poli 46 KB

  1. # poli
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. CLOSE all
  4. $sexloc = $CURLOC
  5. cla
  6. *clr
  7. clr
  8. hosprand = rand(0, 10)
  9. minut += 5
  10. gs 'stat'
  11. fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
  12. bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  13. lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
  14. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Clinic</font></b></center>'
  15. '<center><img src="images/etogame/poli.jpg"></center>'
  16. 'General practitioner appointment - 1,000 <b>₽</b>'
  17. 'Psychotherapist appointment - 1,000 <b>₽</b>'
  18. 'STD testing - 1,000 <b>₽</b>.'
  19. ''
  20. 'For hospital admisions arrive Monday, prior to 10th of the month.'
  21. ''
  22. 'Abortion at the woman''s request can be made up to 84th day of pregnancy - 20,000 <b>₽</b>.'
  23. 'Be warned, abortions are dangerous to health. There is always a risk of complications and the possibility of sterility.'
  24. ''
  25. 'Near the entrance is an advertisement for cosmetic surgeon and directions to his office.'
  26. if workhosp = 1 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 9 and week < 6:act 'Exit to replace':gt 'poli', 'beginwork'
  27. act 'Leave Clinic':gt 'street'
  28. act 'See cosmetic surgeon':gt 'poli','cosmetic1'
  29. if money >= 1000:
  30. if health < (vital * 10 + stren * 5):
  31. act 'Treat health (1,000 <b>₽</b>)':
  32. cla
  33. money -= 1000
  34. minut += 60
  35. health = vital * 10 + stren * 5 + 1000
  36. if pillcon > 0:pillcon -= rand(0,2000)
  37. if hosprand = 0:gt 'poli', '0'
  38. if hosprand = 1:gt 'poli', '1'
  39. if hosprand = 2:gt 'poli', '2'
  40. 'The doctor gives you a shot and you immediately feel much better'
  41. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  42. end
  43. end
  44. if willpower < intel * 5 + will * 5:
  45. act 'See a therapist (1,000 <b>₽</b>)':
  46. cla
  47. money -= 1000
  48. minut += 60
  49. willpower = intel * 5 + will * 5 + 1000
  50. manna = (intel * magik) + magik * 100 + vital * 10 + rikudo
  51. if hosprand = 0:gt 'poli', '0'
  52. if hosprand = 1:gt 'poli', '1'
  53. if hosprand = 2:gt 'poli', '2'
  54. 'You lie down on the therapists couch and tell him all about his troubles. You immediately feel much better, your therapist seems to be in a state of shock.'
  55. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  56. end
  57. end
  58. if tabletkishot < 5 and money >= 1000:
  59. act 'Get a birth control shot':
  60. cls
  61. minut += 15
  62. tabletkishot = rand(84,91)
  63. tabletkicheck = 2
  64. pillcon = 40000
  65. money -= 1000
  66. gs 'stat'
  67. '<center><img src="images/etogame/poli.jpg"></center>'
  68. 'You are escorted into an examination room, where you are told to sit. After almost fifteen minutes a nurse comes in, sticks a needle in your arm, and depresses the plunger. "All done. Have a nice day." she says to you. You gather your things to leave.'
  69. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  70. end
  71. end
  72. act 'Go to the STD clinic':
  73. cls
  74. 'In the waiting room is an advertisement.'
  75. *nl
  76. ' Private Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic provides the following treatment.'
  77. ' Complete cure for herpes - 150,000 <b>₽</b>.'
  78. ' Complete cure of syphilis - 350,000 <b>₽</b>.'
  79. ' Complete cure for yeast infection - 50,000 <b>₽</b>.'
  80. ' Treatment requires hospitalization on first Monday of each month'
  81. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  82. act 'Take STD test (1,000 <b>₽</b>)':
  83. cls
  84. money -= 1000
  85. minut += 60
  86. gs'stat'
  87. '<center><img src="images/ginek/bg28qy97.jpg"></center>'
  88. 'After waiting for some time, you get to see the doctor'
  89. 'The doctor asks you to undress.'
  90. act 'Undress':
  91. cla
  92. *clr
  93. '<center><img src="images/ginek/cj53ti24.jpg"></center>'
  94. 'You undress and the doctor asks you lie on the table.'
  95. act 'Lie down':
  96. cla
  97. *clr
  98. '<center><img src="images/ginek/gy93cr29.jpg"></center>'
  99. 'You lie on the table and wait as the doctor makes his preparations for the tests.'
  100. act 'Wait':
  101. cla
  102. *clr
  103. '<center><img src="images/ginek/zw61kh75.jpg"></center>'
  104. 'The doctor first monitors your heart rate then checks your breasts for lumps'
  105. act 'Further':
  106. cla
  107. *clr
  108. '<center><img src="images/ginek/bn72qy99.jpg"></center>'
  109. 'The doctor examines your genitals externally and internally, carrying out tests.'
  110. if money >= 10000 and rand(1,100) >= 97:
  111. cla
  112. *clr
  113. '<center><img src="images/ginek/gy93cr29.jpg"></center>'
  114. 'While you lying on an examination table you notice in the corner of the ceiling a hiden camera.'
  115. act 'Rebel':
  116. cla
  117. *clr
  118. '<center><img src="images/ginek/bg28qy97.jpg"></center>'
  119. 'The doctor, unfazed, speaks in a calm voice as he apologizes and says, "You have two options to solve this issue."'
  120. '"Give me 10000 <b>₽</b> and it will will be deleted, like this never happened."'
  121. '"I pay you a 3000 <b>₽</b> fee."'
  122. '"Lie down, think it over, but do not take too long now."'
  123. act 'Pay him':gt 'poli', 'ven1'
  124. act 'Take the money':gt 'poli', 'ven2'
  125. act 'Threatened to report him':
  126. cla
  127. *clr
  128. '<center><img src="images/ginek/bg28qy97.jpg"></center>'
  129. 'The doctor brings your face to his and says in a low voice.'
  130. '"Listen to me, bitch! I hope you''re just joking with me, we have plenty of accidents here. Do you want to be another ''complication''?"'
  131. '"Now make your choice, and we can forget everything you just said."'
  132. act 'Pay him':gt 'poli', 'ven1'
  133. act 'Take the money':gt 'poli', 'ven2'
  134. act 'Run':gt 'poli', 'ven3'
  135. end
  136. end
  137. else
  138. if venera > 0:'The doctor frowns and tells you that the test did not go well.'
  139. if GerpesOnce = 1:'You have genital herpes. The cure for this disease is very expensive but it is only active some of the time.'
  140. if Gerpes >= 3:
  141. if GerpesNapr = 0:GerpesNapr = 3 & 'I''m going to put you on a course of herpes shots. You''ll need a total of 3 injections (no more than 1 a day), each injection will cost 1,000 <b>₽</b>.'
  142. if GerpesNapr > 0:'You need to see the nurse for your herpes injections.'
