivlyaeshsya that you girls do not give Roma."'
+					if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Rex grins "Yeah, our eternal virgin Roma is able to enliven the conversation on the topic of anal gases."'
+				else
+					'Anja quips "It''s from you is the smell."'
+					if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Roma grins "Yes, no, it sobachatiny bears."'
+				end
+			end
+		elseif temprand = 2:
+			*nl
+			'"Che, unscrew the plug does not have a hand?"'
+			temprand = rand(0, 2)
+			if temprand = 0:
+				'Anja giggles "And then what for you need?"'
+				if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Rex with mock indignation "Around one operation."'
+			elseif temprand = 1:
+				'Lena resounding slaps on the shoulder Rex "You talk like a girl?"'
+				if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Rex with mock indignation "In Russian, I speak with her."'
+			else
+				'Ira smiling "not outraged, Reksik."'
+				if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Anja sprinkles in cam "And then on the chain to plant."'
+			end
+		elseif temprand = 3:
+			*nl
+			'"Let me be undermined, madam."'
+			temprand = rand(0, 2)
+			if temprand = 0:
+				'Anja giggles "Cleared, monsieur."'
+			elseif temprand = 1:
+				'Anja with mock indignation says "Do not Madame and Mademoiselle!"'
+				if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Rex bowing gallantly "Miles sorry mademoiselle."'
+			else
+				'Anja says impatiently "Pour already a clown."'
+			end
+		else
+			*nl
+			'"Shit! Where cups? Are we not buy them?"'
+			temprand = rand(0, 2)
+			if temprand = 0:
+				'Anja takes cups "Here they are, blind monster."'
+			elseif temprand = 1:
+				'Roma says "Rex, you did them in the store took, all memory is that it is not?"'
+			else
+				'Lena enough cups "Rex, do not pull the rubber."'
+			end
+		end
+	else
+		'Roma took the bottle out of the hands polutoralitrovogo Anja and began to print. "Hold somebody cups."'
+		temprand = rand(0, 2)
+		if temprand = 0:
+			'Rex took the cups and Roma began to pour beer on plastic glasses.'
+		elseif temprand = 1:
+			'Rex took the cups "That same armless horseradish. Itself can not what?"'
+		else
+			'Ira took cups "Pour already onion grief."'
+		end
+		if rand(0, 3) = 0:
+			'Fracture of beer cups and flooded the ground.'
+			temprand = rand(0, 2)
+			if temprand = 0:
+				'Rex was outraged. "That thou armless hell! Nothing can trust you!"'
+			elseif temprand = 1:
+				'Rex was outraged. "No, well, how not to spill it?"'
+			else
+				'Anja was indignant. "Always the same, if saffron pours, make sure you will pour."'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+elseif temprand = 1:
+	!!Lena
+	'Lena indignantly, "We came to drink beer or admire it?"'
+elseif temprand = 2:
+	!!Ira
+	'Ira flirting eyes and flapping "Boys, and today we are going to drink beer?"'
+elseif temprand = 3:
+	!!Rex
+	if rand(0, 1) = 0:
+		'Rex took poltorashku beer and unscrew the plug.'
+		if rand(0, 2) = 0:
+			*nl
+			'"Shit! Where cups? Are we not buy them?"'
+			temprand = rand(0, 2)
+			if temprand = 0:
+				'Anja takes cups "Here they are, blind monster."'
+			elseif temprand = 1:
+				'Roma says "Rex, you did them in the store took, all memory is that it is not?"'
+			else
+				'Lena enough cups "Rex, do not pull the rubber."'
+			end
+		else
+			*nl
+			'"Roman, cups hold this while I pour."'
+		end
+	else
+		'Rex took poltorashku beer and handed it to Roma. "Pour, then froze."'
+		'Roma took polutoralitrovogo beer bottle and began to print. "Hold somebody cups."'
+		temprand = rand(0, 2)
+		if temprand = 0:
+			'Rex took the cups and Roma began to pour beer on plastic glasses.'
+		elseif temprand = 1:
+			'Rex took the cups "That same armless horseradish. Itself can not what?"'
+		else
+			'Ira took cups "Pour already grief onion."'
+		end
+		if rand(0, 3) = 0:
+			'Fracture of beer cups and flooded the land.'
+			temprand3 = rand(0, 2)
+			if temprand3 = 0:
+				'Rex was outraged. "That thou armless hell! Nothing can trust you!"'
+			elseif temprand3 = 1:
+				'Rex was outraged. "No, well, how not to spill it?"'
+			elseif temprand3 = 2:
+				'Anja was indignant. "Always the same, if saffron pours, make sure you will pour."'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	!!Roma Meynold
+	'Roma took polutoralitrovogo beer bottle and began to print. "Hold somebody cups."'
+	temprand = rand(0, 2)
+	if temprand = 0:
+		'Rex took the cups and Roma began to pour beer on plastic glasses.'
+	elseif temprand = 1:
+		'Rex took the cups "That same armless horseradish. Itself can not what?"'
+	else
+		'Ira took cups "Pour already onion grief."'
+	end
+	if rand(0, 3) = 0:
+		'Fracture of beer cups and flooded the ground.'
+		temprand = rand(0, 2)
+		if temprand = 0:
+			'Rex was outraged. "That thou armless hell! Nothing can trust you!"'
+		elseif temprand = 1:
+			'Rex was outraged. "No, well, how not to spill it?"'
+		else
+			'Anja was indignant. "Always the same, if saffron pours, make sure you will pour."'
+		end
+	end
+'Finally turned into beer cups and you also gave a plastic cup with a cold beer. Are you drunk with all beer.'
+if sisboyQW = 1:
+	act 'Meet with a girl sister':
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		sisboyQW = 2
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_02.jpg"></center>'
+		'-Sveta, You really wanted to meet with my boyfriend, This is a novel, and this is my sister Sveta, So you met."'
+		'-For acquaintance!!!" He shouted a drunken Rex, and you with all the company continued to drink beer the contrary, Man looking sister.'
+		'Roma, red-haired skinny guy, and very pretty, sister how very lucky you thought.'
+		act 'Continue to drink beer':gt 'annafriends2'
+	end
+act 'Continue to drink beer':gt 'annafriends2'
+--- annafrends ---------------------------------

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# annafrends2
+gs 'stat'
+'Poltorashka beer was quickly drained and the guys got a new bottle.'
+if rand(0, 1) = 0:
+	gennpc = rand(0, 2)
+	if gennpc = 0:
+		'Anja came to you. "<<$name>>, go to the toilet."'
+	elseif gennpc = 1:
+		'Lena came to you. "<<$name>>, you do not want the toilet?"'
+	elseif gennpc = 2:
+		'Ira came to you. "<<$name>>, you do not want to go some where?"'
+	end
+	act 'Go together':gt 'annafrendtoilet'
+	'Boys went around the corner of the club, to empty their bladder, leaving the girls alone.'
+act 'Leave':gt 'gdk'
+if sisboyparty = 2 and sisboyparty_day + 1 = daystart and hour = 18:act 'Go to the party':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party', 'start'
+--- annafrends2 ---------------------------------

+ 50 - 39

@@ -15,14 +15,7 @@ end
 if week = 1 and dostupindorf = 1:dostupindorf = 0
-if week = 6 and hour >= 12 and dostupindorf = 1:
-	!!go to the village
-	indorf = 1
-	father_go = 0
-	mother_go = 0
-if week = 7 and hour < 20 and dostupindorf = 1:
+if dostupindorf = 1 and ((week = 6 and hour >= 12) or (week = 7 and hour < 20)):
 	!!go to the village
 	indorf = 1
 	father_go = 0
@@ -40,10 +33,28 @@ if indorf = 0:
 if sister_indorf = 1:sisterHere = 0
-if StoryLine > 0:
+if StoryLine = 1:
+	if sisboytrio >= 5 and sisboyparty ! 0 and sisboyparty_day + 1 < daystart and randsbPartyDay <= daystart and week >= 4:
+		if week = 4:randsbPartyDay = daystart + 4 & sisboyparty_day = daystart + rand(0, 2)
+		if week = 5:randsbPartyDay = daystart + 3 & sisboyparty_day = daystart + rand(0, 1)
+		if week = 6:randsbPartyDay = daystart + 2 & sisboyparty_day = daystart
+	end
+	if sisboyparty_day + 1 = daystart and sisboyparty = 2 and hour > 18 and sisboypartyQW = 1:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		sisboyparty = -1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_7.jpg"></center>'
+		'You have forgotten to come to a party in honor of the birthday Rex.'
+		'- Oh well, I hope they are not offended me greatly...'
+		act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+		exit
+	end
+	if sisboyparty_day + 1 = daystart and (sisboyparty = 2 or sisboyparty = 1) and hour > 18 and sisboypartyQW > 1:sisboyparty = -1
 	if sister_indorf = 0:
 		if $loc = 'bedrPar':
 			sisterHere = 0
@@ -56,7 +67,7 @@ if StoryLine > 0:
 			if week < 6:
 				if hour = 7:
 					sisterHere = 2
-					'Your sister <a href="exec:gt ''sister''">Anja</a> is going to work.'
+					'Your sister <a href="exec:gt ''sister'', ''home''">Anja</a> is going to work.'
@@ -74,7 +85,23 @@ if StoryLine > 0:
 			if hour >= 18:
 				sisterHere = 2
-				'Your sister <a href="exec:gt ''sister''">Anja</a> sitting on bed and reading a book.'
+				'Your sister <a href="exec:gt ''sister'', ''home''">Anja</a> sitting on bed and reading a book.'
+			elseif sisboyparty_day + 1 = daystart and sisboyparty = -1 and hour = 22:
+				cls
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_6_' + rand(1,7) + '.jpg"></center>'
+				'Drunk, disheveled Anja bursts into the room.'
+				'You notice that her hair, All clothes are smeared with sticky sperm.'
+				'In this form,, she falls on the bed and falls asleep instantly.'
+				sisboyparty = 1
+				act 'Move away':gt $loc
+				exit
+			elseif sisboyparty_day + 1 = daystart and hour >= 22:
+				sisterHere = 1
+				if sisboypartyQW = 1:sisboypartyQW = 2
+				if sisboyparty = -1:sisboyparty = 1
+				'Your drunken sister Anja asleep in bed.'
@@ -86,15 +113,10 @@ if StoryLine > 0:
 				if hour = 21:parsexrand = rand(0, 5)
-			if week < 6:
-			end
-			if week >= 6:
-			end
 		if $loc = 'sitrPar':
-			if hour < 7 or hour >= 21:'Sleeps on the couch your younger brother Kolya.'
+			if hour < 7 or hour >= 21:'Sleeps on the couch your younger brother Kolka.'
 			if week < 6:
 				if father_go = 0:
@@ -106,7 +128,7 @@ if StoryLine > 0:
 			if week >= 6:
 				if father_go = 0:
-					if hour >= 7 and hour < 21:'Sitting on the couch <a href="exec:gt ''father''">stepfather</a> and watching TV.'
+					if hour >= 7 and hour < 21:'Sitting on the couch <a href="exec:gt ''father''">stepfather</a> watching TV.'
 					if hour >= 7 and hour < 16:'Sitting on the couch <a href="exec:gt ''father''">stepfather</a> watching TV.'
@@ -120,7 +142,7 @@ if StoryLine > 0:
 				if mother_go = 0:
 					if hour >= 16 and hour < 21:'Stands near the stove <a href="exec:gt ''mother''">Mom</a> and that it cooks.'
-					if hour >= 17 and hour < 21:'Near the stove stands <a href="exec:gt ''mother''">mom</a> and that it is preparing.'
+					if hour >= 17 and hour < 21:'Near the stove stands <a href="exec:gt ''mother''">Mom</a> and that it is preparing.'
@@ -128,43 +150,32 @@ if StoryLine > 0:
 				if mother_go = 0:
 					if hour >= 7 and hour < 21:'Stands near the stove <a href="exec:gt ''mother''">Mom</a> and that it cooks.'
-					if hour >= 7 and hour < 16:'Near the stove stands <a href="exec:gt ''mother''">mom</a> and that it is preparing.'
-					if hour >= 17 and hour < 21:'Near the stove stands <a href="exec:gt ''mother''">mom</a> and that it is preparing.'
+					if (hour >= 7 and hour < 16) or (hour >= 17 and hour < 21):'Near the stove stands <a href="exec:gt ''mother''">Mom</a> and that it is preparing.'
 		if $loc = 'korrPar':
-			if week < 6:
-			end
-			if week >= 6:
-			end
+			!! for future code I guess
 		if $loc = 'vokzalG':
-			if week < 6:
-			end
-			if week >= 6:
-			end
+			!! for future code I guess
 		if $loc = 'gdk':
 			if week < 6:
-				if hour >= 16 and hour < 18:'Your sister <a href="exec:gt ''sister''">Anja</a> sitting in the company of beautiful girls and guys drinking beer.'
