# KGZdyn if KGZweapon = 0:$KGZweapon = 'Fists' & $KGZweapona = 'Fist' if KGZweapon = 1:$KGZweapon = 'Baton' & $KGZweapona = 'Shillelagh' if KGZweapon = 2:$KGZweapon = 'Ax' & $KGZweapona = 'Ax' if KGZgun > 0:$KGZgun = 'Pistol, cartridges <>piece' if KGZgun2 > 0:$KGZgun2 = 'Shotgun cartridges <>piece' if KGZgun3 > 0:$KGZgun3 = 'Automatic, cartridges <>piece' if KGZhour >= 24: KGZhour -= 24 KGZday += 1 if KGZsup = 0: KGZHP -= 10 else KGZsup -= 1 end end $KGZvihod = { if KGZweapon = 0:KGZweapon = 1 & 'You found a good cudgel lying on the pavement and took her' act 'Go to the apartment': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 0 KGZbatl = 0 'You went to the apartment carefully trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Go to the store': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 2 KGZbatl = 0 'You cautiously went to the store with smashed storefronts trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Go to the hospital': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 3 KGZbatl = 0 'You went to the hospital carefully, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Go to the boulevard': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 4 KGZbatl = 0 'You gingerly walked down the street, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end } $KGZvihod2 = { act 'Go to the street': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 1 KGZbatl = 0 'You carefully went into the street trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Search provisions': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' !!KGZplace = 2 KGZbatl = 0 'Noiselessly you started searching the store looking for food.' KGZsupoisk = rand(0, 100) if KGZsupoisk = 100: KGZsup += 1 'You found enough food to stretch another day.' elseif KGZday < KGZsupoisk: KGZsup += 1 'You found enough food to stretch another day.' else 'You are not able to find anything edible, all that you have found rotten and no good for eating.' end act 'Further':gt $curloc end } $KGZvihod3 = { act 'Go to the street': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 1 KGZbatl = 0 'You carefully went into the street trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Search kits': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' !!KGZplace = 2 KGZbatl = 0 'Noiselessly you started searching the hospital looking kit.' KGZsupoisk = rand(0, 100) if KGZsupoisk = 100: KGZmedkit += 1 'You have found a first aid kit.' elseif KGZday < KGZsupoisk: KGZmedkit += 1 'You have found a first aid kit.' else 'You are not able to find anything useful.' end act 'Further':gt $curloc end } $KGZvihod4 = { act 'Go to the street to the side of his house': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 1 KGZbatl = 0 'You carefully went into the street trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Go to the hunting store': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 5 KGZbatl = 0 'You carefully went hunting store trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Go to the police station': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 6 KGZbatl = 0 'You cautiously went to the police station trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Go to the hardware store': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 7 KGZbatl = 0 'You cautiously went to the hardware store trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end if KGZcopcar = 0: act 'Search the police car': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' !!KGZplace = 2 KGZbatl = 1 KGZcopcar = 1 'Noiselessly you started searching the police car.' if KGZgun = 0:KGZgun = 1 & 'You have found a pistol' bullet += 10 'You found 10t ammunition for the gun.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end end act 'Go on the highway': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 8 KGZbatl = 0 'You cautiously walked towards the highway trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end } $KGZvihod5 = { act 'Leave the store': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 4 KGZbatl = 0 'You carefully went into the street trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Search salesroom': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' !!KGZplace = 2 KGZbatl = 0 'Noiselessly you started searching the hunting store.' if KGZgun2 = 0:KGZgun2 = 1 & 'You found a shotgun' bulletrand = rand(3, 20) bullet2 += bulletrand 'You have found <>to be shotgun cartridges.