  143. else
  144. 'Your herpes are in an inactive stage, take vitamins and it won''t show itself.'
  145. end
  146. end
  147. end
  148. if SifacOnce = 1:
  149. 'You have syphilis. The cure for this disease is very expensive. However, this deadly disease can now be surpressed with drug therapy, but you''l never be free from it.'
  150. if Sifilis < 15:
  151. 'Your syphilis is in the inactive stage. Therefore, nothing more can be done currently.'
  152. elseif Sifilis >= 15:
  153. if SifNapr = 0:SifNapr = 10 & 'I''m going to put you on a course of syphilis inhibiting drugs. You''ll need a total of 10 injections (no more than 1 a day), each injection will cost 5,000 <b>₽</b>.'
  154. if SifNapr > 0:'You need to see the nurse for your syphilis injections.'
  155. end
  156. end
  157. if TriperOnce = 1:
  158. 'We found gonorrhea. In principle, this disease is curable.'
  159. if TriperNapr = 0:TriperNapr = 5 & 'I''m going to put you on a course of gonorrhea injections. You''ll need a total of 5 injections (no more than 1 a day), each injection will cost 1,500 <b>₽</b>'
  160. if SifNapr > 0:'You need to see the nurse for your gonorrhea injections.'
  161. end
  162. if KandidozOnce = 1:
  163. 'You have thrush. The cure for this disease is very expensive, but it''s not that harmful and can easily be suppressed.'
  164. if KandidNapr = 0:KandidNapr = 1 & 'You can buy pills in the pharmacy.'
  165. if Kandidoz < 30:'Your thrush is currently in remission, take vitamins, and it will stay that way.'
  166. end
  167. if venera <= 0:'Doctor is pleased that you do not have a sexually transmitted disease.'
  168. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  169. end
  170. end
  171. end
  172. end
  173. end
  174. if GerpesNapr > 0 and GerpesUkolDay ! daystart:
  175. act 'Get herpes shot (1,000 <b>₽</b>). You need <<GerpesNapr>> more injections to complete the course.':
  176. cls
  177. money -= 1000
  178. minut += 60
  179. GerpesUkolDay = daystart
  180. GerpesNapr -= 1
  181. gs 'stat'
  182. 'You see the nurse and she gives you a painful injection in your ass.'
  183. if GerpesNapr = 0:Gerpes = -10 & 'You have completed the course.'
  184. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  185. end
  186. end
  187. if TriperNapr > 0 and money >= 1500 and TriperUkolDay ! daystart:
  188. act 'Get gonorrhea shot (1,500 <b>₽</b>). You need <<TriperNapr>> more injections to complete the course.':
  189. cls
  190. money -= 1500
  191. minut += 60
  192. TriperUkolDay = daystart
  193. TriperNapr -= 1
  194. gs 'stat'
  195. 'You see the nurse and she gives you a painful injection in your ass.'
  196. if TriperNapr = 0:Triper = 0 & Venera -= 1 & TriperOnce = 0 & 'You have completed the course.'
  197. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  198. end
  199. end
  200. if money >= 5000 and SifNapr > 0 and SifUkolDay ! daystart:
  201. act 'Get syphilis shot (5,000 <b>₽</b>). You need <<SifNapr>> more injections to complete the course.':
  202. cls
  203. money -= 5000
  204. minut += 60
  205. SifUkolDay = daystart
  206. SifNapr -= 1
  207. gs 'stat'
  208. 'You see the nurse and she gives you a painful injection in your ass.'
  209. if SifNapr = 0:Sifilis = 0 & 'You have completed the course.'
  210. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  211. end
  212. end
  213. if GerpesOnce = 1 and money >= 150000 and week = 1 and day <= 10:
  214. act 'Go to private clinic and completely cure your herpes (150,000 <b>₽</b>)':
  215. cla
  216. money -= 150000
  217. day += 3
  218. week += 3
  219. GerpesOnce = 0
  220. Gerpes = 0
  221. Venera -= 1
  222. gs 'stat'
  223. 'There''s an ambulance waiting outside. It drives you to a cutting edge medical facility, where you spend 3 days being treated and pampered.'
  224. 'After a long recovery, you have been completely cured of your herpes.'
  225. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  226. end
  227. end
  228. if SifacOnce = 1 and money >= 350000 and week = 1 and day <= 10:
  229. act 'Go to private clinic and completely cure your syphilis. (350,000 <b>₽</b>)':
  230. cla
  231. money -= 350000
  232. day += 3
  233. week += 3
  234. SifacOnce = 0
  235. Sifilis = 0
  236. Venera -= 1
  237. gs 'stat'
  238. 'There''s an ambulance waiting outside. It drives you to a cutting edge medical facility, where you spend 3 days being treated and pampered.'
  239. 'After a long recovery, you have been completely cured of your syphilis.'
  240. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  241. end
  242. end
  243. if KandidozOnce = 1 and money >= 50000 and week = 1 and day <= 10:
  244. act 'Go to private clinic and completely cure your thrush. (50,000 <b>₽</b>)':
  245. cla
  246. money -= 50000
  247. day += 3
  248. week += 3
  249. KandidozOnce = 0
  250. Kandidoz = 0
  251. gs 'stat'
  252. 'There''s an ambulance waiting outside. It drives you to a cutting edge medical facility, where you spend 3 days being treated and pampered.'
  253. 'After a long recovery, you have been completely cured of your thrush.'
  254. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  255. end
  256. end
  257. end
  258. end
  259. if money >= 20000 and preg = 1 and pregchem < 1863 and knowpreg = 1:
  260. act 'Get an abortion (20,000 <b>₽</b>)':
  261. cla
  262. vidage += 1
  263. abort += 1
  264. money -= 20000
  265. pregtime = 0
  266. pregtalk = 0
  267. preg = 0
  268. cycle = 4
  269. RecovH += pregchem
  270. knowpregloss = 2
  271. abortrand = rand(0, 10)
  272. if age > 18:
  273. if abortrand < 10:sterilewb += 2
  274. if abortrand = 10:sterilewb += 20
  275. else
  276. if abortrand < 4:sterilewb += 2
  277. if abortrand >= 5:sterilewb += 20
  278. end
  279. ! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/etogame/abort.jpg"
  280. '<center><img src="images/add-on/abort.JPG"></center>'
  281. 'You spread out on a gynecological chair, from which angle you are fortunate not to be able to see what is going on. You feel nauseous and violated.'
