mod_addedflavour_A34_Events.qsrc 21 KB

  1. # mod_addedflavour_A34_Events
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'A33-SibThreesomeEv-X3':
  3. *clr & cla
  4. modVar_AF_EventProgress['A33-SibThreesomeEv-BroInv'] = daystart + (7 - week)
  5. minut += 1
  6. gs 'stat'
  7. if modVar_AF_TerlisActive = 1:
  8. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="<<FUNC(''$brother_face_image'')>>"></center>'
  9. else
  10. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/kolka/brother.jpg"></center>'
  11. end
  12. *nl
  13. '"Hey Kolka! How do you feel about a picnic this Sunday?"'
  14. *nl
  15. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"I don''t know... a picnic... maybe I guess."</font>'
  16. *nl
  17. '"What if I said it was a sexually fuelled picnic. Just me, you, your penis, my lips, both pairs of them..."'
  18. *nl
  19. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"...well, if you say its going to be, that, type of picnic how can I say no."</font>'
  20. *nl
  21. 'You lean in and whisper into his ear. "And what about if I bought someone with me, someone I know you''ll like..."'
  22. *nl
  23. 'Your brother is in a state of shock at the suggestion and may need some time for his brain to catch up!'
  24. *nl
  25. '"Wait for us at the shops this Sunday at 11am; I''ll sort out the rest"'
  26. if modVar_AF_EventProgress['A33-SibThreesomeEv-SisInv'] = 0:
  27. *nl
  28. '<i>Now I just need to talk to Anya to get her there</i>'
  29. end
  30. act 'Leave him be': gt $loc, $loc_arg
  31. end
  32. if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-AptGuest-ConsiderKolka':
  33. *clr & cla
  34. modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['SpareRoomOccupied'] = 1
  35. modVar_AF_SFLA_AptState['GuestID'] = 34
  36. modVar_AF_SFLA_KolkaVisit['A700'] = 0
  37. modVar_AF_SFLA_KolkaVisit['A701'] = 0
  38. modVar_AF_SFLA_KolkaVisit['A702'] = 0
  39. modVar_AF_SFLA_KolkaVisit['A34'] = 0
  40. modVar_AF_SFLA_KolkaVisit['A29'] = 0
  41. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Spare Room</font></b></center>'
  42. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/locations/city/citycenter/SharedFLApartment/SpRmLv2.jpg"></center>'
  43. *nl
  44. '<i>You know what, I could invite Kolka. I''m sure I could get something sorted with regards to his schoolwork, there is plenty of opportunity to study here after all... yeah I think I will...</i>'
  45. *nl
  46. 'You think to yourself as to who you will need to get the all clear from. Kolka himself of course, but he would welcome the chance to stay in the city. Then there''s Mother, but once I explain the extra-curricular activities up here she should be on board. But before that you will need to make sure that Kaz, Liz and Jan are happy with it. Will need to have a talk with everyone.'
  47. act 'Go about your business' : gt $loc, $loc_arg
  48. end
  49. if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-AptGuest-KolkaApproval':
  50. *clr & cla
  51. modVar_AF_SFLA_KolkaVisit['A34'] = 1
  52. gs 'stat'
  53. if modVar_AF_TerlisActive = 1:
  54. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="<<FUNC(''$brother_face_image'')>>"></center>'
  55. else
  56. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/kolka/brother.jpg"></center>'
  57. end
  58. *nl
  59. '"So, Brother, how do you fancy staying a couple of weeks at my Shared Apartment in the City?"'
  60. *nl
  61. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"You serious? Well that would be brilliant but there is no way it could happen."</font>'
  62. *nl
  63. '"Don''t worry, leave it with me and I''ll get it all sorted out."'
