mod_addedflavour_A205_Events.qsrc 9.7 KB

  1. # mod_addedflavour_A205_Events
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'A205-ShopSexEv-1':
  3. *clr & cla
  4. menu_off = 1
  5. gs 'stat'
  6. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Patch Work Dolls</font></b></center>'
  7. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="images/characters/city/viola/viola.jpg"></center>'
  8. *nl
  9. if modVar_AF_EventTriggered['A205-ShopSexEv'] = 0:
  10. 'Seeing as she seems to be so interested in you, you stoll straight over to her. <i>Maybe I could get a discount or something equally special...</i>'
  11. *nl
  12. 'Before you have the chance to speak however, Viola gets in first. <font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A205'']>>"> ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + '... I have just the thing I think you would look good in, try it on!"</font>'
  13. *nl
  14. 'Viola hands you a black outfit perfectly in line with the clothes on sale here but also sexy enough to get any man or women fired up; meaning there is nothing stopping you from putting it on right here!'
  15. else
  16. 'Viola is already holding the outfit you remember trying on before, the sight of it already triggering an anticipation in your body.'
  17. *nl
  18. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A205'']>>"> ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + ', I''m sure you remember what I would like to see!"</font>'
  19. end
  20. act 'Put on the Sexy Clothing' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A205_Events' , 'A205-ShopSexEv-2'
  21. end
  22. if $ARGS[0] = 'A205-ShopSexEv-2':
  23. *clr & cla
  24. minut += rand(1,3)
  25. gs 'stat'
  26. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/viola/PatchworkEvPt1.jpg"></center>'
  27. *nl
  28. 'With you now fully dressed in the outfit Viola gave you you can see yourself in all your sexual glory. Every movement appears to reveal a hint of what more there is to come. It might also be working its magic on someone in this very room...'
  29. act 'Stand more provocatively' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A205_Events' , 'A205-ShopSexEv-3'
  30. end
  31. if $ARGS[0] = 'A205-ShopSexEv-3':
  32. *clr & cla
  33. minut += rand(1,3)
  34. gs 'stat'
  35. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/viola/PatchworkEvPt2.jpg"></center>'
  36. *nl
  37. 'It doesn''t take much to reveal more of your body. While not overtly doing this for Viola she must know that this is for her pleasure.'
  38. act 'Subtly glance at Viola' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A205_Events' , 'A205-ShopSexEv-4'
  39. end
  40. if $ARGS[0] = 'A205-ShopSexEv-4':
  41. *clr & cla
  42. gs 'stat'
  43. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/viola/PatchworkEvPt3.jpg"></center>'
  44. *nl
  45. 'You see Viola standing back at the counter, struggling to hide her own enjoyment your outfit is giving her.'
  46. act 'Push the show further' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A205_Events' , 'A205-ShopSexEv-5'
  47. end
  48. if $ARGS[0] = 'A205-ShopSexEv-5':
  49. *clr & cla
  50. minut += rand(1,3)
  51. gs 'stat'
  52. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/viola/PatchworkEvPt4.jpg"></center>'
  53. *nl
  54. 'You take the main article of clothing off revealing your fine body to your entranced audience; the remaining articles of black clothing remain perfectly positioned to outline the key parts of your ample frame. Just in case, you mentally prepare to explain that you are simply getting ready to put your main clothes back on should this act not be landing but looking over it seems you have nothing to worry about in that area.'
  55. act 'Take yet more clothes off' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A205_Events' , 'A205-ShopSexEv-6'
  56. end
  57. if $ARGS[0] = 'A205-ShopSexEv-6':
  58. *clr & cla
  59. gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'Player_ShowBody'
  60. gs 'stat'
  61. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/viola/PatchworkEvPt5.jpg"></center>'
  62. *nl
  63. 'There''s no hiding your intentions now as you stand there with your breasts on display. You think to yourself about what possibly could happen next..'
  64. act 'Look over at Viola' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A205_Events' , 'A205-ShopSexEv-7'
  65. end
  66. if $ARGS[0] = 'A205-ShopSexEv-7':
  67. *clr & cla
  68. gs 'stat'
  69. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/viola/PatchworkEvPt6.jpg"></center>'
  70. *nl
  71. 'As for Viola''s intentions, she has no interest in hiding them. She already has half her clothes off before you notice her and yet she is still perfectly silent, only letting her actions do the talking.'
  72. act 'Let Viola take control' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A205_Events' , 'A205-ShopSexEv-8'
  73. end
  74. if $ARGS[0] = 'A205-ShopSexEv-8':
  75. *clr & cla
  76. gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'Player_Oral_Recv'
  77. gs 'stat'
  78. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/viola/PatchworkEvPt7' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.gif','.webp') + '"></center>'
  79. *nl
  80. 'Before you even have a chance to object (not that you would...), Viola has you bent over with your panties hitting the floor. She gives your firm arse a two-handed slap before gripping on in order to bring her mouth to your moist pussy.'
