# kuhr act 'Go to the corridor':gt 'korr' $metkaM = $ARGS[0] $locM = $CURLOC $dirtarm = { if fairy > 0: cla *clr set waterhouse -= dirttarelka set fairy -= 1 set minut += dirttarelka * 3 gs 'stat' set cltarelka += dirttarelka set dirttarelka = 0 set manna -= 5 '
' 'Using the dishwashing liquid you washed the dishes.' act 'Wipe your hands':gt $locM, $metkaM else 'You have no dishwashing liquid.' end } $edagotd = { cla *clr set minut += 60 gs 'stat' set edahot += 1 set eda -= 1 set waterhouse -= 1 set kuhdrova = 0 musor += 1 set cltarelka -= 1 set manna -= 5 '
' 'You prepare the meal.' act 'Eat cooked food (0:30)':dynamic $edahotd act 'Leave the meal':gt $locM, $metkaM } $edahotd = { cla *clr gs 'stat' frost = 0 '
' set minut += 30 set edahot = 0 set dirttarelka += 1 set health += 10 set manna += 20 if energy >= 30: set fat += 5 'You can no longer have.' end if energy >= 20 and energy < 30: set fat += 3 set energy += 10 'You pushed through the power of a meal.' end if energy < 20: set energy += 20 !!set fat += 1 'You gladly ate cooked food.' end if water >= 20:'Tea in you no longer climbs.' if water < 20: 'You gladly drank a mug of tea.' set water += 20 end act 'Get up from the table':gt $locM, $metkaM } $santehnikgr = { cls ransloman = 0 minut += 25 gs 'stat' '
' 'You called the plumber and he came Grisha you literally 15 minutes. Quickly found the cause and correct the problem, repair your faucet.' act 'Next.':dynamic $santehnikend } $santehnikend3 = { cls ransloman = 0 bj += 1 SUB += 1 facial += 1 cumface += 1 if GrishaSex = 0:GrishaSex = 1 & guy += 1 if mop > 1:set mop = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'You felt like you slapped in the face warm and viscous. Then another and another, covering your face with white seed. Cum began to drain from his face on the lips, chin and cheeks. Plumber finally dried out and stopped the flow of sperm. You could not open his eyes because they felt that they sperm from which matted eyelashes. Plumber chuckled and said. "Classy Vidocq. This slut." His words touched you and you feel like your cheeks flushed with shame. You have become washed sperm from the face, trying to unstick my eyes, but you turned only to smear her face. Finally you are able to open one eye and saw you standing over plumbing, he smirked buttoning his pants. Thereafter, a plumber turned and went to the exit from your apartment.' act 'Carry out plumbing.':gt $curloc } $santehnikend1 = { cls kransloman = 0 minut += 1 gs 'stat' '
' 'You helplessly shrugged and mumbled that have no idea what to do now. Plumber examined you with oily eyes and told you with the infamous smirk, "Maybe on another thank you? I can take to work not only with money."' act 'Let''s debt.':dynamic $santehnikend2 act 'It''s like, on another?': cls minut += 1 gs 'stat' '
' 'You asked the plumbing that he has in mind. And he, instead of answering, took you by the shoulders and drew to itself. You rested his soft breasts against his chest and felt like your stomach rests, something solid. He easily pushed your shoulders and whispered, "Come on baby do not be shy."' act 'Kneel': cls minut += 1 gs 'stat' '
' 'You slowly knelt before then smelling plumber. He unbuttoned his pants and in your face was his dick.' if bj = 0: 'You have not had to take by mouth and you looked with horror on the device which you had to suck. Plumber seeing your confusion took you by the head and pulled up to the member. Unwittingly touched your lips crimson head.' else 'You tilt your head slightly forward and kissed the purple penis.' end act 'Suck': cls minut += 3 gs 'stat' '
