preSYS2.qsrc 31 KB

  1. # preSYS2
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. if genbsize = '': genbsize = 22
  4. if $soc_grup = '':gs 'preSYS2', 'none'
  5. act 'Pick a social group': gt 'preSYS2','modgrup'
  6. act 'Set attributes': gt 'preSYS2','modatt'
  7. act 'Set skills': gt 'preSYS2','modskl'
  8. act 'Set appearance':gt 'preSYS2','modapp'
  9. act 'Set relationships': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  10. act 'Set purse': gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  11. act 'Set items': gt 'preSYS2','modite'
  12. act 'Set money (<<money>>₽)': money = input 'Set Cash Amount' & gt'preSYS2','start'
  13. act 'Return to preset character menu': gt 'preSYS', 'charselect'
  14. act 'Confirm these options':
  15. pcs_inhib = 100 - pcs_inhib
  16. if pcs_inhib < 10: pcs_inhib = 10
  17. !!This line should get sveta to wear school uniform because she has no other clothing with >=40
  18. if pcs_inhib >= 40: gs 'clothing', 'wear', 'school', 6
  19. if bag = 1:
  20. !!using current combination should prevent having more than 1 bag at the start of game.
  21. dynamic $currentpursetype + '_purses[<<currentpursenumber>>] = 1'
  22. gs 'obj_din', 'old'
  23. end
  24. gt 'preCUST', 'SGStart'
  25. end
  26. end
  27. if $ARGS[0] = 'modapp':
  28. if genbsize = 0:genbsize = 12
  29. 'Choose base genetic breast size:'
  30. nl
  31. if genbsize = 2:
  32. 'Very small - Currently set'
  33. else
  34. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 2 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Very small</a>'
  35. end
  36. if genbsize = 7:
  37. 'Below average - Currently set'
  38. else
  39. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 7 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Below average</a>'
  40. end
  41. if genbsize = 12:
  42. 'Average - Currently set'
  43. else
  44. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 12 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Average</a>'
  45. end
  46. if genbsize = 17:
  47. 'Above average - Currently set'
  48. else
  49. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 17 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Above average</a>'
  50. end
  51. if genbsize = 22:
  52. 'Large - Currently set'
  53. else
  54. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 22 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Large</a>'
  55. end
  56. if genbsize = 27:
  57. 'Extra large - Currently set'
  58. else
  59. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 27 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Extra large</a>'
  60. end
  61. if genbsize = 32:
  62. 'Really big - Currently set'
  63. else
  64. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 32 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Really big</a>'
  65. end
  66. if genbsize = 37:
  67. 'Massive - Currently set'
  68. else
  69. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 37 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Massive</a>'
  70. end
  71. if genbsize = 42:
  72. 'Getting silly - Currently set'
  73. else
  74. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 42 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Getting silly</a>'
  75. end
  76. if genbsize = 47:
  77. 'Crazy big - Currently set'
  78. else
  79. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 47 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Crazy big</a>'
  80. end
  81. if genbsize = 57:
  82. 'Freakishly big - Currently set'
  83. else
  84. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 57 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Freakishly big</a>'
  85. end
  86. if genbsize = 67:
  87. 'Will struggle to open doors or see the ground big - Currently set'
  88. else
  89. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 67 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Will struggle to open doors or see the ground big</a>'
  90. end
  91. if genbsize = 87:
  92. 'You''ve been eclipsed by 2 small moons - Currently set'
  93. else
  94. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 87 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">You''ve been eclipsed by 2 small moons</a>'
  95. end
  96. act 'Body fat (<<salo>>/200)': gs 'preSYS2','setsalo' & salo = nstat & gt 'preSYS2','modapp'
  97. act 'Return': gt'preSYS2','start'
  98. end
  99. if $ARGS[0] = 'setgenbsize':
  100. nstat = genbsize
  101. nstat = input 'Enter value that ends in a 2 or a 7. For example, 2, 7, 12 etc.'
