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[added] new script to check for missing media(currently mp4 and jpg only) also it has difficulties with variables and no clue how to handle FUNC or iif so I excluded those for now feel free to fix it

Awesome hace 10 meses
Se han modificado 4 ficheros con 165 adiciones y 4 borrados
  1. 3 0
  2. 4 4
  3. 1 0
  4. 157 0

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+@echo off
+python "%~dp0tools\check_missing_media.py"
+if errorlevel 1 pause

+ 4 - 4

@@ -302,22 +302,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'blowjob':
 	stat['gloryhole'] += 1
 	temp = rand(1,5)
-	$bjVideoSource = 'images/locations/shared/gloryhole/sex/dressed'
-	'<center><video autoplay loop src="<<$bjVideoSource>>/bj<<rand(1,5)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
+	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/shared/gloryhole/sex/dressed/bj<<rand(1,5)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'You wrap your lips around his dick and take his <<npc_dick[$npclastgenerated]>>cm long <<$npc_thdick[$npclastgenerated]>> cock in your mouth and start to suck it, you suck the cock enthusiastically.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'unknown', 'sub'
 	gs 'stat'
 	if stat['vaginal'] > 0 or stat['anal'] > 0:act 'Undress':gt 'gloryhole', 'ghsex'
 	act 'Continue to Suck':
 		*clr & cla
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="<<$bjVideoSource>>/bj<<rand(1,5)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
+		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/shared/gloryhole/sex/dressed/bj<<rand(1,5)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'You suck on his dick, bobbing your head, sometimes using your hands to stroke his shaft at the same time, other times your hands massage his balls. Before to long you hear the guy moan in pleasure, "I''m cuming."'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'unknown', 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Keep sucking':
 			*clr & cla
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="<<$bjVideoSource>>/bj<<rand(1,5)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/shared/gloryhole/sex/dressed/bj<<rand(1,5)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'Despite what he says you keep sucking his dick, you are looking forward to him filling your mouth up with his tasty sperm. Moments later hot spurts of cum fill your mouth.'
 			act 'Swallow':

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1466,6 +1466,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'smokeblowjob':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/events/sex/smokebj3.jpg"></center>'
 			'Suddenly, though not unexpectedly, cum starts splattering on your face. Seconds later, the other one starts to cum as well and soon both of them have coated your face in their cum. They then put their dicks away, "Hey, what about my cigarette?" you ask and one of them laughs and tosses you the rest of his pack of smokes.'
 			'"Here you go, best investment I ever made," he tells his friend. "Come on, let''s go buy some more." They both walk away, leaving you on your knees with some cigarettes and a face full of cum.'
+			mc_inventory['cigarettes'] += rand(3, 8)
 			gs 'arousal', 'hj', 5,  'group', 'exhibitionism'
 			gs 'arousal', 'hj', -5,  'group', 'exhibitionism'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'