  282. preg = 0
  283. nextbaby = arrsize('yearkid')
  284. :poliabortloop
  285. if Babyptype[nextbaby] < 200
  286. KILLVAR 'polkid',nextbaby
  287. KILLVAR '$kidname',nextbaby
  288. KILLVAR 'kidage',nextbaby
  289. KILLVAR 'daykid',nextbaby
  290. KILLVAR 'monthkid',nextbaby
  291. KILLVAR 'yearkid',nextbaby
  292. KILLVAR 'Babyptype',nextbaby
  293. KILLVAR '$ChildFath',nextbaby
  294. KILLVAR '$ChildThFath',nextbaby
  295. KILLVAR 'hairkid',nextbaby
  296. KILLVAR 'eyeskid',nextbaby
  297. KILLVAR 'cumarrcon',nextbaby
  298. BabyEmbryo -= 1
  299. nextbaby -= 1
  300. end
  301. nextbaby -= 1
  302. if nextbaby > 0:
  303. jump 'poliabortloop'
  304. end
  305. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  306. end
  307. end
  308. if preg = 2:
  309. act 'Give birth':
  310. *clr
  311. cla
  312. :multikidloop
  313. $ImageNeededPlacholder
  314. ! WD: IMAGE NEEDED ~ '<center><img src="images/etogame/abort.jpg"></center>'
  315. 'You lay on the bed and your feet are put in stirups.'
  316. if BabyEmbryo > 1:
  317. 'Your contractions get closer and closer, and after some time (and a lot of swearing) you finally give birth. But as soon as it is out, you are hit with contractions. Another is coming!'
  318. else
  319. 'Your contractions get closer and closer, and after some time (and a lot of swearing) you finally give birth.'
  320. end
  321. vidage += 1
  322. preg = 0
  323. pregtalk = 0
  324. sterilewb += 1
  325. nextbaby = ARRPOS('yearkid',0)
  326. kid += 1
  327. BabyEmbryo -= 1
  328. daykid[nextbaby] = day
  329. monthkid[nextbaby] = month
  330. yearkid[nextbaby] = year
  331. if polkid[nextbaby] = 0:$polreb[nextbaby] = 'girl' & '"Congratulations it''s a girl."'
  332. if polkid[nextbaby] = 1:$polreb[nextbaby] = 'boy' & '"Congratulations it''s a boy."'
  333. wait 350
  334. $kidname[nextbaby] = input("Enter your babys name")
  335. if $kidname[nextbaby] = '':
  336. if polkid[nextbaby] = 0:$kidname[nextbaby] = 'Masha'
  337. if polkid[nextbaby] = 1:$kidname[nextbaby] = 'Misha'
  338. end
  339. nextbaby += 1
  340. if BabyEmbryo > 0:
  341. jump 'multikidloop'
  342. end
  343. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  344. end
  345. end
  346. if sick > 0 and polisickday ! daystart:
  347. if ninelsex = 0:
  348. act 'See a Doctor':
  349. cla
  350. *clr
  351. polisickday = daystart
  352. terrnd = rand(0, 1)
  353. if terrnd = 0:gt 'poli', 'drPP'
  354. if terrnd = 1:gt 'poli', 'ninel'
  355. end
  356. else
  357. act 'See Dr. Ninel':
  358. cla
  359. *clr
  360. polisickday = daystart
  361. gt 'poli', 'ninel2'
  362. end
  363. end
  364. end
  365. if sick <= 0 and horny >= 90 and ninelsex >= 1 and ninelday ! daystart:
  366. act 'Look for Dr. Ninel':
  367. cla
  368. *clr
  369. ninelday = daystart
  370. ninelrand = rand(0, 2)
  371. if ninelrand = 0:
  372. 'At the reception desk you are told that Dr. Ninel is in his office.'
  373. act 'Go to Ninel':gt 'poli', 'ninel3'
  374. elseif ninelrand = 1:
  375. 'At the reception desk you are told that today do not accept Dr. Ninel.'
  376. act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street'
  377. elseif ninelrand = 2:
  378. 'At the reception desk you are told that Dr. Ninel is making house calls today.'
  379. act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street'
  380. end
  381. end
  382. end
  383. if katjob > 0:act 'Visit the chief doctor':gt 'poli', 'glavdoc'
  384. if zub > 0:
  385. act 'Go to the dentist':
  386. cls
  387. zubpay = zub * 30000
  388. gs 'stat'
  389. if zub = 1:
  390. 'The dentist examines you and says, it will cost you <<zubpay>> <b>₽</b> to replace your tooth'
  391. else
  392. 'The dentist examines you and says, it will cost you <<zubpay>> <b>₽</b> to fill the gaps'
  393. end
  394. if money >= zubpay:
  395. act 'Sort out you teeth':
  396. cls
  397. money -= zubpay
  398. minut += 60
  399. zub = 0
  400. gs 'stat'
  401. 'You pay the dentist to fix your teeth, within an hour he has restored your winning smile.'
  402. act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street'
  403. end
  404. end
  405. act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street'
  406. end
  407. end
  408. if anus > 5:
  409. act 'Go to the proctologist':
  410. cls
  411. minut += 15
  412. if analplugIN ! 0:analplugIN = 0
  413. gs 'stat'
  414. '<center><img src="images/body/<<anpic>>.jpg"></center>'
  415. 'You go to the office to the proctologist. He immediately asks you to remove all clothes from your lower body and bend over.'
  416. if anus <= 15:
  417. 'The doctor examines your anus and says, "Well, slightly distended, but no abnormalities."'
  418. elseif anus > 15 and anus <= 25:
  419. 'The doctor examines your anus and says, "You have a stretched anus and sphincter. I would recomend massage therapy, 1,000 <b>₽</b> per session. This will help restore the anus to it''s normal size."'
  420. elseif anus > 25 and anus <= 35:
  421. 'The doctor examines your anus and says, "You have a greatly distended anus, most likely your sphincter is not able to close fully. I would recomend massage therapy, 1,000 <b>₽</b> per session. This will help restore the anus to it''s normal size."'
  422. elseif anus > 35:
  423. 'The doctor examines your anus and says, "Oh my God! I have never in all my years seen a case such as this! You''ll have to be careful not to cough, or your guts will fall out. I would recomend massage therapy, 1,000 <b>₽</b> per session. This will help restore the anus to it''s normal size."'
  424. end
  425. if money >= 1000 and anus > 15 and proktologday ! daystart:
  426. act 'Massage therapy':
  427. cls
  428. money -= 1000
  429. minut += 60
  430. proktologday = daystart
  431. anus -= 5
  432. gs 'stat'
  433. '<center><img src="images/body/<<anpic>>.jpg"></center>'
  434. 'You pay for the therapy and the doctor spends an hour massaging your ass muscles. It really isn''t as much fun as it looked in the brouchure.'
  435. act 'Get away from the clinic':gt 'street'
  436. end
  437. end
  438. act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street'
  439. end
  440. end
  441. if glass > 0:
  442. act 'Go to the optometrist':
  443. cls
  444. gs 'stat'
  445. 'The Optometrist examines your eyes and says that he can preform laser eye surgery for 100,000 <b>₽</b>. Of course, reading books can cause your eyesight to deteriorate again.'
  446. if glass = 1:'The doctor adds, there is also the option to buy glasses for 8,000 <b>₽</b>.'
  447. act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street'
  448. if money >= 8000 and glass = 1:
  449. act 'Buy glasses (8,000 <b>₽</b>)':
  450. cls
  451. money -= 8000
  452. minut += 60
  453. glass = 2
  454. gs 'stat'
  455. 'You buy a new, more stylish pair of glasses.'