' 'You cupped warm and hard cock his lips and began to absorb the mouth uttering sucking sounds. Plumber began to move her hips trying to drive his cock deeper into your mouth. His solid organ fills almost the entire space of your mouth stuck in your throat and choke you unwittingly. From your eyes tears flowed, but the plumber has already fallen into a rage, and not paying attention to you, fuck your mouth keeping you in the head. Finally he quickly pulled his cock out of your wet mouth and began to masturbate in front of your face.' act 'Close your eyes.':dynamic $santehnikend3 end end end } $santehnikend2 = { cls kransloman = 0 minut += 15 santehnikDolg = 1500 if Grisha >= 1:$textsan = 'Grisha you smiled. "We are not in whose first and last time working with you. Mail receipt, I like something you''ll come to the money."' if Grisha = 0:Grisha = 1 & $textsan = 'I''m way Grisha, and yours? "You smiled feeling that the storm has passed and the plumber said that your name is <<$name>>.' gs 'stat' '
' 'You offered a job in the plumbing issue debt. He thought for a moment and said, "Okay. Just write a receipt. Like something I look in and you give me the money. <<$textsan>> Then took a pen and paper and began to write plumbing receipt that you owe him 1, 500 rubles. Grisha took the paper and put it in his pocket. "If that slomaetsya again, call, here''s my card."' act 'Carry out plumbing.':gt $curloc } $santehnikend = { cla *clr kransloman = 0 set minut += 30 gs 'stat' '
' 'Half an hour later he said he was finished, and you have 1,500 rubles' if money < 1500: 'Do you lack the money' if money + stolmoney >= 1500:'But in the table have a stash and you have enough.' end if money + stolmoney >= 1500: act 'Pay': if money < 1500:set money += stolmoney & stolmoney = 0 set money -= 1500 gt 'kuhr' end end if money + stolmoney < 1500: act 'I did not have enough money': cls gs 'stat' '
' 'You were embarrassed and told the plumber that you do not have enough money. He was visibly angry. "What do you call a girl with no plumbing even money, and what am I supposed to do now?"' act 'I do not know.':dynamic $santehnikend1 act 'Can borrow? I then give it up.':dynamic $santehnikend2 end end !'if shameless > 15: act 'Offer other options (to make a blow)': cla *clr set horny += 40 gs 'stat' '
' 'I do not have money, but you can take another form of payment? you say, dropping to her knees and starting to unbutton his pants. The guy obviously does not mind and watching your actions. You remove it even flaccid penis and tightly gripping his hand, start to kiss the head, gradually sucking it into his mouth.' act 'Continue': if vnesh < 15: cla *clr set guy += 1 set bj += 1 '
' 'You diligently sucking his dick between his legs itched from all desires, you break off a couple of times to stop and go to the sex, but he took you by the head and continued to fuck your mouth, soon he came into your mouth and swallow once you come and pick it up again member, as he put his pants and silently walked to the door, to sleep with you, he was not even going. From rastrojstva you spat out semen on the floor, looks like you do not attract even plumbing.' act 'Leave':gt 'korr' end if vnesh >= 15:set picrand = 90 & gt 'sex', 'minet' end end end '! } $santehnik1 = { kransloman = 0 set minut += 20 gs 'stat' '
' 'You''ve reached the clock service repair. After 20 minutes, a plumber arrived.' 'You carried him into the kitchen and started to involve themselves in the affairs. When you reached out to one of the shelves, it was noticed that he was staring at your ass.' act 'Become confused':dynamic $santehnikend if shameless > 5:act 'Disregard':dynamic $santehnikend } $santehnik = { cla *clr set kransloman = 0 if husband = 0 or husbandrink = 10:dynamic $santehnik1 & exit if husband > 0 and week < 6 and hour < 17 and hour > 7:dynamic $santehnik1 & exit if husband > 0 and husbandrink ! 10: cla *clr set minut += 20 '
' 'You told her husband about the crane and he called the clock service repair. After 20 minutes, a plumber arrived.' 'Husband walked him to the kitchen and the two of you began to observe his actions, you are sick of hearing about how the plumber raskazyvaet pads Chinese cranes and that people pushed into the sink, and you decided to leave the hall.' act 'Leave': cla *clr set minut += 20 set horny += 50 gs 'stat' '
