# mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-AptLive-Notice': *clr & cla minut += rand(1,3) modVar_AF_EventProgress['SFLA-AptLive'] = 1 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'Looking closer it is an Advert for an additional tenant for a Shared Apartment. Female Only. Looks like if I''m interested then I am to go the apartment at the City Centre. Sounds interesting...' act 'Return' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-1': *clr & cla minut += 1 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'Fortunately the place is easy to find as its just a short trip one of the streets leaving the City Centre. Soon the Front Door of the Apartment is visible and so you walk up to it. A Slight nervousness washes over you when you realise that this is a bigger plunge into the unknown then you realised; maybe it is too much...' act 'Knock on the door' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-2' act 'Bottle it!' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-2': *clr & cla minut += 1 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'After waiting a few moments you hear someone coming down the stairs behind the door. Holding your nerve with every echoing step you wait for the door to open, and sure enough it does.' act 'See who greets you' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-3' end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-3': *clr & cla minut += 1 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'A beautiful girl opens the door and steps out into the street to greet you.' *nl '"Hello, I''m hear about renting a room. I saw your advert pinned up at the University, have I got the right place?"' *nl '"Yes, you very much have! Come on in and I''ll introduce you to everyone. Good job they all happen to be in!"' *nl 'You detect an accent to her Russian indicating she is foreign but her ability to speak Russian is good enough to hide it well. In the mean time she has guided you up the communal stairs and into the Apartment itself.' act 'Enter the apartment' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-4' end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-4': *clr & cla gs 'stat' '
' *nl '"Come in and sit down and I''ll get down with the introductions!"' *nl 'You walk in and sit yourself down on one of the free chairs with the girl doing the same. You see that there is two more girls sitting on the larger sofa.' *nl '"Well let''s get started! As you may have guessed already, I''m not from around here; and to make it more interesting neither is anyone else in the Apartment. This might all be a bit strange so I''ll explain the situation. We have all come from abroad to study at the University while also learning Russian. You don''t need to worry though as we are all reasonably proficient at it, you see we were all reasonable at speaking it before coming here and we have all just done a six month course at the Institute of Foreign Language to ingratitate ourselves; it''s where we all met!"' *nl '"As for who we are, I''ll introduce ourselves one by one, starting with myself. My name is Elizabeth Clarke and I''m from Bath in the UK, and this here is..."' *nl 'She gestures towards one of the girls on the sofa.' act 'Look over' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-5' end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-5': *clr & cla gs 'stat' '
' *nl '"Janina Wahls, and she is from Darmstadt in Germany."' *nl '"Hello"' *nl '"Hi there, nice to meet you."' *nl '"And sitting along side her is..."' act 'Look towards' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-6' end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-6': *clr & cla gs 'stat' '
' *nl '"Kobayashi Kazumi all the way from Kagoshima in Japan."' *nl '"Hi"' *nl '"And hello to you! You can call me Kaz for short!"' *nl 'You look back over to Elizabeth.' act 'Let her finish' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-7' end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-7': *clr & cla minut += 1 gs 'stat' '
' *nl '"And here we all are! As you may have figured out, we are very eager to have a native Russian here living with us, not just to test out our Russian but also so we can have you registered as living here."' *nl '"Rent per person would be <<1000 * difficulty>>₽ a week in addition to any sundries bought for the Apartment such as food and what not. All finances however go through the House Account but everyone''s contribution is individually tracked so don''t worry about one person not pulling their weight! After that it is basically the same as any other Apartment I guess."' *nl '"So after all that I suppose the ultimate question is; are you interested in staying here with us?"' act 'Yes!' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-8' end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-JoinAptEv-8': *clr & cla modVar_AF_EventProgress['SFLA-AptLive'] = 2 modVar_AF_EventLock['SFLA-AptInvEv'] = daystart modVar_AF_EventOpen['SFLA-AptInvEv-PhoneCall'] = daystart gs 'stat' '
' *nl '"Well that''s fantastic! In which case if you give us your details then I''ll pop them with everyone else whose interested and we''ll get in touch to let you know. But you needn''t be worried, you are by far the best choice we have had so far! So just remember that you will need a Bank Account setup so you can pay to the House Account which will include a deposit of 1,000₽.' *nl 'You hand her all of your details before thanking all of them for meeting you. Then you head out back into the City Centre.' act 'Return' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-ShoppingEv': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'whoelse' , 'torgcentr' , 'Shopping' minut += 20 pcs_mood += 15 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 2 gs 'stat' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'ActivityImage-Generate' , 'Shopping' , $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv *nl '<<$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople>> hit the shopping centre like a typhoon; bouncing from shop to shop and generally having a fantastic time together. You try on clothes, compliment eachothers dress sense and talk about how certain pieces of furniture would look in the apartment. Overall you enjoy the experience immensely!' act 'Stop the chaos' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-AptGuest-Consider': *clr & cla '
Spare Room
' '
' *nl 'You stand here looking at the room you worked so hard to renovate, thinking about how you could have someone come visit knowing that they could use this room to sleep in...' if Storyline = 1 and npc_rel['A34'] >= 75: act 'Invite Kolka' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'SFLA-AptGuest-ConsiderKolka' end act 'Nah, can''t be bothered' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-AptLive-MoveIn': *clr & cla gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'configureSFLA' modVar_AF_EventProgress['SFLA-AptLive'] = 3 Karta -= 1000 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] = 1000 gs 'stat' '
' *nl '"Hi there, is that ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + '?"' *nl '"Yes that''s me."' *nl '"Fantastic! It''s me, Elizabeth! Just messaging to let you know that you have the Room, you can move in immediately!"' *nl '"That''s brilliant! I''ll get the deposit paid in now."' *nl '"Perfect! See you soon!"' act 'Put phone away' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-AptLive-KickOut': *clr & cla gs 'mod_addedflavour_charsche' , 'acttools' , 'forceact' , 700 , 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Sitr' , 'Resting' , 5 gs 'mod_addedflavour_charsche' , 'acttools' , 'forceact' , 701 , 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Sitr' , 'Resting' , 5 gs 'mod_addedflavour_charsche' , 'acttools' , 'forceact' , 702 , 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Sitr' , 'Resting' , 5 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You are startled as you walk into the Lounge to see that Elizabeth, Kazumi and Janina are all here, seemingly waiting for you...' *nl ' ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + ', sit down. We need to talk."' *nl 'You do so, fully aware of all three of them staring at you as you do...' *nl '"We need to discuss your debt. You owe the house over 5000₽ and it is getting too much. We need to know you can pay it now; well can you?"' *nl if karta >= ((modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] - modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS']) - modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS']): act 'Yes, I will pay' : *clr & cla karta -= ((modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] - modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS']) - modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS']) modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] = 0 gs 'stat' '
' *nl '"Yes, yes of course I will pay it right now! I don''t know how it got to this point, I guess I just lost focus on the finances and let it slip my mind... Everyone, I''m so sorry, I hope you can forgive me?"' *nl 'Elizabeth turns to look at the others prompting you to do the same.' *nl '"Oh ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + ' I am so glad, I just knew it was a misunderstanding."' *nl '"I knew this was a storm in a teacup. ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + ' can be trusted and I''m happy we got this all sorted out."' *nl '"Well, I think we are all in agreement; all is forgiven! Now lets hug this out and forget it ever happened."' *nl 'You go over and get the group hug you''ve been craving since this whole ordeal began; a single tear managing to break the emotional wall you put up becoming the only indication of how bad you fealt that it got this far.' act 'Recover' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'No, I can''t' : *clr & cla modVar_AF_EventProgress['SFLA-AptLive'] = 4 gs 'stat' '
' *nl '"No... I can''t... I don''t have enough money..."' *nl 'The look of shame from everyone as they look back at you is unbearable, but you sit back and await their onslaught.' *nl '"I fucking knew she was a wrong''un from the start, just using us!"' *nl 'Kazumi can''t even bring herself to address you, so she just looks down and retreats into herself...' *nl '"I can''t believe you would do this to us. This wasn''t just something you could ignore; we will now be lumbered with this debt of yours! You know what, just get out."' *nl '"What...."' *nl '"I said get out now! We will have to sort this out together but you... you are nothing to us now. Whatever good you might have brung has been erased by what you have done."' *nl '"Yes, get the fuck out ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + '!!! Piss off back to whatever backwater shithole you crawled out of, maybe you can find someone elses life to parasite off of."' *nl 'You stand up, your emotions in complete lockdown. Kazumi just looks at you, herself unable to talk to you, before running to her room. And so you walk out the door which in turn is promptly slammed behind you. Once again, you are alone...' act 'Walk into the street' : gt 'city_center' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-AptLive-BaRm': menu_off = 0 'Shelf Contents:' if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Razor'] > 0: 'A Razor that is good for <> shaves. ' + iif(stanok >= 25 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Razor'] <= 10,'Replace Razor','Replace Razor') elseif modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Razor'] = 0: 'A faint outline indicates there was once a Razor here. ' + iif(stanok >= 25,'Replace Razor','Replace Razor') end if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Ointment'] > 0: 'A Tube of Chafing Ointment with roughly <> applications remaining. ' + iif(mosolmaz >= 10 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Ointment'] <= 2,'Replace Ointment','Replace Ointment') elseif modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Ointment'] = 0: 'A faint outline indicates there was once a Tube of Chafing Ointment here. ' + iif(mosolmaz >= 10 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Ointment'] <= 2,'Replace Ointment','Replace Ointment') end if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Tampon'] > 0: 'A Box of Tampons with <> tampons contained within. ' + iif(tampon >= 20 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Tampon'] <= 10,'Add Tampons','Add Tampons') elseif modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Tampon'] = 0: 'An empty Box of Tampons. ' + iif(tampon >= 20 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Tampon'] <= 10,'Add Tampons','Add Tampons') end if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Sanpad'] > 0: 'A Container of Sanitary Pads with <> contained within. ' + iif(sanpad >= 20 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Sanpad'] <= 10,'Add Sanitary Pads','Add Sanitary Pads') elseif modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Sanpad'] = 0: 'An empty Container of Sanitary Pads. ' + iif(sanpad >= 20 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Sanpad'] <= 10,'Add Sanitary Pads','Add Sanitary Pads') end if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Deodorant'] > 0: 'A Deodorant with about <> remaining. ' + iif(deodorant >= 40 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Deodorant'] <= 10,'Replace Deodorant','Replace Deodorant') elseif modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Deodorant'] = 0: 'A used-up Deodorant Spray. ' + iif(deodorant >= 40 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Deodorant'] <= 10,'Replace Deodorant','Replace Deodorant') end if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Shampoo'] > 0: 'A Shampoo Bottle with about <> uses remaining. ' + iif(shampoo >= 30 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Shampoo'] <= 10,'Replace Shampoo','Replace Shampoo') elseif modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Deodorant'] = 0: 'A used-up Shampoo Bottle. ' + iif(shampoo >= 30 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Shampoo'] <= 10,'Replace Shampoo','Replace Shampoo') end if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Painkillers'] > 0: 'A Bottle of ' + iif(pain['total'] > 0 and pain['killer'] = 0,'Painkillers','Painkillers') + ' with <> tablets contained within. ' + iif(painkiller >= 50 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Painkillers'] <= 10,'Add Painkillers','Add Painkillers') elseif modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Painkillers'] = 0: 'An empty Bottle of Painkillers. ' + iif(painkiller >= 50 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Painkillers'] <= 10,'Add Painkillers','Add Painkillers') end *nl if pirsA + pirsB + pirsC + pirsD + pirsE + pirsF + pirsN + pirsG + pirsGL > 0:'Manage your piercings' if fillimplant = 1 and siliconeBag >= 1:'Inject silicone into your breast implants.' if fillimplant = 1 and silicone >= 20:'Drain silicone from your breast implants.' if arrsize('modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray') = 0: if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptRProg['BaRm'] >= modVar_AF_SFLA_AptRProg['Lv2Req']: act 'Soak in the bath (0:30)' : gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'bath' act 'Take a shower (0:15)' : gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'shower' else act 'Take a shower (0:15)' : gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'shower' end end if pcs_breath ! 1 or cumloc[12] = 1: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'bteeth' end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'itampon' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'prvt_pee' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'change_clothes' 'Check weight on the scales' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'basin' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'brit' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'enema' if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Ointment'] > 0 and mosol > 0 and mosal_time ! (daystart * 100) + hour: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'aointment' end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'preg' if breastpump > 0 and bp_unbox >= 1: act 'Use breast pump': gt 'lact_bp', 'bp_milking' end elseif breastpump > 0 and bp_unbox <= 0: 'Unbox your breast pump' elseif breastpump <= 0: gs 'lact_bp', 'massage' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'takepainkiller': pain['killer'] += 1 painkiller -= 1 pcs_hydra += 20 gs 'stat' *nl 'You take a painkiller and gulp it down with a glass of water.' end if $ARGS[0] = 'shave_options': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'razor' , 'use' , 'PCS' if shave_img_hgt = 0:shave_img_hgt = 100 !! images handled using FUNC(''$pube_image'') '

Shaving optons

Here you can choose your style for pubic hair and which body parts you wish to shave.
