bratva_madam_strings.qsrc 26 KB

  1. # bratva_madam_strings
  2. $_vstr[1] = '\\- I`ll bring you girls.!//- with enthusiasm, you say.**\\\- This case is right for you.. Just look at futato not get punish. We have aristocratic tastes, ha ha.,///- albert laughs, and the rest unanimously support it.**\\\- Here`s to a wonder-tool in case,///- you put their hands in some kind of bubble - “Dostatoshno single crack”.**This is clearly some kind of quote, everyone knows it and laugh, but you don`t remember, so dumb smile and batting eyelashes.**\\\- Where you find a bitch and prepare - you can call,///- adds Gennady,\\\- over Sanka came transportorul at its best.///**\\- Yep,//- you nod understandingly,\\- But first I`ll look for these that are ready. Have in mind…//**\\\- Well done, right thinking,///- you gently Pat on the cheeks,\\\- let`s fuck with the exploits!///'
  3. $_vstr[2] = '“Maybe this forever pickled pristavko from the beach boys to fit? Perhaps, it is better to start. Raspalaut fucking at its best, and she`s probably just glad to be. And I will not stay for nothing... " - you think.'
  4. $_vstr[3] = ' Hey, girl, got a suggestion.: go to some cool guys. Gonna tap that ass to multi-orgasm while using, I guarantee you passionately convince you girl.'
  5. $_vstr[4] = '\\\- Nah, whatever.,///- the girl shakes her head,\\\- not pulling, you know. I`d rather lie on the beach..**\\- In vain, you lose a lot,//- sorry to tell you. "Well, I`ll catch you when you`re all in the boob. Go like a lamb, goat!”'
  6. $_vstr[5] = '\\\- Ooh, very brutal, Yes.?///- Anya laughs drunkenly,\\\- And what, come on, let`s go!///**You lead the girl to the apartment of rapists.'
  7. $_vstr[6] = 'You ring the doorbell of the familiar pull-hut, you open the bandits and cheers downright enveloped both inside.**\\\- About Shine with podruzhaykoy!///- the men an appraising look at the girl.'
  8. $_vstr[7] = '\\\- Hmm.,///- albert chuckles,\\\- well .... Drink what, deluhi? Or just hunky-fics?///'
  9. $_vstr[8] = '\\\- Well, go on, on your knees and suck, tumblers!///- says Gennady, unbuttoning his pants. The rest of the bandits quickly release battle tools.**You show an example, on the move swallowing the first available member.'
  10. $_vstr[9] = 'Annie you are not far behind, and soon you too busy smacking the cock.**\\\- Svetik, show the whore how to work!///**\\- Umfff-gfff!//'
  11. $_vstr[10] = 'You tickle, sometimes trying to take just a couple of Dicks in her mouth.**\\\- Tie these whores to each other by the neck,///- albert orders.'
  12. $_vstr[11] = 'Anyuta doesn`t even try to resist. You knit and continue to play in the mouth.'
  13. $_vstr[12] = 'The men in turn substitute ass Anyuta:**\\- Lick, slut!//- and imprinted crotch right in the face of the girl. She obediently and skillfully otlizal anus.'
  14. $_vstr[13] = 'You`re getting laid.. Dimas itweet you let the juices of the pussy, and Anya immediately bolt screwed in the ass.**You enjoy a rough roar. Your friend squeals.'
  15. $_vstr[14] = 'DemAs changes your squishy little slit on the anus. Loud moaning Anyuta gagged with a powerful unit. She is professionally glycol, swallowing the most eggs.'
  16. $_vstr[15] = 'Albert sits you down on his 18-cm algacide and pulls in the ass. You are blissful, especially when the head of Anyuta is forcefully bent to your pussy and forced to lick. She herself enthusiastically working language.**\\- Yaaaaah, that`s good.!//- you yell,\\- Lick else goat drana-a-AAA!//**\\\- Let`s bitches in both cracks!///- excitedly offers someone from the gang.**\\- Yes, Yes, Yes!//- enthusiastically support you.'
  17. $_vstr[16] = 'And then put the machine under the two bolts.'
  18. $_vstr[17] = 'You both ocharovat in two slits, periodically changing the holes.**You have almost reached the desired point and heart-rending mooing, unable to articulate something to Express.'