+				if hour >= 16 and hour < 18:'Your sister <a href="exec:gt ''sister'', ''drinking''">Anja</a> sitting in the company of beautiful girls and guys drinking beer.'
 			if week >= 6:
-				if hour >= 11 and hour < 18:'Your sister <a href="exec:gt ''sister''">Anja</a> sitting in the company of beautiful girls and guys drinking beer.'
+				if hour >= 11 and hour < 18:'Your sister <a href="exec:gt ''sister'', ''drinking''">Anja</a> sitting in the company of beautiful girls and guys drinking beer.'
 		if $loc = 'gschool':
-			if week < 6:
-				if hour >= 15 and hour <= 17:'On the football field near the school your <a href="exec:gt ''brother''">brother</a> rides in football.'
-			end
-			if week >= 6:
-				if hour >= 7 and hour <= 17:'On the football field near the school your <a href="exec:gt ''brother''">brother</a> rides in football.'
+			if (week < 6 and hour >= 15 and hour <= 17) or ((week >= 6 or kanikuli > 0) and hour >= 7 and hour <= 17):
+				if hour >= 15 and hour <= 17:'On the football field near the school your <a href="exec:gt ''brother''">brother</a> plays futbol.'

+ 9 - 4

@@ -16,11 +16,16 @@ bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
 lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
 if hour ! 18 and blockBedrPar = 1:blockBedrPar = 0
-if blockBedrPar = 0 and sisboyday + 1 = day and hour = 18 and (sisboyQW = 3 or sisboyQW = 5 or sisboyQW = 7):
-	act 'Go to your room':gt 'sisterQW','sisboyQW_bedroom'
-elseif blockBedrPar = 0:
-	act 'Go to your room':gt 'bedrPar'
+if blockBedrPar = 0:
+	if sisboyday + 1 = daystart and hour = 18 and sisboytrioQW = 1:
+		act 'Go to your room':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'start'
+	elseif sisboyday + 1 = daystart and hour = 18 and (sisboyQW = 3 or sisboyQW = 5 or sisboyQW = 7 or sisboyQW = 9):
+		act 'Go to your room':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_bedroom'
+	else
+		act 'Go to your room':gt 'bedrPar'
+	end
 act 'Go to my parents'' room':gt 'bedrPar2'
 act 'Going to the living room':gt 'sitrPar'
 act 'Go to the bathroom':gt 'vanrPar'

+ 484 - 434

@@ -12,7 +12,67 @@ if sister >= 40 and sister < 60:'Do you and your sister a normal relationship.'
 if sister >= 60 and sister < 80:'Do you and your sister a good relationship.'
 if sister >= 80:'You have a great relationship with his sister.'
-if cumlip > 1 or cumface > 0 or cumfrot > 0:'Sister looks at you, "<<$name>>, what is it?" Suddenly her eyes rounded "<<$name>>, yes it''s sperm! That''s little sister, well, well. Look, if the nurse know, you do not plight."'
+if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
+	if sisterLesb = 0:
+		'Sister looks at you eyes wide "<<$name>>, Here is the number of, Are not you ashamed to go naked? I do not smoglab.'
+	else
+		'Sister looks at you eyes wide "<<$name>>, you`re so liberated... I do not smoglab.'
+	end
+if pirsA >= 1 and pirsAsister = 0 and sisterpirsadaytalk ! daystart:
+	sisterrpirsadaytalk = daystart
+	if rand(1,100) >= 75:
+		'Sister looks you in the mouth: "<<$name>>, and what have you got there in the language?"'
+		act'Nothing':
+			cla
+			'You shake your head. "Nothing." And then turn away, so that your sister did not see your pierced tongue.'
+			act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+		end
+		act'Show pierced tongue':
+			cls
+			pirsAsister = 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/picb/pirsA.jpg" ></center>'
+			'You open your mouth and draw out the tongue, sister showing tongue piercing.'
+			'Your sister smiled: "Well, you give, Sveta! I decided to embellish their appearance?"'
+			act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+		end
+		exit
+	end
+if pirsB = 1 and pirsBsister = 0 and sisterpirsbdaytalk ! daystart:
+	sisterpirsadbytalk = daystart
+	'Sister looks at your lips, which appeared piercing: "Listen, and good vyshlyadit, I like!"'
+	act'Thank you':
+		cls
+		pirsBsister = 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/picb/pirsB.jpg" ></center>'
+		'You thank her sister for her compliment your little new thing.'
+		act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+	end
+	exit
+if pirsC = 1 and pirsCsister = 0:
+	pirsCsister = 1
+	'Sister looks at your ears and earrings notices: "Well, finally-then! I thought you and has no earrings to go."'
+if pirsD = 1 and pirsDsister = 0:
+	pirsDsister = 1
+	'Sister looks a bit shocked at your nose ring: "Phew, Sveta, it`s that in the muck?"'
+if pirsE = 1 and pirsEsister=0:
+	pirsEsister = 1
+	'Sister says your eyebrow piercing: "Look, gently, so no one accidentally snatched!"'
+if cumlip > 1 or cumface > 0 or cumfrot > 0: sisterknowslut= 1 & 'Sister looks at you, "<<$name>>, what is it?" Suddenly her eyes rounded "<<$name>>, yes it''s sperm! That''s little sister, well, well. Look, if the nurse know, you do not plight."'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 	!!at work
@@ -28,7 +88,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'drinking':
 	if sister < 40:
 		'"What do you want? Wali come on!" Anja told you chuckle under her friends.'
-		'Anja sits now devchenok guys drinking beer and "Hey little sister." Anya said you smile. "Want pivasom?"'
+		'Anja sits now devchenok guys drinking beer and "Hey little sister." Anja said you smile. "Want pivasom?"'
 		act 'Drink beer':
@@ -41,256 +101,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'drinking':
 			gs 'stat'
 			if AniaFrends >= 1:
-				gs 'stat'
-				'Around the house drinking beer culture your sister Anja, Lena, Ira, Rex and Roman.'
-				dialogstartrand = rand(0, 4)
-				if dialogstartrand = 0:
-					!!Anja
-					'Anja outraged polutoralitrovogo grasping a bottle of beer "Guys! Well you pour beer today or not?"'
-					if rand(0, 1) = 0:
-						'Rex took poltorashku hands of Anja.'
-						tipDSrand = rand(0, 4)
-						if tipDSrand = 0:
-							*nl
-							'"And why not to shout! now pour!"'
-							tipDSrand = rand(0, 2)
-							if tipDSrand = 0:
-								'Anja giggles "I have not yet started to yell, if I start, you oglohnesh."'
-							elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-								'Lena resounding slaps on the shoulder Rex "Hurry! And with a jump of dog shit, with jumps!"'
-							else
-								'Ira smiling "not outraged, Reksik."'
-								if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Anja sprinkles in cam "And then put him on a chain."'
-							end
-						elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-							*nl
-							'"Well, you always like to be late for the train. Relax rolls. Now everything will be."'
-							tipDSrand = rand(0, 2)
-							if tipDSrand = 0:
-								'Anja giggles, "I have not started to scream if I start, you oglohnesh."'
-							elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-								'Lena resounding slaps on the shoulder Rex "Hurry! And with a jump of dog shit, with a jump!"'
-							else
-								'Roma giggles "Here and stinks. And if she rolls relax, we run the risk of suffocation!"'
-								tipDSrand = rand(0, 2)
-								if tipDSrand = 0:
-									'Anja quips, "You''re so forever remain a virgin, Roma."'
-									if rand(0, 10) = 0:
-										'Roma grins "It was an offer?"'
-										tipDSrand = rand(0, 2)
-										if tipDSrand = 0:
-											'Anja laughs "Dream on, saffron."'
-										elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-											'Anja laughs "Only in your dreams, saffron."'
-										else
-											'Anja laughs "Yeah, schazz. Hear the tramp? Already ran to give."'
-										end
-									end
-								elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-									'Anja quips "And you udivlyaeshsya that you girls do not give Roma."'
-									if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Rex grins "Yeah, our eternal virgin Roma is able to enliven the conversation on the topic of anal gases."'
-								else
-									'Anja quips "It''s from you is the smell."'
-									if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Roma grins "Yes, no, it sobachatiny bears."'
-								end
-							end
-						elseif tipDSrand = 2:
-							*nl
-							'"Che, unscrew the plug does not have a hand?"'
-							tipDSrand = rand(0, 2)
-							if tipDSrand = 0:
-								'Anja giggles "And then what for you need?"'
-								if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Rex with mock indignation "Around one operation."'
-							elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-								'Lena resounding slaps on the shoulder Rex "You talk like a girl?"'
-								if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Rex with mock indignation "In Russian, I speak with her."'
-							else
-								'Ira smiling "not outraged, Reksik."'
-								if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Anja sprinkles in cam "And then on the chain to plant."'
-							end
-						elseif tipDSrand = 3:
-							*nl
-							'"Let me be undermined, madam."'
-							tipDSrand = rand(0, 2)
-							if tipDSrand = 0:
-								'Anja giggles "Cleared, monsieur."'
-							elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-								'Anja with mock indignation says "Do not Madame and Mademoiselle!"'
-								if rand(0, 10) = 0:'Rex bowing gallantly "Miles sorry mademoiselle."'
-							else
-								'Anja says impatiently "Pour already a clown."'
-							end
-						else
-							*nl
-							'"Shit! Where cups? Are we not buy them?"'
-							tipDSrand = rand(0, 2)
-							if tipDSrand = 0:
-								'Anja takes cups "Here they are, blind monster."'
-							elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-								'Roma says "Rex, you did them in the store took, all memory is that it is not?"'
-							else
-								'Lena enough cups "Rex, do not pull the rubber."'
-							end
-						end
-					else
-						'Roma took the bottle out of the hands polutoralitrovogo Anja and began to print. "Hold somebody cups."'
-						tipDSrand = rand(0, 2)
-						if tipDSrand = 0:
-							'Rex took the cups and Roma began to pour beer on plastic glasses.'
-						elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-							'Rex took the cups "That same armless horseradish. Itself can not what?"'
-						else
-							'Ira took cups "Pour already onion grief."'
-						end
-						if rand(0, 3) = 0:
-							'Fracture of beer cups and flooded the ground.'
-							tipDSrand = rand(0, 2)
-							if tipDSrand = 0:
-								'Rex was outraged. "That thou armless hell! Nothing can trust you!"'
-							elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-								'Rex was outraged. "No, well, how not to spill it?"'
-							else
-								'Anja was indignant. "Always the same, if saffron pours, make sure you will pour."'
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				elseif dialogstartrand = 1:
-					!!Lena
-					'Lena indignantly, "We came to drink beer or admire it?"'
-				elseif dialogstartrand = 2:
-					!!Ira
-					'Ira flirting eyes and flapping "Boys, and today we are going to drink beer?"'
-				elseif dialogstartrand = 3:
-					!!Rex
-					if rand(0, 1) = 0:
-						'Rex took poltorashku beer and unscrew the plug.'
-						if rand(0, 2) = 0:
-							*nl
-							'"Shit! Where cups? Are we not buy them?"'
-							tipDSrand = rand(0, 2)
-							if tipDSrand = 0:
-								'Anja takes cups "Here they are, blind monster."'
-							elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-								'Roma says "Rex, you did them in the store took, all memory is that it is not?"'
-							else
-								'Lena enough cups "Rex, do not pull the rubber."'
-							end
-						else
-							*nl
-							'"Roman, cups hold this while I pour."'
-						end
-					else
-						'Rex took poltorashku beer and handed it to Roma. "Pour, then froze."'
-						'Roma took polutoralitrovogo beer bottle and began to print. "Hold somebody cups."'
-						tipDSrand = rand(0, 2)
-						if tipDSrand = 0:
-							'Rex took the cups and Roma began to pour beer on plastic glasses.'
-						elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-							'Rex took the cups "That same armless horseradish. Itself can not what?"'
-						else
-							'Ira took cups "Pour already grief onion."'
-						end
-						if rand(0, 3) = 0:
-							'Fracture of beer cups and flooded the land.'
-							tipDSrand3 = rand(0, 2)
-							if tipDSrand3 = 0:
-								'Rex was outraged. "That thou armless hell! Nothing can trust you!"'
-							elseif tipDSrand3 = 1:
-								'Rex was outraged. "No, well, how not to spill it?"'
