husb.qsrc 2.3 KB

  1. # husb
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  4. cla & *clr
  5. gs'stat'
  6. '<center><B><font color = maroon><<$husName>></font></B></center>'
  7. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/<<HusbPic>>.jpg"></center>'
  8. gs 'husb', 'husb_discription'
  9. gs 'husb', 'husb_action'
  10. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  11. if $braworntype = 'none' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
  12. 'Your husband, seeing you naked, says - "You are very beautiful."'
  13. else
  14. 'Your husband smiles, "It''s always nice to see you in your underwear honey."'
  15. end
  16. end
  17. act '<B>Move away</B>':gt $loc, $metka
  18. if husbandsexday < 4:
  19. act 'Sex with your husband':gt'husbsex','room'
  20. end
  21. end
  22. if $ARGS[0] = 'husb_discription':
  23. if birthyear < husb_birth_year:
  24. age_diff = husbAge - age
  25. $h_age = '<<$husName>> was born in <<husb_birth_year>>, he is <<husbAge>> years old. He is <<age_diff>> years older than you.'
  26. elseif birthyear = husb_birth_year:
  27. $h_age = '<<$husName>> was born in <<husb_birth_year>>, he is <<husbAge>> years old. Same as you.'
  28. else
  29. age_diff = age - husbAge
  30. $h_age = '<<$husName>> was born in <<husb_birth_year>>, he is <<husbAge>> years old. You are <<age_diff>> years older than him.'
  31. end
  32. 'Your husband <<$husName>>, <<$h_age>> It <<$husBody>> <<$husFat>> <<$husHair>>.'
  33. if husband<20:'You have a terrible row with your husband.'
  34. if husband>=20 and husband<40:'There are tension between you and your husband.'
  35. if husband>=40 and husband<60:'You have a normal relationship with your husband.'
  36. if husband>=60 and husband<80:'You have a good relationship with your husband.'
  37. if husband>=80:'You have a great relationship with your husband.'
  38. ''
  39. end
  40. if $ARGS[0] = 'husb_action':
  41. if $loc = 'korr':$husb_action = ''
  42. if $loc = 'bedr':
  43. if hour > 22 or hour < 7: $husb_action = 'Your husband <<$husName>> is lying in bed, eyes open. "What do you want? It is late, go to sleep."'
  44. end
  45. if $loc = 'sitr':
  46. if hour > 7 and hour < 17 and week >= 6: $husb_action = '<<$husName>> is sitting on the couch and watching TV.'
  47. if hour > 17 and hour <= 22: $husb_action = '<<$husName>> is sitting on the couch and watching TV.'
  48. end
  49. if $loc = 'vanr':$husb_action = ''
  50. if $loc = 'kuhr':
  51. if hour = 17 or hour = 7:$husb_action = '<<$husName>> is sitting at the kitchen table.'
  52. end
  53. '<<$husb_action>>'
  54. end
  55. --- husb ---------------------------------