  19. $_vstr[18] = 'Finally, getting cock in every hole, trembling all over, orgasmoral.**\\\- All on a brand new fuck, Bratva. Our nyasha was okonchilas,///- albert laughs,\\\- Well, polite her a broken-down Muff cabbage!///'
  20. $_vstr[19] = 'Men chorus rod Anyuta. Her designed pussy easily takes two tools at once.**\\- I want more, more cum, boys.,//- you`re whining imploringly, eagerly watching this spectacle.'
  21. $_vstr[20] = 'You helpful Herat in the pussy, which you persistently fumble on a course of action.'
  22. $_vstr[21] = 'You lift up your leg and insert into your ass a trembling organ of Gennady, clearly close to the final chord.**\\- Let the bitch lick me again!//- you require.'
  23. $_vstr[22] = 'Anya crawls out to lick you Clit. And then you feel like cum thrusts poured into your anus.**\\- MA-maaa!//- you cum again.**\\\- Ass dark-haired guys get,///- albert says,\\\- Shine, now you`re pleasuring her.///'
  24. $_vstr[23] = 'The bandits take turns furiously ramming Anyutka`s ass, spewing the seed there.**You suck her clitoris and even bite, pulling, labia.**The girl is shrieking wildly the whole Ivanovo, orgasmia and flooding your face with juice.**\\\- Svetik, swallow it-pay in the end!///- albert calls you.'
  25. $_vstr[24] = 'The leader will finish you in a mouth.:\\\-, bitch-AA...ugh, buzz.! Come share with teluha malofiej!///'
  26. $_vstr[25] = 'You spit the received sperm on the face and in the girl`s mouth and lick with her tongues under the merry laughter of the gang.**\\\- That`ll blow, ass, pours, ha ha. Draw your bunghole, I will fill in everything.///**Annie throw in the towel.'
  27. $_vstr[26] = '\\\- Okay, Svetik, take a walk.. Go buy Yes the lemon devour entirely, or what. But this we will leave until then. Let`s have some more fun, perhaps.///'
  28. $_vstr[27] = 'You`re going to have to leave, but in the hallway you intercepts Gennady:**\\\- Stop, stupid.! Why are you such a cheap slut also brought, like?///**\\- Well, what was found,//- you mumble, spreading your hands.**\\\- You`ve been warned - look better. Cheap stuff is not necessary, do remove, if required. Look nice.. Sucked?///**\\- Yeah, I`ll try!//**\\\- Don`t try - do, young Padawan, Yoda-the master said so because, heh.///**\\\- Do you think the punishment is deserved?///**\\- Mmm...probably.//**\\\- Okay, let`s see... get Out while I`m being nice.!///**«Probably, it is necessary in a cafe heifers for the lads then look!» - a thought comes to mind.'
  29. $_vstr[28] = 'You pour some strong swill. You drink with a slight frown.. Annie waves the only way to go. Her eyes gleam orovela.**\\\- Well, go on, on your knees and suck, tumblers!///- says Gennady, unbuttoning his pants. The rest of the bandits quickly release battle tools.**You show an example, on the move swallowing the first available member.'
  30. $_vstr[29] = 'Annie you are not far behind, and soon you too busy smacking the cock.**\\\- Svetik, show the whore how to work!///**\\- Umfff-gfff!//'
  31. $_vstr[30] = 'You tickle, sometimes trying to take just a couple of Dicks in her mouth.**\\\- Tie these whores to each other by the neck,///- albert orders.'
  32. $_vstr[31] = 'Anyuta doesn`t even try to resist. You knit and continue to play in the mouth.'
  33. $_vstr[32] = 'The men in turn substitute ass Anyuta:**\\- Lick, slut!//- and imprinted crotch right in the face of the girl. She obediently and skillfully otlizal anus.'
  34. $_vstr[33] = 'You`re getting laid.. Dimas itweet you let the juices of the pussy, and Anya immediately bolt screwed in the ass.**You enjoy a rough roar. Your friend squeals.'
  35. $_vstr[34] = 'DemAs changes your squishy little slit on the anus. Loud moaning Anyuta gagged with a powerful unit. She is professionally glycol, swallowing the most eggs.'
  36. $_vstr[35] = 'Albert sits you down on his 18-cm algacide and pulls in the ass. You are blissful, especially when the head of Anyuta is forcefully bent to your pussy and forced to lick. She herself enthusiastically working language.**\\- Yaaaaah, that`s good.!//- you yell,\\- Lick else goat drana-a-AAA!//**\\\- Let`s bitches in both cracks!///- excitedly offers someone from the gang.**\\- Yes, Yes, Yes!//- enthusiastically support you.'