-							elseif tipDSrand3 = 2:
-								'Anja was indignant. "Always the same, if saffron pours, make sure you will pour."'
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				else
-					!!Roma Meynold
-					'Roma took polutoralitrovogo beer bottle and began to print. "Hold somebody cups."'
-					tipDSrand = rand(0, 2)
-					if tipDSrand = 0:
-						'Rex took the cups and Roma began to pour beer on plastic glasses.'
-					elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-						'Rex took the cups "That same armless horseradish. Itself can not what?"'
-					else
-						'Ira took cups "Pour already onion grief."'
-					end
-					if rand(0, 3) = 0:
-						'Fracture of beer cups and flooded the ground.'
-						tipDSrand = rand(0, 2)
-						if tipDSrand = 0:
-							'Rex was outraged. "That thou armless hell! Nothing can trust you!"'
-						elseif tipDSrand = 1:
-							'Rex was outraged. "No, well, how not to spill it?"'
-						else
-							'Anja was indignant. "Always the same, if saffron pours, make sure you will pour."'
-						end
-					end
-				end
-				'Finally turned into beer cups and you also gave a plastic cup with a cold beer. Are you drunk with all beer.'
-				act 'Further':
-					cls
-					gs 'stat'
-					'Poltorashka beer was quickly drained and the guys got a new bottle.'
-					if rand(0, 1) = 0:
-						gennpc = rand(0, 2)
-						if gennpc = 0:
-							'Anja came to you. "<<$name>>, go to the toilet."'
-						elseif gennpc = 1:
-							'Lena came to you. "<<$name>>, you do not want the toilet?"'
-						elseif gennpc = 2:
-							'Ira came to you. "<<$name>>, you do not want to go some where?"'
-						end
-						act 'Go together':
-							cls
-							minut += 5
-							gs 'stat'
-							if gennpc = 0:$annafrendname = 'Anja' & $annafrendname2 = 'Anja'
-							if gennpc = 1:$annafrendname = 'Lena' & $annafrendname2 = 'Lena'
-							if gennpc = 2:$annafrendname = 'Ira' & $annafrendname2 = 'Ira'
-							'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/piss.jpg"></center>'
-							'You went with <<$annafrendname>> in the bushes behind the club. <<$annafrendname2>> looked around, lifted her skirt, pulled down pantyhose and squatted. Between the legs of a flood of gushing jet on the ground.'
-							act 'Leave':gt 'gdk'
-						end
-					else
-						'Boys went around the corner of the club, to empty their bladder, leaving the girls alone.'
-					end
-					act 'Leave':gt 'gdk'
-				end
+				gt 'annafriends'
 			elseif AniaFrends = 0:
 				AniaFrends = 1
 				'You met friends they. They are all former classmates. Little Lena and moving constantly confuses Ira High athletic guy whose name is Rex and all the red-haired skinny guy by the name Roma. After dating you sat drinking beer and chatted with friends Anja.'
@@ -298,231 +109,470 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'drinking':
 			act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+		if sisboyparty = 2 and sisboyparty_day + 1 = daystart and hour = 17 and minut >= 30:act 'Go to the party':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party', 'start'
 	act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
-act 'Chat':
-	cls
-	minut += 15
-	sister += 2
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Anja</font></b></center>'
-	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister.jpg"></center>'
-	sistalkrand = rand (0, 18)
-	if sistalkrand = 0:'You started talking with Anja, It tells you about the boys she met, about parties, about cosmetics.'
-	if sistalkrand = 1:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, She tells you about the new dress, which was brought to the store today.'
-	if sistalkrand = 2:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, you discuss with movie stars, and share your fantasies with any of them want to have sex.'
-	if sistalkrand = 3:'Anja talks about sports clubs in the House of Culture, and recognizes that sport is good for the figure, but she was too lazy to go there.'
-	if sistalkrand = 4:'Anja says that one of her friends flew from a guy who does not have time to get out of it. And he says, that we should be smarter, and recognizes that you buy at the pharmacy birth control.'
-	if sistalkrand = 5:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, she says, that it is possible to rent an apartment in the city and live and work there, but her while in town are satisfied.'
-	if sistalkrand = 6:'Anja tells you not to get drunk at parties and at the disco, Once she made that mistake and still regrets.'
-	if sistalkrand = 7:'Anja tells how she once winter came out without a coat and a bad cold.'
-	if sistalkrand = 8:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, you and discuss the latest trends in fashion.'
-	if sistalkrand = 9:'Anja recognized, before that she was fond of diets, but they deteriorated skin and went pryshi, yes match start, now she cracks for three and only become more beautiful.'
-	if sistalkrand = 10:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, She says that she used to go to the dance, but she quickly tired.'
-	if sistalkrand = 11:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, she advises you where-some earn.'
-	if sistalkrand = 12:'Anja shares with you a secret and tells, that her friend filmed naked in a photo studio, Easy Money, but can be seen on the Internet.'
-	if sistalkrand = 13:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, it tells you, if wander through the market, there you can find a lot of interesting and cheap.'
-	if sistalkrand = 14:'Anja tells a horror story about how a nice girl not washed or shaved legs, then began to so many terrible, its per kilometer all obbegat, and advises you to take care of body.'
-	if sistalkrand = 15:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, she says, that her ex-boyfriend was a weirdo. As-told me: "I love you as much, how to shit in the sea". The sea together we walked no more.'
-	if sistalkrand = 16:'Sister complains about you: "Always bothered you,looks like my chin during sex. And now rejoice, If you see a porn actress folds on the neck or chin."'
-	if sistalkrand = 17:'Anja asks you, do not you think, that her left eyebrow much sexual rights?'
-	if sistalkrand = 18:'Anja recognizes you, that they are with friends at work sometimes make intimate pictures on the camera, and put them back in the window.'
-	act 'Finish':gt 'sister'
-if trfatherQW = 0 and sister >= 30:
-	act 'Ask about the real father':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'home':
+	if sisterLesb = 2:
 		minut += 5
 		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Anja</font></b></center>'
-		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister.jpg"></center>'
-		'You asked about Anja real father. She grinned. "<<$name>>. I was 4 years old when they broke up. I do not remember him and never vidila. Nurse does not like to talk details. But like with you as our real father left somewhere in another city."'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_24.jpg"></center>'
+		'You`re both embarrassed after what happened the night, and do not look into each other`s eyes, all-Anja still speaks with you:'
+		'-Sveta, smile tells you, Well, you`re a fool, I thought guys like me, and it is much more pleasant to handle your men.'
+		'You look at the blushing Anja, - Forgive me, I strongly started up, and does not control themselves, I do not know what came over me...'
+		'-Well, I do not mind, so you sometimes so lost control of himself..., He smiled slyly, You smiled at her...'
+		sisterLesb = 3
+		act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+		exit
+	end
+	!! Going to work
+	if week < 6 and hour = 7:
+		cls
+		cla
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><b><font color = maroon>Anya</font></b></center>'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sobir.jpg"></center>'
+		'As the room goes, I am going to work, your sister Anja.'
+		'Anja, without turning to you, speaks: "Sveta, I`m so late, do not distract!"'
 		act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+		exit
-if sisboyQW = 0 and sister >= 40:
-	act 'Ask about her boyfriend':
+	!! Going for a walk
+	if week >= 6 and hour >= 7 and hour <= 10:
-		minut += 5
-		sister += 2
-		sisboyQW = 1
+		cla
 		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Anja</font></b></center>'
-		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister.jpg"></center>'
-		'You asked Anja about her boyfriend. She smiled.'
-		'-Well, I have a boyfriend. Although nothing serious. He told me one more.'
-		'-Awesome, Now when I found out about it, you simply must introduce me to him.'
-		'-Good sister, we hang out in the evening at the house of culture, Come, there and introduce you to them.'
-		act 'Finish':gt 'sister'
+		'<center><b><font color = maroon>Anya</font></b></center>'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/progulka.jpg"></center>'
+		'As the room goes, going on a walk, your sister Ajya. She admires itself in a mirror and turned the ass, trying to make himself better.'
+		'Anja, without turning to you, speaks: "Sveta, If you decide to take a walk, I am near the club with her friends."'
+		act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
-elseif (sisboyQW = 2 or sisboyQW = 4 or sisboyQW = 6) and sister >= 40:
-	act 'Talk about Roma':
+	act 'Chat':
-		minut += 5
-		gs'stat'
+		minut += 15
+		sister += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><b><font color = maroon>Anja</font></b></center>'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister.jpg"></center>'
+		if sister < 20:
+			'You are trying to talk to her sister, but she refuses to talk to you.'
+			if sistersorryday ! daystart:
+				act 'Apologize':
+					cla
+					sistersorryday = daystart
+					sister += (intel / 10) + (vnesh / 5)
+					gs 'stat'
+					'You apologize to my sister and she, it seems, I forgive you.'
+					act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+				end
+			end
+			exit
+		elseif sister < 40:
+			'You are trying to talk to her sister, but she talks to you dry.'
+			if sistersorryday ! daystart:
+				act 'Trying to smooth relations':
+					cla
+					sistersorryday = daystart
+					sister += (intel / 10) + (vnesh / 5)
+					gs 'stat'
+					'You suck up to my sister and she, it seems, It begins to treat you better.'
+					act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+				end
+			end
+			exit
+		else
+			sistalkrand = rand (0, 18)
+			if sistalkrand = 0:
+				if trfatherQW = 0:
+					trfatherQW = 1
+					'You asked about the real father Ani. She grinned: "<<$name>>, I was 4 the year when they broke up. I do not remember ever seen. Nurse does not like to talk details. But like you as our real father went away-in another town. I also remember, he worked as a truck driver on large wagons, maybe sometimes it is passing by our town."'
+				else
+					'You started talking with Anja, It tells you about the boys she met, about parties, about cosmetics.'
+				end
+			end
+			if sistalkrand = 1:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, She tells you about the new dress, which was brought to the store today.'
+			if sistalkrand = 2:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, you discuss with movie stars, and share your fantasies with any of them want to have sex.'
+			if sistalkrand = 3:'Anja talks about sports clubs in the House of Culture, and recognizes that sport is good for the figure, but she was too lazy to go there.'
+			if sistalkrand = 4:'Anja says that one of her friends flew from a guy who does not have time to get out of it. And he says, that we should be smarter, and recognizes that you buy at the pharmacy birth control.'
+			if sistalkrand = 5:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, she says, that it is possible to rent an apartment in the city and live and work there, but her while in town are satisfied.'
+			if sistalkrand = 6:'Anja tells you not to get drunk at parties and at the disco, Once she made that mistake and still regrets.'
+			if sistalkrand = 7:'Anja tells how she once winter came out without a coat and a bad cold.'
+			if sistalkrand = 8:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, you and discuss the latest trends in fashion.'
+			if sistalkrand = 9:'Anja recognized, before that she was fond of diets, but they deteriorated skin and went pryshi, yes match start, now she cracks for three and only become more beautiful.'
+			if sistalkrand = 10:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, She says that she used to go to the dance, but she quickly tired.'
+			if sistalkrand = 11:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, she advises you where-some earn.'
+			if sistalkrand = 12:'Anja shares with you a secret and tells, that her friend filmed naked in a photo studio, Easy Money, but can be seen on the Internet.'
+			if sistalkrand = 13:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, it tells you, if wander through the market, there you can find a lot of interesting and cheap.'
+			if sistalkrand = 14:'Anja tells a horror story about how a nice girl not washed or shaved legs, then began to so many terrible, its per kilometer all obbegat, and advises you to take care of body.'
+			if sistalkrand = 15:'You`re talking and gossiping with your sister, she says, that her ex-boyfriend was a weirdo. As-told me: "I love you as much, how to shit in the sea". The sea together we walked no more.'
+			if sistalkrand = 16:'Sister complains about you: "Always bothered you,looks like my chin during sex. And now rejoice, If you see a porn actress folds on the neck or chin."'
+			if sistalkrand = 17:'Anja asks you, do not you think, that her left eyebrow much sexual rights?'
+			if sistalkrand = 18:'Anja recognizes you, that they are with friends at work sometimes make intimate pictures on the camera, and put them back in the window.'
+		end
+		act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+	end
-		if (rand(1, 10) < 8 and sisboyday ! day) or sisboyday = day:
-			minut += 10
+	if sisboyQW = 0 and sister >= 40:
+		act 'Ask about her boyfriend':
+			cls
+			minut += 5
 			sister += 2
-			talkrand = rand(0, 10)
+			sisboyQW = 1
 			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><b><font color = maroon>Anja</font></b></center>'
-			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_05.jpg"></center>'
-			if talkrand = 0:'You ask my sister about Romka, it long and happy says what he is good, responsive and courageous.'