' 'You went into the room and sat on the couch, soon came and sat down beside her husband. With one hand he odnyal you, and you ran second in her panties and began to massage your clitoris.' '"What are you, and if the plumber will" you said.' '"Yes it there for another hour poking around, " he said, "Come quick mouth job."' '"Well, let" you said, the more you have, and most really like his hand has done its job.' act 'Start': cla *clr '
' 'The husband stood up and pulled his pants unbuttoned member you dropped to her knees and only his cock was in your mouth, entered the room plumber "I finished, " he said and paused, seeing this picture.' if izvratH = 0: 'Husband tried to remove a member from your mouth' if horny < 80: act 'Stop': cla 'Husband quickly hid dick in his pants and with a plumber out into the corridor' act 'Leave':gt 'sitr' end end act 'Do not stop': cla set orgasm += 1 set bj += 1 'You vskhvatili husband hips and continued to work his mouth, he jerked a couple of times trying to free himself, but you could not stop and just absorbed the deeper his cock. When he stopped twitching you omitted one hand to his crotch and just a couple of motions brought herself to orgasm. But the excitement did not sleep, you want even more, and his eyes watching plumbing more aroused you. You could not control myself.' act 'Ride the husband': cla *clr set orgasm += 1 set cumpussy += 1 set sex += 1 set suprdolg += 1 set husband += 1 set husbizvradd += 1 set horny = 0 '
' 'You released a member of her husband''s mouth and quickly pushed him standing on the couch, and jumped on top of themselves, quickly planted a pussy on his dick. You jumped on it like crazy, ignoring the plumbing that all this time and stood in the doorway, watching you. When you were again close to orgasm you feel as sperm gushed into you, and making a few movements uvedayuschem already a member, you have reached orgasm, uttering a cry you limp and fell to the husband. He took you still quaking with myself wearing pants and walked out with a plumber in the hallway.' act 'Leave':gt 'sitr' end end end if izvratH ! 0: 'Husband did not even try to stop you' if horny < 80: act 'Stop': if harakHusb ! 2: cla 'You released a member of her husband, and he quickly put it in his pants and with a plumber out into the corridor' act 'Leave':gt 'sitr' end if harakHusb = 2: cla set guy += 1 'You tried to spit from the mouth of a member, but you vskhvatil husband''s head and he started to fuck you in the mouth, talking with obnovremenno plumber "We''re a little busy, wait a minute, now zhenushku feed" he laughed, "How much do I owe you, " he continued.' '"Fifteen hundred, " said the plumber.' '"Well, you and the prices can agree that if you feed it too and disperse?" he asked.' '"I do not know, blow it unless discount pull, but if it all to try, then yes, " replied the plumber.' '"Do you know how to bargain, " said the husband, "Okay agreed, " he added, almost without thinking. Knowing the character of her husband decided that you would mind our own peril.' act 'Serve both':set picrand = 43 & gt 'sexdvoe', 'var' end end end act 'Do not stop': cla set bj += 1 'You continued to suck ignoring watching you plumbing.' if harakHusb = 0:'Husband tried not to look in the direction of plumbing, obviously embarrassed, but he did not hesitate to follow your every move.' if harakHusb = 1:'Husband stood naslozhdatsya process without paying attention to the plumbing.' if harakHusb = 2:'Husband chatted with the plumber did not hesitate and even turned slightly so that it was easier to see.' act 'Continue': cla set swallow += 1 set suprdolg += 1 set husband += 1 set horny += 20 'You continued to make her husband a blowjob, and soon a stream of hot liquid squirted into your mouth, swallowing sperm you licked the remnants of his semen from the penis. Husband cleaned dick in his pants and walked out into the hallway with a plumber. And you are left to sit on the floor exhausted from desire.' act 'Leave':gt 'sitr' end if horny > 70: act 'Suggest a threesome': cla 'You broke away from the penis, and a whisper asked her husband if he wanted to try a threesome.' if harakHusb = 0: *clr set houseslut += 1 set husband += 2 '
