# High priority - Broken locations and actions - Broken images - Initiate sex with pet without needing prior experience with other pets. See next point. - Beast experience system. Might piggyback off arousal.qsrc variables, `bestiality['exp']`. `bestiality['pref']`, `stat['beast']` and `stim['beast']`. Try to get rid of `zoo` variable. # Medium priority - Animal pregnancy system. - In-game explanation/story for how that can happen. SlaveDanni on TFGames forum suggested fertility trials in the city clinic. I was thinking a random encounter with a strange dog in the park. - Family reactions to animal pregnancy. - PC reactions to being pregnant by animal. - Random encounters with animals in park. - Dog beach scene. # Low priority - New images - New animals - Renown: PCs reputation for animal companionship. - Traits: traits for PC based on how much she enjoys the company of (certain?) animals. - Merging more repetitive code. Gives us more maintainability.