  64. act 'Carry on with your day' : gt $loc, $loc_arg
  65. end
  66. if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-AptGuest-KolkaConfirm':
  67. *clr & cla
  68. modVar_AF_SFLA_KolkaVisit['InTransit'] = 1
  69. modVar_AF_SFLA_KolkaVisit['BookingDate'] = daystart
  70. gs 'mod_addedflavour_A702_Functions' , 'A34-FileRepository-Config' , 'Images'
  71. gs 'mod_addedflavour_A702_Functions' , 'A34-FileRepository-Config' , 'Videos'
  72. gs 'stat'
  73. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/system/phone.jpg"></center>'
  74. *nl
  75. '"Hi Kolka! It''s your ever-loving Sister!"'
  76. *nl
  77. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"Hello ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + '! I''m glad for the call and all but what do you need? I think this is one of the only times you have ever called me..."</font>'
  78. *nl
  79. '"Well, I bring good news. Everything is sorted out, you can stay with us in the city for two whole weeks!"'
  80. *nl
  81. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"Thats brilliant! I can head over on the train next Saturday morning. I''ll send you a message when I am at the station so you can meet me."</font>'
  82. *nl
  83. '"No Problem, looking forward to it already!"'
  84. *nl
  85. '<i>I better make sure I don''t forget!</i>'
  86. act 'Put phone away' : gt $loc, $loc_arg
  87. end
  88. if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-AptGuest-KolkaCollect-X1':
  89. *clr & cla
  90. modVar_AF_SFLA_KolkaVisit['InTransit'] = 0
  91. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/system/phone.jpg"></center>'
  92. *nl
  93. if $ARGS[1] = 'late':
  94. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>"> ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + '! I''ve been trying to reach you for ages! I''m at the station and you need to come meet me."</font>'
  95. *nl
  96. '"Oh my god Kolka, I''m so sorry. I''ll be right there!"'
  97. act 'Go meet him' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'SFLA-AptGuest-KolkaCollect-1'
  98. else
  99. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"Hi ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + ', I''m here! Can you meet me at the Station?"</font>'
  100. *nl
  101. '"Of course, I''ll be there shortly"'
  102. *nl
  103. act 'Go meet him' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'SFLA-AptGuest-KolkaCollect-1'
  104. end
  105. end
  106. if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-AptGuest-KolkaCollect-1':
  107. *clr & cla
  108. minut += rand(10,20)
  109. gs 'stat'
  110. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="images/locations/city/shared/trainstation/central_station_inside.jpg"></center>'
  111. *nl
  112. 'You rush over to the station and head inside. The building is still quite busy even at this time but you manage to find Kolka amongst the rabble rather quickly.'
  113. act 'Greet him' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'SFLA-AptGuest-KolkaCollect-2'
  114. end
  115. if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-AptGuest-KolkaCollect-2':
  116. *clr & cla
  117. gs 'stat'
  118. if modVar_AF_TerlisActive = 1:
  119. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="<<FUNC(''$brother_face_image'')>>"></center>'
  120. else
  121. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/kolka/brother.jpg"></center>'
  122. end
  123. *nl
  124. '"Kolka! It''s so nice to finally see you here!"'
  125. *nl
  126. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>"> ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + '! Its nice to see you too, it''s going to be a lot of fun staying here for two weeks."</font>'
  127. *nl
  128. '"Well come on then, lets get you to the Apartment and meet everyone else"'
  129. act 'Take him home' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'SFLA-AptGuest-KolkaCollect-3'
  130. end
  131. if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-AptGuest-KolkaCollect-3':
  132. *clr & cla
  133. minut += 11
  134. gs 'mod_addedflavour_charsche' , 'acttools' , 'forceact' , 700 , 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Sitr' , 'Resting' , 5
  135. gs 'mod_addedflavour_charsche' , 'acttools' , 'forceact' , 701 , 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Sitr' , 'Resting' , 5
  136. gs 'mod_addedflavour_charsche' , 'acttools' , 'forceact' , 702 , 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Sitr' , 'Resting' , 5
  137. gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'guestvisit' , 'kolka' , 'stay'
  138. gs 'stat'
  139. if modVar_AF_SFLA_AptRProg['Sitr'] >= modVar_AF_SFLA_AptRProg['Lv2Req']:
  140. $modVar_AF_TempStr = 'Lv2'
  141. else
  142. $modVar_AF_TempStr = 'Lv1'
  143. end
  144. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Living Room</font></b></center>'
  145. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="mod/addedflavour/images/locations/city/citycenter/SharedFLApartment/Sitr<<$modVar_AF_TempStr>>.jpg"></center>'
  146. *nl
  147. 'You and Kolka soon arrive at the Apartment and after walking through the door you see your Housemates there waiting for you."'