  456. act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street'
  457. end
  458. end
  459. if money >= 100000 and glass ! 0:
  460. act 'Pay for laser correction (100,000 <b>₽</b>)':
  461. cls
  462. money -= 100000
  463. minut += 60
  464. blizoruk = 0
  465. glass = 0
  466. gs 'stat'
  467. 'You undergo laser eye surgery. Your eyesight is much better now.'
  468. act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street'
  469. end
  470. end
  471. end
  472. end
  473. end
  474. if $ARGS[0] = 'ven1':
  475. cla
  476. *clr
  477. money -= 10000
  478. gs'stat'
  479. '<center><img src="images/ginek/gy93cr29.jpg"></center>'
  480. 'You lie down, almost crying, in the surgery thinking it over,'
  481. 'You know it is not fair, but you can''t allow these images to go public.'
  482. act 'Pay the money':gt'poli','start'
  483. end
  484. if $ARGS[0] = 'ven2':
  485. cla
  486. *clr
  487. money += 3000
  488. slava = slava + 1
  489. gs'stat'
  490. '<center><img src="images/ginek/gy93cr29.jpg"></center>'
  491. 'You lie down, almost crying, in the surgery thinking it over,'
  492. 'You know it is not fair, but the money would be useful...'
  493. act 'Take the money':gt'poli','start'
  494. end
  495. if $ARGS[0] = 'ven3':
  496. cla
  497. *clr
  498. over = 9
  499. gs'stat'
  500. '<center><img src="images/etogame/poli.jpg"></center>'
  501. 'Out of fear, you run from the office.'
  502. 'Out of nowhere came nurses and other staff. You are restrained and dragged back. Confidently, the doctor explains to the patients and visitors that you are not well in the head.'
  503. act 'Further':gt'gameover'
  504. end
  505. if $ARGS[0] = 'drPP':
  506. cla
  507. clr
  508. *clr
  509. minut += rand(3, 10)
  510. gs 'stat'
  511. 'You sit in the corridor with coughing and sick old women, waiting for your appointment.'
  512. 'Finally, it''s your turn.'
  513. act 'See the doctor':
  514. cla
  515. *clr
  516. $ImageNeededPlacholder
  517. ! WD: IMAGE NEEDED ~ '<center><img src="images/add-on/drPP.jpg"></center>'
  518. if drPP = 0:'At the desk sits a timely, old bald man. "My name is Peter, I am your local doctor. What seems to be the problem?" He says, while adjusting his glasses."'
  519. if drPP = 1:'Peter is sitting at his desk. He smiles at you and says, "Hello, are you unwell?"'
  520. drPP = 1
  521. '"Hello, doctor."'
  522. '"What are the symptoms?"'
  523. act 'Explain':
  524. cla
  525. *clr
  526. minut += 5
  527. '"Well, Doctor, I think it''s a cold, blocked nose, sore throat and a cough."'
  528. '"Do you have a temperature?'
  529. '"Yes, a little hot."'
  530. '"Well, let''s take a look at you."'
  531. act 'Get examined':
  532. cla
  533. minut += 20
  534. ! WD: Correct Image path ~ "images/images/inBed/ninel03"
  535. '<center><img src="images/inBed/ninel03.jpg"></center>'
  536. 'The doctor listens to your lungs, looks down your throat and sticks a thermometer in your mouth. 60 seconds later, he removes the thermometer and says,'
  537. '"Don''t worry is just a common cold. Buy small pills in the drugstore, have a couple of days bed rest and everything will be alright. Make sure to keep warm."'
  538. 'You thank the Doctor.'
  539. act 'Go home':gt 'street'
  540. end
  541. end
  542. end
  543. end
  544. if $ARGS[0] = 'ninel':
  545. cla
  546. clr
  547. *clr
  548. minut += rand(3, 15)
  549. gs 'stat'
  550. 'You sit in the corridor with coughing and sick old women, waiting for your appointment.'
  551. 'Finally, it''s your turn.'
  552. act 'See the doctor':
  553. cla
  554. *clr
  555. if ninelmet = 0:'At the desk sits a pretty young girl in a light robe. Robe unbuttoned so that it does not hide her small but beautiful breasts. "Hello My name is Ninel Pavlovna, I replaces your local therapist - she said, scrutinizing you."'
  556. if ninelmet = 1:'Ninel is sitting at her desk. She smiles at you and says, "Hello, dear."'
  557. if horny < 30:
  558. act 'Greet doctor':
  559. cla
  560. *clr
  561. ninelmet = 1
  562. minut += 5
  563. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam00.jpg"></center>'
  564. '"Good afternoon. What are the symptoms?"'
  565. '"Well, Doctor, I think it''s a cold, blocked nose, sore throat and a cough."'
  566. '"Do you have a temperature?'
  567. '"Yes, a little hot."'
  568. '"I''ll need to examine you. Undress.'
  569. act 'Get examined':
  570. cla
  571. *clr
  572. minut += 20
  573. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam01.jpg"></center>'
  574. 'The doctor listens to your lungs, looks down your throat and sticks a thermometer in your mouth. 60 seconds later, she removes the thermometer and says,'
  575. '"Don''t worry is just a common cold. Buy small pills in the drugstore, have a couple of days bed rest and everything will be alright. Make sure to keep warm."'
  576. 'You thank the Doctor.'
  577. act 'Go home':gt 'street'
  578. end
  579. end
  580. else
  581. act 'Hello, Doctor':
  582. cla
  583. *clr
  584. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam10.jpg"></center>'
  585. '"Good afternoon. What are the symptoms?"'
  586. '"Well, Doctor, I think it''s a cold, blocked nose, sore throat and a cough."'
  587. '"Do you have a temperature?'
  588. '"Yes, I''m very hot."'
  589. '"Undress. Fully."'
  590. act 'Undress':
  591. cla
  592. *clr
  593. horny += 10
  594. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam12.jpg"></center>'
  595. 'You stand before the doctor completely naked and try to cover yourself with your hands.'
  596. 'The doctor looks at you and gently hugs your shoulders.'
  597. '"Don''t worry, my dear no need to be shy. I''m a doctor. What''s your name?'
  598. '<<$name>> ...'
  599. '"Trust me, <<$name>>. I will heal you. First you need to breathe deeply."'
  600. act 'Breathe':
  601. cla
  602. clr
  603. *clr
  604. horny += 10
  605. gs 'stat'
  606. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam13.jpg"></center>'
  607. 'Dr. Ninel listens to your lungs. Her hands are light and gentle, pressing the stethoscope against your chest.'
  608. 'To your surprise, this is quite erotic.'
  609. 'There we go. Now open your mouth and say ah...'
  610. act 'Ah...':
  611. cla
  612. *clr
  613. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam14.jpg"></center>'
  614. 'You open your mouth and the doctor examines your throat. did she stick her tongue out at you?'
