# IgorEv gs 'stat' '
<<$npcName[4]>> <<$npcSurName[4]>>
' '
' if fedorKozlovQW >= 10 and $loc = 'gdkin': 'To you and Igor suitable Fedor. "Gosh, you do not confused? <<$name>> my girl." Igor blushed "Well Fed, you know, I did not know. But if you insist, then okay, I´m just a joke." Fyodor nodded, "Well, go wherever you go, a practical joker."' act 'Go with Fedor':IdorBlock = 1 & gt 'FedorEv' exit end 'Igor eagerly tell you, "Well what? Come to my house?".' if IgorLove > 0: act 'Go to Igor': cls minut += 15 gs 'stat' 'You came home to Igor.' if IgorDominaQW = 0:'Igor starts hugging and kissing you.' if IgorDominaQW > 0:'Igor gets up on his knees in front of you, "Madam, I pray for a kiss!"' act 'Leave':IgorLove -= 1 & gt 'gorodok' end end if IgorLove <= 0: IgorLoverQW = -1 'Along the way, Igor began to chant "<<$name>>, I love you so much, but you do not know me, you know, I began to wonder if perhaps we should leave."' act 'Leave':gt 'gorodok' end --- IgorEv ---------------------------------