# spell if $ARGS[0] = 'reset': cla !!Creating fog 'Accumulated manna <> units.' act 'Absorb accumulated manna': cla *clr manna += mannaReset mannaRe= 0 xgt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0:act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end if $ARGS[0] = 'unmat': cla !!Creating fog 'You can become incorporeal for 30 moves, in exchange for 3,000 units Rikudo forces. This part of the force will be lost to you forever after using spells.' 'Not materiality allows you to skip through your body without getting any impact damage, while slightly reduced longevity spells.' if rikudo >= 3000: act 'Become a disembodied': cla *clr unmaterial = 31 rikudo += 3000 mannaRe= 0 xgt 'fight', 'sta' end else 'You have too little strength Rikudo for this spell.' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'tuman': cla !!Creating fog if tumanV > 0: 'It is not possible to impose your fog on the existing fog enemy.' else 'Create a fog on the battlefield, the enemy closing review. Cost 10 mana.' act 'Create a fog (10 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 10 tuman += 10 gt 'fight', 'sta' end end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'klon': cla 'You can create a clone exactly copying you, and themselves to escape from the enemy. 15 mana cost 1 clone.' act 'Create a clone': cla *clr manna -= 15 klon += 1 gt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'stun': cla 'You need to touch up the enemy, then he will be paralyzed. Cost 20 mana.' act 'Paralytic stroke': cla *clr manna -= 20 stunner = 1 xgt 'atak', 'player' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'weap': cla 'You can invest in the magical power of the weapon increasing its damage. Cost 20 mana.' act 'Invest energy': cla *clr manna -= 20 magweapbonus = weapbonus * 4 xgt 'atak', 'player' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'wind': cla 'Corrupts wind that would blow away the fog. Cost 40 mana.' act 'Apply': cla *clr manna -= 40 tumanV = 0 tuman = 0 'You sent against the wind on the battlefield and destroyed fog.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'klon2': cla 'You can create three clones exactly copying you, and themselves to escape from the enemy. 45 mana cost 3 clone.' act 'Create clones': cla *clr manna -= 45 klon += 3 gt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'energo': cla 'You can create an energy shield to protect against attacks on health. 100 units of protection costs 50 mana.' act 'Create energy shield': cla *clr manna -= 50 defence += 100 'You have imposed energy shield, you now have <> protection units.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'init': cla 'You can create a slight slowing of time to get the advantage in speed of reaction and seize the initiative. Costs 60 mana.' act 'Create a slowdown': cla *clr manna -= 60 initBonus = 120 'You put the manna in the amplification reaction.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'hel': cla !!Creating fog 'Cure yourself or add 400 units of health. 400 mana cost.' act 'Treated (400 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 400 health += 400 'You put the manna in the acceleration of regenerative processes in the body.' gt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'hand': cla !!Creating fog 'Striking hand increases damage 10 times per attack. 100 mana cost.' act 'Striking hand (100 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 100 strenK = stren * 20/100 magweapbonus = rand(stren * 10 - strenK, stren * 10 + strenK) 'You put the manna in the palm for applying a devastating blow.' xgt 'atak', 'player' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'fire1': cla !!Creating fog 'Flame. Cost 10 mana.' act 'Flame (10 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 10 damTip = 250 'You have created a torrent of flames pouring out of your hand.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'fire2': cla !!Creating fog 'Release of fire. 100 mana cost.' act 'Release of fire (100 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 100 damTip = 2500 'You have created a huge stream of fire pouring out of your hand.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'fire3': cla !!Creating fog 'Fire barrier, creates a shield of 750 units. 150 mana cost.' act 'Fire barrier (150 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 150 defence += 750 'You have created a fire barrier around him, now you <> protection units.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'fire4': cla !!Creating fog 'Firestorm. Cost 250 mana.' act 'Firestorm (250 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 250 damTip = 6250 bonusSh = 100 'The air around you is red-hot and inflamed, a sea of ​​fire fell upon the enemy.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'fire5': cla !!Creating fog 'Flame Shield creates a shield of 2,500 units. 500 mana cost.' act 'Flame Shield (500 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 500 defence += 2500 'You have created a wall of fire around it absorbs damage, you now have <> protection units.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ele1': cla !!Creating fog 'Discharge. Cost 10 mana.' act 'Discharge (10 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 10 damTip = 150 eleSh = 1 'You have created an electrical discharge pouring out of your hand.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ele2': cla !!Creating fog 'Lightning. 100 mana cost.' act 'Lightning (100 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 100 damTip = 1500 eleSh = 1 'You have created a lightning rattled vystrelevshuyu from your hand.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ele3': cla !!Creating fog 'Electrical barrier creates a shield of 1,500. 150 mana cost.' act 'Electric barrier (150 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 150 defence += 1500 'You have created a wall around himself dancing lightning, you now have <> protection units.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ele4': cla !!Creating fog 'Dance of thousands of birds. Cost 250 mana.' act 'Dance of thousands of birds (250 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 250 damTip = 3750 bonusSh = 30 eleSh = 1 'you have gathered the manna in the hand and danced around the palm of your hand lightning leaping through the air with shrieks.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ele5': cla !!Creating fog 'Plyaschuschaya sphere creates a shield of 5,000 units. 500 mana cost.' act 'Plyaschuschaya sphere (500 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 500 defence += 5000 'you have created around him a large sphere of lightning dancing, you now have <> protection units.