  37. $_vstr[36] = 'And then put the machine under the two bolts.'
  38. $_vstr[37] = 'You both ocharovat in two slits, periodically changing the holes.**You have almost reached the desired point and heart-rending mooing, unable to articulate something to Express.'
  39. $_vstr[38] = 'Finally, getting cock in every hole, trembling all over, orgasmoral.**\\\- All on a brand new fuck, Bratva. Our nyasha was okonchilas,///- albert laughs,\\\- Well, polite her a broken-down Muff cabbage!///'
  40. $_vstr[39] = 'Men chorus rod Anyuta. Her designed pussy easily takes two tools at once.**\\- I want more, more cum, boys.,//- you`re whining imploringly, eagerly watching this spectacle.'
  41. $_vstr[40] = 'You helpful Herat in the pussy, which you persistently fumble on a course of action.'
  42. $_vstr[41] = 'You lift up your leg and insert into your ass a trembling organ of Gennady, clearly close to the final chord.**\\- Let the bitch lick me again!//- you require.'
  43. $_vstr[42] = 'Anya crawls out to lick you Clit. And then you feel like cum thrusts poured into your anus.**\\- MA-maaa!//- you cum again.**\\\- Ass dark-haired guys get,///- albert says,\\\- Shine, now you`re pleasuring her.///'
  44. $_vstr[43] = 'The bandits take turns furiously ramming Anyutka`s ass, spewing the seed there.**You suck her clitoris and even bite, pulling, labia.**The girl is shrieking wildly the whole Ivanovo, orgasmia and flooding your face with juice.**\\\- Svetik, swallow it-pay in the end!///- albert calls you.'
  45. $_vstr[44] = 'The leader will finish you in a mouth.:\\\-, bitch-AA...ugh, buzz.! Come share with teluha malofiej!///'
  46. $_vstr[45] = 'You spit the received sperm on the face and in the girl`s mouth and lick with her tongues under the merry laughter of the gang.**\\\- That`ll blow, ass, pours, ha ha. Draw your bunghole, I will fill in everything.///**Annie throw in the towel.'
  47. $_vstr[46] = '\\\- Okay, Svetik, take a walk.. Go buy Yes the lemon devour entirely, or what. But this we will leave until then. Let`s have some more fun, perhaps.///'
  48. $_vstr[47] = 'You`re going to have to leave, but in the hallway you intercepts Gennady:**\\\- Stop, stupid.! Why are you such a cheap slut also brought, like?///**\\- Well, what was found,//- you mumble, spreading your hands.**\\\- You`ve been warned - look better. Cheap stuff is not necessary, do remove, if required. Look nice.. Sucked?///**\\- Yeah, I`ll try!//**\\\- Don`t try - do, young Padawan, Yoda-the master said so because, heh.///**\\\- Do you think the punishment is deserved?///**\\- Mmm...probably.//**\\\- Okay, let`s see... get Out while I`m being nice.!///**«Probably, it is necessary in a cafe heifers for the lads then look!» - a thought comes to mind.'
  49. $_vstr[48] = 'You go to the cafe, some time to look closely.**And you see a suitable red-haired girl who drinks alone, litters with money and at the same time clearly feels a little insecure. Judging by the funny speech patterns and accent-it`s definitely non-Russian.'
  50. $_vstr[49] = 'You meet a girl and soon have fun drinking together. She says that she came here to study at the University of exchange from the United States. Red name is Samantha..**“Perfectly! It will fit!"- you decide, and when the intended victim goes to the toilet, pour it into the drinks knockout.**Then you say goodbye, drinking on the road.'
  51. $_vstr[50] = 'After waiting in the alley, hiding and wearing just a fire mask.'
  52. $_vstr[51] = 'The American comes with a lot of cash in the hands of stupid, calculated, I suppose, all lit up.**She`s barely standing..'
  53. $_vstr[52] = 'You grab her off completely and carry off in advance in a supervised quiet place.**Then call Sanka.'