' 'Husband a little swept the answer, then what would convince him, you have a loud voice continued, "Let him polizhet me while I caress you."' 'Plumber readily tensed, waiting for the reaction of her husband, "Well, if only polizhet then let them." said the husband. Plumbing had not persuade her husband was worth sit on the sofa, and you get on your knees and stuck out his ass as his tongue penetrated into your pussy. First husband glanced in his direction, but soon relaxed and finally when the guy started to wield a vengeance fingers in your hole, no sound, you have decided that he was not against you share with others.' act 'Serve both':set picrand = 43 & gt 'sexdvoe', 'var' end if harakHusb = 1: set husband -= 5 '"You do sbrendil that-be wife and I somehow shared plumber, cool pussy fool must think his head." shouted husband and removing member in his pants out of the room with the plumber.' act 'Leave':gt 'sitr' end if harakHusb = 2: *clr set houseslut += 1 set husband += 2 '
' '"That''s not for nothing that they say all women are whores, hey man this whore want to write out two, but then the repair free of charge, " said the husband. Plumber twice predlogat had not, he quickly approached and pulled out his dick Framed to your face, you clung to him and started to suck both alternately, and her husband stood komentirovat your actions "That sucked, fresh meat, do not forget about me, like this boy, swallowing deeper and deeper. "' act 'Serve both':set picrand = 43 & gt 'sexdvoe', 'var' end end end end end end end end } $metka = $ARGS[0] $loc = $CURLOC set polomka = rand(1, 100) '
' if remkuhr = 0:'
' if remkuhr = 1:'
' clr gs 'stat' fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0) bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255) lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205) set minut += 1 set housrA = 1 set elektro += 1 if kransloman = 1: cla 'You broke the crane, it is necessary to call a plumber' if Grisha = 0:act 'Call':dynamic $santehnik if Grisha > 0:act 'Call a plumber Grisha':dynamic $santehnikgr act 'Leave':gt 'korr' exit end if polomka > 99 and santehnikDolg = 0:set kransloman = 1 & gt 'kuhr' if posudomashina > 0: if dirttarelka > 0 and fairy >= dirttarelka: cltarelka += dirttarelka fairy -= dirttarelka dirttarelka = 0 'Dishwasher washed the dirty dishes.' elseif fairy < dirttarelka: 'ended dishwashing liquid.' end end if cltarelka > 0: '<> pieces of clean plates are stored in the cupboard.' else 'You have no clean dishes left.' end if dirttarelka > 0:'<> pieces of dirty dishes are lying in the sink. Wash the dishes.' if fairy > 0: 'Next to the sink is dishwashing liquid, enough for <> uses.' else 'You have nothing to wash dishes with, you need to buy dishwashing liquid.' end if eda > 0: if cltarelka = 0 or edahot > 0:$edagot = '' if cltarelka > 0 and edahot = 0:$edagot = 'Cook meal (0:30)' 'In the refrigerator there''s food, good for <> servings. <<$edagot>>' end if edaD = 0 and eda = 0:'The refrigerator is empty, nothing to eat at all.' if edaD > 0:'The refrigerator contains healthy meals, good for <> servings.' if posudomashina > 0:'The kitchen has a dishwasher.' if edahot > 0:'A cooked meal is on the table (0:30).' if husband > 0 and husbandrink ! 10: if hour = 7 or hour = 17:'Your husband is eating at the table.' end if pranik > 0: 'Cookies will be enough for <> time.' act 'Have tea with cookies (0:05)': cla *clr minut += 5 pranik -= 1 set health += 30 set manna += 100 energy += 20 water += 20 fat += 50 frost = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'You had tea with cookies. Sweet and very bad for your figure, but so good.' act 'Get up from the table':gt 'kuhr' end end if edaD > 0: act 'Eat diet food (0:30)': cla *clr frost = 0 '