-			if talkrand = 1:'Anja says, before she met with some Romka-then mymra, and after leaving it for a long time he nazvanivala, from-Because of this, Anja much cursing and jealous.'
-			if talkrand = 2:'One day she and Romka were in a movie, and noticed on the last rows girl sucking guy, and that Romka asked her how-something to do the same.'
-			if talkrand = 3:'Anja swears, Roma that drinks too much beer, does not bestow gifts, and she pays little time.'
-			if talkrand = 4:'Anja says, Romka that offered her a threesome with another girl, to which she greatly offended and week did not communicate with him.'
-			if talkrand = 5:'Anja embarrassed complains you, Roma that sometimes comes to her work and drags her into the back room.'
-			if talkrand = 6:'Anja in detail with enthusiasm tells you about the great virtue Romka, and if it is not, they would have long since parted.'
-			if talkrand = 7:'Anja shares with you a secret, that her favorite position "horsewoman", and Romke likes to have her cancer.'
-			if talkrand = 8:'You`re talking to my sister on a very frank things, and she says shyly, that she does not like to swallow cum, but it Romka strong winds, and she was ready for him to swallow.'
-			if talkrand = 9:'Anja long talks about their company, about Romkinyh friends, and asks you if you wanted to whom any of them meet.'
-			if talkrand = 10:'Anja says, what you liked Roma, and asks if he likes you.'
-			act 'Finish':gt 'sister'
-		elseif sisboyQW = 2 and sisboyday ! day:
-			'<center><b><font color = maroon>Anja</font></b></center>'
-			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_01.jpg"></center>'
-			'Anja long and hesitantly looking at you, and still decided to ask'
-			'-<<$nickname>> could you tomorrow after 18.00 go for a walk for an hour, we are here with a little Romka want... sit, Well, you know what I mean.'
-			'Blushing a little sister looks at you with pleading eyes.'
-			act 'Of course':
+			'<center><b><font color="maroon">Anja</font></b></center>'
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister.jpg"></center>'
+			'You asked Anja about her boyfriend. She smiled.'
+			'-Well, I have a boyfriend. Although nothing serious. He told me one more.'
+			'-Awesome, Now when I found out about it, you simply must introduce me to him.'
+			'-Good sister, we hang out in the evening at the house of culture, Come, there and introduce you to them.'
+			act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+		end
+	elseif sisboyQW >= 2 and sister >= 40 and sisboytrioQW ! -1 and sisboytrioDayOtkaz <= daystart and sisboypartyQW < 2:
+		act 'Talk about Roma':
+			cls
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			if sisboytrio >= 5 and sisboyparty = 0 and sisboyparty_day ! daystart:
 				minut += 5
-				sister += 10
-				sisThank = 1
-				sisboyQW = 3
-				sisboyday = day
+				sisboyparty = 1
+				sisboyparty_day = daystart
 				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_1.jpg"></center>'
+				'- <<$name>>, you have a close friend of our company, and tomorrow Rex birthday, and he asked me to call you.'
+				'- Oh I do not know Anja, we like-I am not familiar with it, I then basically out of your only talked with the girls.'
+				'- Come on, He strongly requested, I even think he likes you. So you decided?'
+				act 'Agree to go to the party':
+					cls
+					minut += 5
+					sisboypartyQW = 1
+					sisboyparty = 2
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_2.jpg"></center>'
+					'You agreed to come to the birthday.'
+					'- Awesome, Sveta, it should be fun, and do not worry about a gift, Rex does not like it all. We will be at the House of Culture, Do not forget to come up 18:00, otherwise we will leave without you.'
+					'With these words, you hug and kiss with his sister.'
+					act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+				end
+				act 'Sorry, I have to study':
+					cls
+					minut += 5
+					sisboyparty = -1
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_3.jpg"></center>'
+					'You refused to come to the birthday.'
+					'- Forgive me Anja, I would gladly, but I have blockages in school. Control, writings, a bunch of literature, she know...'
+					act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+				end
+				if bronzebeg > 0 or silverbeg > 0 or goldbeg > 0:
+					act 'Sorry, I have a race to compete in':
+						cls
+						minut += 5
+						sisboyparty = -1
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_4.jpg"></center>'
+						'You refused to come to the birthday.'
+						'- I would love, but I have competition on the nose, I have to train. Unlike you, I-still dream of becoming a great athlete...'
+						act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+					end
+				end
+				if volleyboll >= 100:
+					act 'Sorry, I have volleyball game':
+						cls
+						minut += 5
+						sisboyparty = -1
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_5.jpg"></center>'
+						'You refused to come to the birthday.'
+						'- I mode,Coach does not allow a walk late at night, and the drink is also prohibited...'
+						act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+					end
+				end
+				exit
+			end
+			if rand(1, 10) >= 8 and sisboyQW = 2 and sisboyday ! daystart:
+				'<center><b><font color = maroon>Anja</font></b></center>'
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_01.jpg"></center>'
+				'Anja long and hesitantly looking at you, and still decided to ask'
+				'-<<$nickname>> could you tomorrow after 18.00 go for a walk for an hour, we are here with a little Roma want... sit, Well, you know what I mean.'
+				'Blushing a little sister looks at you with pleading eyes.'
+				act 'Of course':
+					cls
+					minut += 5
+					sister += 10
+					sisThank = 1
+					sisboyQW = 3
+					sisboyday = daystart
+					gs 'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_03.jpg"></center>'
-				'-Certainly sister, i understand, I will walk until late, just do not make noise loud, You do not want to destroy the psyche of our brother, hee-hee.'
-				'-You`re my best", your sister with a cry of joy hugs you.'
+					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_03.jpg"></center>'
+					'-Certainly sister, i understand, I will walk until late, just do not make noise loud, You do not want to destroy the psyche of our brother, hee-hee.'
+					'-You''re the best", your sister with a cry of joy hugs you.'
-				act 'Finish':gt 'sister'
-			end
+					act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+				end
-			act 'No':
-				cls
-				sister -= 10
-				minut += 5
-				sisboyday = day
-				gs 'stat'
+				act 'No':
+					cls
+					sister -= 10
+					minut += 5
+					sisboyday = daystart
+					gs 'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_04.jpg"></center>'
-				'-Sorry Anja, I need to study in the evenings'
-				'-Oh well, Anja turned angrily away, and buried in his book.'
+					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_04.jpg"></center>'
+					'-Sorry Anja, I need to study in the evenings'
+					'-Oh well, Anja turned angrily away, and buried in his book.'
-				act 'Finish':gt 'sister'
-			end
-		elseif (sisboyQW = 4 or sisboyQW = 6) and sisboyday ! day:
-			'<center><b><font color = maroon>Anja</font></b></center>'
-			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_09.jpg"></center>'
-			'-The last time you have with Roma so much was saved, thank you very much.'
-			'-You`re welcome, I am always very happy to help the beloved sister and see you happy.'
-			'-We are here again today want to sit by me, you do not mind a walk for an hour?'
-			act 'Of course':
-				cls
-				minut += 5
-				sister += 10
-				sisThank = 1
-				if sisboyQW = 4:sisboyQW = 5
-				if sisboyQW = 6:sisboyQW = 7
-				sisboyday = day
-				gs 'stat'
+					act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+				end
+			elseif rand(1, 10) >= 8 and (sisboyQW = 4 or sisboyQW = 6 or sisboyQW = 8) and sisboyday ! daystart:
+				'<center><b><font color = maroon>Anja</font></b></center>'
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_09.jpg"></center>'
+				'-The last time you have with Roma so much was saved, thank you very much.'
+				'-You`re welcome, I am always very happy to help the beloved sister and see you happy.'
+				'-We are here again today want to sit by me, you do not mind a walk for an hour?'
+				act 'Of course':
+					cls
+					minut += 5
+					sister += 10
+					sisThank = 1
+					sisboyQW += 1
+					sisboyday = daystart
+					gs 'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_03.jpg"></center>'
-				'-Certainly sister, i understand, I will walk until late, just do not make noise loud, You do not want to destroy the psyche of our brother, hee-hee.'
-				'-You`re my best", your sister with a cry of joy hugs you.'
+					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_03.jpg"></center>'
+					'-Certainly sister, i understand, I will walk until late, just do not make noise loud, You do not want to destroy the psyche of our brother, hee-hee.'
+					'-You`re my best", your sister with a cry of joy hugs you.'
-				act 'Finish':gt 'sister'
-			end
-			act 'No':
-				cls
-				sister -= 10
-				minut += 5
-				sisboyday = day
-				gs'stat'
+					act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+				end
+				act 'No':
+					cls
+					sister -= 10
+					minut += 5
+					sisboyday = daystart
+					gs 'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_04.jpg"></center>'
-				'-Sorry Anja, I need to study in the evenings'
-				'-Oh well, Anja turned angrily away, and buried in his book.'
+					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_04.jpg"></center>'
+					'-Sorry Anja, I need to study in the evenings'
+					'-Oh well, Anja turned angrily away, and buried in his book.'
-				act 'Finish':gt 'sister'
+					act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+				end
+			elseif rand(1, 10) >= 8 and sisboyQW = 9 and sisterLesb = 4 and sisboytrioQW = 0 and sisboytrio < 5:
+				'<center><b><font color = maroon>Anja</font></b></center>'
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_09.jpg"></center>'
+				if sisboytrio = 0:
+					'- Sister, we are here with much thought and Roma... I do not know how to say..'
+					'- Well, do not pull, what you have there is an interesting for me there.'
+					'- Generally, mmm... We want, to you ' + iif(sisboyday = daystart, 'tomorrow', 'this') + ' evening we were joined by.'
+				else
+					'- Hello World! Well, you liked it last time? We have a very Roma.'
+					'You do not say anything and just smiles slyly watching his sister`s eyes.'
+					'- We want ' + iif(sisboyday = daystart, 'tomorrow', 'this') + ' evening repeat our games, if you do not mind?'
+				end
+				act 'Agree':
+					cls
+					sisboytrioQW = 1
+					minut += 5
+					sister += 10
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_36.jpg"></center>'
+					'You agree to the indecent proposal Ani.'
+					'- Well, you and libertines, Of course I agree, it will be very interesting...'
+					'You hug and kiss with your beloved sister'
+					act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+				end
+				act 'Refuse':
+					cls
+					sisboytrioQW = -1
+					sisboytrioDayOtkaz = daystart + 3
+					minut += 5
+					sister = 0
+					sisboyQW = 2
+					sisThank = 0
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_37.jpg"></center>'
+					'You waive Indecent Proposal sister.'
+					'- Perverts, roll far away, sick bastards.'
+					'You quarrel with her sister, she turns away from you and does not want to talk any more.'
+					act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+				end
+			else
+				minut += 10
+				sister += 2
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><b><font color = maroon>Anja</font></b></center>'
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_05.jpg"></center>'
+				temp = rand(0, 10)
+				if temp = 0:'You ask my sister about Roma, it long and happy says what he is good, responsive and courageous.'
+				if temp = 1:'Anja says, before she met with some Roma-then mymra, and after leaving it for a long time he nazvanivala, from-Because of this, Anja much cursing and jealous.'
+				if temp = 2:'One day she and Roma were in a movie, and noticed on the last rows girl sucking guy, and that Roma asked her how-something to do the same.'
+				if temp = 3:'Anja swears, Roma that drinks too much beer, does not bestow gifts, and she pays little time.'
+				if temp = 4:'Anja says, Roma that offered her a threesome with another girl, to which she greatly offended and week did not communicate with him.'
+				if temp = 5:'Anja embarrassed complains you, Roma that sometimes comes to her work and drags her into the back room.'
+				if temp = 6:'Anja in detail with enthusiasm tells you about the great virtue Roma, and if it is not, they would have long since parted.'
+				if temp = 7:'Anja shares with you a secret, that her favorite position "horsewoman", and Romke likes to have her cancer.'
+				if temp = 8:'You`re talking to my sister on a very frank things, and she says shyly, that she does not like to swallow cum, but it Roma strong winds, and she was ready for him to swallow.'
+				if temp = 9:'Anja long talks about their company, about Romkinyh friends, and asks you if you wanted to whom any of them meet.'
+				if temp = 10:'Anja says, what you liked Roma, and asks if he likes you.'
+				act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+	if sisThank = 1 and ((sisboyday + 1 = daystart and hour > 18) or sisboyday + 1 < daystart):
+		cls
+		if sisboyQW = 9 or sisboyQW = 7 or sisboyQW = 5 or sisboyQW = 3:sisboyQW -= 1
+		sisboyday = 0
+		sisThank = 0
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><b><font color = maroon>Anja</font></b></center>'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_00.jpg"></center>'
+		'Merry Anja suddenly runs up to you and wraps around your neck.'
