# es6-symbol ## ECMAScript 6 Symbol polyfill For more information about symbols see following links - [Symbols in ECMAScript 6 by Axel Rauschmayer](http://www.2ality.com/2014/12/es6-symbols.html) - [MDN Documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Symbol) - [Specification](http://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-symbol-constructor) ### Limitations Underneath it uses real string property names which can easily be retrieved, however accidental collision with other property names is unlikely. ### Usage If you'd like to use native version when it exists and fallback to polyfill if it doesn't (but without implementing `Symbol` on global scope), do: ```javascript var Symbol = require('es6-symbol'); ``` If you want to make sure your environment implements `Symbol`, do: ```javascript require('es6-symbol/implement'); ``` If you strictly want to use polyfill even if native `Symbol` exists (hard to find a good reason for that), do: ```javascript var Symbol = require('es6-symbol/polyfill'); ``` #### API Best is to refer to [specification](http://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-symbol-objects). Still if you want quick look, follow examples: ```javascript var Symbol = require('es6-symbol'); var symbol = Symbol('My custom symbol'); var x = {}; x[symbol] = 'foo'; console.log(x[symbol]); 'foo' // Detect iterable: var iterator, result; if (possiblyIterable[Symbol.iterator]) { iterator = possiblyIterable[Symbol.iterator](); result = iterator.next(); while(!result.done) { console.log(result.value); result = iterator.next(); } } ``` ### Installation #### NPM In your project path: $ npm install es6-symbol ##### Browser To port it to Browser or any other (non CJS) environment, use your favorite CJS bundler. No favorite yet? Try: [Browserify](http://browserify.org/), [Webmake](https://github.com/medikoo/modules-webmake) or [Webpack](http://webpack.github.io/) ## Tests [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/medikoo/es6-symbol.png)](https://travis-ci.org/medikoo/es6-symbol) $ npm test