  102. if nstat > 97:
  103. msg 'Please enter a value less than or equal to 97'
  104. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval2'
  105. elseif nstat < 2:
  106. msg 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to 2'
  107. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval2'
  108. elseif nstat mod 5 ! 2:
  109. msg 'Please enter a value that ends in 2, or a 7'
  110. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval2'
  111. else
  112. exit
  113. end
  114. end
  115. if $ARGS[0] = 'modite':
  116. act 'Fake passport (<<fakepassport>>/1)':
  117. if fakepassport = 0:
  118. fakepassport = 1
  119. else
  120. fakepassport = 0
  121. end
  122. gt 'preSYS2','modite'
  123. end
  124. act 'Laptop (<<komp>>/1)':
  125. if komp = 0:
  126. komp = 1
  127. else
  128. komp = 0
  129. end
  130. gt 'preSYS2','modite'
  131. end
  132. act 'Cosmetic items':gt 'preSYS2','modite_cos'
  133. act 'Pharmacy items':gt 'preSYS2','modite_pha'
  134. act 'Miscellaneous items':gt 'preSYS2','modite_mis'
  135. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','start'
  136. end
  137. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_setup2':
  138. dynamic 'if <<$ARGS[1]>> < 0: <<$ARGS[1]>> = 0'
  139. dynamic 'if <<$ARGS[1]>> > 100: <<$ARGS[1]>> = 100'
  140. dynamic 'x = <<$ARGS[1]>>'
  141. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD><<$ARGS[2]>> (<<x>>/100)</TD><TD><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> = 100 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">100</a></TD>'
  142. end
  143. if $ARGS[0] = 'modite_cos':
  144. $metka = 'modite_cos'
  145. '<center><b>Cosmetic items</b></center>'
  146. *nl
  147. *nl
  148. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  149. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'kosmetica', 'Cosmetics'
  150. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'stanok', 'Razors'
  151. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'krem', 'Sunblock'
  152. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'hscrunch', 'Hair scrunchies'
  153. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'hpingrip', 'Hair pins'
  154. '</table></center>'
  155. !act 'Shampoo (<<shampoo>>/100)': gs 'preSYS2','setval3' & shampoo = nstat & gt 'preSYS2','modite_cos'
  156. act 'Return': gt'preSYS2','modite'
  157. end
  158. if $ARGS[0] = 'modite_pha':
  159. $metka = 'modite_pha'
  160. '<center><b>Pharmaceutical items</b></center>'
  161. *nl
  162. *nl
  163. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  164. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'prezik', 'Condoms'
  165. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pregtest', 'Pregnancy tests'
  166. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'tabletki', 'Birth control pills'
  167. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'lekarstvo', 'Antibiotics'
  168. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'vitamin', 'Vitamins'
  169. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'painkiller', 'Painkillers'
  170. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'mosolmaz', 'Ointment for chafing'
  171. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'lubri', 'Lubricants'
  172. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'lipbalm', 'Lip balms'
  173. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'fatdel', 'Weight loss pills'
  174. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'tampon', 'Tampons'
  175. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'sanpad', 'Sanitary napkins'
  176. '</table></center>'
  177. act 'Return': gt'preSYS2','modite'
  178. end
  179. if $ARGS[0] = 'modite_mis':
  180. $metka = 'modite_mis'
  181. '<center><b>Misc items</b></center>'
  182. *nl
  183. *nl
  184. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  185. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'siga', 'Cigarettes'
  186. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'dur', 'Cocaine'
  187. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pranik', 'Tea Biscuits'
  188. '</table></center>'
  189. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modite'
  190. end
  191. if $ARGS[0] = 'modpur':
  192. cls
  193. if $currentpursetype = '':
  194. 'You do not own a purse.'
  195. else
  196. if $currentpursetype ! 'boutique':
  197. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/purses/<<$currentpursetype>>/<<currentpursenumber>>.jpg"></center>'
  198. else
  199. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/purses/moncheri/<<currentpursenumber>>.jpg"></center>'
  200. end
  201. 'Your current purse is <<$currentpursetype>>_<<currentpursenumber>>.'
