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Merge remote-tracking branch 'Spackled_Lanturn/minor-fixes'

KevinSmarts 3 vuotta sitten
2 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 121 lisäystä ja 140 poistoa
  1. 61 73
  2. 60 67

+ 61 - 73

@@ -3,23 +3,23 @@
 menu_off = 1
-if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
-	clr
+minut += 5
+gs 'stat'
+gs 'themes', 'indoors'
+'<center><b><font color="maroon">Apartment manager Ivan</font></b></center>'
+'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/podezdhr.jpg"></center>'
+'Ivan''s apartment door is made of steel and held in place with strong locks.'
+act 'Leave':
+	cla
 	minut += 5
-	gs 'stat'
-	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
-	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Apartment manager Ivan</font></b></center>'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/podezdhr.jpg"></center>'
-	'Ivan''s apartment door made of steel with good locks.'
-	act 'Leave':
-		cla
-		minut += 5
-		gt 'city_industrial'
-	end
+	gt 'city_industrial'
+if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 	if poverKAR = 1:
-		'As you approach the door you hear a faint rustling behind you. You turn and see Gustav. He walks up to you and said, "This is Ivan''s apartment. You to take this camera and film. Now we''ll get him."'
+		'As you approach the door, you hear a faint rustling behind you. You turn and see Gustav. He walks up to you and says, "This is Ivan''s apartment. Take this camera and film. Now we''ll get him."'
 		act 'Come on we''ll get this monster':
@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 			minut += 15
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/apartment/gun.jpg"></center>'
-			'As Gustav approaches to the door, you notice the tattoos on his face move seemingly having a life of their own, you notice them growing and twisting covering his face in black designs. As the designs settle on his face you notice his fists have increased in size and appear as if they are made of stone. With a  growl he launches a rock hard fist at the door bending the steel door inwards. Grabbing one of the exposed edges of the now damaged door Gustav tears the door from its frame and off its hinges. You run into the apartment after Gustav and see Ivan standing in the room holding a gun. Ivan fired a shot and Gustav twitched, then Ivan fired again and again. Gustav fell to the floor. The gun empty Ivan began frantically reloading the gun.'
+			'As Gustav approaches the door, you notice the tattoos on his face move. Seemingly having a life of their own, they grow and twist, covering his face in black designs. As the designs settle on his face, you notice his fists have increased in size and appear as if they are made of stone. With a  growl, he launches a rock hard fist at the door, bending the steel inwards. Grabbing one of the exposed edges of the now damaged door, Gustav tears it from its frame and off its hinges. You run into the apartment after Gustav and see Ivan standing in the room holding a gun. Ivan fires a shot and Gustav twitches, then Ivan fires again and again. Gustav falls to the floor. The gun empty, Ivan begins frantically reloading.'
-			act 'Embed Ivan':
+			act 'Attack Ivan':
 				gs 'stat'
 				!!'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/apartment/gun.jpg"></center>'
-				'You ran at Ivan attempting to kick him while he reloads the gun. Ivan suddenly jumped back into a bedroom and slams the door in your face.  Your inertia carries you into the solid interior door and you rebound off of it just as another shot explodes through the door splintering the wood and narrowly misses hitting you. As you push yourself up from the floor you see Gustav, the black designs swirling all over his exposed skin, he growls low and dangerous in his chest and you see the bullet wounds expelling the bullets from his body and closing right before your eyes. His body almost totally black now with the magical tattoos you see horns sprout from his forehead. Gustav shouts furiously "NOW YOU DIE!" and charges at the wooden door that Ivan is hiding behind, lowering his head and shoulders for the impact he doesn''t even slow as he crashes through the solid wood sending splinters and shards flying inward into the room. You follow close behind entering the room and skidding to a halt. Ivan has been thrown backwards and to the ground, he''s bleeding badly from several areas with many wooden spikes impaling his body in various parts.  No sign of his gun he must have dropped it when the door exploded on him. Gustav still in a rage falls upon the prone body and with an inhuman roar begins to pummel the unconscious man. Small lightning bolts arc through the body as Gustav continues to pound the body quickly reducing Ivan to little more then pulp.'
+				'You run at Ivan, attempting to kick him while he reloads the gun. Ivan suddenly jumps back into a bedroom and slams the door in your face. Your inertia carries you into the solid interior door, and you rebound off of it just as another shot explodes through it, splintering the wood and narrowly missing hitting you. As you push yourself up from the floor, you see Gustav. The black designs swirling all over his exposed skin, he growls low and dangerous in his chest, and you see the bullet wounds expelling the bullets from his body and closing right before your eyes. His body almost totally black now with the magical tattoos, you see horns sprout from his forehead. Gustav shouts furiously, "NOW YOU DIE!" and charges at the wooden door that Ivan is hiding behind. Lowering his head and shoulders for the impact, he doesn''t even slow as he crashes through the solid wood, sending splinters and shards flying inward into the room. You follow close behind, entering the room and skidding to a halt. Ivan has been thrown backwards and to the ground. He''s bleeding badly from several areas with many wooden spikes impaling his body in various parts. No sign of his gun, he must have dropped it when the door exploded on him. Gustav, still in a rage, falls upon the prone body and, with an inhuman roar, begins to pummel the unconscious man. Small lightning bolts arc through Ivan as Gustav continues to pound his body, quickly reducing him to little more then pulp.'
 				act 'Run':
 					gs 'stat'
 					!!'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/apartment/gun.jpg"></center>'
-					'You turn and run out of the apartment at seeing Gustav fall. Just as you near the entrance you hear and feel a powerful explosion shake the house, hit from behind by the force your flung out the front door.  With ears ringing and aches and pains all over you look around and realize that Ivan''s apartment has collapsed, bits of wood and concrete litter the area around where you were thrown.'
+					'At the sight of the carnage, you turn and run out of the apartment. Just as you near the entrance, you hear and feel a powerful explosion shake the house. Hit from behind by the force, you''re flung out the front door.  With ears ringing and aches and pains all over, you look around and realize that Ivan''s apartment has collapsed. Bits of wood and concrete litter the area around where you were thrown.'
 					act 'Run away from the entrance':gt 'city_industrial'
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/apartment/gun.jpg"></center>'
-				'Your frozen in horror as you take in the scene. Gustav is lying in a pool of his own blood, numerous bullet wounds cover his chest and one hole in his forehead. Ivan has reloaded and is now pointing the gun at you. Gustav suddenly rolls over on the floor and you watch as his wounds expel the bullets and close before your eyes. The black designs on his face now cover most of his body swirling and thickening as he heals. In a panic Ivan begins to fire more rounds at Gustav, as if his body has hardened to stone the rounds are now bouncing off his body ricocheting off his body and swirling back towards Ivan. Gustav''s transformation complete a black skinned horned monster stands in front of Ivan now. "NOW YOU DIE!" he roars.  Ivan tries to back away from the creature reloading his weapon again. Gustav quick as lightning jumped on him and hit Ivan so hard it through him across the room like a rag doll. You cross the room to Ivan''s broken bleeding body, you kick the gun away from Ivan''s hand where it had fallen from his limp hand. Gustav with a triumphant cry rushed to Ivan and became pummeling Ivan''s head small arcs of lightning pass into the body as Gustav''s fists turn the head to pulp. You lay your hand carefully on Gustav''s powerful shoulder calming him and stopping the carnage.'
+				'You freeze in horror as you take in the scene. Gustav is lying in a pool of his own blood, numerous bullet wounds covering his chest and one hole in his forehead. Ivan has reloaded and is now pointing the gun at you. Gustav suddenly rolls over on the floor, and you watch as his wounds expel the bullets and close before your eyes. The black designs on his face now cover most of his body, swirling and thickening as he heals. In a panic, Ivan begins to fire more rounds at Gustav, but as if his body has hardened to stone, the rounds now bounce off his body, ricocheting off and swirling back towards Ivan. Gustav''s transformation complete, a black skinned horned monster stands in front of Ivan now. "NOW YOU DIE!" he roars.  Ivan tries to back away from the creature, reloading his weapon again. Gustav, quick as lightning, jumps on him and hits Ivan so hard it throws him across the room like a rag doll, knocking the gun from his limp hand. You cross the room to Ivan''s broken bleeding body and kick the gun out of reach. Gustav, with a triumphant cry, rushes to Ivan and begins pummeling his head. Small arcs of lightning pass into his body as Gustav''s fists turn his head to pulp. You lay your hand carefully on Gustav''s powerful shoulder, calming him and stopping the carnage.'
 				act 'Run':
 					gs 'stat'
 					!!'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/apartment/gun.jpg"></center>'
-					'You turn and run out of the apartment at seeing Gustav fall. Just as you near the entrance you hear and feel a powerful explosion shake the house, hit from behind by the force your flung out the front door.  With ears ringing and aches and pains all over you look around and realize that Ivan''s apartment has collapsed, bits of wood and concrete litter the area around where you were thrown.'
+					'You turn and run out of the apartment. Just as you near the entrance, you hear and feel a powerful explosion shake the house. Hit from behind by the force, you''re flung out the front door.  With ears ringing and aches and pains all over, you look around and realize that Ivan''s apartment has collapsed. Bits of wood and concrete litter the area around where you were thrown.'
 					act 'Run away from the entrance':gt 'city_industrial'
@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 	if softKAR = 1:
-		'You arrive at Ivan''s apartment, you see Tatiana is already there. She adjusts her glasses and says. "Ivan is in his apartment."'
