TerminalOffice.qsrc 13 KB

  1. # TerminalOffice
  2. $location_type = 'public_indoors'
  3. minut += 1
  4. $menu_loc = 'TerminalOffice'
  5. $menu_arg = ''
  6. menu_off = 0
  7. gs 'stat'
  8. ! In the office if he knows we can buy a product or to perform a task boss of bystrousky.
  9. ! About the possibility of the sale of goods GG learns at the train station in Pavlovo in the dynamics $d_vokzal_vera_talk location vokdinvera
  10. ! verakassir > 0 - you can buy the product
  11. ! TerminalPapper = 1 and DayTerminalPapper = daystart - you can fulfill the order
  12. !
  13. ! In the office, several offices, one for the purchase of the goods, the second for documents from bystrousky, and the third for a bright future
  14. !
  15. ! Administration accounting and Director work in better conditions than managery :)))
  16. ! The conditions at the time require elaboration
  17. !
  18. TerminalOfficeDirWorkTime = 0
  19. TerminalOfficeBuhWorkTime = 0
  20. if ((hour >= 9 and hour <= 12) or (hour >= 14 and hour <= 17)) and week < 6: TerminalOfficeDirWorkTime = 1
  21. if ((hour >= 9 and hour <= 12) or (hour >= 14 and hour <= 19)) and week < 6: TerminalOfficeBuhWorkTime = 1
  22. if $ARGS[0] = 'TerminalOfficeScreen':
  23. !1 - title
  24. !2 - the name of the picture file
  25. *clr
  26. '<center><b><font color = maroon>'+$ARGS[1]+'</font></b></center>'
  27. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/terminal/'+$ARGS[2]+'.jpg"></center>'
  28. ''
  29. end
  30. !==================================================
  31. !Hall 00
  32. !==================================================
  33. if $ARGS[0] = '00':
  34. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'Hall office space', 'terminal4'
  35. 'You are standing in the lobby of the terminal office.'
  36. cla
  37. act 'Leave the office': minut += 5 & gt 'Terminal'
  38. act 'Go to the sales department': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  39. act 'Go to the accounting department': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '21'
  40. act 'Go and see the Manager': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '31'
  41. end
  42. !==================================================
  43. !Office a Manager = 1x
  44. !==================================================
  45. if $ARGS[0] = '11':
  46. !You can buy the item if you know that you can buy
  47. !Can try to give the documents from Anatoly Chubais
  48. !Can I ask when running accounting
  49. !Can I ask when works Director
  50. cla
  51. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'Sales', 'terminal2'
  52. '"What can I help you with?" the manager asks you.'
  53. act 'Leave the office': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
  54. if verakassir > 0:
  55. !Buy goods
  56. !Flag zapolanski storage, reduction
  57. !this flag allows you to go shopping
  58. DoNotBuy = 2
  59. !Amount and Quantity that we can buy(store)
  60. MaxQuantityA = 0
  61. MaxQuantity1 = 0
  62. MaxQuantity2 = 0
  63. MaxCost = 0
  64. !Description size of storage
  65. TovarLimitRepository1 = 30
  66. TovarLimitRepository2 = 100
  67. 'You talk with the Manager about buying small trinkets...'
  68. !Get current balances
  69. TovarRepository1 = tovarL
  70. if TovarRepository1 => TovarLimitRepository1:
  71. 'There is no more free space at home.'
  72. else
  73. DoNotBuy -= 1
  74. 'You have '+ TovarRepository1 +' trinkets stored in your home. You''re only able to store <<TovarLimitRepository1>> trinkets.'
  75. MaxQuantity1 = TovarLimitRepository1 - TovarRepository1
  76. end
  77. if YouCanGar > 0:
  78. !Get the current balances in the garage
  79. TovarRepository2 = GarTorgItem
  80. if TovarRepository2 => TovarLimitRepository2:
  81. 'There is no space in the garage.'
  82. else
  83. DoNotBuy -= 1
  84. 'You have '+ TovarRepository2 +' trinkets stored in the garage. You''re only able to store <<TovarLimitRepository2>> trinkets.'
  85. MaxQuantity2 = TovarLimitRepository2 - TovarRepository2
  86. end
  87. end
  88. if DoNotBuy = 2:
  89. 'You think about it for a while, realizing that you just have nowhere to store the goods and decide to downturn the purchase.'
  90. else
  91. !Produce purchase
  92. act 'The small trinkets cost 100 <b>₽</b>, please put in how many trinkets you want to purchase':
  93. minut += 13
  94. MaxQuantityA = input("How many trinkets do you want to buy for 100 <b>₽</b> apiece?")
  95. if MaxQuantityA > (MaxQuantity1 + MaxQuantity2):
  96. '<b><font color=red>You have nowhere to store the surplus <<MaxQuantityA-(MaxQuantity1 + MaxQuantity2)>> of trinkets.</front></b>'
  97. cla
  98. act 'Leave': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  99. end
  100. MaxCost = MaxQuantityA * 100
  101. if MaxCost > money:
  102. !If not enough money
  103. 'You don''t have enough money on you, you will have to withdraw money before proceeding with the purchase.'
