Initiate sex with pet without needing prior experience with other pets. See next point.
Beast experience system. Might piggyback off arousal.qsrc variables, bestiality['exp']. bestiality['pref'], stat['beast'] and stim['beast']. Try to get rid of zoo variable.
Medium priority
Animal pregnancy system.
In-game explanation/story for how that can happen. SlaveDanni on TFGames forum suggested fertility trials in the city clinic. I was thinking a random encounter with a strange dog in the park.
Family reactions to animal pregnancy.
PC reactions to being pregnant by animal.
Random encounters with animals in park.
Dog beach scene.
Add some text for drunk interactions. These might be made generic for any time the PC is drunk, and inserted into scenes as needed. Same thing for high horny interactions.
Low priority
New images
New animals
Renown: PCs reputation for animal companionship.
Traits: traits for PC based on how much she enjoys the company of (certain?) animals.
Merging more repetitive code. Gives us more maintainability.