+		'You arrive at Ivan''s apartment and see Tatiana is already there. She adjusts her glasses and says, "Ivan is in his apartment."'
 		act 'What''s the plan?':
 			pcs_horny = 0
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-			'Tatiana began to explain, "I can cast a temporary spell on you. Ivan will not recognize you. We can seduce him, and get him talking and maybe have a few drinks. Then when he''s in our power we get him to write out a confession. "'
+			'Tatiana begins to explain, "I can cast a temporary spell on you. Ivan will not recognize you. We can seduce him and get him talking and maybe have a few drinks. Then when he''s in our power, we get him to write out a confession. "'
 			act 'Let''s get down':
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 				pcs_horny += 10
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-				'Tatiana speaks the words to the spell softly and touches your face with her hand. She removes her hand and says, "Here hold this bottle. It''s a strong aphrodisiac that works by inhaling the fumes. Becareful because it will effect us as well." Tatiana gave you a signal and sprinkle a little on the frame of the front door, trying not to inhale the aroma. Tatiana rang the bell and you wait for Ivan to answer. Ivan opens the door and stands in the threshold, he looking a t you little bewildered. Tatiana smiles sweetly at Ivan "Hello we are conducting a survey, can we ask you a few questions? And maybe show you a few products" Ivan stands aside and gestures you into the apartment.'
+				'Tatiana speaks the words to the spell softly and touches your face with her hand. She removes her hand and says, "Here hold this bottle. It''s a strong aphrodisiac that works by inhaling the fumes. Be careful because it will affect us as well." Tatiana gave you a signal and sprinkles a little on the frame of the front door, trying not to inhale the aroma. Tatiana rings the bell, and you wait for Ivan to answer. Ivan opens the door and stands in the threshold. He looks at you a little bewildered. Tatiana smiles sweetly at Ivan, "Hello we are conducting a survey. Can we ask you a few questions, and maybe show you a few products?" Ivan stands aside and gestures you into the apartment.'
 				act 'Enter the apartment':
@@ -88,15 +88,15 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 					pcs_horny += 50
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-					'Together with Tatiana you entered the apartment and follow Ivan into his living room. The room was clean and cozy. Ivan invited you to sit on the sofa and sat down in a chair in front of you. Tatiana began to ask questions about his sex life and desires. Ivan looked surprisingly calm despite the aphrodisiacs effects. You tried not to breathe it in, but you can still feel its impact. Tatiana elbows you and remembering your posing as salespeople you display the vial as if it''s the latest greatest product.'
+					'Together with Tatiana, you enter the apartment and follow Ivan into his living room. The room is clean and cozy. Ivan invites you to sit on the sofa and sits down in a chair in front of you. Tatiana begins to ask questions about his sex life and desires. Ivan looks surprisingly calm despite the aphrodisiac''s effects. You try not to breathe it in, but you can still feel its impact. Tatiana elbows you, and remembering you''re posing as salespeople, you display the vial as if it''s the latest, greatest product.'
 					act 'Splash secretly':
 						minut += 5
 						pcs_horny += 25
 						gs 'stat'
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-					'Tatiana distracts Ivan leaning forward displaying her cleavage, as she does this you discretely splash the  aphrodisiac around the area, as the scent rises you feel the effects and begin to get aroused. Tatiana being all alluring and seductive continues to talk with Ivan trying to seduce him, you notice her cheeks are flushed. But Ivan doesn''t seem to be reacting to the aphrodisiac, his calmly sitting there listening to her seemly not even interested in the show shes putting on. Tatiana again pokes you in the ribs.'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
+						'Tatiana distracts Ivan, leaning forward displaying her cleavage. As she does this, you discretely splash the aphrodisiac around the area. As the scent gets stronger, you feel the effects and begin to get aroused. Tatiana, being all alluring and seductive, continues to talk with Ivan, trying to seduce him. You notice her cheeks are flushed. But Ivan doesn''t seem to be reacting to the aphrodisiac, calmly sitting there listening to her seemly not even interested in the show she''s putting on. Tatiana again pokes you in the ribs.'
 						act 'Splash again':
@@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 							pcs_horny += 25
 							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-							'Tatiana got up from the sofa, turns around and kneels beside the couch rummaging through her bag seductively arching her back. Ivan stared at her ass for a few seconds then calmly looks away. You splash some more again and feel the effects as your pussy gets wet swollen you wiggle a little in your seat as your pussy starts to demand attention. Tatiana resumes her seat on the sofa. It was evident that an aphrodisiac is working on her as well. She licks lips, and is breathing a bit harder, her cheeks and neck are flushed and she fidgets in her seat as if trying to scratch an itch. Ivan looks at you both with interest, but again, no sign of arousal shows. Tatiana takes the vial from your hand, stands and approaches Ivan asking him to smell this perfume.  Ivan smiled at her and said, "Sorry, I seem to be coming down with something my nose is rather stuffed right now I can''t smell a thing. Tatiana helplessly sits on the couch again all her cunning plans with magic and alchemy collapsing in front of her due to a cold.'
+							'Tatiana gets up from the sofa, turns around and kneels beside the couch, rummaging through her bag seductively arching her back. Ivan stares at her ass for a few seconds then calmly looks away. You splash some more again and feel the effects as your pussy swells and begins to get wet. You wiggle a little in your seat as it starts to demand attention. Tatiana resumes her seat on the sofa. It is evident that the aphrodisiac is working on her as well. She is licking her lips and breathing a bit harder, her cheeks and neck are flushed, and she is fidgeting in her seat as if trying to scratch an itch. Ivan looks at you both with interest, but again, no sign of arousal shows. Tatiana takes the vial from your hand, stands and approaches Ivan, asking him to smell this perfume. Ivan smiles at her and says, "Sorry, I seem to be coming down with something. My nose is rather stuffed right now, I can''t smell a thing. Tatiana helplessly sits on the couch again, all her cunning plans with magic and alchemy collapsing in front of her due to a cold.'
 							act 'Suggest a drink':
 								minut += 5
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-								'After a short conversation where Tatiana asked quite a few very personal questions of Ivan, all the while displaying her cleavage, you take your que and ask if Ivan would like to have a drink with you and Tatiana. He chuckled, "Girls, I do not know what you''re up to here, but I think this is over." You start to protest but he cuts you off. ""No. Two good looking but strange girls, come to my house, asking me stupid questions, trying to entice me, then you want to drink, then what, I pass out? Then you rob my house as I sleep?" Tatiana is noticeably flustered realizing that her plan has unravelled at the seams. Ivan gets up from the couch and asks you to leave the apartment. Tatiana tries to think of something else but Ivan is already holding the door open for you have nothing left to do but to leave.'
+								'After a short conversation where Tatiana asks quite a few very personal questions of Ivan, all the while displaying her cleavage, you take your cue and ask if Ivan would like to have a drink with you and Tatiana. He chuckles, "Girls, I do not know what you''re up to here, but I think this is over." You start to protest, but he cuts you off. ""No. Two good looking but strange girls come to my house, asking me stupid questions, trying to entice me, then you want to drink, then what, I pass out? Then you rob my house as I sleep?" Tatiana is noticeably flustered realizing that her plan has unravelled at the seams. Ivan gets up from the couch and asks you to leave the apartment. Tatiana tries to think of something else, but Ivan is already holding the door open for you, and you have nothing left to do but leave.'
 								act 'Leave the apartment':
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 								minut += 5
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/aptmanagers/sex/threesome.jpg"></center>'
-								'You fall silent trying to think of something else, but Tatiana spoke before you could think. "Stuffy nose? I know the perfect remedy for a cold." Tatiana approached Ivan and put her hand on his face beginning to massage his face and around his nose. Looking at his eyes you could tell that some of the scent was penetrating into his sinus cavity and he was starting to feel some effect from the aphrodisiac. Ivan grabbed Tatiana and drew her to him. She tried resisting, but the very powerful effects of the aphrodisiac, caught her as well and she began to kiss him. Ivan waved you over to them as they kissed and under the effects you comply and embrace them both. The effects and the scene before you really turn you on'
+								'You fall silent, trying to think of something else, but Tatiana speaks before you can. "Stuffy nose? I know the perfect remedy for a cold." Tatiana approaches Ivan and puts her hand on his face, beginning to massage around his nose. Looking at his eyes, you can tell that some of the scent is penetrating into his sinus cavity and he is starting to feel some effect from the aphrodisiac. Ivan grabs Tatiana and draws her to him. She tries resisting, but the very powerful effects of the aphrodisiac catch her as well, and she begins to kiss him. Ivan waves you over to them as they kiss, and under the effects, you comply and embrace them both. The effects and the scene before you really turn you on.'
 								act 'Continue':
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 									softKAR = 2
 									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/aptmanagers/sex/threesome1.jpg"></center>'
-									'As Tatiana is kissing Ivan she reaches down and unbuttons his pants. Finally springing his hard cock to your view. Tatiana drops to her knees in front of Ivan and takes his penis into her mouth and began to suck. Ivan locks you his grip kissing you hard and passionately on the lips as Tatiana greedily sucks his cock. Ivan grabs your hair and forces you to your knees before him as well.'
+									'As Tatiana is kissing Ivan, she reaches down and unbuttons his pants, springing his hard cock into view. Tatiana drops to her knees in front of Ivan, takes his penis into her mouth and begins to suck. Ivan locks you in his grip, kissing you hard and passionately on the lips as Tatiana greedily sucks his cock. Ivan grabs your hair and forces you to your knees before him as well.'
 									act 'Suck a cock together with Tatiana':
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 										gang += 1
 										gs 'stat'
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/aptmanagers/sex/threesome2.jpg"></center>'
-										'Kneeling beside Tatiana you happily share Ivan''s cock between you. One sucking his cock while the other tongues his balls.  Then changing positions so you can both share him between kissing each other around his cock.'