  148. *nl
  149. '"Hello everyone! I would like you to meet my Brother: Kolka."'
  150. *nl
  151. 'Kolka looks a little nervous but manages to battle through his nerves to respond'
  152. *nl
  153. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"Hello to you all. Thanks for letting me stay here for a bit and I assure you I will be no trouble at all."</font>'
  154. *nl
  155. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A701'']>>">"Hello there Kolka. And don''t worry, we are all more than happy for you to stay here. Also, if you have any concerns and ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + ' isn''t around than you are more than welcome to speak to me."</font>'
  156. *nl
  157. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A702'']>>">"Absolutely, if there is any problems then, yeah, go to Lizzie..."</font>'
  158. *nl
  159. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A700'']>>">"And lest everyone forget I am here too, I would be more than happy to help."</font>'
  160. *nl
  161. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"Thanks everyone so much, I guess I''ll get settled in."</font>'
  162. *nl
  163. '"Of course, you''re room is just through there"'
  164. act 'Settle in' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Sitr' , 'start'
  165. end
  166. if $ARGS[0] = 'SFLA-AptGuest-KolkaLeave':
  167. *clr & cla
  168. minut += rand(5,15)
  169. gs 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_Functions' , 'guestvisit' , 'kolka' , 'leave'
  170. gs 'stat'
  171. if modVar_AF_TerlisActive = 1:
  172. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="<<FUNC(''$brother_face_image'')>>"></center>'
  173. else
  174. '<center><img style="<<$modVar_AF_ImageRestrictions>>" src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/kolka/brother.jpg"></center>'
  175. end
  176. *nl
  177. '"Are you packed and ready to head back home?"'
  178. *nl
  179. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"Yeah, everything''s done, just need to get to the station."</font>'
  180. *nl
  181. '"Well it''s been fantastic having you here; I''m already looking forward to having you visit us again."'
  182. *nl
  183. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"I do envy you, you know. You have so much freedom to live your life and you really do live it. Maybe one day I can join you in the city though... Anyway, I''m leaving now; see you Sis!"</font>'
  184. *nl
  185. '"Bye Bye, Kolka!"'
  186. act 'Wave him off' : gt $loc, $loc_arg
  187. end
  188. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-ShowerEv-1':
  189. gs 'stat'
  190. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34ShowerEv1' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  191. *nl
  192. 'You stand in the shower letting the falling water flow effortlessly over your supple skin. You are taken in by the moment and can''t help but focus on your private areas; still, your mind wanders to your horny watcher and whether she will take you up on your un-subtle invitation...'
  193. act 'Let the dance play out' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'A34-ShowerEv-2'
  194. end
  195. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-ShowerEv-2':
  196. gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'Player_ShowBody'
  197. gs 'stat'
  198. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34ShowerEv2' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  199. *nl
  200. 'Still lost in your own senses, you give a slight turn to check to see if anyone is there and to your surprise it is Kolka!'
  201. *nl
  202. '"Kolka... Quickly get in case you are noticed!"'
  203. *nl
  204. 'Kolka to his part just smiles to himself, happy with the part he is playing in the routine.'
  205. act 'Get him in' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'A34-ShowerEv-3'
  206. end
  207. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-ShowerEv-3':
  208. gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'Player_ShowBody'
  209. gs 'mod_addedflavour_charsche' , 'acttools' , 'forceact' , 34 , 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_BaRm' , 'Bathing' , rand(5,15)
  210. gs 'stat'
  211. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34ShowerEv3' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  212. *nl
  213. '"Kolka, you do know that if the others find you in here they will kick me out, I don''t think they are ready for the relationship we have..."'