  54. $_vstr[53] = 'And deliver the bound victim to the apartment of rapists, where the whole gang gathered.**\\- Albertik, I`m a real American dug! Look how many bucks she`s got.!//- you give money to a satisfied leader.**\\\- Well Done, Shine! Growing up.. Um. I think you should be rewarded, too.. DemAs, put our. tishonok ten, or what. On lipstick.///**DemAs, hmykaya, gives you two five-thousandth denominations.**\\\- Fuck, here you are.,///- Gennady pulls out his volumetric shovel and gives you a couple of bills,\\\- For Shine, keep it up. Sit down to admire as we have this bad lohuaru drag.///**\\- Yep!//- with joyful anticipation you say and make yourself comfortable.'
  55. $_vstr[54] = 'The bandits grabbing the bound girl, with a laugh, slap on an impressive ass and pulling down panties.'
  56. $_vstr[55] = 'Then lift up her legs and zastrahovat holes with your fingers.'
  57. $_vstr[56] = 'The rapists untie the victim, simultaneously pulling off the remains of her clothes, stretching on the floor.**Dimas first pushes in to her pussy.'
  58. $_vstr[57] = 'Gennady, meanwhile, roughly Fucks in his mouth, pressing his head to his groin.**The girl Moos, but does not resist.**Soon you see how she herself begins to serve members and giggle.'
  59. $_vstr[58] = 'Samantha put on all fours. Albert pushes his 18-centimeter bolt in the ass. The girl screams so that you almost choke.'
  60. $_vstr[59] = 'It is seated on indochino leader and plug the mouth.'
  61. $_vstr[60] = 'Then Haret in pussy two tools.'
  62. $_vstr[61] = 'You watch with crimson cheeks, gradually start and begin to breathe heavily.'
  63. $_vstr[62] = 'The girl is hammered with two devices in the anus.**You sigh voluptuously.'
  64. $_vstr[63] = 'The queue is planted on each cock ass.'
  65. $_vstr[64] = 'Gennady discharges into her anus and with a satisfied laugh pulls off the penis. You revel in the view oozing out of the hole sperm.'
  66. $_vstr[65] = 'Hot men on zastrahovat ass pomeshivaya American women.'
  67. $_vstr[66] = 'You notice that she orgasms, emitting a lingering moan and almost moan in unison with her, barely holding back. In panties you have wet-wet.'
  68. $_vstr[67] = 'The red profura is put on his knees and hammered into the throat of the cock.**\\\- Aah, bitch.! Eugh to the root, pindossky!///- shouts overexcited Groin.'
  69. $_vstr[68] = 'Samantha cum in her mouth.'
  70. $_vstr[69] = 'She swallows the portions with such diligence and sucks the bolts that you involuntarily smack and lick.'
  71. $_vstr[70] = 'Albert, chuckling mechanic Samantha widows it dry. And spits spits on top of her.'
  72. $_vstr[71] = 'A couple of bandits shelled fountains of semen face girl.'
  73. $_vstr[72] = '\\\- I`ll give the whore one last push.,///- growls Gennady, and he`s screwing them obsushennye girl in pussy.'
  74. $_vstr[73] = 'He cums on the overworked sex lips and blissfully falls off.**You find that you began to caress yourself mechanically.**The bandits notice you`re encouraging and fun.**\\\- Svetlana, let`s play with your prey! She seems to be getting high specifically from the stiff,///- says al.**\\\- Hey, you, stupid yankee-slut, do you like it?///- Gennady asks the wiping American woman.**\\\- Ummm, so rough...but...I cum, I cum twice! Hello, perhaps so? O my god...Vee who, geise, where I am? Mafia, Yes?///**\\\- Svetik, go explain where she is, who and what her number is.///'
  75. $_vstr[74] = 'You fill up Samantha on the table and show off in front of a gang of matzo and lick her Boobs.'
  76. $_vstr[75] = 'Then you put your fingers in her mouth:\\- Now you`ll lick me, you rascal.!//'
  77. $_vstr[76] = 'You expose the ass and the girl obediently licks it.**\\- Ooh, cool, come on.! Good thing I found you, yeah.? Guys, she definitely likes it.!//'
  78. $_vstr[77] = 'You pull the girl`s head to your groin and make her lick pussy.'