  615. '"OK. Now let''s take your temperature. Sit on the couch and spread your legs.'
  616. '"Why?"'
  617. '"I need to measure rectally as your throat is inflamed.'
  618. 'The fear on your face is palpable'
  619. '"Don''t worry, it doesn''t hurt."'
  620. act 'Sit on couch':
  621. cla
  622. clr
  623. *clr
  624. horny += 10
  625. gs 'stat'
  626. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam15.jpg"></center>'
  627. 'The doctor arranges your position on the couch, much to your embarrassment. She smears lubricant between your legs and gently sticks a thermometer into your ass. It really does not hurt, in fact it''s even pleasant.'
  628. 'The doctor begins to slowly move the thermometer back and forth in your ass and with her other hand appears to stroke your pussy. Thanks to her dextrous fingers her touch is so gentle you aren''t sure.'
  629. 'Either way you are getting more excited. Your nipples harden, your pussy is making the doctors hand wet...'
  630. act 'This doesn''t seem normal':
  631. cla
  632. clr
  633. *clr
  634. minut += 10
  635. horny += 10
  636. gs 'stat'
  637. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam16.jpg"></center>'
  638. 'The doctor takes the thermometer out of your ass and begins to openly caress your pussy.'
  639. 'You are confused and horrified by her behavior, but she she is so gentle, and you are so excited that you simply can not resist.'
  640. 'You just about stutter, "Doctor, what are you doing? What''s going on?"'
  641. '"There it is! I knew immediately that you were one of us, and therefore I can use his power quietly."'
  642. '"So you''re a magician, too?"'
  643. '"Yes, my special magic is tantric. Heard of it?"'
  644. '"No, I''ve never heard of..."'
  645. '"It''s magic based on sensuality and sex. Roughly speaking, I can cast only when extremely arroused."'
  646. '"So ..?"'
  647. '"Basically, if we have sex, I can heal you. So, can I heal you?"'
  648. '"Depends what you want in return."'
  649. '"Nothing. Well no exactly nothing, you see my gift has a pretty big drawback I can only have orgasms when I conjure."'
  650. '"Then of course I agree."'
  651. '"Good, kneel on the couch.'
  652. act 'Kneel on couch':
  653. cla
  654. *clr
  655. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam17.jpg"></center>'
  656. 'You kneel down and facing away from Ninel. She takes off her robe, revealing her stockings then you gasp as you see her strapon.'
  657. 'Dr. Ninel lubes the dildo and with your pussy already well lubricated she grins,'
  658. '"Well, baby, it''s curing time!'
  659. act 'Brace yourself':
  660. cla
  661. clr
  662. *clr
  663. minut += 10
  664. horny = 100
  665. gs 'stat'
  666. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam18.jpg"></center>'
  667. 'With unnatural strengh shes drives the dildo into your pussy.'
  668. 'You gasp in surprise at the rough treatment, how can somone with such soft hands...Suddenly she finds a perfect stroke and the initial pain turns to pleasure.'
  669. 'Doctor keeps fuck you confidently, moaning with every jolt she seems to be enjoying it as much as you, and you are ecstatic. The unusual situation and Ninels skill quickly led you to your peak.'
  670. act 'Ride the wave!':
  671. cla
  672. *clr
  673. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam19.jpg"></center>'
  674. '"I''m going to come!", You shout. "Please, please, please!"'
  675. 'Ninel rolls onto the couch, pulling you with her. You find yourself on top and start frantically jumping up and down on the artificial penis, screaming and grinding in almost unbearable pleasure.'
  676. 'A few more movements, you cum, screaming and twitching in an incredibly long orgasm.'
  677. '"Now it''s my turn. Come on, girl."'
  678. act 'Return the favour':
  679. cla
  680. clr
  681. *clr
  682. horny = 0
  683. orgasm += 1
  684. lesbian += 1
  685. ninelsex += 1
  686. if ninelsex = 1:girl += 1
  687. SUB += 1
  688. vagina += 1
  689. sick = 0
  690. health = vital * 10 + stren * 5 + 1000
  691. willpower = intel * 5 + will * 5 + 1000
  692. manna = (intel * magik) + magik * 100 + vital * 10 + rikudo
  693. gs 'stat'
  694. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam19a.jpg"></center>'
  695. 'Ninel removes the strapon and you press your face to her soaking wet pussy. It doesn''t take long for you efforts to bring Ninel to orgzazm. She screams and digs her nails into her own knees as your face is covered by her squirting orgasm.'
  696. act 'Dress':
  697. cla
  698. *clr
  699. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam11.jpg"></center>'
  700. 'With trembling hands, you start pull on your panties. Ninel already slipped her robe back on, only her flushed face betraying her apparent innocence.'
  701. '"So...how do you feel?"'
  702. '"Ooh...Just perfect," you answer and only then realize how right you are. The sickness has disappeared, you are fully healthy and in good spirits. Even your mood has improved.'
  703. '"Well, you see. It''s magic, baby. Mm-m ... You''re especially ful of it, I don''t normaly get so much pleasure. If you get sick again please come and see me or phone me."'
  704. '"If you like, we could spead sometime together, look for me in the clinic."'
  705. 'You promise to be sure to find her, clean up and leave.'
  706. act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street'
  707. end
  708. end
  709. end
  710. end
  711. end
  712. end
  713. end
  714. end
  715. end
  716. end
  717. end
  718. end
  719. end
  720. end
  721. if $ARGS[0] = 'ninel2':
  722. cla
  723. *clr
  724. 'You go to the waiting room and Ninel contemptuously ignores the old ladies sitting in the hallway, "No line, come into the office."'
  725. act 'See Dr. Ninel':
  726. cla
  727. *clr
  728. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam00.jpg"></center>'
  729. 'Ninel looks up from some medical notes, knowing you she smiles,'
  730. '"Hi, <<$name>>. Again ill?"'
  731. 'Coughing, you respond, "Yeah. Shall we?'
  732. '"Sure baby. Undress, I need to examine you first."'
  733. '"Why? You''re a magician..."'
  734. '"Silly. How can you know so little about magic. I have to know what I''m treating, or I''m just as likely to do more harm than good, magic has a very focused effect."'
  735. '"In that case..."'
  736. act 'Undress':
  737. cla
  738. *clr
  739. horny += 10
  740. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam02.jpg"></center>'
  741. 'You undress and Ninel listens to your lungs. As usual, her arms are light and tender and touching her stethoscope on your chest has you feeling hot.'
  742. '"Yeah ... You''re wheezing alright. Say "ah"'
  743. act 'Ah...':
  744. cla
  745. *clr
  746. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam03.jpg"></center>'
  747. 'You open your mouth and carefully Ninel inspects your sore throat'
  748. '"This looks familiar. No question, it''s a cold, do you have a temperature?"'
  749. 'You smile, "Hot."'
  750. '"You''ll like this. Ninel rolls you onto your side and tells you to pull your knees to your chest.'