+										'Kneeling beside Tatiana, you happily share Ivan''s cock between you, one sucking his cock while the other tongues his balls, then changing positions, kissing each other in between.'
 										gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'group'
 										gs 'stat'
@@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 											gs 'stat'
 											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/aptmanagers/sex/threesome3.jpg"></center>'
-											'Tatiana pulls Ivan down onto his back and tearing off her clothes jumps on to his cock. While Tatiana furiously rides his dick, you caress his balls and stroke Tatiana''s back and ass.'
+											'Tatiana pulls Ivan down onto his back and, tearing off her clothes, jumps onto his cock. While Tatiana furiously rides his dick, you caress his balls and stroke Tatiana''s back and ass.'
 											act 'Sit on Ivan''s face':
 												gs 'stat'
 												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/aptmanagers/sex/threesome4.jpg"></center>'
-												'While Tatiana continues to ride his dick, you expose your pussy and sit down on Ivan''s face. Ivan begins to lick your pussy, incredible bliss envelopes you. After several minutes and several small orgasms you climb off Ivan''s face pushing Tatiana off Ivan. You push her down on the floor next to Ivan and lower yourself onto her.'
+												'While Tatiana continues to ride his dick, you expose your pussy and sit down on Ivan''s face. Ivan begins to lick your pussy, and incredible bliss envelops you. After several minutes and several small orgasms, you climb off Ivan''s face, pushing Tatiana off Ivan. You push her down on the floor next to Ivan and lower yourself onto her.'
 												gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 5, 'group'
 												gs 'stat'
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 													pcs_vag += 1
 													gs 'stat'
 													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/aptmanagers/sex/threesome5.jpg"></center>'
-													'You lower your face to Tatiana''s pussy and begin licking her as her tongue licks furiously at your clit. Your extremely turned on when a hard cock parts the folds of your pussy and fills you up from behind, your overwhelmed from the feeling of being penetrated as your clit is worked out from below.  You give your all to Tatiana licking her pussy fast and hard as Ivan pounds into you from behind.  In no time your begin to shudder with convulsions as a huge orgasm spikes through your body, you hear Tatiana cry out with you as she hugs your body close her own orgasm roaring through her.  The two of you feel as one being and your both moaning loudly and with that Ivan roars and buries himself deep inside you shooting his hot semen into your quivering pussy. For one moment the three of you spasm together then Ivan pulls out of you and slides his dick into Tatiana''s mouth shooting the last bit of his sperm into her mouth, as he falls back away from you feel Tatiana licking the sperm from your pussy.'
+													'You lower your face to Tatiana''s pussy and begin licking her as her tongue licks furiously at your clit. You''re extremely turned on when Ivan''s hard cock parts the folds of your pussy and fills you up from behind, the feeling of being penetrated as your clit is worked out from below overwhelming you. You give your all to Tatiana, licking her pussy fast and hard as Ivan pounds into you. In no time, you begin to shudder with convulsions as a huge orgasm spikes through your body. You hear Tatiana cry out with you as she hugs your body close, her own orgasm roaring through her. The two of you feel as one being, and you''re both moaning loudly. With that, Ivan roars and buries himself deep inside you, shooting his hot semen into your quivering pussy. For one moment, the three of you spasm together, then Ivan pulls out of you and slides his dick into Tatiana''s mouth, shooting the last bit of his sperm into her. As he falls away, you feel Tatiana licking the sperm from your pussy.'
 													$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 													gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 5, 'group'
@@ -183,16 +183,16 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 													minut -= 5
 													gs 'stat'
-													act 'On your knees':
+													act 'Get on your knees':
 														minut += 5
 														facial += 1
 														cumface += 1
 														gs 'stat'
 														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/group/cum/threesome6.jpg"></center>'
-														'You knelt together with Tatiana as Ivan begins to jerk off in front of your faces. Suddenly Ivan clenches up and cum flies out of his cock and hot jet of sperm hits you both in the face. Ivan finally dried out, retreats to the couch trying to catch his breath. You take a few minutes to lick the cum off of each others faces. Tatiana whispers to you, cameras ready.'
+														'You kneel together with Tatiana as Ivan begins to jerk off in front of your faces. Suddenly, Ivan clenches up, and cum flies out of his cock, hot jets of sperm hitting you both in the face. Ivan, finally dried out, retreats to the couch trying to catch his breath. You take a few minutes to lick the cum off of each other''s faces. Tatiana whispers to you, cameras ready.'
-														act 'Cooking chamber':
+														act 'Interrogate Ivan':
 															softKAR = 10
 															BurgerQW['IvanQWEvidence'] = 1
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
 															cumface = 0
 															gs 'stat'
 															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-															'You secretly prepared a camera filming through a hole in her purse at Ivan. Tatiana meanwhile handed him a glass of water, thirsty Ivan drank the water as Tatiana asked him. Tell me how you stole from his boss. Ivan grinned "Elementary, I lost big time at the casino and I urgently needed the money. I knew this old asshole kept his bribe money in the safe. And he really liked the dumb slut dishwasher. And I came up with a brilliant plan. I convinced her to distract the manger. He would have done anything she asked he was so hot for her. I convinced her to get the keys for me and stood where the cameras could not see me and took what I wanted. Then I had the cleaning woman take the money out and return it to me outside of work for a small cut. "And where is the money now?" Ivan said sadly "It''s all gone I paid off my casino debt and some other bills." Tatiana grinned, "It''s done Ivan you go to sleep." Ivan was immediately snoring on the couch. Tatiana turned to you. "That was close we almost screwed up because of his cold. Good lesson for you. Everything can not go according to plan. Thought I would have to paralyze him, but I have tried that once. Paralyzed object can choke if you''re not careful. Okay, let''s get out of here we got what we need." You quickly wash up in the bathroom with Tatiana, washing the left over sperm from each others faces and chests. She smiles at you while looking into yours and gets the last of the sperm off your chin and together you return to the street.'
+															'You secretly prepare a camera, filming through a hole in your purse. Tatiana meanwhile hands Ivan a glass of water. Thirsty, he drinks the water as Tatiana asks him, "Tell me how you stole from your boss." Ivan grins, "Elementary, I lost big time at the casino, and I urgently needed the money. I knew this old asshole kept his bribe money in the safe and he really liked this dumb slut dishwasher, so I came up with a brilliant plan. I convinced her to distract the manager. He would have done anything she asked he was so hot for her. I convinced her to get the keys for me and stood where the cameras could not see me and took what I wanted. Then I had the cleaning woman take the money out and return it to me outside of work for a small cut." "And where is the money now?" Ivan says sadly, "It''s all gone. I paid off my casino debt and some other bills." Tatiana grins, "It''s done Ivan, you go to sleep." Ivan is immediately snoring on the couch. Tatiana turns to you. "That was close. We almost screwed up because of his cold. Good lesson for you. Everything can not go according to plan. Thought I would have to paralyze him, but I have tried that once. Paralyzed object can choke if you''re not careful. Okay, let''s get out of here. We got what we need." You quickly wash up in the bathroom with Tatiana, washing the leftover sperm from each other''s faces and chests. She smiles at you while looking you over and gets the last of the sperm off your chin. Together, you return to the street.'
 															gs 'arousal', 'end'
 															gs 'stat'
@@ -221,60 +221,48 @@ if StoryLine = 0 or altQS = 1:
-	clr
-	minut = minut + 5
-	gs'stat'
-	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
-	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Apartment manager Ivan</font></b></center>'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/podezdhr.jpg"></center>'
-	'Ivan''s apartment door made of steel with good locks.'
-	act 'Logout':
-		cla
-		minut = minut + 5
-		gt'city_industrial'
-	end
 	if softKAR = 1:
-		'You arrive at Ivan''s apartment, you see Tanya is already there. She adjusts her glasses and says. "Ivan is in his apartment. Well, ready?"'
-		act 'What plan?':
+		'You arrive at Ivan''s apartment and see Tanya is already there. She adjusts her glasses and says, "Ivan is in his apartment. Well, ready?"'
+		act 'What''s the plan?':
 			pcs_horny = 0
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-			'Tanya started to explain "In your disguise Ivan won''t recognize you. We have to seduce him, for that I have the means,this aphrodisiac is enough strong and he just has to smell it, and immediately he''ll be horny. The main thing we keep ourselves out of the vapor. Then when he is ready to offer him a drink, that should untie his tongue. We record his confession on camera. And thats it."'
+			'Tanya starts to explain, "In your disguise, Ivan won''t recognize you. We have to seduce him. For that, I have the means. This aphrodisiac is strong enough he just has to smell it and immediately he''ll be horny. The main thing is we need to keep ourselves out of the vapor. Then when he is ready, we''ll offer him a drink. That should untie his tongue. We''ll record his confession on camera, and that''s it."'
 			act 'Let''s begin':
 				minut += 5
 				pcs_horny += 10
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-				'Tanya said "Here, take this bottle, it''s the aphrodisiac. Careful with that remember it will affect us as well." Tanya gives you the bottle and you splash a little on the frame of the door, trying not to inhale the aroma. Tanya rang the bell and waited a few minutes for him to answer it. On the threshold appeared Ivan, he looked a little perplexed at you. Tanya smiled sweetly Ivan "We conducting a social survey, Can we ask you a few questions?" Ivan stands aside inviting you to go to the apartment.'