  202. end
  203. act 'Get cheap':
  204. nbag = input ("Please enter a value between 1 to 14")
  205. if nbag < 1 or nbag > 14:
  206. gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  207. else
  208. bag = 1
  209. $currentpursetype = 'cheap'
  210. currentpursenumber = nbag
  211. gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  212. end
  213. end
  214. act 'Get dolls':
  215. nbag = input 'Please enter a value between 1 to 22'
  216. if nbag < 1 or nbag > 22:
  217. gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  218. else
  219. bag = 1
  220. $currentpursetype = 'dolls'
  221. currentpursenumber = nbag
  222. gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  223. end
  224. end
  225. act 'Get fashionista':
  226. nbag = input 'Please enter a value between 1 to 15'
  227. if nbag < 1 or nbag > 15:
  228. gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  229. else
  230. bag = 1
  231. $currentpursetype = 'fashionista'
  232. currentpursenumber = nbag
  233. gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  234. end
  235. end
  236. act 'Get kats':
  237. nbag = input 'Please enter a value between 1 to 14'
  238. if nbag < 1 or nbag > 14:
  239. gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  240. else
  241. bag = 1
  242. $currentpursetype = 'kats'
  243. currentpursenumber = nbag
  244. gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  245. end
  246. end
  247. act 'Get moncheri':
  248. nbag = input 'Please enter a value between 1 to 17'
  249. if nbag < 1 or nbag > 17:
  250. gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  251. else
  252. bag = 1
  253. $currentpursetype = 'boutique'
  254. currentpursenumber = nbag
  255. gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  256. end
  257. end
  258. act 'I do not want a purse':
  259. bag = 0
  260. $currentpursetype = ''
  261. currentpursenumber = ''
  262. gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  263. end
  264. act 'Return': gt'preSYS2','start'
  265. end
  266. !!This is used to set value, is used to avoid any values that go below 5.
  267. if $ARGS[0] = 'setval':
  268. nstat = 0
  269. nstat = input 'Enter value in multiples of 5. For example, 5, 10, 15 etc.'
  270. if nstat > 100:
  271. msg 'Please enter a value less than or equal to 100'
  272. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval'
  273. elseif nstat < 5:
  274. msg 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to 5'
  275. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval'
  276. elseif nstat mod 5 ! 0:
  277. msg 'Please enter a value in multiples of 5'
  278. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval'
  279. else
  280. gs 'stat'
  281. exit
  282. end
  283. end
  284. !!This is used to set values, that can go below 5 and ranges from 100 to -100.
  285. if $ARGS[0] = 'setval2':
  286. nstat = 0
  287. nstat = input 'Enter value in multiples of 5. For example, 5, 0, -5 etc.'
  288. if nstat > 100:
  289. msg 'Please enter a value less than or equal to 100'
  290. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval2'
  291. elseif nstat < -100:
  292. msg 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to -100'
  293. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval2'
  294. elseif nstat mod 5 ! 0:
  295. msg 'Please enter a value in multiples of 5'
  296. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval2'
  297. else
  298. exit
  299. end
  300. end
  301. !!This is used to set values, that can go to 0 and ranges from 0 to 100.
  302. if $ARGS[0] = 'setval3':
  303. nstat = 0
  304. nstat = input 'Enter value in multiples of 5. For example, 0, 5, 10 etc.'
  305. if nstat > 100:
  306. msg 'Please enter a value less than or equal to 100'
  307. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval3'
  308. elseif nstat < 0:
  309. msg 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to 0'
  310. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval3'
  311. elseif nstat mod 5 ! 0:
  312. msg 'Please enter a value in multiples of 5'
  313. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval3'
  314. else
  315. exit
  316. end
  317. end
  318. if $ARGS[0] = 'setsalo':
  319. nstat = salo
  320. nstat = input 'Enter value in multiples of 20. For example, 20, 40, 60 etc.'