  751. act 'Hug your knees':
  752. cla
  753. clr
  754. *clr
  755. horny += 10
  756. minut += 10
  757. gs 'stat'
  758. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam04.jpg"></center>'
  759. 'You assume the position and Ninel starts fucking your ass with her thermometer. You get excited, your pussy engorges, and begins to get moist. You moan softly'
  760. '"Oh, does baby like it? Come on let''s see how much."'
  761. act 'Roll over':
  762. cla
  763. clr
  764. *clr
  765. horny += 10
  766. minut += 5
  767. gs 'stat'
  768. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam06.jpg"></center>'
  769. 'You roll over onto your back and hold your the legs. Ninel gets a speculum and gently slides it into your vagina. You quietly groan from the stimulation and Ninel echoes your passionate with a heavy sigh.'
  770. 'It looks like your wide-open vulva is massively turning her on.'
  771. act 'Oh-h ..!':
  772. cla
  773. clr
  774. *clr
  775. horny = 100
  776. minut += 15
  777. gs 'stat'
  778. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam05.jpg"></center>'
  779. 'Overcome with passion, Ninel quickly takes off her robe, picks up her strapon from a draw in her desk and brings it to your lips.'
  780. 'You eagerly suck it, while Ninels skilled fingers play with your clit, causing warm waves of pleasure to run through your body.'
  781. '"Fuck me! Now!" You shout. Ninel grins, continuing to tease your clitoris with her hand.'
  782. '"Ask nicely."'
  783. '"Fuck me. I mean, please fuck me.'
  784. '"I''m not convinced, now politely, beg for it."'
  785. act 'Beg for it':
  786. cla
  787. *clr
  788. minut += 20
  789. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam07.jpg"></center>'
  790. '"Please, please! Fuck me! Do with me what you want with me Dr. Ninel, I''m all yours! Just, please do it soon!'
  791. 'Ninel puts on the strapon and aggressively drives it home, your bosom blazes with lust. You cry out and lift your feet up, trying to take as much of the phalus as possible.'
  792. 'Ninel fucks you faster, moaning and groaning with every jolt, and you moan and clearly struggle.'
  793. '"On your knees! Turn around!" Orders your doctor.'
  794. act 'Obey':
  795. cla
  796. clr
  797. *clr
  798. horny = 0
  799. minut += 10
  800. orgasm += 1
  801. lesbian += 1
  802. SUB += 1
  803. vagina += 1
  804. sick = 0
  805. health = vital * 10 + stren * 5 + 1000
  806. willpower = intel * 5 + will * 5 + 1000
  807. manna = (intel * magik) + magik * 100 + vital * 10 + rikudo
  808. gs 'stat'
  809. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam08.jpg"></center>'
  810. 'Moaning with excitement you get on your knees and lift your ass to Ninel, to make it easier for her, but she is in no hurry.'
  811. '"Come on, take me! Please, I''m almost there!"'
  812. 'However, Ninel orders, "Beg, you need to convince me!'
  813. '"Please, please, please!" You shout. "Fuck me, Doc! I want to come! Yes - I''m a whore, your little girl, but please, please, let me finish!"'
  814. 'The strapon sticks into your inflamed vagina and Ninel goes at it like a jackhammer. Quickly you explode in a wild orgasm. You scream in agony and ecstasy.'
  815. 'Your knees buckle and you fall to the floor shuddering in the throes of sensual release. Ninel just watches as your orgasm seems to last forever...'
  816. 'Finally you end and immediately Ninel commands,'
  817. '"Now you will appease me, my little slut. Come on, you know how!"'
  818. act 'Oblige':
  819. cla
  820. *clr
  821. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam09.jpg"></center>'
  822. 'She helps you up, then pushes you backwards on to the couch. Removing the strapon Ninel climbs over you and sits on your face.'
  823. 'You diligently use your tongue and lips to serve her wide-open pussy and swollen clit. She is screaming and sobbing, rubbing her crotch all across your face, until she finally cums.'
  824. 'She cums with a long, yelling, shaking fever and abundantly fills your face with her juices.'
  825. act 'Wow':
  826. cla
  827. *clr
  828. horny += 20
  829. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam09a.jpg"></center>'
  830. 'When she finishes, Ninel rises and slowly dresses, showing you her perky body. It''s unbelievable, and again excitement rises.'
  831. 'Ninel sees this and smiles.'
  832. '"Oh, no. Enough is enough. But you come in another time for something else and we''ll have some fun..'
  833. 'You think to yourself that your next illness can''t come soon enough. You are healthy and satisfied, thanks to Ninel.'
  834. act 'Thank Ninel and go':gt 'street'
  835. end
  836. end
  837. end
  838. end
  839. end
  840. end
  841. end
  842. end
  843. end
  844. end
  845. end
  846. if $ARGS[0] = 'ninel3':
  847. cla
  848. *clr
  849. 'You go to the waiting room and Ninel contemptuously ignores the old ladies sitting in the hallway, "No line, come into the office."'
  850. act 'See Doctor':
  851. cla
  852. *clr
  853. '<center><img src="images/add-on/exam10.jpg"></center>'
  854. 'Ninel looks up from some medical notes, knowing you she smiles,'
  855. '"Hi, <<$name>>. Again ill?"'
  856. '"Oh, Doctor. My pussy is burning, and leaking juices. Perhaps she is seriously ill.'
  857. '"My poor child. Whatever are we going to do?'
  858. act 'Tear off your clothes':
  859. cla
  860. *clr
  861. '<center><img src="images/add-on/polsex01.jpg"></center>'
  862. 'Groaning with impatience you tear off your clothes. Ninel takes off her robe and in front of your face stands her strapon.'
  863. '"Suck it, baby. Make it hot and wet, just like you."'
  864. 'You wrap your lips around the dildo and start sucking, squishing and covering it in your saliva. You can see this is exciting Ninel.'
  865. act 'Fuck me!':
  866. cla
  867. *clr
  868. minut += 10
  869. '<center><img src="images/add-on/polsex02.jpg"></center>'
  870. 'Remembering that Ninel loves you to beg her to fuck you, you do not even need to pretend the desire is literally burnt into you. You beg and plead.'
  871. 'Ninel finally heeds the request. She rudely puts you on your knees and begins to drive the strapon firmly into your inflamed vagina. You let out screams with each push. Your legs are weakening.'
  872. act 'Fall on the couch':
  873. cla
  874. *clr
  875. minut += 20
  876. '<center><img src="images/add-on/polsex03.jpg"></center>'
  877. 'You fall on the couch. Ninel knocks you on your side and continues. You drawl and loudly moan, from her chest too comes a deep and bestial growl'
  878. '"My God, you as well."'
  879. '"I can not, it''s too much..!"'
  880. act 'Ride her':
  881. cla
  882. clr
  883. *clr
  884. horny = 0
  885. minut += 10
  886. orgasm += 1
  887. lesbian += 1
  888. SUB += 1
  889. manna += 15
  890. willpower += 15
  891. vagina += 1
  892. gs 'stat'
  893. '<center><img src="images/add-on/polsex04.jpg"></center>'
  894. 'You obediently change position. Ninel lies back on the couch, and you sit down on top of her and fuck her strapon.'