+		if sisboytrioQW = 0:
+			'-Sister, i adore you, we spent a lovely evening with Roma.'
+			'-Yes, I am glad for you, Get off of me already, strangle, Anja and happy to let you go, a kiss on the cheek'
+		else
+			'- Sister, i adore you, I really enjoyed our evening together with Roma.'
+			'- Yeah me too pleased, Unhook from me already, strangle, - Anya and happy to let you go, a kiss on the cheek'
+			sisboytrioQW = 0
+		end
-if sisuniQW = 0:
-	act 'Ask about the university':
+		act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+		exit
+	end
+	if SisterKnowMastr = 1 and sisterQW = 0:
-		minut += 5
-		sisuniQW = 1
+		sisterQW = 1
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Anja</font></b></center>'
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister.jpg"></center>'
-		'You asked about Anja University. She grinned. "I almost came, gleaning points. Who scored on guys need it the whole university. What I will give this piece of paper?"'
+		'Anja looks at you and laughs "Well <<$nickname>>, and you give! I come into the room, and she''d play. Man himself Establishments, whether that."'
-		act 'Finish':gt 'sister'
+		act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
-act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
-if sisboyQW = 10:
-	cls
-	if sisboyQW = 10:sisboyQW = 11
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_24.jpg"></center>'
-	'Both of you are confused after what happened the night, and do not look into each other`s eyes, all-Anja still speaks with you:'
-	'-<<$nickname>>, smiling tells you, Well, you`re a fool, I thought guys like me, but it turns out your pen much more pleasant male.'
-	'You blushing look at Anja, - Forgive me, I seriously started up, and did not control myself, I do not know what came over me...'
-	'-Well, I do not mind, so you sometimes so loses control..., smiled slyly, you smiled back at her...'
-	act 'Finish':gt 'sister'
-if ((sisboyday + 1 = day and hour > 18) or sisboyday ! day) and sisThank = 1:
-	cls
-	if sisboyQW = 7:sisboyQW = 6
-	sisboyday = 0
-	sisThank = 0
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Anja</font></b></center>'
-	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_00.jpg"></center>'
-	'Merry Anja suddenly runs up to you and wraps around your neck.'
-	'-Sister, i adore you, we spent a lovely evening with Romka.'
-	'-Yes, I am glad for you, Get off of me already, strangle, Anja and happy to let you go, a kiss on the cheek'
-	act 'Finish':gt 'sister'
+	if sister >= 80 and sisterknowslut = 1:
+		act 'Talk about sex':
+			cla
+			cls
+			gs 'stat'
+			minut += rand(10,15)
+			horny += rand(5,10)
+			sister += 1
+			temp = rand (1,19)
+			 if temp = 1:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister1.jpg"></center>'
+				'Sister shows off your, how good her boyfriend in bed.'
+			 elseif temp = 2:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister2.jpg"></center>'
+				'Sister tells you the story of, it with my girlfriend sucked his friend on his birthday.'
+			 elseif temp = 3:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister3.jpg"></center>'
+				'My sister recognized you, that just loves in the ass: - My mother just checking reference, so I cheated a little... - add a little blush: - and I enjoyed it very much.'
+			 elseif temp = 4:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister4.jpg"></center>'
+				'Sister tells you, it makes blowjob her boyfriend: - Oh, You should have seen his face!'
+			 elseif temp = 5:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister5.jpg"></center>'
+				'Sister tells you, in school classmate helped her with the study of a foreign language.'
+			 elseif temp = 6:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister6.jpg"></center>'
+				'My sister recognized you, that just loves, when she was fucked in the mouth.'
+			 elseif temp = 7:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister7.jpg"></center>'
+				'My sister recognized you, that one of the parties gave herself just two of.'
+			 elseif temp = 8:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister8.jpg"></center>'
+				'My sister recognized you, that sex with a black man.'
+			 elseif temp = 9:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister9.jpg"></center>'
+				'My sister recognized you, I had sex with eleven fellows at a time.'
+			 elseif temp = 10:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister10.jpg"></center>'
+				'My sister recognized you, after the parties had sex with his girlfriend and her boyfriend.'
+			 elseif temp = 11:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister11.jpg"></center>'
+				'My sister recognized you, that her ex-boyfriend lost heavily at cards, and she had to serve two men in his debt expense.'
+			 elseif temp = 12:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister12.jpg"></center>'
+				'My sister recognized you, what how-the sucking dick stranger, through the hole in the toilet.'
+			 elseif temp = 13:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister13.jpg"></center>'
+				'My sister recognized you, I had sex with a sex machine.'
+			 elseif temp = 14:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister14.jpg"></center>'
+				'My sister recognized you, she attends bdsm club, she likes, when it attributed to the legs and arms and fuck like a piece of meat.'
+			 elseif temp = 15:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister15.jpg"></center>'
+				'My sister recognized you, that in his last visit to bdsm club, it is bound and fucked by a helpless whore.'
+			 elseif temp = 16:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister16.jpg"></center>'
+				'Sister tells you the story of, she with a friend, slept with his teacher in class.'
+			 elseif temp = 17:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister17.jpg"></center>'
+				'Sister tells you the story of, once with Kolka Zhendos and Mishka invited me to see a movie, When we came to the Bears, and he turned Vidic, by which immediately began to show in place of the promised porn movie.'
+				'When watching the film I curled it had not even understand, as it turned out c naked and in full force to masturbate Bears Zhendosom, and our dear little brother Kolka pulled his dick began to fuck me in the mouth'
+			 elseif temp = 18:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister18.jpg"></center>'
+				'Sister tells you the story of, How is she going with two best friends from her stepfather in the garage, drunk and arrange an orgy.'
+			 elseif temp = 19:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sister19.jpg"></center>'
+				'My sister recognized you, What she likes to write in the cups, and then drink their urine.'
+			 end
+			act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+		end
+	end
+	if sisuniQW = 0:
+		act 'Ask about the university':
+			cls
+			minut += 5
+			sisuniQW = 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><b><font color="maroon">Anja</font></b></center>'
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister.jpg"></center>'
+			'You asked about Anja University. She grinned. "I almost came, gleaning points. Who scored on guys need it the whole university. What I will give this piece of paper?"'
-if SisterKnowMastr = 1 and sisterQW = 0:
-	cls
-	sisterQW = 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Anja</font></b></center>'
-	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister.jpg"></center>'
-	'Anja looks at you and laughs "Well <<$nickname>>, and you give! I come into the room, and she''d play. Man himself Establishments, whether that."'
+			act 'Finish':gt 'sister', 'home'
+		end
+	end
 	act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka

+ 752 - 33

@@ -1,23 +1,7 @@
 # sisterQW
-$sisboyQW_caress = {
-	cls
-	minut += 5
-	horny = 0
-	orgasm += 1
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_12.jpg"></center>'
-	'You can not hold back from the strong excitation turned and rested his back against the wall.'
-	'Lowered her panties down and touched her wet finger glowing Picea.'
-	'Licked his finger and began rhythmically caressing his swollen clit, and stroking his chest with the other hand, and enjoying this moment forgetting everything'
-	'From everything that happens to you, you quickly ran right in front of the door, barely holding their moans.'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'korrPar'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_bedroom':
-	if DOM > 10:
-		if sisboyQW = 3 or sisboyQW = 5 or sisboyQW = 7:
+	if dom > 10:
+		if sisboyQW = 3 or sisboyQW = 5 or sisboyQW = 7 or sisboyQW = 9:
 			if horny >= 60 and sister >= 80 and sisboyQW = 3:
 				minut += 5
@@ -60,7 +44,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_bedroom':
 				'You all day were too excited and wanted to spy out again Anja and her boyfriend.'
 				'The door opened a crack surprisingly easy, and you froze the seen pictures.'
 				'Roma tightly clutching his hair sisters, hard-fucked her in the mouth.'
-				'Anja kept hips Man, so as not to fall from the high-pressure, languidly moaning and sobbing.'
+				'Anja kept hips Man, so as not to fall from the high-pressure, languidly moAnjang and sobbing.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'korrPar'
 			elseif horny >= 60 and sister >= 80 and sisboyQW = 7:
@@ -76,7 +60,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_bedroom':
 				'Anja relish sucking dick Roma, and passionately wild-eyed look at him, blowjob they just are not going to stop.'
 				'You were so excited, but seen has brought you even more.'
-				act 'Continue to monitor':
+				act 'Continue to watch':
 					minut += 5
 					horny = 90
@@ -88,7 +72,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_bedroom':
 					'But the guy kept, strongly clenching ass sister, from time to time peeping at her from below.'
 					'-How did it well, I`d like to be in her place, you think to yourself enjoying painting.'
-					act 'Continue to monitor':
+					act 'Continue to watch':
 						minut += 5
 						horny = 95
@@ -98,17 +82,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_bedroom':
 						'You completely absorbed happening, you keep your eyes on the bodies of two young excited your sister and her boyfriend.'
 						'Roma looked up from his sweet sister pisechki, Anja with a slight regret looked at him and smiled.'
 						'He smiled back at her, Anja turned on his tummy and abruptly entered, starting to move faster.'
-						'Anja screamed, but then I remembered, that the house they are not alone, and barely holding back his cries of animals, swayed and moved her ass to the beat movements Roma.'
+						'Anja screamed, but then I remembered, that the house they are not alone, and barely holding back his cries of Anjamals, swayed and moved her ass to the beat movements Roma.'
 						'-Yes, yes, fuck me pupsik, burst of languid lowing sister.'
-						act 'Continue to monitor':
+						act 'Continue to watch':
 							minut += 5
 							horny = 99
-							if sisboyQW = 7:sisboyQW = 8
+							if sisboyQW = 7:sisboyQW = 8 & sisterLesb = 0
-							gs'stat'
+							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_15.jpg"></center>'
 							'You have lost a clear mind and consciousness, and how to hypnotize continued to watch the passionate lovers.'
@@ -118,19 +102,68 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_bedroom':
 							'Here warned Roma, that will soon be over, and Anja screamed:'
 							'-Not only inside Zaya,forgive not only inside, Roma and hastily pulled dick and instantly finished tummy sister.'
-							act 'Fondle yourself':dynamic $sisboyQW_caress
+							act 'Fondle yourself':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_caress'
-						act 'Fondle yourself':dynamic $sisboyQW_caress
+						act 'Fondle yourself':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_caress'
 						act 'Leave':gt 'korrPar'
-					act 'Fondle yourself':dynamic $sisboyQW_caress
+					act 'Fondle yourself':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_caress'
 					act 'Leave':gt 'korrPar'
-				act 'Fondle yourself':dynamic $sisboyQW_caress
+				act 'Fondle yourself':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_caress'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'korrPar'
+			elseif horny >= 60 and sister >= 80 and sisboyQW = 9:
+				cls
+				minut += 5
+				if horny < 90:
+					horny += 10
+				elseif horny >= 90 and horny < 95:
+					horny += 5
+					end
+					blockBedrPar = 1
+					gs 'stat'
+					temp = rand(0, 4)
+					if sisboyQWrand = 0:
+						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_25.jpg"></center>'
+						'Open the door, your ears pierced tight wild sounds of passion sisters and Roma.'
+						'Anja bent, vypyachena his ass and gave it the power of Man, and Roma without delay, boldly and confidently tore ass Anja, tightly clenched buttocks.'
+						'His movements were faster and faster, and their bodies swayed in unison, Anja screamed "..more, more".'
+						'It seems they are so engrossed in each other, that you did not notice, so it`s time to quickly leave the hot couple.'
+					elseif sisboyQWrand = 1:
+						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_26.jpg"></center>'
+						'Peering into the room, you saw, like your sister have a rude cancer.'
+						'Roma almost to the point, suddenly froze for a moment, and fell on his back groaned sister.'
+						'"..You what, again she finished inside?... moron, Get off of me, how many can speak..."'
+						'It seems they need to talk, and you have time to run away, yet you have not noticed.'
+					elseif sisboyQWrand = 2:
+						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_27.jpg"></center>'
+						'Only slightly pushing the door, you heard the sound smacked, Anja happy sucked in Roma.'
+						'The guy lying relaxed, if fallen asleep, but most importantly in Roma sister woke up and continued to play with him.'
+						'Anja so skillful with a member, that have greatly impressed, She can teach you a few lessons when-anything?'