-				act 'Go in to the apartment':
+				'Tanya says, "Here, take this bottle, it''s the aphrodisiac. Careful with that. Remember it will affect us as well." Tanya gives you the bottle, and you splash a little on the frame of the door, trying not to inhale the aroma. Tanya rings the bell and waits a few minutes for Ivan to answer it. Appearing on the threshold, he looks a little perplexed at you. Tanya smiles sweetly at Ivan, "We are conducting a social survey. Can we ask you a few questions?" Ivan stands aside, inviting you to go into the apartment.'
+				act 'Go into the apartment':
 					minut += 5
 					pcs_horny += 50
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-					'Together with Tanya you entered the apartment and followed Ivan into his living room. The room was clean and comfortable. Ivan asked you to sit down on the sofa and sat down in front of you in another chair. Tanya began to ask Ivan questions about sex. Ivan looked surprisingly calm for a man under the impact of an aphrodisiac. You tried not to breathe and could still feel its effects. Tanya nudged you with her elbow and looked toward your bottle.'
+					'Together with Tanya, you enter the apartment and follow Ivan into his living room. The room is clean and comfortable. Ivan asks you to sit down on the sofa and sits down in front of you in another chair. Tanya begins to ask Ivan questions about sex. Ivan looks surprisingly calm for a man under the impact of an aphrodisiac. You try not to breathe and can still feel its effects. Tanya nudges you with her elbow and looks toward your bottle.'
 					act 'Drizzle secretly':
 						minut += 5
 						pcs_horny += 25
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-						'While Tanya was distracting Ivan showing him your neckline, you still discretely spread the  aphrodisiac in the air and felt yourself become excited. Tanya all the more tempting and seductive talked with Ivan trying to seduce him, you even noticed her cheeks flushed. But Ivan reacted rather calmly to what is happening, he looked at you with interest but we did not notice any signs of excitement. Meanwhile Tanya again, jabbing you with an elbow in the ribs.'
+						'While Tanya is distracting Ivan showing him her neckline, you discretely spread the  aphrodisiac in the air and feel yourself become excited. Tanya, all the more tempting and seductive, talks with Ivan, trying to seduce him. You even noticed her cheeks flush. But Ivan reacts rather calmly to what is happening. He looks at you with interest, but you do not notice any signs of excitement. Meanwhile, Tanya again jabs you with an elbow in the ribs.'
 						act 'Splash again':
 							minut += 5
 							pcs_horny += 25
 							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-							'Tanya got up from the sofa and turned back to Ivan bent down and started fumbling in her bag seductively stretching. Ivan looked approvingly at Tanya''s ass and but calmly looked away after a casual viewing. You spread more of the aphrodisiac and felt more aroused, as your pussy swelled and began to get wet. Tanya meanwhile sat back down on the sofa. You could tell Tanya was being affected as well her face was flushed her breathing harder and she fidgeted in her seat as if trying to scratch an itch. Ivan looked at you with interest, but again, no signs of excitement. Tanya broke down and grabbed the bottle from your hands. She stood up and asked Ivan to smell her perfume, and tell her that he thought of it. Ivan smiled at it and said, "Sorry, I have a stuffy nose, I can''t smell a thing." Tanya helplessly sat down on the sofa, all of her cunning plan collapsed due to a stuffy nose.'
-							act 'Suggest drink':
+							'Tanya gets up from the sofa and turns back to Ivan, bending down and starting fumbling in her bag seductively stretching. Ivan looks approvingly at Tanya''s ass, but calmly looks away after a casual viewing. You spread more of the aphrodisiac and feel more aroused, your pussy swelling and beginning to get wet. Tanya meanwhile sits back down on the sofa. You can tell Tanya is being affected as well, her face is flushed, her breathing is harder, and she is fidgeting in her seat as if trying to scratch an itch. Ivan looks at you with interest, but again, no signs of excitement. Tanya breaks down and grabs the bottle from your hands. She stands up and asks Ivan to smell her perfume and tell her that he thinks of it. Ivan smiles and says, "Sorry, I have a stuffy nose, I can''t smell a thing." Tanya helplessly sits down on the sofa, all of her cunning plan collapsing due to a stuffy nose.'
+							act 'Suggest a drink':
 								minut += 5
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-								'After a short conversation where Tanya asked quite a few very personal questions of Ivan, all the while displaying her cleavage, you take your que and ask if Ivan would like to have a drink with you and Tanya. He chuckled, "Girls, I do not know what you''re up to here, but I think this is over." You start to protest but he cuts you off. ""No. Two good looking but strange girls, come to my house, asking me stupid questions, trying to entice me, then you want to drink, then what, I pass out? Then you rob my house as I sleep? " Tanya is noticeably flustered realizing that her plan has unravelled at the seams. Ivan gets up from the couch and asks you to leave the apartment. Tanya tries to think of something else but Ivan is already holding the door open for you have nothing left to do but to leave.'
+								'After a short conversation where Tanya asks, quite a few very personal questions of Ivan, all the while displaying her cleavage, you take your cue and ask if Ivan would like to have a drink with you and Tanya. He chuckles, "Girls, I do not know what you''re up to here, but I think this is over." You start to protest, but he cuts you off. "No. Two good looking but strange girls come to my house, asking me stupid questions, trying to entice me, then you want to drink, then what, I pass out? Then you rob my house as I sleep?" Tanya is noticeably flustered, realizing that her plan has unravelled at the seams. Ivan gets up from the couch and asks you to leave the apartment. Tanya tries to think of something else, but Ivan is already holding the door open for you, and you have nothing left to do but leave.'
 								act 'Get out of the apartment':
@@ -282,32 +270,32 @@ else
 									softKAR = 0
 									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-									'Together with Tanya you left the apartment and Ivan closed the door behind you. Tanya in anger she slammed her fist against the palm of her hand. "I can''t believe it all my plans defeated by a common cold"'
+									'Together with Tanya, you leave the apartment, and Ivan closes the door behind you. Tanya in anger slams her fist against the palm of her hand. "I can''t believe it. All my plans defeated by a common cold."'
 									act 'Go out of the door':gt 'city_industrial'
-							act 'To be silent':
+							act 'Be silent':
 								minut += 5
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/aptmanagers/sex/threesome.jpg"></center>'
-								'You fall silent trying to think of something else, but Tanya spoke before you could think. "Stuffy nose? I know the perfect remedy for a cold." Tanya approached Ivan and put her hand on his face beginning to massage his face and around his nose. Looking at his eyes you could tell that some of the scent was penetrating into his sinus cavity and he was starting to feel some effect from the aphrodisiac. Ivan grabbed Tanya and drew her to him. She tried resisting, but the very powerful effects of the aphrodisiac, caught her as well and she began to kiss him. Ivan waved you over to them as they kissed and under the effects you comply and embrace them both. The effects and the scene before you really turn you on'
+								'You fall silent trying to think of something else, but Tanya speaks before you can. "Stuffy nose? I know the perfect remedy for a cold." Tanya approaches Ivan, and puts her hand on his face, beginning to massage around his nose. Looking at his eyes, you can tell that some of the scent is penetrating into his sinus cavity and he is starting to feel some effect from the aphrodisiac. Ivan grabs Tanya and draws her to him. She tries resisting, but the very powerful effects of the aphrodisiac catch her as well, and she begins to kiss him. Ivan waves you over to them as they kiss, and under the effects, you comply and embrace them both. The effects and the scene before you really turn you on.'
 								act 'Continue':
 									minut += 5
 									softKAR = 2
 									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/aptmanagers/sex/threesome1.jpg"></center>'
-									'As Tanya is kissing Ivan she reaches down and unbuttons his pants. Finally springing his hard cock to your view. Tanya drops to her knees in front of Ivan and takes his penis into her mouth and began to suck. Ivan locks you his grip kissing you hard and passionately on the lips as Tanya greedily sucks his cock. Ivan grabs your hair and forces you to your knees before him as well.'
+									'As Tanya is kissing Ivan, she reaches down and unbuttons his pants, springing his hard cock into view. Tanya drops to her knees in front of Ivan, takes his penis into her mouth and begins to suck. Ivan locks you in his grip, kissing you hard and passionately on the lips as Tanya greedily sucks his cock. Ivan grabs your hair and forces you to your knees before him as well.'
-									act 'To suck cock together with Tanya':
+									act 'Suck cock together with Tanya':
 										guy += 1
 										if TatianaSex = 0:TatianaSex = 1 & girl += 1
 										gang += 1
 										gs 'stat'
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/aptmanagers/sex/threesome2.jpg"></center>'
-										'Kneeling beside Tanya you happily share Ivan''s cock between you. One sucking his cock while the other tongues his balls.  Then changing positions so you can both share him between kissing each other around his cock."'
+										'Kneeling beside Tanya, you happily share Ivan''s cock between you, one sucking his cock while the other tongues his balls, then changing positions, kissing each other in between.'
 										gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'group'
 										gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'group'
 										gs 'stat'
@@ -316,12 +304,12 @@ else
 											minut += 5
 											gs 'stat'
 											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/aptmanagers/sex/threesome3.jpg"></center>'
-											'Tanya pulls Ivan down onto his back and tearing off her clothes jumps on to his cock. While Tanya furiously rides his dick, you caress his balls and stroke Tanya''s back and ass.'
+											'Tanya pulls Ivan down onto his back and, tearing off her clothes, jumps onto his cock. While Tanya furiously rides his dick, you caress his balls and stroke Tanya''s back and ass.'
 											act 'Sit on Ivan''s face':
 												gs 'stat'
 												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/aptmanagers/sex/threesome4.jpg"></center>'
-												'While Tanya continues to ride his dick, you expose your pussy and sit down on Ivan''s face. Ivan begins to lick your pussy, incredible bliss envelopes you. After several minutes and several small orgasms you climb off Ivan''s face pushing Tanya off Ivan. You push her down on the floor on her back next to Ivan and lower yourself onto her.'