  321. if nstat > 200:
  322. msg 'Please enter a value less than 200'
  323. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval'
  324. elseif nstat < 20:
  325. msg 'Please enter a value greater than 20'
  326. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval'
  327. elseif nstat mod 20 ! 0:
  328. msg 'Please enter a value in multiples of 20'
  329. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval'
  330. else
  331. exit
  332. end
  333. end
  334. if $ARGS[0] = 'modgrup':
  335. cls
  336. 'Your current social group is <<$soc_grup>>.'
  337. act 'Nerd, Geek, Student': $soc_grup = 'nerd'& gt 'preSYS2','modgrup'
  338. act 'Athlete, Jock':$soc_grup = 'jock'& gt 'preSYS2','modgrup'
  339. act 'Popular, Cool, Beautiful':$soc_grup = 'cool'& gt 'preSYS2','modgrup'
  340. act 'Gopnik, Rebel, Punk, Troublemaker':$soc_grup = 'gopnik'& gt 'preSYS2','modgrup'
  341. act 'Outcast, Loser, Goth, Ugly':$soc_grup = 'outcast'& gt 'preSYS2','modgrup'
  342. act 'Return':
  343. gs 'preSYS2', $soc_grup
  344. gt 'preSYS2','start'
  345. end
  346. end
  347. if $ARGS[0] = 'modatt':
  348. $metka = 'modatt'
  349. '<center><b>Attributes</b></center>'
  350. *nl
  351. *nl
  352. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  353. if pcs_dom >= 0 and sub = 0:
  354. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_dom', 'Dominance'
  355. elseif sub >= 0 and pcs_dom = 0:
  356. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'sub', 'Submissiveness'
  357. end
  358. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_stren', 'Strength'
  359. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_agil', 'Agility'
  360. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_vital', 'Endurance'
  361. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_intel', 'Intelligence'
  362. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_sprt', 'Spirit'
  363. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_react', 'Reaction'
  364. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_chrsm', 'Charisma'
  365. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_prcptn', 'Perception'
  366. if MagikDostup = 0: gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_magik', 'Magic'
  367. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_grades', 'Grades'
  368. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_inhib', 'Inhibition'
  369. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_heels', 'Heels'
  370. '</table></center>'
  371. nl
  372. act 'Return': gt'preSYS2','start'
  373. end
  374. if $ARGS[0] = 'modskl':
  375. !cla
  376. act 'Mental skills':gt 'preSYS2','modskl_men'
  377. act 'Sport skills':gt 'preSYS2','modskl_spo'
  378. act 'Beauty skills':gt 'preSYS2','modskl_bea'
  379. act 'Artistic skills':gt 'preSYS2','modskl_art'
  380. act 'Job skills':gt 'preSYS2','modskl_job'
  381. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','start'
  382. end
  383. if $ARGS[0] = 'modskl_men':
  384. $metka = 'modskl_men'
  385. '<center><b>Mental Skills</b></center>'
  386. *nl
  387. *nl
  388. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  389. if MagikDostup = 0: gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_splcstng', 'Spell Casting'
  390. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_humint', 'People skills'
  391. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_persuas', 'Persuasion'
  392. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_observ', 'Observation'
  393. '</table></center>'
  394. nl
  395. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modskl'
  396. end
  397. if $ARGS[0] = 'modskl_spo':
  398. $metka = 'modskl_spo'
  399. '<center><b>Sport Skills</b></center>'
  400. *nl
  401. *nl
  402. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  403. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_jab', 'Jabs'
  404. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_punch', 'Power Strikes'
  405. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_kick', 'Kicks'
  406. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_def', 'Defence'
  407. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_run', 'Running'
  408. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_vball', 'Volleyball'
  409. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_ftball', 'Football'
  410. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_wrstlng', 'Wrestling'
  411. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_shoot', 'Marskmanship'
  412. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_bushcraft', 'Bushcraft'
  413. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_chess', 'Chess'
  414. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_icesktng', 'Ice Skating'
  415. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_gaming', 'Gaming'
  416. '</table></center>'
  417. nl
  418. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modskl'
  419. end
  420. if $ARGS[0] = 'modskl_bea':
  421. $metka = 'modskl_bea'
  422. '<center><b>Beauty skills</b></center>'
  423. *nl
  424. *nl
  425. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  426. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_makupskl', 'Makeup Skills'
  427. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_danc', 'Modern Dancing'
  428. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_dancero', 'Erotic Dancing'
  429. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_dancpol', 'Pole Dancing'
  430. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_mdlng', 'Modelling'