' '
> cellpadding=5>' *P '' '' *P '' '' *nl '
' 'The razor will last for <> more shaves.' *nl '
Change your shaving routine:
' '
Note: Choosing to never shave, or to shave legs only, will remove your chosen shave style.
You can only choose a style if you currently have enough hair to support it.
' *nl !if shave_menu = 0:nothing !if shave_menu = 1:legs and pussy !if shave_menu = 2:pussy only !if shave_menu = 3:legs only if shave_menu = 0: $shave_chosen = 'doesn''t include any shaving options.' $shave_time = '' 'Never shave | '+iif(pubestyle = 0,'Everything','Everything')+' | '+iif(pubestyle = 0,'Pussy only','Pussy only')+' | Legs only' elseif shave_menu = 1: $shave_chosen = 'involves shaving your legs and maintaining your current pubic style.' $shave_time = 'It takes 15 minutes to complete this routine.' 'Never shave | Everything | '+iif(pubestyle = 0,'Pussy only','Pussy only')+' | Legs only' elseif shave_menu = 2: $shave_chosen = 'involves not shaving your legs and maintaining your current pubic style.' $shave_time = 'It takes 10 minutes to complete this routine.' 'Never shave | '+iif(pubestyle = 0,'Everything','Everything')+' | Pussy only | Legs only' elseif shave_menu = 3: $shave_chosen = 'involves shaving your legs and not maintaining any chosen pubic style.' $shave_time = 'It takes 5 minutes to complete this routine.' 'Never shave | '+iif(pubestyle = 0,'Everything','Everything')+' | '+iif(pubestyle = 0,'Pussy only','Pussy only')+' | Legs only' end *nl '
Your current routine <<$shave_chosen>>
' '
> src="images/pc/body/pussy/hair/pussy.jpg">
> src="<>">
> src="<>">
> src="<>">
> src="<>">
' if pubestyle ! 1: 'Clean Shave' else 'Clean Shave' end '
' if pubestyle ! 2 and pcs_pubes > 15: 'V-shaped' else 'V-shaped' end '
' if pubestyle ! 3 and pcs_pubes > 15: 'Triangle-shaped' else 'Triangle-shaped' end '
' if pubestyle ! 4 and pcs_pubes > 15: 'Landing-strip' else 'Landing-strip' end '
' if pubestyle ! 5 and pcs_pubes > 15: 'Heart-shaped' else 'Heart-shaped' end '
> src="<>">
> src="<>">
> src="<>">
> src="<>">
> src="<>">
' if pubestyle ! 6 and pcs_pubes > 15: 'Flame-shaped' else 'Flame-shaped' end '
' if pubestyle ! 7 and pcs_pubes > 15: 'Cross-Shaped' else 'Cross-Shaped' end '
' if pubestyle ! 8 and pcs_pubes > 20: 'Trimmed' else 'Trimmed' end '
' if pubestyle ! 9 and pcs_pubes > 25: 'Small Bush' else 'Small Bush' end '
' if pubestyle ! 10 and pcs_pubes > 35: 'Full Bush' else 'Full Bush' end *P '
> src="<>">
> src="<>">
> src="<>">
> src="<>">
' if pubestyle ! 11 and pcs_pubes > 10: 'Lazy' '(don''t immediately shave stubble)' else 'Lazy' '(don''t immediately shave stubble)' end '
' if pubestyle ! 12 and pcs_pubes > 15: 'Mini Bush' else 'Mini Bush' end '
' if pubestyle ! 13 and pcs_pubes > 20: 'Bushy Strip' else 'Bushy Strip' end '
' if pubestyle ! 14 and pcs_pubes > 20: 'Rectangle' else 'Rectangle' end '
' act 'Return':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg act 'Set image height for this view': shave_img_hgt = input("Enter height in pixels you want for images on this page
(default 100, min 50, max 500)") if shave_img_hgt < 50: shave_img_hgt = 50 elseif shave_img_hgt > 500: shave_img_hgt = 500 end gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'shave_options' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'pirManage': cla menu_off = 1 '
Piercing Management
' *nl if pirsA > 0: if pirsA < 10000: '
Remove tongue piercing.
' else '
Insert tongue piercing.
' end *nl end if pirsB > 0: if pirsB < 10000: '
Remove lip piercing.
' else '
Insert lip piercing.
' end *nl end if pirsC > 0: if pirsC < 10000: '
Remove ear piercings.
' else '
Insert ear piercings.
' end *nl end if pirsD > 0: if pirsD < 10000: '
Remove nose piercing.
' else '
Insert nose piercing.
' end *nl end if pirsE > 0: if pirsE < 10000: '
Remove eyebrow piercing.
' else '
Insert eyebrow piercing.
' end *nl end if pirsF > 0: if pirsF < 10000: '
Remove nipple piercings.
' else '
Insert nipple piercings.
' end *nl end if pirsN > 0: if pirsN < 10000: '
Remove navel piercing.
' else '
Insert navel piercing.
' end *nl end if pirsG > 0: if pirsG < 10000: '
Remove pussy piercings.
' else '
Insert pussy piercings.