  895. 'You bounce up and down on the strapon, squealing fingering your clit while Ninel beneath you starts to twitch and moan.'
  896. 'You see that she can''t hold back any longer, and that works as a trigger - you orgasm.'
  897. 'For a few seconds, you are competing with Ninel in screams of passion, and then fall exhausted on the couch.'
  898. '"Thank you, doc. It was great..."'
  899. '"Oh yeah, <<$name>>. Come again."'
  900. act 'Freshen up and go':gt 'street'
  901. end
  902. end
  903. end
  904. end
  905. end
  906. end
  907. if $ARGS[0] = 'glavdoc':
  908. minut += 5
  909. if workhosp = 0:
  910. 'You enter his office and ask about the job.'
  911. 'The chief doctor looks at you. "Oh yeah, you''re that girl Catherine was talking about. Okay, It''s pretty simple."'
  912. '"You''ll work weekdays, come here between 8 and 9, and the shift finishes at 16 hours. Miss a day and you don''t get paid. Salary paid on 25th, the pay per shift - 1000 <b>₽</b>."'
  913. '"All details and assignments handled by personnel department. So, do you want the job?"'
  914. else
  915. 'You step into the office of the chief of staff.'
  916. 'The dorcor looks up at you from his paperwork, then smiles.'
  917. '"Ah, Ms. <<$surname>>, nice to see you! Can I help you with something?"'
  918. end
  919. ! WD: Uninitialised ~ 'workshop' use 'workhosp'
  920. if (work = 0 and workhosp = 0 and cheatWork = 0) or (workhosp = 0 and cheatWork = 1):
  921. act 'Take the job':
  922. cla
  923. workhosp = 1
  924. work = 1
  925. 'The personnel department give you a pass and a booklet with T''s + C''s. "Welcome on board."'
  926. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  927. end
  928. end
  929. if workhosp = 1:act 'Resign':gt 'poli', 'discharge'
  930. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  931. end
  932. if $ARGS[0] = 'beginwork':
  933. cla
  934. *clr
  935. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Clinic</font></b></center>'
  936. '<center><img src="images/img/spaln/hospital.jpg"></center>'
  937. 'You have replaced the clinic.'
  938. act 'Start work':
  939. smena += 1
  940. gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
  941. end
  942. act 'Resign':gt 'poli', 'discharge'
  943. end
  944. if $ARGS[0] = 'discharge':
  945. cla
  946. minut += 10
  947. workhosp = 0
  948. work = 0
  949. pay = smena * 1000
  950. money += pay
  951. smena = 0
  952. 'Chief doctor looks at you. "Here is your outstanding pay, <<pay>> <b>₽</b> and your employment history. Goodbye."'
  953. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  954. end
  955. if $ARGS[0] = '0':
  956. cla
  957. *clr
  958. '<center><img src="images/img/spaln/hospsex1.jpg"></center>'
  959. 'During the examination, the doctor starts to flirt and touch you, clearly trying to start something intimate.'
  960. act 'Reject him':gt 'poli', 'start'
  961. act 'Have some fun':
  962. picrand = 11
  963. guy += 1
  964. dynamic $CatName, 'Doctor'
  965. xgt 'sex', 'var'
  966. end
  967. end
  968. if $ARGS[0] = '1':
  969. cla
  970. *clr
  971. '<center><img src="images/img/spaln/hospsex2.jpg"></center>'
  972. 'You are examined by two doctors, they touch you everywhere clearly going beyond what is permitted'
  973. act 'Storm out':gt 'poli', 'start'
  974. act 'Have some fun':
  975. dynamic $CatName, 'Doctor'
  976. dynamic $CatName, 'Doctor', '$boy1'
  977. picrand = 11
  978. guy += 2
  979. xgt 'sexdvoe', 'var'
  980. end
  981. end
  982. if $ARGS[0] = '2':
  983. cla
  984. *clr
  985. '<center><img src="images/img/spaln/hospsex3.jpg"></center>'
  986. 'Going to the office you catch a nurse kneeling before the doctor with his cock in her mouth.'
  987. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  988. act 'Walk in':
  989. cla
  990. *clr
  991. '<center><img src="images/img/spaln/hospsex4.jpg"></center>'
  992. 'As you walk in, the doctor runs out, and the startled nurse just glares at you. After a moment in her eyes light up and she removes her robe, comes over to you and with one hand grabs your ass as the other reaches up your top to your breast.'
  993. act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
  994. act 'Let her':
  995. cla
  996. *clr
  997. dynamic $CatName, 'Doctor'
  998. guy += 1
  999. girl += 1
  1000. lesbian += 1
  1001. '<center><img src="images/img/spaln/hospsex5.jpg"></center>'
  1002. 'She pulls down your clothes and bends you over the couch. Then she begins to pleasure your pussy with her tongue'
  1003. act 'Lick her':
  1004. cla
  1005. *clr
  1006. '<center><img src="images/img/spaln/hospsex6.jpg"></center>'
  1007. 'You lay her on the couch and sink your lips into her pussy, the smell of her sex drives you crazy, you could not put her down and lick her pussy to put your tongue inside her pussy and ass, in this state you are found by the returning doctor.'
  1008. act 'Threesome':picrand = 11 & gt 'podrsex', 'suck'
  1009. end
  1010. end
  1011. end
  1012. end
  1013. if $ARGS[0] = 'cosmetic1':
  1014. '<center><img src="images/etogame/cosmetic1.jpg"></center>'
  1015. 'You are greeted by a nurse that explains what procedures are available.'
  1016. ''
  1017. 'Electrolysis will remove your body hair and stop it from growing.'
  1018. 'Fillable breast implants allow you to fill them after the surgery. We stock silicone you use to fill them.'
  1019. 'String implants slowly absorb your body fluids and grow larger over time. We can also drain it for you if it becomes too large.'