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end } $KGZvihod6 = { act 'Get Outside': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 4 KGZbatl = 0 'You carefully went into the street trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Search the police station': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' !!KGZplace = 2 KGZbatl = 0 'Noiselessly you started searching the police station.' if KGZgun = 0:KGZgun = 1 & 'You have found a pistol' bulletrand = rand(3, 20) bullet += bulletrand 'You have found <>be ammo for the gun.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end if KGZcopdoor = 0: 'Armed room is locked on a massive iron door which can be opened only grinder, but the trouble is, there is no electricity.' if KGZgenerator > 0 and KGZbenzin > 0 and KGZbolgarka > 0: act 'Uncover grinder armed room': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZcopdoor = 1 KGZbatl = 0 'Noiselessly you started searching the police station.' if KGZgun3 = 0:KGZgun3 = 1 & 'You found Machine' bullet3 += 500 'You have found 500 tons of ammunition for machine.' KGZdead = KGZday * 10 'The noise from the grinder ran dead and attacked you.' act 'Srazhatsya':KGZdist = rand(5, 8) & gt 'KGZfight' end end end if KGZcopdoor = 1: 'Armory room is empty, just a bunch of dead on the floor, according to a recent fight with you.' if KGZratia = 0: act 'Pick up radio': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZratia = 1 KGZbatl = 1 'You have found a radio. Including it you heard the voice repeating the same phrase. "Everyone who hears me. Safe Haven is 10m kilometer highway. Go to Fort Bragg."' act 'Further':gt $curloc end end end } $KGZvihod7 = { act 'Get Outside': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 4 KGZbatl = 0 'You carefully went into the street trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Search the store': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' !!KGZplace = 2 KGZbatl = 0 'Noiselessly you started searching the hardware store.' if KGZweapon < 2: KGZweapon = 2 'You found an ax' act 'Further':gt $curloc exit end if KGZgenerator = 0: KGZgenerator = 1 'You found refillable portable generator gasoline.' act 'Further':gt $curloc exit end if KGZbolgarka = 0: KGZbolgarka = 1 'You found grinder is powered by electricity.' act 'Further':gt $curloc exit end 'You did not find anything useful.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end } $KGZvihod8 = { act 'Exit at Boulevard': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 4 KGZbatl = 0 'You went to the boulevard carefully trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Go to the gas station': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 9 KGZbatl = 0 'Noiselessly you went to the gas station.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end if KGZratia > 0: act 'Go in the direction of Fort Bragg': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 10 KGZplaceA = 1 KGZbatl = 0 'Noiselessly you went toward Fort Bragg.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end end } $KGZvihod9 = { act 'Exit the highway': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 8 KGZbatl = 0 'You went to the highway carefully, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end if KGZbenzin = 0: act 'Pour gasoline': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbenzin = 1 KGZbatl = 0 'Noiselessly you poured gasoline from the column.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end end } $KGZvihod10 = { if KGZplaceA < 10:$KGZplaceA = 'Fort Bragg' & $KGZplaceB = 'from the city' if KGZplaceA > 10:$KGZplaceA = 'from the city' & $KGZplaceB = 'Fort Bragg' act 'Go in the direction <<$KGZplaceA>>': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplaceA += 1 KGZbatl = 0 'You went to the highway carefully, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Go in the direction <<$KGZplaceB>>': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplaceA -= 1 KGZbatl = 0 'You went to the highway carefully, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end if KGZplaceA > 10: act 'Go to the forest': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbatl = 0 KGZplace = 200 'You have gone off the highway into the woods.