+						'A little carried away, you still go out of the door, not to be discovered.'
+					elseif sisboyQWrand = 3:
+						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_28.jpg"></center>'
+						'Running up impatiently to the door, you had opened it quietly, from enjoying your sister sucking.'
+						'Anja relish swallowing a member to the testicles and taking it out of his mouth, He sobbed heavily, plastered all around his saliva.'
+						'She had a hard time making the throat blowjob, in tears and mascara potekshey, but Roma forced and pressed her hands on her head.'
+						'Mischievous little sister suffered,  just to please her boyfriend.'
+						'You want to watch until the end, but you need to run away until you have not noticed.'
+					else
+						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_29.jpg"></center>'
+						'The door was ajar, It seems the couple was too excited, to lock it.'
+						'They lay on the bed and kissing passionately, huddled together hot bodies.'
+						'Roma embracing sister Rear, slowly he walked into her pussy, not letting her lips,and gently stroked her clitoris.'
+						'Anja wriggled his whole body, leAnjang to the hips and groin guy moAnjang faintly.'
+						'At that moment you wanted to do - sister to be in place, but you were at the door and you have to run.'
+					end
+					act 'Caresses yourself':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_caress'
+					act 'Leave':gt'korrPar'
 			elseif horny >= 60 and sister < 80:
 				minut += 2
@@ -143,7 +176,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_bedroom':
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_06.jpg"></center>'
 				'Anja excited and disheveled opens the door:'
 				'-Well, Sveta, you promised, Come walk a little more, we`re still not finished.'
-				'She quickly shut the door and turned the key, He could only hear her giggle.'
+				'She quickly shut the door and turned the key, you could only hear her giggle.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'korrPar'
 			elseif horny < 60:
@@ -162,7 +195,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_bedroom':
 		minut += 1
 		blockBedrPar = 1
-		gs'stat'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_06.jpg"></center>'
 		'You wanted to go to my room, But remember this promise and sister decided not to bother her.'
@@ -171,10 +204,26 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_bedroom':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_caress':
+	cls
+	minut += 5
+	horny = 0
+	orgasm += 1
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_12.jpg"></center>'
+	'You can not hold back from the strong excitation turned and rested his back against the wall.'
+	'Lowered her panties down and touched her wet finger glowing Picea.'
+	'Licked his finger and began rhythmically caressing his swollen clit, and stroking his chest with the other hand, and enjoying this moment forgetting everything'
+	'From everything that happens to you, you quickly ran right in front of the door, barely holding their moans.'
+	act 'Leave':gt 'korrPar'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_expel':
 	minut += 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_07.jpg"></center>'
 	'Sister remind you, they wanted with Roma spend time alone and asks you to leave the room.'
@@ -182,5 +231,675 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_expel':
 	act 'Leave':gt 'korrPar'
---- sisterQW ---------------------------------
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom' and $ARGS[1] = 'start':
+	blockBedrPar = 1
+	if minut > 30:
+		cls
+		minut += 1
+		sister -= 10
+		sisboytrioQW = 0
+		sisboyday = 0
+		sisThank = 0
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_38.jpg"></center>'
+		'Sad Anja opens the door'
+		'- You promised to come, what happened? Well maybe next time...'
+		act 'Escape':gt 'korrPar'
+		exit
+	end
+	sisboytrio += 1
+	if sisboytrio = 1:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_39.jpg"></center>'
+		'You entered the room, sweet couple had tumbled into bed.'
+		'Anja noticed you, Man freed from the embrace and walked slowly to you from kissing and undressing.'
+		act 'Escape':
+			cls
+			sisboytrioQW = -1
+			sisboytrioDayOtkaz = daystart + 3
+			minut += 5
+			sister = 0
+			sisboyQW = 2
+			sisThank = 0
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_40.jpg"></center>'
+			'-Oh nafig, to hell with it'
+			'At the last moment you decide to get away from these perverts.'
+			act 'Escape':gt 'korrPar'
+		end
+		act 'Kiss':
+			cls
+			minut += 5
+			horny += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_41.jpg"></center>'
+			'You can easily succumb to temptation and kissed Anja back.'
+			'Her hands wandered through your body, slowly warming up and undressing you.'
+			'You were completely at the mercy sister enjoying caresses, and we have not noticed how turned out to be naked in front of Roma, completely forgetting about it.'
+			'Anja told him to sit, and your faces found themselves in his pants Man.'
+			act 'Suck':
+				cls
+				minut += 5
+				horny += 5
+				bj += 1
+				cumlip += 1
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_42.jpg"></center>'
+				'You slowly began to drive up the language-down the trunk. And I feel like a novel almost trembling with excitement.'
+				'If Anna did not keep a member of the hand, Roma would certainly drove him into your mouth for the most eggs, so much you have got it.'
+				'Later, you have shared with her sister. I sucked it slowly and carefully. That member swallowing half, licking his tongue over the entire length. Roma lay baldel.'
+				act 'Sex':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'sex'
+				act 'Come':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'end'
+			end
+			act 'Sex':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'sex'
+		end
+	elseif sisboytrio = 2:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_45.jpg"></center>'
+		'You entered the room, sweet couple had tumbled into bed.'
+		'This time there was no embarrassment grams. Your eyes are like-strangely sparkled. Anna slowly walked up to you and kissed passionately. And you told her a gentle kiss.'
+		'Anja start to knead your breasts through clothes, then she took off her shoulders bra straps, and later her panties fell down, and you have nothing left.'
+		act 'Suck':
+			cls
+			minut += 5
+			horny += 5
+			bj += 1
+			cumlip += 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_46.jpg"></center>'
+			'Together with Anja you took up a little limp dick , and without further ado set to work.'
+			'Again Roma lying, and you tell him aspirated. Anja sucked it notably. You did not even think, so that it can. As the saying goes, still waters...'
+			'She is a member of swallowing almost completely, actively processing head tongue. You got me, if competing who better sucks.'
+			'A few minutes later the novel was ready...'
+			act 'Sex':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'sex'
+			act 'Come':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'end'
+		end
+		act 'Sex':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'sex'
+	elseif sisboytrio = 3:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_49.jpg"></center>'
+		'You entered the room, sweet couple had tumbled into bed.'
+		'Anja saw you, but only waved, while continuing to caress. Quickly undressed, and excitement you were already impatient to join them.'
+		act 'Suck':
+			cls
+			minut += 5
+			horny += 5
+			bj += 1
+			cumlip += 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_50.jpg"></center>'
+			'Roma put both of you on your knees, Well, then what do you do not have to specify.'
+			'You suck dick with passion, changing his beloved sister, sucking the head of the queue, licking the eggs.'
+			'For a moment you forget about the penis and starts to kiss, and Roma enjoyed this painting but quickly slip into his unit back to you.'
+			'Vai got tired of sitting on my knees and wanted more... '
+			act 'Sex':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'sex'
+			act 'Come':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'end'
+		end
+		act 'Sex':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'sex'
+	elseif sisboytrio = 4:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 15
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_53.jpg"></center>'
+		'You entered the room, sweet couple had tumbled into bed.'
+		'Throwing Anna on the bed, Roma attacked violently kissing you and your sexy body lapaya. For a few moments, and you have not noticed how turned naked and strong institutions.'
+		act 'Suck':
+			cls
+			minut += 5
+			horny += 5
+			bj += 1
+			cumlip += 1
+			throat += 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_54.jpg"></center>'
+			'Romka said, that loves deep throating, you realize you do not have to persuade needed.'
+			'And in turn, you start to swallow a big dick, but you obviously get much worse than that of sister. She swallowing so, Already captures the spirit. At the same time with one hand caressed eggs, and the other stroked his stomach, bringing her boyfriend enormous pleasure.'
+			'So you have got Man, he flushed was unable to have to endure...'
+			act 'Sex':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'sex'
+			act 'Come':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'end'
+		end
+		act 'Sex':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'sex'
+	elseif sisboytrio = 5:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_57.jpg"></center>'
+		'You entered the room, sweet couple had tumbled into bed.'
+		'On the go tearing off her clothes, You jumped to the couple on the bed'
+		act 'Suck':
+			cls
+			minut += 5
+			horny += 5
+			bj += 1
+			cumlip += 1
+			throat += 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_58.jpg"></center>'
+			'Do you like to suck the resilient, thick rod. His hard hat came into your mouth, and you tried very hard to do a good suction.'
+			'Chupa Chups This promised to be a long-playing, and I did not want to finish. You thrust his hammer until the end, his lips fragrant hairy pubes.'
+			'From it smelled fucking. By turns Anja you licking and biting her hat, playing with language bridle. Your tongues slid over the barrel to the testicles...'
+			act 'Sex':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'sex'
+			act 'Come':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'end'
+		end
+		act 'Sex':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'sex'
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom' and $ARGS[1] = 'sex':
+	if sisboytrio = 1:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 10
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_43.jpg"></center>'
+		'Anja took you to my boyfriend. All of you were taken aback as if in a state of.'
+		'Anja ordered Roma: В«Work on it.В» And it helps you to sit on his face, so your pussy was in front of him.'
+		'It is without hesitation began to lick her. Romijn Member bit Opal, so its a little Anja sucked, and as soon as he came into the firing state I sat on it.'
+		'She slowly sank, not a member yet plunged into it fully. Her pussy was wet and narrow.'
+		'Gradually increasing the pace, She skipped out on a limb, Roma and licking your pussy abundantly streamed.'
+	elseif sisboytrio = 2:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 10
+		sex += 1
+		vagina += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_47.jpg"></center>'
+		'- Have you ever-anything to make each other cunnilingus? - I asked the man, rising. You just looked back and smiled playfully.'
+		'Anja lay, and you sat on it. And they began to lick each other. After admiring you for half a minute Roma came to you.'
+		'Your ass was exposed invitingly towards him, and he slowly entered my dick in your pussy.'
+		'He drives the member on the entire length, sometimes he touched his tongue Anjan, that your clitoris and licked his balls. A few minutes later Roma felt, that the ends...'
+	elseif sisboytrio = 3:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 10
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_51.jpg"></center>'
+		'- I want new experiences - Anja waved a tube of cream you.'
+		'Anja started up in earnest, and I decided to try in the ass. She got up on the bed on all fours, and you, brushing her anus cream, slowly began to introduce his finger into her ass.'
+		'Anja a little twitched and moaned, but your finger is already easy entry, and you have entered a second. Anja moaned louder.'
+		'A couple of minutes later the two fingers quietly placed in her ass. Not pulling your fingers from the anus sisters, second hand sent to a member of his mouth. Within minutes, the fighter was ready.'
+		'You head smeared with cream, and Roma began to slowly go Anja hole. The head was part of a very tight. Anja cried, but the head has plunged into it.'
+		'Roma began to move slowly-back, gradually increasing the pace. A few minutes later, she bent, moaned, and you feel, she cums...'
+	elseif sisboytrio = 4:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 10
+		sex += 1
+		vagina += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_55.jpg"></center>'
+		'This time, Roma would only put you and your cancer, and Anna lay in front of you, legs wide apart. And unceremoniously drove the man in you a member of most tomatoes, I began to move violently inside your feverish pussy.'
+		'Anja, meanwhile, pressed your pretty face to her Picea, and you barely catching his breath from the violent actions of Roma, again immersed in the sweet pussy sister. Trying to bring her pleasure, and she was lying and enjoy on your tongue and earnestly looked into the eyes of Roma, which was on the verge...'
+	else
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 10
+		vagina += 1
+		sex += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_59.jpg"></center>'
+		'You are so busy with Anna, that poor guy started to use as a sex toy.'
+		'Anja sat pisey face Roma and skated on it, getting enormous pleasure. You sat with his back to him, completely subjugate member Romijn began jumping and shouting madly.'
+		'Roma could only mumble limp and dull groan under two beauties while it is not the wave of happiness swept over...'
+	end
+	act 'Come':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom', 'end'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboytrioQW_bedroom' and $ARGS[1] = 'end':
+	if sisboytrio = 1:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny = 0
+		guy += 1
+		cumface += 1
+		orgasm += 1
+		gang += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_44.jpg"></center>'
+		'All of you in earnest bred. Anja jump and move out on a limb faster and faster on the verge of orgasm.'
+		'You closed your eyes slid pisey juice flowing across the face Roma, I am in seventh heaven.'
+		'And suddenly you started to cum together, obkonchalsya poor guy, but he has not yet finished.'
+		'Put your face close, and barely touching member, I poured out on you a hot jet.'
+		'You blissfully lying with his sister kissing and enjoying the taste of sperm.'