+												'While Tanya continues to ride his dick, you expose your pussy and sit down on Ivan''s face. Ivan begins to lick your pussy, and incredible bliss envelops you. After several minutes and several small orgasms, you climb off Ivan''s face, pushing Tanya off Ivan. You push her down on the floor on her back next to Ivan and lower yourself onto her.'
 												gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 5, 'group'
 												gs 'stat'
 												act '69 Tanya':
@@ -329,28 +317,28 @@ else
 													pcs_vag += 1
 													gs 'stat'
 													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/aptmanagers/sex/threesome5.jpg"></center>'
-													'You lower your face to Tanya''s pussy and begin licking her as her tongue licks furiously at your clit. Your extremely turned on when a hard cock parts the folds of your pussy and fills you up from behind, your overwhelmed from the feeling of being penetrated as your clit is worked out from below.  You give your all to Tanya licking her pussy fast and hard as Ivan pounds into you from behind.  In no time your begin to shudder with convulsions as a huge orgasm spikes through your body, you hear Tanya cry out with you as she hugs your body close her own orgasm roaring through her.  The two of you feel as one being and your both moaning loudly and with that Ivan roars and buries himself deep inside you shooting his hot semen into your quivering pussy. For one moment the three of you spasm together then Ivan pulls out of you and slides his dick into Tanya''s mouth shooting the last bit of his sperm into her mouth, as he falls back away from you feel Tanya licking the sperm from your pussy.'
+													'You lower your face to Tanya''s pussy and begin licking her as her tongue licks furiously at your clit. You''re extremely turned on when a hard cock parts the folds of your pussy and fills you up from behind, the feeling of being penetrated as your clit is worked out from below overwhelming you. You give your all to Tanya, licking her pussy fast and hard as Ivan pounds into you from behind.  In no time, you begin to shudder with convulsions as a huge orgasm spikes through your body. You hear Tanya cry out with you as she hugs your body close, her own orgasm roaring through her. The two of you feel as one being, and you''re both moaning loudly. With that, Ivan roars and buries himself deep inside you, shooting his hot semen into your quivering pussy. For one moment, the three of you spasm together, then Ivan pulls out of you and slides his dick into Tanya''s mouth, shooting the last bit of his sperm into her. As he falls away, you feel Tanya licking the sperm from your pussy.'
 													$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 													gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 5, 'group'
 													gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'group'
 													minut -= 5
 													gs 'stat'
-													act 'On knees':
+													act 'Get on your knees':
 														minut += 5
 														facial += 1
 														cumface += 1
 														gs 'stat'
 														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/group/cum/threesome6.jpg"></center>'
-														'You knelt together with Tanya as Ivan begins to jerk off in front of your faces. Suddenly Ivan clenches up and cum flies out of his cock and hot jet of sperm hits you both in the face. Ivan finally dried out, retreats to the couch trying to catch his breath. You take a few minutes to lick the cum off of each others faces. Tanya whispers to you, get the camera ready.'
-														act 'Cooking chamber':
+														'You kneel together with Tanya as Ivan begins to jerk off in front of your faces. Suddenly, Ivan clenches up and cum flies out of his cock, hot jets of sperm hitting you both in the face. Ivan, finally dried out, retreats to the couch trying to catch his breath. You take a few minutes to lick the cum off of each other''s faces. Tanya whispers to you, get the camera ready.'
+														act 'Interrogate Ivan':
 															softKAR = 10
 															BurgerQW['IvanQWEvidence'] = 1
 															cumface = 0
 															gs 'stat'
 															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-															'You secretly prepared a camera filming through a hole in her purse at Ivan. Tanya meanwhile handed him a glass of water after putting something into it,  thirsty Ivan drank the water as Tanya asked him. Tell me how you stole from his boss. Ivan grinned "Elementary, I lost big time at the casino and I urgently needed the money. I knew this old asshole kept his bribe money in the safe. And he really liked the dumb slut dishwasher. And I came up with a brilliant plan. I convinced her to distract the manger. He would have done anything she asked he was so hot for her. I convinced her to get the keys for me and stood where the cameras could not see me and took what i wanted. Then I had the cleaning woman take the money out and return it to me outside of work for a small cut. "And where is the money now?" Ivan said sadly "It''s all gone I paid off my casino debt and some other bills." Tanya grinned, "it''s done Ivan, go to sleep." Ivan was immediately snoring on the couch. Tanya turned to you. "That was close we almost screwed up because of his cold. Good lesson for you. Everything can not go according to plan. Thought I would have to paralyze him, but I have tried that once. Paralyzed object can choke if you''re not careful. Okay, let''s get out of here we got what we need." You quickly wash up in the bathroom with Tanya, washing the left over sperm from each others faces and chests. She smiles at you while looking into yours and gets the last of the sperm off your chin and together you return to the street.'
+															'You secretly prepare a camera filming through a hole in your purse. Tanya meanwhile hands him a glass of water after putting something into it. Thirsty, Ivan drinks the water as Tanya asks him, "Tell me how you stole from your boss." Ivan grins, "Elementary, I lost big time at the casino, and I urgently needed the money. I knew this old asshole kept his bribe money in the safe and he really liked the dumb slut dishwasher, so I came up with a brilliant plan. I convinced her to distract the manager. He would have done anything she asked he was so hot for her. I convinced her to get the keys for me and stood where the cameras could not see me and took what I wanted. Then I had the cleaning woman take the money out and return it to me outside of work for a small cut." "And where is the money now?" Ivan says sadly, "It''s all gone. I paid off my casino debt and some other bills." Tanya grins, "It''s done Ivan, go to sleep." Ivan is immediately snoring on the couch. Tanya turns to you. "That was close. We almost screwed up because of his cold. Good lesson for you. Everything can not go according to plan. Thought I would have to paralyze him, but I have tried that once. Paralyzed object can choke if you''re not careful. Okay, let''s get out of here. We got what we need." You quickly wash up in the bathroom with Tanya, washing the leftover sperm from each other''s faces and chests. She smiles at you while looking you over and gets the last of the sperm off your chin. Together, you return to the street.'
 															gs 'arousal', 'end'
 															gs 'stat'
 															act 'Leave':gt'city_industrial'

+ 60 - 67

@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'BodyModded':
 	cls & cla
 	act 'Thank you':gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
-	"You feel a bit drained and tingly all over.  You look in the mirror."
+	"You feel a bit drained and tingly all over. You look in the mirror."
 	"Your <<$bodyModType>> is now <<$bodyModVal>>."
 	"""Thanks Tatiana!"""
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 				act 'Ask her to tell you': gt 'succubus', 'tatianaask', 1
 			elseif sucpcinfo = 5:
-				'"I heard from an old friend of mine who is now living in Morocco and she also has a Succubus for a lover. She said that after they had been together for some time, they discovered that with her help, her Succubus lover learned something new."'
+				'"I heard from an old friend of mine who is now living in Morocco and also has a Succubus for a lover. She said that after they had been together for some time, they discovered that with her help, her Succubus lover learned something new."'
 				sucpcinfo = 6
 				sucinfoday = daystart + 17 + rand(0,7)
 				act 'Ask her to tell you': gt 'succubus', 'tatianaask', 2
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
-		if tatisucsex ! 0 and tatisucsexask ! daystart: act 'Ask if she want''s to have sex': tatianasucsexask = daystart & gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatianasucsexask'
+		if tatisucsex ! 0 and tatisucsexask ! daystart: act 'Ask if she wants to have sex': tatianasucsexask = daystart & gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatianasucsexask'
 		if sucpcinfo >= 4: act 'Ask her about Succubae': gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatianasuctalk'
@@ -316,10 +316,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 	act 'Ask for help with your appearance':
-		'"Tatiana, I''m having problems with my body image, I''m not happy and was hoping that you might be able to help me."'
+		'"Tatiana, I''m having problems with my body image. I''m not happy and was hoping that you might be able to help me."'
-		'"It''s possible but I will have to draw on your magical energy, it will cost some of your mana to perform a spell."'
-		'"Also, this will be painful.  The magic will force your flesh into new shapes."'
+		'"It''s possible, but I will have to draw on your magical energy. It will cost some of your mana to perform a spell."'
+		'"Also, this will be painful. The magic will force your flesh into new shapes."'
 		$HairColorTab =  func('tatiana_lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Hair Color', 500, 60, '$hairColors','i',		 'pcs_haircol','hair',	'nathcol = bodyModVal')
 		$HairLengthTab = func('tatiana_lab', 'ListBuilder', 'Hair Length',200, 120,'$hairTypes', 'hairTypes', 'pcs_hairlng','hair',	'')
@@ -365,17 +365,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 		killvar '$SiliconeTab'
 		killvar '$SpellListStr'
-		act 'No, no, I''ve changed my mind. Thank you':gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
+		act 'No, no, I''ve changed my mind. Thank you.':gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
-		act 'Restore you body to it''s original shape':
+		act 'Restore your body to its original shape':
-			'"Tatiana, I''m having problems with my body image, I''m not happy and was hoping that you might be able to help me."'
-			'"It''s possible but I will have to draw on your magical energy, it will cost 40 mana to perform a reset spell.'
-			'This will reduce excess fat, growth of body parts and reduce high levels of silicone, moving you closer to your original body shape.'