+ 157 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+import os
+import re
+#made by Awesome :peeposhrug:
+script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+text_path = os.path.dirname(script_directory)
+qsrc_directory = os.path.join(text_path, 'locations')
+image_directory = input('Enter the game directory: ')
+keywords = input('Enter keywords to exclude (comma-separated, press Enter to skip): ')
+keywords_to_exclude = keywords.split(',')
+# Create a list to store missing images
+missing_images = []
+color_values = ['black', 'brown', 'red', 'blonde', 'light red', 'dark blue', 'blue', 'light blue', 'dark green', 'green', 'light green', 'dark pink', 'pink', 'light pink', 'dark purple', 'purple', 'light purple', 'light orange', 'dark red', 'medium red', 'turquoise', 'medium orange', 'dark orange']
+def exclude_keywords(image_path, keywords):
+    for keyword in keywords:
+        if keyword and keyword.lower() in image_path.lower():
+            return True
+    return False
+# Function to construct the absolute path from a relative image reference
+def construct_absolute_path(image_reference, image_directory):
+    return os.path.join(image_directory, image_reference.replace("images\\", ""))
+# Function to evaluate and replace random expressions within a string
+def evaluate_and_replace_random(expression):
+    image_paths = []
+    # Define a regular expression pattern to find '+rand(...)' or '<<rand(...)>>' expressions
+    rand_pattern = r'(\+\s*rand\(([^)]*)\)\s*\+|\s*<<rand\(([^)]*)\)>>)'
+    # Find all matching expressions in the input string
+    matches = re.finditer(rand_pattern, expression)
+    # Initialize the modified expression
+    modified_expression = expression
+    # Iterate through the matches and replace them
+    for match in matches:
+        rand_expression = match.group(2) or match.group(3)
+        if rand_expression:
+            # Check if there are numeric values within the parentheses
+            numeric_values = re.findall(r'\d+', rand_expression)
+            if numeric_values:
+                min_value = int(numeric_values[0])
+                max_value = int(numeric_values[1]) if len(numeric_values) > 1 else min_value
+                if min_value <= max_value:
+                    # Generate image paths for each number in the range
+                    image_paths.extend([str(num) for num in range(min_value, max_value + 1)])
+        # Replace the match in the expression with a placeholder
+        modified_expression = modified_expression.replace(match.group(0), '<REPLACED>')
+    # Remove single quotes and extra spaces
+    modified_expression = modified_expression.replace("'", "").strip()
+    modified_expression = modified_expression.replace(" ", "")
+    # Add the generated image paths to the result
+    image_paths = [modified_expression.replace('<REPLACED>', str(num)) for num in image_paths]
+    return image_paths
+# Function to evaluate and replace variables within a string
+def evaluate_and_replace_variables(expression, variables):
+    variable_matches = re.findall(r'<<(\$?[a-zA-Z_][a-zAZ0-9_]*)>>', expression)
+    for variable_name in variable_matches:
+        if variable_name.startswith("$"):
+            variable_value = variables.get(variable_name[1:], "")
+        else:
+            variable_value = variables.get(variable_name, "")
+        expression = expression.replace(f"<<{variable_name}>>", str(variable_value))
+    return [expression]
+# Iterate through .qsrc files in the specified directory and its subdirectories
+for root, dirs, files in os.walk(qsrc_directory):
+    for file in files:
+        if file.endswith(".qsrc"):
+            qsrc_file = os.path.join(root, file)
+            # Read the .qsrc file
+            with open(qsrc_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as script_file:
+                script_content = script_file.readlines()
+            # Find and extract variable assignments within the same code block
+            variable_matches = re.findall(r'<<(\$?[a-zA-Z_][a-zAZ0-9_]*)>>\s*=\s*([\'"]?[^\'"]+[\'"]?)', ''.join(script_content))
+            # Store variable values for this code block
+            code_block_variables = {}
+            for variable_name, variable_value in variable_matches:
+                code_block_variables[variable_name] = variable_value.strip("'\"")
+            # Use regular expressions to find image references in the script
+            for line_number, line in enumerate(script_content, start=1):
+                if line.strip().startswith('!') or '+iif' in line or '<<FUNC' in line:
+                    continue
+                image_references = re.findall(r'<(?:img <<\$set_imgh>>|video autoplay loop) src="([^"]+)"', line)
+                for image_reference in image_references:
+                    if exclude_keywords(image_reference, keywords_to_exclude):
+                        continue
+                    # If the image reference contains '<<$pcs_haircol>>', replace it with each color value
+                    if '<<$pcs_haircol>>' in image_reference:
+                        for color in color_values:
+                            # Replace spaces with underscores in color names
+                            image_reference_color = image_reference.replace('<<$pcs_haircol>>', color)
+                            # Handle the '+rand(1,19)+' part
+                            if '+rand(1,19)+' in image_reference_color:
+                                for i in range(1, 20):  # 20 is exclusive, so this will give numbers from 1 to 19
+                                    image_reference_color_i = image_reference_color.replace('+rand(1,19)+', str(i))
+                                    # Remove single quotes around the number
+                                    image_reference_color_i = image_reference_color_i.replace("'"+str(i)+"'", str(i))
+                                    absolute_path = construct_absolute_path(image_reference_color_i, image_directory)
+                                    if not os.path.exists(absolute_path):
+                                        missing_images.append((os.path.basename(qsrc_file), image_reference_color_i, line_number))  # Store the .qsrc filename, image path, and line number
+                            else:
+                                absolute_path = construct_absolute_path(image_reference_color, image_directory)
+                                if not os.path.exists(absolute_path):
+                                    missing_images.append((os.path.basename(qsrc_file), image_reference_color, line_number))  # Store the .qsrc filename, image path, and line number
+                    else:
+                        # Evaluate variables first
+                        image_reference = evaluate_and_replace_variables(image_reference, code_block_variables)[0]
+                        image_paths = evaluate_and_replace_random(image_reference)
+                        for path in image_paths:
+                            if exclude_keywords(path, keywords_to_exclude):
+                                continue
+                            absolute_path = construct_absolute_path(path, image_directory)
+                            if not os.path.exists(absolute_path):
+                                missing_images.append((os.path.basename(qsrc_file), path, line_number))  # Store the .qsrc filename, image path, and line number
+missing_media_count = len(missing_images)
+# Specify the path to the "missing_media.txt" output file
+missing_media_file = os.path.join(text_path, "missing_media.txt")
+# Write the list of missing images with full image paths to the "missing_media.txt" file
+with open(missing_media_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+    for qsrc_file, image_path, line_number in missing_images:
+        file.write(f"From file: {qsrc_file}, line: {line_number}\n")  # Write the .qsrc filename and line number
+        file.write(f"images/{image_path.replace('images/', '')}\n\n")  # Write the relative image path and start a new line
+    file.write(f"\nTotal missing media files: {missing_media_count}\n")  # Write the count of missing media files at the end of the file
+    file.write(f"this amazing script was made by Awesome(with help from chatGPT)\n") #bragging
+print(f"{missing_media_count} Missing images have been saved to 'missing_media.txt'.")
+pause = input("Press Enter to exit.")