  104. if (money + karta >= MaxCost) or (karta >= MaxCost):
  105. !The player can be plastic money
  106. 'You have enough money on your credit card and you offer them to pay with that.'
  107. '"I''m sorry, we don''t own a card terminal." the Manager replies, "We accept only cash."'
  108. end
  109. cla
  110. act 'Leave': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  111. else
  112. !If the money is written off money to fill warehouses
  113. money -= MaxCost
  114. 'You''ve purchased <<MaxQuantityA>> trinkets, worth <<MaxCost>>.'
  115. !First populate channelise 1
  116. if MaxQuantityA => MaxQuantity1:
  117. tovarL = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantity1
  118. MaxQuantityA -= MaxQuantity1
  119. if YouCanGar > 0 : *P ', in t.h. <<MaxQuantity1>> PCs. storage room, garage <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs.'
  120. else
  121. if YouCanGar > 0 : *P ', in t.h. <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs. storage room, garage 0 PCs.'
  122. tovarL = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantityA
  123. MaxQuantityA = 0
  124. end
  125. !Now fill channelise 2
  126. if MaxQuantityA > 0:
  127. GarTorgItem = TovarRepository2 + MaxQuantityA
  128. end
  129. if YouCanGar = 0 and money > 100:
  130. 'You''ve purchased plenty of trinkets, but you''ve been thinking about expanding your business, but where could you store it all? Maybe you should talk to the stepfather if you could use some free space in his garage...'
  131. end
  132. cla
  133. act 'Complete your purchase': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  134. end
  135. end
  136. act 'Buy small trinkets for 100 <b>₽</b> called "Eyeballs".':
  137. !Purchase spend time
  138. minut += 13
  139. MaxQuantityA = MaxQuantity1 + MaxQuantity2
  140. MaxCost = MaxQuantityA * 100
  141. !Hammered warehouses
  142. if MaxCost > money:
  143. !If not enough money
  144. 'You don''t have enough money on you, you will have to withdraw money before proceeding with the purchase.'
  145. if (money + karta >= MaxCost) or (karta >= MaxCost):
  146. !The player can be plastic money
  147. 'You have enough money on your credit card and you offer them to pay with that.'
  148. '"I''m sorry, we don''t own a card terminal." the Manager replies, "We accept only cash."'
  149. end
  150. cla
  151. act 'Leave': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  152. else
  153. !If the money is written off money to fill warehouses
  154. money -= MaxCost
  155. 'You''ve purchased <<MaxQuantityA>> trinkets, worth <<MaxCost>>.'
  156. !First populate channelise 1
  157. if MaxQuantityA => MaxQuantity1:
  158. tovarL = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantity1
  159. MaxQuantityA -= MaxQuantity1
  160. if YouCanGar > 0 : *P ', in t.h. <<MaxQuantity1>> PCs. storage room, garage <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs.'
  161. else
  162. if YouCanGar > 0 : *P ', in t.h. <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs. storage room, garage 0 PCs.'
  163. tovarL = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantityA
  164. MaxQuantityA = 0
  165. end
  166. !Now fill channelise 2
  167. if MaxQuantityA > 0:
  168. GarTorgItem = TovarRepository2 + MaxQuantityA
  169. end
  170. if YouCanGar = 0 and money > 100:
  171. 'You''ve purchased plenty of trinkets, but you''ve been thinking about expanding your business, but where could you store it all? Maybe you should talk to the stepfather if you could use some free space in his garage...'
  172. end
  173. cla
  174. act 'Complete your purchase': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  175. end
  176. end
  177. end
  178. end
  179. if YouNotOpenDoorDir = 1:
  180. !Where the Director, the Door was closed dir
  181. act 'Ask about the Director':
  182. '"Excuse me, I wonder if I could meet your supervisor?" you ask.'
  183. 'The Manager grins, "Yuri is usually here every Monday through Friday, between 9:00 to 18:00 except lunch between 13:00 to 14:00."'
  184. cla
  185. act 'Leave': YouNotOpenDoorDir = 0 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  186. end
  187. end
  188. !Where is the accountant? Buch the door was closed
  189. if YouNotOpenDoorBuh = 1:
  190. act 'Ask about the accountant':
  191. '"Excuse me, I wonder if I could meet your accountant?" you ask.'
  192. 'The Manager grins, "Elizabeth is usually here Monday through Friday, between 9:00 to 20:00 except lunch between 13:00 to 14:00."'
  193. cla
  194. act 'Leave': YouNotOpenDoorBuh = 0 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  195. end
  196. end
  197. !He Has papers, but a Manager should say to go to the accounting Department.