  1020. ''
  1021. ''
  1022. ''
  1023. if money >= 80000 and lashair = 0:
  1024. '<a href="exec:gt ''poli'', ''electrolysis''">Electrolysis treatment</a> - 80000'
  1025. else
  1026. 'Electrolysis treatment - 80000'
  1027. end
  1028. if money >= 25000 and lip <= 4:
  1029. '<a href="exec:gt ''poli'', ''lipPlus''">Lip enlargement surgery</a> - 25000'
  1030. else
  1031. 'Lip enlargement surgery - 25000'
  1032. end
  1033. if money >= 25000 and lip ! 0:
  1034. '<a href="exec:gt ''poli'', ''lipMin''">Lip reduction surgery</a> - 25000'
  1035. else
  1036. 'Lip reduction surgery - 25000'
  1037. end
  1038. if money >= 30000 and glaraz <= 3:
  1039. '<a href="exec:gt ''poli'', ''eyePlus''">Eye enlargement surgery</a> - 30000'
  1040. else
  1041. 'Eye enlargement surgery - 30000'
  1042. end
  1043. if money >= 30000 and glaraz ! 0:
  1044. '<a href="exec:gt ''poli'', ''eyeMin''">Eye reduction surgery</a> - 30000'
  1045. else
  1046. 'Eye enlargement surgery - 30000'
  1047. end
  1048. if money >= 150000 and fat + salo ! 0:
  1049. '<a href="exec:gt ''poli'', ''lyposuction''">Lyposuction</a> - 150000'
  1050. else
  1051. 'Lyposuction - 150000'
  1052. end
  1053. ''
  1054. if money >= 150000 and silicone ! 0:
  1055. '<a href="exec:brSurTemp = 0 & stringimplant = 0 & fillimplant = 0 & gt ''poli'', ''bImplantA''">Remove breast implants</a> - 150000'
  1056. else
  1057. 'Remove breast implants - 150000'
  1058. end
  1059. if money >= 150000 and fillimplant = 0 and stringimplant = 0:
  1060. '<a href="exec:brSurTemp = 10 & gt ''poli'', ''bImplantA''">Get small breast implants</a> - 150000'
  1061. else
  1062. 'Get small breast implants - 150000'
  1063. end
  1064. if money >= 150000 and fillimplant = 0 and stringimplant = 0:
  1065. '<a href="exec:brSurTemp = 20 & gt ''poli'', ''bImplantA''">Get medium breast implants</a> - 150000'
  1066. else
  1067. 'Get medium breast implants - 150000'
  1068. end
  1069. if money >= 150000 and fillimplant = 0 and stringimplant = 0:
  1070. '<a href="exec:brSurTemp = 30 & gt ''poli'', ''bImplantA''">Get large breast implants</a> - 150000'
  1071. else
  1072. 'Get large breast implants - 150000'
  1073. end
  1074. if money >= 150000 and fillimplant = 0 and stringimplant = 0:
  1075. '<a href="exec:brSurTemp = 40 & gt ''poli'', ''bImplantA''">Get XXL breast implants</a> - 150000'
  1076. else
  1077. 'Get XXL breast implants - 150000'
  1078. end
  1079. if money >= 200000 and silicone = 0 and fillimplant = 0 and stringimplant = 0:
  1080. '<a href="exec:brSurTemp = 20 & fillimplant = 1 & gt ''poli'', ''bImplantA''">Get fillable implants</a> - 200000'
  1081. else
  1082. 'Get fillable implants - 200000'
  1083. end
  1084. if money >= 250000 and silicone = 0 and fillimplant = 0 and stringimplant = 0:
  1085. '<a href="exec:brSurTemp = 20 & stringimplant = 1 & gt ''poli'', ''bImplantA''">Get string implants</a> - 250000'
  1086. else
  1087. 'Get string implants - 250000'
  1088. end
  1089. if stringimplant = 1 and silicone >= 30 and money >= 2000:'<a href="exec:silicone -= 10 & money -= 2000">Drain string implant</a> - 2000'
  1090. ''
  1091. if money >= 500:
  1092. '<a href="exec:siliconeBag += 1 & money -= 500">Buy silicone bag</a> - 500'
  1093. else
  1094. 'Buy silicone bag - 500'
  1095. end
  1096. act 'back':gt 'poli','start'
  1097. end
  1098. if $ARGS[0] = 'electrolysis':
  1099. cls
  1100. minut += 120
  1101. leghair = 0
  1102. lobok = 0
  1103. lashair = 1
  1104. money -= 80000
  1105. gs 'stat'
  1106. '<center><img src="images/etogame/electrolysis.jpg"></center>'
  1107. 'Surgeon has you strip and lie down on the table. Over next few hours you are poked with needle over and over again.'
  1108. act 'Continue':gt 'poli', 'cosmetic1'
  1109. end
  1110. if $ARGS[0] = 'lipPlus':
  1111. cls
  1112. minut += 60
  1113. lip += 1
  1114. money -= 25000
  1115. gs 'stat'
  1116. '<center><img src="images/etogame/cosmeticSur.jpg"></center>'
  1117. 'Surgeon has you strip, put on a gown and lie down on the table. He gives you a mask and tells you to breathe in. By the time you wake up procedure is complete.'
  1118. act 'Continue':gt 'poli', 'cosmetic1'
  1119. end
  1120. if $ARGS[0] = 'lipMin':
  1121. cls
  1122. minut += 60
  1123. lip -= 1
  1124. money -= 25000
  1125. gs 'stat'
  1126. '<center><img src="images/etogame/cosmeticSur.jpg"></center>'
  1127. 'Surgeon has you strip, put on a gown and lie down on the table. He gives you a mask and tells you to breathe in. By the time you wake up procedure is complete.'
  1128. act 'Continue':gt 'poli', 'cosmetic1'
  1129. end
  1130. if $ARGS[0] = 'eyePlus':
  1131. cls
  1132. minut += 60
  1133. glaraz += 1
  1134. money -= 30000
  1135. gs 'stat'
  1136. '<center><img src="images/etogame/cosmeticSur.jpg"></center>'
  1137. 'Surgeon has you strip, put on a gown and lie down on the table. He gives you a mask and tells you to breathe in. By the time you wake up procedure is complete.'
  1138. act 'Continue':gt 'poli', 'cosmetic1'
  1139. end
  1140. if $ARGS[0] = 'eyeMin':
  1141. cls
  1142. minut += 60
  1143. glaraz -= 1
  1144. money -= 30000
  1145. gs 'stat'
  1146. '<center><img src="images/etogame/cosmeticSur.jpg"></center>'
  1147. 'Surgeon has you strip, put on a gown and lie down on the table. He gives you a mask and tells you to breathe in. By the time you wake up procedure is complete.'
  1148. act 'Continue':gt 'poli', 'cosmetic1'
  1149. end
  1150. if $ARGS[0] = 'lyposuction':
  1151. cls
  1152. minut += 60
  1153. fat = 0
  1154. salo = 0
  1155. money -= 150000
  1156. gs 'stat'
  1157. '<center><img src="images/etogame/cosmeticSur.jpg"></center>'
  1158. 'Surgeon has you strip, put on a gown and lie down on the table. He gives you a mask and tells you to breathe in. By the time you wake up procedure is complete.'
  1159. act 'Continue':gt 'poli', 'cosmetic1'
  1160. end
  1161. if $ARGS[0] = 'bImplantA':
  1162. cls
  1163. minut += 60
  1164. silicone = brSurTemp
  1165. money -= 150000
  1166. gs 'stat'
  1167. '<center><img src="images/etogame/cosmeticSur.jpg"></center>'
  1168. 'Surgeon has you strip, put on a gown and lie down on the table. He gives you a mask and tells you to breathe in. By the time you wake up procedure is complete.'
  1169. act 'Continue':gt 'poli', 'cosmetic1'
  1170. end
  1171. --- poli ---------------------------------