+			'"Tatiana, I''m having problems with my body image. I''m not happy and was hoping that you might be able to help me."'
+			'"It''s possible, but I will have to draw on your magical energy. It will cost 40 mana to perform a reset spell.'
+			'This will reduce excess fat, growth of body parts and high levels of silicone, moving you closer to your original body shape.'
 			'Do you wish to try this spell?'
-			act 'No, no, I''ve changed my mind. Thank you':gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
+			act 'No, no, I''ve changed my mind. Thank you.':gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
 			if pcs_mana >= 40:
 				act 'That sounds great, let''s do it!':
@@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/tatiana/magiclook.jpg"></center>'
 					'Tatiana lowers her glasses and stares deeply into your eyes. It feels like time just stops being a thing and you are floating.'
-					'It seems very soon afterwards when you snap back to reality but the big clock on the lab wall tells you it''s been 30 minutes.'
-					'Your body has changed much as Tatiana said it would and she is already busy checking nothing went wrong.'
+					'It seems very soon afterwards when you snap back to reality, but the big clock on the lab wall tells you it''s been 30 minutes.'
+					'Your body has changed much as Tatiana said it would, and she is already busy checking nothing went wrong.'
 					act 'Continue': gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
@@ -399,33 +399,33 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 		act 'Ask Tatiana for help with Ivan':
 			gs 'stat'
-			'You explained the situation and asked her to Tatiana assistance. Tatiana said thoughtfully. "I do not think there is any physical evidence of the guilt of Ivan. Necessary is achieved recognition. I think it would be possible to capture and interrogate. Or drink his cunning truth serum and interrogate. Anyway it is necessary to remove it all on video."'
+			'You explain the situation and ask Tatiana for assistance. Tatiana says thoughtfully, "It doesn''t sound like there is any physical evidence of Ivan''s guilt, so you need a confession. I think it would be possible to capture and interrogate him. Or, you and I could try a more cunning approach to get the truth out of him. Either way, you need to capture it all on video."'
 			act 'Military solution':
 				poverKAR = 1
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-				'You have decided to achieve recognition Ivan force. Tatiana told you. You go to the apartment of Ivan. There vstretishsya with Gustav. It will help resolve the issue. Just see if he will go to the second level of the press, he was distraught. At the second level of the press he turns into a monster.'
+				'You decide to get Ivan to admit what he''s done by force. Tatiana tells you to go to Ivan''s apartment. There you will meet with Gustav, who will help resolve the issue. She stresses that you keep an eye on him in case he starts getting distraught. Apparently when he does, he turns into a monster.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
-			act 'Tricky decision':
+			act 'Trick him':
 				softKAR = 1
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-				'You have decided to achieve recognition Ivan cunning. Tatiana told you. You go to the apartment of Ivan. There we meet with you and obtyapaem owners.'
+				'You decide to trick Ivan into admitting what he''s done. Tatiana tells you to go to Ivan''s apartment and that she will meet you there.'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
 	elseif poverKAR = 2:
-		act 'Approach to Tatiana about attacks apartments Ivan':
+		act 'Approach Tatiana about the attack on Ivan''s apartment':
 			poverKAR = 3
-			'You came to Tatiana and she sighed. "Yes, failed. Gustav caught a bullet in his head and his strength went up to the next level, it has cured, made almost invulnerable, but finally deprived of his mind. Gustav not only gained recognition for Ivan, and not just kill him, he blew part of the entrance his attack. But there are pluses. Cops think it was a gas explosion. But now you have to either pay the debt or goes to jail. "'
+			'You come to Tatiana, and she sighs. "Yes, you failed. That bullet Gustav caught in his head made his strength go up to the next level, almost invulnerable but deprived of his mind. That''s why he couldn''t stop himself from killing Ivan before you could get a confession out of him. There are pluses. The cops think it was just a gas explosion for one, so you probably don''t need to worry about much of an investigation. But now you are going to have to pay the debt if you don''t want to go to jail. "'
 			act 'Leave':gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 			minut += 60
 			spellavtoklon = 1
-			'You learned the technique preparation. This technique allows you to enter into battle with the already created three clones.'
+			'You learn the technique preparation. This technique allows you to enter into battle with three clones already created.'
 			act 'Leave':gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 			minut += 60
 			spellbefshild = 1
-			'You learned the technique of pre-shield. This technique allows you to enter into battle with a magical shield protecting you against physical impacts.'
+			'You learn the technique pre-shield. This technique allows you to enter into battle with a magical shield protecting you against physical attacks.'
 			act 'Leave':gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
@@ -509,11 +509,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 				minut += 30
 				sucskill = 1
 				gs 'stat'
-				'You spend 30 minutes meditating, with Tatiana in a light link with you as she shows you how to tell what your Succubus energy levels are.'
+				'You spend 30 minutes meditating with Tatiana in a light link with you as she shows you how to tell what your Succubus energy levels are.'
 				'You open your eyes and look at Tatiana sitting across from you.'
 				'She is flushed, breathing hard, and her nipples are showing clearly through her blouse.'
 				if 1 + (succublvl * 2) + tatisucsex < 20 and rand(0,100) < 90:
-					'After a moment, she gives herself a shake and pulls herself together, before saying, "There you go!"'
+					'After a moment, she gives herself a shake and pulls herself together before saying, "There you go!"'
 					'She then stands up and goes back to her studying.'
 					act 'Finish': gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
@@ -536,14 +536,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 				gs 'stat'
 				sucskill = 2
 				'Tatiana shows you how to build a storage reservoir that draws the excess energy in before your body uses it.'
-				'Once you''re finished, Tatiana is again showing clear signs of arousal and she says, "You know, touching your power is a really, <i>really</i>, intense experience!"'
+				'Once you''re finished, Tatiana is again showing clear signs of arousal, and she says, "You know, touching your power is a really, <i>really</i>, intense experience!"'
 				'She then closes her eyes and visibly tries to get ahold of herself.'
 				if tatisucsex >= 20 or rand(1,100) < 95:
 					'After several moments, she pulls herself together, opens her eyes, smiles at you, and says, "There, I knew I could do it!"'
 					'She then stands up and goes back to her studying.'
 					act 'Finish': gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
-					'Then her eyes snap open and you feel arousal suddenly flooding the link!'
+					'Then her eyes snap open, and you feel arousal suddenly flooding the link!'
 					xgt 'tatiana_lab', 'suctrainsex'
@@ -555,9 +555,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 					minut += 60
 					'You ask her what''s involved in the training and preparations.'
 					'She spends some time explaining the technical details of what you need to do during the "ritual", then says,'
-					'"The preparations will take 7 days, the money is to modify one of my devices to pull in free sexual energy from the adult businesses around here and to make several potions we''ll need, one of which is going to temporarily make me into a sexual energy "battery" and the others are so we can do the ritual without hurting ourselves.'
-					'"Once I start, you''ll have 2 days to tell me to abort, after that I will have started building up the charge. We would not be able stop ourselves and premature sex could kill us, so I''ll be putting up a barrier to keep you out until 7 days have pasted and I''ll set it not to let you through unless you have 3 days of reserves and 100 units of stored energy.'
-					'"Once I''ve built up to a full charge, I''ll only be able to hold it for a day, after that I''ll have to release it. The "battery" potion itself as well as the materials for it will not keep, so aborting after I start or fail to show up on time and 2000 <b>₽</b> will have been wasted.'
+					'"The preparations will take 7 days, I''ll need 3000 <b>₽</b to modify one of my devices to pull in free sexual energy from the adult businesses around here and another 2000 <b>₽</b> to make several potions we''ll need, one of which is going to temporarily make me into a sexual energy "battery" and the others are so we can do the ritual without hurting ourselves.'
+					'"Once I start, you''ll have 2 days to tell me to abort, after that I will have started building up the charge. We would not be able stop ourselves, and premature sex could kill us, so I''ll be putting up a barrier to keep you out until 7 days have passed, and I''ll set it not to let you through unless you have 3 days of reserves and 100 units of stored energy.'
+					'"Once I''ve built up to a full charge, I''ll only be able to hold it for a day, after that I''ll have to release it. The "battery" potion itself as well as the materials for it will not keep, so abort after I start or fail to show up on time and 2000 <b>₽</b> will have been wasted.'
 					'"So, do you want me to start the preparations?"'
 					act 'Yes':
@@ -607,15 +607,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/dildo.jpg"></center>'
 					'She walks you through everything you need to do while leading you to the couch.'
-					'Once there, as you as stripping, so is she! At your look, she says, "What? I don''t want to tear my clothes if one of us slips."'
-					'You settle onto the couch then work the massive dildo into your snach. After working the dildo for a bit, with Tatiana in a light link guiding you, you switch to your ass. You work there for a while before switching back. You continue this way for nearly two hours, concentrating so hard you only have two orgasms, before you feel your body responding as it should. A quick test and you’re done.'
+					'Once there, as you are stripping, so is she! At your look, she says, "What? I don''t want to tear my clothes if one of us slips."'
+					'You settle onto the couch then work a massive dildo into your snatch. After working the dildo for a bit, with Tatiana in a light link guiding you, you switch to your ass. You work there for a while before switching back. You continue this way for nearly two hours, concentrating so hard you only have two orgasms, before you feel your body responding as it should. A quick test and you’re done.'
 					sucskill = 4
 					sucexcess -= 100
 					act 'Continue':
 						pcs_horny = 0
 						'As you''re finishing, you notice Tatiana has her eyes closed and is visibly trying to get ahold of herself.'
 						if tatisucsexday < daystart or rand(1,100) > 95:
-							'Then her eyes snap open and you feel arousal suddenly flooding the link!'