  431. '</table></center>'
  432. nl
  433. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modskl'
  434. end
  435. if $ARGS[0] = 'modskl_art':
  436. $metka = 'modskl_art'
  437. '<center><b>Artistic Skills</b></center>'
  438. *nl
  439. *nl
  440. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  441. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_vokal', 'Singing'
  442. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_instrmusic', 'Instrumental Music'
  443. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_photoskl', 'Photography'
  444. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_artskl', 'Artistic Skills'
  445. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_perform', 'Performance'
  446. '</table></center>'
  447. nl
  448. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modskl'
  449. end
  450. if $ARGS[0] = 'modskl_job':
  451. $metka = 'modskl_job'
  452. '<center><b>Job Skills</b></center>'
  453. *nl
  454. *nl
  455. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  456. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_compskl', 'Computer Skills'
  457. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_comphckng', 'Hacking'
  458. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_hndiwrk', 'Handy-work'
  459. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_sewng', 'Tailoring'
  460. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_servng', 'Serving'
  461. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_medcn', 'Medicine'
  462. '</table></center>'
  463. nl
  464. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modskl'
  465. end
  466. if $ARGS[0] = 'none':
  467. !!Attributes Reset - I know most of these att&skl are not in need of reset, but I dont know how to use loops and I wanted this to clear all changes made by choosing social group and/or player choices.
  468. pcs_dom = 0
  469. pcs_stren = 30
  470. pcs_agil = 30
  471. pcs_vital = 30
  472. pcs_intel = 30
  473. pcs_react = 30
  474. pcs_sprt = 30
  475. pcs_chrsm = 30
  476. pcs_prcptn = 30
  477. pcs_grade = 75
  478. pcs_inhib = 90
  479. pcs_heel = 5
  480. !!Mental Skills Reset
  481. pcs_humint = 0
  482. pcs_persuas = 0
  483. pcs_observ = 0
  484. !!Sport Skills Reset
  485. pcs_jab = 0
  486. pcs_punch = 0
  487. pcs_kick = 0
  488. pcs_def = 0
  489. pcs_run = 0
  490. pcs_vball = 0
  491. pcs_ftball = 0
  492. pcs_wrstlng = 0
  493. pcs_shoot = 0
  494. pcs_bushcraft = 0
  495. pcs_chess = 0
  496. pcs_icesktng = 0
  497. pcs_gaming = 0
  498. !!Beauty Skills Reset
  499. pcs_makupskl = 20
  500. pcs_danc = 0
  501. pcs_dancero = 0
  502. pcs_dancpol = 0
  503. pcs_mdlng = 0
  504. !!Artistic Skills Reset
  505. pcs_vokal = 0
  506. pcs_instrmusic = 0
  507. pcs_photoskl = 0
  508. pcs_artskl = 0
  509. !!Job Skills Reset
  510. pcs_compskl = 0
  511. pcs_comphckng = 0
  512. pcs_hndiwrk = 0
  513. pcs_sewng = 0
  514. pcs_servng = 0
  515. pcs_medcn = 0
  516. !!social group Reset
  517. grupTipe = 0
  518. grupvalue[1] = 0
  519. grupvalue[2] = 0
  520. grupvalue[3] = 0
  521. grupvalue[4] = 0
  522. grupvalue[6] = 0
  523. gs 'preSYS', 'socialgroup_setting', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
  524. !!npc relationship Reset
  525. npc_rel['A11'] = 60
  526. npc_rel['A129'] = 30
  527. npc_rel['A133'] = 30
  528. npc_rel['A28'] = 50
  529. npc_rel['A29'] = 50
  530. npc_rel['A33'] = 70
  531. npc_rel['A34'] = 50
  532. !!items Reset
  533. money = 2000
  534. fakepassport = 0
  535. fantasybook = 0
  536. glass = 0
  537. hscrunch = 0
  538. kosmetica = 0
  539. pirsC = 0
  540. PirsC1_owned = 0
  541. shampoo = 0
  542. siga = 0
  543. stanok = 0
  544. swim_start = 0
  545. tampon = 0
  546. !!apprnc & sex stat reset
  547. genbsize = 22
  548. pcs_skin = 40
  549. salo = 80
  550. pcs_tan = 0
  551. pcs_throat = 0
  552. pcs_vag = 0
  553. stat['bj'] = 0
  554. stat['hj'] = 0
  555. stat['vaginal'] = 0
  556. $soc_grup = 'outcast'
  557. gs 'preSYS2', $soc_grup
  558. end
  559. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel':
  560. act 'Family':gt 'preSYS2','modrel_fam'
  561. act 'Popular Kids':gt 'preSYS2','modrel_pop'
  562. act 'Athletes':gt 'preSYS2','modrel_ath'
  563. act 'Nerds':gt 'preSYS2','modrel_ner'
  564. act 'Gopniks':gt 'preSYS2','modrel_gop'
  565. act 'Outcasts/Loners':gt'preSYS2','modrel_out'
  566. act 'Teachers/Coaches':gt'preSYS2','modrel_tea'
  567. act 'Others':gt'preSYS2','modrel_oth'
  568. act 'Return':gt 'preSYS2','start'
  569. end
  570. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_fam':
  571. if npc_rel['A28'] < 0: npc_rel['A28'] = 0
  572. if npc_rel['A29'] < 0: npc_rel['A29'] = 0
  573. if npc_rel['A33'] < 0: npc_rel['A33'] = 0
  574. if npc_rel['A34'] < 0: npc_rel['A34'] = 0
  575. if npc_rel['A28'] > 100: npc_rel['A28'] = 100
  576. if npc_rel['A29'] > 100: npc_rel['A29'] = 100
  577. if npc_rel['A33'] > 100: npc_rel['A33'] = 100
  578. if npc_rel['A34'] > 100: npc_rel['A34'] = 100
  579. '<center><b>Family relationship levels</b></center>'
  580. *nl
  581. *nl
  582. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  583. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Stepfather: <<npc_rel[''A28'']>></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] = 100 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">100</a></TD>'
  584. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Mother: <<npc_rel[''A29'']>></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] = 100 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">100</a></TD>'