  79. $_vstr[78] = 'And soon with a groan, cumming under her tongue for sure.**\\- Ouff, mommy ... fuck, you submissive bitch, Samantha.!//**\\\- Cho, this redhead so called, in kind?///**\\- Yeah, let`s keep it.. I want to play with her again.! You want to stay? You want to, Yes?///**Samantha shyly shrugs.**\\\- What the fuck are you asking?? Yes, even a foreigner!///'
  80. $_vstr[79] = 'Albert ties Samantha up and puts a gag on her, pushes her into the closet.**\\\- Here is today, Svetik, you surpassed expectations. Yes, here`s the keys to the hut, and then as a second,///- grinning, Gennady gives you the keys to the bandits ` apartment.**\\- Hurrah! Thank You, Gena!//**\\\- Work.///**Men, laughing, applauding.'
  81. $_vstr[80] = 'You enter the apartment. Characteristic sounds are heard from the room.Looking, you see how men have red American. She seems happy to give herself up..'
  82. $_vstr[81] = 'You decide to watch.**Samantha poryat in three holes, to be replaced in the holes.'
  83. $_vstr[82] = 'Albert violently pulls her head on his fair dignity.'
  84. $_vstr[83] = 'Girl delicious glycol, mumbling in the nose.'
  85. $_vstr[84] = 'Gennady ruthlessly punches her in the ass. The other with a laugh pridushivayut and bred legs apart.**Samantha screams passionately.'
  86. $_vstr[85] = 'Horny thugs jerking off cocks about her eyes.'
  87. $_vstr[86] = 'The girl is used on the floor in different poses. She accepts members already with obvious weariness.'
  88. $_vstr[87] = 'Reached a peak Dimas merges into her limp mouth drop outspread substantial portion of semen.'
  89. $_vstr[88] = 'The rest of the bandits, squeezing the redhead`s throat with a leash, by turns, are shot in mouth.**\\\- Yeaah fucking fucking-ahh, GLA-Athy!///- albert shouts, cutting the organ to the eggs in the throat of Samantha and jerked convulsively, ejaculates her almost into the esophagus.'
  90. $_vstr[89] = 'You with a lustful smirk watching American swallows monchalovo.'
  91. $_vstr[90] = 'The girl finally relish sucking the cock of every gangster. She looks tired, but nevertheless radiates from satisfaction.'
  92. $_vstr[91] = 'Albert gets a used slave in the closet.'
  93. $_vstr[92] = 'You pull an American out of her hiding place in a closet..**\\- What, red bitch, let`s play?//**\\\- Mmmmfff!///**\\- Pump, beee, sheep! I know you`ll like it.. Itself such a same, hee-hee-hee!//**The helplessness of the girl frankly turns you on.'
  94. $_vstr[93] = 'You love to experiment with her BDSM devices from the Arsenal of rapists.**And admire the view.'
  95. $_vstr[94] = 'Whip the whip on the open crotch, reveling in the dominant role.'
  96. $_vstr[95] = 'And having fun with Boobs.'
  97. $_vstr[96] = 'Then you shove your fingers into her pussy, which let in a fair amount of juice.**\\- Here you are a fat cow, how quickly flowed! SchA I`ll fuck up worse than the boys!//'
  98. $_vstr[97] = 'You fry a pussy red improvised means, trying to find things more powerful.**She muffled howls through the gag, sobbing, however, is clearly experiencing pleasure.**You`re getting pretty wound up, too..'
  99. $_vstr[98] = 'You get the girl on the floor..'
  100. $_vstr[99] = 'And, pulling the strap-on, tarabanite her hefty artificial cock in the anus until she starts to shudder in anal orgasm.'
  101. $_vstr[100] = 'Slightly tear-stained, disheveled, but it seems satisfied Samantha gently licks your clitoris, completely succumbing to the slightest whim.**You quickly reach the peak of pleasure and, moaning, orgasms.'