  214. *nl
  215. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"I''ve missed you ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + ' and there is only so long a man can wait before having you in his arms."</font>'
  216. *nl
  217. '"Oh Kolka, I have wanted you as well, but we must be quiet, I really do like living here. But..."'
  218. *nl
  219. 'It was at this point that you pull the towel from his waist to reveal a hard penis eagerly beckoning at your form!'
  220. *nl
  221. '"... there is only so long a girl can wait for what she wants..."'
  222. act 'Get to Loving' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_SFLA_SexFunctions ' , 'playersex' , 34
  223. end
  224. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-AptSleepEv-1':
  225. minut += rand(2,4)
  226. modVar_AF_EventLock['A34-AptSleepEv'] = daystart
  227. gs 'stat'
  228. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34SleepEv1' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  229. *nl
  230. 'You are laying on you bed; sort of asleep but sort of not. Certainly aware but not really joining the real world yet. One thing you are aware of is the feeling that someone has come into your room.'
  231. *nl
  232. '<i>I wonder who she is...</i>'
  233. act 'Play out the act' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'A34-AptSleepEv-2'
  234. end
  235. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-AptSleepEv-2':
  236. minut += rand(1,3)
  237. gs 'stat'
  238. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34SleepEv2' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  239. *nl
  240. 'Your stealthy visiter is going straight for her prize, lifting your shirt to reveal your bra-caged goodies.'
  241. *nl
  242. '<i>Well, well, well; no hanging around here then!</i>'
  243. act 'Get fondled' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'A34-AptSleepEv-3'
  244. end
  245. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-AptSleepEv-3':
  246. minut += rand(2,4)
  247. gs 'stat'
  248. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34SleepEv3' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  249. *nl
  250. 'After releasing your supple breasts from their clothen restraint, your visitor go straight for their reward. They are still holding back a bit though.'
  251. *nl
  252. '<i>Aren''t we brave... mmmm... this is starting to feel good. It''s probably Lizzie, maybe I should wake up and enjoy this at its fullest...</i>'
  253. act 'Keep going' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'A34-AptSleepEv-4'
  254. end
  255. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-AptSleepEv-4':
  256. minut += rand(2,4)
  257. gs 'stat'
  258. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34SleepEv4' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  259. *nl
  260. 'Having enjoyed some of the goods your body has to offer your guest turns their attentions lower. After the initial pulls to test their courage they continue to reveal the target of their intentions.'
  261. *nl
  262. '<i>I''m glad I didn''t interrupt this pageantry, mmmmm... this is getting hot!</i>'
  263. act 'See if they take their prize' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'A34-AptSleepEv-5'
  264. end
  265. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-AptSleepEv-5':
  266. minut += rand(2,4)
  267. gs 'stat'
  268. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34SleepEv5' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  269. *nl
  270. 'With your eyes still closed but your anticipation at tenterhooks at what is to come, you feel the first foray of a tongue on your clitoris. It is gentle but whole event more than accellerates the feeling.'
  271. *nl
  272. '<i>Yes! I don''t know if I can keep up the pretense of being unaware for much longer! Hang on, she is moving. What is she up to now?</i>'
  273. act 'Let them have you' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'A34-AptSleepEv-6'
  274. end
  275. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-AptSleepEv-6':
  276. gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'Player_Touch_Recv'
  277. gs 'stat'
  278. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34SleepEv6' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  279. *nl
  280. 'It''s not quite what you were expecting but you feel the feel of shaft enterring your vagina. Looks like your guest wants the whole thing!'
  281. *nl
  282. '<i>Whoa, she got a dildo. There is nothing she isn''t up for... wait, that isn''t a dildo...</i>'
  283. act 'Reveal your intruder' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'A34-AptSleepEv-7'
  284. end
  285. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-AptSleepEv-7':
  286. gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'Player_VagPlay_Recv'
  287. gs 'stat'
  288. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34SleepEv7' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  289. *nl
  290. '"... hang on, Kolka! It was you all along! Wait, is anyone else home?"'
  291. *nl
  292. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"Yes, they are all just in the other room. But I wasn''t going to let that minor detail stop me."</font>'
  293. *nl
  294. '"But if they find out about us then I will get kicked out!"'