' set minut += 30 set health += 10 set manna += 20 set edaD -= 1 if energy >= 30: 'You can no longer have.' end if energy >= 20 and energy < 30: set energy += 10 'You pushed through the power of a meal.' end if energy < 20: set energy += 20 'You gladly ate cooked food.' end if water >= 20:'Tea in you no longer climbs.' if water < 20: 'You gladly drank a mug of tea.' set water += 20 end act 'Get up from the table':gt 'kuhr' end end if fatdel > 0: act 'Take fat burners': cla *clr if fat > salo:fat = salo set fatdel -= 1 set fat -= 25 if fat < 0:fat = 0 'You drank the fat burning capsule. These capsules are gradually and results will be seen immediately.' act 'Get up from the table':gt 'kuhr' end end act 'Drink water (0:05)': cla set minut += 5 if water >= 20:'Water in you no longer climbs.' if water < 20: 'You gladly drank a glass of water.' set water += 20 end act 'Get up from the table':gt 'kuhr' end if husband > 0 and husbanday > 0 and huseatday ! day and eda >= 2: act 'Cook a meal for your husband and yourself, 2 servings (1:00)': cla *clr husband += 5 set eda -= 2 set minut += 60 huseatday = day manna -= 25 '
' 'You prepare a meal for your husband and yourself.' act 'Leave the meal':gt 'kuhr' end end if lekarstvo > 0: 'You have <> tablets.' if sick > 0 and lekarday ! day: act 'Take a pill': cla *clr set minut += 5 lekarday = day lekarstvo -= 1 sick -= sick * 20/100 set lekrand = rand(0, 8) if lekrand = 0:'
' if lekrand = 1:'
' if lekrand = 2:'
' if lekrand = 3:'
' if lekrand = 4:'
' if lekrand = 5:'
' if lekrand = 6:'
' if lekrand = 7:'
' if lekrand = 8:'
' 'You took the pill' act 'Move away':gt 'kuhr' end end end if vitamin > 0: 'You have <> vitamin drinks.' if vitaminday ! day: act 'Drink Vitamins': cla *clr if fat > salo:fat = salo set minut += 5 vitaminday = day vitamin -= 1 frost = 0 if KandidozOnce = 1:Kandidoz -= 2 if GerpesOnce = 1:Gerpes -= 2 if SifacOnce = 1 and Sifilis >= 10:Sifilis -= rand(0, 1) set skinvan += 1 if skinvan = 20:set skinvan = 0 & set skin += 1 'You drank a vitamin drink.' act 'Move away':gt 'kuhr' end end end if zoo >= 6: if husband > 0 and husbandrink ! 10: if hour = 7 and hour = 17: act 'Call <<$namesob>>': cla *clr set minut += 30 '
' 'You call the dog and that the move pushes his wet nose between your legs and lick accepted.' if harakHusb = 0: set zoo += 1 set horny = 0 set orgasm += 1 '"What''s he doing dear, stop him, " cries the husband' '"I can not, try myself, " you reply.' set husband -= 1 '<<$husName>> trying to shove the dog, but he growls and snarls. "I can not get it to drive away what to do dear?" he asks.' '"Think of something." you reply, already slightly moaning with pleasure. <<$HusName>> begins to pace the room, periodically coming to the dog, but hearing his growl off. While <<$husName>> pacing the room dog began to jump on you.' '"Oh my God, that he was going to do?" shrieked <<$husName>>, see attempts dog jump on you.' '"What you do not clear he wants to fuck me" you said.' '"Dear try again to free" pleaded husband.' act 'Try': cla *clr '
' 'You reluctantly start trying to push the dog and move away, but it appears to him backwards, and <<$namesob>> leans on you and all your weight is on. You feel his penis rubs against your thighs ischya hole.' if izvratH = 0: '"Oh my God, I can not look at it, " cried the husband slammed the door and ran. Meanwhile, a member of the dog has found a hole and full-pecked you. You moaned and podmahivat him soon you covered orgasm, and after a few seconds dog cum inside you and radosnym ran out into the corridor. My husband came back, and you still were cancer and dog sperm flowed from your pussy.' '"I''ll take him now on euthanasia, " said <<$husName>>' end if izvratH = 1: '"Well get off of her, " shouts <<$husName>> at the dog, but close to it does not fit. Meanwhile, a member of the dog has found a hole and full-pecked you. You moaned and podmahivat him and your