' end *nl end act 'Continue': menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'pir_title': *clr & cla '
Available piercings - select one by clicking the image
' *nl end if $ARGS[0] = 'pirTongue': gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'pir_title' i = 1 :looptongue_pir if dyneval('RESULT = PirsA<>_owned') = 1:*p '' i += 1 if i <= 4:jump 'looptongue_pir' end if $ARGS[0] = 'pirLip': gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'pir_title' i = 1 :looplip_pir if dyneval('RESULT = PirsB<>_owned') = 1:*p '' i += 1 if i <= 7:jump 'looplip_pir' end if $ARGS[0] = 'pirEars': gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'pir_title' i = 1 :loopears_pir if dyneval('RESULT = PirsC<>_owned') = 1:*p '' i += 1 if i <= 24:jump 'loopears_pir' end if $ARGS[0] = 'pirNose': gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'pir_title' i = 1 :loopnose_pir if dyneval('RESULT = PirsD<>_owned') = 1:*p '' i += 1 if i <= 7:jump 'loopnose_pir' end if $ARGS[0] = 'pirBrow': gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'pir_title' i = 1 :loopbrow_pir if dyneval('RESULT = PirsE<>_owned') = 1:*p '' i += 1 if i <= 2:jump 'loopbrow_pir' end if $ARGS[0] = 'pirNips': gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'pir_title' i = 1 :loopnipple_pir if dyneval('RESULT = PirsF<>_owned') = 1:*p '' i += 1 if i <= 7:jump 'loopnipple_pir' end if $ARGS[0] = 'pirNavel': gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'pir_title' i = 1 :loopnavel_pir if dyneval('RESULT = PirsN<>_owned') = 1:*p '' i += 1 if i <= 4:jump 'loopnavel_pir' end if $ARGS[0] = 'pirPubic': gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'pir_title' i = 1 :looppubic_pir if dyneval('RESULT = PirsG<>_owned') = 1:*p '' i += 1 if i <= 10:jump 'looppubic_pir' end if $ARGS[0] = 'bteeth': act 'Brush your teeth (0:03)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla minut += 3 cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' pcs_breath = 1 '
' *nl 'You brush your teeth and now they are clean and minty fresh.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if $ARGS[0] = 'itampon': if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Sanpad'] > 0 and (mesec > 0 or (placebopart > 2 and pillcon < 40000)) and isprokp = 0 and isprok = 0 and $pantyworntype ! 'none' and knowpreg = 0: act 'Use a sanitary pad (0:02)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'sanpad' , 'use' , 'PCS' isprokp = 1 minut += 2 pcs_mood -= 5 '
' *nl 'You use a sanitary pad.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Tampon'] > 0 and (mesec > 0 or (placebopart > 2 and pillcon < 40000)) and isprok = 0 and isprokp = 0 and knowpreg = 0: act 'Use a tampon (0:02)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'tampon' , 'use' , 'PCS' isprok = 1 minut += 2 pcs_mood -= 5 '
' *nl 'You use a tampon.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'change_clothes': act 'Change clothes and toys': cla act 'Return':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'wearpan' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'removepan' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'toymanage' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'wearpan': if $pantyworntype = 'none': act 'Wear panties (0:02)': minut += 2 gs 'stat' gt 'panties', 'view_panty_list', 'bathroom' end end if $braworntype = 'none': act 'Wear a bra (0:02)': minut += 2 gs 'stat' gt 'bras', 'view_bra_list', 'bathroom' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'removepan': if $pantyworntype ! 'none' and $braworntype ! 'none': act 'Remove underwear (0:02)': minut += 2 gs 'stat' gs 'underwear', 'remove' gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if $pantyworntype ! 'none': act 'Remove panties (0:02)': minut += 2 gs 'stat' gs 'panties', 'remove' gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if $braworntype ! 'none': act 'Remove bra (0:02)': minut += 2 gs 'stat' gs 'bras', 'remove' gt $loc, $loc_arg end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'toymanage': if analplug = 1 and analplugin = 1: act 'Remove your butt plug (0:05)': menu_off = 1 cla *clr minut += 5 analplugIN = 0 if pcs_ass < 30:pcs_ass += 1 '
' *nl 'You squat and tug gently at the butt plug, gasping as you push it out of you. You can''t help but feel a bit empty, now that it''s out.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif analplug = 1 and analplugin = 0 and klismaday = daystart: act 'Insert your butt plug (0:05)': menu_off = 1 cla *clr minut += 5 analplugIN = 1 if pcs_ass < 10:pcs_ass += 5 if pcs_ass >= 10 and pcs_ass < 20:pcs_ass += rand(1, 2) if pcs_ass >= 20 and pcs_ass < 30:pcs_ass += rand(0, 1) '
' *nl if butpluguse > 0:'You squat and gently rub the butt plug against your anus, after lubricating it with a bit of saliva. After a short while, you''ve relaxed enough to be able to push it in. Once it''s in you give it a few gentle tugs, wondering if anyone will catch you wearing it today.' if butpluguse = 0:butpluguse = 1 & '"If I''m not going to use it, then why did I buy it?" you ask yourself. You look at the butt plug for a while, thinking "It is necessary to start developing my ass, so I could have great adventures someday... you could even say huge and thick adventures with crimson heads, uh, now I got carried away..." You''re slightly embarrassed at the thought for a second, but are then overcome by your horny fantasies. Determined to get the plug all the way in, you slowly press it against your asshole after lubricating it with a bit of saliva. It hurts a bit at first, but once the thickest part is in the rest follows rather easily. Patting yourself on your ass once it''s in, you wonder if anyone will notice you''re wearing it today and then immediately feel naughty for even having thought that.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if vibrator = 1 and vibratorIN = 1: act 'Remove the vibrator (0:05)': menu_off = 1 cla *clr minut += 5 vibratorIN = 0 if pcs_vag < 30:pcs_vag += 1 '
' *nl 'You spread your legs and take the vibrator out of your pussy, letting out a slight moan as you do so. You feel somewhat empty now.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif vibrator = 1 and vibratorIN = 0 and pcs_vag ! 0: act 'Insert the vibrator in your vagina (0:05)': menu_off = 1 cla *clr minut += 5 vibratorIN = 1 if pcs_vag < 30:pcs_vag += 2 '
' *nl 'You spread your legs and slowly insert the vibrator in your pussy, wondering if anyone will notice you wearing it today.' act 'Finish':gt $loc, $loc_arg end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'prvt_pee': if pee_hour ! hour or (pee_hour = hour and pee_day ! daystart): act 'Go pee (0:04)': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 pee_hour = hour pee_day = daystart minut += 4 '
' !!Get random pee-private picture rand_pee = rand(0,7) if rand_pee = 0: 'You take a seat on the toilet and begin peeing, glad to feel the pressure released.' elseif rand_pee = 1: 'After sitting on the toilet you finally release your bladder. A shiver runs down your spine as the stream flows out of you. "Wow," you think, "I had to go more than I thought."' elseif rand_pee = 2: 'Settling into the toilet seat you pull out your phone and begin checking for messages and doing other things to occupy the time until the stream slows to a trickle and finally stops.' elseif rand_pee = 3: 'You plop down onto the porcelain throne and begin to unleash a torrent of urine into the bowl. As you wait for nature to finish it''s business you begin to daydream a bit as your mind wanders off.' elseif rand_pee = 4: 'While relaxing your bladder and beginning to pee you decide to reflect on your recent interactions with the people in your life. "What do they think of me? Do they talk behind my back?" You continue contemplating until your body signals that the flow has ended.' elseif rand_pee = 5: 'You nearly piss yourself as you rush to seat yourself onto the toilet. Unable to hold back the flood anymore, your body releases a seemingly endless stream as you moan quietly in relief, thankful that you made it in time.' elseif rand_pee = 6: 'After situating yourself on the toilet, you relax and begin peeing. The urine tickles your labia as it sprays out of you into the toilet bowl.' else 'As you begin to sit down you nearly jump back to your feet as the cold toilet seat stings your bare bottom. You shake your head and sigh before settling back onto the icy seat and doing your business.' end !!If PC is on her period and using tampon, then the following options should appear as well as the standard "Finish and wipe" act: !!This may require an addition check to see if the PC has a purse since I think they need that to carry tampons with them. if isprok = 1 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Tampon'] > 0: act 'Change tampon (0:02)': *clr & cla gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'tampon' , 'use' , 'PCS' minut += 2 '
' 'Reaching down and taking the string between your fingers, you slowly pull the used tampon from your vagina. You wrap it in toilet paper to be thrown in the trash bin. Opening your purse, you retrieve a fresh one before unpackaging it and carefully inserting it into you.' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'prvt_pee_end' end end !!If PC is on her period and using pad, then the following options should appear as well as the standard "Finish and wipe" act: !!This may require an addition check to see if the PC has a purse since I think they need that to carry pads with them. if isprokp = 1 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Tampon'] > 0: act 'Change pad (0:02)': *clr & cla gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'sanpad' , 'use' , 'PCS' minut += 2 '
' 'Checking your pad, you decide it''s time for a new one. You carefully peel it off of your panties before folding it into thirds and setting it aside to be thrown away. Digging in your bag, you pull out a fresh pad, unpackage it, peel off the adhesive strip, and place it into your underwear. Finally, you wrap the wings around the sides of the gusset to make sure it is nice and secure.' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'prvt_pee_end' end end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'prvt_pee_end' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'prvt_pee_end': act 'Finish and wipe': *clr & cla '
' rand_pee = rand(0,2) if rand_pee = 0: 'Gathering some toilet paper from the roll, you reach down wipe your vagina clean from the last drops of pee leaking from you before dropping the paper into the toilet.' elseif rand_pee = 1: 'Wrapping some toilet paper around your hand, you reach around and give your pussy and ass a quick wipe before letting the paper drop into the bowl.' else 'You take a wad of toilet paper in your fist before using it to gently pat your vagina dry. You toss the used material in the toilet and flush it down.' end act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if $ARGS[0] = 'basin': if cumloc[12] = 1: act 'Rinse your mouth (0:05)': menu_off = 1 cla cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' minut += 5 gs 'stat' *nl 'You rinse your mouth and get rid of the taste of cum.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if cumloc[13] = 1: act 'Wash the cum from your hands (0:05)': menu_off = 1 cla cumspclnt = 9 gs 'cum_cleanup' minut += 5 gs 'stat' *nl 'You wash your hands and get rid of any trace of cum.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if cumloc[11] = 1 and cumloc[16] = 0: act 'Wash the cum from your face (0:05)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla pcs_makeup = 1 cumspclnt = 9 gs 'cum_cleanup' cumspclnt = 11 gs 'cum_cleanup' if pcs_sweat > 19 : pcs_sweat -= 5 minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You clean your face and get rid of any trace of cum.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif cumloc[11] = 0 and cumloc[16] = 1: act 'Wash the cum out of your hair (0:10)': menu_off = 1 cla cumspclnt = 9 gs 'cum_cleanup' cumspclnt = 5 gs 'cum_cleanup' pcs_hairbsh = 0 if pcs_sweat > 19 : pcs_sweat -= 5 minut += 10 gs 'stat' *nl 'You clean your hair and get rid of any trace of cum.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif cumloc[11] = 1 and cumloc[16] = 1: act 'Wash the cum from your face and hair (0:10)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla pcs_makeup = 1 cumspclnt = 9 gs 'cum_cleanup' cumspclnt = 12 gs 'cum_cleanup' pcs_hairbsh = 0 if pcs_sweat > 19 : pcs_sweat -= 5 minut += 10 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You clean your face and hair and get rid of any trace of cum.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if cumloc[2] = 1 or cumloc[5] = 1 or cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1: act 'Wash the cum off your clothes (0:10)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla cumspclnt = 9 gs 'cum_cleanup' cumspclnt = 6 gs 'cum_cleanup' minut += 10 gs 'stat' '