  102. $_vstr[101] = 'Then, as if nothing had happened, bursting with red on girly cases discussing brutal Fucks, laughing at her mistakes and clumsy accent.**\\- I`ll call you Female, got it.?//**\\\- Okay!///**\\- I see you`ve settled in.? Culno, Yes.?//**\\\- Uh..little, sorry... legonko was zapacala and scared lose is where I…///**\\- Don`t worry, smash and return to base, will regret that a little!//**\\\- I was able to come after.,///- Samantha smiles timidly.**\\- WO, great.! Such guys like. You and I are gonna turn around, girl.! Don`t be bored here though you won`t have to, haha…//'
  103. $_vstr[102] = '\\\- Cornered, macnica?///- Gennady slaps you on the ass.**\\- And? And what?//- you ask in bewilderment.**\\\- Why redhead endosco not closed properly?///- Albert clicks on the nose,\\\- Having fun with the girl-keep her on a leash, got it?///**\\- Yep! And what she`ve done something?//**Men laugh:\\\- Yes, just all right, haha. Walking around here naked, lunch prepared as Putney - you will not wait! Well, we fucked her finally let go. She the next day she pinned back.///**\\\- Ha-ha, before she likes us, just stuck!///**\\\- But you should be punished!///- adds Gennady,\\\- Along with the song.///**\\- Aw!//**Gennady grabbed you ear leads to the mirror:\\\- Well, amaluisa as the latest slut I hope you!///'
  104. $_vstr[103] = 'You`re wearing makeup..**\\\- Come on, make it look like a fucking doll.!///'
  105. $_vstr[104] = 'You apply makeup in almost two layers and really look like a doll.**\\\- In the now you to the brothel sell more sense anyway not really,///- evaluates approached al.'
  106. $_vstr[105] = '\\\- Here, put this on. Fancy tchotchke with deluhi once removed. Can, and leave you…,///the leader considers how you look expensive earrings.**\\\- If you still do not hand over to the brothel.///'
  107. $_vstr[106] = 'You razdetoy and painted like a fucking lead “to punish”.'
  108. $_vstr[107] = 'Put cancer on the couch and spanked on the ass.'
  109. $_vstr[108] = 'Periodically thrusting his fingers into the anus.'
  110. $_vstr[109] = 'Gennady fingers pulls your tongue.'
  111. $_vstr[110] = '\\\- Now you for brothel managed by let us,///- reports Gennady, nodding at a whole set of different chips for sexual games.**\\- Oh, I`ll probably like it.!//- you giggle playfully.'
  112. $_vstr[111] = 'You put clothespins on the labia and push an intricate toy into the anus, ventilating the intestine for the entire length. You`re squeaking excitedly.'
  113. $_vstr[112] = 'Gennady pushes you to mouth rubber dellacasa.'
  114. $_vstr[113] = 'On nipples too put clothespins and delay them.**\\- Wye! A great! Freakin hot!//**\\\- No, you`re a naturally born whore, Svetlana.!///'
  115. $_vstr[114] = 'You are thrilled while the men have fun, pulling the clothespins in all places and gently squeal.**\\\- Come on swallow, nipple, balls crack!///'
  116. $_vstr[115] = 'You squat cocksucking with all possible diligence.'
  117. $_vstr[116] = 'Bandits quickly undress, and you even faster take off the remains of the whore clothes.**And stand in position on the couch with sticking out of the ass anal ball tape.**Gennady bends you to the groin and you are gladly sucked into the manufactured cock.**Strong bolt al cuts into your wet pussy and you make a blissful moan.**\\- Ummf..FH...aaau.!//**\\\- Suck it, don`t get distracted!///'
  118. $_vstr[117] = 'Guys are changing the holes and soon got your pussy burning with lust under the powerful blows.'
  119. $_vstr[118] = 'Gennady screws you cock in the anus. You stretch lustful buttocks swiveled his nasazhivayas and deeper.'
  120. $_vstr[119] = 'You take turns hammering in the ass with such force and intensity that begin to tremble legs and body, burning, shaking, from the approaching ecstasy.'
  121. $_vstr[120] = 'Jumping on hard coke leader you scream:\\- In-WA-a-udvi-e-EEM! Take me in both holes!//'
  122. $_vstr[121] = 'The men, having got your hands behind your back, ocharovat you in two bow.**You drawn-out groan cum, licking stick a finger in her mouth AB.'
  123. $_vstr[122] = 'Both the fucker down you in the mouth a portion of sperm and forced to swallow everything you unwittingly spilled past. You finger collect the seed, swallow and lick.**\\\- Ugh, Vasilich, fucking doll, that`s no fucking punishment! Yes after all, Svetik?///**\\- Well...can be more often so punish,//- innocent flapping eyelashes you agree,\\- But I won`t, honestly.!//'
  124. $_vstr[123] = '\\\- Come on, you sly motherfucker, sit in that closet.. Maybe even sometimes the brain, and not a cunt to think you will be.///'
  125. $_vstr[124] = 'You are taken to the closet and locked.**About an hour later you are released grinning sledge.'