husband decided that your movement is an attempt to free you cheered "Yes Svetsik so can get more wiggle lose it." Soon you covered orgasm, and after a few seconds dog cum inside you and radosnym ran out into the corridor. Husband looked at you standing cancer hips peremazanymi canine semen flowing out of your pussy.' '"I''ll take him now on euthanasia, " said <<$husName>>' end act 'Allow': set sobaka = 0 set zoo = 0 gt 'sitr' end act 'Not authorized': cla '"No, dear, he is not guilty, he has the instincts, I''ll take it for mating and he will calm down, " you said.' '"Well dear, whatever you say."' act 'Finish':gt 'sitr' end end end if harakHusb = 1: '"Her dog you absolutely ohrenel, go find yourself on the street bitch and then you froze otpihni it" the husband says.' '"I can not, try myself, " you reply.' if izvratH = 0: '<<$husName>> tries ottoschit dog but he growls and grins, then he goes to the bath and what that brings old sheets, throwing her to the dog picks up the ends and picks up dog is in improvezirovannom bag.' '"I''ll take him now on euthanasia, " said <<$husName>>' act 'Allow': set sobaka = 0 set zoo = 0 gt 'sitr' end act 'Not authorized': cla '"No, dear, he is not guilty, he has the instincts, I''ll take it for mating and he will calm down, " you said.' '"Okay, look itself, your dog."' act 'Finish':gt 'sitr' end end if izvratH = 1: set zoo += 1 set bj += 1 set swallow += 1 set cumlip += 1 '"Can not or do not want, " said <<$husName>> smiling and continues to sit and watch as the dog licks you.' '"It probably does not want" you reply and deliberately pushes the legs wider. <<$husName>> looks like you moan until the dog licks you, and suddenly gets up and pulls out his dick brings to your mouth.' act 'Take by mouth': cla *clr '
' 'You grab his cock and takes his mouth to suck, soon begins to cover you and you end sodragayas whole body, a second <<$husName>> ends up in your mouth. You swallow sperm and continue to suck his dick fading. Soused dog began naprygivat you with nedvuhslyslennymi intentions.' '"But this is too much" said <<$husName>> and tried ottoschit dog, but he growls and grins, then he goes into the tub and what that brings old sheets, throwing her to the dog picks up the ends and picks up dog is in improvezirovannom bag.' '"I''ll take him now on euthanasia, " said <<$husName>>' act 'Allow': set sobaka = 0 set zoo = 0 gt 'sitr' end act 'Not authorized': cla '"No, dear, he is not guilty, he has instincts, besides from trying so hard, " you said.' '"Well, if he was trying so hard you can thank him" ironically husband.' act 'Jerk dog': cla *clr set husband -= 1 '
' 'You take the dog dick in hand and begin to masturbate after a few minutes you dog cums in her palm.' act 'Finish':gt 'sitr' end act 'Suck dog': cla *clr set swallow += 1 set husband -= 40 '
' 'You loshite dog on the floor and take his cock in my mouth, my husband looks at you with disgust as you sucking dog in a couple of minutes dog diluted into your mouth and you swallow sperm.' '"Well, you''re a pervert, " the husband says with obvious distaste.' act 'Finish':gt 'sitr' end act 'Finish':gt 'sitr' end end end end if harakHusb = 2: '"Her dog you absolutely ohrenel, go find yourself on the street bitch and then you froze otpihni it" the husband says.' '"I can not, try myself, " you reply.' if izvratH = 0: set manna -= 15 set willpower -= 15 '<<$HusName>> trying ottoschit dog, but he growls and grins, then he smashes the dog leg in the ribs and he screeched flies into a corner, did not have time to climb dog as man begins to kick harder, seeing his condition, you scored in angle and covering his head with hands close your eyes. A few minutes later the dog stops.' '"What are you hiding there shalt here, and then krovischi from your skunk" said <<$husName>>. Opening her eyes you see a dead dog in a pool of blood.' '"Well, what froze shalt say to you, I do this on the trash Dogmeat''ll take." he takes the dog, wrap