mod_bestmod_park_dog.qsrc 5.9 KB

  1. # mod_bestmod_park_dog
  2. menu_off = 1
  3. !! Set a default large volume of sperm for stray dog
  4. sexvolume = rand(100, 200)
  5. $bm_park_array['gskver'] = 1
  6. $bm_park_array['park'] = 2
  7. $bm_park_array['lug'] = 3
  8. !! Might be interesting to add calls to a function like "'gadforest', 'torncloth'"
  9. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  10. *clr & cla
  11. pcs_willpwr -= 5
  12. minut += 5
  13. if bm_know_parkdog = 1:
  14. 'Under construction!'
  15. act 'Go back to the park': gt $loc, $metka
  16. else
  17. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/locations/gadukino/village/baddog.jpg"></center>'
  18. 'It''s a rather large dog and you''re not sure what breed it is. But you figure something that size must be hungry if it hasn''t had something to eat in a while.'
  19. ''
  20. '"Poor thing," you think to yourself, and walk towards it. As you approach, the dog looks up. You must have scared it because it turns around as soon as it sees you, and trots off into the darkness among the trees.'
  21. act 'Follow him': gt 'mod_bestmod_park_dog', 'first_follow'
  22. act 'Leave him be': gt $loc, $metka
  23. end
  24. end
  25. if $ARGS[0] = 'first_follow':
  26. minut += 40
  27. 'You almost have to run to catch up to it. Once in a while, you catch it looking back at you. As he snakes through some trees, you get the feeling he isn''t trying to shake you off but is instead leading you somewhere...'
  28. ''
  29. 'Finally you see the dog slow down. It has led you to a small clearing just a few meters wide. It looks like this is his den.'
  30. 'You are sure it''s a "he" since now that he has laid down to rest you can see his... rather large testicles.'
  31. if buterbrod = 0:
  32. act 'Leave':
  33. *clr & cla
  34. 'You wonder why you even followed this dog. He looks like he is comfortable where he is and you don''t even have any food to give him.'
  35. 'Even worse, you realize that you have no idea where you are in the park and should probably get out as soon as you can. You don''t want to be known as "that girl who got lost in the park".'
  36. 'You finally find your way out, but you''re not sure you could find your way back to the dog. If you ever want to go back to his den, you''ll have to run into him somewhere in the park again.'
  37. act 'Go back to the park': gt $loc, $metka
  38. end
  39. else
  40. buterbrod = 0
  41. act 'Offer your sandwich':
  42. *clr & cla
  43. bm_know_parkdog = 1
  44. bm_parkdog_QW = 1
  45. bm_firstmet_parkdog = bm_park_array[$loc]
  46. 'You take the sandwich out from your bag and offer it to the dog. He sniffs at it for a bit, but seems hesitant to get very close to you.'
  47. 'You figure he might not trust you too much, so you put the sandwich down on the ground and step back. You guessed right, as the dog jumped forward after a moment''s pause and devoured the sandwich meat, leaving the bread behind.'
  48. ''
  49. 'You kneel down and the dog trots over to you. "You poor thing," you tell him. "You must have been starving, weren''t you? Who could have let such a good boy like you out here, all alone?"'
  50. 'He licks your hands and then your face. He doesn''t smell bad, as you expect him to, so you let him get a few licks in.'
  51. ''
  52. '"Haha, ok that''s enough. You''re a charmer and you know it."'
  53. ''
  54. if home_owned[2] = 1:
  55. if StoryLine = 1:
  56. '"Sorry, boy, but my <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> won''t let me have any pets. But I will try to come and see you the next time I come to the park, alright? It''s getting late now and I should be getting home. <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> will get mad at me if I am late." You tell the dog.'
  57. 'The dog almost seems to understand, and gives a little whine. You can''t help but feel badly, but you know you must go now.'
  58. else
  59. '"Sorry, boy. I don''t have anything else to give you.... Unless...would you like to come back home with me?"'
  60. 'To your surprise the dog gets up suddenly, turns around, and dashes away.'
  61. 'Not wanting to go on another late night chase through the park, you decide to try and head back to a more populated part of the park. But you can''t help but think about the stray dog. You hope he is alright out here on his own.'
  62. end
  63. elseif home_owned[2] = 0
  64. 'You don''t have another place to stay, but you also weren''t looking to spend the night out somewhere in the middle of the park.'
  65. '"Sorry, boy. I can''t stay here. But I hope I see you again. I''ll be sure to bring something better than a sandwich next time, too," you say, smiling at the dog. He happily wags his tail and keeps looking at you as you walk back through the trees.'
  66. end
  67. act 'Go back to the park': gt $loc, $metka
  68. end
  69. act 'Leave':
  70. *clr & cla
  71. 'You realize that you have no idea where you are in the park and should probably get out as soon as you can. You don''t want to be known as "that girl who got lost in the park".'
  72. 'You finally find your way out, but you''re not sure you could find your way back to the dog. If you ever want to go back to his den, you''ll have to run into him somewhere in the park again.'
  73. act 'Go back to the park': gt $loc, $metka
  74. end
  75. end
  76. end
  77. if $ARGS[0] = 'first_sex':
  78. !! When encountered, and beast impreg is enabled, makes male dogs able to impregnate PC
  79. !! Right now does nothing. Need a function to run when user toggles beast preg on/off
  80. bm_pc_dog_fert = (bm_enable_preg and 1)
  81. end
  82. !! Used before sex, once PC is friendly with stray
  83. if $ARGS[0] = 'parkdog_setup':
  84. !! Ask user for name for the stray?
  85. gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Park Stray', rand(1,4)
  86. gs 'npcpreservec', $npclastgenerated
  87. $bm_parkdog_ID = $npclastsaved
  88. $npc_firstname[$npclastsaved] = 'Park'
  89. $npc_nickname[$npclastsaved] = 'Good boy'
  90. $npc_lastname[$npclastsaved] = 'Stray'
  91. $npc_usedname[$npclastsaved] = 'Park stray'
  92. $npc_notes[$npclastsaved] = 'The stray dog you found in the park'
  93. !! Stray will have -1 potency to start with...
  94. npc_spermpot[$npclastsaved] = -1
  95. $npc_thdick[$npclastsaved] = 'knotted'
  96. npc_dick[$npclastsaved] = 26
  97. !! Park dog is skilled in sex
  98. npc_sexskill[$npclastsaved] = 2
  99. $bm_npc_species[$npclastsaved] = 'dog'
  100. end
  101. --- mod_bestmod_park_dog ---------------------------------