+	elseif sisboytrio = 2:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny = 0
+		cumface += 1
+		orgasm += 1
+		gang += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_48.jpg"></center>'
+		'You lay panting face to face. Roma fell in between you and began furiously nadrachivat your face.'
+		'He soon finished, panting, ottryahival you the last drop.'
+		'You were relaxed and kissed exchanging sweet nectar.'
+	elseif sisboytrio = 3:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny = 0
+		cumface += 1
+		cumlip += 1
+		orgasm += 1
+		gang += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_52.jpg"></center>'
+		'Put your face close, and barely touching member, I poured out on you a hot jet.'
+		'You blissfully lying with his sister kissing and enjoying the taste of sperm. Roma lay on the bed, barely recovering, and you with a little rested Ana, We went into the shower.'
+	elseif sisboytrio = 4:
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny = 0
+		cumbelly += 1
+		orgasm += 1
+		gang += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_56.jpg"></center>'
+		'Roma barely manages to pull the penis out of your pussy and abruptly ends directly on it.'
+		'Anja looks at him, puzzled:'
+		'- What are you doing? Want, she flew to? Then we`ll marry her, not me.'
+		'- Yes, everything is fine, I did not get into, - Roma protested breathlessly.'
+		'And you were in ecstasy, and do not quite understand, that`s going around.'
+	else
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny = 0
+		cumface += 1
+		cumlip += 1
+		swallow += 1
+		orgasm += 1
+		gang += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_60.jpg"></center>'
+		'Seated in front of you, Anna picked up and became a member nadrachivat your mouth:'
+		'- Suck bitch, All you want to swallow?'
+		'The guy from such pressure for a long time could not resist and finished in your mouth, wincing and filling you. You do not have time to swallow all, stream flowed on the chin, and Anja all nadaivala yes last drop...'
+	end
+	act 'Leave':gt 'korrPar'
+!! party stuff is all under sisboyQW_party as arg 0
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_party' and $ARGS[1] = 'start':
+	sisboyparty = 1
+	if sisboypartyQW = 1:sisboypartyQW = 2
+	cls
+	minut += 15
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_8.jpg"></center>'
+	'Once you burst into the house Rex, immediately joined the loud music.'
+	'You with sex began to help the guys to lay the table, they carried the drinks, you snack, but the booze was so much, that the food was no where to put.'
+	'Everyone started to thump in unison, dealing, laughing, telling funny stories...'
+	'And you cheerful asked Anja:'
+	'- You miss your sister Th, as well-ka fun, until devastate the glass, I will not leave you..'
+	'Free cups was not, and she gave you a bottle of booze in hand.'
+	act 'Drink':
+		cls
+		minut += 15
+		alko += 3
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_9.jpg"></center>'
+		'You took the bottle out of the hands of Anja.'
+		'- Well, walk so to walk in full, - throat and gulped with strong drink goryachitelny, the sound of laughter and the company.'
+		'- Look, the woman is drinking more than you, - With these words, all began to drink Rex.'
+		act 'Go Dancing':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'dance'
+		act 'Drink':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'drink'
+		act 'Sit':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'sit'
+	end
+	act 'Try to give up':
+		cls
+		minut += 15
+		alko += 3
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_9.jpg"></center>'
+		'You have tried to give a friendly drink.'
+		'But seeing is the choir began to cry: "Pei, Pei, Pei, Pei, Pei,Pei...."'
+		'Realizing, that is a little ragoryachenaya company simply because you will not leave.'
+		'You took the bottle out of the hands of Anja, throat and gulped with strong drink goryachitelny, the sound of laughter and the company.'
+		act 'Go Dancing':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'dance'
+		act 'Drink':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'drink'
+		act 'Sit':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'sit'
+	end
+	act 'Get up to dance':
+		cls
+		minut += 15
+		alko += 3
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_9.jpg"></center>'
+		'Getting up, you tried to go from table, to go dancing, but no one was there, all we sat and drank.'
+		'Seeing, you want to stand up and leave the table, Rex stopped you:'
+		'- Where are you, everything is just beginning, Keep the bottle, and let`s drink, otherwise I would be offended.'
+		'You could not deny birthday, We took a bottle out of his hand,  throat and gulped with strong drink goryachitelny, the sound of laughter and the company.'
+		act 'Go Dancing':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'dance'
+		act 'Drink':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'drink'
+		act 'Sit':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'sit'
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_party' and $ARGS[1] = 'dance':
+	cls
+	minut += 15
+	horny += 10
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_10.jpg"></center>'
+	'All drunk stripped to the waist and went into the hall to dance.'
+	'You did not need to persuade, you were on the same wavelength with everyone and also undressed, stay in one bra.'
+	'Boys and jumped besilis, even though you half-naked, but it seems not to have paid any attention.'
+	'To you came Anja:'
+	'- Sveta, Let`s have fun, - and you have got to the center of fun and dance vytvoryaya very tempting thing.'
+	act 'Plump':
+		cls
+		minut += 10
+		alko += 3
+		horny += 10
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_13.jpg"></center>'
+		'Do you want to drink more and more, guys gave you quickly into the hands of two bottles viskarya and down you start to pour out all the.'
+		'All your clothes were wet, and through a wet bra could be seen protruding nipples.'
+		'Two guys around you mad, They began to dance around you, insistently lapaya your body.'
+		act 'Dance with them':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'twoboys'
+	end
+	act 'Continue to dance':
+		cls
+		minut += 10
+		horny += 10
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_18.gif"></center>'
+		'You`re drunk, but still able to control myself, you wanted to continue dancing.'
+		'His erotic movements attracted the attention of many of you guys, and you approached by two.'
+		act 'Dance with them':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'twoboys'
+		act 'Search for Anja':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'searchforsister', 'start'
+		act 'Congratulate Rex personally':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'rex'
+	end
+	act 'Congratulate Rex personally':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'rex'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_party' and $ARGS[1] = 'drink':
+	cls
+	minut += 10
+	alko += 2
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_11.jpg"></center>'
+	'All drunk stripped to the waist and went into the hall to dance.'
+	'- Come dance, Sveta, What are you left alone, there is fun.'
+	'- Now Anja, Only mood I need to raise even higher, otherwise I would be bored.'
+	act 'Go Dancing':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'dance'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_party' and $ARGS[1] = 'sit':
+	cls
+	minut += 10
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_12.jpg"></center>'
+	'After you have drunk a little dizzy, and you prefer to sit slightly.'
+	'Then you went with her friends Anja:'
+	'- Sveta Che you here kisnesh, not on the same funeral, Ah yes, hang out together...'
+	'From persuasion sister no rest, and you know, you better accept, otherwise it will not leave you alone.'
+	act 'Go Dancing':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'dance'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_party' and $ARGS[1] = 'rex':
+	cls
+	minut += 5
+	alko += 1
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_19.jpg"></center>'
+	'You came to the birthday, to congratulate, even though you are not familiar.'
+	'It is on this evening was clearly all fun, and to your surprise it was still zinger.'
+	'- Oh, hi, chikulya, You do this... damn it.. Oh yes, Anja`s sister, I know, I know... Even I have not seen, that you saw me today,, in shampusik, come on, Let`s drink to the dregs..'
+	'With these words, you drank sweet champagne, but a drunken Rex pushed the bottle so much, I had to swallow in her mouth neck floor...'
+	'Later, Rex left and where you are-the left...'
+	act 'Search for Anja':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'searchforsister', 'start'
+	act 'The toilet':
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 10
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_20.jpg"></center>'
+		'It turned out the toilet open, and you then found Rex, coming from a booze.'
+		'- Oh, Sveta, you again? I`ve already come out, Today, few went through Thu...'
+		'Stopping him in midsentence, They pushed him to the toilet and sat down on top of him, glaring lips in a kiss.'
+		'- Here`s my present for you and, - You utter a playful smile.'
+		'- Hell, fucking..., - muttered Rex. In the meantime, you feel like you in the crotch rests excited reksik.'
+		act 'Become cancer':
+			cls
+			minut += 5
+			horny += 10
+			sex += 1
+			guy += 1
+			reksSex = 1
+			cumpussy += 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_21.gif"></center>'
+			'Rex told you to bend down, and abruptly drove into you a heated member.'
+			'- Not so fast, not so deep, - We are begging you, but gradually the pain resolved, and you began to fidget on a limb and have fun.'
+			'The guy at this point is not exactly thought, to meet you, faster and faster he finished member will drive you in the pussy.'
+			'- Wow Sveta, You`re her sister`s hot, With these words he left..'
+			'You also brought a little in order, and went...'
+			act 'Search for Anja':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'searchforsister', 'start'
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_party' and $ARGS[1] = 'twoboys':
+	cls
+	minut += 10
+	horny += 10
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_14.gif"></center>'
+	'They paw your body, touch boobs, cuddle.'
+	'Under the influence of alcohol you really liked it, and just enjoy the moment.'
+	'Seeing, that you do not resist, they dragged you into the next room.'
+	act 'Go':
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_15.jpg"></center>'
+		'Entering the room you knocked on the bed,and dumped in the face of two terms of service.'
+		'In a drunken haze, you try to grab something in one, then after another, but it dropped from the hands.'
+		'One of the guys you licking pussy, and making sure, you all flows from the desire, put you in front of another cancer.'
+		act 'Get cancer':
+			cls
+			minut += 5
+			horny += 5
+			gang += 1
+			guy += 2
+			bj += 1
+			sex += 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_16.jpg"></center>'
+			'You put cancer, and began to fuck two trunk, impaling both front and rear.'
+			'The guys were obviously pleased with talking and joking with each other:'
+			'- And you said, that it is still small, Yes it your sister Ana odds to give.'
+			'- Yes, you`re right, excellent young trick, not long ago I schoolgirls fucked, Hey, let`s change, a blowjob can not eat...'
+			act 'Exchange':
+				cls
+				minut += 5
+				horny += 5
+				bj += 1
+				sex += 1
+				cumlip += 1
+				cumface += 1
+				swallow += 1
+				cumass += 1
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_17.jpg"></center>'
+				'Boys swapped and continued to rhythmically fuck you.'
+				'After a while fucked, You have come a little:'
+				'- Oh yeah, I woke up bitch, Let`s suck harder fuck, it is quite sluggish..'
+				'And they began to suck hard, while he did not finish you in the mouth, splashing his face. Second, too, without delay, I pulled out a dick and you finished in the ass.'
+				'Having come a little, you wanted to find a sister.'
+				act 'Search for Anja':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'searchforsister', 'start'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_party' and $ARGS[1] = 'searchforsister' and $ARGS[2] = 'start':
+	cls
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'Are you looking for your sister, but you can not find. -Hell, Where is she zapropastilas?'
+	'We need to look everywhere, I need to find her.'
+	act 'In the kitchen':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'searchforsister', 'kitchen'
+	act 'In the room':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'searchforsister', 'room'
+	act 'In the toilet':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'searchforsister', 'toilet'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_party' and $ARGS[1] = 'searchforsister' and $ARGS[2] = 'kitchen':
+	cls
+	minut += 5
+	horny += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_24.jpg"></center>'
+	'Breaking into the kitchen, you look back and looking eyes sister. And notice how at the corner of Romka fun with two drunk chicks...'
+	'But neither one of them you will not know his sister Anna... Suddenly you hear someone behind-the puffing...'
+	act 'To turn':
+		cls
+		minut += 5
+		horny += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_25.jpg"></center>'
+		'Turning you found naked drinking Anja, for her eyes were visible tears.'
+		'- Well Romka, I see we`re through, Wali to hell, dog. - Roma could not say anything in response.'
+		'Anja ran away. Roma had a fight a few minutes, you rushed off his sister...'
+		act 'For Anja':
+			cls
+			minut += 5
+			horny += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_26.jpg"></center>'
+			'Hardly having time for Anja, you have found it sitting on the lap in front of two unfamiliar guys.'
+			'- What are you doing, stop, should not immediately rush to the winds.'
+			'Drunk Anja will hardly-I perceive your words, continuing to suck.'
+			'- She you, Come join, or wali fuck and do not bother us.'
+			act 'Wait':
+				cls
+				minut += 10
+				horny += 10
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_26.jpg"></center>'
+				'You have decided not to argue with the strong guys and wait.'
+				'Boys turned Anja on her stomach, and began to fuck her in the two members.'
+				'- Come to the point of its, still thumping, Th hell feel.'
+				'And turns fucking her, until obkanchali point.'
+				if hour < 22:
+					hour = 22
+					minut = 0
+				else
+					minut += 15
+				end
+				act 'Leave':gt 'bedrPar'
+			end
+			act 'Join':
+				cls
+				minut += 10
+				horny += 10
+				gang += 1
+				sex += 1
+				gay += 1
+				cumlip += 1
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_27.jpg"></center>'
+				'- Okay boys, I also want to, who I vyebet?'