+							'Then her eyes snap open, and you feel arousal suddenly flooding the link!'
 							xgt 'tatiana_lab', 'suctrainsex'
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 			'She tilts her head and seems to think the problem over, but it looks like she isn''t too worried by this revelation.'
 			'"Hmm, that complicates the job somewhat, <<$pcs_nickname>>. It seems that the curse is only active during operating hours, so sneaking back in during the night isn''t an option."'
 			'"So... I need to sneak back in there during daylight hours?"'
-			'Tatiana just snorts. "Don''t worry, <<$pcs_nickname>>, I have Gustav for those sorts of jobs. No, I was thinking of an <i>alternative.</i>" She gives you a look that makes you shiver, then continues."I know a way to help you infiltrate the place so you can look for the item in question. When the moment feels right, go to Aphrodite building and give me a call, but remember, only when it''s open."'
+			'Tatiana just snorts. "Don''t worry, <<$pcs_nickname>>, I have Gustav for those sorts of jobs. No, I was thinking of an <i>alternative.</i>" She gives you a look that makes you shiver, then continues, "I know a way to help you infiltrate the place so you can look for the item in question. When the moment feels right, go to the Aphrodite building and give me a call. But remember, only when it''s open."'
 			'Saying this, Tatiana turns towards her studies, leaving you to your own devices.'
 			act 'Continue': gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
@@ -653,34 +653,29 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatiana':
 			'"Yes, I am pretty sure. Is that bad?"'
 			'Tatiana pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs. "Yeah, <<$pcs_nickname>>, it''s pretty bad. Aleksei... Well, Alexandria, is an ex-councilor and probably one of the most powerful electric wizards in the world. Remember how The Amulet of Power isn''t supposed to end up in the hands of a woman? Well, she was looking for a form to obtain it, the back alleys word is that the quest made her magic <i>quirky</i>, and that beautiful blonde hair is the consequence of a simple scare."'
 			'"So... Pretty bad?"'
-			'"You have no idea <<$pcs_nickname>>." Tatiana sighs. "Look, we are talking here of a <i>centuries</i> old mindset, the one that yearns for the times were cannibalizing no-magical children was fashionable to recharge your energies. Do you a favor, just lie down, and let Reinhold take care of this."'
+			'"You have no idea <<$pcs_nickname>>." Tatiana sighs. "Look, we are talking here of a <i>centuries</i> old mindset, the one that yearns for the times where cannibalizing non-magical children was fashionable to recharge your energies. Do yourself a favor, just lie down and let Reinhold take care of this."'
 			minut +=5
 			gs 'stat'
 			act '"Okay, Tatiana, and what do I get out of this job?"':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><table><tr><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></td><td><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/jugo/jugopre.jpg"></tr></td></table></center>'
+				'Tatiana gives you a half-smile, and you understand that she isn''t going to pay you for the Aphrodite job.'
 				if AlexandriaQW =4:				
 					money += 5000
+					'However, at that moment, to everyone''s surprise, Gustav sneaks up to your side and grabs your hand, placing a roll of bills on it. "Take this, <<$pcs_nickname>>. You succeeded in beating Tatiana''s double, and if not for Alex, the film would be here."'
 					if pfilmNO = 1:
-						'Tatiana gives you a half-smile, and you understand that she isn''t going to pay you for the Aphrodite job.'
-						'However, at that moment, to everyone''s surprise, Gustav sneaks up to your side and grabs your hand, placing a roll of bills on it. "Take this, <<$pcs_nickname>>. You succeeded in beating Tatiana''s double, and if not for Alex, the film would be here."'
 						'Gustav just stands there staring at a flabbergasted Tatiana who, after a beat, simply shrugs. "Okay, Gustav, don''t suggest that I am scrimpy or anything... Jeez..."'
-						'Tatiana gives you a half-smile, and you understand that she isn''t going to pay you for the Aphrodite job.'
-						'However, at that moment, to everyone''s surprise, Gustav sneaks up to your side and grabs your hand, placing a roll of bills on it. "Take this, <<$pcs_nickname>>. You succeeded in beating Tatiana''s double, and if not for Alex, the film would be here."'
-						'Gustav just stands there staring at a flabbergasted Tatiana who, after a beat, simply shrugs. "Okay, Gustav, don''t suggest that I am scrimpy or anything... Jeez. I was going to speak to some of the people in the agency on her behalf, but now... . Okay, fine. <<$pcs_nickname>>, I will do it anyway."'
+						'Gustav just stands there staring at a flabbergasted Tatiana who, after a beat, simply shrugs. "Okay, Gustav, don''t suggest that I am scrimpy or anything... Jeez. I was going to speak to some of the people in the agency on her behalf, but now... Okay, fine. <<$pcs_nickname>>, I will do it anyway."'
 						gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', 10
+					'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''ve failed to bring me the film. Instead, it has ended up in the hands of a powerful magician, who may be planning to use it against us."'
 					if pfilmNO = 1:
-						'Tatiana gives you a half-smile, and you understand that she isn''t going to pay you for the Aphrodite job.'
-						'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''ve failed to bring me the film. Instead, it has ended up in the hands of a powerful magician, who may be planning to use it against us."'
 						'You open your mouth to protest that it isn''t your fault, but one look at Tatiana''s face tells you that she''s already made up her mind... Fuck!'
 						gs 'fame', 'city', 'modelling', 10
-						'Tatiana gives you a half-smile, and you understand that she isn''t going to pay you for the Aphrodite job.'
-						'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''ve failed to bring me the film. Instead, it has ended up in the hands of a powerful magician, who may be planning to use it against us."'
 						'You open your mouth to protest that it isn''t your fault, but before you can, Tatiana raises her hands consolingly.'
 						'"Don''t worry, <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re not going to leave empty-handed. I''m going to speak to some of the people in the agency on your behalf. It''ll be good for your modelling career."'
@@ -713,12 +708,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatianasuctalk':
 	if sucpcinfo < 2:
 		minut += 15
 		'As you both settle onto the couch, Tatiana turns to you and says, "Ok, tell me what happened."'
-		'You spend the next 15 minutes telling her about the Fairy, the odd dream, the energy you let loose the other night,'
-		if succubusQW = 4:
-			'and the felling you get when you''ve had sex.'
-		elseif succubusQW > 4:
-			'the felling you get when you''ve had sex, and the reaction you had to almost being raped.'
-		end
+		'You spend the next 15 minutes telling her about the Fairy, the odd dream, ' + iif(succubusQW < 4, 'and ', '') + 'the energy you let loose the other night.' + iif(succubusQW < 4, '.', iif(succubusQW = 4, ', and ', ', ') + 'the feeling you get when you''ve had sex' + iif(succubusQW = 4, '.', ', and the reaction you had to almost being raped.')
 		'She thinks about it for a moment and then says, "Well, I have a couple of ideas, but no sense guessing when I can just magically examine you."'
 		'She hops up and says, "Get undressed and lie down on the couch."'
@@ -743,16 +733,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatianasuctalk':
 				act 'Ask her to tell you': gt 'succubus', 'tatianaask', 1
 			elseif sucpcinfo = 5:
 				'"Actually, I have gotten some more information about Succubae."'
-				'"I heard from an old friend of mine who is now living in Morocco and she actually has a Succubus for a lover. She said that after they had been together for some time, they discovered that with her help, her Succubus lover learned something new."'
+				'"I heard from an old friend of mine who is now living in Morocco and actually has a Succubus for a lover. She said that after they had been together for some time, they discovered that, with her help, her Succubus lover learned something new."'
 				sucpcinfo = 6
 				sucinfoday = daystart + 10 + rand(0,7)
 				act 'Ask her to tell you': gt 'succubus', 'tatianaask', 2
-				'No, I havn''t.'
+				'No, I haven''t.'
 				act 'Continue': gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatianasuctalk'
-			'No, I havn''t.'
+			'No, I haven''t.'
 			act 'Continue': gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatianasuctalk'
@@ -790,7 +780,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatianasucsexask':
 				act 'Move on to something else': gt 'tatiana_lab', 'Tatiana'
 				'"I would love to!", with a wide smile.'
-				'She leads you over to the couch and you both strip.'
+				'She leads you over to the couch, and you both strip.'
 				act 'Proceed': gt 'succubus', 'tatianasex'
@@ -801,7 +791,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatianasucsexask':
 					'She gives you a "come hither" smile and says, "I would love to, <<$pcs_nickname>>!"'
 					'You both head toward the couch, stripping as you go.'
-					'Once there, you both sit down facing each other and she looks at you in anticipation.'
+					'Once there, you both sit down facing each other, and she looks at you in anticipation.'
 					act 'Proceed': gt 'succubus', 'tatianasex'
@@ -835,13 +825,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Tatianasexreject':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'suctrainsex':
-	'She suddenly lunges at you and starts kissing you! You''re so surprised it takes you a bit to respond and, before you can do anything, she is nibbling your ear and whispering, "Let it go..."'
+	'She suddenly lunges at you and starts kissing you! You''re so surprised it takes you a bit to respond, and before you can do anything, she is nibbling your ear and whispering, "Let it go..."'
 	gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5, 'lesbian', 'sub'
 	gs 'stat'
 	if pcs_horny >= 100:
-		'You''re so shocked at this; you suddenly feel a powerful orgasm rush through you, causing you to cry out even as it rushes down the link to Tatiana, giving her a powerful orgasm as well!'
+		'You''re so shocked at this you suddenly feel a powerful orgasm rush through you, causing you to cry out even as it rushes down the link to Tatiana, giving her a powerful orgasm as well!'