in sheets and make it in the trash. And you have some time to scour the blood from the floor.' act 'Finish': set sobaka = 0 set zoo = 0 gt 'sitr' end end if izvratH = 1: set zoo += 1 set bj += 1 set swallow += 1 set cumlip += 1 set SUB += 2 '"What do you mean I can not, that you like the way he licks you, " shouts <<$husName>>.' '"No, of course you do not, " you begin to make excuses.' '"And I see you taschishsya whore, you all are flowing, or think I do not see, and if you like it so thank him, " he says, and seeing your not knowing look continues, "Well, what are hatched suck him alive."' act 'Take by mouth': cla *clr '
' '<<$husName>> grabs a dog by the collar iderzhit until you slide on the floor under the dog. Nedozhidayas oplivuhi you hiding his lust take by mouth and takes dick dog suck, husband watching you and cheers saying that the dog loved your mouth. Soon he was bored just watch and he dropped his pants says "Well Spreads legs."' act 'Allow': cla *clr set suprdolg += 1 set sex += 1 set anal += 1 '
' 'You obediently spreads her legs and her husband comes to you in the pussy, he hews suck you until you have a dog, but you do not dostovlyaet pleasure. Soon her husband cums and gets "A dog that is not yet finished, something you''re not trying, as well, cup your point."' act 'Substitute ass': cla *clr set analorgasm += 1 set orgasm += 1 set horny = 0 '
' 'You go up to her knees and dog immediately jumps on you. prevent kneel. With one hand you Spreading buttocks, and a second guide member currently in his ass, fingering hole dog quickly enters and taken to peck your anus. Husband looked at it a little and throwing "Go otmoyus from whores" out. Left with a dog for a single you start podmahivat him and soon oschuzaete tide excitation seems sex dog surpasses her husband, his cock in your ass moves so deftly that comes after the excitement orgasm, and you fall on korachki no longer able to stand, dog makes several movements and spewing his seed you in the ass. After graduating he leaves satisfied.' act 'Finish':gt 'sitr' end end end end end end else act 'Call <<$namesob>>':gt 'soba', 'zoof27' end end if husband = 0 or husbandrink = 10: act 'Call <<$namesob>>':gt 'soba', 'zoof27' end end if musor > 3 and nude = 1:act 'Discarded rubbish':'I can not go to the trash naked!' if musor > 3 and nude = 0:act 'Discarded rubbish':gt 'trashplace' if dildo > 0 and horny >= 50: act 'Masturbate': cla *clr set minut += 30 set mastr += 1 set manna += 15 set willpower += 15 set vagina += 1 if husband > 0 and husbandrink ! 10: if week > 5 or week < 6 and hour > 16: cla *clr '
' 'You climb up on the table and enter dildo their pussy' if hour = 7 or hour = 17:'<<$husName>> looks at you, obviously a little dumbfounded.' if hour ! 7 or hour ! 17:'Once you get a taste of how the kitchen is included <<$husName>>' if harakHusb = 0: '"What are you doing dear?" he asks.' '"I''m sorry dear, but I really need, and you''ve been busy, " you reply, without stopping to masturbate.' '"And often you do that, " he asks.' '"Owned so often, less often in the ass, if you want to see?" you asked' if izvratH = 0: set husband -= 1 '"I''ll wait outside the door until you''re done, " he said and left. You continued to satisfy themselves rapidly and soon finished.' set horny = 0 set orgasm += 1 act 'Finish':gt 'kuhr' end if izvratH = 1: '"Well, I do not know, " he stammered.' '"So you want" you said' act 'Show': cla *clr '
' 'You pull out the dildo from pussy and winking at her husband, insert a dildo in her anus. <<$husName>> closely watched as a dildo in your ass disappears and then reappears. Do you see how his pants swell.' '"Dear anything else you want?" smiling you ask.' '"Can I join?" a little embarrassed he asks.' act 'Solve': cla *clr set analorgasm += 1 set orgasm += 1 set horny = 0 '