' 'You spend ten minutes wiping and rinsing the cum stains out of your clothes. In the end, all that remains of the stains are some damp spots that should dry up in a few minutes.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if body_write > 0 or face_write > 0: act 'Wash the writings off your body (0:10)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla body_write = 0 face_write = 0 minut += 10 gs'stat' '
' *nl 'You wash off the indecent inscriptions on your body.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if pcs_makeup ! 1: act 'Wash off cosmetics (0:10)': menu_off = 1 cla pcs_makeup = 1 cumspclnt = 9 gs 'cum_cleanup' cumspclnt = 11 gs 'cum_cleanup' minut += 10 *nl 'You wash off your makeup.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if false_lashes >= 1: act 'Remove false lashes (0:05)': menu_off = 1 cla 'You carefully peel off the glued-on strip, careful to protect your natural lashes.' lashsavechance = rand(0,4) if lashsavechance = 4: 'These lashes still look to be in pretty good shape; you could probably use them again.' if pcs_lashes = 4:fakelashesmink += 1 if pcs_lashes = 3:fakelashesplain += 1 end pcs_lashes = pcs_naturallashes false_lashes = 0 minut += 5 gs 'body_shape', 'basebeautycalc', 1 act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Deodorant'] > 0 and deodorant_on = 0: act 'Apply deodorant (0:01)': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 minut += 1 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'deodorant' , 'use' , 'PCS' gs 'sweat', 'deo' iif(func('body_din','pregnancyVisibility') = 1, '
', '
') 'You apply deodorant to your armpits. It will keep you feeling fresh and clean for longer.' act 'Continue': menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'brit': if shave_menu = 1 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Razor'] > 1: if pcs_leghair > 3 or (pubestyle = 1 and pcs_pubes > 3) or (((pubestyle >= 2 and pubestyle <= 9) or pubestyle >= 12) and pcs_pubes > 19) or (pubestyle = 10 and pcs_pubes > 29) or (pubestyle = 11 and pcs_pubes > 10): act 'Shave yourself (0:15)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla minut += 15 pcs_leghair = 0 if pubestyle = 1: pcs_pubes = 1 elseif (pubestyle >= 2 and pubestyle <= 9) or pubestyle >= 12: pcs_pubes = 16 elseif pubestyle = 10 and pcs_pubes > 29: pcs_pubes = 26 elseif pubestyle = 11 and pcs_pubes > 10: pcs_pubes = 0 end pcs_horny += 5 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'razor' , 'use' , 'PCS' '
' *nl if daystart < 10 and StoryLine = 0 and ntstart = 0: 'You can''t shake off the fact that you''re a girl now, so you decide it''d be best to shave your legs. You begin to lather your legs, still marveling at how soft and round they are. Then you take the razor in your hand and begin to shave your legs.' 'You feel really awkward, never having done this before as a guy. Luckily, you had more than enough experience with shaving your face and technically this isn''t really all that different. So in the end you get a pretty decent job done.' elseif daystart < 30 and StoryLine = 0 and ntstart = 0: pcs_mood += 10 'With a newfound routine you lather up your legs and start shaving, careful not to miss a spot. After washing away the foam you softly glide your hands over your smooth legs, feeling good to know that you don''t need to hide your legs in pants. Maybe you should wear a skirt tomorrow?' elseif pubestyle = 1 or pubestyle = 11: 'You lather up your legs and crotch and carefully shave them. Once you''re finished you gently glide your hands over your smooth pussy and legs, enjoying the smooth feeling and getting slightly more aroused by the touch.' elseif (pubestyle >= 2 and pubestyle <= 8) or pubestyle <= 12: 'You lather up your legs and carefully shave them. Once you''re finished gliding your hands over your smooth legs, ensuring you didn''t miss a spot, you spend some time cleaning up the area around your neatly trimmed and styled patch of pussy hair as well.' elseif pubestyle = 9: 'You lather up your legs and carefully shave them. Once you''re finished gliding your hands over your smooth legs, ensuring you didn''t miss a spot, you spend some time trimming back your small neat bush as well.' elseif pubestyle = 10: 'You lather up your legs and carefully shave them. Once you''re finished gliding your hands over your smooth legs, ensuring you didn''t miss a spot, you spend some time trimming back your bush as well.' end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'dryoff' end if pcs_leghair > 3: act'Shave your legs (0:05)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla minut += 5 pcs_leghair = 0 pcs_horny += 5 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'razor' , 'use' , 'PCS' '
' *nl if daystart < 10 and StoryLine = 0 and ntstart = 0: 'You can''t shake off the fact that you''re a girl now, so you decide it''d be best to shave your legs. You begin to lather your legs, still marveling at how soft and round they are. Then you take the razor in your hand and begin to shave your legs.' 'You feel really awkward, never having done this before as a guy. Luckily, you had more than enough experience with shaving your face and technically this isn''t really all that different. So in the end you get a pretty decent job done.' elseif daystart < 30 and StoryLine = 0 and ntstart = 0: pcs_mood += 10 'With a newfound routine you lather up your legs and start shaving, careful not to miss a spot. After washing away the foam you softly glide your hands over your smooth legs, feeling good to know that you don''t need to hide your legs in pants. Maybe you should wear a skirt tomorrow?' else 'You lather your legs up with some soapy water and shave your legs. After a few swift movements, your legs are smooth as silk. The feeling of your smooth legs turns you on a little.' end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'dryoff' end end else '
You don''t need to shave.' end elseif shave_menu = 2 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Razor'] > 0: if pcs_pubes > 3: if pubestyle = 1 or (pubestyle = 11 and pcs_pubes > 10): act 'Shave your pussy (0:10)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla minut += 10 pcs_pubes = 0 pcs_horny += 5 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'razor' , 'use' , 'PCS' '
' *nl 'You lather your crotch with some soapy water and carefully shave your pubic hair. After shaving you can''t help but run your fingers over your pussy, enjoying the smooth feeling and getting slightly more aroused by the touch.' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'dryoff' end elseif ((pubestyle >= 2 and pubestyle <= 8) or pubestyle >= 12) and pcs_pubes > 19: act 'Trim your pubic hair (0:10)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla minut += 10 pcs_pubes = 16 pcs_horny += 5 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'razor' , 'use' , 'PCS' '
' *nl 'You spend some time carefully shaving your pubic hair to your desired shape, and then trim it to make it neat and tidy.' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'dryoff' end elseif pubestyle = 9 and pcs_pubes > 19: act 'Trim your pubic hair (0:10)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla '
' *nl if pcs_pubes >= 20: 'You carefully shave away the hair at the edges of your pussy, trimming it all away until there is only a neatly styled bush left at the top.' else 'You carefully shave away the stubble at the edges of your pussy, careful to only trim and maintain the neatly styled bush you have at the top.' end minut += 10 pcs_pubes = 16 pcs_horny += 5 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'razor' , 'use' , 'PCS' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'dryoff' end elseif pubestyle = 10 and pcs_pubes >= 29: act 'Trim back your bush (0:10)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla minut += 10 pcs_pubes = 26 pcs_horny += 5 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'razor' , 'use' , 'PCS' '
' *nl 'You spend some time trimming back your thick bush of pubic hair, tidying it up and keeping your bikini line nice and clean.' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'dryoff' end end end elseif shave_menu = 3 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Razor'] > 0: if pcs_leghair > 3: act 'Shave your legs (0:05)': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla minut += 5 pcs_leghair = 0 pcs_horny += 5 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'razor' , 'use' , 'PCS' '
' *nl if daystart < 10 and StoryLine = 0 and ntstart = 0: 'You can''t shake off the fact that you''re a girl now, so you decide it''d be best to shave your legs. You begin to lather your legs, still marveling at how soft and round they are. Then you take the razor in your hand and begin to shave your legs.' 'You feel really awkward, never having done this before as a guy. Luckily, you had more than enough experience with shaving your face and technically this isn''t really all that different. So in the end you get a pretty decent job done.' elseif daystart < 30 and StoryLine = 0 and ntstart = 0: pcs_mood += 10 'With a newfound routine you lather up your legs and start shaving, careful not to miss a spot. After washing away the foam you softly glide your hands over your smooth legs, feeling good to know that you don''t need to hide your legs in pants. Maybe you should wear a skirt tomorrow?' else 'You lather your legs up with some soapy water and shave your legs. After a few swift movements, your legs are smooth as silk. The feeling of your smooth legs turns you on a little.' end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'dryoff' end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'enema': if klisma = 1 and (klismaday ! daystart or arrpos('sparrloc', 3) ! -1): act 'Give yourself an enema (0:05)': menu_off = 1 cla *clr cumspclnt = 7 gs 'cum_cleanup' minut += 5 klismaday = daystart klismaday1 = 1 '