 		'Then, you feel your control slip...'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -864,7 +854,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'suctraining':
 		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Tatiana</font></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-		'The moment you walked into her lab, Tatiana''s head jerked up and she hurried over to you.'
+		'The moment you walk into her lab, Tatiana''s head jerks up and she hurries over to you.'
 		'She stares at you for several seconds, then demands, "What the hell happened to you!?!?"'
 		'You start to answer her when she holds up her hand and says, "Wait, come sit on the couch and tell me."'
 		'She turns away from you and walks toward the couch.'
@@ -878,13 +868,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'suctraining':
 			'<center><b><font color="maroon">Tatiana</font></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/system/intro/shared/karinpre.jpg"></center>'
-			'You attempt to enter Tatiana''s lab but an invisible barrier stops you, but Tatiana apparently heard you as she rushes over and says, "What''s wrong? Do we need to cancel?"'
+			'You attempt to enter Tatiana''s lab, but an invisible barrier stops you. Tatiana apparently heard you as she rushes over and says, "What''s wrong? Do we need to cancel?"'
 			act 'Yes, I need to cancel':
 				'"Are you sure?"'
 				act 'Yes, I''m sure':
 					if tatisucsexday = daystart + 7:
+						!! this looks like a potential bug. if this isn''t the first time you''re preparing
+						!! then you should only get 2000 back and sctrainprep should be set back to -1 here.
+						!! fixing this likely requires another sctrainprep value besides -1, 0, and 1
 						sctrainprep = 0
 						money += 5000
 						'"Ok, good thing I hadn''t bought anything yet." and she hands you back the 5000 <b>₽</b> before going back to her studying.'
@@ -918,7 +911,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'suctraining':
 				$scsextmp = 'day'
-			'You attempt to enter Tatiana''s lab but an invisible barrier stops you, but Tatiana apparently heard you as she shouts from across the lab, "I''ve already taken the first potion so I can''t come anywhere near you, come back all charged up in <<tatisucsexday - daystart>> <<$scsextmp>>!"'
+			'You attempt to enter Tatiana''s lab, but an invisible barrier stops you. Tatiana apparently heard you as she shouts from across the lab, "I''ve already taken the first potion, so I can''t come anywhere near you, come back all charged up in <<tatisucsexday - daystart>> <<$scsextmp>>!"'
 			killvar '$scsextmp'
 			act 'Leave':
 				minut += 3
@@ -938,10 +931,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'suctraining':
 				'As you step through the barrier, Tatiana seems to teleport to you and start kissing you.'
 				'She then starts pulling you toward her workbench while saying between kisses, "Thank (kiss) goodness (kiss) you''re (kiss) here (kiss) and ready (kiss)! You wouldn''t (kiss) believe (kiss) how (kiss) <i><b>horny</b></i> (kiss) carrying (kiss) all this (kiss) sexual (kiss) energy (kiss) has made me!"'
 !!				Maybe add arousal call here
-				'She suddenly turns away from you and you realize that you have reached her workbench. She grabs two smallish vails off the top, pops the tops off both, hands you one saying, "Drink this," before downing the other.'
+				'She suddenly turns away from you, and you realize that you have reached her workbench. She grabs two smallish vials off the top, pops the tops off both, and hands you one, saying, "Drink this," before downing the other.'
 				'It tastes like strawberry syrup.'
-				'This time you''re ready when Tatiana lunges at you and you resume kissing as you lead her toward the couch while she is striping the clothes off both of you and you feel a large amount of your stored energy being released into your body.'
-				'Once there, you both sit down facing each other, she looks at you with burning lust, and says, "Do it!"'
+				'This time you''re ready when Tatiana lunges at you, and you resume kissing as you lead her toward the couch while she is striping the clothes off both of you and you feel a large amount of your stored energy being released into your body.'
+				'Once there, you both sit down facing each other. She looks at you with burning lust and says, "Do it!"'
 				act 'Proceed': gt 'succubus', 'tatianasex'
 			elseif sucexcess < 100 and succhungry > -2 and tatisucsexday = daystart:
@@ -957,7 +950,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'suctraining':
 			act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt 'city_center'
-			'The barrier is down when you get to the lab and Tatiana calls from across the room, "You''re too late, I had to release the energy and we''ll need to start over."'
+			'The barrier is down when you get to the lab, and Tatiana calls from across the room, "You''re too late, I had to release the energy, and we''ll need to start over."'
 			sctrainprep = -1
 			act 'Continue': gt 'tatiana_lab', 'start'
@@ -980,11 +973,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'missions':
 		TatianaMissionDay = daystart
 		minut += 15
 		*clr & cla
-		'Tatiana looks up from the pile of files she always seems to be sifting when she notices you. "<<$pcs_firstname>>, finally! I''ve been waiting for you. We need to talk."'
+		'Tatiana looks up from the pile of files she always seems to be sifting through when she notices you. "<<$pcs_firstname>>, finally! I''ve been waiting for you. We need to talk."'
 		'"What about?"'
 		'"Well, you''ve had some time to acclimate yourself to your new situation and to process everything Reinhold and I told you, so," she smiles, "it''s time we started your actual training."'
 		'You feel a rush of excitement going through you, and images of shooting fireballs from your hands and parting the sea come before your inner eye. "Great!" You exclaim. "I''m so ready for that."'
-		'Tatiana probably guessed what you were thinking, because she chuckles and placates: "That doesn''t mean we''re gonna teach you super-powerful spells. At least not yet." She gives the words a moment to take effect; your enthusiasm for her plans, figuratively throbbing and erect a second ago, shrivels and goes limp by the time she continues. "This part of your training is the most important: You will actually put your skills, senses and knowledge into practice."'
+		'Tatiana probably guessed what you were thinking, because she chuckles and placates, "That doesn''t mean we''re gonna teach you super-powerful spells. At least not yet." She gives the words a moment to take effect; your enthusiasm for her plans, figuratively throbbing and erect a second ago, shrivels and goes limp by the time she continues. "This part of your training is the most important: You will actually put your skills, senses and knowledge into practice."'
 		'The last bit rouses your interest once more. "Into practice? You mean like doing missions for the council?"'
 		'"Well, the council''s kinda responsible for the big leagues, which is way more than you could handle yet. But long-term, yes." Her tone takes on a mocking quality. "Once Reinhold thinks you''re ready, I''m sure he''ll swoop in, take credit for all the progress you have made thanks to me and swamp you with dangerous adventures. That''d be just like the old bastard." Tatiana sees the uncertainty with which you look at her, grins and shakes her head, confirming that it was all in good humor.'
 		act 'What kind of missions?':
@@ -999,12 +992,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'missions':
 			'Tatiana smiles as you quote her and nods. "And some of those things really turn out to have magical causes: The dog with two tails had been experimented on by one of us, so it was practically bursting with magic. As for the voices..." her smile turns lewd, "those were just some tenants having some extramarital fun away from prying eyes, regularly and loudly."'
 			act 'Why are we doing this?':
 				*clr & cla
-				'You feel your face heating up slightly at the thought. Something about this is bothering you, though: "But... why would we even look into this? I mean, it sounds interesting enough, but is there a reason behind it?"'
+				'You feel your face heating up slightly at the thought. Something about this is bothering you, though. "But... why would we even look into this? I mean, it sounds interesting enough, but is there a reason behind it?"'
 				'Tatiana shrugs. "Well, you <i>could</i> go and get some ancient tomes, lock yourself into an ivory tower and spend half a century or something reading about magic, like most of the old farts on the council do. <b>OR</b>," she spreads her arms to point towards her many files and books on one hand and the exit on the other, "you could just cover the basics and then go out and experience magic first-hand, like I do."'
 				'You stare at the heaps and piles of paper incredulously - they are a multiple of everything you''ve read in your entire life! "Those are the basics?!"'
 				'"Yep," she laughs, "if you wanna really understand how magic works and why it does this at one time and that at another, you gotta get some reading done. Trust me, if there was any way around it, I would have found it. But magic makes the reading easier and quicker, and it''s sooo worth it. The things you can do once you grasp what energies the universe holds are incredible. And I''ve only just scratched the surface."'
 				'"What do you mean by ''energies of the universe''? I thought you said that magic only exists in living things, like plants and animals."'
-				'"Did I?" She looks thoughtful but shrugs again. "Well, it''s a little complicated, but to put it simply: When scientists speak of ''dark matter'' and ''dark energy'', then, in reality, they are trying to explain the magic in this plane of existence and all the others, like demons and the magic that exists in their ''dimension'' or whatever you''d wanna call it. But," she waves her hand as if to shoo away a pesky fly, "you don''t have to concern yourself with that right now. When the time comes, Reinhold can explain it to you in more detail - hell, considering that he''s your mentor, I''ve done an awful lot of explaining already... Now, let''s go!"'
+				'"Did I?" She looks thoughtful but shrugs again. "Well, it''s a little complicated, but to put it simply: when scientists speak of ''dark matter'' and ''dark energy'', then, in reality, they are trying to explain the magic in this plane of existence and all the others, like demons and the magic that exists in their ''dimension'' or whatever you''d wanna call it. But," she waves her hand as if to shoo away a pesky fly, "you don''t have to concern yourself with that right now. When the time comes, Reinhold can explain it to you in more detail - hell, considering that he''s your mentor, I''ve done an awful lot of explaining already... Now, let''s go!"'
 				'With that, Tatiana turns towards the exit once more and beckons you to follow.'
 				'"Go where?" You ask.'
 				'"To the magic!" She answers cryptically.'