  198. if AboutDocsManager=0 and TerminalPapper = 1 and DayTerminalPapper = daystart:
  199. '"I''m Anatoly Chubais from the company "OOO Bystroushka limited", do you have the required documents with you?"'
  200. act 'Give him the documents':
  201. '"Looks good. Go and see Elizabeth in the account department, she needs to register you. You can find her next door."'
  202. cla
  203. act 'Leave': AboutDocsManager=1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
  204. end
  205. end
  206. !The GG yet topics of conversation.
  207. if verakassir = 0 and YouNotOpenDoorDir = 0 and YouNotOpenDoorBuh = 0 and TerminalPapper = 0:
  208. 'You have nothing to say or left to do, you can leave the office.'
  209. end
  210. end
  211. !==================================================
  212. !The office of the accountant = 2x
  213. !==================================================
  214. if $ARGS[0] = '21':
  215. ! Time control of the work of Buch disconnect until the issue is resolved temporal compatibility of obtaining a job in bystroushka
  216. if TerminalOfficeBuhWorkTime = 1:
  217. !You can give the documents
  218. cla
  219. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'The accountant''s office', 'terminal3'
  220. act 'Leave the office': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
  221. !GG not a complete idiot, so will limit communication with only Buch documents, then that thread again
  222. 'A cute girl looks up from the monitor, turning to you and asks, "What can I help you with?"'
  223. if TerminalPapper = 1 and DayTerminalPapper = daystart:
  224. '"I was talking with Anatoly Chubais from the company ''OOO Bystroushka limited'', I was instructed to deliver these documents."'
  225. '"Yes, I''ve been expecting these, may I?" she holds out her hand.'
  226. act 'Give her the documents':
  227. cla
  228. minut += 1
  229. TerminalPapper = 2
  230. gs 'stat'
  231. 'You hand the girl the folder, she opens it and quickly checks the content.'
  232. '"Tell Anatoly Borisovich that Elizabeth said thank you."'
  233. 'The girl smiles and then turns her attention to her monitor and starts rapidly typing away on her keyboard.'
  234. act 'Leave the office': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
  235. end
  236. else
  237. 'You have nothing to say or left to do, you can leave the office.'
  238. end
  239. else
  240. !Accountant is not in place
  241. cla
  242. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'A door with a sign', 'terminal6'
  243. act 'Move away from the door': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
  244. 'You knock, but there is only silence. You try pushing down the handle, realizing that the door is locked. You''ll have to come back at a different time.'
  245. YouNotOpenDoorBuh = 1
  246. end
  247. end
  248. !==================================================
  249. !The Director`s office = 3x
  250. !==================================================
  251. if $ARGS[0] = '31':
  252. if TerminalOfficeDirWorkTime = 1:
  253. !You can try to give the documents
  254. !You can try to talk
  255. cla
  256. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'The Director''s office', 'terminal1'
  257. act 'Leave the office': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
  258. !Before the development of the plot 'Talk' the Director will constantly be on the phone and send he tries out of the office
  259. 'You knocked and opened the door. Behind a massive desk you see a man. He''s talking on the phone and apparently not in the mood. He''s a bit surpised as you weren''t the person he was expecting, so he dismissively waves his hand, clearly indicating that you need to leave the office.'
  260. if AboutBussines = 0:
  261. act 'Talk':
  262. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'The Director''s office', 'terminal1'
  263. '"I was told to come and see you about a business proposal..." you start.'
  264. '"I heard there was a possibility of a good, legitimate and profitable trade business going on..." you continue.'
  265. 'The man puts the phone to his side and irritably answers, "Can''t you see I''m in middle of a phone call? Leave!"'
  266. AboutBussines = 1
  267. delact 'Talk'
  268. end
  269. end
  270. if AboutDocs = 0 and TerminalPapper = 1 and DayTerminalPapper = daystart:
  271. act 'Give him the documents':
  272. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'The Director''s office', 'terminal1'
  273. 'You walk up to the desk. However, you''re ignored by the man, but you refuse to turn back, you have an important assignment from the boss.'
  274. '"I was told by Anatoly Chubais from the company "OOO Bystroushka limited", to hand over these documents to you."'
  275. 'The man stops talking on the phone, frowns, and pointing towards the door, "You need to head over to the accountant''s office."'
  276. AboutDocs = 1
  277. delact 'Give documents'
  278. end
  279. end
  280. if AboutBussines = 1 or AboutDocs = 1: 'You have nothing to say or left to do, you can leave the office.'
  281. else
  282. !The Director is not in place
  283. cla
  284. gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'A door with a sign', 'terminal5'
  285. act 'Move away from the door': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
  286. 'You knock, but there is only silence. You try pushing down the handle, realizing that the door is locked. You''ll have to come back at a different time.'
  287. YouNotOpenDoorDir = 1
  288. end
  289. end
  290. --- TerminalOffice ---------------------------------