' *nl 'You give yourself an enema, feeling clean down there. Your ass is now ready for anal sex without any awkward surprises.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'aointment': act 'Rub ointment onto your pussy (0:05)': cla mosal_time = (daystart * 100) + hour minut += 5 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions', 'ointment' , 'use' , 'PCS' mosol -= 5 'You take a tube of cream and rub it onto your itchy vulva.' act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if $ARGS[0] = 'preg': if pregtest > 0 and (abortionbirthdate = 0 or daystart - abortionbirthdate > 100): act 'Do a pregnancy test (0:05)': cla minut += 5 pregtest -= 1 gs 'stat' if pregchem > 120 and bimbolevel < 3 and knowpreg = 0 and husband = 0 and pcs_pregtalk = 0: cla knowpreg = 1 thinkpreg = 1 *nl 'The test shows two strips. You are pregnant. As you look at the test in your hand, you are?' act 'Horrified':gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'HorrifiedReact1' act 'Concerned':gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'ConcernedReact1' act 'Excited':gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'ExcitedReact1' elseif pregchem > 120 and bimbolevel = 3 and knowpreg = 0 and husband = 0 and pcs_pregtalk = 0: cla knowpreg = 1 thinkpreg = 1 *nl 'The test shows two strips. You are pregnant. As you look at the test in your hand, you are?' act 'Excited':gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'ExcitedReact1' act 'Aroused':gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events', 'ArousedReact1' elseif pcs_pregtalk = 1 and pregchem > 120 and knowpreg = 0: *nl knowpreg = 1 thinkpreg = 1 'The test shows two strips. You are pregnant.' elseif pcs_pregtalk = 1 or (knowpreg = 1 and preg = 1): *nl knowpreg = 1 thinkpreg = 1 'The test shows two strips. You are pregnant.' else knowpreg = 0 *nl 'The test shows one band. You are not pregnant.' end act 'Finish':menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'HorrifiedReact1': menu_off = 1 cla pcs_pregtalk = 1 minut += 10 *nl 'You stare in disbelief at the test in your hand. The two strips displayed can only mean one thing: you are pregnant. You sink to the floor, mind spinning. Tears well in your eyes. How could this happen?' if stat['hidden_vaginal'] > 0 and stat['vaginal'] = 1: 'You don''t even know how this is possible. You''ve never even had sex with anyone.' 'What did you do to deserve this? What is everyone going to think of you? Your life is ruined.' 'After several minutes of sobbing and trying to make sense of your situation, you finally pull yourself off of the floor. You straighten your clothes and wash your face as you begin to accept the situation you’re stuck with.' elseif rape > 0 and stat['vaginal'] > 1: 'It’s bad enough that you were raped, but possibly getting pregnant from it as well? It’s completely unfair.' 'What did you do to deserve this? What is everyone going to think of you? Your life is ruined.' 'After several minutes of sobbing and trying to make sense of your situation, you finally pull yourself off of the floor. You straighten your clothes and wash your face as you begin to accept the situation you’re stuck with.' else 'This is the worst possible thing that could have happened to you. You feel like you''re going to vomit from the stress.' 'What did you do to deserve this? What is everyone going to think of you? Your life is ruined.' 'After several minutes of sobbing and trying to make sense of your situation, you finally pull yourself off of the floor. You straighten your clothes and wash your face as you begin to accept the situation you’re stuck with.' end act 'Finish' :menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'ConcernedReact1': menu_off = 1 cla pcs_pregtalk = 1 minut += 10 *nl 'Your mind races as you gaze at the test in your hand. The two strips clearly show that you''re pregnant. You know this isn''t the worst thing that could happen to you, but your life is definitely going to change. Are you even ready for that kind of change?' if stat['hidden_vaginal'] > 0 and stat['vaginal'] = 1: 'The worst part about this whole situation is that you don''t even know how this happened. How can you get pregnant without having sex?' 'After a few minutes of weighing your options, you choose to get on with your day. You still have a lot to consider before you can decide what to do about this pregnancy, but you can’t spend all day in the bathroom without drawing suspicion.' elseif rape > 0 and stat['vaginal'] > 1: 'The worst part about this whole situation is that this isn''t even your fault. This was forced on you.' 'After a few minutes of weighing your options, you choose to get on with your day. You still have a lot to consider before you can decide what to do about this pregnancy, but you can’t spend all day in the bathroom without drawing suspicion.' else 'On some level, you''re aware that this is a consequence of your own actions, but you''re not quite ready to come to terms with that.' 'After a few minutes of weighing your options, you choose to get on with your day. You still have a lot to consider before you can decide what to do about this pregnancy, but you can’t spend all day in the bathroom without drawing suspicion.' end act 'Finish' :menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'ExcitedReact1': menu_off = 1 cla pcs_pregtalk = 1 minut += 10 *nl 'You''re overcome with glee as you look at the pregnancy test in your hand. Its two strips confirm that your wish has been granted: you are pregnant. You giggle as you clutch the pregnancy test, excited to share the news with everyone you know.' if stat['hidden_vaginal'] > 0 and stat['vaginal'] = 1: 'You''re not sure how this happened, but you''re not going to complain. Who cares if a miracle made it happen?' 'You spend the next several minutes fantasizing about your entry into parenthood before you remember you have places you need to be. You finally get up, still giddy as you go on with your day.' elseif rape > 0 and stat['vaginal'] > 1: 'You don’t even care about the circumstances that got you pregnant. It was absolutely worth it for this moment.' 'You spend the next several minutes fantasizing about your entry into parenthood before you remember you have places you need to be. You finally get up, still giddy as you go on with your day.' else 'Every time you had sex, you hoped the act would make you into a mother.' 'You spend the next several minutes fantasizing about your entry into parenthood before you remember you have places you need to be. You finally get up, still giddy as you go on with your day.' end act 'Finish' :menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'ArousedReact1': menu_off = 1 cla pcs_pregtalk = 1 minut += 10 *nl 'You rub your thighs together as you stare at the pregnancy test in your hand. The two strips displayed confirm that you’ve been knocked up. You excitedly recount every load of cum blast into your fertile womb, wondering which one found purchase. You gently rub your clit in a circular motion as you think about the fact that, in a few months, everyone who sees your large, pregnant belly will know what a slut you are.' if rape > 0 and stat['vaginal'] > 1 and incest['exp'] = 0: 'You pick up speed as you recall your rapist forcefully pumping you full of his wonderful semen without any concern for your desires. You loved having your agency stripped away as a complete stranger decided to make you a mother.' elseif incest['exp'] > 0: 'You pick up speed as you recall willingly allowing yourself to be pumped full of all of that wonderful semen. Knowing that you would get pregnant filled you with joy every time someone shot rope after rope of their baby batter into you.' 'The taboo knowledge that you could have gotten pregnant from incest turns you on even more.' else 'You pick up speed as you recall willingly allowing yourself to be pumped full of all of that wonderful semen. Knowing that you would get pregnant filled you with joy every time someone shot rope after rope of their baby batter into you.' end 'After several minutes of this you orgasm hard. You spend a moment panting before cleaning up and straightening your clothes. Once you''ve freshened up, you move on with your day, still aroused.' act 'Finish' :menu_off = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'dryoff': if modVar_AF_EventLock['SFLA-ShowerPeek'] ! daystart: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'whoelse' , 'SFLA' , 'Any' if arrsize('modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray') > 0: KILLVAR 'SFLADryOffPeepOptions' SFLADryOffLoopCount = 0 :SFLADryOffLoopStart if SFLADryOffLoopCount >= arrsize('modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray') : jump 'SFLADryOffLoopend' modVar_AF_Temp = modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray[SFLADryOffLoopCount] if ($charsche_character_CurActLoc[arrpos('charsche_charlist',modVar_AF_Temp)] = 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Kit' and npc_horny['A<>'] >= 20) or npc_horny['A<>'] >= 50 : SFLADryOffPeepOptions[] = modVar_AF_Temp SFLADryOffLoopCount += 1 jump 'SFLADryOffLoopStart' :SFLADryOffLoopend if arrsize('SFLADryOffPeepOptions') > 0: modVar_AF_Rand = rand(1,arrsize('SFLADryOffPeepOptions')) - 1 gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'SFLA-ShowerPeekEv-1' , SFLADryOffPeepOptions[modVar_AF_Rand] end end end act 'Get out and dry off' : mirror_steam = hour & gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'wash': menu_off = 1 if hypnoAddict = 0: cumspclnt = 1 else cumspclnt = 18 end gs 'cum_cleanup' body_write = 0 face_write = 0 pcs_hairbsh = 0 pcs_makeup = 1 if frost > 0:frost = 0 lactation['lactmess'] = 0 if pcs_sweat > 10: pcs_sweat = 10 + rand(0,4) if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Shampoo'] > 0: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'shampoo' , 'use' , 'PCS' else pcs_mood -= 5 end if false_lashes >= 1: if rand(0,4) <= 2: 'You''re careful enough that your false lashes make it through relatively unscathed.' else 'Unfortunately, your false lashes don''t make it through the shower.' false_lashes = 0 pcs_lashes = pcs_naturallashes gs 'body_shape', 'basebeautycalc', 1 end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'shower': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla minut += 15 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'wash' '
' *nl 'You undress and turn on the water in the shower. When it hits the right temperature you enter the shower and let the warm water rain down on you.' *nl if daystart < 10 and (StoryLine = 0 or (StoryLine = 1 and csb_start = 1)) and ntstart = 0: pcs_horny += rand(6,10) 'It''s really arousing to see your new body with all its smooth curves, breasts with large nipples, wide hips, and smooth legs. You begin to lather your body noticing how soft and tender it feels. Once you''re sure you didn''t miss a single spot on your feminine body you begin to wash yourself off, continuing to experience new and strange sensations.' elseif daystart < 30 and (StoryLine = 0 or (StoryLine = 1 and csb_start = 1)) and ntstart = 0: pcs_horny += rand(2,6) 'You have already gotten used to your feminine body and its softness doesn''t surprise you very much anymore. But you still let your hands wander a bit over your soft curves before you begin to wash yourself in earnest.' else pcs_horny += rand(0,2) '' + iif(modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Shampoo'] > 0,'Using the Shared Shampoo you soap yourself trying not to miss any spot and then wash off.', 'With no shampoo within reach you just use water to clean yourself.') end *nl if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Shampoo'] = 0: 'The Shampoo Bottle is no more; looks like you better buy a new one.' elseif modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Shampoo'] <= 10: 'The Shampoo Bottle is starting to run low and only has about <> uses remaining; maybe you should buy a new one, or maybe just let one of the others buy some.' end if hypnoAddict > 0:'You have no reason to, but you carefully avoid cleaning out your pussy and ass.' if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & 'Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.' if btwarn > 0: if btwarn = 1: $weightwarn = 'losing' if btwarn = 2: $weightwarn = 'gaining' 'You seem to be <<$weightwarn>> weight.' killvar '$weightwarn' & btwarn = 0 end if lactation['active'] > 0 and pain['nipples'] < 60 and lactation['pc_aware'] <= 0: if pcs_usedbreastpumponherself > 0 and pcs_massagedherbreasts <= 0: 'During showering you clean your breasts and something catches your eye. White drops come from your nipples. It is milk.
Using the breast pump regularly probably made you lactate!' lactation['induced'] = 1 elseif pcs_usedbreastpumponherself <= 0 and pcs_massagedherbreasts > 0: 'During showering you clean your breasts and something catches your eye. White drops come from your nipples. It is milk. Regularly massaging your breasts probably made you lactate!
' lactation['induced'] = 1 elseif pcs_usedbreastpumponherself > 0 and pcs_massagedherbreasts > 0: 'During showering you clean your breasts and something catches your eye. White drops come from your nipples. It is milk. All that pumping and massaging your breasts probably caused you to lactate!
' lactation['induced'] = 1 else 'During showering you clean your breasts and something catches your eye. White drops come from your nipples. To your surprise it is milk. You started lactating!