' '<<$husName>> gets dick and starts masturbating, it is not what you expected, and at first you even felt a little sad that he did not enter into you, and began to masturbate, but then you start it even start. Have you looked at her husband who masturbate looking at the way you drive the dildo his popkui be covered and you pleasure, you screamed and fell to the table, having experienced an orgasm, dildo still sticking out of your ass. <<$husName>> yarosno masturbate looking at you stretched out on the table, you took the dildo from ass and began to lick it, looking into the eyes of her husband, from such a spectacle he immediately discharged onto the floor. You are drawn to him sticking out his lips, in a second he had passionately kissed you.' act 'Finish':gt 'kuhr' end end end end if harakHusb = 1: '"That''s a number I mean you is not enough?" he asks.' '"I''m sorry dear, but I really need, and you''ve been busy, " you reply, without stopping to masturbate.' '"Well then, show me everything that you know how I''ll look, " he says.' '"And how do I do it in the ass, too, to show?" you asked' if izvratH = 0: set husband += 1 set husbizvradd += 1 '"No, do not, and yet that''s enough, " he said, and sat down on a chair began to watch. You continued to satisfy themselves rapidly and soon finished in front of her husband. <<$husName>> stood up and began to applaud "Bravo and encore again?" he said laughing.' '"For such a lovely audience anything, but only after the intermission, " you laughed. <<$husName>> helped you get down from the table.' set horny = 0 set orgasm += 1 act 'Finish':gt 'kuhr' end if izvratH = 1: set husband += 1 '"And how is it necessarily demonstrate" he said.' '"Anything you want, " you said' act 'Show': cla *clr '
' 'You pull out the dildo from pussy and winking at her husband, insert a dildo in her anus. <<$husName>> closely watched as a dildo in your ass disappears and then reappears. Do you see how his pants swell.' '"Dear anything else you want?" smiling you ask.' '"I do not just want to but I''ll do, " he said, unbuttoning his pants and substitute member of your face.' act 'Take by mouth': cla *clr '
' 'You enfold him some more flaccid penis and start sucking lips, continuing to drive the dildo his anus. When his cock finally firmed, <<$husName>> to stop you, "Well, now I''ll take this hole."' act 'Substitute ass': set picrand = 87 gt 'sex', 'anal' end end end end end if harakHusb = 2: '"What hole itching?" he asks.' '"I''m sorry dear, but I really need, and you''ve been busy, " you reply, without stopping to masturbate.' if izvratH = 0: set husband += 1 set husbizvradd += 1 '"Well then, open your mouth, " he said pulling member and rudely pushing it in your mouth, he held you by the hair and fucked in the mouth, saying something you did not stop masturbating. Soon he was tired of your mouth, "Now take out of this hole rubber stuff, now I''m going to fuck you"' act 'Spread her legs ': set picrand = 87 gt 'sex', 'vag' end end if izvratH = 1: set SUB += 1 set husband += 1 '"Insert this crap myself in the ass and mash, I''ll popolzuyut it, as long as pine Quick" he said, pulling member. You quickly rearrange the dildo from pussy anus and mouth open submissively.' act 'Take by mouth': cla *clr '
' 'You enfold him some more flaccid penis and start sucking lips, continuing to drive the dildo his anus. When his cock finally firmed, <<$husName>> stopped you "All cup your point, but this crap yourself in pussy shove, as if you were in a two-barrel fuck"' act 'Substitute ass': set picrand = 87 gt 'sex', 'anal' end end end end else set horny = 0 set orgasm += 1 '
' 'You dildo stuck to the floor and planted her wet pussy on him, jumping on the artificial active member you will quickly feel the excitement and orgasm you covered.' act 'Breath.':gt 'kuhr' end else set horny = 0 set orgasm += 1 '
' 'You dildo stuck to the floor and planted her wet pussy on him, jumping on the artificial active member you will quickly feel the excitement and orgasm you covered.' act 'Breathe.':gt 'kuhr' end end end --- kuhr ---------------------------------