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ert1': cla !!Creating fog 'Quicksand trap catches the enemy in quicksand and inflicts 100 units. Cost 10 mana.' act 'Quicksand (10 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 10 damTip = 100 eleSh = 5 'you have created under enemy addictive quicksand.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ert2': cla !!Creating fog 'Active protection, creates a protective sphere of earth, stone and sand 2,500 mana and health protection, this protection is self-healing in 10 moves absorbing units 20 mana per turn. 100 mana cost.' act 'Active Protection (100 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 100 defence += 2500 defenceM += 2500 defenceActPar = 1000 defenceActParM = 1000 defenceAct = 10 defenceActM = 10 'Land surrounded you, giving you protection.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ert3': cla !!Creating fog 'Abyss earth asunder underfoot enemy inflicting damage 1,500 and depriving him of the ability to move. 150 mana cost.' act 'Quicksand (150 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 150 damTip = 1500 eleSh = 5 'You are the earth underfoot opponents.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ert4': cla !!Creating fog 'Absolute protection, creates a huge protective sphere of the earth, which regenerates itself every move and attack the enemy. Cost 250 mana.' act 'Absolute protection (250 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 250 defence += 6250 defenceM += 6250 defenceW += 6250 defenceActPar = 1000 defenceActParM = 1000 defenceActParW = 1000 defenceAct = 15 defenceActM = 15 defenceActW = 15 defAtk = 15 'Land surrounded you, giving you protection.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ert5': cla !!Creating fog 'Sando, two huge plates come out of the ground and collapse crushing the enemy inflicting damage to 5,000 units and depriving him of the ability to move. 500 mana cost.' act 'Sando (500 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 500 damTip = 5000 bonusSh = 50 eleSh = 5 'Two huge plate with a roar came from the earth and imploded.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'wind1': cla !!Creating fog 'A gust of wind, inflicts 100 units destroys clones and fog, it is very difficult to dodge. Cost 10 mana.' act 'Wind gusts (10 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 10 damTip = 100 bonusSh = 50 'You have created a gust of wind.' if klonV > 0:klonV = 0 & 'Clone opponent turned into steam.' if tumanV > 0:tumanV = 0 & 'Fog enemy torn to shreds by the wind.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'wind2': cla !!Creating fog 'Horrendous pressure inflicts 1,000 clones and destroys the fog is very difficult to dodge. 100 mana cost.' act 'Horrendous pressure (100 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 100 damTip = 1000 bonusSh = 100 'You are sharply raised air pressure.' if klonV > 0:klonV = 0 & 'Clone the enemy broke and turned into steam.' if tumanV > 0:tumanV = 0 & 'Fog enemy torn apart pressure.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'wind3': cla !!Creating fog 'Vacuum sphere, creates a shield of 1,500. 150 mana cost.' act 'Vacuum sphere (150 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 150 defence += 1500 'you have created around themselves the vacuum, you now have <> protection units.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'wind4': cla !!Creating fog 'Vacuum shells cause damage destroys 2,500 clones and fog, it is very difficult to dodge. Cost 250 mana.' act 'Vacuum Rockets (250 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 250 damTip = 2500 bonusSh = 100 'you have created around themselves many areas and they vacuum at high speed with a whistle flew over the battlefield.' if klonV > 0:klonV = 0 & 'Clone the enemy broke and turned into steam.' if tumanV > 0:tumanV = 0 & 'Fog enemy torn apart pressure.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'wind5': cla !!Creating fog 'Devouring vacuum sucks shield enemy destroying it whatever strength he was not. 500 mana cost.' if defenceV > 0: act 'Devouring vacuum (500 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 500 defenceV = 0 defenceMV = 0 defenceWV = 0 defenceActParV = 0 defenceActParMV = 0 defenceActV = 0 defenceActMV = 0 defAtkMV = 0 'you have created around themselves the vacuum that sucked in the defense of the enemy to destroy it.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' end else 'The enemy is no shield that can destroy this spell.' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'water1': cla !!Creating fog 'Creek manna, inflicts 100 units and 1,000 units absorbs manna. Cost 10 mana.' act 'Creek mana (10 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 10 damTip = 100 damTipM = 1000 'you have created in his hand a small stream of water which was shot at the enemy.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'water2': cla !!Creating fog 'Flooding, inflicts 1,000 units and absorbs 500 units of manna. 100 mana cost.' act 'Flooding (100 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 100 damTip = 1000 damTipM = 500 'From your mouth a flood of water flooded the countryside.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'water3': cla !!Creating fog 'Water bubble creates a protective sphere of water 1,500 protection from all influences, this protection is self-healing in 10 moves absorbing units 20 mana per turn. 150 mana cost.' act 'Blister (150 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 150 defence += 1500 defenceM += 1500 defenceW += 1500 defenceActPar = 500 defenceActParM = 500 defenceAct = 10 defenceActM = 10 'Water has created around you the scope of protection.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'water4': cla !!Creating fog 'Water shark missile inflicts 1,500 units and 2,500 units consumes mana. Cost 250 mana.' act 'Water shark missile (250 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 250 damTip = 1500 damTipM = 2500 bonusSh = 50 'You released a pack of sharks consist of water flying towards the enemy like a torpedo.' if klonV > 0:klonV = 0 & 'Clones enemy disappeared.' xgt 'atakA', 'atak' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'water5': cla !!Creating fog 'Great flood, the water creates a huge sphere that absorbs enemy and deflating manna from it and handing it to provide increased protection. 500 mana cost.' act 'Great Flood (500 mana)': cla *clr manna -= 500 defence += 5000 defenceM += 5000 defenceW += 5000 defenceActPar = 500 defenceActParM = 500 defenceAct = 10 defenceActM = 10 defAtkM = 10 'you have filled out all the water district that protects you and devour enemy mana.' if klonV > 0:klonV = 0 & 'Clones enemy disappeared.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' end act 'Physical attacks':gt 'boxing' if magik > 0: act 'Magical attacks':gt 'magik' end end --- spell ---------------------------------