' if thinkpreg = 1 or knowpreg = 1: 'This is probably happening because you are pregnant.' else 'You should have this checked out by a doctor. You could be pregnant.' end lactation['induced'] = 0 end pcs_usedbreastpumponherself = 0 pcs_massagedherbreasts = 0 lactation['pc_aware'] = 1 end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'dryoff' if pcs_horny >= 40: act 'Use the shower head on your pussy': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla '
' *nl 'You place the shower head onto your pussy and a powerful jet of warm water begins to caress you.' if pcs_inhib < 30:inhib_exp += rand(1,3) pcs_mood += 15 $orgasm_or = 'yes' gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 10 gs 'arousal', 'end' if hypnoAddict ! 0: 'You unconsciously avoid spraying water into your vagina.' else cumspclnt = 8 gs 'cum_cleanup' end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'wash' end end act 'Take a selfie': gs 'telefon', 'Phone_selfie_image_bathing', 'shower' end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'brit' end if $ARGS[0] = 'bath': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla minut += 30 pcs_sweat = 7 + rand(0,4) pcs_mood += 20 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'wash' if bath_daystart ! daystart: bath_daystart = daystart pcs_skin += rand(1,2) pcs_willpwr += 1 end gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'While the bathtub fills up you get undressed and then dip a toe into the water. It has just the right temperature so you climb in and let yourself sink into the warm water.' *nl if daystart < 10 and StoryLine = 0 and ntstart = 0: pcs_horny += rand(6,10) 'You stare at those smooth, soft legs sticking out of the water. You''re still not used to this new body and the look of all this roundness.' 'Starting to soap yourself you unwittingly turn your attention to your breasts. They''re so soft and big, and when you touch them you feel an unfamiliar but pleasant sensation. You take your time getting familiar with your new body, then you begin to wash yourself in earnest.' elseif daystart < 30 and StoryLine = 0 and ntstart = 0: pcs_horny += rand(2,6) 'You have become a little accustomed to your female body and casually soap up all these soft curves and rinse yourself off, rubbing your hands all over your feminine body to make sure you didn''t miss a spot.' else pcs_horny += rand(0,2) 'You lean back and relax for a while. ' + iif(modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Shampoo'] > 0,'Using the Shared Shampoo you soap yourself trying not to miss any spot and then wash off.', 'With no shampoo within reach you just use water to clean yourself.') end *nl if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Shampoo'] = 0: 'The Shampoo Bottle is no more; looks like you better buy a new one.' elseif modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Shampoo'] <= 10: 'The Shampoo Bottle is starting to run low and only has about <> uses remaining; maybe you should buy a new one, or maybe just let one of the others buy some.' end if hypnoAddict > 0:'You have no reason to, but you carefully avoid cleaning out your pussy and ass.' if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & 'Your deodorant gets washed away in the bath.' if btwarn > 0: if btwarn = 1: $weightwarn = 'losing' if btwarn = 2: $weightwarn = 'gaining' 'You seem to be <<$weightwarn>> weight.' killvar '$weightwarn' & btwarn = 0 end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'dryoff' act '"Wash" your pussy': menu_off = 1 *clr & cla minut += 10 '
' *nl 'You turn on the faucet, lift your legs and scoot your ass over to align your pussy with the jet of warm water. It feels really good and soon a warmth begins to grow in your abdomen.' if pcs_inhib < 30:inhib_exp += rand(1,3) pcs_mood += 15 $orgasm_or = 'yes' gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 10 gs 'arousal', 'end' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'dryoff' end act 'Take a selfie': gs 'telefon', 'Phone_selfie_image_bathing', 'bath' end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'brit' end if $ARGS[0] = 'sunbathe': *clr & cla minut += 60 menu_off = 1 if pcs_sweat < 35 : gs 'sweat', 'add', 5 if pcs_hydra >= 100: pcs_hydra -= 10 else pcs_hydra -= 20 end pcs_mood += 5 '
' if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Sunlotion'] = 0: pcs_tan += 1 'You take some time to stretch out and take in the sun.' else gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'sunlotion' , 'use' , 'PCS' pcs_tan += 3 'You use the nearby Sun Tan Lotion to prepare your skin then lay back and take in the rays.' end gs 'stat' act 'Get up' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'relax': *clr & cla minut += ARGS[1] menu_off = 1 relaxtemp = 0 :relaxloop pcs_mood += 2 pcs_sleep += 1 relaxtemp += 10 if relaxtemp < ARGS[1]: jump 'relaxloop' end if $loc = 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Sitr': gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'whoelse' , 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Sitr' , 'Any' if arrsize ('modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray') = 0: SFLA_SexTrigger_CharPos = arrpos('charsche_charlist',701) if strpos($charsche_character_CurActLoc[SFLA_SexTrigger_CharPos],'mod_addedflavour_SFLA') = 0: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_SexFunctions' , 'chksextriggers' , 701 , 'SitrAlone' end end end if $loc = 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Bedr4' and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['SpareRoomOccupied'] = 2 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['GuestID'] = 34: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_SexFunctions' , 'chksextriggers' , 34 end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'whoelse' , $loc , 'Resting' if arrsize('modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray') > 0: if ARGS[1] >= 60: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 3 elseif ARGS[1] >= 30: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 2 else gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 1 end end gs 'stat' if $loc = 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Sitr' or $loc = 'mod_addedflavour_city_hotel_CoRm': $modVar_AF_TempStr = 'RelaxSofa' elseif $loc = 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Bal': $modVar_AF_TempStr = 'RelaxBalcony' elseif $loc = 'city_park': $modVar_AF_TempStr = 'RelaxGrass' elseif $loc = 'city_island': $modVar_AF_TempStr = 'RelaxUrban' else $modVar_AF_TempStr = 'RelaxBed' end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'ActivityImage-Generate' , $modVar_AF_TempStr , $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv if arrsize('modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray') > 0: '<<$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople>> settle in to idle around and generally do nothing together. The cosy setting and pleasant company make it all worthwhile.' else 'You settle in to just generally do bugger all, it''s fantastic.' end !! Workaround for Hotel Problem !! if $loc = 'mod_addedflavour_city_hotel_Bedr_1' : $loc = 'mod_addedflavour_city_hotel_Bedr' & $loc_arg = 'start1' act 'Get up' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'washingup': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 washinguptemp = modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['Washdishes'] :SFLAwashinguploop gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'dishliquid' , 'use' , 'PCS' minut += 2 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['Washdishes'] -= 5 if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['Washdishes'] < 0 : modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['Washdishes'] = 0 if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['Washdishes'] > 0 and modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Dishliquid'] > 0: jump 'SFLAwashinguploop' end '
' if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Dishliquid'] = 0: 'You dutifully wash the dishes but run out of Washing Up Liquid with <> dishes remaining' else 'You dutifully wash all the dishes that have accumulated by the sink.' end modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] += (washinguptemp - modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['Washdishes']) * 5 pcs_mood -= 5 gs 'stat' act 'Dry your hands': gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'cookfullmeal': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 minut += 45 pcs_mood += 5 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'fullmeal' , 'use' , 'PCS' charsche_activity_Active[arrpos('$charsche_actlist','SFLAKitr - Dinner')] = 1 gs 'stat' '
' 'You cook a meal for the household using the ingrediants in the Fridge. Once you are done you text everyone to let them know it is ready for 7pm tonight.' act 'Go back': gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'housemeal': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'whoelse' , 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Kit' , 'Eating' modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['Washdishes'] += arrsize('modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray') frost = 0 minut += rand(55,65) pcs_health += 15 pcs_mood += 30 pcs_energy += 100 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual-Insist' , 5 gs 'stat' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'ActivityImage-Generate' , 'Eating' , $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv *nl 'The Entire Household has turned up for the meal you have prepared. <<$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople>> are having a great time conversing while consuming your lovingly cooked meal and it feels you with joy to see it all come together.' act 'Finish up': gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'dishwasher': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 dishwashertemp = modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['Washdishes'] :dishwasherloop gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'washingup' , 'use' , 'PCS' modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['Washdishes'] -= 10 if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['Washdishes'] < 0 : modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['Washdishes'] = 0 if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Dishliquid'] < 0 : modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Dishliquid'] = 0 if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['Washdishes'] > 0: jump 'washinguploop' end '
' 'You load all of the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.' gs 'stat' act 'Return': gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'teabiscuits': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 minut += 5 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'biscuits' , 'use' , 'PCS' pcs_health += 30 pcs_mood += 20 pcs_energy += 20 if pcs_hydra >= 100: pcs_hydra += 30 else pcs_hydra += 60 end cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' pcs_breath = 0 fat += 4 frost = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'You drank tea and enjoyed the tea biscuits. You know they''re too sweet and can''t be good for your figure, but they taste so good!' act 'Finish up': gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'drinktea': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 frost = 0 if alko > 0: alko -= 1 minut += 5 pcs_health += 10 pcs_mood += 20 pcs_energy += 10 if pcs_hydra >= 100: pcs_hydra += 25 else pcs_hydra += 50 end cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' pcs_breath = 0 '
' 'You enjoy a relaxing cup of tea' gs 'stat' killvar '$_drink' act 'Finish up': gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'eatlightmeal': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 if $ARGS[1] ! 'NoUse' : gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'lightmeal' , 'use' , 'PCS' if $loc = 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Kit' : modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['Washdishes'] += 1 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'whoelse' , $loc , 'Eating' frost = 0 minut += 30 pcs_health += 10 pcs_mood += 20 pcs_energy += 80 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 2 gs 'stat' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'ActivityImage-Generate' , 'Eating' , $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv if arrsize('modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray') > 0: 'Seeing as other people are already eating here, you decide to join them. <<$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople>> sit down together at the Kitchen Table eating and catching up.' else 'You cook and eat the light meal which you have made using many diet ingrediants.' end act 'Finish up': gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'takefatburners': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 minut += 2 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'fatburners' , 'use' , 'PCS' if pcs_hydra >= 100: pcs_hydra += 25 else pcs_hydra += 50 end fat -= 20 '
' *nl 'You drink the fat burning capsule. These capsules are quick release and results can be seen soon.' gs 'stat' act 'Finish up': gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'drinkwater': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 frost = 1 if alko > 0: alko -= 1 minut += 1 pcs_health += 10 pcs_energy += 4 if pcs_hydra >= 100: pcs_hydra += 25 else pcs_hydra += 50 end cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' '
' 'You enjoy a drink of water' gs 'stat' act 'Finish up': gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'fillbottle': minut += 1 refillable_bottle = 4 gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'takevitamins': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 minut += 2 vitaminday = daystart gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'vitamin' , 'use' , 'PCS' frost = 0 if pcs_hydra >= 100: pcs_hydra += 25 else pcs_hydra += 50 end if KandidozOnce = 1:Kandidoz -= 2 if GerpesOnce = 1:Gerpes -= 2 if SifacOnce = 1 and Sifilis >= 10 : Sifilis -= rand(0, 1) pcs_skin += 1 '
' *nl 'You took some vitamins.' gs 'stat' act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'read': *clr & cla gs 'stat' '
' if f_book <= 0 and fantasybook <= 0 and w_book = 0 and womanbook = 0:'You scratch your head looking at the book you already read, thinking. "Damn, nothing to read, maybe I''ll take a walk or search the market for a new book?"' if f_book > 0: if fantasybook <= 0:fantasybook = 5 & f_book -= 1 'You still have <> unread fantasy novels.' end if fantasybook > 0: act 'Read fantasy book. There are <> pages left (1:00)': *clr & cla fantasybook -= 1 if fantasybook = 0:totalbook += 1 minut += 60 if pcs_nerd > 0: lastread = totminut lastreadday = daystart pcs_nerd += 1 blizoruk += 1 end gs 'stat' '