  126. $_vstr[125] = 'From the room you hear the characteristic sounds and excited cries of " fuck! Two shits for her!", "Aaaaaaaah!", "Deeper, red bitch!”.'
  127. $_vstr[126] = 'You watch mesmerized as the bandits zastrahovat ass screaming Samantha. She yells:\\\- Yea-ah!!! Fuck-fuck-fuck my dirty ass!///**\\\- Oh, Shine! Come here.! Get in position.!///'
  128. $_vstr[127] = 'Are you shaking your head, "hmm." and krutanuv ass, removed.'
  129. $_vstr[128] = 'You take off your blouse and get on your knees..**Pahan and albert in turn fuck you throat:\\\- Come on, ass that slut taste try! Aah, fuck, swallow!///**You work hard with your mouth..'
  130. $_vstr[129] = '\\\- Stand up to cancer, bitches! Both my cock jam!///- orders al. You and Samantha are working on the leader`s cock.. You are generously pushed into the anus of lubrication and then cut the bolt.'
  131. $_vstr[130] = '\\\- Hop in, Shine, I fuck your bizdesk!///- invites Pahan. You happily sit down on his cock dripping pussy and moan with bliss under the rapid ramming blows.'
  132. $_vstr[131] = 'Albert screws you a hot bolt in the anus and you are dragged into two holes.**\\- Yeah, Alec, Alec, Jesus, more.!//**\\\- Turn and rotate, do not worry, young!///'
  133. $_vstr[132] = 'You turn on the members and bardolet, firmly pressing between male bodies. You, squealing, RUB the clitoris.**Next publishes a long long moan Samantha-I think she came.**\\\- Do you want to fuck a couple like that??///- albert asks, panting..**\\- Newton...IUU..Oh...Oh, yeah.!//'
  134. $_vstr[133] = 'You cut into razdrajennouu ass two cock. You enjoy biting your lip from mild pain, mixed with the growing ecstasy of bliss.'
  135. $_vstr[134] = '\\\- And now a redhead even a couple!///- Samantha again cut into the anus two slotting tools.**You blazing furiously massaging wet pussy anal and shuddering orgasm next.**\\\- Go, apocrita, legs up! In shits you shoot back!///- muffled growls albert.'
  136. $_vstr[135] = 'You Samantha battened down con ass.**\\\- Ahhh, fuck, motherfucker, get it!///'
  137. $_vstr[136] = 'American pumped charge of sperm in the anus.'
  138. $_vstr[137] = 'She reveals the raskurochennuyu ass, from which the seed flows.'
  139. $_vstr[138] = 'Albert violently erupts into your hole. Samantha came to the rescue then substitutes his mouth to lick trying to get out of the river konchalov.**\\\- Shine, let`s hit the fucking!///'
  140. $_vstr[139] = 'You, squatting passionately milked the last drops from the cock.'
  141. $_vstr[140] = 'You hold Samantha`s head against the couch.:\\- What, sheep, steep me Fuckers?!//**The girl mumbles peaky, doesn`t.**\\\- Come on, haha, show her!///- bandits are laughing in a relaxed way.'
  142. $_vstr[141] = 'You slowly dress, snorting about torn in a fit of passion belongings. And leave..'
  143. $_vstr[142] = 'Sitting on the girl`s head, you ask sarcastically:\\- Let`s play, you fucking cow.?//'
  144. $_vstr[143] = 'Take the whip, which likes to have fun Pahan, and insert the handle between her teeth.**Then saddle red and fun on her jump.**Bandits, laughing, clap their hands.'
  145. $_vstr[144] = 'Then slash his victim`s Tits.'
  146. $_vstr[145] = 'And, inserting the handle into the anus Samantha, spank on the ass.**She excitedly squeals a little and very quite.**\\- Boys, you do not want to piss on a slut?//**\\\- It`s easy!///'
  147. $_vstr[146] = 'Albert is the first to approach the American and urinate in a pliable open mouth. Samantha seems thrilled..'
  148. $_vstr[147] = 'Men pour urine on her. Red under the jets happily masturbating:\\\- O, good Saver, I love it, guys!///**\\- Clean it up, sheep.! Wedge, understood.?//**Red nods. You, snort, are going and leave.'
  149. $result = $_vstr[args[0]]
  150. killvar '$_vstr'
  151. --- bratva_madam_strings ---------------------------------