Internet and Mobile: Homes, properties, locations
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Every internet subscription is linked to a location, either a home, the mobile phone or potentially any other location that may come up in the future and needs separate tracking - I don't know, Sveta rents an office or buys a music studio.

Public locations and NPC locations share a common monthly subscription that never expires. This includes libraries, the Shulga home, Artem's home and any other place that will include a computer.

When in this location the player can use the internet two different ways:

  1. If the player is using the computer/laptop provided by the location, they will use the global, never expiring subscription - unless a scene calls for 'no internet access' for some reason, like internet outage at the Meynold's Household while visiting Katya.
  2. If they are using their phone or their laptop, then by default they will use the mobile internet access they have - minutes, monthly subscription or none.
  3. To use the "local" internet, there needs to be some way to ask someone to give them access to it. This could be an in scene thing or an act:, like act: 'Ask Anushka for the wifi password' or something. If they get the access they will start to use the global subscription, not their own. Obviously, If they have a monthly subscription it doesn't really make a difference, but if they have a metered internet this can be important.

Different locations

When it comes to the internet, there are currently two types of locations.

  1. Internet enabled
  2. Not internet enabled

Internet enabled homes are the ones that allow every tpye of internet actions - buying or cancelling a subscription for the home, transfering the subscription to and from the home.

The homes that are not internet enabled don't allow buying, cancelling or transfering the subscription.

Special Locations

Parent's home in Pavlovsk

  • The internet subscription is on the parents name, therefore it can't be transfered or cancelled by the player.
  • The player can't buy a second subscription for this address.
  • Mom can cut the player off from the internet if the story calls for that.
  • The player doesn't have to pay for this subscription, although after graduation (or if expelled but not kicked out) Mom may ask them to contribute to the household expenses.
  • If the player moves out and the place becomes an "NPC home" they still won't have to ask for the password and will be able to use the local net. Unless someone writes some storyline where someone changes the password and doesn't tell the player.

Grandparent's house, Hunter's lodge

Neither of these locations can get internet - the Hunter's lodge is in the middle of the swamp, and the grandparent's house doesn't have the necessary infrastructure.

The cottage in the cooperative farm

This home is fully functional, however it may make sense for this home to add the hurdel of actually getting the cables to the house.

The cottage in the cooperative farm

This home is fully functional, however it may make sense for this home to add the hurdel of actually getting the cables to the house.

Homes that aren't homes

There are quite a few very temporal homes in the game. As a general rule, none of these allow the player to buy, cancel, transfer an internet subscription.

A list of these homes

  • The Meynold Household
  • The shared apartment in Pavlovsk
  • The university dorm room
  • The lyceum dorm room
  • Uncle Sergey''s apartment (the Shulga home)
  • Niko's apartment - this location doesn't exist yet, but has an entry
  • The hotel room in Pavlovsk
  • The maid/servant bedroom in Nicholas' apartment - this is the room in the live in maid job