' if pcs_nerd > 0: pcs_mood = 100 if pcs_stren > 1:stren_deg -= 1 if pcs_vital > 5:vital_deg -= 1 'For an hour you enthusiastically read the book, completely immersed in the authors world.' else pcs_mood += 10 'For an hour you read the book.' end act 'Close the book':gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if w_book > 0: if womanbook <= 0:womanbook = 5 & w_book -= 1 'You still have <> unread women''s novels.' end if womanbook > 0: act 'Read Women''s Novel. There are <> pages left (1:00)': *clr & cla womanbook -= 1 if womanbook = 0:totalbook += 1 minut += 60 if pcs_nerd > 0: lastread = totminut lastreadday = daystart pcs_nerd += 1 blizoruk += 1 end gs 'stat' '
' if pcs_nerd > 0: pcs_mood = 100 pcs_horny += 10 if pcs_stren > 1:stren_deg -= 1 if pcs_vital > 5:vital_deg -= 1 'For an hour you enthusiastically read the book, completely immersed in the story.' else pcs_mood += 10 pcs_horny += 3 'For an hour you read the book.' end act 'Close the book':gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act ' Close the book':gt $loc, $loc_arg if cookmag = 0 and fashmag = 0 and compmag = 0 and biomag = 0 and knitmag = 0 and fitmag = 0: 'You have no magazines to read.' else act 'Read a magazine': *clr & cla gs 'stat' '
' if cookmag = 1: act 'Read your cooking magazine': cla cookmag = 0 pcs_mood += 5 minut += 30 'You relax for half an hour reading your cooking magazine.' act 'Return':gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if fashmag = 1: act 'Read your fashion magazine': cla fashmag = 0 pcs_mood += 5 minut += 30 makupskl_exp += 1 'You relax for half an hour reading your fashion magazine.' act 'Return':gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if compmag = 1: act 'Read your computing magazine': cla compmag = 0 pcs_mood += 5 minut += 30 compskl_exp += 1 'You relax for half an hour reading your computing magazine.' act 'Return':gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if biomag = 1: act 'Read your biographical magazine': cla biomag = 0 pcs_mood += 5 minut += 30 'You relax for half an hour reading your biographical magazine.' act 'Return':gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if knitmag = 1: act 'Read your knitting magazine': cla knitmag = 0 pcs_mood += 5 minut += 30 if pcs_sewng <= 100: sewng_exp += rand(1,3) 'You relax for half an hour reading your knitting magazine.' act 'Return':gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if fitmag = 1: act 'Read your fitness magazine': cla fitmag = 0 pcs_mood += 5 minut += 30 'You relax for half an hour reading your fitness magazine.' act 'Return':gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'Return':gt $loc, $loc_arg end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'watchtv': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'whoelse' , $loc , 'Watch TV' minut += 30 if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptRProg['Sitr'] >= modVar_AF_SFLA_AptRProg['Lv2Req']: pcs_mood += 6 else pcs_mood += 3 end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 2 gs 'stat' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'ActivityImage-Generate' , 'WatchTV' , $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv if arrsize('modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray') > 0: 'Your flatmates are slumped in front of the ' + iif(modVar_AF_SFLA_AptRProg['Sitr'] >= modVar_AF_SFLA_AptRProg['Lv2Req'],'large plasma TV','small adequate TV') + ', watching intently. Deciding you would like to join them you sit down alongside. <<$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople>> enjoy yourselves idly flipping between watching drivel and talking it.' else 'You turn on the TV and settled comfortably on the couch.' *nl if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptRProg['Sitr'] >= modVar_AF_SFLA_AptRProg['Lv2Req']: 'The huge plasma comes to life and you hear the crisp sound of some advert, it looks great in HD.' else 'The ancient TV warms up and you''re greeted by adverts, the sound is adequate.' end end !! Workaround for Hotel Problem !! if $loc = 'mod_addedflavour_city_hotel_Bedr_1' : $loc = 'mod_addedflavour_city_hotel_Bedr' & $loc_arg = 'start1' act 'Stop watching TV' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'videogames': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'whoelse' , 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Sitr' , 'Playing Games' minut += 30 pcs_mood += 10 pcs_health -= 2 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 2 gs 'stat' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'ActivityImage-Generate' , 'Gaming' , $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv if arrsize('modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray') > 0: 'Your flatmates are already playing Video Games so you get down and join in the fun. <<$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople>> have a joyous time playing together.' else 'You get comfortable and settle into some Video Gaming.' end act 'Stop playing games' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'dancing': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 if ARGS[1] = 0: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'whoelse' , 'club' , 'Partying' else KILLVAR '$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople' KILLVAR '$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv' KILLVAR 'modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray' $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople = 'You and <<$npc_nickname[''A<>'']>>' if npc_gender['A<>'] = 1: $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv = 'FF' elseif npc_gender['A<>'] = 0: $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv = 'FM' end modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray[] = ARGS[1] end minut += 15 pcs_mood += 10 modVar_AF_Temp = ((5 - difficulty) / 2) + 1 gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Dancing' , modVar_AF_Temp gs 'stat' if arrsize('modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray') = 1: if modVar_AF_SexProg['A<>'] > 0: $modVar_AF_TempStr = 'IntimateDancing' else $modVar_AF_TempStr = 'Dancing' end else $modVar_AF_TempStr = 'Dancing' end gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'ActivityImage-Generate' , $modVar_AF_TempStr , $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv if arrsize('modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray') > 0 and $modVar_AF_TempStr = 'IntimateDancing': 'You and <<$npc_nickname[''A<>'']>> dance close together, feeling for eachothers presence and ignoring all else.' elseif arrsize('modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray') > 0: '<<$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople>> all dance together with reckless abandon but having enormous fun with eachother in the process' else 'You take to the dance floor and strut your funky stuff!' end act 'Stop dancing' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'exercise': !ARGS[1] = the ID of the NPC you exercise with *clr & cla menu_off = 1 KILLVAR '$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople' KILLVAR '$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv' KILLVAR 'modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray' $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople = 'You and <<$npc_nickname[''A<>'']>>' if npc_gender['A<>'] = 1: $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv = 'FF' elseif npc_gender['A<>'] = 0: $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv = 'FM' end modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray[] = ARGS[1] exercise_arrloc = arrpos('charsche_charlist',ARGS[1]) exercise_timerem = charsche_character_CurActTime[exercise_arrloc] minut += exercise_timerem pcs_stam -= exercise_timerem pcs_health += (exercise_timerem / 2) if exercise_timerem >= 60: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 3 elseif exercise_timerem >= 30: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 2 else gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 1 end gs 'stat' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'ActivityImage-Generate' , 'Exercise' , $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv 'You join your flatmate in whats remaining of their workout routine. <<$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople>> enjoy the time working out together and you feel better for it.' act 'Finish exercise' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'yoga': !ARGS[1] = the ID of the NPC you exercise with *clr & cla menu_off = 1 KILLVAR '$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople' KILLVAR '$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv' KILLVAR 'modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray' $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople = 'You and <<$npc_nickname[''A<>'']>>' if npc_gender['A<>'] = 1: $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv = 'FF' elseif npc_gender['A<>'] = 0: $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv = 'FM' end modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray[] = ARGS[1] yoga_arrloc = arrpos('charsche_charlist',ARGS[1]) yoga_timerem = charsche_character_CurActTime[yoga_arrloc] minut += yoga_timerem pcs_mood += (yoga_timerem / 2) if yoga_timerem >= 60: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 3 elseif yoga_timerem >= 30: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 2 else gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 1 end gs 'stat' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'ActivityImage-Generate' , 'Yoga' , $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv 'You sit and emulate the yoga pose your flatmate is performing. <<$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople>> feel much better come the end of it making it a rewarding experience.' act 'Finish session' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'jogging': !ARGS[1] = the ID of the NPC you exercise with *clr & cla menu_off = 1 KILLVAR '$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople' KILLVAR '$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv' KILLVAR 'modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray' $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople = 'You and <<$npc_nickname[''A<>'']>>' if npc_gender['A<>'] = 1: $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv = 'FF' elseif npc_gender['A<>'] = 0: $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv = 'FM' end modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray[] = ARGS[1] jogging_arrloc = arrpos('charsche_charlist',ARGS[1]) jogging_timerem = charsche_character_CurActTime[jogging_arrloc] minut += jogging_timerem pcs_mood += (jogging_timerem / 2) if jogging_timerem >= 60: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 3 elseif jogging_timerem >= 30: gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 2 else gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Casual' , 1 end gs 'stat' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'ActivityImage-Generate' , 'Jogging' , $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv '<<$modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeople>> go for a pleasant jog around the park. You don''t push hard enough to gain any physical benefit but it is nice to get out a breathe the fresh air with your flatmate.' act 'Finish session' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'computertime': *clr & cla menu_off = 1 if $ARGS[1] = 'PCS': $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv = 'F' else $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv = 'FF' if $ARGS[1] = '700': modVar_AF_SFLA_NPCID = 700 elseif $ARGS[1] = '701': modVar_AF_SFLA_NPCID = 701 elseif $ARGS[1] = '702': modVar_AF_SFLA_NPCID = 702 end $modVar_AF_SFLA_NPCName = '<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>>' end minut += 15 pcs_mood += 5 gs 'stat' gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'ActivityImage-Generate' , 'Computer' , $modVar_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleAbv if $ARGS[1] = 'PCS': 'You spend some time getting in some quality mind numbing. You don''t achieve much but you still feel it is time well spent.' else 'You and <<$modVar_AF_SFLA_NPCName>> sit back and idly surf the net; the two of you don''t feel like you got much out of it but it still felt like a good way to pass the time.' end *nl modVar_AF_Rand = rand(1,50) if modVar_AF_Rand = 1: if $ARGS[1] = 'PCS': 'After looking round the online shops though you notice an advert for cheaper Razors. Where as they usually cost 350₽, from this place they will only cost 250₽. You reckon the current Razor has about <> use''s left, might be worth replacing...' if karta >= 250: act 'Buy it!' : *clr & cla modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Razor'] = 25 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] += 350 karta -= 250 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You purchase the Razor at its bargain price! And whats more it arrives at your front door instantly! (almost as if, unlike real life, it was easier for it to arrive instantly than having to account for a delivery delay...)' act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'Ignore it and get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg else act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif modVar_AF_Rand = 2: if $ARGS[1] = 'PCS': 'After looking round the online shops though you notice an advert for cheaper Ointment. Where as they usually cost 372₽, from this place they will only cost 275₽. You reckon the current Bottle of Ointment has about <> use''s left, might be worth replacing...' if karta >= 275: act 'Buy it!' : *clr & cla modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Ointment'] = 10 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] += 372 karta -= 275 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You purchase the Ointment at its bargain price! And whats more it arrives at your front door instantly! (almost as if, unlike real life, it was easier for it to arrive instantly than having to account for a delivery delay...)' act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'Ignore it and get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg else act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif modVar_AF_Rand = 3: if $ARGS[1] = 'PCS': 'After looking round the online shops though you notice an advert for Tampons on offer. Where as they usually cost 200₽ for a box of 20, from this place they will only cost 120₽. The box in the Bathroom has about <>''s left, might be worth getting more...' if karta >= 125: act 'Buy it!' : *clr & cla modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Tampon'] += 20 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] += 200 karta -= 125 