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end end } $KGZvihod11 = { if KGZfortQW = 0:'From the roof of a shot is fired with a sniper rifle.' if KGZfortQW = 0:'The man on the roof screaming you. "Fort Bragg fell. I stayed living person. Save me. Ammo I end, and ghouls and climb."' act 'Probivatsya the roof': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' if KGZfortQW = 0:KGZfortQW = 1 KGZplace = 12 KGZbatl = 0 KGZdead = rand(KGZday * 20, KGZday * 30) 'You ran into a fort surrounded on all sides dead.' act 'Srazhatsya':KGZdist = rand(5, 12) & gt 'KGZfight' end act 'Go to the side of the highway (the side leading to the city)': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplaceA = 9 KGZplace = 10 KGZbatl = 0 'You went to the highway carefully, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Go to the side of the highway (leading side of the city)': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplaceA = 11 KGZplace = 10 KGZbatl = 0 'You went to the highway carefully, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end if KGZfortQW = 2: act 'Probivatsya on food warehouse': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 13 KGZbatl = 0 KGZdead = rand(KGZday * 20, KGZday * 30) 'You ran to the warehouse surrounded on all sides dead.' act 'Srazhatsya':KGZdist = rand(5, 12) & gt 'KGZfight' end act 'Probivatsya infirmary': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 14 KGZbatl = 0 KGZdead = rand(KGZday * 20, KGZday * 30) 'You ran into the hospital surrounded on all sides dead.' act 'Srazhatsya':KGZdist = rand(5, 12) & gt 'KGZfight' end act 'Probivatsya armory': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 15 KGZbatl = 0 KGZdead = rand(KGZday * 20, KGZday * 30) 'You ran into the hospital surrounded on all sides dead.' act 'Srazhatsya':KGZdist = rand(5, 12) & gt 'KGZfight' end act 'Probivatsya in garage': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplace = 16 KGZbatl = 0 KGZdead = rand(KGZday * 20, KGZday * 30) 'You ran into the hospital surrounded on all sides dead.' act 'Srazhatsya':KGZdist = rand(5, 12) & gt 'KGZfight' end end } $KGZvihod13 = { act 'Exit at Fort Bragg': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbatl = 0 KGZplace = 11 'You went cautiously, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Search the warehouse': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' !!KGZplace = 2 KGZbatl = 0 'Noiselessly you started searching the dark warehouse.' udacharand = rand(0, 1) if udacharand = 1: KGZsuprand = rand(1, 3) KGZsup += KGZsuprand 'You have found the diet <> days' end if udacharand = 0: KGZdead = rand(KGZday * 5, KGZday * 10) 'On the box seemed barely visible in the dark and dead with uterine howling toward you.' act 'Srazhatsya':KGZdist = rand(5, 10) & gt 'KGZfight' exit end act 'Further':gt $curloc end } $KGZvihod14 = { act 'Exit at Fort Bragg': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbatl = 0 KGZplace = 11 'You went cautiously, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Search the infirmary': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' !!KGZplace = 2 KGZbatl = 0 'Noiselessly you started searching the dark infirmary.' udacharand = rand(0, 1) if udacharand = 1: KGZmedkit += 1 'You have found a first aid kit' end if udacharand = 0: KGZdead = rand(KGZday * 5, KGZday * 10) 'On the box seemed barely visible in the dark and dead with uterine howling toward you.' act 'Srazhatsya':KGZdist = rand(5, 10) & gt 'KGZfight' exit end act 'Further':gt $curloc end } $KGZvihod15 = { act 'Exit at Fort Bragg': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbatl = 0 KGZplace = 11 'You went cautiously, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Search armory': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' !!KGZplace = 2 KGZbatl = 0 if KGZfortOru = 1: 'In Munitions nothing useful.' end if KGZfortOru = 0: KGZfortOru = 1 'In Munitions you find ammunition for machine 300 pieces and 10 grenades.' KGZgranade += 10 bullet3 += 300 end '.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end } $KGZvihod16 = { act 'Exit at Fort Bragg': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbatl = 0 KGZplace = 11 'You went cautiously, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end if KGZgruzovik = 0: act 'Climb into the truck': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' !!KGZplace = 2 KGZbatl = 0 if KGZgruzBenz = 1: 'You sat in the cab on the driverĀ“s seat and brought the truck.' act 'Go': cls 'Truck uterine growled jumped into the courtyard of the fort where a crowd had gathered the dead, you go to cut into the crowd and began to push the ghouls, the engine speed drops, the engine roared overwrought gliding over crushed bodies, dead hands clung to the cabin. Some ghouls hung on the cabin in the mirror was clear that the body you have climbed too dead. Gate to the fort closed and they have to knock.' act 'Clear the gate': cls 