  585. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Sister: <<npc_rel[''A33'']>></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] = 100 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">100</a></TD>'
  586. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Brother: <<npc_rel[''A34'']>></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] = 100 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">100</a></TD>'
  587. '</table></center>'
  588. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  589. end
  590. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_setup':
  591. if npc_rel['<<$ARGS[1]>>'] < 0: npc_rel['<<$ARGS[1]>>'] = 0
  592. if npc_rel['<<$ARGS[1]>>'] > 100: npc_rel['<<$ARGS[1]>>'] = 100
  593. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD><<$npc_firstname[''<<$ARGS[1]>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$ARGS[1]>>'']>>: <<npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>'']>></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>''] = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>''] -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>''] -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>''] += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>''] += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>''] = 100 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">100</a></TD>'
  594. end
  595. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_pop':
  596. $metka = 'modrel_pop'
  597. '<center><b>Popular kids relationship levels</b></center>'
  598. *nl
  599. *nl
  600. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  601. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A1'
  602. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A4'
  603. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A14'
  604. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A15'
  605. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A17'
  606. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A23'
  607. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A146'
  608. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A147'
  609. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A148'
  610. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A25'
  611. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A139'
  612. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A140'
  613. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all boys in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 0, 1, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_pop''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  614. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all girls in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 1, 1, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_pop''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  615. '</table></center>'
  616. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  617. end
  618. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_ath':
  619. $metka = 'modrel_ath'
  620. '<center><b>Jocks relationship levels</b></center>'
  621. *nl
  622. *nl
  623. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  624. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A3'
  625. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A5'
  626. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A8'
  627. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A13'
  628. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A18'
  629. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A19'
  630. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A22'
  631. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A149'
  632. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A150'
  633. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A141'
  634. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all boys in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 0, 2, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_ath''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  635. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all girls in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 1, 2, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_ath''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  636. '</table></center>'
  637. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  638. end
  639. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_ner':
  640. $metka = 'modrel_ner'
  641. '<center><b>Nerds relationship levels</b></center>'
  642. *nl
  643. *nl
  644. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  645. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A2'
  646. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A6'
  647. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A12'
  648. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A16'
  649. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A151'
  650. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A152'
  651. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A153'
  652. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A142'
  653. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all boys in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 0, 3, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_ner''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  654. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all girls in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 1, 3, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_ner''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  655. '</table></center>'