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You purchase the Box of Tampons at its bargain price! And whats more it arrives at your front door instantly! (almost as if, unlike real life, it was easier for it to arrive instantly than having to account for a delivery delay...)' act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'Ignore it and get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg else act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif modVar_AF_Rand = 4: if $ARGS[1] = 'PCS': 'After looking round the online shops though you notice an advert for Sanitory Pads on offer. Where as they usually cost 100₽ for a box of 20, from this place they will only cost 60₽. The box in the Bathroom has about <>''s left, might be worth getting more...' if karta >= 60: act 'Buy it!' : *clr & cla modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Sanpad'] += 20 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] += 100 karta -= 60 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You purchase the Box of Sanitory Pads at its bargain price! And whats more it arrives at your front door instantly! (almost as if, unlike real life, it was easier for it to arrive instantly than having to account for a delivery delay...)' act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'Ignore it and get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg else act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif modVar_AF_Rand = 5: if $ARGS[1] = 'PCS': 'After looking round the online shops though you notice an advert for cheaper Deodorant. Where as they usually cost 200₽ each, from this place it will only cost 110₽. The Deodorant Spray in the Bathroom only has about <> spray''s left you reckon, might be worth replacing...' if karta >= 60: act 'Buy it!' : *clr & cla modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Deodorant'] = 40 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] += 200 karta -= 110 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You purchase the Bottle of Deodorant at its bargain price! And whats more it arrives at your front door instantly! (almost as if, unlike real life, it was easier for it to arrive instantly than having to account for a delivery delay...)' act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'Ignore it and get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg else act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif modVar_AF_Rand = 6: if $ARGS[1] = 'PCS': 'After looking round the online shops though you notice an advert for cheaper Shampoo. Where as they usually cost 200₽ each, from this place it will only cost 90₽. The Shampoo Bottle in the Bathroom only has about <> use''s left you reckon, might be worth getting more...' if karta >= 90: act 'Buy it!' : *clr & cla modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Shampoo'] += 30 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] += 200 karta -= 90 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You purchase the Bottle of Shampoo at its bargain price! And whats more it arrives at your front door instantly! (almost as if, unlike real life, it was easier for it to arrive instantly than having to account for a delivery delay...)' act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'Ignore it and get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg else act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif modVar_AF_Rand = 7: if $ARGS[1] = 'PCS': 'After looking round the online shops though you notice an advert for cheaper Painkillers. Where as they usually cost 435₽ for a bottle of 50 pills, from this place it will only cost 310₽. The Bottle in the Bathroom has about <> pill''s left, might be worth getting more...' if karta >= 310: act 'Buy it!' : *clr & cla modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Shampoo'] += 50 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] += 310 karta -= 310 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You purchase the Bottle of Painkillers at its bargain price! And whats more it arrives at your front door instantly! (almost as if, unlike real life, it was easier for it to arrive instantly than having to account for a delivery delay...)' act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'Ignore it and get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg else act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif modVar_AF_Rand = 8: if $ARGS[1] = 'PCS': 'After looking round the online shops though you notice an advert for cheaper Sun Tan Lotion. Where as they usually cost 500₽ for a bottle, from this place it will only cost 365₽. The Bottle on the Balcony has about <> use''s left, might be worth replacing...' if karta >= 365: act 'Buy it!' : *clr & cla modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Sunlotion'] = 20 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] += 500 karta -= 365 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You purchase the Bottle of Sun Tan Lotion at its bargain price! And whats more it arrives at your front door instantly! (almost as if, unlike real life, it was easier for it to arrive instantly than having to account for a delivery delay...)' act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'Ignore it and get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg else act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif modVar_AF_Rand = 9: if $ARGS[1] = 'PCS': 'After looking round the online shops though you notice an advert for cheaper Dishwashing Liquid. Where as they usually cost 500₽ for a bottle, from this place it will only cost 405₽. The Bottle in the Kitchen has about <> use''s left, might be worth replacing...' if karta >= 410: act 'Buy it!' : *clr & cla modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Dishliquid'] = 20 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] += 500 karta -= 410 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You purchase the Bottle of Dishwashing Liquid at its bargain price! And whats more it arrives at your front door instantly! (almost as if, unlike real life, it was easier for it to arrive instantly than having to account for a delivery delay...)' act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'Ignore it and get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg else act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif modVar_AF_Rand = 10 or ($ARGS[1] ! 'PCS' and modVar_AF_Rand <= 10): if $ARGS[1] = 'PCS': 'After looking round the online shops though you notice an advert for Tea Dunking Biscuits on offer. Where as they usually cost 400₽ for a packet of 10, from this place it will only cost 300₽. The Tin in the Kitchen has about <> left, might be worth getting more (especially with Elizabeth in the house)...' if karta >= 300: act 'Buy it!' : *clr & cla modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Biscuits'] += 10 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] += 400 karta -= 300 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You purchase the Packet of Biscuits at its bargain price! And whats more it arrives at your front door instantly! (almost as if, unlike real life, it was easier for it to arrive instantly than having to account for a delivery delay...)' act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'Ignore it and get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg elseif modVar_AF_SFLA_NPCID = 701: modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Biscuits'] += 20 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['701'] += 500 'After spending some time looking at the online shops Elizabeth grabs your arm causing you a moment of shock.' *nl ' ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + '! Oh my Fucking GOD!! They are selling imported Chocolate Hobnobs at Buy One get One Free!!! AAHHHHHH!!! I am buying that right now!"' *nl '"Yes.... that''s lovely Lizzie.... I''m sure they''ll be nice...."' *nl '"NICE!! JUST FUCKING NICE!! They are going to be bloody fantastic!!"' act 'Escape this madness... NOW!!' : gt $loc, $loc_arg else act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif modVar_AF_Rand = 11 or ($ARGS[1] ! 'PCS' and modVar_AF_Rand <= 20): if $ARGS[1] = 'PCS': 'After looking round the online shops though you notice an advert for cheap Microwaveable Meals. Where as they usually cost 300₽ per meal, from this place it will only cost 195₽. There is <> meals in the Fridge, might be worth getting more...' if karta >= 390: act 'Buy two!' : *clr & cla modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Lightmeal'] += 2 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] += 600 karta -= 390 gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You purchase the Light meals at its bargain price! And whats more they arrive at your front door instantly! (almost as if, unlike real life, it was easier for it to arrive instantly than having to account for a delivery delay...)' act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'Ignore it and get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg else '"Hey ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + ', look here. This shop is selling Microwaveable Meals for 50% off if we buy 5; do you want to go halfsies on it?"' if karta >= 375: act 'Sure, sounds good' : *clr & cla modVar_AF_SFLA_AptPerishables['Lightmeal'] += 2 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['PCS'] += 750 modVar_AF_SFLA_AptContributions['<>'] += 750 karta -= 375 gs 'stat' '
' *nl '"Brilliant! Let''s order them now!"' act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end act 'Nah, I am a bit short of cash at the moment' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end elseif modVar_AF_Rand >= 20 and modVar_AF_Rand < 40: if week >= 5 and ((hour * 60) + minut) >= 1290 and $ARGS[1] ! 'PCS': gs 'mod_addedflavour_charsche' , 'acttools' , 'forceact' , modVar_AF_SFLA_NPCID , 'club' , 'Partying' , 120 '"You know what ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + '; I think I''m going to go down the Night Club. If you fancy joining me later it''ll be great seeing you down there!"' *nl '"Maybe you will; I''ll need to get ready first but we''ll see."' *nl 'You get a quick happy response from <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> before being left behind in the gust of wind that is her leaving the Apartment...' act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg else act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end else act 'Get off the Computer' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-ClubActive-Alert': *clr & cla modVar_AF_Temp = modVar_AF_EventOpen['SFLA-ClubActive'] gs 'stat' '
' *nl '"Hey ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + '! It''s <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>>! We''re down the Night Club right now; how about you come join us!!"' *nl '"Really?! Maybe I will; if I can get some free time I''ll meet you down there!"' *nl '"Brilliant!"' modVar_AF_EventOpen['SFLA-ClubActive'] = 0 act 'Put phone away' : gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-ShowerPeekEv-1': modVar_AF_EventLock['SFLA-ShowerPeek'] = daystart modVar_AF_Temp = ARGS[1] gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'npchorncalc' , 'Gain' , modVar_AF_Temp , rand(5,(5 * (5 - difficulty))) gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You are mindlessly washing your body when you are sure you are picking the sounds of someone outside of the door...' if modVar_AF_SexProg['A<>'] > modVar_AF_SexProg['OralGate']: gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'chkpossible' , 2 if modVar_AF_Inhib['Result'] = 1: *nl 'I suppose there is no harm if I was to make myself available to my eager watcher!' act 'Make a show of your body' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'SFLA-ShowerPeekEv-3' , modVar_AF_Temp end act 'Ignore it...' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'SFLA-ShowerPeekEv-4' , modVar_AF_Temp else *nl 'You are sure that the door is not locked but it could all be your imagination.' gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'chkpossible' , 1 if modVar_AF_Inhib['Result'] = 1: act 'Embrace it!' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'SFLA-ShowerPeekEv-2' , 'Embrace' , modVar_AF_Temp end act 'Dismiss it' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events' , 'SFLA-ShowerPeekEv-2' , 'Dismiss' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-ShowerPeekEv-2': if $ARGS[1] = 'Embrace': gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'Player_ShowBody' KILLVAR 'modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray' modArr_AF_SFLA_SharedActPeopleArray[] = ARGS[2] gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'npcrelcalc' , 'Sexy' , rand(2,5) elseif $ARGS[1] = 'Dismiss': pcs_mood -= rand(5,10) minut += rand(2,4) end gs 'stat' '
' *nl if $ARGS[1] = 'Embrace': 'You decide that if someone is brave enough to try and see your naked body with streams of water and mounds of foam washing over it, then the best thing is to embrace it!' elseif $ARGS[1] = 'Dismiss': 'You decide to ignore it; after all it could easily just be nothing...' end act 'Get out and dry off' : mirror_steam = hour & gt $loc, $loc_arg end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-ShowerPeekEv-3': gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'Player_ShowBody' gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You turn away so not to impact your voyeur''s confidence but in doing so thrust out your posterior. Once in position your start swaying your ample features to better emphasize their beguiling allure.' *nl 'Just as you are starting to wonder as to just how much of a presentation you will have to do until they get the hint when you hear the unmistakable sound of the Bathroom door opening...' *nl '"Why ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + '; that''s quite the invitation..."' act 'Greet your guest' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A<>_Events' , 'A<>-ShowerEv-1' end if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-ShowerPeekEv-4': minut += rand(2,5) gs 'stat' '
' *nl 'You decide to just ignore the sounds and carry on regardless; enjoying the pleasant feel of water flowing over your body. That was until your voyeur made themselves known to you!' *nl 'Come on ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + '! You think I am going to just let you get away with putting on a show like that without doing something! Now finish up so others can use the Bathroom.' *nl 'You can hear <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> laughing at your expense as they shut the door behind them leaving you to finish up.' act 'Get out and dry off' : mirror_steam = hour & gt $loc, $loc_arg end --- mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Events ---------------------------------