'You disperse truck hit the gate of the fort. You strongly shaken and rattled the gate collapsed. Something like a truck drove out of the courtyard of the fort on the highway clogged.' act 'Drive along the highway into town': cls KGZgruzovik = 1 KGZplace = 10 KGZplaceA = 9 'Your truck surrounded by a ring of the dead tried to clear the road of traffic jams. But you get stuck. There is no choice, already dead truck stuck like flies.' KGZdead = rand(KGZday * 50, KGZday * 100) act 'Srazhatsya':KGZdist = rand(5, 10) & gt 'KGZfight' end act 'Ride on the highway out of town': cls KGZgruzovik = 2 KGZplace = 10 KGZplaceA = 11 'Your truck surrounded by a ring of the dead tried to clear the road of traffic jams. But you get stuck. There is no choice, already dead truck stuck like flies.' KGZdead = rand(KGZday * 50, KGZday * 100) act 'Srazhatsya':KGZdist = rand(5, 10) & gt 'KGZfight' end act 'To go along the side of the city': cls KGZgruzovik = 3 KGZplace = 10 KGZplaceA = 7 'Your truck surrounded by a ring of the dead went on slippery roadside. When the truck crushed corpses wheel very punt and you still make a mistake, the truck slid into a ditch and overturned. There is no choice, already dead truck stuck like flies.' KGZdead = rand(KGZday * 50, KGZday * 100) act 'Srazhatsya':KGZdist = rand(5, 10) & gt 'KGZfight' end act 'To go along the side of the city': cls KGZgruzovik = 4 KGZplace = 10 KGZplaceA = 13 'Your truck surrounded by a ring of the dead went on slippery roadside. When the truck crushed corpses wheel very punt and you still make a mistake, the truck slid into a ditch and overturned. There is no choice, already dead truck stuck like flies.' KGZdead = rand(KGZday * 50, KGZday * 100) act 'Srazhatsya':KGZdist = rand(5, 10) & gt 'KGZfight' end end end end if KGZgruzBenz = 0: KGZgruzBenzMark = 1 'Heck, empty tank truck, standing next column, you only need to fill.' end act 'Get out of the cab':gt $curloc end end if KGZgruzBenzMark = 1: act 'Exit at Fort Bragg': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbatl = 0 KGZgruzBenz = 1 'You carefully tucked truck gasoline.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end end } $KGZvihod100 = { act 'Wander through the dead city': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbatl = 0 KGZplace = 100 'You went cautiously, trying not to stumble on the dead.' KGZlocrand = rand(0, 100) if KGZlocrand >= 90 and KGZlok = 0: 'You have found a solid house with iron bars on the windows' KGZlok = 1 act 'Enter the house':KGZplace = 101 & gt $curloc end if KGZlocrand >= 80 and KGZlok2 = 0: KGZlok2 = 1 'You find a large supermarket where when it sold a variety of goods' act 'Sign in to supermarket':KGZplace = 102 & gt $curloc end act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Go to the side of the highway': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZplaceA = 19 KGZplace = 10 KGZbatl = 0 'You went to the highway carefully, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end if KGZlok = 1:act 'Enter the house':KGZhour += 1 & KGZplace = 101 & gt $curloc if KGZlok2 = 1:act 'Sign in to supermarket':KGZhour += 1 & KGZplace = 102 & gt $curloc } $KGZvihod102 = { act 'Get out of the supermarket': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbatl = 0 KGZplace = 100 'You went cautiously, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Scour supermarket': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbatl = 0 'You gently started to fumble in search of useful, trying not to stumble on the dead.' udarand = rand(0, 100) if udarand >= 90: tiprand = rand(0, 1) if tiprand = 0:KGZsup += 1 & 'You are lucky and you find food' if tiprand = 1:KGZmedkit += 1 & 'You are lucky and you find a first aid kit' end act 'Further':gt $curloc end } $KGZvihod200 = { act 'Walk through the woods to the highway': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbatl = 0 KGZplace = 10 'You went cautiously, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Walk through the woods from the highway': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbatl = 0 KGZplace = 201 'You went cautiously, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end } $KGZvihod201 = { act 'Go to the forest': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbatl = 0 KGZplace = 200 'You went cautiously, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end act 'Go to the farmhouse': cls KGZhour += 1 minut += 1 gs 'stat' KGZbatl = 0 KGZplace = 202 'You went cautiously, trying not to stumble on the dead.' act 'Further':gt $curloc