  656. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  657. end
  658. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_gop':
  659. $metka = 'modrel_gop'
  660. '<center><b>Gopnik kids relationship levels</b></center>'
  661. *nl
  662. *nl
  663. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  664. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A9'
  665. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A10'
  666. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A11'
  667. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A20'
  668. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A21'
  669. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A24'
  670. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A154'
  671. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A155'
  672. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A156'
  673. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A157'
  674. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A158'
  675. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A143'
  676. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A144'
  677. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A145'
  678. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all boys in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 0, 4, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_gop''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  679. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all girls in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 1, 4, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_gop''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  680. '</table></center>'
  681. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  682. end
  683. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_out':
  684. $metka = 'modrel_out'
  685. '<center><b>Outcast kids relationship levels</b></center>'
  686. *nl
  687. *nl
  688. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  689. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A7'
  690. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A159'
  691. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all boys in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 0, 5, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_out''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  692. !! '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all girls in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 1, 5, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_out''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  693. '</table></center>'
  694. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  695. end
  696. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_tea':
  697. $metka = 'modrel_tea'
  698. '<center><b>Teacher relationship levels</b></center>'
  699. *nl
  700. *nl
  701. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  702. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A26'
  703. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A128'
  704. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A129'
  705. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A130'
  706. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A131'
  707. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A132'
  708. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A133'
  709. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A134'
  710. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A135'
  711. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A136'
  712. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A137'
  713. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A138'
  714. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all men in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 0, 6, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_tea''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  715. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all women in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 1, 6, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_tea''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  716. '</table></center>'
  717. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  718. end
  719. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_oth':
  720. $metka = 'modrel_oth'
  721. '<center><b>Others relationship levels</b></center>'
  722. *nl
  723. *nl
  724. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  725. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A69'
  726. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A112'
  727. '</table></center>'
  728. !!Volleyball Coach is here because it wasnt being controlled by grup6 the teachers/coaches.
  729. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  730. end
  731. if $ARGS[0] = 'pol_grup_set':
  732. !!ARGS[1] 0 is boys, 1 is girls. ARGS[2] 1nerd 2jock 3cool 4gopnik 5outcast 6teachers. ARGS[3] is changes to value
  733. r = 1
  734. :pol_grup_set_loop
  735. $school_static_num = $school_static_num[r]
  736. if npcPol[r] = ARGS[1] and grupTipe[r] = ARGS[2]:
  737. npc_rel[$school_static_num] = ARGS[3]
  738. end
  739. r += 1
  740. if r <= 61:jump 'pol_grup_set_loop'
  741. end
  742. --- preSYS2 ---------------------------------