  81. *nl
  82. 'Viola isn''t holding back and is licking you without restraint, tasting every part of your sex to her own erotic desire. Your own arousal is peaking very quickly and if your not careful you will be cumming much earlier than you would like.'
  83. act 'Let Viola move you' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A205_Events' , 'A205-ShopSexEv-9'
  84. end
  85. if $ARGS[0] = 'A205-ShopSexEv-9':
  86. *clr & cla
  87. gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'Player_Oral_Recv'
  88. gs 'stat'
  89. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/viola/PatchworkEvPt8.jpg"></center>'
  90. *nl
  91. 'Perhaps Viola was sensing just how fast your orgasm was appraching because she has now relocated herself under you. She looks into your eyes in the moment and you finally regain enough control to lower your gaze to hers. With still no words being uttered you manage to communicate just how much you want her to continue'
  92. *nl
  93. 'Viola takes her cue and dives back into your moistening vagina, her tongue reaching deep inside you, the tip managing to gently caress your inner walls. It''s enough to make you surge to an explosive orgasm but just before you about to peak with ecstasy she stops.'
  94. act 'Hang on the edge of Orgasm' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A205_Events' , 'A205-ShopSexEv-10'
  95. end
  96. if $ARGS[0] = 'A205-ShopSexEv-10':
  97. *clr & cla
  98. gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'Player_VagPlay_Recv'
  99. gs 'stat'
  100. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/viola/PatchworkEvPt9' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.gif','.webp') + '"></center>'
  101. *nl
  102. 'With whatever focus you have left you see that Viola has taken all of her clothes off and moving to get behind you. You look at her with an extreme yearning after she left you so close to bursting with pleasure but Viola knows what she is doing.'
  103. *nl
  104. 'Pausing only to look into your eyes once more she kisses you deeply. This has trapped you deeply within her control; your body now only responding to her actions, the first of which is to bring her hand to your edging pussy. The two pronged assault on your body is priming you for the explosive orgasm you so massively need.'
  105. act 'Let Viola push you over the edge' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A205_Events' , 'A205-ShopSexEv-11'
  106. end
  107. if $ARGS[0] = 'A205-ShopSexEv-11':
  108. *clr & cla
  109. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  110. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 8, 'lesbian'
  111. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  112. gs 'stat'
  113. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/viola/PatchworkEvPt10' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.gif','.webp') + '"></center>'
  114. *nl
  115. 'While Viola is bringing her hands to rub your tits it lands, the orgasm your body has been craving since this all started. Viola''s hand guides it to it''s release; her control bringing you your climax.'
  116. *nl
  117. 'You manage to keep your body upright as you come down from your orgasm, no doubt thanks to Viola''s prominent grasp. With your mind clearing you start to wonder things you perhaps should have wondered before; were we alone this whole time? What will Viola expect now?'
  118. act 'Look at Viola' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A205_Events' , 'A205-ShopSexEv-12'
  119. end
  120. if $ARGS[0] = 'A205-ShopSexEv-12':
  121. *clr & cla
  122. minut += rand(1,3)
  123. pcs_mood += 20
  124. modVar_AF_EventTriggered['A205-ShopSexEv'] += 1
  125. modVar_AF_EventLock['A205-ShopSexEv'] = daystart
  126. npc_sex['A205'] += 1
  127. gs 'stat'
  128. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/viola/PatchworkEvPt11' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.gif','.webp') + '"></center>'
  129. *nl
  130. 'Viola smiles back at you looking very pleased with herself. Perhaps sensing your concern moves to bring you back to reality.'
  131. *nl
  132. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A205'']>>">"I hope you enjoyed that as much as it looked ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + ' because there was no way I was letting that body go unfulfilled. But don''t worry; we''ll leave what happened here in the moment".</font>'
  133. *nl
  134. 'You smile with the confirmation that this isn''t going to make anything more complicated and move to put your original clothes back on. As you do Viola gives you a light smack on the bum; <font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A205'']>>">"Now lets get back to normal eh? And who knows, maybe it could happen again another time..."</font>'
  135. if anush_dolls = 3:
  136. *nl
  137. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A205'']>>">"Oh and I''ll remember to thank Anushka personally for sending you to me, she earned herself a lot of... gratitude"</font>'
  138. end
  139. act 'Get dressed' : gt $loc, $loc_arg
  140. end
  141. --- mod_addedflavour_A205_Events ---------------------------------