  295. *nl
  296. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"That hasn''t stopped you so far, in fact it seemed to excite you even more!"</font>'
  297. *nl
  298. 'The feel of his cock thrusting into you is managing to push through your reservations...'
  299. *nl
  300. '"...oh god, Kolka. Yes I want you, give it to me now!"'
  301. act 'Get to Fucking!' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'A34-AptSleepEv-8'
  302. end
  303. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-AptSleepEv-8':
  304. gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'Player_VagSex'
  305. gs 'stat'
  306. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34SleepEv8' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  307. *nl
  308. 'You raise your legs up and give Kolka greater room to thrust his manhood into you. The feeling of his cock, the possibility of being caught; it is multiplying together to create an ecstatic euphoria in you!'
  309. act 'Change Position' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'A34-AptSleepEv-9'
  310. end
  311. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-AptSleepEv-9':
  312. gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'Player_VagSex'
  313. gs 'stat'
  314. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34SleepEv9' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  315. *nl
  316. 'Kolka flips you over so that he can take you from behind, wasting no time in getting his cock back in you. You can no longer pretend that you are not enjoying this and find your self moaning hard. You don''t how you are going to explain this to your flatmates but that is something for another time!'
  317. *nl
  318. '"Lay down Kolka, I''m driving this now!"'
  319. act 'Go Cowgirl' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'A34-AptSleepEv-10'
  320. end
  321. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-AptSleepEv-10':
  322. gs 'mod_addedflavour_Functions' , 'pcs_reticence' , 'Player_VagSex'
  323. gs 'stat'
  324. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34SleepEv10' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  325. *nl
  326. 'You change position again and start riding him hard. Whereas he had control to begin with, he is now all yours and you take advantage of the situation to thrust yourself onto his manhood with vigour.'
  327. *nl
  328. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"Oh ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + '! I am going to cum so hard!"</font>'
  329. *nl
  330. 'You are certain that you are not far behind him!'
  331. act 'Cum hard' : gt 'mod_addedflavour_A34_Events' , 'A34-AptSleepEv-11'
  332. end
  333. if $ARGS[0] = 'A34-AptSleepEv-11':
  334. gs 'mod_addedflavour_charsche' , 'acttools' , 'forceact' , 34 , 'city_library' , 'Studying' , 30
  335. gs 'boyStat', 'A34'
  336. sexpartkno = 1
  337. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  338. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 8 , 'incest'
  339. spafinloc = 2
  340. gs 'Cum_Manage'
  341. gs 'stat'
  342. '<center><video style="<<$modVar_AF_VideoRestrictions>>" autoplay loop src="mod/addedflavour/images/characters/city/Kolka/Sex/A34SleepEv11' + iif(modVar_AF_QSPVer = 1,'.mp4','.webm') + '"></video></center>'
  343. *nl
  344. 'You fall onto your back as you orgasm allowing Kolka to get back inside you for a few thrusts before joining you as he coats your body with cum.'
  345. *nl
  346. 'As the eroticism starts to drop with your release your mind falls back to the reality of things, the forefront being exactly what you are going to do with what greets you through that door. Kolka sees your concern...'
  347. *nl
  348. '<font color="<<$npc_fontcolor[''A34'']>>">"Ha! Don''t worry ' + iif(rand(1,2) = 1,'<<$pcs_nickname>>','<<$pcs_firstname>>') + '! I wouldn''t be so mean as to put you in that situation. I checked the house was empty when I came in, no-one saw me come in here"</font>'
  349. *nl
  350. 'The sense of relief is mind-blowing!'
  351. *nl
  352. '"Bloody Hell Kolka, don''t do that to me! I mean, do this to me, definitely, but don''t trick me like that!"'
  353. *nl
  354. 'Kolka smiles knowing damn well he will before leaving to sneak off to the Library before being noticed.'
  355. act 'Get back to normal' : gt $loc, $loc_arg
  356. end
  357. --- mod_addedflavour_A34_Events ---------------------------------