end } $KGZvincent = { cls if KGZfortQW = 1:KGZfortQW = 2 'The fort has arsenal and warehouse with food, hospital and garage with trucks. But a lot of dead, really a lot. Several soldiers tried to break but died. Some tried to use flamethrowers, but still dead burn, they manage to reach the man and the end. From the fort should leave as soon as possible.' act 'Further':gt $curloc } $KGZfizatk = { if KGZweapon = 0: KGZuspeh = rand(0, 100) if KGZuspeh <= 30: KGZdead -= 1 'You were very good ghouls fist on the head and he fell stopping moves.' else 'Ghoul irreversible no attention to your punch.' end end if KGZweapon = 1: KGZuspeh = rand(0, 100) if KGZuspeh <= 50: KGZdead -= 1 'You were very good ghouls club head and he fell stopping moves.' else 'Ghoul irreversible no attention to your clubbing.' end end if KGZweapon = 2: KGZuspeh = rand(0, 100) if KGZuspeh <= 70: KGZdead -= 1 'You were very good ghouls ax on the head and he fell stopping moves.' else 'Ghoul irreversible no attention to your ax blow.' end end if KGZdead > 0: '<> dead clutching at you, trying to tear.' kgzuron = rand(KGZdead * 2, KGZdead * 5) KGZHP -= kgzuron 'you have caused damage <> units.' end } $KGZgunatk = { KGZuspeh = rand(0, 100) if KGZdist <= 5: if KGZuspeh <= 90: KGZdead -= 1 'You put a bullet in his head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end elseif KGZdist <= 10: if KGZuspeh <= 80: KGZdead -= 1 'You put a bullet in his head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end else if KGZuspeh <= 70: KGZdead -= 1 'You put a bullet in his head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end end } $KGZgunatk2 = { KGZuspeh = rand(0, 100) if KGZdist <= 5: if KGZuspeh <= 100: KGZdead -= 1 'You have thrust the charge shot in the head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end elseif KGZdist <= 10: if KGZuspeh <= 70: KGZdead -= 1 'You have thrust the charge shot in the head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end else if KGZuspeh <= 50: KGZdead -= 1 'You have thrust the charge shot in the head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end end } $KGZgunatk3 = { KGZuspeh = rand(0, 100) if KGZdist <= 5: if KGZuspeh <= 70: KGZdead -= 1 'You put a bullet in his head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end elseif KGZdist <= 10: if KGZuspeh <= 95: KGZdead -= 1 'You put a bullet in his head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end else if KGZuspeh <= 85: KGZdead -= 1 'You put a bullet in his head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end end } $KGZgunatk4 = { :KGZmarkgun KGZbulgun -= 1 KGZuspeh = rand(0, 100) if KGZdead > 0: if KGZdist <= 5: if KGZuspeh <= 80: KGZdead -= 1 'You put a bullet in his head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end elseif KGZdist <= 10: if KGZuspeh <= 70: KGZdead -= 1 'You put a bullet in his head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end else if KGZuspeh <= 60: KGZdead -= 1 'You put a bullet in his head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end end end if KGZbulgun > 0:jump 'KGZmarkgun' } $KGZgunatk5 = { :KGZmarkgunb KGZbulgun -= 1 KGZuspeh = rand(0, 100) if KGZdead > 0: if KGZdist <= 5: if KGZuspeh <= 70: KGZdead -= 1 'You put a bullet in his head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end elseif KGZdist <= 10: if KGZuspeh <= 60: KGZdead -= 1 'You put a bullet in his head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end else if KGZuspeh <= 50: KGZdead -= 1 'You put a bullet in his head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You hit the dead.' end end end if KGZbulgun > 0:jump 'KGZmarkgunb' } $KGZdeadmanatk = { if KGZdist > 0:KGZdist -= 1 if KGZdead > 0 and KGZdist <= 2: '<> dead clutching at you, trying to tear.' kgzuron = rand(KGZdead * 2, KGZdead * 5) KGZHP -= kgzuron 'you have caused damage <> units.' elseif KGZdist > 2 and KGZdead > 0: '<> The Dead wheezing and limping approach you.' end } $KGZgranatk = { KGZuspeh = rand(0, 100) KGZgranade -= 1 'You threw a grenade into the Dead' if KGZdist <= 5: 'Powerful explosion threw the dead in different directions' KGZdist += rand(1, 5) KGZdead -= rand(5, 20) KGZHP -= rand(5, 20) 'You hurt by a grenade' elseif KGZdist <= 10: 'Powerful explosion threw the dead in different directions' KGZdist += rand(1, 3) KGZdead -= rand(3, 10) else if KGZuspeh <= 5: KGZdead -= 1 'You put a bullet in his head and he fell ghoul stopping moves.' else 'You do not dokinuli grenade and it exploded harmlessly.' end end } --- KGZdyn ---------------------------------