+				'Lively guys have dismantled, and the room was a wild orgy.'
+				'- Oh yeah, have his personal whore much better, - satisfied, fuck you in all the cracks.'
+				'Room service is boys and hardly gather my thoughts, you`re headed home.'
+				if hour < 22:
+					hour = 22
+					minut = 0
+				else
+					minut += 15
+				end
+				act 'Leave':gt 'bedrPar'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_party' and $ARGS[1] = 'searchforsister' and $ARGS[2] = 'room':
+	cls
+	minut += 5
+	horny += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_23.jpg"></center>'
+	'In the room you saw the two guys play two barrel poor unconscious girl.'
+	'- Let`s fuck, until he woke up, I do not want to deal with her ex-boyfriend boxer.'
+	act 'In the kitchen':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'searchforsister', 'kitchen'
+	act 'In the toilet':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'searchforsister', 'toilet'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sisboyQW_party' and $ARGS[1] = 'searchforsister' and $ARGS[2] = 'toilet':
+	cls
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/Party/sisboyQWParty_22.jpg"></center>'
+	'Going to the toilet you have found the guys bring to life one of the girls.'
+	'Peering, fortunately it was not for her'
+	act 'In the kitchen':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'searchforsister', 'kitchen'
+	act 'In the room':gt 'sisterQW', 'sisboyQW_party' ,'searchforsister', 'room'
+--- sisterQW ---------------------------------

+ 157 - 84

@@ -13,120 +13,193 @@ $sisboyQW_prycaress = {
 	act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
-if lesbian > 0:horny += 10 & siswath += 1
+if lesbian > 0:horny += 10
 randompic = rand(0, 7)
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><b><font color="maroon">Anja</font></b></center>'
 '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sister/sleep0<<randompic>>.jpg"></center>'
 'on the bed, Anja is putting the ass'
-if $loc = 'bedrPar':
-	if sisboyQW = 8 and horny >= 50:
-		act 'Touch':
-			cls
-			minut += 1
-			horny += 5
-			if sisboyQW = 8:sisboyQW = 9
-			sisprynight = day
-			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_16.jpg"></center>'
-			'You dare to touch the sleeping sister of elastic ass.'
-			'Touching his hand so soft buttocks, You like electric shock, and rushed inside different weird feeling.'
-			'You suddenly wanted to have sex with sister.'
+if $loc ! 'bedrPar':
+	act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+	exit
-			act 'Fondle yourself':dynamic $sisboyQW_prycaress
-			act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
-		end
-	elseif sisboyQW = 9 and horny >= 50 and sisprynight ! day:
-		act 'Touch':
+if sisboyQW >= 8 and sisterLesb = 0 and horny >= 50:
+	act 'Touch':
+		cls
+		minut += 1
+		horny += 5
+		sisterLesb = 1
+		sisprynight = day
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_16.jpg"></center>'
+		'You dare to touch the sleeping sister of elastic ass.'
+		'Touching his hand so soft buttocks, You like electric shock, and rushed inside different weird feeling.'
+		'You suddenly wanted to have sex with sister.'
+		act 'Fondle yourself':dynamic $sisboyQW_prycaress
+		act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
+	end
+elseif sisterLesb = 1 and horny >= 60 and sisprynight ! day:
+	act 'Touch':
+		cls
+		minut += 1
+		horny += 5
+		sisprynight = day
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_18.jpg"></center>'
+		'You can not help feeling, tested last time by touching the bare ass sister his hand.'
+		'Convinced, that Anja fast asleep, again you dare touch her soft ass.'
+		'But this time you decide to caress buns a little longer, enjoying the moment.'
+		'Sexy body you sister is not a joke and has brought you decide...'
+		act 'Proceed':
-			minut += 1
+			minut += 2
 			horny += 5
-			sisprynight = day
 			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_18.jpg"></center>'
-			'You can not help feeling, tested last time by touching the bare ass sister his hand.'
-			'Convinced, that Anja fast asleep, again you dare touch her soft ass.'
-			'But this time you decide to caress buns a little longer, enjoying the moment.'
-			'Sexy body you sister is not a joke and has brought you decide...'
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_19.jpg"></center>'
+			'You have continued to explore the hot body sisters, Your frisky fingers accidentally slipped between the legs of Anja.'
+			'Sensations of heat and moisture have greatly impressed, pussy oozing with desire, -Apparently her dream a fascinating dream, or is it all I?'
+			'You think to yourself, continuing to gently and slowly caress her sister, second hands dangling under his shorts'
+			'But suddenly stirred Anja, -hell..hell, she wakes up... I do not have time to remove his hand...'
-			act 'Proceed':
+			act 'Kiss Anja':
-				minut += 2
+				minut += 1
 				horny += 5
 				gs 'stat'
-				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_19.jpg"></center>'
-				'You have continued to explore the hot body sisters, Your frisky fingers accidentally slipped between the legs of Anja.'
-				'Sensations of heat and moisture have greatly impressed, pussy oozing with desire, -Apparently her dream a fascinating dream, or is it all I?'
-				'You think to yourself, continuing to gently and slowly caress her sister, second hands dangling under his shorts'
-				'But suddenly stirred Anja, -hell..hell, she wakes up... I do not have time to remove his hand...'
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_21.jpg"></center>'
+				'Are you brave enough girl, and while half asleep Anja not come round, you`re close to her face and sensually kissed her on the lips.'
+				'Strongly excited Anja did not think to resist, her soft body easily give you the pressure.'
+				'Your palm again slipped under her panties sister, but now your affection were confident...'
-				act 'Kiss Anja':
+				act 'Caress sister':
 					minut += 1
-					horny += 5
+					if horny < 95:horny += 5
+					sisterLesb = 2
+					girl += 1
 					gs 'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_21.jpg"></center>'
-					'Are you brave enough girl, and while half asleep Anja not come round, you`re close to her face and sensually kissed her on the lips.'
-					'Strongly excited Anja did not think to resist, her soft body easily give you the pressure.'
-					'Your palm again slipped under her panties sister, but now your affection were confident...'
-					act 'Caress sister':
-						cls
-						minut += 1
-						if horny < 95:horny += 5
-						if sisboyQW = 9:sisboyQW = 10
-						gs 'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_22.jpg"></center>'
-						'Anja suddenly huddled in gentle convulsions and roughly finished. She gratefully looked at you and smiled'
-						'-Well, you give a little sister...'
-						'And nuzzled into his pillow and went to sleep. You really excited and even a little upset unsatisfied, but was satisfied...'
-						act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
-					end
+					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_22.jpg"></center>'
+					'Anja suddenly huddled in gentle convulsions and roughly finished. She gratefully looked at you and smiled'
+					'-Well, you give a little sister...'
+					'And nuzzled into his pillow and went to sleep. You really excited and even a little upset unsatisfied, but was satisfied...'
+					act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
+			end
+			act 'Remove hand':
+				cls
+				minut += 1
+				gs'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_20.jpg"></center>'
+				'Sleepy and crumpled Anja wakes up and sees you on her bed, and as you hastily removed his hand and hide behind.'
+				'-What...what`s going on here? <<$nickname>>? Are you crazy? What are you doing here?'
+				'You sit in front of my sister on her bed, excited, caught off guard, and not knowing what to do...'
-				act 'Remove hand':
+				act 'Move away':
 					minut += 1
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_20.jpg"></center>'
-					'Sleepy and crumpled Anja wakes up and sees you on her bed, and as you hastily removed his hand and hide behind.'
-					'-What...what`s going on here? <<$nickname>>? Are you crazy? What are you doing here?'
-					'You sit in front of my sister on her bed, excited, caught off guard, and not knowing what to do...'
-					act 'Move away':
-						cls
-						minut += 1
-						sister = 0
-						!if sisboyQW = 9:sisboyQW = 5
-						gs 'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_23.jpg"></center>'
-						'You have decided to do nothing and quietly move away from the sleepy sister, She can forget all the morning'
-						'As soon you have made a step from her bed she called you:'
-						'-I do not want to know what you did to me while I was asleep, but do not come near me.'
-						act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
-					end
+					sister = 0
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_23.jpg"></center>'
+					'You have decided to do nothing and quietly move away from the sleepy sister, She can forget all the morning'
+					'As soon you have made a step from her bed she called you:'
+					'-I do not want to know what you did to me while I was asleep, but do not come near me.'
+					act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
+		end
-			act 'Fondle yourself':dynamic $sisboyQW_prycaress
-			act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
+		act 'Fondle yourself':dynamic $sisboyQW_prycaress
+		act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
+	end
+elseif sisterLesb = 3 and horny >= 60 and sisprynight ! day:
+	act 'Touch':
+		cls
+		minut += 1
+		horny += 5
+		sisprynight = day
+		gs 'stat'
+		if sisterLesbScene = 0:
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_30.jpg"></center>'
+			'Waking up half-naked Anna, You have got it with a kiss, gradually going down.'
+			'Letting panties you instantly glued to the coveted bosom sister, inhaling the intoxicating aroma.'
+			'Hugged and comfortably between the legs sister, licking the soft folds of the lips and sucking the clitoris.'
+			'Anja enjoy your tongue, and I admired you, glancing down.'
+			'She started up so much, that suddenly twitched, You grabbed his head and hold it over, and quickly fell asleep.'
+		elseif sisterLesbScene = 1:
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_31.jpg"></center>'
+			'You began gently kissing, caressing each other, paying attention to every millimeter of body.'
+			'Anne sat down and spread your legs long and easily kiss labia, language held on the clitoris.'
+			'Insert your finger and began to fuck you, you feel that approaching orgasm and shouted panting:'
+			'- Come fuck me please fuck!!'
+			'Her tongue penetrated deeper and deeper, Anja and the other hand crumpling your boobs.'
+			'- Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!! You caught a wave of bliss and you violently ended......'
+			horny = 0
+			orgasm += 1
+		elseif sisterLesbScene = 2:
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_32.jpg"></center>'
+			'You went down to Ankinomu bud from which emanates the sweet smell, circling your head.'
+			'Conducted between sponge finger to push them, Then you put your finger on the clitoris and began to make a circular motion...'
+			'She was so good, she involuntarily began publishing groans...'
+			'Then you have plunged into pussy sister. Lick it lengthwise and crosswise... she writhed... moaning... finally her body convulsed... finished... '
+		elseif sisterLesbScene = 3:
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_33.jpg"></center>'
+			'At this time, Anka went to the box and pulled out a strap-on.'
+			'She put on a strap, I lay on her back and began to put you on top, but the strap went wrong somewhere you thought, and in the ass....'
+			'The first impression - This unbearable pain, you may even want to jump, but then it was nice...'
+			'Anja held on your boobs, and the priest tossed roughly ebya in point...'
+			'- aaa... yeah... suuukaaa.... fuck me.... good.... yeah.... fuck me....- you cried.'
+			'You richly finished, and Anja tilted you and forced to lick her release from a strapon...'
+			horny = 0
+			orgasm += 1
+			anus += 1
+			act 'Suck Strap':
+				cls
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_34.jpg"></center>'
+				'Anja looked at you and you dutifully licked strapon, feeling the tart taste of your juice.'
+				'Lick all, you began to suck head, Anja monitor your movements and spoke as correctly suck. Then Anja grabbed you by the hair and abruptly entered your throat, You suffocated her by waving..'
+				'-Bitch, What are you doing, I`m so suffocate, though be warned.'
+				'-Let`s learn a little sister, guys like this, and played enough plenty of your mouth you let Anja'
+				throat += 1
+				sisterLesbScene += 1
+				gs 'stat'
+				act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
+				exit
+			end
+			exit
+		elseif sisterLesbScene = 4:
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/sisterQW/sisboyQW_35.jpg"></center>'
+			'You Kiss passionately with his beloved sister, and then she pushes you..'
+			'-Listen, Sveta, I love you very much, but I`m not a lesbian, and I do not want that kind of relationship between us developed.'
+			'-Of course, I understand, but I got it, and I wanted to thank you for everything..'
+			'-And it seems Roma started me to you jealous... oh let slip...'
+			'-You what? All told him? I did not expect from you such meanness.'
+			'-Do not be afraid you Sveta, it will be our little secret, no one will know...'
+			sisterLesb = 4
+			sisboytrioQW = 0
+		if sisterLesbScene < 4:sisterLesbScene += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
-	act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
-	act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+act 'Move away':gt 'bedrPar'
 --- sistersleep ---------------------------------